March 23, 1979 issue 09 Loquitur

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March 23, 1979

VOL. XXV, No. 9

Drip, drip, drip!

Leaks continue in Wood crest BY DETSY LYNCH & LISA SHERWOOD

The leakage problem which has plagued many third floor residents at Woodcrest Hall since the beginning of this semester is still not entirely resolved. Although the major leaks have been repaired, there are still some minor leaks occurring. The damage done to the roof has been attributed to the heavy rains which took place both in Novem. ber and January. They affected eight rooms along the front wing of the building. According to Sr . Sharon Morano, director of resident life, although the roof appears in perfect condition it can not be totally fixed until the tar has completely dried out. Even if the leaks could be found now, due to the .wet tar they would not be able to be repaired, said Mike Caranfa, director of buildings and grounds. He added that the contractor, Robert Guerrera of Broomall , Pa . has also worked on the roofs of various other buildings on campus, including Sacred Heart Hall and the Library. Those roofs have not leaked to the extent that Woodcrest has. Since the tar has not dried out and it has a great deal of moisture in it, if more tar were put on top it would cause air bubbles and lead to greater problems, Caranfa said. If the leaks which are occurring keep up, the contractor will have

to strip away the tar and cut through seven layers of felt and asphalt in order to locate the problem. "This job could take from 5 to 7 days," Sr. Sharon said. As the situation stands now, it is not one major leak but a series of minor ones. Although the leak may be located above one person's room the water may seep along the inside structure and drip into another person's room, Caranfa said. The contract for the Woodcrest roofing job, according to one source in maintenance, was not put out on bids, but given to a very "reliable firm." It was held by this same firm for six years. However, they were not the contractors for the original roof when Woodcrest was built in 1968. Caranfa said leaks have always been a problem. He said that when Woodcrest was first built, a security bond was taken out. This

bond covered repairs of the roof up to $5000.By 1971the bond had been completely used up. "Woodcrest as a building is a loser ," Caranfa said. As a result of the leakage problem, which occurred last year around this time, a new roof was put in this past summer. Since that time, Sr. Sharon said, the contractor has had to come back twice to make repairs. Sr. Sharon said the firm was paid one set fee for the installment of the roof, thus the cost of any repairs is covered by them. As she states, "Everything is being done at the roofer 's expense." The roofer so far has lost $3000. On his first trip back, which was over the interim, Guerrera could not get much work done. Had the complaints been registered immediately there is a possibility that the leaks could have been fix-~.-_·?.~ :-.···:~'::,


LEAKS IN WOODCREST continue to cause headaches for residents and administration alike.


Photo by Jim Amalfitano


Theft is attributed to lack of concern Sharon Morano, dean of students and director of resident life, and The problem of theft and vandal- Mike Caranfa, director of buildism has been a major weakness on ings and grounds. This letter urged Cabrini's campus for the past two them to take some direct action in semesters. Attempts were made to· the matter as soon as possible. alleviate it, but so far there has not The second part of the problem been much success. deals with the failures of the In recognition of this increasing security system. An attempt was problem, members of the Council made to solve ··this by both Sr. of College Affairs have asked the Sharon and the Student Governheads of each department to fill ment Association. But the student out a form listing their losses along· survey on security that was conwith an estimated dollar value ducted about a month ago met with ( see chart). The data they little success. received indicate a twofold "Out of 400 survey sheets sent problem. out only about 30 were returned," The first deals with the students' Sr. Sharon said. She added that lack of concern toward school less than half of them presented property. "If the students could "legitimate complaints." The madevelop an awareness of what is jor complaint which came out of going on, it may help cut down on this survey was that people had to the problem," said Mr. Andrew wait too long to get into the dorms. Litavec, assistant professor of Sr. Sharon said that she did Education and member of the "share the findings of the survey council. with security personnel." The PiAt a meeting on Monday, March quet Security Company has been 12, members of the Council employed at Cabrini for five years. decided to send a letter to both Sr. Sr. Sharon believes that the "perBY SHEILA DOUGHERTY & DETSY LYNCH

ed right away, Caranfa said. He added that no complaints were reported to him until a month after they had occurred. ''The roofer then returned March 3 at which time he stripped the roof as much as he could and tarred," said Sr. Sharon . "For what he's done, there shouldn't be any leaks," she said. In the meantime, the third floor residents who have had to put up with this inconvenience, were compensated in different ways . In the rooms .with the major leaks, the ceiling tiles were removed and plastic sheets were put up to catch the water. Also, according to Sr. Sharon, Allison Kirse and Lorraine Harris were given the chance to move into room 315 which was vacant at the time. They turned the offer down. Some students suffered serious damage to their property. Patty Snyder, whose albums were ruined, estimated their value at $86. Another student, Patrice Holloman, lost a bed comforter. · Both cases are being handled by the Business Office. Maintenance has also lost time and money on the roof. A whole box of ceiling tiles was used to repair those damaged by the water, Caranfa said. All this trouble caused by the roof has frustrated students, administrators and even the contractor himself.

sonnel are definitely trying" and she is "pretty well satisfied." John Boyle has · replaced John Yheallon as security guard. Yheallon was given another assignment and transferred to a ' different school, because attending classes and working on security could cause conflicts, Sr . Sharon said. EST. DEPARTMENT ITEM STOLEN VAUE lloobtore ........

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Is commuting a crutch? The plight of the commuting student at Cabrini, or anywhere else for that matter, is a quite precarious one. Home commitments and transportation problems make it difficult for the commuter to accommodate both an academic and an extracurricular activity schedule. However, commuters often tend to alienate themselves from everyone else , i.e . residents) . They seem to enjoy having the crutch of "com mutership" to lend support to their sunken morales. What arises subsequently is the myth of the forlorn, lonely commuting student without a friend on campus . What vultures the resident students are! It all boils down to the fact that the myth of the lonely commuting stuaent 1s Just that , a myth . Hut yet everyone places heavy emphasis on this myth. It gives the commuters something to complain about . After all , the residents have the food service, and justice must reign supreme, you know. A possible solution to the precarious problem of commuting may be in the form of the newly formed Commuter Association of SGA. And then again, it may not. This remains to be seen . What is really necessary is a re-evaluation by each commuter (and resident for that matter) of his goals and objectives as a student here. With this accomplished, implementation of a strategy to attain these goals and objectives will be simpler. In the final analysis, what each student (commuter or not) is willing to put into his/her academic career, is precisely what he/she will get out of it. Nothing more and nothing less. All that it takes is a little initiative.


on., -the.,W(J.Y

Friday, March 23, 1979,., ';I




• Sophomore slump

Do you have .the blohs? BY DETSY LYNCH

Brown moves to Rosemont BY RON KATKOCIN

In a formal statement yesterday Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, president of Cabrini College, announced that Dorothy M. Brown, Jcademic dean, has accepted the position as president of Rosemont College. Her presidency will be effective Aug . 6, 1979.

Brown has served at Cabrini for 17 years. She has been vice-president for academic affairs since 1972. Sr. Mary Louise said a search

committee composed representatives of "all constituents of Cabrini College" will be appointed to seek a successor to Brown. Brown said she is "looking for-

ward to a new job, a new challenge. It's a chance,'.' she said, "to work in a different segment of higher education." However, Brown also said "I leave with mixed feelings . I was younger than some of our students when I came to Cabrini." She added, "I have had the privilege of working in one of the fastest developing institutions in the state of Pennsylvania." In a written statement Sr. Mary Louise said, "We are grateful to Dr. Brown for all that she has done for the growth and development of Cabrini, and for all that she has meant to so many." Sr. Mary Louise added; "We will really miss her."

Interviews conducted for seniors BY DETSY LYNCH

Recruitment interviews for seniors will be conducted by AETNA Life and Casualty Company on Monday, April 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and by the Control Data Corporation on Thursday, April 5. Although no specific major is required, a greater emphasis will be placed on the areas of math and business . Any student who is interested in either of these opportunities must sign up in advance with Arlene Kesselman, director of career counseling, ¡at the counseling center. There are two co-op positions available with the Small Business

Administration for next term.

Anyone wishing to take the medical school exam (MCAT) may obtain registration forms in the counseling center. Deadline for registering is April 2. Marianne Roach, from the Association for Habilitation and Employment of the Developmentally Disabled, will present the film, "A Different Approach" at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3. The film will be held in the audiovisual room of the library . "The Italian Americans," a film produced by Michael Scorcese, will be shown by Rachel Munafo at 3:00 p.m. on April 8 in the Library Conference Room. Munafo was here at Cabrini on March 15 when she gave a speech on Italian-American women.

LOQJ.JITUR Editor-in-chief . . . . . . ... . .................. . ... . ....... Ron Katkocin Editorial Editor .... :-.... ...... . . .. . ..... ......... . .... Sue O'Hagan News Editor .... ...... . .............. ...... ...... . . .. Lisa Sherwood Ass't News Editor ... . . ... .......... . ........ .. . .... ... Detsy Lynch Features Editor . . ... . .......... ... . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. ..... Kim Hayes Ass't Features Editor ............ .. . ... .. . ... . . . ........ Kathy Daly Entertainment Editor . ..... .. . .... ..... ... ...... . .... Marie Pizzuto Ass't Entertainment Editor . ........ .. . ; . . .. . ..... .. . . Connie Aiello Sports Editor ........ .. ............. . ...... .. ... . . . Beatrice Hickey Ass't Sports Editor ..... ... ........ . . .. . .... .......... . Kitsy Humes Photography Editor . ..... . .......... . ..... . ........ Jim Amalfitano Distribution Editor .............. . . . ....... ... ...... John Gallagher Staff .... .. Theresa Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Sheila Dougherty, Mike Glacken ; Judy Hammet, Kathy Hanson, Joe Kravitz, Norma Pittman, Shawn Stetser, Mike Stevens, Katie Witengier Secretary ... ...... ... .. .. . ........... . . .... ...... . ... Cinda DeRitis Librarian .. ,..... . . . .. . ..... . . .. .... ; ...... . .......... . Connie Aiello Artists ..... . . . ...... . . . .......... Lourdes Latorre, Chuck Schneider Business Manager ....................................... Pat Dailey Adviser .......... , ... . .......... .. .. ..... . .... Jerome R. Zurek, Jr.



Have you heard about the latest discovery? It's been going on for years but nobody has ever paid much attention to it. It's been labled ."sophomore slumpitis" due to the fact that it mainly afflicts second year students in college . After the newness and excitment of freshman year has worn off and students enter into their second year of college, they get a sudden rash of the blahs and become afflicted with this disease for the rest of the year. This mysterious disease has many characteristic symptoms which the majority -0f college students have, one time or another , experienced, are presently experiencing or will experience in the future. A loss of academic motivation and drive is the chief and most noticeable symptom. Afflicted students seriously question the need to take certain required courses and thus tend to lose all interest in the material being taught. Another symptom cited is the feeling of increased frustration in facing the question of what exactly does the student plan to do with his life. Although graduation day may seem very far off, a

sophomore in college starts to realize the need to ,.. put some serious direction into his or her life . Their perception of this reality will be the determining factor of what their future lives will be like . This disease, then, manifests itself on both an inwardly personal and an outwardly social level. On the personal level, it is a bewildering period in a student's life when he or she is beginning to form his permanent values and goals in life. Socially, it is tied in with the acute psychological need to form more intimate relationships with both those of the opposite sex , as well as those of the same sex . Although this disease is not deadly , it does have serious side affeccs. Academically, it could be hazardous to one's grade point average. Inwardly it may cause one to become isolated and lose one's sense of value. Like Legionnaire's disease, no known cure has been scientifically determined for this. However. a deep sense of self and lots of love are proven re medies. So, cheer up all you afflicted sophomores. Just think, the end of the semester is only six weeks away!

Kaplan moves to theater BY KATIE WITENGIER

Gabe Kaplan makes his motion picture debut in the light and funny movie, FAST BREAK. The plot is simple and predictable, but the action is quick and the antics funny. Kaplan plays David Greene, an unlikely basketball coach, hired from a New York,delicatessen on a pay-if-you-win basis . He pulls together a team of unlikely college students and prepares for the big game against Nevada State, a nationally ranked rival. The season is packed with laughs and gags , but the pressure builds for the big game, as David prepares to slay Goliath. The ending is expected but the whole experience is entertaining .

Kaplan 's acting is on par with his abilities in "Welcome Back Kotter," which closely resemble his stand-up comic act. In fact , Kaplan is proving he can make a lot of money just being himself. You get the feeling no matter what

LETTERS To the Editor : I think public congratulations are due to Frank Morelli and the Living Arts Society for the March 2 Disco Dance/Contest. The entire evening -- the music, the contestants, the spirit -- danced. By the evening's end there really were no spectators; everyone was a dancer. Father Replogle Letters are to be frief and signed. They should be submitted no later than 1:00 the day of the deadline. Loqultar reserves the right to condense.

Kaplan says, it 's meant as a oneliner. But he does it well, which keeps the laughs coming. So although the plot is predictable, the pace is fast, and the gags will break you up. FAST BREAK is entertaining .


Forrest Theatre 923-1515 March 23-April 14 Chorus Line Vasey Theatre, Villanova, 525-6288 March 23 to 25 Cabaret Cabaret Theatre Academy of Music March 26 and 27 Poco The Playhouse 656-4401 March 23 and 25 Eubie Resorts International Hotel Casino 215-923-6461 April 12 and 15 Sinatra Civic Center March 23 and 25 Phila . Flower Show Tower April 7 Elvis Costello Walnut Street Theatre 574-3550 March 23 There's a Hole in my Sidewalk Annenberg Qenter 243-6791 March 27-April 8 the Island March 23-24Dandelion The Repertory Company ~16 March 23-April 14 American Buffalo Spectrum March 24 U.K. Horslips April 7 Diana Ross Valley Forge Music Fair 644-5000 March 23-25Lena Horne, Marvin Hamlisch Marfh 27 Tom Jones April 6-8 Gladys Knight and the Pips


Friday, March 23, 1979-

B.isconte performs

In prisons and at Cabrini

Dillon divides labor and love BY THERESA COLLINS

"I divide my life and work into two categories. One is bread labor and the other is a labor of love," says Mr. Ed Dillon, Cabrini's newest religion teacher. Dillon said this because he previously taught at St. Joseph!s University and Philadelphia Community College for a short period of time. At these schools he taught Math, English, Social Sciences and Biblical Literature. However, Dillon's real love is with the Romance Languages and he occasionally tutors students in French and Latin. He is currently teaching Poverty and the Christian and Contemporary Studies in Religion at Cabrini. Dillon's main emphasis in life, however, is working in prisons and poverty stricken areas in Philadelphia. For ten years Dillon worked in Philadelphia's prisons teaching the inmates basic skills, such as reading and writing. He handled creative workshops, and worked with the poor. He has worked with the Black Muslims of Holmesburg Prison in addition to setting up seminars on Criminal Justice. Dillon is the co-founder of a continuing education program for

adults in West Philadelphia, in conjunction with serving as a consultant with the Justice Depa,;tment for three years. As a consultant, Dillon evaluated area programs for ex-prisoners and drug addicts to see if they were in need of government funding. Dillon also co-teaches with a former prisoner at a Hebrew Synagogue, and is involved with community organizations such as "The Barbed Wire Society" for former prisoners and "HEAL" ~self help program for those in or out of prison. "My main goal in my work is to form a link between the prisoner and the outside world," Dillon says. Dillon says he relates his work with his classes. "Especially in the course Poverty and the Christian. However, I find it hard to know the students' expectations," he says. Dillon received this teaching position through Margaret Reher, associate professor of religion and chairperson of the department. In previous years Dillon lectured on his experiences with prisoners in Reher's classes. Dillon finds the atmosphere at Cabrini humane. Everyone treats


on _Spivak show BY BEATRICE HICKEY

Photo by Mike Stevens each other well, he says, compared to what he sees in prisons and poor areas. "I love Cabrini because of the beauty of its people and campus. I hope to remain here at least part time," Dillon says.

Through the prompting of Dan Perna, director of theater, seniors Lea Bisconte and Loretta Alioto took part in an audition for the Joel Spivak show on Tuesday, March 6. This audition was held for singers and dancers in the local area. The purpose of it was to seek out young talent and give the auditioners a chance to perform before a live television audience. The audition was judged by members of the musical Chorus Line. Out of about 200 people, six singers and 12 dancers wer"e chosen to appear on Spivak's program. Alioto was not chosen to do her dance routine on the program, but she was in the audience and was interviewed during the show. Of this experience she says, "The irony was that I got on camera by not making it as one of the dancers." Bisconte 'tried out for singing and received a phone call from the station the -next day asking her to come to the Spivak show on Friday, March 9 to do the taping for the program. The show was aired Tuesday, March 13. Bisconte belted out Cabaret with enthusiasm and

originality. I felt proud watching a member of the college perform and I also experienced a thrill seeing two other college people in the audience. Bisconte said that she never really wanted to be on television but she was glad for the experience. "I wanted to get up there

and show everybody I could sing," and if you watched the program, that is exactly what she did. Bisconte also said that after the show many people told her that they felt very much at ease listening to her. For Bisconte it's what she loves to do. It's a natural.

E~perienced typist with IBM Selectric. Term papers, dissertations. Call Mary Lovell, Tues., Fri. After 5 at 687-6635.

Psychology maior lands ·internship with ·a littl _ e help from her friends BY KATHY DALY

This semester Karen Genello, a junior psychology major, is doing her fieldwork. This field work, however, has nQt taken her far from Cabrini. She is now working at Radnor Senior High School. Although many people do their field work during senior year, Genello stumbled upon an opportunity she could not pass up. Every Wednesday from 7:55 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. she becomes one of several interns who works for the Radnor High School Guidance Department. Her job, she said, is to interpret and explain to 10th grade students their results on the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory. "The Strong Campbell Interest Inventory enables us to tell where a student's interest lies," Genello said. This is done by comparing the student's score on interests to a scale of males and females who already hold these occupations. "This is not an intelligence test," Genello stressed. "It is just a way of informing the students of .

some areas they may wish to pursue." Students interested in discussing their results must make an appointment with-Genello during one

Broomall. Here she works as a receptionist two nights a week. During the course of conversation with a counselor she works for, Connie Rolph, Genello mentioned having to do field work next year. Rolph, a guidance counselor at Radnor, told her about plans to have interns work with the students. She asked Genello if she would be interested. Genello said she was, thus she got her fieldwork. Although Genello still has a year remaining .at Cabrini, she plans to continue her education by getting her masters degree and eventually~ a doctorate. One area she hopes to pursue \\'Ould tie in two of her favorite interests - dancing and Psychology. This area is the new field of dance therapy. Photo by Kathf Daly "I know it is great experience of their free periods. On Wednes- anct I particularly like the adolesday, Genello is able to see 10-15 cent age group," Genello said students. when speaking about the fieldThe way Genello obtained this work. "I am sure it will be fieldwork was through her job at beneficial to my future work in the the Life Guidance Ser.vices in field," she said.

'Haze'turns Cabrini dining hall into disco BY MARIE PIZZUTO

The Purple Haze, the largest of the disco-party givers in this area, will turn the cafeteria into a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds for a Disco Party on March 30 from 8 p.m. to midnight. As part of the program sponsored by the junior class and the Theater Development Committee,

the theater lab company dancers will perform. Also featured will be a disco dance contest with prizes, special lighting and sound effects, mirrors, a fog machine, and a disc jockey. Refreshments will be supplied by the Wigwam. The Pllrple Haze has been on the music scene for six years. It 'has provided disco parties to social

events sponsored by the First Pennsylvania Bank, the Academy of Fine Arts, Children's Hospital, and most recently, the 1979 Governor's Ball. Tickets are $2.50 per person in advance, and $3.00 at the door. For information and ticket sales call 687-2100,ext. 62.

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Friday, March 23, 1979



Sophomores sensatiOnalize · pointguardposition What do the nicknames Mo, Woosh, Burnsie and Head Clown all have in common? Does mentioning that she ran down the court without dribbling the ball in the home game against Swarthmore make you think of anyone in particular? Give up? Maurene Burns, sophomore point guard for the women's basketball team, is guilty on both counts. But check her out because she's got a history of playing good basketball you wouldn't believe . She started playing basketball at St. ~ius elementary school, Havertown, Pa. during her 6th, 7th and 8th grade. From there she continued to play in high school where she spent her freshman year playing for Cardinal O'Hara, Springfield, Pa. During her sophomore year she switched over to playing CYO basketball, but in her junior and senior year she transferred to Villa Maria Academy and finished out her high school basketball years by being part of a championship team and co-captain to boot.


GREAT_ GUARDS AT CABRINI Photo by Beatrice Hickey

Upon graduation from the Academy, Burns entered Cabrini where she was a recipient of a four-year athletic scholarship, named athlete of the year from Women in Sports Magazine and the first sophomore ever in Cabrini's history to become captain of the women's basketball team. What does her job as point guard entail? Burns says, "To control the offensive team when out on the court, to make things work and to find the open person. If I don't do my job well and find the open person, then things don't work right." Burns plays mostly a defensive game rather than an offensive game, and she strongly states "Points mean nothing to me." Before and after the game Burns turns into a part time clown and entertains her teammates with jokes to ease them. Detsy Lynch, another squad member, says, "Maurene has a lot of team spirit; she's really into basketball."




p 0


season with victory


Andy Cullen may be one of the smallest players on the team, but his eye for outside shots is unbelievable. He can sink a shot from almost half court at the sound of a "swish." He fears no one bigger than he, and often bulldozes the opposing defense for any extra points he can get. His game is definitely basketball, his position - point guard for the Cabrini Cavaliers. At every game it is his job to do the ball-handling, run all plays, make sure the game plan is being followed, keep the tempo of the game in their favor, and, of course, score points. Cullen has been playing basketball ever since sixth grade where he played for St. Alice elementary school in Upper Darby. He was elected to the all-star team and became the best player in Region 12 during his years at SL Alice. He broke numerous records before leaving St. Alice and had quite a number of offers to attend high schools with full Photo by Jim Amalfitano Scholarships. Cullen's first choice was Haverford School where he received a full grant, but in the middle of the year he transferred to Malvern Prep. He also received a full grant from Malvern Prep, but he stayed only a year and a half before finally deciding to transfer to Upper Darby High School. While in Upper Darby, Cullen made first team, All Central and All Delaware County in his senior year. He averaged 16 points per · game. After he was graduated from Upper Darby, Cullen entered Cabrini on a four-year athletic scholarship and became the first male ever to receive the Freshman of the Year Award last year and also the MVP award in the Cabrini Invitational Tournament. He is a passer, a dribbler and a shooter, but, most of all, a top scorer for the Cabrini Cavaliers. This is evidenced in Cullen's final point average for the season, which is 20 points. Since Cullen is presently a sophomore, Cabrini can look forward to two more years with this fine player.

Wom·en w~ap

up year: ·14-6

BYE BYE B-BALL Photo by Beatrice Hickey Photo by Jim Amalfitano BY JOE KRAVITZ The 1978-79 men's basketball season came to a close with a 91-60 victory over Beaver College. This rings the Cavaliers' season record to a 20-5 final slate. Highlights of the season included triumphs over Northeast Christian and a come-from-behind victory over Cathedral on the road. In the Beaver contest it was ike Ferguson, John Keating and dy Cullen who combined to pace he team to a 44-18 halftime lead. ach hit for 20, 20 and 17 points piece, respectively. Due to a dominating halftime ead, Head Coach Jolyon P. Girard ad the opportunity to substitute reely with fresh troops such as im Lawlor, Charlie Gross, John erham, Keith Hickman, Tom

Anderson and Chris Collins. Players from the bench enabled the Cavaliers to open a further lead by a 31 point spread at the 14:38 mark of the second half. The score was 59-28, in favor of Cabrini. Through team defense and consistent scoring the Cavaliers maintained the lead to the final buzzer with the score reading 91-60, Cabrini the victor. The team's success this season was based on many things. Freshman Keating seems to sum it up by saying, "We played our best when we were able to cause our opponents to turn over the ball, which gave us a chance for the fast break." Since there were no seniors on the squad this .year, next season looks hopeful.

Cabrini and the women led at halftime, 38-33. The Cabrini College women's The second half, however, basketball team ended its season featured an Eastern comeback. 14-6, with wins against Harcum Eastern had the ball with 12 secand Eastern. onds left in the game and Cabrini Against Harcum the women leading by only one point. "Great played their highest scoring game defense by Aunnie Bedard saved in the history of the team. In the the day," Goodwin said. 102-47 massacre Aunnie Bedard Marianne O'Connor was high was high scorer with 29 points. The scorer for the team with 16 points. rest of the starting five had double Others in double figures included, figures also. Maurene Burns Roe DiGiandomenico with 15 and scored 11 points, Roe DigianMaurene Burns with 13. domenico had 12points, and Eileen Goodwin said she was pleased Slattery, Marianne O'Connor and with the season overall. "I had six Margaret O'Connor each had 13. people I could start and great player improvement over the season." In their final game the women She also said she thought that played Eastern before what Coach some contests against certain Helen Goodwin called 0 a very en- teams would have had different thusiastic crowd." The game was outcomes had they been played controlled through the first half by later in the season. BY JOHN GALLAGHER

Averages SEASON'S AVERAGES MEN'S Cullen ............... Fergusson ........... Keating ............. Gallagher ........... Woolfolk ............

20 points 17 points 17 points 10 points 6 points

Bedard ...... ... .... . 15 points Marianne O'Connor .14 points Burns ............... 10 points Digiandomenico . . . . . 9 points Margaret O'Connor . 8 points Slattery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 points

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