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VOL. XXIV, No. 10
April 28, 1978
Students find new ways to spend summer vacation
BY BARBARA POLOMANO How many ways can you think of to spend your summer vacation? Four Cabrini students have come up with a way in which they can work at helping people, while at the same time gain invaluable experience during the summer months to come. The four students are: Margie Cain, '78; Cindy Hammet, '79; Cindy King, '79 and Eileen Casper, '78. Ms. Sue Toton and Dr. Jo~ph Romano, coordinators of Project Outreach here, have set it up for the four students to work as interns at two different Cabrini Hospitals, one in New York, the other in Chicago. Margie Cain, an English major, will work at the New York hospital from early June to mid August. She says that she hopes to work three days a week with community relations, going out to the community to set up programs to help the sick, and the other two days doing office work for the public relations department of the hospital. Margie plans to aid in the hospital's "food-on-wheels" · drive . "We 'll find out which old people need food and bring it to them," she explained. "It 's a kmd of a pilot program that we'll be trying out. If it works, they'll make it city wide," she added. Margie also plans to aid in other programs o(recreational therapy. "I'd like to help keep the old people in the nursing program occupied. In remotivational therapy, I'll work with the elderly on the
brink of senility. I'll try to keep them informed of the basics -the time, month, day of the week, weather, etc.," she said. She says, "I'm really excited. I feel like I'll be learning a lot . Working with needy people will make it meaningful for me." Cindy Hammet, a special education major, will also intern at the New York hospital. Cindy pointed out that she and Margie visited the hospital Tuesday; April 11, and saw "so many things that we'll be able to do." Cindy mentioned physical and recreational therapy, . public relations and community relations among their choices. Cindy hopes to work three days with the community health services and the other two days coordinating volunteers . She explains that many of the volunteers at the hospital are slightly mentally retarded and may need her help . She· also plans to work in motivational therapy with senile people. She said that she's also interested in taking a course in sign language there. "There's so many different possibilities . Other students really should look into it. I think it'll be a real growing experience for me and that it could be for other students too," she said. Eileen (Adel) Casper, also a special education major , will be working at the Chicago hospital. Adel will aid in social work and play therapy, a form of pediatrics. Adel explains that she first
heard of the opportunity last year. "In the mansion last year, they had an orientation for Project Outreach. That's when I first became interested," she said. She adds, "I'm terribly anxious to go. I want to help, to give my time to the underprivileged at the hospital. I also can't wait to see Chicago and the hospital." Adel describes it as "a terrific opportunity.'' Cindy King, an early childhood/elementary education major will also be going to the Chicago hospital. Cindy; plans to work in play therapy also. She says, "I'm really excited about going. I'm looking forward to the chance of working with and meeting new people. It's sort of a new branch adding to my major. If should prove worthwhile." The work is strictly volunteer for all four students. None is receiving credits, a given option . The Cabrini order of Sisters will pay for their transportation one way . All four will be staying at apartment houses owned by the Sisters directly across from the hospitals free of charge . They will get free meals at the hospitals . The internships will last from early June ti! mid August. Dr . Romano checked out the Chicago hospital in late March. He had gone to Chicago to read a paper at a philosophy convention. He describes the hospital as "beautiful, so updatllS !" Continued on Page 2
(Photos by B. Polomano)
SGA Plans
Past, present & future BY BARBARA POLOMANO Enter Sacred Heart Hall through the back entrance (the door closest to the cafeteria), Go through the doors ahead. Make a right. Go past Albert's book store, through the doors. Now. The third door on your right. What do you see? A locked door, right? Right. But not for long. You are at the Student Government Association (SGA) office. SGA President Leslie Hickman says that the SGA office will now be open all day long, 8:30 to 3:30, except for the lunch hour and that there will always be an SGA representative on duty ready to help any student wanting to drop in with a complaint or just to talk. "That's one of our prime goals," explains Leslie. "We hope it will help get the student body more involved.," she said. Leslie explains that the office will be redecorated. She plans to get Kappa Sigma Omega an office of their own, so that they no longer have to share. A stereo system will be put in. More games will be available so that students can check them in and out at their leisure. She says, "We want to make it more pleasant so that students will come in, tell us their complaints, or just talk to a rep to find out
what's going on around here." Leslie also talks of other future plans SGA anticipates. They plan more "clean-up Cabrini projects" whereby students get paid for picking up trash. They're planning to get speakers on the campus such as David Marston, Ernest Kline, and Dick Schulze. A speaker, Leslie feels, helps the student body to unite. "SGA wants to get rid of the 'I don't care' attitude around here. We'd like to get students more active · in freshman _orientation, for instance," she says. Leslie says that some future projects might be: improving the student center; improving the game room with more tables, games and graphics; and opening the Wigwam more often. As president, Leslie feels that her duty is to "run SGA and get a better liaison between student, faculty, and administration.'' Leslie feels that SGA is "finally shaping up." She and other SGA members feel that SGA has done its share this past year to improve the college. Leslie points out the constitutional changes made by SGA. "We wrote up our own electoral procedures, clarified exactly who is Continued on Page 2
Teachers to study BY LISA SHERWOOD Two members of Cabrini's faculty will spend some time as students in order to take advantage of fellowships awarded to them by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Dr. Sharon Schwarze, assistant professor of philosophy, will go to Princeton University for a Fellowship lasting the academic year of 1978-79.While there, she will work under the direction of Paul Sigmund in the area of "Historical and Philosophical Foundations of American Constitutional Democracy." Dr . Schwarze will also work on her own proj~ct concerning the equality of natural rights . She feels that the fellowship will help her when she teaches courses at Cabrini such as "Education and Social Policy" and "Contemporary Political Philosophy." Dr. Schwarze comments that "it was a great honor to receive the fellowship." Cabrini." Dr. Kathleen Gavigan, chairperson of the history department, will take part in the "Summer Seminar for College Teachers," which will last for 8 weeks this summer. She will study the area of
Continued on Page 2
THE CAST OF "MATCHMAKER" (standing I. to r.) Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, Connie Aiello, Lea Bisconte, Loretta Alioto and Steve Pedano, Sal Barabuscio and Brett Schwartz begin their performance of the Spring Adult Theater production "Matchmaker" tonight, April 28at 8 p.m. in the Little Theater. Additional shows will be held on April 29, 30, May 5 and 7 all at 8 p.m. For reservations call ext. 60, Miss Richardson.
And the SAGA continues BY LORETTA ALIOTO
When asked if any improvements occurred in the cafeteria food because of the food committee meetings, Bill Hugenbruch, manager of SAGA at Cabrini since February, modestly answered, "Yes." According to responses from the committee, 75 per cent of · the food and respective conditions have been upgraded which is all fine and good, bur there is still need for improvement." The food committee so far has met three times this semester, on March 2, 16 and April 6. "The food committee," says Bill, "is great because it helps set · up priorities." At the second meeting, Bill and two food committee -members, Nancy Holland & Maurene Burns, drew up a survey of the most desirable menu items to benefit everyone. Three favorite dishes in the categories of lunch, dinner, casseroles, vegetables, and desserts were listed. Only 47 sheets were filled out by the entire Cabrini body and from those surveys the results of the top 3 in each category are as follows: top 3 lunch entrees (excluding cheesesteaks, hot dogs, hamburgers and pizza) are whirly birds, hoagies and grilled cheese; the top 3 dinner entrees (except steak) include chicken, turkey and roast beef; the top 3 casseroles: tuna noodle, turkey tetrazzini, macaroni and cheese; top 3 vegetables were corn, broccoli and peas. The top 3 desserts were listed in three categories: pies in top 3 position were apple, cherry and Boston creme. Top 3 cakes were chocol-
ate, cheese and white. Top 3 ice cream flavors were vanilla, mint chocolate and chocolate chip. Bill also indicated that some lunch sections were just filled in by com·muters. Some of the improvements made by SGA include improvements for the student teachers lunches with more fresh cold cuts being served and cookies and cakes put out for dessert. Iced tea and orange drink ·are -also offered for beverages. The food committee agreed that food temperatures have improved with supposedly hot food now being served hot. Bill says heating lamps for the warm foods is a long range goal. Meats such as hamburgers, pork chops, salisbury steaks, and bacon will be less greasy because they will be drained on racks, which Bill says should have been standard procedure, but the cooks weren't doing it. Bill was pleased to hear more compliments than complaints at the third meeting. Some improvements noted included sanitation and food preparation . Of course, these noted improvements have still not met the individual tastes of some students. _Sophomore Len De Foggia says, "The food is moderately bad. I noticed the utensils are still dirty. I came across a piece of paper once in my pudding. Some recipes are better but sometimes the meatballs are raw in the middle." Tom Anderson, another sophomore, says: "I'm losing weight." Senior Mike Thomas says, "The food is still horriblP
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and the food that is supposed to be hot is cold which makes the qual1ty of the food worse. The prevalent thing is too many starch foods are served." Junior .Jean Marie Taylor says: "I bring my own lunch. I think the tuna and cheese grills don't go together. Lunch meats sit too long. The workers shouldn't touch the food without the utensils or gloves." Dr. Carter Craigie of the Social Science Department says, "Soup is now hot, f>Utthin and watery. Plates still seem cold even though they put hot dishes on them. Qµality of food would be much better if hot foods were served hot. I like the new dishes they're serving, like stromboli." "The atmosphere is not the greatest either," says Bill. But he sees this as one of the challenges of his job. He hopes by the fall, improvements in the atmosphere will take place. "The administration deserves credit for realizing this and it makes my job easier." Food Committee Chairperson Sue O'Hagan says that she thinks the food committee is doing the best job possible considering the lack of total response from the students concerning the food. "We're a standing SGA committee which serves to act as a liaison between the students and the school's food service. Our primary interest is in seeing that as many students as possible are pleased with the food, cafeteria etc. But how can we really accomplish anything if no one comes to us and tells us what it is that they are dissatisfied with?"
Summer iob _ Continued from Page 1 "To apply for the internships," he explained, "students simply filled out an application they received from either me or Sue Toton. They also bad to attend a counseling session with Anthony Tomasco. They then returned the application with letters of recommendation and a health certificate. Sue, Mr. Tomasco and I then decided where each student would be most useful and get the most appropriate experience.'' Dr. Romano says that the prime motive of the Project Outreach placements is "to help students be of service to some people." "l!;xperience, credits and meeting people are all secondary motives," he added. "We feel that for the internships to be successful, the student must feel they're doing something worthwhile. We think the four girls share these feelings," he said.
Editorial Did you miss the circus last time it came to town? Now's your chance to see a real, live performance on Cabrini's campus. Just visit a weekly Monday night SGA meeting and notice the antics employed for a luaghsign landguage, confetti throwing, excessive giggling, and snide comments. · (Order!!" was called so many times I thought I was in a fast-food restaurant.) This is only the opening act. Main events included heated debates on the color and quality of stationery SGA should purchase with its limited budget, Pennsylvania's drinking laws and the policies of the school,
"immature" actions of students while abiding or breaking these laws, the declaration of a club null and void because a constitution cannot be located, and the discrimination that the Athletic Association exhibited in holding its annual Sports Banquet. These issues are all important aspects of the program, but the organization and discussion of these. topics left one only with a feeling of having wasted his time for attending the show. The highlight of the production, however, would have to have been the disrespect and ignorance shown to fellow members when state-
ments or suggestions were made. The remarks met with such disregard or opposition that the spokesperson wished his effort was never attempted. The closing act featured a reprimand to one person due only to his remarks or actions that caused disruption. This might be expected, but the punisher (and others) responded in a similar fashion. It took only one viewing to realize that I'll never attend another showing and I only hope that other bodies do not take lessons from this group. JANE ELLEN LUTZ Class of 1978
April 28, 1978
Graduation planned BY DETSY LUNCH
Ninety-one seniors will be graduated on Sunday, May 14 as Cabrini College holds its annual commencement exercises. Speaker for the day's events will be Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers and "one of this country's most active senior citizens." Ms. Kuhn was chosen as keynote speaker · as a result of a vote taken by the members of the senior class. The topic of Ms. Kuhn's talk is not known at this time. Plans for graduation formalities were discussed at an April 13th meeting of the Graduation Committee.
Committee Chairperson, Janet Gennaro, stated that commencement exercises are scheduled to begin at noon on May 14 with a Baccalaureate Mass celebrated in the chapel. Rev. John J. McKenzie, O.S.A. of St. Augustine Church, Phila., will officiate and the newly formed campus liturgy group, The God Squad, has been asked to provide music for the service. A reception is planned for the graduates' parents and friends between Mass and graduation. Weather permitting, commencement is set for 3 p.m. outside of the Mansion. _ Valedictorian will be announced following exams.
SGA remodels . Continued from Page I and who is not a Junior or Senior so that there are no more interpretational problems, and clarified the duties of the officers," she said. She adds, "We're trying to improve the college by getting the administration to trust us and acknowledge us." She also points out that "SGA has lent money to different classes ·and the athletic association. We're working on a new drinking _ policy. As of now there will be no beer bashes. But we'd like to get them going again while avoiding any kind of run-in with civil law." Detsy Lynch, president of the freshman class, thinks that an important action on the part of SGA this year was the revision of the handbook. A big change, she said is that the drug policy is no longer the responsibility of SGA. says that for next semester, SGA plans to install more vending machines mostly for the commuters' benefit, a new can soda machine to take the place of the old one in Sacred Heart Hall, and · possibly a pool table. Detsy feels that her main responsibility is a liaison between students and administration, to keep students informed, to do
away with student apathy and keep the class spirit up. Ron Katkocin, president of the sophomore class, fells that some of his main duties are "preparing for special functions, fund raising and trying to get people involved.'' Ron stresses, "If we had student cooperation, we could do a lot more than we're doing now . There's too much disinterest." Vice President of SGA, Sue O'Hagan, explains that "SGA is trying to be not so far removed from the students, a more viable force, to get more in touch with students. Hence, the new office hours." She adds that SGA is.now beginning to take themselves more seriously as a student body. "~ see ourselves as being able to do something and we want others to see us in this light, too," she said. Sue empahsized that the SGA meetings are open to all students, and that anyone should feel free to attend to express their feelings or just to listen. As a student leader, Sue feels she is someone who "has to get things moving," someone who can't just sit back passively, a mediator. "SGA reps just want to make it clear that they're there for the students if they want someone to talk to," says Leslie Hickman.
Teachers play student Continued from Page 1 "European Exploration and The Age of Discovery" under the direction of J. H. Parry. Dr. Gavigan hopes to tie in her studies with the Modern European History and Renaissance courses offered here at Cabrini. She will also further her own study on the scholarly women of the Renaissance. The National Endowment for the Humanities is a federal agency created by Congress in 1965to sup-
port projects of research, education and public activity in the humanities. It gives teachers from 2, 4, and 5-year colleges, especially small ones, the chance to do advanced study and research in their own fields or other fields related to their interests. Those accepted are fortunate enough to work under the direction of famous scholars and have access to major libraries. Ultimately, they will increase their knowledge of the subjects they teach.
LOQJJITURSTAFF ·Editor-in-chief ...................................... Sue O'Hagan News Editors ... ·.............. Barbara Polomano & Ron Katkocin Feature Editor .................. -.................. Janet Gennaro Entertainment Editor ........................ ·...... Cindi DeRitis Reporters ...... _...... ~ ............ Loretta Alioto, Nancy Harrold Detsy Lynch, Steve Pedano, Lisa Sherwood Photography Editor ...........................
Barbara Polomano
April 28, 1978
TV Holocaust
Seniors prepared for future BY STEVE PEDANO The Class of 1978 feels prepared to meet the future with all the uncertainties and all the promise that it may hold. This statement is made on the strength of an informal survey. Seniors seem to be optimistic, but the natural apprehensions toward graduation pervade the last month of the semester. T.he question put to the seniors who were surveyed was whether or not they got what they expected from their college experience. The answer, for the most part, is yes. What did they expect? Almost everyone surveyed said that the reason for attending a liberal arts college was to - broaden their academic lives and increase their awareness. Very few said that they sought job training of any kind. Some interv1ews, however, reflected the desire for some concrete practical skills even though the major goal was academic enrichment. "I don't know what I would have been like without the whole experience ," said Mary DiJoseph , a major in special education . "Even though I have benefitted to a great extent from academic courses in and out of my field, I would have been totally lost in a class full of retarded kids if I didn't have a lot of exposure before I entered Cabrini. You have to have an intuition or a feeling for this work that
no book or course can ever teach." Lori Bullock, an independent art major, feels differently about the relation of academics to her field. "I chose the independent major through Cabrini because area art schools don't require so much academics. All you do in most schools of art is produce and I think it is extremely important to get a good background that gives you so much more to work with. Art involves all subjects and a background in academics gives inspiration to what I do produce." Various other majors share the same basic ideas, although every one had something different to add. It is important to report that most of the seniors share the feeling that even though they are leaving with no specific skills, there is a definite sense of capability within them. This reporter feels the necessity to give first hand account of this feeling. I, as most others, leave with no specific job skills and can do little more than short, medium and long theme papers, but I h ave developed within myself the confidence and sense of capability necessary to tackle whatever comes along in the future . There is a firm foundation on which I can build and a store of knowledge (at least of references) from which I can draw . It is my opinion that the bulk of graduating seniors harbor the
same confidence. The apprehensions are merely pains of maturation which, in most cases, will be overcome and held in light of experience. The fears and frustrations are the last learning experiences of our college careers and may be transformed, at some later time, into invaluable opportunities for taking a long hard look at ourselves and what has become of us to this date.
was not real
camera freezes his :smiling face in BY DR. JOSEPH J. ROMANO Perhaps some events should not perpetual happiness. Incredible! The real Holocaust i~ incredible, be fictionalized . Fiction becomes a powerful artistic medium when it but for different reasons. Today, an American Nazi party projects us into an imagined but not only exists, but wishes to possible event. However, if the parade its warped wares before real event is so tragic, so laden the public. Today, too many people with pathos, then a fictionalized account tends to render that event · are ignorant of the depth of the tragic real holocaust that occurred insipid or incredible . The educators of our day in our "modern" age. In light of Such seemed to be the case with shouldn't fear that they are sowing the nine and one-half hour prod- these facts, one would hope that a on rocky ground. They have been uction "Holocaust," presented on more authentic portrayal had-been absorbed. They are a part of our four consecutive nights in mid- forthcoming. But such was not the consciousness forever. It is true April by NBC. The opinion here is case. The television production that tl;ere are those who have that the television production was lacking in human drama, come wanting nothing more than somehow managed to turn a real suspense, and pathos . job security, but then, there will and tragic holocaust into a romanIt is tempting to compare this always be people in the wrong tic soap opera. unfortunate production with others place for the wrong reason. This is In attempting to telescope the based on real incidents . as much a fact of life as your term For example, "The Diary of entire tragedy of over six million papers and final exams. Anne Frank" was not only filled people through one single family, with suspense, but was moving and One of the most significant state- NBC created an unbelievable deeply inspiring as well. The me~ts to fall on my ears came in series of events that distracted reality of Anne Frank is large several instances . It is that from the real meaning of the enough. No embellishment by way whatever is finally gained in the holocaust. of fiction was needed. People still realm of academics, and in all We are presented with happen- weep openly as they silently walk other aspects of life, is gained stance meetings all over Europe through a personal effort to and Russia between family mem- through the house in Amsterdam achieve a satisfaction from the ex- bers and acquaintances. We wit- that was her sanctuary and her prison . perience on an indepf;ndent basis. " ness a romantic rebel skipping The film version of the trail at There is nothing wrong in through Russia with his Nuremburg was mostly documenAcademia today, save the birth of Czechoslavakian girlfriend-fiancetary, not daring to stray too far some 92 new, slightly shaken, wife whose fatuous smile was from the impact of the real traslightly weary minds that will, never absent, not even in death . gedy. with the strength of experience The Warsaw ghetto uprising It is unfortunate that the televiand the Grace of God, think and focused around two men swapping sion production of "Holocaust" motivate others to think. witticisms between machine gun failed to deliver the intended bursts. The scenario had all the message. Instead, we got TV as drama of a gun fight at the OK cor- usual-it just hurts more in this ral. case. Finally, in the end we are treThe holocaust of World War II ated to a happy scene in which the that sacrificed millions of peopl-; only surviving member of the to Nazi madness and world apathy municate in "proper English." Weiss family gleefully tosses a was real. The television holocaust ONe of the loudest voices was that soccer ball in the air while the was not. of the late James Knapton, professor of English at Berkley. ''I really worry about the great mass of students sloshing around out there ... No one teaches Shakespeare anymore, and there are all those kids out there talking and rapping with each other, not-knowing how to ex• copy writers • editors amine what they think in .one discursive sentence." • business ma~agers • typists
j j
• What's ,n an e·ducation? BY SUE O'HAGAN Education is a word that connotes various meanings to each individual. For the freshman, the idea of education may be an idealistic one; the assurance of a glorious future in a high paying job - a means to an end. For a sophomore or junior "an education" may still carry idealistic overtones, yet education
thinking. If they learned nothing else during their years in college, they should have mastered the art of thinking (Though this may be doubtful in some instances.) And what about all the experience that has been gained through personal interactions with fellow students as well as with teachers? No job could ask for better qualifications. This is not to downplay the im-
• lay-out personnel • .photographers
"The criteria are as diverse as the Individuals who may try to answer this question."
for the 1978-79 WOODCREST Staff. In inter ·ested, please _contact;
Dr. Zurek - ext. 64 at this point should be put into a more realistic context. This is merely to say, that by the time a student has finished his or her third year in college, education should be seen as more than a way of getting ahead in the future. And then there are the seniors. Anxiety mounts as graduation ap.proaches. On the one hand, they may be relieved that it's finally all over. On the other hand, the thoughts of joblessness upon graduation can indeed be frightening. That is exactly the problem facing all students these days. The ~ressure to "get out and get a job" is coming from all angles. Parents constantly nag their kids about what they are going to do with their lives now that they've completed four years of college. Unemployment figures appear daily in the news. Want-ads and prospective employers want only experienced emoloyees. College graduates m·ay not have significant "experience" in the labor force with which they can land a job. But they do have experience - invaluable experience for that matter. They have had the ultimate experience of learning the art of _
portant role of career orientation in a student's academic endeavors. But it is to say that there are many more important facets of a college education than merely "training" for a job. Let's face it. College, especially a liberal arts college, is no training ground far any specific career area. How can one specifically train for a certain job in this age of job flexibility, mobility and uncertainty from one day to the next? It's impossible! If anything college is and should be a training ground for the mind. Just as the body needs to be exercised and taken care of, so too does U:iemind. Education serves the Purpose, not of getting jobs for graduates but · for developing their minds. Thus the Liberal arts education vs. specialization. The latter mass-produces unthinking, unquestioning technicians for the exploitative purposes of industry. The former turns out persons; hopefully mature, thinking, rational, communicating, decision-making human beings capable of interaction with other people, nut just with other things. Accusations still exist that students are losing this ability to com-
It may be argued that Shakespeare will hardly get one a job as a computer analysist, but knowledge in such areas as this, as well as in philosophy, religion and others certainly can't hurt. What makes an educated person then? It is the completion of four years of college? Who knows. The criteria are as diverse as the individuals who may try to answer this question. It's a difficult question to think about and an even more difficul one to answer . Yet, it is even ; harder question _to choose to ig nore.
s over,
its over now .."
DR. GEORGE E. FOREMAN, associate professor of Early Childhood Education and the director of the University of Massachusetts School of . Constructive Play, demonstrates a creative toy at the workshop he conducted on campus on Sat., April 15. (Photo by J. Zurek) ; \,..
April 28, 1978
Sports dinner awards 77-78 athletic achievement BY SUE O'HAGAN
"Staggering" is Chairman of the Board of Trustees, James Maguire's assessment of the growth, development and allaround improvement of the Cabrini College athletic program with in the last year. A look at the team's records will reveal that this assessment is not unfounded . For their part in helping the athletic program to reach the proportions of improvement which Mr. Maguire so commended, players, coaches, managers and other support staff members were honored at the Second Annual Athletic Association Sports Banquet . The banquet was held on Saturday evening, April 22 in the campus cafeteria. Guest speaker for the evening
volleyball, soccer and men's and ment 85-79, beating the Philadelwomen's basketball. phia Community College Colonials Other awards included: Fresh- in the championship game. man of the Year Awards, Hall of All members of the team were Fame Awards and recognition of given plaques for their part in the other contributing members of the team's endeavors. athletic a.ssociation. Because the softball season for Nancy Holland, '78 received two this year had just recently gotten awards for women's volleyball. underway, the award for "player One for being the team captain and of the year" for the 1976-77season the second for "player of the year. was presented to Jim Morrow, '78. The women's volleyball team A new award was instated this ended its season with 16 wins and • year as part of the sports profour losses. Coach Helen Goodwin gram's attempt to recognize exalso pointed out that the team's cellence in spo'rting activities. home record stood at 12-0. This new award, "The FreshSoccer Coach Carter Craigie man of the Year Award," was prepresented Hawk Bryant, with the sented to three deserving fresh"player of the year" award for his man for their outstanding peroutstanding performance as the formances throughout the year . team's left inside man. · Kate Haugan and Maurene The soccer team finished its sec- Burns, also known as the "freshond year with a 6-2-3 record and man connection" won the new was undefeated in the last 7 games award for women's basketball.
HAWK BRYANT receives the "player of the year" award for soccer from Coach Carter Craigie.
"Highlighting the ceremony was the presentation of the various awards for rnvolvement in the sports progran::-_•" 1 was Ms. Cathy Rush, former head coach of women's basketball at Immaculata College. In speaking of her coaching career Ms . Rush at one point emphasized the importance which she places on punctuality , in or out of the sports realm . " I hate being late," she said, "in fact , I was a day early for tonight." She then recounted how she had gotten the dates of the ban quet mixed up and thus arrived on Friday evening for the banquet instead of Saturday. Highlighting the ceremony was the presentation of the various awards for involvement in the sports program . At this time students were recognized for their excellence and participation in sporting events for the 1977-78season. Mr. James Maguire served as master of ceremonies during the awards presentations at ~hich time he took the opportunity to express his appreciation on behalf of the Board of Trustees as well as the entire college for the contributions which the athletic program has made to the college. Awards were presented for
of the fall season according to Craigie. The women's basketball team Awards, were, according to Coach Goodwin, "very difficult " to make . But they were made just the same. Kathy Shields, '78 was awarded for her role l\S team captain. Aunnie Bedard, '80 was named "player of the year" by Goodwin. The women's basketball season ended in March with a 15-4record. The men's basketball team members were also recognized for their efforts in the 1977-78season which they finished with a 19-7 record. Team captain Tony Cullen, a senior member and guard for the Cavaliers, was named "player of the year" by Coach Jolyon Girard. Girard also presented the team trophy signifying their victory in the First Annual Invitational Tournament sponsored here. Participants in the two-day tournament held in March, · included Cabrini, Philadelphia Community College, Valley Forge Military and Junior College, and Williamson Trade School. The Cavaliers won the tourna-
Again, Coach Goddwin admitted that this was a tough decision. "Kate made alot of the points but Maurene was always passing the ball to her." said Goodwin. For his enormous contribution to the men's basketball team , Andy Cullen was honored as that team's "freshman of the year." Cullen was also named "most valuable player" for his part in the Invitational Tournament in which he scored a total of 67 points in two games . Recognition of team managers and cheerleaders, Ron Katkocin, the Voice of the Cavaliers, and Leslie Hickman, the Cavalier mascot was made at the end of the evening .
Tom Nerney '77 was named the 1978 Hall of Fame inductee for his
active performance in the 1973-1977men's basketball season at Cabrini. According to Coach Girard, Nerney served as the first team captain in 1973and remained captain throughout his four years. He led the team in scoring every year and in his final season became the team's first 1,000point scorer.
and Aunnie Bedard chat with Coach Helen Goodwin. (Not pictured - Kate Haugan, who was named "freshman of the year" for the women's team.) (Photos by Sue O'Hagan)
COACH JOL YON GIRARD congratulates Andy Cullen, who was named
"freshman of the year" for the men's basketball team.