2 minute read

Counselors to Aid In Self Discovery

by Fran MacDonald

You feel lost. Your parents can't help you, your friends can't help you, and you have no where else to turn. Your problem isn't really serious, but you need an answer.


Where do you go? This year, in an effort to answer this question Cabrini has reorganized its counseling service, open to all members of the campus community. This service includes three psychologists, with different backgrounds and philosophies, to aid students in adjusting to college life.

Dr. Sidney Portnoy is a clinical psychologist who received his training at Temple University. Dr . Portnoy has dealt with patients of all ages from adults to three-year old children. He feels that he is here -to "help anyone who has something of concern that they cannot work out for themselves ." He hopes to help students evaluate themselves. Dr. Portnoy believes that every person goes through several stages in his or her lifetime. His job is to help students understand their present stage, so they can comfortably move on to a new one.

Sister Therese Merandi, is also a member of the counseling team. She is trained in Clinical Psychology and Theology, and has spent the past seven years at the Gregorian University in Rome, working with college students, sisters, and priests.

Sister Therese believes that students should "understand themselves more." She. feels that it is important for the college student, who is becoming more independent, to clarify his or her values. These values, Sister Therese feels, help provide a basis for the future.

The third member of the counseling service has already served as campus psychologist for the past three years. Dr . Donald D'Orazio received his degree in Clinical and Developmental Psychology in Manchester, England. He hopes that his main purpose is to be available so "that students know there is someone to go to." Students should feel at ease to sit down and interact with the psychologist, in order to come to grips with themselves .

Clinically, all three counselors are similarly prepared. It is up to the individual to decide with whom they feel more comfortable. Dr. Portnoy believes that the students should "shop around" and choosethe counselor who best suits their needs. Sister Mona Hallock, Vice President of Student Affairs, agrees that this is the reason for the three counselor system. "It offers a broader spectrum of appeal for the students."

Each of the psychologists thinks that the maturing process is responsible for many ofthe students' problems. Dr . D'Orazio feels that "just trying to deal with the expectations of functioning as a mature adult can be a trying experience." He believes, as do the other counselors, that involvement in regular therapy will help students to find an answer themselves. The psychologists willoffer guidance, but will let the students • themselves discover the solution as a part of the growing process.

At the present time, a study is being done to determine the feasibility of a counseling center, which would be located on campus. No definite plans have been made at this time .

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