Oct. 02, 1981 issue 01 Loquitur

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Fri., Oct 2nd

Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087

Vol. XXVIII No. 1

•Communication program gets aid BY JEANNE PROKO residence homes received $100,000. The George D. Widener Campus and the counseling center received Center is now financially paid for, the donation of $10,000. Outside of due to the Pew Memorial Fund. the Widener foundation, "The A sum of $161,500.was granted to ·donation by the Pew Foundation is Cabrini in early July for the Com- the largest we have received," munications Department, said stated Heiberger. John J. Heiberger, _Jr., the vice The Widener Center building president for Development and had been financially complete after receiving $1.6 million. The Public Relations. The Pew family, located in Phil- Communications Department was adelphia, is one of the major the department that still needed to philanthropic foundations in the be funded. country. Muct~of the trust fund is Alter compiling a thirty page given very locally. Sr. Mary proposal listing the equipment Louise Sullivan, M.S.C., president needed and the reasons for the of Cabrini, believes that now they equipment needed, the Pew are giving nationally, but mostly Memorial Fund agreed to totally colleges are the recipients. The finance Cabrini College's ComPew Foundation is also the munications Department : John founder of the Sun Company. Heiberger; Dr. Jerome Zurek, AsThe family has donated twice to sociate Professor of English and Cabrini College in the past. The Communications; Dr. Joseph

Dorm renovated BY TOM DeMATTEIS

Thanks to some major renovations, Counsel Hall, the men's dorm, has a new look. Over the summer, work was done on the plumbing, lighting and roof. Carpet and smoke detectors were put in along with the dorm being painted. , The actuality of renovating Counsel came about early in the 1981 spring semester. Dr. Joseph Romano, the Academic Dean, became tired of people knocking Counsel Hall. He felt that with sotne work the dorm would be fine, so the Administrative Staff met and decided to renovate. The plan was then turned over to Mike Caranfa, the head of the Physical Plant Department. Caranfa took bids from three different companies in each area: plumbing, electric, carpeting and roofing to see who would do the work for the least amount of money• The results from this had William C. Fischer doing the plumbinSi

This involved the installation of new showers and sinks in the bathrooms. The new wall-to-wall carpeting in the hallways was put down by Rubins Carpet Center and the smoke detectors were installed by Protect-a-Life. The new roof that is being put on the building is being done by Ronald Hudecheck Roofing, the same company that is putting the roof on the new student center so the two will match. As of now the cost of all these renovations has been approximately .$54,000, according to Caranfa. This amount is sure to increase, however, because there are still plans to have the heating system corrected sometime in the fal~~ident Director Ron Katkocin says he is grateful for the renovating but he also expressed some unhappiness with the plumbing. According to Katkocin there has been some trouble with leakage and tiles falling out of the showers. Katkocin is also hoping that the heating system will be corrected as promised.

Romano, Vice President of Academic Affairs; and Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, M.S.C., jointly worked on the proposal to the Pew Fund. Heiberger stated that the total funding of the Communications Department "says something abolt the college." He added that the Pew Foundation had been "pleased at our growth at the college." & . Mary Louise agreed with Heiberger that the Pew Fund was pleased with the college's growth. When Cabrini fll'st approached the Foundation concerning the residence homes, an interview was necessary in order to be considered for the donation. "It was a very challenging interview," she admitted.

"Once you're on their list, you stand a very good chance of receiving the donation again. This time, we didn't have to have another interview," Sr. Mary Louise said. The specific allocations have been allotted for each area of the Communications program. Heiberger made a note to add that the allocations were fairly equal. After analyzing the equipment, somdproofmg, heating and cooling for the rooms, figures were established for each of the areas in the Communications program. Speaking generally, the following are the approximate figures for the department based upon equipment and necessary soundproofing for the various rooms: 1. Publications . ... . .. ..... $32,000

Photography; Film-Making, incl. four i:iarkrooms: . . . . . . . . $37,000 3. Television Studio: $63,000 4. Radio Station ........... $30,000 Heiberger mentioned that the radio system will be used primarily for the residences. Heiberger believes that the building should be completed by the beginning of January . :I'he equipment will be installed by the end of that month. He expects a period of adjustment after the equipment is installed , such as the t1ming of the equipment. Another $15,000. Communica tions grant from the LaffeyMcHugh Foundation will help to remodel the present lab for other academic purpos~s . 2.




THE RAPID GROWTH of Cabrini Collej.!eis reflected in the construction of the George D. Widener Campus Center. Story page 2 (Photo by Liz Kanaras)

Reagan's budget cuts reduce student aid BYJOYCE PATITUCCI Although President Reagan's reduced spending program is not in full swing, it has been effective enough to considerably reduce the amo1mt of fmancial aid available to Cabrini students. According to Arlene McEvilla, director of fmancial aid, Reagan's budget cuts have reduced the amount of grant funds by about 30 per cent. For example, the maximum BEOG award granted for the 1980-81school year wu $1750. This year, the maximum award - allotted is $1870. The maximum

award granted by PHEAA last year was $1500while the most an eligible student can receive this year is $1350. The College Work-Study program WU also hit by budget cuts, and the amount of work-study f1mds available .were reduced between 20 percent and 30 percent: McEvilla said, "This year's average work-study award is $500. Last year it was about $800." · McEvilla added, "We ·were double-wbammied this year because while our funds decreased, our student body greatly increased. What

we have now is a student body with a greater financial need and less grant funding to offer." McEvilla said that students from other states such as New Jersey were also affected by reduced funding for Basic Grant programs. For instance, in 1980-81 New Jersey students attending a college in Pennsylvania could bring a maximum of $500in New Jersey Basic Grant funds to Pennsylvania with them. This year the maximum they were allowed to take out of the state WU $200,60 percent less than 1980-81.

According to McEvilla, student loan policies are expected to tighten. After October lat applicants will be required to provide fi • nancial information concerning their parents income, useta, and expenses, and must be able to prove that they cannot afford college expenses without a federally interest~nlbsidized loan. McEvilla said that a needs test similar to the type used in determining whether a student is eligible for basic grant funds will be used in determining if a student is eligible for a low-interest student

loan. The adjusted gross income level set for families eligible for a student loan is $30,000. McEvilla said, "If they're not under that level, the interest on the loan will not be federally subsidized. Whether the banks will be willing to lend money •on which the government is not going to subsidize the interest remains to be seen." According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Reagan aides are also . considering a policy whereby stu-



Reagan acting at his ·-best

Editorial Does alcohol awareness mean alcohol nowhereness? Eat, drink (nothing stronger than a coke straight up) , and be merry! This is the new policy of the residency staff concerning drinking on campus in any area with the exception of one's own room. Students, whether of legal drinking age or not, may not imbibe in public . Public is defined by the college as anywhere outside the boundaries of a person's room. Many juniors and seniors feel this is an unfair policy to uphold since they are legally adults throughout the country and are granted the rights and privileges which come along with being a United States citizen. And we agree. The college has the right to formulate its own policies. We are fully aware that the administration sees things in a different light, having every reason to be wary of regulations which could possibly degrade , the dignity of the institution. However, they fail to recognize the dig. nity of the young adult who wants to prove to himself and others that , he is capable of handling situations maturely. We do not favor walking down the road with a book in one hand and a can of Miller in the other. We do, however, feel that students of legal ' drinking age should be allowed to bring a glass, (not a can or bottle), of whatever beverage he desires into a general area of the dorm while watching TV or doing homework . Those who abuse the privilege like children should be treated as such. If the college is sincere in attempting to graduate mature young , adults, they should give students the opportunity to exercise their · competence in handling themselves.

1981 :A culminating point 1981 is a historically pivotal year at Cabrini. The new building is to be completed, it is the 25th anniversary, and in general, all the goals of the past few years are being realized. ''It's a banner year," says college president Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan. "We've come of age ." All of this is quite obvious to those of us who have been here long enough to see the changes; others may need some explanation. Senior class vice-president Kevin Kelly recalls, "When we were freshmen, we were the largest class in the college, and since then classes have been growing every year." Along with all the new students came the seven resident houses, expanded acedemic programs, and an upgraded athletic program . All this has come from a five year plan adopted by the master planning committee in 1978. It was supposed to run through the 82-83 school year. But, as Sullivan explains, "We've exceeded our master plan. It served us well, but we've realized nearly everything we set out to do, and it's time to move on to a new plan ." Sullivan explained that there were four major accomplishments to the credit of the growth campaign. ~ The first is strengthened programs . Under the guidance of Joseph Romano, the business department has been greatly upgraded, computer classes have been expanded, new majors have been added, and this year there is a freshman honors program and the possibility of a master's degree to be offered in education. The second is improved facilities. The Widener Center will be finished this year, the seven houses were buiit in '79 and '80, and the cafeteria was renovated in '78, as was Counsel Hall this summer . Laboratories, hallways, classrooms, and the gym have all received facelifts. The third accomplishment is the increase in foundation support without which none of the other gains could have been realized. Without the financial support of charitable groups, no growth would have been possible . The work of Sullivan and Vice-President •for Development John He1oerger, have made Cabrini a recognized name in the foundation community. The fourth accomplishment is the net result of the first three ; a good public image. There was a time when Cabrini had NO public image, but that is changed. People recognize Cabrini, the identity problems are over. All of these things come to a zenith in 1981-82, and a general feeling of positiveness is the result. "This is the most positive time at Cabrini in a long time," Sullivan said, "I remember five years ago we were worried that we didn't know where the faculty's salary money would come from, we don't have those kind of problems now ." Who is responsible for all this is hard to say, because so many have contributed. Indeed, anyone who has been part of the College Community over the past four years has been involved in the growth. Students and faculty give input through committees and publications, alumnae raise money, trustees solicit financial support, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart paid for six of the seven houses, maintenance has been indespensable, and the list goes on. We've come into 1981 riding a wave of success, and plans are already being made for a new master plan to sustain us where we have come to, and to meet the demands of a changing college market. For now though, we've reached the goals that seemed so distant a short time ago . Let's show our pride.




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BY MAUREEN CARROLL Although I cannot claim to be a theatre critic, I do know who should win a Tony Award for best actor-Ronald Reagan. Within the past year, this man made almost an entire nation believe that he could simultaneously balance the budget, increase defense spending and main- , tain the social services for the poor, elderly and tJandicapped. Well, one out of three ain't bad ! Since he has been in office, Reagan is responsible for cutbacks in welfare, social security benefits, school lunch programs, counseling services, medical services, veterans benefits and college loans, an area in which most students at Cabrini are familiar. This was done in an attempt to balance the national budget. However, Reagan did feel it imperative to request $221.3 billion for fiscal 1982 in defense spending, which, although subsequently reduced by $2 billion, took away from money that could have been used for social services. Certainly there are abuses in the various social services which must be filtered out. However, everyone cannot be punished for the mistakes of a relative few . Inarguably, a strong country requires a · strong military force. However, I do not feel that the living standards of those on the bottom should not be lowered even further for the sake of an arms , race. So how did Ronald Reagan ever win the support of unions, minorities and women? I suppose the answer lies in the fact that since he entered politics, Ronald Reagan became a better actor than he ever was on the screen.

Letters Dear New Students , We, the editors of the Loquitur, would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Cabrini. Although you have been here for a few weeks, you are probably still somewhat anxious about your new school. We are empathetic, for we remember those feelings of nervousness and uncertainty quite well. Your theme , "Ready to take a chance," is a perennial one which could be applied throughout the year while embarking upon new adventures . Chances, such as living away from home, making new friends and keeping up with the college curriculum are challenging steps on the pathway to emotional and intellectual growth. Taking a chance means sometimes pushing yourself to get involved in activities, making time to study or sayiflg, "Hi," to the person next to you whom you are apprehensive about approaching. · Not only the Loquitur staff, but the entire campus community is behind you 100%and are willing in any way possible to assist your adjustment to life at Cabrini. Again, welcome, and enjoy your year!


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What do you think? Loquitur reporter Francine Kuterbach asks seniors, "How has Cabrini changed or grown since you were a freshma,n ?" (Photography by Liz Kanaras)

Joyce Patitucci In some ways, as far as courses and activities go, as well as men's sports, it's improved dramatically. But I feel that they shouldn't have expanded enrollment if they don't have the facilities to accommodate everyone, particularly in the cafeteria. I also think that some of the staff ~ to be reminded that they are here for us, not vice versa. Since tuition has increased, some offices should be more helpful to students than they are now.

Maria Gentile It is too crowded for its facilities. The standard of education has declined . However Cabrini should realize the asset they hav~ in their growing theater program .

Fred Toroni Sports have changed. The soccer team has grown, so that now we have enough people to play. Also, the business department has been updated tremendously. But the parking situation should be better for commuters . Chris Collins We have a lot more guys and an enlarged sports program. We've also seen changes in criteria as far as school work goes . The teachers seem to be cracking down more because of increased enrollment. Even with more kids, though, we still have a "Cabrini family" and a closeness which was what first attracted me to the school.

Rosemary Lynch The increased enrollment has given the administration the opportunity to expand the programs offered, however, the facilities available do not accommodate both the expanded enrollment and programs. David Milburn The present freshmen and sophomores are the best class of individuals I've met since I was a freshman. It is a shame that some seniors aren 't more conscious of their human-ness because I know that we all have the capacity for caring and loving. Theresa Collins When I was a freshman, we only had the Mansion, Woodcrest , and Counsel. The building of the houses started a growth trend in both student population and new buildings . It's not as small as it used to be but it 's still small enough for students to receive individual attention .

Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Colleg iate Press Published bi-weekly during the school veer by students of Cabr,m College, Radnor, Pennsyluania J 9087. Telephone 215-681-2 100 ext. 4 7 Subsaiption price 1s included ,n benefits secured by tuition and student Jee.Subsa-1p~1on by mail is $4 per yea,- Second class postage 1s po 1d at Wayne, Penmyluania 19087

Co-editors -in-chief : Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor : Joyce Patitucci Feature Editor: Jeanne Proko Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor Arts /Leisure Editor : Regina O'Leary Sports Editor : Debbie Jablonski Photography Editor : Tom DeMatteis Business Manager: Brian Jensen Staff : Karen Angeli, Ann Belski, Andrea Bertelini, Rita Calicat , Karen Cancio, Pam Clark, Pat Conway, Sheila Fanelle, Maria Gentile, Virginia Gruerio, Liz Kanaras , Debra Kidon, Francine Kuterbach, Kathy McCartney, Pat McDermott, Rita McKelvey, Sandy McNamara, JohnMcQµeen, Joanne Melito, Sandy Momyer, Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi, Danny Ross, Meg Slook, Carol Wahl. . Advisor : Jerome Zurek









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NeWs 15 freshmen


Sharon Schwarze, professor of BY REGINA O'LEARY Beginning this semester, 15 philosophy, 20 were invited, and 15 accepted the challenge of the talented freshmen will participate in a program designed especially Honors Program. for them. It's called the Freshmen According to Schwarze, "the Honors Program, and may lead to program was designed to bring a new program for all freshmen. recognition for the accomplishThis semester's freshmen who ments of the students and allow ·are invited to attend this program them to meet their peers." "The Honors Program is not are considered the top students in their class, going by the highest simply a speeded-up version of a college board scores. This year, course. It is a course designed to according to program director improve the analytical skills of the

1n honors program

students and provide them with a <;hallenge," Schwarze said. The students will meet twice a week for the three credit seminartype course. However, unlike regular courses, the sociology course called "Themes of Work and Love" is designed to be an interdisciplinary topic for the students. It is taught by advisor Dr. Kathleen M. Daley, associate professor of Social Science. The Freshmen Honors Program is the idea of a committee of

New alcohol policy instituted BY MAUREEN CARROLL

A new "alcohol awareness" policy has been instituted through the combined efforts of the Dean of Students office and the residency staff. 1be first part of the policy does not allow there to be alcohol at parties where it is accessible to minors. Since people under the legal drinking age attend Cabrini functions, Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, Dean of Students, who instituted the policy, feels that "it is not logical" to serve alcohol. "We just don't want any abuses," Currie said. "We want to prevent inappropriate good times."

Cirrie does not feel that alcohol parents and visitors and students is a problem at Cabrini. The only must learn there is a time and a reason this policy was instituted place for everything." was due to the Commonwealth law "I feel that this policy is concerning the drinking age. wrong," Joanne Florentine, a The second part states that those junior transfer student said. "As of legal drinking age can only do so long as it's not flaunted, or you get in their rooms. drunk, there's nothing wrong with Gus Nicoletti, director of resi- it." dent life, instructed his residency Seniors Mary Pat Freil and Debstaff on the basic facts of alcohol and how to control it working with bie Logan agree. They feel that the Dean of Students office. He although it might not be approprisaid that the influence alone from ate in the Mansion lobby. Because the ~perclassmen could be detri- the business offices are right mental and spread to those under- there, the drinking of alcoholic beverages should not be confined aged. "Three reasons for this are that to the room in general. Freil said, "I don't think it it could spread to those under the drinking age, it's a bad image for would be offending to anyone."

SGA seeks more unity BY TAMRA DIMARINO transitional term, according to January, 1982will mark the start Collins. of a transition period for SGA and In the spring of 1982 another its . ruling officers, according to newly elected set of officers will Theresa Collins, SGA president. take over and their term will run Beginning next semester, for wtil the following May. one semester only, new SGA ofPromoting more activities ficers will be chosen in an election for service from January to May. through teamwork this semester is The transition period has been a continuing goal on the mind of initiated as the first step in chang- Collins. ing the term of office from JanuCollins stated that the freshmen ary to December, to being Septem- and upperclassmen have already ber to May. been getting involved with many of The election for the single the activities. She hopes that semester will be similar as in the through more advertising and acpast, the only difference being that tivities, the students will have present senior officers may run for several alternatives from which to another term, but only for the choose.

SGA is scheduling several activities for the semester. Activities for Junior/Senior Weekend include a block party and a bonfire which can be organized. Also, plans for Homecoming and Parents' Weekend are being made. SGA will soon be soliciting ideas to the campus community on themes for Parents' Weekend. Collins would like to see more wi ty within the members of SGA. Her goal is to have SGA continue in trying to help promote other activities so students may continue to enjoy themselves and have a good time while being aware of the campus community and its happenings at the same time.



Budget cuts continued dents will be expected to contribute at least $750 toward their own expenses before they can receive a grant or be eligible for a subsidized loan. According to McEvilla, Reagan has proposed additional custodies programs. "If these pass, the situation will worsen," McEvilla said, "but the monies will still be there for the needy."

Squad wiii help students help themselves." Students who are interested in the Job Squad are supposed to fill out a form indicating the type of work they can do and the hours they are available. As soon as someone calls with a job opening, the financial aid office gives him or her a list of students who fill the requirements of the job. It is up to the prospective employer to get in touch with the students. Most of the jobs are coming from

from page l About 80 per cent of Cabrini students receive some type of financial aid. McEvilla believes that while students will be somewhat affected by further curtailment of funds, "the results will not be disastrous." She added that thus far, no one has had to withdraw from school as a direct result of decreased state and federal funds . "Comparatively, the last few

faculty and student members called the General Education Review Committee for Curriculum Revision. The committee was set up to review and chance the basic education requirements for students. According to Schwarze, the committee had hopes "to change the education 1requirements without years of preparation ." The Honors

Program is an outgrowth of these hopes. The Honors Program is a "trial balloon" according to Schwarze. She and fellow committee persons hope that this year's program may initiate growth from not only a selected few, but for the entire freshmen class. ''Each year the course and topics will change," said Schwarze.


Many changes in personnel have taken place within the college administration over the past summer, and the business office is no exception. Jim Keches, formerly the head accowtant of the business office, has assumed the post of acting business manager. This position was previously held by Mr. William Eichner . On August 3, Mr. Keches was officially told of his promotion. "I'm really happy and excited about my promotion," Keches said, "It is a challenge." New changes in the staff of the business office have been made since the promotion of Keches. Allison Mc Gregor, who was a part time employee last year, has been made a fulltime employee. Frances Codwell has been hired as a new secretary. Keches said that he is now acting business manager, but after several years of probation he could receive the title of business manager. With the acceptance of a new position comes the added work and pressures of being a supervisor. However, in this case, Keches approaches the added work as a

challenge and "fantastic opportunity." "I'm swamped with work but I have 100 percent cooperation," Keches said. "This is a fantastic opportunity that came along." "1be job of being a business manager would be a hard job for anyone coming off the street as Mr. Eichner did," Keches said. Therefore, by promoting within the already structured department, it should be an easy adjustment for Mr. Keches. Mr. Keches said that Cabrini is the most interesting place he has worked because there is always something different happening. The job as business manager was previously held by William Eichner, who served Cabrini College for 3 1/2 years. He was informed in July by Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, MSC, as president of the college and Roger Larson, Chair man of the Finance Committee that a change in the business manager was necessary. According to Sullivan, Mr . Eichner received a personal recommendation when applying for a college position involving less extensive management demand He did secure this position.

Resident duties expanded

BY ANN BELSKY semester, and being more directly The responsibilities and duties involved in the opening and closing of the resident directors have been of the resident hall. expanded in four general areas; These new resolutions were community development, manage- adopted after an extensive evaluament, conduct, and administra- tion of resident directors' job detion. _ scriptions obtained from other According to Gus Nicoletti, Di- colleges by a ~mmittee c~~istin~ rector of Resident Life, knowing of &~er Maria Pasqual_im, r_esi~ each resident personally, inain- dent ~ector at the Mansion, ?indi taining high visibility, recognizing DeRitis, last year's head ~es1de~t, potential problems and possible at W~crest; Ron Katkocm , resisolutions, and promoting a positive dent ~recto~ at Counsel Hall, and educational living situation are the Gus Nicoletti. · _. off-campus sources in response to keys to the enrichment of the com1be title, ,:•He~ Resi~ent," ~as the advertisement campaign mwity development. changed to Resident Dir~l?~ . to launched by the financial aid ofTo smooth out the wrinkles in denote the new responsibilities fice. These jobs include: babysitmanagement, the resident director and duties ex~ted of the manting, painting, housecleaning, bar- must now supervise work grant agers of the resident halls. tending, helping with parties, and students and can submit mainteOther colleges entrust a great · doing yard work. There have even nance requests without Nicoletti's deal o~ responsibility to t~eir r~sibeen requests for students to work preliminary approval. dent directoi:s: After an intensive with inventory and computers. Each director is presented with st~y, (?a~rll!1 Colle,e followed a staff manual which contains swt by giving JObheadings to mere So far, only four percent of the rules and regulations for the com- ~atements in the old _jo~ descr~p800 student forms sent out have ing school year . tion and furth!r classifying duties been returned. Ms. Mc Evilla and already define<i. Ms. Lieberman expect a better reUnder the heading "Conduct," Because of the semi-autonomous sponse as the program progresses. the obligations have not changed, state existing in the residence but have ·been consolidated. halls, the resident director was College rules and regulations will given more responsibility for more years have been easy," McEvilla be enforced in the same manner as immediate results. A consultation said. "What we are going to see is last year. with Nicoletti will not be required a return to self-sacrifice among The new administration policies for every decision regarding resistudents. They will have to become for the resident director include dent life. more self-reliant. No matter how submitting resident objectives for "These innovations make a greatly things change, there will the year, partaking in the inter- much smoother running operaalways be a financial aid office." viewing of prospective Resident tion," says Director Nicoletti. McEvilla suggested that other Administrators and dorm duty per- "You have to have resident directprograms may be instituted at sonnel, holding regularly ors that are capable and responsiCabrini to help students pay for scheduled staff meetings, evaluat- ble and I'm happy to say that our college but declinedto elaborate ing each member of the staff each three are ."

Student iob-ref err a I service offered The Cabrini Job Squad is an odd job referral service designed by the financial aid office to help students earn money in their spare time. Arlene Mc Evilla, director, and Beth Lieberman, assistant director of the financial aid office, saw a need for the program. Ms Mc Evilla remarked, "With the present administration and the tightening controls on financial aid, students are going to have to do more for themselves. The Job



CABRINI OPENS its doors for the new students. (Photo by Tom De-

campus gave him more freedom. bara Mahecha, - mother of fresh BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI "l'm able to go where I please and man Ladonna Mahe cha, of Check~in lines, registration lines, and book lines are all part of do what I please," Oswinkle said . Suffern, N.Y., said, "the curfew." Also, many freshmen conveyed Barbara Mahecha was a member the excitement of moving-in day. the · idea that living on campus . of the second graduating class of After these time-consuming rituals are over, one finally finds gives them the ability to partici- - Cabrini 19 years ago. time to think about what the future She added, "Things have really holds for him at Cabrini. Also, changed." there is time to think about what Along with the hassles of stu"Ready to meet will be missed at home. dents standing in lines, many "My first day fears are meeting parents must take time from busy the challenge new people and fitting in with the schedules and family plans to meet rest of the people," Nancy Lane of of a new adventure ." the moving-in time . Merciville, N.J., said. Mary Lowry, mother of freshThis seemed to be the general man Michael Lowry of Norristhought of a few freshmen; town, Pa., said that .she had to take however, they are ready to meet pate in extra activities . time off from work and arrange for the challenge of a new adventure . During the shuffle of entering a the care of younger children. Moving-in day also adds a new new atmosphere, parents seem to Several parents expressed disidea of independence to the lives of get lost. Did you ever wonder what pleas-ure on a weekday moving-in those freshmen living on campus . thoughts were in their minds? date and stated that it would be Resident Dave Oswinkle of "I have one anxiety about my easier with a weekend schedule. Baltimore, Md., said that living on daughter moving to Cabrini," Bar-


New faces provide fresh insight into Cabrini College tary school teacher and principal and taught religion at Cabrini High Sister Eileen Currie, M.S.C., School. Sister Currie has a degree in religious M.A., Dean of Students, is one master's ' among the many new faces in the education. Upon her summer arrival at Cabrini community. Sister Currie, a graduate of Cabrini, the new Dean of Students Cabrini, has r~turned after spend- found a college that had grown considerably since her graduation in 1966.Another major change was a male student population. Sister Currie expresses that she would like to promote "an open door policy" with the students and more student involvement and activity. Sister Currie explains, "The door of my office is always open. I hope students will come with their suggestions and ideas. I · am looking forward to becoming very involved with them." When asked how she likes Cabrini, Sister responded, "The students have been super, they are very helpful and friendly. I'm glad to see Cabrini is still that way." Another new face at Cabrini is Cam pus Minister Father Chris Davis, Chaplain. SR. EILEEN CURRIE, M.S.C., Father Davis recently arrived our new Dean of Students (Photo - from Denton, Texas, where he by David Milburn) worked in different parishes . Father Davis attended grammar ing 13 years in New York City school in Wayne and is familiar where she served as an elemenBY BRIAN JENSEN AND KATHY McCARTNEY


with the local area. The new Chaplain expresses he enjoys the small and personal atmosphere at Cabrini. Other new l)eople at Cabrini include Resident Director of Woodcrest Hall, Chris White, and food service manager, Bob Dearth . Chris White was previously employed with the resident staff of Eastern College. She expressed her thanks by stating, "People went out of their way to make me feel comfortable here ; Cabrini is very friendly-.'' Bob De'arth, who was previously employed ·as food manager assistant at Keen State College in New Hampshire, also expressed pleasure with-Cabrini. "It is very easy to get to know the people here," he said . Dearth plans no major changes in the food service but pledges to maintain good standards. Cabrini is also pleased to welcome 'Claire Skerrett, the new library director. Skerrett is a graduate of Boston University and also attended Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science where she received an M.S. in Library Science.


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PRETZELSALE Thank you for your fantQstic support! ! ~

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Skerrett worked as an Assistant Director for Limestone College Library, whfch is located in Gaffney, Sol.th Carolina. She was head librarian for the Pschalville Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library where she went on to become Coordinator of Children's Services at Lower Merion Library Association in Bryn Mawr. The idea of being able to work in a college atmosphere again really intrigued Skerrett. When asked what she thought of Cabrini's library , Skerrett replied , "Cabrini's library has a strong reference section and a solid collection of books for its size ." • One of Mrs. Skerrett's major goals is obtaining a RecordPrinter Computer which prints micro-film mrormauon. "This enables the students to obtain more accurate material from the micro-film without writing out the information themselves. Another woman,, in charge of book materials is Mary Owens, the new book store manager. Mrs. Owens started working at Cabrini this past June. She graduated from the Kansas City Technical Institute. Prior to cabrini, she

owned a paper company in Bryn Mawr with her husband . "I really enjoy working with young people and I hope to.make the school store more attractive and resourceful for the students," stated Owens.

)I; ..... .....,,.-. . ..,,.,;;, ...,,

FR. CHRIS DA VIS enters into the Cabrini family. (Photo by David Milburn)

Help wanted off campus

Free room and board offered to female with independent transporl~tion. Light housekeeping and . babysitting required. Phone GR7-8814after 9 p.m . Jolly Day Care Center and Nursery (Devon, Pa.) - Aide position. 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call Mr. Kem, 688-5Z26. Babysitting/Odd Job Referral Service: All interested students should contact the financial aid office to sign up for the program if they have not already. Counter Help Needed: M~Donald's in Wayne needs - counter help during lunch hours. Interested students should apply in person. $4.10/hour. Telephone Answering and Some Paperwork: Off-campus, three nights per week, 5-9 p.m. and Saturday 9-5 p.m. $3.50/hour. Call Kay, ext. 240. Light Housekeeping and Babysitting: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $3.50/hour. Contact Beth Lieberman, ext. 240. _ Two Men Needed to Move Sofa: ·

Contact Gretchen, extension 25' or 255. Data Entry Position (one): 20

flexible hours per week; prefer someone with typing or calculator punching ability. Presently a temporary position but permanent a possibility. Strafford; contact Jan Dewolfe-Eagle's Eye--2934712. No experience required. <This is taken from the Bulletin Want Ads.) Inventory takers (50) part-time positions; need valid driver's license; must have transportation but Wayne office will provide transportation to and from work sites . Must be available for weekend work; call 293-9171or apply in person; Washington Inventory Service, 137 West Wayne Ave., Wayne, Pa. Two energetic and efficient students to work as a pair doing paced housecleaning in large home. $4.00/hour• three hours (more if desired) per week . Also wanted: Student for polishing, light mending, ·aerving and organizing: Call Mrs. Heldring, MU8-82CL,:a,




Orientation breaks ice for newcomers


consisting of eight members . On

With over 170freshmen and over SOtransfers, the 1981New Student Orientation proved to be enjoyable to everyone involved.

Tuesday, Sept. 8, the leaders met

Marcy Nadel , assistant to the Dean of Students, was instrumental in the organization of the program which was initiated last year . The orientation staff consisted of 30 upperclassmen who came the week before classes started in order to prepare for the program. Lourdes Latorre, a senior, said , "I enjoyed it greatly; it was a different experience from when we started planning. It's exciting to plan and then go through with it." Each team leader had a group

Welcome Back liar-b-que behind the Mansion by team games . The week ended with "Evening at Cabrini" where team leaders and members displayed their talents in skits , songs and commercials . However, not as many new students participated in this as hoped for . "The new students were probably tired from their long week," . Sophomore Sheila Fanelle said . "Going to college is a big transition ." Freshman Chris Corcoran said that he enjoyed the orientation very much. " I liked the competition best, " he said . "The orientation made me feel more comfortable and I met more people ."

their teams at the Welcome Dinner in the cafeteria . Later in the evening "Ice Breakers," games which allowed students to meet

"The orientation made me feel more comfortable and I met more people ."

students from the different teams , were held in the Mansion. This was followed by a "make your own pizza party" in the cafeteria . On Wednesday , there was a

Etudiantesde francais retournent BY PAM CLARK

This past summer, three of Cabrini's French majors spent six weeks getting a taste of life in the country they've been studying . The three, Pat Martelli , Crystal Rudinski and Pat Moscony , lived and studied in Paris under the direction of a special program put together -by Helene Hennigan, assistant professor of French, and Irene Rachat, assistant professor of French and Spanish.The progr am, called "Cabrini in France," was designed especially for the three Cabrini students. Accompanying the girls to Paris was ~aron D'Agostino, a 1975 · Cabrini graduate and the college's first French major. She helped the stude~ts adjust to their new surroundings and phoned Rachat and Hennigan to inform them of the girls' progress. She also made calls to the students' families. Included in the busy itinerary were ''tasks" that each student had to complete. For example, each was expected to take a certain bus or train ride, or go into a store and ask for a specific item . The purpose of these ''tasks" was to get the students involved in everyday French life. The students were also required to take about 20 visits, which were special tours actually set up for French citizens who want to advance their knowledge of Paris. Included were visits to museums, monuments, and sections of the city.

In addition, the students spent two weeks taking an art course at the Louvre . The course consisted of studying art from the Middle Ages to the present. Each student was expected to keep a journal documenting her daily experiences . The three were allowed to explore Paris in their free time. They visited open air markets, shopped and went to movies. In addition , they saw the ballet "Swan Lake" and attended a presentation of Moliere's play "Le Malade imaginaire." Not all of the students' time was spent in Paris. They got an opportunity to view the French scenery on a two-week bus tour of the Chateaux country and Mont-St.Michel in Normandy. The students got further tastes . of French life from the families they stayed with while in Paris . Crystal Rudinski lived with the LeGross family in th eir Paris apartment and was "included in the fam ily life. I couldn't have been treated any better," she said. "I even called them (Monsieur and Madame LeGross) 'Mom and Dad.' It was like I was a relative ." Pat Moscony's family, the Revie' family, "helped me with the ways of the house. They were nice," she said. Pat Martelli, who stayed with Madame DeLaRenaudie, was surprised at how different French life is from American . "I got an

Senior teaches in Villanova

appreciation of all the things we have here," she related. "I never realized how easy we have it over here compared to their life style. " According to Martelli, food and clothing in France are very expensive . "There 's no excess of anything," she said . "You buy what you need and make do with it. You make use of everything foodwise. There 's no such thing as throwing away leftovers ." Rudinski echoed Martelli 's sen timents . " I appreciate this country a lot more," she said. "I gained an appreciation of America ," Moscony added. " Going to France was like a culture shock ." The three Cabrini students were also surprised at the cool reception the French people gave them . "The French people don't like tourists," Martelli st ated . "Once they know you're American they don't accept you. We were trying to speak their language and conform to their culture, and I figured they would treat us with more respect." Rudinski agreed . "They get annoyed at any Americans who can 't speak French," she said. "I think it's the language barrier they object to most." "Personally, I think they don't like tourists," Moscony added. Despite the low points, the students agreed that the trip was an overall success. As Moscony said, - "It was kind of like a fantasy futfillment for me."


Gentile, a senior, is very active on campus as well. She is president of the Student Academic Council and the Choral Ensemble. Maria is also a student representative for the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, and an involved Campus Ministry member. Over the summer , Maria was a counselor at the Visual Performing Arts Camp here at Cabrini. When I asked Maria how she felt about her achievements so far she repleied, "I feel very satisfied and fulfilled with my life." Maria, is engaged to be married on September 11, 1982. ,; '.


Cabrini reflects its past BY GINNY GRUERIO

The "Homecoming Day " celebration for the Class of '61 on Sat. , Oct . 3, will virtually become the prologue for the forthcoming 25th anniversary of Cabrini College . For members of the first fouryear graduating class , this will be a nostalgic occasion . One such member is Pat Plot nick Goldner , of Wynnewood, who recalls the intimacv of the small college. "We were a sman group always together ,' 'she said . " There were no sororities, but we didn 't need one ; we felt like one ," she added. Pat remembers only two buildings on the campus in 1957 when the college first opened. The main building was the existing 51-room Elizabethan style mansion. It consisted of the chapel, dining ball, lecture hall and bedrooms for the upper classmen. The Science Hall was a separate one-room building . Grace Hall housed the student lounges and dormitories for lower classmen . "Whether you were a commuter or in residence, you were expected to be involved in school activities," Pat related . Tennis and basketball courts were available, aloog with an outdoor swimming pool, hockey field and archery range.

Pat laughed when she remembered being served hot lunches formally in the dining hall . Having been born and raised in Overbrook , Pat attended West Philadelphia Catholic Girls High ' School. · " Coming from a large school, a small college was re wa r ding because of the persona l att ention we all got," she recalled fondly. "Mother Ursula , who was pres ident of the college , was alway :. available if you had a problem ," she said . " It 's something I 'll never forget ." Married dwing her junior year to Andrew Goldner, a Temple University graduate, Pat decided to stay at home and raise a family after receiving her B.S. degree in Elementary Education . Her family consists of two sons , Jonathon, 19, a sophomore at the University of Arizona, and Michael, 11, a 8th grader at Haverford School for boys. Presently acting as a substitute teacher for the Philadelphia . School District, Pat hopes to eventually teach full time . She feels her degree has never been wasted , as she can now re-enter the job market after 20 years at home. Pat hopes to attend the festivities on Oct. 3 along with the other members of the Alumni Aasociation .

Survivin•g those first date iitters BY JEANNE PROKO

BY SHEILA FANELLE Maria Gentile, a Religion major here at Cabrini, is currently student teaching the subject of Religion to the entire seventh and eigth grade class at the Notre Dame Academy for _girls, in Villanova . Maria's case is unusual because she has never had any courses in education before . Maria meets with her students on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . She will receive four credits each semester for her work . In addition to her internship, Maria also works part time at Bam~erger .... ~ . .i~.• the. ~ i:Dg .,..,-f . Prussia CQW't~:" ,'l! , i,1r..1 l)' ,;, / ·, •.

"GOODBYE MOM AND DAD! Hello Independence! " (Photo by Tom

I've always compared a firstdate with finals and going to the dentist. Somehow I have the feeling that others of you can understand what I mean . And what is the reason? You're supposed to be having fun. People are self -conscious around someone new . -You're past the first step, but you haven 't figured out what you did right. People think that a first date is the only chance to win the affection and interest of the other . What results is that they tend to talk too much of themselves instead of finding out more about the other ~rson . ' .

going to talk about? And (panic, panic) what about the silences? What can happen sometimes is that one person will respond only

People think that a first date is the only chance to win the affection and interest of the other .

in monosyllables . Something that is important to remember is that honesty is always preferable to putting on an act : ~d it's especially importa~t .eQe3big-problenl'a ~Whull'l'e ·• · -~ :4hfxst.Jdate., because ·YoU don t

know how the other person feels. It really helps to be able to say, "I really felt funny when you said such and such.'' That way when you talk about what's bothering · you, you show the other person you care . One of the best ways to make a first date more comfortable is to double date . I was talking to my roommate about this and she said that "it really helps because it gives you a sense of security tha t you wouldn 't necessarily have if you went by yourself. " Make up your mind to have a good time and don 't build up unrealistic expectations. And remember , your date is just as nervous as you. ,·




Team 4 ( unavailable for photograph): Maureen Carroll ( team leader), Maria Lana Baio, Thomas D'Antonio, Matthew Garrison, Mary Klock, Dorothy Micale, Denise Sarlo, Barbara Brookes and Lori Evans.

Team 6: (left to right) Tony Casazza (team leader) , Angelo Danalis, Laura Kraemer, Marion Holmes, Kelly Morgan, Elizabeth Barrett and Patricia Conway . Missing from photo are Belinda Gilbert and Jill Schiela. (Photo by Jerome Zurek)


Team 2(left to right) r.Janet Alfonsi (team leader), Debra Kidon, Dan Welde, Paula Albee, John Zigler, Donna Gallagher, Maureen McKenna, Brian Rottkamp and Jaqueline Cunningham. Missing from photo is Joanne Forentine. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Team 7: (left to right) Tom Schultz, Maria Cedrone (team leader), Annette Gildner, Mary Motell, Joanne Dalo and Ann Belsky. Missing from photo are Donna Dawson, Francine Kuterbach, James Baukel. (Photo . by Jerome Zurek)

Team 10: (left to right) Kate Connolly (team leader, Dana Simko, Pam Lane, Karen Grafenstine, Joe Miller and Buzzy Devlin. Missing from photo are Lori Botkin, Michele Falcone and Paul Pukerin. (Photo hrTom DeMatteis) Team~: ( left to right) Jim Moffett, Mary Collins ( team leader), Annmarie Godlewski, Daniel LaCorte, Letitia DePhillipo, Nancy Scottoline and Maureen Berryman. Missing from photo are Annette DeJesse and Mary Mayberry. (Photo by Jerome Zurek)

Team 5: (left to right) Franny Carusi (team leader), Mike Garrison, Bonnie Miglio, Gregory Catarious, Kara Koljian and Susan Baj. Missing from photo are Lisa D'Ascenzo, Christopher Joyce and Valerie Foreman. (Photo by Jerome Zurek)

.iK Team 15: (Left to right) Annamarie Famschlader ((team leader), Donna Johnson ¡, Marylynn Diamante, Barbara Bruhin, Deborah Harvey and Michael Lowry. Missing from photo are Irene Nunn, Maryann Stupka and Joyce Elser. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

' Team 1: (left to right) Mary Elise Zwahlen, Ann Marie Alfonsi (team le~der), Chris Corcoran, Rosemary Pepe, Anne Robinson:, Teresa Zeigler, Karen Abramoff, Virginia Johnson, Lucille McKenna and Greg ~asqua~ello, moderator or the freshmen class. Missing from photo 1s Patri~ McCanney. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

T!am 3: (left to right) Ron Lynch, Terri Calabrese (team leader), Girard Lennon, Valerie Autodore, Kirsten Curran and Diane Zitkus. Missing are Anita Jones, Mary Jo Russell, and Patricia Hendrick. (Photo by Jerome Zurek)


· · 41?'''" ~eam 11: (left to right> Philip Furnari, Jr.; Diane Corallo (team leader), Sarann Fleming, Ana Maria quinones, Jeannene Smith, Jeanne Boyle, Robin Larkin, Anthony Newkirk and Lorraine DiBona. (Photo by Jerome Zurek)

. Team 16: (left to right) Kathy Filippo (team leader), Christine Heim, ' Gigi Burke , Joanne Lumpkin and De_lores Monzo. Missing from photo are Sara Dikeman, Robert Rinaldi , Maria Toro and Ruth Ruben . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Team 12: (left to right) Frank Hall, Tracey Valentine , Mariann DeMaria (team leader), Diane DiJoseph, Lynn Smithson , Paula Boyle, Geralyn Nichols and Linda Bianco. Missing from photo is Maryann Giancola. (Photo bf Tom DeMatteis)

Team 17: (left to right ) Denise Travis, Karen Dinan, Sandy Cabot , Carter Craigie , Bill Fontana (team leader) , Sherry Moore , Teresa O'Neill, Alice Heiman and Lorraine Villari. Missing from photo is Maryanne Torone. (Photo by Jerome Zurek )

Team 18: (left to right ) Judy Turner , Carol Hasson (team leader ), Dr. Margaret Rehe r, staf f; Anne Hendrickson , Kathy Pfisterer, Mary Osborne , Joh n Doyle and Mark Magner . Missing from photo is Germa ine Calica t. (Ph oto by Jerome Zurek )

Team 13: (left to right) Tom DeMatteis , Vera Naccareli , Deborah Kirk, Elizabeth Hanrahan and Maureen Breeze. Missing from photo are Joanne Norcini, Lisa Speight , Michael Hendridk and Sarah Anne Helmig . (Photo by Jerome Zurek)



Team 19: (left to right) Peggy Hefernan (team leader) , Rosemary Campbell, Eileen Herbig , Neoma Valentine ,Barbara Harris - staff , Lisa Dreisch and Ladonna Mahecha . Missing from -hoto are David Oswinkle and Rita Ritrovato . (Photo by Jerome Zurek )

Team 14: (left to right) Sheila Fanelle (team leader) , Lori DiMeglio, Lisa Nucero, Paul Brewington, Karen Lucente, Roseanne Donnelly , Christine Struble and Jane Harrington. Missing from photo is Lloyd Jen .kins . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)



Team 9: (left to right) Theresa Collins (team leader), Deidre Desiderio , Andrea Bertolini, John McQµeen, Sharon Gollmer, Nikki Schuler arld Nancy Lane. Missing are Dodie Watkins and Sandra DePasqual i. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)



Team Z4: (left to right) Marcy Nadel, Frank Cheeseman, Colleen Wagner, Jean Findlay, Lisa Hurst, Sr. Julia Toto, Dane Linn (team leader) and Wood Clodfelter . Missing from photo are Lynn Markaelli Maria Prattico, Linda Shust and Gladys Gonzalez. (Photo by Jerom~ Zurek)



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Team 26: (left to right) Regina O'Leary (team leader), Kim Usman ,

Team 21: (left to right) Diane Favala, Ruby Johnson (team leader),

Janice Warrington, Geralyn Crist and Kate Fitzpatrick . Missing from photo are Maureen Jarrett, John McCarthy and Lillian Parker . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Christopher Belfi, Patty Hinke, Angeli Maiuri, Rosemary Viggiano, Anita Carroll, Judy Brogden - staff, and Jonathon Perrone. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)


Team 27: (left to right) Chris Petruzzo ~team leader), Kathy Fowler ,

Lynn Wasilewski, Jackie Jenei , Stacie Mccollough and Sue Rerecich . Missing from photo are Nicholas Papatzltias, James Vail and Linda Brown . (Photo by Jerome Zurek)

Team 22: (left to right)°Lourdes Latorre, Margaret Cashman, Debbie Hughes, Mary Sasso, Brian Parker, Carol &:arcelle - staff, and Catherine Manion. Missing from photo are Lisa Vulpe and Maria Faz . (Photo by Jerome Zurek)

Team 28: (left to right) Jim Weber, Jo Schwoyer (team leader) , Jane

Rezich, Janice Fox, Catherine Vander Werff . Missing from photo are Eileen Jensen, Lori McCoy, James Simms . (Photo by Jerome Zurek ) Team 23: (left to right) Frank Willard, Bob Conelly, Ellen Lavelle team leader, Regina Schields, Sharon Marino, Maria Hunsberger , Mike Fenza and Alba Wagar. Missing from photo is Loriann Cacalieri. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)


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Team 28: (left to right) Brian Jensen (team leader), Jody Pizzihoni,

Maria Velleca, Denise Carr, Maureen Rock, Catherine Mahoney, Doris Hickman and Dave Deumler. Missing from photo is Lori Wright, admissions counselor. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Team 29: (left to right> Marian Stewart (team leader), Kathleen McDonald, Patricia Johanson and Larry Comroe. Missing from photo are Karyn Rinaldi, Cheryl Wise, Janet Wilson and Thomas Cook. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)


I \



\ Team 25: (left to right) Cathy Masino (team leader), Camille Chong,


Estelle Oristaglio, director of admissions, Ruth Rubin, Frank Marrone and David Field. Missing from photo are Lisa Pullman, Lorraine Volz and~~.¥. Taf.1.Ql' . (.Pl\QtQ~~·rl'om· li>eMatteis)


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Team 30: (left to right)

Cathy Sullivan (team lead~r), Nancy O'Donnell, Debra Harvey, Tho~as McGowan, Kim ,.;lark, Joan ~ Johnson and Kathy Frit~ ..)'tlissmg from photo are Gary Yates and 1 Cynthia Brown . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis) & .... - • ----· - -• • ...... ..........~



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Rudy to debut at Cabrini BY SANDRA McNAMARA

Internationall y-known Russian pianist Michael Rudy comes to Cabrini College on Oct. 4, for what should prove to be an exciting two weeks for both him and the Cabrini community . Michael Rudy's story begins in Rll'!sia where he was born in 1954. He started his study of music at age 5 and by the time he was 16, entered the Moscow Conservatory of Mll'!iC. In 1972, he was a prize winner in the International Bach Competition and was already gaining respect and praise from such musical greats as Arthur Rubenstein . During his life in Russia, Rudy's family was constantly pressured by the KGB (State Security Committee) . This pressure finally caused Rudy to leave the country in 1976 and go to France where he toured with Jeunesses musicales

de France . Rudy soon made his English debut with the London Philharmonic at the Royal Festival Hall and on his way to being one of the top pianists in the world. It was quite by chance that Rudy became. involved with Cabrini College. As Jo Harris Brenner, assistant to the vice president for academic affairs, stated , "Because Cabrini offers a major in Arts Administration , the college belongs to the Association of College, University and Community Arts Admin istrators (A.C.U.C.A.A.). As a member of this organization the college turns in reports on professional artists that the college brings to the commmity . After all this information is gathered , it is sent to the A.C.U.C.A.A. andissentoutinthe form of a newsletter to all members ." Mariedi Anders, Rudy's agent,

Curtain rises on Fall theatre program

read about Cabrini and felt that because the college was small and was in the suburb of a metropolitan area on the east coast, it might be a good place for Rudy to come . Final arrangements were made by Adelin~ Bethany and the Fine Arts department and the dates of Oct. 4 - Oct. 16 were set aside for the Guest Artist in Residence. Many activities are planned during Michael Rudy's stay here . The first of many activities is the Meet the Artist reception in the Mansion dining room on Oct. 6 at 1 p.m. Next, there are Master classes being held in piano for graduate piano majors. Rudy will also be attending c.Iasses in Music, French and Religion here at Cabrin i. Lastly, is the evening recital on Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. in the Mansion. Cabrini looks forward to meeting our Guest Artist in Residence. As Jo Harris Brenner stated, "Michael has a very fine reputation and everything we hear about him describes him as a pleasant, affable, low-keyed kind of per '§on-extremely talented, but with.out arrogance-just the kind to have as Artist in Residence."

BY SANDY MOMYER ~ dates . Admission at the Little Thirty students and apprentices Theater is $2 for adults and $1.50 will be presenting a varied theater for children. program for children and adults at Dance will be presented in the the Cabrini College Little Theater Gymnatorium at Cabrini during a this semester. Dance Week celebration . Jean Daniele• A. Perna, director of Williams from the Germantown theater program, said he was Dance Theater will present lecture pleased with the preview, 'lbeater demonstrations on Oct. 27, 28 and Lab Tonight, presented on Sept. 11, ·29 at 8:30 a.m . and 9:50 a.m. Adand looks forward to the fall mission is free . schedule. Dance Week will culminate with The first event is a trio of one-act a Dance Festival on Oct. ~ at 8 plays to be presented this Friday p.m . featuring four regional ballet and Saturday and Oct. 9 and 10. companies followed by a reception "Overtones" is a drama ·depict- to meet the artists. ing the struggle between the outerThe Germantown Dance self and the real self. In a lighter Theater will participate along with vein, "Red Carnations" offers a the Bux Mont Dance Theater, the comedy relief. The third presenta- Brandywine Ballet Company and tion offers drama combined with the Rita Jones Dance Company. dance and is based on "The Admission is $6 for the festival and Prophet" by Kahil Gilbran. All reception for $3 for adults and $1 performances are held in the Little for students to the festival only. Theater on the Cabrini College Perna said that many people campus at 8 p.m. Admission is never see dance and he is happy free. that they have the opportunity to A Cb',.,




::t~tudent io p.m._in_ BY CAROL WAHL admiss~he Cabrini Job Squad is an odd On 0c referral service designed by ~he~ter financial aid office to help stu<!vies,ts earn money in their spare This pen,. a~ $l.50'.iene Mc Evilla, director, and Childrel Lieberman assistant directCollege. the financiai aid office, saw a 1:he n for the program. Ms Mc ch ildren 1. a remarked, "With the seme st er nt administration and the ~~!fing controls on financial : udents are going to have to ~~~s ~~e for themselves. The Job ,


p.m. forthe1et




be expected to conat least $750 toward their before they can vl grant or be eligible for a d loan. ToDigbt ing to McEvilla, Reagan 7 .00 Movie ".Asedadditional custodies the Little The, · ."If these,, pass, ~he 8 . 00 _ 11 .00 1vill worsen, McEvilla Night Sq~ash (the monies will still be ' e needy."



CONSIDERED TO BE one of the world 's top pianists, Russian pianist

Michael Rudy will grace Cabrini College and the community with lectures and music .

CELEBRATETHE OPENING OF THE WIGWAM October 4, 1981 Menu includes: Hamburgers . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Cheeseburgers .......... 1.10 Cheese Steaks . . . . . . . . . . 1.85 ..... Hot Dogs ................ .75 Pizza .............. . ...... 60 Cupcakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Milkshakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 The Wigwam also offers an assortment of hoagies and sandwiches, plus various candies and beverages. The list goes on and on. Come and see what we have to offer.


WE DELIVER! Just call us at Ext. 515

· · service offere~-----------___.

Squad wiii help students help themselves." Students who are interested in the Job Squad are supposed to fill out a form indicating the type of work they can do and the hours they are available. As soon as someone calls with a job opening, the financial aid office gives him or her a list of students who fill the requirements of the job. It is up to the prospective employer to get in touch with the students. Most of the jobs are coming from from


off-campus sources in res the advertisement cam launched by the financial aic. fice. These jobs include: baby ting, painting, housecleaning, tending, helping with parties, a doing yard work. There have ev ~n !equests for students to with mventory and computers. ,




So far, only four percent of tl 800 student forms sent out ha• been returned. Ms. Mc Evilla a, Ms. Lieberman expect a better r sponse as the program progresM~

2 l l 9 S l l p.m. in Gym 1



About 80 per cent of Cabrini students receive some type of financial aid. McEvilla believes that while students will be somewhat affected by further curtailment of funds, "the results will not be disastrous." She added that thus far, no one has had to withdraw from school as a direct result of decreased state and federal funds. "Comparatively, the last few


8 :00 p.m.- l :00 a.m.



'American Werewolf-' It's virtually flawless BY JOYCE PATITUCCI A short time ago, director John Landis had half the college-attending population in America shouting "Toga!" Now he has impressionable people like me glancing warily behind their shoulders at the full moon and shuddering at the sound of a dog howling in the night. Of course there is no such thing as a werewolf, but that's what everyone in the most believable horror movie to date said, too. "An American Werewolf in London" is a new film based on an old monster legend. Yet it easily maintains the distinction of being one of the most original creations since Linda Blair rotated her head. Landis interweaves elements of comedy with plenty of blood, guts and pure ferocity. Not only do the gory scenes defy the limits set by previous horror flicks, but the comic ones prove that Landis' range of humor expands beyond the pranks of fraternity house outcasts. The film begins on the English Midlands where two American boys are hiking. David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) are warned by the not-sohospitable owners of the local tavern, The Slaughtered Lamb, to keep to the road and under no circumstances to wander onto the moors. Of course they are too busy wondering what the terrible howling they hear is to pay attention and Jack is mauled to death before they· realize their mistake . David · is also attacked, but the owners of the tavern arrive in time enough to save his life . David rece iv es several unwanted visitors in the hospital, among them a Scotland Yard inspector who insists that the hairy assailant was actually a lunatic

with exceptional strength. Worse than this, Jack, mutilated and with his innards exposed; appears to David to inform him that their attacker was a werewolf, and that he will surely become one if he does not kill himself, since he survived the attack. In the meantime, Jack is doomed to wander about the earth in limbo until the last werewolf, now his best friend, is destroyed.

Actor Naughton is an unlikely werewolf, which further lends to · the credibility of the film. The character he portrays is simply a harmless, sexually-rambunctious frat-boy whose warmth and Jewish charm make his situation and its consequences all the more saddening. While no one really believes that David will become a werewolf, all involved are concerned about his mental stability. Jack, ridden with gangrene, begins to make a pest of himself and at the same time David is being plagued with mghtmares of blood and carnage. The make-up and special effects used will probably get this film an Academy Award, and some type of award should go to Naughton for his perseverance. While his movie debut was impressive, it might be overlooked. Nonetheless , he was able to build enough rapport with the audience so that they could not only laugh when he was amusing, but feel pity for him when he asked for it. No one should see this film expecting a straight comedy. At times it is excessively and perhaps realistically violent, which is something movie-goers are not accustomed to. But for the veteran horror fan or anyone anxious to view a film which is virtually flawless, it is a must.

The Rolling Stones are back BY TIM FEENEY The Rolling Stones went back in the recording studios for the first time since their 1978"Some Girls" LP, and came out wit.h painted faces. "Tattoo You" is a fine recovery from ''Emotional Rescue," a collection of leftovers that probably should have stayed that way. After turning out such an uncharacteristic loser, the Stones went back to the basics- good, hard rock and roll. Unlike so many of todays bands, the Stones refused to succumb to the current upbeat U .K. music trend. The recurring hits turned out by the Jagger/Richards duo seems to be unending. Charlie Watts and

Wayne Pizzeria, 109 S. Wayne

rockin'. If the album has any low P?int, it is "Slave." Mick's liigh · pitched vocals and the repetitious chorus just don't cut it. "Tattoo You's" release was scheduled to coincide with the kickoff of the Stones' American tour 1 which took place right here iA Philadelphia on Sept. 24. But as P' result of a local major radio station's acquisition of a bootlet copy, the release, to the delight of the numerous Stones' fans, was pushed ahead a couple of weeks . The Rolling Stones, who are all in the neighborhood of 40 years old, still rock with the best of them. And if "Tattoo You" is any indication, the elder statesmen of rock and roll aren't finished yet .

The Cinderella Complex

Struggle of Independence from the drudgeries of daily existence as opposed to handling situa- well as other material relating to the topic. tions on their own. Dowling uses her friends and For all of you men and women reading this who do not wish to be herself as the main subjects who, bored with feminist ideas , let me as she feels , are universal examBY MAUREEN CARROLL "The Cinderella Complex" by first point out that this is not a book ples of a struggle to discover their Although the Colette Dowling .is an eye-opening which thrives on a gender war own identities. account of how one wom~ame to where one sex claims to be reader might at times feel that she terms with her own feelings of in- superior to the other. Rather, it is is telling a "look how far I've competence and dependency. The a sociological account of how men come" story , it is perhaps the most foundation of this insecurity was and women are cast into roles effective way of relaying a the build-up of years of conscious from early childhood , focusing message which is difficult to put into objective terms. and subliminal reinforcement that especially on women. "The Cinderella Complex" is Ms. Dowling obviously devoted she was physically, intellectually and emotionally weaker than her much time and effort researching easy to read and hard to put down. male counterpart. And this is the the concepts contained in this book Whether male or female , the Cinderella Complex-when - as is witnessed from the extensive reader will find that he can learn women are taught that their prince footnotes in the back which quote more about himself and his will come one day and rescue them leading psychology journals as interactions with others .

The Cinderella Complex by Colette Dowling 230pp. New York: Summit Books. $12.95

Arts Camp a success

Eat, drink and be merry I BY RITA CALICAT

Bill Wyman play as well as they ever have. And Ron Wood seems to be heard from more and more each album. In "Little T & A", whose subject matter needs no explaining, Wood provides some strong backup vocals along with unblemished lead guitar. The former rhythm-guitarist for Rod Stewart's "Faces " "Feendy " "Tim," "Tattoo Y~u," "2 for' 3 Faces," plays consistently well throughout the album. "Waiting on a friend", which undoubtedly comes from the heart, (making love and breaking hearts, it's a game for you) is a Rolling Stones' classic. "Start Me Up" and "Hang Fire" are two jumping dance tunes that get everyon~

K-Mart Shopping Center, Lan-

BY MARIA GENTILE were Marquita Williams, Jackie From June 17 to July 31, 60 · Majors, Steven Cattone , Tom Kol youths had the chance to attend a etas and Michael Morelli. These summercampwhichdifferedfrom people were theatre aides and most . Cabrini offered these worked in every facet of the talented and energetic students theatre. Also involved was Kathy

Here are some places in the area Ave., Wayne. caster Ave. and Sugartown Rd., for eating, shopping and entertainDevon. ment. The following -restaurants What's the nightlife like in the This material was taken from 1 0 0 have good food, and they aren't too exp_ensive. ar~:::::. : Ale House, 532 Lan- ---~_:n__.~.C-~t_~_ : ;..._;·"-'.' Alfalfas's, Rt. 202, King of caster Ave., Wayne 687-5421. p Prussia 265-8231. The menu conJohn's Bar & Grill, 5 W. LanFree room and board offered to sists of a variety of burgers , open- caster Ave., Strafford 688-9751. female with independent transporfaced sandwiches, and specials . Kelly's, Lancaster Ave., Bryn , • l!!tion . Light housekeeping and Prices are under $7. Mawr. babysitting required. Phone Cayuga 30, 212 E. Lancaster GR7-8814after 9 p.m. For a good time, try skating or Ave., Wayne 687-1866. Cayuga 30 Jolly Day Care Center and Nursfeatures seafood, beef and bowling. ery (Devon, Pa.) - Aide position. lambchops specialties . All for Devon Bowling Lanes, Lan-y 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday. caster Pike & Fairfield Rd. , under $12. • Call Mr. Kern, 688-SZ26. Devon. 688-1920. Chinese Delight, 735 Lancaster Babysitting/Odd Job Referral Valley Forge Lanes, Valle,i Ave., Wayne 687-1866. A variety of Service: All interested students Chinese food specialties on the Forge Shopping Center, King or should contact the financial aid ofmenu awaits you, take-outs are Prussia 265-3220. fice to sign up for the program if Spinning Wheels, Rte. 202 & available. Under $7 . they have not already . Rusty Scupper, 222 Sugartown Johnson Corner, Concord Twp. Counter Help Needed: 495-1313. Rd., Wayne 678-6627. Large menu _ MeDonald's in Wayne needs including steak and seafood counter help during hmch hours. Try these places to relax : If specialties. Prices range from Interested students should apply in Anthony Wayne Theatre, 105 W. ' $7-$15. person. $4.10/hour. Lancaster Ave., Wayne 688-0800. , Telephone Answering and Some No good guide would be comBudco Bryn Mawr, 824 Lan-S S Paperwork: Off-campus, three plete without the college students ' caster Ave., Bryn Mawr 525-2622. nights per week, 5-9 p.m. and favorite pasttime-fast food. For your shopping convenience, Saturday 9-5 p.m. $3.50/hour. Call Burger King, 415 Lancaster there are several shopping centers Kay, ext. 240. Ave., Devon. in the area . Light Housekeeping and McDonald's, Lancaster Ave., Babysitting : Tuesday and ThursDevon. The Court at King of Prussia II day, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. $3.50/hour. Pie in the Sky Pizzeria, 102 E. Mall ,. Rts. 202 and 363, King of• • • Cmtact Beth Lieberman, ext. 240._ · Lancaster Ave., Wayne. Prussia. · Two Men Needed to Move Sofa: :

--n-•He Ip ·w cin leaoffcampus


·e Class





~ ~~;i=

Contact Gretchen, extension ~vents• a 255. -~Y- M~· Data Entry Position (one {1ter • diflexible hours per week; pttY ente~someone with typing or calcu~d th eir punching ability. Presently a 11ght. porary position but perman ,ts of th e possibility. Strafford; conta<,~t call_ed, DeWolfe-Eagle's Eye-293 which No experience required. --)lent from <Thisis taken from the B . . Want Ads.) Inventory take?gram ism part-time positions; needworksho _ps driver's license; must"m. offer1!1•,transportation but Waynl.nd teens m will provide transportatior5 1cal ballet, from work sites. Must be axlern bl!llet, for weekend work; call 29.re design . apply in person; Washi~lable at the ventory Service, 137 Wet.,____ _ Ave., Wayne, Pa. Two energetic and effi dents to work as a pair d" housecleaning in lar1 $4.00/hour - three hour desired) per week. AhQ Stment for polishing,' ibg, ·eerving and org~ Mrs. Heldring, MU:a.a-:-----




-Soc-Cer " Team Shapes Up Du.ring Camp

BY TOM DeMATl'EIS Wednesday, Aug. 26 marked the beginn i~g of a 10-day training camp for"'the Cabrini College Soccer Team. Approximately 15 players made arrangements to end their summer jobs early so they would be able to attend the camp, which was the ' product of lengthy planning by Coach Will Langton . The players seemed anxious and in good shape at the start of the camp . Several of them expressed their enthusiasm to get started, even though their summer vacations were being cut short. The camp consisted of three daily practices , one at 7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m . with each

running for two hours . The first session was the toughest as it consisted mostly off running laps and sprints . During the second session, Langton and assistant coach Tom Bryant put the team through several skill developing drills with the evening practice being strictly time for scrimmaging . Cabrini has its two co-captians along with eight other players returning from last year's team . The captains are senior Fred Toroni, and junior Jeff Brun . Others returning are, juniors Sulamon Allyn, Steve Brown, Dan Ross and Tony Ciro and sophomores Tom DeMatteis, Paul

Sports Events Volleyball

7 7 7 7

Academy New Church Phi la. 'Pharmacy Phila. Community Penn St. Ogontz

Fteld Hockey Oct6 Oct.13 Oct.19 Oct. 20 Oct. 23

pm pm pm pm

Chestnut Hill Montgo. Co . Comm . Beaver Bryn Mawr Swarthmore

4pm 3:30pm 4pm 4pm 4pm

Phi la . Commun ity Penn St. Capital Beaver Allentown Spring Garden

1 pm 4pm 3:45pm 1 pm 3:45pm

Soccer Oct.3 Oct.14 Oct.21 Oct.24 Nov . 4

stead to work on the things the team had gone over during the camp. For its first scrimmage, Cabrini did quite well as they won 2-1 and more importantly worked well together as a team . After the two coaches pointed out and worked on correcting the teams mistakes, - another scrimmage was held on The first few days of training Thursday Sept. 3. saw an assortment of minor knee Again the team made a strong and muscle soreness but nothing showing, winning 3-2. Now with the 31 th serious. By Monday, Aug, , e camp winding down, sights were team was in good shape when a King of Prussia club team was being set for the September 5 brought in for a scrimmage . scrimmage against Villanova _ University . Langton stressed to the team not Last season these two schools to worry about the score but in- · scrimmaged with Villanova win-

ning easily . This year the Cabrini players were looking to make the game a little more respectable, but Langton was using the same philosophy for this game as he had for the others. Both the players' and coaches' objectives were reached, however , as Cabrini played a solid game in a 3,1 losing effort to .wind up their 1981camp. When the camp finished, Langton expressed his happiness . He was pleased with the consis tent number of players who were out everyday as well as the groups coming together as a team . Langton is now confident that this will carry over into the season .

Sports profile: ·


Toroni, an inspiration

1981Cabrini College Home Schedule

Oct. 12 Oct. 15 Oct.16 Oct. 30

Breslin, Eric Gavalis and Dave Pilla, along wit_h head manager Lisa Kostaneski. Newcomel"s to the team are junior transfers Jim Vail, and Nick Papatzikas along with senior Chris Collins , sophomores Mike Hawley and Andy Zipfel, freshemn Dave Oswinkle and Bob Connolly.

BY JOHN McQJJEEN Fred Toroni is a prime athlete here at Cabrini. He is presently a senior business administration major and after graduation will seek employment with a consulting firm . Toroni started playing soccer at . age 13, at Valley Forge Junior High. He said that on this team you didn't need much ability, just a lot of energy. He moved on to Conestoga High, where he played varsity soccer for two years. Toroni received "The Spirited Award" for being an inspiration to his team both years . Coach Langton spoke nothing but positive words about Toroni. "He is always in a positive mood," Langton said, "He never gives up." Langton seemed to have the utmost confidence in Toroni on the field as well as the classroom . "He is one of our captains ," Langton said proudly . John Dzik, men's athletic director , also spoke highly of Toroni._ "Freddie understands the importance that the athletic depart-

Cav's finish third in invitational ..•,•.·.·--...·

results from this had C. Fischer doing the i

says he 1s grateful for the renovating but he also expressed some unhappiness with the plumbing. According to Kattocin there has been some trouble with leakage and tiles falling out of the showers. Katkocin is also hoping that the heating system will be corrected as promised.

THE RAPID GROWTHof Cabri Campus Center . Story page 2 (Pt,

agan's budget cuts reduc


OYCE PATITUCCI h President Reagan's pending program is not ::,:c\,_ ng, it has been effective ff considerably reduce the aid available

\ i)~=:~

)} grmancial to Arlene McEvilla, aid, Reagan's DANNY Rl,s have reduced the BY TCant funds by about 30 Th f . .1r example, the maxe ir:,. award granted for College S{h l as •• 17..... .,. ~ oo yearw Tournam~nt e maximum award took part m ttt670. The maximum

... ·.·•.·.-.•-· .·+··•:-:-

award granted by PHEAA last year was $1500while the most an eligible student can receive this year is $1350. The College Work-Study program was also hit by budget cuts, and the amount of work-study funds available .were reduced between 20 percent and 30 percent; McEvilla said, "This year's average work-studyaward is $500. Last year it was about $800." · McEvilla added, "We ·were double-whammied this year because while our funds decreased, our student body greatly increased. What

we have now is a student body with a greater financial need and less grant funding to offer." McEvilla said that students from other states such as New Jersey were also affected by reduced funding for Basic Grant programs. For instance, in 1980-81 New Jersey students attending a college in Pennsylvania could bring a maximum of $500 in New Jersey Basic Grant funds to Pennsylvania with them. This ; year: the maximum they were : allowed to take out of the state wasd $200, 60 percent less than 1980-81.


to all players

SENIOR CO-CAPTAINFRED TORONI(photo by Tom DeMattei s ) ment puts on male athletics ," Dzik ways been elite , hav ing bee n said, "since Cabrini has a low plagued with injuries. His most reprofile on male athletics and since cent injury involved his ankle . the college just turned coed ." This injury only slowed Toroni Dzik added, " But most of all , he down for a short time , for with his understands what it takes to win." fighting spirit and will to win, he Toroni's soccer career hasn't al- was right back in the game .

tournament 1-0. Spring Garden then came out strong in the second half to score three goals and get the win. The next game had Beaver playing Pinebrook with Beaver · winning 2-0. This was the start of a , long day for Pinebrook . The third game was host Cabrini versus Williamson . Cabrin i pulled this game out with a goal late in the second half winning 1-0. The fourth game of the tournament was the most lopsided as Spring Garden beat Pinebrook 7-0. Game number five was Cabrini and Beaver . Beaver came out and scored four goals in the first half and the rest of the game was scoreless. Pinebrook and Williamson then played to a 1-1 tie . The seventh game of the day had the two leaders, Beaver and Spring Garden playing . Spring Garden won a tough, well-played game 1-0. The next two games had Cabrini beating Pinebrook and Beaver and Williamson tying 1-1. This set the stage for the final game of the tournament, Spring Garden versus Cabrini. With a win, Cabrini would be the champs, if not they would finish third and Spring Garden would win the tour-

nament . Cabrini scored an earl y goal to lead 1-0 at the half . Spring Garden came out and as they had done before, dominated the second half and won 4-1. After all ten games were played Spring Garden was on top of the standings with eight points on four wins . The rest of the stand ings were Beaver second, with five points on tw'o wins and _a tie , Cabrini third with four pomts on two win~ Willlamson , four th, with two poi 'nts for two ties an d Pinebrook, fifth , with one point for a tie . On Tuesday Septembe r 15th Cabrini played its first seasona l game against Delaware County Community College. The game was held under rainy conditions but nevertheless it was a well played game. After DCCC opened up with a quick goal, Tom DeMatteis scored off of a pass from Fred Toroni to make the teams even at the half. However, DCCCcame out in the second half and scored two goals before Toroni fed Dave Oswinkle for a goal. The game ended with the Cavaliers on the . short end of a 3-2 score.

~1~2 _____________________


Sq~!!!~:!_c>od .~~lho~,~~!!,

12 earn scholarships BY PAT McDERMOTf With the competitiveness in sports, student athletes depend on scholarships. According to John Dzik, men's, · ath.l~ic director, an ahtlete must: have certain qualities for him or her to receive a scholarship. "First," says Dzik, "and top priority, is attitude, someone who knows the responsibilities inherent . to the name "athlete." Second, "ability is important, but combined with the desire to succeed." Third, "is a concept of teamwork ." Fourth, "an academic background to succeed in school."

and fast, "that he or she fills the particular need of the team." This season , one of the new faces on the soccer team belongs to Jimmy Vail, a junior transfer student from Delaware County Community College. Joining Jim are Dave Oswinkle, a freshman from Archbishop Curley, in Maryland, and Nick Papatzikas, a junior transfer from Philadelphia Commwity College. In men's basketball, the new members are Tom McGowan, a freshman from Marple Newtown; Jim Baukle, a freshman from Cherokee High; Mike Lowry, a

freshman from Bishop ·Kenrick; John McQµeen, a freshman from Dobbins Tech; Dodie Watkins, and Dan Welde, both juniors from Delaware County Community College. When asking Baukle about his scholarship, he said, "I feel pleased and hope I'll be an asset to the team." On the women's basketball team, new members include Lisa Hw-st, a freshman from Mount Pleasant High; Eileen Herbig a freshman from Saint Maria Goretti , and Debra Harvey, a junior from Philadelphia Community College.

Field hockey team comes under change BY ELIZABETH KANARAS they are on an experimental basis. Change seems to be the word Also, new team uniforms were that describes the field hockey acquired. White shirts will be worn team. for home games and .navy blue Coached by Mimi Greenwood , shirts for away games . Associate Professor of Physical The goalies will wear light blue Education at West Chester State College, the team enters its second shirts to make it easier for the officials in certain rulings . season . Despite the new changes in rules The team consists of : Mary Collins, Fran Congileo, Diane Corallo, and miforms , competitively this Lori DiMeglio, Jean Findlay, Peg- season will be tough according to gy Heffernan , Patricia Hinke, Coach Greenwood . Debbie Kirk, Regina Law, Stacy "Most of the colleges Cabrini McCollough, Cathy McGinty, will play are Division III in the Diane Mekel , Maria Velleca, Pennsylvan ia Association for and Patricia Conway. Intercollegiate Athletics for The biggest change is in the Women. " Whoever wins the most rules which have been adopted by games will win a trophy ." all the colleges . One rule involves Junior Fr an Congileo sta ted , the start of the game . It is similar to the way soccer starts their " It will be a better season and the team has more potential because games. A coin will then decide which of the prior experience the freshteam will start first and what goals man team members have had ." they will defend . When the game Sophomore Diane Mekel added , starts two opposing' players try to " The new system helps bring the hit the ball to a teammate . offense and defense together . We The main object is to speed up now have a four player offensive the game and make it more com- line and two links. This petitive . strengthens the offensive The rules are in effect now and strategy ."

Team anticipates good se.ason BY KAREN ANGELI high hopes for the season. She Cabrini's relatively yotmg volley- said, "We should do well. We set ball team anticipates a season up the practices on days when filled with spirit, hard work, and everyone can participate and the togetherness. drills are hard." "We are a very young team with In fact, the drills are scheduled no experience playing. Everyone's for five days a week, two hours a willing to work together," Kathy day. Thirty minutes are spent on Cordilla., team caetain, said. drills, and the rest is devoted to "We're a different sort of team playing against each other. than last year's because we talk to Cathy Kalbach added that she each other and we also teach each has learned many of the techother and help each other out~ niques common to volleyball. reflection of willingness to learn ." Kalbach said she saw improveAccording to Coach Helen ment in the way everyone is now "Goody" Goodwin, women's _ playing. "Everyone is learning to athletic director, this year's team work in unity. I can also see how has only two original players from certain combinations are working last season, Kathy Cordilla and · into the team, such as the way a Sue Masino. The rest of the team is group of people learn to anticipate made up of all new players, none of each other's moves." She also exwhom has ever worked with each pects to see many spectators. That other before. way, she says, the many practices The players are: Lee and drills won't be all for naught. Camisbion, Ann Belsky, Cathy Coach Goodwin stated that the Kalbach, Debra Harvey, Denise Cabrini team will not be playing Carr, Eileen Herbig, Robyn Villanova, LaSalle or Drexel Williams, Dolores Monzo, Joan University because these teams Johnson, Sue Masino and Kathy have moved up to Division I in the Cordilla. The managers are Dawn PAIAW (Pennsylvania AssociaJenkins, Theresa Dymond and Ca- tion for Intercollegiate Athletics thy Masino. for Women), while Cabrini reFreshman Joan Johnson has - mains in Division II.

For those of you still in the dark fails to strike it before th'e second about squash, it is not just some- . bounce . A point is then awarded to thing to eat . Squash is a racket the winner of each _confrontation. sport which came to the United Phil Burnham, a squash player States in the early 1900's. at the YMCA, said, "I like the sport because it's an indoor sport, and you don't have lo worry about bad weather cancelling your Squash is a game played by two game ." He added that he likes it people in an enclosed rectangular because it gives him a good court. On the front wall and on the workout in a minimum amount of floor there are lines painted to time . mark boundaries and service Incidentally, anyone interested points. in giving the sport a try, SGA and The game is played with a the Philosophy club are sponsoring racket and a black rubber ball . a squash night at Berwyn RacquetThe object is to hit the ball against ball Club. It will be held on Octothe front wall so your opponent ber 2 from 8:00 p:m . to midnight . either misses it entirely , fails to The cost is $2.50.

New Sports

Cross country team lacking members BY JEANNE PILCICKI

"The athletic program at Cabrini College is making slow but steady progress in a positive direction but student support is needed at all events in order for the program to be an important part of the C "'rini scene, " John Dzik said . 1'zik, head of the athletic department, states that the cross country team in particular is urging anyone-anyone who enjoys running..io come out and join the team. ve en ere or a .,eks, you are probably still <!whatanxious about your new .1001. We are empathetic, for we tmember those feelings of nerousness and uncertainty quite ell. Your theme, "Ready to take a chance," is a perennial one which could be applied throughout the year while embarking upon new adventures . Chances, such as living away from home , making new friends and keeping up with the college curriculum are challenging steps on the pathway to emotional and intellectual growth . Taking a chance means sometimes pushing yourself to get involved in activities, making time to study or sayipg, "Hi," to the person next to you whom you are apprehensive about approaching. · Not only the Loquitur staff, but the entire campus community is behind you 100%and are willing in any way possible to assist your adjustment to life at Cabrini. Again, welcome, and enjoy your year! I .... ,









According to Dzik, the 1981-82 cross country season will not be a success without the support of Cabrini College students . "One ~oal of the athletic depart ment is to formulate a cross country team that will be viable and self-perpetuating from year to year ," he stated. Right now, six well qualified people are being interviewed and one will be picked to coach the cross country team. Mike Hilsey is

presently acting as inter im coach. _Currently , the team consists of fi~ men and two women. "In order to have a competitive team," states Hilsey, " at le:ist ten men and ten women are n.:eded." The cross country team prac tices are from four to six o'clock daily and the meets are Tuesdays and Saturdays. Right now the season is in progress and will continue until the first week of November .

in both student population and new buildings . It 's not as small as it used to be but it's still small enough for students to receive individual attention .

Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabt-mi College, Radnor, Pennsyluoni, Telephone - 215-687-2 100 ext . 4 7, Subscription price 1s included m benefits secured by tuition an fee. Subsme~ion by moil is $4 per veor Second class postage i.s paid at Wayne, Pennsyloonla 19081 .

Co-editors-in-chief : Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor: Joyce Pat itucci Featu re Editor : Jeanne Proko Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor Arts/Leisure Editor : Regina O'Leary Sports Editor : Debbie Jablonsk i Photography Editor : Tom DeMatteis Business Manager: Brian Jensen Staff : Karen Angeli, Ann Belski, Andrea Bertelini, Rita C Karen Cancio, Pam Clark, Pat Conway, Sheila Fanelle , II Gentile, Virginia Gruerio, Liz Kanaras, Debra Kidon, Fr Kuterbach, Kathy McCartney, Pat McDermott, Rita Mc Sandy McNamara, John.McQµeen, Joanne Melito, Sand Momyer, Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi, Danny Ross, Slook, Carol Wahl. . Advisor : Jerome Zurek ·t..).-..'


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