Nov. 30, 1979 issue 05 Loquitur

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Friday November 30, 1979

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

SGA searches for candidates BY MAINE KORZON

Student Government Association elections time is almost here, that is if there is an election. As it stands Detsy Lynch '81 and Mary Goldner '81 are the sole candidates for the offices of the president and vice-president of SGA respec. tively. There is speculation that Lynch and Goldner may have an opposing team of running males. But, what will happen if Lynch and Goldner don't have an opponent? Sal Barabuscio, president of SGA said that there are two possible solutions to the elections problem. First Barabuscio said tha tSGA is in the process of drawing up a "constitutional amendment permitting sophomores with two semesters of SGA background to run for president. There is one sophomore that will fit the requirements, but the sign-up poster is down, so the election committee would have to resolve the problem. '"l'he second sol~tion"

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Grants aid.


Barabuscio said "is for there to be an appointed or elected group of people to act in the capacity. But nobody knows who would elect or appoint this group. This has never happened before." Barabuscio said people are "afraid to get involved after Cushing. Nobody wants the aggravation." Barbuscio added that the junior class has always been apathetic. "It's almost like a disease. A certain few do everything, now these people don 't want the hassle to the extent they would have it. "The college is going through growing pains. There is a wider variety of people with more diverse interests. It makes the job more complicateq to deal with this ." "'I feel that the sophomores and freshmen are anxious, so I don't see this as a recurring problem. There is a lot of enthusiasm, unless this apathy gets to everyone." Barbuscio said. "Some kind of student represenBY MARY ANN RIBJCK

"An additional grant of $350,000 from the.George D. Widener Trust has been given the college through the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr .," John J. Heiberger, Jr., vice president for development and public relations , said. The grant was announced at a dinner for major donors and the Board of Trustees. "The money will go toward the student houses, leaving us with a balance of$200,000. We hope to get most of this money through some proposals and some private individuals," Heiberger said. "We hope to raise at least a portion of the balance. If necessary, although not the desired option, the balance for the houses could be obtained through a long-term

talion should remain on ' campus," said Barabuscio. "We do have clout. Things may not seem like they're going to get done, but they do. The people that are going to be most affected by this apathy are the people that are going to remain here for two or thre.e more years," Barabuscio said .

"People are afraid to get involved after Cushing" Lisa Sherwood, '80, social activities chairperson, said that the same few people do everything and nobody wants to "get stuck with all the work." Sherwood said "other people see the hassles and they don't want to get involved." Sherw .ood began a volunteer committee to help get people involved and to help her with her job. She said "you get more response mortgage, Heiberger added . "The George D. Widener Trust has supported Cabrini College in the past with funds to renovate the Student Activities Center, the dining hall, bookstore and to make other improvements," Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, president of Cabrini College, said. "Another gin from the Widener Trust this year paid for the new van and the new automatic typewriter in the Development Office," Sisler Mary Louise said . "Mrs . Dixon, vice-person of the Cabrini College Board of Trustees has been very helpful. We're very glad for the Dixons' continued interest in the school and the Widener Trust officers' confidence. We hope other will follow suit," Sister Mary Louise added.

Writing center · initiated BY MITZI CARROLL

Vol. XXXVI, No. 5

This semester provided the beginning of a new writing center, a concept of students teaching students. The idea of the writing center was growing in the minds of Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English department, and Arthur Young, lecturer in English, until the opportunity to introduce the program arose. Roxanne Lucchesi, a senior needing three additional credits, provided the opportunity. The program began in City University, New York, about five years ago. At this time, the school's policy of open enrollment mandated that the college accept students of various educational backgrounds. Due to this policy, students were not necessarily at the college writ-

ing level. The expense of hiring teachers to instruct these students led to the idea of students leaching other students . This concept is being adopted by many sch·ools around the country. This concept has several positive aspects. First, the availability of tutors will increase the number of capable instructors. Secondly, the students are less intimidated when being taught by other ·students than if they were taught by teachers. The only negative aspect is that tutors may not be trained well enough to be able to help the students. Cabrini is offering a course in the coming spring semester which will teach students how to tutor other students in basic writing skills. The course being offered is "Advanced Writing: Composition

and Tutoring," under the instruction of Young.

when you are given the option whether to do the work or not." Sherwood feels that the requirements for an SGA office are good "because you do need the experience," she said. Sherwood added that maybe a possible solution to the apathy would be to "better delegate the responsibility of the president and vice-president, they have a lot of responsibility ." Tori Ryan, '80, Senior class vice president, said that apathy is "a sign of the times. It has nothing to do with the college." Ryan said that there is apathy toward the elections because "the junior class has run into problems in ·recent times so they are afraid to get involved because tliey are afraid of having these problems on their shoulders" Kelly Coyle '80, activities chairperson assistant, thinks that people don 't know what SGA is all about. Coyle added, "Do you know that you can go speak at the meetings?"

Detsy Lynch, '81, vice president of SGA, said, "People aren't running because most people want to run for an office in their respective class. The same people always run for an office. The students can really run this college," Lynch added . Due to the fact that elections were a week behind schedule the idea of a constitutional amendment letting a sophomore run for this year was voted down by members of SGA on Monday, Nov. 26. Campaign speeches were held on Tuesday, Nov. 27. Detsy Lynch '81 and Mary Goldner '81 said that if elected they planned to concentrate on improving the "social tmospbere" on campus . "In our term of office we plan to sustain the good relationship that SGA has with the administration and to make SGA more of an open forum with the student body. Our major emphasis will be in the scheduling and promotion of social activities on campus," said Lynch.

·Study program meets success BY CONNIE AIELLO

"The program is designed to develop academic skills necessary to complete a college degree," Arthur Young, lecturer in English, said about Cabrini College's General Studies Program. The General Studies Program is a non-credit course that was developed for students who are having academic difficulties. Young said that Cabrini's program has an 86 percent success rate, which, he added, is much higher than any other college in the area with a similar program . The course is designed mainly for freshmen, but is open to anyone. "Anybody can study and improve. The course is designed to make the academically poor stronger and the strong even more strong academically."

The course involves extensive The program was first research on the fundamentals of developed in 1975by the Academic writing and the teaching of these Dean, Dorothy Brown, who asked skills. Tutors will also improve Young to develop a program for their own writing skills by becom- students having academic ing aware of the problems and the difficulties. Young said that he had correct methQd of writing. The stu- secondary experience working dents will also tutor other students with academically poor people. who need to improve their writing This experience helped to evolve technique. The students who are his doctoral studies. His doctoral tutored are teacher-selected or studies, in turn, developed various self-.selected. topics and concepts in the course. · Teachers, as well as students of Young believes that most people all majors, are encouraged to take can deal with college if they are this course. The important thing is able to develop the skills. "We're that students do not have to have taught how to drive a car or type, straight A's. A tutor with average but no one taught us how to study." grades is more sympathetic to the He feels that there is a definite disproblems of the tutee. They are tinction between reading and improving their own skills at the studying a _book and that the same time. . course is designed for dealing with

these types of distinctions . Young feels that the success of the program is from "the freedom that the current administration gives to meet the needs of the students." He aiso attributes its success to the flexibility that the program provides and its "freedom to experiment.'' Young said that the program has two sessions which meet twice-aweek for lecture and discussion . It also offers individual tutoring for those who cannot sit in during classes. Young said the program deals with usually one topic per week. The topics range from how to make a schedule, how to study a textbook in contrast with a novel, how to take tests and how to develop notetaking abilities. He said there are approximately 25 students per session, but approximately 40 students seek individual tutoring . Young said that he hoped to expand the program, especially in the area of writing. "Many students expressed frustration about writing." He said that he hoped to expand the writing aspect with a writing lab to be offered next semester to "show ways of improving and understanding one's own writing ability and the process which one goes through." Young said that the program is for anyone who is interested and not necessarily having academic problems. The program meets on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. and is available "in class form or as private tutoring," Young said .



Friday November 30, 197.9

7 nurses



Who's to blame? One of the most impressive aspects of our college is the beautiful campus surrounding us. We are privileged to be able to learn and grow in a serene environment, uncluttered by city dust and tempo . Our grounds ·are beautifully kept by a hard working maintenance department. Everyday you see someone working to keep our campus grounds healthy and clean. However, more and more, upon walking around campus you find trash carelessly thrown on our roads and grounds. Tire tracks, left by someone who thoughtlessly drives over the grass, churning up the turf, can also be noted around the parking lot and dormitory buildings. Our cafeteria, which has recently been renovated at great expense for our comfort and convenience, very often is left cluttered with dishes, trash and cigarette butts all over the tables and 'floor after every meal. It is a common response of students that "Cabrini" is responsible for maintaining our campus. But who is "Cabrini?" Cabrini is not some administrative staff official or faculty member, but each student who enters this institution with the purpose of learning here. Every person who walks our campus grounds and benefits from our excellent faculty and administration is responsible for taking care of it. Cabrini is home to each and every student here for four years and yet I wonder if the same respect is given to our buildings and grounds as our parents demand in our individual homes . When you see trash lying around campus, don't walk by and leave it for someone else to clean up, dispose of it properly yourself . If you see someone parking their car on the grass, don't walk away unaffected but remind that person that the grounds belong to all of us. After a meal in the cafeteria, take the extra one or two minutes it takes to return your dishes and trays to the correct area, don't leave it there for someone else to do. Most importantly, remember that Cabrini is exactly what you make it. Don't stand idly by and allow the beauty of our campus to be marred by irresponsible actions . "Cabrini" is all of us and we should be proud to be able to live and learn in the magnificent environment of our college.

LetteFs Nurses feel shortch~nged Dear Editor, In September 1978, seven students entered Cabrini College with the impression that at the end of their Sophomore year they would directly transfer to Widener as Juniors. After two weeks into our Sophomore year we learned that only five of seven nursing majors would be accepted into Widener. We were rece_ntly told that we will not know whether or not we are definitely accepted to Widener until May, 1980. What of the other two students? They were told to fend for themselves with the following options: 1) attending Temple, which lost its accreditation for nursing 2) attending another college for a total of three additional years. 3) attending a college that is six hours away and out of state. We could understand if there would be 15 extra girls but there are only two. Those two students, who were guaranteed a place in Widener, are now looking for another college to attend because they chose to take part in Cabrini's Direct Transfer Progr _a!11 with

Widener. Why should we have to ask our parents to provide the funds for an extra year of school when the facts about Widener were· misrepresented to us by Cabrini? If we find out that this situation is true, Cabrini College should most definitely provide these two students with the funds that are neccessary to enter another institution. We realize that this situation may not be resolved, nevertheless we feel it should be made known to other students how an institution like Cabrini can misdirect students in their respective majors. The problem is we were assured a position at Widener. ·we feel Cabrini owes it to the nursing students. At this point in time we think Cabrini has backed down in its guarantee to the Nurses. "The Sophomore Nurses"

Loquitur Letters to the editor should be submitted to the Loquitur mailbox no later than 1: 00 on the date of deadline. The writer must sign his or her name for publication. Loquitur reserves the right to condense.

Sophomores in Cabrini College's affiliated nursing program are finding out just how competitive it is to directly transfer into Widener College, Chester, Pa. "Widener will select five out of the seven nursing majors based on the cumulative gradepoint averages of the students at the end of the first semester of sophomore year," Mrs. Anna C. Kruse, coordinator of the nursing program, said. The nursing students are upset. They say they were not aware of the fact that direct transfer into Widener was limited. Kruse said that in their freshman year, the students were advised that direct transfer into Widener was limited. "There has always been an unwritten quota. We just never reached the quota until this year," Kruse said. "In previous years, the 50 per• cent drop-out rate from the nurs• ing program alleviated any problems concerning the quota," Kruse said. According to Widener's 1979-80 catalogue, students recommended by the sending institution and having satisfied their first two years of study are "assured of enrollment in their junior year at Widener college, provided their applications are received by the deadline specified." Cabrini ' s catalogue lists the direct transfer as competitive. " I think there was a misunderstanding," Rose Lelli , a sophomore, said . "It was stated that direct transfer was competitive but the way it sounded, many of us thought we would automatically be accepted . I was not under the impression that it was competitive," Lelli said. "When I applied," Marybeth Walters, a sophomore, said, "I asked if direct transfer was competitive. It seemed that it wasn't, until our group came . We found out about there only being five spaces shortly after we returned to Cabrini this fall." In letters from Widener, Kruse had been advised of the quota for direct transfers. In a letter dated February 4, 1977, Widener wrote, "the quota set for your school is five." Lorraine Harris, a sophomore, had only applied to Widener. "I chose Cabrini because it was the only school which seemed to guarantee me a spot at Widener," Harris said . "I have been asking the girls to make applications elsewhere and visiting schools with them, but many of the girls don't want to go out of state. They will not apply to a three year program," Kruse said. "We're all upset. We came to Cabrini with the impression that junior year we'd just pack our bags and go directly to Widener," Harris said. Kruse said that this year's fresh• men class will be the last to have direct transfer to Widener. After that, all transfer will be competitive. The girls have been sticking together. "We're all encouraging each other. The closer our cums, the more difficult it will be for them to chose among the direct transfer applicants," Harris said .

Campus Clips CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS The campus Ministry Association is a newly formed group, whose purpose is to have the spiritual aspect of the campus flourish . Father Replogle invites anyone interested to attend meetings on Thursday nights at 9:30. Presently the group is discussing plans for a January retreat, a religious singing group coming to campus, and a volunteer program working with handicapped children. For the season of Advent, a wreath will be in the dining hall. During lunch a brief ceremony will occur around the wreath. There will also be a collection box placed by the wreath for the campus community to donate extra change to feed the hungry.

CAMPUS MASSES On Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. mass is celebrated in the various dormitories. A theme, readings, and songs are chosen by the residents of the dorm which is sponsoring the mass.

MINIATURE DISPLAY Starting today the library will be featuring a one week display of miniature items. On Sunday, December 2, Dr. Craigie will display a modern train and from 2 to 4 there will be an open forum on the display .

NEWCOURSES Courses that continuing education will be offering in spring will be announced in mid-December. The new offerings include seminars in spring gardening, women's health, nutrition , . and modern popular culture. A physical education workshop and courses in special education, library research, creative writing and creative art for adults will also be offered.

CCANEWS Father Jack Replogle has been named new chairperson of the Council of College Affairs . CCA is presently working on a program for campus conservation . The Ecology and Biology Clubs are also helping in this project. Self-nominations for Student Service and Leadership Awards will soon be taken.

GAME MARATHON A volleyball/backganmon marathon sponsored by the sophomore class will be held tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the gym. Refreshments will be sold and each Cabrini student is allowed two guests. Price is $1.50.

WIGWAM UPDATE The sliding glass door between the Wigwam and the game room is completed. The new hours at the Wigwam are 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 12 a.m.

Loquitur Cabrini College Memberof the AssociatedCollegiate Press Publi1hed bi-weekly during the school year by student1 of Cabrini College, Radnor , Penns11luania 19087 . Telephone : 215 -687 -2100 ext . 47 . Subscription price is included In benefit, s«ured b11tuition and std dent Jee. Subscription b11mall ls $4 per i,eor . Second class postage ls paid at Wayne, Pennsy/uania 19087 .

Editors-in-Chief: Kathy Daly and Detsy Lynch News Editor: Marie Pizzuto Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes Photography Editor: Detsy Lynch Secretary/Librarian: Maria Cedrone Artists: Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager: Franny Carusi Typist: Maria Carbone Cartoonist: Chuck Schneider Staff: Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Mariann DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Ron Katkocin, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Lori Kearney, Jim Lawlor, Jean Leong, Alan Macchietto, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary, Joyce Patitucci, Maryann Ribick, Al Salmieri, Denise Terifay Eileen Whalen, Maureen Williams. ' Adviser: Jerome Zurek , <i

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Friday November 30, 1979

l 979 SGA comi~g to a close For the rest of SGA, Barabuscio BY MAINE KORZON As Student Government Associa- would like to "get people to do the jobs they were elected for. It is tion elections draw near, there are easy to sit back and say "let the mixed opinions as to how efficient president do it ," he said. "Why the present administration has · should . some members be active been. for one and a half hours on Monday nights , but otherwise not active at all? I realize this is not the way for everyone-there is the group that will always do things, but a balSCA is "pretty ance (between this group and the rest of the members) would be perefficient within fect ," he said . Barabuscio added that SGA is the framework trying to make more contact · between the Board of Trustees and of the limits the student body members . SGA is in the process of drawing imposed on up a proposal in which two to three times a,semester designated memthem by the bers of the student body will meet in an informa l type luncheon to college." discuss the even ts that concern the college . Ken Fazio, '82, gave his views on SGA. He said SGA went "well as a According to Sal Barabuscio, whole . The Sophomore class domipresident of SGA, nearly all of tht nated all others with our campaign promises have been acenthusiasm," he said. "The whole complished . The one promise that class worked together to acwas not accomplished was permiscomplish the goals we set." sion for students to use the swimFazio thought that SGA was very ming pool_that is on campus . active in the Cushing situation and

it "voiced the students' opinion ." However, he did say that he would like to see more activities for students "instead of one a year." Cindi Hocker, '83, said that the first two dances of the semester "weren't that good. The Wigwam is a good idea and campus parties are good ," she said. She added that she didn't really know enough to say anymore . Rose Lelli, '82, said that SGA was not that efficient. She said they should "be more outgoing and have more social events .'' ' However, she also added that she is "not that familiar with SGA." Freshman Dane Linn said at the beginning of the year there were ve ry little activities, bu t now " they are really trying . More students should go to the meeting, " he said . " We complain , but we don' t do anything about it. " Mary Jane Monostra , '82, said that it is good SGA has a lot of responsibility . But she wishes more could be done to improve the food. Mike Glacken '80 offered a counter opinion when he said that SGA was "pretty efficient within the framework of the limits imposed on th~m by the college . SGA

Pizzuto works in Public Relations BY OLIVIA PETTENGILL

Marie Pizzuto, 80, an English and Communications major, has started a new trend in the Communications Department. Pizzuto is working on an Independent Study as a Public Relations Practicum, the first of its kind in the Communications Department. Pizzuto writes and produces a newsletter titled The Cabrini Critique , that is sent to approximately 3,500 high school seniors who have expressed an interest in attending Cabrini. The newsletter in Pizzuto 's words , "is a reflection of what goes on at Cabrini." Pizzuto said she tries to report on a little bit of each area of Cabrini and the campus activities. In order to cover the whole spectrum of events at Cabrini , Pizzuto interviews school personnel students and administrators. In this respect, she provides the soon-to-be-college-students with some idea of what college life entails academically, socially, emotionally and athletically. The first newsletter, which was released during the second week of October, included the following news items : information about the Business Administration Department, the building of the three new houses for on-campus living, an

overall picture of the Athletic Department and sports programs available to students, an interview with Acting Academic Dean Joseph Romano on the Cabrini administration and students, an interview with freshman Jeffrey Brun concerning his view of Cabrini as a new student, information about the increasing enrollment at Cabrini as evidenced by the size of this year's freshman class, and finally an introduction to the staff members of the Admissions Department. The second newsletter which Pizzuto is currently working on was released on Nov. 21. Pizzuto plans to include the following items : an interview with a sophomore, a profile of the Biology Department, information about the basketball team, the history of Cabrini's Little Theater, an essay written by Romano on what is expected of Cabrini students, a feature on the counselling center, an arts calendar for the months of December and January , an article about incorporating horse-back riding for handicapped children, and Mary Ann Ribick's involvement in this program. Pizzuto said the independent study has provided her with "great practical experience," which will

aid her in her aspired career as a public relations officer at a college . The independent study has been such a success that it is now being offered as a regular course in the Communications Department. The course is titled Com. 499 Independent Study : Public Relations Practicum . Included in the course is a study of public relations, especially as it relates to college recruitment, and the procedures involved in submitting public relations items to newspapers , as well as the production of The Cabrini Critique newsletter .

MARIE PIZZUTO prepares copy for the Cabrini Critique. (photo by Kitsy Humes)

Schwarze has busy leave of absence BY JIM LAWLOR

The next time you get a notion to ask Sharon Schwarze the time, think twice you may be getting more than you're bargaining for. This past summer Schwarze gave a paper to the Fourth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time entitled "Entropy and Temporal Anistropy." The paper, which will be published in the Society's report entitled "Study of Time," is just one of the things Schwarze did on her leave of absence. Schwarze took the leave of ab-

sence over the 1978-79school year. She is in her ninth year at Cabrini as an Associate Professor of Philosophy, this year becoming acting department chairperson. On the first part of her leave Schwarze attended Princeton on a winter residency fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The program was designed to bring small college faculty into large universities to participate in seminars with large university professors. Schwarze's seminar was entitled "Historical and philosophical foundations of

American constitutional democracy." "My Political Philosophy course will be thoroughly enriched," said Schwarze "I have a lot more fuel for thought." Schwarze did apaper for the seminar on Leo Strouss, a political scientist, which she is now trying to get published. Currently , Schwarze is working in a joint effort with her husband on engineering ethics . Their paper will be called "Ethics of Patents." and will be presented in Troy, New York this coming summer .

needs more power," he said. Mary C. Goldner '81 said that SGA was "very efficient." They handled Cushing very well, although it shouldn 't have ever happened, she said. "I think SGA should be able to

"The Dean of Students is there to help. They hinder rather than promote activity. SCA ought to be able to evaluate the Dean of Students."

handle resident life," she said. "Sister Sharon (Dean of students) and SGA should handle it. Why go through a middleman?" she said . She also said that David Tori, advisor to the president of SGA, should have been elected instead of appointed. Goldner is running for vice. president of SGA with Detsy Lynch '81. "We feel we can do a gopd job ," she said . "We are hoping someone will run against us ." Tori '80 said that SGA was not efficient "100 percent of the time , but they were as efficient as the administration would allow them to be. When ever Sal (Barabusci o) did something he had every one in m ind . There were no political favors ," he said . Tori said that the office of the Dean of Students is SGA's major problem . He claimed that it is " not open minded. The Dean of Students is there lo help ," he said , "They (the office) hinder rather than promote activity." Tori also said he would like to see a system of checks and balances instituted . "SGA ought to be able to evaluate the Dean of Students. Their job is for us ," he said.

British education it's not as easy as you think BY MARY LANCE

Britain's oldest school is 400 years old and flourishing. King's School still nestles in the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral as it did when founded by St. Augustine in 597 A.D. This was the first of Britain's many public schools, the most famous of which are Eton and Harrow . Many were founded before the 16th century to teach able boys religious culture and to spread Christianity . Now, centuries later, they thrive as centers of educational privilege for the wealthy upper classes. Although called public schools they are private and expensive. Most public schools are residential. Children live in spartan conditions in ancient, comfortless buildings and sleep in cold overcrowded dormitories . Teachers are aloof and awesome. With a cane for a teaching aid, they whip a superb classical education into the nation's brightest and most socially privileged children. · Parents do not object to the harsh conditions as the rewards can be great. Educational standards are unparalleled and academic achievements outstanding. Entry into the elite universites of Oxford and Cambridge is comparatively easy from the public school. From Oxbridge the most powerful positions in the kingdom are easily accessible. The majority of children attend the free state schools. These have recently undergone radical change in an attempt to achieve equality of educational opportunity . Just a decade ago high school students were segregated into separate schools according to ability. Now all students are taught together in mixed ability classes. The system emerging from the recent reorganization is similar to that of the American public school. There are major differences, however. Most high schools have a

strictly enforced school uniform and girls may not, by law, wear trousers to school. Relationships between staff and students are more formal and authoritarian than in America . Physical punishment is still widespread in spite of strong protests from parents and many teachers . The most significant difference is in the curriculum . This is dominated by examinations set by the universities . These exams are crucial to the student 's future. Failure to take and pass the exams means exclusion from university, train ing college, the professions and even a job with career prospects . This is a major flaw in the system. It leads to students specializing in the examination subjects from the age of 15 to the detriment of a broader education. Other subjects are neglected . There is no room for the drop-out. Anyone who fails to take the exams at the right time finds it virtually impossible to make up for lost time and get into university or professional training later. After completing high school students simply leave. There are no graduation ceremonies. All Britain's universities are funded by the government. Some are better than others, however , and the quality of university the student attends depends on the standard of his or her exam passes. There are no private or sectarian universities. Education is free and a maintenance allowance is paid according to parental income. Those from poor homes are supported entirely by the state . It is government policy that students should not need to work but devote all their energies to studying . As a result, dropping out of university for financial reasons is rare and standards are high . Students normally graduate, with much ceremony, after three years .


Friday November 30, 1979


Grads of '65 and '66 reflect Retreat husband and three children. ·Receiving a BS in education, she taught kindergarten in Philadelphia for two years . Buono feltithat her education at Cabrini made her more prepared for teaching . She found that planning lessons for a class were easier. Though her experiences at Cabrini, she would recommend thrs institution to any high school student. Another graduate from 1966 was Dolores ·Treacy Manion, who now lives in Havertown. She has been married for eleven years and has three children. After getting her BA in English, she worked with civil service for one year, but then taught elementary school for the following four years. Manion had taken courses in education at Cabrini and later went for her teaching cert-ification at Penn State.

Elana Saboe, who earned a BA in English, was also a member of the class of 1965. While attending Cabrini, Saboe was torn between a career in English, a subject in which she excelled, or a career in biology, an area in which she had a deep interest. But because being a biology major meant taking some difficult courses in which she was not particularly strong', and because her professor was not too "It's a nice encouraging, Saboe leaned toward a career in English. · place to grow up" Following graduation, the alumna taught high school English for six years. After this time period, Drexel Hill with her husband and she decided that she wanted a two children, earned a BS degree change in her life. Combining her in biology at Cabrini, received her masters degree at Villanova, and two interests, English and biology, Saboe accepted a job at the is now coming back to her alma mater at night to be certified in Franklin Institute as a writer for Science Project, working her way education. up to editor. Last year, she was After finishing college, Mahoney Coordinator at worked at Wyeth Laboratory as a Documentation Shared Medical Systems located in research assistant for four years. King of Prussia. Recently, she was however, for the past three years, she has been teaching ph~· 1 pro1aoted to Manager of Documenscience to freshmen and biolo o t'ati<ffi. sophomores at West ea\'@ll fkh 1 ,"' Saboe enjoyed the four years she spent at Cabrini because of the School for Girls. · Mahoney, a former member of "personal interchange" and its in• the glee club, biology club, bowl- timacy. She spoke laudably of the ~!a~~rooms and the "pering team and dra,i;n,a • clu!>:.i;~alled : s,mp~I_ that she liked Cabrini because it sonal interaction with the faculty" had a friendly atmosphere and_,the, which _enal)led her to get ·verbal teachers were interested in · the criticism o( her writing. She actively participated in the school students, giving her the "confinewspaper and the literary magadence to succeed." zine. Without hesitation, she'll tell Mary Ellen Ryan Buono, class of anyone, "It's a nice place to grow 1966, now lives in Berwyn with her up." BY MAUREEN CARROLL

Since the year 1951,Cabrini College has been making its contribution to society by graduating students willing and able to handle positions in their respective fields. The classes of 1965 and 1966 are certainly no exception to this rule. Kathleen Rowan Mahoney, a 1965 graduate now residing in

"The Camaraderie among the

students was excellent" She liked Cabrini because it "wasn't a factory." You got to "know everyone" and "become close with the faculty." "The camaraderie among the students was excellent," she said.

. ,J!t;F.Al\P.= Would the person who removed the Realistic '

, J

tape recorder from the public11tions office on Friday, November 16, between 12:50 - 2: 10 please return it.

A time to reach God


Retreat. What does it mean to you? Something structured, formal, a housebound weekend of prayer? Retreat. It's not what you think, at least not the retreats under the direction of the Reverend Jack Replogle, chaplain of Cabrini College. Ask any of the 18 people who attended the Fall Retreat Weekend at Long Branch, New Jersey. Held on a particularly rainy weekend of Nov. 9-11, the weather may have dampened the clothes, but not the spirits of those who went. In fact, uplifting the spirit and finding oneself is something the retreat was designed to do. According to sopbomore Margarita Tuero, "Retreat is to see how you are really feeling about yourself. Because from there I can deal with anything else." Sophomore Mike Hilsey said "You talk about things that you don't usually talk about." Said Tuero, "You get to know everybody better. You see them in a different light than you no_rmally do." And there certainly was a lot of people to know. Those who attended were coordinators Father Jack Replogle; Sister Sharon Morano, dean of students; seniors Kathy McKee and Lisa Sherwood; juniors· Kitsy Humes, Detsy Lynch and Bernadette Yodzio. Other sophomores included Mary Beth Walter, Rosemary Lelli, David Milburn and Regina O'Leary. Freshman were Kate Connelly, Dane Linn, Poley, Tammy Proud, and Debbie Jablonski. Retreat. You don't necessarily have to pray to reach God. Maybe you could just talk to Him by gazing at the ocean and walking on the beach. Humes, said "When I was on the beach, I felt so much

closer to God." Retreat. Who wants to go on retreat and why do they go? Well, there are various reasons. For Sherwood, "Retreat is a high point in the semester. It gave me a chance to get away from the campus into a different atmosphere ." For Humes, it was a "time to think for myself. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time." Father Replogle believes that "It helps me grow. And everyone ·needs to be inspired." When Poley left retreat, she said that she was "spiritually fulfilled.'' Linn went to retreat with some questions about himself. For some, the answers to questions may take longer. "I was confused, I couldn't understand," he said. "I couldn't answer the questions I had. I know now that the answers don't come right away." Humes also said that "I am a little closer to God. I straightened out things in my life because I had so much time to think about them. I have an overall good feeling about myself and everything else." else." All felt that retreat was good. Father Replogle explains that retreat "only works as well as people make it work." Connelly, will remember retreat because "When I'm in a situation, I will think now how others have handled it." Linn said that retreat "is a great way to commuruc~te wit_h each other arid to have fun." Retreat. In the words of Sherwood, "It gives a sense of knowing who I am, about other people, and how God fits into my life." Retreat. Does it sound interesting, informative and self-enriching? It is, just ask any of the 18 people who went.


Special Olympics continues to grow BY THERESA COLLINS

The Cabrini Chapter of Special Olympics is still in existence and since last year has added a variety of activities that are available to all members of the campus community. The officers of the Cabrini Chapter include college Coordinator, Mike Sulewski, Associate Coordinator Maureen Gabe; Treasurer, Ken Fazio, Secretary Kathy Mignogna, Coordinator of Saturday training Pr,0grams Ann Marie Kistner, and Coordinator of the Skl.Club Linda Close.

"Cabrini is the model chapter of the Special Olympics" These students, during the course of the year, will be participating in and helping to organize any functions that are scheduled on or off campus. Five students have already at. tended a state bowling tournament held in Hershey, Pa., on Sept. 22 and 23. Their duties were to help as aids and chaperones during the_ weekend. . ·. Every . other Saturday on ~aqr-

pus Kistner and a group of students train children involved in the Olympics in sports such as basket~ ball and volleyball and also there are arts and crafts sessions between training. There will also be weekly trips made to Spring Mountain, Pa., by the ski club and will be open to all states. The Sedeland Elementary School will also participate in Cabrini's annual Great Adventure trip as an activity of Special Olympics. Some of the major events scheduled for the 1979-80 school year will run from Nov. 30 to March 29. Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 and 2 will be a weekend of special Olympic Workshops in the Poconos. This will include the involvement of seven states and its main objective is to be a social event. It will be a practical experience for all involved and is open to everyone, according to Sulewski. The cost of the weekend for meals and room is $47. March 1,2, and 3 will mark the Winter Olympics in the Poconos of Shawnee, Pa. This weekend will model the regular Olympics and 13 events will be featured. To begin the weekend all participants will walk throughout the mountains in a procession guided by the lights of flares. Some of the events : ~c?~~~1 -.i~~l~1~;. ~r~ -.s!~l?-:s~!' :

ing, tobaggoning, snow and ice sculptures, figure skating and speed skating. This weekend is also open to anyone for the price of $57. which includes room, meals and the rental of skis.

get at least 200-280kids involved this year. We already have volunteers from area high schools and Cabrini students to help out." The day will come to an end approximately 4 p.m.

What we need is a lot of support and for each of us to give as much or as little as he possibly can." 0

On March 28-29Cabrini will host its second annual basketball competition. On Friday night two Special Olympic teams, from New York and the other Philadelphia champs of last year, will play a game. On Saturday, there will be an outdoor ceremony beginning at 8 a.m. which will include .three sets of color guards, area high school bands and the procession of Special Olympic participants. The day will consist of the competition of basketball skills of run, dribble and shoot. AloJJg with this competition there will be a karate demonstration, clowns, magicians, movies, . softball skills, arts and crafts, and a K-9 group will all be availabie. , • ~!1-lew ·ski .said "We are ,hoping to

Another part of the weekend will be the program "Adopt a kid for the night." With this children involved will be housed in private homes, and at Cabrini, Eastern and Valley Forge Military Academy. This according to Sulewski, will require a great deal of participation from the area colleges and towns. According to Rank Dean, state director of Special Olympics, "Cabrini is the model chapter of Special Olympics." This was proven true when Sulewski helped Villanova University host their own Special Olympics. According to Sulewski only 30 out of 120 children showed, which proved that large colleges don't always get all the glory . In · o_rder to have · ~or~ com-

munity involvement two roller rinks in Paoli and West Chester have donated us their rinks on any Friday night to host a 24-hour marathon. All proceeds will then go to Cabrini's chapter. · Sulewski sees a lot of student involvement from the class of 1983 since many have had the experience in their high schools . "What we need," Sulewski added, "is a lot of support and for each one of us to give as much or as little as he possibly can." .

ATTENTION Seniors • Juniors

Pass/Fai I option must be declared before the first day of final examinations. See Registrar


Penn features rock group



reveals realism aga inst Kurtz . " Charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out tickets at the Indy


Magnificen t. Brutal. Inspired . Graphic . These were a few of the thoughts I had after Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now, " perhaps the most realistic film representation of war made to date. The United Artists' release was produced and directed by Coppola and stars Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall and Martin Sheen .


Friday November 30, 1979


On November 3rd , Penn State 's Concert Committee presented the Ta lking Heads , with special guests P earl Harbor and the Expl osions. The show was opened by the Explosions , a relatively yo\lng band tha t would fall into the new-wave ca tegory of music . However , the band is capable of playing every thing from punk to straight rock . Explosions' lead s inger is Pearlie Gates, whose honey-throated voice is equal to her dancing ability. The band performed such numbers as "Shut-Up and Dance"

Coppola skillfully takes you along on Willard 's journey . In the process he integrates some of the most spectacular combat sequences and eloquently states his case against the profanity of war. Martin Sheen gives a powerful performance in a difficult role that demands incorporating the psychological effects of war in addi"Apocalypse Now" is loosely based on Joseph Conrad's nov~l tion to the written dialogue. Robert Duvall delivers a remarkaHeart of Darkness with Sheen Spectrum playing the role of Marlowe who, ble performance that successfully Outlaws and Molly Hatin the novel, travels up the river to depicts the inanities of war as • a chet. Dec. 7 slightly berserk commander who, meet the infamous Mr . Kurtz. The Who in the course of an attack, would We are introduced to Sheen's Dec. 10 rather discuss the merits of the character, Capt. Benjamin Tower Theater water here for surfing as opposed Willard, pacing his Saigon hotel The Police to the surf in California. room like a caged cat wailing lo be Dec . l I I found Marlon Brando's perassigned a mission somewhere in Valley Forge Music Fair formance the least convincing of Vietnam. "And for my sins they Rip Taylor the three major roles. His ' gave me one. When it was over I'd Andrea McArdle protrayal of Kurtz was subdued never want another." Nov . 30 thru Dec . 2 and allusive. I saw no hint of the Willard's mission is classified. "genius" attributed to Kurtz, nor He must travel up some obscure any reason for the mass of savages · river into the recesses of Camthat lived under his rule to do so, bodia to "terminate" a Col. Walter allowing themselves to be murE . Kurtz. According to the Army, dered at his whim. Kurtz has overstepped the limits "Apocalypse Now" is a powerof military protocol and has been ful, riveting film flawed only by an BY DENISE TERIFA Y charged with the murder of four anti-climatic ending that doesn't "I feel that it's challenging . Vietnamese double Jgept&. quite match the strength of the There is a lot that I would like to do Willard has difficulty accepting body of the film . but I'm crowded for time ." Mrs . the validity of the Army's sentence Adeline Bethany said about her appointment as chairperson of the fine arts department. Bethany said that her job entails "planning the courses to be offered , being sure we have the staff required to teach the courses, making sure the· required materials are purchased , being aware of complaints and suggesMargarita Tuero tions fr om personnel and figuring out how music and art could work with American studies , for examM R A V S F B X ple 'Music in American Studies' ."



and " Clean-up Woman ." If the Ta lking Heads hadn 't b e en phen omenal , Pea rl Harb or and the Expl osions might have very will stolen the show. The Heads gave one of their bes t performances at Penn State, it was better than their performance at the concert tha t was done in the rain at the Philadelphia Zoo this summer. The Heads performed their music alm ost exactly as it is recorded . While the Heads are constantly rewriting their music, no alterations were made during the Penn State show.

The Heads a re la rg el y considered a new-wa ve band but wha t make s them distinct from other group s is the almost av ant-gard e singing sty le of lead singer and guita rist David Byrne, a forme r ar t student. Some of the songs the band per formed were "D on't Talk About the Governmen t" and " Animals ". Howe ver, the three best song s were also their biggest hits , " Psy cho Killer " , " Tak e Me to th e River " and their current single from their 1 'Fear of Music " album , "Life During WartimP,."

Cabrini College Christmas Dance December 7 from 8 PM to 1 PM

$:I5.Clq~Jvidb~~ -1:~~!l-.






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Position Poses Challenges

Seek & Find By



Q 0 T A. G 0 J C I Q R B E K 0 L H C N D UR G R B H0 l I D A y R BWN C I G C LA I u N D T A E D T HZ L E z I R K p s K N I A y y A -I V U A s V Q L N B P F F E s p M C (i Y I E A l E N D T A K N p I C0 B I s Q R I H I E M0 V L H Y D R N T R K G D N z I WX E N M z L X y P N A Q N B LK I CKN F N s M F P G X.E R- Y B E I K J 0 A UK D R AUR VJ L RDL p u P A V s T U F F I N GQ E MC Y K C 0 R H T U OMY L p R E Indian AppleCider Pilgrim Bounty Plymouth Rock Cranberry Sauce Pumpkin Pie Dinner Stuffing Family Thanksgiving Day Harvest Holiday. . Tu~~~y . . . . .. . .. -.. .







Bethany, discussing her joint appointment with Our Lady of Angels College, said, "It requires that I be organized . The only things that I'm doing differently are being coordinator of the department and my involvement with the Choral Ensemble ." The fine arts department sponsors "the band festival and one or two artists per year ," Bethany said. She said that she hopes to sponsor the band festival. " I've been asked to sponsor a music club but I don't know if we can do that next semester, " she also said .

Choral enioys variety BY AL SALMIERI

The Choral Ensemble has been a function at Cabrini since its beginning. Choral used to be considered an extracurricular activity, it is now a credited class rather than an afternoon club . The Choral engages in two major functions, the spring and winter concerts . Jeannemarie Turner and Roxanne Lucchessi , seniors , have been active members in Choral for their full four years at Cabrini. They are now co-presidents of the Ensemble . According to Turner and Luc -

chesi , the Choral Ensemble is a very enjoyable experience . Choral is open to anyone who finds the field of music interesting. Turner and Lucchess i said that they feel that being in Choral has helped them to be more appreciative of music . They said that Choral has definitely helped their unders tanding of music. Choral used to meet on Tuesday evenings but due to a change of instruct ors, now meets on Mondays at 12:50 p.m. Mrs . Adeline Bethany is currently the director of Choral this year. Bethany replaced Miss Lucy


chairperson of Fine Arts .

•l, Carroll who is now working on her doctoral studies. Among the future events will be the Christmas Concert to be held Dec . 9 at 3 p.m . in the Mansion . Choral has a total of 15 members who enjoy working with each other. They sing an ything from 16th century madrigals to pop and in any language from Spanish to Polish. Choral functi ons are always publicized through t he Public Relations Office. According to Lucchessi , there is nothing that the Choral Ensemble w,on't try to sing .

Personals Have you ever wanted to say something to someone but couldn 't verbally- well say it in print! Next issue of the Loquitur will feature a free personals column . Drop off personal in publications office or Loquitur mail box . Leave name and address along with ad . All information remains confidential.

Notice: Albert reports that a lot of people are not picking up the ir mail , especially the part-time and evening students . Albert reminds them that they have box numbers and that the bookstore is open until 8 p.m . for their benefit . . _There are a few semester books on hand . They will be sent back soon , so Albert suggests that everyon.e -check their book· lists .



Friday November 30, 1979

Bach closes recitals

Christmas dances BY KITSY HUMES


The music of Bach filled the air. It was a moment of tranquility and pure beauty. It was one of the afternoon piano recitals arranged by the Continuing Education Division. Mme. Agi Jambor, Artist-inResidence, and Zola Shaulis, guest artist, performed works by Bach. Jambor and Shaulis, whose style is interpretative, began with Bach's "Concerto for Two Pianos in C Major" and then went on to play Bach's "Concerto for Two Pianos in C Minor." The pieces were joyful, although the adagio of

the second piece had some of the haunting sadness of Bach's minor key works. The closing piece was a fiery performance of Chopin's "Scherzo in B Flat Minor," performed by Shaulis. One of the pianos used was a recently restored rosewood Steinway. Its rich, mellow tone perfectly complemented the 'clear voice of the other instrument. Shaulis made her debut with the Philadelphia Orchestra at the age of seven and studied with Jambor from the age of 10 until she was 18. Among her accomplishments, Shaulis has won three interna-

tional competitions including the International Bach Competition. She has recorded Bach for the European Deutsche Grammophon Gesellshcaft and records for C.R.I. in New York. Much of Shaulis' time at present is taken up with fund-raising for Cambodian relief. Shaulis said that, "Agi is always a joy to play with. She is an inspiration. Agi is a world-leading Bach expert." Jambor, in speaking of the concert, said, "I find it very touching to play with Zola Shaulis." Another series of afternoon concerts is planned for next semester.

Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way-remind you of anything? No? Let's see now, how about music, dressing up, dancing and drinking the night away. If you guessed the Christmas Dance you win the right to know all about it. This year's dance will be held in the college cafeteria on December 7 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. It will include a cocktail hour which begins at 8 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. Dinner will be served from 9-10 buffet style. Included in the buffet is chicken cordon bleu, prime rib, salad, vegetables and a fruit cocktail. From 10 p.m . to 1 a.m . there is

an open bar and you can dance the night away to the sounds of the Disco/Rock group, "L' Rue." Breakfast will be served at 1 a.m. following the dance. Lisa Sherwood, student activities chairperson, explained why the dance is being held in the cafeteria. "We wanted to give students a break in price." The cafeteria is a convenient location for students who don't have cars. Also it will be a lot more fun because people can get involved in the decorations and we can truly decorate it the way we wanl"it to be." Tickets for the christmas dance will be $15.00per person. ·

They have and partied all night. At least it seemed that way as Cabrini students and guests hustled to the music of Surrender at the Annual Junior-Senior Weekend Dinner-Dance. The affair was held at the Mansion House, Berwyn, on November 16. k, Over 150 people attended. A party· sponsored by SGA held on Saturday, November 17 at 8:00 p.m. climaxed the whole weekend. ( Photos by Ron Katkocin and Chuck Schnieder)


Variety for those who are on the run


Need a quick snack on the run? How about a light breakfast or quick lunch? Here's a brief list of restaurants that offer a variety of foods, which are relatively affordable to the college student who wants an after-the-movie snack or a treat from institutional food. All are relatively casual or semi-casual. So, choose what you enjoy, and Bon Appetit ! !

Restaurants Firehouse Restaurant 209 Lancaster Pike, Frazer 644-9884Open daily & Sunday Gullifty's Restaurant Rosemont Village Mall 1149Lancaster Pike, Rosemont 525-1851 H.A. Winston & Co. Paoli Village Shoppes Paoli, Pa. Perkins 121 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Pa. Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.




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Loquitur Friday November 30, 1979

79-80 season opens:

High expectations felt BY MARIANN DE MARIA Coming off a successful season the 1979-80 men's basketball team is ready to start anew. "This year there's more a feeling of being a team-more talent, more competition. Last year you didn't have to give your best, all the time. This year you do," John Keating, returning sophomore player, said. With the first game, against Beaver approaching, Jolyon Girard, head coach, said, "We have a competitive schedule this year. A number of teams have major small college budgets and programs. The men's basketball team never had a losing season. They will do as well as they are capable of performing. I expect to have a winning season," he said. The schedule contains returning teams such as: Valley Forge Christian College, Pinebrook, Philadelphia Community College, Beaver, Williamson, Alvernia, St. Joseph's and Cathedral. The new and tougher teams are: Spring Garden, Holy Family, Penn-State (Capital), Philadelphia Bible, Allentown and Wilmington. "We're in two different leagues. We have eight informal league games and eight formal -games in league NAIA District 19," Girard said.

Not only does the schedule haye new appearance, but so does the team. Some of the new talents are transfers Jay Slick, senior, from Valley Forge Christian College; Louis Gaudio, sophomore from Clarkson; and Mike Bennett, sophomore from Greensboro. Freshmen players include Ron Lynch, Dan Q_uinn, and John Roche. "Good new players. They have -added a great deal to the team," Girard said. Five out of the seven days of the week Girard holds two hour closed practices. Practices begin with layups and are followed by a fastbreak drill which ended in a half hour. Next on the agenda all the offensive and defensive plays are learned. Finally the practice is concluded with a scrimmage where the plays learned that day are put to the test. Q_uinnfound Girard's techniques and plays a little different from high school but became quickly accustomed to them. Where as Slick thought it wasn't the plays but the coach you have to get adjusted to. "At every practice the coach should expect 100% but its hard to do that when you have practice six weeks before a game," Gaudio said. Others feel they try, but it's

either a bad day or they can't give it their all. "Everyone is giving 100% because the way Doc puts it, a lot of starting positions are up in the air. Everyone has a shot and if you're not giving 100% you shouldn't be out there. It's foolish to go half way," said Qµinn. All the players may be giving their best, but there seems to be a slight problem with defense. "With the shooters that we have, we've got the power to score a lot of points," said Qµinn. "We're going to be a little bit smaller than other teams. It can hurt us rebound wise, but we're quick," Q_uinnsaid. Qµinn said "I'm not out there to take over. It's just dumb to go out there with the attitude that you're not going or want to start. Everyone wants to start, I think everyone has a chance to start. Personnally I do." If every player does indeed have that attitude than Cavalier fans are definitely going to see some exciting games. CABRINI COLLEGE CAVALIERS 1979-1980MEN'S BASKETBALL · SCHEDULE

N'ov. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 6 Dec.7 .Dec o Dec. 13 Jan. 7 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Feb. 28

Beaver H-7:30 Pinebrook H-7:30 Phila. CC H-7:30 Allentown A-2:00 Wilmington A-7:30 Phila. Bible H-8:00 Penn State Cap. H-7:30 Phila. Pharmacy A-7:30 Spring Garden A-8:00 Swarthmore H-6:00 Holy Family A-7:30 Spring Garden H-8:00 Beaver A-7:00 Phila.CC A-7:00 Williamson H-7:30 Cathedral A-8:00 Holy Family H-7:30 Pinebrook A-7:30 Valley Forge CC A-2:00 St. Joseph's, NY H-7:30 Williamson A-7:00 Cathedral H-7:00 Miseracordia A-8:00 Albernia H-7:30 St. Joseph's, NY H-7:30 Miseracordia H-8:00

BiologyClub CHRISTMAS FLOWERSALE 4 BloomPlants $7.00 each EILEEN SLATTERY and Marianne O'Connor practice for oncoming B-ball season. (Photo by Lore Kearney)

by ,cagers



MIKE BENNET and Jay Slick on tap for two points (Photo by Lore Kearney)

Women open season win said. BY JOHN GALLAGHER Some of the tougher teams this Cabrini's women's basketball team has a 19 game schedule this year, according to Goodwin are Kutztown, Textile, Drexel, year. The team had a 14-6 record last year and Coach Helen Good- Widener and Allentown. Each win expects this year's team to do team will be played once. The team will not have a junior "at least as good, maybe better _." This year the team has 11 mem- varsity this year. "It was hard to bers. Returning from last year are .substitute for the varsity because we had to keep some players aside Aunnie Bedard, Eileen Slattery, for the J.V. game," Goodwin said. Detsy Lynch, Maurene Burns, The J.V. has been excluded for Marianne O'Connor, Margaret other reasons also. "It is too exO'Connor, and Ro DiGiandomenico. New members include pensive to run two games a nigtit," Goodwin said. It took $80 to pay freshmen Mary Collins, Frances Congileo, Kathy Connelly and Ter- officials for two games. Goodwin also said that the number of people ry Lienenbach. Assistant coach Joyce McCreesh coming out for the team has is a former Cabrini player. She and decreased. But, with the 11 player squad Goodwin train the team during whatever practice time they can- coach Goodwin hopes to have a get. "The practice schedule is good varsity season this year. mixed up because of late classes and early meals on Friday.~• Good-.-- CABRINICOLLEGE 91RJ,S BASKETBALL

Cavalier soccer comes to a close BY MAUREEN CARROLL The Cabrini Cavaliers wrapped up another soccer season with an overall record of 2-11-2. Coach Loup Langton described his first year of coaching as "frustrating but challenging." He referred to this season as a "transition period,"' laying the foundations for a strong club thatCabrini can look forward to in upcoming years. Langton said that the team is heading in a new direction, and that it will get progressively better as soccer becomes more of a tradition al Cabrini.

Several reasons seemed to crop up as to why the Cavaliers did not do so well as they had hoped this season. A very apparent one was the number of players on the entire squad. Eleven members are 11eeded on a team, exactly the number on the Cabrini squad. This allowed for no substitutions. A second and very important reason is that Cabrini is not recruiting enough good soccer players who excel in their positions, and if the team could fill some other positions with equally skilled players, a winning season

would be within reach. A very vital part of being on a competitive team is how much practice you have as a team. This can be the determining factor as to who comes out on top, regardless of how gifted the players are. Some of the team member.s complained that there was supposed to be a summer soccer camp, but because of some mixup with the administration, these plans never materialized. As of three days before the team's first game, it had no coach. Two days before the team's fir~t ~~~e, t~~ first soccer

practice took place. Although seniors Lenny DeFoggia and Tom Anderson will be leaving the squad, the outlook for next year is promising. Sophomore John Yheaulon said that the team will get "constantly better." Coach Langton believes that his experiences this season will benefit the team in the future. Support the Cabrini College Men's & Women's Basketball Programs

Dec. 5 Montgomery C.C.C.A-6:00 Dec. 6 Spring Garden A-7:00 Dec. 8 Kutztown H-7:00 Jan. 23 Holy Family A-7:00 Jan. 24 Chestnut Hill H-7: Jan. 28 Penn State H-7:00 Jan. 31 Bryn Mawr A-7:00 Feb. 1 C.C.P. H-7: Feb. 5 Textile A-7:00 Feb. 7 PCB _A-7:00 Feb. 14 Drexel A-4:00 Feb. 18 Widener H-7: Feb. 21 Rosemont A-7:00 Feb. 23 Allentown H-7: Feb. 26 Harcum H-7: Feb. ,28Gwynedd H-7: Mar. 3 Swarthmore A-7:00 Mar. 5 Eastern A-7:00



Friday November 30, 1979 Officals speak frankly:

Sunday football

For amusement BYJOE KRAVITZ Wednesday night 7:15 a fellow student walks into this reporter's room and drops a football pool on his desk. The next two days are spent trying to pick the winners of the upcoming Sunday's games. Hopes of winning that unspecified amount .of money glitters in each one's eyes. Friday night 6 p.m., all the picks are in, this "fellow student" tells us how he sees the outcome of all the Sunday games. We, in return, give our versions of how we see the results. Sunday afternoon 1: 15: game lime, students gather together in front of a "Sony TV" in room 35. There the group of rowdy students take out their frustrations on the Eagles or any other learn playing. Constantly scores of other games are watched carefully. Students begin to speculate on how


they will spend their winnings. As the days results are reported it seems likely that our winner is the one who has been acting like "Jimmy the Greek" over the past few days. Then suddenly the last pool is checked. The owner of the card hasn't even been watching the game with his fellow friends. He makes picks like the Giants and Browns over the Cowboys. Other investors in Sundays games feel he is no threat to attaining the winning pot. The whistle blows, the game is over, the results have been calculated. The' winner is not the student who sat in the room watching the game to the point of missing Sunday's Mass due to a late comback by the Cowboys, but the weeks winner is this quiet person who leaves the game for the sake of saying the Mass . The winner has been determine _d, it's Father Replogle, "THE MAN FOR ALL SEASONS."

Their unpopularity BY KITSY HUMES They watch games from a whole different angle. They are yelled at, cursed at, booed at and taunted with familiar cries like-"Are you blind?", "Take a hike" and "I think I hear yer mother callin' ya." Official referees. Probably the most unpopular people of the season. They are there for every game, for every call and every abuse that is given to them in the game of your choice. Sad, isn't it, that we don't establish them to be the most important people of league games, when they really are? I had the opportunity to interview briefly, officials who officiate for the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Association of Athletics (P.I.A.A. ). They are Jim Douglass and Jane Stoltz both of whom officiate for the Cabrini

is worth it

women's volleyball team . Douglass got his start in officiating through teaching ... He became interested in the idea of refereeing a boy's basketball game and has been involved with officiating ever since. · Stoltz, on the other hand, needed a supplemenatry income while in graduate school and began officiating for women's basketball, deciding to ref volleyball as well. Do officials get upset over what fans may think was a bad call? Douglass: "No, you get a different view of the ball from the stand to the floor in volleyball. I get upset with myself if I make a bad call. Stoltz: "No, but when I first started to officiate I did. Now I'm used to it. tt What do you think of the fans? Douglass: "Fan enthusiasm is good for a game and the players ." Stoltz: "There is not much hassle- -

ment from the fans." Is there a difference in officiating the women's games from the men's games? ' Douglass: "There used to be a great difference. The women'.s teams have progressed and has been amazing in all sports," How many games do you officiate in a week? Douglass: "About seven games a week." Stoltz: "About six a week." Stoltz is a Cabrini graduate from the class of '71. She was president of the Athletic Association, editor-in-chief and sports editor of the college newspaper, "Loquitur." She lives in Phoenixville, Pa. Douglass is Director of the Physical Education Department in Haverford township and resides in Havertown , Pa .

Physical Education Department to expand BY- DENISE TERIFAY The Physical Education Department is in the process of adding new courses in an effort to meet growing demands . One problem that the department has is the increasing size of the gym classes. According to Helen Goodwin, chairperson of the Physical Education Department, "last year there were two large classes and this year there are four large classes. The average size of last year's classes was 25 students, but this year the average is 35 students ." To combat this problem, Goodwin said that "another section will be added so there'll be a class almost every hour . "The only reason I don't -like large classes," Goodwin explained, "is because I don't like having people sit out."

Another course that has been added to the Physical Education Departmen t is a gym class designed for special education, elementary education and early childhood education majors . "We do activities that are exercises for primary grades, including doing things with music called movement education. The children from the day care center come up about five times a semester and the students teach them. Next semester I'm going to take my class to West Chester where they bring a Jot of handicapped children in to teach them to swim, " Goodwin said. "This course was added due to a suggestion by the Department of Public Instruction and through the efforts of William B. Kuhns, chairperson of the Education Department," Goodwin said. The class is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:10.

OFFICIALS JANE STOLTZ AND JIM DOUGLASS take time out to exchange coach of Rosemont.

But in .Cambodia, the children are dying. By the thousands. From starvation. From dysentery, tuberculosis and malaria. Please help in trying to stop this unspeakable irony. Speak out. Let your voice be heard in Washington. In Moscow, In Peking. In Hanoi. In Phnom-Penh. Write, or call, or cable. Make your message one of grief, or anger. Or love. And please help by sending money for food and medicine. There are now four agencies

words with the

( Photo by Detsy Lynch>

who are having some success in helping these stricken people. The Catholic Relief Services are providing relief to Cambodia refugees in Thailand. The American National Red Cross, Oxfam-America, and UNICEF are distributing food and supplies in Cambodia. Please send a check to the organization of your choice. Please do it now.

,, Make your check payable to one of the following agencies and mail to the address given for that agency. Mark your check and envelope "For Cambodia."

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My contribution to the Cambodian people is My Name: Address: .

American National Red Cross International Services Cambodia Relief 17th and D Street Washington, DC N.W. 20006

Catholic Relief Services For Cambodia 1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10016

Oxfam-America For Cambodia 302 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116

UNICEF U.S. Committee for UNICEF Cambodian Relief 331 East 38th Street New York, NY 10016



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