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VOL. XXIV, No. 9
April 14, 1978
Committee discusses scholarships; More money ·projected for next year BY RON KATKOCIN
·The Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee held its first two meetings of the semester on Thurs., Mar . 16arid on Tues., Mar. 21. All the members of the committee were able to attend at least one of these meetings. The committee, which consists of Mr. Gerald Satlow, director of financial aid , Dr. Dorothy M. Brown, academic dean, Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio , director of admissions, Dr. Joseph Romano , transfer liaison officer, and Miss Leslie Hickman, president of the Student Government Association, assembled in order to discuss some recent proposals to create scholarships or new forms of financial aid. According to Committee Chairperson Satlow six new proposals were discussed. Satlow said that all the ideas proposed were very tentative and that they "depend on different conditions." He also added that "the committee doesn't decide, it advises the president of the college, who usually abides by the recommendations of the group." . Satlow said that the six areas-of ...,_, ..,...__,....._ ..de It with athl-etk grants and aid, theater scholarships, Evening Division scholarships, Continuing Education scholarships, work grants, and junior achievers scholarships. Satlow also said that the committee was "reconsidering the activity awards program."
"The bulk of the t_imewas spent on the athletic awards," Satlow said. "Qµestions, such as should we recruit players, how many, how much money, under what qualifications, what is the renew ability, arose ." . Satlow said that the idea of athletic awards met with the general favor of the committee. Tentative conditions, according to Satlow, are that the awards would be four-year awards which would be "available to the athlete even if he did not play in subsequent years. This is a sta1;1dardpractice which is employed to protect the athlete from the power of the coach," Satlow explained . "The exact number of athletic awards has not yet been decided," Satlow said. "A maximum of 20 continuing awards has been suggested." Satlow said that there would probably be 10 $600 awards and 10 $1200 awards "for both sexes and all sports." Satlow added: " None of the conditions for the awards have been fully resolved yet." As far as the other proposals are concerned Satlow said that the committee did not approve a scholarship for the theater program be e 't · " s · · · of another academic area." But Satlow made it clear that the revamping of the activity awards would benefit such academic de.partment-related activities , such as the theater, moreso than in previous years. Approximately six Evening
Beer Bashes ·
A Thing of the past? cussed the fact that the requireBY DETSY LYNCH Holding a beer bash on Cabrini's ments for the beer bash had been campus will no longer be such a Julfilled, including total SGA apcasual affair. In fact, it is doubtful proval. Hesitant about giving the final whether beer bashes will be perOK, Sr. Sharon spoke with Rev. mitted at all in the future. John G. Deegan, O.S.A., dean of Why the sudden shift? This reversal in attitude toward student life at Villanova to discuss the bashes is the final outcome of the matter further .. She said she what originated as a Freshman was then informed that Zeta Rho's reputation as a fraternity was not beer bash proposal. the best as far as Villanova was The Freshman class had initially requested to sponsor a beer bash concerned. In essence the whole issue was on April 14, in conjunction with Zeta Rho, a Villanova fraternity . finally seen as one of moving A series of complications arose Villanova's drinking problems to after an initial meeting about the Cabrini's campus since Villanova proposed bash with Sr. Sharon is suppossedly "dry." Morano, dean of students. After hearing these implicaAt this first meeting, the pro- tions, Hickman proposed that a posal for the beer bash was ap- third and final meeting be held on proved by Sr. Sharon with the March 31, suggesting that SGA and stipulations that a security guard the freshman class alone sponsor a be hired and that an alternate · beer bash. This proposal was flatly rejected beverage be served. The proposal also needed SGA backing, before for two reasons. First and foremost, Sr. Sharon any further plans could be made. SGA gave full support of the ven- stated: "We can no longer close ture in a unanimous vote at a our eyes to the fact that there are March 20 meeting, after Detsy students who are engaged in unLynch, president of the freshman deraged drinking." Secondly, the fact that admisclass and John Murano, president of Zeta Rho discussed their plans sion is being charged for the beer bashes "is not in accordance with for the beer bash. At a second meeting with Sr. civil law." Sharon, Leslie Hickman, SGA . The issue will be dealt with more president, and Marc Sansone, Continued on Page 2 freshman commuter rep, dis'-
Division awards have been approved by the committee, accordint to Satlow. The awards are of "small number and small amounts, and are essentially academic awards," Satlow said. The awards are "designed to be about 50 per cent of the tuition" of the Evening Division student. Two Continuing Education scholarships have been considered by the committee. According to Satlow the stipulations are still "up in the air." A limited number of work grants have been approved by the committee . The work grants will be "available to students who are academic awards recipients and who come from middle income families who don't qualify for assistance but who, in the opinion of the Financial Aid Office, need aid ." According to Satlow two junior achievers scholarships have been approved. The scholarships are of a maximum of $1500. Satlow said that the aforementioned considerations for grants and· scholarships have been made possible through a gradual increase in financial allocations •. "Over the past three years money for grants and scholarships has increased about $15,000 per year, " Satlow said. "The committee has "projected approximately $100,000 for next year ." Satlow said that the money will be divided among the three categories of financial assistance academic scholarships, need , and activity awards - "as the need arises. " Satlow said that the committee has considered making activity awards more closely related to specific departments of the college . The number of awards to each activity might depend on the number of members in the organization, he said. "But it's all , very tentative," Satlow added. Satlow also said that the maximum for academic scholarships will increase from $1200 to $1500 next year for all full-time undergraduate students who have completed two semesters at Cabrini and who have the top 10 percent highest grade-point-averages. Another Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee meeting is scheduled for the near future.
Choral concerts BY MARY ANN RIBICK
The Cabrini College Choral Ensemble will present its annual Spring concert on Sunday, April 38. Presenting a concert of contemporary songs, the group will be doing popular songs including a medley from Roots, Scarborough Fair, by Simon and Garfunkle, and an original piece written for the Ensemble by director Miss Lucy Carroll. Solos by members will also highlight the performance. Admission to the concert is free and all are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served immediately following the performance.
photo by Sue O'Hagan
BY NANCY HARROLD Although a final decision will not be made until April 10th, a seven to eight pe1· cent tuition increase is expected for the fall semester. According to Sister Mary Louise Sullivan , president of Cabrini Col1e g e , the budget committee originally felt tha t a ten per cent increase would be necessary . The op budget, · h calls for less of an increase, is the result of deliberation by the committee . The budget is planned by the administration and faculty , and then presented by the college president to the board of directors for approval. Though many members want their own programs to be consider.ed, there are "a lot of
checks and balances built in," explains Sister Mary Louise. "Food service is the largest problem," she says. The smaller the school, the higher the cost of food per student . Despite the proposed increase of $25 per semester for room and board , the college will still suffer a loss. Tuition , room and board , and ees ace .unt for less titan 60 per cent of the college 's annual expense . Funds made available by the Missionar y Sisters of the Sacred Heart will be used for renovations as well as subsidizing college living. The board of trustees will make a final decision at the spring budget meeting on April 10th.
Spring celebrated BY JANET GENNARO
The third annual Celebration of Spring weekend, held on March 31April 2, featured sports activities, 1 a keg party, movies, cartoons and a road rally among other activities: The Fabulous Grease Band, sponsored by the Admissions Office, started the weekend off on Friday evening with a rock and roll concert featuring music from the fifties and sixties. Between musical scores the group's spokesman gave the audience a historical account of the music and the times. The authentic outfits and effective choregraphy enhanced the band's performance. "Competition" describes the activities of Saturday afternoon. Sac.k races, three-legged races, wheel barrow races, egg-throwing and a complicated obstacle relay were all part of the outdoor activities on the -hockey field. In the gym, a foul shooting contest and a line volleyball game were held. Mike Glacken, '81, won first prize ($10) in the foul shooting contest, with Aunnie Bedard, '80, and Marion Stewart, '81, splitting the second prize ($5). "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows," a humerous film starring Rosalind Russell and Stella Stevens, was shown to an audience in the gym after dinner. A keg party was held later in the evening followed by a midnight
basketball game in the gym. Perhaps the most competitive and unusual activity of t he weekend was the road rally held on Sunday afternoon . Seventeen cars, equipped with driver and naviga• tor, entered -the rally. The participants of the rally were given a map and instructions to follow, which led them through Radnor Township in search of addresses, gravestones, buildings, and even kumquats. Almost all of the participants got through the route in less than an hour; however, if they answered a question incorrectly, they were penalized by having an additional ·15 minutes added to their original time. The weekend's activities came to a close on Sunday night with an "Evening at Cabrini" held in the mansion. "Evening at Cabrini" is traditionally a showcase for "local talent" and this one was no excep. tion. It featured the songs of Lea Bisconte, Maria Pia Carusi, Eileen Casper and Leslie Hickman to name a few. Also featured was the piano-playing of Mike Glacken and Greg Pasquarello, and the guitar playing of Len DeFoggia. The co chairpersons of the 1978 Celebration of Spring Committee were Lyn Scott, '81, and Ron Katkocin, '80, who were both pleased with the success of the weekend. •
" PAGE 2
Squad formed BY CINDI DeRITIS
The God Squad is a newlyorganized group taking over the function of the traditional liturgy group, but also branching out to meet other religious needs on campus. Until this semester , the liturgy group provided liturgical music for campus religious functions . According to Joe Reilly, '78, who proposed the idea for the group, the God Squad is "more than just a liturgical group that performs at Mass . It is an organization dedicated to religious belief and is not strictly Catholic oriented." · In addition to providing liturgical music, the God Squad plans to sponsor forums on present day religious problems and also to sponsor guest speakers from the different religions. The God Squad has been approved by S.G.A. and is now recognized as a club with a budget to be used to purchase copyrighted music and mass books for the benefit of the College Community. Joe Reilly '78 and Trish Loggia '78 are co-chairpersons of the group , and Sister Sharon Morano, M.S.C. acts as its moderator .
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Beer Bash
If you are a college student or recent college graduate, who is looking for a unique and worthwhile educational experience, you may want to consider spending the next year as a resident tutor for Radnor ABC. ABC, A Better Chance, is a national program that identifies and places economically, culturally and educationally deprived students of unusual promise in superior high schools where they are required to maintain high standards in order to prepare for college admission. There are currently 10 students enrolled in the Radnor program. The job offers a full time live in position in which tutorial skills and participation in the life of the household unit are exchanged for room and board. The length of the appointment runs from early September, 1978,through mid-June, 1979,with vacations coinciding with those of Radnor High School. Tutors are expected to supervise study hours (Sunday-Thursday from 7-9 p.m.) and work with students, giving support in areas of academic weakness. In addition, they are to instruct the students in effective study habits, communicate students' progress to resident directors, keep the academic liaison committee abreast of specific problems, keep in contact with students' teachers ·at the high school, assist with college selection and applications as well as help with vocational planning, and assist students in preparing for the PSAT's and SAT's. A number of household duties and responsibilities will also be required of the tutors, such as implementation of house rules and decisions, service as big brothers and sisters , sharing in the upkeep of house and yard, attendance and participation at house meetings each week. Resident tutors will rotate weekends with other tutors jn the house . They may also continue with their academic careers or work during the day. Radnor ABC is now taking applications for four tutors (two male , two female ) for the next school year . Any students or school counsellors wanting further information about the Radnor ABC Tutoring Program should contact Mrs . Jo Landrey , MU 8-6698 .
750 W. LancasterAvenue,Dev~n (7/10 of a mile Eastct the DevonHorsesh<MI Grrunds)
April 14, 1978
AA Df•nner I a d p nn e .
Continued from Page 1 firmly at the next staff meeting according to Sr. Sharon. At this time plans will be made to appoint an ad-hoc committee to review the current drinking policy which states that the legal drinking age in Pa. is 21, therefore only students 21 or over are permitted to possess and/or consume liquor on campus. Also, non-alcoholic beverages and snacks should be made available
at aILparties, meeting etc. The committee will be composed of members of the student hotly as well as administrators. Right now, Cabrini is watching the situation at Villanova to see what can be learned from them. Unless, as Sr. Sharon states, "something is worked out which will be acceptable to everyone" beer bashes at Cabrini will probably be a thing of the past.
New maior rE!viewed BY LORETTA ALIOTO
A Visual Arts major is being considered at Cabrini for the fall of '79. Dr. Dorothy Brown, vice president of Academic Affairs says, "The Visual Arts program that has been recommended at the March 9 Academic Council meeting is now in planning and review stages by the Maste r Planning Committee ." The sub-committee of Master Planning includes Dr. Brown, Mrs. Carolyn Gough and Sue O' Hagan . This committee will book at facilities required necessary to meet the needs of this major , the staff required and the funding required to implemen t this program . These cri teria will be considered to allow for the maximum enrollment of students . . What spurred inter est for a Visual Arts major? Sr. Salesia of the Art department had a number of students over the year who were interested in the art field. Also taken into consideration for the possible major will be the demography of incoming students, the projections for the next 10 years, the job market and chances to get into graduate school. Says Dr . Brown, "These are the reasons we want to check the program for its soundness and feasibility, not to just make a new course at Cabrini ." Sr. Salesia is optimistic about the new major and if it does come, hopes to build it up gradually. The Visual Arts major includes 36 credits in the required courses of Drawing, Design and Composi-
tion , Oil Painting, Watercolor , Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Ceramics and History of Art and Lettering. 12 credits from the student's related field will also be required in either Philosophy of Art, Photography , Theater, Interpreta tion of the Opera , Masterpieces of Orchestral Music, Theater Design , · Choral Ensemble and Publication , Pas te-Up, Lay-Out and Design. The ar t departmen t will also offer a var iety of elective courses totaling 130credits for the Visual Arts major . For the firs t time in the histor y of Cabrini, Sr. Salesia indicated tha t three stude nts will graduate in ar t under the format of an individualized major. These students are seniors Lori Bullock, Louise Humes and Kath y Sullivan. " These students ," says Sr . Salesia, "are pioneers to embark on this course of study in art." They have received opportunities in art such as booklet covers for masses at Cabrini and silk screen covers . These seniors are optimistic about their futures , and say they have received excellent training at Cabrini and individual attention. As a result of her studies at Cabrini, Lori Bullick says she is presently taking an internship in commercial art at Unigraphics Printing Company in Wynnewood. Lori is interested in graphic design work after graduation. For Kathy Sullivan, fashion illustration is her desired goal and Louise Humes hopes to pursue a career in biological and medical illustration.
Cabrini's Athletic Department will sponsor the second Annual Sports Banquet on Sat., April 22 at 7p.m. Keynote speaker for the evening is "the highly qualified" Cathy Rush, former coach of Immacul-ata 's basketball team. Under her direction the team pushed its way to two national championships. Mrs . Rush presently works as an NBC sports , commentator. The banquet is scheduled to be held in the cafeteria and is open to all varsity team members and their accompanying guests. The cost for the evening is $6.50 per person. This price includes a full course dinner, guest speaker and the awards presentation . The awards presentations will highlight the evening. Awards to be presented include Most Valuable Player for each varsity team another opportunity to show peoBY LISA SHERWOOD and individual awards for exple how good it is. Cabrini's Little Theater will say cellence in the various sports. The "thank-you" to its patrons with a A sherry party will be held in the winner of the Hall of Fame Award Second Annual Theater Benefit on Little Theater's lobby at 7 p.m . It will also be announced at the ban- May 6 starting at 7 p.m . · will be followed by a performance quet. Although the benefit is not all of "Matchmaker" at 8 p.m. A fund raising but more of a good buffet supper will be held at 10 will venture, invitations will in- p.m. in the· Mansion dining room. This year, in.observance of Food clude a "Theater Angel" option Specifics are not available at this Day '78, which is nationally desig- where you can make contributions time but the committee hopes to nated to take place on April 20th, to the theater. use flower arrangements and canCabrini's Awareness Club will The Theater Development Com- dles to set the atmosphere at dinsponsor several efforts geared to mittee, which is made up of volun- ner. enhance the student body's aware- teers from students, administraness of the porblem of world tion, and faculty, has been working Ticket price for the entire event · hunger . on the benefit for a long time, hop- is $10. Since tickets are primarily First, there will be a canned food ing to make it as successful as last sent to those . on the Little drive during the week of April 17. year's. Mrs. Gough, chairperson Theater's mailing list, anyone else The donations·will be given to sup- of the committee, thinks that the who would like to attend should see port Monsignor Phillip Dowlings theater does "a professional job" Mrs. Gough, Ex. 50, as soon as Social Service Center which he has and a benefit of this type is just possible. successfully coordinated in his North Philadelphia parish, St. Elizabeth's, to help alleviate the LOQlJITUR STAFF problem of hunger there. Msgr. Dowling, who currently teaches Editor-in-chief ........ ; .......... ....... . . . .. . . .. ... Sue O'Hagan "Who is Jesus" at Cabrini, has invited the Awareness Club and any News Editors .... .. .-....... ... Barbara Polomano & Ron Katkocin other interested students to visit Feature Editor . . .. . .. ... ......... . .. ... . .. . .. . .... Janet Gennaro the Social Service Center on Wed., Entertainment Editor ... ... .. . . . ... ..... . .. . ....... Cindi DeRitis April 19. On Food Day here, April 18th, Reporters . ... . . : ....... . . . .. ...... L~retta Alioto, Nancy Harrold Msgr. Dowling will give a lecture Steve Pedano, Lisa Sherwood on world hunger in the Mansion at Detsy Lynch, Mary Ann Ribick 9:50 a.m . The lecture will be followed by a Eucharistic CelebraPhotography Editor . . ... . .. ... .... ... . ........ Barbara Polomano tion. Anyone may attend both the lecture and Mass.
Theater says 'thank-you'
Food Day '78
April 14, 1978
Hospital offers variety B-Y JANET GENNARO
What can a social science/psychology major do in a hospital? Laurie Davy '78 has found an answer to this question as a result of her Project Outreach experience this semester . Laurie is working as a volunteer at the Cabrini Health Care Center in New York where she has been able to utilize the skills she has acquired during her formal education. The work that Laur ie does in the hosp it al is quite diverse . She teaches dental hygiene to handicapped children at the dental clinic . In the nursing home adjacent to the hospital, Laurie works with the recreation therapy department helping the senile and /or physically disabled pati en ts. She also works in the pas toral care departmen t talking to pa tients in attemp t to meet their spiritual needs. Finally, Laurie helps in the emergency room of the hospital.
Doing pastoral work is exciting I almost died!" But sh,e accepted for Laurie, especially because she the responsibility and discovered is the first lay person ever to be in- that she was more than capable of volved with it at the hospital. She handling it. is training with four seminarians Another difficulty that Laurie and finds that her supervisors are has had to face is being out on her very supportive. own. She lives in an apartment Referring to the emergency building across the street from the room, Laurie said : "The things hospital. Coming from a fairly I've seen here are unbelievable . large family, and having lived in It's something you hear about and the dorms constantly surrounded read about, but you really don't by people, she experienced some difficulty in adjusting to living by know about it until you see it." herself. However, a group of Every new experience comes sisters from the hospital reside on with its attendant difficulties, and the floor above her and she has dinLaurie 's experience is no excep- ner with them every evening . "The tion. sisters are so open," Laurie said . When she went over the details "They really have accepted me of her volunteer program in its into their community." planning stages, she anticipated Laurie feels that she has learned receiving a certain amount of and grown as a result of her exresponsibility . However, on her perience and hopes to stay on at first day of pastoral work she was the hospital after her volunteer somewhat alarmed at being given project is over . responsibility that she did not ex"If I had to do it all over again ," pect. "They told me I could take Laurie said , " I'd do it over a the eleventh floor, " she said , " and hundred times .''
l!P in 25 years . ..
per cent drink
alcoholic beverage - regardless of the quantity ." Over a month ago a Long Island Of the 91 per cent who said they youth died and two of his friends did drink, all began at or before were hospitalized in serious condi- the age of 18 years. The average tion as a result of consuming too age at which these students began much alcohol at a fraternity party to drink is 16 years. at Alfred University in New York. Seventy-eight per cent of the stuOccurances such as this are dents surveyed said that their causing college officials to begin to parents drink, and 82 per cent said look into alcohol abuse-asll sel'tollS that they were permitted to drink problem on college campuses to- alcoholic beverages at home. DRINKING FREQ.UENCY day. According to an account of a ranged from "never" to "once per study done by the Medical Founda- day," with once or twice per week tion found in the March 11, 1978 being average. The most common New York Times, "the use of drinks among students ·seem to be alcoho1 by £ollege students has beer and various types of liquor . substantially .increased in the last Most of the students surveyed 25 years," and "most students said they drink in clubs or at parestablish their drinking patterns ties. Only 16 per cent said they while still in high school." Sixty drink alone, while all those who per cent of the so-called "frequent- said they do drink drink in a heavy" drinkers had drunk at least "group." Very few students admitonce per-week in their pre-college ted that "peer pressure" played years. any part in their drinking habits. Also, the report indicated that The majority of the students surthere is a high correlation between veyed said they have tried maridrinking and the use of cigarettes, juana. However, most of the stumarijuana, and hard drugs . dents surveyed said they did not The account in the Times also use marijuana regularly. Most of stated that "ninety-five per cent of · the students who smoke marijuana college - students consume some said that they do "in place or• alcohol," and that there was little alcohol. Less than 50 per cent of discrepency among classes and those surveyed smoke cigarettes . sexes. According to the Times article IN A RECENT SURVEY taken opinions dealing with the seriousat Cabrini College, 91 per cent of ness of alcohol intake among stuthe students surveyed said that dents vary . Some colleges promote they did dr.ink. Drinking was activities that discourage the defined as "the intake of any drinking of alcohol, such as the BY JANET GENNARO AND RON KATK.OCIN
University of Wisconsin's "cookie bake ," while other colleges seem to blatantly encourage alcohol consumption . An example of this is Yale University 's "happy hour." LOCAL AREA COLLEGES DIFFER in their drinking policies.
According to Sharon Qµay, director of student activities at Rosemont Colleg,.e,no one under the ag of 21 is permitted to drink alcohol on the Rosemont Campus. Qµay s~id that she was not aware of any serious problems involving alcohol at Rosemont, and that the rules concerning drinking are tightly controlled . Immaculata College seems to be a little more stringent about matters concerning alcoholic beverages. According to Dean of Students, Sr. Rita Regina, there is no alcohol permitted on campus at all. She also added that there was "no out and out prevalent problem" concerning alcohol. According to Allan Wechsler, dean of men at Villanova University, Villanova's drinking policy is currently being rewritten, and it should be completed by 'the end of the academic year ." As it stands now alcohol is prohibited on the campus, except for in student's dormitory rooms, Wechsler said. Wechsler said that the rewriting of the policy was initiated by an " apparent student complaint to . the Liquor Control Board" in regard to Villanova's sponsored events.
Photo by Sae O'Hagan
Road Rally Results First Place ($25)..... . . . Betsy Farrell/Mary Margaret Gillen Second Place ($15)... .. . . ... . . . Debbie Norcini/Mike Stevens Third Place ($10). . ....... . ...... Mary DamianNicki Epifano Fourth Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barb McHugh/I'om Carroll Fifth Place . . .. .... ... . .......... : ... Lyn Scott/Marie Dewees Sixth Place ...... . . . . . . , ......... •.. Joe Reilly/Mike Glacken Seventh Place . .. .. . . . . ... . ... Mike Walczak/John Gagliardi Eighth Place .. .. . . . .. ..... ... Maurene Burns/Nancy Holland Ninth Place . .. ........ ....... .. Cindy King/Jeanmarie Turner Tenth Place ... . .. .... ....... Maureen Costigan/Janice Byrne Eleventh Place, ...... . .. .... . . . .. Leslie Hickman/Jack Duffy Twelfth Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Bernard/Bill Bead Thirteenth Place . . . ........ ... . Pam Rusinyak/Becky Epifanio Fourteenth Place ...... . . . . . . . Patti Sullivan/Marianne Fenlon Fifteenth Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridget Doohan/Ed Stevens Sixteenth Place . ..... ... . ...... . . Celeste Hope/Marc Sansone Seventeenth Place (8 oz. jar PARADISE Cantonese Style Kumquats) . . ........ . ... ... . ... . .. . . . . Barb Stimler/I'erry Shaffer
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April i4, 1978
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