Friday December 14, 1979
Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
Vol. XXXVI, No. 6
All female board heads SGA BY REGINA O'LEARY
The results of the Student Government Association (SGA) elections were announced on Tuesday, December 11. Detsy Lynch ' 81 and Mary Goldner '81 were elected President and Vice-President respectively . They had no opposition . While running as a team with experience and enthusiasm their campaign centered around im proving the social atmosphere on campus . "We plan to have a different social activity scheduled on campus if not every week at least every other week," said Lynch. "We also plan to make SGA more of an open forum with the student body so that even those who do not have an elected position on SGA they can still be involved," she said . The remaining six positions on the board were all taken by women. In the tightest race, Kathy Cordilla '82 defeated Tanya Nelson '81 and Pat Daily '82 for Social Activities Chairperson. Her newly elected assistants are Jo Schwoyer '82 and Judy Hammet '82. Both ran unopposed. Cordilla feels that her role will be to take on the responssibility of getting the entire college community involved in campus functions . "The center point is social in-
volvement on campus. Becuase Cabrini is growing, there m·ust be more organizations for both commuters and residents, " said Cordilla . At this point Cordilla has no definite plans in mind. Maurene Burns '81 is the newly
elected Treasurer of SGA. She feels that the new government "has a lot of enthusiasm , and things will go smoothly ." Other additions to the new SGA are Corresponding Secretary Kelli
Armstrong '81 and Recording Sec"Our job will be a challeng e but retary Connie Aiello '81. i's something we all feel we can handle, " said Lynch . By working Armstrong had previously been with the Dean of Students and stusecretary of the Tri Beta Society dent body we see no problem in and of the Junior class . Aiello was accomplishing our goals ," she treasurer of SGA last year . said .
"Food committee"
Liaison between students and cafeteria One organization at Cabrini that benefits commuters as well as residents is the Food Committee . The members of this committee, as stated in the student handbook , are resident representatives and commuter representatives as well at the vice-presidents of each class . A list of the Food Committee members is as follows : Tori Ryan , senior class vice president ; Donna Garber, commuter representative, Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, junior class vice president; Marc Sansone, commuter representative; Chris Collins, sophomore class vice president ; Theresa Collins, commuter representative ; Ma\lrene Burns, Cushing RA; Maureen De Leo, recordmg secretary for SGA; Jim Lawlor , resident representative ; Meg
Henessey, commuter representative ; Regina Volpe, resident representative; Sister Sharon Morano, dean of students ; Dr. Joseph Romano, acting dean for academic affairs; Mr . William Eichner, business manager ; Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life; Cindi De Ritis, head resident; Mrs. Mary Mulligan, nurse; Mary O'Malley, manager of Stouffers; Pia Carusi, head resident; Sister Maria Pasqualini, head resident. The chairperson of this committee is Detsy Lynch, vice president of SGA. Sister Sharon said the responsibility of the committee is to " respond to the concerns of students about the meals in the cafeteria. The committee acts as a liaison be-
tween the students and Stouffers. as many problems as last year ." One of the major concerns of Regina Volpe said, "I reall y Stouffers right now is students who don' t think people are aware of the leave their trays behind because it Food Committee because no stucreates more work for them ." dents show up at the meetings . It 's Some of the things that have come probably a combination of not from this liaison, as mentioned by enough publicity and student apaSister Sharon , are the price - thy. We encourage students not boards, coupons for commuters, only to complain but to also give us and the salad bar . suggestions and tell us what they When asked how she felt about like. the idea, Sister Sharon said, "l "We're aware of commuters ' think it's a very good working rela- complaints and we're there for tionship, an excellent vehicle for them , too. The main complaint students to communicate their from commuters is that they don't concerns ." know where to buy meal tickets .' ' Chris Collins, when asked abou t Mary O'Malley is now working to studen t response to this commit- correct this problem . tee , said, " There aren 't as many Meetings are usually posted in people contacting us this year but I the SGA office and the bookstore . think that's because there aren 't -All are welcomed to attend .
Return to draft? BY FLORENCE LANIA
The word " draft" to many people may seem frightening. To some it is, and if certain precautions are not taken immediately on the Iran situation the next step might be war, _ resulting in the reinstatement of the draft. Who does Uncle &\m want? According to Newsweek magazine, during the late stages of the Vietnam War , many young men tore up draft cards, or fled to · Canada or Sweden to avoid induction into the draft. Since .then the U.S. has shifted to all-volunteer armed forces and no one has been called since . Congress has taken into consideration reinstating the draft. The main reason is simply that voluntary enlistments are not supplying the necessary numbers of servicemen and reservists . Another reason is that the draft machinery is so rusty that the Pentagon no longer even knows how many eligible men are in the prime 18-to-26 age group , or where they reside . Registering, classifying and sending the first draftee to basic training would take 110days . Another big question is whether or not women should also be registered in case of war. How do the Cabrini students feel about the drafting situation? Maryjane Monostra, sophomore said, " No way do I want to go to war but at the same time as far as
women being drafted , they brought it up amongst themselves with the Women Liberation Movement." Nancy Cortese, sophomore said , " All women should volunteer for work, such as helping out with first aid, secretarial work, etc., but not to go out and fight in the trenches . ' ' Freshman Joan McGuckin , said, "No, I don't feel that women should be drafted and that the drafting of men is good because they should be loyal to their country in case of war ." The situation with Iran and any other problems that may arise might mean that drafting will be put into use . Think for a moment, do you want to be drafted?
Tableof Contents News.. . . . 1 & 2 Special of the70's3 - 7 WHAT BUILDING IS THIS? It marks the beginning of the expanding and changing Cabrini. We'll Features. . . . . . 8 take you through the Cabrini of the 70's. See insert page 3. Entertainment. . 9 Sports. . . . . . . 10
Cabrini looks at the ·70's
Editorial Keep the spi,rit ' As we enter into a new decade it is time to look back on the many changes which have taken place in our lives as well as in our country. Hopefully, amidst all the turmoil and anti-American feelings in Iran, we will be able to keep up the spirit and vitality which has made this nation what it is and has kept it going throughout the years. Then and only then will we be able to spread our beliefs in freedom and justice throughout the world. For, as a democracy America has encountered numerous problems, which, due to the flexibility of the constitution, have always been solved. As Christian people· it is up to us to join together in this society apd share our insights and beliefs with others. A true Christian is one who places his values in perspective and adheres to them on a daily basis. He is not only able to fulfill his goals in life but is also able to motivate ~ others to reach their full potential. The direction in which this country will go depends entirely upon the people. Most of today's problems could be solved much more simply if people had more faith in themselves and others. The Christmas season is upon us and it is a time of joy and happiness for most of us. Let us hope and pray that the spirit that pervades us during this holiday season does not end on Dec. 26 but lasts well into next year and throughout the 1980's. Merry Christmas.
MSC's affected TI~,51:nks I by revolution In an effort to make the Christmas Dance more affordable and convenient, it was decided to hold it on campus this year. Volunteers were needed to assist in publicity, decorations, etc. And, thanks to a group of individuals willing to get involved, I received all the help I needed. I'd like to extend my th11nksto all who helped make the Christmas Dance the success it was. Sincerely, Lisa Sherwood Student Activities Chairperson.
Loquitur Letters to the editor should be submitted to the Loquitur mailbox no later than 1:00 on the date of deadline. The writer must sign his or her name for publication. Loquitur reserves the right to condense.
Thefts hurt library use BY KATHLEEN CORDILLA
"Current periodicals are in closed stock because of the alarming number of disappearing issues and the request made by many students, especially education, special education, psychology majors, and faculty members," head librarian Carolyn H. Gough said. The current periodicals which are heavily used are behind the circulation desk because the library cannot replace the missing issues and the publishing companies do not keep back issues. There are 345 current subscribed issues on the open shelves on the second floor of the library. When duplication of the magazines are put on microfilm, which takes one year to complt!te, the issues then go back on the open shelves. "The current periodical budget for this year is $10,000. This does not include the microfilm or the
bonding of the magazines, which are both very costly,'' Gough said. "The reason we have open stock is to make it easier for student research. They might find a topic by chance when browsing through the open stock. They also don't have to wait for someone to get them the issue or for someone to finish using the issue," Gough said. "The reason we don't have closed stock is simply because we don't have enough employees to cover the 77 hours the library is open," Gough said. "During the summer, Melaine West spent the entire summer putting the periodicals in order and placed a red dot on the folders of the missing issues. Therefore the disruption and the missing period-_ icals are not the library's fault," Gough said. "The library is the students' li-
Carter, Kennedy face , showdown BY DENISE TERIFAY
"Carter and Kennedy head for a showdown" recently appeared as an article in Life magazine (November, 1979). There has been much speculation about the outcome of the Jimmy Carter-Ted Kennedy race since the first hint at Kennedy's candidacy. Possibly one of the biggest factors influencing public opinion of Kennedy is his heritage. His mother Rose, 89, and the memory of his brothers Joseph ~nd John could prove a great asset although there are those who feel that "He seems to walk in their footprints." (Life, November, 1979) "I guess I vacillate on Ted's running for president," Joan Kennedy told People magazine (July 2, 1979). When asked if she would campaign for him, she said, "Right now I don't know." "Their estrangement and her problems with alcohol, however good her
recovery, would renect against him." (Life, November, 1979). On the other hand, "many observers believe that Rosalynn Carter exerts a formidable influence on the President's decisions and statements." (Life, November, 1979).
Or.e of the drawbacks that Carter has to face is his brother Billy who "expressed an intention to register as an agent-lobbyist for government and business interests in Libya, where he was photographed in September watching a military parade." (Life, November, 1979). The race between these two contenders has been surrounded by much speculation and by many predictions. "In words that many thought - and Carter later denied - referred to Kennedy's behavior at Chappaquiddick, the President told a town meeting in New York, "I don't think I panicked in a crisis." (Life, November, 1979).
brary, not the school's. If someone takes an issue they are only hurting other students," Gough said. Cabrini's library policy of open periodicals is uncommon. Eastern's library policy for periodicals is strict. "Periodicals are on closed stock . The students must sign a pink form, name, course, and professor's name before receiving any periodical, whether current or back issue . This prevents issues becoming lost" Windy Hoff, periodicals assistant at Eastern, said. Tanya Nelson, elementary and early childhood education major, said, "There should be more than one copy of the heavily used periodicals. In order to eliminate the problem of students waiting to read the articles on reserve, the teachers should run off copies of certain articles and give them to their students. When I go to the library and someone else bas the reserved copy out, if it's the only free time I have, it causes a definite problem." ----------------------------.
If you read the newspapers you are probably aware that an important revolution occurred in Nicaragua. But are you aware that the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart have missions in Nicaragua and were affected by this revolution? They wanted to. help the people of Nicaragua as much as they could, Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, president of Cabrini, said in a recent interview. Mother Cabrini went to Nicaragua in 1891. Some years later the Cabrini Sisters were expelled from the country and took refuge in Panama. They later returned to Nicaragua and established a network of schools. In these schools they have tried to help the less fortunate. The Cabrini Sisters have suffered a great deal but managed to survive with a little prayer and ambition, Sister Mary Louise said. An example of how these Sisters suffered was in the great earthquake of 1931.They suffered great property damage, but with great determination they picked up where they left off. Responding to the needs of the people in the 1960's and 1970's they began to engage in more medical and social work. Most recently the Sisters, along with a majority of Nicaraguans, became caught up in the revolution. The revolution and the situation in Nicaragua is complicated, but I have summarized here background information that I obtained from America magazine , September 1979; and Maryknoll magazine, November 1979. I have also interviewed Sister Mary Louise and Sister Yolanda, a Sacred Heart Missionary Sister who helped in Nicaragua. Nicaragua is the largest country in central America, but smallest in population. An estimation of two million people reside there. The people living in Nicaragua lived under the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Garcia, father of the recently deposed dictator, for 45 years.
Cabrinj College Memberof the AssociatedCollegiatePress Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor , Pennsy/uania 19087 . Telephonec 215-687 -2100 ext . 47 . Subscription price is included in benefits secured by tuition and stu dent fee . Subscription by mail is $4 per year. Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Pennsy/uania 19087 .
Editors-in-Chief: Kathy Daly and Detsy Lynch News Editor: Marie Pizzuto Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes p1,,0 tography Editor: Detsy Lynch " Secretary/Librarian: Maria Cedrone Artists: Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager: Franny Carusi Typist: MariaCarbone Cartoonist: Chuck Schneider Staff: Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Mariann DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Ron Katkocin, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Lori Kearney, Jim Lawlor, Jean Leong, Alan Macchietto, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary, Joyce Patitucci, Maryann Ribick, Al Salmieri, Denise Terifay, Eileen Whalen, Maureen Williams. Adviser: Jerome Zurek
Somoza was disliked very much by the people because of his type of government which led to poverty, no rights for the people, and other privileges that were taken away. Many people who spoke up for the rights of the people were nuns and priests who as a result were either exiled or physically abused. An example of this was Father Evaristo, a Maryknoll priest, who was working in the mountains with the poor people. He was exiled from the country for supposedly brainwashing the people to go against Somoza. "La Pr ens a," one of the newspapers of Nicaragua, was a very good source for the people in order to find out about the injustices of the government. This was soon taken care of when the director of "La Prensa" was shot to death by Somoza's · troops. · Another example of this type of government was on Dec. 24, 1972. The country of Nicaragua was destroyed, especially the capital, Managua. Food was a widespread problem for the people. The United States First Aid sent about 300 tons of food and large sums of money for the reconstruction of Nicaragua. The big question was where did all this money and the supplies go to? After all this physical abuse upon the people a remarkable revolution came about from the Sandinista Front For National Liberation.
This group consisted of civilians who formed together to fight against Somoza and his troops. The leader of this group was Augusto Cesar Sandino. One point that he stressed was no intervention from the United States. Sandanista was the official name given to the followers of Sandino. Finally, in 1960 the beliefs of Sandino started, to arise again under the guidance of Thomas Borge. They have been fighting for years and up until this year they finally took over and overthrew Somoza. Somoza left for Miami, where he then left for the Caribbean Islands. The new government is called "La Junta" which .consists of five be Th• f mem rs. IS type O government promises the people a more dem11cratic government, more education and rights for everyone. Bishop Miguel Orlando is a prominent leader in Nicaragua who is for the new government and agrees with all the new found freedom. The economy is still not stable because of the fact that when Somoza fled to Miami he took all the money that was invested in various banks. As for the Sisters of the Sacred Heart they still want to continue aiding the less fortunate Nicaraguans, just as long as they keep receiving funds from the Nicaraguan Government.
Academic success attributed BY MARY LANCE
"I feel extremely happy about our growth, "really delighted at -the academic vital signs." In the opinion of Joseph Romano, acting dean of academic affairs, this has been the keynote at Cabrini over the past ten years. Romano attributes the growth and vitality to the c&llege's sensitivity to the needs of a changing society and its ability to adjust to meet those needs . Romano feels it is important that Cabrini has introduced new career-oriented programs that give the student the chance to specialize. "There has been change, but with a sense of balance and tradition," Romano said. "While everything is becoming more specialized Cabrini has retained the liberal arts foundation to give students a good broad education as well as career preparation." To give greater flexibility the curriculum has been expanded in both the major programs and elective courses, he said. There have been significant changes in the wider society to which Cabrini has responded in a positive way and this response is evident in the development of several departments, Romano
thinks. Illustrating one of the fields in which Cabrini has shown eagerness to change, William Kuhns, assistant professor of education, pointed to the special education program that he regards as "a response to legislation and also to
"There has been change, but with a sense of balance and tradition" career needs.'' According to Kuhns, at the beginning of the 1970's the needs of exceptional children were ignored. However, the Right to Education Act required schools to provide these children with the least restrictive environment and to mainstream them. Cabrini responded with relevant courses that would prepare teachers to cope with these children in the classroom. The college now has a comprehensive state certification program covering almost every field of special education including the gifted as
well as the handicapped. Kuhns feels that the Early Childhood program is a definite response to changes in the family structure with more women working through need and preference . Day care programs for their children are now federally funded and nursery teachers must be certified . Cabrini's Early Childhood courses provide this certification. Another faculty which has shown the ability to grow and specialize is biology with its medical technology courses initiated in 1973.Anna Kruse, assistant professor of biology, said these courses were a "response to the need for medical technologists and the need for career orientation." After three years at Cabrini taking biology courses, the students are then placed in various hospitals for a clinical training year . This gives them the chance to learn on the job, using the specialized equipment normally available only in hospitals. The growth of the English and Communications department was hastened by the same concerns legislative changes and the need for career orientatfon. In 1972 Pennsylvania required certification programs for English
Answer FROM PAGE I: It's Woodcrest Hall, which has been housing women residents since 1970.
to flexibility teachers to be broader, so students were introduced to writing, theater and classes in non-print media . The department broadened its scope and building on an existing interest in communications set up more communications courses. According to Jerome Zurek, associate professor of English and communications, this coincided with social changes which made the new courses relevant to careers in the media and related fields . The department has continued to grow but has retained a solid base in English.
A response to legislation and also career needs" 0
Business Administration has between 50 and 60 declared majors, thus becoming an important department in barely three years. Gerald Satlow, assistant professor of mathematics, said that the department came into being after years of discussion and a felt need.
The impetus finally came from the college becoming coeducational. "The program was modeled on the assumption that students might run their own businesses, " Satlow said . The curriculum was designed to prepare them for all facets of this - not necesasarily by becoming company lawyers or accountants - but by knowing how to make use of specialists. Satlow anticipates more growth with the hiring of additional staff to give greater flexibility in course choice. Cabrini's academic activities have been enlarged and enriched by the growth of the Continuing Education Department. According to Frank Saul, dean of continuing education, the department evolved from the evening and summer program ten years ago. It has become increasingly significant for people wanting to return to college and a career after a break for financial or domestic reasons. While there were only 22 part time students in 1970,there are now 142 continuing education students. Not only have continuing education activities brought a variety of interesting specialists to the campus, it has also been a means whereby Cabrini has reached out to the community.
THE CHAPEL, Bruckmann Memorial Chapel, has been in use since 1961..
Physical changes: Seventies see space shifted BY KATHY CORDILLA
MSGR. GINO BARONI, Assistant Secretary of U.S. Housing and Urban Development, was guest speaker at the 20th anniversary convocation, October 1977.
In addition to the three new buildings that have been erected on campus in the last 10 years, there have been many changes in the re-allocating of space within all the buildings and much moving of offices from one location to another. In 1976Grace Hall, previously a female dormitory, became home for the Little Theater, faculty offices, faculty secretaries, the Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office and the Academic Dean . Then an unexpected problem emerged - the lack of residence facilities for the male students . This was resolved by using Counsel Hall to house them. Woodcrest was -the dormitory for
101women and 34 others moved to the Mansion. As a result there was a new flow of students between the three buildings. A major source of complaints was the lack of space for recreation. This problem was resolved by allotting rooms on the ground floor of Sacred Heart Hall to students' recreational activities. The redistribution of space occurred over the period 1976to 1979. Following the general guidelines offered by the planners, the changes occurred roughly along these lines: - the ground floor of Sacred Heart Hall contains recreational rooms, the cafeteria, commuter facilities, locker rooms, student activities rooms and the bookstore . The dean of students
also has offices here. The psychology laboratory recently moved to the third floor of Sacred Heart Hall. Five rooms in the Mansion which were part of the convent in the early 1970's are now occupied by students, and part of the ground floor has been taken over by the business office personnel. Another room has been added to the library, the Cabriniana room, where records are stored. With Cabrini's rapid growth in the past two years, the future will bring about even more changes in the physical growth of the campus. The nearly completed houses, desperately ¡ needed to relieve overcrowded living conditions, are only the beginning.
4 Rules and regulations:
Meet the demands of time in a letter from your parents sayBY DETSY LYNCH Imagine having to be in· your ing you were allowed . to go out dormitory by· 5:30 p.m . on week- overnight," said Daniels. No stunights and 11:30p.m. on weekends. dents were allowed to go off camSounds inhumane doesn't it? pus on Mondays. "No guys were ever allowed to Well, if you attended Cabrini ten said years ago this is one of the rules go beyond the lobby," Daniels. "It wasn't until my senior you would have had to adhere to, Although Cabrini has under- year that guys could go to a girls gone numerous changes within the room . There was a time set up on last decade nothing has changed Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. that a guy could visit but the girl had to more drastically than its rules and regulations. "My freshman year was horrible, we had to be in by eithec 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. depending on your grade "We have become point average," said Cathy Daniels, a 1972alumnus. much more liberal "If you had a 3.0 you were in our rules and allowed a two hour grace period," she said. regulations. You "Weekend curfew for sophomore year was 12 a.m., have to change junior year 12:30 a.m. and you with the times." were allowed to stay out until 1 a.m. your senior year," said Daniels. "For each of these curfews you were allowed a one hour grace leave her door open and he had to period. If you violated the grace wear a suit jacket," said Daniels. period you got campus. Campus Any student who returned later meant that you had to remain on than 9 p.m. on a Sunday received a the school grounds for an allotted demerit for every , five minutes of time," Daniels said. lateness and only specific permisAccording to a 1970copy of the sion from the dean allowed for student handbook, a weekend cam- returning on a ·Monday morning, pus extended from 4 p.m. Friday to according to the 1970 student 9 p.m. Sunday. A week campus handbook. extended from 9 a.m . Monday until The handbook also states that 9 a.m. the following Monday. A students had to be in their rooms campused student was permitted by 10:30 p.m. and all doors had to to received phone calls and use the be locked by that time. smoker provided she didn't enterStudents could be suspended or tain visitors. expelled if they violated their "We had to sign in and out smoking privileges, left campus at everytime . we wanted to go off times when it is not permitted or campus. If you were leaving for violated any regulation regarding the night you would have to bring drinking.
Academically, students were required to take three credits of religious theology each semester. All examination marks, final averages and quarterly progress reports were sent directly to the parents or guardians of the student. "There was an enforced study from the hours of 7 p.m. te 11 p.m. You could't receive any phone calls nor turn on the radio," said Daniels. In addition to these regulations students in the early ?O's had to adhere to a strictly enforced dress code. Pants were not to be worn off the floor where you lived and shorts were strictly forbidden anywhere. Dresses and skirts had to be worn to classes. A gym uniform was to be worn to all physical education classes. · "During lunch hours both residents and commuters had to remain on campus unless they obtained special permission from the dean," said Daniels. In serving lines the upperclassmen always had precedence - Seniors first, Juniors second, then sophomores and frosh," said Daniels. The handbook states that hair may be worn set in the cafeteria Friday and Saturday dinner . Anyone who appeared at any other meal with hair set received a demerit. "We have become much more liberal in our rules and regulations," said Sister Maria, head resident of the Mansion . "You have to change with the times. The rules of the early ?O's would never fit in with today 's generation ."
enjoy social functions at Cabrini, a strong point of the campus community. Halloween, Mardi Gras, February Frolic and 50's Night bring out the best in costume and fun.
LOQ,UITUR, which means he speaks, first went to print in October of 1959. Pictured is the staff of 1970that began the decade that has come to an end. Below -- the logos the Loquitur has used in the past ten years.
Lo q u i t u r Th,
""LOQUITUR The Loquitur
In the 70's
Co-education hits ·cabrini ·suburbia." BY JIM LAWLOR "Some of the best stories cannot Williams was one of the first be printed in the Loquitor ," grins twelve male residents who lived in Arthur Young, in reference to his Counsel Hall when it was in the years as head resident of Counsel building that is now Rooymans Counseling Center . The first male Hall . The switch to co-education was probably the most significan t dorm was intimate at times, a fiasco at others , according to head change in Cabrini this decade . Male residency is just one of the resident Young . He remembers many joys the switch brought times that the twelve just sat around at night and talked. On the about. Some faculty members have · other -hand he remembers mopping egg off a ceiling at 2:00 in the mornsuggested that they switch to coing after an attack by VFMA education was made to create a cadets . Yet Young is withholding unique quality at Cabrini. The colhis best stories from this publicalege had been one of many small tion . women's colleges in this area. Going co~ created a ,unique small Catholic education experience . Joseph Romano, acting academic "Some of the best dean, who was on the Council of College Affairs at the time , would stories cannot agree with that reason. He adds also that "we had no tradition to be printed in the uphold, being such a young school Loquitur" ' we were very flexible to change ." In February of 1971,the Council of College Affairs discussed the co"I might write a novel under an education issue, according to Romano. They decided that a poll assumed name someday about a would be taken . It was run by Ka- small college in New England thy Daniels and Rene Spellman, somewhere," he chuckles. But just · who were SGA members at the as a sneak preview, the novel will time . A great number favored the contains scenes from Al lannucci 's switch and in spring of 1971 it first drunken experience. As the decade progressed, became official. "I don't think it was as drastic as Cabrini adjusted with the increaspeople made it out to be," Romano ing number of males . Counsel Hall moved into Grace Hall and said . Once the males were on campus, parietal rules were written. Young that was it. According to Romano concedes that the intimacy was there was no trial period, and he lost with the larger number of received no feedback that the males . Changes were made on other males felt like they were in a fish fronts too. Young, as a tea_cher, bowl. The first group of males were said, "It made it a rtjcer place to older, continuing education stu- learn and to teach. " Romano addents, so it wasn't as big for them, ded, "It seemed more natural to have men and women in the it made the transition easier," classroom ." Romano explains. Romano thought the second and .· Helen Goodwin found herself third waves of males had to make a social adjustment. Walt Williams, making some changes in her physithe first male to complete four cal education classes. "When it was all girls they played almost years at Cabrini would agree. "It was a culture shock ," he ex- anything ," she says , "When guys plained, "coming from an all boys came ,I had to be more selective." high school in the city to Cabrini in So out went scooter races and relay
teams . "The guys added spirit," Goodwin remarks . But Williams, however, said that he tried not to be too physical in gym class. The Athletic Department grew immensely this decade because of the co-education switch . According to Jolyon Girard , athletic director, ' 'The whole development of men's athletics on an intercollegiate level is a result of the recruitment of males to come. " In 1974a men 's basketball team was formed, they are yet to have a losing season. soccer was started in 1977and cross country was added this fall . With the increase in males there have been social changes too. "You weren 't allowed to date any girls here ," Williams said, "it was like an unwritten law or something . You felt like everybody's big brother and then a guy from Villanova or somewhere came along and it was so long." Williams also feels that Cabrini has become more cliquish than ever before. "Everybody got along with everybody. It got cliquish as it got bigger. The more guys that came the more it changed." Williams has seen administration change its social attitudes as the number of males increased. According to Williams they 'd be lax, then have a crack down, then be lax again . "When they are lax ," he explains, "there is less bitching and complaining, people seem happier and at ease and get better grades . If there is a crack down, people are going to do what they want to do anyhow, they put so much time into sneaking and planning that they don't put any into their work . They 're on edge, jumpy and they snap at people ." At the end of the decade one can see many changes that occurred due to the switch to co-education in 1971. It has touched on the academic, athletic and social aspects of Cabrini. All indicataions for the future is that the trend will continue .
CHANGING OF THE GUARD: Sister Regina Casey, President at Cabrini from 1969-72, resigned her office to become General of the Cabrini order; she passed on her position to Academic Dean Sister Mary Louise Sullivan in 1972, who appointed Dorothy M. Brown Academic Dean of Cabrini; she remained dean until her acceptance to become Rosemont College's president in 1979.Joseph Romano accepted the job of Acting Dean for Academic Affairs for the college in August of 1979.
RUDY ROOYMAN's COUNSELING CENTER. The Rud_yRooyman's Counseling Center of today is drastically different from the early 70's when it was home for the first male students at Cabrini.
GRACE HALL. With the move to Grace Hall , the men acquired not only a larger new residence but also the installation of the parietal system on campus.
FATHER RUDY ROOYMAN, resident Chaplain at Cabrini until his death in 1976,instilled a sense of spirit that the campus community feels Father Jack Replogle is carrying on in the highest tradition.
KIM SANDERS TEACHES MARIE PIZZUTO how to communicate in a scene from "The Miracle Worker" presented as part of a program called "Portraits of Women" in the fall, 1975.
In the 70's DOROTHY ( Marie Pizzuto) and the Scarecrow ( Michael Pizzu to) say a tearful goodbye in this scene from "The Wizard of Oz" performed in the spring , 1976.
KIM SANDERS AND MARIA GENTILE perform on this realistic set for the play "Picnic" presented in the spring, 1976.
PIZZUTO in a playful shot taken of "The Diary of Adam and Even" presented in the fall, 1974.
Little theatre grows BY MARIE PIZZUTO
" Superb ," " pow er fu l, " " imaginative ," "sparkling" - these are some adjec t ives us ed in reviews to describ e Cab r ini's theater production s since the inception of the program in 1973. Since the first theater-run production was l)eld the program has grown enormously in e ver y respect. "The Happy Journey from Trenton to Camden" and "Not Enough Rope" were the first shows presented at Cabrini. In the spring, 1974, Cabrini's theater company received excellent reviews for the presentation of its first three-act play, "Tea and Sympathy." At this time, students received one-and-ahalf credits for the work they did acting, building and producing the the theater productions. In the spring, 1975,artistic director Daniele Perna decided to experiment by presenting a children's theater production of "The Red Shoes." Since then a mailing list of faithful children's theater fans has grown -to over
nam es. During the sa me season , Cabr ini's theater compan y played to packed houses, rece iving rave reviews for their production of " Liliom." In the fa ll that year, the the ater company presented a new and consequently successfu l show called " Por tr aits of Women" in which Cabrin i students portra yed scenes from plays which typified women characters. Scenes from "The Miracle Worker ," "Lysistrata, " " A Street Car Named Desire ," "Macbeth ," "Saint Joan " and "Medea" were part of the program . 4 ,000
Since then the theater has presented children's theater productions of "The Wizard of Oz," ''Pinocchio,'' ''Cinderella," "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "The First Boy and Girl on Mars," and "The Sleeping Beauty." Adult theater productions include "A Marriage Proposal," "Picnic ," "The House of Bernarda Alba ," and "The Eccentricities of a Nightingale." In 1978 Lea Bisconte, class of '78,
rec eived The Charlot te Cushman Scholarship Award for her portrayal of Dolly Levi in "The Ma tchmaker." That award is given lo an aspiring actor or actr ess for excellence in a theatrica l production, and is intended to aid tha t person in the purs uit of a career in theat er art s. The fall, 1978, sa w the initiation of a new thea ter prog ra m ¡ca lled Children's Workshops in Drama and Dance. The program began with drama and dance classes for children from ages five to 16, and has grown to include classes in diction and art. David Kloss, soloist and a principal member of the Pennsylvania Batlet Company, teaches dance. Madame Florence Ullrich teaches drama and diction and Ed Valz teaches the art classes . Theater courses available for Cabrini students have also increased to include theater laboratory, now a three credit course, as well as theater production design, and acting techniques for children and adult theater productions.
Women grow men start BY MARYANN RIBIOK
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WOMEN'S BASKETBALL, a Cabrini tradition, _has grown throughout the 70's in relation to team
size, and Cabrini's women students now compete against more well known schools, providing the spirit of competition needed in any sport.
of men's basketball in 1976, another intercollegiate sport was added to _ Cabrini 's sports program
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Soccer clinics in 1976helped lay the foundation for the soccer team. Tom Nerney scored his l,OOOth point in a Cavalier 's game against Valley Forge in 1977. He was the first to ever score so high . Tennis matches were set up with local colleges and the First Annual Athletic Banquet honored campus athletes in 1977. In 1979, cross country rose to become a new part of the sports program . "A major change since the early 70's, at least for the women 's volleyball and basketball teams is that bigger , more well-known schools such as Drexel , Ursinus, and Kutztown State are providi ng us with better competition, " Helen Goodwin , assistant professor of physica l education said . " We also have better schedu hs now, with as many as 20 games in , season, a big difference from tht. earl y 70's," Goodwin said . " The greatest thing ab out the ?O's ," Girard said, "is not only that the men 's teams evolved but also that the women's sports pn•gram has grown according! ; . Cabrin i has made a commitm rn t to an intercollegiate sports pt ogram ."
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"When I arrived in 1974,the only intercollegiate sport was women's basketball ," Jolyon P . Girard , director of men 's athletics said . In 1974, the men began an intramural basketball program with Eastern College. Growth and expansion continued to proceedJhroughout the 70's. In December of 1975, the men's varsity basketball team made its debut. The Cavaliers defeated Valley Forge Military Academy , 56-30and marked the addition of a second intercollegiate sport to Cabrini's sports program. In 1975, an interest in women's volleyball led to formation of a junior varsity team. This early J . V. team followed Eastern ' s schedule, playing as their J .V. team under Cabrini's own name . Another intercollegia te spor t emerged in 1976 when both the women's varsity and J.V . volleyball teams debuted . "In five years , Cabrin i has gone from just one to nearly nine intercollegiate sports," Girard said. "An increased interes t on the part of the administration came about, largly due to the influence of Dean Brown in 1974," Girard said.
IN 1975a women 's volleyball
team was formed to serve as the junior varsity team to Eastern College's team . In the past four years the program has grown to include a varsity and a junior varsity team of women students.
SOCCER was added to the Cabrini sports program in 1976,realizing anether goal for the athletic department.
In 1977 TOM NERNEY scored the loooth point of his basketball career at Cabrini against Valley Forge, reaching another high point in Cabrini's sports history.
Outstanding women nominated
Students teach and learn BY MARY GOLDNER
Cabrini has recently been honored to have four of its 1979 graduates selected as Outstanding Young Women of America. The four graduates are Maria Pia Carusi, Cynthia M. DeRitis, Leslie A. Hickman and Dorinda Russell. The Outstanding Young Women of America Award is given annually by the Outstanding Young Women Program which consists of leaders from civic, religious, academic and professional organizations all over the United States. The leaders of this program have selected 51 young women from each state from the thousands of nominations submitted by respected business and ci vie
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DORINDA RUSSELL '79 leaders throughout the country. Those that have been selected are those "whose time, talents, and dedication have enriched the quality of American life." Of these 51 state finalists, 10 women will be selected as the Ten Outstanding Women of America. These ten will receive recognition not only on local and state levels, but on national levels as well. Carusi said that Outstanding Young Women of America is "kind of like Who's Who in caliber. One is judged on their academic ability and service activities. These activities need not be to a particular school but rather to the commuqity." Also Carusi said "the
CINDI DeRITIS '79 nominations are made by the individuals of the institution to which the nominees provide their services."
"I'm excited, but at the same time anxious," said senior Janet Cooper, Elem./Sepc. Education major. "Good grades mean a lot, but you have to apply what you've learned to students and this is a good opportunity to find out." Senior Laura Galvin, Elem./Spec .. Education major added, "I think its good that sophomores are now having the chance to observe regularly." The student teaching experience here at Cabrini is to help students adjust to the classroom situation, while under the direction of a coop. The teachers are assigned to specific schools where they spend one semester, usually the spring, of their senior year. "The placement is necessary for adjustment purposes," said Cooper. "Sometimes the studentteacher and the teacher have a clash of personalities, or conflict of interests," she added. The Special Edcuation department, headed by Ruth Sower, assistant professor of Special Education, has a program with cooperating teachers and schools where students are sent to do their practicum. Principally students have been sent to Elwyn Institute and Don Guanella school in Spring-
field. The Norristown area, Radnor township, Phoenixville and Lower Merion are just a few examples of how far the Education Department reaches. William B. Kuhns, chairmperson, has a versatile and expansive program. "Usually they place you, but if there is a school or area you would like to teach in, they will try to accommodate you," Cooper said. "Next semester, I'll be in the Norristown school district doing my student teaching," she added. Senior Evelyn Kappler, Elem./Early Childhood major, said "Your teachers and professors try to let you know what to expect, and give you insight about all the unexpected things that can happen," she said. "When you're dealing with children everything is a possiblitiy.," Kappler went on to say that your first day is a "real experience," no matter how much you think you're prepared. "The children don't like to have their schedules interrupted, and they let you know when things aren't going right. Absolutely nothing gets by them." Each student teacher is evaluated for his/her performance in the classroom.
Students anticipqte final exams BY AL SALMIERI
With final exams right around the corner, just how differently do students really act? The preconceived idea, of course, is that students suddenly become overly nervous and full of fear and anxiety. Also, during finals week they lock themselves in their rooms and do nothing but study 24 hours a day. This is, in part, true but this belief is also misleading. According to one student, Charles Schneider:, senior, "Finals don't upset me at all." Schneider said, "Students today take things too seriously. You mustn't let things get out of perspective. All you can do is your best." Another student, Karen Kelly,
freshman, said that she worries him. because this is her first semester Are finals over-emphasized? Do and college is very different from students get uptight for nothing? high school. Kelly said, "EveryWhy are final exams so important thing seems to be a lot more cram- to us? These questions have been med together." According to some asked over and over again. Maybe faculty members, the best way is to outside pressure from family study in advance and not cram at members to do well is one reason. the last minute. Another may be that teachers have John Damiani, junior, said that over-emphasized the importance finals themselves don't really of final exams. One broad make him nervous. "I worry possibility is that maybe society as mostly about what the Prof. is a whole has drummed the imporgoing to put in the final to make it tance of finals in all students. as hard as possible," says Da- There is, of course, no one definite miani. According to Damiani, right answer. But one thing is for some teachers seem to mislead sure, Cabrini students have finals their students away from the on their minds. So, fellow students, material that is going to be don't be upset if your best friend covered and that's what worries ignores you or bites your head off. Remember it's "Final Exam Time."
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Annual yule log 路sparks spirit of Christmas BY CONNIE AIELLO
"The Yule Log ceremony is a service that brings in pre-Christian and Christian tradition," Carter Craigie, associate professor of social science, said about Cabrini's annual Yule Log ceremony. The Yule Log ceremony at Cabrini, Craigie said, was organized in 1971 when Fr. Rudy Rooyman, Cabrini's resident chaplain until his death in 1976, had asked Craigie to devise a Yule Log ceremony. Rooyman had asked Craigie because of Craigie's background as a folklorist. Rooyman wanted "to bring old world traditions and join them with the Mass," Craigie said. The origin of the Yule Log is uncertain. It is known, however, that many societies, especially io Northern Europe, celebrated the
Winter Solstice on December 11 and kindled festal lights or fires for the occasion. After the birth of Christ, the Yule Log custom changed to symbolize the kindling of the festal fire of Christ's Nativity. The Cabrini ceremony starts in the Mansion Courtyard. Participants gather around the burning Yule Log and then light candles from its flames. Craigie said that the ceremony is "an all-campus feeling." Participants sing carols and then are asked to join in Mass in the Mansion. This year the Yule Log ceremony was held on Tuesday, December 11directly following the Christmas dinner. Craigie said, "The Yule Log ceremony brings the campus together every year. It is exactly what Fr. Rudy wanted."
MEMBERS OF THE CAMPUS COMMUNITY pause in a moment of reflection during the 1978
Yule Log ceremony.
'Running' runs on empty BY DIANE McSWEENEY
Michael Andropolis runs. That's about all he does and unfortunately that is what is the matter with "Running." The Robert Cooper-Ronald Cohen film was written and directed by Steven H. Stern and stars Michael Douglas and Susan Anspach. Douglas portrays Michael Andropolis, a 34-year-old New Yorker separated from his family while pursuing his dream of running in the Olympics. "I went to med school because my parents wanted me to. I went to law school because Janet wanted me to; now I'm running because I want to." Douglas, in his characterization, never allows us to even glimpse
what drives Andropolis. He is vague at best. Anspach, who is cast as Janet Andropolis, isn't quite convincing as a wife who supported her husband for 14 years before she finally made up her mind to ask for a divorce. Blame must be borne by someone in this film and it didn't appear to be fair to saddle it entirely on the performers. Douglas, in particular, is a fine actor and capable of much better work than this. That there wasn't much to work with is, therefore, the writer's responsibility. Stern attempted to illustrate in his screenplay that doing something simply for the satisfaction of achievement and not for monetary gain isn't understood in a society that counts only material acquisitions worthwhile.
It's a commendable idea, but hardly original. One also had the distinct impression that Stern capitalized on a unique opportunity by incorporating a craze that has swept the country with a pseudo"Rock,y" esque plot. From the lonely, early morning running vigils right up to Andropolis' visit to the arena in which he is to run, the marathon on the morning before the race, the viewer has the curious feeling that he has seen this before. After "Rocky," viewing a film involving a sports figure's attempt to prove himself is going to seem like deja vu unless there is a strong plot and stirring characters capable of pulling it off. "Running" doesn't.
Choral theme: Christmas is music BY KATHY BRUST apparently agree with their direcChristmas is arriving early at tor's sentiments. The group has Cabrini College this year. The been rehearsing during the eveCabrini College Choral Ensemble ning as well as during the normal ushered in the Christmas season class time. on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 3 p.m. with Bethany said that in view of the their annual Christmas. concert. 路 limited time for rehearsal she was The concert was held in the still confident of a fine recital. Mansion lobby. Bethany also said that she was The Choral En~mble is under pleased with the enthusiasm and the direction of the Fine Arts De- support of the students. part men t chairperson, Mrs. Cathy Elliot, '81, an alto, feels Adeline Bethany. The group is that the concert was a good one. composed of men and women from Elliot said, "We're singmg more all class levels of the college. songs this year. I just hope that we A wide variety of songs were can pull them all off and do a desung at the concert this year. Some cent job." of these songs were Pietro Yon's Maria Caccese, '83, a first "Gesu Bambino, "Natalie Sleeth's soprano, also thinks it was a "Glad Tidings," and Jerry good concert because more songs Roberts' "If Christmas Isn't were performed than she was used to in high school. Love." Clara LaPorta was the acBethany hopes that more stucompanist for the concert. Elaine dents will join the Choral EnsemBarsness was the flutist for the ble for the spring semester. Christmas Concert. Bethany said, "I wish more stuMrs. Bethany said that music dents would come out for the joy of adds more meaning to Christmas singing." for her. Bethany said, "I love Admission to the concert was Christmas. Christmas is music." free and refreshments were The members of the Ensemble served.
Arts Calendar
SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL was the enthusiastic response to Cabrini's Christmas dance held on Dec. 7, in the Cafeteria, where over 250 people attended.
Personals Dear D.L., We have to stop meeting in the pub and leaves like this. CAJHMT Dear Gina, Muz, and Steve, Remember the 'bunk beds of Bryn Mawr' and the air freshener. Me. Dear Pat, Steve, Crystal, Pa~ty, Thanks for the bunk beds. Rm. 24, Mansion
Dear F.R., Here's to next semester. Save any dogs lately? Love, Me Dear Vermont, I'm glad we both got our birthday present. Love,Jude Dear Ex-Cushing Residents, Hope your Christmas presents don't get 'lost in transit.' Good luck in the houses. The Campus
The Walnut Street Theatre Galleries The Holiday Discovery Show now thru Jan. 5 The Hedgerow Theatre Equus Dec. 26,27 Same Time Next Year Dec. 28 thru Jan.2 ,
Dear J.Z., We hope Santa brings you a new salad jar. L.S. To Loquitur Staff, Thanks for sticking with us through the first six issues. Have a Mefry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thti Editors To !Rose and Merb, Pa~ty tonight at midnight in Detsy and Kitsy's room. Be there or else. . Kits and Buddy
Music at Hedgerow Jan.l Civic Center Pete Seeger Dec. 14 Spectrum Outlaws and Molley Hatchet Dec. 16 Tower Theater Hall and Oates Dec. 31 To Margarita, . Thanks to you, now all my nights are Aviance nights. You Know Who Dear Stouffer's 路 We hope Santa brings you a new grill and takes away your supply of hamburger. S.B. Dear K.D., I'd wok a mile for your shrimp fried rice. MARCA
Eagles come of age BY JOE KRAVITZ
Can this be the '79 version of the '69 miracle Mets in sports history? 'It is a pastime in which over the years we have seen teams seemingly come out of nowhere to glitter in the starlight and yet just as quickly fade back into the darkness of the unknown. Eagles administration assistant of Public Relations, Jim Gallagher, says NO!! Eagles director of player personnel, Carl Peterson says, NO!! The Eagles 3-F membership club (Former Fans of Frustration) says, NO!! But in the opinion of these or any other, people cannot be conceived as the bottom line. Only the results of performance will become the bottom line as to whether the Philadelphia Ealges are the superb football club that fans here have been so hungry to see; or are they in fact, just a good team in which the fans have been so blinded by a few flashes of excellence that they can't distinguish the two apart. At press time of this story the Birds are leading the N.F.C. Eastern Division with a 9-4 record. They have strongly flown past both the Pittsburgh Steelers and Dallas Cowboys this season. Most likely to be considered as the top two teams in the National Football League. Credit is due to this team on its ability under Head Coach
Dick Vermeil to unfold into a respectable football club on every Sunday afternoon. It is an experience the Eagles haven't enjoyed since their 1960 National Football League Championship team.
future. This set the Eagle scouts into a state of confusion to what value a player must have to be drafted by the Eagles. Reme·mber Happy Feller? How about John Reaves or Mike Boryla? Better yet Mitch Sutton!
Yet what makes Vermeil the "Little Dictator" that he is warmly greeted by, is the style in which he has established the transition of Eagle football. Teams can build quickly through the draft ... New England, Dallas and Los Angeles have shown this by utilizing the benefits of 29 total first round picks to Philadelphia's one over the past five years. Needless to say, the Philadelphia Eagles have learned a hard taught lesson. Not having a first round pick since 1973, the Eagles have not produced any All-Pros since Jerry Seizmore and Charles Young. The Eagles have been playing with the low draft pick, where only a guy with the common sense to leave sunny California for the cold and snow of Philadelphia could sort out the talent under the bottom of the pile. This manhunting was all due to the mind engineering of Mike McCormack, who computerized Roman Gabriel's value to the Eagles as being worth more than the draft was to the Eagles's
As quickly as these names passed in and out of camp, Vermeil went to work and put together a group of raw and hungry players who were not only willing but were demanded to give 100% at all times. Names such as Herman Edwards, John Sciarra, Charley Johnson, Carl Hairston, and Wally Henry were just a few with the type of attitude it takes to play under Vermeil. This is an attitude that rubbed off on veteran Bill Bergey along with Ron Jaworski. The emergence of Wilbert Montgomery along with the steady play of Harold Carmichael helped Vermeil blend the team together with this year's draft of some top quaiity players of the higher rounds. This draft more importantly laid the foundation for the Eagles to build a solid team again. Out of the draft came players who have seemingly not fallen into the eras of the Boryla's and Sutton's. These are players such as Jerry Robinson, Tony Franklin and Bernard Wilson among a · '79 football club with high expectations.
Trainer enioys work BY KITSY HUMES
Who's got the scissors? Hey, anybody seen the tape? Get me an icepack! Oh no, I have a cut on my finger, quick get me a bandaid before I bleed to death! These are just a few of the familiar cries heard in the sports world of Cabrini College. Yes, the athletes can relate, I'm sure, to the countless number of times these cries are heard over and over again but who caters to these cries? I'll give you three guesses. No, not the coaches, nor the managers or even the athletes themselves. Give up? Karl Lindenbaum. Lindenbaum is trainer for all the sports held here at Cabrini. Lindenbaum has been trainer
since the beginning of the semester but has had previous background in the medical field before. His background inclues seven years as volunteer for the Rawnhurst-Bustleton ambulance company, five years in RollingHill hospital in Elkins Park in the physical therapy department, and five years as an emergency medical technician at Albert Einstein Medical Center, Northern Division. He also points out that he is more involved in first aid but has not quite become a paramedic yet. Lindenbaum was offered the job when someone informed Dr. Jolyon P. Girard, the men's athletic director, of Lindenbaum's
Managers are important BY MAUREEN CARROLL
Being a team manager might be hard work, but it is also a fun and rewarding experience. Tammy Proud, a soccer manager, has always been interested in the sport. Managing soccer teams since ninth grade, Tammy believes that !'Soccer is the best sport in the world." Besides watching the game, she also brought the equipment in and out, kept the books, and made the lines on the field. Another freshman soccer manager, Lisa Kostaneski, decided to be a manager because she felt that it was a good thing to g~t involved with. She enjoyed the job very much, meeting many nice people with whom she later became friends. Lisa commented that "the managers were treated very well, not like slaves, and she always felt needed. "Being a soccer manager made me realize how important it is for any group to work as a team, putting aside personal differences." Ellen Corsentino managed the cross country team and is now managing men's basketball. She was asked to manage cross coun-
try. Her duties included taking times at practice, calling newspapers for publicity, and placing runners on the course at home meets. Corsentino has managed basketball since high school, because she enjoys the sport. It gives her a feeling of being involved, as well as having somethi11gto do. Commenting on being a manager, she said, "It makes me feel like I'm involved, and meeting nice people while doing it." · Mary Jane Wallace, a junior, is also a manager for the men's basketball team. She enjoys taking an active role in sports, not just sitting on the sidelines cheering. Wallace, whose duties include taking stats, feels that the best part is going to games. "They're a good team and I like being part of it." Sophomore Vicki Puccio is managing the girl's basketball team. She enjoys working with the team, and especially traveling with them. This season, Vicki will be keeping the books. She summed up her feelings by saying, "It's fun."
experience as a trainer. Over the summer he went to the University of Maryland and entered a three to four day course that involved athletic training, taping, preventive therapy, postinjury therapy and how to deal with athletic injuries. Lindenbaum is presently a biology/Pre-med major but is thinking of changing his major to physical therapy in order to become a professional athletic trainer some day. After a few years of training, he hopes to enter med school. Lindenbaum has no regrets being a trainer and adds, "I hope to continue as a trainer here and I also hope that the athletes appreciate the work I'm doing for them."
Team loses two
THE CAVALIERS rallied to beat Pinebrook, 93-59. (Photo by Diana Mc Sweeney)
Cav's suffer first loss · BY DENISE TERIFAY
After a successful win over Beaver, the Men's Basketball Team -continued it's winning streak over Pinebrook and Philadelphia Community College, losing only one game to Allentown. On Tuesday, Nov. 27, the Cavaliers played Pinebrook. Sloppy plays, turnovers, and other mistakes dominated the game, but the Cavaliers still won with a score of 93 to 59. Louis Gaudio came off with 17 points and 17 rebounds, while Jay Slick had 16 points. John Keating and Mike Ferguson had 12 apiece. Two days later the Cavaliers played Philadelphia Community College, and again the mistakes and offensive turnovers continued. However, the Cavaliers pulled off another victory by a score of 81 to 62, extending their record to 3-0. This time Ferguson was high scorer with 15 points, second was Slick, Gaudio, and Keating with 13 points apiece.
The first three games we dominated in rebounds." Girard also added, "The problem is offense. We have three of the starting five that have never played together before. They are still uncomfortable playing with each other. It takes months to jell." With three victories under their belts the Cavaliers faced Allentown, one of the new and tough teams on Saturday, Dec. 1. When you play weaker teams, you adapt your style to theirs and on Saturday we were still in their style," Girard said . Losing by 25 points by halftime, the Cavaliers brought the score closer, being behind by 12 points. Allentown then took control of the game again and the Cavaliers lost by 30 points with a score of 96 to 67. Slick was high scorer for the Cavaliers with 14 points while Gaudio had 11 points. As Girard put it, "You can't have a negative story on a young team with a record of 3 and 1."
Cabrini women's basketball team opened its season with a loss against Montgomery Community College. This game gave the women's team a chance to warm up before the next game which was against Spring Garden. The high scorers for Spring Garden ' were Marianne O'Connor with 20points, and Margaret O'Connor with 18 points. Freshman Terri Lindenbach played a good one to one defense with one of Spring Garden's top players. Even though the women's -team was behind by approximately 20 points during the first half, they were determined to come back fighting. Their fighting only helped so much with the score ending with 75-62. As coach Helen Goodwin said, "Our record is 0-2, but we're going to have a winning season." Maurene Burns, captain for the second year in a row of the women's team, said, "I'm really looking forward to a really good season. Our first few games were tough, but I feel we played an excellent game against Spring Garden."
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