Dec. 18, 1981 issue 06 Loquitur

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Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087


Collins, Carusi reflect on te -rm

and vice-president Theresa Collins and Franny Carusi feel that, for the most part, their administration was successful. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis) SGA PRESIDENT

BY DANNY ROSS The goals of Carusi and Collins Former SGA president and vice were basically broken down into president, Theresa Collins and four goals. Franny Carusi, have now been "The first goal," Carusi said, replaced by newly elected officers . "was to improve upon social acTheir term in office was high- tivities by initiating activities lighted by great accomplishment where all students, faculty , etc ... in some areas and less accomplish- could come together and have a ment in others. good time ." Both Collins and Now that their term is over , a Carusi felt this goal was acreview of the past year is in order . complished with the help and supBoth Collins and Carusi were port of the students in the college . asked to give their opinions of their "The second goal ," said. Collins, effectiveness while in office. "was to maintain a good rapport Both Collins and Carusi agreed with all facets of the college ; stuthat their basic platform when dents, faculty and administrators . elected was one of teamwork, "not She added, "I feel Franny and I only between Franny and I," said have worked very well with the Theresa, "but also between our - key people." She also felt that on selves and the executive board ." the whole they had made it easier To accomplish their goals they for students to communicate their realized they would have to work ideas through them to administraclosely with the executive board. tors.

Their third goal was to improve the relations between the director of resident life and SGA. Both felt that they had looked over all situations objectively before making any suggestions to the director . They also tried to work closely with him to give the students bargaining ground . Their final goal was to improve the relations between commuters, residents and SGA. They tried to make themselves better known to commuters and made sure all events and happenings at Cabrini were well advertised so all commuters had the opportunity to attend them . "This goal was acCoritinued on Page 5

...As .Linn, Fontana prepare to take off ice ings be changed from Monday evenings at 6 :30 p.m . to 1 p.m. on As the Collins -Carusi admin - Thursdays . If this time is inconistration reflect on their ac- venient, Linn said the meetings complishments and failures, Dane will be held earlier . "It's still up in Linn and the newly elected SGA the air ," Linn sa id . . are preparing themselves for their Another proposal of the new SGA one-semester term . Foirremosl on is that a page of Loquitur be their minds is getting the campus bought each issue with ads updat involved in the 25th anniversary ing the campus on SGA news. This celelbrationof Cabrini College. would also include reports from According to Linn, many com- each anniversary celebration committees will be necessary in order mittee as to what prograss has to cover all aspects of the celebra - been made. tion , including publicity, decoraLinn and vice-president Biil tions and vending . Fontana would both like to disCommuters are also on the solve the myth that SGA is )Ust minds of the new administration . another campus clique . "It's the " If our theme was unity and com - same old people doing everyth ing m uni cation, " Linn said, " then and coming up with ideas, " Linn we' ve got to make it easier for said . He blames this on fear on the commuters to get involved. " ¡ part of students that any new ideas Therefore, it has been proposed will be attacked or shot down. that the timeslot for the SGA meetLinn feels that it is a necessity of BY JOYCE PATITUCCI

SG A to voice opinions on other

happenings outside the SGA that affect students , such as the proposed ROTC program . He suggested the SGA print a newsletter each month that indicate their stand on certain issues . "It 's silly that no one asks SGA their opinions on anything, " Linn said. Another of Linn's goals is to en courage students to attend SGA meetings . "We don't want people to be intimidated by SGA," he said . He would like to see SGA meetings as well-attended as some student body meetings . As to whether he will pursue another team in office , Linn said SGA officers are Dane Linn, president; Blll Fonhe was going to apply for an R.-A. NEWLY ELECTE]) position and did not think the two - tana, vice president; Mary Collins, assistant activities chairperson; offices can be handled easily . "I Ellen Lavelle, social activities cha irperson; Cathy Masino, treasurer ; really admire Franny and Theresa Carol Wahl, corresponding secretary; Lynn Trasferini, assistant activities chairperson; and Cindy Hocker, treasurer. (Photo by Tom for doing both," Linn said . DeMatteis)

Mixed feelings expressed over ROTC BY BRIAN


There is presently much controversy over discussions on the possibility of initiating an ROTC program at Cabrini College. Many people on campus have mixed views as to whether or not Cabrini should have a military program. Ota of 48 people surveyed from Cabrini 25 were entirely against such a program while 16 thought it was a good idea. The remaining seven were undecided. The object of the survey conducted by the Loquitur was to get a reaction to the question of whether Cabrini College should seriously consider an ROTC program. Those surveyed were shown the

Nov. 30issue ofLoquitur which ran an article explaining the military program and an editorial condemning the possibility of ROTC at Cabrini. It was also pointed out that several religion majors along with other students posted and signed a public statement condemning ROTC as a contradiction of everything Mother Cabrini stood for. Senior religion major , Maria Gentile explained her position against ROTC: "I do not think it should ever happen. ROTC is not in keeping with the ideals and goals of Mother Cabrini ," Gentile said . Gentile also stated that she is "emphatically against military

spend ing when it outweighs the allocated funds for the poor." "It goes against everything a Christian institution like Cabrini stands for," Gentile said . However, Fr . Chris Davis, Chaplain , has a different point of view. "I do not disagree with having an ROTC program on campus . I at tempted to be an ROTC student myself," Davis said. Davis went on to explain the need for national security th;lt, in his opinion, justifies ROTC training. " National security is a constant just like police work. It is Christian to defend our country,'' Davis

said. Davis also pointed out however, that opposition to a ROTC progr am is understandable and justified . "The argument against the milltary training is noble and conveys a genuine Christian attitude," Davis said. Davis also made it clear that he thinks there is a great difference bet ween going to the defense of our country and loving war. A similar view of the situation was conveyed by freshman, John Doyle. "If we don't have a military force then we won't have a place to practice any religion," Doyle said.

Senior, Frank Morelli is in strong favor of an ROTC program. "I would like to see an ROTCprogram here . It is a good opportun ity for those students who could not otherwise afford an education. It will increase growth of the college and enrich student life," Morelli ¡ said. Morellialso disagrees that Cabrini, as a Christian institution, would have to oppose a military training program. "Those who argue against ROTC are obviously aga inst any kind of military in general. It is idealistic to oppose the necessity of the military . Reality dictates Continued on Page 5 _


Editorial: Defensive attitudes Over this past semester, editors and staff of the Loquitur have noticed that stories openly criticizing some aspect of our college have catalyzed volcanic • reactions by those under fire. This, or course, is only natural, for when one is told he (or she) is in the wrong, putting up defenses is a normal reaction . However, implying that the credibility of the paper is anything less than consistent is appalling , to say the least. It is helpful to return to the old-eliche-the truth hurts.~ It is not easy for any one of us to write a story which could hurt a person , a department or the college itself, for we all are a part of this whole . However, when students are at a disadvantage because of a lack on the part of



What do you Jhink

Cabrini , then it is our job as an objective body to present the facts not as we see them , but as they are. Anyone who does not agree with a story, opinion or editorial in the Loquitur should first examine their reasons for their anger . Is is that we have not printed a story with a circumspect view, or is it that what is being said may open the eyes of a, perhaps , dormant point of view? If what is being said in this publication is worthy of being challenged, then challenge it! Remember, the only way to be heard is to say something directly to the source----not behind the back . To use another cliche-sticks and stones . . .


of proposed ROTC? Reporter and photographer Elizabeth Kanasas asked the question "What do you think of the proposed ROTC program at Cabr ini?"

Brian P . Jensen, sophomore: I like the idea. It's another supplement · to help students with Reagan's cutbacks . It 's more Christian to help individuals in need .

ROTC: Is the pen mightier than the sword? Tanya Bolcar, sophomore: I am personally against Cabrin i ha ving th program. I do not think it belongs on a Catholi college campus .

Lisa Hundermark , sophomore: I do not see it as " war mongering" to the college. If someone wants to be in the ROTC program, they should have the right to be .

.. Maria Gentile, senior: I am opposed to havin g an ROTC program a Cabri ni. It would not be in keep ing with the goals and ideals of our foundress - Mother Cabri ni.

Mike Hawley , sophomore :

Writer's satire makes for error



The biases and misperceptions subsidies from the government. In expressed in the Oct. 30th article fact , most poor people do not on the parental responses to the benefit from our minimal welfar e Philadelphia School Strike do in- system . Secondly , most people deed support the writer 's thesis receiving · such payments are statement that our " reactions white . Thirdly , it is not financiall y against the strike are in them - profitable to have children if one is selves a social commentary on life poor . Even among the needy perin Philadelphia." At first I found it sons subsidized by the government confusing that the essay jumped the average increase in AFDC from the righteous teachers to low payments is $52 to $75per child per reading scores , to uncaring month depending upon specific cir minority welfare mothers who cumstances. It is virtually im "have as many illegitimate possible to feed , clothe , and children as possible" but remem- shelter oneself and two children bering this thesis, I decided the ar-_ for $300 a month . It is no t ticle must be written with a sense physically profitable to give birth of irony and satire. Surely, it is an to children if one is poor and black , excellent example of how our pre- for these children are twice as judices and biases allow us to turn likely to be of low birth weight and even the most unrelated events are twice as likely to die in infancy into causally-connected images as the children of white non-poor which allow us to sustain our families . It is not emotionally prof single-lens view of the world. itable to give birth to these Surely the extreme social children in clinics of large hospi stereotypes depicte9 in the essay tals where one is hard pressed to were meant to satirize the distor- sustain an image of oneself as any tions people employ to protect thing but an object. It is not themselves from the complexity of socially profitable to bring "reality" with all its shades of children into mother-<:hild housegrey. Surely , that opening holds in a society which underpays thematic statement was meant to women , relegates them to deadalert us to the tongue-in-<:heek end jobs, and then deprives them nature of the article. (and all of us) of adequate childThe October 30th opinion column care . claimed that poor minority women Another error (or extreme dishave children "in order to receive tortion for the sake of satire) cona bigger D.P .A. check ." Lest some cerns the question of illegitimacy, unsuspecting soul misses what or as I would prefer , single-parentseemed to me to be the obvious hood . In 1979, 3,494,398 babies were satire of the piece, I think it is nec- born in"the U.S. -of these, 597,800 essary to set the record straight. were born to unmarried women First and most importantly, r_nost Although the rate of births to un01inority women j\r~-not receiving · m,arried wotnen has'in~re~~ •• the

1 think it is a good idea . It gives more people a

chance to go to Cabrini, especi ally if they are havin g financial proble ms.

increase was substantially greater for white ( 12.6% ) then for black (7.5%) women . The question then becomes - why are white , middle class women having babies outside the traditional family unit? I would expect for the very same reasons minority women are because they love and or want lo be loved and because they are women and women have always borne the fruits of such love or passion and women have cared for and tended to the needs of the young. Fatherlessness does not a delinquent make - contrary to the opinion expressed in the article, single parenthood does not cause behavioral problems, violence, and bitterness. Being poor and the victim of discrimination in a rich, secular, profit-oriented society may lead one to find school experienc-es irrelevant and lead to problems in the classroom. Such behavior is a predictable product of a social system such as our own. The Loquitur article contains much evidence to support the author's contention that responses to the school strike are a source of information on Philadelphia . If

Dr. Jolyon P. Girard, assistant professo r of history: I am on the committee and I ·app rove of it. There are benefits for the students and it should not cause any problems for the college .

Loquitur Cabr,·n,·College Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi -weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College , Radnor, Pennsylvama 19087. Telephone : 215-687-2100ext. 412. Subscription price is included in benefits secu red by tuition and Sluder,t fee. Subscription by mail is S5 per yea, . Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Per,nsylvania 19087. _

Co-editors-in-<:hief : Tamra DiMarino and Maureen Carroll News Editor : Joyce Patitucci Feature Editor: Jeanne Proko Opinions Editor: Jim Lawlor

perchance opinions presented in that article are not gross distortions of satire, then unfortunately • • - h • • f h our society is Sli 11t e victim O t e negative stereotypes and prejudices of racism and sexism that have plagued our history and often return with vehemence in times of economic uncertainty and personal insecurity . , Kathleen Daley , , Social Seience_Department


Arts/Leisure Editor : Regina O'Leary Sports Editor : Debbie Jablonski Photography Editor : Tom De Matteis Business Manager : Brian P • Jensen STAFF : Karen Angeli, Ann B-elsky, Andrea Bertelini Rita Calicat, Karen Cancio, Pam Clark, Pat Conway, Sheila F~nelle , Tim Feeney• Virginia Gruerio, Elizabeth Kanaras, Debra Kidon, Francine Kuterbach, Kathy McCartney, Pat McDer m?tt, Rita McKelvey , Sandra McNamara, John McQ.µeen, Joe Miller' Sa nd Y Momyer • Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi , Danny Ross, Meg Slook, Carol Wahl. Advisor : Jerome Zurek • • • • • ,. • • .• • •••· •-..;....; tr.;•:.....,.; , '-r,:...., •,a•.,.... ·..:. •,,....,,;•..:. :.-...... : .,_, , ..,,.,. :,•:.,: .,....·...,,~ .,.. ,!..,.,~ .1....... - ,·;...., • _._ , ,.,·'-·..,...; •...,.::- ..., _'-------' a-

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r; \ • ·"IEHE. I.:.:OQ.Ul'rOR\ FRIDA¥;:l>ECE-MBER 18, ·1981

Is Reagan's leadership image shaken? BY JIM LAWLOR

As 1981 draws to a close, and Ronald Reagan prepares to celebrate his first Christmas in the White House, it is becoming clear that the leadership image he has developed through decisive Capitol Hill victories is being undermined by, of all things, the improprieties of his own staff. Much of Reagan's success has been rooted in a general opinion that he is a strong leader. This has been especially true in his economic plan, where man~ have put their faith in the president despite the warnings of many financial experts. If Reagan's leadership image is sufficiently shaken, he could lose the support of Democratic Congressman he has wooed. More importantly, he could lo_se his foothold on grassroots America.

Reagan's economic plans are so steeped in criticism that even a minor drop in the general perception of his leadership abilities could amount to a crisis of confidence. In that case, many would turn from the warm words of the president to the cold facts of the finanacial indicators. Reagan would then be forced from his position of noncompromise, a luxury he has enjoyed from the start. That luxury was bestowed on Reagan at the election, when he accepted his victory as a mandate to push forward unwaveringly with his economic remedies. The leader image was strong then, but is was solidified all the more in the spring and summer when he passed his tax cut bill and his budget in a democratic house . Doubters of his leadership abilities were quieted when he won

Graduate .Record Exams indicate Senior potential BY ANN BELSKY those seniors taking these aptitude Preparation for the Graduate tests. Record Examination has begun at First of all, he said, one should Cabrini. Nineteen seniors have arrive promptly at the test cite picked up applications for this with admission ticket from ETS, cumulative examination. identification, two No. 2 pencils, TheGREtestscollegeseniorsin ,an eraser and a watch. No much the same way SAT's test the reference materials or scrap aptitude of high school seniors . paper is permitted while taking Graduate schools base acceptance the test. of students on GRE scores, college According to Tamasco, time is transcripts and recommendations. an important factor, so it is necessThe two tests within the GRE ary to avoid dawdling on one Aptitude Test, verbal and quan- difficult problem. titative or mathematics, measure Wild guessing is penalized by the the scholastic ability at graduate deduction of a fraction of the numlevel. The verbal section tests ver- ber of incorrect answers from the bal reasoning and reading com- number of correct answers . Ranprehension . The mathematics por- dom guessing is only beneficial if tion deals with arithmetic reason- one or more choices can be elimiing, basic algebra, geometry and nated. the interpretation of data. Special study courses are availa. Adva_nc~d_tests_are also offered . ble for those desiring intensive inm 20 d1sc1phnes 1.n the G RE Pro- st ruction 011 the concepts being gra'!1. These are comparable to · tested. Seniors at Cabrini are preAchievement Tests. . paring for these tests by reviewing _ The purpose of the Apt1t~d~ Test the sam le test in the G RE Infor1s to contribute to the pred1ct10n of t. ~ r a student's performance in a grad- ma ion u11e m. uate school in the United States . Also, in the Senior Seminar, a Its importance lies in its ability psychology course, a copy of a to tap the students' capacity to former test was distritubted for reason with words, mathematical the students' use. concepts.and other abstractions to The notion of standardized testarrive at solutions to problems. ing began in the late '40's for placeFor acceptance into law or ment in prestigious schools. The medical school after college, a idea caught on and the program Law Scholastic Aptitude Test or mushroomed. Medical College Aptitude Test is Now, however, the trend is movrequired. The LSAT, as are the ing away from standardized testGREs, is scored and compiled by ing, Madeline Persick said. She is the ETS. the MCAT is regulated by a former employee of ETS and the Bedical Board . presently assistant to the dean of These tests are mind-boggling. continuing education. Asccording Anthony T. Tamasco, associate to Persick, the use of standardized professor of psychology, offered testing in the future will be used some valuable suggestions for for counseling and guidance.

yet another legislative victory on a controversial issue. This time he swayed a pro-Israel Senate to approve the AWACs sale.

News Analysis Reagan was riding this wave of success when the shenanigans started. First was Secretary of State Alexander Haig and National Security Advisor Richard Allen feuding over who calls the shots in our national defense. Haig had, of course, been the source of similar embarrassments earlier in the year. The new feud was considered only a small thing at first and Reagan fairly successfully laughed it off. Then the bombshell hit with David Stockman 's remarks in Atlantic Monthly. The budget director made some candor and offthe-<:uffremarks about strength of the budget which seriously damaged the credibility of Reaganomics .

That prompted the well publicized meeting between Reagan and Stockman at which the budget director offered his resignation, which the president refused . Stockman later described the meeting as a trip to the woodshed .

all the more. There are indications that this may be the case in Washington now. E"ven casual observers see it. Cabrini's Dane Linn said , "His mind was set when he .took office, but lately he seems to be backing down on his ideas ." Junior Mike Hilsey commented, "He is not as sure of himself as he used to be . I don't know why, but he is not."

Just as that was clearing, the story broke that Allen had accepted a $1000 honorarium from a Japanese reporter for arrang ing The word "mandate " has an interview with Nancy Reagan. quietly been dropped from White A Doonesbury cartoon that week House rhetor ic as poll figures show made the comment that the line decreased public support for the outside the woodshed is getting Reagan plan. longer all the time . The president has alread y admitted to shortcomings in his While each of these im- poliG.yand aids say he may give in proprieties has been handled in its ' on some issues . · own way , the effect they've had on Reagan's image as a leader Many Americans have stood by lingers on . Strong presidents are Reagan because the strength of his supposed to be able to keep their leadership seemed to unwavering . own staffs in line . That image has come under question thanks to waves made by his A strong image can carry a not- own staff . Reagan's job now is to so-strong policy a long way . When &ettle the waters, and reestablish the image comes under question, his strong image . If he does not, he however, the policy is scrutinized may find that he is standing alone.

Crea -tivity can spark interest ,, BY TAMRA DiMARil'.O

"It doesn't take money and other resources available to us to -in-

crease student involvement, but creativity and time," according to Anthony Tomasco, associate professor of psychology and moderator of the Psychology Club . Creativity and time are two things that might help the clubs and organizations on campus to increase student interest and participation in their activities and events . In one club, the Living Arts Society , student involvement decreased over the past few years. The club now has plans to rejuvenate student interest. "We are settled for 1981," spokesman Dave Pilla said , "and are shooting for 1982." They plan to have fundraisers, raffles, make posters to put around the campus

and may put an ad in the Loquitur to stimulate student interst. The Living Arts Society is looking for dedicated members . "We need cut qualities in a person , spokesman Tony Ciro said. " People have to learn to work when their is work to be done ." "Interest in a club probably starts with the moderator," Tomasco said. Kathy Mignogna , senior and president of the PSEA , seems to agree . " If advisors took more interest in the clubs it wouldn't be so separated . If clubs were more involved with the faculty, it might help ." The amount of interest in a club and the lack of leadership can inhibit a club's successfulness , according to Tomasco. The key to successful student involvement in a club is "a nucleus of people that

Career test


make the club work ." "Personal contact with the students ," may also help increase student interest , according to Charlie Gracie, junior. " By pulling a student aside and sitting them down and making a student feel that his opinions and ideas are important can make more of a difference than stuffing a memo into a mailbox ." Sal Mastrangelo , sophomore believes that "by making, being a part of a club more interesting than just attending a meeting at a certain time," it could help get members more motivated . Jeff Schoen, sophomore, believes that planning different activities and doing different things could keep student interest in a club. They cuold arrnage "trips to different places ," he said, "a trip to Philadelphia," for example .

• for seniors, too

BY PAM CLARK interpreting and should never be were sent a letter informing them The Strong-Campbell Interest taken at face value. of the project and that only three Inventory is routinely given to Dr. Mary Louise Corbin Sicoli , have responded so far . "If enough Cabrini freshment through the assistant professor in special seniors respond, then we can comTamece program. This semester, education and psychology, stated pare the results to their freshment seniors who took the test when that the seniors are being asked to results and be able to see if they they were freshmen are being take the test again in order to see have really been changed by given the opportunity to re-take it. how Cabrini students change, if at college , " she said. The Strong-Campbell Interest all, in the four years they are here. Inventory compares a student's She related that previous tests According to Sicoli, the results interests with those of people who have show that Cabrini students will be available to Cabrini stuare happy and successful in are very much like average dents next fall. When the testing is different careers . According to · college students, except that they completed, they have to be scored Barbara Harris, a counselor at the are more concerned wtih what is and analyzed. Rudy Rooyman 's Counseling right and what is wrong. They Center, it helps freshmen confirm have a high "super-ego," which Both Harris and Sicoli pointed their interests and gives them Sicoli explains is "a fancy word for out that Cabrini is one of the few career alternatives in the area conscience ." This is one area that collegts that is willing to put out they are interested in pursumg. will be looked at. "We want to see money for this type of pro gr am . As Harris added that the inventory if the super-ego is still high among Sicoli says, "When Cabrini says doesn't measure ability; rather, it Cabrini students," she said . they care about the whole person, reflects the students' values . She BQbqi {,prr.y I a psy,ctwlogica} they ·put their money where their Said 'that · th 'e results need intern , stated that all the seniors mouth is ."




Honor society active under new adviser BY SA!\DY MOMYER

The Cabrini College Honor Society is organized and functioning on campus this semester for the first time 111 its history. Kathleen M. Daley, associate professor of social science, serves as moder a tor for the society. This is her first year in that position and she acted as the catalyst to initiate the vitalization program . Daley said, "I called a meeting of members and found them enthusiastic. The members organized themselves .' ' The society has met four times during the fall semester. In lieu of officers, , coordinators were elected. The coordinators are: Rosemary Cogan, '84, Monica McHale, '83, Diane Nardy, '82, and Marian Stewart, '82. Two committees have been formed. One committee will spon-

sor the panel, :\'orlhern Ireland Triumph or Traged)? scheduled for Tucsda}, Dec. 8 a' 7:30"p.m. 111 the library conference room Jolyon P. Gi.rnrd, assistant professor of history, and James H. Hedtke, lecturer in social science, are scheduled for the panel. The other committee plans to publish a journal durmg spring semester 1982.This journal will include essays and research articles submitted by students. A panel of members will serve as a jury to judge acceptance. Joseph J. Romano, vice president for academic affairs, said he was very excited about the new interest and activity in the honor society. He also said, "The journal will reflect the academic quality of our honor students." Romano thinks the journal is needed on campus, but it should

also bt sent to other colll ges in ordu· to establish common acadenuc interests in the college commtmity. The Cabrini College Honor Society was formed with the approval of the Council of College Affairs in 1976. Its purposes are tu encourage and recognize excellence in scholarship and to foster an atmosphere of intellectual commitment, interest, and effort among all students in all fields of knowledge . Students are eligible for membership when they have completed 45 credit hours of college work and have attained the Dean's List for three consecutive semesters. Students with a 3.7 cululative average after 45 credit hours will also be eligible . Members who fail to make Dean's List for two consecutive

PICTURED ARE MEMBERS OF the Cabrini Honor Society. (Back row) Kathy Filippo, Pat Martelli, Terri Leinenbach, Fran Congelio, Cathy Masino, Donna Poley, Jim Lawlor, Maria Gentile, Th.eresa Karminski, Rosemary Cogan, and Crystal Rudinski. (Center row)

senw::;ters ar<' asked to le..i,e the society. The societ~ pl<111sto continue society. In prior years, letters were sl nt with the certificate presentatious . to eligible students welcoming and tea. them to society membership and a list of names was announced at Regina Fiebhan, '83, credits convocation ceremonies The only Daley for making the ::;oc1etyacactivity was a tutoring program. tive. She said, .. Last vear I wasn't An Honors Tea was held this involved; we did 1{othing. This year on Nov. 20 in the Mansion din- year I've been to all the meeting room to complement the ings." customary annow1cement. An important addition was the issuance Alumn a and cha rter society of certificates to all members. parents were invited. member Jeri Kraemer, '77, thinks Diane Nardy welcomed all the new thrust of the Cabrini present. Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan, College Honor Society is great. She M.S.C., president, read from said , "All I reme mber was being a Mother Cabrini.'s writings on name on a list. It is always woneducation and scholarships while derful for stude nts tu be involved in any wa) on campus and now Romano stressed the importance they will have the experience of of academic achievement especially for personal growth. being rnvol ved in a scholarly Daley presented a history of the way .

Rosemary DiGiandomenico, Stacey Greenhawk, Monica McHale, Maria Newsome, Maria DiMedio, Diane Nardy, Marion Stewart, and Barbara Barry. (Front row) Carol Wahl, Diane Corallo, Lorraine Alessio, and Pat Daley . Missing from photo is I?r. Kathy Daley, moderator.

Elections _for class officers show surprizing BY SHEILA F Al',ELLE

After observing campaign posters, listening to speeches, voting, counting the votes and much anticipation, the results of the freshman, sophomore and junior class elections are in. Each position in the freshman class is still open for a run-0ff. For the office of freshman class president, running mates were Michael Garrison, Joseph Miller Brian Rottkamp, Nikki Sculer and John McQµeen. The latter two are still in a run off. For the office of vice president running mates were Frank Cheeseman, Angie Calicat and Tom Shultz. The latter two are still in a run-0ff. For the office of secretary,

Mathew Garrison, Jim Moffatt and Lori Di Meglio ran; the latter two are still in a run-off. For the office of treasurer Robert Connolly, Jean Finley and Michael Fenza ran . The latter two are still in a run-off. Unfortunately, freshman commuters did not run for the fofice of commuter representative. If anyone is interested, there will be another opportunity next semester. Sculer's goal is to "bring the cl a!'s together as a whole." A memorable poster of hers stated, "Let them know we're alive" She is in fact alive. She has already set up picture taking with Santa in the Mansion lobby. McQµeen's ideal is to have the "class of '85 be the best Cabrini has ever had." Di Meglio

is eager to "discuss what the freshman want." The present sophomore class officers ran one more time with their posters that read, "Why change a good thing." Voters agreed and gave 51% or more votes to : Anna Maria Farnschlader, current vice president, among Maria Nickels and Anthony Cazazza, running mates. Moreover, Tanya Bolcar, secretary, kept her position from Susan Horton and Patricia McCDermott. Ann Marie Alfonsi, treasurer, ran on the green with Susan Accetta and will remain with no change. Lisa Hundermark, commuter representative ran unopposed and will also remain in office. There will be a run off between Brian Jensen, the current presi-

dent and Michael Hawley. Neither obtamed 51% of the class vote in order to win the presidency. Jensen's initial reaction was that of "surprise." I thought is would go either one way or the other," he commented . Farnschlader's and Jensen's primary goal is to "finish waht we started," Jensen said. "The Sophomore /Senior will be a nice affair." It is a lot of work and I have the time to do it. More people should get involved. It seems that the same people are always decorating" stated Alfonsi. Frances Carusi, current vice president of the Student Government Association said, "The freshman and sophomore classes in particular have a lot of involvement. You can tell by the numbers that

results. came out to run for office ." The junior class is another story all together. All the candidates ran unopposed. Carol Hasson is the president. Marybeth Grugan is the vice president. Peggy Heffernan is the secretary. Karen Kelly is the treasurer. No one ran for sommuter representative. Heffernan and Kelly feel that "class spirit needs to be motivated. The class has a lot of apathy. Only 35 people voted out of 100 or so." "In order to win , a candidate needs 51% of the students vote in a class . The candidates in the run off were very close," Carusi said. The elections for the run off will be held on January 21,22 and 25 of 1982.



Spanish students upset Certain Spanish majors and minors at Cabrini have incurred problems concerning their fields of study. According to the Nov. 30 issue of Loquitur, the trouble arose because of the sabbatical being taken by Irene Rachal, assistant professor of French and Spanish. However, this is not the cause of the problem. Rachal applied for a sabbatical by Oct., 1980. She was granted one in Dec., 1980. Unfortunately, no student knew about this until registration time for the Spring semester, 1982. Senior Regina Volpe, a Spanish major, did not find out about Rachal 's sabbatical until registration day. "The only upper division courses offered were at Eastern or Villanova,"she said. "It takes 15 minutes to walk to Eastern and going to Villanova involves transportation problems." Volpe would have to pay train fare four times per week going to Villanova. She does not feel that it is fair for her to pay tuition at Cabrini and pay additional money to go to Villanova. "With upper division courses there aren't that many options open," 'she said "There are no free decisions, we must take these courses. At least one upper division course should be offered here." Helene Hennigan, assistant professor in French, sees things differently. "When students declare themselves as language majors, they are informed that we have a reciprocal program," she said. "It is also listed in the catalogue that students would be required to go off-campus for certain courses." Joseph J. Romano, vice presi-

dent for academic affairs, explained why it would not be feasible to make van-runs to Eastern or Villanova. "It puts a drain on maintenance," he said. "It costs $20,000 this year for van runs to the train station. Villanova doesn't provide transportation for students who come here to take education courses." Romano noted that it is common practice to share facilities with other schools. He said that the problem of transportation was not anticipated, and the students are caught in the middle. Hennigan said that no advanced Spainish courses would have been offered at Cabrini anyway next semester. Senior Mary Jane Monastra, an elementary education and Spanish major said that she is not angry with the language department but with the administration. "It is the responsibility of the college to offer courses," she said. On Monday, Dec. 12, six Cabrini students who had been signed up to take an advanced Spanish course at Villanova were told that the course had been filled. Sophomore Tamra Di Marino, an English /Communications major and considering a minor in Spanish explained the situation.

Phone-a-thon aids Cabrini BY CAROL WAHL

For many Cabrini alumni, graduation is not the end of their involvement in Cabrini College's affairs. Alumni have contributed about $15,000 a year in the past with the amount increasing every year. This means that, on the average each alumnus contributed about $33 a year. This amount is better than the average alumni contribution in other colleges, says John J. Heiberger, vice-president for development and public relations . He said, "because the college has only been open for 25 years, Cabrini's alumni are relatively young and the number of alumni is


· six nights some time in February. relatively small." Three scholarships are paid for Dale hopes that there will be about by the alumni: The Alumni Asso- 15 alumni for each night. ciation scholarship which goes to a Alumni contributions, unless redeserving incoming freshman; the quested to go to special areas, are 1980 fund which is designated for divided as follows: one-third going an enrolled child of an alumnus, to the annual alumni scholarship and a special emergency fund set fund, one-sixth going to the 1980 up for students who experience child of alumni fund, one-sixth unusual financial difficulties such going to alumni special projects as the death of a parent. like the Designer House Tours held last year, one-sixth going to regular alumni activities such as the annual dinner held for the upcoming graduating class, and the final one-sixth going to the college's general fund which helps cover the costs of heating, lighting and general maintenance.


TheSophomore Class We hope the entire Cabrinicommunity

"After I found out about the course being closed, I called the head of the language department at Villanova on Tuesday morning," she said. "I called on Wednesday and gave him the names of the six students from Cabrini." According to DiMarino, Villanova then hired a new instructor and split the class in two. Both would be held on the same days at the same time.


has a very specialand joyous Christmas and a happyNew Year. Havea great Holidayl










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Continued from page 1 complished with the help of very good commuter representatives," said Collins. A few of the accomplishments of the Collins-Carusi era were: the Celebration of Spring Weekend which both faculty and students participated in·,the continuation of the Coffee House, and an improvement of the lottery system. Also they reviewed and made suggestions on how to improve old judicial procedures. "The new system gives the students moi:e protection," Collins said. "The main problem," Carusi said, "was with the new drinking rules." The rules, in the past, were overlooked, but with the new administration they were brought out of the closet and enforced. She said Collins and herself had tried to find a place where all could drink in a controlled environment but to no avail. They did, however maintain the party policy, which allowed those 21 and over to drink.

ROTC Continued from Page 1 that we must defend ourselves and our beliefs," Morelli said. Although several other people surveyed also like the idea of ROTC at Cabrini, many more strongly disagree. Sophomore, Paul Puckerin regards the consideration of military training at Cabrini as "ddiculous". "It goes against everything this college is supposed to stand for," Puckerin said.





Craigie found to be a man of many talents BY PAM CLARK Carter Craigie, professor of social science, is a man of many fnterests and talents. A warm personal1ty and generous nature have made him one of Cabrini's most popular instructors. Craigie's office reflects his wide variety of interests. Colorful wall hangings, maps, and pictures of trains decorate the walls. Plants and wood carvings are scattered about the room. A bulletin board crammed with photographs of family, students, and people he has met in his extensive travels hangs on the wall directly above his desk, which is cluttered wtih books, papers and a tape recorder. Dressed in comfortable slacks and a sweater, a cigarette in one hand, Craigie appears laid-back and comfortable, which is opposite co the energetic ·style of teaching e employs in the classroom. Indeed, Craigie is one of those rare teachers who can grab his students' attention and keep it. His lectures are interesting and exciting because he puts so much of himself into them. Through gestures, stories, and his own energetic style he relays the lesson in such a way that the students relain it and really learn. As he says, "I'm one of those weird teachers

who really cares." And care he does. Craigie is always ready with a kind word or some thoughtful advice. His students trust him and their affection for him is obvious. Senior Mary Anne Homsher is a social science major who has taken three of Craigie's courses. "I think he's the best teacher I've ever had," she said. "What I learn from him I retain. He's just a really good teacher." Another senior social science major is LaNetta Pinkney, who described a Craigie course as "a unique experience. Carter gives you faith in yourself andyour school that is wonderful," She continued. "He makes you feel special, and everyone gets the same great treatment." Carter W. Craigie was born and raised in Richmond, Va., He was educated at the Woodberry Forest School in Richmond and Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. While teaching fifth grade at the Montgomery County Day School m Wynnewood, Pa., he decided to get a Masters degree in teaching reading. This decision led him to take courses in education at the University of Pennsylvania andTemple, which he described as "boring."

And then Craigie discovered MacEdward Leach, the chairman of the folklore and folklife studies department at the University of Pennsylvania, who Craigie says is "the most marvelous man who ever existed." Leach inspired him to study social science, which he

"He makes you feel special, and everyone gets the same great treatment."

got a Masters degree in from the University of Pennsylvania. This led to an eventual Ph.d. Craigie joined the staff of Cabrini as a part-time instructor in the fall of 1969, and a year later became a full-time staff member. Craigie;s campus contributions extend beyond the classroom. He helped start the Cabrini soccer team, which was at first co-ed. He is still involved with Cabrini athletics and is the teams' biggest cheerleader. Craigie is also the moderator of Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini's service organization. "A couple of years ago, Dr. Romano approached me because Kappa was failing," he related. "It looked like it might


In most ways, their Christmas activities are much like yours and mine, but in other, more unique ways, theirs are very special. Sitting among Sisters Toni, Lena, Mary Louise, Bernadette, Regina and Maria one blustery Sunday morning, I discovered the beauty of their celebrations lies in their simplicity. All agreed that the most significant aspect of their festivities is "just to be all together." The Sisters rarely ever are able to set aside time to be with one another and share special times such as Christmas together. On Christmas Day, all the Sisters stay at the Mansion as a community, but then often go home to spend the remainder of the holidays with their families. Their preparations for the birth of the Christ Child begin with the traditional Advent wreath and lighting of candles. Spiritua~ com-

munity prayer continues throughout the season as well as of many international tradition·s. the remembrance of each other Irish and Italian music echoes throughout the Mansion and the through Advent Angels. The Sisters participate with the phone rings often with long disrest of the Cabrini community in tance calls from friends and relthe Christmas Evening and Yule atives. Mass is celebrated, and a Log ceremony held on campus ev- prayer service and a gift exchange ery year. Afterwards, all are in- are all part of the day's activities . Dinner is prepared by all the vited to the Mansion for coffee and Sisters and consists of many tlonuts. As Christmas approaches, the scrumptious dishes . The Italian Sisters focus more attentively on Sisters insist Christmas just isn't the older Sisters in their order who complete without 'panetone', a light, reside in Philadelphia. With visits fruity yeast bread and 'torrone', a and gifts bringing Christmas cheer type of Christmas candy. There is to these Sisters, Cabrini's Sisters a story which goes back to the days receive quiet satisfaction from of World War I, when Mother sharing the joy and peace of Cabrini was dying. She spent her last day on earth wrapping Christmas with them. The tree is usually decorated on Christmas candy for poor children Christmas Eve as the stockings because she knew that there would are hung above the fireplace. All not be enough money to buy them attend the glorious celebration of any other gifts. The Christ Child was born in a Midnight Mass -and then welcome all church-goers into the Mansion most humble manner among the for hot chocolate and cookies. beasts and the straw in a barn staAfter all the community people ble. The Sisters of Cabrini choose this great' and leave, the Sisters enjoy a cordial to remember and wish each other a Merry glorious miracle in a most simple manner. For them, it is a time of Christmas before retiring to bed. Christmas Day is a unique blend peace, reflection and friendship.

"Blue Christmas"--not BY JEANNE PROKO Is there any truth behind the "Christmas Blues" or are most of us caught up in the spirit of "Christmas Cheer?" According to Dr. Mary Louise C. Si coli, assistant professor in special education and psychology, there are a lot of problems around the holidays. It all stems from the theory that people simply expect too much from the holidays. People are under the notion that "miraculous changes occur at Christmas and, as a result, our expectations rise greatly," said Dr. Sicoli. Suppose your family life hasn't been happy at home for quite a long time. Some people would ex~

iust a song

pect, as a result of a rise ot Christmas good will and cheer, that the situation on the homefront would have a fairy tale end-

all stems from the th_eory that people simply expect too much." "It

ing. As the Christmas season draws to a close, and the home situation remains the same, a feeling of despair naturally occurs. Dr. Sicoli suggested that instead of reflecting on your own situation, "concentrate on what you can give to another person."

Christmas to me has always meant showing others how much you really care for them . But does it really have to magically all occur at Christmas time? Christmas m115treally be a state of mind. Christmas is meant to be spent around those that we love. Sicoli thinks it's advisable to "avoid those that bother you around Christmas. Why should you share a happy time with someone who brings you down?" The message behind Christmas may be defined by one word: love. If you have feelings of love with you, then that feeling of love should be expressed. And if that love is expressed and received by another, how can one possibly feel "blue"?

fold. Dr. Romano asked me to con- trains," he stated. sider taking over as moderator, if Craigie also enjoys listening to Kappa would agree to it. They ran his short-wave radio, with which a poll and it came out positive, so he can pick up broadcasts from all for the past two years I've been over the world. He belongs to moderator and I've loved it!" short-wave radio clubs and has Craigie added that he enjoys taken courses in morse code to working with Kappa because the make communication with fellow students involved are so dedi- listeners easier. cated, while at the same time they realize they aren't getting any Other interests include photokind of pay for the work they do. graphy, travel, and sports, "They're the cream of the crop especially soccer and crossamong Cabrini students," he said. . country skiing. Kappa members admire Craigie as much as he admires them. Craigie is a dedicated family Sandra McNamara, a man. His wife, Kay, is also a sophomore who is a member of the folklorist and taught at the Univerorganization, said, "He's a friend sity of :"\1aryland before they were to Kappa. You can trust his advice married. Craigie describes her as and his judgement is always good . .. a great sports fan," "a gorgeous He's a beautiful person, always cook, .. and "just a terribly excitready with a kind remark." ing person to live with." He added. Junior Dane Linn agrees, say"9le's the brains in the family · ing, "He goes out of his way. He does more than his share of the The Cra1gies have a dau.!hte r. Jenny Kathryn, who is now three work. He's always there, more years old. Craigie related that she than willing to help." Craigie's interests outside attended her first Cabrini soccer Cabrini are also quite diversified. game when she was less than a He has a model railroad set up in week old-and slept lhrough il. his basement lhat he, his wife, and Whether he is in or out of the classroom, Craigie is always willhis father-in-law built. He said that ing to gi\ ·e something of himself to after a tough day at school he uses the trains as a means of relaxabenefit others. He is truly a fnend tion . "I can lose myself in the to all Cabrini students.

Students return BY SANDRA McMAMARA Today the message we are getting from the churches·among the world, with their joyously singing choirs and faithful witnesses, sounds clear. There seems to be among us a return to religion, not only the traditional churches but also ·the fundamentalist churches . According to Fr. Chris Davis, chaplin here at Cabrini, "There has been a 20th century explosion back to religion and this has stimulated people to return to lheir faiths." Blt what we hear and see is not in evidence a nationwide revival back to religion, but rather the searching of our nation's youths for some kind of religious handle. For instance, a recent Gallup youth survey found that while young people "appear to be spiritually restless and want a strong religious faith, many find organized religion to be spiritually lifeless.'' An important question to ask now is: are students here at Cabrini feeling this way? Do they find religion in their own lives and on campus spiritually lifeless? · Robert Checchia, '84, feels ''not many students here are reaily into their faith; it's more second nature." Jeanne Proko, '84, states, "This is the first time on your own and now you can practice your religion the way you want to, - whether this be actively or passively." According to a student survey here at Cabrini, almost 86% of the students attend church voluntarily and regularly. This percentage is compared to the Princeton Religion Research Centers survey where they found only about 1/3 of the students they surveyed went to church. This is certainly a positive force here at Cabrini - tha .t students are practicing their religion. This does

to God

not pro\'e that students are spiritually fulfilled, considering that they are still questioning their faith. But they are searching for a positi\·e force in their lives . So many teens today don't have any kind of positive experience with organized religion, so they turn to more fundamentalist churches, such as Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church and Maharishi Yogi's Age of Elnightenment. This turn to these kinds of churches is partly society's fault. According to Dr. Herbert Hendin, director of psychosocial studies at New York City's Center for Policy Research, "Society does not offer the large numbers of young people with positive alternatives that can anchor them." Hendin went on to say that "Instead of offering alternatives we . condemn the lives that these young people live. It is not enough to attack Rev. Moon. We need to be able to compete with him." Here at Cabrini most students feel that Campus Ministry provides that positive alternative. Dane Linn, '83, feels "that it offers a chance to open up to others by being involved in many activities. It helps students feel setUed. II Fr. Chris states "Campus Ministry provides students with a chance to commit themselves. Faith is important. Campus Ministry is a form of that faith." It is important that religion for students in the future is presented in a positive way. We cannot saturate our young people with religion and faith, but we must teach them and help them grow in their beliefs. If not, organized religion stands the chance of losing today's youths.




It's all a matter of tradition sociation with Christmas . The traBY JOYCEPATITUCCI dition of buying a tree , and Every year we cieck the hall s , vacuuming the pine needles up off string the popcorn, trim the tree the floor for days can be blamed on and curse the blinking lights with St. Boniface who in the 8th century out a moment 's thought about how dedicated a fir tree to the Holy all this madness got started in the Child on His birthday to replace first place . We know that the sacred Oak. Christma s commemerates the Many student here at Cabrini birth of Jesus , yet few of us know celebrate Christmas with trad ihow this yearly celebration came tions that some of us might be uninto being . First records of Christmas can familiar with . Liz Kanaras , '83, be traced to the second quarter of and her family eat a typical Greek the 4th century Rome when Dec . 25 American dinner on Christmas , but they eat a special kind of was designated as Christ's birthday . Dec . 25 was also the date of a bread . inside the bread is a silver pagan festival chosen by the em- dollar . The person who gets the peror Aurelian in 274 A.D. as the slice with the coin is considered to birthday of the unconquered sun . be lucky for the upcoming year . That person is also responsible for In 336 A.D. the Church officially baking the bread the next year and announced Dec. 25 as the birthdate the same coin . of Christ, but did not celebrate the implanting Hopefully , the coin is discovered day until 381. The day also marked the beginning of the Church year . before any teeth are broken . Where did the lights , the trees Maria DiMedio, ; '83, and her and the holly enter the picture, you family enjoy a tradtionally Italian may ask? In the Roman world, custom on Christmas Eve . Some Saturnalia was a time of festivities Italians call this the Seven Fishes (Dec . 17-24) where houses were dinner, as the meal features decorated with greenery and can- several kinds of fish, including dles and presents were given to the smelts, flounder, whitings, Bacyoung and the poor . Since cala, and an Italian specialty called Christmas coincided with this calmari, which is squid in spaghetdate, the Christians also adopted ti sauce, often stuffed with riccotta many of these traditions . cheese . Evergreens also have a long asPatty Martelli '82, and her family

People ate talking

enjoy this same tradition but they bless the table in a certain way beforehand . The youngest child present says Grace and then blesses the table with a celery stalk and Holy water . Jim Lawlor , '82, and his family have a more popular custom at Christmas each year . They have Pollyanna where everyone draws two names, rather than havin g to go out and buy a gift for seven othe r people each year . Carter Craigie had several tra ditions to offer, including some that fall on New Year's Day . At Christmas Eve, the Craigies are permitted to open the gifts they receive from friends and people ou t side the family . Family presents are not allowed to be opened until Christmas morning . On New Year's Day, they enjoy a dinner of ham or turkey served with black~yed peas and stewed tomatoes. Oysters are also a special treat. This is a tradition of Upper class Virginian families . Also, the first 12 days of the year ore monitored and looked upon as a guide for the 12 months of the year . For instance, if you receive a check on Jan . 3, March will probably be a financially profitable month for you .

about .. :


People are talking about. .. NERP ! . .. various outcomes of the computer dance ...Dr. , Girard's final History exams ...ROTC...hall and house decor a ting for Christmas . .. the Christmas dance ... the opening of the George D. Widener Building .. . the premiere of TAPS .. . buying Christmas presents ... how am I going to pay for Christmas presents? ... how many days until vacation? ... advent angels ...the new cafeteria jukebox .. . "Let's Get Physical" ... the seventh house's Christmas display ... Keating Countdown ... Sponge Bread ... "My mail box is getting dusty" ..."Oh, yeah? Well, mine is getting cobwebs" .. .General Hospital. .. Flu season .. .41 Club ... "What Cabrini animal are we eating tonight?" ...the laughing waiter in

People are talking about ....

"Mary Poppins" ... Presidential Search Commillee ... the nightgown invasion at Minella's . .. snow days?? ! !... the reborn commuter club ... "Dude" ... "In life" ... "Blaz-

noid" .. .ice cream nights in the Cafeteria ... "So, how did your house get your Christmas tree ? ... " Oh, how ooish!" "Superfreak" ... gators ...




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As postal rates increase sending cards decreases · BY JEANNE PROKO ports or fancied-up business cards I can actually remember when picturing holiday scenes . the price of a stamp was 8 cents. The secret behind Prangs' sue When it hit 18 cents, I took a deep cess was that he had the right idea breath, dug deeply into my pocket at the right time. It seems that the and grudgingly paid the price. But country had been captured by the now, really -20 cents? How much writings of Charles Dickens and will it take before calling will be Washington Irving-who wrote on' cheaper than writing? romantic ideas of childhood and The price of sending Christmas warm celebratrions. The Civil cards has had different effects on War even had an effect on the people here at Cabrini. country - from the North at least Pam Clark , sophomore , said , - with goose, turkey , greens and "Just because they raised the presents . price doesn't mean I should stop However, Prange was more consending Christmas cards ." cerned with bringing color and And _there are _oth~rs_ who a~e beauty into his cards . As a child , bec?n:img more d1sc~1mmatory m . he spent more time at his father's dec1dmg who they will send ca rd s calico factory in Prussia where he to . watched the details of color mixCindy Schu!me~er ,_soph?more , ing , printing and dyei~g . He and Ja~et Smith , J~lor , wi~l bo th brought this knowledge of color be sendmg c~rd to }UStfamily a nd and reproduced it into the romanvery close friends . tic dreams of childhood Smith said , "It 's just too expen- humanized animals pagan myth sive - _both for ~ards a":d stamps ." and fairies. ' Ma~1a Gentile, . s~mor, ad~ed Prange introduced a custom that that ' the postage is Just too high . has become a tradition for millions I'll call and say 'Merry of people yearly . It has become a Christmas '•" way of expressing joy, happiness, Behind one of the greateS t and good will to those who are dear Christmastide troubles stands and loved in our families and cirLouis Prange, a German im- cle of friends. migrant , originator of the The important message behind Christmas card in 1874. He introduced the cards to England the Christmas cards is to simply first, where a Times correspon- tell those we love that we care and dent labelled the Christmas card that we are thinking of them as we celebrate the holiest time of the as a "great social evil." In 1875, Prange began to supply year. If perhaps we think of this to the United States an American when we buy our 20cent Christmas Christmas card. The U.S. had been stamps , maybe it'll be a little bit sending expensive European im- easier to pay .


wholly fun


Does having the Christmas spirit mean rushing from store to store, fighting at clearance tables and humming with the carols blasting from the loudspeakers? Prnbably not, but the students at Cabrini College have found a unique way to get everyone into a festive and giving Christmas spirit by participating in the Advent Angels. Who are the Advent Angels? They are all participating residents of the houses , Woodcrest, the Mansion and commuters , according to the resident assistants, Kathy Cordill a '82, Joan McGucken, '83, Kathy Filippo , '82 and Marian Stewart, ' 82, commuter representative. For a certain amount of time, anywhere from five to ten days, these students have become Advent Angels for another person. After receiving a name , chosen at random, a small gift is to be purchased each day costing up to a dollar. On the final day the students are to buy a larger gift for theii• Advent Agnel, or the one that has been selecting gifts for them . The larger gift can range in price from five to seven dollars. The event is culminated by a special party where everyone learns the identity of their secreat Advent Angel. The placing of the small gifts is one of the special things of this pollyanna. According to Dolores Monzo, '83, resident of the Mansion, she will try to find unique places to put the gifts for her person . "Some kids have suggested we hide the gifts in the Mansion and then give the person a note giving clues on how to find it. Another

idea is to give the gifts to a certain teacher and then the teacher presents it to that person during class ." Monzo went on to suggest some of the small gifts she will buy , including shampoo samples, Christmas tree ornaments , candles, barettes , headbands and candy . Sue Accetta , '84, resident of House No. 6, is placing the small gifts in front of the door of her person and suggested giving candy canes, pencil sharpeners and things for girls to wear in their hair . Similarly, Ruby Johson, '84, resident of House No. 4 is placing the gifts in the mailbox of her pserson or in front of their door . She suggested even more gifrs like pens, sample soaps , notepads and small Santa Claus figures . To most freshmen, the experience of Advent Angels is a totally new one . Paula Albee, '85, resident of Woodcrest said, "It sounds like a lot of fun although I've never heard of it before. I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to get .'• Colleen Wanger , '85, a commuter, agrees . "I think . it will be fun and it is a good way to make friends. It will also help draw the commuters together ." Donna Gallagher, '85, chairperson of the commuter affairs, sees the Advent Angels as a good way to show creativity . She is giving arts and crafts and likes the idea of giving gifts over a period of five days . She spoke on the issue. "The only negative thing about this whole issue is the money. Most people like the idea , but after buying gifts for all the members of their families they just don't have the money . Maybe next year there will be a better way."







Stewart strives toward BY DANNY ROSS

"Marian who?" was the answer I received from many Cabrini residents · when I asked them where I could find Marian Stewart. Finally I asked a commuter and was direct~ to the commuter loUBge where Marian was sitting, watching the soap operas with her peers. Marian Stewart is a senior this year. She has been attending Cabrini since 1977. Her major is social science (secondary ed.), although she said she doesn't really like kids that much. At first glance Marian looks like your average Cabrini student , but as. soon as one begins conversing with her they realize she is not average. She seems to really have a concern for her fellow commuter . She doesn't like the way


commuters have been treated in the past and pians on •~hanging it. She was very modest about where the idea for the commuter club came from. In fact, to talk to her, you would think she played only a small ro_le in the organization. Actually she is the organizer and planner for the club . "Really I would just like to see commuters feel comfortable at Cabrini," she said. Marian said she has always had an interest in commuter affairs . " Even before there was a club I used to help in some of the com.-muter projects." What they needed was something to bring them together . Thus Marian thought of the idea to revive the old commuter club .

its meaning


"I felt it would give commuters something to work for," she said. The club was important to her so she started it up. "Now I even have my own office," she said. Marian is hoping the club will change the way commuters who go to Cabrini feel. "l am hoping to be able to get the club to sponsor some activities in the spring" she said. Right now he is looking into the possibility of sponsoring a trip to a Fever soccer game . She said the commuter club is coming along better than she had expected . Every time there is a meeting we get more people showing up. Commuters are finally beginning to feel they are a part of the school. As for the future , Marian is just

The following is an article about Christmas . No names are used, but sentences in quotes are taken from conversations with 29 students , on the meaning of Christmas. _ "This day in David's City a savior has been born to you, the Messiah and Lord. Let this be a sign to you ; in a manger you will find an infant wrapped in swad dling clothes ." (Luke 2: 11-13) I figured I'd lose half the school population of readers on the first line, so for the rest of you, Merry Christml!s. This is not an article on repentence , punishment , or eternal damnation . It is not a lecture , dissertation or a Holy Joe 's adapta- tion of Christmas . It is an article that reflects the real meaning of Christmas , the birth of Christ , and maybe the reasons we should be aware of His birth and things which could make us better Christians . Some people felt that : "Christmas is too commer cialized-all the glitter and the lights" Maybe . Take away the light from the tree and the house, and all that's left is light of Jesus Christ. Maybe we should let that light guide us.

• "Christmas is a time for joy ." True. Too bad that those feelings of joy and goodness can't be carried throughout the year, all over the world . As one man said , " If Christmas could come everyda y, the world would be a better place." • " Christmas is a time for cel ebration . " True . Sometimes at Christmas we celebrate the wrong things first - presents, instead of birthdays . • "It's ironic that the shopping malls are filled for five weeks , and the church for one day ." That hits the nail right on the head. • "Christmas is a time of peace , love, joy." True. Wouldn't it be nice i(we could relay that message the rest of the year? • " Christmas is a time for family togetherness and love ." True. We should pray that his love may join us together as one family . Remember the gutter drunk , the starving orphan, aren 't they also part of our "family?" • Christmas is a time of giving and receiving presents ." True. We must remember at this time , the infant Jesus was given to us, and we received his life through love , the most valuable gift of all .

MARIAN STEW~~T. semor, 1s rest~nsib ;f: for increased commuter unity. (Photo by David Milburn) taking it as it comes . " I just hope the club continues to grow, " she said, " It really is the only thing

Retreats a learning BY TAMRA DIMARINO



For the second year, Campus Ministry has acted as a "steering group" in organizing retreats held for eighth graders in surrounding Catholic schools, according to Sr. Bernadette Casciano, M.S .C., M.A.

These retreats can provide a great challenge for students in education, according to junior Debbie Jablonski, Cabrini's stude'nt coordinator for the activity. "It gives you a chance to stand in front of students and helps you to associate with people ," Jablonski said . The idea for the retreat,s first originated in 1980 when Sr. Mary Legge, C.S.J. , began coordinating retreats to be held at Malvern Retreat- House . Students attending the retreats are from Catholic schools in the suburbs of Philadelphia and those belonging to .the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, according to Jablonski . • " Christmas is a holy time, the birth of Jesus Christ." Terrific, too bad only seven of 29 persons even mentioned it. Shows us wher.e our Christianity lies. Are you still looking for the real meaning of Christmas for Christians ?


A JD_LLYNEW YEAR From the Dixon and Infante Houses

Have a great holiday!


Several retreats are held throughout the school year with

By 12:30 p.m. the day is complete at the Retreat House if they wish , according to Jablonski.

the same film and format for each retreat ; also different students at Dane Linn , junior has attended tend the retreats each time one is several retreats . A major in eleheld . mentary education, Linn feels that A biographical film on Leo the retreats " help me interact with Beurerman , a dwarf who is deaf students and prepare me for being and can barely see due to a child- a leader ." hood attack of the measles, is the As for the 8th graders , Linn said, film for the 1981-82school year . "they are so disciplined that they "The ideas behind the movie are are more willing to respond when that it will give the students an the group discussions are lead in idea of what handicapped people an informal way ." which is how are like ," Jablonski said. After the film , the eighth graders are led in the format of the retreats has been . two discussion groups by Cabrini students . A sophomore who has also at The day for the eighth graders tended several retreats thinks that begins at 9:30 a .m. and for Cabrini "the y help the students get a students it begins at 10:30 a;m . At 10:50 a .m. there is a group discus - stronger feeling towards their sion for about 20 minutes and then faith . It ' s a whole ne w exa ten minute break before the perience ," she said . movie is shown again. Look beyond the presents , unplug the lights and take down the stockings . Tell the kids that Santa Claus doesn't bring the greatest gift of all. The infant Jesus Christ does-it is the gift of

Love . And it is found only in the hearts, minds, and sou ls of humans . And it is up to us t:o receive this ·gift, at Christmas and all through the year. Peace, and Merry Christmas .




that can unite commuters and get them to play an active role in the school."



The English/Comm ..Club . _ would like t<i extend its holidayj greetings to the entire Cabrini ] community and their families. l



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HappyHolidays from the

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Student gafns ir:--Sightfrom Maryknoll trip BY BRIAN P. JENSEN On Friday, Nov. 13 while most everyone else on campus was preparing to go to the Junior /Senior dinner and dance, I was on my way to Maryknoll, New York. I was going to Maryknoll because I thought that I could learn something about the world around me. I knew that people from Maryknoll h~d seen much of the world. I thought it would1be interesting to gain firsthand knowledge about places outside the United States that I knew little

about. I must honestly say however, that my mind was more on my friends back at Cabrini who were going out to have a good time at the dance than it was on Maryknoll. I wanted to seek a learning experience, but not on such a social weekend as this. I should have stayed back at school and enjoyed myself with my friends, right? Wrong. It did not take long once I had arrived at Maryknoll to know I had made the right decision about my w_eekend.


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Maryknoll is the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America. Maryknoll priests, brothers, sisters and lay missioners serve in '1:lnations around the world out of their main headquarters in New York. Maryknollers travel mostly to third world countries to work with people that live in a world of poverty. · I was interested in Maryknoll people from my brief experience I had with them when they visited Cabrini last year. Being a communications major. I found it interesting to listen to Maryknoll sisters talk about how ill-informed most Americans are towards situations in countries like El Salvador and Nicaragua. I found the same subject, and much more, interesting year. At Maryknoll, I attended several informal lectures and discussions given by different priests, brothers, sistsrs and lay missioners. I found the topics of discussion most informative. · One priest who had just returned from El Salvador spoke of mass killings there. He told of how over 560peasants were shot down because they were protesting the fact that they had not been paid for a week of hard labor . These people were not armed. The guns used to kill these people are provided by the United States, according to the priest. "These death squads are supported by the United States government," said the priest. Maryknollers had a lot of bad things to say about some of the policies of this country. One lay missioner explained to me the unfair foreign policy the United States takes toward a thrid world country like El Salvador. "The United States supports the wealthy few in these countries for selfish economic reasons. Our government and other world p·owers back appressive governments by sending military equipment used to keep down the masses of poor people," said the missioner. The Maryknoller explained that this is a great injustice that benefits the United States both financially and politically. Our country benefits at the expense of thousands of deprived people. Being a proud American, I found all this anti-Americanism hard to accept. It is hard to believe that the country which so many of us are so very proud of could advocate such social injustices. Unfortunately though, our government does. Maryknollers have seen it first hand. Maryknollers are also aware of the lies and propaganda that comes out of these countries to American media. The little information that we read in our newspapers or see on television is sometimes inaccurate or completely untrue. We here or read little about innocent people being gunned down in the streets because they missed the curfew instituted by the military. We hear or read little about priests being arrested and abused by the same military government. We also hear or read very little about how our own government supports these unjustifiable actions by contin- . ually sending arms used in the dirt of oppressive regimes . It is all true. These things do happen and the United States is responsible for many of these injustices. Maryknollers have recognized this most complexand unfair situation. · They also feel that something can be done about it. Maryknollers take action to right these wrongs and help these masses of poor people through their Christian work as missionaries.


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To inform people of the problems that Maryknollers have ~ witnessed while working in foreign countries, Marylmollers _ use their own media. One such publication is Maryknoll Magazine. • . You know the kind of magazine I mean. ,Those "religious" :. pamphlets that so many or us brush aside or throw away. · After visit'ing Maryknoll, I will never do that again. You shouldn't either. Maryknollers also ask other people to take action. They ' challenge other Christians to take seriously their duties to spread justice and love. Maryknollers strong_ly preach the Catholic message of world peace and harmony. The message that Maryknollers teach should be listened to by all of us. I am not a holy roller myself, but when I see these good people who freely choose to tr avel to ugly countries to help those less fortunate and dep rived in the midst of violence and te•:,ror, I realize all of us could do at least a little bit more. The greatest thing that I learned at Maryknoll is that there is still hope. There are still good people in this world who are willing to make life better. Not just for Americans, ._ or Catholics, or any other single group, but for all people everywhere in the world. I would reccomend a trip to Maryknoll, New York to anyone with a conscience. If you ever have a chance to _g_QJI! Maryknoll, don't pass is up. Even is it gets in the way of your busy social schedule. Believe me, that weekend I learned much more than I bargained foa:J will remember Marylmoll a lot longer than I would a dinner and dance, or most anything else for _that matter.







18, 1981

Computer club dance-- problems arise -


The Computer Club dance was a success regardless of the various problems involved, according to Tony Casazza, Computer Club president.

Most of the people who attended the dance had previously filled out a questionnaire about themselves. The answers were fed into a computer and matched with others' answers. When students arrived at the dance they were given a number of two "dates," those people the computer found compatible. The program which printed and analyzed the questionnaires was written by Casazza last semester as part of a computer course. Some questions were specific and the more general questions had multiple choice answers. One

question asked what qualities a person would look for in their "dates." Most students filled in sexy . The second most frequent answer was muscular.

Although the dance was a financial success there were a number of problems.

There were reports that the first . floor bathroom of Sacred Heart was damaged. Approximately 65';}of those who According to one source who attended the dance were Cabrini chose to remain anonymous. students. The remaining 35,;; were there was an unusually large from nearby colleges. number of overnight guests in the Woodcrest dormitory . Gus Nicoletti, director of resi"This dance netted between dent life, said that if there had in $300and $350.This money will fact been a large number of guests be used to purchase new he would have been notified. He · equipment for the computer was not notified of such a situation. club such as computer games He also said that the problems and/or support club activities." which did occur at Woodcrest the night of the dance were separate and unrelated issues. Jim Amalfitano, computer club When Sr. Eileen Currie, dean of vice president and secretary , along with Frank Morelli, senior, students, was asked to comment provided the music for the dance. on the problems and their effects The lighting was provided by she chose not to make any state- .· SUE ACCETTA and Diana Mekel hoped to meet the man of their ment on the situation. dreams at the computer dance. (Photo by Debbie Jablonski) Casazza.

'Time Bandits'

Happy Holidays Word Search

Dwarves Travels dwarves arrive and they steal him, "Time Bandits," a wonderful as well as all the gold and they're cross between Monty Python-like off again. humor and fantasy, is full of striking images and inspiring touches. The movie, directed by Terry Gilliam and co-written by Michael This time they land on a hapl~ss Palin, reminds me of some Bea- ~lJl!le, who h~ve been appearing ties' films, with their whimsey and m d~fferent guise~ throughout the charm, but "Time Bandits" also , m_ov1~.Now.they re on board t~e has heavy Christian overtones. Titanic .. Evil,_ played by David · War11;er1s calhng and the dwarves are listening. They jump off the ship and are rescued by an ogre The adventure starts when our and his wife, who invite them to young hero, Kevin, played by dinner, (theirs). Craig Warnock ( quite a precocious little fellow), runs off with six dwarves (sorry, no Snow White). BY KAREN ANGELI

These mischievous dwarves, who once worked in the Supreme Being's ( Ralph Richardson) Repairs Department (putting fins back on dolphins, etc.) have filched a map that shows the cracks in God's plan of creationholes between layers of space and time -. The dwarves and Kevin are dropped into times, warps, such as the first one, 1796, after Napoleon's defeat of Italy. The dwarves prodeed to befriend the diminutive conqueror and then steal the booty. They escape by way of a black door and suddenly find themselves in the middle of Middle Age Europe, in Sherwood Forest, of all places. Robin Hood, played by John Cleese, takes the loot and, of course, gives it to the poor.

"They overcome their captors and toss them overboard and are transported to the land on the head of a giant ( strictly fantasy stuff)."












VRT S XP LA E DF OROR Suddenly, the sensational seven find themselves near the Castle of Ul~imate Darkness, where Evil abides. Just guess why Evil beckoned them and what he wantwrong, he wants the map. Of course, we all know that good always triumphes over evil, eventually. Richardson, Britain's answer to God, comes to the rescue. The dwarves go back to the repair shop and Kevin is returned home.

The fact that good triumphs over evil is supposedly the nice, correct, Christian w,ay to end "Time Bandits," but I would like to see a sequel done, which shows how much I liked the movie (I'm not an avid sequel fan). Terry Gilliam, Sean Connery, wno ptays along with the rest of the cast dfd a Agamemnon, befriends the boy. splendid job and the audience had Unfortunately for Kevin, the a jolly good time.

Here we go on another warp, only this time, Kevin Lands in Greece and helps Agamemnon slay something that resembles the Minotaur.














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DECitMBER-18,-1981 :·:::.: :... .... -- ..... .

Light Shows: It's Christmastime

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in the city I

BY PAT MCDERMOTT My assignment: to brave the cannibalistic crowds downtownon Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, to see the John Wanamaker Christmas Light Show. People were everywhere. The hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, scurrying of feet filled the streets and department stores in Philly.

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It was t:he day after Thanksgiving, the Salvation Army volunteers with their bells and big red buckets were ready, and best of all, Santa was in town. Nobody is wasting any time this year it seems . I arrived early, so I did a little bit of my own pushing and shoving to beat the long lines. But at 3 :30, I for the balcony at THE STUFF that dreams are made of-the Nutcracker Sweet show in headed 13th and Market lights. From right, the Ballerina, the Nutcracker, the soldier, and the Wanamakers, Sts., for their annual Christmas Princess. (Photo by David Milburn) light show. It was spectacular. Many people have seen it, but for me , it was a first. Many colors lit up the entire store, as well as many faces ranging anywhere from 1 to 85. Waterfalls in many colors started off the story of the Nutcracker . Each story lasts for about three minutes , and all are narrated. Rudolph, Winter Wonderland, and Frosty, al I were part of the jolly spirit. Each character was pegged out and lit up on a huge board. When the lights were lit up, it was like fireworks. Everyone pointing and saying, "Look at this one!", and "Look at that one!" Then came the grand finale, which is always the best part, the John Wanamaker Holiday, featuring everything lit up, and a Santa Claus holding an Eagles pennant. The reaction of the crowd was of definite excitement and awe. Everyone enjoyed it, and it started off the Christmas season with a THREE CHEERS for Santa and the Eagles! (Photo by David good feeling. What really made me smile was an old man standing Milburn) behind me singing each Christmas carol in my ear. Other displays were set up on the ground floor; The Martin Luther Tree, Christmas Choirs and

Costello tries C&W • 1n 'Almost Blue'

BY TIM FEENEY Elvis Costello and his band, the Attractions, may not have been content simply being good rock and rollers. Elvis may have needed a new challenge. He has yet to put out an album that could be deemed unsuccessful. So Elvis Costello and the Attractions turned to ountry and western. "Almost Blue" could be considered either a pleasant surprise or a big disappointment. If you are into country, this album is definitely worth the investment. Costello's bluesy voice fits in rather well, especially in "A Good Year for the Roses," and "Brown to Blue." As a matter of fact, Costello's voice may be the whole reason for this album.

Elvis' voice has been the subject of much criticism in the past. "Almost Blue" may be his way of proving he can sing along with the

rest of them. When I first say "Almost Blue" I looked forward to hearing some new, typically witty, Costello lyrics. But, to my disappointment, Elvis chose to remake a variety of old country hits, probably because of his lack of experience. The wagon train music, turned out by the Attractions and special guest John McFee, comes off rather well. Elvis went all out to make this album real country and western. "Almost Blue" was recorded in Nashville. He brought in noted country and western producer Billy Sherrill. Elvis even got the "Nashville Connection" to sing backup vocals . .. "Almost Blue" may be very satisfying to Elvis Costello, and the kids in Nashville probably love it. But real Elvis Costello fans, myself included, hope that "the King" comes back to rock 'n roll.

WATER FOUNTAINS, a gigantic Christmas tree and dozens of Christmas characters come to life at the spectacular Light Show at Wanamakers. (Photo by David Milburn)

Carols, The Christmas Feast, Three Kings, Christmas Bells, and Saint Nicholas. Each with a narrative included. The show times are Monday thru

Friday, starting at 10:30 a.m., and continuing on every hour. Saturday and Sunday, showtimes are between noon and 5 p.m. For more information, call 422-2000.

SGA of 1981 sincerely wishes that everyone has a

MERRY CHRISTMAS Thank you for all of your support and we wish the new administration a successful semester. Happy holidays!




Mary Poppins: It's SuperCalifragilistic ! BY ANDREA BERTOLINI

Perhaps the best indication of a play's success is its audience's reaction ... and the children captivated by "Mary Poppins" thought it was definitely "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' ! The youngsters responded with delightful participation to the actresses and actors performances. And no wonder ... Jeanne Proko (Mary Poppins) and Bob Checchia (Bert), the two leads, were excellent. Not only did their exceptional acting abilities shine forth, but each added their own

special touches of personality, which truly made their characters come alive. The children were enthralled with Proko's vivid facial expressions and her endear-ing voice which enhanced her role as a magical figure. Checcia brought giggles and lots of laughter from the audience through his witty remarks and nonchalant, juvenile approach. Equally talented were the two youths from the Visual and Performing Arts Program who played Michael and Jane Banks, David Howson and Eileen Everly, respectfully. These two "lit tie pro-


BOB CHECCHIA stars as the ever-changing, laughing and altogether fun lovin' Burt in 'Mary Poppins.' (Photo by Elizabeth Kanaras)

· 'Evenings' are fun BY RITA McKELVEY

Do you like to sing, dance, play an instrument, act, or just pla"in goof-off? Well, Cabrini College once again held its Evening at Cabrini in the Mansion on Dec. 13 at 9 p.111. Evening at Cabrini consists of a variety of serious entertainment and comical entertainment. "Before, Evening al Cabrini used to have a lot of poetry or some type of talent like playing the piano or violin. Today there are funnier acts. The acts 'moct," according to - Dave Pilla, spokesman of the Living Arts Society. Pilla went on tu say that although most of the acts are comical, some are serious. "A person can go to a book, lake out a few lines and either mock them or do tryem seriously." As far as participation is concerned, Pilla said, "In order to set off Evening at Cabrini the entire student body has to participate. We need one act plays and an audience. Lately the same people have participated."

For a while, Evening at Cabrini was not given. Pilla explained "It was partly our (Living Arts Society) fault. It was basically a lack of participation. We didn't organize it." Pilla explained further that right now the Living Arts Society does not know if they should continue to handle Evening at Cabrini. The Living Arts Society is a busy club and cannot handle all of the activity. When asked if any groups were formed to help with Evening at Cabrini, Pilla replied, "There are really no groups. Brian Jensen('B4) and Frank Morelli ('82) have helped a lot." TosignupanactforEveningat Cabrini, a student has lo gel in touch with Brian Jensen or Frank Morelli. According to Jensen, "This Evening at Cabrini centers mostly around Christmas." As far · as the acts are concerned, Jensen said, "There are no rehearsals or tryouts for the acts." According to Dave Pilla, "Evening at Cabrini relieves a lot of tension. It doesn't take talent because you are in front of your classmates. It's lots of fun."

fessionals" executed their lines very well and acted as all young English children did in those days . .. putting frogs in their nannies· beds and yet, being ever su respectful lo their parents. These children contributed greatly to the play's success. With his prim black beard and her proper blue dress, Michael Morelli and Sandra McNamara filled the roles of strict English parents quite well. Their accents and mannerisms added much to the realism of Mary Poppins. Lisa Cimino, Crystal Rudinski, Kathi Fritz and Jane Harrington, tripling as the nannies, the bankers, and the Jolly Holiday dancers injected the play with a lot of high energy movement and music. Light on their feet and quick on their toes, these girls were accompanied by Chris Corcoran, Andrew Barrett and Jerry Openaker in several scenes. Joanne Norcini scampered in as the Bird Lady, enchanting the children with her gentle song and her ability to attract the little birds. The costumes , lighting, set, props, and music all blended together to illuminate the performers and the wonderful show of taient they displayed. Perna was especially pleased with the charming enactment his students staged. From the looks of the performance, no one could tell there were many problems with scheduling rehearsals and conflicts in a last minute actor replacement prior to this performance. The entire play was splendid! The final scene ends with the entire cast waving good-bye to Mary Poppins and deciding to go fly kites so that she may have a more pleasant flight home. This scene inspires everyone, .young in age and young in heart, to believe in the magic of Mary Poppins and in .the fantasy of 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' memories. "Mary Poppins" should be seen by all . . . it is more than a 'miniature musical adventure' as Perna often describes the children's plays ... it is a grandiose, magical celebration of talent.

KATHI FRITZ, Jane Harrington, Crystal Rudinski and Lisa Cimino kick their way into the hearts of the audience. (Photo by Elizabeth Kanaras)

JEANNE PROKO, as Mary Poppins, makes life a little sweeter by pouring medicine with the spoonful of sugar. (Photo by Elizabeth Kanaras)




Here is wishing you


from the Freshman Class






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Evening at Cabrini




fOr everyone





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SOPHOMORE TANYA BOLCAR performs her inte r pretation of "Send in the Clowns ." ( Photo by David .Milburn)


a celebration


By Appointment

of fire,friends,/ight,love,

DESPITE THE R~i~ AND Fr'. Chris Davis prays over the yule log as juniors Regina Shields, Maria Newsome, Judy Loenser, Dane Linn and Carol Hasson look on . (Photo by David Milburn)


songs and stories

JUNOIOR JUDY CIUBA and senior Regina Volpe sing by ·candlelight in the Mansion courtyard . (Photo by David Milburn)




Keating scores 1,000th career point BY TOM DeMATTlf:S

After much anticipation "it finally happened. On Wednesday, Dec . 9, with seven minutes to go in the basketball game against Upsala College, John Keating scored his · 1,000th career point. After coming within six points of the milestone against Philadelphia Bible College much of the Cabrini Community was looking for Keating to score the points Monday, Dec . 7 against Philadelphia Pharmacy. However, the team tri-captain took only four shots in this game and missed them all. Instead he played an unselfish game that saw him frequently pass off when he had an open shot. Late in the Pharmacy game he made two free throws to come within four points and set the stage for the Upsala game . With 13 minutes elapsed in the second half of this game Keating

once again found himself on the foul line . He made.the first shot for point number 1,000and this set off a celebration from the Cabrini fans who made the trip to the game . Cabrini's coach, John Dzik, presented Keating with the ball and he was congratulated by his teammates . " It felt good to score it ," Keating said, "I think subconsciously I was nervous Monday but I do feel relieved ." Fellow senior and tricaptain Mike Bennett said he knew Keating was nervous. "I could tell because the first shot he took after he scored the points went right in." His teammate went on " I am glad for him, scoring 1,000 points is some accomplishment."

The Cavaliers finished third in the Upsala Tournament. After an opening round lost to Upsala, 73-66, the team best St. Joseph of New york 66-58.

DURING THE CABRINI-UPSALA GAME on Dec . 9, senior John Keating scored his 1000th career point. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Freshmen add to Lady Cavs "I'm learning a lot," she said . BY MAUREEN CARROLL "The freshmen are good," said "We have good coaches and we get sophomore basketball team mem- . a good workout at practice ." ber Sue Masino. "They show exMaureen McKenna, guard , playperience and a good attitude . They ed both varsity and junior varsity aren't holding back ." Catholic High Masino was speaking of the five for Gloucester freshmen on the women's basket- School in Gloucester, N.J. McKenball team. An unusual aspect of na noted that not playing in her this 12-member squad is that the senior year gave her incentive to majority of the players are fresh- try out at Cabrini. men . "I missed not playing in high Ann Belsky , forward, had no school , so I wanted to see if I could prior · playing experience at her make the team and play in college," she said . high school, St. Pius in Pottstown, Pa . . Two of the freshmen are "I was on Cabrini's volleyball starters : Lisa Hurst, guard, and team · an.d the coach (Mike Eileen Herbig, forward /guard. Tenaglia) was recruiting, " she Hurst played varsity and junior said . "Plus , my roommate sug - varsity her last three years in Mt. gested that I try _out." , Pleasant High School in Pam Lane , guard, has played Wilmington , Del. "I think having a lot of freshmen since the sixth grade and stopped after her junior year in high on the team will be an asset in years to come," she said. school. She played junior varsity Herbig, influenced by her sister for Plymouth /Whitemarsh High · who also played basketball , has School in Whitemarsh, Pa .

played since sixth grade . She played both varsity and junior varsity at St. Maria Goretti High School in Philadelphia . She has been a-leading scorer in games . "The team is getting its act together ," she said . " We are really strong . The coaches are confident and so are the players ." "Freshmen have a chance to grow with the team," said assistant coach Jill Fausnaught . " The team is tight this year ." Sophomore team member Eileen Houston reiterated the talents of the freshmen. "They really mean a lot , especially in practice and their support," she said. The lady Cav's upcoming games for January include : Mon, Jan 18. . .. .. . Bryn Mawr - A Thurs , Jan 21. . .. . . Mont. CCC - A Sat , Jan 12.. . . . Spring Garden - H Tues, Jan 26 . ... . ..... Eastern - A Thurs , Jan 28 ........ Immaculata Sat , Jan 30. . .... Delaware Valley


Men's basketball team displays winning potential BY KAREN CANCIO

The men's basketball team may only have a 2-5 record but the potential is there . Players such as Michael Bennett '82 and Ray Young '83 clearly provide the backbone of this year's team . John Keating '82, a strong player , is only six points away from reaching 1000 points scored in his college career after the game with Philadelphia Bible College . This year 's team also features some good players who will not be lost after graduation . Daniel Welde '83, who is out with a sprained ankle will hopefully be back in time for the Rutgers-Camden Holiday Festival. Welde is a transfer student from Delaware County Community College . Three of the outstanding freshmen are John McQµeen, Michael Lowry and 6' 10" James Baukal. The Cabrini Cavaliers have won against Valley Forge Christian

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So far attendance at the games has been good . Coach Keeley sees the Rutgers-Camden Holiday Festival and the john Hopkins Blue Jay Tournament as challenging games for the men in the future.

Stadter reigns as pool champion BY DEBBIE JABLONSKI


and the Philadelphia Bible College (96-74 ). According to Assistant Coach Michael Keeley , the Cavaliers " have only lost their last three games by a total of 13 points ." Other assi stant coaches are Joseph Kelly and William Schneider with head coach John Dzik at the helm . The Cavaliers will be getting a promising new player next semester. A transfer from Celaware County Community College, Dodie Watkin s, who was DELCO 's leading scorer and was ineligible to play this semester . Watkins and the return of Welde can only serve to strengthen the team .

Billiards was in the sports spot light at Cabrini when the Wig Warn sponsored a pool tournament. Thirty-two students competed for the right to be known --as the "pool champion ." The tournament was held fort wo consecutive weeks and students got together during their free time to play the assigned matches. "This is a great thing ," Tony Ciro, junior and co-business manager of the Wig Warn, said , "It gave people a chance to compete at a sport they liked ." Chris Stadler, sophomore, one of the two women entered in the tournament , won the right to be called the "pool champion ." She was awarded a $25 first place prize. Stadler began playing pool dur ing her freshman year of high school and states that she is still ·• Jearning the game . •· •

Sophomore Ron Lynch was Stadter's final oppocent. The match went down to the final fifth game and in Stadter's opinion it was her toughest competition . " It was hard for me to believe I won, " Stadler said, "It took my roommate to explain to me what happened ." Stadler said that her roommate, Theresa Dymond, sophomore, was her biggest supporter . "The final match," Stadler said , "became a little sexist." She said that some of the men watching told Lynch that he could not let a woman beat him . " I didn't listen to them," Lynch said . "After all , I was not playing them but was playing Chris ." Stadler added that she didn't think the men doubted her ability and that the remarks wer e as a jolte -towards' •Lynch . •

. ..., '"-,._ THE LOQJJITUR, FRIDAY, DECEMBEltlS,'1981






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Basketball captains Young and Connolly lead t8ams BY RITA CALICAT

Ray Young '83, center-forward for the Cabrini Cavaliers says that the experience he has received in playing basketb":ll here at Cabrini has enhanced his game tremendously. Young, a tri-captain of the Cavaliers says that his major role on the basketball court is that of a rebounder. "I'm considered a big man in our league whereas I could be considered a guard in a large league," Young stated. Even though his major role is to rebound the basketball, Young likes to score also. According to Young the position he plays is a hard one requires determination and desire to be successful. Young played basketball for Philadelphia Community College for two years of his eligibility but he feels that his game has improved a great deal · since he has been with the Cabrini Cavaliers. "Community offered no support to th.ei r athletic teams," Young recalls, ''but Cabrini not only offers support for the team but also provides the players with more exposure than did Community." Looking back over his college basketball experiences, Young recalls some special events. He . reflects on the game he considered his best in his four years as a college basketball player. The game was Cab~ini Cavaliers vs. Penn State Capitol, second semester last year. Young scored 27 points and grabbed 25 rebounds. This game, according to Young, was the highlight of his college basketball experience. In April 1981 at the Cabrini College Annual Sports Banquet, Young was awarded a plaque honoting the fact that he ranked • fourth in college rebounding in the country . In three years of playing Young has achieved 595 rebounds and 785 points. Young comments on the team as a whole. According to Young the team is in the process of establishing themselves as a team rather than individual players. "Our chemistry has to come together if we are to reach our fullest potential," said Young. The consensus of the team is that a little extra effort on the small things in a game will improve the

status of the team. "There is a great deal of talent on the team, it is just a matter of coming together as a te~m," says Young. The 6'6", 220 pound, center-forward for the Cabrini Cavaliers strives to be a well-rounded student. "Academics are the most important reason for being here, not sports," Young claims. He is an Elementary Education major and he hopes to one day be an administrator in a grade school. "I love ~ kids, I think that they are precious," Young said. "The El. Ed. department has a good reputation ·and is very well organized. Mr. Kuhns, Mr. Litavec and Dr, Girard have encouraged me a great deal in academic matters " Young stated. Education is ve;y important to Young and he feels that educating the young is a job which will be both rewarding and satisfying. Young involves himself in various activities on campus. He is a member of the Black Student Union and the History Club. His hobbies include jogging, reading interesting material, good music, chess and a variety of other things. Young thinks that the social life at Cabrini is whatever an individual makes it. People on campus have various opinions about Ray Young, the athlete and the student. Freshman and teammate John McQ_µeensaid "Ray is an interesting person and an inspirational player." Tony Ciro, '83, said "Ray is a nice person and an aggressive basketball pl ayer." Tri-captain John Keating '82, said, "Ray is the first big man Cabrini's ever had and in that sense he helps us out a lot by his rebounding ability. He is quiet off the court but he is a leader on the court." This positive feeling towards Ray Young may contribute to Young's view that, "it is easy to be happy at Cabrini because it allows one to build positive relationships with faculty as well as other students. Young, who considers himself to be "an individual to the maximum," lives by the philosophy that, "self discipline in anything one attempts can bring about success."

BASh.~TBALL ~AP1:AINS YOUNG AND CONNOLLY, leaders on the court. (;~otos by Tom De Matteis and David Milburn) BY SANDY MOMYER

"My sister is a good basketball player!" said Rob Connolly, '85. When you mention basketball and family at Cabrini College you have , to be talking about Kathleen "Kate" Connolly. Connolly is 5 feet, 10 inches tall, bouncy and somewhat reserved. She says, "The most exciting thing I've ever done is come to Cabrini." Connolly, '83, is co-captain of the women's basketball team this season. She has been a starting center-forward on the team since her fresh111anyear here. Connolly said, "Competition at Cabrini is good, It makes you work." Work is nothing new to Connolly . She spent the summer at Cabrini working to strengthen her skills especially rebounding. After daytime classes, the students on campus got together and playedmen and women. She said "It made us all work harder. I fe~l improved and I'm looking for results." A bout with pneumonia in September worried her, but that seems to be behind her . Helen Goodwin, women's

••••• Best Wishes


and have a

!Jolly Holiday!! ..



From the Casey House


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athletic director, said that Connolly has shown improvement. She said, "Connolly improves every year." Coach Mike Tenaglia recently described Connolly and co-captain Terri Leinenbach, '83, as good leaders. The women met as freshmen and have been teammates, classmates and friends . This semester they are roommates as well. Leinenbach said, "We share the same ideals on and off the courts." Freshman basketball player Maureen McKenna said that Connolly is respected by her teammates. She said, "Kate makes her presence known and promotes spirit on the team. We need her." Connolly says it takes will power to play team sports. She said, "You have to want to do it. You have to work at it. Sometimes it hurts." Connolly works hard to win, but has some thoughts on losing. She said it depends on how well you play. "If you did your best, perhaps the other team is better. However, if you didn't play well and made mistakes, losing can get you down." · Connolly played basketball for four years at East Rockaway High School in New York. This is where the family influence enters. Bob Connolly, Kate's father, said her experience really began before that. Mr. Connolly said that Kate made her decision in eighth grade. He said, "She decided not just to watch-but to play as well." Watching basketball is a major activity in the Connolly family since Mr. Connolly has coached the sport for 22 years. Mr. Connolly coaches the Catholic Youth Organization teams in St. Raymond's Parish in East Rockaway. Ironically, he has never "of- . ficially" coached Kate. Cabrini freshman and Kate's brother Rob Connolly credits their father, however, for getting her started . He said, "My sister is basically shy. My father tries to build her confidence and encourage her to try things/' Rob said his father convinced her · to apply for a basketball

scholarship at Cabrini which Kate holds for her four years here. He remembers Goodwin coming to East Rockaway to scout Kate. Connolly's father believes sports have helped Kate overcome some of her shyness. There are five children in the Connolly family. Rob says, "My sister and I are the closest. We grew up together, were in the same folk group, played basketball, shared the same friends and partied together." Now they go to college together. When asked to describe his sister, Rob Connolly said, "Kate is just special." William B. Kuhns, chairperson of the education <lepartment uses similar words to describe 'Kate Connolly. He said she is dependable, reliable, dynamic. Connolly works in Kuhns' office as well as the cafeteria. Kuhns also said Connolly has a good sense of humor. She relates well to people and really cares. He said these qualities are key elements to education majors. Connolly is a special education and elementary education major . In high school she was involved in a big brothers/sisters program and worked with an autistic boy. It helped her decide on a teaching career• She is a member of the Council of Exceptional Children and has attended conventions plus activities on campus. She also belongs to the campus Pennsylvania State Education Association. PSEA sponsored a Halloween party and a Christmas party for St. Mary's School. She has worked at events at the Don Guanella School also. In addition to teaching, Connolly said, "Basketball will always be part of my life. I plan to play to stay active and would like to coach community activities. I loved . coaching in high school." Mothers can be biased about their children, or at least they are accused of it. However, few people on campus are willing to dispute Connolly's mother when she said, "Kate is a sweetheart!"



Videotap 'ing aids •1n game plan ary to find fault with them , they could see their faults themselves. The result was it gave them more incentive ." Details Tanaglia looks for when revie}Yingthe videotapes are, continuity of plays, if zones and offenses were set up correctly, how many turnovers were completed , and weaknesses in individual players . _ Also, Dzik says the stop and reverse action is a valuable factor . He says the tapes can be used to dissect the opponents offenses, defenses and individual trends, as well as their weaknesses . He added that all this could be done at your leisure. According to Dzik, all professional teams, major colleges and many high schools videotape games. Other colleges ask for and exchange tapes .' Last year at the Western Maryland Tipoff Tournament , Dzik says they played a team they had no pre-conception of, never having seen them in action before. "We lost the game by 16 points," he relates . "If we had seen them on tape prior to the game, we would have been better prepared." Videotaping of basketball games at Cabrini was only practiced last season, but has proved to be so beneficial both coaches would like to tape _most home games.


Dick Vermeil, coach of the Eagles football team , isn't the only athletic coach who realizes the importance of videotaping games for evaluation and instruction . Men's basketball coach John Dzik, and women's basketball coach Mike Tenagiia, both appreciate the value of recording games . Although he was only able to tape one game last year, Dzik claims it is a proven fact that players who are able to see a pictorial image of themselves can better evaluate their performance. Tanaglia used videotapes in the past at the Vanguard Middle School' in Haverford, where he taught physical education to handicapped children. He says the fact that the children could visually relate to what he was attempting to teach them, proved to be an invaluable aid in instruction. "I believe as many senses as you can stimulate, you should stimulate for learning purposes," Tenaglia said. Last year they taped several games and Jill Fausnaught, assistant coach for the women's basketball team, says, "It made it a lot easier for us sitting on the bench. The girls were able to sit back and evaluate themselves." She continued, "It wasn't necess-

lntramurals BY KATHY McCARTNEY

students who are interested," said Collins. "We are trying to have both volleyball and soccer games and more games to be played for each sport," said Brun, "but the problem is working around the gym and basketball practices and games ." Helen Goodwin , women ' s athletic director , and John Dzik, men's athletic director, help the head coordinators arrange teams and the schedule . Collins stated, "The majority of the students who signed up are freshmen. Helen Goodwin is going to evaluate the members during her gym classes. This helps to cut down on some of the people we haven't had a chance to see play yet." The main goals for the intramural coordinators is to divie up the teams as evenly as possible and to work out a schedule that won't interfere with the other activities already taking place in the school gym. Collins estimated that there should be about 12 teams and two team members who will represent their specific team. If possible they may schedule alllhe games in one night and have a time limit thereby extending the season .

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Some basic problems are involved , however , Fi rst , the expense must be absorbed by the athletic program . Second, there is the question of ac cessibility of the videotaping ap paratus . Finally, the problem of finding someone capable of operating the equipment,. Last year the equipment was ad ministered by the English and communications department. Dr . Marilyn L. Johnson, professor of English and communications, says the various gear would be made available to all athletic coaches, if they could find a capable person lo operate it. Previously, a course in videotaping was taught by Dr . Johnson, but the course is not being offered right now . "It is an elective course, and we do not offer the electives every year," Dr . Johnson explains. "There are students around who can run the equipment we had pre viously, but that particular equipment was stolen, and they do not know how to operate the new equipment," she added . Both basketball coaches would appreciate anyone who is familiar with the operation of such apparatus contacting the,n, as it is a tremendous aid to both players and coaching staff.

Mike Stevens, Dave Murphy, and Ron Katkocin Wish You and Yours a


I i j


or pleasure


Horsemanship , which at one lesson costs approximatel y $20 time was considered to be the while group lessons cost approx sport of the nobility, is popular to- imately $10. day in the United States-among a "I became interested in riding variety of people . because I liked horses," Patitucci . . said'. "I am fascinated by them ." Thl: sport 1_s ~efmed as the a_rt or According to her, riding makes prachc~ ?f riding horses for either you conscious of your weight competition or pleasure . because you must be in good physiSeveral students at Cabrini are cal condition . The rider's weight _ also equestriens although they ride controls the speed of the horse. hm·ses mainly for fun. Two of those Martelli first took riding lessons students are seniors Joyce as her physical education requirePatitucci and Patty Martelli. · ment at Cabrini for one year at the green Valley Stables. "I took lessons because I tho~ht it would be interesting and new," she said. Martelli noted that in riding you use muscles that you would not ordinarily use . According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Marcopedia, formal Patitucci has been riding horses shows range from local events , since she was IO-years-old. She has such as state fairs, to national, taken lessons at the Hill Mewdow such as the Devon Horse Show, to Stable in Stroudsburg, Out Back international competitions such as Farm in Chestnut Hill, Green the Olympics. The object of these Valley Stables which used to be lo- shows is to set a standard for the cated in Berwyn and Fox Run horse, rider and trainer . Three categories include dressage Farm in Malvern . and obedience), "I took lessons at Cabrini in my (deportment freshman and junior years," she jumping and combined training . Olympic games include events said . "But I haven't ridden since such as dressage, stadium jumpthe summer." Patitucci noted that a private ing and combined training .

N.ew Sport


"I am very pleased by the response that has been shown to the intramurals games this year," said Chris Collins. Jeff Brun, junior, and Chris Collins, senior , are the head coordinators of the intramural teams . They organize the teams and the schedule. The intramurals games are made up of teams which consist of Cabrini students who are interested in participating in a sports activity outside of school hours. The teams meet several times a week at night in the s~hool gym . Last year sports such as volleyball, softball , soccer and basketball were played by the intramural team members . "We had fewer women than men but the teams were divided up as evenly as possible and it worked out very well," said Brun . Bl1 this year the head coordinators have a problem . It is not the lack of response to the intramurals games but the overwhelming response which is the mqmentary setback. "Last year we had 60 students sign up and this year the response has more than doubled up to 150 students . And there are still more




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