March 12, 1979 issue 08 Loquitur

Page 1

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Monday, March 12, 1979

Tuition crackdown

VOL. XXV, No. 8


New and more forcible student accounting system to be insti-tuted BY DETSY LYNCH

Starting with the 1979 Fall semester a new and more forcible student accounting system regarding the payment of tuition may be instituted. According to William Eichner, Cabrini College business manager, this system would mean that all bills must be paid upon pre- · sentation. A one week allowance period will be the only stipulation allowed. This will be made to allow students to make changes in their rosters. But after that first week any student who has not fully paid his bill will not be allowed to attend classes. As Eichner states, "Things should be pretty well tidied up after the first week." The need for a more stringent regulation of tuition payments can be attributed to a number of fac tors. First and foremost is the fact that under the present promissory note system a substantial part of

Pennsylvania, Beaver College, John Hopkins University and Michigan Institute of Technology . Before this agency was instituted, according to Eichner, the college made all kinds of allowances for these non-paying students. Cabrini made use of a Dunning Agency which would send out letters requesting payment but had no forcible way to enforce it. Since they weren't receiving any compensation for the collection of these bills there was no incentive "Outside of the student our most valuable asset is the cash." to collect the money. "The response under this system had colleges require that you pay right as the National Accounts System been minimal at best," Eichner terest charge takes up both time Incorporated agency, works on a said. and money which affects the over- away ." Starting this semester, letters fee basis. all efficiency of the Business OfEichner went on to add that, requesting -payment of fees presAfter due notice is served this fice. ''The administration of the college Thirdly, due to the lack of ently due are being sent out. This agency can take students to court. realizes the problems of its stuletter, under the signattµ'e of the - "Some of our former students are - dents and are willing to work with follow-up on the promissory notes, which themselves do not spell out president, states that any student in court now," said Eichner. This the student, but the student has to who has not cleared his account by . agency has proven successful in work along with us too." Outside of the terms of payment, a shortage the deadline date of Mar. 12 will handling the delinquent accounts in the cash flow develops. In order the student, our most valuable of such colleges as: University of asset is the cash ." to meet its bills the college has had not be permitted to attend classes. the student body still owes the college money. "This creates an extra financial burden for the students who pay on time for they are in actuality subsidizing those who don't," said Eichner . Se..condly, the present system has created the problem of extra paperwork. The additional work involved in the processing and sending out of bills · and in the calculation of the 1-1/4 per cent in-

to have money in the bank to back it up. "Otherwise we could not stick to our projected budget," said Eichner. The fourth .factor involved could very well be a psychological one. Due to the fact that Cabrini's policy has been so informal many students have taken a lackadaisical attitude toward paying their tuition. "School should be pay as you go," Eichner states. "Other

The Business Office is hoping that this will clear all of the current delinquent student accounts . As Eichner states, "We are presently on top of all outstanding accounts receivables." All delinquent accounts prior to the 1978 Fall semester of students who have graduated or dropped out of school have been put into the hands of a collection agency as of Feb. 2, 1979. This agency, known ·

-Eight st ·dents rewarded for service BY LISA SHERWOOD

This year's service and leadership awards, announced at Spring Convocation, are the outcome of a combination of ideas by several administrative offices of Cabrini College. Council of College Affairs, an advisory committee to the president, had considered a service and leadership society but had difficulties in defining the purpose of this society. Financial Aid and the Scholarship Committee, on the other hand, had begun to review the rules of eligibility for activities awards. Both ideas were presented to Sr. Sharon Morano, dean of students, and_after much discussi?n, i~ was decided that the resulting ideas were similar enough to combine. These new awards replace the

old activities awards but do not inelude athletic awards. The purpose of these awards is "to recognize outstanding and sustained contributions of nonacademic nature to the community." Activities are not limited to on-campus activities. To be eligible, a student must have attended Cabrini for one full year and accumulated 30 credits. He must also have a 2.5 cum. average and su~mit an application form. The application includes: describing services performed and the amount of time spent in these activities, a list of special skills required in the performance of these . services, positions of leadership assumed and the responsibilities attached, comments on the meaning and value -of these activities, _

and names of people who could serve as references. Money for these awards comes in the form of tuition remissions for the Spring term. They are not transferable and adjustments in the cash value may be made if the awardee is getting some other form of aid. This year's total is $1425. There are no cash figures available for last year's activity awards because the total included athletics. Final selections of awardees are made by CCA, Financial Aid, and the Scholarship Committee. Six to eight awards are usually given. This year's recipients are: Sal Barabuscio, Maria Carusi, Cindy Hammet, Ron .Katkocin, Detsy Lynch, Sue O'Hagan, MaryAnn Ribick and Dorinda Russell.

A 'good m_atch sought; I


Admissions works to meet g·oals BY SHEILA DOUGHERTY

"The goal has been given to us and we are doing all we can to meet this goal," Estelle Oristaglio, director of admissions, said about Admission's goals for 1979_1980_

According to Oristaglio, the number of new freshman students for 1979-1980 is 191. There is a greater interest in residency than in commuti ng for the 191 new fres hman . Also, " transfers tend to elect to commute more often than rre w fre shman st iident s," Oris ta glio said. When aske d'what would be done if there were not enough living space for all the residents next

Renovations in the Student Activities Center include new furniture, paint

y~ar '. Oristaglio re~lied the deci- ) when calling the Admissions Of- and games. Funds for the renovations are from the $200,000 Dixon grant. s~on ,1,s made "-0utsid~ of my of- fice, did attribute their knowledge Photo by Jim Amalfitano fice. When asked if st udents of the school to the radio advertisewoul~ be gra~ted residency de- ment. "We feel the radio spots pe nd mg on di~tan~e - f,~0 !ll. th e were a type of advertising that apschool, she replied, I~ is d1fflcu)t peals to young people ," said t? make that arbitrary d~c~- Oristaglio . s10n ...that stude nts would be ehm1Admissions is able to enroll the nated from residency because of number of students it needs to dista~ce. " . . . . reach its goals , " because we have Orista gh o said the ,dec1s1on something special to offer the stuwould hav:e to . be made by " the dent who is looking for a sma ll colwhole commum ty, from the Board lege,'' Orista glio said. " What is ~ of Trustees to the students." more impor ta nt is not just the This year , r adio adver tising was number of students but we tr y used by Admissions for the first very hard to enroll 'studen ts who time. Oristag lio said that it is are a good maJch ...who we feel n-0t "diffic~ l~ to measure the effect of only have the potential to succeed , adv ertis ing, whethe r newspaper but who will also benefit from the or ra dio." However, some people,• Cabri ni exper ience," she said.

In ~this •issue ...

Wigwam gets new manager Specia l Ol ymp ics at Cabrini Meet your lover 30 ways



March 12, 1979

Guest colmnist discusses:

Food for thought BY MIKE GLACKEN

There has been mounting anger regarding the quantity and quality of the food served by Stouffer 's since semester star t. I am writing this to clarify some of the complaints, and to offer criticisms . · First, it must be acknowledged that pleasing the tastes of 200 residents is no small task. The students' backgrounds vary considerably. As such, institutional food must be reduced to the lowest common denominator . It is for this reason that institutional food falls prey to complaint. It will never be Mom 's. When Stouffer 's outbid SAGA, enthusiasm reigned . That enthusiasm was generally rewarded and justified. In the firs t weeks, the only substantial complaint was portion control. Portion control saves money for Stouffer 's. It also, however, saves food. A ten -minute observation of the amount of food wasted at the busboy 's stand will convince anyone of this fact. As the semester wore on , there seemed to be a gradual degradation in the quality and selection of the food offered. This trend has been accelerated this semester to the point that the food, at times, doesn't seem worthy of saving. The two sides of this issue can be described as " finicky " students and inedible or, at best , unappetizing , boring food. Both sides have merit. There are students on this campus who equate McDonald's with gourmet heaven but consider Stouffer's and botulism synonymous. The other side will only have to remember Panelrama pizza night, complete with french fry nails. Stomachs were in no danger. Teeth were. The pizza and fries were leftovers, I recall a three-night series of Swiss steak. If the Swiss had tasted this offering the last night they would have filed suit for defamation of character . The creme de la creme was the fish; two layers of breading kept from being one , by a slice of fish that would have had to have been measured in microns . Enough hyperbole . Anyone that knows me will forgive these exaggerations . It's just that I happen to live on food. I like to eat. Sorry ! As I've noted, any food service is an easy target ; there will be nights when the Wigwam will make more money that the Business Office . The main reason for writing this is to vent some, I feel , righteous anger but at least to offer some helpful suggestions . These are the following : To Stouffer's: It seems as though the venture into food service is an unprofitable venture . Such is life . Make sure next year 's bid accounts for spiraling food costs anp students who will not accept leftovers reheated to indistinguishability . Cutting corners is your prerogative. Breach of contract is not. To the Administration : Please schedule dinner earlier or classes later. The line at 5: 15 is ample testimony to this scheduling flaw and does nothing to enhance the relations between Stouffer's and the students . If the food costs must be reflected in a raise in tuition to acquire consistently decent food , so be it. To the Students: That tuition rise will be defrayed by less frequent visits by the Wayne Pizza gang, et. al. In conclusion, it might be noted that money seems to be the major problem here. One very obvious drain oil that money is the astounding number of outside students who eat for free . I think it's time to put an end to this. It goes without saying that recent bouts of vandalism in the cafeteria also detract froll) the financial picture. There is no reason why we cannot be served good food at reasonable prices. Let's work to accomplish it.

Philly offers course in CPR The Philadelphia Health Management Corporation is offering a free course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It will show you what to do for a victim of heart attack or other form of cardiac arrest. The United Way is enabled to offer this valuable American

Heart Association certified instruction at no cost. Courses are scheduled at many convenient times throughout the week. This program has been endorsed by the Philadelphia Emergency Health Services Council. For additional information and registration, call the CPR HEARTLINE at 629-8CPR.

LOQJJITUR Editor-in-chief . .. .. . .... . . . . . ..... . ............. .... .. Ron Katkocin . Editorial Editor •. ... .. ....... .. . .. .... . ..... . ..... . ... Sue O'Hagan , News Editor ... . ..... . .. ..... .. ... .. . . ..... . . . .... . . . Lisa Sherwood .t\,ss't News Editor .. . .... .. .. . ..... . . .... . . ... .. ... . . . . Detsy Lynch Features Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kim Hayes , Ass't Features Editor . .. .. . . . ...... ... .. .. . : .... ... . . . . Kathy Daly Entertainment Editor .. ... .. . .. . ... ....... .. 1••• •••• • Marie Pizzuto Ass't Entertainment Editor . . .... ..... . .... .. .. . . . .... Connie Aiello Sports Editor . . .. ...... . ... . . ... ...... . ... ..... . . . . Beat~ice Hickey Ass't Sports Editor ... . . ... ... .... ... ... . .. ......... ... K1tsy H':1mPs Photography Editor . . ...... .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. ... .. . . . . Jim Amalfitano Distribution Edito1 . ... ....... . .. . . . .... ... . . ... .. . . John Gallagher Staff .... .. Loretta Alioto, Sal Barabuscio, Maria Carbone, Fran Carusi, Theresa Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Sheila Dougherty, Mike Glacken, Judy Hammet, Kathy Hanson, Nancy Harrold, Joe Kravitz, Regina O'Leary, Bobbie Polomano, Norma Pittman, Bruce Ravenscroft , Shawn Stetser, Mike Stevens, Margarita Tuero, Katie Witengier . . T Secretary ... . .... . ... .. ...... . .. .. . ...... . . ... . ... .. . Cmda.Del.ti 1s Librarian . . . . . . . . ..... ... ... . . . ·.. .. .. .... ... .. . ..... . Conme Aiello Artists .. . .. . .......... ..... . .. ... Lourdes Latorre, Chuck Schneider Business Manager .. .. : . .... ..... ....... . . .. ... .. .... .... Pat Dailey Adviser .... . .... .... .... ........... ... .. .. . ... Jerome R. Zurek, Jr.



Letters to ·the editor surprised by lines that appeared in To the Editor : the paper, such as ," ... stepped into To those who feel that men are dominating the campus: Why the LIMELIGHT of the POWER don't you ask Sr. Mary Louise, Sr. SCENE ." and , " ...are letting men Sharon , Dr . Brown, Dr . Reher , take the REIGNS of POWER ." I Dr. Gavigan, Mrs . Goodwin, am only a freshma n and I do not Ms.Hennigan , Sr. Salesia , and Mrs . know who was the first to let posiKruse who are President, Dean of tions at Cabrini become positions of power . I thought thos~lected Students , Dean of Academic Affairs, and Department Chair- were to act as representatives of the students and their needs , not persons of Religion, History, Physical Education , Language , the individual needs of a select Arts and Biology , respec ti vel y, few. I don't believe women at Cabrini are taking a back seat at what they think? all . They are taking the shotgun Mike Glacken seat for a while because a few forgot they were representatives To the Editor : and thought they were powerful. I would like to point out something that I noticed immediately about Cabrini. Loquitur's last edition supported my claims about Cabrini, so take it for what it's worth . Many people here at Cabrini actually believe that they are in POWER positions . I wasn't at all

People wonder how a college , with a majority of women, elect men to office . It is simple . A few representatives appear to , if not ac tually, act powerfu l. Instead of worr ying about the sex of those in office let us star t worry ing about the effectiveness of those offices . I have no gripes about women in office, but when it appears that the . decisions made by the student representatives are so, that they enha nce their own fee ling s of power, then something should be done to alter those people who make the decisions , and the last election did just that. Michael D. Hilsey


Grant allocations are reviewed In case you haven't already noticed, a lot of _ This expenditure of both money and energy changes have recently occured in the Student was necessitated because of a lack of use of the Activities Center in Sacred Heart Hall. student center. Basically the renovations have Notably, the walls in all the rooms have been been undertaken then as a means to "encourage painted. Rugs were laid in the TV room, the SGA use of the center by students ." office and the quiet lounge. The SGA office is And this means all students, resident, comnewly furnished. The publications offices muting and evening. received much needed electric typewriters as A focal point of the center is recognized in the did the SGA office. A color TV has been purchWigwam, the student center snack bar. As ased for the TV lounge. such, SGA has invested approximately $1,000 All of these changes cost a lot of money. into it, reasoning that in order to make money, $5,000to be exact. money had to be spent. This money came from a The money came from the $200,000 grant to the separate student account and not from the Dixon college given by Mr. and Mrs . F. Eugene Dixon grant money. With it, a grill, an oven, a popcorn early last semester . maker and a Coke machine were purchased. Earmarked for "cosmetic renovations" the All of this money and energy has been put into money was spent on the center through Sr . the Student Center in order to increase the Sharon, dean of students' office, and SGA. Stuaverage volume of usage. From the looks of dents leaders were involved in the assessment of things, that goal is only being minimally attained the center's needs as well as the allocation of the as it is used currently more as a passageway funds as were various members of the faculty than anything else. With such an investment at and administration . stake it would be a shame to see it wasted . Roughly, the funds allocated thus far include : Granted, it may be argued that the money *$350 for color TV could have been allocated elsewhere, especially *$750 for three electric typewriters to some club budgets which were cut this year . *$2,220 for carpeting, drapes and reupholsterBut it wasn't. It's already been spent on the Stuing furniture dent Center facelift. *$540 for SGA office furniture Now it's up to students to make the most of the *$150 for games situation, and to make the center a viable part of *$800 for maintenance campus life: _ *balance for miscellaneous items . . • . • • • • •


March 12, 1979


Wigwar:n changes image: .

Hickman named manager

Page 3

Sixers night planned BY LISA SHERWOOD

with cocktails at 5:30 p.m . in the Ovations Club. At6:15p.m ., guests BY RON KATKOCIN " Cabrini College Night with the will have an opportunity to meet man has spent $235.55 for equip- the end of each month . Sixers" is currently being planned some of the basketball players and ment, $173.97 for supplies and $138 Hickman said business is good Leslie Hickman ' 79, former for the Friends of Cabrini Benefit a roast beef dinner will be served for food. These were the initial ex- especially since we got more president of the Student Govern- penses and the Wigwam has been to be held Wednesday, Mar 14, 5:30 at 6 :45 p .m. A basketball game, electricity. We can now run three ment Association, is now the man- self-sustaining since then, Hickp.m. ' '76's vs . the Seattle Supersonics, maj or appliances at the same time ager of the student snack bar, the man said. The benefit party, which is being will begin at 8:05 p.m. Participawithout blowing a fuse. That made Wigwam. Hickman is the third organized under the leadership of tion in the "Shares in the Future" The Wigwam has "some $600" in it a fire hazard," she said . person to hold the managerial co-chairpersons Angela Abbonizio will also be available. its bank account, Hickman said. Frank Saul, chairperson of the position in th~ past six months. Zager, '64, and Robert D'Anjolell, "There is no overhead," she ad"Shares in the Future" will cost Last semester Tori Ryan '80 was ded. "The school takes care of Master Planning Committee, sugwill take a new direction this year. $10 a share, or six shares for $50. A appointed manager of the Wig- that." gested that another electrical line Mr. and Mrs. F . Eugene Dixon, drawing for a $1,000cash prize and wam. After her resignation Dona Jr . will host the evening. A limited An SGA ad hoc committee has be run into the room. Hickman a color TV will be held . Monforto '81 took over. been appointed to oversee Hick- said Saul and Barabuscio dis- · number of tickets will be available Money raised through the The managerial position runs on man and the Wigwam. The com- cussed this with Mike Caranfa, for the benefit. benefit' will be contributed to the director of buildings and grounds, a semesterly basis. Each semester All activities will be held at the General Education Fund of the mittee consists of Al Iannucci, but that no work has been done. applicants must re-apply for the junior class president, Spectrum. The benefit will begin college. Maria job. At the bl!ginning of this Carusi, senior class president and Since then, however, Caranfa has semester SGA chose Hickman installed the lines. Barabuscio. Iannucci, a business over Monforto. Hickman had held major, is assigned to look over the Hickman's one complafnt the position in the summer of 1978. books, while he and Carusi help She said -she did not apply for the with publicity . Barabuscio acts as was the lack of space . "The room is too small," she said. "And the job in the Fall semester because coordinator. According to Iannucshe was president of SGA and she ci this semester is "the first time tables are too big." did not want to monopolize Hickman is initiating many the Wigwam has ever operated in authority. changes . The Wigwam is open the black." BY DETSY LYNCH A regional career day sponsored Hickman said before.she applied At present Hickman has nine longer and it now has a delivery by Eastern College will take place for the job she proposed to SGA student workers under her. They service . I~ also publicizes more March is going to be a busy on Wednesday, March 7. Many that it allocate $1000 to the man- .are: Donna Mangano '82, Lisa and it is currently running a conmonth at Rudy Rooymans Career local employers represented in the ager as capital. The manager's Counseling Center. A number of areas of business, social work, Fitzgerald '82, Keith Hickman '81, test to "re-name the Wigwam." salary of $50 per month plus other Rose Lelli '82, Mary Beth Walter seminars and job interviews have government, professional schools There is a more extensive menu expenses would come from this '82, Kathy Reid '82, Debbie Hill and there are many "freebies and been scheduled . The following is a and seminaries will be present. money. SGA accepted the proposal sampling of the up-coming events . Special seminars will be held in '79, Jeanmarie Turner '80 and giveaways ," Hickman said. and Hickman .applied for the job. Denise Clark '81. All of these The Small Business Administra- areas of career planning. Sal Barabuscio, president of SGA, employes are on the work-study tion will be conducting on-campus Hickman has also planned what The Better Business Bureau is said the $1000 allocation came program. recruitment interviews for all inshe calls "specials," such as the offering paid internships for anyfrom the SGA bank account. This terested students. Interviews will As manager Hickman is not paid "SO's Night" held on Monday, Feb. money is money that is "leftover " through work-study . She receives 26. (see photos on page eight). Uplast for a half hour and require a one interested . The internships are from the budgets of each year, resume. Booklets about the Small available at any time and are open a salary of $50 in the middle of coming events include a "Yogurt Barabuscio said. Business Administration are to all students. each month and a 20 per cent com- Night ," a "Toga Party" and an apFrom the original $1000 Hick- mission on the month•s profits at pearance by a belly dancer. available in the research and If anyone is interested in getting reference library at the counseling a full or par t time job in the sumcenter. A PACE exam is required mer or is interested in any of the for gett ing a job with the Small above opportunities please contact Business Administration. Applica- Ar lene Kesselman as soon as tions are available at the center . possible .

Events at career center

Two new RA's discuss do ·rm duty BY SHAWN STETSER

Anne Albert and Maria Carusi are working as resident assistants this semester in the Mansion and Woodcrest , respectivel y . Both students applied for the positi ons in November of last yea r when it became available due to t h e resi g na t i on o f Bett y E ther ington and Pam Rus inyak . Albert and Caru si were infor med th at they had re ceived the positions in Decem ber. The resident assistant position requires the individual to work 12

hours on dormitory duty a week , plus be available at most any time . The resident assistant is responsible for upholding and enforcing the policies and regulations of the college . Residen t assista nt s are mem bers of the Dean of Student s' staff · and are directly re sponsible to the Head Residen t in the residence Hall. Anne Alber t said that she applie d for the job because she knew that she would ha ve enough time to devote to it. She also said that she

§merican (Collegiatel}orts §ntbologp ~


lnternational Publications is sponsoring a

Jlational <!College ~oetrp <!Contest - - Sprin g Co ricou rs 19 79 - open t o all co llege and univers ity stu de nt s des iring to have th eir poet ry ant holog ized . CASH PRI Z ES w,11go t o the top five poe ms:


$50 ~econd P loce


$25 Thi rd Pl oce

I$}0 $10

Fourth F ifth


AWARDS of free pr inting for ALL

acc epted man uscripts in our popular , handsomely bo un d and copyrighted antho logy , AMERICAN COLLEGIATE POETS .


March 31

CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS : 1. Any student ts eligible to subm it _his verse . 2: All entries must be original and unpublistted . 3. All entries must be typed , double-spaced , on one side of the page only. Each poem must be on a separate sheet and must bea r , in t he up per left • hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of tl)e student as well as the COLLEGE attended. Put name and address on enve lope also! 4. There are no rest rict ion s on for m or t heme. Length of poems up to fou rteen lines. Each poe m must have a separate tit le. (Avoid " Untit led "! ) Small black and whit e illust ration s welcom e. 5. The judges ' decision will be final. No info by phone! 6. Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned . Prize winners and all authors awarde0 free publi cation will be notified immediately after deadline. I.P. will retain first publication rights for accepted poems . Foreign language poems welcome . 7. There is an initial one dollar registration fee for the first entry and a fee of fifty cents for each additional poem . It is requested to submit no more than ten poems per entrant . • 8. All entries must be postmarked not later than the above deadline and fees be paid. cash . check or money 0<der. to : INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS 4747 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90029







felt that working as a resident assistant would be " good experience ." One of the qualifications for this positi on is that the individual mus t have experience in residence hall living. Albert lived in Woodcrest Ha ll for two years and will have spent two years in the Mansion by the time of her gradu ation . Albert is the only resident assist ant in the mansion directly res ponsible to Sr . Maria , head resident. Maria Car usi lived in Woodcrest Hall during her freshman and sophomore years . Until the time of her appointment as resident assistant on the 1st floor of Woodcrest she lived in the Mansion . Carusi is one of three resident assis tan ts in Woodcrest. She is direc t ly resp onsible to Nancy .,MacCurdy, head resident. Ca ru si applied for the j ob becau se she like s working with people, " I thought I could do a good job because I could give it my all," she said. Compensation for work as a resi dent assis tant is tuiti on remissi on in the form of room and board .

"News briefs" Dr,. Dennis Clark , an Irish historian , will give a talk in the library conference room at 1: 00 p.m . on Thursday , March 15. His t alk is entitled " Women and Children Las t" and deals with the Irish American famil y. As a specialist in the history of Ireland , Dr. Clark ha s writt en two books; The Irish in Phil adelphia and Irish Blood. Dr . Clark is also the executiv e direc tor of the Fels Foundation Fun d. A Lenten calendar has been prepared by several students under the direction of Fr . Jack Replogle . It includes acts that can be performed each day to better prepare oneself for Easter . This calendar may be picked up at the Chapel.or from Fr. Replogle. A com mittee is now being formed to organize the first annual " University City Hoagie Rela ys." The Hoagie Re lays-Will be held on May 13 to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Ind ividuals , groups , students , businessmen , sororities , fra ternit ies , and others ;:ire invited to partic ipa te . Anyone interested should call (215)WA3-9100.

Morch 16 9PM-1AM Ad mission : iJ .00

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Join us for o good old-fashioned college getrogemer-ov1nuol N,eet1ngofrheMi~:·Theropic ofdisc.u~,on will be 1nftor1onand howCobriru •scop,ng with (°' ignoring) 11,Where else could you ger-oway from fr oU pig info some greor beef and btew ond kids up.)'OIXhe,e,is to boot for such o rid"icvlous price

So come ! Enjoy!


Page 4


Cabrini first area college to sponsor Special Olympics BY KIM HA YES

Cabrini Coll!;!gewill be the first college in Pennsylvania to sponsor "Special Olympics . " This unprecedented event will be on Saturday, March 31. "Special Olympics" is a corporation created by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation which offers an opportunity for sports training and athletic competition to all ,·~ mentally handicapped citizens. Different schools competing against one another form special olympics teams . About 150mentally handicapped citizens, plus 50 chaperones will arrive at Cabrini to participate in Pennsylvania state events . The competitors come from either

special schools or schools with Security - parking cars, directing traffic. Schedaling of Events - distribute times and schedules . · Volunteen to help the Entire Organization - giving moral support to individual competitors . Special events - helping provide extra activity, such as arts and crafts, dance, puppetry, etc. The coordinators of this cim• petition "Would like to try to have volunteers strictly from Cabrini," Sulewski said . In coordination with the "Special Olympics " to be held on March 31, special events are being held every Saturday in the gym. From 12 noon Ull 4:30 p.m. Cabrini

students are invited to help train the special olympic students. Sulewski added, "At times I'm bored to death . Other kids complain they have no transportation to other communities. So we are bringing the community to the students ." The competitors are coming from schools throughout the state , although many will be from local schools . "Special Olympics" will present Cabrini in a very positive way to the outside community. Also, other colleges can look up to Cabrini for being a leader in this endeavor. Since Cabrini will be the first local school to sponsor the olympics, "Other colleges will be watching us to see how everything works out," said Sulewski .

March 12, 1979

BobHope says: "RedCross -helps veterans,too!"

~'let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." special programs. Although chronological ages may vary, their mental age may not exceed 15 years . A fall schedule is planned. There will be a run, dribble and shoot basketball competition - from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. There will be lunch served from 11:30 a.m . till 1 p.m. It seems probable that McDonald& will be supplying free lunches for participants, chaperones and committee members. Admission is free to the public. Intramurals will be held between Cabrini volunteers and "Special Olympics" participants from 2:30 p.m. till 3:30 p.m. An exhibition basketball game will be held from 3:45 till 5 with "Special Olympic" teams . "Volunteers are desperately needed," said Mike Sulewski, '81, special education, elementary education. Cabrini students are urged to volunteer for the following : Dlrecton - overseer of all activities . Regl1tration - registering teams giving times of event~. Medical - supplying medical assistance, if needed. Ho1pltallty - supplying ·general information, handling lost and found. Finance - handling budget for special olympics, donations, etc. Ceremonies - reading the special olympic's oath, welcoming participants. Awardl- presenting medals . Sports - coaching, managing . ·

In addition, every Thursday workshops are being held in the gym to familiarize Cabrini students with the special olympics . The workshops begin at 1: 15 p.m. The coordinators of the -workshops . will show movies, inform and train volunteers, ·and set up committees. · The positive benefiti that will be reaped by special olymp1cs coming to Cabrini are endless. Most of the mentally handicapped participants are poor. They have little, if any activity in their life. "Most of the students attend regular schools with special classes set aside for them.. They only associate with their own classmates. The special students have no real involvement with the school," Sulewski said . "Let me win, but ifl cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt," is the oath of the Special Olympic participants. Maureen Gabe, '81, special education, said, "The students don't care who wins. They gain self-confidence for themselves ." Sulewski added, "Most of these kids h_ave never been helped before . The attention is a thrill to them." According to Gabe, "Research done on these special students proves athletics is a major force in reaching them ." Cabrini students ' benefits are just as rewarding . For special education majors, this exposure cannot be equaled . "The freshmen especially will benefit because this will be their first experience with special students on campus," said Sulewski .

Mike Sulewski initiated Cabrini's involvement with the special olympics . He was a volunteer in 1977 and 1978. He worked as a sponsor and also in the administration end. He set up plans for involving Cabrini College with Joan Williams, chairperson of special olympics, Marple Township District . . The Council for Exceptional Children ( CEC) is incorporated into the special olympics, according to Sulewski . But he added, "We wanted the special olympics to be its own club." Sulewski is officially the college coordinator of the Cabrini Chapter for Pennsylvc\,tlia Special Olympics. "W~ have no official officers yet, but when we do, I would)ike to see the president run the club with my guidance." The main reasons for keeping special olympics sepa,rate from CEC were two-fold. "Under CEC, specia l olympics would not have had its own budget or have been covered by the special olympics insurance program. It would have just ·been a small segment of CEC," Sulewski said. "We will now be two clubs working closely together ," he added . President of CEC, Janet Cooper , '80, special egucation-elementary education , said, "CEC is very inuch interes ted ." She was in the dark , however, regarding plans already arranged . . The Cabrini College administration , special education departmen t

A PublicServiceof Thi~ ~ewspape_r"'II & The Advert1s,ngCouncil ~2

and athletic directors seem to be giving full support to the special olympics," said Sulewski. He added, "We have a 100% backing from the Student Government Association. On Monday evening, Feb. 26, SGA unanimously approved the Cabrini Chapter for Pennsylvania Special Olympics Club . "It went over fantastic . Members of SGA already offered to help ," said Sulewski. Cabrini hopes to advertise the Special Olympics on various TV stations, local community papers and radio stations. Financing the event will be handled in several ways . The committee will be approaching Cabrini College for funds. They are also seeking aid through patrons from businesses, personal donations from students, and assistance from other clubs on campus. "We have had no reply from the administration yet regarding money," Sulewski said . He added , "We need donations desperately ." The coordinators have already decided to sell Special Olympic TShirts on campus as part of their fund raising effort. The T-Shirts will be gold with blue lettering. Money is needed for uniforms, equipment , meals, transportation

and other necessities. "Now that we are officially ·a club, we will be sponsoring special olymp ic participants all year round," said Sulewski . The Special Olympics are held on several levels. There are international games held every four years. These olympics usually have about 3500 participants . This year there will be international spec ial olympics held at Brockport College, NY . There are national games held all year round. Competitors qualify through local area meets and come -from every state of the union ( about 130,000 competitors participate) . According to Gabe . "We can not lodge that many people, but we do have the ground. Possibly we could approach Eastern and Valley Forge to help provide lodging ." Basketball, indoor and out- . door soccer , floor ·hockey , bowling, volleyball and disc throwing are the sports which would be played. The Special Olympics Corporation has over 1,000,000 participants from 23 countries. There are about 15,000 events held each year . Eunice Kennedy Shriver is pres ident of the Special Olympics Corporation .

From diapers to ·dissertatiqnS car re sponding numbered pictures . • Simmons, whose named was announced during the 12:25 Newsbreak on Tuesday , M·ar . 6 , received a gift certificate for the Wayne Book Store .


Have you ever sat in class wonderi ng how yottr professor got to be what he/she is today? Has he always had the image of being unap. proachable and sophisticated? Well, if you have , the answer is no. They cer tainly have not. And, the contes t, " What' s my name? " sponsored by the library is excellent proof. Those educated , dignified instructors of which we stand in awe were once -the diapered, thumb sucking , runny nosed , crying babies of the past. "What's my name?" the first contest of its kind held at Cabrini wa s the invention of Dorothy M . Brown and Ca r olyn Goug h. Although , the main purpose was to attrac t more people to the library, says Gough, it was also intented to

What's my

name? entert ain all those who par tici- · nel, was eligi ble to partici pate . pated . The ·contest bega n with the unPic tures of 45 mem ber s of the veiling of the showcase housing the Cabrini facul ty and staff were en- priceless photos at 10 a.m . on tered . The entire campus com- Tuesday , Feb. 27. Entry blanks munity, excluding library person- were accep ted until noon on Mon-

day, Mar . 5. The eritry blanks, which \Ver e available at the library , listed the names of all those pictured . The winner , Marg o Simmons ' 79, ma tched correct names with their

Page 5


March 12, 1979

HELPI I I Is there a nurse in the house? BY SHAWN STETSER

Three Cabrini College students are working as medical assistants on campus this semester. They are Al Iannucci, a junior business administration major , Denise Fucile, a sophomore nursing major , and Mike Glacken , a junior biology major . These students are responsible for the entire campus community during those times when Cabrini's nurse, Mary Mulligan, R.N., is not on campus. Basically this includes the time period from 3:30 p.m . to 8 a .m . during the week , and the entire weekend . One of the above stu dents is always on duty during these times to take care of any medical emergency that might arise . The minimum requirell\ents for this job are a knowledge of standard first aid and a cardio-pulmonary resusitation (CPR) certificate . But all of these students have other qualifications as well, primarily a "conscientious attitude" along with a "solid biology background," according to Mulligan.

Iann:ucci, although currently a business administration major specializing in health administration, entered Cabrini as a biology major . In addition to meeting the basic job requirements, he has worked as a volunteer in the Crozer-Chester Medical Center

during his school vacations. While there he has taken part in emergency room procedures, respiratory therapy and kidney dialysis . He began working as a medical assistant here in the beginning of his sophomore year. His future plan is to attend gradu-

Al Iannucci, Denise Fucile and Mike Glacken are the Cabrini College medical assistants. Photo by Jim Amalfitano

ate school for his MBA, with a con- purchase over the counter. They centration in Health Administrado not have access to students' tion . personal medical rjlcords, Fucile, who was approached by however they do have access to an Mulligan about this job at the end allergetic chart. of last semester, is a nursing stuIn every case where a student dent. She naturally has spent a lot has to be taken to a hospital the of time working in hospitals and is medical assistant contacts familiar with hospital procedures. Mulligan. She has a "hot line" tucile plans to work in the nursing where she can be reached at any field upon graduation. This will be time. her last semester at Cabrini. She The medical assistants work apwill continue her nursing studies at proximately 40 hours per week and Widener in the fall . Fucile finds are responsible for anyone on camher work here as a medical assistpus, even visitors , while they are ant to be "different. " on duty. While on duty they cannot Glacken has spent one and one leave the campus, and their exact half years in the biology departwhereabouts on campus must be ment here. He applied for the job known at all times. They do not in the summer of 1978. This is his receive a salary for their work . second semester as a medical as- The time they spend on duty subsistant. Glacken has worked as a sidizes 45 per cent of their room volunteer at Haverford Mental and board and tuition. Hospital periodically since 1978. According to Glacken , a lot of His future plan is to attend medi- people have the basic qualificacal school. He hopes to become an tions for this job, but it is exMD or possibly a psychiatrist. tremely important for the medical The medical assistants may not assistant to be able to react well administer any drugs or medicaunder pressure. The job "requires tions except those which one could a certain amount of maturity."

Are you staying _1n tune with ·your radio? BY LORETTA C. ALIOTO

;,Can you feel the tension, can you sense that?" says disc jockey Don Michael Garrard. "I would not want to be in that car when ... " "Ya-boo," interrupts D.J. Steve Hatley, "we have just gotten a winner for our classic Rolls Royce!!!" This is the pandemonium that has promoted WIZZARD 100, the new radio station that replaced the old WIBG. The station was giving away a $30,000Rolls Royce to anyone who was lucky enough to pick the right envelope. The Rolls stopped to give away money too, if it spotted their logo bumper sticker on your car. Gimmick you say? Well maybe you're right, but it sure worked and kept people tuned to the station, including this reporter, who was the lucky winner of $20.

But WIZZARD is not the only WFIL and WPEN are your AM radio station to have gimmicks. contemporary stations, with USl, Others have "worst joke-of-thethe FIL-FM affiliate, and WMGK day" contests, while some have also in this category. trips to Florida and "cash-call For the disco freaks, there are jack-pots." Any way you look at it, WIZZARD 100, (WZZD-AM) and radio is similar to TV, the name of WCAU-FM. For the best in prothe game is to s.ell. But to become a household word, you have to be good in the public 's eye. The audience will buy what it wants to hear, and in radio, listening is what it 's all about. Radio is really a convenient pleasure - you can take it with you wherever you go, wake up to it, go to bed by it and even listen to it as gressive music, you have WYSP, you drive your car. One can even WMMR and WIOQ, For the good tell what kind of person you are by sounds of soul, WDAS-FM is a hot what radio station you listen to. station to listen to. WWSH and WDVR are easy But whether you like rock, prolistening music stations, while gressive or disco, as Larry Knight, WFLN is for classic buffs. KYW ' production manager at WIZZARD and WCAU AM are perfect for the 100 said, "it's what's in between "all news, all the time" persons. the music that counts." And not

only is the D.J.'s role important, ports and plays the songs their aubut Larry Knight believes in dience likes the best. familiarity and consistency with Radio has been around for 50 the music. He attests to the fact years trying to provide listening that everyone has fun doing his job pleasure for people. It's not just and hopes that WIZZARD is a sta- sound from a transistor anymore. tion that brightens up people's It has become a means of close

lives. The average age of listeners ranges from 12 through 35 with statistics on the different age groups which determine who likes what songs. This rating system is conducted by radio stations to help determine their ratings. The station then follows up by these re-

contact between the D.J. and the public. It gives the news, general information, weather and music. So whether you live in the Delaware Valley, 3/4 of Jersey, or all of Delaware, 50,000 watts of Philadelphia radio power are generated your way . All you have to do is listen !

SGA Funds Clubs



Athletic ..Xss ·n.








265 .





250 .

240 .


405 .



450 .

255 .


447 .12

408 .





250 .



304 .



250 .

265 .

Social Science

250 .




345 .

Women's Group

297 .85



505 .

215 .






80 .



_c::'5.:.,__...l•----------..1~~a-...s..--1 ______

~ ...-;::~~\¥








March 12, 1979


Thirty ·wgys_to . meet your lover

BY BOBBIEPOLOMANO Have I got news tor you! Whether you want to " boogie, oogie, oogie 'til you just can't boogie no more," have a couple beers , or just sit and listen to music and talk with some friends , I've got just the place for you . In the chart to follow , you will find 30 clubs , discos, bars , and restaurants . Most fall within an inexpensive to moderate price range . Be sure to check out the dress code ·. Where " dress clothes " is specified, people in jeans are often not admitted . The type of music listed is a gener alization . For example , now and then , a club listed as " rock " may get a jazz group in. So read on, and Eat! Drink! Dance! and Be Merry!




{Or eat, drink, dance ·and be merry)




1. TheLibrary


Discorecords,occasionally live

DRESS CODE INTERIOR DESCRIPTION ' Dressclothes Bar,tables,slide shows

2. T. Zodiac



Dressclothes 2 Bars,tables. Lighted,elevateddancefloor

3. Len'sPlace


Liverock , somedisco



Dressclothes Bar,tables,smalldancefloor

4. Windjammer Room(Marriot) Club









Gloucester, NJ







5. KumOnInn




2 Bars,tables,big gameroom




6. Peabody's








7. Gullifty's


Nolive music






8. RedEye1 and2




Bars,tables, gameroom



Spri•:f,'ield & Ar more

9. Goalpost


Live,all types


Bars,tables,good(hot & cold)sandwiches




10. CentralPark








11. TheLodge



Casual-DressBars,tables,lots of room




12. MacDade House


Liverock,occasionally disco

Casual-DressBar,tables,snacks,lighteddancefloor, smokemachine



Gleno lden

13. Al Jo's



Casual-DressBar,tables, foodon specifiedevenings



Gloucester, NJ

14. FranO'Brien's

Restaurant-disco Livedisco

Dressclothes Bar,tables,restaurant,smalldancefloor




15. Sly Fox


Mostlylive rock






16. ThePub


Jukebox,occasionally live


Bar,tables,game room,hot andcoldsandwiches












18. Trouble



Dressclothes Dancefloor overswimming pool,tables,snacks,no liquor




19. The-GrogShop

Bar-club ·

Livejm andbluegrass






20. TheDowntown








21. CharlieBrown's








22. TudorHouse


Mostlylive disco





23. YeOldeAle House


Nolive music


Hotandcoldsandwiches, gameroom




24. ArcadiaChios(TheGreeks) Restaurant-bar







25. Brandywine Club



Dressclothes Severallargerooms,bars,tables,hugedancefloor,food




26. DocWatson's








27. Smokey Joe's








28. DrexelAle House








29. TheNewsstand

Disco-bar-restaurant Discorecords

Dressclothes Bar, booths,indoorpatio,2 floors,sm.dancefloor




30. Stars





2nd& Bainbridge

Liveeverything exceptdisco

Gourmet menu,bar,tables,2 floors



COMMENTS (Please note that the number of the comment corresponds to the number of a club In the above chart) 16. Cozy , hometown corner bar. 1. For macho men and disco queens only . 17. Nice plac e to get a bite to eat and listen to some " differen t" music . 2. Wide var iety of ages , lots of people , fun place to " Girl" or " Guy" watch ! • 18. Kidd ie city. 3. One of my favorites . Small, coz y. Friendly people, relaxed atmosphe re. 19. Get away from teen y bopper c lubs and go here for an ol der, more co nservative crowd. 4·_Mostly couples, older c rowd , O.K. place to sit and talk. 5. If you're offende d by tatoo s, th is is not the place for you. But if you lik e fun and a rowdy crowd, 20. Lots of room to danc e, games to play. 21. Olde r crow d, nice plate to eat, dri nk and talk . " Come on in!" ' 22. A more cons ervative, mature crowd , but a nice chan ge fro m loud c lubs. 6. Nice, fr iendly c rowd, if you'r e into the "jocks" sce ne. 23. Good place to eat and play a little pinball. 7. Great place to sto p after a movie. Good eats. 8. Another one of my favor ites. "Unique " music and lots of fun peop le. But arrive before 10 if you 24. Good eats at good prices . 25. My number 1 favorite when I feel like dressing up. Always plenty of roo m to walk , dance , sit , or want a seat. whatever . One room is a quiet bar if that's what you 're in the mood for , another , a restaurant , and 9. Plain, run-of-the- mill corner bar , but cozy and just the right place if you just feel like going out yet anot her a disco or rock room depending on the group. Ao older. soph isticated type crowd. "as you are." (A $5. membership lasts one year ). 10. Nice local club , they get the best bands around . 26. Nice little college bar. 11. Very young crowd, very '' disco, " minute dance fJoor but plenty of sitting room. 27. Fun college bar ' Meeting someone is a sure bet! 12. Very you ng crowd , but excellent bands, lots of seatinq . • 13. A real hole-in -the-wall, but a great place to party with a bunch of tnends. 28. All ages. good roast beef sandwiches and fries . A nice place to sit and talk w ith a friend. 29. Greatest pecan pie around' A fun place , comfortable , get together spot. No cover charge' 14. Na useatin g, jammed on weekends , super macho men , hard-up gir ls, ''The Cheater's Bar." 30. Small , but nic e place for unusual live music. If you're looki ng for var iety, this is the place to hit! 15. Nice, casual Mai n Line bar. ·

March 12, 1979

Page 7


ln.tern$hips prepare students for future jobs BY THERESA COLLINS a positive attitude toward Shadow. "This is station WCAU FM 99 There weren't any specific rewith our morning Shadow Traffic quirements," Alioto said, "other report. Route 202 is severely backthan an avid interest ." ed up due to a 35-car collision . A Alioto w·orks under Sherle two-alarm fire in downtown Phi1aBrody, news director at Shadow delphia is being brought under Traffic. Alioto learned CB talk and control. The 9:00 bridge opening at the understanding of police and the Tacony-Palmyra is causing fire bands . "Shadow Traffic is a traffic delays on the northbound very reliable source for giving Roosevelt Boulevard." traffic conditions," Alioto said . Did you ever wonder who gets up early in the morning and gives us these first-hand traffic conditions? Well, Lorretta Alioto, a senior at Cabrini, knows very well who these people are since she works for Shadow Traffic located on the 21st floor of the Holiday Inn on City Line Avenue, Phila. Loretta works with Shadow Traffic Tuesdays through Thursdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p .m. These are considered the "drive" hourswhen there is the most traffic on the roads. Alioto's job consists of assisting drivers with road reports , listen ing to fire and police bands in the studio and reporting major road accidents and bridge openings for Alioto enjoys the work she is the Shadow Traffic Network. doing , but she plans to move on to· There may also be an opportunity something different after her inof doing air work on one of 14 staternship ends in May . tions associated with Shadow . Kim Hayes is an intern at New Shadow Traffic 's news director York Communications Company contacted Dr . Jerome Zurek and located in Upper Darby, Pa . She Dr. Marilyn Johnson of the works at New York on Tuesdays English /Communications Departthru Thursdays 9 a .m. to 5 p.m., ment about an opening . During although her hours may vary if a Christmas break Alioto applied for commercial is being shot on a parthe position, went for an interview ticular day. Hayes attends classes on Jan. 22 and started work on Jan. on Mondays and Fridays . 23. Hayes was contacted about this "What they really wanted was internship by Zurek and Johnson, someone to say "yes" and to have who were contacted by New York.

Face fools Zurek

Hayes started with New York on Jan . 3. Beforehand she met with Director of Marketing and Research Ed Fingerhood for a two hour interview. She was asked if anything would interfere with her internship, her interests, and whether she was openminded. "At New York," .Hayes said "they stress that you learn as much as possible. It's like being in

According to her, the people are great and are always willing to lend a hand. The atmosphere is very casual but professional. She is not quite sure what lies ahead after her internship, but she feels it is a good experience and help to her. "Working at New York really helps me with my field of interest. By the end of my internship I'll know for sure if this is the right field for me," she said . Ron Katkocin, a junior, is another student intern and he is now interning at the World Affairs Council located in the Wanamaker Building in downtown Philadelphia. His internship is listed under broadcasting. Every Wednesday from 9 a .m. to 5 p.m. he works in the office and attends ·classes on the remaining four days . Besides · staying in the downtown office, he is occasionally on call to work at WFLN classical radio station located in Roxborough . His job deals mainly with public servfoe announcements. He works under the guidance of Photo by Jim Amalfitano Buntzie Ellis Churchill, executive director of the World Affairs Couna classroom where you are always cil of Philadelphia . Churchill learning something ." During the course of a day she usually interviews and questions helps analyze news programs , foreigners · associated with World checks with the marketing and Affairs . From there Katkocin times the interviews , writes an inresearch director, helps in various troduction and conclusion for each offices, finds out and understands one and adds an ad for World what happens behind the scenes and knows what makes Channel 6 Affairs . This may seem like an easy prothe number one news station . "What New York really wants is to cess but according to Katkocin it is relate the news to the people," she rather difficult. Each introduction must be researched thoroughly said. Hayes really likes New York a and the sentences must be tight. Each ad must be innovative . After great deal since she is always learning something new everyday . this, the interviews mus t be trans fered from cassette tapes to reel to reel tapes. He is in charge of splicing and editing each tape to make it ready for the air . He began this interns hip on Jan . 23. Originally he had hoped to intern at WPVI. " I really wan ted to of coffee, which she sipped from calmly . How go to WPVI, Ali along , Since my normal she looked . The thought kept going freshman year , I was led to believe through my mind; "She looks just like one of my that is where I would intern . 1 students.' She was 24 years old, although she However, I was not accepted , so looked much younger, very fair, with thin, fine, last semester I chose World light brown hair. In fact, it flashed through my Affairs. mind, she looks as if she could be an older sister "It is too early to say if I like of R-. As each teller took the stand, she World Affairs or not. It does give leaned over to her public defender and me the opportunity to learn about whispered something to him . How utterly calm World Affairs and it also gives me and self-possessed she was; she even had a slight the experience of working in an of· smile on her face. fice." Teachers spend a lot of time looking at faces. Writing news articles, editing, After a while I think we develop a sixth sense revising, coding, interviews, office that can detect the slightest expression of puzzlework, etc. - all of these are a part ment, disgust, boredom, pleasure, or even of an everyday adventure for enlightment in our students. I know I enjoy looksenior Sue O'Hagan. She is at preing at faces and speculating on the character sent interning at the Main Line that lies beneath. And I've been looking at faces Times in Ardmore, Pa. Her hours for 10 years now, certainly a thousand faces. And are flexible and she works from 9 so I looked at hers. a.m . to 5 p.m. from Tuesdays to I watched her as she sipped. I watched her as Thursdays . she whispered to her iiefender . I watched her as O'Hagan originally hoped to inshe watched the witnesses, and after a while I ern at 20th and Chestnut Sts., Philaeven watched her as she watched me. But the face and the facts didn't square . A $200 a day drug habit since high school. Had already been in prison and now on parole . Awaiting another arrest for a similar robbery in Chester County. Certain to get several years more in prison. And yet she looked so calm and confident. And so normal. So much like one of my students . BY FRAN CARUSI She had no defense . Over the interim a few new The judge asked her t o approach the bench to " faces " were added to our camsign the charges agains t her . Here would be her pus . The faces I am referring to moment of fear , I though t, of shame maybe , or at are those of Shobhena Medha , new leas t nervousness. But no. St ill calm and confibookkeeper in the business office , den t. and Rita Wahsner , the new secre The judge quickl y read the charges and his tar y to the dean of studen ts. automat ic decis ion t o hand her ove r for trial , for th e case was solid again st her . Medha is from Cushi ng J unior Fi nall y the public de fender made a st at emen t Coll ege in Br yn Ma wr. When in her beha lf . He asked th at she be sent to a drug as ked why she applied for the posire hab ilit ati on ce nter where she migh t have the tion here she answered : "For two opp or t unity to escape this crimina l addiction . I reaso ns, fir st of all bec ause Cushco uldn 't tell whether this plea wa s merely a for ing closed down and I was out of mula that is taught to every law school st udent work . Secondly , I like to work as a or whether this ch a nce wa s what she really bookkeeper and also like working want ed, beca use she conti nued to sit ther e- so with stu dents ." cal m , so confiden t, and so ver y norma l, looking Medha's job is to keep account of very much like the face s I see every day . all studen ts ' financia l rec ord s and

Cool, calm, collected what's her secret? BY JEROME R. ZUREK, JR. As I reconstructed the robbery in my mind, it had occurred on the day we were moving, in the middle of November . It's no wonder that in the distraction of mo'{ing I didn't realize that the bank book hadn't been return ·ed to us in the mail. It wasn't until several weeks later that I realized that it was missing . We called the bank, and they easily determined that a forgery had occurred. Our account had been cleared out, but the bank assured us that they would reimburse us. The person who had forged Sue's signature on three withdrawals had been easy to catch. The bank, failing in all other precautions, at least had its automatic camera clicking every few seconds and got a dozen gopd pictures of her in her three attempts . An alert detective identified her as a member or a ring of narcotics users in the area . And so here she was , just after New Year's Day , in court with us. Now it wasn't much of a court - a bit of a disappointment with only 12 seats-but it did have a raised platform and railed desk for the judge and two substantial tables, one for the defense and one for the prosecution . Sue and I entered the court room, recognized the three young bank tellers and said hello to them. They brightened and said, "Oh, so you're the real.ones." We exchanged nervous jokes, for we were all slightly nervous . I asked, " Who 's · minding the store?" They answered that they weren't at that bank any more . Two had been transferred immediately to other branches , and the head t eller said she had resigned because it was just too embarrassing . " Just too embarrassing ," she repeated several t imes . We a ll st r aightened in our sea t s a s th e door opened. There she was- the --defendant- " our " r obber . Wha t an odd sit ua tion . Insti nc tiv e polit eness urges one t o r ise a nd int roduce ones elf. But of course we don't do th at. We glanc e at he r, and she at us , but try to avoid eye contact. Fin a lly the robed j udge ent er ed, an d our tri al, as we called it , began . One by one the tellers were sworn in. They cleared their throats, were asked to talk louder by the j udge , and shifted nervo usly on the stand. In contr a st, how cal m our r obb er wa s. I was amazed to notice that she had brough t in a mug

adelphia with Education Today. However, in mid-January she found herself at the Main Line Times. "I kind of assumed I would get . this journalism internship since I had experience with writing in high school and a_lso at Cabrini ." . She first applied to Cabrini's English and Communications department to see if she were qualified for the position and then she filled out a general application for the Main Line Times and began working . O'Hagan works under Joan Toenniesson, managing editor. She has already covered stories about Radnor High School basket·ball games and she wrote a followup story on Haverford College . "Even though I am disappointed about not receiving my original internship," she said, "I have to make the best · of my present work ." This is helping her to develop a substantial portfolio . This will help her move onto something new, like managing and law, when her internship is finished. in May. Bobbie Polomano , a senior, has moved onto bigger and better things since her last internship at New York Communications Company . Polomano is interning for WPVI 's AM/Philadelphia show . An ordinary work day for her runs between 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . on Tuesdays through Thursdays , and she attends classes on Mondays and Fridays. During the course of the day she goes through many different procedures. First , she types a list of the guests for that day , then she acts as hostess when the guests arrive . She speaks with the guests , shows them where the show will be and answers any questions they may have . During the show she runs errands for any last minute details and after the show she answers the telephones answering viewers ' requests concerning the guests of the day. She also joins her bosses Sherry Feldsman, producer; Elaine Newton, associate producer ; and the show's hosts, Claire Carter and Dave Roberts in their conference of how well the show went and what they will do for the next · show . She also reads the newspapers looking for interesting subjects to be on the show . At the end of the day she calls the guests for the next day and confirms their appearances. When applying for this internship Polomano wrote a resume and explained why she wanted to work in this area. Channel 6 granted her an interview and one week later, on Jan. 23, she began working . Both Johnson and her experience with New York Communications helped her get his internship.

Two join staff in Jan. to make sure that all tuition is paid on time. Wahsner has a background not only as a secre t ar y but als o with some experience in acc ounting . Wahsne r prev iously worked with her husband , an acc ountan t, at home as his secr eta ry . She also assisted him in some a cco unting matte r s. Wahsn er 's reaso n for wor king here at Cabrini is that she enj oys work ing in a st udent ty pe atmospher e, and since Cabri ni is not a very large school , it's easi er for her to get acquainted with the students . She enjoys her work very much especially with Sr. Sharon Morano, whom she descr ibe s as " wonde r ful to work with."



How to study for

BY MIKE GLACKEN The quest for Dean's List finds its first expression at midterm time. Aspirations of honor, scholarship and acclamation dance through the heads of practically every student.

studied the notes and attended the lectures, you can almost expect for certain a C. Now it's time to get serious. Move out! Be on time! Crank it on! Rip! Hold the cliches! In orper to really impress teachers with your scholarship it's necessary to apply what you've learned and prove it on the test. If they ask the value of grammar don't write that "its essentialness is good." Teachers have three let-ters for this kind of response . The first two are BS. The last is an F . There is no substitute for knowing your material , knowing exactly what the prof wants and giving him /her that.

Unfortunately the measures employed by most students border on the "inefficient." Trips to Florida during break are a tremendous catharsis. Unwinding in front of the television is great fun. Neither, however, will help get the dean 's attention . Well, you might get her attention, but it won't be for outstanding academic achievement. · Yes, you knew it all along . As painful as it sounds, studying is the The first requirement has only hope . Or at least until the bio- already been discussed. If you logists come out with smart pills . don't remember what that was , You will have to find that coffee- we 've already isolated a problem : stained philosophy notebook in You're a poor reader . See a cer tain the dust under the bed and read it . prof whose Ph.D . is reading . Then, ask if Albert still has the text-. The second requirement, that book in stock. Then, after you shell you give the prof exactly what out the equivalent of fifteen she /he wants requires that you pay Big Mac's for the book you'll have attention in class, at least enough to read it. Well, there is a bright to remember the teacher 's insisside: think of all the weight you'll tent plea that you spell at least 25% be losing minus the Big Mac's. · of the words write (right?). If you We're moving up. If you've read didn't remember that , we've isoyour assignments in the book, lated a second problem : you don't

MIDTERMS Three easy steps to getting an A

March 12, 1979 pay attention m class, assuming of course, you've been to class. Or maybe you're just missing those subtle little clues teachers have of emphasizing a point. Like standing on your desk screaming at the top of her/his lungs about your phonetic spelling. Which brings us to requirement three. You may continue if you can still comprehend the train of thought of this article and, within the past three months, no teachers have been standing on your desk screaming anything. Test-taking anxiety might still keep you spectating at .the next convocation. The best ways I know of relieving anxiety are : knowing the material (gotcha covered) and seeing the test beforehand . Don't laugh . Almost every teacher I know would be happy to show you the basic format of the test. Especially if 'you tell him/her that to see the format is to transcend pedestrian levels of achievement and make the leap in understanding analogous in nature to the one Einstein made with his theory of relativity. ( By the way Happy 100th Birthday Albert! ) That '11do it. See you at the Mansion.

Four who said "yes" to job BY SHEILA DOUGHERTY

On Monday Feb. 26 the Women's Group sponsored a lecture entitled, "Four who said 'yes' to non traditional occupations." The guest speakers were: Christine Murphy , CPA and audit manager; Cherie Noble, a ballet soloist/ballet master with the Pennsylvania Ballet; Joyce Rizzo, a chemical engineer and environmental coordinator; and Kathleen Grant, an administrative aid and stock broker . Murphy is- employed at one of the Big 8 CPA firms. She is the only woman to be in a mana2e-

ment position in Philadelphia. She admits that "there were some barriers" in obtaining this job. Noble entered a career as a ballet master which is usually dominated by males. She stated, "I have been able to do what I want to do ." Both Grant and Rizzo agreed that their jobs are :•unusual" for women. Rizzo admitted that when looking for her first job, "they didn't want to hire me because I was a woman." Rizzo is the "only woman engineer" at Sun Oil. All four women have said " yes " and succeeded in jobs that have been dominated by males.

'J'oday'~i ~.;v;-~.

The.recent snow storm caused many problems around Cal;,rinicampus. Even this photographer had his difficulties. Photo by Jim Amalfitano

Greasers and goldfish swallowers were featured at Wigwam's "50's Night"


Mike Stevens takes tum at goldfish swallowing. Stevens swallowed seven for the evening. Other swallowers include: Walt Williams, Ken Fiacco, Ron Katkocin, Steve Reuss and Mike Spinelli. Chris C~llins, Kathy Sherma, Alissa DeMaria and Dave Murphy frolic in fifties get up.

Photos by Sal Barabuscio

Page 9


March 12, 1979

Theatre enchants children semester's program, "The children as well as the college stu"You're up-staging me, " dents really learned from the exwhispered Michael Paul to Ed perience. They.achieved far more . Cunningham as the cast quietly than I expected." _ The instructor for the ballet prepared the set for the second act of Sleeping Beauty . To up-stage a classes is David Kloss. In addition fellow actor is to break one of the to being soloist and a principal member of the Pennsylvania cardinal rules of the theater. There is nothing strange about one Ballet Company _, Kloss has actor reminding another of this studied with Anthony Tuder and fault - except when the accuser is Maggie Black of the Julliard School of Music, and with Robert only seven years old. Michael is one of the children Rodham of the PBC. He has participated in lecture d~monstrawho · participated in Cabrini's Children's Theater Workshops, .,. tions throughout the U.S. under the and is registered for the Spring sponsorship of the Ford Foundation and the Pennsylvania Council series as well . The program was initiated in the for the Arts. He has performed on Fall semester 1978, offering ballet National Educational Television and drama classes for chil_dren in with the Princeton Ballet Theater. the community from age seven to He has also performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra ~nd the fourteen . The artistic director for the pro- New York City Opera Company. "Theater is an educational tool,'' gram, Daniele Perna, had this to say about the success of last said Florence Kaedy Ullrich, the BY MARIE PIZZUTO

instructor for the drama c_ourses. Ullrich studied under Maria Ouspenskaya and Richard Boleslavski, as well as attending Aix-en-Provencein France , and Columbia University. She worked under the sponsorship of the Rockefeller Foundation in New York and is experienced in all phases of thea!er work. Last semester the children from the drama workshop between ages 11 and 14 · participated iri the show, "Magic, Movies, and Clowns ," . while the younger children played court pages in the theater laboratory's production of "Sleeping Beauty ." So.phomore Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, who played the zany fairy, · Dazzeline, said, "It was good to see how enthusiastic the children were. They were really willing to work. I wish a similar program had been available when I was a child."

Children's Drama Workshops, under the direction of Florence Kaedy Ullrich, make theater "an educational tool" for all involved.

Arts calendar Repertory Company 963-0616 March 9 - April 14 - American Buffalo

Entertainment •

Craigie tells tall tales in story group Ray Gray, a professional° story teller, of Yardley, Pa . Gray was interested in starting a storytelling league in the Eastern Pennsylvania area . He announced his intentions for the formation of a league in the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling (NAPPS), the national newsletter for storytelling. - Craigie, who subscribes to the NAPPS newsletter, contacted Gray , The league started with six members in late summer of 1976 and its first storytelling meeting was held in

Craigie 's home in Devon , Pa . Craigie said the league's name was developed to include both urban and rural stories. The league relates a wide range of stories which include family ancedotes, traditional legends and jokes and ghost stories. The league meets . about three times a year for active members to relate stories . Besides these meetings, the league usually has one event that is open to the public. One such event included a picnic with storytelling in Gray 's back-

Behind the scenes: ·

Many hands stage play BY THERESA COLLINS

Did you ever wonder who puts a play together? One might suspect it is the director and actors and actresses that make a play what it is . True, these people help make a play a success or failure on stage , but ,what ab_out behind stage? Did you ever wonder who makes the actors look so good? Or who. changes the dark , dreary forest into a well-lit room ? Or how the play gets -publicized '! . All these questions can be answered in two words -- producti on staff . The production staff .are the miracle workers behind stage . These people work togeth er with the actors and direc tor in the pr oduction of a play. Without them , a play might re semble one of Shakespeare an tim e -- just a st age, actors and an audience. Those people that stay behind stage design costumes from scratch or redesign olq ones that came from a thrift shop or that were usecl in previous plays. They also work wi~h props, li_ghting,soun~ and publicity . All of these Jobs deal with the technical end of a play . You may wonder if these students receive any credit for their hard work and hours spent with a play . Well, the aQswer is yes and _no. Th~re is a three-credit course , called Product10n Design and also three-credit course called Adult Acting, in which students do receive credit. Yet some stu-


University of Pennsylvania WA3-4229 March 9 - 31 - You Bet Your Assets Shubert Theatre 1-800-223-0120 March 9 - April 21 - I Remember Mama


BY CONNIE AIELLO Storytelling usually conjures up images of small children listening to an adult relating a favorite bedtime story. To Carter W. Craigie, associate professor of Social Science, though, storytelling is an interesting and enjoyable hobbie . Craigie _is a member of the Cracker Barrell & Broad St. Subway Story Tellers League. The league consists of about 30 .people who simply enjoy relating various stories and legends . The league was organized by

Philadelphia Company 546-0550 March 9-18 - The ~lephant Man

, dents receive no credit and their work is all voluntary . According to Daniele Perna, director of the theater , these students are continuously learning about theater both on stage and off stage . It is an activity that teaches about acting and moods and demands a great deal of involvement. Some of these stage hand members are Shawn Stetser, Ed Cunningham , Frank Sirch, Walt Williams and David Tor i. When asked how they enjoyed their work and how they got involved with thea ter Tor i, Williams and Sirch all agreed that theater is fun and inter esting. Tori has an inter est in audio~electronics and he finds working behind stage is as intere sting as performing on stage. Williams replied, "I have two theater courses and I find working behind stage breaks up the atmosphere of always being up front." Sirch, howevet ,,.,was asked to join the production staff by Perna since he had previous experience at Cardinal O'Hara High School working with props and designing scenery . "Many times the stage hand members are misrepresented, but their rewards are worthwhile in the end. It is a wonderful learning experience for students because it is from them that creativity comes," Perna said .

Thank you everyone for making my 21st birthday an exhilarating experience that , will spin around in my mind for years to come. Experienced typist with IBM selectric. Term papers, dissertations. Call Mary Lovell, Tues., Fri. after 5 at 687-6635. /

Commodore Barry Club March 16 - St. Patrick's Day Celli Tower Theatre March 9 - Angel

yard. Another event, a story swap, was held at the Philadelphia Free Library. The story swap gave an opportunity for anyone in the audience to relate a story. Members of the league range in many different ages , occupations and backgrounds . Most people are between the ages of 25 and 40. A few members are librarians who are familiar with storytelling in libraries . Most of the members enjoy storytelling as a hobbie and are not directly connected with storytelling in their daily jobs :

Craigie said that for most people storytelling is "purely for fun" and "an avocation ." Craigie said the next planned public event will take place in the summer of 1979.This event will be held at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia . Storytelling .will be held in a very relaxed atmosphere in which anyone from the· audience can relate a story. "The events are ," Craigie said, "simply a good opportunity for people who like to tell stories to get together."

GOIN'IRISH Findandcircleeachword:

T R B ~ F CWGQ U B H F L A G O O B L U C K G J L I _p N- X



March 12, 1979



Superman not so super

WHEN IRISH EYES ARE SMILING .. . Well, they're not all IrisJteyes, but the participants in Cabrini's Annual Irish Minstrel Show, Irish or not, smile and will have you smiling too on Thurs. evening, Mar. 15 in the gym, as they celebrate St. Patrick's Day in traditional, even though unconventional, style.

BY KATIE WITE NGIER It's a bird , it's a plane , it would be great as a dollar movie ! Superman opens with Marlon Brando , as Superman 's father, and the already to o-overdone Star Wars' effects . But don 't worry , the movie gets somewhat better . Christopher Reeve , an unknown, does a believable job · as Clark Kent. He plays oppos ite Margot Kidder ( Lois Lane ) very naturally. All the pieces are there : Jimmy Olsen, Perry White and kryptonite, but they don 't quite fall into place. In spite of this , the movie has its funny moments. Although similar in style to the television series , there are some apparent differences . " Truth ,

jus tice, and the Amer ica n way" is still Superman's mott o. Included in it now is a new-found attraction for Lois , after all , this is 1980, not 1950. Their relationship will make a great sequel in Superman II, but may not get a PG rating. Some of the humor derives from updating the movie to present-day New York. Superman no longer has the convenience of using a phone booth as his dressing room. They just don't make them like they used to. The new Superman is portrayed as being a bit more dumsy, but does still manage to get the job done . Superman is a great escape for those who feel like flying. If you in- , sist on going for $3.50, take your own popcorn .

LAS schedules semester events BY SHAWN STETSER

The members of the Living Arts Society are the individuals organizing behind the scenes and often entertaining in the forefront of the club's most well-known event, Evening at 9abrini. According to President Frank Morelli, a freshman, the purpose of the Living Arts Society is to "provide entertainment for students in all different forms. "We're not out to make money," he added . The club presently has about $200.00 in savings, which is used to maintain the public address system owned by the society. The club rents this system to other clubs and organizations for a nominal fee, depending on the length of time it is used. This fee is also used for the upkeep of the system . This semester the Livin'g Arts Society bas alread y sponsored the Skybreak concert , which was held on Jan. 26, an E vening at Cabrini, held on Feb. 9, and the film, "Qµeen of th e Star dust Ballro om," on Feb . 14.

Ori Fr ida y, March 2, the society sponsored a Disco Dance Contes t. Pri zes were a ward ed in two categories, Hus tle and Freestyle dancing.

First prize for both categories was a trophy engraved with the winner's names . Second prize was a steak dinner for two , complete with wine, at the Wigwam. The Wigwam has been reserved for only those couples the night they receive their prize . Third prize is a Donna Summers Double Live

movie, a keg party, a road rally, and midnight basketball. "The whole weekend went over well , especially the road rally," foi mer Living Arts Society Pr .esident Ron Katkocin said . This year the society plans to follow the basic format outlined in prev ious years, concluding the · Album . weekend with an Evening at Cabrini. . Hustle winn ers were : Mar The basic premise behind the garita Tuero and Ron Katkocin. celebration is that all of the clubs Second went to Alissa DeMaria sponsor activities and dona t e and Dale Lalwan i; third , to Kelli funds ,in order to involve the entire Armstrong and Paul Mattis. campus community . "We hope to Freestyle winne r s tied . They have a larger turnout than last were Lourde s Latorre and year and a good deal of participabrother, Albert o and Mary Pa t tion on the part of students and DiGiacobbe and Mark M-iliniees . · faculty a like ," Morelli sa id ... Third went to Je annemar ie Turne r The Living Arts Society also preand Derrick Coker . sents a Student Service Award , Activities plan ned for the future whic h is announced at Convocainclud e: three more films, an tion. The award was first preEvening at Cabrini to be held in sented in 1977 to Walczak . Debbie the middle of Mar ch, and the Cele - Norcini received the award in bratio n of 'Spring Weekend , from 1978. This year the Stude nt Serv ice Award wa s pr esen te d to Cind i April 20 to 22. Celebrati on of Spring was first DeRitis. originated by Mike Walczak, '77, The society presently has nine in the sprin g of 1977. He was the active m e mtier s , a nd it en- first chairperson of the event. courages anyone with new ideas to Last year's chairpers ons were come to the meetings and become Ron Kat kocin and Lynn Scott . a member. Some of the activ it ies they The Living Arts Society's acorg anized last year included ; car - tiv ities and meeting times and toons at brunch , an egg throw ing da tes can be found in the activities contest and vari ous rela y races, a calend ar and in weekly bulletins .

He was in his twenties. So was she. Both were Catholic, unmarried, prayerful, creative. Both cared about people and cared for them. How come h e n ever thought of the pri esth oo d ? H o w come she nev er th ou gh t of being a nun? "No one ever asked me:' they sa id.

chiev em en-t rec og niz ed at con vocation BY RON KATKOCIN

What does it take to ma ke liberal s liberal? Lack of utility. abel Louise l Pa ul Shor• >fessor of Gre Bryn M.. r ege , said the ure of li.ber to "nurture to g out talent s ather than put i., kill." Lang, speaki r,0 Liber al Arts nd the Uses of Myths," was the uest speaker at trie 14th Biann ual Cabr ini College Convocati on. Convocation was held Thursday , Mar . 1, in the Mansion. In atte ndance was Sr . Re gina Casey , superior general of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. The convoca tion was opened by Ar ti s t- in-Resid ence -Mme. Agi J amb or pla ying two pre ludes on the piano . Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, pre sident of the college , then greeted the guests. She talked about the hardships of the passing winter , as well as her expectations for the coming spring. "Let spring be a time for our minds to expand, grow and burst limits," she said . Following Sr. Mary Louise's introduction Lang spoke on liberal arts. She said there are seven

Cindy Hammet, Ron Katkocin, Detsy Lynch, Sue O'Hagan, Maryann ·Ribick and Dorinda Russel were each recognized as Cabrini Service and Leadership Awa rd recipients, announc ed by Dean of Students, Sr. Sharon Morano. Frank Morelli, president of the Living Arts Society, presented the LAS Student Serv ice Award to Senior Cindi DeRitis. .d Dorothy Brown, academi c dean , ,A aua · m, the ramificapresented Junio r Brian Gould with tb n of nun, .al and mathemati - · the Rinaldi Science Scholarship. "a l comm umc atio n , consists of Marilyn J ohnson-, pr ofessor of arithme tic, ast ronomy, geom etr y English, and Terri Nardone pre ~nd mus sented Russel, Katkoc in, and These ., ·en liberal arts of the O'Ha gan with their Lambda Iota _Medieval Agc~ seem narrowly Tau pins and certificates . constricted ·compa red to today, " Anna Kruse, assistant prof essor Lang sa id . · of Biology, announced the new membe r s of Beta , Beta , Beta . InFol l o w i ng L a ng's s p eech cluded are : Rene Connaught , Sue var ious awards were pres ented . Fill ing , Gould, Kathie Warner and Kay Gavigan , profess or of HistoLinda Kunik . Associate members ry, awarded Freshman Diane Narare : Janet Eslinger , Mary Carol dy the Jane Schwartz Benjamin Marateo and Sheila McQµiston . Memorial Scholarship . Gavigan announced the inducSr . Mary Louise presented tion of Connie Aiello, Anne Marie Midge Tumelty and Marie Pizzuto Albert, Kelli Armstrong, Patti the Christian R . and Mary F. Bogart, Janet Cooper, Laura Lindback Foundation ScholarGalvin, Nancy Harrold, Cindy ships. Continued on Page 12 Sal Barabuscio, Maria Carusi, liberal arts , and these she divided into two categorieS-trivium and qt <i ·vium. tr ivium, or the arts of com l atrn n . ·consists of gramma r , , 1c anct r ,etoric. Without . gram me canno t. have_precision of thou r. and expr1::ssion. Without log 1 ne cann ot use effective r eas o 1·, and w1• c ut rh ct >ric one ca nnot pres ent a nything, Lang

Is ·th is y ou r story? No one ev er asked you? We ll, we'r e asking.

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Page 11


March 12, 1979

O'Connor twins"Double trouble" .. BY KITSY HUMES

O'Connor twins: which one is which? Photo by Jim Amalfitano

Recruitment BY BEATRICE HICKEY For most of us the idea of recruiting players for a particular sport is something we know little about. My lack of knowledge on this subject prompted me to do a little investigating. According to Jolyon Girard, one of Cabrini's athletic directors, recruitment is a time consuming activity . Girard spends an average of four hours a week recruiting in Philadelphia and Jersey high schools and junior colleges. He also spends some weekends and holidays in search of talent. Recruitment for Cabrini is q~ite different from recruitment for large universities. Digger Phelps, head coach of the Notre Dame basketball team , was quoted recently in the "New York Times"


You're Marianne and you're Margaret, right? Wrong, I'm Margaret, she's Marianne. Sound familiar? Like something out of Starsky and Hutch? Well, not quite the same but almost. In case you don't know, O'Connor is the name, basketball is their game and being twins 'is their fame. Yes, together on the court they provide double trouble when it comes to opposing teams, double confusion to official refs when deciding who fouled who and double vision to fans as to which one is which . Nicknamed "Oakie" because of their last name, freshmen

at Cabrini

Marianne (who plays forward) and Margaret (who plays center) are from Springlake, N.J. where they attended St. Rose of Belmar high school in New Jersey. For two years they were both part of their high school basketball championship team. They practice together most of the time and when uked if they would miss each other if they attended different colleges, they both replied "yes" at the same time. What's it like being identical? Margaret replied, "Sometimes it's fun. In one game the ref flipped out because she couldn ' t tell us apart." Marianne added, "Other times we don't like it because it

gets too confusing." Coach Helen Goodwin says, "I don't have trouble telling them apart. I might have yelled at Marianne and Margaret wrong but that's because I • didn't look at them." Team Captain Maurene Burns described them as being "good hustlers and an asset to our team." Whatever the reason is that you come out to see the women's team play, .you won't be seeing double when you watch Margaret and Marianne play. These two have a sense of direction as to where each one is on the court and make the connections as well as the moves when it comes to scoring points.

Girard works for athletics

BY KATHY CORDILLA as saying. "We have sort of a Jolyon P . Girard, director of er? Girard says that he makes it selective system . It 's not so much clear to the possible candidate that /men's athletics , has presented to Manager William a matter of hoping we get the kids academics, not athletfos, is the Business we want. It's a matter of selecting Eichner, and Master Planning prime reason for the student's the right ones from the many who coming to Cabrini. Girard says, Committee Chairperson Fr.ank want to play for Notre Dame." "A lot of recruiting is not done for Saul, a plan for a college athletic When Girard scouts he doesn't the purpose of giving ttrants - in - store on campus. Pearson Sporting just go into a school, walk up to a . aid . We try to convince a student to Goods would supply the store with jogging suits, tennis shoes and player and ~k he or she to come to come and play for enjoyment." Cabrini. Rather , he first speaks athletic Usually a player that is scouted other top quality to the athletic director of the has been recruited by at least one sportswear at lower prices than school , watches the student play or more schools. At the present retail stores, according to Girard. Pearson Sporting Goods has preand then speaks to the player. time most of our varsity basketball Cabrini's Admissions Departplayers, men and women, were viously supp.lied other college ment also keeps an eye out for ap- recruited and were given grants • stores and the program has been a plications that indicate a student success . in - aid . The amount given varies has played a varsity sport. This with each student. The store would have no direc t application gets tagged so that The budget for the men and involvement with the athletic deCabrini's athletic directors can get women 's Athletic Depar tment is partment , Girard said . Instead, in touch with the student one way the same , however , this year more the store would be run by the or another. women received grants ~in:a id school and supplied by Pearson Sporting Goods. What does a scout say to a play - than men .

What is the need for having an athletic store on campus? Girard said students will be able to obtain good quality sportswear at their convenience at reasonable prices , and at the same time the school will make a profit. Girard and Helen Goodwin, director of women's athletics, also informally plan on having a direct student fee of $15 for the Athletic Association. The students would pay only an annual fee which .would allow them to attend all athletic activities and would allow the students to bring along three guests free of charge . However , t here are a few drawbacks , Girard said. The students who normally do not attend the games would have to pay the fee and other programs are equally in need of funds.


RENAME THE WIGWAM CONTEST Just fill out this entry blank and drop it off in the Wigwam before Thursday, March 22. There's nothing to buy. Drawing is Friday, March 23. The person with the best new name for the Wigwam will receive a free semester's pass to the snack bar. Free pass is negotiable for the spring semester of 1979 and is not to exceed $50.

----------------------------------; ENTRY BLANK

• Snack bar hours '.


Monday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Box No.

2 to 4 p.m. and 6:30 to 12 p.m.

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Drop off in Wigwam before March 22. .



March 12, 1979

Winning str~ak continues, Cavs increase record to 14-5 BY JOE KRAVITZ

The Cabrini Cavaliers under headcoach Jolyon Girard extended their season record to 14-5. The latest two victories came from the hands of Pinebrook Jr. College and Williamson Trade School, the latter . being a victory on the road. In the first contest the Cavaliers shot down the Panthers of Pinebrook by a score o( 79-57. In this game the Cavaliers led completely throughout the contest soley on the efforts of guard, Andrew Cullen, who hit for 31 pts, . and center, Mike Ferguson, who contributed with 18 pts. Later in the week the Cavaliers took on the Mechanics of Williamson and encountered little trouble. Final score in this contest read 89-74, Cabrini. The guard combination of Cullen and freshman John Keating once again this season teamed up for 51 of the Cavaliers total 89 points, with Cullen hitting for 26 pts. and Keating connecting for 25 pts. in the contest .

Earlier, the Cavaliers were able to defeat the Knights of Northeast Christian by a score of 7~. The game was one of the most exciting games of the season due to the constant exchange of momentum which took place, with the momentum falling in the hands of the Cavaliers at the final buzzer. Again this same momentum carried on against the Flames of the Academy of New Church. The final score illustrated this as the clock read 86-58, Cabrini. The key to this game was the ability of junior captain John Gallager and forward Tom Woolfolk to intimidate the Flames' inside game to the point where they waited to the 15:43 mark of the first half to get their initial points in the contest. Leading the way . for the Cavaliers were freshmen, Mike Ferguson and John Keating. The two hit for 24 and 20 pts. apiece. Also notable was point guard Andy Cullen who penetrated inside to score 14 pts., yet more importantly he was able to dish off 14 as-

sists to set up the triumph. However, in the Christian game things were not as easy. It wasn't until 1: 13left in the game that John Derham, a freshman guard, was able to answer with two critical foul shots that Cabrini ,could declare this a victory. This was due to the ability of the Knights to scrap from a 15 pt. deficit by using a press which cut the Cavaliers lead down to three points. . After seeing the lead dwindle, head coach Jolyon Girard extended third guard to help break the press. When asked why the choice . of Derham in this pressure situation Girard stated, "We went with Derham because of experience and also due to the fact that he had been elevated to the third guard slot filling in for other injuries." Other key performers in the victory over the Knights of Northeast Christian were Cullen, Ferguson and Keating. The trio reached double figures scoring honors with 25, 18, and 16 points each.

Forward John Keating sneaks behind defender for quick lay-up. Photos by Jim Amalfitano


Foulshots Averages to date has Cabrini at 75 pts. a game to 66 pts . per contest for the opponent.


Starting five of Woolfolk, Cullen, Ferguson, Gallagher, and Keating shot a blistering 67% from the field against A.N.C.


Women cagers Detsy Lynch , Patty Snyder and Cathy Cabrey have given headcoach Goodwin important playing time off the bench filling in for key injuries .


Bomb Squad members Charlie Gross and Keith Hickman are back in action .


Freshmen Jim Lawlor and Mike Hilsey continued to give coach Girard that vital rebounding strength called upon from the bench.

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Freshman Marianne O'Connor hit for 24 points in leading the girls to their latest victory over Rosemont.

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Maurene Burns displays quick defensive play in Cabrini - Swarthmore game.

Women's B-ball moving on Achievements recognized BY JOHN GALLAGHER

Coach Goodwin's team is now nine and five after three disappointing losses and two strong victories. The losses were to Textile. Drexel and Widener. The two wins were chalked up against Philadelphia Bible School and Rosemont. · Despite the flip-flop of wins and losses, the women have been playing good consistent ball. "We either play teams who kill us or we kill them, there's no happy medium," said coach Goodwin. In most games the scoring is well distributed with two players in double figures and at least three near double figures . In the contest against the Textile team, a fast team with good outside shooters, the high scorers for the Cabrini team were Marianne O'Connor with 10 and Roe DiGian-

domenico with nine. · The women lost 59-38. In the win against Philadelphia Bible (68-57) Aunnie Bedard had six points and Marianne O'Connor had 15 points . Bedard and O'Connor were once again high scorers for Cabrini's teal}\ against Drexel with 13 and nine points respectively. The Cager,; lost 76 to 40.

In the loss to Widener College, Bedard and O'Connor were high scorers again. Aunnie had 15 and Marianne had 14 points but the team lost 82-52. It was against Rosemont College that the team exploded with five players in double figures. In the 65-35 win , O' Conn o r add ed 24 points to the 30 point winning margin. Other players in double figures included: Maurene Burns with 12; Aunnie Bedard with 12; Roe Di Giandomenico with 10 points .

King, Mary Jane Langton, Bobbie Polomano, Maryann Ribick, Maureen Schlegel, Marian Stewart and Maureen Williams into the Cabrini Honor Society. Gavigan also announced Carla Mark as a member of Phi Alpha Theta. Jerome Zurek, associate professor of English, announced the members of the Society of Collegiate Journalists. They are: Loretta Alioto, Harrold, Kim Hayes, Katkocin, Pizzuto and Lisa Sherwood. Brown also announced members of this year's Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Included are: Carusi, DeRitis , Hammet, Leslie Hickman, Nardone, O'Hagan and Ed Stevens . After this Dean's List certificates were presented to some 75 stud ents in attendance . This year 's Staff Award was pre-

sented to Faculty Secretary Mary Tutorice for her services to the faculty. Margaret Reher, associate professor of Religion, was awarded the Seventh Annual Faculty Award.

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At the end of the convocation Jolyon Girard, assistant professor of History, made a presentation to Brown, master of ceremonies for the convocation, on behalf of the faculty in appreciation for all the work she has done.

Interested in teaching? Attention, Biology, Chemistry, Social Studies, Math, English and Communication majors!!!!!

What are you going to do after graduation? Have you ever considered teaching? Well, in case ,you didn't know Cabrini College has an education department and is fully accredited to certify you in secondary education . Are you interested? If you would like to know more

about what is required for certification - in secondary education contact the head of the respective departments. They are Biology Anne Kruse, Chemistry Joseph Feighan , Social Studies - Carter Craigie, Math - Robert McGee , English and Communications - Jerome R. Zurek , Jr. If interested you may also contact William B. Kuhns acting chairperson of the education department.

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