Nov. 14, 1975 issue 03 Loquitur

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Vol. XXII, No. 3


November 14, 1975


Frederic Storaska:

ProfessionalRape Prevention by Joan Buonanno and Janet Gennaro Frederic Storaska, founder of the National Organization for the Prevention of Rape and Assault , presented his program on rape prevention at a lecture on Wednesday evening, October 22, in the gymnasium at Cabrini. He divided his presentation into two parts ; in the first part he indicated that the myths and solutions concerning rape are ridiculous, and in the second part he discussed his strategies for preventing rape . Storaska stated that society produces rapists by its attitude; sexual responsibility is on the woman and pressure to achieve is put on the man . The woman is thought of as being passive, the man aggressive. Each falls prey to the double standard . Rape is not only a bodily attack but also a mental attack causing humiliation and deprivation of the human right of choice. As he points out, nothing a woman does, says , or wears execuses or justifie s a "man divor cing himself from the human race and acting as an animal." His humor added to the attentiveness of the audience . However, Storaska stated, "I use a lot of humor in my presentation but I never make fun of rape ." He felt that this sort of atmosphere was the best vehicle for retention . His main objection to other programs against rape is that they "instill fear," According to Storaska, "When you instill fear in people, you kill them through ignorance ." The main objective of his program is to in-

still confidence in women so that they can prevent rape . Storaska objects to a woman screaming when she is attacked ; it is an antagonistic action and the rapist may become violent. He does not advocate struggling ; he calls it "an erotic movement" that the rapist enjoys . Weapons are not valid unless they are available . This is a problem since the victim is often taken by surprise or is limited by the amount of time she has to act . He recommended everyone to take a course in the Martial Arts, particularly Karate, but complains that Americans have no time for this. Storaska also proposed a couple of defense techniques for cambating the assaulter : Frederic Storaska believes a rape victim's greatest weapon is her brain. He stated several examples where victims treated their attacker "as a person," something which the rapist does not expect. As a result, these women did not get raped . Storaska concluded his pre sentation by emphasizing, "Whatever you do, you must make sure that if it does not help you, it does not harm you either. " He went on to say, "Don't feel guilty to do what you feel necessary, whether submission or some form of harm ." His ideal was "to plant the seeds of other approaches" in our minds so as to employ the maximum of options at the minimum of failures. Storaska's final word was that a rapist is almost never able to rape if he perceives his victim as a person .

CollegepresidenttravelsRometo studyfounder by Mary Jane Wenk The life of a "Pioneer Italian Immigrant," Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, will be explored by Cabrini College President, Sister Mary Louise Sullivan. A special administrative leave for study in Rome, granted by the Board of Trustees of the College, will provide for the release of the president from her campus duties during November, December and January.

Dr . Dorothy Brown, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, will be assuming "full executive authority" in addition to her present duties during the president's absence . Sister Mary Louise foresees little difficulty with this arrangement . College trustees and the president's secretaries will also be providing assistance . November, Sister Mary Louise explained, could be a little hectic for the Dean who would need to represent the president in off-<:ampus State and Federal conferences , but December's social activities and January's interim period should be less burdensome. Above all, Sister did say that she "will miss Christmas at Cabrini." Yet, for Sister Mary Louise, this is a long awaited opportunity to work on her continually disrupted dissertation project. As early as 1972, Sister Mary Louise finished her course work at Bryn Mawr College where she is a doctoral candidate. She spent the next summer in Rome resear-

ching Revisionist Historiography of the 1930's . This earnest venture ended in disappointment for Sister when she learned on her arrival home, that this topic had recently been completed by another graduate student . Discouraged, Sister Mar y Louise was ready to forsake her graduate studies . To add to her burdens Sister was unexpectedly appointed president of the college that year . Upon encouragement to continue her doctoral work with a new topic, Sister Mary Louise decided, "in the upsurge of ethnic and women's history ," to do r esearch on the American Saint, Frances Xavier Cabrini, an innovative Italian immigrant. Believing this work could be done concurrently with her work at Cabrini, Sister set out on this project. Later, through research, she realized that much needed informative records and correspondence of Mother Cabrini could only be obtained in Rome through Vatican and immigration sources . Sister would have taken leave for this purpose this summer but commented that the Italian bureaucracy will be difficult enough to deal with, without risking the problem of vacationing Italian officials. Sister Mary Louise feels a record of Frances Cabrini's life of resourceful dedication to the plight of Italian immigrants can do much to fill in yet undocumented history of the early years of Italians in this country .


for students

Frederic Stora ska: "A rape greatest weapon is her brain.


Admissions requirements: How do youget in? According to Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio , Director of Admissions at Cabrini College , candidate sele ction for admi ssion to the college is based on academic records, character, personal qualities, motivation, and activities. ¡ While all data is carefully evaluated as a whole , the high school record is given the most consideration. The class rank is significant, and the student should be in the top half or three-fifths of the graduating class. A student, upon applying to Cabrini, must have a general average in high school of at least 80 per cent, or the particular high school's college recommending mark, which varies from school to school. Also important is the fact that the general average is broken down into areas for English, mathematics, sciences , and social studies. A student interested in English as a major may have an average of 90 in English, but a science average of 75; the English average is more significant in this case. The Scholastic Aptitude Test is required of all applicants . It is the one common measure available for all applicants, and under ideal conditions it should measure a student's math and verbal aptitude. However, many things can influence a student's performance on the SAT, and the results are judged in light of other information on the applicant's file. ¡ The applicant's personal characteristics are important . All transcripts include evaluations and recommendations by teachers and guidance counselors . As part of Cabrini's application, the guidance coun-selor is given a recommendation form where he may write a special comment or may check a simple list of ratings on the form . A student's activities and service in areas such as school, community, church, and special organizations, are given consideration. The Admissions Committee consists of (Continued on page 3)

The question of student facilities on campus is an old one. Countless hours have been _spent in innumerable committees discussing the whys and wherefores of the issue. Despite the time and effort expended, few results have been forthcoming. The traditional obstacles have been money and space. In the past, money has simply not been available for the things students wanted and needed . Additionally, even if the money was there the space was not. There are only so many things that our small number of buildings can house and it seems that they have already reached their limits. This year, we still have no additional buildings and the lack of money is more evident than ever . In spite of this, the Council of College Affairs once again addre ss ed itself to the facilities question in September . One new alternative was forthcoming. With regard to space problems , Dr . Dorothy Brown, Vice-Presiden t of Academic Affair s, proposed that a team of efficiency experts be called in to study our situation and make recommendations . As an adjunct to this study, it was decided that a survey should be conducted in order to ascertain what the college community wanted and needed in the area of facilities . The wording of the survey question was general. It invited suggestion and comment. Unfortunately, only 33 responses were received. Despite this, reactions were varied . Those who did respond suggested such things as more sports equipment, longer library hours and more public phones on campus. The front runners, numerically, were suggestions for a recreational lounge and a quiet study area . In viewing the results of the survey, Council decided that the individual proposals be divided into two categorie s. Some suggestions that seemed easily attainable would be acted on immediately . Others would be investigated further and would become long range goals. The recreational lounge was relegated to the latter category, as were suggestions for more parking space and more sports equipment . The quiet study lounge now exists in the library. The request for a clock in the commuter lounge was also promptly acted upon. Suggestions for more tables and chairs and a book and coat rack in the cafeteria, and a student snack bar were discussed with SAGA Food Service manager, Joe Fleming. Unfortunately, none of these goals were as easily attainable as originally anticipated. According to Fleming, there are no more tables and chairs available. If there are to be more, they must be purchased at a surprisingly high cost . There is also no existing book or coat rack. With regard to a student snack bar Fleming was also negative. The idea was tried last year and it was a dismal failure. Initially, the snack machine brought in over $60 a week . Thi s figur~ soon plummeted to less than $10 a (Continued on page 3)


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November 14, 1975


Cast and Script reorganizes

Storaska: he convinced me by Lorraine Ostrowski Is the word of Frederic Storaska on rape worth the paper it's printed on? I don't think you'll find a consensus opinion on this college campus. Some say he's a fast-talking salesman, trying to promote a book. Others believe that the man is truly concerned, knowlegeable, and to be applauded for his work. Still others remark, "What he says makes sense, but As I see it, Storaska knows what he's talking about. He is not pulling ideas out of thin air, he's been involved in research for 11 years . What he presents in print, in lecture, in conversation is worth listening to . Storaska emphasizes three basic points throughout his presentation: • Every rapist is a person and should be treated as 'such. • rape is never the victim's fault. • a woman should respond to a rapist in a manner best suited to her. Storaska devised his list of ways to deal with a rapist with one thought in mind: if it doesn't help the rape victim, it must not harm her. She must always be able to reach for an alternative if what she tries fails. The author guarantees that his recommendations fulfill these requirements. He vigorously defends his recommendations. Some members of the audience were offended by Storaska's presumptuously unmoving confidence in his proposed methods. Yet Storaska has proof that no one who has used his methods of response has ever suffered bodily injury . This is his objective to save the victim from injury. Furthermore, in all his vehemence, Storaska does not insist that every method is ideal for every person, nor does he claim that every victim will experience total recall of his recommendations when an attacker is jabbing a knife into her ribs. Yet he does believe that most people can think and react sensibly under stress if suggested reactions are present in the memory . For example, Storaska never advocates screaming or struggling, but he does suggest a way to amend the situation if the first reaction is a scream or a fight . The evening presentation was not structured as a formal lecture. At times, particularly in the first half-hour, Storaska became involved in distracting, long-winded

comic descriptions. Later in the program, however, most of the anecdotes, humorous or not, encompassed ideas essential to his discussion of rape prevention. These anecdotes seemed to hold the attention of most of the audience; laughter accompanied witty narrations, but one could have heard a pin drop as Storaska described situations in which one can find no humor. Storaska's non-advocation of screaming and struggling certainly decreases a rape victim 's chances of successfully prosecuting the rapist . Juries tend to frown upon the rape victim who fails to fight the 250-pound armed man who is attempting to twist her arm out of its socket. Juries tend to view a lack of cuts and bruises as an indication of the victim's willingness, and probable enjoyment of an attack an her body. However, Storaska is not primarily concerned with prosecuting the rapist. He is interested in rape prevention. If one recalls and used his suggested responses, there will be no rape. There will be no crime. Storaska's methods of presentation may not appeal to everyone, but if one really listens one will realize that what he has to say is sensible and should be conveyed to every woman who plans on leaving her home without a bodyguard. He does not 1 condemn the woman who screams and struggles, because that is the reaction she trusts,and if she herself believes in no other response, that is the one she must use. He is simply presenting the best way to handle the problem, hoping that someone will remember. To use Storaska 's own analogy, he wants to teach a person how to swim, so that if ever that person is drowning, she'll know of a reaction that may save her life . The opinion expressed in this article is based on a belief that Storaska and the National Organization for the Prevention of Rape and Assault are indeed legitimate . Recently I learned that the National Organization for Women have raised many legitimate questions concerning Storaska's integrity and motives, and the validity of his research . NOW is presently conducting an investigation to get to the bottom of things. The results of this inquiry may serve to alter my conclusions about Frederic Storaska.

Master Planning works to achieve goals by Claire Mannion The Master Planning Committee is a long-range planning body at Cabrini college. It undertakes programs with an eye toward progress at Cabrini College. The committee endeavors to keep our college attuned to the times . It's latest undertaking concerns the recent Middle States Evaluation. It is the function of the Master Planning Committee to enhance our academic and social image as put forth by the evaluation . This can be accomplished by achieving goals set forth by the committee.

The committee was divided into groups to analyze the goals . The groups will determine their potentials and will develop any possibilities for their effectiveness. One goal, for example, is to reaffirm the social consciousness of Cabrini College. The group responsible for this goal would suggest that Cabrini consciously recruit minority students . Their operational objects would consider how many, where, how and when. This attempt to bring social changes to the attention of Cabrini, and to help our college to realize its full potential.

LOQUITOR Editor .. ....


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Fran MacDonald

Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran MacDonald Business Manager ............................. Rosemary Scanlan Artist ............. . ............................ .. Claire Mannion Staff .......... .... ....... .. .. . .............. .. .... Teri Alberici, Joan Buonnano, Ray Crew, Joyce Crowley, Janet Gennaro, Maureen Larkin, Claire ~Mannion, Lorraine Ostrowski , Edda Pitassi , Cathy Ryan .

Dr. Finbarr J. O'Connor

Affirmativeaction: best means to achieve equality? by Teri Alberici On Wednesday, Oct. 15, the Philosophy Club sponsored Dr . Finbarr J. O'Connor, assistant professor of philosophy at Beaver College. The topic of Dr. O'Connor's lecture was "Equality and Affirmative Action ." In his presentation Dr. O'Connor included the pros and cons of the Affirmative Action Program as defined by law. The concept of equality through affirmative action was initiated in 1964 with the passing of the Civil Rights Act; however, the U.S. government did not actually refer to the concept by name until 1971 when guidelines for an affirmative action program were drawn. The definition of affirmative action by law reads as follows: "An affirmative action program is a set of specific and result-oriented procedures in which the contractor commits himself to apply every good faith effort. The objective of those procedures plus such efforts is equal employment opportunity. Procedures without effort to make them work are meaningless; and effort, undire cte d by specific and meaningful procedures, is inadequate. An acceptable affirmative ac tion program must include an analysis of areas within which the contractor is deficient in the utilization of minority groups and women and further, goals and timetables to which the contractor's good faith efforts must be directed to correct the deficiencies and thus to increase materially the utilization of minorities and women, at all levels and in all segments of his work force where deficiencies exist." Dr. O'Connor pointed out that this definition of affirmative action poses several problems, among them: - What constitutes a minority group? - Should a differentiation be made between the poor of a minority group and the poor of a majority group? - How does one hire specifically from a minority group without discriminating against individuals from the majority group? Although there are many drawbacks to the Affirmative Action Program, Dr. O'Connor thinks that this program is the best available program to promote equality, for it emphasizes "good faith." However, there are many who believe that affirmative action is unconstitutional, for when one group is favored, another group is discriminated against. Although Dr. O'Connor's presentation offered no solutions to the many dilemnas of "Equality through Affirmative Action," one left the lecture with a better understanding of the Affirmative Action Porgram and the ability to seriously contemplate its validity.

by Cathy Ryan The Cast and Script group was originally functioning as a performing organization. In the past, they presented a full length production, as well as having organized both a Christmas and Halloween show. Upon the arrival of Theater Lab, which carried a larger function, Cast and Script members found there was little for them to do. Consequently, after an unproductive year last year, the members got together and agreed that a reorganization was necessary. Their verbal plans became apparent when a new constitution was written, and has recently been approved by SGA. This newly formed group, which has been renamed The Living Arts Society, has merged with The Prism Coffee House members . The main purpose of this new club is to stimulate students and provide them with access to various forms of the arts. Members will also be responsible for the coordination and presentation of all the oncampus talent. In addition, The Living Arts Society will also be running all Evenings at Cabrini, which will no longer be in connection with Theater Lab. Ray Crew, former president of The Cast and Script group, has retained his former position in the new club. Jean Bledsoe, who served as Cast and Script's Secretary of Treasury, also holds the same position in The Living Arts Society. The club continues to be financially supported by SGA, having transferred their Cast and Script budget over to the new club. Arthur Young, a member of the English department as well as Head Resident at Council Hall, is now serving as the new sponsor for The Living Arts Society. At present, the club members meet quite frequently to discuss possible activities. Announcements for the scheduled meetings are printed in the This Week at Cabrini handouts , and can be obtained in the cafeteria. The Living Arts Society plans to be extremely active and members are optimistic about future projects. All students are welcome and encouraged to join.

ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE MASTER PLANNING COMMITTEE The Master Planning Committee is now accepting self-nominations from the student body for two positions currently open on the committee. The concerns of the Master Planning Committee are comprehensive: in its work it considers all aspects of the operation of the college particularly as they apply to the longrange development of the college. Membership will be effective as of fall 1975 and will continue through the 1975-1976 academic year with subsequent reappointment subject to review. The nominations are not restricted to any class .

Procedure for Self-nomination: Students are asked to submit to Sr. Mary Louise by November 11, 1975, a statement of their interest in membership on the committee including: 1. the major activities he or she is involved in and in what capacity. 2. what contributions he or she expects to be able to make to the work of the committee. 1 Selection of student members from among the self-nominations will be made by Sr. Mary Louise .

November 14, 1975

World Hunger: new course will help you qnderstand by Edda Pitassi

Hungen ¡ it's one ear of corn a day. World hunger is not easy to understand. For a nation accustomed to a hearty diet centered on U.S. Prime Rib, the reality remains difficult to perceive. Catchy tunes encourage us to consume. Dog and cat foods claim more T.V. commercials and more space on supermarket shelves. Fertilizer, which helps grow extra food ¡in developing countries, is used here to enhance lawns and golf courses. Seeing pictures of a baby's swollen stomach, a child's skeletal body, crowds of people waiting for their daily ration of rice and water arouse our emotions. We want to help in a positive way. "I was hungry, and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink. " Christ's words make more vivid the presence of hunger in the world. Last year concerned Cabrini students participated in a Christmas fast against world hunger. Cash donations were sent to . benefit worthy causes. The 41st International Eucharistic Congress, to meet in Philadelphia, Aug. 1-8, 1976, will focus on the "physical hunger of the human family" when it sets aside one day to explore the crisis of world hunger . Cabrini's faculty and students will participate with area colleges in the day's events. To help the community cope with this international problem, Cabrini will institute a "first" in the Spring semester. The biology and religion departments will offer a teamtaught course on world hunger. This scientific-humanitarian approach hopes to dramatize and define the ecological, ethical, political, and economic implications inherent in this problem. The following quote from a recent issue of Maryknoll presents the challenge: "The reasons for permanent hunger and malnutrition in the world are many and very complex. Some of them are beyond the control of man and others wait for his further action. There is little doubt, however, that this generation of Americans has the awesome choice of deciding to feed or not to feed the hungry." Hearing that 30 million people will die of hunger or starvation in a year loses its impact on a country used to dealing in large numbers. Becoming better informed as individuals and as a nation is a good step towards helping to meet the challenge. Understanding agricultural development might help solve the food crisis. Encouraging land reform that allows the small farmer to own the land he works is one answer. Revising our eating habits is another. The problem is not out of our control. American technology and good will have traditionally worked hand in hand in feeding the starving and underdeveloped

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nations. However, our surpluses have dwindled in the past three years. While we, as a nation, consume most of the world's resources, we are beginning to discover that natural resources must also be preserved. Grain deals with the U.S.S.R. have brought worldwide consequences. The weather, a good and plentiful water supply, machinery, trade practices, proper national planning - these are only some of the factors that go into explaining the massive proportions that the food crisis has taken. These subjects, together with soil management, food conservation and istribution, nutrition programs, will be explored by Dr. John E. DeTurck, biology professor, and Ms. Suzanne Toton Zurek, religion lecturer. Ms. Zurek emphasizes the individual and national influence in encouraging other leaders "to consider their people more humanely." She continues, "Withholding our surpluses as political and economic tools can be a means of impressing on other nations their responsibility towards national development." Dr. DeTurck has studied the subject of ecology in depth and has taught an ecology -course at Cabrini. He is especially interested in the environmental causes and solutions of world hunger. The course will qualify as a religion requirement or a free elective . Ms. Zurek will attend a hunger symposium in Austin, Texas, Nov. 21-23. Working with students and teachers 1n various workshops, she plans to develop a curriculum to deal with the problem in personal and ethical terms. World hunger is her doctoral dissertation topic. She has studied it in depth at Columbia University Teachers' College and Union Theological Seminary, New York. As she stated, "The Awareness Group helped raise Cabrini's individual and social consciousness. We still want hunger to remain a major concern."

One Man's Opinwn: Instant Famine by Mike Walczak It's been observed that modern American society is dominated by an "instant culture." Technological advances have made it possible; ever-<:hanging life styles have made it necessary. We have instant coffee, instant breakfasts, and medicines promising "instant relief." We have inflatable furniture, prefabricated housing and quick-dry paint with which to cover it. Through the development of electronic circuitry, we have "instant ignition" automobiles and "instant-on" appliances . One of the most prominent of these appliances, the television set, is responsible for still another extension of this instant culture. I call it instant programming. We shall see how this instant programming has come to be a natural, if regrettable, byproduct of our American instant culture. Television programs are written to tell a complete story in a limited amount of time, usually either thirty or sixty minutes. This is a fact of T .V. life. The difficulty then lies in criticizing television for wrapping up an entire situation in no more than an hour's time, and in so doing, detracting from its relationship to the real world. However, even though most viewers would agree that always arriving at a solution six minutes before the final commercial is not representative of reality, they wouldn't have it any other way. But why not? Most simply, it would take too much of their time. This is not solely the fault of television however. The trend was started by a cousin, the motion picture industry. War and Peace might be a classic piece of literature, but in American society spending six hours watching a movie is often preferred to spending six days reading a book . For the same reason of limitation of time, thirty minutes of watching television news is more convenient than ninety minutes spent reading a newspaper . Most half-hour shows currently being aired are comedies, light presentations which satisfy us for a short time and quickly fade from memory . They can be

19th Century Co-Education: The Pros and Cons by Joyce Crowley Did you know that overuse of the brain puts a halt on the female reproductive system? Not really, but this argument was used in the 19th century to discourage women from pursuing a college education. Dr . Nancy Weiss, Associate Professor of History at Princeton University, included this piece of information in her talk entitled "Educating the Sexes: Some 19th Century Perspectives." Dr. Weiss spoke at the Academic Convocation on October 17, in the Mansion. Two popular beliefs were actually backed up by medical reports. One was that higher education had the effect of deflecting blood to the brain which caused the ruination of the reproductive system. This consequently would lead to a disintegration of the home . Since the home was considered to be the backbone of society, this was considered to be a rather potent argument. Others argued that a woman's brain was smaller than a man's, so obviously the female brain was inferior. Professor Weiss spoke of the many more 19th century arguments against coeducation. "Experts" argued that coeducation would "demoralize femininity." The enforced familiarity with the opposite sex would destroy pre-nuptial mystery, thus destroying marriage. Professor Weiss mentioned the belief that since women were intellectually inferior, "it would lower the intellectual standards of college." Some educators feared what would happen if a female happened to do better than her male classmate; the blow to the male moral would be disastrous. Those arguing in favor of co-education pointed out that it is cheaper to educate both sexes at the same time. Also the mingling of the sexes would produce better trained individuals who had a clear


Peace in a NuclearAge

of the opposite sex.

Dr . Weiss then summed up her lecture by mentioning the opening of the first coeducational college, Oberlin , which started in 1833, and citing the results of such a revolutionary move. Adverse results included a tendency among students to spend too much time together this leading to matrimonial engagements. On the other hand, students were happy in mind and matter and a great many frivolities were checked. After Dr. Weiss' speech, Dr . Brown presented the Dean's List certificates. Then the Alumni Association Annual Scholarship was presented by association president Mrs. Joanne Balshi to Donna Duquette, a freshman at Cabrini and a graduate of Archbishop Carroll High School. Dr. Joseph Romano presented the Lawrence R. Sedler Memorial Scholarship to Mary Beth Senkewicz, a senior. The Cabrini opened the affair by Saint-Saens, "Blessing of St.

College choral with the "Tollite and ended it Francis" by the

compared in a way to a frozen pizza. Add a study to a formula, let it "bake" for thirty minutes, and its done. Dramas on the other hand, are more like casseroles or dinner entrees. They have greater substance and occasionally leave a satisfied taste in the mind's mouth. I do not consider the documentary as belonging to the "instant" classification. Rather, I see it as a cultural experience much like dining out at a fine restaurant. The general public, for various reasons, seems incapable of appreciating the merits of either. In relating television programming to America's "instant" culture." I have compared it specifically to various frozen foods. There are definite reasons for this comparison. Most current television programming is quite bland, just like many frozen food items. It's made so that it will be consumed by the most people without offending them, sometimes to the point of even avoiding stimulation. The second comparative feature is that no matter what "heat and serve" product you prepare, it never comes across like the genuine article. Television programming unfortunately, is much the same. It is mainly a cheap replica of life. Considering the course pursues by this essay, I feel almost obligated to make reference to that all-time champion of frozen convenience foods in America, the "T.V. dinner." Let me just point out that the only connection originally intended to be made between the dinner and its namesake was that the tray resembled a television screen, rectangular with rounded corners. This culinary curiosity has been the butt of many jokes over the years, none of which will be attempted here . One final comparison will be drawn, however. The T.V. dinner, as convenience foods go, ¡ is adequate, but by no means should it be made a part of a weekly meal plan or you might begin longing for four meals a day. Television currently is a "co nvenience food," for our time . It's acceptable, even palatable, on occasion, but if made the dominant part of our life's menu, it may lead to mental malnutrition.

ensemble Hostias" with the Parthun.

SPACE (Continued from page I) week. SAGA is not prepared to absorb such a loss at this time. Other suggestions coming from the survey are being looked into. Once the results of Dr. Brown's study are in, perhaps a more concrete program can be undertaken. For the time being, however, the hobgoblins of money and space still haunt the question of student facilities and until these spirits can somehow be exorcised, little progress will be made.

by Edda Pitassi "Peace in a Nuclear Age," an interdisciplinary course involving anthropology, psychology, religion, economics, political science and literature will be offered again. Cabrini is the only college in this area that has introduced such a course into the curriculum. It will be given in the Spring '7 6 semester, as a seminar, in the relaxed atmosphere of the library conference room. The first half will be assigned to a guest speaker or will be taken up by a film. The second half will be discussion. Professor Richard duBoff, an economist from Bryn Mawr College, visited last year and spoke about his publication on this topic. Former speakers were Professor David Oden from the psychology department at LaSalle College and James Hedtke, political science lecturer from Cabrini's social science department who studied world government. The particular insights from each discipline will deal with the prospects and hopes in achieving peace, the obstacles that remain and the problems in overcoming these obstacles. The college hopes to have as future speaker an anthropologist who has studied war among the Papuans of New Guinea.

Admissions (Continued from page I) the Director of Admissions, Academic Dean, Transfer Student Liaison Officer, and a faculty member selected by the president for a term of two years. In addition, each department selects a representative to review applicants who have indicated interest in the major.

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November 14, 1975


'RedShoes'dancesintochildren'shearts by Maureen Larkin "Red Shoes," a children's theater production, was Cabrini Theater Lab's first fall presentation . The story, based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, tells of the plight of Karen, an orphan girl, and a pair of red shoes. Ray Crew portrayed Snogg, the mean conniving gypsy looking after his own interest. The children in the audience were enchanted by Snogg's mystical performance as he tried to get the magical pair of red shoes on Karen's feet. Denise Genello portrayed Jemmo, Snogg's mute clown. Miss Genello performed completely in pantomime since Jemmo was unable to talk. In addition, her feats of acrobatics and dancing were executed beautifully. The children in the audience appeared to love Jemmo, the hero of the story. Anne Reilly played Karen, the orphan girl. Dressed in a long skirt and blouse and with a bonnet on her head, Miss Reilly amused the children by her magical dancing whenever she wore the red shoes. Miss Reilly did an excellent job in portraying a happy, carefree girl of 16. The Burgomaster was played by Mark Donahun, who with his hefty voice and waddling walk, adeptly portrayed the revered elder of the town. Greg Pasquarello was Nels, the cobbler's apprentice. During the play, he tried to help


Karen escape from the gypsy who was trying to capture her so he could put her under his possession through the magical red shoes. Mary Beth Senkewicz played Karen's long lost grandmother who is returning to the village after searching for Karen for many years. Through the use of make-up, a wig, a long dress and a shawl, Miss Senkewicz was transformed from a 20-year old woman to an 80 year old grandmother. The props were simple, consisting of a house and a cobbler's shop for the first scene and a forest for the second. All of the props were constructed by the company. The costumes of each actor and actress were simple and handmade. Yet, they suited their purpose. An excellent job on the piano was supplied by Grace Armideo. The actors invited the children in the audience to participate in the show by asking them questions pertinent to the play. The youngsters sat on the floor surrounding the stage or on the seats in the first row. Area parents who brought their children to see the show, commented that more children's performances of this type should be shown. Mr. Perna commented that he hopes the performance will be followed by a children's presentation of Mark Twain's, "Tom Sawyer." The audience participation was the special effect that made this play so unique for young and old alike.

Teamshapesupfornew season

Phys. Ed.needs funds , by Fran MacDonald Money, money, money. You've heard it all before. The clubs are broke, SGA is broke, you're broke. And now, someone else is suffering from those familiar financial woes, the sports department. The physical education department, headed by Mrs. Helen Goodwin, is suffering from a severe shortage of funds. Unexpected costs, not budgeted for last year, are playing havoc with Mrs. Goodwin's finances. One of these unexpected costs was the women's volleyball team. Organized this year for the first time, they rely primarily on funds from the regular P.E. budget to pay their bills. Their expenses include uniforms, equipment, and in some cases, the rental of the school bus to transport the students to the games.

Cabrini was lucky this year they did not have to pay the fee for the officials. According to Mrs. Goodwin, because Cabrini has taken over Eastern College's J.V. schedule, Eastern pays the bill. Next year, however, when Cabrini has its own team, they will be responsible for paying the fees. And then there's basketball. Both men's and women's basketball have their own budgets, separate from each other and from the P.E. budget. These budgets, according to Mrs. Goodwin and Dr. Jolyon Girard, men's basketball coach, are just barely enough to cover the essentials. The men have a slight advantage - they can charge admission at the door. Sometimes, this admission is enough to cover the cost of the officials. The women, however, are not so lucky . According to league rules, the women's basketball team is prohibited from collecting admission. Therefore, the cost of the , officials, which averages around $20 a game must be taken from the budget. The cost of the officials is only one of the expenses. This year, mats must be added to the walls of the gym, by league orders, to protect the players. Maintenance of the scoreboard is taken out of the budget, along with travel to the away games. New uniforms were purchased this year, and the cost of these was also taken from the budget. The cost for an official basketball, needed for the home games, averages around $25 a ball.

According to Dr. Girard, "Mrs. Goodwin has been extraordinary in the management of the budget." However, both coaches say that they had more funds to work with. Each buys their own personal equipment, a practice unheard of in any college or university with an established sports program. The students even supply some of their own equipment, such as sneakers. There is no relief in sight for the money problems of the P.E. Department. Like everyone else, they're suffering.

In preparation for this year's men's basketball team, the Cabrini Cavaliers have already begun an extensive exercise program. This preconditioning activity covering a one-month period involves at least three days a week, including two hours each day, of various concentrated exercise. Wind sprints, sit-ups, leg lifts, jumping rope, and dribbling are among the exercises being employed.

Eight returning varsity members, four of whom started last year, (Tom Nerney, Mike

Thomas, Nick Viggiano, Kevin Deal), and promising freshmen and transfer student will be competing for a position on Cabrini's team. Out of the 20 men who presently seem interested, 12 will make the team. Tryouts will be held on October 20 at 3 p.m. Those who do not play on varsity will be encouraged to join an intramural basketball league at Eastern College. This year Cabrini's men's basketball team plays 18 games against such colleges as: Allentown, Alvernia, Eastern Christian, and LaRoche.

CampusComments Social Science News On Nov. 13, the Social Science Club will hold a career forum. Some of Cabrini's Social Science graduates will return to give students some ideas of what their jobs entail and of the various jobs in the field of Social Science. The club's annual membership drive is now in progress. Anyone interested in joining is asked to contact Rosemary Scanlan, Ms. Kathleen Daley or any club member. As a part of their preparation for the Fall Symmetry Festival, the Social Science department will decorate the left side of the wall on the bottom floor of Sacred Heart Hall. Some of the many suggestions for decoration include displays of Pennsylvania Dutch Hex signs and oriental rugs. Presently, the Social Action Club is trying to sponsor a family from Vietnam who is living in Devon. Another current project is locating volunteers to visit a nursing home in Wayne. Anyone interested in volunteering their time to help in these projects, please contact any member of the Social Action Club.

Theater News Th _e Cabrini College Theater Lab presents "A Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chekov, and "Portraits of Women." Grace Hall Theater, November 14-15, 21-22, 8 p.m. Admission $. 75

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