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February 16, 1979
VOL. XXV, No. 7
, Leaks plague Woodcrest Hall BY SHEILA DOUGHERTY Third floor residents of Woodcrest have been greatly inconvenienced by leaking ceilings. For most, the problem started during the heavy rains at the beginning of this semester. According to Donna Brophy, room 302, the leaking started the first Thursday of this semester. Many of her roommate's albums were ruined by the water. According to Sr. Sharon, dean of students, these damaged items will be covered by insurance~ Brophy went on to say that the whole situation is "a pain in the neck." Nancy Sullivan, room 306, said there was really n,pdamage to her room . However, after the leak was patched up, there was a "tidal
Third ftoor reaideata in Woodcreat.aUempt to atop leaky ceiling. PHOTO BY JIM AMALFITANO
Eichner named new Business Manager BY DETSY LYNCH
"I see my job as being very ineresting and challenging," Mr. William Eichner said in response to the overall outlook of his job as the new Business Manager at Cabrini. Eichner found out about the vacant position through The Chronicle of Higher Education . He was approved by the Board of Trustees and became a member of the campus community on Jan. 15, 1979. Before coming to Cabrini Eichner held a number of positions in both the military and in private industry . He was graduated from La Salle College in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting. After completing six and one-half years of reserve and active duty, Eichner was promoted to Auditor General of the United States Air Force. Upon receiving an honorable discharge in 1969, Eichner joined
the stafC of the Thiokol Chemical Corporation in Newtown, Pa. While at Thiokol, Eichner underwent training in auditing com-
puters , gained experience in elec t r onic data _proc ssing and served as corporate auditor. Eichner then went on to serve as Assistant Director of Audit at Temple University before being promoted to Business Manager of Temple University Mus i c Festival. Eichner is presently taking courses at Temple in higher education. He is also taking graduate courses in computer science . According to Eichner the business office is going to institute new procedures and forms in an effort to have a more organized and workable system. He said that "the greatest asset to my job is the student" and stf'essed that hii; door is always open. The need for a new Business Manager d_eveloped last semester when Mr. Isadore Axler, former vice president of business and finance, was notified by the Board of Trustees that his services were no longer required at Cabrini.
New class presidents discuss plans BY MARIA CARBONE (Treasurer) and Gina Gallagher Prior to the semester break, (Commuter Representative), is to Cabrini College held elections of prepare for the graduation exerclass officers for the spring/fall cises of the class of 1979to be held semesters of 1979. Al Iannucci on May 13. junior class president, and Jack Under the leadership of Iannucci Duffy, sophomore class presi- and associate class members Tori dent, are new to the Student Ryan (Vice President), Sue Soja Government Association. (Secretary), M i-ke Glacken Maria Carusi, senior class presi- (Treasurer) and Donna Garber dent, has served on SGA repre- (Commuter Representative), the senting her class for four cortsecu- junior class has begun to prepare tive years . David Murphy,· fresh- . for the financial burden of Juniorman class president, has been Senior Weekend next semester . affiliated with SGA as Counsel Last semester the sophom ore Hall's dormitory representative class had difficulty in choosing its during the fall semester of 1978. representatives . In both the top On her experience in SGA Carusi two catagories, president and said, "I've learned a great deal vice-president run-offs had to be about people and I've gained a lot held in order to determine a winof experience that is going to help ner. Duffy emerged as the choice me after I graduate.'' Now the for class president and Mary Alice main responsibility for Carusi and Fitzpatrick as vice-president. Senior Class Officers Vicki Duffy, along with Fitzpatrick . Epifanio (Vice President) , Carla Kelli Armstrong (Secretary ) , Mark (Secretary), Marie Dewees Terri McGovern (Treasurer) and
Marc Sansone (Commuter Representative), have started to raise the approximately $4,000 they need to sponsor this semester's Sophomore /Senior Farewell. The freshman class also experienced difficulty in electing officers to represent it because four out of fiye office run-offs had to be held. Winners were determined immediately in all except the office of president. A second run-off between Frances Carusi and Murphy was held . Murphy won by a slight margin . "My objectives are just to get things together ; to Jay the foundation, " Murphy said about his intentions for the class . The other freshman class officers are Chris Collins (Vice Presiden t), Linda Larkin ( Secretary), Jane t Alfonsi (Treasurer ) and Theresa Collin s ( Commu ter Represerrtati ve ).
wave" in the middle of the night. When asked for a comment, Sullivan replied, " Fix it! It's a Jot of aggravation . You have to listen to dripping all night." Another third floor resident, who wished to remain anonymous, commented, "They had six weeks to fix it. Why didn't they fix it?" The most common complaints were that rooms had to be arranged around the leaks, that the dripping noise was bothersome when trying to sleep and that there was a bad odor. According to Sr. Sharon, the problem started during the heavy rains, sometime in October or November. However, the problem was not "excessive." It was
mainly in room 309. The reason the repairs are taking so long is because the main problem in the roof is "hard to locate." We hoped it could have been done during Christmas," Sr. Sharon said. Sr. Sharon . went on to say that between seven and eight rooms were affected by the problem. When asked exactly when the roof would be repaired, Sr. Sharon replied that it was a "priority item ." Mike Caranfa, director of buildings and grounds, is working along with the company to fix the roof . Most third floor Woodcrest residents are probably wondering the same thing that Brophy asked, "How long is this going to go on?"
Lec ture evaluates . ERA question BY N NCY HARROLD
rding o an 1ctiolas, Esq. , staff attorney for the Women's Law Project of Philadelphia , one of th e m ost prevale nt misconceptions concerning the Equal Rights Ame ndmen t is its length . Although many people be lieve that it mus t be at leas t 25 pages long , it is " actua lly ver y short," explained • 'i cholas dur ing her presentation which was sponsored by the Cabrini Women 's Group on Feb . 1. The proposed ERA , which was approved by the United States Congress on March 22, 1972 and sent to the states for ratification, reads as follows : Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification. In order for a proposed amendment to become law it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states. To date, the ERA has already been ratified by 33 of the required 36 states. With the approval of only three more states necessary for its passage, Nicholas describes the amendment's present situation as "frustrating." One of the questions most frequently asked of Nicholas is "Why do we need ERA?" Her standard reply is "Why shouldn't we have it?" It has already been made "abundantly clear that women are not included in the 14th Amendment," says Nicholas. The ERA would mean equal rights for both sexes. During the question and answer period which follwed the lecture, one student expressed his concern as to whether the passage of the ERA would affect personal relationships between men and women. Nicholas explained that private relationships between the sexes would be "unaffected" since the amendment relates to what the government can and cannot do. They would, however, have to begin "treating each other as equals," she added. c
=:: :ii' Class Dave more junior
PHOTO BY JIM AMALFITANO officers left to right: Chris Collins, freshman vice-president; Murphy, freshman president; Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, sophovice-president; !•ck Duffy, s'ophoinor.e .preaident; Al Iannucci, pres!dent; Tori Ryan, junior vice-president.
February 16, 1979
Page 2
Letters to
Fact and opinion BY SUE O'HAGAN
Is it an answer to the cry of reverse discrimination? Or have the women at Cabrini merely succumbed to the age old adage, "it's a man's world " ? Whatever the cause, the fact remains-males at Cabrini are quickly stepping into the limelight of the power scene-too quickly, it seems, for comfort of any reasonable sort from a female standp~~. .. This phenomenon . most recently notable in the Student Government Association and class election results of last semester (seep. 1), is a commendable victory for the men on campus . Ofthe22 open SGA and class office seats, 32 per cent of them are filled by men . In plain figures, seven of the 22 positions are currently being held by men. Taken into consideration the fact that .males constitute only 25 per cent of Cabrini's full time enrollment, these are not bad odds. But they are odd odds, when one considers the fact that 75 per cent constituency of women had a vote in the election. Still more puzzling about the popularity of men in Cabrini's politics is the fact that four out of the seven positions filled by the men are "power" positions. That is, the four men wese elected to four of the open presidential positions, with Sal Barabuscio as SGA president and Al Iannucci, Jack Duffy, and Dave Murphy serving as junior, sophomore and freshman class presidents respectively. Cabrini women are taking a back seat, serving in secondary positions such as vice-president and secretary in all but two campus offices, that of senior class president, Pia Carusi and yearbook editor, Sue O'Hagan .
Are women taking ' .
a back seat? Four males have served as SGA presidents since 1974-75. Three consecutive terms were undertaken by the men at this time, with Joe Silvestrini in 1974-75 serving as first male president ever of SGA. Following were Larry Sugden in 1975-76 and Ray Crew in 1976-77. Upsetting this wave- of male dominance for a twoyear span were Madeleine Cahill in 1977-78and Leslie Hickman in 1978-79. Barabuscio is the fourth male president in five years. The upsurge in male dominance on the class office level is relatively new this year, with only Lou Zaccagni, '77 serving as his freshman class president and Ron Katkocin, '80, serving terms as sophomore and junior class president. Not only is the trend currently evident in Cabrini's student government, but in other phases of the campua u well. Notably, Loquitur has a male editor, Katkocin, for the 1978-79term. He is the first male editor of the publication . Another area of male dominance is the nursing staff. Currently , two of the three staff members are males . They are Iannucci, '80 and Mike Glacken , '80. This may all be well and good for Cabrini's image of a liberal arts, coeducational institute, but in this day of the Equal Rights Amendment, affirmative action programs and women's liberation , this turnabout in Cabrini 's leadership patterns is certainly paradoxical.When corporations and businesses all over the country are sending women to top management positions, when the New York Times has a woman as its sports editor , when women are finally being recognized as equal counterparts of men in every phase of society , Cabrini women , in effect, are letting men take the reins of power. They say "we 've come a long way, " but faced with occurences like these, I wonder just how far we've really come and, more importantly, how much further we are going to get if we keep up the trend of taking the back seat.
Comedie Francaise to debut . BY MARIE PIZZUTO
The Comedie Francaise, the oldest theater company in the world, will make Brooklyn the initial stop on its first visit to the United States in nearly a decade . The International Club will sponsor a trip to Brooklyn to see
the editor To the Editor : My name is Billy Kile and I'm currently incarcerated. The reason I'm writing is because it gets pretty lonely in here and I'd like to write to one or two of the ladies from your school if this could possibly be arranged . Thank you for your time and help. Yours, Billy Kile F8600 Box 244 Graterford, Pa . 19426
Student Auditions
A view from back stage school students, or married BY CONNIE AIELLO Did you ever wonder what it is women in their mid-twenties. Some of them said that to be suclike to · audition for a Broadway cessful in the theater was their musical? Over the interim, I had the op- greatest ambition, despite all the portunity to audition for the Broad- obstacles that faced them from - reaching a theatrical career . way musical "Grease ." Three college students with whom Auditioning for a Broadway musical required, first , before I spoke thought that performing in anything, a theatrical resume, a a Broadway musical would not picture of myself, and a piece of affect their college careers - they would simply withdraw for a music. Auditions were being held in the semester . They also felt that perShubert Theater in Philadelphia . forming in a Broadway musical Once inside the backstage door of would actually increase their the Shubert, I was made to sign a chances for emp loyment after sheet of paper that had a list of their college careers . There were people with various numbers. People were called in One groups of ten. My number was 119. reasons for auditioning. oma n, a high school drama I was directed into a large dress ing room. A usual stereotyped im- teacher , thought th at if she were age of a theater's dressing room is given the opportunity to perform in a room with patched stone walls a Broadway musical she would be doing something different but , at and mirrors that are surrounded by blaring lights . That image fit the same time, she would be working in a field she liked very much . this dressing room rather well . More noticeable than the dress- One woman said she wanted to auing room was'the scattered people dition simply "to see what audiwithin it. It is a frightening ex- tioning was like ." This woman perience walking into a place and planned to teach drama and she not knowing one person. After that wanted to experience the emotions initial shock, though, I came to that her students would have in realize that everyone else was , if such a situation . Finally , one young man , a Communicanot frightened, very nervous . tions /Psychology major, said that Most of the people auditioning were either college students , high he was not only auditioning but
also observing the attitudes and the tension of the people auditioning. And was there tension! It didn 't occur to me that I was nervous until I heard that they were ready to audition people who had numbers from 100-109. It was just about then that I realized I would be in the next group to audition . Then, the call came for people whose numbers were 110-119. I found myself in th e hall waiting to go onstage. F inally , I wen t out ons t age where a man and a woman were seated. Next to them was also a piano and a waiting pianis t. I handed the man my resume , the pianist mY. music and sang-16 bars of • at · •before the man said , " Cut. Good. Thank you." That was it! A twohour wait to audition for three minutes ! After that, I simply went back to the dressing room, put on my coat and left. Leaving the theater I felt slightly disappointed , still a bit nervous , and yet very satisfied that I accomplished something that seemed rather difficult. The only thing I could figure out was that auditioning was just another of the paradoxes that seemed to haunt the theater .
'Red Shoes' radiates stage Mary Alice Fitzpatrick and Lisa Barabuscio is the sly, miserable Stock are casted as the Grand - gypsy, Snogg. The Theater Lab of Cabrini Col- mother. Frank Morelli , Ed CunMost of the actors agree that the lege is presenting the children 's ningham and David Tori play the show is really shaping up. It is play " The Red Shoes." ~t is a dignified, good -hearted Burgo - filled with action, and adults as delightful play written by Robin master . Kathy Filippo portrays well as children will find it to be Short and based on a fairy tale by the mute clown Jemmo and Sal very amusing . Hans Christian Anderson Daniele Perna, artistic director , sta ted that the plot centers around "dancing red shoes, a magical buttonhook and a clever clown. " Per na was very enthusiastic about the production. He felt that " the actors are finding the physical and internal character building a good exper ience ." -There are six central characters in the play. Laren , a pretty , young orphan girl is played by Dolores Kearney and Pam Getting alternately . Nels , a hard-working cobbler 's apprentice, is played by Keith Hickman and Harry Albert. BY JUDY HAMMET
Moliere ' s comedy masterpiece " The Misanthrope " on Thursday , May 3. The performances will be in French with simultaneous English translations available on request. For information contac t Dorinda Russell before Monday.
LOQJJITUR Editor-in-chief . ... . .. . . . .. .. ..... ....... ... . ... ... .. . . Ron Katkocin Editorial Editor ....... . . . ........ . . ; .. .. .. .. ... ...... Sue O'Hagan News Editor . . .. ....... . .... . .... . ........ .. .. ... . .. . Lisa Sherwood A,.ss't News Editor . ... ..... ... .......... . . .. . .... . .. ... Detsy Lynch Features Editor . .... ...... ...... ..... ... . . ..... ... .. .. . Kim Hayes Ass't Features Editor . ... .. . . . ..... .. .. . .. .. . .... ... ... Kathy Daly Entertainment Editor ........ . . . .... ... . . .. . ..... . .. Marie Pizzuto Ass't Entertainment Editor .... . .. . ..... . . . . . .... . .... Connie Aiello Sports Editor . . . .. . .. . ........ .. .... ... . . . . ........ Beatrice Hickey Ass't Sports Editor . ......... . .. ........... . . .. . .. . . .. Kitsy HumPs Photography Editor .. . ......... .. .. ... .. . ......... . Jim Amalfitano Distribution Editor . . .... . ... ·..... . . .. ... . . .. ... . . . . John Gallagher Staff ... .... . ....... . . Maria Carbone, Fran Carusi, Theresa Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Sheila Dougherty , Judy Hammet, Kathy Hanson, Nancy Harrold, Theresa Karminski, Joe Kravitz, Rosemary Lynch, Norma Pittman, Bruce Ravenscroft , Shawn Stetser, Katie Witengier Secretary ..... .. . . .. .. . .. ......... ..... .. . . .... .. . . ... Cindi DeRitis Librarian . ... . . . . ..... . .................. .... .. .... . .. Connie Aiello Artist. .. . . . .. . .. .......... ........... ..... . .. . ... . . Lourdes Latorre Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Dailey Adviser .. .. ...... • .. . .. , .. ,.. .... ...... . .. ..... . Jerome R. Zurek, Jr.
, ' .
To the Editor: It never ceases to amaze me how females cry ouffor equality and independence and then do an about-face and elect males to a position of power supremacy within our Student Government Association . ·Every position of power and authority within Student Government is held by a male: the three presidencies of the classes , the presidency of Student Government Association, the Editor of the Newspaper, not a position on Student Government but an important position on campus, is also held by a male. In fact, the only two positions of power that are still held by females are: the Editor of the Yearbook and the Senior Class Presidency (which I hold til Graduation). Yet, the population of this campus is predominantly female and as a voting populace, is still the most viable force . It strikes me funny that a dominance of females as a voting populace would result in a male dominated Student Government.
I should hope many of the females on this cam pus support the ERA and become involved in a great many serious discussions on the ramifica tions of its passage on society, but do we really seek equality? It appears to me that male supremacy is still par-for-the-course-especially here at Cabrini. Sincerely, Maria Pia Carusi President, Class of 1979
Students to support the
Experienced typist with IBM selectric. Term papers, dissertations. Call Mary Lovell, Tues.,Fri. and after 5 at 687-6635.
BECOME ACOLLEGE CAMPUS DEALER Sell BrandNameStereoComponents at lowestprices. HIGHPROFITS - NOINVESTMENT REQUIRED For details, contact: FAD Components, Inc. 65 Passaic Ave., P.O. Box 689, Fairfield, New Jersey 07006 Ilene Orlowsky 201-227-6800
~ -..
Page 3
Women smoke more ·
despite health risks BY NORMA PITTMAN
Smoking on the decline? Not among women. You've come a long way baby ~ Women can now vote, borrow money, purchase homes, use their maiden name after marriage, maintain a separate bank account from their spouse,nurse their offsprings on coffee break and now they are dying like their male counterparts. Following the first Surgeon General's report _against smoking iri 1964, 30 million Americans kicked the habit. Statistics show that · among adult smokers there are 35 per cent smoking now as opposed to 42 per cent 15 years ago. The recent report on smoking, a digest of 30,000 research papers, is more definitive than the 1964 study. It deals with the social, psychological, medical and biological side of smoking. This report emphasizes the effect tobacco presents for women, especially for the fetus of pregnant women. Smoking has risen markedly among young women and girls over the last decade according to the statistics. in the 1,200-paper document. A few of the more significant smoking conclusions are: -The percentage of girls aged 12 through 14 who smoke increased eightfold between 1988 and 1974, for reasods that are unclear. -Fifty-four million Americans smoke, and 75 per cent of them acquired the habit before age 21. -Six million Americans under the age of 20 smoke, 100,000 of them are 12 years old or younger.
-Blue-collar workers smoke more than do those in the more affluent segments of American society. Dr. Julius B. Richmond, the surgeon general of the United States, feels there is "overwhelming proof'' that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and a host of other serious ailments. Dr. Richard also states, "Women who are pregnant and smoke stand a greater chance of retarding fetal growth_,"and that "the children of women who smoke are more likely to have measurable deficiencies in physical growth and development." Cigarettes have been purified, pasturized, mass produced, beautified, rolled, slimmed, filtered and mentholated-all for the smoker's benefit. The Surgeon General's warning seems to work like a parent's no-no. The more smokers are warned, the more they smoke. After all, kicking the habit means sleepless nights, bad tempers, exposed nerves, uncontrollable cravings, eating in excess and ill moods, in addition to a possible loss of friends and possible alienation of family members. It's much easier to spend 75 cents and any medical expenses that might possibly develop. This is a guarantee, according to this new report, on the effects of smoking on · the human body. You've come a long way baby ... you've got your own cigarette now baby, you've come a long, long way.
February 16, 1979
Midge Tumelty
Senior faces challenge on Outreach . .
Margaret (Midge) Tumelty, senior special education major, spent the fall semester away from classes at Cabrini, doing, what she said, was enjoyable, challenging work as a Project Outreach Volunteer. From September through December of 1978, Tumelty student-taught several emotionally disturbed adolescents at the West Park School in Highland, New York. Tumelty's teaching at West Park included lessons in math, reading and language skills. Her students were boys and girls ages 13 through 16. These troubled black, white and Hispanic adolescents had been taken out of special . education schools in New York. Although these children have normal intelligence, Tumelty says they are not able to cope with a normal school. The reason for this
may be the confused lives they had led. Most are court case children that come from broken homes that lacked family life and security. The hard work that some students do at West Park is~not in vain, Tumelty says. For good work entitles one to move from the institution to a group home or back to his own home. A group home is a place where five or six children live together with a set of house parents. "Here we try to give the kids a real sense of family," Tumelty says, "something most of them never had." A full-time house mother and a part-time house father work together to guide the struggling children within a family unit. Tumelty, along with her duties as teacher, worked as a substitute house mother. Tumelty did.not stop, however, with teaching and parenting. When someone was needed to teach C.C.D. to preschoolers and ninth graders, Tumelty filled the vacant
position as religious instructor. Tumelty's stay in New York was one as a Project Outreach Volunteer. -Her placement had been arranged by Dr. Joseph Romano, the Outreach coordinator, and supervised by Dr. Ruth Sower, her adviser at Cabrini. Although as a volunteer Tumelty was not salaried, she was given free room and board at a Cabrini .convent. In addition to the room and board, she received 12 credits needed in student teaching. Tumelty's activities did not end with C.C.D. Together with the Cabrini Sisters she became involved with the charismatic movement, which caused a spiritual awakening within her. Although Tumelty had to leave much behind at the West Park School in New York, much will remain with her. "The months at West Park were meaningful, enjoyable and spiritual times for me and ones I will remember," Tumelty says.
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Friday, February 16, 1979
Page 4
Cavalier forward John Keating taps ball to Andy Cullen. Cabrini defeated the Wllllamsoa Mechanics 88-411. PHOTO BY BRUCE RAVENSCROFT
Cavaliers . chalk -up two BY KITSY HUMES
The Cabrini Cavaliers extended their record to 11-4 by defeating Cathedral College ~Cabrini controlled the ball during the first half by penetrating the Cathedral defense, picking up momentwn as it went along. But the highlight of the first half was when Cavalier Mike Ferguson blocked two shots to prevent Cathedral from scori.ng. Ferguson then followed through with a singlehanded dunk shot that sent the fans wild. In the second half Cathedral made somewhat of a comeback when it came within only two points of tying Cabrini, but the Cavaliers managed to hold Cathedral and win the game. High scorers include: Ferguson
with 21 points, Andy Cullen with 18 points, John Keating with 16 points and John Gallagher with 14 points. High scorer for Cathedral was Tom Reiger with 24 points. Earlier in the week the Cavaliers defeated the Williamson Mechanics 68-61. The Mechanics trailed at the half 35-25 but managed to come within three points in the last 24 seconds of the game. However, Cabrini managed to win by seven points. High scorer for the Cavaliers was Cullen who scored' 20 points. Others who scored in double figures were John Keating wilh 17 points, John Gallagher with 11 points and Tom Woolfolkand Keith Hickman who both pumped in 10 points apiece.
They may not be the Dallas Cowg-irls, the Los Angeles Embraceable Ewes, the Chicago Honey Bears or even the Philadelphia Liberty Belles, but they have the cheers, moves and looks to compete with the best of them. Three years ago, before all the publicity and excitement over professional cheerleaders came to its zenith, the idea for a Cabrini College cheerleading squad was implanted in the brains of now departed Donna Castelli and Sue Ostroski. Since then, under the direction of sophomores Alissa DeMaria and Nancy Budnick, the squad has developed into a tightly disciplined organization. The team, now consisting of one junior, two sophomores and eight freshman, began tryouts back in September. The competition was great, as 25 girls tried out for the squad and less than half made it. According to Captain DeMaria, the girls practice "three to five nights per week for about ' two hours each night." Aside from hordes of cheers they have perfected two routines to "Macho ·Man" and the theme from "Close Encounters." What makes them do it? Budnick summed it up in three words, "! love it," she said with a broadening smile. "I think everybody likes it!"
The lovely lasses who brighten up every game. From left to right (standing) Maria Carbone, Marianne DeMaria, Patti Hoban, Carol Anne Guglielmi, Debbie Logan, Kathy Hanson, (seated) Franny Carmi, Nancy Badaick, Allua DeMaria, Kathy Cordilla, Theresa Collins. PHOTO BY nM AMALFITANO
DeMaria felt "There is a lot of work involved when you are the captain of anything. As captain of the cheerleaders I feel my job is to make the girls want to express their spirit as well as look good out on the court." Junior Patti Hoban added, "Alissa is responsible for how we look, what we do, how we act and to give people what they want." Even though none of the girls are satisfied with the spectators' response, they still feel that they are accomplishing something. "We feel successful for what we ourselves do," DeMaria said.
"And our reward," Budnick added, "is our satisfaction. We want to cheer." Members of the squad include upperclassmen DeMaria, Budnick, Hoban and Freshman Marianne DeMaria, Kathy Hanson, Kathy Cordilla, Maria Carbone, Franny Carusi, Theresa Collins, Carol Anne Guglielmi and Debbie Logan.
Music Center,
644-5000 Feb. 23-25 - Cheech and Chong
Soccer keeps kicking in Cabrini gymnasium _~:~~:!e~:0%:2t~4:° Annenberg Center, 243-6791 F.lb. i.11- Pins and Needles Feb. 28 - March 11 - The Tempes
Have you got that post season soccer itch in your feet? If so, there's a time and place for you on Cabrini's campus. On Sunday nights an intramural soccer league has games in the gynasium. The league was formed through the efforts of Len DeFoggia and Pat McCanney. The two were teammates on the 1978Cabrini soccer team. DeFoggia explained the motivation behind the formation of the league. "There are summer leagues, but during the off-season in the spring semester we wanted to start something that would keep us in shape and also help in-
terested students to learn the game. This would give everyone a better chance for next season ." Co-captain McCanney asked Dr. Jolyon Girard for help in getting some indoor soccer nets and also a gym to play in. The season started Sunday night, Jan. 28. There are two games at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. There are four teams in the competition. The season is scheduled for nine weeks with a 90 minute championship game at the end. McCanney has already predicted the outcome of the season. "My team is going to win the championship as shown in our first victory 5-1."
Walnut Street Theatre, 547-3530 Feb. 16 - March 4 -The Blood Knot Spectrum, 463-4300 Feb. 20-28- Ice Capades Civic Center, 627-4412 Feb. 24 - March 4 - Sports Show Repertory Company, 963-0616 Feb . 16-23 - Spoon River Mandell Theatre, 895-2529 Feb. 20-24- Cyrano de Bergerac Cabrini College Little Theatre Feb. 17, 24, March 3 - The Red Shoes (2 p.m.) Feb. 18, 25, March 4 - The Red Shoes (1 p.m. and 3 p.m.)
Courageous cagers record victories BY JOE KRAVITZ
The women cagers under Coach Helen Goodwin continued into the new year on a sound note with consecutive victories over Penn State Ogontz and Bryn Mawr. This advances the women's record to 7-2 overall. Junior Aunnie Bedard and Freshman Marianne O'Connor paced the team over P .S.Ogontz. Bedard and O'Connor chipped in for 16 and 11 points respectively to enable the women to walk off the Nittany Lion court with a 62-37 victory. After a satisfying triumph on the road the women came back home to trounc e Bryn Mawr
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The final score was no indication of how well the women demonstrated team defense. When asked about the importance of the team's defense Bedard said, "It enabled us to open up the fast break due to solid rebounding." Again Bedard and O'Connor were able to dominate the boards with 11 and nine rebounds besides connecting for 16 and 15 points . This allowed Eileen Slatter y, Maurene Burns and Roe DiGiandome nico the opportunity to keep the offense running at a strong pace.
MostMajor CreditCards Honored Cabrini's Marianne O'Connor is fouled by center Marge Carson in game against Bryn Mawr. PHOTO BY BEATRICE HICKEY
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