March 28, 1980 issue 10 Loquitur

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Friday, March 28, 1980

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

Vol. XXVI, No. 10

Byron highlights family theme BY FLORE CE . IA Willian\.. J . 'Byron, S.J. , Ph .D. was e guest speaker at Cabr ini's Convocation held on March 11th at 1:00 p.m. He is from Pittsburgh, Pa . and attended Saint Joseph 's College in Philadelphia, Woodstock College for his Masters in Theology, and the University of Maryland for his Ph.D . The topic of Byron 's address to the college community was "Liberal Arts and the Commitments of a Lifetime ." " The main reason that colleges and universities are falling down on their job is that they are not educat ing the young on the responsibilities of married lif.eand having a family ," Byron said. Byron feels more can be done in the classroom, the church and extracurricular activities to further educate the young about marriage and family life . " Problems of poor communications in marriage have reached epidemic proportions in the United States and colleges should be doing a better job to find the ground of good interpersonal communications," said Byron. Byron said a young couple • contemplating getting married ,should adjust their living expenses to one salary, so that when a child is born, the .mother can withdraw from the job market without experiencing discontent. He closed his discussion by say-

ing , " My concern is with the preparation of persons, as persons for the marriage situation ." Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, president of the college, spoke about · the different crises in the world and said , "Cabr ini College is doing its part for the cause of American freedom by educating young people in the ideals of our nation.,, She expressed appreciation to the students in Europe involved in Project Outreach and also thanked the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. At the conclusion of Sullivan 's speech , the awards were pre sented to the achievers of the college . Student Government Association award was presented to Lisa Sherwood by Detsy Lynch, presi dent of SGA. The Cabrini College Service and Leadership Awards were g i ven to Salvatore Barabuscio , Victoria Ryan , Lisa Sherweod, Maurene Burns , David Murphy, Maryann Ribick and Detsy Lynch. The Rinaldi Science Scholar ship, funded by Frank Rinaldi, was presented to Michael Glacken and Kathryn Hunchak. The W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Continuing Education Scholarship was presented to Salvatore Barabuscio, Marla DePolo, Brian Gould, David Murphy and Marie Pizzuto . The Christian R. and Mary F. BY MARYANN RIBICK

Club budgets

set for •


Student activities play an important part of college careers and many are funded by a percentage of the general fees included in tuition . It is the responsibility of the Student Government Association to budget this money to the various clubs and organizations on campus. To be allotted a budget, the club must be approved by S.G.A. Approval is earned by presenting an explanation of the purpose, officers and their duties, meetings, membership and elections, and a moderator to S.G.A. At the beginning of each fall semester, all clubs are subject to a review by the S.G.A. Budget Committee. This review requires all club presiden'ts to account for expenditures for the two previous semesters . Failure to satisfy an accounting of expenditures when reviewed may cause a club to fail to be reconsidered for S.G.A. bujigeting. The budget committee reports to the entire S.G.A. body at a regular meeting . The body then decides whether or not ~ budget will be allocated the following terms. In order to receive their budgeted money, clubs must submit check request forms and a receipt to the S.G.A. treasurer . " This year , S.G.A. is budgeting $2,382 to t he var ious c lub s," Maur ene Burns, S.G.A. Tr easurer sai d. " We try to give each club as

FR. BYRON ADDRESSED the campus community on " Liberal Arts and the Commitments of a Lifetime ."

( Photo by Kathy Daly) Lindback Foundation Scholarship was presented to Laura Galvin . Beta Beta Beta recipients were Kelli Armstrong and Marla De Polo. Lambda Iota Tau recipients were Connie Aiello, Roxanne Lucchesi, Diana Mcsweeny, and Jeannemarie Turner. much money as possible, depending on how active that club is," Burns added. There are twenty clubs receiving budgets from S.G.A. this year . Each club is open to any member of the student body and generally opens any of its activities to any student. Clubs attempt to sponsor a number of activities each semester. These activities may range from talent shows to lectures and career seminars, and from foreign films to flower sales. "As the activities of a club increases, so does its money . The largest amount budgeted this year is $350for the Living Arts Society . Living Arts has sponsored a lot of activities this semester," Burns said. "The Athletic Association has received the second largest amount, $200," Burns added . Although the sizes of clubs may vary greatly, there is a general attempt by all clubs to encourage the whole student body to take part in the various activities. "Budgets for this year , on a per club basis, are smaller than in the past. We hope that this will encourage more of the clubs to become active raising funds for their activities ," Burns added. " S.G.A. is willing to help any club along, no matt er how lar ge or small , providing it meets the necessar y criteria of S.G.A.," Burn s said.

Phi Alpha Theta recipients were Kelli Armstrong, Al Iannucci, Ron Katkocin, Salvatore Barabuscio. Initiated into the Society of Collegiate Journalists were Connie Aiello, Diana McSeeeny, Kathy Daly, and Detsy Lynch . Students were inducted into Cabrini College's Honor Society by Dr. Gavigan .

Sister Mary Louise presented the staff awards to three members of the maintenance staff. These were Elizabeth DiCarlo ; Vita DiGianguelio and Frank Norcini. The last award of the afternoon was the 8th Annual Faculty Award, presented to Kathleen M. D~ley, Assistant Professor of Social Science.

Cabrini to hold Special Olympics REGINA O'LEARY

"Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." This is the slogan for the Special Olympics, and the winning phrase of some 300 or more handicapped persons who will be participating in this very unique event on March 28 and 29 at Cabrini College. This will be the second year that Cabrini has held the Pennsylvania Special Olympics . The program has enlarged from the 150 Olympians in 1979 to over 300 in 1980. This year about 100 of the athletes will be sleeping overnight at the college. Athletes from ages 12and up will participate in basketball games on Saturday, March 28 and compete in Run, Dribble and Shoot Competitions on March 29, according to a program .of the event. The opening of the ceremonies on March 29th will begin with an Olympic torch run, according to Kathy Mignogna, ceremonies chairperson . "The kids light it and run. We'll probabl y begin down at the houses or Woodcrest, and have three or four runne rs going to the soccer field."

A performance is scheduled by the Radnor High School Marching Band. The opening ceremonies also include the raising of the flags and the releasing of balloons if the weather permits. "Huggers" and volunteers will also be present to help the athletes . A hugger is a person who stays with a handicapped person for the day . "He or she is yours for the whole day," said hugger, Lourdes Latorre . "You take him or her where they want to go, do what they want do do. You learn from him, and he learns from you," Latorre said. Huggers from area high schools , Villanova University, and Rohm and Haas, the tournament sponsors, will also be helping out, according to Mignogna. "It's a day when everyone should come out," said Jim Amalfitano , chairperson of fund raising . "It's a living experience one you won't forget. " "You get a warm feeling of fulfillment ," said Debbie Loga n, chairper son of the awards committee. " It's reward ing," Logan sai d. M ore Special Ol ympics on 2



Sex rol8s are changing BY MARY LANCE Women are increasingly demanding from their husbands a bigger say in decisions that affect the family and are also expecting more domestic help from their spouses, according to a study published recently. This move toward greater sex role equality in the home was uncovered by University of Michigan researchers Arland Thornton and Deborah Freedman, who interviewed 1,161 women four times during the fifteen years between 1962 and 1977. Each time they asked the women whether they agreed or disagreed with such statements as "most important decisions in the life of a family should be made by the man of the house" and "some work is men's, some is women's and they should not to each others." The study uncovered a tremen-

dous change in attitude among women toward sex role equality in the home during those 15years . In 1962,for example, only 33 per cent of the women thought they should share in decision making. By 1977 this had risen to 67 per cent who wanted a say in decisions affecting the family. In 1962, 56 per cent thought men should do household tasks but, 15 years later, 77 per cent expected them to help. The women who changed most tended to be those who were, at the start of the study, young, newly married, well-educated and working outside the home. In general, those least interested in sex role equality in the home were older women or those who had not worked since marriage and ( contrary to the researchers' expectations) childless women . The researchers noted that religious belief affected attitude.

Jewish women were more egalitarian than anyone else at the beginning and stayed that way; fundamental Protestants were least interested in sex role equality and did not change their views during the 15 years. The research project began before the inception of the women's movement and ended when it was an established force in society. The researchers noted that the tremendous change in attitude toward sex role equality among most women reflected the impact of the women's movement which has raised searching questions about the sex-based assignment of tasks and authority in the home. Other contributory factors have been a dramatic rise in the divorce rate, the declining birthrate and the increasing trend among women to combine a job with homemaking .

Seniors given farewell BY AL SALMIERI The annual Sophomore-Senior Farewell ,-·ii\ be held on Saturday, March 29th, at i.h.: Mansion House in Berwyn. "This is the social event of the year," said Davi~ Murphy, president of the sophomore class. According to sophomore class vice-president Chris Collins, the SophomoreSenior Farewell is a way of saying 'thanks' to the seniors for all their help over the years.

The tickets will cost $25per per- liquor prices and the amount of son for the dinner and dance or $15 seniors attending this year. We are per person for the dance alone. expecting about 200 people, 80 of The evening will start at 7 p.m. which will be seniors," said Murwith a cocktail hour . Dinner will phy . be served from 8 to 9 and the open - The Sophomore class has been bar and dance will go from 9: 00 un- organizing this farewell since til 1:00 A.M. Live music will be February of 1979. According to provided by the group Murphy, "our success from other "Springfield ." sophomore class sponsored acThe reason for the increase in tivities has helped us to cover a lot ticket prices over last year," said of the expenses for this big event." Murphy, "is due to the increase in All students are welcome.

Bruckman awards •1n question BY OLIVIA PETl'ENGILL It's that time of year again, the time when many students apply or re-apply for scholarships and grants, and wait with high hopes for their results to come in the mail. There is a need for clarification concerning academic scholarships that will be awarded for the next school year . Arlene Solomon, Cabrini's financial aid director, explained a few

points about the Bruckmann Scholars . According to Solomon, those students who are named Bruckmann Scholars at the Fall Convocation are not receiving a second scholarship as many people had thought. All students receive their scholarship award letters in the summer . At Fall Convocation, the scholarship winners . who maintain the highest academic averages have the honor of being named

Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087 . Telephone . 215·687-2100 ext. 4 7. Subscription price is included in bene/us secured by ruirion and student Jee. Subscription by mail is $4 per year. Second class postage is paid or Wayne, P'ennsyluonio 1908 7.

Editors-in-Chief: Detsy Lynch and Kathy Daly News Editor :. Marie Pizzuto · Assistant News Editor: Denise Terifay Feature Editor: Jim Lawlor Assistant Feature Editor: Theresa Collins Opinions Editor: Judy Hammet Entertainment Editor: Connie Aiello Assistant Entertainment Editor : Maryann Ribick Sports Editor: Kitsy Humes Photography Editor: Detsy Lynch Distribution: Mary Goldner Secretary/Librarian: MariaCedrone Artists: Lourdes Latorre, Margarita Tuero Business Manager: Theresa Collins Staff: Jim Amalfitano, Kathy Brust, Mary Collins, Kathy Cordilla, Marian_n DeMaria, John Gallagher, Mike Glacken, Mary Goldner, Ron Katkocin, Maine Korzon, Joe Kravitz, Mary Lance, Linda Larkin, Lore Kearney, Jean Leong, Diana McSweeney, Regina O'Leary, Olivia Pettengill, Al Salmieri, Lisa Sherwood, Maureen Williams, Marta Carbone, Maureen Carroll, Joyce Pattucci, Florence Lania. Adviser : Jerome Zurek


Bruckmann Scholars. This problem was discussed at a Financial Aid and Scholarship Committee meeting held on Wed., Feb. 20, 1980. Three additions to the Bruckmann requirements were approved . First, 15 awards will be given out each year . Second, recipients must have completed a minimum of 32 credits as a full time student at Cabrini. Third, recipients will be notified via their financial aid award letter.

-Special Olympics Continued from Page 1 Pat McCanny, chairperson of the sports committee, said, "It's the best activity I've been involved with . It's a very rewarding feeling. I love it." Gino's and Stouffer's will be supplying food for those 300 athletes and huggers and other participants. Rohm and Haas will be providing the equipment. Debbie Logan and her committee are cutting, sewing and piecing together the gold, silver and bronze medals and ribbons that these special athletes will receive. According to hugger Donna Mangano, "Every kid wins an award." "When I'm with a child," said Mignogna, "and he succeeds, I succeed. You show him how well he did. It's really emotional. You can see the joy bubbling over, you can see it's the happiest he's ever been," Mignogna said .

Campus Clips Residency StaffPosition ·s Any interested students wishing to apply for R.A. positions in the residence halls during the 1980-1981 academic year , please pick up an application at the Dean of Student's Office or the Office of Resident Life , beginning Monday , March 17. All applications must be received no later than March 31. Interviews will be scheduled after the Easter break in April with a decision notice the week of April 21.

Yearbook Editor-in-Chief The new editor of the Cabrini yearbook , Woodcrest, is Kathy Brust, class of 1981.

Student Academic Council News Mrs . Gough is the newly appointed moderator of SAC . The Student Academic Council will be holding elections for new members soon.

SGA- JuniorClassWeekend On Friday, April 11 SGA and the Junior Class will throw a beer bash to welcome the campus back from Easter vacation. On Saturday the same two groups will co-sponsor a Roller Skating Party . All are welcome, and more information will be posted later .

Special Olympics DanceMarathon "Dance to give them a chance " is the motto of the dance marathon sponsored by Special Olympics . This fund raiser will take place on Friday-Saturday , April 18-19. It is a 24 hour event. Area high school students , college students. and especially Cabrini students are a.sked to be dancers . The dancers will have people sponsor them by the hour . Special children w ill be present , so " huggers " are needed as well. Area bands and professional D,J.s will provide the music for the evening. Anyone interested in participating please contact Len DeFoggia or Jim Amalifitano.

Nutrition Program Offered The Children 's School and the Early Childhood Education Program funded by the Nutrition Education Training Program of the State of Pennsylvania are offering free workshops for Early Childhood Education majors . The CATNIP Project (Children and Teachers Nutrition Instruction Program) will offer a lectures and prac tic al demonstrations. The following workshops are scheduled : Wednesday, April 19, 1-4 p.m. Library Conference Room. Lona M. Catona M.E .d, " What's Cooking in the Classroom? " Tuesday , April 15, 7-9 p.m. The Children 's School. Ellen Jackson , B.S. E.d. " Making the Program Work : The Practice of Food Preparation ." Wednesday , April 23, 1-4 p.m. Biology Lab , Sacred Heart Hall , Nancy Rush , M.Ed. and Eve Concannon , M .Ed. " Nutrition in the Garden ." Saturday, May 3, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Art Room - Library , Joanne McDevitt , M.Ed . " Making Games for Nutrition Education ." Wednesday, May 14, 7-9 p.m. Library Conference Room , Min-Hsien Kiang, Ph.D . "Planning Your Nutrition Program ."

CareerCounseling forAlumni On April 19 there will be a career workshop exclusively for Cabrini alumni entitled "Career Awareness Workshop." Please inform any friend or relative that may be interested . All must register in advance by contacting Dr. Saul in the Continuing Education Department , extension 62, 687-2100 .

Filmon"Hostages" On Sunday, March 30, the Social Science Club will sponsor a film entitled "Hostage: An Endless Terror " This documentary shows six present day examples of terrorism that include taking hostages. This film shows the crimes as they happened, as well as discussion of the psychology of t errorists and the psychological effect on their victims. The presentation will begin at 7:30 in the Library Conference Room. All are encouraged to attend, as this topic is currently an issue of great concern.

NewsAboutCryptic Cryptic, Cabrini 's Literary Magazine invites you to share your imagination and creativ ,ity with the entire campus community. If you are interested in submitting poetry, prose or artwork for the Spring 1980 issue please contact Regina O'Leary or Kathy Mignoga. If you would like to receive a copy of this issue of Cryptic, please sign only one of the posters in Sacred Heart Hall.

News / Features


Reaction to olympic boycott mixed



Across the Nation ..·.. BY JOYCE PATITUCCI

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in early January, U.S. President Jimmy Carter threatened to retaliate against the Russians with an American boycott of the 1980Summer Olympics in Moscow. Carter expressed his intentions to seek the support of America's allies, and his hopes that they ould empioy the same policy, should the Russians refuse to pull out of Afghanistan by March. The power to boycott the Olympics lies not in Carter's hands, but in the hands of the United States' Olympic Committee president Robert J. Kane. Said Kane, "It's up to the athletes to decide." The majority of potential olympic contenders voted not to go. However, there were mixed emotions among the U.S. athletes. At the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Bob Giordano, weightlifter, expressed his dissatisfaction with Carter's decision. "I've been training for ten years, always pointing to

J980. I don't believe the sports world is any place to voice political opinions. If it came to a vote I think the athletes would go against the President's wishes. I personally would." Sen. David Pryor of Arkansas defended Carter's stand by saying that to hold the Games in Moscow "would confer legitimacy on Soviet actions." Said high-jumper Franklin Jacobs, "I was never thrilled about going to Moscow. I still want to be a superstar, but I have faith in my government and if they believe it would be best to boycott the Olympics, then I'm all for it." As an alternative to holding the games in Moscow, Carter suggested that they either be moved, or held in different cities. Carter quickly assembled several ad hoc groups under special White House counsel Lloyd Cutler, in an attempt to find a city that could prepare for the Olympics in six months, or different cities that would be willing to hold different events. A recent Gallup poll showed that


Americans favored moving the realistic look at the situation. Nazi games by a 3-1 margin, and that Germany used the Games to dem56% of those polled wanted a onstrate the strength of its youth, boycott in the event that the games as though it were symbolic of that could not be moved, or even country's political power. The 1972 postponed for a year. Munich games ended on a tragic The United States did manage to note when guerillas assassinated pick up the support of other coun- nine member of the Israeli Olymtries such as Britain, Egypt, the · pic team in one of the most drastic Netherlands, New Zealand, and expressions of political opinion the Australia, all of wliich favored world has ever witnessed. Said moving the games out of Moscow, pole-vaulter Mike Tully, "The or boycotting them if they were Olympics have been getting more held in Russia anyway. It would be and more political anyway. If it's a difficult, as well as contradictory question of world peace and nafor West Germany ,not to follow in tional security, I think we should their footsteps after repeated at- pull out." Swimmer Steve Lundtacks on the U.S.'s non-aggressive quist was rueful about the Presipolicies with the U.S.S.R. in the dent's decision to withdraw from past. the games. "You look forward to ~ Carter has yet to gain the sup- this all your life. Suddenly, they port of countries such as Italy and just pull the rug out from under France, who have decided to com- you." pete in the Moscow games. Said Undeniably, the absence of Jean-Pierre Soisson, French Min- American athletes would take a ister of Youth and Sports, "The remarkable amount of comolympics are a sporting event, not petitiveness out of the Games. a political affair." Should a substantial amount of However, Soisson's view re- countries stand behind Carter, the mains an idealistic, rather than a Russians would suffer great finan-

cial loss as well. Unfortunately, so would many American businessmen. For instance, NBC would have to replace one-hundred, seventy-million dollars in advertisements, despite the fact that Lloyds of London will cover 90% of their costs. Having invested well over a hundred-million dollars in the Olympics already, the network would undoubtedly suffer the greatest loss. But financial disaster cannot even begin to compare to emotional defeat. Said steeplechaser Henry M.arsh, a member of the U.S.O.C., "I realize a boycott would be a severe blow to the Russians. But as an athlete, the very thought of a boycott breaks my heart." No one seems to know for sure where the future of the 1980Summer Olympics lies. The gloom over the whole crisis was thickened by IOC president Lord Killack, who has already stated that the Olympics will be held in Moscow this summer, or they will not be held at all.

... and on campus










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To see how the opinion on campus compares with that of the nation, the Loquitur asked students, faculty, and staff, "Do you think the U.S. should boycott the Moscow Olympics?" THERESA COLLINS Sophomore



"I don't believe that our sports competition should interfere with the olympic activities. We might not have to go to Russia but let's at least give the Americans a chance after four years of hard training."


. "Yes. At least it will rob them of the opportunity to show off their country.''



FRANK SAUL Continuing Ed. SULAMON ALLYN Freshman


JOL YON GIRARD Ph.D. "I do not approve of president Carter's History Dept. unilateral boycott for several reasons. First,

it was not well thought or planned inregard to its actual effect on Afganistan. Second, he announced that before consulting with U.S. allies and friends, and thus put them in an embarrassing situation and I think that's dangerous diplomacy. I think finally as a result of consensus the concept will eventually fail, it will not remove the Soviets from Afganistan, but it will harm the individual athletes. I don't think the Olympics are divorced from politics, they can be used as a political tool if exploited properly, but in this case they weren't." "I don't think Carter should have called for a boycott. The olympics are games that should be separate from politics. I don't think it's fair to the athletes to train that long and not be allowed to go because of a dispute the U.S. and Russia are having ."


"Affirmative." "As rotten as it seems to keep the U.S. athletes out of the Olympics, it's right. Because as much as it's not supposed to be affected by politics, it is, there is no way around it. We'll hurt Russia by boycotting."


"It makes sense, I find it a reasonable response ."

MARY LANCE Continuing Ed.

"I think we should, we've got to do some damn thing. We've been too damn ea<;yand doing too much wrist slapping. We have tc do something drastic for a change."

"Ifit brings the results its worthwhile."

"I don't think Carter should have called for a boycott. The olympics are games that should be separate from politics. I don't think it's fair to the athletes to train that long and not be allowed to go because of a dispute between the U.S. and Russia ."

"I don't think politics and athletics should anny and Dave - 4th place be mixed." "In a way yes, and in a way no. I think the summer games are the major part of the olympic year. You should leave the decision up to the athletes who tra_inlong days for years, not to some committee. The athletes who want to go should go, and those who choose to boycott can stay home."




"I think they should boycott it because the Russian government tells the Russian people that the olympics is a symbol of peace and friendship. They aren't aware of what going on." "I don't think it is fair because it is depriving all of the athletes of something they worked for all their life .' '

"I'm a middle of the roader. I feel bad for the athletes, but I see the president's point too."


"No I don't think so. After watching the winter olympics and seeing how hard they practice, they should be able to participate because for some it may be the only chance they get."


,n't as bad as Donna and iana's 8th place showing.



om Anderson and fiancee .




tebbIe said, We re gonna,, 1inenough to buy a house.

·····:;:.: ..

LENNY De FOGG IA, Larry McCanney, and Michael Morelli entertain

students in the Mansion. (Photos by Detsy Lynch)


.4 · Internships ....

Squash party fun for al I

BY THERESA COLLINS Iannucci feels you get a taste of A number of departments in- things when working as an intern cluding English and Communications, Biology, Business Administration , Social Science, and Chemistry provide the opportunity for students to spend a semester in a professional position related to their major . This year Al Iannucci and Lisa Sherwood are among the six students participating in an internship . The other four are Jud y Guido, Kathy Cain , Keith Hickman and John Gallagher. These internships enable the students to have on the job training and experience rather than just learn about their area in a classroom. LISA SHERWOOD 1980 Iannucci will gr aduate in May · 1980 with a B.S. in Business Administration . He is presently in- and he really enjoys his work at terning at Haverford Commun ity Haverford . He plans to go to grad Hospital in the area of Health Ad- uate school majoring in finance with electives in Health Care . ministration . On the other hand, Sherwood 's internship has her working with the Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council in Valley Forge in the area of Public Relations. This program deals with gett ing girl scout troops of Chester, Bucks, and parts of Montgomery County together . Sherwood makes contacts with troop leaders so they readers and record material on tab les that other people can simply will be motivated to get the girls tape . He makes many friends this look up . An electronic gadget involved in acti vities such as the way as he is very sociable and called an optical tactile converter , cookie sales and various fund good company . The best friends , or Optacon, enables him to read raisers . AL IANNUCCI 1980 he says , are those who are willing printed material and even neat Sherwood works from 9-5 on to spend time and effort teaching handwriting, which gives him a Tuesday, Wednesday, and ThursHe obtained his internship him how to tackle new problems measure of independence, but it is through Mrs. Nelson, R.N . and day . She has written several press for himself so he can be independ- a lengthy process. He is a radio Eastern College . Iannucci was releases dealing with her area of ent of help in future. Those who ham and can study the manuals - enrolled in a Health Administrawork and is working on the want to help should ask what is re- even diagrams - with the Optacon . tion course there two years ago Newsletter Fife and Drum. quired rather than impose the kind Sherwood deals with 20-30people Meeting people for the first time and was offered the position . of assistance they think is needed, He works every Wednesday in a day and truly enjoys working takes a great deal of effort, he says Simpson. He would rather the Supplies and Equipment De- with the kids and troop leaders . decide how to tackle a problem says, for nearly everyone reacts to partment and is required to v.•ork According to Sherwood, she would and define his own limitations than his handicap. "It makes many peo- at least 5 hours a day but he puts in do this everyday if she could. have someone do this for him. A ple feel inadequate," he says , a full day of 8 hours . Sherwood believes her ex sighted person's way of dealing adding that it's his responsibility Once a week he meets with perience with the Loquitur helped to put them at their ease . Others with a difficulty could lead to . her become qualified for this inreact by being patronizing but he Nelson to review the previous danger for a blind person. understands their difficulty at week and is presently writing a ternship . "Internships are more Course work poses major prob- being confronted by something short 10-page paper on his intern- than taking courses, they are a lems. Whereas sighted students real learning experience,'' she they've probably never met ship. · take sheet music to class, Simpson before. "I make allowances for replied. She will graduate in May Iannucci works on budgeting must memorize everything . It is a people because they mean well," physical 1980 with a B.A. in English Cominventory , calling painstaking business to read munications. making he says," And it would put them off different departments, braille music with one hand while speaking to a blind person again if universal charts for departments, Iannucci and Sherwood receive 6 playing it with the other, memor,iz- I bristled at them." One way he figures out costs of supplies, and credits for their internships and ing each phrase and then playing puts people at their ease is to use gets leads on what the hospital is still take courses at Cabrini on both hands together without refertheir free days from work. the word "see" very deliberately doing. ence to the music book. to make them feel it's all right to use it with him. After leaving Westminster, Simpson studied French with the There's no doubt that blindness sister of Cabrini's Irene Rachal is a profound handicap that affects before spending . a year in Paris. everything he does, costing him Here he studied under renowned time -and effort. He doesn't make organist Andre Marchal. Working, an issue of it, though, and hopes under Marchal, he says, was the others won't. When you get to first time that his handicap has know him as a person blindness caused him to be overwhelmed and "just becomes a fragment of exhausted, for Marchal pushes his . everything else," he says . students to their limits . Simpson Simpson works for the Settlecould not use his blindness as an ment Music School in Philaexcuse, however, for Marchal delphia, where he is building up a himself is blind. braille music library. He has been Simpson's excellent memory is accepted by the University of his biggest asset. Not only can he Pennsylvania as a graduate sturemember complete organ works dent and his ambition is to teach but also everyday information like college level music history and telephone numbers and train time- organ performance.

games. Eileen Slattery, junior, said "I Squash is a sport played with a had a lot of fun. We should do lightweight racquet and a small ball in a square court by two or things like that more often and maybe more people would come. " four players. Saturday night, March 15, the Freshman Ca thy Masino said , " I'm glad there weren't too many Squashcon Club located in Berwyn people there, because it gave the was the site of a " Squash Party ." This activity co-sponsored by SGA people who did come a lot of time and the Philosophy Club was an on the courts . However I wish stuactive and fun-filled evening for .dents who don' t normally support the 34 people who attended . Those Cabrini functions would start getwho participated in the even t in- ting involved ." The unique thing about the cluded 18Cabrini students , several "Squash Party ," which set the faculty members , a few Cabrini evening apart from most cabrini alumni, as well as a prospective ac tivities was the casual studen t visiting student. The club was composed of five fa culty interaction . Sophomore , Lourdes Latorre said , "Playing single courts, and one double court, which were used con- squash was a good way to establish tinuously from 6:30 until midnigh t. a more personal student-teache r While waiting for a court to relationship. " Jeanne Pilcicki who become open , enthusiastic new is a high schoo l student from Bishop Kendrick and will possibly learners and experienced players could relax in the lounge, listening be a member of next semester 's to music, snacking on donuts and freshman class said, "I was imsandwiches, and playing board pressed by the companionship of BY JUDY HAMMET

On the iob training

the students and the faculty. They really enjoyed each other's company . I really had a good time. " Squash is a fun sport, but it's a lot of hard work. The players could relax after a match to relieve their aches in the sauna. MaryJane Wallace, junior , said, "The sauna was great, I had the best time in the world !" The inexperienced player could receive instruction from a professional player who attended the event at the invitation of Dr. Sharon Schwarze, chairperson of the philosophy department. Schwarze and the pro played an exhibition game to demonstrate the correct way to play the game . Schwarze was encouraged to see faculty and students enjoying the game of squash together. The fifty-six dollars rece ived from the admission price charged was donated to the Lawrence Sedler Memorial Fund .

Blind student tackles problems BY MARY LANCE

Imagine that you are working late in the library and suddenly there is a power outage . You are plunged into total darkness . You have a mental map of where the passageways and doors are but finding them without bumping into things or tripping poses a problem. You grope toward the door but it takes a long time and you fervently wish the lights would come on again . Life is like this all the time for a blind student, such as David Simpson, who has been blind since birth and is now a professional organist. Good-natured and easy going, he is totally without self-pity about his, handicap and talks freely about the problems it causes. After graduating from Bucknell University, he went to West- · minster Choir College for his Master in Music. What are the main problems faced by a blind student at college? The first one is finding your way around, says Simpson. On arriving at college he has to build a mental map of the campus, a slow business for which at first he needs help. He will ask someone to travel the main routes with him a couple of times to protect him from injury while he memorizes steps, turnings, doors (do they open inwards or outwards, where are the handles and so on) and other obstacles. From the main routes he can gradually construct a mental plan of the entire campus in about three weeks. Most of a blind student's course work is available on tape and in braille, but there are always handouts in class and research to be done for homework projects, says Simpson. For this he needs fellow students who are willing to be


one woman , playing a violin, and a man, practicing his clarinet. Soon, however , they were joined by the rest of the Orchestra, each practicing their own warm-up exercise . The result was one large, off-tune noise that was described by someone near me as 'unholy.' But, these warm-up exercises marked the beginning of a night of

was 'Romeo at the Tomb 01 JuIIN: ·~ It resounded with the full power of all the musicians. One couldn't · help but notice the precision and robot-like movements of the violin players. At the end of the Romeo and Juliet set, Skrowaczewski took his bows before conducting the next series of numbers entitled 'Con-

, u:rrpmu <rn =n•6




plauded loudly at the f2 beginning . Powerful, stimulating, e, magical - these all descr i Philadelphia Orchestra, uni direction of Skrowacz1 However, said briefly, thi! cal evening was nothing s; 'fabulous .•

THE LUCK OF THE IRISH seems to have run out as the Arabs attempt to buy out the town. The patrons of MacNamara's Tavern sing out their woes in the Irish Minstrel Show. (Photo by Detsy Lynch)




Spring arrives at Cabrini BY MARY C. GOLDNER

The fifth annual Celebration of Spring weekend held on March 21-23, featured dancing, gambling, singing and a heck of a lot of driving . "The whole campus community participated to make Celebration of Spring a success even though the weather forced us to cancel many activities ," said Frank Morelli, president of the Living Arts society. A "Masquerade Ball" on Friday night kicked off the events of the weekend . Prizes were awarded for various costumes from the ugliest to the prettiest. Saturday night the cafeteria was transformed into a casino with panting , sweat y gamblers who all had a dazed glass y look to the ir eyes . Ron Katkocin , sen ior , brushe d by this reporter mum bling, " Even Father Jack won 't give me a bless ing because of bad credit. " Cindi Deri tis, head resident of Woodcrest Drom , and Lourdes Latoore , sophomore , acted as hostess and Playboy Bunny (respectively) all evening . Tony Ciro, freshman , beamed " Their losing all the ir money , resorts would be proud of us ."



Collins - " I don 't kick girls in the tush -- that wasn't me. It was a quaint idea."

Hickman - "I've earned it."


Gallagher - " They can call me anything but late for dinner. " Keating - "I didn 't know I was." Kravitz - "All in a night's work." D.Q. - "I don 't know , man." J.B. - "RRRRR - an unexpected pleasure ."

Murphy- " Is that why I can 't get a date on campus and I don 't mean the wrinkley ki"nd."

lanucci - " It's rough at times ." Stevens - " I think I'm bad." Reuss - " Sure."


Sunday dawned clear and sunny and by 12:15 anxious particpants crowded the parking lot for the 1980 Road Rally. The road rally which has become legendary at Cabrini had 18 pairs of students, Alumni, and friends trying for the big money . Mike Glackin, senior, Ron Katkocin, senior and Maine Korzon, sophomore, showed no mercy when planning the rally that took everyone on a journey that will not soon be forgotten . An Evening at Cabrini held in the Mansion Sunday night highlighted the entire weekend . One act which stood alone from the others was a dance done by Lynn Williams , freshman , to Dionne Warwick 's " After You ." " I 'm used to doing shows so I wasn 't nervous and the students were sup portive and responded well ," said Williams . Special thank s for the weekend go to Sulamon Allyn and the freshma n class who donated $100 towards Celebeation of Spring . The help of Jim Amalfitano , sophomore , Ken Fazio , sophomore , Lourdes Latorre, sophomore , Pat McCanney, sophomore and Jud y Hammet , sophomore helped the weekend be enjo yed by the whole campus.

Road Rally Results First Place ($50) . .... . .... Leslie Hickman /Mary Ann Fenlon Second Place ($25) .. . . . ....... ... Pat Moscony/Kathy Carlin Third Place ($10) . . . . ..... . . . ... ... . Lyn Scott/Marie Dewees Fourth Place . .... . .......... ... ... Dan Ross /Dave McCarthy Fifth Place ......... . .. . .. . Maria Carbone / Ann Marie Kisner Sixth Place ..... . . ... ... .. . .. .. . Sue Brown/ Peggy Hefferman Seventh Place . . . . . ... ... . . .... . . . . Bill Bead /Jim Amalfitano Eighth Place . . . . . . . . . . . . Donna Montanari /Diana Mcsweeny Ninth Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Stalcup /Margarita Tuero Tenth Place . .. .. .. .. . . ...... .. . . Detsy Lynch /Judy Hammet Eleventh Place .... ... . ..... . ... .. Mike Sulewski /Mike Hilsey Twelfth Place . . . ... .... . ... .. Jeanne Schnieder /Bob Branson Thirteenth Place . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Collins/Lourdes LaTorre Fourteenth Place ... . .. . . . ... Chuck Scneider/Denny Conneen Fifteenth Place ....... . ... . ...... . Mike Stevens /Jo Schwoyer Sixteenth Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc Sansone /Franny Carusi Seventeenth Place .... . .... .. . Maurene Burns /Kathy Cordilla EIGHTEENTH Place . ... ... . .. Mary Collins/Beany Feighan



RON KATKOCIN, senior and Mainie Korzon, sophomore, two of the coordinators for last weekends road rally, tally the results. (Photo by Detsy Lynch)



1 Father Jack as always was there to support the campus community at casino night, but now it seems there will be collections on Sun. 2 Deane Ryan, Tori Ryan's sister, said, "The weekend was soggy but fun and I'd also like to congratulate my sister on graduating in May."

TOM KENNEY, sophomore, gets into the "swim" of things during Sun-

day's road rally.

3 Jo and Regina said, "We're out to get lucky in more ways than one."

..,,. 4

Danny and Dave - 4th place isn't as bad as Donna and Diana 's 8th place showing.

MONTE CARLO NIGHT - where else but Cabrini could you get $50.00for


5 Tom Anderson and fiancee Debbie said , " We're gonna win enough to buy a house."

LENNY DeFOGGIA, Larry Mc Canney , and Michael Morelli entertain students in the Mansion . (Photos by Detsy Lynch)



Fashions show flair year," Maria Cedrone, a BY CONNIE AIELLO sophomore model, said. No one would have quite recog"However, the weather reduced nized the Cabrini Mansion foyer. The grand room was filled with the amount of people expected," Cabrini students transformed by she added. Nelson said that the show was makeup, shimmering clothing and a certain nervousness as they pre- f11ade up of three categories for modeling: western, designer and pared to model in the junior class sporty fashions. Each of these second annual fashion show. included various "The idea for a fashion show categories developed last year when a few of "looks" such as swimwear and my friends were sitting around and tennis look, sophisticated look, business look and disco evening we came up with the idea," Tanya Nelson, junior class president , look. She said that the categories said. "Last year, we had the show were aided by lighting and music effect. in the gym, this year we were more "As each person came out, I organized with the modeling, lights, sounds and set-up," Nelson read what outfit and accessories •they modeled. They modeled said. The junior class fashion show under different colored lights with was held Friday night, March 14 music in the background to create a certain effect. Also, in the evefrom 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. "Having the show in the Man- ning fashions, I tried to coordinate the colors of the men's and sion was a big advantage over last

Experiencing BY KATHY BRUST

"Again. Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch. That connects with turn, kick, back-step, pivot-step, walk, walk, walk ... " says Zach (David Thome), to the twenty-five dancers trying out for the chorus of a Broadway show. Although it feels like a real audition it is really just the opening scene of Michael Bennett's musical, "A Chorus Line." "A Chorus Line" opened at the Forrest Theatre at the end of February and it plays there until the end of March. In 1975,"A Chorus Line" opened at the Public Theater, then it moved to Broadway. It won the New York Drama Critic's Circle Awards for the best musical in 1975.In 1976,"A Chorus Line" won a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. "A Chorus Line" goes beyond its beginnings and the awards that this show has won. It is a celebration of music and dance . This is not a play that you just go to see . This is something that you, the audience, become involved in. There is no escape. As the Forrest Theater becomes completely black and then suddenly the stage is flooded by

women's clothing," Nelson said. Nelson said that she was "shaky" as to how the evening would turn out. "The weather was a big problem, however, there was also problems with seating arrangements due to an artist-inresidence concert two evenings later." "I think everyone was excited and a bit nervous before the show. It was a learning experience for me. It gave me confidence in myself because I didn't think I could do it," Dane Linn, a freshman model, said. One member of the audience said that she was really impressed with the organization. She said that the students looked and acted prof~ssional. Following the show, the junior class sponsored a dance with a disc jockey in the college cafeteria.

the magic

yellow light, you can feel the excitement in the audience. The audience becomes one of those twenty-five, eager young dancers on the stage. I found "A Chorus Line" to be exceptio!lal. It was even better than I had thought it would be. I had waited four years to see this show and I was somewhat worried that it would be a letdown. I was delighted to see that it really is a terrific show. There are many things that you can say about "A Chorus Line, " but I'm just not sure that words like "fabulous" or "wonderful " are adequate enough to describe the way this show makes you feel. This particular production is just excellent. The lighting in "A Chorus Line" is an integral part of the show. It not only sets the mood of the show but it also delineates the different characters. Each of the dancers is spotlighted at one point or another in the show. They have to tell Zach all about themselves and the lighting helps to emphasize this. What can you say about Marvin Hamlisch's music that hasn ' t already been said? With the lyrics of Edward Kleban, Hamlisch 's songs tell the whole story of "A

Chorus Line ." Mere words are not enough to · describe "A Chorus Line." It is more like a feeling that you come out of the theater with, then a clear cut idea of what you thought of the play. It isn't something that you can think about. "A Chorus Line" is a feeling - a glorious feeling of having experienced something that you'll never be able to recapture. If you haven't seen "A Chorus Line," do yourself a favor and see it before it leaves Philadelphia . Go and experience the magic . I think that the best thing anyone could say about "A Chorus Line" is printed right on the program, "This show is dedicated to anyone who has ever danced in a chorus line or marched in step . . . anywhere." Treat yourself, see " A Chorus Line" now, at the Forrest Theatre. You'll be glad you did. "A Chorus Line" is produced by the New York Shakespeare Festival under the leadership of Joseph Papp. It began as a Free Shakespeare summer festival in 1956. In 1964 the Festival developed a Mobile Theater to tour New York City parks.

Music lifts damp spirits BY REGINA O'LEARY

The night was cold, wet and slushy, but nothing was going to dampen our spirits as we trudged through the city, making our way to the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. It was March 13, and we had come to see a performance of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Anxiety levels were high as we entered the Academy and took our places in the red velvet seats. The stage where they performed was arranged with red seated chairs and metal music stands. However, it was only occupied by one woman , playing a violin, and a man, practicing his clarinet. Soon, however, they were joined by the rest of the Orchestra, each practicing their own warm-up exercise. The result was one large, off-tune noise that was described by someone near me as 'unholy.' But, these warm-up exercises marked the beginning of a night of

music that was a blessing to any ear. The theatre silenced when conductor Stanislaw Skrowaczewski took his place at his podium. With a motion of his hand, he began two hours of orchestrated music . The first set of selections for the evening was from Prokofieff's 'Suite No. 2 from the Ballet 'Romeo and Juliet.' The first song from this series was 'Montagues and Capulets. ' What struck me was the slow, gentle humming sound of violins at the beginning. The final song of the set of six was 'Romeo at the Tomb of Juliet.' It resounded with the full power of all the musicians. One couldn't · help but notice the precision and robot-like movements of the violin players. At the end of the Romeo and Juliet set, Skrowaczewski took his bows before conducting the next series of numbers entitled 'Con-

certo No. 25 in C Major for Piano and Orchestra' by Mozart. This series was performed by about half the violinists and musicians, and the guest appearance of pianist Paul Badura-Skoda. The magical movements of BaduraSkoda's fingers across the keys sent music to every corner of the high domed theatre. Together with the rest of the musicians, the performance of these three pieces was calm and restful. The reason for this was the playing of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor. This proved - to be uplifting to the audience who applauded loudly at the familiar beginning. Powerful, stimulating, exciting, magical - these all describe the Philadelphia Orchestra, under the direction of Skrowaczewski. However, said briefly, this musical evening was nothing short of 'fabulous.'

THE GERMANTOWN DANCE THEATRE presents REJOICE!, a celebration of dance with works by Philadelphian choreographer Jean Williams. Performances are Saturday, March 29 at 8 p.m . and Sunday, March 30 at 2 p.m . in Drexel University 's Mandell Theatre, 33rd and Chestnut Sts. For information, call VI 4-0233. Tickets are available at the Theatre's box office. Dancer is Gayle Williams.


On March 6th, Films Inc. held a screening of the new 20th Century Fox movie, entitled "The Man With Bogart's Face ." Critics from the media as well as several area colleges were invited to attend . The screening took place atop the Fox Building at 16th and Market Sts. Although the plush room could have easily accommodated one-hundred people, the mini-theatre was sparsely-populated. Perhaps those who were not in attendance had been forewarned. The comedy-mystery starred Robert Sacchi as Sam Marlowe, a man who has his face surgically reconstructed so that he is the almost identical image of Humphrey Bogart. After his operation, Marlowe opens his new private detective business and then, the boredom begins. The entire movie revolves around the search for the Eyes of · Alexander, the precious stones for which Marlowe has been hired to find. Four of his five clients have called upon him to find the huge, blue sapphires, which look more like heavily-dyed Easter eggs than they do gems. His fifth client, Mother, is portrayed by Yvonne Decarlo, Marlowe's 7 ft. tall landlady who offers him three months free rent if he can find Nicky, her missing munchkin boyfriend who is hiding from her. It is unfortunate that Decarlo did not appear

more often since she provoked most of the audience's laughter. Also starring in the movie were Misty Rowe, Marlowe's moronic secretary whom he called Duchess, and Michelle Phillips, his lover who bore a close resemblance to Jean Tierney as well as Faye Dunaway . While both women's physical attributes were admirable, their acting abilities were not. Most of the incidents designed to make the audience laugh were unsuccessful. For the most part, the humor was flat and the plot was uninteresting and uninvolving. (I myself was more interested in when Nicky would be found. ) Sacchi's performance was overly contrived and the constant twitching of his mouth very annoying . There are many films not worth seeing and this is one of them. However abominable the movie was, I enjoyed the opportunity to attend a screening. The room in which the film was shown was very different from the conventional movie theatre . The seats were not coated with sticky candy and bubble-gum, and a portable bar replaced the popcorn and soda . concession. Having spoken with most of the audience, I learned that many of them had actually liked the film. I might add that many of those same enthusiasts were under the impression that Cabrini was a convent. You might want to judge for yourself.



Jazz loses pizzazz BY DIANA McSWEENEY

"It's show time," says -Joe Gideon each morning as he looks at himself in the bathroom mirror ready to begin yet another frenetic day . Gideon utters the phrase like an incantation that is part of some sacred ritual. The religion he practices is show business and the sacrifice he ultimately offers is himself. This is the basic premise for Bob Fosse's latest effort "All That Jazz." The film was directed by Fosse and written by him in coll a bor a tion with Robert Alan Aurthur . It stars Roy Scheider, Ann Reinking, and Jessica Lange . Joe GideoB(Roy Scheider) is an enormous Broadwa y talent : director, writer, choreographer who, in his frenzied quest of achievement, has burnt himself out. "All That Jazz" is Gideon's reflections, done in an imaginative dream sequence, on the circumstances

that led him to a hospital bed awaiting coronary surgery . Scheider's Gideon is a man of perverse qualities. His mistress and his daughter, , played respectively by Ann Reinking and Erzsebet Foldi, are probably the most stable and loving elements in his life. Gideon, however, relentlessly abuses their love, very conscious all the while of the pain he inflicts and seemingly unable to help himself. There was a demon inside him, eating him alive, and one had the distinct impression that the demon's name was Joe Gideon. The first hour and a half of "All That Jazz" is a tribute to director Fosse's talent. The scenes of dancers trying out for Gideon's latest Broadway bound production are an eloquent testimony to the blood, sweat, and tears that are very much a part of a dancer's life. The perserverance, dedication, and

sheer exuberance that they bring to a craft that often brutally rejects their efforts is enthusiastically conveyed by a marvelous cast of dancers. Once, however, the film reaches the point where it concerns nothing but Gideon's illness it begins to lose its punch. Fosse was probably very conscious of avoidng a screen version of "A Chorus Line." In his attempt to eliminate comparison he presents, in a film that is already remarkably autobiographical, forty minutes of film that is nothing more than self-indulgent. In the end "All That Jazz" is a visually stimulating film about a man who didn't know " ... where the game ended and reality began ." It is a slick showcase of the theater world and well worth seeing for anyone who enjoys this medium and can indulge the director the last portion of the film .

lntramurals get started BY MARY COLLINS

Cabrini College has recently organized intramural basketball. It was organized by sophomore Joe Kravitz. Kravitz organized intramural basketball "to allow the student athlete as well as the stu dents themselves the opportunity to participate jointly in a competitive sports atmosphere."


There are four teams : Tri-State, City Kids, Hometown, and The Apple. These teams play six schedule games to determine a play-off position and a championship game . The games are played Monday and Thursday evening in the gy'!l at 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. There are two , 20 minutes halfs which gives the game more game like conditions. The basketball teams are divided into many different combinations of players. Two members of Cabrini's basketball team are on every team and others combinations of student athletes . The intramural basketball games are set up so they have a certified referee at every game , junior Mike Sulewski. Kravitz also added "that without the help of the Athletic Department it would have made things much harder to establish."

HOMETOWN'S BURT FERGUSON crashes the board for 2 points as they went on to defeat Tri-State 53-51in the opening of the intramural basketball season on Tuesday evening, March 11. (Photo by Kitsy Humes)

Women's ~oftba/1 begin practice BY KITSY HUMES

The Women's softball team is scheduled to open its season on Tuesday, March 25 against Eastern college. The team under the guidance of sophomore Lore Kearney is expected to play a 10 game schedule this year with five games home and five games away . According to Kearney , "Practices will be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:30 p.m. with the possibility of one practice at night each week in which my father would help me run."

Practices will also include doing

sprint timings from home base to first base, running twice around the bases and doing an exercise called "Pepper," in which two people play to help quicken their reflexes. "Since we have 32 women out for the team, we will have basically two teams that will interchange and substitute. The women will vote on who will start. Everyone will get a chance to play one game during the season," said Kearney. Other teams included in the schedule are Textile, Chestnut Hill, Ursinus, Rosemont, Harcum, Swarthmore, Our Lady of Angles, and Immaculata.

Due to unforeseen circumstances,Fall 1980 registrationhas been postponeduntil after Easter Vacation.

ADVISEMENT WEEK April 8 - 16 Registration Days:



Arts Calender Spectrum

Flyers vs. Atlanta March 30 Flyers vs. Washington April 3 Linda Ronstadt April 10 Foghat April 26

Veterans Stadium

Baseball Phila. vs. Montreal April 11, 12

Tower Theater

Cheap Trick March 28 Robin Trowler April 25

Phillies launch new season BY JOE KRAVITZ Golden Glove award beside hitting The team everyone expected to for a .260 average . Larry Bowa win a league title , skidded from ( .241) set a new record with a first to fourth place in the National spectacular .991 fielding average . League East after winning the Powerhitting Mike Schmidt hit 45 division crown for three straight homerunners and drove in 114runs seasons . Dallas Green replaces along with batting at a .253clip and Danny Ozark as the manager of winning a Gold Glpve for his defenthe team. Green is convinced his sive play at third base . ball club, if healthy, has the talent to get back on the winning track in All star catcher ¡ Bob Boone , 1980. another Gold Glove winner is back A key problem in the off season behind the plate after hitting .286 was the inconsistent pitching staff . , in 119 games . Rookie Keith MoreThe starting rotation has two land can be ready to make the members , righthanders Dick jump from the minor to major Ruthven and Larry Christenson league level. coming off winter operations . Both are expected to be in good sha1;>e In the outfield powerhouse Greg Luzinski had a off year , but still and join lefthanders Steve Carlton managed to knock in 18 homeruns who fanned 213hitters along with a and 81 runs batted in. The loss of 20 18-11, 3.62 E.R.A Nino Espinosa pounds in weight shot!ld help (14-12, 3.65) and Randy Lerch Luzinski get off to a fast start. {10-13, 3.74) complete the starters . Centerfielder Gary Maddox Young Paul Thormodsgord along returns in centerfield . Maddox with newly acquired Lerrin also is a Golden Glove recipient. LaGrow can help build a bullpen Maddox is a athlete with great around returners Tug McGraw speed and capable of delivering a and Ron Reed . big year at the plate . Bake First basemen Pete Rose ranked McBride who hit .280 along with 25 second in the National League stolen bases can be given a fight with his .331 average behind N.L. for his job by rookie Lonnie Smith . batting champ Keith Hernandez , Smith has been named to the minor returns for his second year in a red league all star team for the past and white pinstrip uniform . This two years . Although major injpast season allowed Rose to be- uries put a damper to last years come the only player in history to plans, this team, is still probably get over 200 hits a season for 10 the best defensive team in basetimes in his career . Second base- ball. However, if they cannot men Manny Trillo returns after an return to becoming a contender for injury to his wrist. Trillo with the the league title, undoubtly more injury was still able to win the changes are to come .

PAIAW Tournament is held BY MARIANN DeMARIA

The second annual PAIAW Division III Invitational Tournament was held at Cabrini a couple of weekends ago. "The reason it was held here is because I offered our gym. Also we have one of the best gyms around and we're centrally located," Helen Goodwin said. Four games were held on Saturday, March 8. The morning started off when Philadelphia Community College played Bryn Mawr at 9:30. Community won and advanced; while Bryn Mawr was eliminated. Eastern and Gwynedd Mercy played at 11:30p.m. at Eastern. Eastern won and Gwynedd Mercy was eliminated. Community took the court again

at 3:00 p.m., when they faced Holy Family . Community beat Holy Family advancing to the finals. At 5 :00 the final game of the day was played. This game between Spring Garden and Eastern would determine Community's opponents. Spring Garden won and advanced along with Community to the finals . The finals were held on Sunday, March 9. Community was the victor by seven points beating Spring Garden 67-60. The weekend ended with P.C.C. as the tournament champs and Spring Garden as the runner-ups. Helen Goodwin received a plague on Sunday for promoting PAIAW Women's Basketball.



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