Nov. 04, 1977 issue 03 Loquitur

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Cabrini College, Radnor, Pa.

Vol. XXIV, No. 3

November, 1977

Talk Show

President, trustee quizzed by Gene Hutter 路 "We do not have student trustees ... They (the students) do not vote at the trustee level ... " This was a response of Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan when asked if there was student representation on the Board. of Trustees of Cabrini College. On Oct. 7, Sister Mary Louise, president of Cabrini College, and James J. Maguire, chairman of the college Board of Trustees, were interviewed by Marty Jacobs 路 on "Delaware Valley '77," WKBS-TV 48. Regarding student representation on the Board of Trustees, Sister Mary Louise stated: "We do not have student trustees, but we are permitted by our by-laws to have students involved in the committees of the Board of Trustees. I'm proud to say that at Cabrini College our students are very much involved. We have a good student government organization. Students have seats on the master planning committee which does very .


much of the projection~ for the college and the implementation of new programs. They do not vote at the trustees level but have a lot of input into the college itself and its direction." A poised Sr. Mary Louise gave a brief history of. Cabrini as a four-year liberal arts college and its development over the past 20 years. When questioned by Mr. Jacobs 路about Cabrini's position when colleges are facing a decrease in enrollment, Sister Mary Louise replied, "When you say decreasing I think you're talking, primarily, of the 18 to 21-year-old market, which indeed is decreasing. But most colleges, and I'm happy to report that Cabrini is in the forefront of this area, have gone into the other educational needs of th~ community at large, responding to the needs of an adult population, more and f!IOre df whom are seeking a continuing education. We'_ve devel~ed an . evening .

hires graduates

by Bact,araPolomano Three Cabrini graduates have been chosen as admissions counselors, here. The three graduates, Fran MacDonald, '77, Joyce McCreesh, '74, and Tom Nerney, '77, along with all other applicants, were informed of the available positions early last summer. From the ad in the "Philade]phia Inquirer," 285 resumes were r.eceived. Of the four alumnae classes informed, from 1974 to 1977, about 12 graduates responded. Six outside applicants and six Cabrini graduates were chosen to be interviewed. Dr. Dorothy Brown, Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio, Dr. Sharon Schwarze, Dr. Luther Shaw and Dr. Joseph Romano conducted the intt91-views.

"We looked at their educational background, their personal and their job experiences. We looked at the way their resume was submitted," Mrs. Oristaglio, a part of the interviewing team explaine<f "We sought after applicants with a bachelors degree. We looked for cert-ain personal qualities, such as the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing. We sought candidates who believed in the value of a liberal arts education as part of the preparation for a specific career or further studies," she explains. Each applicant talked to the interviewing team in a group discussion. Each interviewer then wrote down names of those they felt were best qualified.


division and we're having a great nur+tber of programs now that are for people .thinking of returning to college full-time, up-grading your own professional status, or simply coming back for some learning ." Mr. Maguire was asked the question regarding the function of the Board of Trustees. He responded, "Principally, the Board of Trustees at Cabrini College is concerned, number one, with private education as an alternative to public education. We sincerely believe that private education is a very important alternative and it must be preserved. Further, the Board has a responsibility from a financial standpoint: College is a business like any other business and we have to run it as a business, and ~ have to break even or try to make a profit, if possible. That's not too possible today, I might add. But we have to run the school as a business, princioallv ." (cont't:J.p.2)


T.V. Talk Show (from p. 1)

Mr. Jacobs expressed his concern that "the idea that a college or any educational facility is a profit-making facility would fall very alien on the majority of the viewers ears." Mr. Maguire responded: "Well, certainly not a profit-making facility, but we have expenses like any other business. Four years ago when I joined the Board of Trustees at Cabrini. College there were three lay trustees. In the last four years we've made an effort to build the lay trustees to today where we have 12 lay trustees, all business and civic leaders in the Delaware Valley community, all interested in preservingthe idea of private education." "Why would someone want to go to Cabrini versus going to Temple or Rutgers, for example," was another question posed. Sr. Mary Louise answered by saying: "I don't think it's so much a versus as having found something which they feel appeals to them. Cabrini offers, for a small college, quite a large range of academic programs." Sr. Mary Louise then went on to give a - synoises ofthe· programs . at Cabrini. She continued: "New areas, too, are opening up at Cabrini, such as the Business Administration program, which we'refiust beginning this year. The Communications department has grown . . . Children's theater and our theater laboratory is another reason why many people choose Cabrini ... " Mr. Maguire also responded to the question "Why Cabrini?" saying that: "Another key issue is the student-faculty · ratio, Mr. Jacobs. At Cabrini College the · students have a chance to become intimate with the faculty -faculty-student ratio is about 1-20 (actually 1-13)- as opposed to a larger school where many times you never get an opportunity to be intimate with the faculty. So, this is a very key issue that many students are opting for today. Other questions were asked of the college regarding its change from an all-girl college to a co-educational college. The topic of college sports was discussed, whereby, Mr. Jacobs asked: "How did you pick soccer to be co-educational rather than, let's say, volleyball?" Mr. Maguire's response was, "Well, it was the goalie, frankly, who was so good that we had to put her on the team." For those who missed viewing the interviewing, you missed an interesting question and answer discussion regarding Cabrini College.

Theater update by SusanDecarlo

Awareness launches clothing drive

The Theater Development Committee met on Oct. 6 to discuss this year's plans by Nancy Harrold to improve the theater. In an effort to bring issues of political The Theater Development Committee :and social concern to the attention of is a group of volunteers from the student ·Cabrini's campus community, Awareness, body, administration and faculty who a student group that tries to foster raise money to improve the physical awareness of important social issues, aspects of the theater to mak~ it a major sponsored a clothing drive Oct. 1,0-28. force on campus. According to Suzanne Toton, faculty It was announced at the meeting that advisor, many people were faced last Sue O'Hagan ('79} and Martha Cavanagh, winter with the choice of heating fuel or a '76 graduate of Cabrini have joined the · food. Many chose food. This drive, in committee. · cooperation with the Eastern Service Also discussed were various ways to Workers Association, was an attempt to raise money to improve the theater. prepare the poor for winter. Mrs. Muriel Clouser suggested a clever The Eastern Service Workers idea, namely, a preparation of a "Cabrini Association, a group of recent college Theater Coloring Book" for little graduates, helps those within the lowest children. The ~oloring book will consist classes of society to meet their daily ?f (sketches byf thMrs.L~lol usehr whi~h lwill needs. Members of the association me ude many o e 1tt e T eaters pays t their services in return for room such as "Pinocchio" and "Cinderella". vo Iun eer . · - :and board. Along with the s~etches, .the titles and The Awareness group started about dates of t~e. plays will be added. three years ago in connection with a I~ ~1dd1t1on to t~e play~, sketches of "Religion and Contemporary Problems of Cabn_n1s campus_ will be mclude_d. Th e Society" course. The club's previous 1 coloring book will be sold at chlldre~ ~ projects include: a lettuce boycott, a theater performances as well as to Cabrini Thanksgiving fast-for-hunger and a fetter students. writing campaign to President Carter fo Mrs. Gough, the head lihrarian, establish an international grain reserve. perceives the coloring book as a two-fold One of the club's main goals is to help purpose. She says that the book will not students become aware of the problems only raise money for the theater but also in society, especially those beyond the serve as a public relations piece for campus. Cabrini's Theater Lab. "Basically I feel that we're probably The Theater Development Committee not going to make any great change in is also planning a Second Annual Theater society," says Ms. Toton, "but at least we Benefit which will take place in the can make people aware of some of the spring. world's rob Iems."

,Come stretch your mind by Kim Hayes. · Our college catalogues offer useful information about the college experience, but they cannot give a first-hand feel of the college classroom itself to high school students. This fall Cabrini will introduce qualified, cqllege-bound high school juniors and seniors to the excitement of participating in real college courses through the "Mind Stretcher Series." Dr. Sharon Schwarze, assistant professor of philosophy and coordinator of the "Mind Stretcher Series," says the plan is "a public service to the community" and not an admissions program. The series is hoping to reach two different kinds of students: *academically talented students who would be further enriched with a real college experience;

*students who are uncertain about college and might need help in arriving at a decision . The "Mind Stretcher Series" consists of four separate lectures from the philosophy , history, English and biology departments. Each department will spend an individual Saturday introducing a phase of its program. The series will begin on Saturday, Oct. 22, and finishes on Saturday, Nov. 19. Students have the choice of attending only one or all of the lectures. Dr. Schwarze said "this personal invitation" has been sent o"t to approximately 30 local schools . There have been about 30 responses so far from individual students. Because some students may be hesitant, an attempt is being made to assure transportation.

Intern·comesto counseling center

by L-oretta Afioto A part time intern has come to ,Cabrini's new counseling center. He is .Frank Chambers, '73 Villanova graduate. Mr. Chambers is working· on his masters at Villanova and came to Cabrini through a priest friend of Dr. Dorothy Brown. An interview was scheduled with Dr. Brown in August proceeded by an interview with Father Tom Piechocinski. As a result from that interview, Frank Chambers was accepted as an intern with no salary. Frank's school courses have prepared him to work with college students for · personal, vocational and career assistance. His courses have included: Communication Skills; Art of Active Listening; Group Pr~ess; Statistics_:

The academic reinforcement roorn is counseled by Arthur Young whose prfmary objective is to improve study , skills of students. The psychology room is · staffed by Mr. Anthony Tornasco and the two consulting psychologists, Dr. Sydney Portnoy and Dr. Donald D'Orazio. A future possibility may include a · computer terminal where students can get 'a print out of career interests. . Frank's hours are Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 :p.m., and Father Tom may be found ! Monday to Thursday, from 9 a.m. -t_o5 p.m. Mr. Chambers wants students to know that "the more possibilities you explore in various careers, the more confident you will feel in your decision making."

Sue O'H~n Junior-Senior Weekend, the first major class activity of the year, has left both the junior and senior classes in serious debt. When · asked why the debt incurred, Senior Class President Judy Clay responded, "there just weren't enough people there." Tickets for the Oct. 28 dinner-dance went ,on sale on a first-come-first-serve · basis at $26 per couple. . Only 200 tickets were available because of the limited space of The : Willows, a converted mansion five i minutes from here, where the dance was i held. Organizers expected the tickets to be ' gone immediately after they went on sale.

~~-------..-------------------..... New counseors ..... (cont'd p. 6) ·

students who come on campus, college days and otherwise. I also coordinate all admissions functions. The trio seem satisfied with their new Those with the most "votes" were jobs. chosen. Fran likes the experience of learning Coincidence that three Cabrini to work with all types of people. graduates were hired? "Purely coincidence," Mrs. Oristaglio Graduating with a BA in English claimed. "The interview~ and votin[_ were . Communications, she feels that the job is totally of an unbiased nature"' she said. the first step on the ladder of a successful "It made us feel good that the Cabrini career in that major. Joyce, who majored in History, likes graduates were the best qualified. We must be doing something right!" she said. meeting new people every day. "We're The three new counselors started work usually on the road four days a week, at three different times. Tom started in visit four schools and meet 50 to 100 , late July, Joyce in early August, and Fran students daily. It's really a very 'interesting job," she says. in late August. - The counselors explain their ·many Tom enjoys working on the road also. functions: Joyce said, "I'm a long .He finds it particularly interesting to distance traveling counselor. I work in N. meet and talk to the several counselors he · Pa., Southern and Central N.J ., and N.Y. sees daily. I visit high schools in these areas and talk The job choice was sudden for the to students and counselors, I ask how three. None had planned a career in often the counselors see the students. I :counseling. However, they all enjoy what ask them for a brief background of a they're doing and consider it valuable -student before I speak to him/her so that experience for the future. I know what areas that student may be Counseling is the first full time job for interested in. I then talk to students - Fran and Tom. Joyce, however, has spent tell them about Cabrini, give them an the . past couple years as an athletic director and physical education teacher at update on it." Tom says, "I'm also a long distance Holy Child Elementary School in Drexel traveling counselor. I visit New Jersey, Hill. "I changed jobs because I saw a new New York, Connecticut, and Washington. I do basically the same thing as Joyce. We opportunity open, an opportunity to try to actively recruit students. We attend ,travel and meet lots of new people," college nights and talk to students and iJ oyce says. their parents about Cabrini and all it has What is the major purpose of their new to offer. We also set up tours. I like to counseling jobs? . talk to high school students, find out Fran sums it up, "We're hoping that their interests, and then discuss them in our efforts will result in a substantial depth as they relate_to_Cabrini." increase in the students here. With the Fran says, ' 1 1'm an on-campus 1 help of the students and the faculty, that counselor, campus coordinator. I talk to is the main goal we're striving for." (from p. 7)

lnterpretation of . Data; Vocational _Planning: · Counseling, Theory and Practice. -Frank lfeels -he fsnow ready to "pµt theory into practice." Mr. Chambers worked for two years as a counselor in a girls' high school in Washington and taught social studies at Monsignor Bonner High School in 1974. Frank believes that his and Father Tom's objectives in the center are listening, helping in career planning and ' vocational problems. Both feel assistance to the students is the primary function of the center. The center is filled with many services namely: personal counseling; career and vocational counseling; testing in career inclinations; a resource library complete with microfilm and occupational briefs; an academic reinforcement room and a psychology room.

Jr .-Sr. blastr by

Shouldadditivesbe subtracted?

by JanetGennaro

A can of kidney b«;:ans,a box of cake percent. "One-fiftieth of a milligram of~ mix, a package of instant soup - what do cnemical additive or preservative can give these items have in , common? According a child following the diet a reaction," said to Mrs. Ann Supplee of the West Chester Mrs. Supplee. Feingold Association, these and many With the rise of the Feingold oth~r packaged foods contain additives Association, Mrs. Supplee and other and preservatives that may be detrimental organizers and members hope to hell?_ to the condition of a hyperactive child or these children by informing parents a child with learning disabilities. Mrs. Supplee, in her October fourth presentation to a Cabrini audience including parents of students in the Children's School, discussed the effects of chemicals on children and the possibility of combatting these effects by following the Feingold diet. The diet, founded by Pediatric Allergist Dr. R. Feingold, essentially calls for a permanent total-restriction of additives and preservatives in a child's diet. Hyperactive children are characterized · by Ron Katkocin by a lack of fear and an incorrect sense of A celebrity has joined this year's right and wrong; children with learning Freshman class at Cabrini. She is disabilities are characterized by sight, Pennsylvania Honey Queen, Maryann hearing and motor coordination Ribick. problems. "Dr. Feingold feels that both In November 1975, Maryann, a problems are inter-related," said Mrs. native of Phoenixville, won the Supplee. "Symptoms of both are present Montgomery County Honey Queen int-he chi'ld." Until now, these children have been Contest. She went on to become the treated with arugs which, ·according to state Honey Queen in 1976. Maryann Mrs. Supplee, cause such side effects as · then resumed her title in 1977. "insomnia, nervousness, weight loss, and Maryann travelled to San Antonio, stomach aches." The diet, on the other Tex., in January to enter the American hand, does not turn children into Honey Queen Contest. This coming January she will be in Orlando, Fla. to "~ombies" as the drugs do. compete again. So that the hyperactive ch11ddoes not "There are two requirements to feel out of place in the family, Mrs. Supplee uses the diet for the entire becoming Honey Queen," says family. She advises all followers to Maryann. "First, you must be a single carefully read all food labels, but she also woman between the ages of 17 and 22, warns that "labeling is a problem because and secondly, you must write an essay many products are not adequately and be subjected to personal labeled." The Food and Drug interviews by judges." Administration requires that all products As Honey Queen, it is Maryann's be labeled with constituting ingredients, duty to represent the Pennsylvania but often, these ingredients are made up State Beekeepers Association. She has of other ingredients that do not have to appeared at fair-sin York, Bloomsburg, be mentioned according to law. and Huntington Valley. She also speaks for Jaycees, women's groups, One of the major criticisms of the diet schools, and supermarkets. is that most of the evidence is personal TV time is also in order. and clinical. However, Mrs. Supplee · Maryann has appeared on three stated that a controlled study of one television shows, namely, "Captain hundred children at the University of Noah," "Farm, Home, and Garden," Pittsburgh proved in favor of the diet, and "The John Reilly Show." although the findings of this study have Mostly, Maryann talks about honey not as yet been published. or beekeeping. She learned about The most important factor of the diet beekee in from her father who raises is that the .child must remain on it 100

through workshops, lectures, and monthly newsletters. For more information and a list of foods on the diet, send a self-addressed double-stamped en_'{!llo_p~ to: Mrs. Ann Supplee 1309 Park Ave. WestChester, Pa. 19380

Honey Queen Sweetens Cabrini

bees as a ·hobby, and from a three-day , course she took at Delaware Valley · College of Science and Agriculture. Aside from being Honey · Queen, . Maryann is also recognized for other activities and awards. She is this year's recipient · of the Jane Schwartz Benjamin Memorial Scholarship presented each year to a deserving Freshman. In high school Maryann was president of the National Honor Society, was a member · of the American Society of Distinguished High School Students, and was listed in "Who's Who Among American High School Students." In 197 6 Maryann was votedMontgomery County's outstanding girl in the 4-H Club of America. She also received a Citizenship Award and a medal in a state-wide 4-H demonstration. During the summer she was elected into the P.A.F.G. farm co-op program. Maryann is an English Communications major here at Cabrini. She is a member of the Photography Club, Awareness, and is an assistant director in Theater Lab. Maryann has enjoyed herself on campus. "I like it here because it's small," she says. "People are really nice. The teachers are concerned. They're willing to take time with you. The overall atmosphere is great for learnin ."



EDITORIAL A studentspeaks College is more than classes It's rather odd how you entitled a recent Loquitur editorial "We need your help to improve the newspaper." When I was a member of the Loquitur staff, I found out that my articles were corrected, edited, and reviewed by the Journalism classes. I was under the false impression that only my page editor would see my articles, not a whole class. At another time I wrote an article on the women's volleyball team. I expected it to be edited somewhat, but to my amzaement the article appeared not only edited, but much shorter than it had been and totally rewritten in the style befitting an English/Communications major. I don't mean to say that I am a polished writer. I know I'm not. The point that I am stressing however, is that we who join the Loquitur staff with every interesvfo writing are rudely awa.kened to the fact that our style must conform to that of an English major. Check your staff box! You have sixteen members on the staff. Fifteen of them are English majors. And you tell me that the Loquitur doesn't belong to a minority of students! While on the Loquitur staff, I felt alienated and lost in the shuffle as a non-major. If this is what the average non English/Communications major must face in order to be part of the staff, then there will continue to be only one or two non-majors on the staff. In my own opinion, the Loquitur is the product of the Journalism classes and until it becomes more than this you won't get much student support or

interest. So






changes? Sincerely, Joseph M. Reilly '78

Hall of liime



p. 8)

: -Graduation if he or she is a senior. According to Dr. Girard the Hall of . Fame "is a reflection by the Board of Trustees that the Athletic program at Cabrini College has grown significantly during the past three years."

by MaureenLarkin When many of us came to college, we had more than the idea of an education on our minds. Many of us probably thought more about the social aspects of college than anything else. However, there is another aspect of . college that many of us have forgotten or maybe just ignored. This is the cultural side of college. The cultural aspect here at Cabrini has not been too vivid during these past few years. This year, however, will definitely be different. Cabrini is presently celebrating its 20th anniversary and in honor of this momentous occasion, many diverse activities have been planned for this school year. If we would just take the time to look through "This Week AT Cabrini"' you would see what I mean. There have been and will be so many different activities taking place on campus. These presentations can broaden your cultural experiences in so many ways, if you attend them. For example, this year Cabrini has an artist-in-residence. For those of you unfamiliar with her, her name is Agi Jambor. Madame Jambor can play a variety of instruments and has a diversified musical background. On Oct. 9, Madame Jambor presented a concert featuring the music of Hanedl. Now maybe, this fjarticular type of music isn't your favorite but actually hearing it live

instead of recorded, really makes a huge difference. For those of us who may have missed her first concert, don't fret. Madame Jambor will have another concert on Nov. 13, so you still have another chance to listen to her musical ability. Another program which we should not overlook is the 20th Anniversary Lecture Series. On specific dates, which will be listed in "This Wee~ At Cabrini" lectures sponsored by the various departemnts will take place. A wide variety of.topics will be covered and I'm certain there will be at least one that would appeal to a few members of the student body. This is just another way that we can expand our cultural outlook without , going outside the boundaries of Cabrini. In addition to the 20th Anniversary Lecture Series, talks will be sponsored by the various clubs on campus. These too should prove to be very informative. • My point is that we should not overlook the cultural aspect of our college education, especially this year with all of the different presentations, talks, and concerts occurring. So, there is no reason why our cultural aspect of college should suffer. There is also no reason why we should complain that there is nothing going on here at Cabrini. One look at "This Week At Cabrini" will· prove us wrong.



Editor-in-chief . . . . Sue O'Hagan News Editors . . . . . . Gene Hutter BarbaraPolomano Editorial Editor . . . Maureen Larkin, Feature Editor , . . . Janet Gennaro Entertainment Editor . . Cindi DeRitis Sports Editor . . . . BarbaraMcHugh Reporters ....... Loretta Alioto, Bill Bead,Joan Buonanno, Nancy Harrold,Kim Hayes, 1> Ron Katkocin, Barbara Polomano, Ste1e Pedano, Lisa Sherwood. BusinessManager . . LorraineMatteo Cartoonist . . . . . . . . J. Gormley Photography Editor . . . . . . . BarbaraPolomano 1

(from p. 3}

Instead, only a total of 113 tickets were sold. Wtien half of the tickets remained unsold a week before the dance, junior and senior class officers took action. The evening was opened to underclassmen and tickets were sold at the door in an effort to meet the $2,600 costs. Originally, the dinner-dance was exclusively for members of the junior and senior classes, their guests, and members of the faculty and administration. Neither last-minute tactic helped to realize the profit necessary to meet' the expenses of a buffet dinner, an open bar and a band. Socially the evening may have been a success. Economically, the blast ba~kfired.

ENTERTAINMENT '.Museum Features Folk Art by Cindi DeRitis

Dwarvesget small by StephenPedano "Snow White" will have seven sore dwarves by the time the show opens on Nov. 10. 路 The cast and crew have little time to prepare for the show's opening. Vigorous rehearsals under the direction of Dan 'Perna are in full swing. "There 's so much work to do," echoes Perna to his new and veteran members of the Lab. The cast and crew agree whole-heartedly. Laurie Davy is cast as Snow White. Now a veteran, Laurie made her debut as one of Cinderella's ugly stepsisters, and went on to a dramatic role in "The House of Bernarda Alba." Loretta Alioto will play the wicked Queen Brangomar. She has been with the company for "Picnic" and "Bernarda Alba." John Gallagher debuts with the company as Berthold the woodsman, and Michael Heaps, a transfer student, also: debuts as Prince Florimond of Calydon. ' Old and new members of the Lab are "getting small" for their roles as dwarves. Brett Schwartz is cast as Doc the eldest and leader of the seven. Bret~ is a, freshman who made his debut in路 "Theater Lab 2-Night" with a segment of "Our Town."

Little Red Riding Hood carried ~ woven basket and wore a red-hooded cape. Jack-be-nimble jumped over ~ candlestick. The delicious gingerbread : man that was baked in the oven escaped from the pan. After reading all of this, you probably think ' of nursery rhymes: But did you ever consider the objects mentioned as folk art? Folk art expresses fashion and individuality. The designers of these folk -art pieces are weavers, sewers, candlestick makers, bakers or non-professionals. The objects can be used for something - ' storage, clothing decoration and food etc. Folk art pieces were not necessarily handmade. Many of them were stamped, molded or pressed. Its origin was in the populous, industrialized North rather small CQUntry areas where you'd think ' that handicrafts might flourish. Folk art can be learned from someone. A person can make an object and have it considered artistic by a folk group if his/her work is composed of fine craftsmanship with the creator's name represented on the art work, feels Dr. Carter Craigie, Social Science department ,---------------------------------. chairpersonatCabrini. He also thinks that crafts that are 1recognized as folk art can be reproduced by manufacturers but the craftsman's individuality is lost. About 225 such folk art objects are on display at the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford through Nov. 16. The , Imuseum is opened from 9:30 a.m. to .. 4:30 p.m. Some significant items on display are a Shenandoah Valley pottery lion made by John Bell, the only signed one and one of four in existence; a tall caselock made by John Paul, ; r., in 1815 who was the designer of the horseshoe curve of the Pennsylvania Railroad; and 223 other crafts that may interest you. The other works that are on display are anonymous, done simply to show his/her skill or to make the object useful to someone.

Grumpy will be played by Steve Pedano, previously seen in "The Wizard of Oz," "Pinocchio," and "Cinderella." ) Happy will be played by Mary DiJ oseph whose list of credits includes "Wizard," "Picnic," "Pinocchio," and "Bernarda Alba." Bashful will be played by Carol Palidora, a freshman and assistant Choreographer for the production. Sleepy will be played by Connie Aiello who also debuted in "Theater Lab 2-Night," singing "Over the Rainbow," and "If I Love You." "Gesundheit," to Barb McHugh who will play Sneezy. Barb has also been with the company for "Liliom" and "The Wizard." Dopey will be played by the youngest member of the company Daniele Perna, who has worked in most of the children's plays. He has been everything from a munch kin to a horse. Anne Marie Albert will fill the role of Witch Hex, the Queen's cohort. She made her Cabrini debut playing opposite Brett in the "Our Town" segment. Madeleine Cahill, Cabrini's own Cinderella, and Beth Dunn, another stepsister, will serve as resident Storybook Fairies.

''Fried!l!Iflick causes gas by William Bead

' Kentucky Fried Movie" is an often funny film in the tradition of "Monty Python's Flying Circus," "The Groove Tube," and "Saturday Night Live." It satirizes beer commercials, TV shows of the Fifties, new cars, and even charities. It also satirizes movies. It makes fun of all sorts of movies. It makes fun of the Pam Grier films in a' 路segment called "Cleopatra Schwartz," it satirizes soft-core pornography with . "Catholic High School Girls In Trouble," it takes off on disaster films, "The Wizard of Oz," and martial-arts piece is called "A Fistful! of Yen," it's a direct take off on , "Enter The Dragon." It's 25 minutes ofa : 90-minute movie and it's the best part of the film.

It has plenty of stars, and a few people you might only recognize. It has Henry Gibson, and Bill Bixby in commercial bits. It lias Australian movie star and one-time James Bond, George Lazenby. Donald Sutherland has a cameo role. Tony Dow plays the same role in the movie as he did in' "Leave It To Beaver," 20 years ago, as Beavers older brother Wally. O.K., so it's not an all-star cast. The movie is rated R. It has nudity, violence, and obscene speech. So, if you can't laugh at gorillas or naked women, , stay away from this film. It's an above average comedy film. If ~ you've seen all the current comedy films two or three times, go see "Kentucky Fried Movie." It's good for a laugh. 路




Activitiesawardsincludesports by LisaSherwoodand HaroldWilson

inaccurate because some went into more Activities awards make students who detail than others. excel in areas other than academics Supervisors or moderators were asked eligible for tuition remissi<?ns. Selection to submit letters of recommendation. of these recipients, however, is not an Some never replied and the ones who did easy task. A review is currently being held tended to favor officers in activities. This to set a fair criterion, according to Gerald left out members who did just as much Satlow, director of financial aid. for the college as officers. One vital problem is how to put a The selection committee, consisting of worth on each applicant's - Dr. Dorothy Brown, academic dean, Dr. accomplishments. Joseph Romano, director of transfer Th~. original procedure for awarding students, Mr. Satlow, and Estelle Activities, scholarships, which began in Oristaglio, director of admissions, are 1975, gave awards in varying amounts working the system out by enlarging the from $300 to $600. committee to include a cross-section of Now there is a single amount of $500, the college community, SGA president, Another difficulty is variation in the dean of students, etc. quality of the applications. Each year a The committee welcomes .student and different procedure was tried for 'its faculty response on this subject. accuracy. Other aspects of the program, such as At one time, the students completed a a minimum of 2.25 cum, will remain the description of relevant activities and an same. evaluation of their worth. These were . One of the activities awards concerns

Editoriar by BarbaraMcHu~h


the athletic asp~ct of Cabrini College. In order to be recommended by the Athletic department, Dr. Jolyon P. Girard, head of men's athletics, takes two things into account. Girard first takes notice of athletic prowess in a particular sport or sports. Then he looks at the · athletes' game statistics, films, and their scholarship abilities. The awards are basically given to students who are already here and show exceptional athletic abilities. Also they are awarded to incoming freshmen as a part of a recruiting program. Dr. Girard says, "Many schools on the itnercollegiate level offer scholarships to attract good athletes. So if we hope to compete with other schools athletically we must award money to attract good athletes also." This year the activity awards were given a budget of $9,500. The Athletic department gave six awards this year all for the amount of $500.

· Why sports . "•

sports program is that of "beefing up" An active participant in just about all the school's reputation. If you were to the sports activities might say that the ask Dr. Girard or Mrs. Goodwin what purpose of any college sports program is Cabrini was like before we had a to afford those students who are "good basketball team, I think they would tell you it was the pits. athletes" with a chance to be just that, good athletes. Sports has brought a good deal of Well that might be part of it, but a income to Cabrini. Although it is not in college is supposed to serve all of its the same way that sports at LaSalle or Penn State does, we still attract a good students in the best way possible. Catering to only those who are number of students because of the opportunities 'to play a certain sport. sports-oriented would be excluding I have mentioned a few good reasons, students who lack the ability to run and dribble at the same time. And there are but not one of them could be used as the those of us that can do neither - me for sole reason to have a sports program. Or could it? one. Maybe beefing up a school's Another reason for a sports program is reputatio.n is the major reason here at to satisfy the yearnings of an excited spectator. All of us want to see a good Cabrini but I don't think people want to soccer game once in a while, one where hear this. A good number of students the players bang heads as battering rams complain about the fact that so many athletic scholarships are awarded each do. Or a volleyball game might serve the year. Little do they realize that this practice is helping them in the long run . purpose if it is one that gets every fan out of his seat, like the game against , We get students who would choose Swarthmore did a few weeks ago. .other schools if it were not for the But all of you know as well as I do scholarship. They would take their that spectators are not a good part of our money and ability and plunk it into a sports program here. Turnout at soccer school that could offer them more. And games is minimal, so much so that at there Cabrini would sit, with a third rate times our fans are outnumbered by fans team of any kind and we would all be unhappy because our bleachers and that come from a school miles away. Another possible reason for a college courts would be empty. Think about it!

Hall of fame

by HarroldWilson Due to the efforts of the Athleti-: Association and ·a cooperative Board of Trustees _Cabrini College now has its very own Hall of Fame. The idea for a Hall of Fame came about during a meeting of the Athletic Association last yeai'. The Asso~iation then presented the idea to the Board of Trustees, who in turn agreed it was a good idea, and permitted the idea to become a reality. The Hall of Fame was named after Dr. Jolyon P. Girard, with Mrs. Helen Goodwin as the first to be inducted. Inductees must meet two requirements. The first criterion is that you must be a graduate or any other deserving person connected with Cabrini. Secondly you must be nominated by a selection committee that consists of the chairperson of the Baord of Trustees, president and secretary of the A.A., president of the Student Government Association, one faculty member, and the Head Coach of the Athletic Department. For all those who qualify and are elected to the Hall of Fame, presentations will be made at the Athletic Banquet and

(cont'd p.6) _

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