Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
Linn and Fontana happening and when. CommunicaBY ANDREA BERTOLINI 'UNITY' proved to be the major tion is a key element of unified ac theme in the recent SGA elections tion and in order to best work as the students of Cabrini united together , more publicity is needed together to elect Dane Linn and about meetings and activities . Bill Fontana as the new president To establish better commuter inand vice president. They will begin volvement, Linn and Fontana wish their service in January, 1982and to have earlier SGA meetings . At it will terminate in ~fay , 1982, so 'the present time , they are held at that the term may get back . into a 6·:ll p.m. which is very inconvenient September-May cycle. to those commuters who must take Linn and Fontana 's platform the shuttle home . Also, more ac wa s based on encouraging more tiVJties will be planned for the 1 :00 interaction between the residents, p .m . time-slot on Tuesdays and the commuters and the faculty. Thursdays . By involving the comThey feel Cabrini's biggest muters in as much as possible , a problem is apathy . "People don't greater interaction will occur becare because others don't reach tween them and the resident stuout and ask them to get involved» dents . Linn and Fontana plan to counMore faculty input needs to be teract this apathetic state among generated in order to find out what the students by reaching out. "The is taking place on the administrafault lies with the SGA people," tion level of Cabrini and also to Linn hypothesized. "The same know how they feel about ideas people are doing everything which being thought about on the student truly limits the involvement of level. In the past, Dr. Schwarze others ... there are many students has contributed much to SGA, but out there with excellent ideas and as with the students, Linn and Fonwho are willing to get involved." tana want to see others reaching By setting up various commit- out. tees of "non-SGA" people, Linn A good example of new people and Fontana hope to alleviate this becoming involved is the other approblem. A major committee will pointments to the SGA Executive be a publicity group who will inake Board . "Many of the newly elected sure the students know what is officers have not been previously
-- SGA
involved with SGA. They will best be able to represent the entire student body and get some things accomplished that everyone always wanted to see done," Linn stated . Serving as Corresponding Secretary will be Carol Wahl and Cathy Masino will continue her role as Recording Secretary. Cindy Hocker was elected as Treasurer. Ellen Lavelle will serve as the Social Activities Chairperson with Mary Collins and Lynn Trasferini as her assistants . This group feels a real need to "promote a positive feeling among everyone at Cabrini. More student motivation is necessary to establish better attendance at the existing activities and to foster new ideas for upcoming events." Most of all, Linn and Fontana do not want the students to feel intimidated by SGA. They strongly want everyone to participate in the SGA meetings because all their ideas and suggestions will be listened to, although not all may be able to be processed. "Our titles as President and Vice President are just that ... titles . We are not a hierarchy, but a source between the students and administration."
Problems for language maiors BY JEANNE PROKO
There will be no upper division language courses here at Cabrini in the spring due to Mme. Irene Rachat's sabbatical to Spain. Because of this, Cabrini language majors and minors have met with Joseph J . Romano, vice president for academic affairs, to discuss their concern over this matter. "Before the students met with me," Romano said, "I wasn't aware of any problem. " Romano said that Rachat's sabbatical will be "beneficial for the college because she is looking for placement s in Spain for the Spanish students as was done recently for the French." Romano has sent a memo to Mme. Helene C. Hennigan, assistant professor of French, listing alternative solutions to this situation. Alternatives are as follows:• Students continue to take the upper division courses at Eastern College for language. Debbie Jablonski, '83, English ,Communications and French minor, has found conflicts with the Eastern language classes and Cabrini's English classes. She said that Eastern is willing to rearrange their time schedules so that she will be able to take courses there. • Ask students if they are in a position to hold off for a semester in their language. Romano realizes that students can lose some of their
proficiency in a language if the language study isn't continued. Some students have suggested hiring another professor for next semester so that they might continue with their courses here at Cabrini. Crystal Rudinski, a senior French major, said, "We have what we need as our majors , but this is our last semester as seniors and we still need some courses . I feel that without some necessary literature courses, there is a blank space in my education." She continued to say that although the "individual attention is great at Cabrini, the administra tion won't hold a class for only a few students." Hennington believes that there can't be a class too small or too big. "If you have a class for only a very few students, you don't have as many of the students' ideas. You must have enough students to have a conversation." Hennigan continued to say that she doesn't feel there are any problems with this situation because there are classes at Eastern that will count for their major/minor fulfillments. Mary Jane Monostra, senior Spanish major, is extremely upset. "I don't feel that I should pay here and go someplace else for my education." Jablonski states, "Although I really don't mind going over to Eastern for classes, I have to provide my own transportation."
Other language students have been faced with the same problem. Rudinski remembers "walking over to Eastern in the rain and snow." Romano said that Cabrini isn't the only school ,hat has transportation problems. "Villanova is faced with this also," he said. Rudinski pointed out another concern of hers . ' Due to the fact that there are a small number of language majors, there has "been a compromise of expectations and goals in the upper division courses. Students who aren't quite prepared for the upper division are put - in just so that there will be enough students for ·the class to carry.'' She added that because of this, the teachers have had to lower their pace and "teach down for those other students and, as a result, those students who were prepared haven't been able to reach the goals they wish." Hennigan denies any possibility of this happening because-the students who weren't prepared "wouldn't benefit from that class." Romano said that he hopes to have this situation resolved as soon as he meets with Hennigan.
unity "We are not a hierarchy but a source between the students and the administrators." ·
David Linn SCA President Photo by Mark Magner
"The newly elected officers ... will best be able to represent the entire student body ..."
Bill Fontana
Vice-President Photo by Mark Magner
Cabrini discusses ~OTC-; Con.s and pros weighed possibility and that the program BY DAN ROSS An ROTC program is now in the would have to be further investigated for her to be sure. discussion stage at Cabrini As far as McEvilla and Romano College. According to Dr. Joseph J. Romano, vice president of knew, there was no set limit to the Academic Affairs, an ROTC pro- number of students allowed in the gr am is not a new one; it has been program. The number allowed in informally discussed for years . the program would depend enThis is, however, the first time tirely on student interest. The program, according to a that the ROTC program has really been looked upon as to how it . memo from Dr. Romano's office, is a full four year program. would benefit the student. One of the reasons for the discusTo get full credit and a commission of the program is the financial sion upon graduation the student aid it provides to interested stu- must complete 19 credits in the d en ts. According to Arlene program. In the freshman year McEvilla, all aid is being cut three credits must be taken, in the somewhat next year and this sophomore year four are taken and would be a supplement to the fi- in the junior and senior year si){ nancial aid package offered at credits are taken. At the end of the Cabrini. junior year a six week summer camp must be attended . "The program," said McEvilla; ''would help aid students The military courses would be interested in a military career." It taught, and the program run encould provide the student with a tirely by ROTC personnel. This scholarship covering the cost of would be done at no cost to the tuition, room and board, fees, and college. The ROTC program pays books and a monthly stipend of instructors for ROTC courses. $100.00. However, if there are less than If the student decides to go four students enrolled in the prothrough with the four year pro- gram then the students would atgram it would give him or her a tend courses at Valley Forge Milicommission of second lieutenant tary Academy. after graduation. Cabrini has one freshman in an ROTC program in conjunction McEvilla also added that there may be a military can~ellation of with Valley Forge Military the government student loan for Academy. Anthony Newkirk students that go into the military presently takes a course on Tuesafter college. She said this was a day mornings at Valley Forge.
Opinion What do you·think ...
Editorial: ROTC program When examining our motives for so much as even considering the adoption of an· ROTC program at Cabrini, we must not only examine the political implications of such a move, but the religious ones as well. Many colleges have ROTC in their curriculums because it is the "American way," but the question we must ask is whether it is the Christian way. Should a Catholic institution support the training of young men and women to engage in affairs that go against what Cabrini allows its students to do as listed in the catalogue-to grow as a person intellectually, socially and spiritually? Learning reasons and means of killing other humans defies all three. Growing intellectually means opening the mind to new ideas, not engaging it into a mentality whereby the person would learn that the resolution of po_litical conflicts can be solved
at Cabrini?
through embattled confrontations. Secondly, growing socially entails opening up to new peoples and th~ir ways, not fighting over who is superior. This is not only dangerous to all, but also immature. Combat is !10t a growth, but a stifling. And last but not least, growing spiritually does not mean learning strategies of hurting people en masse-and that is the reality of war. By adopting an ROTC program, the government would subsidize the materials needed for this type of training, not the school. Therefore, Cabrini _would be profittinQ. Some may ask what is wrong with making money because the government is paying the price for this education. In the end when ROTC students concretize what they have learned, however, who will really be paying the price, the government or us?
Club reviews: beneficial for everyone Much attention has been given to the Living Arts Society and its activities, or should we say lack of activities. This issue was not raised merely to focus on one club and find all of its faults. It was suggested and the issues covered in hopes that the positive points of Living Arts Society and other clubs on campus could be brought out and developed further. It has been suggested that several club descriptions in the Cabrini Handbook are in3ccurate. Review of these descriptions by each club would be to their benefit.
Advisers should take an active role in their club or organization. As an adviser it does not mean directing every move the club makes but keeping informed of the happenings within the club and by being there to aid the students should the need arise. Many people on campus would like to see "unity" within the school.What a better way to reach this goal than by having clubs and organizations work on activities and events together . One single club does not have to sponsor an event. This has been shown in the past; an example being the organization of Evening at Cabrini.
of the SGA candidates? What Do You Think? Reporter Debbie Kidon and photographer Liz Kanaras asked students : What do you think of the people running f~r SGA and what they are standing for?
Carol Marone, sophomore: The only thing I see in the campaign is posters. I don't feel that they have taken the responsibility upon themselves to make known their intentions and goals once they are in office. The only option the voter has is to vote for someone based on personality and character rather than their ability to successfully rW1an office .
Patty Abbot, sophomore: I attended the speeches, which were good. It gave the students a chance to know the intentions of the candidates. They could have done more to let the students know what is going on . It is not a popularity contest. I think people will vote for those who they know will do a good job .
David Field, ·freshman: Dane Linn has had the most extravagant campaign posters . Also, I don 't feel that the candidates and the issues have been presented well enough .
Tracey Valentine, freshman : One meeting that presented speeches was not enough to introduce the st uden ts to the ca ndida tes and to what the y stand for . There for e, it is diffic ult to judge their competency .
Letter: Library is becoming social club Dear Editor: In the past two months since I have returned to Cabrini, I have found that I have had a problem finding a quiet place to study. After talking this over with several of my fellow classmates I have discovered that this is a common problem . We have all received the same answer every time we approach someone for an alternative: "Go to the library." This has . gotten to be the biggest joke on campus, where the library has become affectionately known as the "Social Club." The main drive behind this
movement is a total lack of consideration on the part of some students. These people seem to go to the library for the express purpose of discussing the latest gossip and/or the upcoming events. This would not be a problem except there are some of us who cannot study or write papers with all of the noise. If we could, we would have stayed back at the dorms, which are presently considerably more quiet. To make matters worse, students act offended if you ask them to quiet down. You are made to feel that you are the one who is imposing and inconsiderate. Just because of some silly no-
Loquitur Cabrini College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year botstudents of Cabrini College , Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087. Telephone : 215-687-2100ext. 412. Subscription price is included ,n benefits secured bottuition and student fee. Subscription botmail is $5 per year. Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.
Co-editors-in-chief: Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor: Joyce Patitucci Feature Editor: Jeanne Proko Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor Arts /Leisure Editor : Regina O'Leary Sports Editor: Debbie Jablonski Photography Editor: Tom DeMatteis Business Manager : Brian P. Jensen STAFF : Karen Angeli, Ann Belsky, Andrea Bertelini, Rita Calicat, Karen Cancio , Pam Clark, Pat Conway , Shei_la Fanelle, Tim Feeney, Virginia Gruerio, Elizabeth Kanaras, Debra Kidon, Francine Kuter back, Kathy McCartney, Pat McDer mott, Rita McKelvey, Sandra McNamara, John McQµeen, Joe Miller, Sandy Momyer, Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi, Danny Ross, Meg Slook, Carol Wahl. Advisor: Jerome Zurek
tion that the library is supposed to be quiet, how absurd!! Those same social butterflies fail to realize that some of us actually go there to work. They also do not remember that there are some classes that are required to spend time in the library for either language or to do research with books that are reserved for library use only . I am in one of these classes this semester so at one time or another I have to be there . This makes it an impossibility, at least for this semester, to avoid the "social club." The ones that are really affected by this growing problem are the librarians and their aides. They can only patrol so much without interfering with the work that they are supposed to be doing. They can only ask these obnoxiously 104.<! groups to quiet down just so often . Their efforts are appreciated by those of us who continually request assistance with these immature people who fail to realize that they are old enough to know better . The librarians and their aides have much better things to do with their time, than to play babysitter ! So, the next time your friend or the person next to you is being exceptionally loud remind them where they are and ask them to be a little bit more considerate of the other library patrons. Be sure they are reminded that they never know when they might need the !lame cooperation from someone else . JANET J . SMITH Junior
Beth Mayberry, junior : I'm a new student and I don't really know the candidates . The y should have done more to let the new students know who they are and what their intentions are once the y are in office .
Lynn Trasferini, sophomore: Many of the candidates went through or made an effort through posters , etc . I feel that many of the votes will be cast due to popularity and person ality . Not many people turned out for the candi dates' speeches, so I think people will cast their vote for the "name" and not the candidates should have made themselves known to the students.
Phil Furnari, freshman: Dane Linn would probably do a good job because he seems interested in the students and the school. I'm not really interested because I don't feel that SG A really does anything.
Joanie McGuckin, junior: I'm not voting because I don't feel that any of the candidates running for SGA are competent.
Campus center to host new Com. courses BY SANDY MOMYER
Radio broadcasting and television production for the non-broadcast professional are first-time course offerings in the English and communications Department at Cabrini College for the spring semester, 1982. Jerome R . Zurek, Jr., chairperson of the department, said that the new George D. Widener Campus Center provides the opportunity for such a development. He said that the department has always taught what to communicate, but now with additional facilities and equipment will also be able to teach how to communicate. A new Communications Center will be located in the Widener Center and will include a television studio, a radio broadcasting studio, darkrooms, a master control area as well as sufficient cla ssroom space. The areas are inter-related and pr ovide a sense of cohesion , inter-action and follow-through that was impossible under existing condi tions . Joseph J . Romano , vice president for academic affairs , expressed delight that the new building includes an academic component, that allows such course development. He said , " The new Communi c ations Center fits the needs of our students and the adjoining tiered lecture hall is a perfect complement to the Communications Center." Benjamin Selisker, who is a video communications specialist for the Springfield School District (Delaware County), will be teaching the television course. Zurek stresses the "nonbroadcast" distinction of this course. Not everyone can be onair talent but vast careers in television production exist. .Industrial and business in-house production provides the largest, but least known, opportunity, he said. Cable television is another expanding area . Selisker said the non-broad-
cast aspect is what excites him the most about his new assignment. He said, "Cabrini is one of, if not the only, institutions in the area offering this type of course." Some of the larger schools offer broadcast or theory, but Cabrini will combine the two skills. Selisker assisted Zurek in designing the studio . He called it fun, but also a practical, as well as intellectual, challenge. Selisker's goal is to present television as a total communications medium not just an entertainment medium. Regina O'Leary, '82, has
systems. " Frank Hogan, an engineer at radio station WFIL and teacher at Glassboro State College, will be teaching radio broadcasting . Hogan said, "I am excited about coming to Cabrini. I don't know what to expect." While television and photography have existed in some form at Cabrini, this course, facility and equipment are entirely new . Hogan, too, assisted Zurek in equipment selection and layout and will set up a radio station that will broadcast to buildings on campus.
this radio course is not just to play records. All aspects, including broadcast law, ratings and sales, promotion techniques, writing news and commercials, keeping logs plus production time, will be covered. Radio is alive and tnriving and has not been overwhelmed by television as previously predicted. Radio has assumed new roles in news and public information, entertainment and advertising to specific audience setments, Zurek said. Brian Jensen, '84, agrees that
THE GEORGE D. WIDENER CAMPUS CENTER will house the facilities for the new communications courses offered next semester . (photo by Tom De Matteis) enrolled in the television prodThis carrier-<:urrent station radio is a big part of campus uct ion course for spring is low power, and the Federal life and he is definitely semester. She is an English and Communications Commission interested in learning more communications major and expermits it to operate without a about the broadcasting end of pects to learn about all the license for the station and it. tie likes the idea of being in background work that is necoperators . This avoids comcontrol of the radio operation essary to create a production. pliance to FCC regulations . whereas, he thinks, television O'Leary said, "The backTo broadcast, a signal is caroffers fewer such options . ground aspects interest me, ried to campus buildings via Carter W. Craigie will teach especially preparing scripts." telephone lines to a transmitter the photography course. Maureen Carroll, '83, is also located at the A.C. power Craigie is known to almost taking this new course. She source of a building. The everyone on campus and serves said, "Television in its many telephone signal is transferred as chairperson of the social forms will be an important part to the electrical wiring that science department. Zurek said of the future. I should prepare acts as a transmission antella. he is pleased to have him join myself for all production Hogan says the purpose of
his department. Craigie's goal for the course taking ¡ pictures since I was seven years old and owned a Brownie camera." He has used photography for his dissertation. In addition, he and his wife, who is also a photographer, spent the summer on the eastern seaboard of Georgia photographing the old traditional homes for their research studies. Cr.aigie's goal for the course is to nave students take and make satisfactory pictures . The goal will be accomplished, he said, by taking many photographs, mainly black and white, and developing and printing the film in the new darkrooms. The Department of English at Cabrini recognized the importance of communications in the future when it became the Department of English and Communications in 1973.Today it is one of the four largest depart ments on campus . The new constructi on and course development are par t of a program to prepare t he college and its student body for the 1980's. The Comm unications Center will utili ze $161 ,500 received fr o m the Pew Memorial Fund for such purposes . The total program of publica tion , radio , television , photograph y, film , slides and tape that are now available will serve the entire Cabrini College campus. Speech, diction, journalism , accounting , management , advertising and the fine arts skills used in communications share an ainterrelationship with other academic departments . Zurek said that the communications courses offer history and criticism plus technology which gives them a liberal arts core with the added advantage of career options . The new courses, Zurek added, will also share Cabrini's community outreach endeavors.
Voter apathy can count in close election outcome
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The Business Club and
(Society for the Advancement of Management)
Held Bi-monthly
Tuesday at 1:00 PM in SH 7 check your mailbox for more info
The recent close election for the governorship of New Jerse:t has caused many Cabrini studenfs to consider the importance of voting . Cabrini voters , particularly those from New Jersey, have recently expressed their thoughts on the power of the individual voter . The Nov . 3 election between democrat James J . Florio and republican Thomas H. Kean was unusually close, leaving many students feeling their votes would have had much more value in the decision o(which candidate was to become governor . One such student , sophomore Tony Cassaza , expressed his frustration that he did not vote . "Now, I sure wish I voted," Cassaza said, "I feel that my vote would have counted since the election was really close ."
Indeed, the election was very close . As of Nov. 10 (a week after the election) , Kean was unofficially ahead of Florio in the gubernatiorial election by only 1,732 votes out of 2.3 million cast. That is less than a .1 per cent margin. Cassaza also feels that such a close election could have easily been shifted if it wasn't for voter apathy. "All that apathy can make up a lot of votes, " Cassaza said . National statistics show that voters' apathy is highest among young adults between 18 and 22 (the average age of a Cabrini student). Many other Cabrini students did not vote in the New Jersey election . Out of 27 eligible voters asked, only one said that he had voted. Continued on Page 4
Living Arts ·society-- where did it go? BY TAMRA DiMARINO
Membership and student interest in the Living Arts Society has seemed to decrease since its origin around 1975, according to some past officers of the club. "People ·are not getting involved in activities like they used to," stated Jim Amalfitano, vice president of the club last semester. Frank Morelli, president for two terms, believes that "the Living Arts Society as a club is not really going anywhere right now." He feels that "many female students don't want to participate and that it is a male-dominated club." Since his term in office there have been three or four female members in the club . Presently there are seven or eight members in the Living Arts Society, according to spokesmen Tony Ciro and Dave Pilla. "We had lots of members," said Ciro, but they "weren't willing to dedicate" their time to the club.
''The same nucleus of people was willing to do something." Pilla stated that members were approached and asked what they · had contributed . When some members did not have an answer, they were asked if they "would still like to stay in the club ." Some students realized they hadn't contributed and "backed out," Pilla said. Ciro stated that he ''would like to see more people involved" in the club. He would like to have people join the organization if they are willing to work." This would give more insight and ideas for the club. In the past the club has sponsored many activities relating to the arts. It was originally formed when two clubs Cast and Script, and Prism merged, according to Ron Katkocin, president in '78-'79. Several activities were sponsored by the Living Arts Society which eventually became Cabrini
traditions . The Spring Fling, or Celebration of Spring Weekend, "was imported from Lebanon College" by Greg Pasquerello, a junior year transfer student who graduated in 1977. Katkocin is the resident director of Counsel Hall and Pasquerello is the New Student Academic Moderator . Other activities which became tradition included Evening at Cabrini, dj-ing at dances and other events, announcing at basketball games, and showing films. The club also rented equipment out to other clubs and organizations. An award had also been given out to a Cabrini student, usually a senior, who had been active at the college, but who hadn't received recognition. During this semester the club has been active as dj's at several dances, announced at basketball games and rented out equipment. They also donated their equipment when artist-in-residence Ron .Hud-
Eating disorders prove dangerous Other characteristics include a Two eating disorders prevalent - 25 percent body weight loss within primarily among female college_· one year, an obsessive fear of fatness , abnormal eating habits and a students are anorexia nervosa, the distorted image of their bodies, alself-inflicked ·starvation synways seeing themselves as overdrome, and bullimia, a binging weight. syndrome. The anorexic might exercise Until recently these have been heavily and use a lot of laxatives. given little attention. According to Sicoli, the anorexic Surely it is not abnormal to go on is, in many instances, the model a strict diet or go on a binge every child. Usually, the person is a perso often. However, for the anorexfectionist. ic and bullimic, the severe dieting Sicoli believes that the world has and binging go beyond normalcy gone too far with the overweight into what are classified as eating syndrome . The media contributes disorders. to this distorted selfimage. AnyMary Louise C. Sicoli, assistant thing but slim is considered bad . professor in special education and Doing experiments in her psychology, discussed both, noting classes, Sicoli found that most of their differences and similarities. the girls believe themselves to be "Both are food disturbances," fat. she said. "Stress plays a big part The anorexic refused to admit both. A Freudian view of both disthat she tias a problem , denying orders suggests that the person is not interested in secuality. Also, the disorder to herself and to both usually occur in female . others. The bullimic, on the other hand, adolescents or young adults. is aware of her abnormal eating According to Sicoli, the causes of patterns. anorexia and bullimia are With binge eating, the person unknown. There are theories, but eats highly caloric foods, usually no definite conclusions. soft, sugary ones which could be Qµoting from the Diagnostic eaten quickly, according to Sicoli. Statistical Manual III, a psy"Following the binge, the chology journal, Sicoli gave a debullimic may induce vomiting , scription of both. make self-disparaging remarks Anorexia is a misnomer, for it and then go into a depression," she implies a lack of hunger. The apsaid. petite loss, however, comes in the Sicoli suggests that anyone who severe stages of the disease and has, or knows anyone who has ohe not before that time. BY MAUREEN CARROLL
Group emphasizes culture BY MEGSLOOK
The Black Student Union moderated by Dr. Rehrer, has existed at Cabrini for a number of years. At present the president is Rita Calicat, junior; Lori Smith, junior, is vice president; and Evette Borden, junior, is secretary-treasurer. Calicat expressed the responsibility of the union clearly, "We try. to instill a certain amount of black culture on the campus community and eliminate misconceptions." This is accomplished in a variety of ways. The BSU sponsors various campus functions. The most frequent was the Gospelrama held Oct. 24.
Gospelrama, which was held in the chapel, offered a variety of gospel music by various performers. Performances were given by the First Corinthians Baptist Church Women's Ensemble, Saint Columbus' Church Choir, Gary Giles of the Eastern Cristian College Choir and the BSU. Lori Smith felt that the Gospelrama was a great success . "Although we were small in number we were tremendously large in praising our Father," she said, "It was good because we were one family expressing the love of God ."
of these psychoophysiological disorders, as they are called, to go see a psychologist who specializes in this field. She notes that one of the best clinics is at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia . Rebecca Rumple, junior special education and elementary education major, works at the Carrier Foundation , a psychiatric clinic , in Belle Mead, N.J . near her home. Rumple has worked with both anorexics and bullimics . She gave some of her insights into how she feels it is -best to handle people with these disorders . "Patience is the number one thing to remember," she said . "They must have some therapy . Even though the signs are physical, the problem is psychological." Rumple also notes that an anorexic has a preoccupation with food. Therefore it is important to get them interested in ourside activities . · ~e also stated that in order to help these people, they must aw are of their problem. They must want to help themselves.
Members announced . The Presidential Search Committee, in a statement to the Loquitur, has announced the individuals who will serve on the committee. Members include: Sr . Mary of Lourdes, IHM, chairperson of the Presidential Search; Mrs . Fitz Eugene Dixon, Jr., chairperson of the Cabrini College Board of Trustees; Charles G. Roach, Sr . and Sr. Therese Merandi, MSC, trustees; Dr . Joseph Romano and John J . Heiberger, Jr., administrators; Dr . M. L. Corbin Sicoli and Adeline Bethany, faculty; Angela Zager, alumni representative; and Theresa Collins, SGA president. The committee was formed to choose condidates for the successor to Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, MSC, when her term ends in Spring, 1982.
son performed on campus. assured of the cooperation of the In the Cabrini Handbook it states Living Arts Society for the upcom that the Living Arts Society spon- ing event. sors and supports all forms of the Katkocin and Pasquerello feel arts, especially drama," and that that the tradition of these ac "in addition , it conducts and per- tivities should not be left to die out . forms Evening at Cabrini." Katkocin believes that the ma Originally Evening at Cabrini jority of the club's recent ac and several other activities were tivities has been as dj's at dances . sponsored by the Living Arts He feels that if the club would like Society, but recently there has to specialize in dj-ing that they been a decrease in the club's ac- should consider becoming a dj tivities and a question as to who club . should run some of these acSulamon Allyn, past presiden t tivities . and vice president of the club, also During Orientation Week this believes that the club "is on a semester, an Evening at Cabrini whole related to dj-in_g." was held, but it was organized by -·- Katkocin went on to suggest that the Orientation team leaders. the Living Arts Society might Brian P . Jensen , a former mem- sponsor activities such as Evening ber of the club , has shown a special at Cabrini and the Celebrating of interest in Evening at Cabrini. He Spring Weekend with other clubs has been involved in the activity in or individuals . Ciro seemed to the past and is presently organiz- agree with this when he said that ing another such event with Frank he "feels that a lot of what the LivMorelli and Dave Murphy which is ing Arts Society is doing should be to be held on Dec. 13. Jensen re- sponsored by several clubs cently spoke with Pilla and was together ."
Tutoring through CARE BY ROSEMARY LYNCH It is not uncommon in a small
school to have the benefit of personal attention. However the Center For Academic Reinforcement (CARE) is showing a new side to that benefit. It provides the facet of students helping students in a common goal. CARE provides a service for the entire campus. It provides tutors for students in their actual course content and it provides help in the basic skills ; reading , writing , and math . CARE also aids students in learning to learn efficiently . CARE is not a remedial program but is based on the goal of "helping students to move up one rung on the academic ladder ." This was the comment of Barbara Rubin, the director of the program . Mrs. Rubin is quick to note that the center is a four member team and each person depends on one another to get work done . Mrs . Rubin also commented on the incredible response. In two weeks time they had a complete list of tutors and the program was underway. - The program is self help and a great deal of students go to the center on their own accord. However, faculty recommendations are also given. This is done by the faculty referring tutors to the students and the process is begun.
Although the center is relati vely new the effect can easil y be seen by everyone involved . Freshman Valerie Autodo r e stated, " I thought in college I would have to do all the work on my own but when I wanted to improve my biology grade I was relieved to find that help was there. " Tutor Patty Martelli com mented, " As a senior I feel I can help younger students with the experience I've gained in test taking . Tutoring is also a two way street , I get a good feeling knowing I helped someone and I never fail to learn something myself when I tutor. " As a staff member freshman Nancy Scottolini feels CARE is a great way to meet new people and help out her fellow classmates before a real crisis begins. Advisor Arthur Young who helped set up the program hopes the center will meet the needs of the students and coordinate all ac tivities on campus . The center is located in the Rooyman Counseling Building and is open to all students who need help or want to give it in various course work . Mrs. Rubin summed it up best, "Realizing you need help is nothing to be ashamed of, even Einstein had a tutor . We are here for any student with the natural desire to improve."
Voter apathy can count Continued from Page 3 Freshman, Brian Rottkamp voted on an absentee ballot. "I'm glad I voted," Rottkamp said. "Your vote is always important, and this election clearly proves the individual voter does make a difference ." He added, "I hope this teaches people that their voices do matter in any election ." Sophomore Carol Marone has another opinion, "I neglected to
get an absentee ballot, but I don't care that much ." Sue Horton, another Cabrini sophomore also agrees that "it really doesn't matter much to me." "It doesn't directly affect me now, but it might later on," Horton said.
Horton also felt that this was the general feeling among most college students .
Feat'-lre路s 路
Senior Profile
Close: a Woman who has set her own goals BY SANDRA McNAMARA
Her easy going manner and down-to-earth attitude make her great to be with. And according to her own personal philosophy, "You only live once." All of these statements can pertain only to one senior here at Cabrini Collge, Linda Close. Talking with Linda is a true experience. She is a woman who has set her goals and priorities on everything from the activities she is involved in, to her major, Special Education. Linda remembers the first time she came to Cabrini. "I was really impressed with the open house and how friendly everyone was." That first impression caused Linda to decide to come to Cabrini. From freshman year Linda has involved herself quickly with many o( the activities at the college . In her freshman year Linda played on the soccer taam along with one other woman. According to Linda, "It was an interesting experience. The other team wouldn't concentrate on the game
because they saw a female coming down the field." Another activity Linda became active in was Kappa Sigma Omega, the college's honorary service organization. "I've always loved kids and I've always wanted to work with them; I have a sort of sixth sense with them." Linda gained admission to Kappa Sigma Omega in her freshman year. She became secretary in her sophomore year and is now president of Kappa . "Kappa taught me leadership and responsibility," comments Linda. Linda also credits the success of Kappa to Carter Craigie, professor of social science, and moderator of Kappa. "Kappa could not have a better moderator, he is always there to listen and he cares." When Linda graduates this May she hopes to be teaching special
Dance matches mates BY RITA McKELVEY
A computer dating dance was held at Cabrini College. This is according to Tony Casazza who is president of the computer club which sponsored the dance. The computer dating dance, which is new to Cabrini, was scheduled to take place on Nov. 20in the cafeteria from 9p.m. until 1 a.m. Students from Villanova, Rosemont, and Harcum participated in the dance along with Cabrini. When asked how the computer dance worked, Casazza said that a person buys an application for 75 cents. All information written on the application is confidential. The application is then put into a
computer. One program on the computer is strictly for information. Another program matches up the applicants. When the applicants arrived at the dance they were assigned a number. They are handed a print out sheet which contained their name, number, and set of numbers they are matched up with. The applicants wore name tags to help them find their partners. Casazza thought that the dance is a "neat idea." He feels that participation will be good. "We had 100 Villanova men signed up and about 25 girls from Woodcrest," Casazza said. Everyone in the computer club was active in the dance.
education at the primary level. She also hopes to attain her master's degree in the near future. Linda feels that special education is an expanding field needing good teachers. "I've always loved kids and I've always wanted to work with them, I have a sort of sixth sense with them." Linda's involvement with the Special Olympics finally helped her decide to major in special education. "The Special Olympics were a very fulfilling experience as well as rewarding." Besides the classes and activities, which Linda is involved in, is the socializing and memories connected with Cabrini. Among fond memories here at Cabrini are the Woodcrest water and shaving cream fights and mischief night, which according to Linda resulted in two weeks worth of greasy hair. Linda hopes that throughout her - life she can keep a good attitude and outlook on life . "You really LINDA CLOSE, senior, often relaxes in the outdoors. (photo by have to live each day to its David Milburn) fullest."
New ministry programs to start BY GINNY GRUERIO
With the season of Advent upon us, which marks the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, the Campus Ministry has prepared a special Advent program. The theme will be, "Waiting in Hope," as the Advent liturgy emphasizes repentance and hope. According to Sister Bernadette Casciano, MSC Campus Ministry, the preparation for Christmas will begin on Monday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m . in the Chapel, and continue for the other three Mondays of Advent. The one exception will be on Dec. 14, when the Campus Christmas Evening will take place. The traditional event will commence with dinner at 5 p.m. in the cafeteria. At about 6:30 p.m. the group will adjourn to the Mansion courtyard where the Blessing of the Fire ceremony will begin. The yule logs will be set afire while Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of Social Science reads "The Folklore of the Yule Log." Then.
Sponsoredby CampusMinistry
"All sides on this question are shown," says Poley . "It is a good film for the doubting because it shows facts , not opinion." Poley commented on the Christian concerts that are accessible to Cabrini students, such as the one scheduled at the University of Pennsylvania on Nov. 18 with the Christian Stephens group and the Phil Keaggy band. Christian Stephens will be appearing in the future at Cabrini College. The Campus Ministry involvement in the 8th grade retreats at Malvern, has been another successful program. Junior Dane Linn assisted a group of children recently from the Holy Name School in Philadelphia.
This fact is recounted in the film, which depicts two roommates in college who are diametrically at odds about the reality of God, and the struggle between the two on this point is the focus of the movie.
Linn explains, "Because this .is th~ Year of Disabled Persons, a film called, "Leo Beuerman," is shown. Beuerman is a handicapped man who sells pencils on the street.
Weber hopes to bring pep to Cabrini BY PAM CLARK
Monday Evenings 8:00P.M. Chapel
candles will be lit from the fire and the procession will enter the Mansion for the Christmas liturgy. Father Christopher Davis will deliver the homily. Another evening sponsored by the Campus Ministry Association will take place on Sunday, Dec. 13. Junior Donna Poley, treasurer, will present a movie titled, "What's Up Josh?" in the Mansion at 8 p.m. The film is based on the book, "Evidence That Demands a Verdict," by Josh McDowell, who also plays himself in the movie. McDowell, once an atheist, set out to prove that his atheism was factual, but evidence he gathered in his quest proved otherwise.
The crowds at Cabrini's athletic events have been disappointing thus far this semester. Apathy and a lack of school spirit are the major reasons why. But one student is trying to do something about the lack of fan support. Jim Weber, a freshman, believes a pep club could be the answer to the attendance problem . Weber brought the pep club idea to Cabrini from Lancaster Catholic High School, which he attended. According to Weber, the purpose of a pep club is to bring bigger crowds to athletic events and promote school spirit. He explained that the club's for- 路 mation would include a president, a vice president, and a treasurer. Activities would include poster parties, (club members would get together and make posters to advertise upcoming games), bus trips to away games for students and cheerleaders, and a cheering section set up to somehow work
with the cheerleaders. In addition, the club members would work on fund-raising projects. Men's Athletic Director John Dzik favors the pep club idea, as does Women's Athletic Director Helen Goodwin. "Anything that would improve attendance would be wonderful," Goodwin said. She also stressed that a pep club should be equally supportive of the men's and-women's teams .
"It would help get more people interested in Cabrini athletics and would make more people aware of our sports team." Feedback from students has been diversified. Some students favor formation of a cfub, while others oppose it. For example, sophomore Robert Checchia states, "Cabrini doesn't have the spirit to support a pep
club. The teams are very good and deserve support. But a pep club here would be a waste of time ahd energy."
Echoing Checchia's statement was junior Joan McGuckin, who believes a pep club "wouldn't work. The people here are too cliquish. The same group of people go to watch each sport." But freshman Jean "Gigi" Burke thinks a pep club would be beneficial. "It would help get more 路 people interested in Cabrioi athletics and make people more aware of our sports teams," she said. Larry Comroe, also a freshman, agreed with Burke. Comroe stated that there should be a club because the teams get minimal support and deserve more .
Four damsels in distress
Private phone: a luxury
Stranded on the Schuylkill BY SANDRA McNAMARA
Did you ever have one of those days? You're up to 4 a.m. studying. Your roommate growls at you when you say good morning. You stub your toes three times trying to move in a 2 by 2 dorm room. Finally at the end of the day you decide to go out that night. So you relax for awhile, get showered and dressed and· then are ready to leave. As you're zooming down the expressway to Philadelphia you suddenly hear, "thump-thud, thump-thud." A flat tire on the expressway. Various new words enter your vocabulary as you pull over to the side of the road. Out from the car, four girls all examine the tire and ask, "Do you know how to fix a flat tire, I don't.'' Four pair of arms crazily wave, trying to stop a passing car. But no one stops. We considered trying the old movie gag of the girl lifting her skirt and showing her leg to stop a car. But we all had pants on so that was out of the question. Next considered was stepping
out into the middle of the expressway, but that was just a little risky. Suddenly two cars stop. A cab and a white mustang. A feeling of relief comes over us, as we scream for joy , We were saved. The man in the cab left, feeling the gentleman in the Mustang could do a better job. Besides I think he might have thought that we were a bad fare. I mean we were on the middle of the express-
He approached us and asked the typical question, "What seems to be the trouble ladies?" way and how many cab drivers get fares there. Out from the Mustang comes a very dark-haired man, he looked like he was coming from a long day of work. He approached us and asked the typical question, "What seems to be the trouble ladies?" I could have come back with a
smart remark over that silly question, but I refrained. This man was here to help us. Changing a flat tire that has been driven on for 10 minutes can be a difficult task. And this was no exception. The struggle to get the flat tire off the car lasted almost 15 minutes . But finally success was met. The tire gracefully came off the car and we quickly put it to rest in the trunk, using a few choice words. Next came the task of replacing the tire, in the dark . But with a little persistence and a whole lot of luck, our man in the Mustang replaced our tire . As the car jack was lowered an abundance of thank yous left our mouths. At least we were going to make it to Philadelphia. Our man in the Mustang drove away just like in the movies when the hero rides off into the sunset. We made it down lo Philadelphia without a hitch the rest of the way . I kept thinking that I could not wait to -go to sleep lo forget about the whole day. One last thought entered my mind also, we still did not know how to change a flat tire.
Why do students have private phones in their rooms on campus? Freshmen Larry Comroe and Nancy O'Donnell seem to have summed up everyone's feelings. Comroe, a resident of Counsel Hall feels, "I have a phone for the convenience of myself and the people who want to call me . The only pay phone on the second floor is at the other end of the hall." O'Donnell, a resident of Woodcrest said, "I live too far away to out that much change into the pay phone just to call home. It costs too much money for three minutes. We have a special rate from the phone company, so it is less expensive to make long distance calls home ." While there are advantages to having a private phone . there are also disadvantages. The major disadvantage is the first phone bill, which is usuall y the worst. As freshman Kara Koljian said, "It is easier having my own phone , but the first phone bill was terrible. All of the installation charges
added up to a fairly large amount. After the first bill, all of the others should be lower because we pay a flat rate for most of our calls. We can call an extended number of locations and we only pay one monthly fee. It will definately be cheaper for us in the end this way." Another drawback of private phones was expressed by a number of people. They said that the problem was that other people wanted to use their phones because "all the pay phones were being used ." Most of the calls are local but occasionally they are long distance . This causes problems when it comes time to pay the monthly bills . Collecting money can be hard if the per.son does not know who made the call. One solution was given by a Woodcrest resident. "I keep a list with names , numbers called and the times the phone was used. This way it is easier for me to collect the money . I really don 't mind people using my phone as long as they pay me back ," she said.
Is a second language a necessity fo~ everyone? BY JEANNE PROKO
Yes, we have all heard over and over again how important it is to know a second language. But, most Americans are found lacking in this area. Helene C. Hennigan, assistant
professor of French, states that Americans are seriously lacking the knowledge of a second language. We are behind the other countries of the world who ·already know a second, third or even fourth language. This is accepted as their way of life. So, where does
that leave America? Hennigan said that although Americans recognized the beneficial use of fluency in another language, "we just don't have the people to fill the jobs that require fluency . If we don't solve this problem, we'll lose commercially
and economically ." There is a way to solve this deficiency of skilled people in a foreign language , insists Hennigan . So many people have a fear oflearning another language . Hennigan said that it seems as if people feel embarrassed just because
If you like to read you're going to love the English/CommunicationsClub's BOOK SWAP Time: 1-4 p.m. Date: Dec. 3rd. Place: Mansion Smoker.
We wiII accept: Get rid of all those fiction and non-ficti~n books that are hiding in your closet! We will give you credit for every book you bring in to SWAP for more books. Deliver yourbooksto room22 in the Mansion on or before Dec. 2. Collect books from your neighborhood and bringthemto us.You'll get the credit!Remember,the morebooks we have the betterselectionyou'll have. Sorry,no cash refundsgiven.
they may not know how to pronounce a word . She continued, "If we encourage students at an early age to learn a language and then make it a re quirement to have it at this early age, we can lower their chances of ever becoming hesitant in learning .•· Crystal Rudinsk1, a senior majoring in French, feels that without the knowledge of a foreign language she would feel frustrated at no being able to communicate . Rudinski was one of the students who studied in France this past "It's important for students to know that the reason for the cultural differences is that it's part of people's background." summer. "In France," she said, "I looked like an American tourist and I was treated as one. But when I began to speak to them in their own language, their whole impression of me changed." The studying of foreign cultures is also of vital importance to people . "Just because an action, idea or habit is different, it doesn't mean it's wrong," Hennigan said . Cultures are different, but their so called "differences" are normal to them. It's important for students to know that the reason for the cultural differences is that it's part of people's background. Many of us realize that fluency is beneficial for business administration, but few realize how necessary it is for the arts and social work. "In Philadelphia," Hennigan stated, "Spanish is such a necessity for hospitals, orphanages, and probation institutions." Hennigan believes that the understanding of cultural differences as well as a knowledge of another language "will lead to better relationships for all people ."
Arts/Leisure Sciole: master of the Fine Arts
For those of you who don't know that it exists, Cabrini does have a Fine Arts and Arts Administration Program, and one of the three part-time people that runs this program is Arlene Sciole . Sciole, a resident of Primos, Delaware County , received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Rosemont College, and is currently working on comprehensives to receive a Mast er of Arts degree at Villanova from the theater department. She was a print production coordinator, which put her in charge of adverti sing brochures for children 's films . Her main emphasis is on film and design. " I have a very strong interest in film ," Sciole said. " I feel the structure of film should be studied and the different visual ap proaches from which to analyze it. It can change your whole way of looking at a film. " Sciole said that she would like to offer a course in
film here, but there are a lot of things involved, such as the need for equipment and the rental of films . Some of the courses that Sciole does teach are ceramics , graphics design , painting, and artistic 1 " I feel the structure of film should be studied and the different visual approaches from which to analyze it."
anatomy . "I always had a pencil in my hand, and would just get carried away," Sciole said. Sciole has a great interest in Biology. and has done scientific illust rations. She is a member of the Guild of National Science Illustrators (GNSI) in Washington. During her school years , she illustrated for doctoral thesis. Sciole has been teaching at
Choral Ensemble to present concert
Immaculata College for the past five years, Cabrini for the past five years, and Villanova for the past year. When asked if she liked Cabrini , she said, "yes, very much, nothing can compare with the horniness of Cabrini." She feels that she can relate to the student more in a small college atmosphere like Cabrini. She hopes that the art department will grow and students from other majors will become interested , especially science majors, who "may need to draw upon their own sources for future papers, or monographs, or even for a better illustrated lab book," Sciole said . Sciole has an odd but interesting hobby . She is a marble collector. She has over five thousand mar bles made of either porclain , clay, china, or agate. She is also a philantelist.
ARLENE SCIOLE, lecturer in fine ar ts , is currently working on her
Master of Arts degree , at Villanova . (photo by Liz Kanaras)
Side Effects: a com-ical suprise Side Effects Woody Allen $2.75 pp.216
Ballantine Books, N. Y.
trip this summer . Forty-Five members and fifteen guests will In the mood for something BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI different? Come to the Christmas visit the exotic countries of Greece Never having read any type of Concert , featuring the Cabrini and Romania , and will have a Woody Allen literature and having chance to see the Castle of Count a deep dislike for his movies , I College Choral Ensemble . According to Adeline Bethany , Dracula in Transylvania . found his book " Side Effects" a During their two week stay, they pleasant surprise . director of the ensemble, the concert will include a wide variety of will perform a minimum of six Within the first several pages of music . "There will be the expected concerts . They will be lodging at the book, which is a collection of 16 traditional music , and also the hotels and certain European short stories, Allen has altered my unexpected, like songs from families also will accomodate thinking towards his literary them. Broadway musicals including 路 works. (It will take some time "The Sound of Music." There will also be songs sung in foreign languages , and soloists trained by Alan Cohn. The concert is not just limited to singing, there are also clarinet, Christmas Season Jobs! 30 stuBennigan's Restaurant needs flute !lfld guitar pieces included . dents wanted on a temporary basis waiters, waitresses, and The concert will be held on Sun- to set up Santa photo center at Grahostesses. Part-time, full-time and day Dec. 13 at 3 p.m . in the Man- nite Run. ( 1) 3 Santa helpers for 5 evening work are available. Losion . Admission is free and and 6 hour shifts. Flexible. (2) 4 cated at King of Prussia Plaza . refreshments will be served. Santa Clauses . Older boys and The Choral Ensemble has made men . Pays : 3.50 an hr . Dependable great strides this year and accord- people frquired for this responsiDriver needed . Independent ing to the president Maria Gentile, .ble position. (3) Photographer transportation required . Flexible, '81, the sounds are "just terrific ." needed. Contact Mrs. Brodie for 3 hour afternoons. Contact Nick "We have an overpowering alto all jobs at 296-0783 Imperato at Chesier City Lines section this year and great support Typographers at 136 West Lane from members of the community Ave. Paoli 19301. Phone: 296-3434 who have joined us." Gentile Staff Builders . Entry-level jobs, hopes more people will come out to sing . "It's a great opportunity to part-time jobs and many more in meet new people and enjoy singing the field of typing, ch:rical work, Hostess needed Saturday and homemakers, and office workers. at the same time ." Sunday, 11:30-3 :30. Contact Gary DiSipio at The Choral Ensemble is also CoJ}tact Darlene Sharpe of Stouffers in Ardmore. 667-8910 looking forward to its European Phone : 649-1560 BY FRANCINE KUTERBACH
Job Squad Seryice
before his movies can do the with everyday situations , same.) however , Allen has a way of makThe 'Minnepolis Tribune ' gave ing a normal situation abnormal. 路 It takes a while to understand the Allen the title of " undisputed master of the one-liner ." I have to way in which Allen wr it es ; however , the reader can still enjoy agree totally with this statement. By using his comic device , Allen his comic talent. " Side Effects ," is comically constantly keeps the reader laugh well written . The reader should ing_,__ However , there is a lull in the not try to analyze ever y story for a flow of Allen's humor. Although I deeper meaning . I found Allen to found myself either laughing or be a surface and situation comic. snickering while reading the book, This book is very enjoyable and several of the short stories lost my can be read with some ease . interest and they indeed became a Whenever you find yourself with free time, I would highly recomchore for me to read . mend this Woody Allen book. Several of the story plots dealt
Student social hour Dec.a BY RITA McKELVEY
A secondary education social hour is coming to Cabrini College. This announcement was made by Carol Hecht Serotta, coordinator of secondary education. The social hour, which will take place on Dec. 8 at 1 p.m . in the Mansion, is open to all students. Refreshments will be served . Serotta said the social hour was started to inform students of educational options. Serotta said that it was decided last year to have the social hour.
Many people are interested in secondary education, but they find out too late or don't know that there is a second degree offered . Serotta said that the social hour will explain to students that they can receive two degrees. While earning a chemistry degree, the student could also receive a certificate in teaching. It will also inform students who to see when declaring an additional major . Having a teaching degree with another degree gives students several options for employment.
Get ready! Only 25 shopping days 'ti/ X-masl BY ELIZABETH KANARAS
Hurry up! There are only twenty. five shopping days left to do your Christmas shopping . As the season approaches us again , we find ourselves asking these familiar questions : "What do I buy for my family and friends? " "Where do I buy them?" and of course , "Who 's got the best buys? " These are t he three major problems I have found when asking people about their Christmas shopping habits . You want to find a place(s) that
has everything you need with good quality and affordable prices. I did some hunting around and found a few places with these prerequisites and with your interests in mind . For everything you could possibly want to buy, go to the Court of King of Prussia , They have everything for everybody. There was one store there that really caught my attention. The store was Wicks 'n' Sticks . If you can not find a gift here-forget it. I was amazed at the quality and lifelike characteristics of the can-
dies this store carried. They had candles for your urban cowperson, the unicorn, rainbow and dragon fans, Disney characters and every animal imaginable . They had candles resembling food that looked so real you did not know whether to eat them or light them . There was one place I found tc. solve everyone's shopping needs. It 's called the Crafts of Freedom and it is located at 113 W. Wayne Ave. in Wayne. It is in the Central Baptist q1urch 路 of Wayne. The church receives hand-
crafted items from all over the world from self-help groups. One group from the area is the mushroom workers of Kennett Square. Another group is _ UNICEF. The program runs from October to the second week in January. All items will be路 reduced even more when they go on sale in January . I found them to have the best Christmas gifts at the best prices in town . Don't bypass this oppor tunity to get well crafted items as a benefit for you and to the people who have crafted them .
There are two discount stores that are great for any season. They are Basco, Inc ., and Best Produ ct s Inc. These two stores carry all brand names for very reasonable prices . And as the Christmas season approaches, both stores are loaded with sales and their already reduced prices are reduced even more. The nearest Best Products is located at 260 W. Swedesford Rd in Berwyn. The Basco's Inc. is located at the King of Prussia Plaza next to Levitz Furniture.
Yolanda displays are in Man ¡sion exhibit n.ext week BY SHEILA FANELLE
Sister Yolanda Flores, a senior Fine Arts and Religion major , will exhibit her art works in the Mansion dining room on Dec . 13 between 1 :30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Her displays will consist of her best oil and water- color paintings, drawing done in pencil, charcoal and chalk pastels, photographs sculpture and ceramic pieces . Adeline Bethany, assistant professor in Fine Arts and music said that Flores will be graduating in December and this will be her last required course .
This will be the first time an arts exhibit will be held in the Mansion and hopefully, all will turn out to see it. The exhibit will be followed by a Christmas concert in the foyer at 3 p.m . and a Fine Arts party in the cafeteria at 7 p.m . Flores has always had a talent for drawing. " I feel I had the capacity but never had the oppor tunity to develop it. Sometimes people need a push . It will be good for the college to see the art. With drawing, I learned about different colors . Learning to draw helped me with photography . Taking a
oicture is an art." said Flores. Carmella Fanelle, who observed Flores in a sculpture class at Chestnut Hill College said that "Sr . Yolanda is a very talented woman." After this semester, Flores will be returning to her home in Nicaragua , Central America. Her tentative plan is to teach in a high school, possibly art." "My gratitude to all those who have encouraged me through these years of studies, especially to my sisters in the Community," she said .
'True Confessions' ,.
Morals, money and murder BY KAREN ANGELI
Int riobe ad altare Dei. Ad Deum qui laetificat ju ventutum meam. The se word s are the openin g pr ayer of the Latin solemn high Mass as it was done in 1948, the year when most of the action of the movie , " True Confessions ," took place . The movie, starring Robert DeNiro and Robert Duvall, was originally a book written by John Gregory Dunne . The screenplay was written by both the author and Joan Didion. Directed by Ulu Groasbard, the movie moves from the early 60's to 1948, through the use of a flashback. "True Confessions" starts out by introducing us to Desmond and Thomas Spellacy, played by DeNiro and Duvall, respectively. Desmond the priest, tells his brother that he is dying . Cut to flashback. The story actually begins when Sergeant Tom Spellacy is called in to investigate the death of a priest. It is a delicate situation indeed ¡ when it is revealed that the priest had been in a prostitute's room ... and that he died of a heart attack.
You may dr aw your own conclusions . T om 's brothe r , Des mond , a cha ncery office monsignor , he lps to shield the sca ndal from the news papers . It's a bad ima ge for the Church. At this point we see Des mond acting not only as a prie st, performing the dail y rituals , but also as a wheeler-<iealer aiding the Cardinal who believes that "building up the Church" means building Catholic schools, not administering to the people who make up the Church . The plot thickens as we cut to an eye-closing , breath-shortening scene of a young woman's body, neatly cut in half. The clues start paying off and it is slowly revealed throughout the story that a case is building up against Jack Amsterdam, played . by Charles Durning, owner of the construction company which is building the Catholic schools for the Church. All throughout the story, confessions are being heard, mostly by Desmond, and these are crucial in unfolding the plot. An old prostitute, and an equally old friend of Tom Spellacy's has
through paintin gs , drawings , photo gr aphs and sculpture. David Milburn)
talents (photo by
Philadelphia Brass coming to Wayne
bee n tipping him off about the clues. A tr ip to the mor gue and we tr um pet; Seymour Rosenfeld , BY ANN BELSKY get to see her, quite dead , lying on The Philadelphia Brass Soloists tr umpet; Glenn Dodson . trom a stretcher. A tender, sen ti men- a re visitin g the Churc h of the bone ; and Pa ul Krzywicki, tuba . moment , and Tom is re newed and Savior in Wayne on Friday, Dec. 11 When modern works are played , now is dete rm ined to find the per - at 8 p.m. and bringing their swing- this quintet is often joined by other petr ator of thes e murders . ing and ringin g talents with them . P hiladelph ia Orchestra members . As an a dd ed attractio n , t he This is the third seaso n for the In the end, no one comes right out and sa ys who the murderer is , Melmark Handbell Choir will al so Concert Series of Wayne and the present a medley of Christmas Brass Soloists' second booking with and I won't , either . songs durin g the evening's per- the Series. The flashback ends and the formance . Other concer ts in this ser ies inscene cuts back to the now aged The members of the Melmark clude Hale and Wil de r , Ken brothers who are still close friends Handbell Choir attend the Medena , and " H.M.S. P ina Fore ." despite past happenings . Melmark school which caters to The concert s are held in the au The movie is a powerful one , in- the special needs of handicapped di tiri um of the Church of the have Savior . They are non-profit , nonvolving the law, the church, sex , children . The children death and the compelling person- learned to play handbells and are church affiliated functions . alities of two men, brothers, who back upon enthusiastic request by The purpose of this series of con suddenly find themselves on the last year's audience and the Phila- certs is to bring " good profes opposite sides of the moral fence . delphia Brass to once again delight sionals into the community," ac and fascinate the onlookers. Under Duvall was perfect as the world- the direction of Mason Jones, the cording to Lorna L. Kauffman , weary cop who was human enough Soloists will entrance their au- chairman of the Concert Series. Kauffman praised the Brass to care, and let everyone get a dience with a varied repetoire. Soloists on the reputation of last taste of his tangy wit. Selections of church inspired year's performance . "They are DeNiro belongs in a class of ac- canzonas to contemporary com- terrific! They go from soft sounds positions, from ceremonial tower tors who use the "method" apto very loud vibratic sounds . It music to songs from their best-sellproach to acting. ing Christmas album will be play- _almost sounds like five voices sing" True Confessions" as a whole ed . ing ... Each one is a master ." was slow at times and somewhat Tickets are $7 a performance or The Philadelphia Brass Soloists lacking in action but was still well have five members : Mason Jones, $30 for a season ticket of five conmade and well worth seeing. certs . French horn; Frank Kaderbek,
SOPHOMORE TOM DeMATTEIS boogies to the beat of the limbo at Juni or/Senior
weekend held on Nov . 13. (photo by Liz Kanaras)
SISTER YOLANDA FLORES, MSC, will displa y her artistic
FRANNY CONGILEO, Sue McGi nle y, Ann Bree n and Liz Kana ra s enj oy an eve ning of dining , drinkin g and dancin g at Junior /sen ior weekend held on Nov . 13 (photo by Maureen Carroll)