DECEMBER 9, 1977
Chaplain's Resignation
"It was not a hastily made decision BY SUE O'HAGAN "It was a difficult decision, one
which I had to make for both personal and professional reasons." These words were spoken by Rev. Thomas Piechocinski, Ed.D., when asked about his decision to leave Cabrini and return to active ministry in the diocese of Camden. Father Tom's appointment as chaplain and coordinator of counseling will end Dec. 22. In the wake of Father's leaving, a new chaplain will be hired. A chaplaincy search committee, comprised of students, faculty and administrators, is presently in the process of filling the vacancy. Father Tom's resignation was officially announced in a midNovember President's newsletter. Though the announcement came suddenly, Father Tom says that the decision took a while. "It was not a hastily made decision," he says. "I sought consultation with many others before I gave the final word." Father Tom says that many factors were involved leading to his final decision to leave Cabrini at the end of this semester. But when asked for specifics, he replied,
"It's a very delicate situation and I can't really elaborate." He makes it clear that he wasn't asked to leave nor is he "at war" with the administration. Rather, Father says that he asked for the transfer. And he says he did so at this time because he saw it as "the most appropriate time." One problem was specifically encountered by Father Tom in his year-and-one-half stay at Cabrini that may have led him to decide to return to active ministry. He calls it the "impossibility" to perform both the tasks of the chaplaincy and the coordinator of counseling well. According to Father Tom, both jobs combined were just ''too overwhelming" for one person to deal with effectively. When asked why another fulltime co~selor couldn't be hired to help ease the load, Father Tom said he didn't know whether or not that possibility had been explored. But he explains that with the shortage of priests in the diocese of Camden he probably wouldn't be able to remain at Cabrini solely in the capacity of chaplain . President Sister Mary Louise
agrees that both jobs can be too much at times. "The chaplaincy and the counseling center are two separate and distinct entities," says Sister Mary Louise. For this reason, the chaplaincy search committee has been commissioned to seeli, "first and foremost," a full-time chaplain. Father Tom's departure in no way means the demise of the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center which he was so instrumental in establishing. The center will continue to operate with the rest of the staff staggering their hours to accommodate the needs of the students, says Sr. Mary Louise. If anyone is hired for the center, it will be on a parttime basis until student interest and use of the counseling facilities warrants otherwise. Father Tom says that Cabrini would be foolish to give up the counseling center altogether. He sees his contribution as having a "vigorously well-established foundation'' with many future possibilities. But he calls whatever Continued on Page 2
Psychiatrist" tells why people commit suicide BY KIM HAYES As exams draw nearer, a friend
may tell you, "I'm going to commit suicide if this pressure doesn ·t stop." This may be a common attitude, "but suicides are usually committed early or toward the middle of a semester,'' according to Dr. Bruce Mapes, a psychiatrist who specializes in suicide. Dr. Mapes, who spoke at Cabrini College on Nov. 17th, added, suicides are a major cause of death among college students. Suicides are almost always preceeded by four types of typical behavior: • Suicidal thoughts are common to most people.
• Suicidal threats such as, "I'm going to take my life," show that the person is not sure how he or she would do it. There is not much to worry about at this stage. • Suicidal gestures give the appearance of suicide, for example, lightly slashing wrists. However, gestures are rarely fatal and often are a plea for help. • Suicidal attempts have fatal consequences in most cases although methods vary. There are misconceptions about suicide, according to Dr. Mapes. At least 60to 80% of all people considering suicide give concrete clues. A person need not be insane to commit suicide. Rather than being an impulse, the act is often
Say "Cheese I
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times very well-planned and organized. "A 52 year old man actually bought a new suit and shoes just to wear when he shot himself in the head," said Dr. Mapes. Suicides are committed by children as young as five years of age. Suicide tendencies do increase with age. There is also a strong correlation between depression and suicide. Usually in adults suicides are most common when a person comes out of a depression not during the depression. Adolescents, who are more adventurous, tend to act out their problems and are more impulsive. "They do not withdraw like adults," said Dr. Mapes.
and among widowers and divorcees. They occur less often with married people. Suicides tend to decrease when a state of war exists and tend to increase when the economic level of the country goes down. Women make more suicidal attempts, but men more frequently complete the act. According to Dr. Mapes, women usually use nondisfiguring methods such as pill overdoses, whereas men tend to use guns and knives. Suicidal people have one thing in common and that is, ''Three Death Wishes," said Dr. Mapes. These wishes include the wish to be dead, the wish to kill, and the wish to be killed.
This is your chance I BY BARBARA POLOMANO
Fred Pfaff will teach photo course next semester.
Why do people commit suicide? According to Dr. Mapes, many see suicide as a transition to a new life. It serves as a release from suffering and pain. Rarely, is suicide committed out of spite. If you suspect someone of being suicidal (remember, they usually give clues), the best thing to do, said Dr. Mapes is LISTEN. "Do not avoid bringing up the subject." "Do not hesitate to get help," he added. If someone r.eally insists on committing suicide, there is not too much you can do about it. However, hospitalization, therapy . and anti-depressant drugs together are the best form of help. Suicides occur most frequently with people who lack close friends
How much do you actually know about photography? Do you know any more than how to smile and say "cheese?" If not, you may want to look into a new addition to Cabrini's curriculum, a brand new, fully equipped darkroom and a photography course that will explain how to use the darkroom. About a thousand dollars is being poured into the darkroom and it will be well worth taking advantage of. Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairman of the English/Communications Dept., along with consultation from Eastman Kodak, formulated all plans for the darkroom. The money for the darkroom
came from a special appropriation for equipment to improve different programs here. The money was designated by the board of trustees. Mike Caranfa, director of building and grounds, was put in charge of the actual construction of the darkroom. "Within three weeks, he had hired the carpenters and had the room about half completed. He worked very quickly to turn the plans into a reality," Dr. Zurek said. The new darkroom, which will be finished for the spring semester, is located in the basement of the Mansion. It is divided into three sections: a film developing room ; a printing room ; and a finishing room.
A lot of new equipment will be purchased: three enlargers; two 6foot long aluminum sinks; and several smaller items such as developing tanks and thermometers. Also, a stricter schedule for the signing out of the key for the darkroom will be enforced. Last semester, over $50worth of equipment was stolen from the darkroom. Therefore, stricter schedules of who uses the darkroom will be kept. If you know nothing about photography or the use of a darkroom here's your chance to learn. Next semester, an Introductory to Photography course is being Continued on Page 4
Page 2
December 9, 1977
Should society kill? BY NANCY HARROLD
"Unless or until the Supreme Court can come to grips with probabilistic, inferential statistics in social science research; intuitive, clinical and vague judgments will continue," says Marvin E. Wolfgang, the nationally renowned director of the Center for Studies in Criminology and Law at the University of Pennsylvania. Wolfgang suggested that a request for a science court, which has been supported by leaders of the county's major scientific societies, might "provide policy makers with the collective wisdom of the best available evidence." ''The death penalty if fundamentally an ethical issue ," Wolfgang told the audience of approximately 50 students, faculty members and guests who had gathered at the Mansion on the cold and rainy evening to hear his lecture. He thanked the audience "for coming out on such a night," and then said that the evening reminded him of another rainy night 25 years ago when he drove to
Bring out the mistletoe ! It's that time of year again. The annual Christmas Dance will be held on Rockview Prison to be a state wit- suffering of death with the most Monday night, Dec. 12,the last day ness at an execution. exquisite ways." of classes, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at · In our society, "the common "One never forgets that kind of the Mansion House on Rte. 202 in experience," he said, "to witness commodity of pain is deprivation Valley Forge. of liberty" for a period of time. a full regalia of the state engaging According to senior Mary Diin a premeditated killing provided Through execution, the offender is Joseph, student activities chairthe emotional buttressing I needed freed from this punishment. person for SGA, the Christmas "Death ends all pain and the offor my intellectual opposition." celebration will get underway with fender is punished no more," said "There is no rationale of punisha complimentary cocktail hour ment, or disposition of a convicted Wolfgang. , given by the Mansion House from 8 As for a deterrence, he sees exoffender, that requires the death p.m. to 9 p.m. ecution as only one short and often penalty," stated Wolfgang : The buffet dinner will be served hidden example to the nation of the from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., featuring Retribution, according to consequences of crime. beef stroganoff and fried chicken. Wolfgang, "appears to contain the "We can identify only momenDuring the dinner hour, the bar most reasonable logic leading to taruly with death," he said, "but will be closed. After dinner, there the death penalty." the lingering reminder of deprived will be an open bar until 1 a.m . However, he explained, since liberty is more of a sustained consTo add a magic touch to the octhe victim cannot be restored and tant. It is easier to identify with a . casion, the musical group "Magic the pain inflicted on the offender is living than with a dead and past Touch" will provide entertainnot likely to equal that which was example of suffering." ment. SGA voted to pay for the suffered by the victim, neither A society which has crime has band for the Christmas Dance out homeostasis nor equilibrium are failed "to educate, to form, to of the general entertainment fund achieved. socialize its citizens to conform to to help keep the price down for the "We decry inadequate diets and the pre- and proscriptions ." The tickets. medical care for prisoners . We state does not have the right, The cost of the affair is $10 per present our sacrifice to the ra - asserted Wolfgang, "to take the person. The debt that was incurred tionalization for death in good lives of its failures ." from the Jr.-Sr . weekend left an physical condition, such is the Wolfgang's presentation was philosophy of our health delivery part of Cabrini's 20th anniversary system, said Wolfgang. "The state lecture series . The lecture, which has made efforts to reduce the took place November 30th at 8:00 p . m., was sponsored by the academic dean's office and the social science department. Philosophers have discussed the nature of god for thousands of years, taking one stand or the be the total involvement of all seg- other. ments of the community in the On Tuesday, Nov. 15the Philosospiritual life here. phy Club of Cabrini College spon"A chaplain shouldn't be the sored a speaker, James F . Ross, only one involved in and responsiwho spoke on the goodness of God ble for planning liturgies, giving and the problem of evil. BY CINDI DeRITIS sermons, says Sr. Mary Louise. It Ross is a distinguished author How many of us know what it is should, instead, be a total effort on and teacher. He is an Associate "really" like to be hungry? We the part of a group. complain that we'll starve if we Professor at the University of This is whilt a campus ministry keep eating the cafeteria food. But Pennsylvania and was once the would deal with. chairman of the Philosophy we always have McDonald's The members of the search comDepartment there. He has written Minella's, or the vending mittee are interested in finding soseveral books on Philosophy inmachines as alternatives. meone who would be interested in What about the people who have ch,iding one called Philosophical such an undertaking. Theology. _ neither the food nor the alternaOne student on the committee Ross lectured to the Philosophy tives that we take for granted? · put it this way, "We're looking for Sanjay Shendge, a freshman at Club and other guests. He gave someone who will be able to draw Cabrini, is interested in those peo- philosophical references for his out the ministries present in each arg~ents that ranged from the ple. one of the members of the campus ancient Greeks to Spinoza. Spurned by this interest, community." Ross stated that one of the probShendge organized a food collecOne of the major plans of act.ion tion drive on Dec. 3 and 4 to build lems man may have in answering already taken by the search com up a winter food supply for poor this question comes from his mittee is the placement of a want- people in the area. In particular, ad in the National Catholic Rethe fo9d will be given to the porter. Eastern Service Workers Associ"Word of mouth" is also being ation of South Street in Philadelused to spread the word of the need phia. for a new chaplain here. BY BARBARA McHUGH Shendge volunteers one day a Depending upon the responses, Cabrini College Choral Ensemweek for four hours with the the committee may begin interEastern Service Workers Associ- ble, in keeping with the yuletide viewing applicants before spirit, will present its annual ation. Christmas. The association is a social ac- Christmas Concert on Sunday, In case the search results prove tion group that tries to make peo- Dec. 11, at 3 p.m . in the Mansion. unsatisfactory, after the holidays The group will perform under temporary provisions have been ple aware of the plight of those who the direction of Lucy Carroll and made with neighboring parishes to are on welfare, social security or the program will feature guest who are underpaid. The group also see that the liturgies on campus provides legal and medical ser- musicians and singers . will be taken care of. Besides singing some contemvices to those people and helps In the meantime, the committee porary American Christmas will continue its search Tor a full - them to get the rights and services songs , the Choral Ensemble will entitled to them under various time chaplain . have an international theme . It Father Tom is scheduled to government programs . will present the carols, customs , Shendge's Food Drive projec t begin his new mission in a " shore and costumes of foreign countrjes area" on Jan. 5. He will be work - and volunteer services are in con- such as Ital y and Germany , and ing for the Catholic Social Service s junction with a World Hunger sing traditional Christmas songs there , counseling divorced per- course which he is taking this from other countries also . semester . sons .
"Chaplain resigns" Continued from Page 1 happens to the center now "their decision." The chaplaincy search committee was established in early November when the administration was first notified of Father Tom's decision to return to the Camden diocese. The committee held its first official meeting on Nov. 17. Sister Mary Louise, member ex-0fficio of the committee, called it primarily organizational in nature. The members of the newly formed committee are: Sr. Sharon Morano, M.S.C., dean of students; Dr. Dorothy Brown, vice-president for academic affairs; Dr. Joseph Romano ; Dr. Margaret Reher ; and Sr. Carmen Ferrante, M.S.C. Student members of the committee are Madeleine Cahill '78, Maria Carusi '79, George Lucey '79 Brian Gould '80 and Mary An~ Ribick '81. The major goal of the search committee, according to Sr. Mary Louise, is to find a full-titne chaplain who is open to the idea of working with others ip the development of a campus ministry at Cabrini. A campus ministry, when fully developed, would entail a chaplain working with a "team" of faculty , students and administrators in dealing with the spiritual aspects of campus life . Campus ministries have been reported as successful nationwide . Because of Cabrini's small size Sr . Mary Louise feels that the initiation of a campus ministry could provide many interesting results . Naturally, this isn't expected to happen overnight. But the ultimate goal of a campu_s ministry would
Yule dance •1n December
LOQlJITUR STAFF Ed!tor~in~hi~f .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .. .... . .. . .. . . .. . ..... Sue O'Hagan Editorial Editor ... . . . : ....... . .. . ...... .... .... Maureen Larkin Page 1 Editor . . ... . . .. .. .. . . ... . ... . .. . . .... Barbara Polomano Page 2 Editor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . Ron Katkocin Feature Editor . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Gennaro Entertainment Editor ......... ..... ......... .. .... Cindi DeRitis Sports Editor ....... .. . . . . . .. ..... . ..... . ..... . Barbara McHugh Reporters .... . ........ .. . .. .......... Loretta Alioto, Bill Bead, Joan Buonanno, Nancy Harrold, Kim Hayes Steve Pedano, Lisa Sherwood, Harold Wilso~ Business Manager ............ . .. . .... .. . . ...... Lorraine Matteo Photography Editor ......................... Barbara Polomano Cartoonist ....... . ........................... .... ... . J. Gormley
embarrassing monetary memory to the Jr.-Sr . class. They were stuck with paying for tickets that went unsold. To insure this mistake
happen again,
SGA organizers made sure they were more careful. ·
Mary DiJoseph says that the Mansion House established an agreement with SGAorganizers. lt calls for a spokesperson from the Christmas Dance committee to notify the Mansion House and give the estimated amount of ticket holders on the Friday before the dance. "That way," says Mary, "SG A won't be stuck to foot the bill for anyone who doesn't show at the dance." The Mansion House has reserved a room th at will hold 250 people for the Cabrini party but does not stipulate all 250 seats be filled. Tickets went on sale Dec. 1 and will also be availab ,c at the door . SGA hopes that by following the agreement with the Mansion House, a recurrence of what happened from the Jr.-Sr. weekend will be avoided.
Is -God all good?
COIIecte d
Chore I concerts
The Snow Number for Cabrini is 523. If the College Day School is to be closed due to incl~ment weather, this num ber will be announced under "Delaware County Closings" over all metropolitan radio stations by 6:30the morning of the closing. Evening Division closings and cancellations of student evening activities will be listed over WNAR (AM-111) under "Cabrini College" instead of 523.
perspective. He stated that a Mormon and a person from the Orthodox Eastern Church would view the problem of evil differently because of their definitions of God or evil. After the lecture, Ross answered questions from his audience which consisted of The Philosophy Club, Cabrini faculty, visiting teachers, students, and one student who had a term paper on this subject . Ross answered all questions put to him, if not to the audience's satisfaction, to his . James Ross received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts from Catholic University of America and got his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Brown University. He was awarded Faculty Research Fellowships from the University of Pennsylvania in 1963 and 1965. In 1966he received the Lindback Award for distinguished teaching.
Four inducted to
Phi Alpha Theta, the international history honor society in ducted four new members on December 8, at 7 p .m. in a candlelight ceremony. Those inducted were Joan Buonanno '78, Janet Gennaro '78 Bernadette McCabe '78, and Theresa Nardone '79. Phi Alpha Theta recognizes and promotes excellence in the study of history . Members must have a cumulative average of " B" and a minimum of 12 credi t hours in history.
V_ill~novaUniversity Gospel Ensemble needs a p1amst to accompany them. Monday night rehearsals. Approximately 3 yearly concerts. If interested please call :
Miss Pollard 527-2100, ext. 378 Mon.-Fri. 9-5
December 9, 1977
Page 3
5 hrs. a night or 1 hr. orweek.
• •
the majority of Cabrini students spend between · three and four hours per day studying."
. :a relationship
·.exists between high
It's about 7 p.m. She's just getting in. She sits down, selects a book, and begins to read. A little while later she chooses another book, and still another. It is now about 10:30p.m. and she's ready to call it an evening. Except for an occasional distraction.:..a knock at the door, a glass of soda, a cigarette-this student has spent the past three and one-half hours reading texts, writing assignments, memorizing terms, copying notes-atudying. Sound familiar? If you are a typical Cabrini student this person is you. In a recent campus survey it was discovered that the majority of Cabrini students spend between three and four hours per day studying. They usually prefer to study in their rooms, alone, in the evening, and with a minimum of distractions . While this is all well and good, it leaves two basic and very important questions unanswered: 1) What motivates students to study? and 2) How much emphasis do students place on studying? In an earlier survey taken on campus, it was discovered that 86 per cent of those surveyed said that they studied because their grades depended on it. Some said that they had to have a high average because of parental or peer pressure. Others believed that in receiving a good grade knowledge would just naturally accompany it. Still others main-
study skills."
approximately two hours per week. When asked if he thought he could do better he said ''yes," but that he didn't because he is "lazy." "I'm just not motivated," he said. "I have other interests." He explained that "As long as I do what I want after graduation, it doesn't matter what my cum is," and that he was ''willing to take the chance" of graduating from college with a low grade point average.
A junior English/ Communications major who studies three hours per night said that she did not think that she could significantly improve her "C" plus average if she studied more because she "lacks something in writing skills." And a senior Biology major with a "C" average said that she could "possibly do better" if she studied more, but that "time elements limit me to four hours studying a night." She added : "Had I chosen another major my cum would probably be higher." Finally, a senior History /Social Science major with a "B" average said that he could "definitely" improve if he studied more than his usual one and one-half hours per evening. "I know how much it would take me to do better and I don't want to· take the time," he said. "I could probably study five hours a night and make Dean's list, but to me there's more to life than the Dean's List."
Cramming for finals? Where did you go wrong? BY JANET GENNARO Do your long hours of studying
grades and good
tained that they had to be "grade conscious" in order to get into law school or medical school, or to get a good job after graduation. In a series of individual inter- · views, a number of students shared their ideas on their own particular study habits. A sophomore Biology/ Psychology major with above a "B +" average said that he studies between two and one-half and four and one-half hours per evening. He said his main impetus for doing so well is good grades, as he plans on furthering his education in medical school. When asked if he thought he could improve significantly in his grades if he studied more, he said ''no, because of my major, which entails a lot of work that is not recognized. There are some majors," he continued, "where you get "A's" if you do a certain amount of work. Biology is not one of them ." A junior English/History major . with an "A" average felt differently. "My motivation for studying is to learn the material," she said. ''I like to study .'' She also did not feel that her grades would improve if she studied more than her usual four' hours per evening because "I don't think I'm that smart." On the other side of the coin are the students who receive ''below average" grades. A sophomore Biology major with a "C" average said that he studies
result in poor or average grades when you feel that you should be doing better? If so, do you think that something may be lacking in your method of studying? Have you ever considered studying how to study? Arthur E. Young, lecturer in English and director of the Study Skills Program at Cabrini, says that, like any skill, we have to be taught how to study . Mr. Young offers a Study Skills course at Cabrini which is designed "to save students who have the ability but need a methodology , to make average students better and excellent students superior." The non-credi t ed course features training in methodology of study and psychology of learning and offers a concrete approach to studying . f.ccording to Mr. Young, everybody needs study skills. But how do we go about acquiring them? And why should we have to if we have already made it to college? " In today 's society," Mr. Young sa id, "there is a problem in America with ideas of reading and reading comprehension . "There is a downward trend," he continued, "in people's reading development in the past 20 years." During this time, educators b:!gan to experiment with students who did not have a bJsic foundation in reading. The result of this experimentation era in education is a generation who do not see the
value in reading, and who, often, simply cannot read. What does this have to do with study skills? "For someone to understand what studying is," says Mr. Young, ''you have to understand the difference between reading and studying. Studying requires a specific kind of reading which is called assimilative reading." The purpose of this type of reading is to absorb and remember the contents of a book . It is an organized approach to reading in order to find the main ideas and distinguish what is important. Study, then, begins when you go over what you have read . If you have not understood or comprehended what you have read , you have nothing concrete to study from. Take, for example, the student who studies ''ten hours" for an exam and then does poorly in it. What went wrong? There is a good chance that this student did not underst-and or comprehend what he read before he "studied" it. "Reading is a problem ," Mr. Young said . "The average college student reads 280 words per minute, but he has the potential to read 800to 900words per minute." Like everything else, reading improves with practice. If a person reads a lot, he probably remembers more from reading than the person who only reads when he has to. This is not a reference to speed-¾"eading.Speedreading is a "skimming process" characterized by no retention.
Studying, then, is based on reading.
Mr. Young's Study Skills course offers a systematic approach to studying. It is a "warm up exercise." Mr. Young used the analogy of warming up a car on a cold winter morning. The car must be warmed up in order to function to its capacity. So is the systematic approach to studying a warm up exercise, a "way of preparing the mind to absorb information to be gained ." If you have a high cum, chances are that you possess good study skills . Two studies done at University of Pennsylvania prove that a relationship exists between high grades and good study skills . If you would like to know how your study skills rank with those of other students throughout the country, Mr. Young offers a type of study skills checklist to anyone who is interested in finding out what their strengths and weaknesses are in studying . With finals only a week away, here are some suggestions from the systematic approach to studying that might come in handy : •study systematically, *be consistent in your studying ; study every day instead of leaving it to accumulate, •take good notes in class and on the readings and review them every couple of days, *do not rely on cramming, it may get you through the test, but what happens when later tests are based on material that was crammed (and forgotten)?
December 9, 1977
Dwarf gets set of wheels BY STEPHEN PEDANO
"Snow White" opened with a thud as lead dwarf, Brett Swartz, hit the floor in the third scene. The audience df grade-school children roared with laughter thinking the fall to be part of the act, but fell silent after Happy (Mary DiJoseph) tried to help Doc to his feet in character, getting a very calm but firm "It hurts" as a response. The children were not shaken as Swartz was carried off-stage where Nurse Mary Mulligan later arrived to administer aspirin for the pain . This was a first for the Theater Lab . Director Dan Perna and off-duty dwarf, Steve Pedano , made their way to the stage where Perna quickly explained to the kids that sometimes these things do happen and there was nothing to worry about. Very worried was Swartz who thought his leg was broken as he made his exit horizontally. (His mother had told him to "break a leg" prior to the show.) Even more worried was Pedano to whom Perna turned and instructed quietly, "Jump in !" Pedano rehearsed as Grumpy and
knew very few of Swartz's (Doc's) lines. A few of the other dwarfs whispered, "Put Doc's hat on," as Pedano had neither costume nor make-up . He did so and stood stunned for a "very long instant." The dwarfs fed Doc's lines to Pedano and at one trouble spot, Swartz shouted dialog from the back of the theater. Mary DiJoseph covered up by saying , "That 's our father back there talkin !" Swartz injured his knee but is back in the show playing Doc effectively from a wheelchair . Pedano said after the show, "I'll never be the same ," and a number of unprintable phrases . In the same show Loretta Alioto (the wicked Qµeen Brangomar) misplaced her magic mirror in a scene change. Ms. Alioto ad-libbed the scene giving the stage crew the exact location of the prop which was then given to a child to return to the queen . The bit was left in the show as a god opportunity to get the kids involved . Despite the unprecedented events of the day, the show ended happily as no one would have expected.
"Reluctant Messiah"
It failed to convert me BY ARTHUR E. YOUNG
Illusions: Do you really want to be
a Messiah? Since I am a fan of Richard Back's Jonathan Livingston Seagull, I felt compelled to run out and buy the latest book in his canon entitled Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.
Unfortunately, I found Illusions to be rather disappointing. The book centers around a Christ-like figure who is able to control the illusions of this world
since he knows the realities behind them. His fame spreads; the crowds are around him always; people want favors continually from this special man. What can he do? The answer is obvious-he quits his messiah role. He tries to escape but with little success. Wherever he goes his unique nature ultimately shines forth and he must move on to escape the crowds. Does it sound a bit corny to you? It does to me. Yet the book does have several redeeming merits.
Interspersed within each chapter there are quotations from the messiah handbook. These thoughts are rather beautiful and worthy of the man who created Jonathan. There are also short little parables that are interesting and, to a certain extent, inspirational! These two aspects of Illusions make up for having to wade tl_lrough this story of the thinly veiled modern day version of a Christ who says no to messiahship but who still must pay the price for breaking through life's masks.
Frosh connection leads young team BY HAROLD WILSON
The Freshman Connection is an affectionate name the Athletic Department uses in reference to Maurene Burns and Kate Haugan. Kate Haugan, who has been playing basketball for eight years, got started at St. Nick's Grammer School in the fifth grade. To further develop her abilities she went to Cathy Rush Basketball Camp for four years. Miss Haug an 's experience began to pay off during her sophomore year at Holy Spirit High School (Absecon, N .J.) where she started on the varsity team. In her junior year, Holy Spirit's women's basketball team went to the state tournaments and she personally received much newspaper coverage. Miss Haugan says that her best year was her senior year when she received the Most Valuable Player award and was selected to the Parochial State All Star team. Haugan will play center-forward
for Cabrini's women's basketball team. The ideal complement for a good center-forward is a good point guard. Maurene Burns, who will play point guard, also became interested in basketball in her formative years. She went to Villa Maria Academy basketball camp every summer for three weeks since she was in the fifth grade. Miss Burns' last two years at Villa Maria Academy were cham-
pionship years. In her senior year at VMA she received the Most Valuable Player award and the Woman in Sports Award from Women in Sports Magazine. The team has four other freshman members this year. They are Patrice Holloman, Detsy Lynch, Vicki Puccio, and Eileen Slattery. The returning experienced members are Aunnie Bedard, Maureen Deleo, Bridget McLaughlin, Gina Taddei, Kathy Shields, and Kathy Smith.
This is your chance Continued from Page 1 offered on Tuesday nights at 6 p .m. The insturctor, Fred Pfaff, is "an excellent photographer and teacher," Dr. Zurek said. "He's very precise about his work . What's really good is that he's willing to work with all types of cameras . He thinks you can get a great picture from a fair camera." Mr. Pfaff is a professional photographer. He has done photography for Cabrini many times. He has also taught photography at Eastern College. Jan Buzbee, coordinator of public information, suggested him; Dr. Zurek looked into it; and then hired Mr. Pfaff.
The course he will teach here will not involve the history of the camera, but use of both the camera and darkroom Dr . Zurek feels that the photography course is a very important addition to the communications program. He feels · that a basic knowledge of photography is essential for anyone who plans to seek a career in the communications field. "It is important knowledge for students who are interested in the yearbook, .college newspaper, or the theater lab. In this way, it is beneficial for both the student and the college," he said.
Snow gets Santa going : form setting and made his way into BY STEPHEN PEDANO It took a kiss from a very the crowd for the parade winding beautiful young Snow White to through the levels of the mall. A brass band played old Yuletide wake Santa from a deep sleep. He may be old but he knows a as the feeling grew warmer and more cheery. good-looker when he sees one. One dwarf whispered, "Oh my The cast of "Snow White" and God, I've got the chills," as Santa other members of Cabrini's Theater Lab were on hand for the woke and the crowd cheered. The children were dazzled and "Wake Up Santa Parade" at the the cast- agreed that they had a King of Prussia Mall. "Wake up, Santa!" could be great time, but the event had heard echoing throughout the another importance. Jan Buzbee, director of public shopping center. The children chanted as assorted characters in- relations for Cabrini, said, "Parcluding the Seven Dwarfs, Qµeen ticipation in these activities makes Brangomar, the Prince, King the community more aware of the Glah, the Honey Qµeen and one in- college." Ms. Buzbee went on, "It dependent, Mickey Mouse, of unknown origin tried in vain to familiarizes the community resiwake the old gentleman . Even a dents with Cabrini students and very authentic Mrs . Claus couldn't the programs which the college offers." get him going. "Building an image," she said, lt ,wasn't until Snow (Ms. White) planted a kiss on his cheek that he "is often a slow process, but inrustled and began to greet the vitations to take part in events throng of parents and children who such as the one at King of Prussia Mall, can only help to strengthen came to witness the event. The children's eyes grew wider Cabrini's image, and help estabas Santa left the elaborate plat- lish good comm unity relations."
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