Friday November 9, 1979
Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
Vol. XXXVI, No. 4
Wexler addresses liberal education BY OLIVIA PETTENGILL
"Liberal arts and sciences are the heart of the intellectual life," said Jacquelinz Grennan Wexler, guest speaker at fall Convocation . The ceremony opened with the playing of Bach's Concerto in F Minor on the piano by Mme . Agi Jambor , Cabrini's artist-in-residence , followed by a welcoming speech to the students , parents and friends by Sister Mary Louise Sullivan , president of Cabrini College . The event was held on Oct. 25 in the Mansion.
"Liberal arts · and sciences are the heart of the intellectual life" Wexler, former president of both Webster College (1965-1965) and Hunter College (1970-1979), is now a Group W Commentator for the Westinghouse Broadcasting Comapny . Wexler comments on news developments and social trends three times a week on KYW. She is also the author of many articles concerning women , youth and education. As Wexler opened her speech, "Liberal Arts Education and Career Opportunities," the audience stilled and an air of ' interest and expectancy pervaded the Man-
sion's center hall . In her speech, aimed at the students, Wexler made several important comments concerning the academic life and liberal arts learning. "The academic life is theoretic and critical." She believes that, "the individual is an intellectual, moral , ethical human being who is deciding about the rest of his life." Wexler summed up the impor tance of learning by saying, "You (students ) have got to do everything you have to do to learn the material for your homework or schoolwork-it is the key to academics." Wexler also spoke about "creative compromise" being liberal decision making. -She said it is, " creating some kind of sense out of nonsense. " She said that in the learning process creative compromising is something that we all must do. Following Wexler's speech , Joseph Romano, acting academic dean, hosted the presentation of scholarships, honor awards and ·dean's list certificates. The recipients of scholarship awards are as follows : The Junior Saturday Club of Wayne Special Education Scholarships went to Janet Cooper and Susan Soja . The Cabrini College Alumni Association Annual Scholarship went to Judith Hammet and Theresa Hundermark. The Lawrence R. Sedler Memorial Award went to Angelina Piccoli. The W.W. Smith Charitable. Trust Continuing Education Scholarships went to Joanne Seagraves, Kathleen Killen, LaNetta Pinkney, Pauline David, Ruth Faison, Theresa Randall and
John Yheavlon. The Bruckmann Scholars are Martha Keller, Patricia Byrne, Anne Marie Albert, Vicki Buckland, Dorothy Kriebel, Kathleen Killen, Maryann Ribick , Phyllis DeRenzi, Diane Nardy, Ann Wybranski, Brian Gould, Patricia Ross and Maureen Williams. The dean's list for the spring of 1979is as follows : Seniors : Anne L. Albert , Nancy Harrold , Beatrice Hickey, Susan O'Hagan , Barbara Polomano , Claire DeMaria Langton, Carla Mark , Loretta Alioto, Dorinda Russell , Mark Cooperrider, Kim Hayes, Theresa Nardone, William Bead , Sr . Mary Louise Andes and John Conca. JUNIORS : Patricia Byr~e, Brian Gould, Kathleen Killen, Susan Soja , Phyllis De Renzi, Albert Iannucci, Sister Dorcas Mann, Susan Materson , Nancy Ann Wybranski, Ron Katkocin , Anne Marie Albert , Theresa Pierangeli , Linda Megaro , Michael Glacken, Vicki Buckland, Marla DePolo, Sheila Derham, Sandra Dobbs, Laura Galvin, Erica Sopp, Jeanette Cutshaw , Karen Genello, Marie Pizzuto, Jeannemarie Turner , Joan Wehm~er , Kathryn Hunchak, Patrfcia K. Mc Sweeny, Kim Williams, Carolina Ramos , Janet Cooper, Kelly Coyle, Gerald Dunn , Roxanne Lucchesi, Angelina Piccoli and Martha Tompkins. SOPHOMORES : Martha Keller , Maryann Ribick, Judith Tanner, Maureen Williams, Rita Marie Dicampli, Concetta Aiello, Kathleen Daly, Lynn Fredegick, Kelli-Ann Armstrong, Joanne Seagraves, Eileen Whalen, Eilezn Slattery, Bernadette Barrett, Lou
Cushing residents moved BY.MARIE PIZZUTO
"i'm grateful that the campus responded as well as it did, once the move was official," Pia Carusi, head resident at Cushing, said concerning the option chosen by students . Students living at Cushing were given the option of either staying there or moving to Cabrini. The move was scheduled for Oct. 27. Maintenance personnel are actuating the move. On Monday, Oct. 22, a meeting was held to determine the placement of students on campus. Present at the meeting were: Carusi ; Resident Assistants Jeannemaire Turner and Maurene Burns ; VicePresident of the Student Government Association Detsy Lynch ; Dormitory Representative Lavoris Satterfield; Head Resident at J oodcrest Cindi DeRitis ; and Chris Collins, vice-president of the sophomore class. Collins, according to Lynch, was present as an ofjective observer . The Maintenance Department has converted the second floor study lounge in the Mansion into
two dormitory rooms, which will accomodate seven women. The basement of the Mansion will be permanently converted into a study lounge. According to Sister Sharon Morano, dean of students, there will be a classroom in Sacred Heart Hall available as a study hall from 10-12 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays. A work study student will be present to supervise. In addition to the two new rooms, the gueyt room in the Mansion will be occupied by three students, and a room which is a double at present will serve as a quad. The Chemistry Department has given up its offices in the counseling center and nine women will occupy tnat area. Father Jack Replogle, campus chaplain, is temporarily relinquishing his gate house residence for nine women to live there. In addition to these locations, 12 students are being placed in Woodcrest iHall. Some students living there -volunteered to accept a third persop in their double-rooms, and the int;.rmary will be used for
three students. "I know that there was a great deal of time and effort spent on trying to arrive at as many options as possible for assigning people,'' Carusi said. "I believe that the committee shows the best option in terms of implementation," she said. There were six options drawn up by Carusi, chairpzrson of the committee . The Cushing residents voted on these by secret ballot. Seniors were given first preference, and, according to Lynch, they tried to keep roommates together. Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life, finalized the option chosen. "I'm satisfied. Ever since we went to ·Cushing I just wanted to come back on campus," Lynch said. Kitsy Humes expressed enthusiasm about the move: "I couldn't be happier." Cathy Elliott said, "I want to be back on campus. I just don't think it's a good idea to have people live with people they don't know." . 'I think itt's a good idea as a whole," Lisa Fitzgerald said.
Anne Beury, Joanne Brennan, Mary Lynch, Linda Satterthwaite, Cathy Elliott, Lisa Haynes, Pamela Jones, Myrtie Musetti. Cindy Cahill, Mary T. McGovern.' FRESHMEN : Dorothy Kriebel, Crystal Rudinski, John Keating,
Patricia Martelli, Ana Maria Balbin, Judith Hammet, Patricia Ross, Diane Nardy, Jo Schwoyer, James Lawlor, Kathleen Filippo, Susana Garcia, Carol Ann Guglielmi, Michele Eacono, Frank Morelli.
JACQ,UELINE GRENNAN WEXLER, former president of Hunter college, emphasizes a point in her talk pertaining to liberal arts learning and career focus at the colleges convocation held on Thursday, October 25. (photo by Kathy Daly)
College report due BY AL SALMIERI
Cabrini College must submit a report of the past five years to be reviewed by Middle States. This report is due April 1, 1980. Cabrini was fully accredited in 1975and this report is a continuation of this accreditation . Accroding to Joseph Romano, acting dean for academic affairs, there is no length required for this report as long as everything is covered thoroughly. "The report is a self-evaluation to guarantee growth and development," said William Kuhns, assistant professor of education. It also helps a college in setting goals and priorities. The purpose of the report, according to Romano, is to show the Middle States what new programs and student services have occurred in the past five years. some of the changes, according to Romano, that have occurred have been the addition of the counseling service, the increase in academic programs and an increase in
enrollment which shows the strength of the college . "Middle States should be pleased with our progress," Romano said. On the authority of Kuhns, the 1980report basically answers: (1) Have we corrected weaknesses seen? (2) What developments have occurred since 1975? (3) Recommendations for further development? In preparing for the evaluation, all the college personnel were divided into committees where they had expertise. Some of the committees planning reports were student life, faculty and teachings, academic program committee and many others. Each committee filed a report and they were then combined. They will form one large report which will be sent to Middle States for evaluation. "Middle States encourages school self-evaluation so that the school can work together to better itself," Romano said.
Wigwam growth halted
Freshman boredom This year 's freshman ·class, while being the largest in Cabrini College's history, has ironically been given the least attention . While the majority of freshmen feel pretty satisfied with the academic side of the college there seems to be a general feeling of discontent as far as the social atmosphere is concerned . How this has come about can be linked to a couple of unfortunate circumstances . One of the prime causes , as stated in a previous editorial ( Orientation-Sept. 28, 1979) was an orientation program that was not strictly adhered to. Many activities that were designed to get the freshman involved in campus functions were either cancelled or not promoted enough around the school. Another major cause of this discontent was the failure of the Big Sister /Big Brother program . This program has always been a great way of making the freshman feel comfortable in a new social environment . But due to disorganization and general lack of interest many freshman still do not know who's their big brother or sister. Also, a lot of time and effort which should have been devoted to the freshmen still was not, due to all the complications involved in trying to solve the off campus housing problem . A good way in which we could remedy this situation and thus revive the freshmen's morale would be to initiate a more genuine interest in campus activities. Hopefully it's not too late for the freshmen to realize that the upperclassmen and administrators are interested in them and hopefully they are not so disillusioned that they'll miss out on all the good things Cabrini has to offer in the social realm. For , now that the campus is back together again the Spirit of Unity which has been noticeably absent this semester will return. Spring registration for Juniors will be on Tuesday , Nov. 13; Sophomores on Thursday, Nov. 15; and Freshmen on Tuesday, Nov. 20.
The Wigwam snack bar is in the process of undergoi _ng some c~anges ,two of which are a facelift and a new manager. The face-lift consists of breaking through the wall that connects the Wigwam to the game room and putting in a sliding glass door, according to Michael Caranfa , director of buildings and grounds . Caranfa said the job "was supposed to be finished in September, but , because of the Cushing situation , half of our workmen aren't available. We don't have any idea when it will be completed . We have a list of things that we have to do and the Wigwam doesn 't have top priority," he said , Concerning the cQst of this endeavor, Caranfa explained that the job will be done by on-eampus ,.m antenance personnel since "it 's not that big of a job . Therefore, there's no labor charge . The
ACATSIILL PARTY WEEIEIID Feb.Ith, 9th& 10th,19IO Package price per person : Quad-$79, Triple-$86 , Double-$93
Forllfo. & hsemtioa CGlltact : Lisa Sherwood 688-9906, Ext. 15 $25.00 Deposit due by Nov. 30, 1979. Balance due by Dec. 20, 1979.
Thanks given to Cushing Pioneers To the Editor: In my opinion the third edition of "Evening at Cabrini" was not only the most entertaining, but most important spectacle in recent years. To laugh in the face of adversity is certainly a sign of courage. Let's thank the "Cushing Pioneers" for their courage . The Pioneers ' sense of "unity in purpose" is what should become
the credo of Cabrini CoHege.Their example of dedication is the kind of work the campus community can put forth to make our life here at Cabrini academically and socially fulfilling. My thanks go to the students who consistently support "Evening at Cabrini." I would only hope that in the spirit of the "Cushing Pioneers," all students would con-
tinue to support our school in whatever capacity he or she can. Be it a cheerleader, basketball player, club erpresentative or SGA member, in any way we participate, we enhance the Cabrini experience. Bravo Pioneers! FRANK MORELLI Living Arts Society President
Social life needs improvement BY CONNIE AIELLO
Does Cabrini fill the expectations that many freshmen had hoped it -would? Freshmen from Counsel Hall and Woodcrest said that while Cabrini has fulfilled their expectations in some areas there need to be improvements done in other areas . Many of the freshmen feel that · the college is well above average in academics . "Overall, I fell Cabrini is a really good school academically ," said Linda Banks, business administration major. Dane Linn, special education major, also agreed. "Cabrini has a great academic program and the samll classes are really beneficial." On the other hand, Janet Leong, pre-nursing major, said that while she likes Cabrini academically, she was dissatisfied with the nursing program over a misunderstanding. The general concensus, however, was that academically Cabrini has more than met their needs. Socially, though, many fresh men feel that Cabrini needs to develop more activities . "Cabrini should plan one big event every other weekend let the students participate in the planning," said John Vermeal, liberal arts major. "At least one night during a
weekend there is nothing socially," Kathy Mu~ino, early childhood major said . Jay Williams, special education major feels that the social life "was what you make it. " Many freshmen agreed with this but still wished that Cabrini would encourage it more. "I would like to see more activities and events p1anned with freshmen involved in them," said Linn. Responding to the Cushing situation most freshmen were
enthusiastic now that the women at Cushing have returned. Desiree Stone, special education major, said , "there seems to be more unity in the school now." Janet Alfonsi , a sophomore business administration major who lived at Cushing said "I feel tha t the freshmen will now have a greater opportunity to meet the upperclassmen ." "I saw Cushing as the focal point of concern but I think things will begin to look up now." John Vermeal said .
A man for all seasons He has grey hair , drives a green car and wears a Cabrini jacket all the time. Any guy guessses? Right . It 's Father Replogle, and this is indeed a man for all seasons. When it was time to move the Cushing girls over , he was one of the first to give up his home, the Gate House, for a little room in Counsel Hall. Father has only been here one-and-a-half years and everyone has taken a liking to him right away. He is always around when anyone needs him. When someone has a problem he is always available to listen to anyone.
Father Replogle ·is not one to hide in his room, for he is always seen doing something or another . He even eats with us in the cafeteria with the students . Father has also volunteered himself in saying masses · in the various dorms from week to week. Father can be seen at all school functions, such as dances, ballets and sometimes even parties. This is just a little bit of what our campus minister does for the school and its students and this is also one heck of a man and a tremendous representative of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth.
materials will be bought at ·profit, according to Cordilla . whichever lumber yard gives us This brought up the subject of' money. Cordilla explained that it the best estimate ," he said . The new manager of the Wig- is hard to say how much money the wam is Kathy Cordilla, '82. Cor- Wigwam makes since it varies so dilla explained that .she qualified much . The money is used to pay for the job because she had worked the manager and the rest is put at the Wigwam last semester and back into the business such as buying food and applinces . during the summer . In regard to her salary , Cordilla The manager of the Wigwam is said, "The more I make, the more chosen by the Wigwam committee which is a separate sub-group in I get. In other words, I get out of it the Student Government Associa- whatever I'm willing to put into it. tion , Cordilla said. Members of the The manager's pay is 25per cent of the net after expenses, so if no committee include Salvatore Barabuscio, president of the Stu- profit is made then I don't get anydent Government Association, and thing. When asked about her future Albert Iannucce , senior class president. The duties of this com- plans for the Wigwam , Cordilla mittee are: to evaluate the man- said she would like to make new ager's work and the work of the hours from 9-11 in the morning so employees, and to check the books that they can serve coffee and which to manager keeps, Cordilla doughnuts . She also mentioned plans for an "Egg McMuffin said. The manager 's job entails mak - Night" and a "pizza night ." ing up time schedules for the Another thing she would like to see workers and trying to make a is more variety of the food offered .
Thefts cause concern for administration BY AL SALMINERI
The dining hall problems at Cabrini are problems . which the students do not realize will affect them directly . The disappearance of silverware, knives , forks and spoons is the biggest and most costly problem that the dining hall staff must handle . According to Sister Sharon Morano , dean of students, "the students seem to be taking the silverware home and forgetting to bring it back." Sister Sharon said that Cabrini had enough extra silverware at the beginning of the fall semester. However, after the first week , when most of the silverware was taken, the dining hall was left short somewhere between 100 and 150 sets of silverware and other essentials . Mary O'Malley , manager for Stouffers, said that this happens during the first week every year . She also said that they are prepared for this but they are not prepared for it over a long period of time . O'Malley said that they had enough silverware and essentials for over 400 people . Now, however,
there is only enough for around 275 people . Because of this plastic utensils must be used. This is an additional expense. . The severe shortage has forced O'Malley to order new supplies to compensate for the losses. She now orders 18 dozen glasses and 12 dozen knives, forks · and spoons each month . At this rate , she will overspend her budget which means the school will have to make up the difference to Stouffers. "This means that the students may have to pay more for room and board in the coming · semesters ," Sister Sharon said . One solution to this problem that the Food Committee came up with was the idea of a "survival kit" a collection of plastic utensils. It would be made available to the students once a week . In this way, they could get what they need and hopefully the good silverware would remain in the dining hall. Another problem is food theft. What is being done to curb this problem is that every student must present nis or her meal card or pay for his meals as he prepares to leave with his food.
Loquitur Cabrini College Memberof the Associated Collegiate Press during the ,chool year by studmu of Cabrini Coll-, Rodno, , Pennsyloonlo I 9087 . Telephone : 215 ·687 -2100 ext . 47 . Subscription price Is Included In bene/Jt1 s«ured bv tuition and Jtudent/ee . Subacrlption bv mall l• $4 per year . Second class po,tage ii paid at Wayne, Pennsy lvania J 9087 . Published bl-.-kly
Editors-in-Chief : Kathy Daly and Detsy Lynch News Editor : Marie Pizzuto Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes Photography Editor : Detsy Lynch Secretary/Librarian : Maria Cedrone Artists : Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager: Franny Carusi Typist: Maria Carbone Cartoonist: Chuck Schneider Staff: Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Mariann DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Ron Katkocln, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Linda Larkin, Jim Lawlor, Jean Leong, Alan Macchietto, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary, Maryann Ribick, Al Salmierl, Denise Terifay, Eileen Whalen, Maureen Williams. Adviser: Jerome Zurek
Outreach gives insight BY MARY GOLDNER
"Project Outreach , we hope , will be a learning experience of many sorts, " said Sister Irma Lunghi, head of Columbus, Cuneo, Cabrini medical center in Chicago , Ill.
Tori Ryan, senior, and I had the pleasure of lunching with this most dynamic woman soon after our arrival in the "Windy City." Project Outreach was first proposed by Sister Irma while she was sitting on the Board of Trustees . here at Cabrini College. The object of the program is to expose the volunteers to what the order of Cabrini Sisters really means. Their many children's homes , hospitals and schools have been targets of these objectives . Since the program's inception many students have had the unique experience of traveling to another city or country for a minimum of three months or a maximum of one year . Some students are incorporated into a certain department, while some others of us have been able to create our own positions. ,,;,,,,,.
asitology-chemistry, but then felt I could accomplish more by remaining stationary and getting as much experience in one area as I possibly could," Ryan said . "I have gained new insight in my field of study through this opportunity," she added .
Ryan and I had the opportunity to work in Chicago at the Cabrini Sisters' 3 C's medical center . Our main location was Columbus Hospital, the largest of the 3 C's . I was placed in the outpatient facility assisting the patient representative in co-Ordinating this relatively new department . My main functions were to talk to the patients and make them feel more at ease in this clinical atmosphere. I also came in contact with many terminally ill patients who helped me see how precious life really is . Ryan, was placed in the laboratory, basically creating her own schedule and job. "Originally ·1 planned to spend time in each of the laboratory departmentshema to lo gy-ur in aly sis-par-
Anne Albert , '79, and Cynthia Hammet, '79, are at present stationed in London, England working with the Cabrini Sisters at their overseas facility . Albert and Hammet are both working in the convent school as tutors-student teaching , and setting up educational programs at Cabrini House, which is another branch of the school. Their day begins at 7 a .m. when, after breakfast, they do dishes for about 21 sisters. Albert and Hammet have been living in the convent with the sisters until other living quarters may be arranged . ' They have had the opportunity to go and observe other schools and methods of teaching . Hammet said, "Being a qualified teacher
and working in another teacher's class whose philosophy is opposite of your own can be frustrating and hard to adjust to." Both feel there is a need for change and an updating of all teaching methods. "We have come to realize that this is not just a typical job, but one that involves growing emotionally and spiritually," Albert said. "It is 24hours a day," she added. • They have hit about all the big spots in London even with their regimented schedule. An opportunity to visit France might be available when the children have their break in school. Both agree that they have never given so much of themselves before. I feel this can be said about any outreach experience. Hammet
Mapes shows
Alumni studies yield wide results
said , "Even the frustrations have been real growing points in our lives, and we have come to think of them as gifts from God. "Sister Mary Louise Sullivan ,wrote us a letter about not having too much fun and not forgettin_g the Christian service, but we feel that the two of us can handle the responsibility." Albert and Hammet are planning to exceed the December deadline that was set up for them before they left and both are hoping to stay until the spring. Project Outreach is still a relatively new program that needs a lot of work and adjustments, but it is a program that is worth the time and energy devoted to it . Another aspect of it can be the fact that it may be the most economic way to see places that might not be feasible otherwise . You are guaranteed your own living quarters, a meal plan and flight expenses one way. A stipend, which ' varies for each volunteer, is offered . For example, Ryan and I received $50 every other week. If anyone is interested in learning more about the program contact Father Jack Replogle, campus minister, or a volunteer that has been through it. Project Outreach is accessible to any student who enjoys getting involved and contributing to others who may be less fortunate .
Mary Louise Sicoli Ph .D. has recently finished a profile of Cabrini alumni. "It was very heavily positive which surprised me," Sicoli said. She did add, that positiveness may be a characteristic of all alumni studies , but she isn't sure . The survey was taken of about 300 alumni, and Sicoli feels confident that there was a good crosssection of years and majors . Four questions were asked of the participants . · First, they were asked their fondest memory of Cabrini. The ma Jority of the responses pointed to a certain person that made a difference in the college experience of the alumni. Most faculty were cited at least once, •the majority saw Father Rudy Rooyman , the now deceased chaplain, and namesake of the Counseling Center , as their fondest memory . Joseph Romano Ph.D . was another favorite . Other fond memories were of the environment and the sense of community present at Cabrini. Second, the alumni were asked their least favorite memory . From this , two groups of respondants emerged . Sicoli calls the two the "old Cabrini" and the "new Cabrini. " In the old Cabrini the main problem was a sharp division between resident and commuter students, according t o Si col i . "Whether it was true or not, the important thing is they felt that way ." Sicoli said . There was no one problem in the
2. to rid a woman of the shame of illegitimacy. 3. abandoning a child for a hope of survival in the war. 4. industrial era, a child was kept awake for long periods of time working with machines . Such abusiveness was overlooked in past years until 1860-1871 when the form of Cruelty to Children began. At present, the laws of this agency and of the state require all persons to report any signs of child abuse . Mapes pointed out some signs and symptoms to look for when child abuse is suspected . They are to see if a child is kept clean and is well-fed, that he receives proper medical care, what the home life is like, and look for any physical bruises, and emotional scars. Most abuse appears in preschool children and is the result of a parent who is a physical or emo-
with the Alumni Association. For two years she served as president. When she looks back at her years at Cabrini she sees a great difference between an all -girl structure and a co-ed structure . "Co-education is much better ," states Lamb. Lamb was a sophomore when she transferred to Cabrini. She liked the smallness of Cabrini because it was a change from a large college. While at CabriniLa_mb was vice-president of the Student Government Association. Lamb majored in English and since graduation she has received her Masters Degree . According to Lamb, "Learning is an individual process and depends upon the amount of emphasis you put into it ." She said her education at Cabrini provided a background for continuing her education . At present Lamb is teaching English at LaSalle College. She also taught at an area high school and was a former counselor at LaSalle .
It has been 16 years since Linda Acchione, class of '63, was graduated from Cabrini. Acchione is now Linda DeMarco . DeMarco lives in South Philadelphia with her husband and three sons. DeMarco's occupation is taking care of her home, family, and ANNE ALBERT, 1979 being an active member in her children's school activities . While at Cabrini, DeMarco majored in history . Although she felt Cabrini was confining, she liked it because she was used to small schools. DeMarco also felt a small tional loner . "Many parents," school was good for girls at that Mapes points out, "confuse dis- time . cipline with physical punishment . DeMarco is active in the Alumni Too many parents want their Association and came to the Alumchildren to be adults." ni reunion on Oct. 6. In order to help these parents DeMarco said, "It felt great to and most of all children, specific visit again. It was a different feelagencies are set up through ing and experience." various counties . One such group Barbara Lamb, formerly Baris Parents Anonymous, operated bara Greely, was graduated in the on the same basis as Alcoholic class of 1964.Lamb is also active Anonymous. Other groups are formed in school districts and in child services in individual counties. According to Mapes , one way that abuse may be prevented is to ,.. Come to the Student Government have more information about planCampus Party in the gymnasium ned parenthood for teenagers and Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Admission is free young adults . Support groups are also in great need. students and refreshments will be Through all of this Mapes stresses that each individual try to prevent child abuse by reporting any sign of abuse. '
Child abuse is no accident The words "cuts," "bruises," and "broken bones" can sometimes describe normal accidents that may happen to almost anyone. Well, these descriptions also are signs of an abused child, when seen in a consistent pattern . Mary Helen Mapes , a part time psychology teacher at Cabrini and a worker at the Children's Services of Chester County, was guest speaker for the lecture on child abuse on Oct. 25, in the Mansion. Mapes first gave a brief introduction to the history of child abuse and its causes. Afterwards a film was shown entitled "Fragile : Handle With Care" to give a better description of abuse in real life situations. Some of the reasons for child abuse include : 1. a method of population control.
new Cabrini group which was dominant. The third question asked of the alumni was in what way did Cabrini prepare them for life after college . There were two main responses. Alumni thought Cabrini offered them the chance to be independent. The smallness allowed them to be presidents or participants in clubs that developed responsibility in them. Also, many alumni are not working in the fields for which they were trained . They strongly felt that their liberal arts background was instrumental in making their professional transitions v~ry smooth . Lastly , the alumni were asked how their preparation could have been better. Some felt that Cabrini was almost too protective , perhaps to the point of being illusory. They were, in a sense, encapsulated at Cabrini. The result was a rude awakening to the real world after graduation. Others said -that there was a serious lack of a career guidance program . Sicoli would concur that both the problems mentioned were serious shortcomings of Cabrin i. She pointed out, however , that these problems have since been corrected . This , to her is the most positive aspect of the study. " It is very heartening ," she said , " because you can see how responsive Cabrini has been to the needs of the students , perhaps tha t' s the beauty of a small school."
Associations on Saturday, to all Cabrini served.
4 Sun doesn't shine for the queen .....
Homecoming jinxed, but Parents' weekend a success Once the "homecoming game" "Daddy's Little Girl, " "The Mexwas over many students were look- ican Hat Dance," "Hokey Po key ," ing forward to the dinner/dance. "The Alley Cat ," and many The dinner/dance was held at the others. Mansion House where cocktails "To me it's about the same as were served from 6p.m. to 7p.m., last year's. It was very enjoyable and the crowd at our table was dinner from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., and from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m . there was ·fun," Mrs. Rose Mirandi said. With one last 50's number , the dindancing . Fruit cocktail and salad were ner/dance came to an end, but Sunserved before the main entree of day was another day with more acroast beef, potatos and string tivities. Mass was first on the Sunday beans. Peggy Hefferman and Jeff Brun agenda. It started at 11:00 a."m. both agreed that the dinner was with a full chapel. Father Jack good, but the selection could have Repogle, chaplan with his person been broader. Others thought the to person relationship with the food was "just excellent." people, held everyone 's thoughts The band kept the people danc- with his sermon on "What parents ing with old favorites such as do for their children. " Lore FORMER Q.UEEN, Cindi Kearney sang a few songs during DeRitis , crowns Carol Bear , ' ¾ .. the Mass. "Mass was excellent. homecoming queen of 1979. Lore is an excellent singer. Out- (photo by Detsy Lynch) side of a bee in our aisle the Mass was great ," Gaudio said . all the final decisions," Ryan said. A sweet touch was added when Terry McGovern, secretary of the mothers all received white car- Kappa, and Joann DeFelice plannations . ned the Mass and were an all After the Mass was over , a around help in the entire weekend . massive crowd walked over to the Detsy Lynch and Donna Mangano cafeteria for brunch . A hot and helped plan the brunch and Jane t cold table were on service . The Cooper , Laura Galvin, Connie cold table included fruit salad , Aiello, and Kathy Fillipo all orange juice , and pasteries . The helped with the planning of the hot table included eggs , french weekend . toast , bacon and toast . Florence Lania thought the food was too greasy, but the fruit salad was good. Many students thought that the brunch was good. Tori Ryan, president of Kappa Sigma Omega and organizer of the The last day to whole affair, said, "I was pleased with the way everything went. I drop a course is think everyone enjoyed themselves at the dinner/dance. The November 15. food was good, the band was fun and Stouffers held an excellent Failure to do so brunch ." . will result in Although everyone thought THE 1979 HOMECOMING . COURT AND ESCORTS: Chris Collins, senior princess; Jean Marie Ryan was the only one involved in Turner, Ron Katkocin, former queen Cindi De Ritis, Keith Hickman, freshmen princess Sue the planning of the weekend, there an automatic "F" Budd, Alan Macchietto, sophomore princess Kathy Fillipo, Tom Woolfolk, and junior princess were many ·others behind the scenes . "I was the one who made Mary Jane Wallace. (photo by Detsy Lynch) BY MARIANN DeMARIA
The sun was in and out on the Saturday homecoming day. A soccer game was scheduled and during half-time the queen was to be selected . The soccer team was dressed, the cheerleaders were ready, the the homecoming princesses were awaiting the big moment. The problem was the seniors had no representatives and the soccer team had no opponents. Carol Bear, homecoming queen and head soccer manager, said "While sitting in the cafeteria in my overalls an hour before the game, I was approached and told that I should be on the soccer field dressed appropriately. This was
kind of tough because I was just expecting to keep the books for the soccer game ." The seniors now knew who were representing their class, but the soccer tam still had to find a team to play. Valley Forge Christian and Eastern College were called, but there was no luck. So a bunch of guys, including the coach, got together and played a soccer game. This game was an easy win because Cabrini was playing Cabrini, and if we lost we still won. They day was chaotic, but Bear still had fond memories . "Despite the short comings, this will be a moment in my life that will be forever imprinted upon the pages of my memory," she said.
Here she comes
Miss U.S.A. ioins Board of Trustees BY DETSY LYNCH
Who would have ever thought that the newest member on the Board of Trustees would be a former Miss USA? Well, it's true and her name is Michele B . Metrinko , a corporate secretary and associate counsel for Sun Company, Inc . Metrinko, who was appointed to the Board this past October, was crowned Miss USA in 1964. At that time she was a junior at Georgetown University majoring in International Affairs. She entered the contest when she saw an advertisement in the local newspaper. Although she had no formal training beyond a few modeling and speech courses she thought it would be a good way of raising money to pay for her tuition. After being crowned Miss USA Metrinko was given the opportunity to do a lot of commercial andtelevision work. "Having been a former Miss USA opens a lot of doors for you. It got me into a lot of things I would never have had a chance to get into," Metrinko said.
"I've done commercials for Frosty Root Beer and Welch's Grape products and had my own television talk show in Boston. I also got the chance to go on the Bob Hope Christmas Tour the last year before Vietnam," Metrinko said . Metrinko was born in New York City and attended both Mother Cabrini Grammar and High School, where she was class valedictorian in 1961. After she received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (1965) she was graduated with a Doctor of Laws Degree from the University's Law Center (1968) and a Master of Laws Degree in Taxation in 1970. Before joining Sun Company , Inc., Metrinko had held a variety of different positions. Her previous employment experience includes working as a staff attorney for the Security and Exchange Commission (1968-71),a trial attorney for the Department of Justice (1971-72),a special assistant to the Administrator of the United States Environment Protection Agency (1972-74), legal counsel for the
Federal Energy Office (1974), and associate solicitor for the Department of Interior (1974-77). Metrinko has also served as a member of the District of Columbia (1969), Pennsylvania (1978), Federal and American Bar Associates (1970). She was admitted to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and United States Court of Claims in 1971. In 1973she was admitted to the United States Supreme Court. Metrinko said that her job as a Board of Trustees member "is to oversee school functions, help make decisions, and contribute in whatever way she can either through monetary contributions of legal expertise. "I believe that Cabrini has come a long way and has a long way to go," she said. "I've always loved the Cabrini order of nuns and am really excited about being a board member," she added . Metrinko, who is expecting her second child in March, currently side_s in Greenville, Delaware ith her husband and baby aughter.
V~Ball ends Ramos believes that the team BY DIANA McSWEENEY "We've come a long way. " So has had a couple of surprises this says Junior Maurene Burns, co- season. "Bryn Mawr and Penn captain of Cabrini 's volleyball State were the games we thought team . The team 's record is now we'd win and lost," she said. "We 11-4 with three away games went into them over confident. " agains t St. Joseph 's, Drexel and Members of the team agreed LaSalle left to complete the that one of their better efforts, season . though a loss, was against "We've worked hard and toward Villanova. " Villanova was the the end of the season we've really toughest team we've played and shaped up," Burns said . Echoing the best game we've played, " her sentiments were fellow 'team- Burns said . Junior Eileen Slattery mates senior Carol Ramos and agrees. "We took Villanova to five junior Kitsy Humes. games and never let them beat us "I think our team is better this badly in any game. The scores year than last year because we were very close ." know each other better and we The remaining games could well know each other 's game style better, " Ramos said . Humes feels be the most difficult team members agree. ''The last three teams that the team has "definitely gathered momentum as the year are some of the toughest , particularly La Salle, " Bur;ns said. has progressed ."
Cross country finishes season BY JOHN GALLAGHER
The 1979cross-country team at Cabrini has completed its season •with two victories and three ,defeats . The first year team managed to outrun Valley Forge Christian College and Spring Garden College. They suffered losses to Williamson, Pharmacy and Lancaster . , But , for a first year team, it had strong showings in district meets and other running events. Donna Brophy placed fourth among the women runners at a Belmont Plateau meet with Allentown and Eastern . Mark DiTrolio placed 25th out of 60 runners from Spring Garden, Pharmacy and Lancaster . Captain Mike Hilsey was pleased with the season , but he expressed concern over team membership . "Mid-terms and basketball took away some membership near the end of the season. People just didn't have time to run," he said . Hilsey thinks that the team won't have this problem when it acquires some runners who won't have other extracurricular acclivities . "We're going to be up there next year," he said, "as soon as we get some runners." After a good season, the crosscountry team is looking ahead to an expansion plan and a better season next year.
~,.. ..
. CABRINI CROSS COUNTRY TEAM at close of first season .
Back row from l tor : Coach McGee, Joe Kravitz, Mike Hilsey and John Keating. Front row l tor : Donna Brophy, Rene Connaught, Lou Gaudio, Jim Lawlor, Dane Linn and Ellen Corsentino. (Photo by Kitsy Humes)
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.WOMEN'S VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TEAM is satisfied with its
performanc this season. Back row from l to r: Aunnie Bedard, Mary Jane Wallace, Eileen Slattery and Maurene Burns. Front row from l to r: Carol Ramos, Dolores Kearney, Margaret O'Connor and Kitsy Humes. (Photo by Ron Katkocin)
Transfers aid teams Toroni also stated that the soccer BY MARY COLLINS coach is very good. Cabrini College has many transThere seems to be fewer sports fer students in sports this year. some transfer students are Mike at DCCC, but the size differences Bennett (basketball), Cathy . in the colleges is the main factor of that. Toroni would like to see an inCabrey (basketball~volleyball), baseball team Lou Gaudio (basketball), Barb tercollegiate Gentile (cheerleader), Jay Slick formed. Toroni's last statement (basketball) and Fred Toroni (soc- · was Cabrini College's sports program is good and organized . cer ). Sophomore Barb Gentile, who is Senior Cathy Cabrey who is a transfer student from Harcum also a transfer from DCCC, is on Junior College feels that the two the cheerleading squad. Gentile colleges are completely different was a former captain at DCCC. She enjoys working with the squad in the athletic programs . Cabrey was on the volleyball very much and feels it is very well team and the basketball team at organized. Gentile feels the •capboth colleges. She feels that tain is a very good one and so is the Cabrini is a step behind Harcum co-captain . Even though DCCC has many because in basketball they would do drills then play and Cabrini just more sports than Cabrini she feels does plays . Cabrey also said that Cabrini sports are very well organized and run very well. Genthe coaches are completely tile would like to see an interdifferent . The coaches have their own collegiate baseball and softball' · special way of coaching and it team here at Cabrini. Sophmore Lou Gaudio, transfer takes some time to get ·used to. student from Clark College of In general, Cabrey enjoys the Technology, feels that Cabrini has sports at Cabrini and feels they are a good Athletic Department. very rewarding . Gaudio played for the basketball Junior Fred Toroni who is a team and baseball team at his transfer student from Delaware former college . The Athletic Department at County Community College feels that the Cabrini Soccer team is Cabrini College is run very differently stated Gaudio . The very good. "At DCCC there were too many budget at Cabrini isn't a quarter of clicks and not enough togetherness what it wi at his former college . to make a good team," he said . But he f els that the basketball "At Cabrini the guys are really to- team is v ry well run by Joylon P. director of men's gether and want to play soccer." Girard, . Although there is some talent, but athletics. audio stated, "He is a not enough, Toroni feels in a cou- good coa and he brings a lot of ple of years the team will be great. enthusias to the team."
Thoughts on a runners Off onto the long and lonely roads they run . Sometimes as a group and sometimes alone . Over steep hills of country-like settings they run on late, hot September days through cold, rainy October afternoons, but no one notices them.
They are the members of the cross-country team who run from two to four miles a day which leads me to ask some of them the question : What are some of the things that plague their minds in practices as they run these long distances? Mike Hilsey, sophomore, thinks about two things while running . "First I worry about the first and last mile of every meet. I like to see if I improve with every run. Secondly, I think about school, about people and about home." Another thing he pointed out was · that he felt better and less tired after running and got a chance to think out the problems of the day.
Ken Fazio, sophomore , deWhat about recognition? scribed what it was l_ike running in According to Hilsey, "I could do his first practice . "The first time I without recognition because it ran I wanted to see how many · doesn't bother me." miles I could run. My main goal Gross said, "If no one comes it however, is to improve myself in really doesn't bother me because the hope of someday taking first the team is the only one there runplace . Also, running gives me time ning ." to get away from my studies. It's Kravitz replied, "An overall innice when your running because it terest is growing through the gives you a chance to think about leadership of the strong trio of what 's going on in your life . I feel Hilsey , freshman Mark DiTrilio so refreshed because the air feels and sophomore Donna Brophy who good once you get going. Your out continually strive to make the proin the open with no one to bother gram a success." you." Whatever they think about while Charlie Gross, sophomore, said, they're out there running, be it "I try not to think about running. I together or alone, they are thinkthink about the last race and some- ing about everyday things in gentimes I wonder why I'm out there eral like the rest of us do. It is a running ." team striving to meet its own perJoe Kravitz , sophomore , said; sonal goals, a team looking for a "I think about complete con- chance to win, but most of all a centration on a personal achieve- team that can truly be associated ment. It relaxes me and I think with the feeling of what it 's like about the things that come about being a lonely, long-distance run-during the day ." ner.
Schmidt reflects on '79 season BY JOE KRAVITZ ' baseman Manny Trillo due to a doesn 't allow his shoulders to "Simply a disappointment to broken wrist, the Phillies were break out of the box before his left ourselves as professional · never able to break out of the gate . - leg were the major influences ." athletes," stated Phillies' third Despite the team's off season, baseman and premier homerun , Schmidt is confident that a world's threat Mike Schmidt, when asked :baseball championship in the city on his thoughts of the 1979Phillies' of Philadelphia is likely. Schmidt , further stated, "Renewing our season. Due to key injuries to pitchers confidence over this off season will be the key in attaining the pennant Larry Cristenson and Warren Letters to the editor should Brusstar the Phillies were .once again ~ we must find the be submitted to the Loquitur "marked" before the season even .desire to play aggressive baseball mailbox no later than 1:00 on began. Christenson's injury came as we showed the fans in the past the date of deadline. The writer by falling off a bike in a charity few seasons ." must sign his or her name for promotion. Brusstar's injury came publication. Loquitur reserves from lifting weights in the When asked what led Schmidt to the right to condense. · attaining his career high 43 homeoffseason. Along with these problems an~ . runs and 109 RBl's, Schmidt said nagging injuries to outfielder~ 1 "The consistent timing and develGreg Luzinski, Garry Maddox and . oping a new stroke under batting a two month absence to second coach Billy DeMars where he
Entertainment Cabrini's little theatre becomes Emerald City
6 Varied sucesses:
to poet to teacher From ·actress
"You just need persistence, guts. You have to have that drive if you want to succeed," says Florence Keady Ullrich. Ulrich is now an adjunct instructor in drama at Cabrini, working with the Children's Drama Workshops. Her experience goes well beyond Cabrini and her drive is impressing. Born in Buffalo, N.Y. Ullrich attended D'Youville College in Buffalo where she had training as a teacher and developed an interest in the International Phonetics Method she now employs in teaching diction to the children . After D'Youville, Ullrich went to Columbia University during which time she wrote and published some of her poetry and short stories. She also directed some of her energies toward book reviews and motion picture scripts . When the Rockefeller Foundation decided to form a· national theater company, the American Laboratory Theater, Ullrich was there along with other college students. They learned to act using the Stanivslavski technique, releasing consciousness through concentration. Ullrich remained involved with this for several years and would use the techniques learned in her own teaching. Work in summer theater found Ullrich sharing the stage with aspiring greats including Henry . Fonda and Jimmy Stewart. "Although I know a lot of successful people, I don't like to drop their names to make an impression," Ullrich said. She timidly added that she had once been in the same ballet class as Katherine Hepburn. After eight years Ullrich married and moved to the Philadelphia area where she taught at Rosemont College and Holy Child School until she was called upon by
Cabrini's Little Theater will be transformed into Emerald City on Nov. 17 and 18 and on Dec. 1, 2, 8 and 9 when the Theater Lab will present the children's production of "The Wizard of Oz." The Theater Lab will present the play on a circular stage so that the audience will be all around the actors. This means that the yellow brick road will completely surround the young audience. Part of the attraction of the Children's plays every year is the emphasis placed on audience participation. The actors of the Theater Lab try to get the children involved with the play.
Donna Monforto and Lore playing the lion." Gallagher said Kearney are both playing the part that he enjoys the experience of of Dorothy. Keith Hickman is the being the lion, that it is fun and Scarecrow and John Gallagher is that he is looking forward to workthe Cowardly Lion. Ed Cun- ing with the children in the audiningham is the Tin Woodsman ence. without a heart and Mark RobinHickman, said that he is looking son is the indomitable Wizard of forward to "The Wizard of Oz." Oz. Hickman said that it "gives me the Angela Conte and Mary Alice chance to be somebody else." Fitzpatrick play the witches. Hickman is also looking forward to Conte is Glenda, the Good Witch, the children in the audience. and Fitzpatrick is the Wicked The production of "The Wizard Witch of the West. The munchkins of Oz" is under the direction of are being played by some of the Daniele Perna. The production children from the children's will be on tour for three weeks in school. January. Bookings for the show Cowardly Lion Gallagher, said have already been extensive. A lot that he felt "very cowardly about of the shows have been sold out.
the United States State Department. During the 1930s and up to the 19505,Ullrich worked with the International Drama Festival. This program was associated with the State Department and worked to spread the American Ideal. It worked with the theory that "something done is more effective than something said," Ullrich said. "The program took native plays abroad in an effort to give an idea of American ideals and life. It even took "West Side St.ory" to Russia," Ullrich said. When the International Drama Festival eased up, Ullrich once again returned to teaching and directing. She taught such courses as history of drama as well as speech. A trip to Europe interrupted Ullrich 's teaching in this area. While in Europe, she taught English in France using the International Phonetics Method and then traveled to Ireland where she rested. Upon returning to the United States, Ullrich resumed her teaching and career. While at Holy Child School and Rosemont, she became familiar with Cabrini.College where she had taught speech in 1963. Daniele Perna, director of theater at Cabrini, asked Ullrich to consider teaching a Children's Drama Workshop at Cabrini. After two years of convincing, Ullrich said yes. She said that she "tries to stimulate, encourages to create, and helps the children to learn to use their imagination." "I'm amazed at some of the children. They're growing and developing emotionally and DOROTHY (DONNA MONFORTO) and the Scarecrow (Keith Hickman) discuss which road to creatively," said Ullrich. take to the land of Oz in Cabrini's upcoming production of "The Wizard of Oz'' on Nov. 17, 18 and Ullrich looks forward to con- Dec. ·1, 2, 8, 9. (photo by Detsy Lynch) tinued work with the children in the Children's Drama Workshop in future semesters and seeing the continued growth of the children. ~
Arts Calendar Weather Report Nov. 17 Jefferson Starship Nov. 24 Santana Nov. 30
Spectrum Stanley Clark Nov. 9 Eagles Nov. 18, 19 Fleetwood Mac Nov. 21 Who Dec. 10, 11
Emerald City Buzzcocks Nov. 28 Valley Forge Music Fair Peaches and Herb Nov. 10, 11 Dr. Hook Nov. 13 Harry Chapin Nov. 15, 16, 17 Gloria Gaynor Nov. 25
Bijou Cafe Pat Benatar Nov. 12
Tower Theater Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Nov. 10
Academy of Music Bonnie Raitt Nov. 11
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