Friday, November 13, 1981
Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
Reborn Commuter club sets goals BY REGINA O'LEARY
The commuters at Cabrini College are becoming involved in the school, something which is important not only to the college but to the commuters. "We're trying to make commuters more than just a social gathering of people ·who have cars," explained Marian Stewart. Stewart, the senior class commuter representative, has high hopes for the commuters, as well as plans for them. Stewart is heading a group of three commuter representatives in forming a new club called the Commuter Affairs Club. According to Stewart, the main purpose of the club is to get more commuters involved with programs and activities held on campus . She , and the club, want to motivate commuters to make them want to come back after they go home. "It's more than just a club," says Stewart. "It is part of the
government, and it is needed." Theresa Collins, president of the · Student Government Association, explains that "The Commuter Affairs Club is similar to the Commuter Association which was established two years ago by Kathy Daly, ('81), which fizzled out." "The club, which is headed by a chairperson, co-chairperson, secretary and treasurer, will sponsor activities in which both commuters and the whole community are interested." said Collins. This semester, the commuters have participated in many of the activities of the college . Some of these were Homecoming, where their car , "The Unknown Commuter" won seCOl\dprize and the Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest. The commuters also decorated their lounge, and scheduled a Mechanics Workshop. One of the most successful attempts at commuter involvement, according to Stewart, was orientation week, where 25 commuters were involved in the festivities .
Another problem that the club hopes to remedy is the commuter /resident relationship. ''The commuters make the association that school and home are two different places," said Stewart. She compared the commuters to the residents, who have their "homes" right on campus. Stewart has plans to bring the residents and the commuters together. Another idea of Stewart's is to have a desk in the new student center use just for commuters. She also would like to get a bulletin board to post the activities of the school. This would provide a means of communication. Stewart has a strong feeling towards the success of the Commuter Affairs Club along with junior class commuter representative Regina Shields, sophomore class representative Lisa Hundermark and Deidre Desiderio, the freshmen representative. Stewart feels that "maybe next semester the commuters will pull ahead."
IMPROVED COMMUTER INVOLVEMENT is reflected in the cheerful decoration of the commuter lounge. The lounge was mysteriously decorated for Homecoming. (Photo by Liz Kanaras) ,.
Current housing lottery being reviewed with a person that applied for an BY TOM DeMATTEIS The proceudre of the current lot- RA position were left hanging until tery system for student housing is a few days before the lottery, when now being reviewed . As it stands the list of new RA's was annow, the lottery system needs nowi.ced. Concerning seniority in the resisome procedural changes in the eyes of many in the student body. dences, underclassmen who have lived in a dorm for a year felt they Some problems with the current should have seniority over an upsystem include: the insufficient perclassmen who wants to move in amount of time between RA selec- that dorm from another dorm. As tion and the lottery drawing, the for the lack of residency space, aplack of seniority within the resi- proximately 25 women were dences , and the lack of residency forced to live in Woodcrest until other spaces opened. space. Many residents who roomed After seeing these problems,
Joyce Patitucci '82, with the help of other residents, came up with several suggestions to correct them. Patitucci saw that a great deal of people were dissatisfied with the possible risk of not getting back in the dorm in which they lived . Several people approached her and asked her to write a proposal and submit t to Dr. Romano, vice president for academic affairs. Patitucci's proposal consisted of the following points : 1) Maintain the squatter's rights policy.
2) Establish an in-house lottery. 3) Have separate bowls for men and women to draw from since they are going to different dorms. 4) Abolish the policy of Woodcrest as an exclusively Freshmen dorm, and allow its residents to return there if they wish. 5) Allow at least two weeks between the announcement of RA's and the lottery drawing. These suggestions were then brought to the Student Government Association to vote on. SGA voted favorably on these sugges-
tions except the in-house lottery . According to Theresa Collins, SGA president, the SGA felt the inhouse lottery would become too COfllplicated, and it appeared that the cons outweighed the pros . A student giving up his/her squatter 's rights in order to take a chance on another room may be left out in the cold and would then have to go into the general lottery . However, both Patitucci and Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life, feel the in-house lot~erie~ could be successful. Pat1tucc1 Continu ed on Page 3
Alumni CEO internships offered to seniors BY SANDY MOMYER
.Two branches of Cabrini College have combined efforts and resources to launch a new career guidance program for seniors during the interim period of Jan . 4-15, 1981.
Martha W. Dale, director of alumni affairs , and Donna Seckar, di rector of career counseling, recently announced the alumni-sponsored Career Experience Opportunity which will give seniors an informal field experience in their areas of career interest. Dale explained that alumni have offered to become CEO volunteers. The counseling center has a file of these volunteers and Seckar
says that when students register an interest in a particular field they will be matched with an alumnus working in a related career . Students will accompany the CEO volunteers on their daily routine for a period up to a week. Such fields as medicine, law, communications, business administration and social seciences are represented. If an internship is not readily available in a particular area, Seckar says she will try to find an opportunity for each need. No credits will be issued for CEO and students will be responsible for any expensed incurred such as transportation and housing . Theresa Collins, '82, thinks CEO
is a great opportunity . She says it is good to learn all about a job before career decisions like graduate school are made . Although it soubds negative, students may find out their area is really not what they want to do for the rest of their life. This knowledge can be beneficial at this time. Collins is ·.a psychology major and itnerested in participating. Alumna Patricia Bortrh, '72, is a psychological assistant at Elwyn Institutes and has volunteered for CEO . She said she received good training at Cabrini and would like to help others here. The student teachers who come to Elwyn from Cabrini to observe
and work are always very professional a'nd well-prepared, she observed . "I think the psychology students should have the same opportunity to see and learn in a first-hand experience." Elena Ambrogi, '82, shares that opinion. She is an education major who has observed in the classroom and is scheduled to student teach next semester. She does feel the alumni internship program is good and would give other departments the same advantage she has. Michael Glacken, '80, is anxious to share his medical school experiences with a Cabrini senior . Glacken is a sophomore at Temple University Medical School and
thinks · a first-hand look at the "in side" would make one less intimidated by the thought of attendance. Dale and Seckar anticipate building a strong network of Cabrini alumni that can interact with the college and provide a valuable service to the student body...The program of interns and CEO volunteers will be evaluated this year and should provide the foundation for an on-going project. Register with Seckar for a position . Seniors will receive first priority but there may be a possibility for juniors to participate. Spring vacation is also an alternative for internship scheduling.
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
Sullivan tenure to end Sister Mary Louise Sullivan 's recent announcement that she has completed the maximum tenure allowable for a president under the college by-laws and is thus leaving after the spring semester calls for reflection and commentary on her ten year term. Nobody is kidding anybody here. Sullivan has been criticized more than once in this newspaper . The successes of her term, however, are not to be denied. The job of a college president is to work with the board of trustees in overseeing the growth and development of the institution. In the past several years Cabrini has enjoyed both a physical and an academic development. Academic strides include the addition of Business Administration , Computer Science, anl Arts Administration not to mention considerable growth in existing departments. perhaps more directly the work of Sullivan is the physical development of the campus . We need not go through the litany of growth , everybody knows which buildings have been and still are being added. But physical growth includes renovations to the library, Sacred Heart Hall, labroatories , dormitories, classrooms, and hallways. All of this has been
don•.: during Sullivan's tenure. Of course, the impetus to all growth both academic and physical is money. This is where Sullivan's greatest mark is made. She has travelled far and wide to cultivate many resources for financial development, and in so doing has established Cabrini as a known name in the competitive world of charitable trusts and funds. Her two shining achievements in this area would have to be the securing of the $3 million interest grant from the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart which financed six of the seven houses, and of the Widener Trust which is building the campus center. In her work Sullivan has also brought an active and dynamic board of trustees to the college . She has made an effort to eliminate some from the board, and has recruited interested and ambitious members. And so Sullivan's tenure is coming to a close. We'd like to congratulate her on the completion of her term. She's faced criticism from us in the past, but that is part of her job. And after all , being college president is just that, a job. As far as we're concerned, it is a joe shEt'sdone well.
Forum: College; right or privilege
What do you think? College costs, whose burden? Repor ter Jean P ilcicki and Ph otographer Detsy Lynch asked : Should the st udent or the gove rnment pay for college educat ion? •:· ~ ·;·\~:.
Rosemar y Meehan, sophomore
" Both the studen t and the go ve rnment because the student should pay for as much as is financiall y possible and the government should suppl y the rest."
Dave McCarthy, junior
" The government would not be benefiting from the education if it were to pay for it. The student and his /her family should be responsible unless there is a financial need ."
Maria Carbone, senior
" I think that it should be a balance between the two . The student should pay as much as he /she can afford to pay and the differen ce should be supplement ed by the government. "
fll!A 1
Mark Magner , freshman
" I think the student should be resp onsible for paying for his own education because that way he would have more responsibilit y for doing his work ."
- l College education is an earned privile ge ~Lorraine Villari , freshman " In order to pay for college education, there
Too many people take education for granted . Many students breeze through high sch1>0l doing a minimal amount of work . Yet , some of these same students want, and expect college training to further their education . This is a farce . The point is best summed up by saying that college is a privilege, not a God-given right. When somethity: is given to_you, tis not asappreciated as when you earn it yourself. And college is no ex ception. Why should the tax money of • hard-working people go to supporting a student who does not really want to be in school , but is there anyway? Because there is a mentality .prevalent among many Americans that when you get out of high school you should go to college .
College is becoming almost a ne cessity in order to get a w·ell-paying job, not a place where you should go to better yourself if you ha ve proven capable of handling the work. Due to the pressure which usually begins in sophomore year in high school, students are brain washed into believing that they must go to college, despite the fact that they might not want to go. And this is where we run into problems . It is understandable that families may not be able to fully support a child who was the ability and desire to further his education. However, those who are not suited to go to college should not be pushed into H by families , or for that matter , the colleges themselves . As a result, the overwhelming number of students goin~ to college who do not have
the money is making it burden some on all , for the higher the tuition goes , the higher the amount of tax money needed for pa ying that tuition . WithRonald Reagan holding the office of the presidenc y, cut s have been made and more are foreseeable for financial aid . The outcome of his move to cut the st udent aid will eventuall y end in what should have been in the first place , namely , having the majorit y of students either going to school part-time and working , or working full-time and waiting a couple of years to attend college .
In this way, those who really want to go to school will, and those who would be wasting time would be filtered out. Those who attend college in this way would truly be receiving a quality education .
Not-so-wealthy have right to college also In these days of ever-growing inflation, an average family cannot, and should not be expected to, fully subsidize a college education for the children. There · are many bright, young students whose parents ' income can not cover the fees necessary to send a child to college. Why should potential talent be restricted because the money is not available? The answer to this question is , it should '\not. The education of a young developing mind should not have a price tag on it, for it is invaluable . Cutting back on student aid is denying a youth the chance to better him-
self, for it is stunting intellectual growth. President Ronald Reagan does not seem to realize this, for his economic policies reflect an almost pompous attitude whereby anyone who cannot fully support their own interests are considered undeserving-which is contradiction in itself. The best way to explicate this problem concerning economics is through a sociological model. As everyone is taught in an introductory sociology course, educational institutions are socializing agents created by the wealthy for the wealthy . Although this still holds true to some degree, for the most part, anyone in the country could
go to co)lege .
should be a combined effor t by the st udent and the government. Many times a student cannot attend college because of a money situation . Therefore , the money the government supplies will enable the student to attend college ."
Letter: A misinterpretation Dear Editor : In the Oct. 16 issue an article entitled Business Administration----a growing major , a statement I made was misinterpreted . There is great potential for advancement in the field of business but it requires a lot of dedication to achieve success . Many sacrifices must be made along the way but hopefully the results will yield a
better job . I hope to make a positive contribution to the field and also obtain security for my family and myself . I do believe that Business Administration majors are looking out for themsel ves . But isn 't everyone , no matter what field they intend to pursue? CATHY SULLIVAN, Junior
Loquitur Cabrini Co//ege Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College , Radnor, Pennsylvania 19067. Telephone: 21~7 -2100 eJd. 412. Subscription pri ce is included in benefits secured by tuition and student fee. Subscription by mail is $5 per year. Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Pennsylvania 19067.
In the near future, however , the not-so-wealthy population of our country will not be able to afford Co-editors-in-chief : Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor : Joyce Patitucci furthering education after high Feature Editor : Jeanne Proko school. Instead, they would have to Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor work until they had the money to Arts /Leisure Editor : Regina O'Leary pay for it. But, the cost would conSports Editor : Debbie Jablonski sistently rise . Therefore, the Photography Editor : Tom DeMatteis longer the student waits to go to Business Manager : Brian P . Jensen school, the more it would cost. The government should not be STAFF: Karen Angeli, Ann Belsky, Andrea Bertelini, - Rita expected to pay for an education Calicat, Karen Cancio, Pam Clark, Pat Conway , Sheila Fanelle , Tim Feeney, Virginia Gruerio, Elizabeth Kanaras , Debra entirely, for the student should be Kidon, Francine Kuterback, Kathy McCartney, Pat McDerresponsible for at least some of the expenses . But, the taxpayers who mott, Rita McKelvey, Sandra McNamara, John McQ_ueen, Joe Miller, Sandy Momyer, Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi, Danny are helping these students will Ross, Meg Slook, Carol Wahl. benefit in the long run, as will the Advisor: Jerome Zurek country and the individual students. '-----------------------------'
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
Will college education become a luxury? BY JOYCE PATITUCCI
Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Labor have shown that a college education is becoming more of a valuable tool in getting a job in today 's market. At the same time, Rea gonomics threaten to make college more of a luxury and less of the commodity it has now become. Students here at Cabrini have mixed feelings about the government footing the bill for students' tuitions . Terry Giudice, '83, said in some cases more financial aid should be given . However, she feels paying for college on one 's own is not impossible . " If it really means that much to them and they don't have
the money, they will work for it, " she said. Vinnie Mirabella, '84, said he believes there should be more financial aid, and that everyone should be afforded the chance to go to college . "It 's nothing special an ymore ," he sa id . "It 's just an ever yday thing but it 's necessa -ry to get a job." The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 1981, 22.1 of all workers in America had com pleted college . This year , onequarter of all men in the labor force have completed college , compa red with 19 percent of all working women . Coincidentally , this is the same year that federally
Alcohol awareness taught via "Punch Bowl" quiz BY BRIAN JENSEN
Separate dorm presentations followed by a "Punch Bowl" competition on the subject of alcohol and drugs are all part of the new alcohol awareness on the Cabrini campus . According to Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life, the residency staff of each dorm or house will conduct a presentation concerning the "use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs ." "The reasons for these presentations are to show the pros and cons of alcohol , to point out the dangers of alcohol abuse, and to explain the rationale behind the new alcohol policy on campus," Nicoletti said. Nicoletti also pointed out that he designed the format of the progr ams . One such program was shown in Woodcrest Hall on Nov. 4. The program included a presentation and a film. Following all the presentations there will be a "Punch Bowl" competition between all the resident
dorms and houses on Nov. 18. "Punch Bowl" is a quiz game designed to test the knowledge of students on any subject," said Marcy Nadel, assistant to the dean of¡ stwents, who is helping in the organization of " Punch Bowl." Nadel explained, "Three student representatives from each dorm will be asked questions concerning alcohol and drugs. The first team to answer the question correctly will get a designated amount of points, and then be allowed a bonus question. " Nadel feels that the "Punch Bowl" will be "a good learning tool for students." " It makes learning painless, and shows the hot shots who think they know everything about alcohol what it is really all about," Nadel said . According to Nicoletti, the "Punch Bowl" idea was originated by the Student Service Department of Trenton State College. "It is presently a popular game in many colleges, " Nicoletti said .
Career seminar teacher women self-assessment BY SANDRA McNAMARA
The Career Development Seminar for Women , a six evening seminar of value-based training in self-assessment and self-management is now being presented at Cabrini College. The seminar, which is being presented in cooperation with the Junior League of Philadelphia, helps women better understand themselves as well as their skills and abilities so that they are able to function better at any kind of life work . According to Dr. Frank Saul, dean of continuing education, the program was started at Cabrini four years ago . Dr. Schwarze, associate professor of philiosophy introduced Saul to several people from the Junior League. The program was explained and the Junior League asked if Cabrini would be interested in presenting the program. The answer was yes . That was four years ago. Today the program is still going strong. "The seminar is important for peo-
pie in general ," stated Saul, "it helps in making a career choice related to how people perceive themselves . During the series of six seminars, there is a com bi nation of lecture, class participation and testing . Carolyn Reed , instructor of the seminar stated, "The seminar teaches the process of self-assessment. It helps a woman set a goal for herself." A large portion of the seminar is set aside for testing. Tests include skills assessment, interest assessment and priority setting . The seminar also teaches women that a career does not necessarily have to be a paying job. A high level volunteer job or hobby can be a career. What is most important is that the women feel their life work has some purpose. "The seminar is excellent," states Saul, "It is an important seminar for people who are at a time in their lives when they are considering a change or they are going back to work."
subsidized loan and grant programs are expected to undergo maj or restrictions. A previous ar ticle in the Oct. 2 issue of Loquitur r,eported that Basic Grant funding in Penna . was already considera bly reduced by budget cuts about 30 percent . Secreatry of Education T .H. Ehli has publicly announced that he will seek further eligibility restrictions on student loan elig ibility including a universal needs test and a requirement thaC students begin paying interest on
Joans before graduation . Kath y Mignona , 82, disagrees with this philosophy . She believes tighter academic restrictions should be enforced in order that there be money for those who truly want to be in school. " A college educatio ¡n will never be luxury again because too much depends on it today. I think some type of academic guidelines are needed so that those who really want an education but can't afford it are not robbed of that chance by those who can pay but don't belong
in school." Stephen Trachtenberg , presi dent of the University of Hartford believes it is wrong for a militar yminded government such as the Reagan administration to view educational aid as a burden and not the investment he thinks it is . " The Reagan administration 's push for a stronger defense , a clear priority for the American people , cannot succeed without ad equate financial support for Amer ican students and educational institutions. "
SGA elections to begin on Nov. 16 BY JEANNE PROKO
Elections for the Executive Board of SGA and Class Officers will become the spotlight of attention once again on campus Nov. 16, 17, and 19. It was voted by the SGA that elections will be held separately for the Executive Board of SGA and Class Officers . This year's SGA President, Theresa Collins , said that this election will hold different and fresher ideas for the new officers . The tenure for this group of new officers will be only one semester instead of the regular two semesters . The reason for a one term tenure is that the SGA is tying to "get back to the old system of the September to May office," said Collins . Collins added that Sister Sharon
Morano, the former dean of students , had approved the September-May term. This term had been in use before, but over the years . the present system came into effect. A benefit for these officers, Collins stated , is that this tenure will give a good idea of what the Executive Board of SGA is expected to accomplish . The elected officers for the upcoming election may run again, ex~ept for the seniors . ColJins added that if the newly elected officers need any advice or help in their new jobs that the present officers would be more than glad to offer assistance ." By establishing the September to May term in office, the offices will be able to come into school "starting off fresh," added Collins. They will be able to continue with their ideas without having to
stop because the school term had ended for the year . With the old system, it was difficult to get ideas and people moving once the school year had resumed . The new system would allow "no gap nor any waste of time ," stated Collins. Once the elections for this November are accomplished, the next election will be held in April. Next September, there will be another election for the incoming freshmen . That term will last the entire year. Collins made a note to say to the running candidates, "Make sure that this is what you want to do because it takes a Jot of responsibility and time." She added that although the term was beneficial for her, " It's time for a new change and a new idea ."
Test anxiety not incurable BY CAROL WAHL
Your heart is pounding . Your hands are cold and clammy. Your stomach feels like a garbage disposal. Your muscles are so tense that it would take a heavyweight champion to loosen them . Are you suffering from the flu? No, you probably have test anxiety. The mid-point of the fall semester is passing as many Cabrini students are well aware. With the mid-point comes those dreaded evils known as mid-term exams, and with mid-terms comes that strange sickness familiar to most students-test anxiety. There are no prescribed drugs to take for this illness, but it is not incurable . It takes a strong will and heavy doses of preventive medicine to ward off test anxiety . By following a few simple directions , you can avoid this fearful illness . Arthur E. Young , director of general studies, recently gave a talk, sponsored by the Center for
Academic Reinforcement (CARE), about how to take tests . He has a few suggestions for students who suffer from test anxiety . First of all, be prepared . Don't save all your studying for the night before an exam. Periodic studying or reviewing can prevent the need to cram the night before a test. According to research studies , going over material at intervals of a week or so is more effective than cramming and often results in better grades . Relaxing is very important also . Young suggests that you take a walk before taking a test. Don't sit around friends that are going to make you nervous with last minute questions. Go out in the hall and take a stroll. While you are walking, tell yourself that you are going to do well on the test. Sheila Tobias , in her book , "Overcoming Math Anxiety," emphasizes the importance of psyching yourself to do well . She says that many people talk them-
selves into doing badly in a class, especially women in math classes , but that they can talk themselves into doing well too . When it comes time to take the test , read the questions carefully and answer exactly what they ask . Young says that too many students breeze over a question and answer what they think the question is ask ing, not necessarily what it is really asking . Knowing what type of test you will be taking helps during study ing for it. If you will be taking an essay test, make outlines for essays to possible test questions. On the test , write down key words to help you remember what you want to write. Also, watch the clock. Knowing how much time you have for each essay can help you avoid rushing the last answer . On a true or false test there are often hints as to what the right answer could be. For example, if there are cue words like "always" Continued on Page 4
Housing lottery Continued from Page 1 believes that there is Jess risk of losing a room in an in-house lottery than in going into the campus lottery. She also feels that people can negotiate easier within the dorm as to what room they want. At first look, Nicoletti believes the in-house lottery could work; however, he is waiting to review the pros and cons from SGA. Nicoletti feels that the concept
behind the current lottery is fine; however, he is willing to incorporate some of these suggestons . He is looking at the possibility of separating the men and women drawings in order to save time and will also maintain the squatter's rights
policy. He will also have the applications for RA positions due sometime in February in order to announce them earlier. However, he
feels that Woodcrest has already been changed from an exclusively freshmen dorm; and therefore, this suggestion cannot be applied. Sister Eileen Currie, dean of students, is aware that there were some , problems with the current lottery; however, she feels she needs further clarification of the new proposals . Like Nicoletti, she 1s confident that an improved Jot. tery system will be established.
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
Presidential BY TAMRA DiMARINO
A Presidential Search Committee is now being formed to choose candidates for the successor to President Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan , MSC, whose term will end in Spring, 1982. Sr . Mary of Lourdes, the principal of Archibishop Carroll High School for Girls, was named chairperson of the committee by Mrs. F . Eugene Dixon , Jr., chairperson of the Board of Trustees . Sr. Mary of Lourdes was the president of Immaculata College
for 17 years and a member of the Board of Trustees at Cabrini for nine years . The main purpose of the Presidential Search Committee is to collect applicants' resumes and to narrow them down to several candidates from which will be voted upon by the Board of Trustees , according to Sr. Mary of Lourdes. Members of the committee will be chosen from different parts of Cabrini's community. One member each will be chosen from the Board of Trustees, the Administra-
to choose candidates
tion, the faculty, the Alumni Association Executive Board and the Student Government Association . The job description for the President's position is presently being updated, according to Sr . Mary Louise. Four qualities she feels that will be taken into account when choosing her successor are the candidate's education, experience, abilities and interests . Sr . Mary of Lourdes also be! ieves that certain criteria should be considered. She feels that the new president
should have "a great degree of interest in a Catholic Liberal Arts College," and that they "should be able to lead the institution to a high level of academic excellence ." She also believes that the successor should be able to work with the faculty and administration of Cabrini and be representative to the outside community. Sr. Mary Louise was first chosen as president ten years ago. Prior to this position she was the Associate Dean for six months beginning in 1970 and then chosen as Academic Dean in Januar y , 1971.
She was assigned in residence in 1957 where she taught. in Conshohocken for three years . In 1961, she was reassigned from the area , but returned to the Philadelphia area in 1968. Sr . Mary Louise believes that some major accomplishments have taken place during her years at Cabrini. These are an "increase in enrollment, successful fund raising, " the " physical expansion of campus facilities," the "improvement of the academic program," and the " much enhanced public image for Cabrin i College."
Ecology Club reorgan1z1ng BY TAMRA DiMARINO
The Ecology Club has been reorganizing this year and planning several activities and trips, according to Dr. John E. DeTurck, adviser of the club. This semester there has been a "definite response from the freshmen" as to their involvement in the ciub, DeTurck said. An ongoing project is the restoration of the formal gardens. The gardens , located near Grace Hall, presently contain old vegetation. The club plans to plow the area with a bulldozer and uproot most of
this. Grass seed will be sown in the middle of the gardens and flowers planted in several areas . ,,., Establishing a nature trail for the blind is a project the club hopes to begin in the spring . They hope to establish this at an accessible area on Cabrini's campus , according to DeTurck. When complete, there will be braille markers along the trail containing the names of clifferent trees. The Ecology Club plans to sponsor a conservation speaker early in December, according to DeTurck . The speaker is excpecte to be a woman from the Green
Peace Movement , an organizat10n interested in preserving the Alaskan seal. The club is "interested in a con servation effort ,"· according to DeTurck. This , DeTurck said , referring to the arrival of the speaker, "goes hand in hand" with the cookie sale the Children's School organized last semester. Money raised from the sale was used to help save Alaskan seals . Officers of the Ecology Club include Bob Norwiche, president ; Judy Hammett, vice president; and Regina O'Leary, secretary /treasurer .
"A MESSAGE FROM THE SOPHOMORE CLASS" All endeavors of the sophomore class are engaged in a specific long-range goal. That goal is to throw the best Sophomore/Senior Farewell we possibly can. For those not familiar with the concept, Sophomore/Senior Farewell is an off-campus dinner and dance. At the end of the academic year the seniors are invited by the sophomore class to attend a celebration in their honor. This year, sophomores are engaged in a vigorous fund-raising drive to enable all our senior big brothers and sisters to enjoy this special occasion free of charge. High costs combined with a large graduating class make this task a difficult one. The sophomore class pledges to meet this challenge and promises that every senior will enjoy a very special Sophomore/Senior Farewell without paying a dime. The idea of throwing the seniors a party celebrating their graduation and friendship means a lot to the sophomore class. We are proud to honor the seniors on this· occasion. To date, the sophomore class has been successful largely due to the support of class members. All of our functions have been greatly helped by individual sophomores who care. We now ask for the support of the entire Cabrini community as a whole. This includes all Cabrini students, faculty and administrators. Only together with 9-veryone's support can this important goal be achieved.This year's Sophomore/Senior Farewell is set for April 30, 1982,at St. David's Inn. With the help of everyone it is sure to be a night to remember. Sincerely,
/$~/?~ sophomore class president
THE ECOLOGY CLUB plans to restore the formal gardens located near
Grace Hal l. (Pho to by Tom De Matte is ) . Continued from Page 3 level in your body so that you wili or "never" the question is probably false. Also, a question is more have the energy to get through the test. likely to be true if it is very long. If you are one of those people If your mind goes blank during a test, don't panic. Force yourself to who can 't seem to shake off that relax . Sit up stra ight and take a nervous feeling around test-tak ing time , then you should attend the few deep breaths . This will allow oxygen to reach your brain and next test-taking seminar sponsored by the Center for Academic will help you to think. (CARE), which What you eat before an exam · Reinforcement can determine how nervous you should take place near the end of the semester . may feel. To prevent a nauseous Sheila Tobias, author of "Overstomach, don't drink orange or coming Math Anxiety , " is grapefruit juice . They can · make scheduled to give a workshop for your stomach acidic and increase students on math anxiety on Wed., your feelings of nervousness . Nov. 18, at 3:30 in the Mansion. If your test is in the afternoon, Young suggests that you eat a This workshop should also be helpful to anyone with academic snack to build up the blood sugaranxieties .
Loquitur receives award BY MAUREEN CARROLL
Every newspaper editor and , staff strive to make their paper a first-class publicat ion. The Loquitur, Cabrini's bi-weekly newspaper, has accomplished this task. The National Scholastic Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press, two groups c9mprised of journalists and past or present newspaper advisers, rated the Loquitur as a first class news publication for Spring semester of · 1981.
Points were awarded on the basis of coverage and content, writing and editing , opinion content, design and photography, art and graphics . The summation of the points determined a first, second, third or fourth class award. In order to receive a first class award, 3,100 points were needed. The Loquitur received 3,400 points. Favorably noted by the judge
were articles on classroom events and curriculum development, coverage of national and local events as pertaining to the Cabrini community and the inclusion of newsworthy people O!l campus. Jerome Zurek, associate professor of English and Communications , advised the staff . "It 's been interesting how Loquitur gets better each yea r ," Zurek said. "We build on the strengths of the previous year ." Senior Jim Lawlor, former editor-in-chief and current opinions editor, worked closely with the editors and staff . "For one thing, we had a very good staff, writers and editorial staff," Lawlor said. "There was a lot of controversial material supported by students and faculty. Because of this, we could not fall back and be passive which brought up the caliber of the paper ."
Friday, November I:!, 1981
New faces added to Cabrini College staff Service Management pr'ogram. Mrs. Persick, who started November 4, is the twin sister of Mrs. Romano (wife of Dr. Romano) . She is under the direction of Dr . Saul, dean of continuing education. Mrs . Persick received her bachelor's degree in mathematics from Cabrini College. In fact, she was, "one of the first continuing education students at Cabrini. " She went on to receive her master's degree at Temple University in education and psychology. , She is responsible for marketing credit and non-credit continuing education programs. She will contact social service groups, Church groups, professional organizations, businesses and industries in the area to get them to use campus facilities .
This year Cabrini College has added three new faces to their staff. They are Mrs. Persick, assistant to the dean of continuing education ; Mrs . Heisler, a parttime bookkeeper, and Mrs. Chaddock, coordinator of the Human
MRS. PERSICK, assistant to the
dean of continuing education . (Photo by David Milburn)
Mrs. Heisler handles bookkeeping duties for Mr. Keches, vice president of business and finance. She has been working Mondays through Wednesdays from 8 :30
MRS. HEISLER, _part-time book-
keeper . (Photo by David Milburn)
a.m. to 4:30 p .m . Mrs. Heisler graduated from Lansdowne Aldan High School. She's taken some accounting courses at Delaware County Community College to prepare her for her job . Mrs . Chaddock, a resident of Rosemont, Pa., is the pro1ect coordinator of the new human services program. Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a .m. to 3 p .m . for Ms. Anne Kennedy . Mrs . Chaddock did her undergraduate work at Colby College, in Waterville, Maine and received her master's degree in social services from Bryn Mawr College. Stte will be planning college courses and internships in human services . She would like to see human services a major by the fall of 1982. She will also be doing the publicity for the new program.
Mrs. Chaddock is a therapist for a community agency along with running a private practice. She helps individuals and families solve their problems through counselin
MRS. CHADDOCK, coordinator of the Human Service Management program . (Photo by David Milburn)
Perna exemplifies theater life at Cabrini BY ANDREA BERTOLINI
turtleneck, bold attire, overly expressive mannerisms and a distinct artistic appearance. One expects to hear of the glamour. the "name-in-lights" fascination of the theatre .. . Perna paints a different perspective .
SETTING: Cabrini College PLACE: Theatre lobby TIME : Early afternoon ENTER : Dan Perna In walks the trademark of your "typical" director-beret, clogs,
DAN PERNA, artistic director of the theater , takes time out from rehearsal. (Photo by Liz Kanaras)
"Don 't expect love from the theatre, only you are to love the theatre," he said. And indeed Perna does. The theatre has been a way of life for him, from his earliest days he felt he "belonged to it." As a child he played with marionettes, built stages iri his neighborhood, acted in plays and fell in love with the theatre. He pursued this love in the American Theatre Wing in N .Y. City where he studied with fine performers who motivated him and his career . Perna's list of theatrical accomplishments exemplify his diversity of talents . He has toured over all of Europe with a professional company, has done a command performance for the Royal Family , was active in off-broadway plays and has taught dance and drama to elementary , secondary and college level students. With wisps of grey maturity peeking from under beret, Perna reflects on the "tough " life of the theatre. His four children have dabbled in the theatre , but it was simply " too rough" for them . " I wasn 't _,going to baby them .. . if
they wanted it, I would have been behind them 100%." And Perna doesn't baby his students at Cabrini either. By treating them as professionals, he encourages excellence and reaching for the stars. He describes himself as "not gentle, but sensitive ... 1 feel I contribute a lot to the theatre here ." He wants his students to create, not imitate their roles . He allows them freedom to come onto the stage , think through their role and create their character . In this way, they contribute to and become a part of the theatre . Cabrini has been touched by Perna• ·s talents in numerous fashions . The Children 's Theatre
has grown through his direction and it is an area Perna is proud of. · These plays are "miniature musical adventures" alive with high energy singing, dancing and acting . He has begun a successful Visual Performing Arts Program and summer camp for young peopie. Perna has also established a great relationship with the nearby community . Dr. Roman, dean for academic affairs , once stated : " For everyone else, the alarm clock wakes them up, but for Dan Perna, the curtains come up for him." And indeed they must for ~erna is a n:ia~ of dra~atics, livmg the artistic experience and sharing it with many others .
r---------------------------, ! P/~~ I
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Gambling night held recentl-y reason of the bettor's miscalculaJanet Smith, junior, says, "I gamble for amusement , fun. I tion . gamble among friends on the out There are various types of come of sporting events . When I go gamblers, some professional, to the casinos, I like to play the slot some amateur . machines or the blackjack ta The terms are further broken bles ." down for better classification . The Casino Night is held to help Among the professionals, there is pay for the Junior /Senior Dance . the banker or bookmaker, and the $50 was made altogether . percentage gambler . The approximately 108 people attendamateurs include the casual and ed, according to Sulamon Allyn, the compulsive gamblers . president of the junior class . This There are several types of gamrelatively small crowd, he exbling, aside from th~ casinos, such plained, was due to an offas horse racing, the lottery, bingo weekend. "I expected this apathy. The and sports pools. Several of these campus retreat was also held this were incorporated into Cabrini's Casino Night. weekend," he said. According to the Encyclopedia One interesting little bit of inforBrittanica, gambling can be mation found in the encyclopedia defined as the betting or staking of was the fact concerning the game something of value, with con- blackjack . In the late 1950's and sciousness of risk and nope of gain, early 1960's, mathematicians, with on the outcome of a game, a con- the aid of electric computers, test, or an uncertain event whose devised a system of play that result may be determined by reduced the casino's advantage chance or accident or which may which in turn lowered the profit have an . uQexpected result by margin.
Gamblers and dancers mixed at Cabrini College's annual Junior /Senior Casino Night and Dance. Casino Night started at 8 p.m. Oct. 23, with admittance changed into play money . Gambling type tables were set up all over the cafeteria. Craps, blackjack, poker and bingo were all played, with each table having a representative to play for the House, explained Kathy Cordilla, president of the senior class. The games, scheduled to last from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., were extended an extra hour. The dance was held from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m . Lori Giuffrida, junior and Mike Bennett, senior, played the H,ouse at the blackjack table, which the House ultimately won. Giuffrida said "I usually play - blackjack. I like the adventure of winning. The atmosphere is enough to make you put money ,down." }
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November 13, 1981
Filippo gets satisfaction by helping others BY JEANNE PROKO
"Whenever you have the time, do something . Don't waste it." That phrase spoken to Kathy Filippo in her freshman year at Cabrini by Arlene Sciole can so aptly explain Filippo's attitudes and actions in her years here at Cabrini. Kathy, a senior, smiled, lowered her head and explained that she has never forgotten those words. She likes meeting people and the feeling of getting something accomplished. Just this past summer she held two jobs, took a sign language class and a dance class. Ever since freshman year at Cabrini, Kathy, a double major in special education and elementary education, has been involved in events from pantomiming the Theater's produ.ction of Red Shoes, becoming this year's vicepresident of the Council for Exceptional Children ( CEC l, to being crowned the 1981 Homecoming · Qµeen. Those activities alone can genuinely give an outsider an idea of what Kathy is like. Red Shoes is done entirely in pantomime. She first became interested in pantomime and sign language after observing at the Pennsylvania School for the l)eaf.
After watching how animated the teachers' faces had to be to teach these children, Kathy realized, "You have to show these kids visually what happiness means." Her eyes light up as she said, "What I really want to be is to be exciting as a teacher ." Red Shoes can describe even more about Kathy. Her youngest brother, Mickey, (she has one sister and two other brothers l, is extremely close to her . Mickey is mentally , retarded. She teaches him sign language. Sometimes , he's able to teach her a few things also. "Many of the actions I did in Red Shoes, like blowing bubbles," "What I really want to be is to be exciting as a teacher."
she visually explained," I learned from Mickey ." Daniele Perna, artistic director of the theater, remarked about Kathy's performance in Red Shoes. "The children loved her role as J emmo in it. I liked her so much in it, tpat I created a role in the Liturgical Dance for her-the crucifixion of Jesus Christ," she said . Kathy would like to get involved
with the Liturgical Dance again this year. Kathy took dancing lessons for seven years as a child, and was usually in the dance troupe for her high school musicals. With all seriousness, she said "I'll always be dancing. I suppose you could say that it was one of my dreams ." She was very surprised about being elected Homecoming Qµeen this year. The main reason was because "I didn't have a chance to think about it. I was more concerned with worrying about the mascot and attaching that huge record to the car." Kathy is talking about her house's theme, "Super Freak ." She also added, "What was really nice and made me very happy was my mom's reaction. I'm really close to her. She ran up to me and hugged me and took pictures." Kathy laughed as she remembered. In a quiet voice she added, "I'm very honored and flattered because the other people who were nominated are such topngtched people." Kathy is a resident assistant to the Maguire House . "It does take up most of my time . Lately I've been doing a lot of calligraphy
Benefit held for ·Epilepsy Foundation BY FRANCINE KATERBACH
Cabrini College was the scheduled host to the third annual AntiqueArts-Crafts Show on Nov. 8 for the benefit of the Philadelphia Epilepsy Foundation. The function is not sponsored by Cabrini itself. Rather," the event is being held as a community service. According to Jan Buzbee, director of public relations, the purpose of having the event at the school is twofold. "'We want to develop a community outreach, while keeping
with the Cabrini philosophy of helping others and working toward a good cause," she said. The event is scheduled to begin with a private cocktail party and preview on Saturday evening followed by the show's opening to the public on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Porcelain tiles, antiques, jewelry, paintings, plants, pottery and other items are on sale . Proceeds from the show will be used to combat epilepsy and help to fund a Community Epilepsy Center, which will specialize in epilepsy research and aid those afflicted with the disorder.
Job Squad Service Temporary employment now until the Christmas holidays at Abraham and Straus. Part time, day or evening up to 20 hours. Interviews will be Monday-Saturday from 10:00-1 :00. For information, call Robin Whitelock or Peter Esposito at 337-9500. A competent person is needed to fill a part-time position in the Sun I n-ternational, Inc., Message Center. This is a 20-hour per week position, Monday-Friday from 4-8 p.m. Contact Patricia A. Reichley at 964-3810. Bennigan's Restaurant on the Court at King of Prussia, needs waiters, waitresses, and hostesses. Part-time, full-time, and evening work available. Apply in person. Help Wanted: Colpitts Travel is looking for campus representatives for our 1981-112 college travel programs. An opportunity for free travel to Bermuda, Florida, and other exciting destinations, as well as monetary compensation. For further information and an application, contact: Rosemary Durham at 617-326-7800 or 617-254-&182(after 6 p.m.).
HGO, a building maintenance service which involves office cleaning in the Main Line/King of Prussia area, needs permanent/part-time help, for the first semester. It includes basic office cleaning: vaccuming, dusting, restroom cleaning and emptying waste baskets. Applicants must be 17-years-old or over and have own transportation. If applicant is 17 he/she needs working papers. Hours are Monday-Friday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Starting salary is $3.40an hour. Call 687-1814. People are needed for telephone sales selling Kodak film. Work at home. Flexible hours - $3.50 an hour, plus commission. Minimum of 10 hours per week. Contact Ms. Butler at 649-7867. Part Time: Typing of Telex Messages for International Communicatons System. requires accurate typing skills. Appropriate for college student/person with secretarial skills or typing background. Hours: M-F 4-8 p.m. $4.$5/hour, depending on experience. Contact: Sun International Inc. 964-3810between 8 and 4:30.
KATHY FILIPPO, senior, believes in keeping' herself busy with activities on campus. (Photo by Liz Kanaras)
work. You wouldn't believe how busy I've been with certificates for Kappa Sigma Omega, Sr. Mary Louise, and Marcy Nadel. It's been unbelievable." Kathy's been with Kappa since freshman year . In the future, Kathy hopes to get her masters in order to teach deaf children because "Deaf children fascinate me. They deal directl y with emotions ." Years from now, Kathy said she would look back to Cabrini and remember all the good times.
Freshman year was one of her happiest. "That year I met all of my friends that I'm still good friends with today and still remember all the crazy things we did like the jelly bean fights and Mischief Night," Kathy said. She continued, "I could never name just one person who meant the most to me at Cabrini. Carter Craigie has been a great friend of mine and Arthur Young has taught me so much , in and out of class ."
Health ccire-a new idea
According to Louise Baker, a committee member of the Epilepsy Foundation, the organization will also use the proceeds in a camapign to dispel some of the myths surrounding the illness. "We want people to know that epilepsy is not the end of the world." 91e also stated that epilepsy is not limited to a birth injury, but can be caused by other factors. An automobile accident, a chemical imbalance in the body, the aftermath of a heart attack or stroke can alito trigger epilepsy. Epileptics are o.ften discriminated against and "can often lose their jobs," she added. Enormous progress has been made in recent years by modern medicine. The Foundation's principle concern will always be helping individuals and families who are affected by the illness.
IJyRITA CALICAT The Social Science Club has scheduled a guest speaker to give a lecture on the topic of Holistic Medicine. On Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 1 p.m. in room 4 of Sacred Heart Hall, Dr. Arthur C. Hochberg, clinical psychologist, was scheduled to talk about the concept of Holistic Medicine. This lecture is a preview of a non-credit evening division course to be offered at Cabrini next semester. According to Dr. Carter W. Craigie, chairperson of the social science department, Holistic Medicine is "the approach to health using all available means to prevent sickness. Most medicine we -know today comes in the form of pills and other medicines administered after sickness occurs. Holistic Medicine is an approach to treating the whole person, keep-
ing that person well and not treating merely the symptoms afte·r an illness has struck." Holistic Medicine employees the use of herbs, folk medicines, stress relief techniques and other natural type solutions while today's medicine consists essentially of pill popping. The concept of Holistic Medicine has been employed in weight lost, anxiety relief, and many other illnesses which today's medical technology prescribes expensive medicines for. Holistic Medicine is a concept which teaches people how to stay healthy and prevent sickness, it treats the 'whole' person and eliminates the expenses of good health. At the scheduled talk on Holistic Medicine an elaboration of this concept shall be provided by Dr. Hocherg.
The Business Club presents
Mark DeNino Vice President and Treasurer of
The Biological Energy Corporation
Thursday,November19 . 7 p.m. in SH7 All are invited to attend. Refreshments wi II be served!
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
Cabrinian ideal of love Ond concern lives BY SR. YOLANDA FLORES MSC In the year 1880, the Holy Spirit
gave birth to a new religious congregation in Italy. The purpose of such a foundation was to bring the Word of God to people in farthest countries. In a word, our foundress, Francesca Saverio Cabrini, had a life-long desire to continue the work of St. Francis Xavier by going as a missionary to China. The past for Francesca had been hard; there were trials and frustrations, but also, it was a time of preparation for-her future. Under the "go-ahead" of Bishop Gelmini, Francesca and a group of seven young women began their congregation. Codogno, Italy witnessed the beginning of the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus . The first Mass was celebrated for them on Nov. 14, 1880.As a young foundation the first years of the Institute were difficult but never an obstacle for them to do the good that they were called to do. Under the inspiration of the Sacred Heart, Francesca and her small group dedicated themselves to the care of orphans, school and ca techetical teaching, home visitations, and retreat work. Their own number increased, and made possible the founding of more houses. Cabrini's desire to go to the East (China) as missionaries was never to be fulfilled during her life time. Instead, God, through the person of Pope Leo XIII , called her and her sisters to the West, to the suffering emigrants in the United States particularly. Those years of mass Italian immigration saw people coming to America searching for work, she! ter, and food. With this phenomena came also misery, illness, poverty and a lack of human dignity. They were looked down upon because of their nationality and their plight - as are so many emigrants and migrants to this country now. Cabrini saw this opportunity to serve the immigrants as an open door to do God's will and also fulfill her missionary
vocation. Her zeal for the children of God was the strong motivation of her life. At her death on December 22, 1917, Cabrini was still thinking of God's children; she had been preapring candy for the children in the area of Chicago that the sisters served, who would not have had sweets that Christmas season. This was during the time of World War I.
Through the years the Institute Gratitude after our looth Anniver- special Eucharist of Thanksgivof the Missionary Sisters of the sary of life as a Congregation. On ing . One of our senior sisters, Sr. Sacred Heart of Jesus has grown . the Feast of Mother Cabrini this Bridget Lucato, will also be celThat Cabrinian ideal of love and year (Nov. 13) the · MSC's of the ebrating her 60th Anniversary as reaching out to others in need has an MSC. Philadelphia area will unite remained aliye. Theapostolate has Please join us in spirit that we together to thank the Lord for so increased and become varied in an many benefits received. Bishop might all learn from Francesca attempt to respond to the necDSimone, who Cabrini College Cabrini to be "bearers of the love essities of the Church and societies gave an honorary degree to last -of Christ" as she has so taught us wherever we serve. year, will be the celebrant at this by her life. We are now closing our Year of_
Saving gas and money
Phobia fears ·- Friday the 13th BY MARK MAGNER
It's time to dust off the old rabbit's foot, and dig out that four'leaf clover. Yes, Friday the 13th is here! Watch your step around ladders, and don't walk under them unless you happen to be avoiding the black cat which crossed your path. Of course, if you are not superstitious you might omit any idea that your roommate giving you the evil eye for breaking her mirror would have anything to do with your failing an important test on Friday the 13th. Fear of Friday The 13th is not a new thing, but the roots to this phobia ..-ean be traced back to Europe. On this day sailors would refuse to venture to sea, businessmen would close shop for the day, teachers scheduled exams to avoid the day, travellers would cancel trips and stay home. According to Rudolph Brasch in his book "How Did it Begin?" Friday was originally considered to be a lucky
day, but Christians believed it to be an unlucky day, because there are many references in the Bible which seem to indicate this. Adam and Eve are said to have eaten the fruit from the forbidden tree on a Friday, and later both also died on a Friday. It was also said that Jesus suffered and died on a Friday, and at His last supper, Jestis has 13 people in attendance, his · twelve apostles and Himself. If we ~sh to consider Judas the 13th person to attend The Last Supper, he was destined to bring Jesus bad luck. Fear of the number 13 is a respected phobia in Europe. The number simply does not exist. According fo Brasch, buildings don't have a 13th noor, airplanes don't have a seat with the number 13, there are no houses with the number 13. The number 13 is just conveniently replaced with 12 1/2 and directly proceeded by fourteen. Most people will not admit to
BY JEANNE PROKO If you think it's impossible to
save gasoline and money, think again. Ac~ording to the U.S. De. being superstitious, but whether partment of Energy's pamphlet on werealizeitornotweallhavecer"How to Save Gasoline and tain good luck charms which we Money," driving more efficiently, believe bring us luck and protect planning trips and caring for your us from all maladies. Cars are car can actually save you money. often adorned with religious · Saving money is of great imporstatues, and rosary beads hang lance to senior Kathy Kahl who from the rear view mirror. A spends approximately $30 a week favorite priest of mine once said, on gas. She uses her car, which is "even the good Mother Mary her- an automatic, five days a week for self couldn't keep up with them." working off campus . _ st I.dents will often have a favorite Junior Mary Jo Longo spends or lucky pen which they are sure to considerably less - 1:>nly $5 a week, use during exams. Businessmen but she .drives a stick shift which will sometimes .consider a piece of could account for the lower clothing lucky if they associate amount of money spent. She uses having a lucky day with wearing a her car often during the week for certain piece of clothing. an off-campus job. T,h~ U.S. Department of Energy Whatever lucky charm works · suggests in driving more effifor you, be sure to have it ready , ciently to warm the engine for no when you face whatever perils more than 30 seconds; to drive at a await you on this Friday The 13th moderate speed; to accelerate if you don't have any lucky charms briskly and steadily; and flow that work for you, knock on wood smoothly through traffic. and be sure not to step on any On caring for your car, make cracks! sure to check tire pressures regularly; buy radial tires; align
wheels properly; adjust brakes so they grip and release properly; use gasoline of the proper octane rating ; check and change oil and oil filter at recommended intervals; and use a good quality SE multi-grade oil. For those students who find it necessary to drive to school, the U.S. Dept. of Energy suggests that you plan your trips. Some ideas were to share the ride, combine trips, eliminate unnecessary trips or take public transit. Let's assume that you wlil eventually be living in an urban area and will be considered as a typical driver owning your own automobile. Statistics now show that a typical driver drives more than 11,000 miles per year; consumes nearly 800 gallons of gasoline annually; has an average fuel-economy rating of 14to 15miles per gallon. All this costs more thlm $1100 per year for gasoline alone (about 10 cents a mile). By following these tips carefully, you'll find a ~marked difference in your gasoline consumption and in your wallet.
Loquitur - Friday, November
Arts Leisure
13, 1981
Art teacher exhibits collages BY ELIZABETH K~NARAS
Ronald F. Linder, a versatile man who teaches art, is exhibiting his work at Cabrini. Linder works in the area of acrylic collage and is exhibiting twenty-five of his new pieces in the library. Acrylic collage is a medium involving layers of collage and transparent glue with water color and ink washes. Linder makes his collage out of rectangular magazine pieces and coats them with PVA glue. After the glue hardens I
to a
transparent sheen, everything outside the collaged area is removed. Then the water color and ink washes are applied. "This helps to tone down colors that are too bright," Linder said. Linder is a graduate of Bowling Green University and received his MLA degree from Western Maryland College. He has been one· of the 10 finalists for Arts Educator of the Year and Tea<;her of the Year for the state of Pennsylvania. He was also nominated for the Hazlett Award for Excellence and
"Rosie the Riveter" shows women's role in WW II
The award winning film "Rosie the Riveter," will be shown at Cabrini. The film can be seen at the Mansion on Sunday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. The film, which- deals with women's roles during and immediately following World War II, is sponsored by the Cabrini College. Women's Group and the Valley Forge Branch of the AAUW. Arlene T. Sciole, lecturer in fine arts at Cabrini will commence with a film techniques commentary, according to the co-ordinator of the Women's Group, Jo Harris Brenner. "Rosie the Riveter," the 65 minute film will then be shown as scheduled . Sheila Tobias, a guest lecturer , will end the evening with a talk on "What Really Happened to Rosie the Riveter after World War II." Ms. Tobias, formerly Associate
Provost of Wesleyan University, has published, lectured, and conducted research in many areas of women's studies and women's history. Her massive study on "Rosie" is reprinted in an Anthology of Women's History, Oxford University Press, 1981, and was also used in the making of the film. "Ro~e" is an award-winning film. It won first prize in Florence, the Gold Award in Houston, the Golden Athena in Athens, and the Gold Hugo in Chicago-as the best documentary. · The film relays to its audience women's pride and satisfaction i~ filling positions that were needed during World War II. It wasn't until about three decades later when the turning point in careers for black and white women alike resulted in a field of equal opportunity . "I really think it's going to be good," says Brenner .
Go-Go's beat goes "POP" BY TIM FEENEY
For anyone who is into pop music, the Go-Go's "Beauty and the Beat" is a must. When listening to these five young ladies, anyone with even the slightest bit of rhythm would find it nearly impossible to sit still. Their guick-tempoed, fiftyish styled music creates an energy not many of t'oday's bands can produce. The Go-Go's were discovered at Whiskey A Go-Go, a top Los Angeles rock spot, at which they were the house band and where their style and sound rounded into shape. They were signed by Stiff records, with whom they put out their hit single, "We Got the Beat _." The popularity of the single resulted in a contract with the I.R.S. label. The producers, Richard Gottehur and Rob Freeman, are experienced pop producers and it shows on ' 1Beauty and the Beat." Belinda Carlis le, the Go-Go's ~ ~
lead vocalist, has a powerful yet melodic voice which she displays throughout the Ip. The rest of the band, with the exception of drummer Gina Schock, the only ,unorigianl member, couldn't even play their respective instruments when they got togetper in 1978. However, their lack of experience is not the least bit evident. Charlotte Caffey, who plays lead guitar, keyboards, and does much of the writing, is the backbone of the group. The Go-Go's lyrics are what you might expect ftom typical California teenagers, with boys, cars, and cool being of main importance. "Skidmarks on my Heart," a tale of the adolescent love for a car first and a girl second, really brings the band together. Kathy Valentine's guitar riffs take over in "Can't stop the World," which she wrote herself. If you didn't know better, after listening to "How Much More," you would expect to see the GoGo's ant he m throughout the eighties.
·~.......... . ...- - -··-·--~ .. .... _...____ ..-~ - - ..... ... ...- ..- ...............- ~
some of his students have received art citations from Scholastic Magazine for a national achievement in art. Presently assistant professor of art education at Rosemont College, he is a lecturer in education and fine arts here at Cabrini. At Cabrini, he teaches an art methods course. He is scheduled to teach two new experimental courses in the spring . The exhibit runs from Nov. 8 to Nov. 22 in the library exhibit area. It is open to the public and admission is free.
RON LINDER, a t~acher from the Fine Arts Department, will be exhibiting his collages Nov. 8-22 in the Library .
Ma ry Poppins to drop •1n had. "I think he is very exciting to BY GINNY GRUERIO Mary Poppins is alive and well work with," she says, "I learn just and will be "poppin" up at Cabrini from watching him - he gets the Theater beginning Saturday, Nov. most out of people." 21. Another cast member who is enThe book of "Mary Poppins" has joying the experience, although she admits it is hard work, is been adapted for the Cabrini sophomore Sandra McNamara, Theater Program by Dan Perna, assisted by sophomore Kathleen who plays Mrs. Banks. "She's a bit of a character," Sandra laughs, Adams. Scheduling rehearsals for the "Very English - very prim and show has been a major problem, proper." Having acted in high school according to Perna and cast members. This has been caused by con- plays, Sandra has studied acting at flicting class schedules and the the Society Hill Playhouse in Philperformances of two children from _adelphia, and has also had vocal the Visual and Performing Arts training. She relates that Perna is Program. "a joy to work with and extremely Fortunately, Perna believes the professional and talented ." Other cast members are freshcast members to be "the most disciplined group of actors he has m an John Doyle as Bert; worked with in his 18 years at sophomore Robert Checchia in a dual role as Mr . Banks and the Cabrini College." Laughing Waiter; David HausMost of Perna's plays are directman , 8, as Michael Banks; Eileen ed at all age levels, but he believes there is "a lot of good stuff in Avery , 8, as Jane Banks; and freshman JoAnne Norcini as the children plays. The main parts of my productions are the Bird Lady . The Nannies will be portrayed children's participation from the by senior Crystal Rudinski , audience," he says . Mary Poppins will be played by sophomore Lisa Cimino, and freshsophomore Jeanne Proko, who has man Kathi Fritz, who will double been acting since she was nine .as the Dancing Girls along with years old. She has participated in freshman Jane Harrington . The Dancing Boys will be freshman school plays, children's theater, Christopher Corcoran and freshand repertory theater . In spite of her theatrical back- man Brian Rodcamp . Many other students important ground , Jeanne considers Perna to to the performance comprise the be the first director she has ever
production staff which includes make-up, costume and set designs, lighting and sound. Assisting Perna with the choreography is Rudinski and Pianists will be Grace Armideo Viggiano, a '78 alumnus of Cabrini and Adams. The original cast will make up the touring company as well, except for replacements Patricia McDermott, sophomore, as Jane Banks and Miss Harrington as Michael Banks, who will be the "alternating children ." The ensemble plans to go on tour in January and subsequently reopen at Cabrini on Jan . 30 through Feb . 21. Benefit performances are scheduled, including a Chri stmas show for handicapped children sponsored by the Penns ylvania State Education Association (PSEA) through the education division.The show will run at Cabrini from Saturday, Nov. 21 to Sunday , Dec. 20. All performances are at 2: 30 p .m. Admission is $2 for adults and $1.50 for children . Perna would like to stress the importance of ticket reservations , as three performances are already sold out. He invites "anyone who is young in heart" to come and enjoy his "miniature musical adventure of-'Mary Poppins .' "
alld HASSON ForSGAPresident / VicePresident
-- ..- --··--- .. --~- - -----
Arts Leisure A Confederacy
Loquitur - Friday,
of Dunces
Hard to Believe Joyce Patitucci A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole Grove Press N.Y. 19080 415 pp. BY JOYCE PATITUCCI Just as the avenues of fiction appeared to have been exhausted , a new genre of novel arrived this summer , riding the usual wave of typical best-sellers. Finally ther e is a book that ex plores the rewards and consequences of daring to be one's self, as opposed to those who deal only with the events which lead to that decision itself. Unfortunately , this book is not believable enough to do that idea much justice . A "Confederacy of Dunces" smacks of the traits of an unseasoned author . Unfortunately, Mr . Tolle does not have the opportunity to redeem himself with a second chance because he is dead. He committed suicide some time ago and it was his mother who had his manuscript published .
The book is set in New Orleans , with a cast of characters so colorful that every night is Mardi Gras night. The central figure is Ignatius Reilly , an unemployed, overeducated social drop-out whci lives with his widowed mother on her Social Secutiry pension . Athough he holds a Masters degree, Ignatius has never worked a day in his life. One of his favorites is telling the story of how traveling on a bus to an interview once nearly killed him. He is an advanced but crude version of a lower class Holden Caufield, and he spends a great deal of time watching movies and television, both of which he allegedly hates .
The only acti vity he does like is eating and this accounts for his obesity. Ignatius is a creator of mass chaos from the first time we meet him, but things really begin to get a bit far-fetched when his mother, who should have grown disgusted long ago, throws him out of bed and forces him to join the ranks of his fellow nine-to-fivers. Ignatius has a hard time wherever he goes , as one would ex pect , but the book is difficult to believe for several reasons . While many of the causes Ignatius protests merit protesting , his approach to things and his dialogue are often difficult to fathom . The funniest situations often occur at the Night of Joy, a bar owned by Lana Lee, who strives to remain upright but has an insatiable appetite for a certain two words that are not Happy Birthday . She heaps constant abuse on her black floor cleaner, Jones, who is living proof that slavery is not entirely dead , but who has only one alternative to working at the bar and that is jail. The most ridiculous situations arise at the Levy Pants Co., the site of Ignatius' first job and the home of an ancient turtle named Miss Trixie whose senility manages to cause a rift in the marriage of the people who own the company . ¡The book is worthwhile because it tries to turn the conventional world from which we would all like to escape into a chaotic mess we often wish it would become. The problem is that it is not believable which leaves very little with the reader and much to be desired.
Gala .semi-formal to be held tonight I -
BY ANN BELSKY Put away those textbooks and break out those dancing shoes! The junior and senior classes are sponsoring a gala semi-formal tonight at Stouffer's Valley Forge Hotel located behind the King of Prussia Mall. From 8 p.m . to 1 a .m ., students and faculty will be rocking, discoing , eating and drinking to the beat of "The Pros ." The only requisite for this annual affair is to have a good time . One highlight for the evening includes an open bar from 8 p.m . to 1 a.m. A variety of hors d'oeuvres will be served between 8 and 10 p.m , and at midnight, coffee, tea and dessert will be available . The price of the entire evening of food and fun is $22 per person. For those just attending the dance, from 10 p .m. to 1 a .m ., the cost is $15 per person . No limit was set for the number attending the affair. In previous years, t he Junior /Senior Danc e featured a
sit-down dinner. This year, however, hors d 'oeuvres ..,are spotlighted . According to Kathy Cordilla, senior class president, this drastically reduces the price of the meal and should encourage more students to 'participate . Those attending the buffet will feast upon hot roast beef on a spit , garden relish dip, melon and proscuitto tree , chinese egg rolls, sausage pizza puffs , seafood stuffed mush r oom caps , beef kabobs and scallops in bacon. The committee arranging the affair consists of the senior and junioir class officer s : seniors : Kathy Cordi Ila , presi dent ; Kevin Kelly , vice -pr esident ; Lourdes Latorre , secretar y ; Tom Kenney, treasurer ; juni or s , Sulamon Allyn, president ; Ter ri Hundermark, vice -presid ent; Cathy Sullivan, secretary and Ca rol Hasson , treasurer . "I just hope everyo ne comes and has a good time ," Hund.ermark said .
November 13, 1981
Dylan: the songwriter and the legend BY JIM LAWLOR The man who personifies an age and embodies a decade rolled his '81 tour into the Spectrum on Oct. 23. Bob Dylan gave the near capacity crowd a taste of just what it is that makes many people con sider him the greatest songwriter
of our time. Dylan came in with his '60s music interpreted for the '805. He sang a bit of everything, the protest , the popular , the most recent religious born _again . The result was a mosaic of 20 years of song come to life in a performance
which lasted just over two hours . The old favorites were there, but changed , as is always the case with Dylan. The sharp, raspy, almost spoken lyrics of " Like a Rolling Stone" and "Ballad of a Continued on Page 10
POUR UNESOIREE D'AMUSEMENT, DEMUSIQUE ETDENOURRITURE -COME TOTHEDINER INTERNATIONAL Tl1ursday,Nov. 19 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Mansion Dining Hall All Tickets $3.00 (No tickets sold after Nov. 16)
For more info contact LourdesLatorre, Ext. 496
Alternativesfor the New Cabrini 1. Communication between the student body and the Student Government Association. 2. More advanced notice for topics to be discussed at the SGA meetings. 3. Separate publicity committee. 4. Student Government Association Widener Center Lecture Hall.
5. A new variety of activities on campus. 6. Redistributing of SGA funds to benefit the students. 7. More unity between the residents and commuters. 8. Voting for Dane Linn - president & Bill Fontana - vice president of the Student Government Association.
Reflections of the 'Mind
Hudson; a touch of sunshine BY REGINA O'LEARY
Imagine yourself basking in the hot South American sunshine , sipping a tall, cool Pina Colada, while listening to a guitar player picking away on his instrument. Too good to be true? Well, take away the sun and the Pina Colada , and you still have the unique talents of that musician. Cabrini College was in for a treat when Ron Hudson, originally from Guatemala, played for the large audience that packed Bruckmann Chapel Thursday, Oct. 29th .
Hudson was a pleasure to listen to as well as to see, as members of the audience - craned their necks and stretched their bodies trying to get a glimpse of Hudson playing . His talent on the Classical guitar was evident, as he ·picked and strummed through some 18 pieces. These pieces came from many different countries and composers,
including Hudson himself. Hudson had a way of captivating his audience with his playing. At times , it sounded as if there were more instruments playing than one single guitar . His fingers were quick and smooth as he made his way up and down the neck of his guitar, producing the deadest of notes to the most true . At one part of the performance, Hudson changed from playing the Classical guitar to one called the Armadillo , which was made from the shell of the animal. Hudson added that if we ever wanted to hear what an Armadillo sounded like, we should listen . Hudson seemed very relaxed throughout the concert , his chin resting comfortably on the curve of his guitar . He seemed almost in a distant place and time, and he took his audience with him . Hooson had taught himself to play the Classical guitar in his
youth, and one of the songs he composed is of that time . It was called "The Tarantula Song," and was written about the time when his small town in Guatemala was plagued with tarantulas, and how his townspeople killed them by stepping on ~hem. He showed his ability to perform any type of music when he played pieces by J.S. Bach . One of his finest was Bach's "Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major, First Movement" which Hudson had spent several years transposing from piano to guitar . He added that he had played the piece only twice before--0nce he had made it through, the other time he had not. Fortunately for the audience in the Chapel, Hudson did complete the song. Hudson was highly entertaining. He was able to bring a little South American sunshine to the cool Northeastern autumn .
Dylan: the songwriter and the legend _ ) C5>ntinuedfrom Page 9 Thin Man" were now delivered in a sing-song cantated voice. "Blowin' in the Wind" was transformed from a one-man, oneguitar folk piece to a gospel ballad, complete with a church-choir-Jikei back-up by a female chorus which, was along to help out on the born again music. The success of these interpretations is largely a matter of personal taste . For my part, some fairly familiar songs were-hard to recognize, but others worked quite well. The high point for me was "All along The Watchtower" in which the vocals and the band both came through with a strength not seen before in the ~Ian version of that song. • The born again music was there as well, but not in any overbearing way . Dylan wasn't seeking converts when he sang· "f Believe" ' and "You Gotta Serve Somebody." He was simply singing. He is the songster and they are two of his songs. They are part of his career
and have their place in the mosaic. This concert had another feautre, Dylan as the showman . His dark glasses, pointed boots, and bell bottoms gave a dark and mysterious presence to this man who is so key a figure in the dark and mysterious 60s. The normally reserved Dylan, however, came with some fancy footwork, dancing to and fro with his guitar, and approaching the audience on his harmonica solos. The back up band, which was being toted as Dylan's best accompanyment since The Band, did nothing to disprove the claim. Complete with two drummers, two guitarists, two keyboard players, and three back-up vocalists, the band did a great job of placing Dylan in the spotlight without drawing attention away from him . The crowd was not the typical spectrum concert crowd. There were many older fans. · Though there were raves, the audience was an overall quiet one . The
Cabrini dancers; · small but spirited BY JOE MILLER
-.., _
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
The Cabrini College dance troupe may be small in number, but they have a Jot of spirit and heart. The dancers in the theater are Crystal Rudinski, Lisa Cimino, Kathy Fritz and Jane Harrington . Rudinski, a senior, has been a dancer at Cabrini since her sophomore year. She began dancing at the age of four by taking lessons and continued until age 16. "With getting ready for college in a few years, I thought it was taking up too much time in my life," said Rudinski. She didn't begin dancing again until she came to Cabrini. Lisa Cimino, sophomore, started dancing at the age of seven. Dancing was more of an interest while she was taking dancing lessons.
Cimino also stopped dancing at 16 because of school. She too, returned to dancing when she came to Cabrini. Freshman Kathy Fritz has been dancing for the last 14 years . She has worked with the New York Jeoffrey Ballet, Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet, and in Chicago. Her love of dance and theater was what brought her to Cabrini. The last member of the troupe is freshman Jame Harrington. Harrington had not planned on dancing at Cabrini, but, since they need dancers, she joined the group. Under the direction of Danielle Perna, the women are now preparing for the upcoming production of "Mary Poppins."
sedateness was not evidence of dis satisfaction. Rather, there were many, both young and old, who seemed to be in a quiet almost trance-like adoration of Dylan. If there were to be one flaw found it would be that which was not played. The most notable omissions to me were "Possitively Fourth Street " "Hurricane " and "Jack of He'arts." Then ~gain, Dylan has been at it for twenty years and has built up quite a number of songs. One can really only expect a cross section of the career. In the end, the concert ammounted to a greatest hits type show, with entries from all phases of Dylan's diverse career. He played protest without protesting . He played born again without proselytizing . He was simply singing. And really that was all that mattered . He could have played anything . It was Dylan playing; Dylan the songwriter, Dylan the legend.
Morning Walks Grant me a moment perhaps like heaven, to reflect on the person I am constantly becoming. Allow me the freedom, only for a while, to be alone, to become aware 'of my motives and opinions. A minute or two, every-so-often to think. Offer me the break of the day, fresh and new, church bells tolling the welcome. A breath of living collected in the quiet, a chapter of life written through morning's decisions. Grant me a moment, perhaps such as heaven, so that I may become one with myself. Rebecca
Contributed by Junior Rebecca Rumple, Editor of Cryptic
ATTENTION COLLEGE COMMUNITY The College Community is invited to an open house at the convent, Sunday, Nov. 15, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Come if you are interested in how the sisters live, or just curious about what the service quarters of the Mansion look like.
Refreshmentswill be available!
1. 1
Loquitur - Friday, November 13, 1981
Virginia trip a learning experience for team BY TOM DeMATTEIS AND DEBBIE JABLONSKI
Recently the soccer team embarked on a road trip to Virginia . They played Longwood College and Virginia Commonwealth University. These teams are NCAA division II and I competators respectively. The first game on the agenda was against Longwood College in Farmville, Va., Cabrini lost this match by a score of 0-5. "The five goals that Longwood scored were earned," Tom DeMatteis, sophomore, said, "They were not cheap shots." Goalie Steve Brown, junior, played an outstanding game. He blocked several shots-on-goal, however, a penalty shot was allowed to find the goal. After playing Longwood, the Cavaliers found time for a little relaxation . "Relaxation usually happened in the evening," Chris Collins, senior. said, "We played cards and
watched TV." He added that this gave the players time to get to know each other a little better. After their stay in Farmville Va., the Cavaliers found themselves once again boarding the van and traveling to Richmond Va. When they arrived in Richmond, a chance to practice was not past up. An eight-0n-eight scrimmage was set up and the cavaliers practices for 3 hours on passing techniques. The following day, the Cavaliers played Virginia Commonwealth University, an NCAA Division team . The Cavaliers lost to the Commonwealth team by a score of 7-1.
Once again Steve Brown was outstanding in goal. He was under constant pressure and saved over 30 shots-0n-goal. Freshman Dave Oswinkle scored Cabrini's sole goal. Junior, Jim Vail had the assist. 路 Even though the Cavaliers lost both games, a feeling of success was felt by several of the team
DRIBBLING TOWARDS the opponents goal, Jimmy Vail, junior, advances for an attack during the Cabrini-Beaver game. The game took place on Oct. 21. (Photo by Debbie Jablonski) members. Will Langton, soccer coach, stated that he was pleased with the trip . He thought playing against big schools would help the team play against highly skilled teams. "Basically the trip was a learning experience," Dave Pilla,
sophomore, said, "I learned that talking to teammates is important and how to us the wingmen was just as important." Sulamon Allyn, junior, said that he would be affected by the trip because he will be more aware of what goes on on the field.
Was this trip just a chance for the already established team to better their ability'? Collins, said that the trip was beneficial to the soccer program. "I think there should be more trips like this. It helps build the quality of the prog_ram," he said.
Fan attendance vital for athletic teams' success BY PAM CLARK
LOY AL FANS brave 30 degree autumn temperatures to cheer the soccer team during the annual Alumni game on Nov. 7. (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)
A sports team that works hard and plays hard deserves all the fan support it can get. It is widely believed that bleachers full of cheering fans can motivate the players on the field and on the court to play better. The athletic teams at Cabrini College are no exception. Yet, the athletes who work so hard don't receive the backing they so richly deserve . Fan attendance , especially at womens' games, has been poor . The lack of interest has been discouraging for the coaches and players. Helen Goodwin, womens' athletic director, thinks the small crowds are a great disappointment, because the teams work so
hard. Mimi Green'IWOd, women's field hockey coach, is also disheartened. "We haven't had fans," she said . "We invite them, but they don't attend." Senior Fred Toroni, one of the soccer team's co-captains, believes fans are a 路necessary part of a winning season. According to Toroni, atnletes feel better when people are cheering and yelling for them. It serves as an incentive to play harder . As a result, the team wins. Men's athletic director John Dzik believes the poor attendance could be due to a lack of athletic tradition at Cabrini. "Cabrini athletics have been poor for so long that an apathy has developed.
No one wants to support a losing team. But the key to improvement is having people in the stands," Dzik stated. So, what can be done to help attract fans'? "There should be more group activities to support all the teams, such as pep rallies," Toroni said. "We need something to draw people out and keep them out-,5ome sort of gimmick, like a mascot or a contest." Other tentative ideas include the creation of a pep club, a rejuvenated Athletic Association, and a male cheerleading squad that would work with the current allfemale squad. Fan participation may need improvement, but the fans who do turn out have proven to be faithful.
Coaching philosophies at Cabrini different BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI
Throughout an athlete's life, he or she is influenced in many different ways by the coaching philosophy of the coach. While in grammar school, the little league coach instills the idea that winning is everything. This aggressive adult usually shapes the idea that to be a good athlete is ' to be a tough and constant winning person. However in psychological research, this type of coach is thought of as a hindering element to the young athlete. The athlete usually developes an "over competitiveness," and a sense of failure with every loss. During an athlete's high school years, the sense of being competati ve is given an even deeper meaning. Sometimes the idea that "the world loves a winner" can be the philosophy of a high school coach. Thus pushing the athlete to be more competitive not only in athletic circles but in his everyday living. An athlete has several philosophies to learn and ' choose from at Cabrini. There is a main idea that 路 can be found in each of these philosophies.
As John Dzik, men's athletic director and men's basket ball coach, said, "to make a student's participation in sports an enjoyable experience which is different from having fun," is the central idea.
. JOHN DZIK, men's
rector coach.
and men's
athletic dibasketball
said," But rather by individually Also Dzik believes that athletes are better prepared to handle life talking to a player he can underssituations. "They work hard to ac- tand his mistakes more clearly." complish goals but sometimes Helen Goodwin, women's athletic director and volleyball suffer minor defeats," Dzik said, "However, they recover." coach, shares this same attitude of Besides the enjoyment aspect of not yelling at players. She believes a person's involvement in sports as being the main idea of the coaching philosophy of several staff members, the idea of basing the techniques of the coach on previous _experience and giving the team responsibility is another element in the coaching philosophy of the coaching staff. "By intergrating my own personal experience and by turning responsibi:ity over to the team," Will Langton, soccer coach, said, "They (the team) will unify and things will work out." Langton bases his coaching philosophy on the idea of foreign coaches and the idea that by giving the team responsibility they will become more competitive. Also, Langton believes that by participating in practices he can better develop the techniques of soccer that a player might be lacking. HELEN GOODWIN, women's "I don't believe in yelling at athletic director and women's players during a game," Langton volleyball coach.
that yelling is a personality trait that she does not contain. Whenever she gets upset over a match, she calmly explains to the team what went wrong. Goodwin's philosophy is based on hard work and an enjoyable experience. This hard work was seen throughout the entire volleyball season. Her philosophy of calmness was seen in every upsetting moment. A good coaching philosophy is not solely based on hard work and enjoyment, but the acquiring of friendship between coach and player. Goodwin and Langton believe that a relationship with players is important for the advancement of the team. However Dzik believes the opposite. "I'm not interested in being friends," Dzik said. He said that as coach he expected the players to respect his knowledge and ability. "It is not whether or not I am popular," he said. Although the coaching philosophies are a little different, they do have the same central路 theme-to make the athlete a well rounded person.
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Sports profile:
Teammates admire Cordilla
Weights - uplifting sport -
BY MEG SLOOK lifting between 8 and 12 times BY SHEILA FANELLE Weightlifting has recently offers the maximum amount of Kathy Cordilla, a senior, was "a rece -ived a great deal of recogni- benefits . Cordilla uses both the adkey element on the women tion, women's lifting in general, a vantages and disadvantages of the Cavaliers volleyball team," acgreat deal of attention. program. "Diet will change your cording to Cathy Kelbach, a According to Roger Scwab, weight but only exercise will sophomore teammate. "She (Corowner of the Main Line Nautilus in change the shape of your body." dilla) would help anyone having a Bryn Mawr. "The advent of the The main disadvantage is that she problem with the technique. She Equal Rights Amendment makes feels it can become addictive in also sets the plays." women realize that they should be that if she does not do it she will Cordilla, a co-captain, gets her strong and able to take care of feel worse. experience from playing the sport themselves." Scwab feels that the Senior Fran Carusi, also a in grammar school, Cabrini High biggest myth surrounding lifting is weight-lifter, started a year ago. "I School in New Orleans, Louisiana : that women who lift will become exercise alone to music and find it and her last three years at Cabrini muscular looking. The fact is that very enjoyable," she said. She College. the male hormone causes an over- also uses the strength building "I play not so much to win, ly muscular physique. Unless a technique. Carusi also exercises in although that is important, but KATHY CORDILLA, "a key element to the women's volleyball team." woman has a large quantity of order to feel good about her mental because the game is fun," said (Photo by Dave Milburn) ber of times. Evidence shows that caruibilities as well as her physical Cordilla. When asked how she capabilities. what it takes but there seems to be cated fan and graduate volleyball thought the team performed overMany people such as Mark Wara lack of motivation." player, says "Kathy is a super perall this season she said, "We were ren, manager of the spa Nautilus of "Kathy has good self control on son and she helped the team come a young team and we improved America, feel that lifting is a relief the court. She conducted practices a long way. Cordilla is on the greatly. By the end of the season, for Helen Goodwin, coach and ball." (No pun intended). male hormones she will not in- of stress. Warrens' spa mainly aceveryone was used to playing each women's athletic director. CorCordilla describes volleyball as crease her m·uscle size, it will comodates adults between 30 and other." d ilia devoted all the time she "a team effort. You need three however tighten and firm those 75 years of age. He feels that his Cordilla and Kalbach agreed clientele is attracted by the relaxmuscles being exercised. that "the competition was good but could," says sophomore Susan people (three hits) to a set." Masino. Kathy Cordilla, senior, has re- ation lifting offers. Kathy Cordilla is also active off we did not play the harder teams Al Monostra, junior, agrees with Maurene Burns, Seiler Food the court. She applies her Business cently begun lifting weights. "I that we usually do." Warren on this point. "I lift started exercising about three Administration and CommunicaKalbach added that "We have Service assistant manager, dedition majors in her internship at years ago but I found I needed a lit- because it relieves the tension cretle more resistance so I started to ated by school." Monostra has Burroughs Corporation. Her other responsibilities in- use weights to give me more of a been lifting for the past six years Cordi Ila uses the and notes one major disadvantage. clude being a Resident Assistant in challenge." building technique. "When you stop lifting, your mus- the Lanshe House, president of the strength senior class and vice preisent of _Scwab describes this as lifting a des can turn to fat so you have to minimal amount of weights a num- be consistent." the Business Club. Possible improvements for BY PAT McDERMOTT Coming in fourth place at the Cabrini's playing came when the All-College Field Hockey Tourna- rules changed. Instead of bulleyment wasn't a bad way to wrap up ing in the beginning, both teams the season. The tournament for the smashing sticks for the ball, they 1980-81 season was held at now flip a coin for pushback, which starts the game right away. Also, Swarthmore College. "Very pleased," was Coach Mimi Green- the team received new uniforms to wood's feelings of the girls on the help their morale. Uniforms for both home and away games were team. When asked about her overall at- purchased. titude of the season, Greenwood However, one disappointment to said that, "The team improved tremendously. The competition the players, was that there wasn't going to be a summer camp for the was a lot tougher than last year." Pizzas • Steaks • Hoagies Cabrini was in Division Three of next season. According to Greenthe PAIAW (Pennsylvania Asso- wood, the topic really wasn't disStromboli • Calzone • Salads • Seafood ciation for Intercollegiate cussed. Diana Mekel, a member of the team says, "I think it would Athletics for Women) this year. "Next year;s team will be more improve our ability in the game . It intact, because we're not losing would give us more of a chance to Wayne, Pa. 19087 102 Lancaster Ave. any seniors, and the freshmen are practice, and get in shape for the of a higher caliber," said Green- season. But I think we played a 293-1390 687-9950 wood. "Hopefully, there will be hundred percent better than last year, because we have one year m_ore freshmen next year interested in going out for the behind us, and we played better as Open Mon. Thurs. 11 AM. - 10 a team.'' team."
New Sport
Hockey team places fourth in college tournament
_ ~wO!b'-7.
C 0
Dzik plans basketball promotions BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI
In all major sporting events promotional ideas are an everyday occurrence. Cabrini College is no exception to the rule. Men's athletic director John Dzik said that fans are a much needed part of the game. "If the Cavaliers are hard to beat at home," Dzik said, "we could have a team in the national playoffs." In order to get larger crowds, the men's athletic department has many promotional events planned for this semester. On Nov. 14 the annual Royal Blue and White game will be held. This will be the opening of the men's basketball season. Halftime activities include a shoot-out and dunk contest which are opened to all students. The Royal Blue squad will be coached by Coach Mike Keeley. The team will consist of senior
Mike !:Sennett; junior Tim Feeney; sophomores Martin Clancy, Vince Mirabella and Paul Breslin; and freshman John McQ,µeen. The White squad will be coached by Coach Joe Kelly. The team will consist of senior John Keating; juniors Ray Young, Ron Lynch and Terry Mancini; sophomores Mike Hendrick and Robert Davis, and freshmen Tommy McGowan and Dodie Watkins. Freshman Mike Lowry is injured and will not see action in this game. Admission is free for this Intersquad game. On Nov. 24 the Cavaliers will play Allentown College, all freshmen will be admitted free with valid college I.D. This game has been designated Freshmen Night. On Nov. 28 the Cavaliers will play Kutztown State College and all women athletes will be admitted free with I.D. This game has been designated Women Athlete Night.
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