Dec. 12, 1980 issue 06 Loquitur

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Friday,December 12,1980

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

Vol. XXVII,No. 6

• Groundbreaking expands Cabrini BY ROSEMARY LYNCH

With the completion of the groundbreaking ceremonies, construction is now underway for the George D. Widener Campus Center. On November 25, 1980, the ceremonies began with college president, Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, extending her greetings to everyone present. Sr. Mary Louise explained the significance the building has to the college's growth and development. She then introduced Dr. Kay Gavigan, chairperson of the history department. Dr. Gavigan provided greetings from the faculty and extended their appreciation to all the trustees. Several faculty members are involved in the planning of the building. A communications studio is planned for the upper level of the center. The studio will include space for the yearbook, college .newspaper, a T.V. studio, and eventually a radio station. Other plans include a tiered lecture hall, quiet areas, and a game room . A large social area is planned on the ground level for assorted campus functions. Mary Goldner, vice-president of the student body, spoke on behalf of the students at the ceremonies. Goldner commented, "The goals and ideals of Cabrini students have in the past exceeded our physical boundaries. With the growth of Cabrini we will have better oppor-

tunities and a better ability to shape our futures." Sr. Mary Louise proceeded to int rod uce several Widener and Cabrini trustees; she then introduced Mrs. Edith Robb Dixon, chairperson of the board of trustees. The TI million dollar gift for the college center has· been made possible through the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr. Mrs. Dixon and her husband have personally funded the college before, both through private donations and the George D. Widener Trust. Mrs. Di-xon gave a brief background of the project and discussed its future. She stated, "There was a long time need for such services with the success in growing enrollment." Mr. Dixon spoke about George Widener's dedication to Cabrini. He also assured that the structure will be constructed by able people and will have the best possible facilities despite any rise in costs . A luncheon was followed in the mansion for present trustees, faculty and student leaders. Final zoning approval was granted on the eve of groundbreaking and construction is scheduled to be completed sometime during the fall of 1981.The Near Contracting Company of Limerick, Pa . will undertake construction for the building with Joseph J . Hennessey serving as principal architect for the project. A model of the center is on display in the mansion lobby.

THE GEORGE D. WIDENER CAMPUS CENTER (above) has long been a dream at Cabrini. When Kay Gavigan, Detsy Lynch, Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon turned the first shovels of earth at the groundbreaking ceremony on November 25, the dream took its first steps towards reality. (Top photo by Maryann T. Ribick , photo at right by Kitsy Humes)

Election goes to run off, sign-up system under fire.


BY JIM LAWLOR When student elections closed on Tuesday, the following was revealed: There was no president or vice president of Student Government; there was no SGA recording secretary; there was no junior class vice president; there were no freshman or sophomore officers whatsoever; and, of seven people elected to offices, five ran uncontested. The election system came under some criticism. According to the SG A constitution, a candidate for an office must receive 51% of the vote to win. In the cases of the unfilled SGA seats and the junior class vice president, this occurred. The constitution says that in this case there is to be a run off election between the top two vote getters in the undecided office. Whoever gets the most votes in the run off is the winner, percentages not withstanding. In the SGA president /vice president race, the vote broke down as follows: Theresa Collins/Fran Carusi, 50%; Dave Murphy/Judy Hammet, 23%; and Pat Dailey/Jeff Brun, 17%. There were 10% abstentions. The first two teams, then, are in

the run off which is being held this week. Faced with five more campaign days, Collins said, "Oh God! It puts me more on edge. I think we have a good chance, maybe a better one, now that there are only two candidates. It will be a fight to the finish for Patty's votes ." Murphy said that the thought of five more campaign days is "pure hell," but he is confident. "In a run off a lot of people change their minds," he said, "and the abstentions make up their minds. It's a whole new election," he added, "and Pat Dailey is encouraging her supporters to back us up ." Neither Collins nor Murphy expected the results that came in. Both thought there would be a run off, but neither expected the wide margin. That wide margin brought the 51% rule under some questioning. Mary Goldner, SGA vice president, and ex-officio election committee member, said, "I think the election shows a flaw in the system. When one candidate gets 50% and the next one gets 23%, it is evident that the students made a clear choice." She added that, "We should keep this system,

though, because there will be ing secretary, Cathy Masino and cases when the outcome is not Joyce Patitucci face one another. clear at all. Then a run off will be a Kevin Kelly and Jo Schwoyer necessity." are the run off candidates for Detsy Lynch, SGA president and junior class vice president. also on the election committee, The five offices won uncontested saw no problem with the 51% rule. are as follows: Theresa Calibrese, She said, "This system makes it corresponding secretary of SGA; competitive, it adds to the atDane Linn, SGA social activities mosphere of the election. Candichairperson; Maria Cedrone and dates should have to fight for those Peg Heffernan, social activities extra votes." assistants; and Lourdes Latorre, The candidates' opinion on the junior class secretary. rule reflected its effect ·on them in Two candidates won office by the election. Both are gearing for a defeating an opponent. Janet close run off. Alfonsi defeated Tom Kenny to Collins said, "I hope I get the become SG A treasurer , and Kathy support I've had all along. 1 hope Cordilla won the junior class presidency over Pat McCanney. people take time out to vote again, and in some cases for the first The biggest void in the election, time." however, and the cause of most Murphy is stepping up his criticism, came in the freshman campaign for publicity . In the first and sophomore class races. The campaign he avoided publicity by entire election for both these classes was invalidated, according choice. He said he doesn't want votes based on posters and gim- to Detsy Lynch, because of confumicks. He said that now, he and sion in and abuse of, the self nomination system. Lynch said Hammet "are going for more publicity, but not in an outlandish that some names were written on way. We're going to let people . the posters facetiously, and names of serious self nominees were know who we are, and that we're scratched out. The result of this serious about the election." In the run off election for recordwas innacurate ballots for the two

classes. Lynch said, "The main problem of the election was sign ups. There should be another method. It should be one of the first issues addressed by the next administration." Murphy and Hammet said that the situation illustrated a "definite flaw" in the election system . Murphy also feels that there was a human factor involved . "That should never have happened," he said, "the people on the election committee have enough experience to prevent something like that." He made some suggestions as to alternate sign-up systems, and .said that it is an issue that would be addressed in his administration if he is elected. Collins said, "If we win in the run off, I'd like to make some changes in the election system. We've had the advantage of seeing its faults first hand." The winners of the run off election will be announced on Tuesday. The winners of the freshman and sophomore re-elections will be announced then, too ... unless no candidate for a certain office gets 51% of the vote.






New Brochure

Dear Editor, The men's basketball team would like to publically thank the English Communications Department for their fine work in producing our basketball brochure. It was a pleasure, a delight, a joy, a delectation, an enjoyment, and a Under the direction of Dr. Jerome fruition to attend the ground breaking ceremony for the George D. Zurek, communications majors Widener Campus Center. I attended after receiving a personal invitation Connie Aiello and Mark Robinson from the presid1mt of the college in my mailbox. After the ceremony, worked diligently to write, edit, which was attended by some very prestigious campus and community and design a brochure that will - leaders, I was honored to shake hands with Father John McDowell, the greatly aid our recruiting pro- campus chaplain . . gram, as well as give our basketSerendipity, pure serendipity, that is the only way I can descnbe my ball program publicity in the com- trip to the Wayne theater to see "Caddyshack." When I pulled mto the munity, which has been lacking. parking lot, I went to pay the meter. A total stranger said, "Hey, pal, Maryann Ribick is also to be keep the dime, meter parking stops at seven." Serend_ipity, pure se~enthanked for her contribution as dipity ! When I entered the movie, I humbly took a seat m the_sec_ondlier. photographer. Thanks again for a Out of nowhere a theatre official told me that I was m the proJectmg room job well done. and he would be pleased if I took a closer seat. The seat I got was so John Dzik prestigious that I was just two rows behind Jerry Sallow! Serend1p1ty, Head Basketball Coach pure serendipity. . I recently had the pleasure of attending a student gove~ni:nent association meeting in the Mansion dining room. Many prestig10us students there talked about all kinds of important things. At the end of it all , I had the honor and pleasure of personally shaking hands with SGA president Detsy Lynch, and vice-president Mary Goldner. . I would like to remind everybody that I understand the graduat10n committee is having trouble finding a speaker for commencement. If Dear Editor, anyone has any suggestions, I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear ther:1. There is an error in the 1980 Incidently, I might mention that I did receive an above average grade m Woodcrest on page 62 regarding my speech class in my senior year at Bonner High. the membership requirements for I'd like to remind everybody that there could be somebody on campus the Cabrini Honor Society. The op- who recently had a birth or death in their family . In that case we should tion for students with a 3.2 cumula- be either happy or sad for them, and I'd like to send sympathy and contive average to submit an original gratulations to whom it may concern. paper in order to become members In the upcoming months I should be a very busy person. I could very is no longer in effect. I presume easily be asked to pursue my education elsewhere within the next day or the editors of Woodcrest used an two. Should that happen I want you all to know that it has been an honor old college catalogue as their and a pleasure to work for you. May God bless _andprotec_tyou and your source. families and bring you the happiest of everything on Chnstmas. The most recent membership qualifications for the Cabrini Honor Society, as updated by the Council of College Affairs on October 27, 1980, are as follows: 1. students who have completed 45 credit hours at Cabrini and have been on the Dean's List for three Reporter Bernadette Lynch asked consecutive semesters. "What do you think of the proposed campus center?" 2. students who have been fulltime for three semesters at Mrs. Estelle Oristaglio, Director of Admissions Cabrini, have completed 45 credit "I think it's great. It's something we've hours at the college , and have a needed for a very long time. We've had other cumulative average of 3.7. needs that had to be addressed over the years The membership requirements and I think it's time that the campus center was for the history honor society, Phi given priority because it will benefit all stuAlpha Theta, also listed in dents." Woodcrest on page 62, are also inaccurate . Requirements for membership in Phi Alpha Theta are that a student has C()mpleted 12 credit hours in history with a Maurene Gabe, senior grade B or higher in two-thirds of "I think it's a good idea. It will add to the prohis/her remaining courses and be . fessionality of the college. It will be an asset to in the top 35% of his/her class . our majors due to the new equipment that will Thank you for allowing me the opbe bought. portunity to call this to the attention of your readers . Sincerely yours, Marc Sansone, senior Kathleen Gavigan, Ph.D. "It will be really nice but it seems to me that Moderator, Cabrini College they're building it in the wrong place. It will Honor Society and Phi Alpha provide a place for commuters to go during Theta their leisure time."



X-Mas cheer, finals fear? Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get home since Thanksgiving , but I have been really busy . I know that home is only ten minutes from Cabrini, but I've been really busy. I thought that I had better write home when that private detective you hired came looking. for me. I hadn't realized that it had been so long since I had written. I hope that you were not too worried, but I really have been busy. I'm sorry that it took the detective so long to find me. I have this paper due for Mr. Hedtke on Millard Fillmore and I really had to hunt through some old books to do my research . It took the detective and Mrs. Gough two days to find me but they finally did H. I had trapped myself behind a stack of history books and couldn 't get out. Mrs. Gough suggested that I change my topic to George Washington. I wonder if I can narrow information from forty-three books down to ten pages? I stayed up all night last night working on a chemistry problem for Dr. Feighan , I really had a lot of trouble with it too. I don't see how I could possibly have a new rocket fuel developed by the end of the semester . I don't remember seeing that on a syllabus either. For that matter I don't remember seeing a syllabus. I'm having trouble in my business class, Dad . I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I know that it is the end of the semester and all but it really looks hopeless. Mr. Christ says that I'm just going to have to study a little harder for the final. The way I see it I should have started studying for the final last September. Do you think that you can change your major in the middle of your senior year? I hope that you understand that I have been really busy. Someone mentioned that Christmas is coming soon. ls that true? Has it always been this close to the end of the semester? Did they change it this year'? I have been so busy the past few weeks. I had to analyze all of E.E. Cummings' poems for Dr. Zurek but I had to do it over because he said that I needed more information than would fit on a three by five card. I wonder how he would feel about a five by seven? I have to change my topic for my religion paper again. Dr . Reher says that the history of Religion is just too broad . I guess she has a point, but I thought that I would be able to find a lot of information on that topic. I'm really sorry that I haven't answered your letters, Mom. As you can see I have been really busy. I promise that I will be home for Christmas. If I live through final exams, that is. You know, come to think of it, Christmas must be on its way. I heard the Choral Ensemble singing Christmas carols and Advent Angels have been leaving presents all over campus. Everyone is decorating their rooms with garland and tinsel. I guess that feeling of excitement is for Christmas and not for final exams. I was so caught up in my work that I forgot about Christmas and what it means . I almost missed that feeling of warmth and friendship that always accompanies Christmas. I almost feel like Ebenezer &rooge when he woke up and realized that it was still Christmas. I'm glad that I didn't miss Christmas at Cabrini. I hope I didn't miss Yulelog . Well, I really have to go now. I really am busy . I have to decorate my room for Christmas. See you soon. Merry Christmas' Love, Your daughter

Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsy/uania 19087 Telephone 215-68-•2100 ext 4- Subscription price ,s included in benefits secured by tuition and student fee Subscr1p11onby mail is $4 per year Second class postage 1spaid or Wayne. Pennsylvan,o J908-

Edi tor-in-Chief: Jim Lawlor News Editor: Denise J. Terifay Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Regina O'Leary Arts/Leisure Editor:. Kathleen Brust Sports Editor: Diana McSweeney Photography Editor: Maryann Rib!ck Staff: Connie Aiello, Karen Angeli, Maureen Carroll, Pam Clark Maria Cedrone, Mary Collins, Kathy Daly, Jamie Daugherty, Marianne DeMaria, Tamra DiMarino, Mary C. Goldner, Judy Hammett, Debbie Jablonski, Theresa Karminski, Joe Kravitz, Kitsy Humes, Florence Lania, Detsy Lynch, Rosemary Lynch, Kathy McCartney, Thomas Miller, Debbie O'Connor; Olivia Pettengill, Jeanne Pilcicki, Joyce Patltucci, Lisa Potter, Jeanne Proko, Stacey Schroepfer, Alice Solinsky, Meg Slook, Al Salmleri, Monica Woods, Mike Spinelli.

Adviser: Jerome Zurek

Update on the


What do you think?

Thanksgiven to Enserrble I would like to express a very special thank you to the twentyfiive mem~ers of the Cabrini Choral Ensemble who cooperated so wholeheartedly in our endeavor to learn music in the short time period of one week, so that we could perform it on Channel Three's "Sunday Magazine." Your willingness to give up free time for extra rehearsals resulted in our performance being one of which we can be very proud. With the great spirit you demonstrate, I forsee many exciting opportunities for us. Sincerely, Adeline Bethany

Terri McGovern, senior

"I think it's great-I like it. It will be good for drawing attention to the college."

Mary Kay Margavich, freshman "I think it's a great idea because I'm an English /Communications major and it's going to have a lot of studio equipment and features that will enable me to get hands on experience in my field."

Olivia Petengill, senior

"We definitely do need it-it's an excellent idea because of the facilities we have here are not adequate for our current enrollment. However, I hope that such a modern facility does not take away from the beauty of the campus."



SGA's 'New Awakening' coming to an end

BY MAUREEN CARROLL The term of the 1980 Student Government Association is coming to a close. Just as Franklin Roosevelt had the New Deal and Johnson had The Great Society, Detsy Lynch labeled her administration the New Awakening. "We had three major accomplishments," Lynch said. "For one thing, we established a good relationship with the Dean of Students." Sister Sharon Morano, MSC, Dean of Students, met with the president and vice-president, Mary Goldner, regularly to keep abreast of current issues and problems . "We tiad a couple of problems, but we were able to

work through them," Morano said. "I enjoyed working with this administration." The second achievement, according to Lynch, was the revision of the judiciary board policy. By doing this, communications were open with students and residency problems were straightened out. However, a heated controversy arose this semester with the dorm councils. But according to Lynch, this was due to a misunderstanding when SGA was misinformed about the function of the dorm councils. Lynch claims , "It was _a lack of communication. The same thing happened last semester with Special Olympics. The committee

thought they were promised money which this administration was never informed of." The third and major accomplishment of the present SGA administration was the improvement of social activities. Kathy Cordilla, social activities chairperson, said, "We did a broad range of things. Tliere's a lot that can be done besides parties." Cordilla and her assistants Jo Schwoyer and Judy Hammet talked about activities and decided upon them. According to Cordilla, the job was unending, always trying to keep on top of things and getting a feel of what people wanted. Hammet said, "It's gratifying when the whole school thinks something is good."

Transfer students' impressio _ ns



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........,,,......-.~<.:Cabrini recently held an open house for transfer students so that those who are thinking of transferring to Cabrini could see what the college is like. All of the students interviewed were very impressed with Cabrini. "The people seem really nice and sweet to put themselves out to show us around," Mary Elise Zwahlen, a junior a Delaware County Community College said. "It's a nice setting and it has a nice atmosphere. I was very much impressed with the resident houses ," Robbie Lou O'Brien of Delco said. The transfer students all seem to like Cabrini much better than the college they are now attending. They were all very impressed by the friendliness of the people, the resident houses, the different departments, and the campus. "I like Cabrini a lot better • because of the small campus," Barb Kelly, an elementary education major at Shippensburg State College said. For the most part, students found the food about the same as it is at their colleges. Papa Tzikas, Philadelphia Community College , said that Cabrini's food is a lot better than at the community college. Most of the students came from community colleges . They don't have a close community, so they KAPPA SIGMA OMEGA members Terry Ganley, Jo Schwoyer and were very impressed by the close- Mary Whalen register future Cabrini students at a recent Financial Aid Workshop . (Photo by Maryann Ribick) ness of the campus at Cabrini. .·.•••-·.-.•1/,:,C,.t


Philosophy Symposium:

Is war ever iustified? BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI

When the philosophy club sponsored a symposium on the "morality of war," many questions were raised on how moral questions address war. Several of the questions raised were: is it moral to attack Iran for holding 50 American citizens hostage? for a country 's territorial gain? for defense of and self-interest of a nation? Panelists were Dr. Jolyon Girard, history department; Prof. James Hedtke, social science department; Dr. Margaret Reher, religion department; and Mr. Harvey Lape, philosophy department. Moderator of the discussion was Dr. Sharon Scharwzw. The point widely questioned was ''What could one call a 'j ust war'?" .,,4a~.1.-.• .,,.._,44,-,._•*•'

''There is no such thing as a 'just war'," said Reher, "if one takes the context of the words, 'just' means 'right' and you can not have a 'right war' ." Along with the idea of a 'just war', the question of having the existence of murder within our own society was mentioned. "We can accept a war as being 'just' but we cannot accept murder within our own society," Hedtke said. Several panelists agreed that war was based on a nation's selfinterest. Dr. Girard stated that from an historical viewpoint selfinterest was the best reason for war. Also, he added that the American REvolution, for example, was a war supported by self-interest, having little morality.

Mr . Lape expressed the opinion that no war could serve the selfinterest of a nation or the whim of politicians. • Following the panel discussion on morality and what one considers a 'just war,' the discussion was opened to all those attending. One question raised was "suppose oil supply from the Mid-East was cut off to the United States, would we have reason for starting a 'just war'?" "Surely, it would be a matter of self-interest. However, we should look for other alternatives instead of war," Hedtke said. The atmosphere of the discussion was rather informal with several panelists joking with the audience. The philosophy symposium was held on Dec. 3 in the Lihrarv room. v,r, 1 ~'J c;onference Cl-::,J '\

Cordilla commented about this administration, "We never gave up. It's the first time that SGA was taken out of debt. The school is starting to participate. The Block Party last semester brought all the classes together." However, according to some commuter students, this "New Awakening" administration needed to be jostled a little more. They believed that absolutely nothing had been done for them, feeling left out of knowing what was going on in SGA because they were not informed and because they couldn't attend the meetings which are held at night. One student said, "Although they are not completely to blame,

because commuters must make themselves known, SGA represents a whole. It is their responsibility to make sure every part of the whole is informed." But everyone, including students, faculty, and SGA members feel that improvements were made, objectives were met. The apathy characterizing the previous administration was revitalized through the Lynch /Goldner administration. For although this term may have just begun to open the eyes of the Cabrini community to the active role everyone must play in order for the group to function as a unified body, it was a dawning, a New Awakening. •


Registrar satisfied BY MARY C. GOLDNER

The increasing enrollment Cabrini has been experiencing in recent years has caused many to look at the procedures, programs, and facilities that are on campus. One procedure which has gained much attention this semester has been the registration process used for classes . Q_uestion of improvements have been raised by many in all facets of the campus community . With student population expanding, the registrars have taken on a considerable work load. Sister Cathering DeFranco , MSC, registrar, said she realizes that with the student increases registration will have to change , but feels that at least for the next _couple of years the process now in effect will be sufficient. The main lobby on the first floor of Sacred Heart Hall has been utilized for registration for the past three years. At this time and in the future this area will continue to serve as the focal registration spot. Many feel that the space cannot accommodate the students , but both registrars believe that if done in an orderly fashion, registration should be no problem. This semester registration was started 10-15 minutes earlier than usual to give the students more freedom and a better chance to register at their desired time. This was initiated to compensate for over crowdedness and congestion. "The freshmen were very orderly and cooperative. They lined up as they had when they first registered this fall. The orientation team leaders, I feel, gave the freshmen direction to act in such an organized fashion," said Sister Catherine.

Many of the problems that stem from registration revolve around the fact that it is all done manually, by only two people . Some students were asked to help this year, but all failed to show up. Sister Catherine explained that the help that is needed most is in the classrooms where the students fill in their cards. If they are advised to the correct procedure , they should have no problems in the final line. It was also remarked that announcements can be heard and understood better in the lobby rather than the gym. Both agree the gym at this time is too large. This was in response to suggestions that registration be moved to the gym. Sister Catherine and Mrs. Mirra realize as individual class sizes reach or exceed 200, changes will have to be made. Students before registering must go to their advisors and have their schedules looked over. Some of the problems experienced by the students stem not from registration , but lack of communication with their advisors . Sister Catherine explained that if students lined up in an orderly manner the process would move along more quickly . Terri McGovern, Chairperson of the council of college affairs, requested Sister Catherine·s presence at a meeting to discuss the problems many feel surround the registration procedure. At that time Sister declined on the premise that there are no serious problems and that any drastic changes that had to be made could wait. McGovern said the council was disappointed, but added that Sister was adament in her conclusion .

MARGARET REHER promises Sharon Schwarze that her presentation on the morality of war would be brief. Hedtke, Girard and Lape react disbs!lieC .(Photo by. Karen. Callaro l _ ..••••••.••...•




When Jim Lawlor first told me that he wanted me to interview Kurt Pollard , I must confess to feeling somewhat apprehensive . I had heard through the Cabrini grapevine that Kurt's promising career as a hockey player had been dashed during a play-off game , and I assumed that it was up to me to do a little prying and find out exactly what had happened. Not a very comfortable position to be in, I can assure you. However, after talking to Kurt Pollard for only a short while , I realized that there was a lot more to be learned from him than just the details of his accident.

Pollard's parents raised very few objections about their son's career plans . "My father was very happy. My mother's only complaint was 'you'll always be away. '

Despite his somewhat imposing frame, Pollard is a strikingly pleasant, sensitive young man. When I apologized for having to ask · him about his accident, he laughed . "Don't worry about it ," he told me. "I've told this story so many times, I'm used to it." Pollard started to play hockey when he was just eight years old at the Valley Forge Sports Garden , which his father, former Philadelphia Eagle Al Pollard, owns. The very first team he played for was the Valley Forge Colonials, before advancing to more prestigious teams like the Philadelphia Little Flyers and the Little Firebirds. During his career with the latter two teams , he would play games from anywhere in Eastern American to Canada . .When he entered his freshman year at Archbishop Carroll High School, he was experienced enough to play varsity hockey. "I played right defense . 'Guard your zone' is the saying I went by, but it was clean, physical play ," Pollard said . Pollard was so effective at guarding his zone that by his sophomore year he had received letters of marked interest from both Notre Dame and Wisconsin . "I had really high hopes about going into hockey as a career. It was really a thrilling-experience," Pollard said.

1n life renewed

Pollard's older brother and sister remained at home with him to keep an eye on him. "I had dislocated my shoulder that year in Canada and everyone was still a bit concerned,'' Pollard explained .


KURT POLLARD , Freshman.

Some of Pollard's own teammates were, however, not all that enthusiastic about his success. "I played my best and I managed to keep a straight B average , too. Some seniors were pretty jealous, though. I was asked to refer some guys to some of the scouts that had been looking at me." Pollard's last game was a semifinal against West Chester . Carroll was the only team in the ICSHL to go undefeated and things looked very promising for them. Pollard was so excited about the play-offs that he begged his parents not to attend the NFC convention in Florida so that they could watch him play. However, as president of the Eagles ' Alumni Association, Al Pollard was obligated to attend the annual function. Up until that year, it was customary for the whole family to go along, but

Pollard spent three weeks in Bryn Mawr Hospital after suffering what was diagnosed as a stut tering stroke . He was sent to the Magee Rehabilitation Center in Philadelphia in order to learn to walk again. When I asked Kurt Pollard what the worst part of spending eight (photo by Maryann Ribick) • and a half weeks in the hospital was, he replied, "The food was bad. " It was the u·nexpected that During his hospitalization , he brought the Pollards home from was told that he would never parFlorida earlier than they had ticipate in sports again. " I didn't planned . While going for the puck, get discouraged ; I said 'No Way. ' Pollard was slashed across the One thing my father always taught throat by a West Chester player, my brother and me was 'Don 't give Pollard says. 95%; give 120% .' " As a result of the slash, Pollard After spending the entire sumfell and hit his head on both the mer catching up on half a year's boards and the ice. "When I didn't work, Pollard returned to Carroll get up right away, everyone that fall wearing a brace , and thought that it was my shoulder. using a cane. There was no bitterBut I got up and I skated to the ness what-so-ever in his voice locker room." when he described his classmates ' reaction to him . "I was ridiculed At the time, the injury didn't ap by a lot of kids. But I had so much pear to be more than a concussion love at home that it was like a but Pollard was taken to Bryn pillow that cushioned all the hurt. " Mawr Hospital by his brother for Pollard blamed some of the igobservation. "l was really mad norance with which he was treated because I wanted to go back and on people not being able to accept play the rest of the game." what had happened . "This guy Pollard's parents flew back to came up to me at the Sports BanPhiladelphia upon hearing about quet telling me he'd see me on the his injury . The injury was first ice. I don't know why he said that when we both knew he wouldn't ." The player who caused the accident never apologized to Kurt or his family. But this does not seem to faze him in the least. Pollard reading the chapters every night, said, "What crushed me was one of then memorizing the material the my closest friends. He had to ask night before. his mother 'How do I treat him?' What is one reason students before he could face me. The kid cram? has never called to this day. I was Procrastination. According to bitter at first, but not any more." Jeffers, people say "I'll do it tomorrow, I still have time ." Then the deadline is real close and you have to cram." What do you do if you are in a cramming situation the night before a test? According to Arthur Young, DiBY LISA POTTER rector of General Studies ProEarlier this month Cabrini's gram, begin by going through your Council for Exceptional Children text and notebook. "Aim for major was scheduled to give a party for facts, not detail," said Young. the students of St. Mary's school. He suggests going through the St. Mary's is a school for mentext listing key words from the tally retarded girls . Twenty-five to chapter on separate index cards. thirty girls were expected to attend Study these. If you know every- the party. thing that pertains to those key Dr. Ruth Sower, moderator of words, then you know the chapter. Cabrini's Council for Exceptional "For every 45 minutes you Children , and Dan Perna study, take a 10 minute break, then organized the evening. They asked that the campus community review what you have just read." said Young. "Right before you go donate small gifts to be given out to bed, look over the key words. If to the children by Santa Claus. was to be inthere is any hesitation, then you Each present dividually wrapped and marked really don't know it."

Cramming: a way of life BY REGINA O'LEARY


It's been one of those weeks, where you just wanted to lounge around. You say "tomorrow I just have to start that paper ." That's what you've been saying for two weeks, and you end up squeezing a five page paper into an overnight wonder . It's 8:45 a.m., you have a quiz at 9 :50, and you figure that you better start studying, better late than never. Cramming. The word means panic, rush, study, help! It's when _you try to squeeze four days or more of studying into one night. To some, cramming is a way of life at college . There aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you want to. To others, cramming is a punishment for not utilizing the hours in the day or night. It's really not something they are proud of, but things just end up on the short end of things. For Freshman Ann Marie Alfonsi, cramming in its short term effects isn't bad. "I do better when I cram . I have all the information I need right there" , ,

diagnosed as a concussion. Later doctors said that if was a brain bruise and on the third day after the accident, he was sent to Abington Hospital to have a CAT scan run to insure there was no hematoma, which is bleeding from the brain. Five days after his accident, Pollard was completely paralyzed on his left side . "Up until then, I was completely ambulatory. I could move every limb and dress myself. One day when the nurse was helping me to the bathroom, I just went limp like a rag doll. The doctors were called and the nurses were in a state of confusion," Pollard explained . "I couldn't fully understand what had happened because my head was so fuzzy the whole time because of the medication they were giving

However, Alfonsi realizes the long-term effects of her cramming. "Everything is put into short-term memory . I -don't retain anything. I learn it for the test, but then it goes away," said Alfonsi. For Carol Jeffers, a freshman, cramming isn't as rewarding as it is for Alfonsi. "I do worse," said Jeffers. "l feel like I don't have enough time to study everything, then I worry . I realize that I didn't study as much as I should have." Jeffers added that cramming causes anxiety, and she forgets things. "I don't remember very well," Jeffers said. "It's hard to get details, you get more general." Sophomore Maureen Carroll says that "cramming is just a bad habit. The more people get into their majors, the older they get, the less cramming they do ." Carroll added that after cramming, "I feel guilty, I should have studied before." For senior Bernadette Lynch, cramming isn't a habit. Lynch believes that studying begins in the classroom, by listening, and by

It seems that Pollard's friends have had more difficulty accepting what happened than he did. "I looked at the whole thing as something that happened to me, so what? If anything , the accident was responsible for bringing me closer to God. It's also taught me and my family to think twice. I think we always did think twice but now we really think about things ." One of the most remarkable things about Pollard is that upon seeing him , it is impossible to tell he is still slightly handicapped not only because he gets around so well but because of his attitude towards life . There appears to be very little bitterness, but an awful lot of determination . I asked him why he chose to attend Cabrini. after being considered by schools like Notre Dame and Wisconsin. "Because Cabrini was close to home . At the time I chose to come to Cabrini , I didn 't want to go far away from home because of obligations that I had to fulfill. I didn't want to have to put anyone in the position of having to tie a tie or button a button for me, which are things that I can't do for myself ." Next semester, Pollard plans to move on campus . He wants to live in Counsel Hall with fellow freshman Jeff Fronzi. "Jeff is that close of a friend to me that I would feel comfortable asking him to tie a tie or button a button . I guess the whole thing doesn 't upset me at all any more because I've got people who love me and I love them ." Pollard is planning to major in business administration here at Cabrini but for now he is in the General studies program. He is also involved with the theater and the Living Arts Society . " I like Cabrini because there 's so much friendship and happiness here . It 's good to have friends . Finding good friends is really hard these days ."

After our conversation was over , I walked Kurt down to the Mansion lobby . "These steps are like my physical therapy, " he joked . I thanked him for the interview not only because I had to write an article, but because a little of my faith in people was restored . And I also knew that for at least a little while, I was going to find it hard to complain about anything trivial again.

C.E.C.and St. Mary's celebrate Christmas with one child's name on it. They also planned to have a pizza and soda dinner in the cafeteria . Volunteers from Cabrini were asked to help serve the dinner . The St. Mary's girls were then to go to the Little Theatre to see various scenes from the production of "Hansel and Gretel.'' The Council for Exceptional Children is a national organization. Any student can be a member of Cabrini's chapter of the CEC. A Christmas party is given yearly for the students of St. Mary's by Cabrini. This year it was scheduled for Dec . 8 at 6:30 p.m .



Fitzpatrick BY JEANNE PROKO "I ain't scared of you," stated Dona Monforto's little neice to the Wicked Witch, played by Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, during last year's performance of the Wizard of Oz. "It was one of the funniest things that happened to me on stage." Mary Alice continued, "'And today (Nov. 23) some little kid in the audience ripped my cape! I couldn't believe it. They get so involved." Watching Mary Alice perform in a children's theater show, and then afterwards watching her get ready for the next one , you can conclude only one thing: she gives all of her energy each and every time she's on stage . She has a unique combination of wit, intelligence . and fiery drive that brings her right into the limelight every time she performs.

·''I get a different sort of satisfaction from the kids and the adults . From kids, it's always so honest and it 's an immediate reaction. The adults give compliments that really mean a Jot to me." When people think of Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, they generally think of the theater. But, there's more to her than that. Her major is special education and elementary educa-


colorful both on stage and off

tion. "I want to teach older special kids. I started in high school working with the retarded kids and realized that that was what I really wanted to do. I wanted to be a nurse for a while, and then languages, because I really liked that.'' She talked faster, while trying to reapply her rubber nose for the next performance of Hansel and Gretel. Mary Alice has always been known as being very frank with her remarkable, flat statements as she looks at you with her forthright, steady hazel eyes . She'll never lie; she's too honest for that. "I think the high point of my years at Cabrini was when I was a sophomore. So much happened. I met Peter, my boyfriend . I felt more settled in and more confident about myself. I did my favorite play then, Eccentricities of a Nightingale. I played Alma in that." Daniele Perna said , "That was definitely her play. She was tremendous in that." She never thinks about the low points in her life because "They're over . You don't want to think about them ."

Mary Alice thought for a few seconds about how she would describe herself, and then replied quickly, "Very volatile. I'm very dramatic on and off stage." She laughed as she must have remembered some incidents. "I like to know what's going on exactly. I have to have things planned and organized. Especially right before I go on stage. I get so nervous then." She considers herself very organized, "or at least I try to be. I always try to keep busy, also. I have to be doing something. I'll go crazy otherwise. A week's vacation is more than enough for me."

"Mary Alice is a very colorful character in real life. And when she's on stage, she has a strong ability to relate her character to the audience," Kathy Adams, a freshman working at the theater, said . "I really consider Cabrini my home because this is where all my friends are. I really like to be around them as much as I can. They mean so much to me. In fact, I usually stay here until the school closes." She's never thought of leaving Cabrini. "I feel that I matter . I'm important here."

MARY ALICE FITZPATRICK works with children in the theater and she plans to work with retarded children when she graduates . (photo by Maryann Ribick)

Chorus performs on 'Sunday Magazine' during December BY ALICE SOLINSKY

formance . Twent y-five member s took part in the taping of four songs . One song will be broadcas t each Sunda y in December . •·It was extremely exciting to work with professionals in the communications field," Bethany said . " We Mrs. Adelfoe Bethany, who di- were so impressed by the corrects the chorus at Cabrini also di- diality of the director, producer , rects a chorus at Delaware Com- stage manager and cameramen ." munity College . Channel 3 con- Clips from the taping will be shown tacted Bethany to ask if the chorus each day during public service an from Delaware Community nouncements. College would perform for the proThe chorus has also been invited gram. When Bethany learned only to sing at the Cabrini Formation one other chorus was appearing and Senior Sisters Residence and she suggested that the Cabrini at St. Francis Nursing Home. Chorus appear. ' The Christmas Concert at\ The chorus had one week's Cabrini will be held Dec . 14 at 3 notice before the scheduled per - p.m . in the Mansion. The Cabrini College Community Chorus will be appearing on "Sunday Magazine" each Sunday during the month of December . The program airs on channel 3 each Sunday from 8 a.m . to noon.

The Cabrini College Community Chorus prepares for a television taping for KYW TV. (Photo by Joseph Romano)

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THE LOOK OF CHRISTMAS is certainly growing on campus , and photographer Bernadette recentl y caught a glimpse of it at the Mansion . She reports that elv es decorated the fireplace and the door , but she caught Mike Caranfa in the act of decorating the chande lier. J ~ f

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Spanish dancers perform for large crowd BY TAMRA DiMARINO

FLAMENCO DANCER Julia Lopez performs to the music of guitarist Carlos Rubio while vocalist Diana watches. (Photo by Maryann Ribick)

Two Spanish dancing groups recently performed for a large audience at the Mansion here on campus. The event was sponsored by the language, social science, and fine arts departments. Department chairpersons are Helene C. Hennig an, Assistant Professor of French; Carter W. Craigie, Associate Professor of Social Science; and Adeline M. Bethany, Associate Professor in Fine Arts and Music. 'Our Master's Voice,' a musical group that recently also performed at Temple University, played classical music of Spain, according to Bethany. Included in their group were two classical guitarists and cello, harp, and classical accordion players, according to Bethany. Julia Lopez, a flamenco dancer, Carlos Rubio, a guitarist and Diana, a singer, made up the members of the second group that performed. They performed gypsy and flamenco music of Spain, and have performed in major cities of the world . The event was a "fantastic success," Bethany said. Charmaine Corea, freshman, felt that the performance gave the students a chance to see a part of Spanish culture. "I thought it was well done and I really enjoyed it a lot," Corea said . 250 chairs set up in the Mansion were ''filled to capacity,'' Bethany said. "They stopped taking reser.vations six days before the event." "Many students and high school teachers attended ( the performance) and complimented us on the evening." After the dance, sangria, coffee, and Spanish pastries were served.

JULIA LOPEZ performs the Flamenco for a large audience . <Photo by Maryann Ribick)

An old children's story takes on a new flair BY CONNIE AIELLO •


The Cabrini Colle88"Children's Theater has opened its season with the production of "Hansel and Gretel." Dan Perna, theater director, said that "the play is based on the fairy tale of 'Hansel and Gretel,' however, we have added a modern flair to, the play so that both children and adults can enjoy the show." Perna said the "modern flair is due to a variety of things: a 'discotype witch' who is interested in marrying the father of Hansel and Gretel; elves who like to dance in the moonlight, and a sleepy British owl." Perna said that he was "a little shaky, at first" with both the modern production and the new cast. "It's hard for a· new cast to get together as a family. When you have one cast continually it is easy for family cohesion. With a new cast, it is hard to feel unified. I think, though, we're beginning to become a family." "This is my first children's production and it's been very rewarding," Kathy Adams, company manager, said. "I especially enjoy the way the audience interacts with the actors and actresses. It's really great to see the children so involved in the play," she added. "Hansel and Gretel," Perna said, "follows the tradition of children's plays here. Its move-

CAREFREE PLAYMATES Hansel (Keith Hickman), Rolf (Andrew Zipfel), and Gretel (Dona Monforto) dance the day away in the Little Theater's production of Hansel and Gretel. (photo by Maryann Ribick)

ment is based on dance, there is some singing, and its most important principle is the action. It is so important for a play to be filled with action." Perna said that this production has had the largest response of any children's plays performed in the past. He did not disclose the profits on the production . "It is the public opinion that · counts. They seem very satisfied with the show," Perna said. He would not comment on the show "since it is the audience response that is more important." "Hansel and Gretel is double casted,'' Perna said, this is "so newcomers get a chance to perform and older members keep in theatrical 'shape.' " The cast includes: Keith Hickman and Dona Monforto as Hansel and Gretel; Mary Alice Fitzpatrick and Jeanne Proko casted as the witches; Connie Aiello and Maureen Q,µigley as Katrina; Bob Checchia as Johann; Jeanne Proko and Connie Aiello as the owl, Q,µincy; Andrew Zipfel as Rolf; Sandra McNamara as Frieda. The elves are Patricia McDermott, Cathy Sullivan and Kathy Filippo. The production runs until December 14. Perna said that profits from the December 14 show will benefit earthquake victims in Italy. He also said the production will be touring in January.



Men's team misses Young in toughest week. The men's basketball team will travel to Johns Hopkins University tomorrow to finish out the toughest week on its schedule. Their opponeents this week, Philadelphia Pharmacy, Spring Garden College and johns Hopkins, are all rated well above the Cavaliers. The team is playing the entire week without the services of starting center Ray Young. Young has back problems which were aggravated in last Saturday's game against Misericordia. Co-captain John Keating explained the significance of Young's absence: "We had a bad break that it happened this week, and for that fact this semester," Keating said. (Cabrini's other center, Martin Clancy, is not eligible this semester.) "It is going to be a test for the players because we have to dig deep and motivate

ourselves to play over our heads. It is also going to be a test for the coaches to come up with suitable game plans for the time Ray is out,'! Keating added. In the Pharmacy game on Monday, each Pharmacy player was at least three inches taller than his Cabrini opponent. Head Coach John Dzik adopted a 'slow down' game strategy to counter the Blue Devils' size advantage. The Cavaliers played a wide open offense, passing and keeping the ball outside until a clearly open shot became available. On defense they played an attacking zone which forced Pharmacy to shoot from outside its high percentage range. These tactics kept the score low and close. At half time the teams were tied at eighteen. For the majority of the second half the game was played the same way.

When there was less than three minutes remaining, however, the game was too close to stall, so both teams went full speed. It was only then that Pharmacy could take advantage of its height. At the end the score was Pharmacy 36 to Cabrini 26.

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The players felt they had nothing to be ashamed of. Mike Bennett, co-captain, said, "I thought Coach Dzik had an excellent game plan. When we went man to man with three minutes to go, there were some loose balls, they just didn't bounce our way. If they had, it was a two-point game." Robert Davis led Cabrini with 12 points. As of the Pharmacy game, the team's record was four wins and two losses~ The Spring Garden game was last night. Tomorrow's game against Hopkins is the last of the semester.

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Athletic program extends itself through intramurals BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI Although initiated last year, he intramural program at Cabrini is relatively new. The intramural program organized last year by Joe Kravitz, centered around a basketball program . The participants were mainly male, although some females did participate. The program consisted of four teams of eight players . Each team was bal-anced between varsity as well as non-varsity players. The intramural program ran for an eight-week period with the awarding of a plaque to the winning team . The plaque will be used every year with the addition of the winning team name. "The reason for the organization of intramurals is lo give nonathletes as well as athletes the opportunily on campus to play an organized sport under game conditions," Kravitz said. The athletic association, along with the help of the athletic department, is trying to establish an ex-

tensive intramural program which will include co-ed line volleyball, softball and women's basketball. "Coach Dzik wants to adopt an intramural program would help tablished varsity sports and students need a place to release stress," Chris Collins, president of the athletic association, said. The general atmosphere that an intramural program would. halp establish unity among the campus community and competition would be sparked was felt by all those interviewed . "An intramural program would definitely help the Cabrini community," Father Jack McDowell said. "It would offer the people the opportunity to work out stress . Also, an organized activity would allow friendships and comradeships to develop and grow." With the development of so extensive an intramural program, the question of where and when the intramurals will take place should be pondered. "Games would have to take

place in the gym on alternating nights," Collins said. "Also if there was a big interest in the intramural program, games could be scheduled on the weekends." Since the basketball intramurals program will already be in progress when other intramural sports will be organizing, the question of whelher the participants in basketball would yield the gym one or two nights a week should be raised. "Volleyball and basketball are the two main sports, I see no reason why there should be a problem in scheduling the intramural sports," Kravtiz said . The intramural program will be open to all members of the Cabrini community. The intramural program will be played at night after varsity sports are completed. "I hope that nighttime will appeal to both residents and commuters," Collins said. "The athletic association must go by the times given from the athletic department.''

JOHN KEATING receives the ball from Tim Feeney in Cabrini's game against Valley Forge Christian College . ( Photo by Karen Collom)

Freshman glides to top as professional skater BY CONNIE AIELLO While watching the 1976Olympic skating competition on television, Adrienne Fey! decided that she wanted to learn to ice skate. Four years later the Cabrini freshman is a professional ice skater. "Competition is nerve wracking. When I'm on the ice I usually think about my routine. Sometimes, I pretend I'm someone else, like Linda Fratianne. It helps," she said. After seeing the 1976 Olympics Fey! bought skates, took private lessons and started to compete. Fey! now belongs to the Atlantic City Figure Skating Team, a drill team which took first place in a New Jersey competition last winter.

Fey! has captured second place in the state of New Jersey's ice skating competition and has performed on a local television station near home. She has also taught ice skating. " You have to be really disciplined and set time aside to skate," Fey! said . While living at Cabrini, Fey! practices at Radnor Rink. In the summer she practices near her home in New Jersey. Fey! said she plans to audition for the Ice Capades. "If I get in I'll skate in the summer, but I won't take off from school," she said. Fey! enjoys skating for many reasons. "I like to express myself." And she adds, "It is never too late to start."

Women's basketball

Conditioning key to success

EILEEN HOUSTON, TERRY LINENBACH, AND EILEEN SLATTERY surround the center from Montgomery County Community College in the home opener on December 4.

BY THERESA KARMINSKI The Cabrini Women's Basketball Team expects a lot of itself this season. The squad has already begun practicing new techniques for the coming months and the team should be better than ever this year, according to Eileen Slattery. "We need a stronger defense and a more aggressive offense," she said. Mike Tenaglia, the new coach, is working closely with Helen Goodwin to get the squad ready. They have tightened up the defense and have changed the offensive game to a quicker pace with faster running. So far, things are looking great for the women's team. They have already scrimmaged with Immac-

ulata College and West Chester State College. Slattery said that they really played well. "We have good team coordination but we still have to work on our shooting,',she said. Despite this, the team won the game with Beaver College. As a whole, the team members feel that they are in better shape than they were last year and all are quite optimistic towards the future. Helen Goodwin explained that the team looks very promising. They have tough competition against a large division of bigger schools. Goodwin commented on the freshman rookies as well. "We have a good freshman nucleus," she said. "They show improvement and will continue to do so." The new freshman players in-

elude: Tanya Alexander, Lisa Del Borrello, Sue Masino, Cynthia Reynolds and Eileen Houston. Sue Masino, freshman, says that 'there is a great spirit and enthusiasm among the players. The only shortcoming of the team, according to Masino, is the need for more height. "We need taller women on the team,'' she said . Maurene Burns, senior, feels that aggressiveness and spirit are the key points to be stressed this season. "We have a lot of the same players as last year and we all work well together. Besides this, we're more conditioned and in better physical shape than last year,'' she said. Burns probably summed it up best when she said, '' I think we can do it all this year!"


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