Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
Cabrini to -offe"r M. BY JOYCE PATITUCCI A general Masters degree program in education is currently in the early stages of development. According to Dr . Ruth Sower , assistant professor and chairperson of the special education department. "The program is in the exploratory stages ." According to Dr . Joseph Romano , vice president for academic affairs , a proposal for the M .Ed . program will be submit ted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by Feb . 1, 1982. A reviewing team from Harrisburg will visit the colfege in April to ·investigate faculty , facilities , and materials .
Ed. 1n fall?
Romano hopes that the decision suit the needs of teachers in the project." "Last year we invited Sam Marof whether or not to approve the five-county area . Most teachers Several members of the liberal cus from the Penna. Dept. of Ed . seek Masters training to enhance program will be reac~ed before arts faculty have agreed to particiwho gave us some excellent advice their development and to increase summer. pate in the program, Sower said, about initiating a program," their salaries . This program_was If all goes as planned, the including Dr . Sharon Schwarze Sower said. A consultant in educacollege will begin advertising im- designed to do just that." tion was also hired to offer experand Dr . Jolyon Girard . Schwarze Sower said the degree would be offered to teach a philosophy of tise . mediately and the program can be offered in the fall, Romano said-: general and would not carry cer- education course, and Girard will In addition to a need for this proHe stressed that all of these things tification . -However, teachers · teach a history of education class . gram , Sower said , " Building on are just possibilities at this point could become certified by "Mr . Anthony Tomasco and Mr . our strengths in Liberal Arts and and there are no guarantees . Cabrini's undergraduate program fine faculty in education will enaWilliam Kuhns are collaborating The program will be general , as in education. to develop a needs test for prospec- ble us to offer a fine program ." opposed to the very specialized "We are afthis time in the midst In keeping with the philosophy of tj ve students of the program . programs tha! other area colleges of curriculum development ," According to Sower, the idea of Cabrini undergraduate education , offer. According to Dr . Sower, the "Sower said. "We will be offt!ring a offering a Masters program at classes will be small and attention reason for a broadly-structured core group of courses in which Cabrini has been brewing for 10 individualized . Sower added that program is that it is one· that is graduates would ~arn most recent years at the suggestion of Dr. courses will be offered on eve most needed in the area. developments , do some Frank Saul , dean of continuing nings, weekends and in summer to Sower said, " The program will jnd -possibly some type. of research suit the needs of working teachers . education .
Business administration :: ·~ growing maior BY JEANNE PROKO A gradual shift from Liberal Arts to Business Administration is becoming apparent in the choice of majors by students at Cabrini. Business Administration over the years has emerged as a ma jo r with beneficial and practical uses . Edward Christ, assistant professor of business adminis tration, feels that ~tudents are taking business for ' 'the best and worst of reasons. ' ' He said, ' 'The best of reasons is for the spiritual and mental de velopment that must be m~tched against living." He continued, "The worst of reasons, if you could call it that, is to get a better job ."
Christ believes the reason for the shift could be the age ·which we are living in now. After World War II, people were majoring more in liberal arts and psychology . They thought they could make it a better world by under standing humanity better . Christ said that "now thoughts have shifted. " Cathy Sullivan, a senior Business Administration major. said,
" I want · to go further with bus iness . I wan t to make mone y." She added that the Business Administration majors are n't looking for those •'sacrifice jobs with low pay and gratification of their job. " Sulli van made a comment t hat Chr ist had added earlier , '' The B.A.majors are looking out for themselves ." • At Cabr ini , the number of B.A. majors has steadily increased proportionally with the en rollment : Senioli - 11.s· Jw1iors - 26 Soph - 31.5' Fi-esh-23 Toml - 98 The. roll of women entering into the business world has increased also . A~ocding to the New York 'nmes,. there has been an increase of 25 per cent in less than three yea&:s where women have pl~ed a-part in the corporate boards . _ These women, reports the Times, have found that a back groqµd in business, law and econormC'S or academic adminis ALTHOUGH ANY DEGREE received at Cabrini involves strong background in liberal arts ; stu- tration is essential to successful dents are shifting from traditional liberal arts majors to Business Administration. (Photo by Liz jobs in business.
Community-based ·program partly funded BYMEGSLOOK Cabrini College recently received a gift of $15,000from Sun Company for support of the new Community-Based Management Service Program . The program teaches a combination of humanity services and management skills . The program, which is still in the planning stage, was being coordinated by Ann Kennedy, assistant professor of special education; Ruth Sower, assistant professor in special education; Joseph
Romano, vice president of academic affair's and John He iberger , vice president for development and public relations, until Sept. 21 when the official progr am coordinator, Nancy Chaddock , arrived. There is presently a great need for a program of this type . The trend of mainstreaming previously institutionalized people back into society has increased the number of group home and introduced the need for business managers as well as trained managers in
human services . According to Kennedy , "Large institutions are no longer prime suppliers of care for the elderly and handicapped . CommunityBased Management Service with emphasis on the development of client skill is the current trend . " Community-Based Management Services may be offered in the fall of 1982 but no definite plans have been made. At present , the program is still in the planning stage . The program itself will consist of 40 credits in four areas of study :
business, social work, special education and psychology . As group homes are developed, a person must create a budget , choose insurance and deal with various types of law suits . Heiberger thinks that of the utmost importance, "People managing community services deal with a great many business problems for which they have not been properly trained." In addition to the program, workshops will be offered for both college students and individuals
presently working in related fields-. Workshops will discuss problems and 'burnout ,' the frequent termination of human service jobs as a result of emotional and physical strain . Internship for work in group home and smaller facilities may also be offered with the program . The program is presently receiving input for improvements from faculty members and an advisory board of workers in related fields .
4j ;
Letter rebuttal
012J. · io . What do _you think
Criticism ~
of Philo. teacher's strike?
Loquitur reporter Pam Clark asks education majors, "What do you think of the prolonged teachers' strike in Philadelphia?" (Photos by Dave Milburn)
Editorial .
.Cabrini's Catalog, No place ~o be found \
FRIDAV, OCT9BEQ..1J,, 1981
New managers
-BY BRIAN P. JENSEN I couJ<1not neip but to rebut the opinion of an editor as it appeared in the previous issue of this publication. This interested student, like so many other well meaning Americans blasted the economic policies of President Ronald Reagan . Such criticism is easy to under stand because the President is largely responsible for cumng the many programs that thousands of Americans have taken advantage of over the years. When people are used to getting things with minimal effort that benefits their special interests it is only natural for them to be upset when such charity is reduced or taken away . The result is opinion pages in college newspapers that personally insult Reagan by calling him an actor (very original) and accusing him of manipulating the majority of Americans to believe in policies that will hurt them .
Improve caf. food
Such malarkey is usually written by concerned individuals who are well meaning, but without understanding.
The sight of a Cabrini catalog on campus before spring registration is a rare one. If you are seen with one in hand you are automatically assumed to be a high school senior . If you cast your eyes upon one at all you are considered to be noble indeed. Just what these high school seniors have that Cabrini students don't we haven't figured out yet. We know we had these same powers before our acceptance to college, but maybe we lost them somewhere along the way to becoming freshmen. Are these powers gone forever? Will we never again be afforded the privilege of being inspired by the President's welcome letter? Will we never again know when the Dean's Fall Holiday is before it is over? What are we to tell our advisors when they ask us if we understand the policy of adding and dropping courses? "It's in the catalog you say, I'm sorry - what catalog?" Yes, there are a noble few. Some have caught a glimpse of the blue-green catalog with the catchy photograph and white lettering on the cover. It took much work to put together that book, a book that would be a "bestseller" on Cabril;li's campus. It's just a shame that we can't read this "bestseller" while it's still "hot off the press ."
As we are no longer being treated to such temptuous delights as fish and liver for dinner, both on the same night, we wondered if they didn't change the food service without telling anyone. After all, it is a bit unusual to eat normal food in this cafeteria as opposed to the usual wild concoctions that someone back in that kitchen kept dreaming up, like Alpo and tasted more like Gravy Train. All right, you skeptics . We agree the food still isn't exactly home cooking, but there is no such thing as a perfect cafeteria. Anyone here last year knows that this year's food is a major improvement over last year's. The major problem was in getting Seiler's to serve more of the basics, like roast beef, chicken, turkey, ham and hot sandwiches. We are glad to see that these foods, that were once considered gourmet, are now available and fit for human consumption. One reason for the improvement might be that we have a new food manager more capable than the others. Another reason might be that thre is a recent graduate on the staff who was once a student and knows what we like. The biggest problem seems to be not with the food itself, but with getting it before fainting from hunger pains. However , this is not Seiler's responsibility but that of those who plan, sometimes not very well, how many students to accept and how to accommodate everyone . But that's an issue for a future editorial. We hope Seiler 's can keep up the good work . We'll certainly let them know about it if they don't.
Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsyl vania_HJOB7. Telephone : 215-<387-2100 ext . 412. Subscription price is included in benefits secured by tu1t1on and student fee. Subscription by mail is S5 per year. Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.
Co-editors-in-chief: Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor : Joyce Patitucci Feature Editor: Jeanne Proko Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor Arts/Leisure Editor: Regina O'Leary Sports Editor: Debbie Jablonski Photography Editor: Tom DeMatteis Busjness Manager: Brian Jensen STAFF : Karen Angeli, Ann Belsky, Andrea Bertelini Rita Calicat Karen Cancio, ' Pam Clark, Pat Conway, Sheila 'Fanelle, Ti~ Feeney, Virginia Gruerio, Liz Kanaras, Debra Kidon, Francine Kuterback, Kathy McCartney , Pat Mc Dermott, Rita McKelvey, Sandra McNamara, John McQµeen, Joe Miller, Sandy Momyer Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi, Danny Ross, Meg Slook, Caroi Wahl.
Advisor: Jerome Zurek
This country is now in a time of major transition . As with all changes , many people question the convictions of the " changers," especially when these people haven't the foresight to see the innvestment of the change. Ronald Reagan is a man of foresight that can see great advantages resulting for our present difficult transition . He sees that chopping the budget is an important first step in curing the ills of an unhealthy economy. Reagan also knows that cutting programs is essential to get inefficient government out of the lives of people who wish to be free . It is imperative that Americans begin to realize that the federal government does not ex ist to provide and finance every service that someone might need in life. Too many people assume these services as a basic right. This is clearly wrong. Individuals must learn to help themselves . They must stop expecting the government to adhere to their every need . The editor 's statement that the abuses of social services in this country are "the mistakes of a relative few" is inaccurate, to say the least . Too many people in this country live by the belief that they shouldn't work when they can make more money by staying home . Those who do choose to work are the ones that suffer because their taxes aid the thousands that receive social services as a living income. That kind of system is down right stupid and it must be changed. Ronald Reagan knows all too well the unfairness and ineffi-
Chris Collins, senior
I think a teachers' strike anywhere is pretty depressing. The teachers are hurting the students and that's wrong . Any teacher knows that they're working to help the students and this strike is not helping them at all. I don't think it's fair to the students or to the teachers themselves to get dragged into our society's hangups over money.
Lourdes Latorre, senior I don't think the school board is really con-
sidering the children. They're just dragging this strike out and right now nothing good is coming out of it . What have they accomplished?
Larry Conroe, freshmen
The strike is hurting the students . It's caused by a lack of compromise between the teachers and the school board . It is entirely the school board's fault.
Linda Dambacher, junior I think that the teachers go overboard . The
strike is definately hurting the children . The children are supposed to be the center of the school system, but what is happen ing is the teachers are becoming the center of the school system .
Marie Hoffman, sophomore
I don't think the teachers should strike, because it hurts the children . The children should come first. A teacher's responsibility is to educate children and how can the teachers do that if they're walking the pavement?
• Andrew J . Kitavec, assistant professor of Education; Coordinator of Elementary Education I'm opposed to strikes by public employees . I would like to see Act 195 repealed and instead binding arbitration between teache rs ' organizations and local school boards take place, prior to September . A mediator could determine who's right. That way , kids wouldn 't be used as pawns and deprived of their education
ciency of this system . The result is a new policy designed to cut the benefits of those who have taken for so long , and to allow those who work to keep more of what they deserve . Of course, there are those who sincerely need the benefits of social programs . I maintain however, that this group represents "the relative few." Certainly, there is a great difference between the number of Americans that actually need social services, and the number of those that think they depend on these benefits. Budget cuts might appear bad now to those who are used to
believing that they have a right to many services . However , the long range outcome of these cuts will benefit the majority . People will begin to depen~ more on themselves than on a • huge inefficient government. That is the way things should be. Ronald Reagan is not trying to fool anyone . He is attempting to improve this country by stopping individuals from expecting a central government to provide everything for them . It is a great shame that so many people are used to having benefits handed to them that way .
·· · · LOQ.UlTUR
' '
1 · • •
FRID)\ Y, OCTOBER 16·, 1981
Planning committee looks to the future A college is like any other busiSr. Mary Louise Sullivan, MSC ness in that it is part of -a inpresident, of Cabrini College is in dustry. To remain successful it must analyze the needs of that the process of adding ten new industry, and adjust its offerings members to the Master Planning· accordingly. Committee, raising its membership to 22. The committee will , According to Sullivan it is job then start working on a new of the Master Planning Committhree-year master plan which tee to make this kind of analysis ,. can hopefully be accepted by the and propose the fitting adjust,tar Board of Trustees at their May ments. meeting. For instance, there is a change int~ industry in that there is less Sullivan said the 1978 master plan has served the college well, government financial aid availbut all its goals have been able to college students. For a reached, and it is time to move on college to maintain its enrollment, it must find more non-governto a new model. BY JIM LAWLOR
ment aid to offer prospective students. Accordingly, Sullivan said the first priority of the Master Planning Committee will be to develop scholarship funds to balance out the Reagan cuts. Another change in the industry which the committee will have to be aware of is a shift in the population. Next year there will be 20 percent less 18 year-olds in the country than there are this year. That means 20 percent less prospective tuitions. To counter this, the population will be heavier with middle age and retired persons.
To adjust to these changes, the Master planning Committee will have to propose ways of expanding the Continuing Education Department so that possible losses in the day college will be balanced out by self enrichment, career enrichment, and second career types in the evening division. ' Another area the Committee will work on is the utilization of facilities in the summer months. As Sullivan points out, there are seven air conditiondhouses, a cafeteria, a new campus center, and countless beautiful acres on campus. All of these would be
very attractive to groups having summer meetings and conferences. If the college can organize and market a program for that sort of summer utilization, it may reap a nice profit to defray other costs. The new members invited are: Sr. Eileen Currie, dean of students; Sr. Toni Avitabile, registrar; Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life; Jim Keches, business manager; Marcy Nadel, assistant to the dean of students; Ruth Sower, special education; Frank Willard, admissions; Howard Buzzard, business; one student and one alumni.
Education maiors prqtest strike BY MAUREEN CARROLL
The recent teacher's strike by Philadelphia school teachers left parents and students up in arms and the teachers without an income. The question asked by all, "When will it end?" Strikes such as these might someday have direct effects on education majors at Cabrini. Some senior education majors expressed their views. Lisa Fitzgerald said, "The main concern should be the education of the children." Elena Ambrogi feels that striking deprives the child and that it shows a lack of dedication on the part of the teacher. "The strike makes me nervous," she said. The names heard most often in the recent dispute are: James R. Melinson, chief negotiator for the school board; Michael Marcase, schools superintendent; John Murray, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers ( PFT) president; Edward Feehan, state mediator ; Mayor Bill Green; and Governor Dick Thornburgh.
According to the Oct. 4 issue of the Inquirer, the dispute arose last summer when the Board of Education made cuts to balance the budget. These involved 3,500 lay-offs, elimination of programs and not giving teachers the 10 percent increase they had been promised. This is what caused the PFT to be in such an uproar. Both Andrew Litavec, assistant professor of education, and William Kuhns, assistant professor of education, believe that it is a no-win situation for everyone involved . Kuhns said, "There is too much politics involved." "An independent body is needed," Litavec said . "As it stands now, the mayor has appointed the school board in Philadelphia. There should be binding arbitration at the beginning of the school year. Then, the children will not be penalized.''
There is an obvious dichotomy inherent in all school strikes throughout the country - the teacher as a working individual who must look out for his own interests
United States thatloses ally Libya was involved. SpeculaBY JOYCE PATITUCCI and DEBBIE JABLONSKI
With a religious fanatic tyrannically ruling Iran, a military leader in Libya whose obsession with taking over the Moslem world · is comparable with that of Hitler's with Germany, and an Israeli ally who sold parts to Iran during the hostage crisis, the last thing the United States needed was to lose the last truly stable figure-head in . the Mideast. It will be some time before the effects and implications of the assasination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat are fully ' realized. Although Sadat's regime was considered basically stable , the world's unfamiliarity with his likely successor, vice-president Hosni Murabak makes the waiting game all the more frightening . The question most eminent in the minds of political leaders is • who and why? Another key ques- , tion is whether or not Sadat's assassination was merely a distr action from another scheme elsewhere in the world, such as possible Soviet intervention in Poland. Certainly, the person foremost in the minds of President Reagan and his cabinet would be Libyan leader Muammar (@ddafi, but thus far there is nothing to indicate
tion also has it that the assassins could be political enemies of Sadat, though it was basically taken for granted that Sadat had none. Today, no assassination attempt can take place without inference of Communist involvement, an allegation that would not be without basis in this case. Vice-president Murbarak received some of his military training in the USSR, according to a report in the Christian Science Monitor , but went along with Sadat's removal of all Soviet influence and personnel. Sadat was never a great friend to the Russians, having recently narrowed Moscow's presence in Cairo to embassy officials only. On the other hand, Sadat, in the opinion of the Kremlin , helped the U.S. to monopolize Arab-Israeli relations . Recently, TIME magazine called Israeli Prime Minister Monachem Begin the biggest threat to peace in the mideast. Without Sadat , it is difficult to tell how effective the Camp David Peace talks can be, and whether they can ever be renewed . Also, with Sadat gone, President Reagan reamins as the most stable Soviet opponent left in the world , making his life seem even more threatened than before .
versus the need for the child's education. · The mathematics of this type of problem are not as solvable as we might hope . There are two sides of the coin, and depending what side one is on determines how a person will look at the situation . In Philadelphi:-'s case, the ring had . : Marcase and Melinson in one corner, Murray in the other and Feehan as the conciliator. The fans consisted of teachers, parents and children. However there is no real winner in a battle like this, just losers. Teachers lose out because they go unpaid by not working. They are not doing what they want to do-namely teach . Also, teachers lose the respect of their students, parents and the general public. Children lose out because they are not getting an education which is vital to intellectual growth. They both lose out because)t puts teachers and students up against one another when they should be working together.
SENIOR EDUCATION MAJOR Lisa Fitzgerald prepares
for her field experience every Wednesday . (Photo by Liz Kanaras)
Solidarity threatens Russia BY JOHN P. GIRARD, Ph.D.
The Solidarity labor movement in Poland reflects serious political and economic problems in that Eastern European nation . As an internal issue, the powerful expression of labor unrest challenges and threatens traditional Communist Party leadership in Poland, and it calls for broad, innovative changes in Polish government and commerce .
News Analysis The Solidarity movement , however, remains ominous in another respect. The Soviet Union , Poland's eastern neighbor, and its powerful Communist "ally," shows a strong inclination to intrude in Poland's internal affairs to control the situation there . That involvement could mean military intervention and armed conflict. The Soviet Union considers Eastern Europe crucial to its national security interests and has acted aggressively and openly to dominate that area of the world . Following World War II , Soviet armies helped establish Communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe , and the government in Moscow has forcefully drawn the region into its political and econ-
omic orbit. Poland, the largest East European Soviet "satellite," is the most critical part of that network. Last year, the Solidarity labor union uprising in Poland called open attention to serious problems in that nation. Its criticism of food shortages, poor working conditions , lack of real power in government , political oppression, and other expressed concerns helped to expand national appeal for the movement and its leaders . Solidarity leader, Lech Walesa, became a national symbol of anger and outrage, and the Polish pe.ople applauded his efforts . With growing support in Poland , Solidarity leaders called for immediate, sweeping reforms and many of their demands threatened the continued control that the Soviet Union exercises over Poland and the Polish Communist Party . The popular support for the Solidarity movement has prompted some changes in Poland , but the country 's political and labor leaders are extremel y sensitive to increased Soviet anger and frustration regarding the issue. The Soviet Union stations larger numbers of military forces in Poland , it has conducted threatening naval manuevers off Poland's
north coast, and the Soviets plan major army exercises on the Polish border in October. Russian political leaders have privately and publicly warned the Polish to resolve their crisis without threatening the status quo. What will happen if Poland does not respond to those firm Soviet signals? It is difficult to predict. In the past, Russian military forces have invaded East Germany, Hungar y, and Czechoslovakia during similar internal upheavals in Eastern Europe . Those actions were quick, brutal , and decisive . The nations remain in the Soviet orbit and even publicly side with Russia in cr iticizing the Solidarity movement in Poland .
No one is more aware of the ominous potential of a Soviet military move than the Polish people . As they strive to correct their own problems , Polish citizens must temper their domestic concern s against the real fear of a Soviet militar y invasion . To date , few of the protagonists involved are assured or confident of a peaceful solution to Poland 's problems.
Animation brought to life BY SANDRA McNAMARA and JEANNE PROKO
THE "BIG GREEN DUCK" entertains crowds at Veteran's Stadium in Philadelphia. (Photo by Paul H. Roedig)
Job Squad Service Job Squad Service will be a Piano teacher needed. Young, regular feature designed by the enthusiastic and experienced financial aid office to aid Cabrini teacher for beginner, 14, instudents. termediate, 13 and possibly 4 year old. Transportation provided to home near campus. $7-lD½hour. Call Mrs. Anderson, 525-5594. Gimbel's Portrait Studio: 1). Telephone work, Monday through Friday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. 2). Receptionist, Saurday only. 9:30 a.m . to 6:30 p.m . Payrate: Central Baptist $3.50/hr. Contact Mr . Bauman - Janitor, 337-1274. Church of Wayne. Make your-own hours. Contact Mrs. Betty Thompson • 688-0664, or Mrs . ,Carol Tatta • 688-8563.
Mondays only: Marianne Shop at King of Prussia Mall. Sales with man. agement possibilities. Flexible Experienced pai:alegals hours. Payrate: $3.50/hr.Contact nee<:1ed.Short-term a~s1gnments Mrs. DeSante . 265-5616. available on a per diem basis. Send resume to LEGALEASE, INC., Suite 825 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. St. David's Golf Club needs a bus person for lunch , 11 a.m . to 2 p.m. daily. Also needed is a houseperson for dusting, setting tables and miscellaneous duties. 8-10 a .m . daily . Call Diane, 688-2010.
Freeroomandboardofferedto female . Light housekeeping neeessary for approximately two nights per week . Call evenings, 688-2531or leave a message dur ing the day at 800-257-8286 .
For the best in home-care, perModel , male or female, sonal care, and multivitamin -and portrait or life . Days or evenings . mineral supplement products Wayne Art Center, 688-3553., call: John Waters• 964-8998.
A roar of laughter hits the stands! Thirty thousand pairs of eyes are glued on one figure doing cartwheels on the dugout, dancing crazily to "Whip-It, " chasing ballplayers with his little skooter and tormenting marching bands. It could be only one figure causing so much trouble. He' s green, white, and red, wears his infamous baseball cap and enormous green sneakers. It could only be the Phillie Phanatic . After several anxious phone calls and attempts to reach Chris Legault, secretary of promotions for the Phillies, contact was made and our interview was set for what turned out to be a rainy night at the Vet. As we entered the Philadelphia Phillies Executive Office, we were taken downstairs . For Sandra it seemed like another night of ushering at the Vet. But for me , it was if I were intruding into a sports world that I was only fa. miliar with from watching on a 12 inch TV. The next thing we knew, the elevator doors had opened , and standing in front of us was Dave Raymond , alias the Phillie Phanatic . We began our interview in Raymond's chilly locker room where Raymond explained how the idea of the Phanatic was conceived . The Phanatic was born in 1978.
the Phanatic Exe cutive office personnel re alized the fans would like a mascot and since there was the San Diego Chicken, why couldn't we have a mascot? Contacts were made up in New York . After the third drawing of the Phanatic by Bonnie Erickson, changes were made, and the Phanatic looked somewhat as he does today . Glancing at the Phanatic costume that was hanging up on the wall, Raymond explained that there were two others like it. The one we saw was the largest - 50 lbs. It was bigger than the other two , and made a better appearance out on the field . The other two, used for promotional appearances, weigh between 40-45lbs . The Phanatic receives a new costume every year . Raymond is a full-time em ployee of the Phillies. He works 50-60 hours a week during the season and 45 hours off-season . He makes approximately 250promotions a year as well as the 81 home games . He also travels with the team during the play-offs. Ra ymond has never missed a game . We asked Ra ymond if perhaps the Phanatic was his alter-ego . " In some ways I am, but we are separate entities , and if you 're good, it 's a totall y different personality ." The Phanatic is an animated character , " like a mischievous young child-without his parents , able to do anythinng he wants ." He explained tha t his stunts
are "spontaneous because the y get the most mileage ." " But sometimes those stunts don't always work out as planned. Once, while riding in the stands , he put his skooter into neutral and revved up the engine . He hit the gear shift and the skooter and the Phanatic shot up • in the air . As Raymond got up , he saw gasoline leaking from the tank and a man smoking a cigarette close by. Although Raymond never speaks as the Phanatic, he found , this time it was necessary . In a gravelly voice, he said, " Put that cigarette out !" The Phanatic gets along well with the visiting teams , but it 's another story when he's around the umpires. However, Raymond feels that the Philadelphia Phillies Na tional League Club is a •'super organization to work for . They allow me to do practicaly an ything I wan t. And that 's impo rtant , that the Phanatic has run of the field. " He smiled as he realized tha t he stills gets nervous . "Righ t before the fifth inning ," he said . It 's funn y • it 's a habi t." Like all other entertainers th e Phanatic receives his share of fan mail , including " some beau tiful poems and songs ." One tha t Ra ymond read aloud to us ended with this , " P .S. · Tell the big green duck that I love him ." We'd like to give a specia l thanks to the Philadelph ia Phillies , Chris Legault and , of course , " the big green duck. "
Woodcreast "great" for sophs. room lottery . She had an opBY SANDY MOMYER portunity to move to the Mansion, Fifteen Cabrini College sophomore women remain in res- but due to the small size of the room, she decided to stay at the idence at Woodrest this semester. Despite early anxiety, most now freshman dorm. Tanya Bolcar, '84, said she, face their second year here with too, is surviving her second year enthusiasm. Gus Nicoletti, director of resi- at Woodcrest and plans to stay. dent life, said that Woodcrest was She said the sophomores who were forced to remain anticidesignated a freshman dormitory for the first time in 1980-81.How- pated a loss of freedom, but that ever, the lottery, used at Cabrini has not been so. Bolcar added, for room assignment, left 30 "The freshmen are great!" Abbot and Bolcar agree that sophomores with no access to the they have made many new Mansion or new resident houses. These women are being housed friends among the freshmen and at Woodcrest as are transfer jWl- see even more of their friends from last year . Abbot said, "We iors . Patty Abbot, '84, said she has can always trot over to the houses no problem living at Woodcrest whenever we want to." Lorraine Milano . '82, resident despite the tension created by the
assistant, said the situation is working out fine . She is pleased that the sophomore women took the initiative to help the incoming freshmen. Fceshmen Kelly Morgan finds all the sophomores at Woodcrest to be supportive and helpful. She said several offered her needed textbooks and she appreciates their interest. Half of the sophomores originally assigned to Woodcrest have been moved to other locations and Nicoletti said the remainder appear content. "I have a room open now, but no sophomores want it." He said several women have told him they would prefer Woodcrest for next year, too.
Parents back at school this weekend BY JEANNE PILCICKI
This weekend Cabrini students and their parents are invited to join in and celebrate Parents' Weekend is designated by the Cabrini students as a time to honor their parents . Kappa Sigma Omega , a ser vice organization on campus, is planning this special weekend . All of the officers and members of the organization with the heip of their moderator , Carter t.:ra1g1e, are putting much time and effort into making the weekend an extra-special time for eve ryone. The festivities begin with the Dean 's Welcome Saturday, Oct.
17 at 11:30 a.m . At 1 p.m ., there will be a faculty lecture. A hockey game is scheduled for 1:30 p.m . During halftime, homecoming ceremonies will take place . A series of one act plays will take place in the gym at 3 p.m . Following the afternoon acivities is a set of entertaining nightime festivities. At 6:30 p.m ., the President's Wine and Cheese Reception will take place in the Mansion followed by dinner at 7 :30 p.m. in the dining hall. For all who enjoy dancing and listening to music, there will be a
dance from 9 p.m . until 1 a.m. On Sunday , Oct. 18, Mass will be said at Cabrini's Chapel. Brunch will take place at noon, in the dining hall. At 2 p.m ., the Cabrini Chorus will perform in the mansion . " Meet the Artist, " an art ex hibit and a wine and cheese re ception will take place in the library at 3 p.m . " Although last year Parent s' Weekend was a success, we are hoping for an even greater turn out this year due to the increase in enrollment," Linda Close , President of Kappa Sigma Omega, said .
OCTOBER 16, 1981
TV- electronic religion
. 1
What were your favorite televin shows when you were nger? The Three Stooges? rsky and Hutch? Although these shows were among the highest rated for children, they were also the most violent. Not until recently have doctors researched the problem that these shows present. One of the key researchers is Dr. George Gerbner, dean of the Annen burg School of Communications at the University of Pennsylvania. He gave a lecture at Cabrini on Oct. 8 co-sponsored by the psychology and Egnlish /Communications Departments . He is well known for his an nual surveys of violence on television and its effects on the public . According to Dr . Mary Louise C. Sicoli , assistant professor in special education and psychology, "Gerbner has helped us realize that television doesn't just reflect reality ; it creates a reality all of its own. He (Gerbner) feels media engenders a feeling of powerlessness in people and that it really affects their feeling of control." Gerbner found through his research that people who watch a
lot of violence on television believe they have a better chance of being victims of crime than do other people who watch lesser amounts of television violence. Those who are likely to watch violent programs believe that they have a l-in-10 chance of being victims of crime when in reality, their chances are l-in-100. Gerbner has published many articles concerning television's . effect on behavior and his definition of violence is used by many in the communications field . He believes that television is a socializing agent. Children are born into a world that has television on almost all the time and that it tells them what to do and how to do it . . Cognitive dissonance also plays an important part in his research. In ot-her words, if a person hears something on the news that goes along with his or her personal opinions, then he or she will believe the report is right. If the report goes against what the person believes in , then he or she will call the report biased . In Gerbner's opinion, television is an electronic religion , a common bond that many people share .
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DR . GEORGE GERBNER lectures Cabrini students on the effects of television violence.
Senior Profile
Has anybody here seen Kevin Kelly? BY RITA McKELVEY
Have you seen this man ? Brown hair, medium build, usually wearing bedroom slippers? If you have not, then you had better get on the ba11.This man is Kevin Ke1ly, business major atCabrini College , and he is worth talking to . Ke1ly is one of eleven chldren and lives in Havertown , Pa . He went to Monsigner Bonner High School in Drexel Hill. He received the Gold Medal for services to school and the Silver Medal for drama . His bobbies are bike riding, music, dancing, sports, gambling, and spending time with his family and friends. Kelly is a senior at Cabrini, and is involved in dorm council, Business Club, Society for Advancement of Management, and the 21Club. He is vice president of his
class and is an Eagles fan. Upon graduation, Kelly plans to go into food marketing . He believes this field is interesting and cha11enging with a lot of room for advancement . He has four year's experience in this field.
Have you seen this man? Brown hair, medium build, usually• i~ bedroom slippers? He is currently expanding his experience while working at Pathmark as a cashier and hopes to have a more permanent position in the future. When asked to comment on the business program at Cabrini,
Computerworkshop BY KARYN RINALDI
Gerald Satlow introduced a three-week-long computer work-.hop to the faculty and staff r, embers of Cabrini over the mmer . The workshop was divided into three main phases. The first was the basic teaching: learning how to program language, and becoming familiar with computer equipment. The second consisted of abeginning effort to examine the existing product for use in conjunction with specific courses. An exploration of incorporate computers and activities in regular curriculum was the third . There were six departments
Kelly had various views . He thought that the previous business department was inadequate . There were not enough courses. offered and he generally felt he "was let down in the department ." Kelly was quick to add that the new business department is a big improvement. He feels that a larger variety of courses are now being offered. Kelly said that he likes Cabrini and feels that his years here were worthwhile . He remarked that if he had to do it all over again he wouldn't choose Cabrini because it is too small and inadequate . He would choose a larger school. However, he said that Cabrini has ' a uniqueness about it, as he added , "Its smallness and closeness of students and faculty make Cabrini more like a community than a college."
proved worthwhile
that were involved in the work- communications; Sharon shop : education, math, biology, Schwarze, associate professor of philosophy, English -com munica- philosophy; Irene Rachet, assistions and languages. tant professor of French and The classes met four times a Spanish ; Eileen Hennigan, assis week, for four hours daily. tant professor of French ; Carol Each member was assigned a Serotta, lecturer in education and paper describing their ideas on mathematics ; Ruth Sower, assishow to use computers in their tant professor in special educageneral areas. The· sum of these tion ; William Kuhns, assistant will be made into one large re- professor of education; Ann Kenport. nedy , assistant professor of spe" Everybody seemed to enjoy cial education ; Anna Kruse, asthe course very much ," said sistant professor of biology ; and Satlow . Robert McGee, associate pro The faculty and staff partici - Cessor of matnemaucs . pants include : Jerome Zurek , asA follow up meeting is sched sociate professor of English and uled for late fall to play more communications; Marilyn John- specifica11y what steps will next son, professor of English and be taken .
WE FOUND HIM! And here's Kevin, but where are his bedroom slippers? (Photo by David Milburn)
Proiect Outreach involved and broadens the vision of the Missionary Sisters as an international order in many different works. Outreach volunteers from Cabrini have served in places as near as New York and as far as Swaziland South Africa. "In 1976 we had students involved in Project Outreach missions in Swaziland. In 1978 students were working in hospitals located in New York and Chicago. Also in 1980, two students traveled to London and this past summer two students spent eight It is an opportunity for stu- weeks in Seattle, Washington," dents to be of service to others, Casciano recalls . develop their skills in other inOne of the students who went to stitutions they are not already Settle this past summer was affiliated with and help de- Janet Ware, a senior biology major. termine ways in which they might use their skills to serve "I heard about the program others in the future. through Tory Ryan who was a Some of the institutions in biology major last year. She was doing volunteer work at Cabrini which the Missionary Sisters Medical Center in Chicago. After maintain are hospitals, schools talking to Tory, I decided to look and day care centers throughout into Project Outreach," Ware the United States. stated . ''The program began in 1975 Ware did volunteer work at St. and one of the promoters was Dr. Frances Cabrini Hospital in SeatRomano, Dean of Students," said tle from June to the end of July. Sister Bernadette, Casciano, She plans to go to Med-Tech MSC, the coordinalor for Project school after she graduates from Outreach for the past two years . Cabrini. Casciano feels the program is "Through project Outreach I one that benefits the students had the opportunity to experience BY KATHY McCARTNEY Do you have a lot of time on your hands? Tired of doing the same old thing? Wishing you could get out into the world and experience your field of study? Well you can! Project Outreach is a Christian service project under the observations of Cabrini College which places student volunteers for a summer semester or more in community service institutions of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart.
experience the field of Medical Technology before entering Med-Tech school and actually working in my desired profession.'' Ware's companion on her trip to Seattle was T.J. Fiego, a junior who is majoring in the field of medical technology. Fiego also worked at St. Frances Cabrini Hospital She stated, "I worked in the lab and was expos-ed to the many skills of medical technology." "If anyone has the opportunity, take it. Project Outreach was very benefical to me. It was an opportunity of a lifetime I am glad I didn't pass up," stated Fiego. Volunteers must be Cabrini College students or graduates. They must be in good physical, mental health, motivation, maturity and skills. They will be interviewed by the Project Outreach team and a psychologist on campus. This is to ensure that the volunteer is capable of living and working with others in a different communtiy situation . Students can only experience the program once and may earn Cabrini College credit. Interested students should contact the head coordinator. Casciano early in the academic year to formulate an individual program of study.
SENIOR JANET WARE AND JUNIOR TJ FIEGO worked as lab assistants at St. Frances Cabrini Hospital this summer . (Photo by David Miburn)
BY THERESA COLLINS The Student Government .. Association is the official representative body of the student community, and its purpose is to provide a channel of communication for the students. As president of SGA, I would like to reiterate this. SGA is there as a body to represent all students, commuters and residents alike. SGA has an open door policy in that all students are welcome to attend SGA meetings on Monday evenings, and we are always open for suggestions . The executive board ran on a platform of teamwork, and we have accomplished working well together . With this approach, we have
been able to close some of the gaps between residency and SGA, and have integrated all facets of the community; students, faculty and administrators, by having each participate in functions and by establishing a good rapport among the three. The last segment that we have been continually working at is commuter involvement. In the past semester, we have made several attempts to find . out the commuters concerns and interests . However, it is very difficult to do so when the attendance at commuter meetings is minimal. The social activities members are interested in finding out what the commuter would like to see. However, we need your support, as well as you
need ours . SGA wants to make the com muter feel a part of Cabrini , because they are very important. If commuters have any suggestions or complaints , please submit them to any SGA member of commuter representative . All social activities such as dances, lectures, plays and movies are open to both commuters and -residents. Students are always asking for a change from the same old routine, yet we fail to get the support for the changes . SGA and the students need to work as a team . We need the support of all students for our endeavors to be successful.
SGA Presents:
''HOMECOMING'' October 17, 1981 on the Soccer Field - Featuring -
Field Hockey Game - 1:00 PM Crowning of Homecoming King and Queen Parade of Characters Mascot for residence will go on parade. Hope to see you there!
Learns from his students BY MEGSLOOK
Arthur Young has been serving Cabrini College for the last seven years in a number of ways. Young serves on the admissions committee , academic affairs com mittee as well as being the head of the writing center and the head of the learning center . He worked as head resident for men for one year and later he set up a male residency program . Young is the director of the general studies program which has one of the highest success rates in the nation . Young is also an English and Educ at ion teacher . One of his most noteworthy accomplishments in English course on alienation " Alienation is my best contribution because more people have given me positive feedback ," Young said . He also noted that such a course would not exist if Jerome Zurek , assistant professor of English and Communication had not allowed him greater freedom in creating and experimenting with such a course. He feels he owes credit to those around him. "The students who
STUDENT GOVERNMENT S G A Chas ope~ door policy
in Seattle,
ha ve urged me to be current and - know what I'm doing and the faculty and administration who ha ve supported me in my successes and failures and made me tr y ," Young said . He received his B.A. in English at Saint Norberts College and his M.A. in English from Villanova University. He is presenting working on his doctoral disortation in order to receive his Ph .D. from the University of Pennsylvania . He chose his dissertation because, " many people don't realize what reading is , they only read words ." Young would like to see people motivated to lifetime reading ill which they interact with what the y are reading . Student 's interaction with what they are reading can bring forth new ideas . "I can sometimes learn more from my students than my students may learn from me ," Young said. In addition to academic accomplishments Young has published 15 poems in the last four years. His poems appear in such books as : Flights of Fancy, Stepping Stones, Sometimes.
Abuse an emotional BY MAUREEN CARROLL "If a child lives with shame he
learns to feel guilty.'' 'l'his quote is exerpted from "Children Learn What They Live" by Dorothy Law Nolte. Children can be shamed through physical and verbal punishment, and when this is taken to an extreme , it is known as abuse. Marquita Williams, a senior social sciences major with a concentration in social work , goes to the Cape Child Abuse Prevention Effort every Wednesday. Williams is a child care counselor and her job is to watch the children playing and observe whether or not they are developing normally . She makes a report on a child the first time she observes him and then does a follow-up report the next time she goes to the center . This determines whether the child has progressed or regressed. The children at the center are either sent by the courts or the
parents bring them in voluntarily, according to Williams. "Child abuse can be both phys ical and verbal,'' she said. ''This also includes not building up the self-esteem of the child." Williams gave several reasons why parents abuse their children . These include parents having a low self-esteem; there is a void in the parents' lives where they want their children to be par~ figures to them and the chil cannot handle that respo bility ; the parents were beaten as children and the child might remind them of an unwanted figure (for instance, an unwanted pregnancy). The center services children up to 18-years-old . So far, Williams has worked with children between the ages of 11 months and 6-years-old. "I've always enjoyed helping people, " she said . "I like to feel needed. Helping others gives me a sense of fulfillment."
Cartier-Bresson exhibit Inspires the photo club BY DAVID MILBURN
Were you ever in a situation where life presented to you the most beautiful picture, and all you could say was, " I wish I had a camera? " Or maybe you did have a camera and made it ob• vious, so that when you were ready to shoot , all the beauty that was around disappeared out of st,ght? There is only one solution to end this dilema once for all, and that is to experience the photography of the reknowned Henri Cartier -Bresson. It was on Sunday, Sept . 27 that the Photo Club had the pleasure to observe over 150 photos which Bresson , chose for the exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of
Art . If there is anything one needs to know about Bresson, it is his brilliant mastery of the "decisive ·moment of truth" in photography. Bresson expressed beautifully , in an interview with Maryanne Conheim for the Philadelphia In• quier , the dramatic impact that life conveys in only the briefest moment, the decisive moment . " Life is very fluid-well, some times the pictures disappear and there is nothing you can do. You can 't tell the person, 'Oh, please smile again . Do that gesture again .' Life is once , forever," he said. After the experience of such an exhibit, one is given the luxury to reflect on life 's fleeting moments,
since it is perhaps most unusual or monumental. As the Photo Club mused over the photographs, we could not help but get caught up in the geometry , the symmetry, the twists and turns, the noise, the ruins, the hope , the children in an adult world ; which only Bresson through photographs, was able to tell. The momentum grew when one member of the photo club suggested that each member pick three photos whi-eh left the most impact; and like a game we made our choices and discussed them . The trip was then completed, as we walked out of the museum with a secret that we had to tell the rest of the world .
Library sells preowned BY ANN BELSKY
One way to spend these cold winter nights is snuggled in bed with a good thick book. Where are you going to get these verba r delectables? At the library, of course. Rush out to the Book and Brica-Brac Sale held in the basement hall of the Holy Spirit Library today until 5 p.m . The library staff is sponsoring the 3rd annual book sale to raise an additional $800 to carpet the Library Exhibit Center on the second floor . At the previous book sales , $1300was netted .
"We need your support to make this a success, " Ruth Rich ardson , technical services assistant , commented. Roughly 4,000 books were donated by Dr . White from New York . He had named Cabrini College as recipient of his personal library after hearing about the college from a friend . The faculty were given first pick from the stockpile of books ranging in topics from textbooks toiantasy to suspense. Those that weren't chosen to be added to the library collection were placed with tlie variety of other mis-
cellaneous items including ceramic cats, wall plaques , a hot pot , basket back pack, records and dishes. These " collectibles " were presented to the Library Staff by members of the campus and community. Friends from Cabrini and the surrounding area will be spending their hard earned dimes , nickels and quarters on the " pre-owned" items . " We hope we" ll be able to carpet the area as a result of the sale ," Muriel Clouser , librarian, said. " Otherwise, we'll have to wait-another year. "
Mozes and Monsters
When a fantasy world becomes reality MAZES AND MONSTERS by Rona Jaffe 2.48pp. New York: Delacorte Press BY TAMRA DIMARINO
The popularity of fantasy games among high school and -eollege students has soared to great heights and reached a peak in the past few months. "Mazes and Monsters," Rona Jaffe's eleventh book, lllustrates the recent controversies as to the harm fanatasy role playing games may have on young adults taking part in them. The novel is centered around a college campus in Pequod, Pa. Grant University is portrayed as a normal school wtih "attractive young students preparing for life, " with the chance to fulfill the "American Dream ." Jay Jay, Danial, Kate an<lRob• bie are just four students of many on their college campus, and many of them play the game. But these four are different; they find and a way to play Mazes and 1\fonsters (M & M) to make it _...., real." Jli..1,._ At first they play the game m • Daniel's room. But when Jay Jay suggests the caverns, all agree that M & M has truly become a challenge . Throughout the semester and over Christmas vacation, they continue to play. Several weeks before spring break, Kate 's romance with Robbie begins to wane . That 's all right, romances end . But when Robbie doesn 't come home for spring break, his parents begin to worry. Back at school, at the end of
the holiday, Robbie is still missing . Now it seems to his friends that something is dreadfully wrong. Robbie has been acting strange, differently, as if he was another person. But where could he have gone? Pardieu, the Holy Man, comes mto Kate's mind, then she realizes that Robbie must think he is the character in M & M. Robbie must have gone into the underground . caverns, long winding caves that are forbidden to enter, because of the two students who were lost and died there 33 years earlier. Monsters and Mazes is a fantasy game played with the im. agination. Pencils, graph paper, dice and an instruction manual are the props needed. To play the game, each player creates a character "who may be a fearless Fighter, a treasurehunting Sprite" or any number of others. The object of the game is to win the treasure without getting killed. The game is set up_on graph paper with mazes , tunnels and secret rooms made up by the Maze Controller, of '·'referee.' ' This novel illustrates that Mazes and Monsters (or any other fantasy game , for that matter) may be harmful to your health in more ways than one . The plot idea is like that of ·•today" and reflects recently published articles about the trueto-life fantasy game, Dungeons and Dragons. It has been sug gested that such games pull vulnerable players into a world of their own, a true world of fan tasy, in which they b~come thejr
character and base their everyday existence on the character's goals, feelings and needs. "Mazes and Monsters" is indeed a well written book to be enjoyed by young a.dults and readers of all ages . The validity of the plot still needs to be questionned further, but this novel leaves the reader interested with continuous question of what will happen next.
Mommie Dearest
16, 1981
Art exhibit opens BY JOSEPH MILLER
This weekend an art exhibit featuring watercolors and oils by Joseph Frassetta begins in the library . This exhibit, which is being sponsored by the Fine Arts Department, will run from Sunday Oct. 18 to Nov. 1. Frassetta, who lives in Spring field, Pa . is a fairly well-known person in this area . He received his fine arts education at Cannon School of Art where he also taught later on. Frassetta has received many awards for his work, such as the N.C. Wyeth Memorial Award, the Christian Brinton Memorial Award and the Violet Oakley Award. The main person in charge of
the exhibit is Vera Ann Nac carelli, a freshmen arts adminis tration major . She is in charge of all the arranging including announcements, publicity, mount ing the exhit1it in the library and arranging the times of the exhibit. As Adeline Bethany, head of the Fine Arts department says, " Vera is an interface between the artist and the college ." Before an artist 's work is chosen to be shown, the pieces must be viewed by a special committee by slides and then reviewed again by the committee. Depending on the decision of the committee the artist's work is either accepted or rejected .
Designer jeans
Status of the not-so-rich BY ANDREA BERTELINI their disposal. What 's in a name? Plenty , if it Warren Hirsh, maker of Calvin should happen to be Calvin Klein , Klein 's, described the outrageous Jordache, Sassoon or Gloria Van - pricing system of his jeans in an derbuilt . In the past five years, article for Forbes (Oct . 27, 1980). these names have become sacred " To manufacture a pair of words in the jeans industry as they quickly rose above the fad- jeans costs only $7.50," he said. ing labels of Lee , Levi and This is then raised $12.00to cover shipping and advertising costs , Wrangler . bringing the wholesale price to It was advertising which gave $19.00. It is then the retailer who birth to the popularity of designer doubles the price level until the jeans. No longer were the five- $38.00tag you see in the clothing pocketed western denims accepstores appears ." table. Rather, manipulative ads depicting tighter-fitting, fancier In an informal survey done in labels and classier looking jeans · Woodcrest , Jordache (at $35.00) guaranteed sex appeal, status appeared the most popular, with and guaranteed sex appeal, staGloria Vanderbilt, Calvin Klein tus and security . and Sassoon fpllowing close beAs Dr . Mary Louise Corbin hind . Nationally, Calvin Klein Sicoli explained, "These ad- and Jordache are the most profitvertisers are playing on a period able. of human development Most girls denied buying them (adolescence) in which your for status and security reasons, weaknesses can be earily ex• although recent surveys suggest ploited." that subconsciously these are Not only do the advertisers major factors in purchasing depush the deceptive ideals of peer cisions. Rather, · most bought acceptance and popularity them for the better fit and neater through their ads, but also they style ...expensive reasons, but emphasize materialism. This ex- ones that make Calvin Klein, Jortravagant campaign was dache, Sassoon, and Gloria Vanlaunched at teenagers who have a derbilt very happy ... and very large discretionary income at rich .
A poor attempt to depict child neglect We are tiken through ChristBY MAUREEN CARROLL The Frank Yablans production ina's life from the time of infancy of "Mommie Dearest" is an at- until in her twenties when her tempt to portray the horror of mother died. In the first half of child abuse through the eyes of the movie, devoted to her childthe daughter of one of Holly- hood, we see Christina as a healthy, normal chld -growing up wood's most glamourous stars, Joan Crawford who was played by amidst a world of glitter & gold. The first indication of abuse Faye Dunaway. Under the direction of Frank arose when Dunaway insisted Perry, the movie begins at a that the little girl practice her diving even though she was obhighpoint ·in Crawford 's career when she realizes that she had viously exhausted . In the same everything in the world with the scene, she challenged the girl to exception of the thing she needed two consecutive swimming races where Dunaway competitively the most • a child to love. Unable to bear children, the outswam her daughter . At the unmarried starlet, who was same ti~e, she arrogantly, told divorced twice before, finds that the girl that she could never beat · agencies do not feel that she her no matter how hard she tried . The mother-daughter conflict would be a competent parent. Through the help of a shady law - reached a climax toward the yer , played by Steve Forrest , one middle when Dunaway began agency was willing to give her a beating her daughter with a wire baby girl whom she called Christ- hanger after waking her up during the night. The reason for this ina .
outburst was because "Christina Darling," as she was called, hung her dresses on wire hangers rather than plastic ones . Anyone w!J> sneezed at the end of the movie missed the funeral scene. The movie ended with Christina's silent determination that she would somehow avenge her mother . From this point on, the movie goes downhill. We are rushed through Christina's adolescense and into early adulthood. The only event which was supposed to depict abuse occurred when after being taken out of boarding school, Christina is nearly strangled by her mother. Unfortnately , the wrestling match between them became almost comical , disqualifying any prior messages about the horrors of child abuse .
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,. . . LOQ.Ul'TUR : · · FRIDA y~ OCTOBER 16, 1981
Theater gives one act plays BY KAREN ANGELI
The theater of Cabrini College presented three One-Act plays, directed by Daniele A. Perna on Oct. 4. The first play was "Red CarnaUons" by Glenn · Hughes. This play is a comedy concerning three characters, an older man played by Robert Checchia, a younger man, played by John Doyle and the girl, played by Jane Harrington. The set for this play was a simple platform and two low stools . There was no scenery and only a few lights. The older man and the younger man, both sharing the same last name, Smith, both wearing red carnations, and both waiting for a girl each met at a costume party, become engaged in a heated discussion about these strange coincidences. The older man takes it all in stride while the younger seems ready to have apoplexy. The girl appears, all smiles and prettiness. She flirts with each of the gentlemen although she seems to be humoring the younger man along . Then she announces that her last name also happens to be Smith. At this point, the younger man screams that "Everything is unbearable!" and starts to leave. It is at this point that we learn that the older man is the girl's father. Surprise! All is resolved, the daughter apologizes to the young man, the father has a hearty lauJh and the young couple have a iood kiss. We all enjoy a good chuckle and · applause abounds.
Well, it was supposed to be a comedy, but actually I dQn't think it was all that funny. Although the acting was fairly good, I felt the actors were trying too hard to make us laugh. But I will say that Checchia 's performance deserved kuvdos because he seems to have a flair for comedy. The second play, Overtones, by Alice Christenberg, was a drama. The setting is the same but now there are four characters. Harriet, the rich cultured woman is played by Joyce Patitucci. Her primitive inner self is played by Sandra McNamara. Mary Joe Longo plays Margaret, the poor woman of culture and her primitive inner self is played by Jeanne Proko . Overtones is about two women of the Southern persuasion who get together for tea at Harriet's house. Maggie and Hetty are visible throughout.· It comes out through the alteregos that each woman secretly wants the other woman's husband . Harriet wants Margaret's husband, John, because she was once in love with him. Margaret wants Harriet's money and success. The two cultured women carry on an ever-so polite conversation, never letting on about their real feelings . The two primitive selves, on the other hand, are scheming and conniving to get what they want . In the end , a deal is made, each woman wanting what the other has and each inner self making sure they get what they want. This play was very well written
It's Happening on the Hill Thurs. Oct. 29, 8:00 PM (Mansion)
Ron Hudson, guitarist '
Plays Hispanic, Classical, Pop and Original Music Reception and Refreshments AdmissionFree!
The Theater
Behind the scenes
and extremely well-acted. Instead of being confusing, each actress came in, exactly on cue, thus the BY LIZ KANARAS The illuminated devises must play wasn't a running stream of Cabrini's Little Theater is small coincide with the moods, tones and talking. The point was carried and there is not as much flexibility characteristics of the performers across and the actresses did a as opposed to a larger theater . in order to seek perfection. beautiful job of interpreting the lines. The southern drawl was Junior Gary Yates, transferred Some of the lights that are used carriedoffwithgreataplomband to Cabrini specifically because it are spotlights, floodlights and a the point, that being that we all had a small theater and he has had hold up a facade to shield and previous experience with lighting dimmer board . hide the inner-self, was driven and stage building . Spotlights help illuminate a home with clarity and consiseness. Yates feels you can do more with limited portion of the stage with a The third play was actually a a smaller set-up . "It gives you concentrated beam of light. series of poems by Kahill Gibran more control and a chance to use Floodlights illuminate a broad concerning the sequential order your own ideas," he stated . beam of light to a specific area . A of two people's lives together. Yates works primarily with the -dimmer board permits a gradual The whole series is called The Prophet, but it's divided up into lighting and building stages . One increase or decrease in the inten of the stages that is used is the sity of the light. six sections; "Love," "Maropen platform stage . riage," " Children," "FriendIt takes more than just directors ship , '' ''Teaching," and This type of stage has the au- and actors to put on a per " Farewell." The play begins when the dience arranged around the plat- formance. The show could not go form. This helps bring the per- on unless you had a proper stage or whole company comes in togethformers and the aud ience closer lighting . er and sits down on an empty together . platform. They are all chanting This is where your technical the chorus and then they ask The lightin g is just as important crew comes in handy . about love . At each point. they Yates added, "You only learn by as the stage . " You have to find a ask about all the aspects involved with marriage , children , medium between the performer tr ying and experimenting and only then do you get results ." and the audience ," Yates said . teaching, friendship, death and farewell. The reason the play is set up this way is to give each person in the play a chance to exibit their talent in some particular area of the arts . Jeanne Pr .oko , John Doyle , Cathy Sullivan, Sandra McNamara, and Robert Chec chia all narrated parts of the poems. Joanne Norcini, who has a terrific singing voice, sang parts in the poem and also sang "You 've got a Friend .' ' Pat McDermott , David Field , and Jane Harrington had speaking parts . Kathy Fritz danced. Dana Hadley was the flautist. All in all I did enjoy the plays and I will make it a point in the future to get to more of the plays presented at Carini. The production staff consisted of : Kathy Adams; assistant to director, Gary Yates; stage manMANY DO NOT REALIZE the hard work that goes into putting ager, Paul Puckerin; lighting, Neoma Valentine; wardrobe , on a production. Here, some of the cast from Mary Poppins pracKelly Isajiw and Anne tice a dance routine. Pictured above are Jeannie Proko, John Laurilliard; make -up, production Doyle, Sandra McNamara, Lisa Cimino, Patty McDermott , Bob crew Brian Parker, Matthew Checchia, Joanne Norcini and Jane Harrington. (Photo by Liz Garrison, Michael Garrison, and Kanaras) David Field .
sponsored by Office of the Academic Dean
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Athleti .c facilities
will. undergo renovations
Dzik does assure that less exBY BRIAN JENSEN Plans are now in the making to pensive improvements for these improve some of Cabri~i's de- facilities are already in the making. teriorated athletic facilities . "I have ordered two dozen According to John Dzik, men's keys for the universal weights. athletic director, major renovaThese will be given out to stutions are due for the entire ground Qoor athletic facilities in dents on a supervised loaner basis,' Dzik said. Sacred Heart Hall. The athletic director also exDzik explained that the office plained, "The universal machine of development is now attempting to raise the funds needed to will be ready for use by the college community no later than "greatly improve" the area Dec. 1, probably sooner." where the commuter locker Along with these improveroom, weight room, showers, and ments, a new policy will be inmen and women sports lockers stituted on weight room use. are presently located. "No major renovations will be- ''This is to hinder neglect that has gin however, until after the new marred the weight room in the campus center is completed and past," Dzik explained. Upon inspection of the area, it the commuter lockers are moved . to a different location, " Dzik is obvious that the facilities (expecially the weight room) are in said.
bad condition. The entire area is the weight stations is completely dirty, and there are huge holes in inoperable," Breslin said. the weight room's wall. Another stu<1ent, Vavi<l Dzik blames this condition on Murphy said, "There has been a student neglect combined with gross abuse of that area resulting what he called, "a gross lack of in its present condition ." maintenance." ¡ The weight room and the sur"It is time that something be rounding area is not the only done. The area is seldom cleaned, athletic facility in need of imand is in great need of repair. provement . Maintenance should be equally The tennis court area next to provided to that area as to all the Mansion is also in less than other areas of the college." Dzik good condition. said. According to Helen Goodwin, Many students also agree that women's athletic director, mainthe facilities are in bad condition. tenance was contacted by the Paul Breslin, one of the few athletic department upon Cabrini students who curently notification that leaves covered uses the weight machine regu- the court, weeds were growing larly, regards the facility as "in- out of open cracks, and vines and adequate.'' shrubs were hanging off the fence "There are no weight keys, the into the playing area. machine is never oiled and one of Goodwin explained, "Even
Women's volleyball
team shows determination BY DEBBIE JOBLONSKI
The Women Cavaliers Volleyball team plays with a winning determination and spirited attitude. Their record so far is 2-4. However, this statistic does not give justice to the individuals on the team . Debbie Harvey , transfer junior from Philadelphia Community College, is an outstanding player. It's a natural reflex for her to spike and serve the ball . She has made many saves that pulled the Cavaliers out of some difficult situations .
AS TEAMMATES Vickie Puccio, Kathy Cordilla and Kate Carlin look
on, Susan Masino, sohpomore, serves ball during Cabrini-Newmann game on Oct. 1. Cabrini won the game 3-0. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)
Cheerleading BY RITA CALICAT
The Cabrini College Cheerleading Squad has increased in number for the 1981-82academic year. Returning to the squad are cocaptains Maria Carbone and Barbara Gentile. Other returning
though we have a new tennis team that needs to practice here, high costs will not permit major . improvements \o the court in the near future." , However, Go6dwin also stated, "Like the weight room, minor and inexpensive repairs can be made for the time being." Goodwin also explained that she and Dzik had discussed plans over the past summer to improve the athletic facilities that needed it most. Goodwin confirmed Dzik's claim that the "entire ground floor athletic area in Sacred Heart Hall will be reconstructed and repaird in the near future." Dzik hopes that such reovations could even be completed by the end of the current school year.
Senior Vickie Puccio does not lack any determination. Whenever there is a time during the game that momentum is lost, she turns to Helen Goodwin, Coach and Women's Athletic Director, to ask for help. "Puccio has a terrific serve
and tremendous spiking ability . These two qualities are good sets for the team,'' Goodwin said. In the Cabrini-Neumann game , the Cavaliers were obviously the dominate team . The coordination and bench support of the team , enhanced the 3-0 win over Neumann. "This was our best game so far ," Harvey said , " We played as a whole." Although the women Cavaliers _ played an outstanding game Neumann College, there was one thing lacking , fan support . At the outset of the game a relatively small group of spectators were on hand . This seems to be a fad at all the volleyball games . So far in the season, Cabrini 's toughest game has been against Allentown College . Allentown defeated the Cavaliers 3-0.
squad increases number members are Denise Clarke, Terry Giudice, Kelley Vertullo and Kathy Walls. Karen Abramoff, Jenet Wilson, Judy Loenser, Donna Deganan, Denise Sarlo, Theresa Zeigler, Chris Struble, Carolyn Sansone,
CHEERLEADERS Denise Sarlo , Janet Wilson, Kathy Walls and Donna Degnan rouse crowd support during Cabrini-Phila ., Comm . College game. (Photo by Sue Accetta)
Patty Leo, and Nancy O'Donnell are all newcomers to the cheerleading squad . \ The Cabrini College Cheerleaders are the only sportsrelated organization whose season runs from September until March. They cheer for Women's Field Hockey, Women's Volleyball and Men's Soccer during the Fall semester. During the Spring, the squad cheers for the Men and Women Basketball teams . Maria Carbone,'82, a four year veteran, says that the squad is one of the best she has seen in her four years . "They are dedicated and they want to be here," said Carbone. Denise Clark,'84, a one-year veteran enjoys cheering with the squad. "It is a lot of work, butit is also a lot of fun,' ' Clarke said . The Cabrini College Cheerleaders consider their job to be a very serious one . Their goals for the 1981-82 academic year are to improve the image of the cheerleading squad and to obtain more support from the athletic teams fans.
CABRINI'S CROSS COUNTRY team hosts its first home track meet against Williamson Trade School on Oct. 16, 1981. The course was a five mile run around the campus. Starting point for the run was the gate at Upper Gulph Rd . and ended at the beginning of the Soccer field. (photo by Debbie Jablonski) ,
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Sports profile:
Rugby not iust for kicks
New coach named for cross country
Rugby is a form of American football played between two team s. Each team consists of 15 members. The games differ from soccer in that there is freedom to carry the ball , block with the hands and arms , and tackle .
. mile re lay team was one of the fastest ib the nation . Larson has taken a "find-outas-we-go-along " attitude toward his new team which has six members , five of whom are freshmen and sophomores and one senior.
New Sports
Both Dzik and Larson are disappointed in the small number of people on the team. They are also disappointed that more women are not out for the team considering the large number of them at Cabrini.
LARRY LARSON is the new cross country coach (Photo by Deb-
bie Jablonski) BY TOM DEMATTEIS
Larry Larson has been named as Cabrini's new cross country coach . Athletic Director John Dzik advertised the job opening in area papers and had approximately twelve applications for the job. However, Dzik decided on Larson (
are made between the men 's and the women 's athletic programs. Either the question is " How come the men ha ve new sneakers, and the women don't? Or " How come the men's basketball team charges at the door, and the women 's team doesn 't? " The com parison and rivalry goes on and on. One of the dominating questions raised in the past four weeks is why there is a 3 :1 ratio of men to women recruits. According to coach Dzik, he and his assistants spent many hours of their own time looking for men who would attend Cabrini with the aid of a scholarship. Unlike Dzik, the women 's coaches had no staff asistants to recruit women athletes . One difference , which could be an asset, is that a few of the women are playing dual sports. Woman may be playing volleyball, and also be a member of the basketball team . In some cases , a dual scholarship may be awarded. As for the fee at the door for
men's basketball games, and not atwomen's, the women 's teams do not even get enough support now with the games being free . It seems as though the women , at this predominantly women 's college , support the men 's athletic programs better than their own. But if any fans have noticed , more men show up at women 's games than women do. The money for the scholarships, and arrangements needed for the activity is split right down the middle betweeh John Dzik, men's athletic director , and Helen Goodwin , women 's athletic director. Half goes towards the recruitment, and half is spent on the arrangements needed for the program. Both directors relate to each other what they each do with their share . According to Dzik, his job is to build up men 's athletic programs to better the male enrollment at Cabrini. Although there are more women than men enrolled at Cabrini, men are more involved in the athletic program, Dzik thinks.
The Cabrini College women's hockey team earned its first victory against Brandywine College, 1-0.
Sophomore Regina Law's goal was the first ever scored since the team was formed last Fall. Marked as Cabrini ' s best game, the effort was highlighted by the strong defensive per . formances of juniors, Diane Cor; allo, Mary Collins and Jean Findlay. In the season opener , Cabrini fell to Haverford College, 0-2. Haverford had 26 shots at goal but 16 were saved by Goalie Mary Collins . Anaggressivethird game was played at Penn State Ogontz.
Hoping to overcome this lack of participation, Dzik has instructed Larson to build the program up and create some interest. Dzik is confident that Larson will handle the job he has been assigned .
Penn State proved victorious with a score of 0-3. Collins saved 10 of 13 shots on goal. Cabrini had 15 shots against Penn State. Eastern, ranked first in the division, defeated Cabrini 0-6. In this game, Collins was downed early in the second half, with a head injury. According to team manager Theresa Collins, senior, the team has shown great improvement since last season . "The attitude of the team is much more positive and their effort is stronger," said Collins. The will to put up a good fight and win is much greater . Cabrini's driving has definitely improved since last year ," she added .
over the goal line for a tr y (for a goal) . A try is worth four points and it gives the pla yer an opportunity for a free kick which can score another two points . Rugby has been in the headlines lately due to a 36member South African team . The Springbok team was invited to the U.S. by Thomas Selfridge , the president of the Eastern Rugby Union , to play against the U.S. Club teams . Their tour was an attempt "to spread the gospel of the game ." However, much confusion arose because "this racially mixed tight knit group of amateur athletes are accustomed to anonymity and racial segregation policies, " Thomas Masland , a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, said . The first game took place in Chicago and the second was held in Albany, N. Y . The following games were played in virtual secrecy . The reason for this was to "avert the violence that has accompanied the Springbok games ." U.S. Rugby teams are not as skilled as European or African teams .
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Field hockey shows improvement BY FRANCINE KUTERBACH
It is characterized mainly by continuous action and does not allow substitutions accord ing to the Random House Die-• tionary . The sport was developed in the middle of the 19th century in Englans. According to Webster 's Sports Dictionary , the game grew out of an incident during a soccer game ; a student in a fit of frustration ran with the ball. Early games included as many as 300 players and actions such as tripping, kicking and tackling were permitted . The object of the game is to kick or carry an oval-shaped ball toward the opponent's goal line and either kick it through the H-shaped goal and score three points, or carry it
because he feels what Larson has Sophomore Tony Casazza to offer is what the cross country thinks that Larson is an asset to team needs at this time. the team. He thinks Larson Larson is a special education teacher at Chester High School knows what he is doing and this is evident by the scheduled workwhere he coaches track . In the winter he coaches the boys indoor · outs which he runs each day. Dzik track team and in the spring he believes Cabrini is lucky to have someone of Larson 's caliber coaches girls track. His indoor coaching its cross country team .
Riv\llry goes on and on BY PAT McDERMOTT More and more comparisons
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