Vol. XXII, No. 4
November25, 1975
Maggie Kuhn: "Out of their rocking chairs. by EddaPitassi A dedicated revolutionary is coming to Cabrini College. Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers and one of the most ¡ active senior citizens in this country, will be appearing on Dec. 2 at 3:30 p.m. in the Mansion Dining Room. Ms. Kuhn believes in young and old people working together to challenge a system and a political structure that has becom~ apathetic. While students have helped expose many of the social problems of our technological society, a growing number of them are now witnessing the disgrace of nursing homes without nurses and retirement homes that charge exorbitant admission fees. Institutions serving the aged rarely permit self-determination and democratic participation. Residents are treated like children and are forced to live by rigid rules and regulations. In a world of liberation movements, Maggie Kuhn wants liberation from the stereotypes of old age in order to free older persons from an inferior status. he- ants old 1)eople to "repl'Ogra-m" themselves and adopt new personal and group life-styles to help one another. When Ms. Kuhn retired from her job in 1970, she was faced with the problems of many retirees: loss of a job, decrease of income, and little contact with associates. She met with various liberation groups and exchanged ideas and strategies and decided it was time to actively remind everyone about the needs of the American senior citizen. She and her action groups are engaged in projects to battle a society that
considers old people inferior and incapable. When older -people ,etire, they pass from activity and productivity to a life of restful leisure. Some have planned other careers or interests to keep them attuned to everyday life. Millions more, however, are not so fortunate. When they leave their jobs, or are obliged to retire, they retreat into a pattern of "deadly" leisure that brings on loneliness. Ms. Kuhn and the Gray Panthers are fighting to change this attitude. On December l, 1973, The Gray Panthers joined the Retired Professional
Action Group, one of Ralph Nader's Public Citizens groups. froth groups had attracted old and young people. Both groups had worked on such issues as the rights of patients in nursing homes, the regulations and reform of private pension systems, the elimination of age discrimination , and the training of older people for public-interest work. National priorities are currently defined to include health care, food and nutrition, inflation and unemployment, housing, transportation, and mandatory retirement. Ms. Kuhn and her group were very influen-
Fifteen Students Win Activities
The Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee (F ASC) has announced the first annual recipients of the Cabrini Activities Awards. The recipients for I 97 5 - 19 7 6 are Theresa Alberici '76, Mary Ann Brophy '76, Loretta Bullock '78, Raymond Crew '77, Anabelle Fernandez '76, Martha Heid '76, Maureen Larkin '78, Frances MacDonald '77, Mary Clare Moran '76, Thomas Nerney '77, Lorraine Ostrowski '76, Mary Beth Senkewicz '76, Susan Snyder '77, Lawrence Sudgen '76 and Teresa Torpey '77. These awards, ranging from $300 to $600, have been awarded based upon the student's sustained pattern of quality performance in several areas of college activities. These awards are in addition to other forms of financial assistance and will take the form of tuition reductions for Spring 1976., Gerald Satlow stated. The method of selection used by the F ASC is as follows: each member of the F ASC, which consist of the following people , Dr. Dorothy Brown, Academic Dean; Gerald Satlow, Financial Aid Coordinator; Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio, Director of Admissions; and Dr. Joseph Romano, Transfer Student Liaison Officer ; review the applicants and ranked each one. (Mr. Lawrence Sugden, the fifth member of the committee, did not participate in this phase of the process.) The four sets of rankings were combined and those achiev;no the hiohA~t
tial in having the SEPT A fares for senior citizens reduced in the state of Pennsylvania. Ms. Kuhn understands the importance of establishing a good image for older people . She feels the play and relaxation "Leisure Worlds" stifle the physical and mental vigor that ought to be maintained throughout life. She states that such "Roman-circus" efforts do not contribute to the mainstream of life. She wants older people to find work in community activities that society considers worthwhile. Her "mobilization for aging" tries to bring together church bodies , private foundations, business, industry , labor, and government agencies. She wants career counseling and new !esting programs to uncover and demonstrate the great variety of skills and experiences of old adults. Mind and body working together preserve not only life but also a healthy sense of one's worth and ability. Ms. Kuhn opts for a variety of living styles in retirement communities, with a mixJure of ge, ethn_ic,and cultural groups . She wants to see the retirement home become a "co mmunity service home ," helping many instead of serving only a few. She would like to see them as lively, inviting places , with libraries, employment, placement, and counseling centers. Through this interaction of old and young people, she sees a sound and wholesome environent that will encourage and reassure, not demean and inhibit . In a recent interview, Ms. Kuhn said she Continued on page 4
Scholar _ships
by MaureenLarkin
Five choralensemble members are among the 15 Activities A wardswinners.
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In evaluating an applicant each member of the committee considered three major factors : sustained performance over time, quality performance and participation in more than one of seven major areas. Listed as the seven major areas were: SGA, athletics, theatre, clubs and organizations, publications, non-SGA committees and any other club which did not fit into the first six categories. The Cabrini Activities Award is the result of one phase of an overall appraisal and modification of the college's financial aid program. These programs have three major objectives which are: to offer incentive to students to increase their levels of performance, to assist students who have unmet financial need and to attract students to Cabrini. The idea of Activities A ward was conceived during the winter of 197 5 - 1976 when the F ASC met to consider the establishment of athletic grants . The committee concluded that the creation of Activities Awards which encompasses a broader range of activities, would be more consistent with the college's philosophy and its financial aid objectives. Members of the committee agreed that quality performance in a variety of areas, in addition to athletics, merited recognition. Application forms for the 1976 - 1977 Activities Awards will be available in the beginning of February by request from the Financial Aid Office. Aplications must be totally completed and submitted by May 1, 1976.
November 25, 1975
A PersonalView: Co_llege ShouldFoot Bill for Parents'Weekend by FranMacDonald
Trends Is Tea Your Bag? by Janet Gennaro There seems to be a phenomenon of sweeping proportions in evidence today as tea-drinkers across the United States are causing an upsurge in the market demand for tea. The tea-drinking trend has swept through Cabrini's campus, as evidenced in the large number of people sipping tea in the cafeteria, in an office, or in a dorrrt room. Most members of Cabrini's campus opt for tea in place of coffee or hot chocolate. Other Cabrini tea-drinkers indulge in tea because "it's relaxing," or "it's healthful." However, there are some fanatics on campus who go through tea rituals every morning which involve dunking the tea bag in hot water for a specific amount of time. Part of the reason behind this growing trend towards tea-drinking would seem t0 be related to America's wide-spread preoccupation with health foods. If you were to wander into any organic or natural food store today, you would certainly be astounded at the wide variety of teas. To mention a few - orange pekoe, pekoe black, cherry flavored, lemon flavored ,
mint flavored, and camomile. Yes, there are many types of tea, that old favorite that grandma used to force you to take with lemon and honey to fight a cold, or that powdered-wig Britains used to sip , pinky extended , in the novels you read. It is true that tea has healthful qualities; it seems to be one of the beverages least contaminated by preservatives and additives. Tea may be purchased in different ways, the most common is in tea bags. However, for the time-saver , there is instant tea in powdered form, and for the dedicated drinker, you can buy tea by the pound and filter it yourself. "Tea" appears on the beverage list of most dinner and restaurant menus, and the words "Hot Tea" have even begun to appe ar on over-head menu s in large chain fran chises across the country . The only other reason that I can ascribe to this development of tea-drinking is the fact that Americans have become a very fad-oriented people. Personally, I wouldn 't trade my cup of coffee in the morning for all the tea in China!
Once Upon a Time, Before T.V. Was Born by Edda Pitassi When there was no TV in my house, I remember listening to a few radio shows: The Lone Ranger ; The Shadow; The Metropolitan Opera presentations from ew York City and the voice of Milton Cross. I remember Mom embroidering or crocheting and Dad reading. My sister and I had a lot of homework, which we had to do every night . On weekends , Dad ' s friends might come over to play cards until 3 A.M . They philosophized about almost everything and commented endlessly on the blunders of statesmen. We had more visitors and we did more visiting. When TV finally came to our house, as children we were permitted to watch it only after we had finished homework. Mom never bothered with it very much. Dad has now become a hopeless addict (although he sleeps through most of whatever he has on at the time). When I visit friends or relatives today, TV shows often take precedence over my visit. Friendly talks or heated discussions are rare. Conversation bores instead of sti mulates. It must be me. Traditionally , the family and community shared good and bad times. They provided the social events and activities th rough which children and adults gathered , talked , and entertained one anot her . They gave moral support in a dile mma or withheld support, depending on t he situation and on certain basic ideas
conversation. A good book is replaced by a fast-moving thriller on channel 2. News is formed by technical expertise beyond anyone's control. Some character in sitcom is funny , or profound , or has a problem, and we listen. The compact TV tube, viewed in kitchen , parlor , and bedroom is the stranger who might never have been asked to come into our homes but is now present , alive, talking , and moving among us. Television has made , and con tinues to make , a small group very influential and very wealthy. It provides fluffy topics of conversat ion for coffee-breaks . People get so immersed in it that it has become the reality and the real world becomes the fantasy . It introduces us to new products, telling us we simply can't live in today's world without them. I have read anicles that point to serious efforts in dealing with TV's impact and purpose. Some voices are heard from the big studio in the sky, citing certain areas that require more attention. A restoration era might help this most popular of popular arts recover some former glory. Meanwhile, my neighbor's TV, with its raging football and hockey games , shatters the relative quiet of my house . "Cher" whines for the audience next door , while I try desperately to understand a passage from "Paradise Lost." I fully realize that human interaction has been replaced by electronic jangle. To my friendly radio
By now, I'm sure that everyone on campus is aware that Cabrini is suffering from severe financial problems. SGA, in particular, faces a financial crisis that seems hopeless. No matter how hard they try , their finances will not cover the debts that have been mounting for the past two years and , particularly, those debts that have risen drastically in the last semester. And now to add to their money problems, is the debt incurred by Parents ' Weekend. Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini's service organization, lists a deficit of almost $1,400. This money must be paid . But where will it come from ? Neither SGA nor Kappa have the money necessary to cover this expense. A better question would be: Why should Kappa Sigma Omega be forced to bear the financial burden of Parents' Weekend? If it is true that Parents' Weekend is an event to acquaint parents with the college community , should it now be the college which is responsible for financing the occasion? Kappa is a service organization, and they receive no budget from SGA. This year, they received more help financially from the SAGA food corporation , who cut
their costs drastically, than they did from the college itself. With prices the way they are today , it is literally impossible for Kappa to start with nothing, and come out with enough money to run Parents ' Weekend in accordance with campus expectations. I am not saying that Parents' Weekend should be taken out of Kappa 's hands. After all, that is their major function, to run Parents ' Weekend. But they should not also be responsible for financing Parents' Weekend. The financial burden of that Weekend should be taken from their hands, before it is no longer possible to have a Parents' Weekend . Look at the colleges and universities around us. Do they have a single organization which is responsible for financing one of the year's biggest activities ? I sincerely doubt that they do . If Kappa is to remain in charge of Parents' Weekend , they shou ld be given a working budget specifi cally for planning and running it. This mo ney should not be taken from the SGA budge t; it should come from the college its elf. Parents' Weekend is the respo nsibility of the entire college communi ty, no t just a ~pecific group.
What's Happening In English
In Women's Studies
Many students who are majoring in English or Communications often wonder what career possibilities are offered to them. On Dec. 1, the English department will presen t an English /Communication s Career Conference at l O a.m. in the Library Conference Room. The guest speaker will be Joseph Corcoran from the Career Development Center at Villanova University. Questions concerning career possibilities, how to prepare for a career, personal goals to be achieved , and other questions concerning professions for English / Communications majors will be answered by Joseph Corcoran at the conference. The format will be informal and students other than English majors are welcome to come.
For Sale: Hand-made, crocheted afghan 6-sided - big enough to cover a double bed. $30 (a steal). See Faculty Secretaries.
This December , a symposium will be held by the students of the senior seminar course in Women's Studies . The course is te taugh t ~- Kathie Gitvigan , chairperson of the History Depart ment , and Miss Kathleen Daley of the Social Science Departments . Steva Bearinger '76 and Martha Heid '76 are this year 's active students participating in this field of study. Part of this course involves a research project, which is a survey of the students' attitudes of the college campus toward male leadership. At the symposium , which will be held on Monday, December 3 at l O a.m. in the Library Conference Room, the students will present the results they found from their research. All are invited to attend ! The Women's Studies Concentration was approved by the 1975 Academic Council. The Symposium, to be held annually , entails a great deal of time, effort and interest. The enthusiastic responses from the college are greatly appreciated .
LOQUITUR Editor ..... Fran MacDonald Photographer .. .. .. Fran MacDonald Artist . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .â&#x20AC;˘. . . . .. . . .. . Claire Mannion Business Manager ...... .. .. . ......... . . . ... .. ....... Rosemary Scanlan Staff ......................... .. .. . . . ..... .. .. . ..... Teri Alberici Joan Buonnano, Ray Crew, Joyce Crowley, Cindy DeRitis, Janet Gennaro, Maureen Larkin, Lorraine Ostrowski, Edda Pitassi, Joe Reilly
November 25, 1975
Page 3
Type Your Way In to The Ad Game by Joyce Crowley
Get out your typewriters, all you hopeful advertising agents, because it looks as though you'll have to type yourself to the top. This encouraging information was generally agreed upon by some of the top people in the advertising field at the Communications Career Conference at Fordham University in New York City on Nov. 1. The conference was sponsored by the Advertising Women of New York. Phyllis Star Wilson, managing editor of Glamor Magazine, stressed the importance of personality, luck and the willingness to start out in a secretarial position. To get your feet in the door Ms. Wilson said to research your potential magazine and write letters and take interviews. Knowledge of the people you want to work for will show your sincerity and ambition. Then she said to take any job you can get because if you are the type of . person who shows enthusiasm, and "sees what has to be done and does it," no competent editor will ignore you. She herself started out as a secretary.
Dan Borg, medical director for Ketchen, how you would sell a product, being as Macleod and Grove, said that the most organized and creative as possible and important thing in getting a job was t~ showing it to potential employers. "keep calling" and "be persistent." There Dave Marash, correspondent and anis no formula for getting a good job. When chorman for WCBS-TV, New York, said to asked about what type of educational take the first job in any related field . background he looked for, he said "liberal Marash said that you learn by doing. He arts," with an emphasis on what interests said to be self critical and accept critisism. you the most. He said education is important in the sense Mary Anne Summers, sales representathat the more you know the more it pays tive for Newsweek Magazine, started out as off, but if it comes down to field work or an executive secretary for Charles Revson. graduate school, take the experience. He She felt that a person should take any job said to get as many auditions and interalso. Experience is the most important views as possible. He suggested sending thing a person can have. She emphasized tapes if you want to go into broadcasting, keeping informed on the area you want to along with resumes and letters of recomgo into. She read every trade paper in the mendation. advertising field. Ms. Summers stressed the When asked what was important in the importance of being persistent and of communication field , Masash said "vision getting along with people: "know how to - the ability to see as much of an event as present yourself to sell yourself." clearly and effectively as possible and to be Hanno Lucks, senior vice president of able to put material in a shape that people Young and Rubicam, said to get into his will understand and find entertaining. " field, "intention and desire," persuasion Much of the advice at the conferen ce and originality are the most important. He applies not only to the advertising field , suggested to put together a presentation of but to many other fields as well.
Dr. Larry Snow: Students become locked in a role.
Role Conflicts Cause Students
Manilow,Moog and Music by Ray Crew Tryin' To Get The Feeling, Barry Manilow Performance: slick and professional Recording Quality: typically mediocore
With the release of his third album
Tryin' To Get The Feeling Barry Manilow will, no doubt, add another jewel to his crown of success. This latest effort is typical Manilow, slick, professional and yet, not offensive. It is to his credit that Manilow can somehow reconcile his heritage of commercial jingle writing with his artistry. There is, after all, a lot of distance between Stridex acne medicine, McDonald's Hamburgers and the Chopin insprred Could It 13e Magic. I Write The Songs (track one, side two) is the current top-forty single from the album. Written by Bruce Johnson it seems destined for number one status in the not to distant future. Another potential classic is Bandstand Boogie (track four, side one). The music is instantly recognizable as that which heralded the daily video arrival of patriarch Dick Clark during the fifties. The lyrics are the joint creation of Manilow and Bruce Sussman. You'd be surprised at how many things can be made to rhyme with "Bandstand". Other noteworthy tracks are New York City Rhythm (track one, side one), Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again (track two, side
one) and Lay Me Down (track four, side two). Technically this album suffers the same ills as Manilow's previous releases. All tracks are characterized by raspy and distorted highs coupled with unimpressive lows. When played on a system with good frequency response it is best to decrease the treble and cut in any noise filters on the set while moderately boosting the bass. When Manilow was on the Bell label I ascribed these technical defi ciencies to the company's poor reputation among audiophiles. Now that he is on Arista, however , the situation is no better. Despit e_,its recording quality ,a.the content of the album is generally good to excellent and well worth the price to Manilow fans. Electronic Realiz.ations for Rock Orchestra Performance: classical-jazz fusion Recording Quality: excellent It is very seldom that anything on rock radio makes me stop and listen with any more than a quarter of my attention. Charges that much of today 's music sounds alike and is prone to mediocrity are true. Synergy is an exception. I first heard a track from the album Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra while in my car. The music impressed me so much that I pulled into a parking lot to listen and
feverishly wait with paper and pencil to hear the name of the artist. The sound of Synergy can best be described as an electronic fusion of classical and jazz forms. Surprisingly Synergy is not a group of musicians but on e man , Larry Fast , who is responsible for th e performance, composition arrangement , production , engineering and programming of the album . What Fa st plays is an elaborate conglomera ti on o f synthes izer technology. The basic sound is produ ced by a Mini Moog c/w Oberheim Exp and er Module and a Mellotron. The signal is then fed through assorted custom control devices includin a GalvaniL Ski!l Respo..!lse _ Voltage Controller. In addition to Fast a number of notables assisted with the produ ction of the album ; Rick Wakeman and Jon Anderson were not the least among them. If I had to select a "favorite " track from the album it would have to be Fast's interpretation of Richard Rodgers' Slaughter On Tenth Avenue. (track two , side one). It is dramatic and forceful music made even more so by Fast who utilizes his equipment masterfully. Each composition on the album leaves one with a complete feeling. Fast does more than scratch the surface. He fully realizes the potential of each piece. The recording quality is excellent. I was able to run it through my system with all controls flat and still achieve an impressive sound. The album was mixed using the Sansui Q S four channel quad system . The electronic program source allowed for great versatility in the manipulation of the two stereo channels. The higher frequencies often cross from channel to channel eventually ending up perfectly balanced between the two speakers. Synergy is a refreshing change from the monotonous sameness that seems to plague music now. Thus far, this decade has produced nothing new.
Free Pregnancy Testing
Dr. James Calkins of the Psychology Department, Mrs. Irene Rachet of the Language Department and Dr. Joseph Romano of the Philosophy Department discuss the mind, soul and creativity of Jean-PaulSatre.
Menstrual Regulation Birth Control Counseling
to Fail b~ Lorraine Ostrowski "What 's wrong with me?" " I work hard , I've got a lot going for me, but lately every thing I touch turns to dust. " " Why am I a failure ?" Such que stion s occur to more people th ,1 o ne might suppose , and Lawrence Snow , psychiatrist for the Medical College of Penn sylvan ia, offers a few possible answers part icularly for student s. Snow contends that student s do not necessarily d P-OOrl y_ because J.h.ey arC= insufficiently motivated. The prolem actually lies in rol e conflict s - the role one is expect ed t o play is not always the role one want s to play. One of Snow 's examples of such a situation is that of the " prince " or " princess." This unu sual form of royalty believes th at the world owes him a living. His parents constantly assure him that he is "just wonderful." With alt this assurance behind him, the student does not feet obligated to work for success . He expects it to be delivered to him , signed and sealed. His lack of active movement towards a goal leads him into failure ; the delivery boy never shows up. Snow insists that parents owe it to their children to point out their failures to them and to urge active progress rather than passive expectation of the proverbial silver platter. On the other hand, a "peasant" overcomes difficult circumstances to reach some position above his station . He might be the first child in his family to attend college and he experiences external and internal pressures to succeed. He is told that he has a responsibility to be a success. Unfortunately, the pressure sometimes forces the student into a role of super-achiever who tries to perform and perform until he drives himself into a hole of frustration. "Caretakers" spend their childhoods caring for their parents ; this has become their externally imposed role. Unfortunately, it leaves them no time to relax and succeed as their own persons. The result is usually an individual with one favorite expression: "If only ... " Psychologists treat individuals lost in this cauldron of role-playing by constantly insisting that the person "be himself." The counselor emphasizes the importance of self-fulfillment as a process as well as a goal, and attempts to steer the person away from a product-oriented life. The individual must find enjoyment in their pursuit of an end. Snow concludes that all people fit into some category of prince, peasant or care.4,. ...
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November 25, 1975
Entertainment Play and Movie Bring Applause
Volleyball Team Ends Fine Season by Joe Reilly
by FranMacDonald The Theatre Lab of Cabrini College presented a different aspect of the theatre in their second presentation of the semester, "A Marriage Proposal" and "Portraits of Women." "A Marriage Proposal," by Anton Chekhov, . was a short, one-act comedy about simply what the title implies: a marriage proposal. Gregg Pasquarello played the sickly, stuttering suitor (Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov), who is asking for the hand of Natalia Stepanovna (Maria Gentile). Mark Donohue portrayed the more-than-cooperative (at times) father, Stepan Stepanovitch Tschubukov. All three did an excellent job of portraying the trivial problems involved in "marrying off" a daughter. The next performance was not a single play, but rather a collection of several plays, portraying the different roles of women. "Portraits of Women" included many various roles of women ranging from. Eve, to Lady Macbeth, to St. Joan of Arc,
to Helen Keller , along with several others. The actresses involved were Martha Cavanagh, Marie Caldwell Pizzuto, Kim Sanders, Mary Elizabeth Senkewica, and Christina Rossetti. Each role was stirring and dramatic, calling special attention to the yarious aspects and sacrifices of womanhood . Any review cannot be complete without special compliments to Marie Caldwell Pizzutto, who was extremely effective in her role as a lesbian in "Ladies-in-Waiting" and as Helen Keller in "The Miracle Worker." Never have I seen such dramatic and heart-rending performances of two such difficult roles. Complements should also be extended to Grace Armideo for her rendition of "Pathetique" by Beethoven on the piano, and to Joanne Burne for her performance of "Syrinx" by Debussy on the flute. Th\)resa Signorini also appeared as a dancer in "The Creation" by James Weldon Johnson.
by MaureenLarkin A new movie, much on the order of "M.A.S.H." has recently arrived at local theaters. "Whiffs", starring Elliott Gould and Jennifer O'Neill, is a comical satire on chemical warfare. Upon receiving a medical discharge from the army, Gould, who portrayed Dudley Frapper, goes out into the civilian world. After working at a variety of odd jobs unsuccessfully, Gould meets up with a friend who is an ex-con and together they tum into a pair of comical gangsters. Using incapacitating gas that Gould stole from the army chemical plant from which he was discharged, Gould and his sidekick overpower the entire little county of Tooele, Utah. Elliott Gould played the dull-witted, sickly Dudley Frapper. His performance was excellence as the audience laughed at · Dudley and his unknowing studidity.
Jennifer O'Neill is Scotty Hallman , an army nurse, who's angry at the fact that Dudley has been used by the army during his entire career and in the end got nothing in return. Ms. O'Neill's talents are not quite as impressive as her features. Yet she did portray the fighting Irish in Scotty Hallman rather well. Godfrey Cambridge is Dusty, the field dust cropper who unknowingly dusts the town of Tooele with the incapacitating gas through the use of his plane. Cambridge sings a few comical songs and his help hinders Gould and his sidekick when the two of them are in a valley and under attack by the army chemical plant members. All in all, anyone inter ested in having a good time and a few good !aughts should go and see the movie , "Whiffs."
Cont inued from page 1
MAGGIE KUHN wants the elderly "to get out of their rocking chairs and into public affairs." A new group of militant old people sees the need for mobilizing cadres of retirees to expose ways in which consumers and users of services are shortchanged. She and her organization have observed that private pension and insurance plans are more equitable than the present Social Security laws, in that the private plans allow a remarried widow or widower to retain full benefits from both spouses. Ms. Kuhn will play an important role in a proposed daily half-hour Public Broadcasting System program, "Our Time," and has been appointed a member of the national advisory board for the program. "Our Time" will be directed at a "general audience , so that viewers will understand what age is all about ." She stated that the purpose of the program "is to create awareness on the part of old people, to reinforce their viewing of educational TV rather than just soap opera s, and to encourage their utilization of the enormous freedom to contribute to the common good that comes with age." Ms. Kuhn worked for man y years as associate secretary in the United Presbyterian Office of Chur ch and Society. She was a member of the staff of Y.W.C.A.'s of Cleveland and Germantown (Philadelphia) and was a member of the National staff of the Y.W.C.A. in New York.
Cabrini's women 's volleyball team completed their first season with a record of 10-2. The opportunity to participate . in an intercollegiate volleyball league arose when Eastern College invited Cabrini to serve as their junior varsity, since they had just enough players for a varsity team. Team members include : Debbie Brown , Linda Finocchiaro, Cathy Crowley , Suzy Snyder, Pam Haupt, Cathy Ryan, Martine Jubilee, Jane Ellen Lutz, Nancy Holland , Joan Buonnano, Kathy Sheilds , Denise Glover, Monica Zielinski , and Kathy O' Malley. Mrs. Goodwin, coach of the Cabrini team , commented , "Everyone played well, but best of all everyone improved." When asked about the next season , Mrs. Goodwin replied, "We will not serve as Eastern 's J. V. Although the schedule is made for next year, we will have a varsity and junior varsity. Home games will be played here at Cabrini , not at Eastern . New equipment will be bought and uniforms will be used by the team. Volleyball has definitely become the second intercollegiate sport for women." The team members basically held the same sentiments about the team ' s performance. They enjoyed themselves , yet were also serious about their playing. Disappointment was shared by all with their Her book , "Let's Get Out Th ere and Do showing of two . losses. "We should have Something About Injustice ," is a resource won," says team member Linda book for ad.ult groups in churches . She is Finocchiaro; "Harcum barely won, and the now working on a new book about aging name Immaculata scared us to the point entitled, "Nothing to Lose. " that we couldn't perform." Ms. Kuhn's appearance at Cabrini ColThe Cabrini team was not frightened for lege is sponsored by the Religion , English , long , for they rallied over the big name Philosophy , and History Departments and schools of Villanova , LaSalle and Temple. the History and Social Scien ce Oubs. Along with the changes Mrs. Goodwin AcademicNews has expressed, next year 's team , in order to become stronger, will need increased time St. John's School of Law in New York devoted -to. drills for skill development. is offering a full, three-year scholarship to Increased st'udent support is always an one student from each Catholic college or asset to th e te·am's perform ance. university in New York , New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New England. Students AcademicNews must be in the upper I 5% of their class, Next semester, all students suffering C'.atholic, score 625 or above on the Law from academic difficulties will be required School Ad missions Test , and· receive a to take a course in academic reinforcer<!coumendation from their Academic ment. This no-credit course, will stre ss Dean . study skills and other special areas where For more inform ation. see Dr. Brown. improve ment is needed .
Women's Basketball Schedule Phila. Community Holy Family Gwynedd-Mercy Bryn Mawr Chestnut Hill Penn State (Ogontz) LaSalle OLA PCB Widener Swarthmore Rosemont Cheyney Eastern
Dec. 12 Jan. 22 Jan. 27 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 10 Feb. 12 Feb . I 7 Feb. 19 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 March 2 March 4
7: 00 p.m. 7 :00 7: 00 7: 00 7: 00 7:00 7 :00 7:00 7 :00 7 :00 4 :00 7 :00 7:00 7:00
Hom e Hom e Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Away
CabriniCollege BasketballSchedule 1975-1976 Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
vs, Valley Forge JC vs. Phila. Comm. College vs. Laroche College vs. Allentown College vs. A!vernia College vs. Eastern Christian vs. Pinebrook Jr. College vs. Phila. Comm. College vs. Churchman College vs. Devon Prep vs. Alvernia College vs~ Allentown College vs. Pinebrook Jr. College vs. Eastern Christian vs. Churchman College vs. Valley Forge JC
Wed. Fri. Sat. Tues. Fri. Mon. Wed. Mon. Wed. Fri. Mon. Mon. Wed. Mon. Wed. Fri.
*Two games scheduled tentatively with Peirce Jr. College
Dec. 10 Dec. 12 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb.4 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Mar. I Mar. 3 Mar. 12
7:30 8:30 8 :00 7 :30 7:00 7:00 8:00 7:30 8:00 7:00 7:00 8 :00 7:00 8:00 7:30 7:30
Home Home Home Away
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Pe,fectfur Plumping. Our finely crafted handmadepillows. UnusualBatik patchworks.Pretty silk-screenprints. Both in bright dressup-your-dormroom-colors. At just $6.50 each they'll go fast!
1149 WestLancasterAvenue,RosemontVillageMall Hours: 10 to 6, Wed.& Fri.till 9, Phone:525-5585