Nov. 17, 1978 issue 04 Loquitur

Page 1

-Friday, November 17, 1978

VOL. XXV, No. 4


Weekend Guests:


Cabrini Hosts Seniors BY SR. BEATRICE HICKEY

Applicants to Cabrini College will spend the 17th and 18th of November on the college campus as guests of the Admissions office and Kappa Sigma Omega. These high school seniors will have an opportunity to experience different aspects of college life through a carefully planned program. The program was devised by the Admissions office and Kappa Sigma Omega, the service organization, after a meeting which was held o.n Oct. 4. This project was proposed by Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio, director of admissions,

to the Admissions staff. The proposal came out of an increased demand by applicants to spend more time on the campus. After the Admissions staff accepted the proposal Kappa Sigma Omega was asked to be responsi: ble for the plans as one of its projects for the year. Kappa Sigma Omega will make arrangemen _ts with Cabrini students to see what rooms within the dorms will be available. Twenty to thirty students are expected to participate in this weekend. Plans have not been finalized, but it looks as if Friday night will encompass a dinner in the

cafeteria, some type of entertainment and a social gathering later on that night. Saturday, the guests will speak to different groups on campus about various aspects of college life. Each new student is to sit and talk with students and teachers who represent the major field in which they are interested. Freshman Weekend will end late Saturday afternoon. This is the first time the college will be doing something of this nature and one of the main reasons for the project is, as Oristaglio puts it, "to take advantage of the increased interest in Cabrini."

Sleeping Beauty

Woman Psychologist:

A new . idea begins at Cabrini BY LISA SHERWOOD

Dr. Mary Louise Sicoli, lecturer in education and fine arts, has combined her teaching experiences at Cabrini with her own educational background to become Cabrini's first woman psychologist. Dr. Sicoli has five degrees from various colleges, including a bachelor of arts in fine arts, two masters of arts in educational administration and research psychology, and a double doctorate in developmental and educational psychology. Dr. Sicoli has been a professor at Cabrini for five years. She is currently teaching two sections of introductory psychology and a course in opera. After long discussions that Cabrini should have aJemale psychologist, Dr. Sicoli was considered to fill the position partly because she is currently working on a post-doctorial internship from Bryn Mawr College in clinical psychology.

Some of her duties as a psychologist here include freshman. college orieiitation-"towards a more effective college ex-


Photo by Kathy Daly

Female students may be more at ease because she is also female and may_have gone through some of their problems. Because of this, unofficial statistics show that use of psychological counseling facilities has grown. When Dr. Sfooli finishes her internship, she will be able to go into private practice, yet she still feels she would like to continue at Cabrini, which she describes as "a caring place."

Workshop prepares students for career BY JOHN GALLAGHER

Career Seminar Wor"shops are held every other week under the direction of Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English/ Communications department and Miss Nancy MacCurdy, head resident of Woodcrest. In the past, guest speakers have been invited for one-day seminars to help students choose careers. This process was described by Dr. Zurek as "too passive." The idea of the present workshops is to involve students in the process of

career selection. No guest speakers are involved in this program. To aid the students, the "Path Career Workbook for Liberal Arts Students" is utilized. Students doing workbook assignments are better able to choose a career before senior year. To help the students through their workbook and provide counseling are Dr . Zurek and Mac Curdy. MacCurdy has a masters degree in Student Personnel Serv-

- •

perience," - total "workups ot academic reinforcement students," and apptitude test counseling. Personal counseling, such as problems between roommates or faculty and students, is also handled by Dr. Sicoli. . Dr. Sicoli feels that the students who go to her for •counseling may be more comfortable because she is a teacher here. They may have had her for a class or feel that she would understand more fully because she has spent time at Cabrini.

ice from West Chester State College. She worked previously at the Philadelphia College of Art in the career development office. MacCurdy is a counselor who complements the workbook with meaningful questions for the participants. Kitsy Humes, student participant who is a sophomore English/Communications major, comments, "The program gives an underclassman the chance to think ahead of time about what you want to become later on in life."


SofJhs sponsor Disco-Fashion Show BY THERESA COLLINS

On Saturday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. in the gym, the sophomores of Cabrini will host their first DiscoFashion Show. The idea for the show, formul~ ated last year by Tanya Nelson and Detsy Lynch, developed as a suggestion to raise money for Sophomore-Senior Farewell. At present, Lynch, Nelson and Cindy Cristinzio are running the affair. These three women thought. a disco-fashitm show would be something different to go along with the usual selling of chances . and car washes. Nelson, who is a model, thought a fashion show would be a good and successful crowd attractor . · The trio were on the lookout for three weeks for Cabrini's best dressed. As a result they have 15 men and 15women participating in the show. All participants are from various classes of Cabrini. The men and women will be matched

according to outfits and height. lmmedia.tely following the show thei:e will be a disco dam~e. Music will be provided by records. There will also be a catered buffet. The organizers had to receive permission from Sr. Sharon Morano, dean of students, to initiate such a project. They will also receive some money from the Student Government Association's budget. Money raised from Uie show will go to any expenses that come up ·and to the sophomore class. Both Nelson and Cristinzio agree that everybody seems to be enthusiastic about the show because it is something different. Lynch feels the idea will carry on in later years. All three hope to reach their goal of $400 profh to help benefit ·the Sophomore-Senior Farewell. The cost of the entire night including show, dance, and buffet will be $4.00 per person.



Friday, November 17, 1978


Committee looks at J ~ spatial problem

Dear Sir: I would like to thank the class officers of the Junior and Senior classes for all their hard :work A college newspaper is the voice of the college campus. It is the best in organizing Junior-Senior form of media through which one party can communicate with the rest of Weekend. I know there were many the college community. Yet, how often is this communication distorted? problems and rearrangements but · in the past, Loquitur reporters have experienced great difficul~y ir the weekend, especially the dinner BY JUDY HAMMET writing thorough articles. They have not received all the facts because dance, proved to be a great sucThe increasing enrollment at they were told that "it was none of your business" or that "it doesn't con- cess. Cabrini College is causing a cern you." Not only does it concern the reporter, but it concerns the rest problem of lack of space on camSincerely, Janet Cooper pus. of the staff, the editors, and, most importantly, the college community. Class of 1980 The community not only wants to know what is going on, but it has the Take Counsel Hall, the male right to know, and it is the newspaper's duty to inform the members of residence hall, for instance. the community. Counsel is located in Grace Hall, All this comes to light because of the recent dismissal of Mr. Isadore which also houses faculty offices, Axler, former vice president for business and finance. Does anyone know administrative offices, and the Litthe specific reas~n for his leaving? We know only what the newspaper tle Theatre. Because of an inhas printed, that 'more innovative financial management is required at creased male residency enrollthis time." ment more rooms were needed to accommodate the men. In order to In the past year four major administrators have departed from Cabrini. do this much shifting around was Rev. Thomas Piechocinski, former campus chaplain; Nancy Denton, Dear Sir, On behalf of the sophomore class necessary. former director of resident life; Jacqueline Roddy, former director for Faculty offices, for the third development; and Axler have all left Cabrini for various reasons. While I wish to thank the members of the there is no apparent connection made between the four departures, the faculty, the sophomores and those year in a row, have had to relo"various" reasons are still quite nebulous to both the Loquitur staff and who came out to cheer at the an- cate, recombine and double up to basketball make room. The men have been most of the college community. It is true that certain situations may be nual Soph/Faculty accommodated, but at th·e expense game, which was held on Oct. 24. considered "too delicate" or "a very delicate situation" to comment on The leading scorer for the of the faculty members. Overfurther, nevertheless, if more specific information were supplied to Locrowding of these offices is particquitur, its subsequent publication would dispel any rumors that would faculty was Dr. Jolyon P. Girard with 51 points. Maurene Burns led ularly a problem in the education inevit~bly circulate around campus. · the sophomores with a total of 26. department according to Mr. The sophomore class asks that William Kuhns, department acting Being vague or not giving all the information is the prerogative of the informer. It may be done for seemingly good reasons, namely, to put the anyone who sponsored a faculty chairperson. matter to rest, to protect someone's reputation or to avoid further member or sophomore to please Noise is another problem. problems. But giving less than the full truth also misleads, deceives and pay up. Since the faculty offices are loin the end, may cause more problems. Most importantly, it is also a poor Sincerely, cated on the second floor of Grace example for college faculty or administrators to set for college students Kathy Daly Hall, adjacent to the second floor because the search for truth is what college is all about. Class of 1981 of Counsel, faculty meml>ers often work to the beat of blaring stereos , water fights and screaming students. As a matter of fact, Dr. Dorothy Brown, vice president of academic affairs, often dons her hard hat for BY SR. BEATRICE HICKEY typed and distributed to the stu- from Delaware CountyComRegistration problems - long dents. A trial roster is attached to munity College, has had a very fear that the ceiling of her office (located below Counsel Hall) is lines - hours of waiting - these the list of courses which the stu- different experience with registragoing to fall through. are foreign terms to Cabrini stu- dent fills out and shows his or her tion at his former college. This may all sound a little fardents. Whether you are aware of it adviser. The rest is simple - one Glacken remarked, "It was so bad f etched, but a walk through or not, registration at Cabrini is simply awaits registration day to I had to volunteer to help distribute Grace/Counsel Hall would prove very different from registration at register. computer cards." When registerotherwise. other colleges. When asked about this pro- ing here he simply walked into The problem of lac f pace and What takes other colleges a day cedure Sr. Catherine said, "I find the registrar's office, introduced its subsequent problems have or two takes us approximately this way much easier than in pre- himself and was able to register been brought up numerous times in · 11/2 hours. vious years. There is a lot involved for his courses. the past. But it is becoming a more Registration, as you presently but I find the students know what Teachers have also found the pressing problem now than ever experience it, was not always this to do." new procedures agreeable. In the before. way. Years ago it took an entire . Mike Glacken, a junior at past they lost one full teaching The problem was discussed at a day to register students and all Cabrini and a transfer student day because of the registration. recent Master Planning Commitwork was done in the gym. Today, tee. after testing various methods, According to Dr. Frank Saul, registration takes place during acchairman of the committee, the tivity periods on Tuesdays and seriousness of the problem has Thursdays. In addition to this the been assessed. The committee will lobby and classrooms are used indiscuss possible solutions as part stead of the gym. of the year's agenda. In order to When interviewed, Sr. Catherine get specific areas of need a space De Franco, registrar, remarked allocation subcommittee has been that the actual day of the registraformed by the Master Planning . tion is proceded by many different Committee. steps. The subcommittee, comprised of Instructors must first fill out Mrs. Carolyn Gough, Dr. Dorothy forms to list their course offerings. Brown, Mr. John Heiberger and When this is completed Sr. Sal Barbuscio, specifically plans to Catherine and Mrs. Mary Ann investigate the possibilities of proMirra, secretary, begin working on a master schedule. Upon completion of this the department chairpersons are called Registrar Sr. Catherine De Franco and Mn. Mary Ann Mirra, in to check for any conflicts within secretary the schedule. Cabrini College students are inPhoto by Bruce Ravenscroft After this step, the schedule is vited to participate in GLAMOUR Magazine's 1979 Top Ten College BY JOHN GALLAGHER Women Contest. Young women On Saturday, Nov. 4, the InterLOQJJITUR STAFF from colleges and universities throughout the country will com- national Club sponsored a trip to Editor-in-chief ..................................... Ron Katkocin pete in GLAMOUR'S search for the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This is the second event sponNews Editor ...................................... Lisa Sherwood ten outstanding students. A panel Features Editor ..................... , ................ Kim Hayes of GLAMOUR editors will select sored by the club. The first was a Consulting Editor ................................... Sue O'Hagan the winners on the basis of their concert in the mansion on Sept. 24 Layout Personnel .................... Cindi DeRitis, Kathy Daly, solid records of achievement in by artist-in-residence Madame Agi Jambor. Shawn Stetser academic studies and/or in extracurricular ·activities on campus or The organizers of the trip were Reporters ........... Connie Aiello, Alix Boyle, Theresa Collins, in the community. Mrs. Helene Hennigan and Mrs. Sheila Dougherty, John Gallagher, Judy Hammet, The 1979 Top Ten College Irene Rachal. · Sr. Beatrice Hickey, Theresa Karminski, Jim Lawlor, Women will be featured in . The exhibit of special interest · Detsy Lynch, Rosemary Lynch, Norma Pittman, GLAMOUR's August college was The Second Empire. This exMarie Pizzuto, Lisa Sherwood, Shawn Ste~er issue. During May, June or July, hi bit included paintings, Typists. - .......................... Marie Carbone, Fran Carusi, the ten winners will be invited to sculptures, pottery and furniture Sheila Dougherty New York to meet the GLAMOUR from the era of Napoleon III. This Arts Coordinator .................................. Judy Hammet staff and will receive a $500 cash Secretary ................................ ·........... Fran Carusi prize. Photography .................................... Jim Amalfitano, Anyone who is interested in enNaomi Brodman, Kathy Daly, Bruce Ravenscroft tering the search should contact Artist. .......................................... Lourdes Latorre Jan Buzbee, ext. 46, for more inforBusiness Manager .................................... Pat Dailey mation. The deadline for submitAdviser ....................................... Dr. Jerome Zurek ting an application to GLAMOUR is Dec. 15, 1978.


Letters to the .editor

Cabrini's registration

a breeze

viding more space for residency, class rooms, faculty offices and activities. Upon investigation, they will write up a formal proposal and present their findings to the Master Planning Committee. One possibility for solving the space problem, Dr. Saul states, is that of a "multi-purpose building." Such a structure, if ever realized here, would be just what it says .:__multipurpose. That is, it possibly could house residents, faculty offices and so forth, but in a more concisive fashion than the Counsel/Grace Hall situation. The plans for such a building are still in the formative stages. Architectural design and location are not even under consideration. If any final decisions are made they wouldn't be implemented much before next year and the actual building, if it is agreed upon, wouldn't be completed for another two or three years. The ideas, such as this one, are based on a five-year plan in which they predict enrollment and space needs to increase. The 1978-79 prediction of 400 full-time students was met, thus space, especially resident space, was quickly filled. Presently there are 168 residency spaces and there are still lists of people waiting to move on campus. The Master Planning Committee predicts a 450 full-time student enrollment for 1979-80, almost half of which will wish to be residents. This fact must be considered with the fact that only about 50-100 resident spaces will open up due to gradution and attrition. This is definitely a problem now, but before Master Planning approves any proposals they must, as best as possible, fully assess future trends so as to outline future needs. They cannot act solely upon one or two year's enrollment, as fluctuations ate apt to occur. Five years ago showed a definite decline in residency living, whereas currently it is on the upswing. But what is to guarantee the trend? Only after Master Planning is able to predict some kind of future trend will any serious action be taken to solve the space deficiency problem. But a multi~purpose building is certainly a possibility, for as trends change, so too will the building be able to change to accommodate the needs of the campus.

International Club takes trip tour lasted about two hours. Also included was a photograph of the Empress Eugenie. This photograph satisfied the curiosity of all after viewing so many interpretations of her by different artists. Napoleon III and the Empress were the subjects of mostly all the paintings and sculpture. Dorinda Russell, president of the International Club, was enthusiastic about the trip, but thought th11tmore students should have taken advantage of such an opportunity. Most of the participants were language majors, so the exhibit was complementary to their course studies.

Juniors ... It's


Presidenttor 1979. 1

Friday, November

i 7, 1978

Committee on lookout for Ed. chairperson BY KIM HAYES "It takes 100%commitment," to

be a successful education chairperson, according .to William B. Kuhns, assistant professor of education. Dr. Luther G. Shaw, the previous chairperson, left Cabrini at the end of the Spring '78 semester. Since September, Kuhns has been acting chairperson. The chairperson search commit- . tee will include faculty members of the education department, Anthony T. Tomasco, associate ' professor of Psychology, and Dr. Dorothy M. Brown, vice president for academic affairs. It is undecided whether the future chairperson _will require a doctoral degree. If this becomes the case, four members of the education department will not be eligible . This would include Kuhns, who is presently doing the work of the chairperson. At the moment, however, Kuhns pointed out that Dr . Brown has given all education faculty an opportunity to submit a resume to the search committee . If a · faculty member submits a resume, that particular member may not be on the search committee. The committee is looking for someone who wants a small college atmosphere. "In a small atmosphere, availability is essential," said Kuhns. He pointed out that in larger universities, students must have "set appointments," to contact their teachers. At Cabrini, students corner teachers in lunch lines, parking lots, hallways and even . rest rooms. Nancy M. Rush, assistant professor of education, thinks "knowledge in terms of r-esearch and grant proposals for extra-programs" would be a good requirement for the new chairperson. "We need someone who knows who to run to for what," she added. Equally important, she further stressed, "a team approach with the department pulling together," is necessary.

The advantages and disadvantages of seeking someone outside of the college are being considered. Kuhns sees the .chairperson as a "protector." "Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of fellow-workers would be an asset for a Cabrini faculty member. A new member must discover this with time," he pointed out. The search committee must beware. of people who may want to use "Cabrini as a stepping stone," to a position in a larger university. Rush, pointed out that "some may want to come here to do writing and increase their pubiished work." Kuhns foresees Cabrini attracting many chairperson applicants. "We have a good reputation," he said. Out of aUthe education graduates in 1978, "only one person did not get a job," he added. He attributed this high per.centage to the interaction of stu-

What do you think? dents with administrators and professors. The students learn to "communicate" while still undergraduate~. Also, he sees "the double-major" as an important factor. In discussing education as a rewarding major, Kuhns pointed out, "there are not a million jobs. A student must be willing to go where they are." Students who limit themselves "in location" have the toughest time finding jobs, he added. Although only one male graduated in education last year, "fellows have it made in education because of the discipline factor," said Kuhns. He added, "starting in ·education and having a family takes extra-commitment." He further added, "the rewards of self-gratification are endless and by joining recreational clubs, coaching and increasing credit and course work," salaries increase.

Don't turn that dial for both teens and adults." BY CONNIE AIELLO Mrs. Buzbee said that the spots Lately you've been turmng on would run during the peak times of your radio and what do you hear? Music? Of course not, ads for the year - that is, when high school students were thinking Cabrini, naturally. According to Jan Buzbee, direcabout college. Also, the ads would consist of two different _messages tor of public relations, the Public Relations Committee and Admis- each being 60 seconds long. sions Committee wanted to make The committees believe that the the College a ·little bit more radio spots are a quick way of get"known." ting attention and that. they rein· It was decided that radio was the force the other advertising most expedient means of adver- methods. Mr . Buzbee believes ise'lnen . It was en deciced to that it is too early to see the results utilize the services of an advertisof the radio spots but she said she ing agency in choosing radio spots. has received around twenty calls The agency chosen was Lane, from people who say that the spots Golden, Phillips of Philadelphia. have made them aware of Cabrini. Through studies with this agency, She feels that if the spots are s_uctwo stations, WIP and WIFI, were ces~ful more will be added, but that selected to advertise ii\ the Phila- the department "plans to stay delphia area. WIFI was selected to within its budget." reach the "youth market" and The next radio spots are WIP, was chosen to attract adults scheduled to run Nov. 15 through 17 and continuing education students , corresponding with the Philadelbeing "a middle of the road station phia College Fair. Along with WIFI and WIP, spots are scheduled to be added to WFIL for those three days.

Yearbook campaign begins BY JIM LAWLOR The yearbook staff this year is putting together an edition of "Woodcrest" which may be the best ever to hit Cabrini. The book has a lot going for it; the staff is bigger than last year's, and most are experienced and willing to work. Probably the best aspect of this year's staff, however, is the



is for a previously unsurpassed cover, to be designed by the editors. The editors are fully aware that such improvements in the book cost money - more money than they are allotted. For this reason a full scale advertisement and patron drive is being launched. The ads will be full, half, and quarter page.

Loquitur reporter Fran Carusi and photographer Jim Amalfitano asked the question: "If there were one thing you could change at Cabrini, what would it be?"

Maine Korzon, Freshman, Liberal Arts Major. "I would increase the male population by adding a better athletic program so more males will get interested in the college." ~

Margarita Tuero, Freshman, Business Major. "My change would be to have a better food menu in the cafeteria and to have a better variety of food. It's not what mom used to mak_e."

Leslie Hickman, •senior, History Major. "Co-Educational living. Girls are missing out on too much of the experience that you can get by having co-ed dorms."

Marie Carasi, Senior, History Major. "I would change a great deal of the administrative, bureaucratic red tape you have to go through to get things done around here."

An active student government requires a great deal of time and energy to function in a forceful manner. There are two people who are willing to put in this effort but need your support. If you want to have the type of student government where student views will carry weight - go for the experienced team who will get things done -

Vote for SAL BARABUSCIO (Fresidn) & DETSY LYNCH (Vice-President)

Your support will enable them to make SGA a potent force at Cabrini.


It's easier than you think BY CONNIE AIELLO

So after that great summer you've decided to return to school in the latest fashions, right? Then you find out that the new loose clothing isn't as loose as you'd like it to be. What next? That nasty four letter word, D-1-E-T. Dieting can be made a little easier than it seems. If you're not overly heavy and only want to lose a few pounds, here are a few

really are, not what they taste like. That is, don't imagine how good that ice cream tastes, envision it as a mound of fat. Instead of eating that whole scoop of ice cream, ea,t half of it. Thirdly, savor meals, don't just shove. Many people eat for the sake of eating. Eat and chew slowly. Granted, once in a while you may have to shove down your food quickly because you have a

dressing. Instead of cream and sugar in your coffee, use a sugar substitute and skim milk. In other words, count how many calories you can save at each meal by using one thing instead of something else. Now that you have some idea about diet tips, what about dieting · itself? Institutional food doesn't always permit a variety of foods, but usually you can develop a good

Envision your ice cream as a mound of fat

The 1978-79Woodcrest staff.

Photo by Bruce Ravenscroft ability of its members to work in harmony, with little or no discontentment. This yearbook team, lead by Editor Sue O'Hagan, has big plans for Woodcrest '79. First, it would like to use more pictures, also the group would like to have some color photos. The main thrust of the stafrs energies

They will be available to businesses, activities and other groups. Gold and Silver patrons are to be sold to parents and friends of the school. The most important patron though, is the student patron, who, for $3.00, may patronize the yearbook to make this "best ever" yearbook possible.

helpful hints. First, eat your biggest meal earliest and gradually eat less every other meal. In other words, eat a large breakfast, a smaller lunch, and a light dinner. The reasoning behind this is that you burn 4p most calories during the day. Eating less during the night usually results in fewer calories when you are asleep. Secondly, cut down on junk food. This has got to be one of the hardest things to do. A tip on how to do it is to envision things as they

class in 25 minutes and the cafeteria line is 15 minutes long, but at least think about what you are eating. How many times do we automatically open the refrigerator without realizing it? Fourthly, exercise is an important supplement to dieting. You don't have to develop a harsh program, just a few simple exercises before going to bed to tone up your body. Fin"lly, watch out for "hidden calories." Salad is fine, if you don't load it with croutons and

plan from the foods available. For example, for breakfast choose between a variety of juices such as grapefruit or orange, tomato or apple. Oatmeal, cereal or fresh fruit is good for breakfast. Lunch can include a variety of things, such as tuna fish, chicken salad, soups, cottage cheese, vegetables, fresh fruit or yogurt. Dinner can include lean fish or meats, chicken, salads, vegetables and casseroles. Overall, the most important thing is not to get discouraged and to be disciplined while dieting.



Cava/ iers anticipate season BY KATHY DALY As the soccer season comes to a close the sports sights will now be focusing on the men's basketball team which will open its fifth season. The opening game is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 28, 1978 at home, against Beaver College, under the direction of Head Coach Dr. Jolyon P. Girard. The 1978-79Cavalier team is a young team with only five veterans returning, says Coach Girard. The returning juniors are Bob Albert, Tom Anderson and team

captain John Gallagher . The two sophomores who are returning are Keith Hickman and .Andy Cullen . Cullen, leading scorer, was the M.V.P. of the Invitational Tournament held at Cabrini last March. The seven new players who will be seen running up and down the court are freshman : John Derham, Mike Ferguson, Charlie Gross, Mike Hilsey, John Keating, Jim Lawlor, and Tom Woolfolk. Coach Girard feels there is much talent on this young team on which to build; the only problem they

face is the fact that they have not played together. Although Coach Girard did not wish to make any pre-season pre dictions ., he hopes that the Cavaliers will be a competitive team and continue with the Cabrini tradition of a winning season. The Cavaliers are coming off a season of 19 wins and only 7 loses. Some tough teams Cabrini expects to be facing this year are: Northeast Christian, Cathedral , Valley Forge Junior College, and Philadelphia Community College.

Fall sports come to a halt .BY DETSY LYNCH The 1978Fall Season for both the men's soccer and women's volleyball teams 118$ officially ended. The Cavaliers finished with a record of 5 wins, 7 losses and 4 ties. When asked if he were sat isfied with this season's play, Coach Carter Craigie commented , "No, we didn't win as many games as I would have liked to have won." The biggest factor which affected the Cavaliers ' performance was that the players weren't in top physical condition for the first half of the season. According to Craigie, "The second half of the season was superb compared to the first, and this turn around came

about when we started running laps and doing stretching exer cises at practice." The team also started to play together more as a team. Highlights for the season included the overall defensive play of the team, particularly the goaltending of Pat McCanney. "We suffered no blowouts and beat our neighbor Valley Forge for the first time in Cavalier history ," Craigie stated . Leading scorer on the team was Steve Reuss with eight goals . The women's volleyball team , on the other hand , wrapped up its first season in the P AIAW conference with an impressive 14 win and 7 loss record . In comparing

this year's team w1th last year's, Coach Helen Goodwin commented, "The team consists of basically the same players , the only difference being that this year the players are more experienced ." Although the competition in the league was of a higher quaUty, Cabrini held its own against such big universities as St. Joseph's and Drexel . High points of the season included overall play of the varsity, particularly the setting of Carol Ramos and -spiking ability of Aunnie Bedard . The only weakness Coach Goodwin found on the team was " our Jack of depth ."

Friday, November 17, 1978

Men'sBasketball CAVALIERS

*Nov. 28 - Beaver Nov. 30 - N.E. Christian *Dec. 5 - Gwynedd-Mercy Dec. 7 - Valley Forge C.C. Dec. 8 - Cathedral *Dec. 9 • Philadelphia C.C. Dec. 12 - Valley Forge J.C. *Jan. 20 - Y.I.A. *Jan. 22 - Holy Family *Jan. 23 - Valley Forge C.C. Jan. 25 - Academy of New Chulfch *Jan. 'Z1- Alvernia *Feb. 1 - Williamson *Feb. 3 • Cathedral Feb. 5 - Alvernia Feb. 8 • Philadelphia C.C. *Feb. 13 • N.E . Christian *Feb . 15 - Academy of New Church Feb. 19 - Holy Family *Feb. 20 - Pinebrook Feb. 22 - Williamson *Feb. 23 - Mt. Aloysius *Feb . 'Z1- Valley Forge J .C. Mar. 1 - Pinebrook *Mar. 6 - Beaver *Mar . 8 - Allentown

7:30 p.m. 7:30p.m . 7:30 p.m . 8 :00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m . 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:30p .m. 7:00 p.m . 7:30 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m . 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7 :30 p.m . 7:00 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. 7 :30 p.m.

Women's Basketball *Dec. 4 - Spring Garden *Dec. 7 - Ursinus *Dec. 9 - Philadelph ia C.C. Dec. 11 - Allentown Jan . 25 - Chestnut Hill Jan. 30 - Penn State *Feb . 1 - Bryn Mawr Feb . 3 - P hiladelphia C.C. Feb . 6 - Textile *Feb . 8 - P .C.B. Feb . 13 - Drexel Feb. 15 - Widener Feb. 20 - Harcum *Feb. 22 - Rosemont Fe b. Tl - Gwynedd-Mercy *Feb. 28 - Swar thmor e *Mar . 7 - Ea stern *Home Games

7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

ArtsCalendar SPECT RUM CONCERTS 8 p.m.

Nov~20 - Qµeen Nov. 22 - Aero Smith Nov. Tl - Grateful Dead Dec. 1 - Foreigner Dec. 8 • Styx TOWER THEA TE R 8 p.m.

Nov. 17-18 - Al Stewart Nov. 23 • 10 CC Nov. 24-25- Grease


Cavalier Walt Wllliams eludes a Beaver defender. Williams , a senior, played in his final soccer game as a Cavalier . Photo by Jim Amalfitano

Nov. 23-25- Rose Royce VALLEY FORGE MUSIC FAIR

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World Travel Service, right here in Wayne, can put together low-cost, exciting trips to suit any special interest group. Whether you like scuba diving or mountain climbing , archaeology or calypso ballads, our experts can design an enriching tour to share with your friends. Think what a time of fun and learning can be arrangedin the best places in the world, for your specialty!

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