Member of rhe
assoc,aTeo COLLec,aTe
MARCH 10, 1978
Malone speaks; awards given
GUEST SPEAKER Adrian Malone makes a point during the Convoca-
tion ceremonies held in February.
BY SUE O'HAGAN "The quality of broadcasting will be improved radically," predicted Adrian Malone. Malone, an executive producer of " creative " documentaries for the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) and lecturer for the departmen t of history and sociology of science at the University of Pennsylvania, was guest speaker at the Spring Convocation ceremonies held here on Tuesday Feb. 21 in the Mansion. Limited by time , Malone's speech "Documentaries as Tools for Learning " was given in abbreviated form . "There are two basic types of documentaries ," explained Malone, "recorded and created ." The difference between the two is simple . Recorded documentaries are grounded in the journalistic orientation so familiar to Americans. Created documen-
taries , the type Malone prides himself in working with, have a more literary or idea orientation. Malone's interest in "creative " rather than recorded documentaries is an occupational hazard more than anything else. "I'm just not journalistically inclined," he said. "I could walk through the fire of London and not even realize that it had taken place except for the faint odor of burning wood." Malone's work in "creative" documentaries , such as the ASCENT OF MAN series and THE AGE OF UNCERTAINTY series have been termed "educational " by American standards. This label is rather disturbing to Malone. He asks "Why can't broadcasting be both educational and entertaining at the same time? " "There is as much excitement in education as there is in entertain-
ment," asserts Malone emphatically. And until people , the networks in particular, realize this he sees American network programming remaining of the quality that it is at this time. But, if Malone has anything to do with the future of American broadcasting, as he is presently planning, he sees an end of the entertainment /education dichotomy of programming . One major fault that Malone sees in American programming is tha t people are not being forced to use their imaginations . Through the implementation of " creative " programming , Malone hopes to change this phenomena . Though he doesn't profess to be the cure-all for television's ills , Malone sees the re-training of television directors as a possible solution to the problem. Continued on Page 4
Mon,tco detective shows polygraph BY BARBARA POLOMANO
HOOKED is Chris Amadio '79 as Detective Ralph Hilborn demonstrates
the use of the lie detector.
Never murder anyone in front of a green plant. They held grudges. A plant actually aided in the conviction of a suspected murderer in Newark, N.J . How? Detective Ralph Hilborn , a polygrapher for the Montgomery County District Attorney 's Office, explained this situation and much more to students here Tuesday, Feb . 21, when he lectured on and illustrated the use of the polygraph, better known as the lie detector . Mr. Hilborn explained that a young girl , "a plant person," had been supposedly murdered in her apartment. In their investigation , the police discovered that the girl had had seven boyfriends, whom they of couse brought in for questioning. The polygrapher at the police station set one of the girl's plants in an absolutely empty room. He attached the polygraph to the plant. The object was to see
if any of the suspects triggered a But science and technology have reaction in the plant. Each suspect brought lie detect ion a long way was singly walked into the room from drownings and racks. as close as possible to the plant. As Hilborn went on to explain the one of the suspects drew near, the modern day methods . machine went " wild, " right off the He explained , " The polygraph chart, Hilborn explained . The test is composed of three parts . other six suspects triggered no Part one is called the Galvonic reaction with the plant. The police Skin Response. This measures a followed out with that one suspect , person's body resistance which is and he later confessed . believed to change when they tell a Hilborn gave a brief history of lie. All men basically want to tell lie detection . He traced it as far ¡ the truth. A lie disturbs the back as the 1600's, when witch- system ." hunts were common . They would "In the second part of the test , dunk the suspected witch in water, the cardiograph does the work. and if she drowned, she was a This measures rate and change of witch, he explained . "I guess they blood pressure ." . were all guilty in those days," he "Part three is the neomograph laughed. which records the rate and change In the 1800's, racks were the lie of the breathing pattern. All three detection devices. A suspect was parts of the test work on the laid supposedly flat on the rack, suspect simultaneously . All and it was believed that the direc- changes are recorded on the tion of the blood flow could prove a Continued on Page 3 person's guilt or innocence.
Cafe improvements top his list BY SUE O'HAGAN He jokingly calls himself the "new Charlie Whipple" but his real name is Bill Hugenbruch, Cabrini's new Saga Food Service Manager. Bill, as he prefers to be called, is a 1977Penn State graduate with a bachelor of science degree in food service management.
Upon graduation, he was hired as an assistant food service manager at Wagner College in Staten Island. There he received on-thejob training under the direction of former Cabrini food service manager, Joe Flemming. 'Fo say the least, Bill has his work cut out for him in his new position here. According to a student survey taken by Dr. Dorothy Brown, academic dean, the complaint most commonly registered against Cabrini was "the food" or "the food aervice.'' The almost
unanimous response against the cafeteria facilities has caused great concern in both the administration and in Saga. Bill's job? To do something about this negative attitude about the food that pervades the campus. Some of the more common complain ts include cold meals, cafeteria cleanliness, lack of variety in meals, and faulty equipment. These and other complaints are top priority on Bill's list of improvements. He is quick to add though, that he thinks the food "has improved somewhat" due to the fact that Cabrini recently hired a new cook. One major problem Bill sees in getting things done is a general lack of communication between Saga and the campus community. "I can't respond if I don't know what they want." he says. "What we need is a direct line of communication between myself and
the students." This "di..,rectline of communication" is already a reality at Cabrini in the form of the Food Committee. The committee, which acts as a liason between Saga and the students, met with Billo~ Thursday, March 2 to discuss necessary food and cafeteria improvements. One suggestion resulting from the meeting was that a survey be taken of all persons who use the cafeteria in order to discern the popular likes and dislikes of food here. Meetings are scheduled to be held every three weeks. The next is scheduled for March 18. But, if there is a problem before that or any of the meetings, Bill suggests that the students "shouldn't hesitate to come back and see me. It's the only way I'll . know how effectively I'm doing my job."
Recruiting efforts pay off
MARCH 10, 1978
,New student poll shows student satisfaction
BY STEVE PEDANO D.C. The same efforts continue in the lncrease in advertising and BYKIM HAYES The effect of substantial in- the second semester and began in recruitment effort will surely "An overall positive response," creases in advertising and exten- the middle of February but snow boost actual enrollment. · was the result of a survey consive Fall Recruitment efforts is has pushed back some of the She also says that when such an "significant" to date according to scheduled activities. increase is realized, it is the result ducted by the college during the inEstelle Oristaglio, director of ad"It ·is hard to predict an out- of the joint efforts of all the college terim period, said Dr. Dorothy missions. come," says Mrs. Oristaglio, "We community from administration to Brown, Dean of Academic Affairs. The survey had two basic purRecruiting agents visited 235 have received more applications maintenance who arrange and high schools, 56 special programs to date than for the entire recruit- rearrange accomodations to suit poses. It was designed to discover why students chose Cabrini Coland four National College Fairs in ment period of the previous year." visitors. lege and also to see how satisfied New York, Long Island, PhiladelShe went on to explain that an in"Once a student inquires, our students were with the college. phia, and Washington D.C. crease in applications and even acfunction is to maintain that inGeneral recruiting operations ceptances does not necessarily The result was that "personal span Pennsylvania, New Hersey, mean that the Fall enrollment . terest with follow-up contact and attention is the largest factor in New York, Delaware, Connec- will grow - proportionally. Mrs. literature. This is essential, " rel- terms of choosing Cabrini," said ticut, Maryland and Washinton, Oristaglio asserts, however, that ates Mrs . Oristaglio. "We want Dr. Brown. Financial aid and the them to come and encourage these students to visit the campus to get ·academic programs were also iman idea of what life is like at our portant reasons. college." According to the survey, stuwere highly satisfied with Mrs. Oristaglio explained that dents accessability of the faculty, adthrough these visits and subse- the ministration and staff, and also quent contacts with staff and relationships established with department members, a good idea other students and faculty. BY NANCY HARROLD old teacher who falls in love with of where their interests lie can be "In terms of satisfaction, In conjunction with Cabrini's her 17-year-old student. A obtained. cafeteria service is the largest 20th anniversary celebration, the seemingly liberated woman, she is Although no exact numbers were problem," said Dr. Brown. She adlanguage department is sponsor- eventually driven to suicide by the ing a foreign film festival which relentless criticism and condem- divulged, it is reported that male ded that, "transportation is also a will feature six recent box officE: nation which she receives from a applications are up by 400per cent problem." Specifically, the infrecompared to this time last year. quency of the shuttle bus trips are hits. so-called free and enlightened Admissions received only 20 ap- leaving students dissatisfied. "We are doing this to attract society. Already progress is being made plications from males for all of last people from the community to the Federico Fellini's "Amarcord," campus," explains Irene Rachat, a comical recollection of the direc- year. The emphasis of interest ·as a result of the survey. There assistant professor of French and tor's ·own experiences as a youth in seems to be on the sciences, com- have been two meetings with regional managers and Saga has Spanish. According to Ms. Rachat, a small Italian coastal town during munications, psychology and busimore than 1,700 invitations have the 1930's, will be shown on April ness administration with a lot of agreed to improve cleanliness "undecideds." been sent. 7th. The first movie, "Les Violons Every accepted student receives Du Bal," will be shown on March An Italian film, "The Gospel Ac- personal correspondence either by 17th. The film, produced by Michel cording to St. Matthew," and two telephone or personal letter . Drach, is an autobiographical Spanish films, "Lazarillo" and Faculty Secretary Mary Tuturice reminiscence of his own family's "Tristana" which stars Catherine said, "I have to type letters of ac- ✓ escape from the Nazis during Deneuve, will also be shown. ceptance and correspondence World War II. It is a portrayal of Following each of the films will from department members inthe oppressive Nazi regime be a musical program featuring dividually to ensure a personal BY RON KATKOCIN through the eyes of a nine-year-old songs in the respective languages. touch. After much delay the Student boy. Refreshments will also be served. Government Association class of"Mourir D'Aimer"1 a true love All six films will have English ficers have finally been chosen. In story produced by Henri Jaquil- sub-titles and will be shown in the Awareness unites many cases the elections were so land, will be presented on April 2. Mansion. Although admission is close that run-off elections were BY MAUREEN LARKIN Based upon the life of Gabrielle free, reservations will be required Cabrini, Gwynedd-Mercy, La necessary. Russier, it is the story of a 32-vear- due to limited seating. Such was the case in the elections Salle, Rosemont, St. Joe's and Villanova all nave one thing in of the junior class officers. Both common. An Awareness group or a presidential and vice-presidential positions had to be determined by reasonable facsimile of one. run-off elections. Maria Pia Carusi Presently, all of these colleges defeated Marianne Fenlon for the presidency and Vicki Epifanio are attempting to unite their Awareness groups into one big beat Kathy Sherma for the vicegroup. Plans for the coalition are presidency. The Graduate magazine was dis- ate and Professional School-An Marie Dewees , Carla Mark, and still tentative . However, work has· tributed free to all graduating Overview'' explores post-graduate begun on the wording of the Con- Gina Gallagher won the treasurer, seniors Mar. 1, compliments of education opportunities . For secretary, and commuter represtitution. In addition, a newsletter Cabrini's alumni association. future entrepreneurs, The Gradu- is sent out to each college from sentative positions respectively. The 120-page Handbook for ate has three articles : "Be Your Cabrini whenever Awareness is All ran unopposed. Leaving School is an easy-reading, The sophomore class elections Own Boss-The Dream vs. The setting up a project on campus. educational magazine. It includes Reality of Being Self-Employed," The other colleges also send us for presidency was perhaps the information on careers, job-hunt- '' Success by 30-Profiles of People newsletters when they are spon~ closest of all elections. After the ing and life styles, as well as Who Have Made It," and "Why soring an activity. By exchanging initial election between Colleen numerous other articles designed , Would Anyone Go into (Gasp) O'Brien, Ron Katkocin, and Sal newsletters, Cabrini is kept to prepare seniors for life after col- Sales?" abreast of the happenings of the Barabuscio, there was a run-off lege. between O'Brien and Katkocin. other Awareness groups. "The Whole Job-Hunting Post-college life styles are also Katkocin edged O'Brien by only a Handbook" provides a guide to examined with special features According to Judy Guido, presi- single vote. tools, advice and inspiration for such as "Values of the SeV'enties," dent of the Awareness group at Tori Ryan defeated Brian Gould launching a complete job hunting a discussion of some of the impor- Cabrini, all of the colleges' Awarecampaign. "Job Opportunities for tant commitments of the under-30 ness groups try to initiate projects the Class of '78" reports on hiring generation. Other articles in The on campus but the student apathy trends and long range job oppor- Graduate are : "The Graduate's is just too overwhelming and tunities in a variety of career Guide to Choosing a Place to Live nothing much occurs. The various Guitarist Fred Steranko will apgroups hope by joining forces and areas. and Work After College," "Ten pooling their resources together, pear Sunday , March 12 at 8 p.m. in "A Woman's Guide to Getting Great Graduation Trips," "What Started in the Business and Profes- Happens to Friendships After Col- they might beat out student apathy the Mansion. Admission is free and sional World" will be of interest to lege?" and "Your First Year Out: and get more students aware and refreshments will be served. Dr . Joseph P . O'Grady of involved. both men and women, and "Gradu- What Will It Cost?" LaSalle College and Dr. Robert E . Qµigley of Rosemont College will discuss the pros and cons of the Panama Canal Treaties in the LiLOQlJITURST.AFF brary Conference Room on Editor-in-chief .. .. . . .. . . . . ................ .. . . . .... Sue O'Hagan Wednesday, March 15 at 8 p.m . Editorial Editor . . .. .. ... . ..... . . . . . ............ Maureen Larkin The 14th Annual Irish Minstrel News Editors . . . ... .. ..... .. Barbara Polomano & Ron Katkocin Show will be held on Thursday, Feature Editor . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Gennaro March 16 at 7:45 p.m . in the Gym. Entertainment Editor . .... ............. . .... . . ... . Cindi DeRitis Under the direction of Dr. Sports Editor ............ . . . ............. . ..... Barbara McHugh Joseph Feighan and Ms. Josephine Reporters . . . . .... . . . ....... : . . ....... Loretta Alioto, Gene Hutter Rondini, students sing typical Nancy Harrold, Kim Hayes, Call 688-4508. Irish music and perform in skits Steve Pedano, Norma Pittman, Lisa Sherwood You'll hear how mimicking life at Cabrini. Photography Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Polomano The show, according to Dr. api:z:zajoke Cartoonist .......................... . .............•.. J. Gormley Feighan, "consistently draws can win you a prize. large crowds."
Language department
sponsors film festival
where food is being served. Dr. Brown said, "The college wants to make the cafeteria "a warmer, more attractive place." -The college is hoping that "if students see changes as a result of common concerns, they will be more responsive from here on in," added Dr. Brown. The survey, which was anonymous, included all onesemester students. Approximately 140 surveys were sent out and about 75% of the students responded. Each survey consisted of indentical questions. However, students with grade averages of 3.5 and higher, 2.5-3.5, and 2.5 and lower each received a survey colorc oded to distinguish their academic standing. The purpose was to see· if there is a difference between higher, middle and lower grade students. Dr . Brown stated, "There was not too much of a difference in most of the responses." Students · seemed satisfied with courses and advisements, but the 2.5 or lower grade students were not as satisfied with their grades. This was the first survey of its kind to be administed, but the college hopes to continue them in the future.
Carusi, Lynch
Katkocin elected
Magazine available on Iif e after college
for the vice-presidency. Sue Filling won the treasurer position and Kathy Warner is the secretary after both ran unopposed . No one was nominated for Commuter Representative . SGA president Leslie Hickman said vehemently , "sophomore commuters will not be represented on SGA. Apparently no sophomore saw fit to run.'' The Freshman class had the most candidates for office. Thirteen different individuals ran for various positions . Kate Haugan, Linda Langelo , Patrice Holloman, Lou Ann Beury , Micahel Stevens, and Detsy Lynch all ran for the presidency. Lynch defeated Stevens in a run-off election. Maurene Burns beat Cindy Cahill in the battle for the vicepresidency. Terri McGovern defeated Alissa DeMaria for treasurer . Cindy Cristinzio became sec retary when she got by Donna Montanari by one vote in a run-off election. Marc Sansone ran unopposed and won the commuter representative position.
GOOD ,-,-z-zA~
He also adds that it occurs at a "convenient time" thus breaking up the mid-semester doldrums. Don' rget! Greaseband will appear in concert on Friday, March 31 from 8 p.m. to 12:30a .m. in the Gym. Tickets can be bought in advance for $3 by contacting Tom Nerney at ext. 24, or at the door for $4. The "Celebration of Spring " will be held on March 31-April 2. Consisting of indoor and outdoor sports activities, a road rally, an "Evening at Cabrini," and various other events, the weekend promises to be entertaining. Anyone interested in working on the "Celebration of Spring" committee is asked to contact Ron Katkocin at Box 23 or ext. 70.
MARCH 10, 1978
Lies detected The examiner formulates quesContinued from Page 1 tions. He tells the suspect all the polygraph sheet as the person questions he has formulated and will ask after the lie detector is reacts," he said. Hilborn explained that a person hooked up, Hilborn stressed that must undergo such a test in only suspects know all questions that two situations: if one is applying they will be asked BEFORE the for a job dealing with narcotics or machine is connected. He then told Ms. Amadio or the dangerous drugs; or if one is .applying for a job as a police of- question he was going to ask, "Is ficer. No one else is required to your name Chris? Are you 20 years take the test. It is an open option old? Have you ever stolen anyfor all suspects. Suspects are in- thing of value between the ages of formed before hand that test one and ten? Are you afraid I'll ask results, whether positive or nega- you a question I haven't informed tive, may not be used in a court of you of?" After informing the suspect as law. · But what happens if a suspect such, the machine is hooked up and the questioning begins. does agree to take the test? "A person is brought into an . The examiner asks a question empty room and sits in a chair fac- which poses a threat to the ing a bare wall. He is not im- suspect's well-being, a question mediately hooked up to the poly- directly related to the supposed graph. While the machine is still crime, not a question about height not connected, the examiner asks or weight, or the such. This is the suspect basic facts - his called "target intensity." For exname, address, age, telephone ample, an examiner would ask, number, height, weight, etc. He is "Did you hold up the '7-11' at 7 then asked about his general physi- p.m. last night?" and not "Were cal condition, 'How do you feel?, you in a green Buick last night?" "We get right to the point, Have you been in the hospital lately?, Have you ever been under because that guy knows that such aquestion is posing a threat - he the care of a psychiatrist?" "There is a certain tone of voice may have to spend the rest of his the examiner uses when asking the life in jail," Hilborn explained. He explained what he feels is the questions . We talkas though doctors and psychologists. This leaves purpose of his job: "We just want them to fear the unknown," he to get the truth. That's our job as law enforcernent officers." said. The examiner then checks the pulse rate. At this time, Hilborn hooked up a volunteer student, Chris Amadio, to the polygraph . He proceeded to check her pulse rate . BY LORETTA ALIOTO Next, a pre-test conference takes Dr. Julius Wishner, professor of place. Here the examiner asks the psychology at the University of suspect for his/her version of the Pennsylvania, will speak on the story. The examine r h~~ J>re- myths of-mental illness. viowily heard the poli<!eversion of The lecture, "Is Mental Illness a the story. Myth?" , which is part of Cabrini 's 20th Anniversary Lecture Series , will be held on Wednesday, Apr. 12 at 8 p.m. Dr. Wishner specializes in experimental. psychopathology and clinical psychology. His hour-long talk will include slides and a discussion of Thomas Szasz, a noted experimenter in mental health studies . Included will also be a discussion of the findings of studies of people who were pseudo-patients Call 688-4508. in mental institutions. You'll hear how The lecture , sponsored by the a pizza Joke Psycholog y department , 1s scheduled to be held in the Man~ can win you a prize. sion.
Is Mental illness a _myth?
Mardi Gra ·s
Students manage ·Wigwam BY LORETTA ALIOTO
"It's really good direct work experience for people who want to pursue a business .career," claims Cabrini junior Mark Cooperrider. Freshman Maurene Burns says: "I really enjoy it and think it is a good basis for a business major." What experience and enjoyment both Markand Maurene refer to is · their position as managers of the Wigwam, Cabrini's snack bar which opened in September of last year . The Wigwam, located in the ground floor of Sacred Heart, materialized largely through the efforts of seniors Madeleine Cahill and Bernadette McCabe, the Master Planning Committee and Mike Caranfa of maintenance . Since both Madeleine and Bernadette are seniors, it was necessary to find others to replace their management positions of the snack shop. This is where Maurene and Mark come in. In September, the college officially began a Business Administration program for business students. The school turned to students in the Business Administra- • tion program as a source of replacements for the senior students. A business internship program developed in January and · the college anticipates to have bus-
What travels around Cabrini faster than rumors? The flu, of course. Approximately 150 members of the Cabrini campus community have sufferedtrom the flu over the past month. When the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta predicted that influenza would be present in epidemic proportions in the U.S. this winter, their speculations were well-founded. The fact that one-third of the entire campus came down with it is evidence that it is extremely contageous , and somewhat difficult to control under the close living conditions in the dormitories. If you were one of the flu victims, you know that the symptoms are a high temperature , body aches, a sore throat , and a cough. And if you were treated by Mrs. Mary Mulligan, resident nurse for
iness interns manage the shop ev- lion or hours, whether or riot to ery year . open or close the shop, decorations How did Mark and Maurene, in and modifications." "The best particular, get chosen for the in- point of view," says Satlow, "is ternship, ·which isn't a paying job'? serving the student interest." According to Mr. Gerald Satlow When asked to evaluate the busiof the mathematics department, ness, Satlow said: "It is too early "Business majors who had to tell, busir.ess has been a little qualifications to do this work and slow because or the snow. We'll who expressed an interest, were look for. an improvement after the eligible." oi· those interested, snow has cleared." Maurene Burns and Mark CooperThe "Wigwam" is opened five rider were selected. nights a week, Sun.-Thurs., from 6:30-11 p.m. You can stop by to get The duties of a manager include a cup of coffee or buy the most all aspects of shop management. popular item: a 20-cent soft Mark and Maurene deal with pretzel. such responsibilities as bookkeeping, record maintenance , deter"The profitability of the snack mination of store hours, supervis- bar isn't the principle objective ," ing work-study students and says Satlow, "student service is, selecting the menu. Currently and hopefully the business won't there are four work study students nm as a loss." "It will take a while working in the Wigwam. Satlow before we can actually make a says: "Mark and Maurene are ac- profit." tually running a small business at Both Cahill and McCabe will be Cabrini." around to advise the business. As The managers work in consulta- for manager MarkCooperrider , he tion with Mr. Satlow and Mike hopes this experience will come in Caranfa, but fully undertake the handy in the future for a bar he position as managers . Satlow would like to own. Maurene Burns says: "Firstly, when bills come in, pictures herself as a manager of a they go directly to the managers. department store someday. Says Secondly, they are in charge of Maurene: "With women's lib toanything that has to be done with day, women in business can go in the !'hop such as the determina- anywhere."
campus hit by flu the campus , you were given aspirin, cough medicine and in some cases penicillin to relieve your symptoms . Mrs. Mulligan commented that she "went through a gallon of cough medicine in four days ." That's over 1,000 teaspoonsful of cough medicine ! ' The big question remains: Was it the Russian Flu tha t struck Cabrini? According to a February 11New York Times article, the Russian Flu has been detected and diagnosed in several states , but " the major flu epidemics reported in some broad areas of the U.S. appear to be linked to last year 's viruses ATexas and AVictoria." When asked exactly what type of virus hi t t he campus , Mrs. Mulligan replied , " We don't know. Dr. Kerr , one of the school consultants, said he really didn't know much about it."
Russian, Texan or Victorian , the flu has made its rounds to all of the dormitories on campus , leaving its victims " extremely weak , with a lack of appetite and fatigue ." But having had the flu, the victims have built up an immunity to it , and Mrs. Mulligan hopes tha t there will not be another outbreak of it this semes ter.
GOOD ,,--z~zAIIOICIS ...
Call 688-4508. You'll hear how a pizza Joke can win you a prize.
"MARDI GRAS," held at Cabrin i on Feb . 12, began in the traditional style with a parade of costumed guests . it .Ix:>10 St irn8 Js nbo}IJti"
. PAGE 3
.abw1r1:>~1;;11>. • •
THREE MERRYMAKERS take a break from dancing to the tunes of a Dixieland
Jazz band.
.J .
Slide into Spring with 'Grease Band'
MARCH 10, 1978
Cabrini kneels to Cathedral BY RON KATHKOCIN
High scorer for the Cavaliers was Andy Cullen who scored 18 points. Earlier that week the Cavaliers defeated the Williamson Mechanics, 69-58. The Mechanics managed to keep within three points at the half, trailing 34-31. But then the Cavaliers opened up, largely through the efforts of Cullen and Jim Morrow. Morrow is starting in place of the injured Kevin Deal. Deal is out with ,a knee injury and is not ex-
The Cabrini Cavaliers travelled to New York a few weeks ago, but their efforts were in vain . Braving the snowy weather, the Cavaliers were demolished by Catherdral College by a score of 87-58. With 10 minutes remaining to be played the Cavaliers were still in the game as they managed to stay within six points of Cathedral. However, Cavalier center Mike Robinson left the game on fouls and Cathedral ran away with the contest.
pected back for the rest of the season. The game's high scorer was Mechanic John Nielson who scored 22 }Joints. High scorer for the Cavallers was Cullen who scored 20 points. Others who scored in double figures were Robinson and Morrow, who pumped in 15 points . apiece , and Larry Harris who added 10. The Cavalier record is now 11-7.
Drexel drops Cabrini women BY RON KATKOCIN
the Cabrini women made an ex- finished the game with 16 points. cellent comeback effort. "We got Kathy Smith and Eileen Slattery within two or three points," said contributed 12points to the Cabrini Haugan, "but then it just slipped victory. through our fingers ." Scoring 18 points Bedard was Aunnie Bedard was the game's also significant in Cabrini's 62-53 high scorer with 17 points . ' win over Chestnut Hill . The Earlier, Cabrini defeated Rose- game's high scorer was Chestnut mont and Chestnut Hill Colleges. Hill's J. Feala, who scored 22 points. Kathy Shields and Maurene Led by Bedard , who pumped in 26 points , Cabrini trounced RoseBurns each added 12 points to the mont, Go-43 . High scorer for Rose- winning side. mont was Maura McGann who Cabrini's record is now 10-3.
The Cabrini College women's basketball team met the women from Drexel University and despite the return of injured center Kate Haugan, Cabrini dropped the contest, 58-44. '_'We started off really slow," said Haugan, who managed only six points in the defeat. "We weren't our usual selves . A lot of us were sick," she said. After trailing 30-19 at _halftime,
Convocation hosts TV man; awards The 'Grease Band' BY MAUREEN LARKIN
Put on your dancing shoes and get ready for a night of swinging! On Friday night, March 31 from 8:00 until 12:30, Cabrini students will be able to rock and roll to the music of The Grease Band Rock 'N' Roll Review. The Grease Band is a group devoted to the music of the 1950's. They perform the songs of such artists as The Beach Boys , The Coasters and The Drifters. Unlike other groups that sing music from the 50's; The Grease Band attempts to do the songs ' ' as authentically as possible." The show takes place in four sets. Each one lasts approx imately 45 minutes. The first set is entitled "grease." Their attire includes slicked-back hair, faded blue jeans and other Fonzie-style
costumes. The next set is the "varsity sweater" set. The band members wear shirts on top of V-neck sweaters. In the third performance, evening wear is the apparell. For the last set, the band members don the clothes they wore for the "grease " set and sing a new selection of songs. In each of these sets, the band members will sing songs that fit in with the theme of the set. This group has played au along the East Coast. During the past summer, The Grease Band played in Avalon, New Jersey . While just last semester , they performed at West Chester State College. Tickets can be bought in advance in the cafeter ia or admissions office.for $3.00 or $4.00 at the door. For further information contact Tom Nerney, ext. 24.
â&#x20AC;˘ A film review:
'High ' Anxiety' BY STEVE PEDANO of the Psychoneurotic Institute for If it's from Brooks, it's got to be the Very Very Nervous, a posh and funny - right? Well, "High Anx- criminally mismanaged operation. iety" is a typical Mel Brooks film His life is in danger due to the from beginning to end but it is not rigormortified Nurse Deisel playone of his greater achievements. ed by Cloris Leachman. Her His ideas are clever. He takes wickedness is surpassed only by classic scenes, ideas and phrases lust for power and the rigidity of fr?m some o~ the more p<>pul~r her push-up bra. H~tchcock thnllers and br1ASs~ . Harvey Korman is a quack psyw1t t~ bear _on them producing chiatrist into bondage and discisome mterestmg laughs. pline which he gets amply from "High Anxiety" as a term is Deisel. Brooks' interpretation of It sounds hysterical but it falls Hitchcock's "Vertigo." There are other references, some funny and short. It's cluttered by poor punchsome not, to "Psycho," "The lines and unnecessary nonsense Birds," and "North by North- Brooks could do without. Some scenes could be riotous but Brooks west." His interpretation of the shower seems to hold back. He is certainly scene from "Psycho" and a scene capable of a sort of saturationfrom "The Birds" in which a flock point comedy best manifest in of pigeons drop well-aimed shots "Young Frankenstein." Fans may at "Dr. Thorndike," are among be disappointed in this one. The the relatively few really funny mo- ' film is drawing .on the name of its creator, names in the cast and to a menta in the film. Brooks plays the notable Dr. lesser degree, on the name "High Thorftdille,awly-apnted head Anxiety."
Continued from Page 1 "We must train directors to not treat audiences as though they were machines to be fed." Malone is not certain when the radical change in broadcasting will occur, but he does see a possible turnabout within the next ten years or so. "The American people are a great and proud people," he says, "and they can only take so much . They proved this when they ousted a president and a vice-president who were not meeting up to the-. American standards ." He predicts that a similar route will be followed in the realm of network broadcasting. The American people will only be able to take so much more before they begin to make some serious demands on the broadcasters . Sooner or later "people will want to think and be entertained with their heads when they watch television" says Malone. "The networks are going to wake up some morning to the sound of the American people yelling 'NO MORE' ." And then what? This is where Adrian Malone hopes to be able to enter the scene and fill the gaps with his "creative" work. At a pre-Convocation luncheon Malone summed things up when he stated with a grin "The walls of the networks will come falling down and I'll be standing behind them ready to charge into the breech." But only time will tell. Following Malone's talk, Convocati~n co_ntinued with the presentation of awards and honors in recognition of achievement and
Call 688-4508. You'll hear how a pizza joke can wm you a prize.
service .
students .
The second annual Living Arts
Society student service award was presented to Debbie Norcini '78 for her service to Cabrini and the surrounding community . Frank
senior philosophy/religion major, won the Lawrence R. Sedler Memorial Award for excellence in the study of philosophy. The Sixth Annual Faculty Award
Class of 1978
Grace Armideo, Robin Artis, Winky Barbarick , Lori Bullock , Joan Buonanno, Lisa Burdo, Madeleine Cahill, Margie Cain, Monica Carroll, Judy Clay, Maureen Costigan, Donna Decarolis, Angela Diegnan, Frank DiGiandomenico , Beth Dunn, Victoria Fedick , Sally Ford, Janet Gennaro , Susan Kane , Kathleen Kelly, Katherine Lawhorne, Jane Ellen Lutz, Barbara McHugh , Catherine Murphy , Steve Pedano, Joe Reilly, Pam Rusinyak, Linda Wierzbowski, Carole Zahurak.
for distinguished teaching service was presented to Mr . Anthony Tomasco, professor of psychology. Maria Gianguilio received this year ' s Staff Award. Mrs . Gianguilio of Irevon has worked on Class of 1979 the Cabrini housing maintenance Anne Albert, Chris Amadio, Diane staff for over ten years . Baraldi, Bill Bead , Patricia Two honor societies announced Bogart, Marian Bohem, Pia their new membership during the Carusi , Eileen Casper, Pat ceremonies. D' Antonio, Claire DeMaria, Cindy Beta Beta Beta, an honor society Hammet, Denise DiBuonaventura, which recognizes excellence in the Nancy Harrold, Kim Hayes, field of biology, named seniors Louise Humes, Kathleen Killen, Debbie Norcini, Terry Shaeffer Cindy King, Carla Mark, Terri and Barbara Stimmler as new Nardone, Sue O'Hagan, Barbara members. Polomano , Pam Rocco, Maureen The Cabrini Honor Society h_as Schlegel, Terry Signorini. nine new members. They are: Class of 1980 Anne Albert '79, Chris Amadio '79, Janet Cooper, Sheila Derham, Loretta Bullock '78, Maria Carusi Laura Galvin, Brian Gould, Ron '79, Eileen Casper '79, Maureen Katkocin, Pat Kraynak, Roxanne Costigan '78, Frank DiGianLucchessi, Randy Paugh, Sue domenico '78, Katherine Law- Soja. horne '78, and Linda Wierzbowski Class of 1981 '78. Connie Aiello, Anne Marie Albert, Who's Who certificates were Kelli-anne Armstrong, Bernadette also presented to the ten seniors Barrett, Kathleen Daly, Kathryn nominated last semester for this Hunchak, Cheryl Martin, Angelina honor. Piccoli, Maryanne Ribick, Marian Dean's List certificates for the Stewart, Cynthia Ullrich, Maureen Fall semester were awarded to 74 Williams.
On with the show
"The First Boy and Girl on Mars" opened Sunday, Feb. 26 after three performance cancellations due to flu cases among the cast and crew. The show dangled on a fine wire due to the inclement weather and the arrival of the campus flu. Despite everything it was "on with the show," and it was "One of the best productions of the script that I have seen," said Scott Chelmow, author of the play who attended the opening performance. Chelmow said, "The sets are the closest I've seen to what I visualised when writing the play in
Chelmow sat and talked with the cast and crew after the show and gave his opinions, praises and suggestions to the group. Dr . Jerome Zurek, professor of English, comments, "Mr. Perna's Stage Design course really paid off. Costumes, sets, lighting, sound -the whole conception of the play - are highly imaginative." Dr. Zurek emphasized, "This is sure to beat Star Wars!" Reservations are required for the remaining shows. Call Ruth Richardson at ext. 60.