March 14, 1980 issue 09 Loquitur

Page 1

Friday,March 14, 1980

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

Vol. XXVI, No. 9

Counsel Hall needs improvement -- each room is different. I would - BY DETSY LYNCH like to see the place go back to all "Due to the inadequate facilities academic offices but for now we . many of us have been considering have to do without that luxury ," alternatives such as apartment sharing ," said Joe Kravitz, sopho- said Nicolett i. " I think the major problem is more, business /communications the heat - but it would take an major, in response to the problems the men are having in Counsel awful lot of money to improve the system," said Nicoletti. Hall. . "It 's the most difficult building Located in the east wing of Grace Hall, one of the oldest build- on campus to heat, the design of ings on campus, Counsel Hall cur- the building doesn 't lend itself to rently houses 40 men . The men oc- the system ," said Mike Caranfa , cupy one half of the top floor and a director of buildings and grounds. Caranfa went on to explain that quarter of the bottom . They claim they are living in a dormitory with there are four thermostats in the inadequate facilities . The three building and two are locked up in problem areas that have bee.n rooms . " Once these rooms are heated up the thermostats shut off. pointed out are : ( 1) heating system , (2) shower facilities and People closer to the boiler are the ones who benefit ," said Caranfa . (3) lack of representation . "The guys have come to me with "The boiler is located in the west complaints but I've never heard wing of the building right near Mr . them .say we don't want to use Satlow's office." Caranfa went on to add that a Counsel as a dorm ," said Gus lA . Left to right Mike Hilsey, Tim Feeney, and Dane Linn take time out in Counsel Hall kitchen. Nicoletti, director of resident life . new boiler was talked about a year ( Photo by Kitsy Humes) "I feel they like the unique style ago but never followed up. " We always will have a heating problem which has wood undern . It -- it would take big bucks to fix the seeps through the t te· an onto the Ooor underneath," said Caranfa. system." "The one shower facility leaks Another major problem area cited is the plumbing and shower onto Jo Brenner's office and the conference room next to them. facilities. "In the morning you usually Another shower facility which is have to wait in line 15or 20 minutes located in Gus' old room is always to take a shower," said Jim Lawlor, leaking onto Mrs. Oristaglio's ofsophomore dorm rep. "The reason fice," Caranfa said. "The living situation is comthere is a problem with the showers is because both the parable to Cushing without the shower and toilets are on top of buses," said Lawlor . "When we go linoleum which make it easier for to the administration they evenwater to seep through," said tually solve our problems but this Nicoletti. "This has been a place is just not meant to be lived problem for the academic dean's in," he said. "We finally got new washers and office -- water has been seeping through -- they should be based on dryers and only one dryer works," wood, not linoleum," said Nicolet- said Mike Hilsey . "I don't think the administration is doing an adeti. "A couple of showers do work quate job -- they're not handling but there's only one you would the problems here, the way they want to use," said Mike Hilsey, handled them at Cushing," said lB. This space heater is not economical, but is often necessary to supplement tl:le heat in sophomore. "The only good Hilsey. "I haven't been getting any com- Counsel Hall . (Photo by Kitsy Humes) shower we have leaks on top of Dr . plaints this semester. There's a Romano's desk," he said . "I think we really need to invest Counsel. "Plumbing is a major problem problem of communication with plained about their situation but they will definitely get one of the money in that building if it is to be First, because the college but there's nothing we can afford the men 's dorms," said Caranfa. three new houses being built for continually used as a dormitory. wanted an authority living down in to do. We repair with every "It used -to be Gus but he doesn't For next year's budget I have re- the second house as a security problem that comes along," said live there any more so we're late in next semester ," said Nicoletti. "I've experienced what they quested cosmetic changes," said measure . Second, because his livgetting notice of problems . No Caranfa. have to put up with having lived in Nicoletti. ing quarters at Counsel were much "The shower stall has a fiber- work orders are coming in," that dorm, I know what they're Nicoletti listed a couple of too small. glass base and water overflows Caranfa said . reasons why he no longer lives at "The men really haven't com- going through," said Nicoletti. Continued on Page 6 and goes onto the asphalt tile

·-- New

athletic department budget proposed


The Athletic Department has proposed a budget for next year that is approximately six times higher than its current one, according to Jolyon Girard, Men's Athletic Director . The amount of the proposal was not disclosed . Unofficial reports, however, estimate the current budget at $4,000. Girard called this unofficial figure "fairly accurate." Academic Dean Joseph

Romano , on the other hand, has penditures in the proposal ," he the increase may come from a resaid that the budget proposal is said. He added that the current apportionment of existing funds. orily four times greater than the budget falls short of the departIf received, the budget increase current. When asked if the pro- ment's needs . "There is no ques- would be used solely to maintain posal was in the $15,000range , he tion that it is insufficient,'' the athletic program where it is. said that figure was "fairly accur- Romano said . According to Girard there are a ate ." According to Girard, there are couple of areas where the increase According to Girard, the pro- two proposed sources for the addi- 'has become necessary. Official posed budget, which has been sub- tional money requested. The first . fees have increased, as have travmitted to the Master Planning source would be an increased stu- eling expenses. He adds too, that Committee and the Academic dent fee . The second would be the medical supplies have to be inDean, is a necessity. result ·of re-establishment of creased . Membership in local and "There is no fat , and there are priorities in the current budget. national sports groups, like the Nano allowances for exorbitant ex- Dean Romano has suggested that tional Association for Inter-col-

legiate Athletics ( N AIA) has brought the expense of member ship fees . The increase of varsit y schedules to include games in Washington, D.C., and New York has created the need for food allowances for student athletes . In brief, the money would be used to make the program stable at the level to which it has grown. Girard is quick to point out tha t Continued on Page 2



New hOuses to

be built by Sept. BY DENISE TERIFAY Three new residential houses will be built and ready for occupancy by Sept., 1980. This is the outcome of the Feb. 25th meeting of the board of trustees. These houses will be built adjacent to the three existing houses. They . will accommodate 23 people each. Although these will be built as dorms, they will be able to be sold as family houses in the event of dropping enrollment. These buildings will house men or women depending on the demand said Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, president. "The funding for the new buildings comes from the Miissionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart," Sister Mary Louise said. In addition to housing, other student needs are being considered. "We know what our needs are. We're trying to get a priority list," Sister Mary Louise said. Widner Trust funds already received will be diverted to the expansion of other campus facilities. One of the items under considera-

tion is a multi-purpose building . Sister Mary Louise said that room for parties and concerts is definitely needed. Also, in order to create some space •for more classrooms, Sister Mary Louise suggested that it might be possible to move club offices out of Sacred Heart Hall and into this multi-purpose building. However, Sister M~ry Louise explained that it would be impossible to have this accomplished by September. The board will be considering this proposal at their meeting in May. Dr. Joseph Romano, academic dean, speaking of the classroom situation, said, "We're at capacity now. W're thinking about splitting more classrooms like we did with rooms 1 and lA. I don't see it as critical. We can also adjust it be moving the schedule." Sister Mary Louise said she would like to see the schedule start earlier and end later. "We could pretty much accommodate 600 students with the facilities we have on our master plan," Romano said.

Awards presented at convocation the Student Government Association Service Award, the Cabrini College Honor Society, Living Arts The President of the University of Scranton, Scranton, Pa., was Society Award, The Ronaldi the guest speaker at the 1980 Scholarship (given to a student who is distinguished in science), Spring Academic Convocation. Reverend .William J. Byron spoke and the Lindback Foundation on "Liberal Learning and Commit- Award. ments of a Life Time." Convocation concluded with the This occasion acknowledged presentation of Dean's List Certifiacademic achievers and outstand- cates, Who's Who Certificates, the ing students of the college. Staff Award and the 8th Annual The program began with awards Faculty Award. . presented to students by various The ceremony was held on Tuesclubs and associations of the col- day, March 11, at l:OOp.m., in the lege. Some of those presented were Mansion. BY REGINA O'LEARY

Loquitur CabriniCollege Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Pub/ish<dbi-Wttkly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsy/uonia l 9087. Telephone: 215-681 -2100 ext. 47. Subtcriptlon price is included in benefits sect.ued by tuition ond student fee. Subscription by mail is $4 per year. Second clOS$ postage ls paid at WoS,,91(!' , Penn.syluania19087 .

Editors-In-Chief: Detsy Lynch and Kathy Daly News tditor:. Marie Pizzuto Assistant News Editor: Denise Terifay Feature Editor: Jim Lawlor Assistant Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Assistant Entertainment Editor: Maryann Ribick Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes Photography Editor: Detsy Lynch Distribution: Mary Goldner Secretary/Librarian: Maria Cedrone Artists: Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager: Theresa Collins Staff: Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Mariann DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Mary Goldner, Ron Katkocin, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Linda Larkin, Lore Kearney, Jean Leong, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary, Olivia Pettengill, Al Salmieri, Lisa Sherwood, Maureen Williams, Maria Carbone, Maureen Carroll, Joyce Pattucci Adviser: Jerome Zurek

Athletic Dept. Continued from Page 1 the proposal was not all-of-the-sudden, nor unannounced. "Two years ago," he said, "Helen ( Helen Goodwyn, Women's Athletic Director) and I began a comparative of other schools with which we compete . We found that we are in competition with schools that have budgets several times greater than ours." For the past four years, Girard has warned that the budget was insufficient in his yearly reports to the Academic Dean: 1976: "With some revisions, the budget is sufficient to maintain the various programs. As male enrollments rise, however, it will be important to create a more substantial athletic structure as part of Cabrini's general appeal and its commitment to the liberal arts education ." 1977: "As male enrollment increases, the college must consider a major revision of its thinking regarding men's athletics, to include small grant-in-aids to attract student athletes, a major renovation of athletic facilities, and a large increase in budget to continue to offer programs that match existing competition in the small college area." 1978: "The single significant problem that confronts the department is inadequate budgeting. Cabrini College's budget for athletics is far below accepted standards for colleges of comparable size and offering. We have been encouraged and commissioned to develop an athletic program that can compete successfully with legitimate s6lall colleges in the area. In grant-in-aid money, and operational budget, Cabrini College cannot compete at the level desired." 1979: "It is essential to note, however, that the present operating budget has reached a critical stage. Comparable colleges in the area operate with budgets in excess of $40,000 - 50,oto. Cabrini College must seriously consider comparable expenditures in order to offer services and programs that compete." Why, then, is the budget receiving so much attention this year and not the past four years? Girard suggests two reasons. First is that competition has enhanced our reputation, and suggested that we can compete. Second, according to Girard, is that the continued interest in male enrollment has created an increased interest in the upgrading of the athletic department. Romano suggests that the issue is receiving attention because the department can no longer be dependent on grants which have supplemented its budget in the past. The proposal seems to be getting a lot of support. Master Planning committee chairman Frank Saul said, "The proposal has been well received, it is getting a lot of sympathetic attention." Saul also said that his committee favors the proposal, but can take no action on it. According to Saul, the Board of Trustees has final decision. The Master Planning Committee has forwarded the proposal, and it will probably be on the agenda of one of the spring meetings, he added. Saul thinks the proposal's chances are good, but it may undergo some re-definition." Girard is not as sure, "I am impressed with the support and optimism, but committees don't make decisions, the Board of Trustees-does, and in that area I'm cautious about expressing confidence."

Campus Clips CleanUpCabriniDay Saturday , March 15 is Clean up Cabrini day. SGA is sponsoring the event . Seventy-five cents will be awarded for each bag of trash collected . The trash must be collected on Cabrini grounds , this does not include any of the buildings .

Squash Night The SGA social activity planned for Saturday , March 15, is an evening of Squash . SGA has rented a squash club from 6 :30 u~til 12:00 . Squash is similar to racquetball, only it is played with a longer racket and a smaller ball. The evening also include backgammon , cards , and board games . There will be food and music . The two dollar donation will go to the Larry Sedler Memorial Fund.

GradSchool News Are you aiming for graduate school? Go to the Counseling Center -- there you will find applications for graduate testing . free materials and grad school guides . The " College Placement Manuar · is free for seniors and can be obtained from Mrs. Kesselman .

LibraryServices Holy Spirit Library is sponsoring a "Book of the Month " selection. The "Book of the Month " selection consists of a suggestion box in which students can suggest books, either a best seller or a book of general reference, that they would like to see in the library. At the end of the month, the library staff will take the suggestions and determine which book has the best appeal. The books will then be ordered and paid for with money from library fines .

Mansion Study Maintenance has recently completed renovating the basement of the mansion. Due to last semester's housing shortage the second floor study was permanently converted into two dormitory ·rooms . A need for a place to study resulted in the transformation of the basement. Maintenance should be congratulated for a job well done .

Sophomore/Senior Farewell The last formal dance of this semester, Sophomore /Senior Farewell will be held on March 29, the same day as the Special Olympics. The event will take place at the Mansion House. The price of the dinner dance will be $25, the price of the dance and open bar is $15. The evening starts at 7:00 p.m., and dinner will be servedat 8:00 p.m. From 7 to 9 p.m. will be a cash bar. The dance and open bar begin at 9:00. The night ends at 1 :00 a.m. The band performing will be Springfield. Tickets will be sold until March 25, and can be purchased outside the cafeteria.

FreeJournalism Course A fre~ ~ourse is b~ing off~red on Wednesday nights to anyone who 1sinterested in learning more about collegiate journalism. The course is ~specailly designed for non journalism majors, and for those interested in Cabrini's student newspaper, Loqultur. It will be held in the Publications Office on the ground floor of _Sacred Heart Hall. Contact Ron Katkocin, Box 258, if you are interested. The first part of the course which dealt with writing for a newspaper was held on March 12. Part II, which focuses on editing and grammar will take place on March 19, at 6:30. The f!nal part of the course which emphasizes layout and pasteup will take place on April 9 at 6:30.

SpecialOlympics Special Olympics run, dribble, and shoot competition will take place on Saturday March 29. This is a very active day which is also very rewarding. Many volunteers are still needed for the many committees, as well as the weekly Saturday program. Please contact AnnMarie Kistner if interested.

VisitCabriniDay March 16, Sunday, is open house for all newly accepted students. The high school seniors who plan to be attending Cabrini in Fall of 1980 will be touring the campus. Please make them feel welcome.





Romano ·speaks out on the 80's Ashe put it, "Every school needs a good athletic program, not just for admissions, but to make it viable and ,respectable as a whole ."

On Monday, February 29, the Loquitur staff held an in-class press conference with Joseph Romano, Acting Academic Dean, on plans for the 80's.


On business ...

Topics included the athletic program .s, Business Department, enrollment, the Fine Arts Department, the nursing program and physical changes for the future.

On athletics

Concerning business administration, Romano said that the college is trying to initiate a computer science program. The computer science program is very close now to becoming a certificate program.' Romano said that the aim of this new program would be 18 credits with a certification in one year .


Joseph Romano, Acting Academic Dean, has a positive attitude towards the growth of the athletic department at Cabrini. He discussed his views on this matter at a student press conference on February 25, 1980.

Romano said that the budget allocation for this program will come from grants and not tuition increases. According to Romano the college is hoping the allocation will come from the National Foundation of Science and also a local grant . He added that the amount of grants the college is applying for is approximately $20,000. Romano said that any major could have a concentration in computer science .

There are two grounds on which Romano discussed the future of the athletic program. First, the immediate future was discussed in terms of next year's athletic budget. Secondly, Romano talked about long range goals concerning the growth of the department in the eighties.

"Every school needs a good athletic program to make it viable and respectable as a whole."

According to Romano the future of the business administration program depends upon Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, president ; the Board of Trustees; Romano and Gerald Satlow, department chair person of business administration . Romano said that Cabrini has consulted with Easte _rn College and Pierce Junior College for a general point of view concerning a business administration program . Concerning a rumor that Satlow was leaving Cabrini , Romano said that "as far as I know, he is not leaving ; however Mr. Satlow will be moving out of business into computer science and math ." Romano also said that the college will be hiring a full-time faculty member in September for the business administration program. Romano said that the departmentment hopes to establish internships and specialize in the business administration program within the next five years . He also said that currently the college is leasing three I.B .M. computers and are being used in the Introduction to Computers courses .

Romano said that the proposed budget for the athletic department is four times greater than the present one (as opposed to Jolyon Girard's assessment of it as a sixfold increase) . When asked if the proposal was in the fifteen to sixteen thousand dollar range, Romano said that figure was "fairly accurate." Romano is supportive of the proposal. He said he hoped it would pass the board in the spring , and that he would try to help it do so. The reason that Romano feels the budget should be increased this year is that in the past, the department has been supplemented by outside grants, on which he feels they can no longer be dependent. Romano suggested that the increase in the athletic budget would come from a re-apportionment of existing funds. In conclusion to his discussion of the proposed budget, Romano said, "If we have athletic needs, let's fulfill them." Regarding the department's growth in the eighties, Romano was supportive in general, but rather unspecific. Student journalists asked Romano if Cabrini would see such things as a racquetball court, a new gymnasium, and a fulltime athletic director. He agreed that these ideas are attractive ,but that he knew of no plans for any of them. · There are two changes Romano would like to see. The first is the addition of seats to the gym , the second is the re~stablishment of a field hockey team. Romano is very supportive of growth in the athletic department. ,

On enrollment ... Dean Romano was then queried on Cabrini's enrollment projections, maintaining academic standards, and the role of the school's present facilities. Dean Romano, how does Cabrini anticipate reaching the projected enrollment goal of 600 students? "Well, we are very close to that goal now, our student body is nearly 500. In the last two years Cabrini has seen the largest number of incoming freshmen in the school's history. This past fall we had 140 students and we anticipate exceeding that number in the fall of 1980. If we maintain quality programs here we will attract the people we need ." Can Cabrini's present faculty and faculties accommodate the increased number of students without adverse affects?

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"With our present facilities we can still operate up to par. If we increase our enrollment significantly we will hire new faculty. Our teachers right now have a normal teaching load. We are not going to ask our full time teachers to take on a larger load because of enrollment." "We can pretty much accomodate classes now but we'll work with the schedule, which is flexible, and splitting classrooms is another option open to us." Dean Romano, do you think that Cabrini will, in expanding, sacrifice its personalized atmosphere?

"We are not losing .our small image." "We ~re not losing our small image. Personal contact is not limited to the classroom . Our faculty have contact with the students in the cafeteria at meals, the student-faculty basketball game, and other activities." "I'm not in favor of 55 students in a class, but in a lecture classroom of 35 to 45 students we can still maintain our close, personal approach . It is still possible for a teacher to get to know everyone . We will never lose sight of the fact that we are working with people." Will Cabrini lower, or compromise, its reqiqrement standards to reach t1¢, deaired en ollment? "Traditionally we would reject approximately 10% of our applicants , this past year we rejected 15%. With the increased applications we have a wider range to select from and , therefore , qualit y would increase. "

On Fine Arts . Concerning the Fine Arts Department , Dr . Joseph Romano , Acting Academic Dean , was asked many questions about the Fine Arts program -- Past , Present and · Future . The main thrust of questions dealt with the development of Fine Arts at Cabrini , or , in another sense , the lack of development . Romano was first asked why Cabrini, a liberal arts college , had no formal major in the area of Fine Arts, and why , when it was brought before the Board of Trustees was it tabled soon afterwards? In response to this Romano explained that the proposal for a major in Fine Arts was approved by all levels , but with Sister Salesia 's failing health the idea was sidetracked. "Sister's forced retirement prevented completion of a formalized major ," said Romano . The second question centered around the faculty that make up the Fine Arts personnel. Romano was asked if Mrs . Adeline Bethany, Fine Arts co:-0rdinator , would be hired as a full time faculty member in September and also if there would be any additions or changes in the remaining faculty . Answering this question Romano remarked that , yes,

On nursing

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hopefully Mrs . Bethany would be retained exclusively at Cabrini full time next semester . He went on "It's a very competitive fiela ' saying that each faculty person the smaller the school, the fewer' would be teaching four courses the number of slots there are to apiece and that Mrs. Sidorewich fill," said Joseph Romano, Acting and Mrs. Parks would continue on . Academic Dean, on the nursing their present part-time basis . situation. Nursing programs for the future Facilities for Fine Arts were was one of the topics discussed at a also discussed and Dr . Romano told us of plans the administration "It's a very comhave for making more space available to the students. Romano agreed there is definitely not petitive field, enough area for all the students in- the smaller the terested in taking these courses . He continued saying things were a school, the fewer little tight last semester with Cushing, so one room in the Fine number of slots Arts area was given to the chemis, try department for an office, while to fill." girls under 18 years of age from Cushing moved into the Counseling recent in-class interview with center. "As far as I know the room Romano. "Nursing was always high on was given back to the Fine Arts demy priority list," said Romano. He partment," he said. had wished that Cabrini could have its own nursing course Dr . Romano was asked poin- offered, but in his words, it is too tedly if Fine Arts at Cabrini had "expensive." had the chance to grow along with Romano feels satisfied with the Cabrini or had it been left by the two _year program at Cabrini. wayside? "Most students would welcome the chance to get into school," said He replied, " No Mary, I Romano . Cabrini ultimately does wouldn 't say Fine Arts has been this. Nursing students have left by the wayside. Sister Salesia courses that they take at Villanova offered many good courses and the University and Rosemont College ; Fine Arts department is a very under an agreement with these respectable part of Cabrini. As I other institutions . At the end of two said before that Sister Salesia 's years, nursing students would health affected the outcome of the efther attend Widener University proposal. A Fine Arts major has or Hahnemann Medical College the support of everyone and hopefully by May '81 it will be forHowever, getting into these inmall y inst ituted at Cabrini." stitutions is not easy , as ex -· emplified with last semester 's Romano was also asked if stu- problem with Widener. Widener den ts who graduated from Cabrini said that they could only take five in the field of Fine Arts had the of Cabrini's seven nursing stusame chance as others in the job dents . AroundChristmas time , ac market . cording to Romano, word came " Yes , they have . Sister Salesia from Widener that all students had the students who graduated would be accepted . from here very well prepared with How will Cabrini alleviate this portfolios , resumes, etc . Sister problem in the future? " We've was very good and the students simply changed the literature , had the opportunity as others for a said Romano . " It will limit the job , if not a better one ," said number of students who would ap Romano . ply to the program. And those that are accepted know that they will "We want to develop not be directly accepted into Widener after two years at Cabrini." many more

things, but everything takes time to establish itself." John Gallagher, senior , asked Dr . Romano about the possibilities of setting up internships in the area for those interested . He responded saying that their is nothing formalized at this point, but informal internships are going on now •· not just in the Fine Arts but in other departments also. "We want to develop many more things , but everything takes time to establish itself ," he continued . The interview was concluded on the note of "What direction do you see the Fine Arts department going in the future? "Hopefully their will be a formalized major. The interest is there and that is the main incentive for growth and expansion ," he concluded.

On physical ... Physical changes relating to the academic realm of the colle~e will also be made in the eighties. "Additional classroom space will be of prime concern as course offerings are increased," said Joseph Romano, acting academic dean.

"Additional classroom space will be of prtme concern as course offerings are increased." Plans will also be made to better equip the gym with athletic apparatus and to put a computer center in Grace Hall. Other physical improvements to the school are also under consideration and will come into existence in the eighties. •••.•

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Experience is best teacher BY JIM LAWLOR If you were looking for someone

to teach "Art for Elementary School Teachers," who would you hire? Probably an elementary school art teacher, right? Well, that's just what Cabrini's Fine Arts Department did when adding its newest member, Joanne Nitta. Miss Nitta is the art teacher for the Upper Perkiomen School District. She works with 1300 children a week. They range in age from five to nine. This task may seem herculean, but it has proved rewarding. At the Ninth International Children's Art Exhibition, held in Tokyo, Japan this past summer, her students won seven silver medals, and a gold medal. Almost 12,000 children from 68 countries entered the exhibition. This semester, Ms. Nitta came to Cabrini to teach her methods to about twenty-five education majors. Her aim is to provide them with a wide variety of ideas. "These students are learning ev-

ery medium of art I can squeeze into a semester. They can use them in their classes, they'll have a lot of ideas," Nitta said. According to Nitta, she teaches the c6llege students the same way that she teaches the grade schoolers. This method consists of a brief instruction and then letting the student be creative. Copying the teacher is forbidden. Sophomore Chris Collins enjoys this method. "The best part of the course is that we get to experience everything we are going to teach the child." ' Nitta adds that, "They are going through the same frustrations a child does." She does, however, have great faith in their ability. "Most people don't know how creative they are. If you give a student confidence and re-assurance his creativity will come through," said Nitta. Nitta sees art as more than just an added frill. She sees "itas a part of everyday life. According to her, ·

"The more artistic a person, the more a person he is. This comes down to how he dresses, buys a car, or paints a house. Everything is designed by an artist. If you teach a person to see like an artist, he'll experience more, and his world will be broadened." According to sophomore Lorraine Alessio, this view of art comes through in class. "She shows you that other subjects can be taught through art. For instance, if you want a child to learn the parts of a fish, have him draw one, and show him a fin and a tail on his own work." Another sophomore, Barbara Barry, added, "You find that art is a lot more than drawing. It has broad and practical applications that a teacher can be creative with to give variety to her classes." Joanne Nitta's class meets Mondays at 6 p.m. in room one of the library. Nitta is a graduate of Moore College of Art in Philadelphia, and has taken education courses at various local universities.

NEW ART TEACHER Joanne Nitta and student Chris Collins talk to a


Rape lecture stresses student awareness BY KITSY HUMF.S

I was a little hesitant to make an appearance at Woodcrest to hear the lecture and see the film on the subject of rape. From what my parents had taught me, I thought I knew everything about rape, what to do if someone were following me, how to react if a stranger came up from behind and dragged me into his car. Apparently I only knew the basics. To my surprise there was a lot more to know from what had been previously drilled into me by my parents. Rape. The word probably


doesn't exist to most of us living on campus. Maybe the reason it doesn't bring much attention to us is because we are fortunate enough not to have this kind of problem on campus. Remember, though, rape can happen anytime, anywhere. Not only to women but to MEN as well. Detective William M. Zimmerman of the Radnor township police department and Joanne Canada from the organization of Women Organized Against Rape (W.O.A.R.) discussed two weeks ago the prevention of rape and what to do if you are sexually as-

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Check your local yellow pages.

If you're on the street look like you can handle yourself. Plan your way home. Avoid walking down dark alleys and places where men hang out. Walk near the curb, not near bushes . If someone is following you turn around and check. Cross the street. If the person is still following you remain calm. Choose a house close by and bang as hard and loudly as you can on the door. Zimmerman couldn't emphasize the fact enough : Always BE AWARE and REMAIN CALM." If you are raped tell the first person you know or call (W.O.A.R.) at

LD 6-4342 , then report the incident to police immediately. Remember things about the attack and the attacker. Avoid washing or showering, it may destroy evidence. Go to the hospital immediately for treatment. These are just a few important details to keep in mind. For those who missed the lecture and film on rape, I hope the opportunity comes up again for you to see it. This important imformation is, I feel, something that should be well embedded in the mind of every woman.

Health studies serve three purposes BY JOYCE PATITUCCI

Many students have looked upon the flu-studies program here at Cabrini as a convenient way to make some money when they are down to their last pennies. But according to Mrs. Mary Mulligan. R.N., who supervises the projects, the studies serve a triple purpose. "The students know · what the studies are about. They actually get three things, knowledge, money, and protection." The students who take part in the studies are not the only ones to benefit from them. The research companies who sponsor the tests have donated two scholarships to


Walking, dancing, jogging, standing. It takes a lot out of your feet. So slip a pair of Health Soles into your shoes. These perma-sealed, water-filled inner soles put a refreshing, supporting barrier between your feet and the rest of the world. Available at:

saulted or raped. About protection in your car, always check inside your car before getting in. If you are going out, go with a friend or group and park in a well lit area. Make sure your tank is full and your tires are in good shape. Always lock your car doors and keep :the windows up. If you live in a house or an apartment, make sure the windows and doors have locks. Be aware of the places men might hide: underneath stairways, between buildings and so forth. Never open the doors without knowing who it is first.

Cabrini students majoring in science. One company is owned by Mr. Rinaldi, the other by Mr. Glen Smith . Some of the different studies run at Cabrini have been aspirin studies, anti-depressants, and antihistamines. The drugs for the projects are donated by the Lederle Drug Company in New York. All drugs used in the studies are federally approved. However, Mulligan looks up each drug to be used before agreeing to do a certain study. "I like to know the pros and cons of everything myself first." Mulligan has been supervising

the projects here for three years now. Originally, she helped Eastern College with their tests, but continued the studies at Cabrini after Eastern decided to drop them. Cabrini students Mike Stevens and Al Iannucci help with the studies also. They do lab work, as well as paperwork. "It helps them to be responsible," said Mulligan. They are paid for their work. Mulligan says that the research companies are very concerned about the students. Their health and safety is what receives the most attention. Mulligan herself is always there while the tests are being run, and afterward she

keeps a close watch on the students involved. The money the students are paid for their participation comes from the research companies. There are .different set fees for different tests. Students must report to Mulligan according to directions to be paid for the test. If a student does not show up at the designated time they are not paid, and they are not allowed to take part in any other projects. Mulligan seems very pleased at the efficiency with which the studies are run, on both the part of the research companies and the students involved.

Guanella students hired abilities. BY MARIE PIZZUTO The students here work four As part of a special work stuay program two students from the Don hours daily, three days a week. Their duties vary from grounds Guanella School are employed work to cleaning common areas with the maintenance department around campus. here at Cabrini. "I would like to see the program The students, Charles Scott, 22, and Edward McGee, 21, are part of continue because it gives the students the experience of working a full time work program involving outside an institutional at16 young men from Don Guanella. Both Scott and McGee are 1979 mosphere," said Michael Caranfa, director of buildings and gro~ds. graduates of that school. "Charlie and Eddie seem to enjoy Johanna Rebarchak, coordinatheir work, and I hope to keep tor of the program, assisted by two them through the summer," aides, helps to place students in Caranfa said. ;obs commensurate with their



employed in the maintenance truck.



Don Guanella help Rudy Pizzuto unload a



Irish to keep tradition BY MARYANN RIBICK


Have you seen any little men dressed in little green suits lately? Or have you heard songs from good ole Ireland in the halls? If you have, they might well be part of the Irish Minstrel Show. Along with the "wearin' of the green" on the Cabrini Campus goes the Irish Minstrel Show, a tradition since 1964. This year's Minstrel will feature an original plot and many popular Irish songs with special verses concerning the campus community. 路

Sponsored by the chemistry dep a rt men t, the Minstrel has featured such favorites as Finnegan's Wake, the Holy Father in Ireland, and Charlie's Angels in search' of the Blarney Stone.Irish songs and ballads add to the flavor of the Minstrel and for at least one evening, everyone is Irish. "The Minstrel is great. I look forward to the rehearsals and being involved in it," said Maureen Carroll, '83. "The Irish Minstrel," said Joseph Feighan, professor of chemistry, "has drawn attendances as high 400."


"Special. ed. iobs profiled" BY REGINA O'LEARY

On Thursday, Feb. 21, the Career Guidance Department held a workshop on 'Career Opportunities in Developing Human Potential.' The program was designed to give insights on services for the mentally retarded persons, and covered vocations in the field of special e,ducation. Among the speakers were Jim McClean, the director of Lower Merion vocational training center, a division of Human Development, Inc. of Wynnewood. This organization, founded in 1970 by adults and students of the mentally retarded, provides services for the mentally retarded person. McClean spoke on career opportunities in working with the mentally retarded, and that a special education degree is not necessary. Nancy Thaler is the director of 'Community-Based Residential Program for Ken-Crest.' KenCrest is an organization that provides services for mentally retarded persons. Thaler spoke on community living arrangements, such as the Rivercrest Center, which is a self-contained community for the mentally handicapped.

A third speaker, Pat Moir, also lectured. Moir is employed by the Montgomery County Mental Health Association. She spoke on getting the retarded person out of institutions and into a more home-like environment. According to Mrs. Kesselman, director of career guidance, over 50 people were in attendance, including members of Dr. Sicoli's special education classes. Also, according to Kesselman, there were students from other majors and members of each of the academic classes. Mrs. Kesselman was pleased after the workshops. "Some even signed up for appointments for workshops, resume writing and interview , s.iicfkesselman. Mrs. Kesselman was netped by junior Cathy Elliot, president of the Council for Exceptional Children. According to Mrs. Kesselman, "This shows in~erest in bringing professionals on campus to discuss career outlooks and plans." The next workshop for students will be a Career Guidance Workshop to be held on March 20 1980, in the library conferenc~ room.

''The students involved usually have a good time and find the Minstrel fun and enjoy taking the production to St. Mary's Province in Elverson," said Josephine Rondini, assistant professor of chemistry. "I had never acted before," said Detsy Lynch, '81, "but I really enjoy being in the show, especially the look on the faces of the children when we go to St. Mary's." This year's Minstrel will be held on March 18 at 8 p.m. in the Gym. It is open to everyone and will be followed by refreshments. 路

SAC constitution revised BY REGINA O'LEARY

"Cabrini has changed so much, the constitution was revised to meet these changes." said Karen Genello, the new chairperson of the Student Academic Council. It had been eleven years, since 1969, that the constitution for this student-based club was changed. The Student Academic Council (SAC) is a committee made up of students from each of the majors at Cabrini. The SAC'S responsibilities are aimed at handling academic problems and concerns that are suggested by the students. The SAC works with its subsidiary, the Academic Grievance And Suggestion Committee, in handling strong student problems. "The S C presently as 16 epartments" said Genello. "At one time there was one representative for all the education departments so it only had eleven members." ' Since Genello took office, she has changed things. "Now there is one representative for each of the departments of Early Childhood, Education, and Special Education, whereas before there was only one." said Genello. This was a step in providing for the changes _that

Student teachers feel comfortable : BY OLIVIA PETTENGILL

There's been a rumor spreading around campus concerning Cabrini's student teachers. Apparently, many of the schools to which the students are sent to teach, prefer student teachers from Cabrini over those from other area colleges. Teachers have had experience with our student teachers, were interviewed to validate the rumor. The first school visited was the St. Davids Nursery School, which has been a favorite placement for many student teachers over the years. Cindy Grivner has been a cooperating teacher in the past, . and is again this year. She had this . to say about Cabrini's student teachers, "They don't come into a program totally unfamiliar with what is expected or what is going to happen. They are willing to do as much as we want them to do and to learn as much as they can. "Griver praised the student teachers on their reliability and said that the students are generally very serious about their work. Teacher Karen Walcoveick, also from St. David's has not had eX:-

perience with student teachers but will have one in March. She said, "From what I've seen, I am looking forward to having my student teacher come. They help out a lot and seem to have a lot of good ideas to bring to the classroom. I think Cabrini does a pretty good job preparing their students." Evelyn Kappler, who will be student teaching at St. Davids for the next six weeks was asked how well prepared she felt she was. She said she felt she was generally well prepared as a result of her junior field observations, . pre-student teaching and路 the knowledge gained in her classes. "The first week you kind of ease yourself into everything," said Kappler, "you pick the little things up as you go along." Three cooperating teachers from the Paul Fly Elementary School in East Norristown were also interviewed. Mrs. Lynn Bearoff, one of the teachers at Paul Fly, feels that the rumor preferred is basically true. She said, "On the whole, we basically feel that way because they're so well mannered," Mrs. Dorothy Donnel said of her student teacher, "She knew what to do without having to be

STUDENTS PRACTICE famous Irish ballads for this year's Minstrel Show. The Minstrel Show is sponsored annually by the Chemistry Department. (Photo by Detsy Lynch)

asked. I wish she could have stayed longer. Six weeks is an awfully short time." Mrs. Theresa Carfagno, also from Paul Fly, has had experience with student teachers from other colleges as well as from Cabarini. She said, "All three of the girls that I've had from Cabrini, if I had a choice, I would take them again. They were very cooperative and nothing was too much for them. They are very open and they take constructive criticism very well." Maureen DeLeo who recently finished her student teaching at Paul Fly and is now student teaching in another area school, feels as though she was well prepared for her placement. -She said, "It

Cabrini has gone through in the Genello "and must attend one meeting in April .before taking ofpast eleven years. At one time, according to fice in May. If they can't make the Genello, membership for the SAC meetings, something will be done. was done by self-nomination to the Either they will be spoken to, or Academic Dean, and then a secret someone else will tie elected." ballot was pulled. In 1972, memWhat's in store for the future of SAC? "In the future, we hope to survey alumni and students about the general education reauirements," said Genello "to see how they felt or how they benefited Cabrini."

"/seethe interest growing. I hope someone will pick up the ball and continue to pick up interest from the students."

bership rules were changed, anci the students were chosen by the department head. Though the basic format is still in effect today, Genello has changed things slightly. "Now students are elected in May," said

When Genello started in the SAC in her junior year, she realized that there was much work to be done. She describes herself as "dedicated" and she has gotten "quite a bit done" since then. The present.<fay senior is happy with the SAC and student response. "Students at Cabrini are very responsive, and I hope to stir up more interest." said Genello. With only two more months before graduation, Genello said "I wish I could stay on. I see the interest growing. I hope someone will pick up the ball and continue to pick up interest from the students."

and responsible wasn't a shock. My field observation and pre-student teaching gave me a chance to see what the classroom was like and what goes on in it. It's good because elementary school is not the same today as it 路was when I went to grade school." The rumor has apparently been validated. Cabrini's Education Department, including Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education has developed a fine reputation. The general consensus among cooperating teachers is that the students are well prepared and very reliable. The supervisors, according to the cooperating teachers, are very helpf!Jf. However, several teachers expressed a need for more com-

munication. In the words of one teacher, "We as cooperating teachers, maybe, are not quiet sure what Cabrini expects of us. I would feel more comfortable if they would put out a guideline for cooperating teachers." The students themselves generally fell very comfortable about going to their placements and taking over a class. They feel that they are well prepared and usually don't find anything that is totally unfamiliar to them. The students attribute their good experiences to their training and their supervisors. There seems to be a general consensus, however, that they would like to have more personal attention and support from their supervisors to pull it all together.

A CHANGE OF PACE. The Center for the Study of Psychoeducational Processes will present its Spring Workshop series March 27, 28, and 29. Workshops being offered are Gestalt, Conflict Resolution, Psychodrama, Asse~ion Training, Personal Power, Imagining a Better Self-Concept and Marketing Consulting Skills. For more Information contact the PEP CENTER -- 787-6056.




There is no doubt that it was a day to remember - the day that 25 theater-goers took Cabrini's ancient school bus, filled with the lingering fragrance of the athletic team, all the way to New York to see the much acclaimed musical, 'Sweeney Todd.' As the bus trundled past a toll booth on the turnpike in scenic north New Jersey we could see New York city across the marshes. As our spirits rose, however, a tire on the bus went flat. Helpful personnel in the toll booth offices ordered cabs and 21 people squeezed into three taxis to continue the journey to New York's plush Uris Theater. Four others - Fred Thomas, the driver, Jerome Zurek and two students - stayed with the bus, waiting for the breakdown service . The musical, which won a Gram-

trip -to a bloody play

my Award for the best original cast recording, was the gory tale of a 19th century London barber. Crazed by the seduction and disappearance of his beloved wife and daughter, Todd, (played by Len Cariou) could think only of revenge . It was a powerful portrayal of a man overtaken by dark obsessions. The first murder, the deft throatslitting of a would-be blackmailer, led to the problem of how to dispose of the body. His neighbor, Mrs. Lovatt, played beguilingly by Angela Lansbury, proposed the perfect solution. From her premises below Todd's barber shop she sold meat pies. "Seems such a waste," she said coyly in her cockney accent, "especially with the price of meat today." There followed a gruesome duet in which they considered how different people

might taste. "Try the priest," said Mrs. Lovatt, handing.Todd .a piece of pie. "Mmm ... heavenly," said Todd. "You can tell the piccolo player." "How?" "He's served piping hot!" They concluded with a laugh that everyone goes well with beer. The blackmailer was processed, ground three times for tenderness and served in pies which were an instant success. To meet demand Todd routinely slit the throats of customers, whose bodies were dispatched through a trapdoor to Mrs. Lovatt's bakery. Eventually the wanton murders and thirst for vengeance led to personal tragedy for Todd that destroyed him. The legend of the demon barber of Fleet Street lives on in London's folklore. He is the bogey man - . "Sweeney Todd will ·get you," parents say ·to na~hty children. A

Theatre tunes in to radio BY MARIE PIZZUTO

The audience was "primed" with jokes and stories. Announcer Don Wilson pointed out the applause signs and tested the audience's enthusiasm to respond . The lights went down and the stage was set for the Big Broadcast of 1944at the Forrest Theater, Philadelphia. The show was performed exactly as a radio broadcast would have been 36 years ago, complete with commercials. The audience was advised they could have a beautiful home permanent wave with Perm-a-curl for $.59. That's much cheaper than an expensive beauty parlour permanent wave at $5.00. Harry James and his orchestra accompanied a cast of stars from the 1940's, and also contributed

such instrumental favorites as "The One O'Clock Jump," "You Made Me Love You," and "Cheri Cheri Bin." James still plays the trumpet with gusto and precision, and the orchestra equaled him in talent. Other stars in the program included Dennis Day, who sang some of the songs he is remembered for : "Danny Boy," "MacNamara 's Band," and "When They Begin the Beguine ." Fran Warren sang some more old favorites including "As Time Goes By," and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Warren starred in broadway productions of "As the Girls Go," " The Pajama Game ." Warren Covington and The Pied Pipers, originally organized in 1939 by Tommy Dorsey, con-

tributed "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree ." The band also performed "The Tea for Two Cha-Cha," for which they are credited with ~tarting the cha-cha fad in 1958. The Ink Spots, formed in 1934, sold over a million recordings of "If I Diftn't Care," "Do I Worry," and "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire ." The current group, under the direction of Bernie Mackey , contributed these favorites and also sang "Java Jive," and "I'll Never Smile Again ." Special guest star , the incomparable Hildegarde , contributed her million selling recordings of " Darling , Je Vous Ai me Beaucoup, " "I'll Be Seeing You," and "The Last Time I Saw Paris ."

crack unit of the -London Police, the Flying Squad, is known as the Sweeney. This is an example of London's rhyming slang: Sweeney Todd - Flying Squad. - · Cabrini's theater buffs were enthusiastic about the play in spite of the theme. Sandy Moffatt thought the production was excellent, particularly the ingenious special effects and lighting. Meg Hennessy was impressed by the drop props - stairs and a bridge especially - which were lowered and maneuvered into position as characters moved around, giving the impression of people walking along tortuous city alleyways . Joseph Romano enjoyed the play very much. "It was a grizzly theme tempered at the right time by comedy," he said . Those who stayed with the bus missed the play. They spent a

memorable afternoon on the turnpike in freezing temperatures enjoying the fresh air, the scenery and the bustling life of the high· way. Jerome Zurek reputedly spent much time gazing across the marsh reeds at the misty silhouette of New York city which looked for all the world like the backdrop of a theatrical production . When asked how he had enjoyed the afternoon, his face betrayed some deeply felt emotion but he replied with breathtaking restraint, "it was a unique experience." The theater-goers were grateful to David Milburn for all the hard work he put into organizing this trip . He was unjustly suspected of organizing the puncture also and narrowly escaped spending the remainder of the weekend srung up by his thumbs in the boiler room.

Continued from Page 1 "When the offer came I really wanted it. I was living my job 24 hours a day and could not have a personal life," he said. "I feel my living there (second house) has made no difference at all. I had a meeting with the men

the first day back and told Ron ( Katkockin ) and Mike (Glacken) they won't be taking on any extra responsibilities," Nicoletti said. "There is a dorm duty room set up on the second floor and the men have been very cooperative , he added .





American Gigolo

Hot stuff cools quickly BY KATHY BRUST

In the March 3rd edition of The Sunday Bulletin the "On Screen" column said, "Richard Gere is accused of murder." Unfortunately, this about sums up the entire movie "American Gigolo." "American Gigolo" is a Paramount Picture which stars Richard Gere and Lauren Hutton . The Freddie Fields Production was written and directed by Paul Schrader . It was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer . Basically it is a movie about a classy hustler, (Gere), who tries to make wealthy women happy. That is the extent of the entire movie . It never seems to get off the ground. You find out very little about Julian Kaye, (Gere), what he does, his clients, or the world that

he is associated with. Lauren Hutton plays Michelle Stratton, the wife of a U.S. Senator who sounds amazingly like Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts . As Gere's lover, Hutton is unimpressive . The movie was so poor it was almost impossible to tell if Gere and Hutton were any good in their respective roles. When the dialogue could be heard it was flat and dull. For the most part , Gere and Hutton seemed to swallow their words making their conversations unintelligible . The characters in "American Gigolo" were shallow . ."American Gigolo" looked as if Paul Schrade11 wrote it in a hurry and was unsure of what he wanted to say . I found myself wanting to leave in the mid-

. dle of the movie , but some morbid curiosity kept me in my seat. I think I wanted to see if the movie would improve . It didn 't. The plot of the movie seemed to be almost secondary . The conversation of the ushers at the back of the theater was much more interesting than the plot. ·· There were some good moments in the movie, however brief they may have ·been. The photography or the California scenery was very impressive . The music was also very good, especially the song "Call Me," sung by Blondie . But other than this there is very little to . recommend "American Gigolo." It just goes to show that this movie can not be based solely on the fact that Gere was good looking.

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Sad ie Hawkins comes running to Cabrini ·.·.~:-·•····· -······


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Strains of "Bow to your partner, bow to your corner, and swing your partner." could be heard as one approached the cafeter.ia . These odd proclamations were accompanied by music that was decidedly un-<iiscoand much hand clapping. What in the world was going on in Cabrini's cafeteria? That was the scene Friday night , Feburary 29,a culmination of country day at Cabrini. How one . wondered, did a virtual Hee Haw make its way to Cabrini's doors? "It started as an idea at a food committee meeting, " said Mary Goldner, chairperson of the food committee. "We were throwing ideas around for dinners that could be based on an international theme . Kathy Cordilla mentioned that F'ebruary 29 was Sadie Hawkins day and we were going to build around that idea . The sophomore class had a dance scheduled for that night so Chris Collins and Dave Murphy suggested we merge the two." What eventually evolved was country day at Cabrini. Students were encouraged to dress "country" and they responded with overalls and bright kerchiefs. Stouffer's provided a country dinner, which preceeded the dance, and was highlighted by barbecued chicken, corn and apple STUDENTS COMPETE in the Sadie Hawkin contest during the Sadie fritters, and cherry cobbler. Hawkin's dance. (Photos by Kitsy Humes)

They say that travel broadens the mind and so it does - I have just witnessed indoor soccer for the first time. Raised with British soccer, to me football means association football played in driving drizzle on a field thick with mud which coats the players from head to foot within minutes of the starting whistle. Offered the chance to see indoor soccer I agreed gladly, always keen for a chance to see another facet of American life. Here I would be able to observe Americans enjoying their leisure time while being introduced to a game I'd never even heard of before. The Spectrum was packed, with the concourses teeming like Suburban station in the rush hour. Before an enthusiastic crowd of 11,000, the Philadelphia Fever played the Buffalo Stallions. The

players themselves certainly looked like soccer players except for the soft shoes and absence of mud. I was surprised by the tiny pitch with its neat bright green astroturf. The game was fast, but on the confined pitch it seemed somehow restrained and stage-managed with the ref sternly intervening for every infringement, breaking up the flow of play. The crowd loved it. "He didn't do nuthin !" yelled the girl behind me when a Fever player was sent off, while the Stallion he fouled writhed on the floor in feigned agony. To the left of me was a nonstop running commentary in Polish. The crowd roared its appreciation and protests, clapping to the frenetic pounding of the electronic organ. The Fever's star player was Briton Alan Kelley. "I have been playing soccer from the time I could walk." he said. A prof es-

there who danced had a great time ." Prizes were awarded to the best costumed couple at the dance . Sophomores Regina O'Leary and Pam Fitzpatrick won the contest and collected five dollar certificates to the Wigwam.

rrosh player reflects

FeVer Soccer revieweO BY MARY LANCE

Carter Craigie, associate professor of social science, began the evening festivities by recounting a few tales and then Rita Gerofsky got everyone off to a swinging start by calling popular square dance favorites. "I thought she was great," said Craigie. "Everyone


"In high school we practiced sional player in 4th Division Bri- suicides, (also known as squat tish soccer, his classy foot work thrusts), shooting and passing bore testimony to his background, drills. You bad to go to every pracbut somehow he didn't manage to tice. The only time you could miss get the ball moving. The best play- practice was when you were sick. er overall, with a natural feel for You also couldn't hold a job during the ball, was Fever's diminutive the season. We practiced drills for endurance and our coach made us Clyde Watson. Swift and accurate, his passes were fumbled time after do Chinese fire drills," said Kate Connolly, freshman center for the time by his team mates. The players seemed to lack con- Cabrini Women's basketball team. Connolly started playing basketviction and neither team displayed the killer instinct. I saw more of ball when she was in fourth grade. that while traveling to and from Her father was coaching baseball the Spectrum on the Schuylkill Ex- and basketball for St. Raymond's pressway. It was anybody's game and by chance the Stallions beat the Fever 4 to 2. It was an interesting afternoon . It was fascinating watching American families, many of whom had even brought the baby along, enjoying a Sunday afternoon of football, peanuts, pretzels, popcorn and cold beer . And I now know what indoor soccer is.

CYO in Long Island, New York . "Ii';! had gotten my whole family involved in basketball. After playing for St. Raymond's, I continued playing in high school for East Rockaway, also located in Long Island ," said Connolly. "Even though there were only about 350 students in the whole school , there was alot of competition in going out for the team. We challenged the bigger teams but ended up fourth in the Nassau County division last year. " Connolly plans to play again next year and adds, "I hope to see the team improve alot next year ."

DO YOU NEED $100.00? If so, enter the ENERGY CONSERVATION CONTEST sponsored by the Council of College Affairs. Prepare a proposal that contains a 2 - 5 page typed description (double spaced) of how energy can be saved on Cabrini's campus. Models and drawings may be added, if you like. Applications for entry are available at the Academic Dean's office. Please apply by Friday , March 22. Proposals are to be submitted by Friday, Apri 111 and will be judged by 1) feasibility of proposal and 2) quality of the proposal, i.e., written style and construction of models/diagrams. Any questions please contact Dr. Romano, Dr. Bezdek or Fr. Jack Replogle. First prize will be $100.00 and second prize will be $50.00 < •••





KATE CONNOLLY, freshman center for womens basketball team drives for the basket during recent home game. (By Lor·e Kearney)



Men's season comes to a close Ill!~~;:/BY JOE KRAVITZ

grade their record to 16.6. Victories were recorded over six year old program that reached Holy Family, Pinebrook Jr. Colits 100th victory milestone this lege, Valley Forge Christian Colyear. All members returning next lege and Cathedral. The only loss year. Starters John Keating, Mike came from the hands of upset Bennett and Mike Ferguson plac- mined Williamson on the victor's ing among leaders in rebounding court. This defeat occurred beand foul throw percentage in tween the V.F.C.C. and Cathedral N.A.I.A. District 19. Point guard, wins. Lou Gaudio, leading the team in Although strong team play at scoring at a 15 point clip. both ends of the court has allowed Add all this to the fact that last the Cavaliers, under Girard, to year's M.V.P. Andrew Cullen was display an impressive record, perlost in mid-season due to injury, haps the key to this overall success plus a schedule which was more can be attributed to "versatility." demanding with the likes of For as the "79-80" schedule Swarthmore, Philadelphia Phar- dwindled down, the Cavs found macy, Spring Garden and Allen- themselves making adjustments town. The bottom line results are: due to key injuries. Cabrini could be well on their way Injury to point guard Andrew to becoming one of the stronger Cullen has forced the Cavaliers to teams in local N.A.l.A. play. move his counterpart Lou Gaudio In looking back, the 112-76vic- up to the point. The insertion gf tory over Cathedral on the road Ron Lynch in for an injured John was the turning point which jelled Keating also illustrated the team's the team. Cabrini, under head versatility. If one watches a coach Jolyon P. Girard, continued Cavaliers game it can be noticed MIKE BENNETT displays his on by winning 4 of 5 contests to up- that if the team must, they can slam dunk in the game against Miseracordia. A final season record of 20-6. A

make adjustments due to another made. Williamson's Dean White team's height advantage. Junior was standing at the door steps to Mike Bennett can move from a in- greet the Cavaliers with a 32 point side posting position to a wing output - Williamson took the vicguard. The results have reflected tory 72-67.Thus ending a five game success which have led to vic- winning streak which had started tories. with Williamson. In a home contest against Holy On the following evening, CabriFamily College the fans saw for ni's inside game of Ferguson and the second time this season Fresh- Bennett combined for 49 points men Ron Lynch being inserted into which enabled the team to get back the starting lineup. This time on track with a 85-73 victory over replacing an injured Mike Ben- Cathedral. nett. The outcome of the game was a 88-58 victory. Leading the way in Also pacing the team was Keat'the scoring were Lynch, Ferguson, ing with 19 points. Gaudio chipped and Gaudio. They tallied 20, 16, in on 10 points, but more imand 16 points respectively. portantly performed the duties of a With Bennett back in the line-up, point guard effectively by peneLynch found himself again on the trating the 2-3 zone defense and spot due to a season ending injury feeding inside for 14 assists. to Junior Andrew Cullen. HowThe Cavaliers now made the ever, credit should be given to final road trip of the season up to Keating, Ferguson, Gaudio and Miseracordia . Playing on a small ijennett for the way they adjusted, court besides a three hour bus ride moving from one position to the was not enough to stop the team next. from chalking up victory number 17 on the season. The final read With Cabrini facing Pine-Brook Cabrini 86, Miseracordia 61. Leadon the road. This makeshift lineup ing the team was Lynch and combined for 73 points. The final Ferguson with 21 and 16 each . This was 79-62Cabrini. Leading the way setting up victory 100at home with was Gaudio with 24. Brian Hedding Alvernia. hit for 26 points in a Panther losing In the Alvernia contest, Lynch's effort. Lynch, Bennett and Keating 22 points and Gaudio 's 16 were each found double figures with 17, enough to offset a 42 point produc15 and 12 points . tion by Alvernia's Steve Westley After the Pinebrook victory , the and Joe Lombardo to give Girard Cavs next stop on the road was an " VICTORY 100" in the history of encounter with V.F.C.C. A torrid the college . All 100under the menshooting spree of 15 seconds half tor; the final read 80-76Cabrini. points by Lynch was enough to With the pressure of victory 100 match a 14 point first half perform- off the team's back, the Cavs ance by Ferguson to put the closed the season with MiseraCavaliers on the top at the buzzer. cordia College . It was all Ron The final score was 61-58Cabrini. Lynch, firing for a career high 34 With the record 15-6,nthe final points . With the buzzer sounding stop on the three game road trip off, the scoreboard read Home 79 was made. For Cabrini, this is one Away 69. Miseracordia playing the stop they wished that was not role of the visiting team.

Computer helps mens team points. Team totals and percentages along with high scorers are This years men's basketball added to the stat sheet. team had a thirteenth member, ''The stats are mainly for and he didn't wear sneakers. historical purposes," said Satlow. The use of a TRS Radio Shack "Year to year, it gives the coachcomputer was enlisted by the . ing staff a chance to see where it coaching staff to help players im- has to go," Satlow added. The prove themselves. "I think it yearly win loss record will also be helped us to compete with each other tabulated in the computer. along with the other team," said Another feature Satlow wants to Lou Gaudio '82. add is the assist column. Many Statistics are kept by the man- players are anxious to see this adagers during the games and then ded to the sheet. they are fed into the computer by "The stats are no major conassistant coach Gerald Satlow. tribution, but they are handy and The stats fed to the computer are accurate," said Satlow. He also field goal percentage, free throws, plans to work this program into his rebounds, g&mes played and total computers course. BY JOHN GALLAGHER

Doc Girard wins l 00th BY KITSY HUMES

"I used to go down to the gym in the afternoon when I first started teaching here and play with the guys at school," said Dr. ,Jolyon Girard, coach of the men's basketball team at Cabrini. Two weeks ago, Girard won his 100th victory game against Alvernia College and extended his overall coaching record to 103 to 34. The men happened to ask Girard if he would be interested in coaching them and he said yes. Before, the men had been involved with the intramural team at Eastern College but they had never won any games. After Girard agreed to coach the men they became of the four teams left in Eastern's intramural championship. ' Because of this, Eastern never invited them back the followiniz vear.

The men, however, still wanted to play. As a result of this Girard made "a couple hundred phone calls" and put together the first men's basketball team for the 1974-75year. The first season consisted of a 15game schedule which ended in 19 games when they added four more games at the end of the schedule. Two of the teams included in the schedule were high school teams because of the fact that teams were hard to get. Nevertheless, the idea caught on and as a result of this, male students became interested when enrolling at Cabrini. During the last six years the men's basketball program progressed rapidly. Competition improved every year. In 1976-77the number of games increased from 19 to 21. In 1977-78, Cabrini was in the

midst of playing well-known four year colleges. The schedule had then expanded to 22 games and they had entered in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Girard expected to make it this far but not at such a (ast pace. The five year plan was to have a regular 26 game schedule, belong to a national organization to get legitimacy and recognition for the program. What was the overall feeling for Girard at winning the hundredth game? "It was nice for the kids. We had a little trouble with Alvernia but I'm not concerned with the one hundredth victory. The kids have worked hard and virtually by any standards we've had a very nfce successive program in the past six years. They are to be congratulated for that effort."



FTAFTM FT" 109 67 61" 68 43 63" 14 11 79" 72 50 69" 60 48 SK 10 6 ~ 46 38 65"



O 7 9 18 8 12 4 3

FGAFGMFG" 296 137 46" . 276 132 48" 247 112 45" 233 105 45% 201 96 48" 108 48 44% 94 33 35" O M. 3 2 67" 6 86% 7 5 71" 7 78" 19 7 37" 9 ~ 37 16 43" 4 ~ 43 16 37" 4 33" 16 9 56" 2 ~ 14 6 45" 0 M, 9 3 33% 287 65" 1603 727 45"

PTS AVEHIGHREB AVEHIGH 341 14.8 38 203 8.8 19 307 13.3 29 270 11.7" 26 235 12.4 34 34 1.8 9 260 11.8 20 206 9.4 19 240 10.9 19 146 6.6 14 102 9.3 17 47 4.3 11 96 6.0 13 29 1.8 3 4 4.0 4 0 0.0 0 16 3.2 7 9 1.8 4 21 3.0 8 11 1.6 7 41 2.7 10 20 1.3 4 36 2.6 8 43 3.1 8 22 1.8 6 23 1.9 8 14 1.8 4 17 2.1 7 6 1.5 4 3 0.8 2 75.7 1061

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