Oct. 26, 1979 issue 03 Loquitur

Page 1

Friday October 26, 1979

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

SAC reorganizes



POPE JOHN PAUL II celebrates Mass at Logan Circle where thousands of people gathered to see him during his recent visit to Philadelphia. See supplement, Page 4 and 5. (Photo by Jerry Zurek)

On-Campus housing for 1980:

Under Investigation BY MAUREEN WILLIAMS

Vol. XXXVI, No . 3

In the midst of the present residency situation, Cabrini is faced with a projected increase in the number of people wishing oncampus housing during the 1980-81 academic year . According to Estelle Oristag- · lio, director of admissions, Cabrini is expecting a larger enrollment of freshmen during the 1980-81 academic year than the present 1979 freshman enrollment . During the 1980-81 academic year, 150 students are projected to enroll full time and by the 1982-83 academic year, Cabrini projects to have a total of 600 full-time students. According to Sister Sharon Morano, dean of students, of the 150 students expected to enroll during the 1980-'81 academic year, "At least 66 2/3 percent are projected to want on-campus housing." This means that approximately 99 people of the 1980freshman class will want oncampus housing. . This presents a problem, considering that Cabrini's dormi-

tories and three houses will accommodate only approximately 235 residents . .Although some residents living on campus at present will be graduated, some will transfer, and others will leave due to their academic programs, there still isn't enough space to accommodate the increasing number of students wishing to be residents. According to Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, college president, the college has already begun considering alternate possible solutions to the increased number of residents. Sister Mary Louise Sullivan _ said, "There have already been two extended staff meetings dealing with the residency problem of 1980." The Master Planning Committee has discussed the problem and the Board of Trustees met on Monday, October 15 to discuss the issue. Sister Mary Louise Sulliv.an said, "The Board of Trustees will form a subcommittee which will revie _w all possibilities." The subContinued on Page 2

BY MARYANN RIBICK policies and commun icate these to The Student Academic Council the student, 2) to gather student will soon have a new constitution . opinion on academ ic matters Reorganization should be com- thr ough polls and data gathering , 3) to comm unicate these opinions plete by the end of the semester . " The other constitution was to th e college community and written in 1969 and hasn 't been fina lly, 4) to meet jointly with the followed for· several years ,'' said Facul ty Academic Council when Karen Genello , co-chairperson of issue s merit joint discuss ion, " reads the 1969consti tution . SAC. " The responsibilities will be un" The old method of choosing members involved self-nomina - changed ," said Genello . " The uptions and usually had a comple te dated constitution should enable turnover when the seniors grad- SAC to work better and deal with issues more effectively ," Genello uated, " Genello said. " The changes will include mem- added . bership chosen by department "The working of SAC can acheads and should never see a com- complish many things ," said plere turnover . The bulk of mem- Joseph Romano , act ing academic bership will be sophomores and dean . "In the past SAC had dealt juniors , but there will also be some with cheating on academic matfreshmen and seniors on it, " ters and is respons ible for the Genello said. plagiarism policy found in the StuThe purpose of the SAC, accord- dent Handbook ," Romano said. ing to the 1969 constitution, is to Ron Katkocin , last year's have each department with a ma- English Communications reprejor represented. According to the sentative on SAC said " few meethandbook, it is to give students a ings were held last year." He adchannel through which they may ded , "SAC is a great idea. I've voice their views , opinions and heard that gre at things had been recommendations about the done in the past. academic life at Cabrini. "I'd like to see SAC propose an " The responsibilities of SAC are academic orientation to be hdd sometime after the first two weeks fourfold: 1) to become familiar with all of the current academic of school. This is a time when stu-

dents ar e more recept ive and have set tled into college life a little mor e," Katkocin said . " Such an orientation could deal with stu dying in a new environment - away from home and with new people," Katkocin added . . " The new SAC c-0ns t it ution hasn 't been approved yet , . but when it is, it will treat such concerns as the lack of awar enes s of credit s needed to graduate and the rdea of an academic orientat ion. SAC will also be able to work for policy changes that students may feel are needed " said Genello. " The concerns will be dealt with more accurately ," Genello said. " Temporar y members will be appointed to SAC until Janua ry when representatives. will begin their full terms which run from January to January . This should help eliminate turnover problem s and make SAC more efficient ,'· Genello said . SAC has no faculty moderator . It works along with its counterpart the Faculty Academic Council in making policy revisions . Those members whose te r ms will begin in January will repre sent their respective major departments in working for academic policy problems and improve ment .

Council. of College Affairs Searches For Chairperson BY MARIE PIZZUTO

This month the Council of College Affairs is scheduled to elect a new chairperson . The announcement will be made at the regular meeting of the council, whictt will be held on October 22, at 4 p.m .

"The Council of College Affairs has its purpose to facilitate communication and to actively seek academic and social improvement." Council members nominated for chairperson are : Father John Replogle , chaplain; Kathleen Gavigan, chairperson of history department; and Jan Buzbee, public relations director, who is a new member on the council. Buzbee replaced Betty Beaman, former financial aid officer, who resigned from the administrative staff earlier this semester .

The present chairperson is Joseph Romano, acting academic dean . Since the office of dean is considered an Ex-Officio position on the council, a new chairperson will be chosen. Sister Sharon Morano, dean of students, and Sal Barabuscio , president of the Student Government Association, are also Ex-Officio members. The council is ·comprised of four faculty members, four members of the administrative staff and eight students. Marice Bezdek, asso .ciate professor of English, serves as secretary. "At one time the Council was the only tripartite organization on campus," Romano said . Members can be elected from outside as well as from within the council. "The Council of College Affairs has as its purpose to facilitate communication and to actively seek academic and social improvement among the students, faculty and administration of Cabrini College," according to the constitution of the council. Since its initiation on May 24, 1967, the Council has been instrumental in contributing to the growth of the college, according to Romano. Some of the ideas recommended by the Council in the past were the exploration of the pass-fail system for courses in 1967,analysis of the dress code which was in effect

here in 1969, and the preregistra tion system as it now stands . In 1970 the Council discussed bringing more cultural events on campus . The idea of opening a counseling facility on campus was first discussed by the council in 1971, and the first counseling physiologist was brought on cam pus that same year . More recently, the Council initiated the service and leadership awards which were approved last year .

Tableof Contents News . .....• 1, 2 Opinion . .. . . . 2 Features .. . . 3,·6 Sports . ..... . 7 Entertainment . 8 PapalSupplement




Friday October 26, 1979


Letters ~~~~~)t~~~:~":~~'~:~g v~~~~~:Rs:tps RA spe,aks on rumors To the Editor: As a member of the residency staff in the Mansion I would like to set the record straight. (

On Monday, Oct. 6, the resident students of Cabrini were informed simultaneously of the alternatives being presented to the Cushing Girls. These alternatives were: to remain at Cushing or split up and move back on Campus in Father Jack's house, the Counseling Center, Woodcrest and the Mansion. At our dorm meeting some of the Mansion girls expressed legitimate concerns, a!Jlong which were: 1. phones - as it stands now there is a shortage on the second floor - additional people will compound the problem 2. washers - are two washers and one dryer_enough for fifty five girls? 3. showers - will an extra eleven girls create an unlivable situation? 4. electricity - as it is there is at least one fuse blown each week - is it practical to burden the obviously overburdened system with eleven more people? 5. fire hazard - in September we were told that the Mansion was at full capacity and additional residents would create a fire hazard 6. the study room - we are losing our study room - a room that is in constant use. Will there be provisions made for another study area? Since there were questions that neither Sister Maria nor I were able to answer, the girls asked if they could have the opportunity to aadress these questions as a group to Sister Sharon and Gus Nicoletti. This seems to have created a lot of needless resentment. As usual Cabrini's Rumor Center was working overtime . 'Mansion Girls' were being referred to as spoiled , selfish snobs. It was rumored that the girls from the Mansion were not willing to have the girls from Cushing as part of their dormitory. Nothing could be further from the truth. The questions and concerns that were raised on Oct. 6 were legitimate, mature and realistic. The purpose of meeting with Sister Sharon and Gus was to air these concerns and to look for possible answers to their questions. Everyone is concerned that these ridiculous rumors be stopped now. The Cushing Girls have borne more than enough of the burden, but a move back to campus creates a new set of problems ( admittedly more enticing than problems particular to Cushing). As Jong as we realize that the problems . do not end when our fellow students return from Cushing, we can deal with the problems in an intelligent manner . We welcome back our classmates and our friends to campus where they belong! 'Sincerely, Tori Ryan, Mansion RA

met Tuesday, Oc. 9 to discuss various Jong-range plans of the colJege. The agenda of the committee ineluded student housing, renovations and library exhibit space, according to Frank Saul, chairperson of the committee. Saul said that student housing for the fall of 1980was the immediate future concern of the meeting.

"Master Planning does not see Cushing as a solution next year." "We want to be able to act now, not wait until the spring, as we had last year," Saul said, concerning the housing. · Saul said that "Cushing hasn't worked out as a solution, and now we are projecting a need for 70 new spaces for fall of 1980and there is no space on campus." Saul said that this immediate problem must be brought to the Board of Trustees and Master Pfanning wanted to "give some thoughts" to the problem. He said that the Board must


on campus. SGA has developed a new system for returning money Jost in vending Saul said that the types of ar- machines. Connie Aiello, SGA treasurer, receives a check in the amount rangements being looked at in- of $10. from Gus Nicolletti. The check is cashed every two weeks and the elude traditional off-campus hous- · money is stored in the SGA office until needed. A request form must be ing such as apartments or houses. filled out to receive the refund. Saul said "Master Planning does not see Cushing as a solution next year." A number of students volunteered their time on Wednesday, Oct. 3, to Concerning any Jong range plans in housing, Saul said that all types assist the Catholic Communications Service during Pope John Paul II of on-campus housing would be visit to Philadelphia. considered. Renovations were also on the agenda. The dinner dance will take place on Nov. 16 at the Mansion House. Master Planning considered long range ideas for renovations to Tickets are on sale until Nov. 2; the price is $20 for the dinner /dance and accommodate handicapped stu- $12for the dance only. There will be an open bar and a buffet. All students dents. Sacred Heart Hall was also are invited to attend the event. brought up for considered renovations for long range ideas. Saul said that there might be a time The children's production "The Wizard of Oz" will be performed by the when the classroom furniture Theater Lab . The production will be held on Nov. 17 and 18 and also on could be improved or carpet adDec. 1, 2, 8 and 9. It will take place in the Little Theater. · ded. Saul also said that there is a proposal for the top floor of Holy Spirit Library to possibly include a Non-residents can now purchase a coupon book at a cost of $9, valued at space for any exhibitions the li- $10, to be used like money . This book can be bought from the cashier in brary might have. the cafeteria . It can be used at all meals. Saul said finally that the committee discussed the idea of a babysitting service that, for the most part, provides service for the The Social Science club and the Psychology club are co-sponsoring a lecchildren of continuing education ture by Shelia Bennis of Bryn Mawr College. She will speak on sex role stereotyping in teaching styles. The talk will take place on Monday, Nov. students. 5 from 7:30-8:30 p.m . in the Library Conference Room. The Philosophy club invites all to attend a lecture by Michael Dillon on Tuesday, Oct. 30. Topic of discussion will be announced.

Cabr1·n1· Volunteers

Junior Senior Weekend

Cabrini Theater Events Food -Service News Upcoming lectures


Every Sunday afternoon , from now until Thanksgiving, a person might see an overflow of cars in the Sacred Heart Hall parking Jot. This is due to students attending the Multiprep program at Cabrini. But what is Multiprep? Multiprep is a speciall y designed program of testing , which enables students to prepare for the Scholastic Aptitude Test , or the Medical School Admissions Test. So, on Sundays , approximately 70 junior and senior high school students, from nearby Montgomery, Chester, Delaware and surrounding counties come to Cabrini College to learn how to prepare for their SAT tests. The SAT section of the Multi prep program lasts approximately one and one half months. This program is held four times a year, some time before the actual testing takes place . Verbal, mathematical and reading techniques, similar to those on the actual tests, are emphasized . The Medical School Admissions section is similar to that of the SAT

section, excep ·t the sessions last for approximately two and onehalf months . Their two and onehalf months consist of 12 four-hour sessions and two nine-hour sessions. It is in these nine-hour sessions that simulated tests are given .. Juniors and seniors in college take these test s, which prepare them for the Medical School Admissions Tests. These testing sessions, unlike the SAT, take place only twice a year . The teachers in the program are specialists in their fields of teaching . They have been recruited from the facul ties of leading colleges and universities . Cabrini has been one of many schools who have hosted the Multiprep program . In past years, other schools hosting the test have been : Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, Rosemont College, and the University of Pennsylvania, which takes care of the Medical Admissions Testing for the Philadelphia area. William Eichner, vice-president of Business and Finance at Cabrini College, said, "The students utilize Cabrini, and they are happy with the program ."

Education center opens BY JOANNE MELITO Attention! All Education Majors, and interested Students. Recently, the Resource Center located in Grace Hall has been reopened under the direction of Mary Budzilowicz. She has reorganized the center to benefit all students majoring in any form of education . The Center has many books on numerous topics, such as Language, Math, Science , Early Chiltlhood Development, and Special Education . There are various visual aid and testing programs to choose from . Student teachers have a variety of games to choose from including Math and

Language Arts. Consumerable supplies such as glue and poster boards were purchased for the students' needs . Budzilowicz tfas catalogued all material so that it is easy to locate. She is also in the process of adding new material to broaden the Resource Center's curriculum. The Resource Center is open from Monday through Friday from noon to 3:00 p.m . Mrs . Budzilowicz will be there to aid with any problems . The Center is also open on Monday night from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m . under the supervision of Peggy Davis and Maureen Gabe for the convenience of students who cannot come during the day .

Interviewing Workshop Career Guidance will hold a workshop on Nov. 8 at 1:00 p.m . on the art of interviewing, entitled "Your Job Interview ." It will take place in the audio-visual room in the library .

Library Services Holy Spirit Library is sponsoring a "Book of the Month" selection this year . The " Book of the Month" selection consists of a suggestion box in which students can suggest books , either a best seller or a book of general reference , that they would like to see in the librar y. At the end of the month , the librar y staff will take all suggestions and determine which book has the best appeal. The books will then be ordered and pa'id for with money from library fines. Continued from Page 1 committee will consist of a few trustees , faculty members and students. This sub-committee will narrow the possibilities down to about two or thr _ee appropriate solutions , and then the Board of Trustees will make a final decision by mid-November

as to what course of action Cabri ni will undertake. According to Sister Mary Louise Sullivan , the residenc y problem of.1980 is being closel y investigated and as soon as decisions are made as to the course of action to be taken, programs will be devised to implement these decisions.

Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College , Radnor , Pmnsyluania 19087 . Telephone : 215 -687 -2100 ex t. 47 Subscription price Is included in benefits secured by tuition and stu dent Jee. Subscription by mail is $4 per year. Second class postage 1s paid at Wayne. Pennsy/uania 19087 .

Editors-in-Chief: Kathy Daly and Detsy Lynch News Editor: Marie Pizzuto Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes Photography Editor: Detsy Lynch Secretary/Librarian : Maria Cedi;one Artists: Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager : Franny Carusi Typist: Maria Carbone Cartoonist : Chuck Schneider Staff : Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Mariann DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Ron Katkocin, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Linda Larkin, Jim Lawlor, Jean Leong , Alan Macchietto, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary , Maryann Ribick, Al Salmieri, Denise Terifay, Eileen Whalen, Maureen Williams. Adviser: Jerome Zurek



Sicolr finds:

Class of '82



used this test to find any corresBY THERESA CALABRESE pondence between the results of A couple of summers ago, Mary this test and the individual stuLouise Sicoli, assistant professor dent's January grade point of Psychology and Special ecuaaverage. The areas tested intion was scheduled to deliver a cluded: assignment delay, study paper at the University of Califorhabits, attitudes toward teachers, nia. While there, one of the toward speeches given on freshmen col- and general attitudes · education. lege orientation greatly impressed The results, based on a statistiher. Since then, Sicoli has been cal average, not on an individual working hard to establish a freshbasis, showed positive outcomes men program here at Cabrini. for Cabrini. On the whole, all This program, called TAMECE ( Toward A More Effective Collegi- aspects of this test for Cabrini were higher than the national ate Experience), was used at level. Cabrini to study freshmen of the The students scored highest on class of '82. Basically this orientathe test dealing with attitudes tion project consists of eight sestoward teachers. Sicoli found it insions: 1) orientation to campus teresting that freshmen who took support systems; 2) administration of three tests dealing with part in Arthur Young's academic reinforcement program for atstudy habits, personalities and titudes toward study habits and vocational interests; 3) discussion of study skills; 4) strategies for teachers also did fine in grade point correspondence. coping with stress; 5) responTherefore, Sicoli finds this test sibility and goal setting; 6) interpretation of test results; 7) very helpful for two reasons. First of all, students are shown their writing resumes, and 8) discussion weak study points. Through this, of late adolescence. In addition, students schedule two meetings students can decide to change with a campus psychologist to dis- their study habits or allow them to remain the same. Second, this test cuss adjustment to college life. can predict a student's grade point One of the most important parts of this project is the testing ses- average better than chance. A second test given to study the sion. Through these tests the infreshmen dealt with personalities. dividual student can learn a great deal about his/her study habits, The Sixteen Personality Factors Test based on Cuttell helped the personality and future career students see how they reacted to possibilities . Three tests were given to all the situations in comparison with freshmen of the class of '82. One other college students . Some personality factors tested test, Survey of Study Habits and tolerance, Attitudes, was administered to were: organization, trust, practicality and social measure the students' study habits to fir:tdany weak points. Sicoli also reputation. Cabrini approached


Friday October 26, 1979

the national college level in most cases ( although results were not significantly higher.). At Cabrini, intellegence and trust reached average range. The students scored highest in social reputation. This means, the freshmen tested are more conscientious and hold a strongersuper-ego than the average American college student. This group also tended to be a little more conventional than other college students. Through this test, Sicoli concluded that the class of '82 is a mentally healthy class. The final test given was the Strong-Campbell Vocational Interest Inventory to compare the students' career interests with people already working at that particular job. Six categories were covered: 1) realistic (working outdoors, with machines); 2) investigative (mathematicians, physicians); 3) artistic (artists, poets) ; 4) social (teachers, counselors); 5) enterprising (business executives, salesmen); and 6) conventional ( bank examiners, computer operators). Cabrini fell within the national norms and scored highest in the social area followed by the artistic area. The investigative interests for the females dropped below the norm . Therefore, Socoli will continue working with other psychologists in helping freshmen adjust to college. Sicoli feels she has an "ethical obligation ' ' to help the students.

Whatdo youthink? Reporter Jean Leong and photographer Kitsy Humes asked the question "What do you think of Stouffer's food this year compared to last year?"

Donna Garber-Senior. "It's better than last year, but not much. The prices are a little high."


Ann Marie Kistner-Sophomore. "There's not as much variety, but the desserts are good."

Tom Anderson-Senior . "It's worse than last year. The desserts stink. I'm tired of eating greasy hamburgers. The breakfasts are good."

Judy Guido-Senior. "Worse . There 's not enough variety. Too much hamburger. The vegetables that are supposed to be hot are cold."

Sister Reioins Cabrini Campus BY AL SALMIERI

At first glance, Sister Eileen Tsoku looks no different from any of the other sisters here at Cabrini College, but she is quite unique . Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, Sister Eileen now lives right here in the convent on the Cabrini Campus. Until 1970, Sister EiTeen was teaching in Swaziland, South Africa , an independent state ruled by the British . A member of the order of the Servants of Mary ( O.S.M. ) Sister E ileen taught many different African languages and also English , to her students in what ~e would call a high school. The stude _nts were from a variety of different economic groups ranging from the poor to the very rich . While in South Africa, Sister Eileen met and worked closely with many Cabrini Sisters who had established two missions in Swaziland. Cabrini Sisters , along with the Administration at Cabrini College, arranged for Sister Eileen to stay at the Cabrini Convent while studying for her degree. Upon her arrival to Cabrini Sisters were waiting to go to South Africa to teach at the Missions. Sister Eileen stepped in and taught them the many African languages and also the different customs which would be helpful to them upon their arrival to this foreign country . For the next four years Sister Eileen studied and lived as a member of the Cabrini Community. · During this time Sister Eileen recalls, "I came to know everyone

personally, everyone was so nice." She said she felt right at home here and quite comfortable. In May of 1974, Sister Eileen received her degree "in Social Science . Wanting to get back where she was needed most, Sister Eileen ,left for South Africa that following month . After her return to Swaziland, Sister Eileen took on the job of Superior General. She worked in the Administrative Division , the highest office available to anyone , for the full five-year term

which just expired in September of this year . She again decided to continue her education . She arrived here at Cabrini on Sept. 22. She is studying for her Masters Degree in Religious Studies at Villanova. Sister Eileen says she hopes to obtain her degree by December of 1980. "I will return right after," she said, "and I would like to teach in a University or a Seminary, but most of all, I would just like to help people."

Mike Spinelli-Sophomore . " The quality has decreased. The service is slow . There's an increase of people in the cafeteria ."



SISTER EILEEN TSOKU returned to the Cabrini campus to study for her Master of Arts in religious studies at Villanova University. (Photo by Detsy Lynch)

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Features Pope Uses Media

Friday October 26, 1979


the same method as Popes and other leaders have long employed . But in his non-verbal comIt . is hard to tell whether the munication and use of the mas s mass media claimed the Pope as media this Pope made his most their property or whether he significant statements. claimed the media as his own, so His televised actions will effect perfectly matched were the man more change than his words will and the media . ever do. The image of him hugging In a single week Pope John Paul a child, the gesture of reaching out II, brought religion into the age of to touch , the movement to television. Just as John F . Ken- embrace speak more eloquentl y nedy changed the presidency and than any words . politics by his use of television, so John Paul changed the papacy and "And I love you religion. more, for I ex_ The Pope during his trip showed press my love for two ways of communicating : the old and the new . you with the The old style of communication microphone, and - papal or otherwise - is what the that is stronger." world was long used to: expository prose, rational discourse on a His kissing of children and holdvariety of subjects . Many times during the trip the Pope delivered ing of babies persuade more his message in this manner, and deeply than doctrinal appeals or arguments for the some did listen attentively to his rational sanctity of the individual. sermon at Logan Circle, his speech POPE JOHN PAUL II prayed for and gave his blessing to the multitude of people that attended The polls show that a large numat the United Nations and to his the papal Mass in Philadelphia. (Photo by Jerry Zurek) other pronouncement delivered in ber of Catholics disagree with the Church's teaching on abortion, birth control and euthanasia. His actions and gestures toward children will make poeple think more deeply about human life than ciples with which he assumes his redemption as he spoke of human true freedom . Fundamental to his several statements on the same MARGARET MARY REHER, PROFESSOR OF RELIGION audience is familiar. The homily, and Christian values as syn- John Paul's development of topic. broad in scope, is unified by the onymous . They are inextricably human freedom is his philosophy The Pope's visit to Philadelphia This Pope is very conscious of theme of freedom suggested to him linked, the Pope said, since "it is based on the natural law theory. In his power to communicate by is now a moment in history, but for by the Liberty Bell and the in Christ that every man, woman, the course of time, humans realize gesture, symbolic action and simall of us who shared in the exDeclaration of Independence, perience, an indelible one. As I and child is called to find the that some means are so necessary ple phrase over television. closely identified with the City of answer to the questions regarding that the end cannot be attained watched the TV coverage of his One brief remark on the last day Philadelphia . Within this frame- values." The Pope then reasserted ·itinerary, I was constantly without them. Thus, some means in Washington highlights his prowork, he presses. points which he the traditional teaching on the become a matter of precept impos- found understanding of the power astonished by the number~ of peohad made earlier in his encyclical ple who gathered to see, hear, sanctity of marriage and of human ing moral obligations. A good, of mass communications. He was and addresses. I will comment on life. touch, and be touched by John however, cannot be achieved greeting a crowd of Trinity College In his treatment of the quality of through evil means . The Church's but three of the many issues he adPaul II. When I asked my students students who had kept a prayer human life, the Pope returned to ban on artificial contraception is vigil the previous night. The stuhow they would explain this . dressed. phenomenon, one suggested that it I In the opening remarks, the the social teachings of recent based on the natural law theory. dents chanted to him repeatedly : Pope mentioned the joy he ex- Popes by suggesting, though not The procreation of children is an "I love you! I love you!" was because the Pope's visit was a periences in celebrating the explicitly, the biblical theme of end of marriage. The freedom in happy occasion. Certainly there The Pope, obviously delighted, Eucharist with the community. stewardship - the doctrine that respect to means would include chanted back to them 12 times : "I was an air of celebration those with power and wealth are "All of us," he said, "are gathered throughout his journeying across both intercourse and abstinence . It love you! I love you!'' And then his together as one community ... we accountable to God and must use would preclude, however, any ar- eyes narrowed as he smiled at America . When I raised the quesare gathered in the fellowship of the power and wealth for the serv- tificial contraceptives since these them and said, "And I love you tion about the genuine attraction the Holy Spirit." Here John Paul is ice of all men. Here the Pope gave would thwart an end established the Pope seems to exercise on more, for I express my love for you very appropriately evoking the a strong, but subtle , reminder of by nature . teenagers, one young woman with the microphone, and that is the accountability of the most early Christian understanding of astutely observed, "Today, when stronger." Many people view moral preyou hear so many different opin- the Eucharistic celebration. In the powerful and wealthy nation This Pope knows well the power cepts as restraints on freedom, but Acts of the Apostles , we read that before the judgment seat of God. ions being expressed within the of the microphone and the media to Earlier in the week, at Yankee the Pope argued that "Moral the early Christian community Church, you look to the Pope for command a crowd . And he also norms do not militate against the Stadium in New York , the Pope "remained faithful to the teaching authoritative leadership ." If her knows well the power of a per of the apostles, to the fellowship of made the same poi'lt but much freedom of the person or the cou- sonality magnified by the media . insight is accurate, and I strongly ple; on the contrary they exist pre the breaking of the bread and to more explicitly . He made it clear suspect that it is, John Paul II will Remember that all his life was that America must give, not only cisely for that freedom, since they spent in the shadow of two counprayers. " (2, 42) not disappoint her or her peers . are given to insure the right use of It was in this fellowship that Throughout his seventy-seven tries, Germany and Russia, whose freedom ." they found their unity and identity . itddresses given across the naleaders knew how to control Certainly the Pope is aware that Fellowship, "koinonia" in Greek, tion , the Pope has returned to masses through the cult of per "It is in Christ many contemporary philosophers is a word pregnant with meaning . themes developed by the Second sonality and effective use of mass have seriously challenged the persuasion . It signified the interpenetration of Vatican Council as well as the that every man, natural law theory, but here, as in each member with the other and earlier Social Encyclicals from John · Paul, we can assume , so many other places, the Pope is would want to use his dominating with the risen Christ in the eating the time of Pope Leo XIII on. It woman, and child following the teaching of his preaf the Lord's Supper .' This interseems safe to say that the Pope personality and control of the decessors . penetration suggested by will be no theological innovator. media for higher ends . is called to find "koinonia," translated as comHe has courageously and clearly We know well what an impact But now that the enthusiasm of munity, involves not only actual reiterated positions taken by his the Papal visit had on Philadel- the papal visit is in the past, I hope the answer to the members of the Church, but potenpredecessors on controversial phia, on America, but what will be it is not out of place to remind ourtial ones as well, since Christ died questions such as abortion and the long-range significance? Will selves of some of the problems that questions regardfor the salvation of all. birth control. This is not to say that we, both corporately and in- attend such dominating perThe Pope has set the Eucharistic he brings nothing fresh or exciting dividually, heed his stern admoni- sona~ities and their use of the mass celebration in its authentic coming values.''. to the Bark of Peter. Q_µitethe contion to give living witness to the media, the Pope included. trary, himself no stranger to op- munal tradition, a reminder that gospel of peace and justice The mass media allow one inattending Mass and receiving pression, he has emerged as an throughout the world? Or will this dividual to communicate effecCommunion are not private acts of its abundance, but of its subs- message be lost or blurred in the tively with millions. But any outspoken champion of the poor for the spiritual good of the in- tance . This statement is based on a controversy which undoubtedly and of every human being whose leader, to be effective, must dividual, but public ones which in moral principle which rules that. will continue to center on a num- receive communication back from human freedom is curtailed in any some mysterious but real way when a need is slight you give pf ber of disputed theological ques- individuals. way. He is a philosopher, a poet, a affect us all . linguist and, from all evidence your abundance, but if the need is tions? My fervent hope is that his The Pope must remember ·that Having enunciated the theme of desperate, as it is in two-thirds of social message will be accepted one of the basic concepts of mass thus far, a world traveler _in his quest for peace, a "pilgrim" Pope. fellowship, the Pope elaborated in the world today, you must give of and acted upon; my worst fear is communication is that it is considerable detail those values of your substance because those in that it will be ignored. If Ameri- basically To get an insight into John one way. He must the American tradition that mem- desperate straits have a strict Paul's theological stance, let me cans do not give leadership in the receive what is called in the jargon bers should strive to establish or, right to it. The Pope, on numerous use the homily he delivered during Papal c.all for unilateral disarma- of mass communications, feedestablished, should the liturgy at Logan Circle as a where occasions, has made it clear that back. · ment, debates about abortion, sample. While it is not one of the preserve. Here the Pope was sug- ' he is strongly suspiciousof the excess- divorce, clerical celibacy, or orAnd for a Pope, or any world gesting that a community should es of capitalism. major addresses he gave in the dination of women to the priest- leader, to receive feedback from have a priority of concerns. In this United States, it, like his others, Among the American values hood will be purely academic. No simple individuals would be more reveals a tremendous range of context the Pope continued to which the Pope urged his con- fnman being will survive to revolutionary for religion than his theological and philosophical prin- develop the meaning of Christ's gregation to preserve, is that of resolve them. use of the mass media.

\1:.., *t .a., .

Pope reveals religious positions




Pope Address U.N. unique significance for Christians, Muslims and Jews . In a theme he developed Pope John Paul !I's recent visit throughout his visit to the United to the United States provided the States, the Pope's United Nation's pontiff with a unique opportunity speech dwelled often on children. to address the United Nations in He reminded the delegates that the New York . Holding center stage in world's young people deserved an that public arena of world opinion, international setting of peace and the Pope voiced clear concerns security, and John Paul called about several problems that con- upon the assembled diplomats to front the community of nations . devote their sincere efforts to that His thoughts , as the leader of the task . Roman Catholic Church, invite the The Pope's speech presented the attention and interest of those who views of a sensitive and sensible make policy and all of us who are Jnan. John Paul II appears to reinfluenced by such decisions. . cognize the sensitive issues that Speaking before the General As- plague the international comsembly on Oct. 2, John Paul urged munity, and, as head of the Roman a major international commitment Catholic church, he has an obligato arms limitations, and he called tion to draw attention to such probfor "an energetic effort to do away lems and challenge policy makers with the very possibility of provok- to work to correct them . As a leading war." He approved of Soviet- ing spokesman for the Christian American attempts to formalize a community, he must use his inStrategic Arms _Limitation Treaty fluence and position to advocate (SALT II), but warned that many those aspirations . _ nations, including Russia and the John Paul II, however, is a senUnited States, still devoted too sible man. He recognizes the limits much time and money to military of his impact and power in the preparedness. That activity, the foreign policy arena. The hard, Pope believed, heightened world specific decisions regarding arms tension and threatened the long- limitation, the Middle East and human rights rest with nation range possibility of world peace. The pontiff also asked the United states who have realistic and selfNations delegates to champion the interested goals and objectives. Such factors cloud easy solutions cause of human rights throughout comprehensive the world. He called the human and quick, rights issue the "compelling idea answers . The pontiff understands of our time," and urged the Gener- that, and his speech at the United al Assembly to view the question in Nations neither lectured the diplothose imperative terms. Citing mats nor offered specific policies or programs. John Paul II simply, specific examples of human rights, the Pope suggested the right of in- but emphatically, offered hope and dividuals to move freely across in- encouragement. ternational borders and the At the United Nations, in Octoguarantee . "to participate in the ber, the Pope was at his best. Speaking to the world, and its free choice of the political system leaders, he called for commitment of the people to which one belongs." and dedication to the principals of Drawing attention to the crisis in peace and human dignity. As the Middle East, John Paul II Bishop of Rome, that is the poncalled for a "comprehensive tiff's mission in the international peace" solution that would include world. With his prayers and supa "just settlement of the Palestiport, the hard reality of foreign nian question." The pontiff urged, policy decision making now too, that Jerusalem become an in- resides with those national leaders ternational city because of its who have so much at stake. BY JOLYON P. GIRARD Associate Professor Department of History

Youth instructed i-n action BY REV. JOHN F. REPLOGLE, S.J. Campus Minister



Friday October 26, 1979 A close-up view


Serendipity is probably the best word to describe my participation in three Papal assemblies during the recent visit of John Paul II . I was surprised to have received one of the coveted gold tickets for the reception of the Pope at the Philadelphia Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. I arrived at the church two hours before time, only to find all seats taken . My vantage point from the rear of the cathedral was good but I expected that the Pope would be a mere speck on my horizon . Three minutes before His Holiness entered the main doors I was literally scooped up from my seat and deposited directly behind Mayor Rizzo and Governor Thornburgh. No more than 10 or 15 feet separate me from the Holy Father , all during the reception.

When it was time to leave, I was marched out with the honored dignitaries and again unexpectedly landed a front row seat, directly between a congressman from Washington and a state senator from Harrisburg . Pure serendipity! My next participation was at the academic convocation at the Catholic University of America in Washington , D.C. Here Pope John Paul II addressed an assemblage of Catholic college presidents , theological faculty heads and invited educational representatives of various faiths. The Pope's remarks centered upon the need for colleges and universities to .pursue truth. His Holiness bantered a bit with the receptive crowd by referring to his own "attempts" as university professor in his native Poland . Some words were addressed directly to theologians, praising their inqui-

ry , but cautioning 'them to avoid presenting untested hypotheses in the classroom. His Holiness also seemed to understand the financial difficulties encountered by independent high er education. In general, I got the impression that the Pope's remarks may have been abbreviated because he was running so late. Many of the spectators were expecting more .of a message to educators. Aside from the formal remarks, I was able from a sixth row seat this time, to catch many of the personal reactions of the Pope. He was delighted with the musical presentation and overjoyed when he spotted just beyond us in the audience a woman drama coach from Poland whom he had known in his younger days and who is currently spending a year at Catholic University's Drama Department. Their embrace brought tears to many eyes.

d id not chose me, no I chose you" BY


John Paul II has certainly touched my life by the simplicity and love of his person. I have never been more reassured or strengthened in my vocation than by this dedicated, simple, humble servant of the Lord. This man to me is symbolio of WHAT Church should be and HOW the person of Jesus can be seen incarnate. I applaud His Holiness for his reminder to the priests and men and

women religious of their roles and place in the church. I stand reaffirmed as to the meaning of my life as a woman who promises to live poverty, chastity and obedience as a means of salvation for the Church, and as a witness of God's kingdom here and now. Sister Theresa Kane, a Sister of Mercy, expressed a desire to our Holy Father "to be open to and respond to the voices coming from the women of this country whose desire is for serving in and through the Church as full participating members."

( The following is a letter that was speeches in a room which was apsent to the Director of Com- parently off-limits to the press. munications, Archdiocese of Phil- They were asked to perform none adelphia.) of the tasks that had been deThe student editors of our cam- scribed to them. What was worse, pus paper received a letter from when the 7 P.M. shift of volunteers the Communications Center dated arrived, they were met at the door September 5, 1979. and told there was no work for In part, the letter asked for them to do. volunteers to "accommodate the I realize, of course, that preneeds -of the national press" as parations for such a momentous they covered the historic visit of occasion are staggering, and that Pope John Paul II to Philadelphia. detail cannot always be followed to When the first group arrived at the letter . I am certain, though, the Sheraton, they were assigned that you can realize the dii:appointthe task of collating and stapling ment felt by our students whose

Although, I do not feel called to the priesthood, I feel very much a part of the priestly life. I must admit Sister had courage to make this plea to our Holy Father. Jesus in his own ministering received challenges such as our Holy Father experienced . I pray that the pain and suffering these women state the-y are experiencing by not being fully active in all ministries, can be alleviated in the knowledge that they are loved for WHO they are, not WHAT they do. enthusiasm and expectation had been paramount in anticipation of experiencing "first hand the realities of national broadcasting of news and feature stories." The personal concern that we _ have at Cabrini College for each student is a great source of pride for us. We share in all their triumphs and disappointments, no matter how big or small. I am sure that you understand our feelings. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Joseph J. Romano, Ph .D. Acting Dean for Academic Affairs

the importance of Catholic education, and he responded this way. "The answer can be summarized On Wednesday, Oct. 4, Pope in one word , one person, Jesus John Paul II spoke to 19,000 high Christ ... This is what education is ' all about , this is the meaning of life school students at Madison Square Garden, New York City . The meet- --to know Christ, to know Christ as ing will be long remembered for a fr;Pnd, as someone who cares the exuberant nine-minute ex-. about you and the people next to change between John Paul and the you, no matter what language they students -- their enthusiastic sing- speak or what clothes they wear or ing and. cheering and his playful what color their skin is." This response which he offered is an extraordinary summary of what "The answer can Christian believers believe, of what is rock-bottom in the life of a be summarized in Christian. It says it all. one word, one person, In his subsequent remarks, John Paul briefly spelled out some of Jesus Christ ..." the practical consequences of this response of smiling, chuckling and "knowing Christ." He said our atcooiog (a custom among the Poles titudes towards others are to be used to show affection and ap- those of Christ, by the example of proval). The Pope himself at that our lives we ar~ to spread the time called it " a charismatic mo- gospel by being just, truthful and ment." There were also the pure, by our daily lives we are to famous gifts from the students to proclaim that we really do believe John Paul -- the tape of music that Jesus Christ is Lord. young Americans like, a guitar, a After the program at Madison t-shirt and blue jeans, a medal of Square Garden, a senior from Mary and a list of works of service Fordham Prep in the Bronx carried out by the young people of remarked that he didn't think that John Paul meant he should "go out New York City. The prepared remarks of John and talk about Christ." "It doesn't Paul should also be long remem- mean," he said, "that I stand for THE HOLY FATHER greeted the crowds by waving to them prior to Mass. In the background is bered. He posed -a question about what Christ stood for." the platform and cross which was constructed for his celebration of Mass. Photo by Jerry Zure




Book of poems

by Woolfolk

BY DETSY LYNCH the poem to them. I've never had a fashion and jazz show at St. Jo"My book is designed so that the negative response from any of my seph's Preparatory School where he was Master of Ceremonies and layman on the street would be able poetry - the response has always Stage Coordinator .. to pick out a poem and understand been good," he added. In addition, he has performed at it," said Tom Woolfolk, SophoAlong with working on his book more English /Communications of poetry, Woolfolk has been busy a function for the Cabrini Sisters, a major. performing at various functions in celebration of life festival promoted by the Church of Africa, Woolfolk was referring to his the Philadelphia area. WDAS Day of Unity Program and book "Dancer" which contains 40 Over the summer, he recited his the Third Annual Anniversary of his poems . The book is divided poetry and sang at five different Party at WKDU. into three sections and is due to be programs. These included a published sometime before December. "The poems ,iil the first section deal with the interaction between male and female relationships. The second section entitled Religion, Philosophy and Man deals with the philosophical terminologies of things happening in our life and examines the changes in black society," said Woolfolk. "The last part of my book consists mainly of general work_s. Some of the more familiar ones include: "The Hawk," "Dreamer" and "Antique Shop Man." "The two poems which had the greatest influence on me in my writing have been Robert Frost's "Mending Walls" and T.S . Eliot's "The Wasteland." .;:t~·fu#,jfijii~.-!hi:~ Jr "Most of the poetry I write is free verse," said Woolfolk. "I look TOM WOOLFOLK recites a selection from his new book. at the audience and try to relate ( Photo by Detsy Lynch)

Ca~rini .grad: 18 years later BY THERESA COLLINS

Did you ever wonder what happened to the Class ~f 1961? Well, Gretchen Bartholomew , clqss of; 61, is presently residing in Wayne, Pa . and working in the office of Sanford Rose Association, a plumbing organization. While attending Cabrini, Bartholomew majored in elementary education and for a few years after graduation she did substitute teaching in various schools. When Cabrini first started, it was a small , struggling two-year college for women. As we now know, the college is co-ed and offers a four year program in liberal arts and sciences. Bartholomew said, "Mother Ursula MSC, president of the college then, deserves a great deal of credit not only as principal but for everything because that is what she did, everything."

Bartholomew feels that the college did very well over the years and a major factor is.the start of co-education. "I bel1eve a small girls col!P.ge is over with for now.

"I believe a small girls college is over with for now. The male view is greatly needed in a small coBege." The male view is greatly needed in a small college," Bartholomew said. Along with this she also feels


Friday October 26, 1979

that Cabrini, as always, offers excellent programs and has an overall fantastic staff that are interested in helping their students in whatever way possible. Although she is not very active with alumni organizations and has not seen the college recently , Bartholomew · is kept up-to-date with matters concerning the school through daily newspapers and church bulletins. According to Bartholomew , Cabrini always had great programs in education and with the addition of The Children's School and its programs for the handicapped they are sure to be wellknown. "Ca brini is and probably always will be an outgoing school. With this attitude, I have no doubt at all that they will achieve their intended goal whatever it may be," Bartholomew said.

Eight ioin staff BY JIM LAWLOR

Eight new faculty members were added to the staff of Cabrini College this year. All were hired on a part-time basis. Two of the eight were hired in the biology department. According to Mrs. Kruse, department chairperson, the advantage of hiring part time faculty is that most of them teach elsewhere and are very qualified. Kruse also said that a good turnover of faculty allows for a good flow of fresh ideas. Also specialists can be brought in to teach certain courses. One new faculty member in biology is a Ph.D. candidate at Drexel, Irene Darocha. Kruse said . that Darocha "seems very happy here." A student of hers, Ron Lynch echoed that sentiment and also added that, "You know she knows her material, and isn't just reciting the text." The second new teacher in biology is a well traveled midwesterner, Dewey Myers, Ph.D. Myers was raised outside Chicago, although he went to high school in Toronto. He has a bachelors degree from Dennison, a masters from Texas A&M, and a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He is currently working as a post doctoral research fellow for the Academy of Natural Science. Myers teaches biology with a special interest, "I would like the student to think biologically, not just to look at something and name it, but to ask why it is as is, and why it's in its surrounding." A student of Myers', Maria Carbone, said, "He likes for you to just think things through, not t·o memorize them, but everybody isn't a biology major." Myers likes Cabrini because he feels people can be comfortable with one another and a student can have a closeness with his teacher . Two new teachers were added to the Philosophy department. When Joseph Volpe was hired , he was asked to teach two courses. He couldn 't but he recommended a peer from the University of Pennsylvania, Harvey Lape for one.

Volpe is a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania . He did his undergraduate work at the University of Washington. Currently, he is working on his dissertation. He teaches philosophy at U of P. Some of his courses include Freshmen Seminar and Biomedical Ethics. At Cabrini he teaches •the Art of Thinking. A student of Volpe's, Barbara Campbell said, "The class is much too big." Volpe feels that he could be more effective teaching a smaller group. He does like the size of Cabrini. He says, "There are a number of advantages to going to a small liberal arts school, I like the feel of it." Harvey Lape is working for his Ph.D at Penn also. He did his undergraduate work at Hamilton College. His speciality is Ancient Philosophy. Lape likes the students in his History of Philosophy class. He says they are "very conscientious, alert, and at 8:30 in the morning they look like they want to learn." As far as Cabrini is concerned, Lape loves it here and thinks it's great. He finds the campus quite beautiful and different from the University of Penn. Theresa Collins, a student of Lape's, said, "At first I didn't understand the class but once I got to know Lape and put my mind to work, I like it." A new addition to the business department is Bruce R. Baker , C.L.U . A Chartered Life Underwriter, Baker operates his own insurance business . The course he teaches is Risk and Insurance. This is Baker 's first teaching experience, "I'm thoroughly enjoying it," he said. "I find it very challenging to try to schedule into my days everything that has to be done." Al Iannucci , a senior business major said of Baker, "There are some rough edges, but he conveys his point well and can give good examples because he works in that field everyday." Other new teachers are Joseph Qµinn in business, Gillian Caffey in special education, and Marilyn Parks in fine arts.

Will tradition live on? BY FLORENCE LANIA

Names such as Goosey Night, Mischief Night, and Cabbage Night all basically describe the same mayhem. What does October 30th mean to Cabrini Students? Ellen Corsentino recalls last year as exciting, "It was a great chance to go out and have a blast and ventilate your frustrations." Tami McEntee says, "Although I didn't have a chance to go out last year I sure as hell will make it a point to go out this year." Joe Kravitz plans to celebrate October 30th as "Another night of Shananigans and Chaos." Nancy Sullivan says, "I'll definitely be out her?. in the action and so should everyone else. The more the merrier ." She recalls. "What a

night last year, the campus went wild." Even though the majority of students plan to get in on the action there are still a few who want no part. . Students such as Alissa DeMaria plan to stay indoors. She said, "It took me two whole days to get all the vaseline, eggs, peanut butter and shaving cream out of my hair." She plans to play it safe. Jodi DePalma also plans to stay indoors. She said, "I plan to lock myself in the room and hide under my bed." Well, October 30th is coming very soon. So enjoy yourself but remember the golden rule, "out of the dorms and away from the cars."


ALUMNI BREAK FOR LUNCH during the alumni Homecoming day on Saturday, October 6. The past graduates reaquainted themselves with Cabrini by attending a soccer game, touring the dormitories and chatting with current students.

'76 Chevy Van 10 6 cylinder - 3 speed - saves gas - radials, side & rear windows and mirrors. Added wood floor and carpeting. AM/FM radio ($700 in extras), 59,000 miles, half from cross country driving. $3,000. Call 649-5873.




Ditrolio makes tracks BY MAUREEN CARROLL Mark DiTrolio, a freshman

biology major, is the backbone of Cabrini's cross-country team. He got his start at Archbishop Carroll high school when his coach proposed that he join the team in the ninth grade. The challenge of competing on an individual basis was too exciting for DiTrolio to pass up, and so began his career in track. He started running crosscountry in his first year at Carroll, but dedicated the remaining three years to the high jump. Clearing a height of 6'4" in his senior year enabled him to capture second place in the Catholic League. He also finished second in the Delaware County Relays last year. Commenting on runners, DiTrolio said, "I think the strongest people mentally and physically are long distance runners because they can excel through the pain of running steep

hills and fast pace at the same time." He keeps in shape by running four to six miles daily in preparation for a meet in which he must run five miles. There is no special diet which Mark follows, although he says it is necessary to take in a lot of carbohydrates to keep up his energy level. Before a meet, he loosens up by going out and running. However his most effective preliminary action is saying a prayer before each competition. DiTrolio chose to attend Cabrini because he was impressed with the curriculum offered. He is majoring in biology, hoping someday to be a forestry inspector. Besides being a gifted runner, he plays basketball as well as the saxophone and clarinet. Commenting on DiTrolio's ability, Mr. Robert McGee, coach of the cross-country team, said, "Mark has great potential as a crosscountry runner. What he has

achieved this season has been accomplished within a short period against runners who have had many months of training."


DiTrolio. Amalfitano)




Shape up at the smoker BY MARY COLLINS

A new health and fitness club has been formed on cam pus by ·Al Iannucci, senior Business Administration major . Iannucci decided to start a health and fitness club at Cabrini to help the individual person to develop his or her body to the fullest ability.

Tuesday, October 2, in the Woodcret smoker. the club held its first meeting. Ten interested students decided to trim and build their body in the right way and form. Iannucci wants to start the class off with exercises for the first month or month and a half. After that he will do some light body building. He feels that by perform-

IANNUCCI INSTRUCTS sophomore ercising technique.

Regina Volpe in proper ex(Photo by Detsy Lynch)


Friday October 26, 1979

ing these exercises the members of the class will defeat the problems of weight.gain and tense muscles. Iannucci has been interested in body building since he was in eighth grade. He started to develop his body in high school through different sports such as track, wrestling, and light body building programs. · His interest and talent in body building was shown when he received the Presidential Award for body building. He also has received numerous job opportunities to work in the Holiday Spa. Iannucci plans to work with each individual student to per(ect their body in the way it should be. He is setting up a trimness program for the women and a light body building program for men. "The result and enjoyment of these classes will be determined by the individual persons' interest in their body, which should be"their main purpose of life," said Iannucci. Iannucci also said, "If anyone wishes separate men and women classes it will be no problem ," All student, faculty , and friends are welcome to join the health club on Tuesdays at 7 p.m . in the Woodcrest smoking lounge.

New nocturnal activity BY DIANA McSWEENEY

Ever take a look at some of the footwear on an average lunch time crowd in the cafeteria? Nikes, Brooks and Adidas can be found in abundance but did you ever wonder how many of these people actually run? Well, we found some, a small group of people whose nocturnal jaunts have provoked some interest around the campus. Mike Glacken, Jim Amalfitano, Ken Fazio, Maine Korzon, Chris Collins and Ron Katkocin started jogging for fun. Glacken credits the cross country team for the establishment of the informal group. He also feels that, "Eventually a few of the people that are jogging will switch over to the cross country team. As a matter of fact Ken Fazio ran with them today for the first time." These people began jogging with a goal of reaching the gate house. They have now worked up to

almost three miles. Glacken has his own personal philosophy about jogging. "Running is an itch we have to scratch . It's almost part of our heritage." The increasing number of people running would appear to give that opinion added validity.

"Running is an itch we have to scratch, it's almost part of our heritage." This group of joggers hasn't any rigorous schedule to adhere to. They generally meet at around ten o'clock four or five nights of the week in front of Counsel Hall. Their theme is exercise combined with fun and anyone interested in jogging along is more than welcome. For Glacken, "The more the merrier ."

Tea·m wraps up season BY JOE KRAVITZ

The Cabrini College women's team extended their winning record to a 7-4 mark this past week by copping two of three games. After being setback by the Penn State women's squad , the team was able to come back with consecutive victories over Philadelphia Textile and Rosemont.

The highlight of the Rosemont game was the play displayed by Junior Kitsy Humes who dominated the contest by serving a complete game. As the team's season comes to a close, the final three games of the year will all be on the road against St. Joseph's, October 29; Drexel, October 31; and the season finale on November 3 wit~ La Salle .

MARY JANE WALLACE successfully ing team. Women volleyball team season.

returns volley by opposhas another successful ( Photo by Detsy Lynch)






'l. 'I. •.



- -~



Friday October 26, 1979


Dance r fr om PBC teac hes ·ball et BY MARIANN DeMARIA Mirror , Mirr or on the wa ll . jump s , leaps, split s and falls. David Kloss, princ ipal dancer of the Pennsylvania Ballet Company , t eaches Cabrini s tudent s and young children of the Radnor area ballet exercises and moves . ,;David is ver y good , but if you don 't have any background in ballet you 're lost ," Sue Budd , freshmen at Cabrini, said, " He does try to help you if you don 't understand something ," she also said. Kloss has been with the PBC for 16 years . When asked how he got into ballet , Kloss said, "I started at the age of 17. I was a gymnast at Temple University and I started

taking ba llet -class es to improve my gymnastic ability ."' Fro m there Kloss ente r ed a sma ll ball et compan y. The dire ct or of th e compan y sent him to take lessons at P ennsylv ania Balle t. Kloss then ente red the compan y.

The class star ts off with ballet exer cises , then moves on to st eps and lastl y routines . " He has a lot of patience and he makes sure everyone knows what they' re doing. He's a perfection ist ," Sue Beck, freshman said . Tina· Acevedo, a student of Kloss ' ballet class and a freshman at Cabrini said , " He shows no special interest in an y one person; he helps and corrects everyone ."

"Wizard" cast set: play opens Nov. 17 BY LOURDES LATORRE The Cabrini Theater Company will present the children's play "The Wizard of Oz" on November 17, and the weekimds following . Rehearsals have already started, which means the actors have been 1 ehoseri . The actresses and actors consist of Lore Kearney and Donna Monforto alternating as Dorothy, Ed Cunningham as the Tinman, Keith Hickman as the Scarecrow, John Gallagher as the cowardly lion, Angela Conte as the good witch, Mary Alice Fitzpatrick as the wicked witch of the West, and Jerry Lewis Perna as Oz. The youngsters of the Children's Theater Workshop will portray the munchkins . The actors were chosen on the basis of their performance at the auditions and the amount of experience they have . This play will involve the audience a great deal. Angela Conte, company manager, said the actors would ask the

audience for advice and sugges- THE GERMANTOWN DANCE THEATER, under the direction of Jean Williams, presented a tions . diverse program in the gymnasium on October 6 & 7. Some of the dances presented were "Jazz Along with actors the theater Dance," "The Firebird ," "Hans Brinker," "Mississippi River Dances," and the finale , "Star has acquired a production staff. The staff includes; Mark Robin- Wars." Pictured are Suzy Miller and Ken Tolle in "Pandora." (Photo by Michael D. McGuire ) son, Dane Linn, Salina Lober , Erica Sopp, Angela Conte, Judy Guido, John Vermeal and the Artistic Director, Daniele Perna. The set for "The Wizard of Oz" will be in the Cyclorama stage fashion. It features a semi-circular stage at the head of the theater , with action along the aisles on either side of the audience and the center aisle . The costumes will either be made from scratch or they will be made from alterations from past costumes . Although the entire score will not be used, there will be music throughout the play . The theater is still having auditions from back up chorus singers and dancers. The play will also be presented for groups other tQan the Cabrini campus .


LOQUITUR NEEDS: typists, photographers and news reporters. Come to meetings on Monday at 3:30 in the publications office.

Arts Calendar Spectrum Greatful Dead Nov . 5 Eagles Nov. 18, 19 Fleetwood Mac Nov. 21 The Tower Theater Elton John Nov . 2, 3 Stanley Clark Nov . 9 The Bijou Cafe Jessy Winchester Nov. 2, 3 Andy Pratt Nov. 15, 16

Annenberg Center Mamma's Got A Job Nov. 16, 17 Evita Nov. 10 (Sponsoring trip to New York City) The Walnut Street Theater Galleries Oils, Acrylics, Pastels Watercolor, Sculpture now thru Nov. 17 Wayne Art Center Paintings by John Gwinn Graphics by Rose Brein Finkel now thru Nov. 16

Ullrich instructs diction class for children's theater workshops

BY MARYANN RIBICK A unique and different technique in teaching speech and diction is being taught to the children involved in Cabrini ' s Children ' s Workshop in Drama . Mrs. Florence Keady Ullrich, adjunct instructor in drama , teaches both drama and diction to the children involved. The technique which Ullrich employs is one very mu~h different than many systems currently in use in the United States today . This method, the kinetic method of speech organ placement, works on the positioning of speech organs for producing spoken English. Based on 52 sounds of human speech rather than the 26 letters of

the alphabet, Ullr ich says this method deals with exerc ising the speech organ and concentrating on the sounds produced . Originally used at London University, the kinetic system of speech organ placement is also used extensively throughout Europe . It is also in use at a few American universities including the University of California , and Columbia University , Ullrich said . Ullrich became familiar with the method when it was introduced at D'Youville College in Buffalo, New York . She said that the college had thought that a cultured · person should also be able to speak well and so introduced this speech method. ·

Ullrich later studied for one yea r in France and then taught Eng lish in France using this method . " This method of speech plac~ment ," Ullrich said , "c an free you from accents , it can free people from their American accents. " Along with speech and diction , children enrolled in the Drama Workshops are taught acting tech nique based on the Stanislavski technique involving the release of the subconcious through concen tration . Ullrich will be teaching adult diction and speech in the spring semester of 1980, using the kinetic method of speech organ place ment. No prerequisites are required.

"Starting Over" succeeds as a comedy but meaning is obscure BY KATHY BRUST "Starting Over" will never receive an award for being the best movie in 1979, but it may be remembered as a good movie. The Paramount Pictures release is. showing at the Eric Plaza theater in the King of Prussia Mall. Directed by Alan J. Pakula, the James L. Brooks and Pakula production stars Burt Reynolds, Jill Clayburgh and Candice Bergen . Reynolds and Bergen are husband and wife, Phil and Jessica Potter, who are getting a divorce . Clayburgh plays Marilyn, a nursery school teacher who becomes Potter's girlfriend . Once Potter's divorce is final he

finds himself going back and forth between · his ex-wife and his girlfriend. At this point the movie becomes fast-paced and sometimes a little confusing. The comedy was not wildly funny but there was a great deal of laughter from the audience. As the divorced Jessica Potter, trying to get her singing career off the ground, Bergen is funny and believable. Some of the funniest moments in the film are those when she sings the original Marvin Hamlish songs. Marilyn, played by Clayburgh, is a slightly neurotic nursery school teacher who is studying for her masters degree in child development . Clayburgh is

wonderful as Marilyn ; very warm · and very funny. As Phil Potter, Reynolds is very convincing. He plays the sad, grievir.g, divorced husband very well. As part of a divorced husband's group he is very funny. For the most part "Starting Over" was a good movie. However, one of the main draw- . backs to the movie was that sometimes the dialogue was a little unclear and this made it difficult to hear all of the lines.

It was clearly a movie produced solely for its entertainment value . On this point it was very successful.


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