Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
-Internal -change next on agenda _ ? BY ANN BELSKY
As the Cabrini campus undergoes external changes with the completion of the George D . Widener Campus Center, internal modifications are also being considered. These internal changes are a result of a special survey conducted at Cabrini under the direction of Dr. Douglas Heath, a professor at Haverford College. Heath is a special consultant to colleges in the area of student development, discovering the "model of maturity ." At the Council of Independent Colleges' summertime seminar, Heath was a speaker. Cabrini faculty attended the seminar and were impressed with Heath's con-
cepts, so invited him to the college to share his survey and benefit this school. His survey consists of two identical lists of descriptive words; one set to describe the students and another to describe the school. Words included aggressive, creative, critical, impersonal, sincere , religious, optimistic, and caring . Those taking the test, which included faculty, students, staff, and administration, were asked to circle the words which described Cabrini College as a whole and check words which they wished were a part of Cabrini. The survey was administered to approximately 40 persons on Monday, Jan . 18. The per~ons were
representative of the population at Cabrini. A faculty workshop on Wednesday of that week featured Heath, who discussed the results in the light of the picture of the school painted for him by the surveys. The purpose of the survey is to discover what the students feel Cabrini College is and what they want it to be. It can also be used to ascertain whether the faculty and staff are in touch with the students' needs and feelings. The latter was found to be true in many cases. The faculty's top three choices for the view of Cabrini were: caring, friendly, and helpful. The students viewed Cabrini as friendly,
accepting, and caring. The typical Cabrini student is friendly, caring, and goodnatured, say the faculty and staff, while the students see themselves as friendly, cheerful, and fun. Friendliness at Cabrini is certainly transcendent. One student who took the survey thought the idea was good, but found the test "tedious" and the words "repetitious." Sister Eileen Currie, dean of students, says one positive result of the survey was to get the faculty and staff to think and act together . Heath recognized the difficulties of a liberal arts college trying to give a broad view of many subjects while maintaining a college's high
standards for developing a students' interdependence and autonomy . Dr. Jerome Zurek , department chariperson of English and communications , said the survey had "exceedingly important ramifications" for the administration who must decide on the validity of the advertising campaigns aimed at drawing new students towar d Cabrini. Toose instrumental in administering and organizing the survey were Sister Regina Peterson, coordinator of social work; Sister Eileen ; Anthony Tomasco ; and Joseph J. Romano, vice-president for academic affairs.
Copus Ce_nter: A modern miracle BY JIM LAWLOR Suddenly it was quiet . The last hammer had driven the last nail and the last piece of machinery had lumbered its way off campus. The Widener Center had stopped being a place for employees of Near Contracting to do their work and started being a place for the members of the Cabrini Community to do theirs .
What many may not realize is that last week's opening of the center represents somewhat of a modern architectural miracle. In the words of Development Vice President John J . Heiberger, "The center was completed on time, on budget, and according to plan ." •
nique called fast tracking used by the architect and contractor. This made it possible for work to begin on certain elements while others were still being designed, according to Heiberger. A third reason cited by the vice president is the cooperation and time given by the campus people involved in planning the center . He said that a new building usually leads to competition for space which can become time consuming and thus slow production. That was not the case here. The needs of the students were kept in mind at all times and space divided equitably, according to Heiberger .
All this led to the completion of building within two weeks of Probably the most striking of the the target date, and Heiberger has these three attributes is the time no fear that the job was done too factor. Heiberger said the building hastily. took just over a year-and-a-half to go from an idea to a reality and he "I am very pleased with the cites several reasons. quality," he said, "We used quality materials and the One major reason is the grant craftsmanship was very good." from the Widener Foundation. Heiberger speculates that ground As far as bemg on budget , would not be broken at this point if Heiberger explained that early funds had to be raised through a estimates were that the building variety of sources. The Widener would cost $1.5million. After some grant allowed work to begin im- changes in plans the estimate mediately, eliminating what could jumped to $1.6 and a contract was have been years of fund raising . Also the gift allowed the college to shmed . continue its on-going fund raising Heiberger is also pleased with activities to pay for various other expenses which would have other- the look of the final product. "I wise been trimmed and most of the would not make any major incoming money earmarked for changes," he said , "I might paint a wall a different color here or add some sort of building fund. a few feet to a room there, but overall I'm very pleased." With funding worries swept away by one stroke of the Dixon From here the attention paid the pen, the road was clear for work to center shifts from the planning and begin on the center. building to the moving in and use. A press tour will be given in midAnother factor in the rapid com- March ,. The dedication will be on pletion of the building was a tech- March 14.
FRANK CHEESEMAN, Bob Connolly, Sul Allyn and Jeff Fronzi play pinball in game room of the Widener Campus Center which opened on Friday , February 5th. (Photo by Mark Magner)
SS, time running out fast BY CAROLWAHL Social Security cuts are turning some seniors into freshmen. High school seniors who are receiving social security have until May 1 to be entered into a college or university to keep their government aid until they turn 22.
Stmerits who do not enter institutions of higher learning before May 1 will have their social security benefits cut off when they turn 18-years-old. Problems are arising because many affected students are not aware of the changes. According to the Jan. 22, 1982,issue the New York Times, the Social Security administrat ion has not yet notified beneficiaries of the changes in the program. A spokesperson for Social Security said that pamphlets will be sent out and that all those students affected by the changes will receive the
pamphlets by spring. The problem with this is that, in order for students to beat the deadline , they will have to enter college in January ¡ because that is when most schools start the spring semester . Although Cabrini students will not be affected by the deadline many of their brothers and sisters will. Delores Monzo, junior , has a sister that will be affected by the new cut-off age . 9\e said that she did not know what her sister, Lisa, now a junior at Cardinal O'Hara High School, will do about her future. Delores commented, "Without social security I wouldn't be able to go to school." The family depends on the money and does not know what they will do without it. "She'll have to work a year then go to college," Monzo said.
"Hopefully she ' ll have an employer who will help her ." Lisa learned about the changes in social security from other students in her high school. "It stinks ," she said. Donna Degnan, junior , knows of a close friend who is enteri ng college early to beat the deadline . Mathias Carlson, a senior ~onor student at St. Rose High School in Belmar, N.J. is entering Brookdale Community College with an academic load of twelve credits . Both of his parents are dead and the only way he could go to college would be with the help of Social Security . The Social Security changes will also affect students who are presently attending colleges and tmiversities . The new plan is to phase out educational benefits over a three year period. According to Arlene McEvilla , Continued on Pa$e 3
Editorial: Sto'p s·poon-feeding A recently-overheard conversation was that of a Cabrini student who said she chose to attend Catholic grade school because she'd have to wear a uniform and would be spared the task of deciding what to wear each morning. Perhaps she selected a small, Catholic college for the same reason: basically, that she would be faced with very few decfsions to make. One of the advantages of a school like Cabrini is that it allows people to explore intellectually if they are unsure of their goals as freshmen . Hopefully, as seniors, they are on their way to realizing and completing such goals. However, more importantly, four years of college should have eneouraged them to think for themselves, create their own identities, and stand up for their own convictions. It is not the college's responsibility to make sure that each student leaves' its gates as an autonomous indi\·idual, but tu do their best nut tu pamper students to the point where they are helpless . In light of the Heath survey (page 1) Philadelphia magazine's recent indictment of liberal arts colleges, and the numerous passive students who find engaging in a debate intimidating, ·cabrini's future task is not an ea~ one . It's not enough to prepare students for
What do you think ...
the job market; but it's imperative that they be prepared for the world itself. And that will never happe1_1 until the spoon-feeding stops. Newspaper report er Karyn Rinaldi and photographer Tom DeMatIt w.ill stop when some teachers here realize that teis asked students : " What do you think about the clas s evaluation they do not have to go around the room and check questionnaires"?'· everyone's homework, insinuating first-grade competence. Less rules and more independence are also essential if the college wishes to convert itself from the Fantasy Island it has become to a smaller model of the real world . We realize that closeness accounts for that special Anne Hendrickson, freshman: feeling that is Cabrini, and we understand when "They didn't do any good. I think it was just a administrators say they have a responsibility to mainwaste of time. The same problems as before tain order. But so does Temple, Penn, Villanova, still exist." Haverford and every other area college. A small school like Cabrini should have its uwn personality , but it owes it to its students to treat them as individuals capable of making decisions, with the power to do so. People will learn more from their mistakes if given the opportunity to make them. They won't learn anything without that liberty . And in the end, who is more Joanne Lumpkin, freshman: the prepared: the graduate who has been kept from "I really think that the evaluations didn 't do life's sometimes harsh realities , or the graduate who anything. I haven 't seen any change . I think it has been exposed to them and has learned from them? would be better if everyone wrote their O\\ "II so the teachers could read them ."
of class evaluations?
A very funny ioke indeed BY JIM LAWLOR It just may be the funniest joke of our age. It is being played in colleges and universities all across the country. It is called "Let's fool the hell out of everybody." The pranksters are high school seniors who have come to the realization that anybody with half a brain can get into a college, maint-ain passing grades with minimal effort, and for the most part enjoy a four year vacation with Mommy, Daddy, or Uncle Sam picking up the tab.
The joke is far from universal , but there is a well defined minority out there laughing like hell as they cut classes, buy term papers, and pursue their various nocturnal pleasures.
They have seen the light a?d realize that one has to be a near vegetable to flunk out of college these days . It is hard to blame them, in a . way. As seniors, they see two paths in front of them. The first is look around , get a modest job with some company , and start punching the clock everyday for the rest of their lives. Or, they can go on to college. For the paltry amount of work it takes to pass, they get a room away from home , three squares a day, and the time of their lives . Why not? If you are not concerned about getting an education, do the least it takes to get by, and enjoy yourself the rest of the time! Sure , you may have to do the
mne-to-five routine in the summer , or hold a part time job while in school , but getting by in college is easy . Besides, the job you would have had out of high school will be there when you graduate, or when you get oored with the joke . for that matter . Simply put, college is a way for otherwise unmotivated people to avoid the working week , and they'll happily admit to it. Furthermore, if these students ' pa rents are wil1111gto pa) fur the education, I don't blame the colleges a bit for laughing all the way to the bank. Alas , every joke has its butt, and this punch line leaves the serious students riddled as prospective employers snicker at the worth of a bachelor 's degres .
Wood Clodfelter, senior :
•'Personally , I don't thin k they do anything .''
Mike Hawley , sophomore : "I thought the y wer e really good for the cl asses that had them , but I think all of the teachers should have given them out. ' '
Tony Ciro, junior: " I don't think they are very useful . They are too standardized. They don't really show what you feel about the individual teacher. "
Where are the . . snowplow~?
•.. . .··
·.··•· ·
Cabrini students slip slidin' away DEAR EDITOR,
mediately below it, are virtually invisible to the naked eye due to the unremoved snow and sheets of ice carpeting the concrete. If you get into one-fine, but don't expect to get out without a struggle.
The famous quote "When winter comes, spring really isn't far behind" may be a very warm and pleasant aspiration to ponder during these frigid, sub-zero January days. However, mere hope of Walkways are stories in themwarmer weather to come is not . selves, with the narrow pathways going to change the very tangible, that are cleared being ·treacherous, fearful, icy, and transformed into sheets of ice nearly impossible realities which which make ice skates seem to be plague each and every member of the only sane alternative regardthe Cabrini community as they at- ing movement outside of any kind. tempt to embark upon their daily Along these lines, it should be course of activities. For a school noted that the main doors of situated atop a hill which is poten- Sacred Heart Hall still remain tially dangerous on tl}e best of blocked by snow. One set can be days, one would think that Cabrini opened-from which a narrow, would evoke the utmost care and one-person wide path extends. We concern to provide safe passage should feel lucky because this is around the campus during the the first place I've encountered cold, snowy and icy days of winter. traces of substantial and .effective That thought has to be irony at its amounts of salt utilized to provide best because the transportation safe passage. God forbid an conditions about these grounds emergency should arise requiring could be considered anything but the use of the doors still impedea safe. by snow which has been acThe roads leading from the main cumulating for over one month entrances are in the best condition now. around and they are just barely passable due to minimum amounts The point of this whole scenario of sand and mud sparcely scat- is that we all value the little things tered here and there. There's only in life-like arms, legs and livvery precious com one rule of thumb to be wary of: At ing-as all costs, don't stop. modities. Having these commodiParking spaces, particularly at tie, threatened each time we want Woodcrest Hall and the lot im- to commµte anywhere on this
Lisa Fitzgerald, senior: campus is a fear which modern "I don't know if they are put to any use or not. technology suggests we shouldn't If they do look at them, I thi nk they could be have to face (with the help of propvery helpful." er snow plows, and follow-ups of sand and salt droppings to prevent icing). Every student in this institution pays a considerable amount of money to attend. Every resident ---------------------------pays additional money to be provided with adequate and proper living conditions. Therefore, there is no acceptable reason why, even days after a snowfall, safe Member of the Associated Colle~iate Press passageway cannot be provided. Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College , Radnor. PennsylIf a school cannot provide a safe vania 19087. Telephone : 215-687-2100ext . 412. Subscription price is included in benefits secured thruway within the realms of its by tuition and student fee. Subscription by mail is S5 per year. Second class postage is paid at campus, it should not be permitted Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087. to open and endanger the very Co-editors-in-chief: Maureen Carroll and Tamra Di:\larino lives of those who must commute :--;ewsEditor : Joyce Patitucci to and from each day. It's not fair Assistant :'l:ew Editor : Hila Calicut to subject anyone to such fear Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor when there's so much which can be Assistant Opinions Editor : Ann Belsky done to improve the situation. Arts Leisure Editor : Sand) :-.1e:--;a111ara A very haunting question comes Assistant Arts Leisure Editor : Patty :\le Dermott to mind: Does a serious or even Features Editor : Jeanne l'roko fatal mishap have lo occur in Assistant Features Editor : Pam Clark order for anyone in real authority Spurts Editor : Debbie Jablonski to initiate some course of action Assistant Spurts Editor : Tom Del\latteis regarding this very real and l'hutography Editor: Tom Dcl\latteis perilous situation? To anyone who Business Manager : Brian I'. Jensen has any authority over these cirSTAFF : Karen Angeli, Karen Cancio, Pat Corrn:ay, Sheila cumstances: The life you save Fanelle. \'irginia Gruerio, Elizabeth Kanaras, Debra Kidon, could very well be your own. Francine Kuterbach, Kath) l\lcCartney, Hila :\kKeln •y, Sand~ Sincerely, :\lomyer, Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Hinaldi . Danny Hoss, :\kg Sluok. A concerned student Carol Wahl. Robin Larkins AdviS<,r: ,Jerome Zurek Jan. 28, 1982 .. " . ' ,· ,..,,
Loquitur Cabrini College
SIR's aid 1n improvement of courses? BY RITA CALICAT
Many students at Cabrini College dread that point in the semester when the professors hand out the Student Instructional Reports (SIR) and remind everyone to use a soft lead ·pencil. Moans and groans of "Oh not again," "I hate these things!" and •·•What is the purpose, nothing changes anyway!" arise from the students as the reports are distributed . The professors never fail to inform the students of the code number for the course. A reminder to take one's time and fill out the form as it pertains to each course accompanies the distribution of each set of SIR's. What is the purpose of the SIR's? What happens to them once they are scored? Do the professors care about the results of the SIR? The students here at Cabrini are of varied opinions about what becomes of the SIR 's once they are scored. Evetta Borden, '83, Biology major, feels that the reports are a complete waste of time. "I feel that neither teachers nor administrators take them seriously or . something would be done about them," said Borden . Cathy Barry, '83 business major, has mixed emotions
about the reports. "I think they are a good idea but they are given out at a bad time . When h:tnded out just before finals, students do a rush job on them . I wonder if the results are •even acted upon." Another student who is an education major and a member of the senior class feels that the SIR 's are a good idea if they aid the professors in improving course. "If the reports are truly acted upon then it is well worth the few extra minutes to fill them out." On the other hand, early and elementary education major Terri Sgro '83, says; " They are a waste · of time because you can't tell if the teachers even act upon the results." In agreement with Sgro, Laura Dillion, '83 special education major, says, "They are a joke ." According to Joseph Romano , vice president for academic affairs, "The purpose of the SIR's is to get some feedback from the students to see how the instructional area of the course could be improved. Basically the SIR's are used for the improvement of courses." The SIR evaluation process is conducted by the local chapter of faculty organization of American Association of
University Professors (AAUP) . The president of the chapter here at Cabrini is Sharon Schwarze, professor of · philosophy. For years Andrew Litavec, professor of education , has donated his time and efforts to the painstaking task of distributing and collecting the reports. The faculty hopes to gain feedback about many different aspects of the courses they teach from the information on the SIR's . The SIR 's are given out to the students at the end of each semester . The students are asked questions about many phases of the course . In light of the purpose of the reports, questions about the usefulness of the text, examples used by the instructors and overall effectiveness of the courses are found embedded in the questionnaire . Once the reports are completed they are sent to Princeton, N .J . where they are scored. Upon their return, they are distributed to the instructors of the courses . The teachers review them and then a copy of the report is sent to the office of academic affairs . After reaching this office the reports are usually discussed in a conference with Dr . RomanQ and each individual instructor.
Students get job experienCe the city each day and observing Six seniors and three alumni the atmosphere of business and the participated in the Cabrini College team work required for a finished alumni-sponsored Career Ex- product. She was able to participerience Opportunity during the pate in the tabulation of surveys. interim period of Jan. 4-15, 11112. Czarneki, a philosophy major, Martha W. Dale, director of commends the guidance program alumni affairs, and Donna Seckar, now available at Cabrini. She is director of career counseling, said especially pleased that liberal arts they were pleased with the result majors are given the opportunity of this first attempt to place stu- to explore career options. dents with CEO volunteers who Patrician Rossi, '82, a chemistry provided an informal field ex- major, interviewed Helen perience in areas of career Sefranek, '72, who is a medical terinterest . minology specialist at Mreck, Alumni as well as interested Sharp and Dohme. Fefranek, also businesses volwiteered to provide a chemistry major, provided Rossi an opportwiity for students to see with career options that she didn't and explore their career interests know existed for her field. on a first-hand basis. Internships Because of these new insights, ranged two weeks, one week, Rossi thinks all seniors should take one day and even extended advantage of this opportunity telephone interviews. before making a final decision on a Jacquelyn McAllister, '82, and., career . Regina Volpe, '82, spent the week Patricia Dailey, '82, said, ''No with alumna Janet Czarneki, '71, one should enter a career without who is a vice president with the seeing it first hand." To prepare Dresden-Davis Organization in herself for a career in juvenile Philadelphia. This company con- · justice, Dailey, an elementary ducts market research for phar- education/history major, spent maceutical companies. two weeks working in the McAllister, a social Municipal Court Unit of the Disscience/business major, spent one trict Attorney's Office in Philaweek at the office working from 9 delphia. She is continuing her a.m . to 5 p.m. In addition to learn- internship on a once-a-week basis ing about the techniques of the job, in addition to student-teaching acshe said it was int~esting going to tivities in third grade at the Wayne BY SANDY MOMYER
Social Security
Elementary School. Dailey worked with attorneys, went to·court, assisted in preparation of pre-trial information and petitions as well as working with witnesses. She has been accepted at Delaware Law School with other applications pending. · Patricia Kittilstad, '82, said the best part of CEOis the opportllllity to observe and learn with no obligation . She said, "We don't know about jobs and this program gives us a rough idea what is happening. I would recommend it to everyone." . . . Kitti~tad, an elementary educah_on/busmess majo_r,hopes to combme the two fields ma career Pl-!1· Her day at Bell ~f Pennsylvania gave her an overview of sales and ~anagerial training and techmques. CEO volunteers and interns are completing evaluations that will provide Dale and Seckar with recommendations for future placements. Both labelthis first attempt a success and foresee future growth and expansion. Internships are available for spring vacation, March 6-14. Students are urged to see Seckar as soon as possible. She says she will try to find an opportunity for each
Continued from Page 1
director of Financial Aid, students cepted any high school students in college in 1982 and 1983 will into the Early Bird program. receive half of the money they are The Social Security Act was receiving now. In 1984, they will passed by Congress in 1935. It is receive one-quarter of what they designed to protect individuals and are presently receiving. their families from income losses By 1985 those students now due to unemployment, death , sickreceiving social security will ness, or r~tirement. receive nothing. Before the Social Security Act McEvilla said that to the best of was passed private individuals, her knowledge Cabrini has not ac-
churches, trade unions, and mutual benefit societies provided most of the money to the people covered in Social Security. It is President Ronald Reagan's idea that much of the money that is now coming from Social Security could come from the source it came from in the past-the private sector-and the individual states.
In the results of the SIR's the instructors are looking for ways to improve their courses . If a text book seems to be outdated according to the results of the report , careful consideration is given to using a new book. If the presentation of the materials of a course is not as effective as it should be , the instructor has the opportwiity to find a more successful method of presentation . Some students of Cabrini are not so sure that the purpose of the reports are even considered by the teachers . Dr . Romano, however, believes that the teachers do use the SIR 's for the general improvement of their courses. Many of the students are wihappy with the use of the SIR evaluations, they consider them a waste of time . The instructors here at Cabrini are of mixed feelings about the particular form used . "The instructors like the idea of getting feedback from the students but' they are not particularly satisfied with the present forms used. We always thought that maybe we could design a form which would closer suit our purposes. Some of the questions on the report would be good no matter where one is teaching but it is such a general form
that some things don't apply ," Romano said . Action has been taken to find a form which would better suit the purposes of a small college such as Cabrini ,. Anthony Tomasco phychology department has devised a form which the college may initiate soon. A few of the instructors have developed their own evaluations so that information that they consider necessary which can not be fowid on the national form is provided. These are steps taken for the betterment of individual courses . Arthur Young, professor of English has used his owJtevaluation in a few of his courses such as Alienation : A Conflict of Love and Fear . Many of the students at Cabrini are wider the misconception that the evaluations play some role on how often a course runs , who teaches the (.'ourse and things of that nature. According to Romano, the particular form that is used now does not play a role in such decisions. The sole purpose of SIR reports is for each indi vidual instructor to review the effectiveness of his particular course . The academ ic affairs office does not use these reports to evaluate the staff here .
Alumni offer advice BY JOYCE PAT{TUCCI Several Cabrini alumni visited their old alma mater and met with interested students to swap ideas about the awaiting job market and how to fare best in it. "Business Careers for Liberal Arts Majors ," a ~eminar sponsored b_y Care~r Cowiseling on Jan . 26 m the L1br3:I"Y C?~fere_nce Room , f~atured a d1vers1f1edf_1eld of wor~mg graduat~s whose J~bs hav_e virtually nothmg to do with their degrees . , . Tom Nerney , 77, _national sales manager for Maguire Insurance Agency, advised students to be selective about finding a job . "Don't base the job on your salary, " Nerney said . He majored in social science and philosophy while at Cabrini and worked several jobs before the one he has now, including that of admissions cowiselor at Cabrini for one year. Martha Heid , '76, majored in history and social science, and claims her degree "did absolutely nothing for me ." She said that what her degree did do for her was to teach her how to " read, write and speak." Having survived 37 job interviews , she considers her self a pro and her best advice to students was "to take the attitude that you're interviewing them." Lorraine DiBrodi , '69, a Bell Telephone Account Executive who majored in English, offered detailed advice about successful job hwiting . DeBrodi, by economic standards the most successful of the group, stated that the network approach is the best way to go about a job search. " Get to know people, listen attentively, and keep your options open, " she said . She told the small , mostly female audience that skills such as market ing and finance can always be learned, but that the most valuable
part of liberal arts education is that it arms you with enough confidence "to know you can learn ." DeBrodi stressed that good manners and good grooming weigh more heavily than people realize , and that one mistake on a resume can be costly enough to land it in the bottom of a wastebasket. At one point during the hour and a half seminar, DiBrodi and Nerney almost engaged in a pri vate debate over the importance of salary . However , both agreed that no matter which is more important to the individual, confidence is al ways essential. DiBrodi urged stu dents to make sure that their prospective employers not only realize their talent , but recogh ize their potential. • The youngest speaker, Laura Tillman , '80, majored in Spanish at Cabrini and says she will probably never get to use her degree . She is currently taking business courses at Cabrini in the evening and says she is not worried about finding a better job . "I'm too new in the world ." Currently she is a junio r planner with a plant that manufactures military parts. When asked what busines s courses would be most practical , most agreed that accounting , marketing and computers were a must. All members of the panel stressed the importance of taking at least one year of accounting . Also raised was the question of whether or not a business course should be incorporated into Cabrini's general education re quirements. · In the following issues of Loquitur we will discuss the declining value of the liberal arts degree , the future of the liberal arts college , and how Cabrini itself can better prepare its graduates for the working world.
Bulletin says goodbye, iobs qo with it BY RITA McKELVEY and SANDYMOMYER
Maureen Carroll, co-editor-inchief of Loquitur, said that the publication of 'the last edition of . the Bulletin in Philadelphia on Friday, Jan. 29, carries a message to all English and communications students. Under the bold-printed word "good-bye", the headline that day stated: "After 134 years, a Philadelphia voice is silent." One frontpage article simply stated "The Bulletin died today." Carroll said the lesson learned from the Bulletin's demise is that sh.dents should not limit themselves. She said, "Communications students have to be versatile. They should be able to move between the various media. Television is very important," she said, "especially the expanding cable television area." Jerome R. ZUrek, Jr., chairperson of the English and communications department, concurs with Carroll. He said the skills learned on a newspaper can be transferred to other media: public relations, television, business writing, advertising, radio. The Bulletin served Greater Philadelphia and South Jersey.
What caused the death of the 134year-old paper that once had daily sales of 750,000and held the title of the city's and the nation's most widely-read afternoon newspaper? According to the Daily News, The Bulletin's circulation declined through 1975and in 1980the drop became steeper. · The Bulletin's losses were immense: $21.5 million in 1981 and $13.4 million in 1980. In its final month alone, The Bulletin lost $3 million. Four major factors played a part · in The Bulletin's death: competition, the afternoon dilemma, the suburban papers, and unionmanagement problems. The Bulletin had competition from the Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News. According to the Daily News, in the 1970's the new owners of the Daily News and the Inquirer drastically changed the direction of all departments. During this time, they gained a better reputation and much of the area's advertising. Another form of competition for The Bulletin was television. Most . people just do not read newspapers anymore; they watch television. Some newspaper experts blame
the Bulletin's death on The Bulletin's being an afternoon paper. By the time the newspaper reached the suburban areas, the news was old. According to the American Society of Newspaper Editors: "In the last four years, 24 papers in the United States switched from afternoon to morning." The Bulletin didn't.
The suburban newspapers proved to be a major threat to the Bulletin. It became apparent that readers were interested in what happened in the city, but were more interested in what was happening in their neighborhoods. Union-management problems also played a part in the death of The Bulletin. Illegal removal of food-coupon inserts by Bulletin drivers cost The Bulletin advertising, circulation and credibility, according to former Bulletin officials and union leaders." Whatever the reasons, The Bulletin died. Its owner, the Florida-based Charter Co., announced the closing Wednesday, after efforts to find a buyer failed. By Saturday, The Bulletin's building and four acres of land was decided to be sold or leased by the _
Freshmen, sophomores elect officers important, not only within the Run-offs for sophomore and class but also with faculty and adfreshman class officers became a ministration. major topic of conversation upon "It is natural that the freshman return from Christmas break. The and sophomore classes are morun-offs were held on Jan. 25, 26 tivated," Dane Lynn, SGA presiand 2.8from 12 noon to 1 p.m. dent, said. "However as time The winners are incumbent progresses,theinterestdecreases. Brian Jensen who ran against Students give up because it seems Mike Hawley for sophomore class as if the same people are in office. president; John McQµeen who ran Problems result due to a lack of against Nikki Schuler for fresh- communication." man class president; Tom Schultz Lynn cited the junior class elecwho ran abainst Angie Calicat for tions last semester when only an freshman class vice president; exceptionally low percentage of Lori DiMeglio who ran against students voted. Jim Moffatt for freshman class "The sophomores are one of the secretary; and Mike Fenza who most hardworking and industrious ran against Jean Findlay for fresh- groups," Brian Jensen said. "We man class treasurer . have so many good people." "More students voted than we Jensen is happy that the officers expected," Bill Fontana, vice whom he worked with previously president of SGA, said. "Eighty were also re-elected. percent of tHe sophomores voted He said, "It gave me more and 60 percent of the freshman reason to continue as president." class voted." The sophomore class will be Fontana, a sophomore, said that sponsoring the Valentine's Dance his class is very involved . He believes that communication i« tonight followed by a midnight BY MAUREEN CARROLL
breakfast, April Fool's Dance and Sophomore/Senior Farewell which will be held at the St. Davids Inn. They will also continue to sell pretzels and hoagies as they did last semester. Freshman class president John McQµeen has already held a meeting for the class. "We decided that our goal would be to raise $500by the end of the semester," he said. "But I've been thinking about it and because of the population and dedication of our class, I think we can raise $750to $1,000." He feels that if the class is successful in establishing financial stability , those who are not now interested will " catch on " and become interested . "We will be selling sodas with the sophomore class," said secretary Lori DeMeglio. " We were also thinking of selling candy. We were also considering the possibility of sponsoring a dance ."
Apply now! for 1982/83financial aid
Applications areavailable in the Financial AidOffice
Binswanger Co. and 1,900 parttime and full-time workers were unemployed. According to Linda ZecherDalton, a 12-year reporter for The Bulletin, "Newspapers are like dinosaurs. They are going extinct. The Bulletin was the second newspaper in the city to fold in one month." She does not believe that all newspapers are dying. The daily suburban papers will survive.
Tamra DiMarino, co-editor-inchief ofLoquitur, voiced her disap-
pointment with the closing. She said several newspapers are always best and she would like to see the paper continue. On an optimistic note, DiMarino said, "The Bulletin died; there is one less newspaper. The newspaper business, however, is not dead." Shesees this as a challenge to all upcoming journalists who, she hopes, will profit from the Bulletin's experiences. For the unemployed Bulletin workers, there is a job assistance program in effect. Major news chains and services set up interviews with the staff and are trying to find placements for them.
Joyc-e Patitucci, '82, would like to work for The Philadelphia Inquirer. Patitucci will be graduated in May with a degree in English and communications and now feels all the positions will be filled by unemployed Bulletin persoMel. In addition, Patitucci said there will be less opportunity for internships on newspapers. Patitucci also said she sees less opportunity for journalism students to study newspaper content and style. With one city newspaper, comparison and contrasting on the local level will be eliminated. Zecher-Dalton explains the feelings of The Bulletin staff. "No one was surprised when The Bulletin closed, but it was so quick. We thought we had more time. People were sad, some cried. In a way, it was a bit of release. For the last week the rumors were horrible . We didn't know when it would close. Most people were shocked. I get a lot of calls from people worked with . Some don't believe it actually closed." The Bulletin did close and many copies of the last issue sold for $3-$5 in South Jersev
M.Ed. proposal submitted BY KATHY McCARTNEY
From Jan. 4 to Jan. 18 members of the Master's Degree Committee met intermittently to discuss and prepare a proposal for a Master's Degree in Education CM.Ed.) program. This type of program is the first of its kind at Cabrini. Dr. Frank Saul, Dean of Continuing Education, is one of the members on the planning committee. "The idea for the master's program in education has been in the minds of the faculty for many years but not until the past year has the program really been emphasized," Saul said. "Masters Degree in Education will give the chance for Cabrini to propose future graduate programs of its own." Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, President; Dr . Joseph J. Romano, Dean of Students; Dr. Ruth Sower, Chairperson for the Division of Education; and Dr . Ann B. Kennedy, Special Education met with their consultant Dr. Lynn Orlando to discuss and review the proposal drawn up by the members of the committee last Monday . After reviewing -the proposal Sr. Mary Louise and Dr . Romano, who are both very much involved in getting the program off the ground, submitted the plans for the Masters Degree in Education program to Harisburg officials . The program must be approved by these officials in order to start classes by September '82.
go into effect as scheduled," said Dr. Sower, "but the officials may at the same time approve only if certain requirements are met first. Therefore it may take longer before the program gets going." The next step after inspection is the report that will be submitted by Harrisburg officials to the Department of Education in Harrisburg . Cabrini will then be notified six weeks . within its recommendation period. Dr. Kennedy, Special Education, Dr. Jerome R. Zurek, English and Communications, Dr. Sharon C. Schwarze, Philosophy, are just a few of the faculty members who have devoted much time and effort towards the masters program. "They have shared in the responsibilities in administrating the written proposal and its outline, policies and courses," stated Dr . Sower. A survey was given while the program was in planning to graduate students of Cabrini who are presently teaching . The response was an enthusiastic one and 80~ showed definite support and interest in obtaining their masters at Cabrini. Dr . Sower stated the Master's Degree program will be designed to give the undergraduate a broader and deeper knowledge of the education major they are specializing in . Also, seminars that · are up-to-date on recent changes in the educational world and current events will be one of the many advantages the program offers .
From Mar. 24 to Mar . 26 Harrisburg officials will come to the campus for inspection, which involves meeting and talking to the faculty, inspecting ' facilities on campus, sitting in on lectures, and talking to students specializing in ,, "We are very excited and pleased of being able to meet ~he education. needs and to share our expertise "If the committee feels that- with undergraduate and graduate students who are willing to pursue Cabrini has the proper materials and facilities capable of handling a further their knowledge in the field masters program then plans will of education," said Dr. Sower.
It's that time of year again
During my Christmas vacation , I came up with an excellent idea for one of those silly novels which sell like crazy these days. I'd call it ''One-thousand and One ways to Have a Senior Committed" and would base it on personal experience. Qµite honestly, if I hear "What do you want to do when you get out of school" one more time, I 'just might decide to stay here for another four years. Just about every college student has had to answer questions like that but there is something particularly grating about it when you are in your 2nd semester senior year, you want to l>ea journalist, and two nationally-known major newspapers have just folded before you . Knowing that unemployment is increasing while the value of a liberal arts degree is decreasing is of no comfort either. But if misery loves company, then some of you seniors who are finding jumping off a bridge more and more inviting each day can at least relax enough to know that y"ouare not alone. Of all the people I interviewed, only one has all the faith in the world that she will find a job. But not right away, because she plans to go to school a little longer to learn about fashion designing . Forence Lania said. "I'm anxious to get out of Cabrini. I'm sure I'll get a job." Laura Devincenzi said she is very worried because Sean, her fiance, has been looking for work since July arid hasn't had much luck. "I'm graduating with an elementarv education
degree, but I'll grab anything I can," she said. Suzy Provost said the whole idea of the working world in general scares her. "It seems like such a big responsibility," she said. She would like to become a play therapist and says that although she is worried, she thinks she will find a job. John Keating is also getting a bit tired of people asking him what he wants to do, especially since he is not exactly sure himself. Jim Lawlor says the thing that scares him most is knowing that he is guilty of having not begun his search early enough. Although he has his resume printed and ready to be sent out, he hasn't begun his quest to find a job yet. That brings us to another area of concern . Ideally , your resume should have been printed and sent out over Christmas, since this is when many companies do their hiring for May. Ha! Most of us were lucky we completed last semester's work, let alone begin a job search . I spent my vacation nursing my wisdom teeth and playing with a Rubik's cube . On top of all this, many seniors are being struck with "Senioritis," that terrible sickness that makes doing your schoolwork virtually impossible. It attacks with no warning, and the only cure for it is to bear this in mind: if you flunk, you have one more year of Zurek, Satlow and Seilers to put up with. Knowing that you haven't begun your job search early
People talk.
• •
enough, that your name is spelled wrong on your resume, and that you really should have taken accounting instead of Folklore shouldn't get you down. It could be worse. You could be a freshmen all over again, trying to copy Mrs. Kruse's notes on photosynthesis quickly enough to keep up with her, cutting out little pictures for Mrs. Rachat and having her call you Jaime in class, and trying not to fall asleep during history of philosophy. It's late, but it's not too late. Get to work immediately on your resume, and do yourself a big favor. Ignore the next person who says "My nephew went to college for four years and he works in a supermarket" and develop that confidence. Because in the end, it counts more than anything.
People talk.
• •
WANTED: Looking for a qualified person; knowledgeable in various aspects of this trade; experience necessary; for information call .... Yes, it's that time of year again. It's time to start looking for that summer job; or if it's ·graduation time, to begin looking for a more permanent job. If looking for a permanent job is the case, then it'll be necessary for you to write a resume. Writing a resume forces you to think about yourself: who am I? what do I want to do? Suppose you really don't know what to do. Jerrold G. Simon, Ed. D.. psycholigist-and career 'development specialist at Harvard Business School, suggests that you list all the things you are proved to have accomplished from chairperson of a fund-raising committee, president of your class, or a lead in the senior play. Now, take a look at this list. Most likely you'll notice a pattern emerge of the areas you are happiest working in: with people, numbers, or words. Simon suggests reading the reference section of your library in that job area you're interested in. I suggest that you look in the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center Room. There are not only many books for you to glance through, but there are many personnel people who are interested in helping you. Counseling, is directly involved in this field. There are many styles of resumes . One of the most popular is the reverse chronological that emphasizes where you've worked and when, and the job
Additional ADDITIONAL HELP? If you need additional help with
Bliznad .... You bake .... My God, did I wreck him .... You're young, you'll get over it .... pretty basic .... La, la .... If I hear 'Let's get Physical' one more time I'll die .... Did you vote for your class? .... Are you sure you don't want a subscription to the
and titles held. Here are four tips that you should keep in mind when writing your resume: ·ae accurate, but complete and short. Try to keep it on one page. Use strong verbs such as : "planned, directed, sold, organized, wrote, improved," suggests Ruth Shapiro, head of a New York job consulting firm. Know what job you want. In other words, have a personal job objective when writing. Don't ask what jobs are available or that you'll do anything available. "Matching your background and expertise to the requirements and functions of the job you aspire to is what a good resume is all about,'' says the Womankind Executive Resources in New York. Remember to be honest and be sure of your facts. In your interview , you may be questioned on points you have done. If your resume is pleasing to the eye, (neat, easy-to-read , with white marginal spaces along all sides) it'll catch the eye of your hoped-for employer. Tom Jackson, the author of The Perfect Resume, and president of the Career Development Team Inc . in New York City, says," A perfect resume is well-structured, easy-to-read presentation of your capability and accomplishments, designed to convince potential employers to invite you for an interview." One more point: A resume speaks of your own self-worth , or, what you think of you.
help? Feb. 9, 1 p.m.; SH 7; tips on interviewing skills.
resume writing, there are three seminars scheduled for February
ore, tal~ in9 alo vf ...
that may be just what vou need.
Donna Sekar, director of career counseling, is directly involved in this field The seminars will t>e held:
Feb. 16, 1 p.m.; speaker on "Arming Yourself for Part-time and Summer Employment." Sign up by Monday morning, feb. 15. Feb. 23, 1 p.m.; SH 7; Job-Hunting Techniques.
Christian Science MonUor?.... Are
you a P.P., too? .... Did they find Laura .... What are you kidding? .... Did you see who was on 'Dancin' On Air'? .... make sure you think twice before flying on a DC-10.... but he doesn't have a brain .... I lost my Mul-T-Rule! .. ..
trict. ... Black Student Union's Gidget Goes Hood Orna- Black History Show .... Marty's ment.. .. Thursday Night Movies popcorn making .... upcoming at Counsel. ... Opening of the Keystone Conference ChampionYoung's Widener Center (we hope) .... or do ships .... Ray they mean Feb. 5, 1983.. .. sound of countdown .... S.M.'s anxiety atburning rubber in our parking tacks .... new Loqultur assistant volleyball lot's .... new radio and television editors ... . dorm courses .... slip sliding in the matches .. .. slush .... " Angel is the Center- SCENES OFF CAMPUS .... Closing of the fold" . .. . Pac-man TournaBulletin .... Washington D.C. ' s ment. . . . ''Pac-man Fever" .... sound of the crunching tragic plane crash ....rescue of the of sand .... traying .... As Casey kidnapped Gen. Dozier .. .. the Golden Globe results .... TV show Turns . ... the Ice Age hits "Fame" .. Reds .. Ragtime .. Evita's Cabrini .... Red Light DisSCENES AROUND CAMPUS ... .
coming to Philadelphia .... the 49er's win the Superbowl.. .. Black History Month .... F.D.R.'s birthday .... first anniversary of 52 American hostages' release from Iran .... Oh, this article in oh, so ohishly ohish! NOTE: We are interested in what you are talking about. If you have any printable suggestions, please
don't hesitate to tell either of us. Thanks-Jeannie and Pam.
* * * * * * * * LAl.flDRY SALARY ROOM * BOARD
For Further Details, Contact: Director of Recreation and Camping The Pennsylvania Easter Seal Society P.O. Box 497 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0497 Telephone: (717) 939-7801
Celebrating with cards, flowers & candy BY DEBBIE KIDON
The annual Valentine Dance, this year being sponsored by the Sophomore Class, will be held tonight from 8 p .m. until l a.m . in · the cafeteria . Tanya Bolcar, sophomore class secretary said, "We are not only trying to make money . We would like this and all of our events to be very enjoyable and memorable ." The day will begin with a carnation sale. The carnations will cost $1 each and six will cost $5 . Each carnation will carry a personal message from the sender, and each will be hand delivered by members of the sophomore class . The dance, which will be semicasual , will have entertainment by the Living Arts Society . They will be playing a variety of music, and also will be taking requests for songs . An added attraction to the dance will be a midnight breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon , donuts, juices, coffee and tea . The cost of the dance will be $3 per person and tickets will be on sale at the door. With all this talk about the celebration of Valentine's Day, do you know how the · tradition of Valentine's Day began? According to legend, on February , in the year 270 A.O., Saint Valentine, a Roman priest, was beheaded for refusing to renounce Christianity . Since. that day was also known as the start of the birds' mating season, the saint's
name also became associated with romance among humans . For instance, during the middle ages, young European women would place their names in a box, and young men would draw one name apiece. Each male would wear the name of his valentine on his sleeve for the year. This is how the expression "to wear your heart on your sleeve" began . The traditional valentine is merited to Charles due d'Orleans, a Frenchman, who was im prisoned in the Tower of London on February 14, 1415. To pass the time , he composed rhymed love letters which he sent to his wife. The idea caught on, and soon the French and most Europeans were exchanging similar notes , decorating them with gift paper, lace and hearts, a practice that was brought to this country by early English settlers. However, not all cards featured hearts and flowers . In 1870, the forerunners of today 's c·omic cards came into being . There were printed on cheap paper and cost a penny, but had dreadful designs and poetry. They got the name "penny dreadfuls" The person who probably did the most to promote the modern valentine was the daughter of a stationer in Worcester, Massachusetts, near Fitchburg, . Ester Howland began to make her own cards in 1847. Using scissors and paste, she fashioned valentines from pie-
lures, lace and colored paper, then called upon local stationers with her product. Before long, she had $5,000 in orders, and she even tually set up a valentine assembly line, hiring hundreds of young girls to create the cards qy the hundreds. Now, Valentine's Day is celebr ated with cards , candy and flowers, but the romance of other times remains the same.
~ ~
Luck G from C the
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~ ~ ~
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Bringing 1n the year of the dog BY PAM CLARK
The Chinese New Year arrived Jan . 25, sending out the Year of the Chicken and bringing in the Year of the Dog. According to the · Chinese calender, this is not 1982, but 4680. According to information obtained from the Philadelphia Inquirer, the dog is a symbol of friendship and loyalty . Newspapers in China mentioned the usefulness of the god, which is ~ed in lab experiements, as food and as border guards in China. In · the Orient, the years are named for the 12 animals that visited the dying Buddha . Next year, 4681, will be the Year of the Boar . The New Year is a four day holiday in China . It is celebrated with
gifts and new clothes and is looked upon as the season for weddings. Children are given red packets of money as gifts for good luck . Antonia Lo, a sophomore who lived in Taiwan for 11 years, remembers the New Year as a time of honoring one's ancestors.
In the Orient, the years are named for the twelve animals that visited the dying Buddha.
According to Lo, the Chinese have a plaque of green, red and gold on which is written the names of all the families ancestors. They light incense in a gold bowl and
pray to the ancestors. In return, the ancestors will look over them for the coming year . Lo said that the Chinese also eat certain foods, each of which has a certain meaning. They also have a special drink which contains different ingredients, each one also with a special meaning . Lo added that firecrackers are also a part of the celebration. She said that some households hang signs with a "good luck" symbol on them upsidedown outside. She explained that they are hung upsidedown in the hopes that the good luck will run into the house. Cabrini celebrated the Chinese New Year with a Chinese dinner on Jan. 28 and a dance on Jan. 29. Both were very successful, as we hope the coming year will be .
Cabrini students take to the hills BY PAT McDERMOTT
Mom, bring up the hat and gloves, it's snowball weather again. Polish up the flexible flyers and ice skates, or in our case, the cafeteria trays . Traying seems to be as popular a sport around here as or basketball. Everybody just takes to the hills of houses three and five. Others enjoy the snow down the likes of such hills as Jack Frost, Big Bolder, or Camelback . Just this past Sunday, some girls from the Mansion, and houses 1, 2 and 3 took to the slopes of Spring Mountain. One of the girls, an avid skier, Lisa Del, said, "Even though it
rained a little, it was nice." looked like a textbook or a desk ." "There weren't many people, so "It was a day of mass consumpthere wasn't any waiting." tion ," she said . "We split into groups and then From what I could find out, not met for lunch, I had a great time ." many people like the winter and Many skied during Christmas what comes with it. Janet Smith vacation . for one . She slipped on the ice For those of us who can't handle three times !Others complained of the frostbite, wet clothes, and the roads, needing snow tires, getchapped lips, games were given to ting stuck, and higher insurance each residency, and on our snow rates due to quick slips on the ice day, volleyball tournaments were into other vehicles! held in the gymnasium. When asking if anyone liked Others used the free time to winter, Martin Clancy replied with catch up on work, sleep , soaps, or a "yes." Why? "Because it's just friends. One person who basket6aU season, Christmas, and usually has her face buried in a my birthday!" book, Janice Jaglowski, said , "I That's a good enough answer for stayed away from anything that me.
SGA Notebook
Members of the .-SGA Executive Boar BY BRIAN P. JENSEN The newly elected members of
the Student Government Association are lead by Dana Linn and Bill Fontana. The other members of the Executive Board include Cindy Hocker, Carol Wahl, Cathy Masino, Ellen Lavelle, Mary Col• lins and Lynn Trasferini. Linn, a junior, is president of the SGA. He has previously had ex• perience as an SGA member by serving as vice-president of his class in his freshman and sophomore years, and later serving in the position of social .activities chairperson. Linn is presently a member of the Council of College Affairs, the Master Planning Committee, Kappa Sigma Omega, the Financial Aid Committee and Campus Ministry. As SGA president, Linn is the top student representative at Cabrini College. His job is to voice the student opinion by serving on various committees with school administrators. According to Linn, he also oversees all student activities on campus. Linn feels strongly about involv• ing both residents and commuters in all aspects of student government . The vice-president of SGA is sophomore, Bill Fontana . Fontana was previously president of campus ministry, parliamentarian of his class and an orientation team leader. Fontana is currently a member of Kappa Sigma Omega and a member of the Council of College Affairs. As vice-president of SGA, Fontana serves as chairperson of various committees such as the Food Committee and the Election Committee. He is also on the Master Planning Committee. Fontana works closely with Linn in all student government efforts. ... The treasurer of SGA is senior, Cindy Hocker . Appropriately, Hocker is a business and mathematics major. Hocker's experience mclu<les serving as treasurer of the Cabrini Women's group. She is also a member of the Society for the Ad· vancement of Management, the
also a reporter for Loqwtur. As corresponding secretary, Wahl's job is to handle the secretarial work for the Executive Board. She sends out memos and other media at the request of the president and vice-president of
Dane Linn also appointed Masino as the sGA representative
SGA activi-
ties chairperson . Business Club and the Math Club. As SGA treasurer, Hocker is responsible for all the money budgeted to SGA. Her job entails delegating funds to student
SGA minutes Bill Fontana called the meeting to order on Jan . 28, 1982 at 1:00 p.m. • SGA members for this semester introduced themselves. • The time for the SGA meetings was discussed, and it was voted that the meetings be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Thursdays. • The attendance policy (only three unexcused absences are permitted) was stressed. • The dedication of the Widener Center will be on Sunday, March 14.
SGA. Another one of Wahl's jobs is to take minutes at Food Committee meetings. Cathy Masino, a junior, is serv• ing her second term as recording secretary for SGA. Masino also -· had other previous- experience with SGA as a dorm representative for the McManus house. Masino is sports manager for the Women's Volleyball and Basketball Teams and a member of Cabrini's Honor Society. · As recording secretary, Masino records and distributes the minutes taken at all SAG meet-
booths and competitions will be organized for the April 24th event. • The hours for the Widener Center were announced. Sunday through Thursday, the building will close at 12:00 a.m. on · Friday and Saturday the building will close at 1 :00 a .m. On Saturday and Sunday the building will open at 10:00 a.m. • The Wrestling team asked sup• port from SGA for the purchase of mats. A final decision will be voted upon when all the necessary information is known. • New Business - The idea of a Booster Club was discussed to support all the athletic teams. Cabrini Students in a Villanova Spanish class asked SGAto help find a way to get transportation to the class .
• A variety of committees were formed to handle functions for the semester. They are: Social Ac• tivities Subcommittee Constitution Committee Committee for Guildelines of the Widener Center • Bill Fontana motioned to adCommittee for Guildlines for the journ the meeting at 1:50 p.m . and Gym Karen Kelly seconded the motion. Committee for Sister Mary Louise's Farewell Respectfully submitted, Cathy Masino • The 25th Anniversary CelebraSGA Recording Secretary ti rt was discussed and a variety of
CAROL WAIIL, SGA correspond-
CATHY l\lASINO, SGA recording
ing secretary .
MARY COLLINS, SGA activities
ties assist ant.
organizations such as the various clims on campus.
president of the English/Communications Club. She is a member of the Psychology Club, the Women's Tennis Team and the Honor Society. Wahl is
The corresponding secretary for SGA is junior, Carol Wahl. Wahl's activities include being
on the Student Academic Council (SAC). Sophomore, Ellen Lavelle is the social activities chairperson of SGA. Besides her new position , Lavelle is a medical assistant and a member of Kappa Sigma Omega. She also served as vice-president of Campus Ministry. Along with her two assistants, Lavelle coordinates the social activities sponsored by the Executive Board . Lavelle and her assistants work closely with the Dean of Students to organize different campus activities. Another part of Lavelle's job is to act as the official liaison be· tween SGA and the various club presidents. Helping Lavelle are Mary Collins and Lynn Trasferini as social activities assistants. Collins is a junior and member of the Women's Hockey Team . This is her first position on SGA. Trasferini is also serving her first position on SGA. She is a member of Campus Ministry and the Cabrini College Chorus . Trasferini served as secretary for
CEC in 1981.
( Photos by Mark Magner)
SGA stresses unity and respect On behalf of the SGA, Bill and I would like to welcome you back. We hope you all have a pleasant and productive semester. I would like to take this time to remind you, the student body, of some of our chief concerns for the 1982spring semester. As you may already know, the present Executive Board is in office for only one semester . Even though one semester isn't very long, as ·they seem to pass by so quickly, we intend to use what little time we have in the best way possible . The most important objective of our term in office is that we may hopefully create a good feeling of communication between SGA and the students . We need your thoughts, ideas and above all, your complete cooperation . As we stated last semester, we hope to create some sense of unity between residents and commuters . We have thus far changed the SGA meetings to Thursday at 1:30 p.m . in the George D. Widener Center . This affords commuters the opportunity to actively take part in issues concerning the student body. There are, however, other ways in which to achieve resident-commuter unity . For example, in reference to Cabrini's 25th anniversary celebration, both residents and commuters will be given the opportunity to work together. We
advertisement paid for by the Student Government Associatijon of Cabrini" College
would hope that you, the students (both resi~ents and commuters), will formulate new ideas for various social activities that would be beneficial to all. Another concern of ours is that of SGA earning the respect of the administration. The most logical way to achieve this would simply be to make our feelings known to the administration based upon the student body's reflections on current issues. We truly believe that it is our duty to take the appropriate stands where it involves the students' feelings. It is then that the administration will recognize SGA as a prominent decision making body . Our last objective which ties in with all of the above is SGA's celebration of Cabrini's 25th anniversary . Along with other SGA social activities we have been given the chance to celebrate Cabrini's 25th year of academic excellence in a rather fashionable manner. In order to make this a chief accomplishment we need everybody's cooperation. _ Sincerely , Dane Linn SGA President
Freshman profile
Freshma -n· dances toward health and fame BY RITA McKELVEY What do you do if you have· problems with your legs and are told you will never walk right? Dance, of course! It may sound silly, but Kathi Fritz, a freshman at Cabrini College did just that. Kathi started dancing at the age of three when her father thought that dancing would straighten her legs. She soon liked dancing and stayed with it. Her father turned out to be right, dancing did straighten her legs. Kathi is one of two children. Although she is a devotee of dancing, she does not come from a family of professional dancers. "My mother danced when she was younger, but that's just about it," remarked Kathi. "No one really influenced me to dance, my parents just backed me up." Besides dancing, Kathi has many other interests. While she attended St. Pius High School, she . was involved in gymnastics and played on the volleyball team. She was on a diving team at Ursinus College and was involved in swimming. Kathi likes dancing, but does not like to limit herself to one area so KATHI FRITZ finds dancing beneficial for her health and future . she has other pursuits in the arts <Photo by Tom DeMatexis) such as singing and acting. Her versatility in the arts is demonstrated in Cabrini's rendi-
"It's better than dope, _they tell me" BY SIIEILAFANELLE If you've lost your marbles, it is possible that Arlene T. Sciole, lecturer in fine arts, has them. A hobby is a pursuit or interest engaged in for relaxation. Read on and you will discover what many faculty members at Cabrini do as a hobby. Sciole's fascination with marbles started as a child. She has over 5,000 marbles made of granite, quartz, glass, clay, crystal, onyx, porcelain and china. Sciole started her collection because she "liked glass and crystal ornaments." Much of her collection was purchased from flea markets and antique dealers. "Another love of mine is puppetry," Sciole said. She belonged to P1')peteers of America and exhibited the puppets she made in national festivals for 18 years. Sciole had to stop this three years ago because she had a lot of interests and no time" and the puppets are difficult to store so I had to dismantle parts of them." Benjamin Selisker, alias K30QJ, is an amateur ham radio operator. He is involved in emergency communications . Selisker belongs to an organization called MARS, for marines and their families. He talks to people all over the world and relays messages to families and tells if a marine has arrived safely and how he is doing. Selisker also builds radio equipment and is an avid photographer : Both Andrew J. Litavec and William B. Kuhns, assistant professors of education, enjoy stamp, rock and mineral collecting. Litavec also delights in collecting coins and refinishing old furniture. Klilns collects beer cans and traces genealogy-descendants in a family tree. Kuhns is currently running 16 different lines. He has
gone as far back as "the 1800'sand the old countries," Kuhns said. When looking into his own family tree Kuhns found that "Benedict Arnold married into my family and a famous Revolutionary war artist Charles Wilson Peale is related." Carol Serotta, lecturer in education and mathematics has interests in playing home computer games, the art of calligraphy, playing tennis and "taking the kids in car pools." She further remarked, "Motherhood is a hobby I enjoy." Dr. Carter W. Craigie, professor of social science, has found recreation in running trains ever since he was a child, but more so these past few years. He has an HO gauge train set with an abundance of houses, trees, goat works, and companies displayed all year round in the basement of his home. Craigie enjoys running his train set when he is "depressed or upset. It is better than dope, so they tell me," Craigie joked. "My hobby is teaching," said Frank Hogan, a disc jockey on WFIL/AM. Hogan teaches three courses in radio broadcasting and is a consultant in the Delaware Valley in his spare time. Dr. Marilyn L. Johnson, professor of English and communications enjoys scuba diving in the Caribbean along with her husband. Johnson gets to take advantage of this adventure on two vacations a year. She describes under water as being "a whole different world down there. It is thrilling to see and experience. You feel like an astronaut, an alien in another world." "I tie flies,"Dr . Jolyon P. Girard, assistant professor of · history, replied. Artificial trout flies made of thread and feathers. He also works with models for his
own use. Girard and his wife practice the Japanese art · of growing Bonsai dwarf trees for indoors and outdoors. Dr. Marice Bezdek, associate professor of English and communications, rides horses, breeds and trains them. Bezdek has two young horses and plans to purchase anexpecting mare this month. She also enjoys fox hunting. John E. Remley, lecturer in business administration, collects beer mugs from the different places he has been such as San Francisco, Germany and Australia. Remley's collection consists of silver, glass, metal plated and antique beer mugs. "My favorite thing is to play indoor tennis," says Helen Goodwin, assistant professor of physical education. She has been playing indoor tennis once a week for eight years. "In the summer time I read millions of books," .Goodwin said . Daniele A. Perna, director of the theater, delights in collecting antiques and junk for the theater . "Anything from props to clothes for the performances. "Your junk is my treasure," Perna replied. Sr. Regina Peterson, M.S.C., instructor in social science, enjoys decoupage, painting greenware, rebudding plants, and arts and crafts. Peterson decorates the chapel in accordance with the different seasons in the church. Banners that she has made are in other convent houses all over the U.S. and in Rome, Italy. "When I go shopping and see something I like, I figure out what it is made of and how to do it," Peterson said. Peterson also likes to play scrabble, UNO and crossword puzzles. "These are things I enjoy when I have the time."
tion of "Mary Poppins." Kathi not dancing are the hardest part of only has three dancing parts in the dancing as she recalls her pracplay, but has also played the parts tices in Chicago. "We started of a nanny and a banker. dancing at 8 a.m. and finished at 10 Kathi, a communications major, p.m. We had some breaks from explains why she chose Cabrini classes, but the hours were rather than a fine arts college. "I tough." Despite the long hours of chose Cabrini because of its small- practice, Kathi still likes dancing . ness. The theater is small and you "If you want it (dancing)," she have more of an opportunity." says, "and love it, it can be fun." Kathi enjoys singing and acting, Kathi says she likes all types of but admits that dancing is her dancing. "I like classical ballet, "main love." And has she danced! but I also like jazz, especiaffy the At the age of ten she danced in type of music in "All That Jazz." I "Tarantella," an Italian ballet, at also like modern and tap dancing . age fourteen she did a dinner Dancing is too much fun just to theater pe .rformance of stay in one area." "Showboat," and she danced in Dancing takes up a 11)tof Kathi's "Off Broadway," a play similar to time, but she does manage to see Broadway's "Dancin'" which plays. "I've seen "Chorus Line" feahred variations of dance. about seven times and "Dancin'" Kathi has won several summer abota nine times. It really runs scholarships to such places as into a lot of money, but I like Chicago, New York, and The plays," says Kathi. Pennsylvania Ballet, where she Kathi not only likes to watch danced for three years . After her plays, but one of her ultimate goals graduation from high school, she is to dance on Broadway . Her was offered to join a dance com- other goal is to act in movies. She pany in London, but like most even hopes to write screen plays college bound students, she had to someday. earn money to go to college and When asked what it takes to be a she turned the London offer down. good dancer, Kathi replied, "You A chance to dance in London have to start young and in the good may make dancing seem schools such as The Pennsylvania glamorous, but dancing is hard Ballet. To start in a large school is work. To dance well, you have to the best because they tell you if practice hard. Kathi says that she you really have the potential or does not have much time to pracnot. You need determination. tice now. She usually practices Whatever you want, if you're from four to six hours a day. · -<C- determined enough, you can get 9te admits that the hours of it."
Making life a little easier BY TAMRA DIMARINO Several Cabrini students will be volunteering their time during spring break in an effort to help make life a little better for families in Appalachia and Philadelphia. Dtring the week of March 7, Campus Ministry will be sponsoring trips to Philadelphia and West Virginia. Two groups of students will visit families in these areas and help them weatherize their homes, according to Sr. Bernadette Casciano, M.S.C., MA.A., Campus Ministry. "This is all part of the social action of Campus Ministry," she said.
The two trips are as part of a social outreach program where college students can participate in helping those less fortunate than themselves.
their decisions on where they think students will do the best job and feel most comfortable . During the trip, there will be a reflective prayer service at the beginning and end of each day, according to Sr . Casciano. Students will work together in pairs during the day and in the evenings the chaperones will guide the group in a discussion of the day's happenings and experiences. Students attending the Philadelphia trip will help needy families in the Philadelphia area to · repair and weatherize their homes. St. Barbara's Parish and the St. Elizabeth Center have offered their hospitality as a place for students to stay during the trip, according to Sr. Casciano. Orientation sessions will be held for all students attending the trips to familarize them with the people and their particular ways of life. Several faculty members may aid in the orientation sessions.
The two trips are as part of a social outreach program where Campus Ministty plans to have college students can participate in fundraisers to pay for the trips, achelping those less fortunate than cording to Sr. Casciano. Several themselves. "It is a federally events may include an Ice Cream funded program that aids in clean- Extravaganza, a Valentine up and housing," said Ellen Lollipop sale and a roller skating Lavelle, a sophomore and Campus party at the Radnor Roller Rink. Ministry member . Six or seven students _will be selected to go to Appalachia and ~~J~un~e~M~il~li~ng~,t~osn~in8"5c~o~nc; ~ I~ several others will be chosen to go University of Pennsylvania at to Philadelphia . Interested stu1he 1\1use um Hall, 33rd and dents have been asked to fill out Spruce st. Feb . 26th at 8 p.m . applications for the trips. Some Tickets . $6.50 advance and faculty and staff members, with $7.50 at the door. For more inSr. Casciano as chairperson, will · formation call Wayne Artist s review the applications and choose Productions at 985-0401. the final trip selections, basing ~~~~~~~~~~~~sf:
Senior profile
Wit a·nd warmth characterize Mignogna BYPAMCLARK
Senior Kathy Mignogna is, a bright, witty young woman with a warm personality and a determined manner . She is a special and elementary education major and has gotten a good start in her chosen field by student teaching and involving herself in educational organizations. Mignogna currently student teaches the third grade Mondays through Fridays at the Paul V. Fly Elementary School in Norristown. " It started out with me just observing the students ,"she related . "Then, I started taking over the morning work , like math, reading and social studies . Basically , now, I teach the whole day, including recess." Mignogna is very involved with campus activities . She is a member of the PSEA (Pennsylvania Student Educators Association), and served as president of the organization . " We were pretty active, " she said . "We ran different activities with the children's school, such as a Halloween party and an Easter egg hwit." Mignogna served as treasurer for the CEC (Council for Ex ceptional Children) and was a ceremonies coordinator and a hug-
ger for the Special Olympics during her freshman and sophomore years .· In addition, she taught a CCD class (religous instruction for Catholic children) at St. Catherine's of Sienna in Wayne, as a freshman and sophomore. "I had the first grade both years," she said. Mignogna doesn't limit herself to educational activities, however. She has worked on Cabrini's literary magazine, Cryptic , since her sophomore year and is currently a co~itor of the publication. She has also worked on the yearbook, Woodcrest, and is the seniors se.ction editor this year. She had also involved herself in Cabrini's Campus Ministry. She is a past president who had the honor of being a Eucharistic Minister. She explained that a Eucharistic Minister aids the priest during certain parts of the Mass, such as with Communion distribution . "I was really thrilled when I got ·that, because when I was a child I always wanted to be an altar boy," · she humorously related. "I knew the ceremony so well that I used to sit in church and tell my Mom, 'that kid made a mistake.' " As for the future, Mignogna said
that she had originally planned to teach special education, but would like to try elementary 1!ducation first. "My feelings have changed in regard to my major," she stated. "One of my definite goals, she added, "is to try and get a majors degree in some related field of education. When asked if she has any outstanding memories of Cabrini, Mignogna took a few moments to reflect on her four years here. She distinctly remembers her first day as a freshman . "I can remember the day I moved in," she said . "I came here from New Jersey and was rooming with a friend. After our parents left, we sat in our room, looked at each other, and cried." She admits that leaving Cabrini and planning for the future "is scary . I'll be leaving a lot of security . Cabrini was like a security blanket - something I could come back to." "If I had to do it again, I'd do it all over," she added. ·'lt_'.sbeen well worth it, even tho\)gh I've grumbled and complained my way through four years!"
Attention all students
who depehd on ,
financial aid! We think President Reagan is going to request drastic cuts in the federaf financial aid programs for the 1982/83 year. He may propose no funding for NDSL, SEOG or state grants. He may also propose 30 to 40 percent reductions for CWS and BEOG. We think he wants to further increase the difficulty of obtaining Guaranteed Student Loans. If you are opposed to this, contact your representatives immediately. You can do something! If you want more information about the proposed budget cuts, or you need help contacting your congressmen please call the financial aid office. •
KATHY MIGNOGNA, senior, finds the tim e to contr ibute in and out of the classroom . (Ph oto by Tom DeMatte is J
Different strokes; different folks · BY MARK MAGNER
"The Official Preppy Handbook" · which was edited by Lisa Birnbach has been used as a reference for this article. Fashion at Cabrini College is a difficult topic to describe because there are many different people, and many dJfferent styles . One of the most noticeable fashions would be the preppy look, identifiable by the embellishment of hideous clashing colors such as hot pink and neon green. Most preppies at Cabrini prefer not to be so daring though. You may be able to identify undercover preppies by keeping an eye out for the lzod Lacoste alligator which is sewn on prominent places on any piece of clothing. The number one preppy addiction at Cabrini seems to be docksider moccasins, ·but other preppy style garments may also be spotted on campus, such as cotton, turtleneck shirts with repeating patterns, such as whales or ducks , tartan kilts, down vests, jeans or corduroys with the cuffs turn up. Preppy fashions are versatile because you are never really dressed up , nor are you ever really sloppy, so you can be accepted to most any social event, unless it's a formal occasion, or a mud wrestling competition. A casual dresser wishes to feel comfortable and not attract attention to their clothes. Cabrini 's casual dresser often chooses to wear old blue jeans, printed tee shirts, plain colored sweaters and an inconspicuous pair of old sneakers. Casual dressers have often been rumored to become preppy at times, but few will admit to this rumor. The designer look is a preferred fashion among wealthy people who can afford a wardrobe of Calvin Klein jeans, Gloria Vanderbilt
tops, and Sasson underwear. For these fashions one must not only be rich, but have a good figure which compliments the tight-fitting jeans and the low~ut tops. Of course many people who wear designer clothes use the Brooke Shields motto of buying the jeans first, and then paying the rent with whatever is left. The sporty, or jock look, is common among campus athletes. Sweat suits with college or football -34 logos are the trademark of this fashion, even though many pseudojoc_ks prefer non-printed sweats . Other common sporty garments include tattered football jerseys , basketball shorts, cotton socks with colorfully striped cuffs, and a pair of well-worn, name brand sneakers . Tanya Bolcar, a sophomore who dresses casually says, " I like to dress this way because it's comfortable, and it makes people around me feel more at ease ." Pam Clark , a sophomore who dresses preppily prefers to call the fashion "classic" and says , " I don't consider this style a fad. I've always dressed this way." Linda Gianinni, a junior with a different fashion, prefers to wear mostly purple. She calls her fashion "casually dressy, " and she says she wears purple because she has a "passion " for it. Personally, I dress casually ; and if I'm forced to, I may admit to having one or two lzod alligators roaming my dresser drawers. It could be peer pressure that makes me dress this way, or perhaps I'M ACTUALLY COMFORTABLE WITH THE WAY I dress, I can't say. Cabrini students probably are not sure either, but one thing is for sure : it is tough to stereotype the way a Cabrii,i student dresses .
Arts/ Leisure
It was a ioll_y tour for Mary Poppins and Co. BY RITA CALICAT
The Cabrini College theater group packed all their charms and magical characters and hit the road with their version of Mary Poppins. For two weeks in January each actor and actress took on a new and creative personality. Artistic director Dan Perna was very pleased with the outcome of this endeavor. The troupe worked hard and it paid off. This tour with Mary Poppins was a great experience for the theater students. The cost of success for the cast was long hours of rehearsal. From the early hours of the morning until late in the evening the cast members worked at creating a master piece.
TIIE l'r\ST FRO:\I LEFT TO RIGHT ARE Sandra '.\lc;'\amara, Patt, · \lcDl'rmut t. '.\Iichal'I '.\Iorelli. Jane Harrington and Jl'annl' l'rnkt;. 1 !'hot o by Linda Hadel~· l
Art students learn
The Mary Poppins tour opened the door to many possibilities for the acting cast. The experience of being on the road and working in close context paid off for the cast as they
"Practice makes perfect." This sometimes overused cliche sums up the concept behind the class, 11 Art for Elementary School Teachers.'' The class, as described by the Cabrini College catalog, is "a supervised studio experience in the theoretical and practical skills needed to present art projects and programs for individual and group work at the elementary school level." The teacher is Ronald F. Linder, lecturer in education and fine arts. The class meets on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. The class is unique because the students themselves are given the opportunity to conduct . classes. Each week, one student teaches a lesson lasting approximately twenty minutes. The teacher must present a lesson plan which is graded on quality and presentation. The lesson plan must consist of a lesson overview, objectives, a list of materials, a step by step procedure evaluation of the lesson. According to Linder, the lectures will also teach art fundamentals and enable the students to develop themselves as artists. Practicing such techniques, as drawing portraits can be very helpful. These portraits "familiarize students with the human body" and make them aware of textures and "developing expressive lines." A straight line can actually be made eiepressive by drawing it jagged, oblong, or making it conversely thick and thin. Linder feels that "kids in high school are still afraid to draw figures" perhaps because the teachers are insecure themselves about drawing. The fine points of teaching art to elementary school children are · also covered in class. Linder points out facts normally not thought of that reveal a childs' at-
titude and practices when being taught art. For example, if the writing instrument is small, chances are the drawing will also be small. If the writing instrument is large, kids tend to draw large. If a portrait is being done, either all the kids will want to pose, or none of them will. The solution for the teacher is to close his eyes and pick a name out of the role book. Most children will accept this method.
"We have to make magic and you know that you're doing a good job when you have a group of eight graders actually applauding. The smiles we gel from the kids make it all worth while," states Robert Checchia. Checchia, 84, played the character Burt in the production. Children wrote to the company after seeing the play and many cheerful words and pictures described Burt's role. They appeared to be saying well done Burt. Patti McDermott, 84, who had toured with the theater lab before reflects on her growth under the direction of Perna. · 'This year on tour with
Mary Poppins was a lot better for me because I had a year behind me. I've grown from just reading my lines to actually becoming involved in my iule." Jeanne Proko, 84, was casted as Mary Poppins in the production. Proko toured with the theater lab before but this was the nicest tour in her eyes. "Maybe the closeness of the members of the cast made this the nicest tour for me." Proko and the other members of the cast perofrmed for several audiences filled with children, but it was the performance for Rosemont Nursing Home that held special memories for the casted Mary Poppins. Director Perna also held fond memories of that performance . "It made the college motto, reaches and teaches all ages come alive," said Perna .
Play review:
from teaching class Memories BY FRANCINE KUTERBACH
are bemg considered by Equity Theater. As the cast worked through a hectic touring schedule they touched many little smiling faces. The audiences were basically from grades kindergarten through eighth.
School days, school days, good old golden rule days. And rule days they were. John Powell's "Do Black Patent L"ather Shoes Really Reflect Up?" is a musical satirizing a typical Catholic education. Anyone over 18years old who attended a catholic school remembers clappers, trying to get good grades so you could be an altar boy to make your parents proud and the Baltimore catechism. All these wonderful memories, or at least Wood Clodfelter, '82, member of humorous ones as we look back, the class, sees the course as are captured in the stage adaptabeneficial. "I think I will enjoy the tions of Powell's books, "The Last class because it is active parCatholic in America" and "do ticipation rather than talk." Clod- Black Patent Leather Shoes felttt believes that every educaReally Reflect Up?" tion methods course should reEddie Ryan, the main quire actual practice. "Most character, returns to his old grameducation majors can't get up in ·mar school .after many years in front of a class and teach. Every · hopes of finding what had become opportunity we have to do this is of his childhood sweetheart, worthwhile.'' Becky. Eddie then remembers how it was when he attended St. On the issue of the emphasi& of Bastion's Grammar School. He art in schools, Clodfelter believes tells us a little about himself. The there is too much. ''Art is good for audience is then transported in generating thinking, but most kids time and travels through the lives come out of school illiterate," of the children at St. Bastion's, St. because of a lack of emphasis on Patrick Bremmer High School for the three R's. He sees art as a Boys and St. Ann's High School for frustration for kids because they Girls. Within three short hours, all feel pressured into drawing and the idiosyncrasies of a pre-Vatican painting perfectly. II education that were stored in the subconscious are illuminated as Eileen Houston, '84, another stustudents interacted with the priest, dent in the class, agrees. "A lot of kids, who don't have a natural the sisters and each other. The main roles are Eddie Ryan, talent, are apprehensive about played by Russ Thacker, Becky, art." She feels art should be played by Maureen Moore, Father emphasized a little more in Reilly, played by Robert Fitch and schools, but not enough to take Sisler Lee, played by Ellen away from the basics. Crawford. Thacker's vocals have almost a Houston's feelings about the charismatic effect on the audience class are positive. "I think it will be a fun class. You don't have to as he performs "I Must Be In have artistic ability to enjoy it. It's Love" as a solo and other songs also a good idea to get experience, along with the rest of the cast. His character is such that you cannot know what materials you need, help but love him. and to get your objective across."
create laughter Moore's performance reveals some of the pain of growing up. Along with Thacker, she sings "Does God Love Little Fat Girls, Too?" We empathize with Becky, as she is teased and taunted by the other children because of her weight problem. Fitch's singing voice is barely audible at times and does not do justice to the songs. However, his execution of a dance solo revels an agility and style which, in its own right, is one of the highlights of the entire performance. Crawford makes Sister Lee one of the most memorable parts in the play. Her characterization makes the audience love and admire her. Sister Lee represents that old, mean nun whom we tho~izht was at
least 100-years-old. However, Crawford helps us to understand how our parents loved the "old witch" that we, as children, hated. "Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?" has been extended through Feb. 14 at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia. On a final note, take the advice of Sister Lee to the girls. Never wear balck patent leather shoes because they reflect up. Never wear pearls because they reflect oown. And finally, never eat dinner with a boy in a restaurant with white table cloths because ... Well, when you go to see the play' the answer will leave you in hysterics.
Joi;>Squad Work Grant students needed: - Communications Center, to monitor. Contact J. Zurek at Ext. 360 - New gameroom, to monitor, to minotor. Contact M. Nadel at Ext. 406.
- Public Relations Office, for addressing and labeling. Contact J. Buzbee at Ext. 254, 255.
College Work/Study Positions: - Counsel Center, contact M. Sicoli at Ext. 563. - Library, contact J. Olsen at Ext.538.
Free room and board: - including spending money in return for general help. Must have a car. Contact Susan Cortese at 688-1660.
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Cabrini College Special FOR WOMEN
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$2()0 Off
323 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne
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Arts/ Leisure
Conte: Definitely :
• • ·
artsy •
• Vivacious, theatrical and · talented. Three words to describe ••· •·•• a very fine artist here at Cabrini
c~~:!:;i~;!ac~~:~~ a m~mora. ble experience. Everything from the clothes she wears to the way .she speaks is artistic. "All my life I've been interested in art" states Conte, "I couldn't paint by numbers, it was a disaster, so I went to freestyle." It was this discovery of artistic talent in her early years of school, that made Conte want to pursue art. "I always won the awardsin art during grade school and high school." Throughout her high school years, Conte continued to study art. Other facets of the arts such as dance, ·theatre, voice and music also interested Conte. "I love all the arts, they are all important." Al"-GELA l'ONTE', senior, will exhibit her art works in May. (Photo After her graduation from high by: Tom De Matteis J school, Conte decided that some
first hand experience in the world of art was needed. In the summer of 1978Conte traveled to Europe. "I roamed around Europe and worked at the festival of flowers in Paris and with any artist who was willing to teach a young person style." While Conte was in Europe, little did she know that her mother had enrolled her at CabriniCollege. "I had no intentions of studying here, but I was willing to give it a chance." COnte'sfirst semester wasn't exactly full of excitment. She was enrolled in almost all liberal arts courses and round most or them quite unfulfilling. "I almost left, but I decided to stay." During her second semester Conte enrolled in almost all art courses and realized that Cabrini was where she wanted to stay. "I learned that I can learn art . anywhere," states Conte, "besides it is what vou can produce and
Cabrini hasn't hindered me, but it has given me the personalized attention that I need." Personality wise Conte does not see herself as eccentric, the typical stereotype for artistic people. "I am a definite individual and artist." During May of this year, Conte will be holding an art exhibit of her work. "I am really excited because in the show I'll be presenting a broadscope of my acrylic painting, water colors and pencil studies." Conte also added that her Cabrini exhibition is not her first exhibit. "I had a chance to show my work in Atlantic City this summer through the Art Alliance there." In the future Conte hopes to continue her work as an artist. When asked how she sees herself at 40, Conte simply stated, "Better than I am now."
'Taps' stumbles is paid to the setting, uniforms and For the general public, the attit\lle of the cadets. release of the movie "TAPS" is As the film progresses less at.nothing very important. For the tention is paid to the finer points of people of Wayne and Cabrini the film. Scenes become choppy as College "TAPS" is of greater im- does some of the dialogue. portance. But through the loss of some of When the California movie com- these finer points come two impany, 20th Century-Fox came to pressive performances by two of Wayne, people both young and old the films supporting actors, Sean were excited by the chanc~ of Penn and Tom Cruise. perhaps working as extra's in the Sean Penn plays Timothy Hutfilm. The glamour of Hollywood, tons' strong moraled roommate. was here for a short time. His performance is touching and But problems also accompanied strong, unlike that of leading actor the film company. An actors Timothy Hutton. strike, the threat of a directors Tom Cruise plays the crazed, strike and finally problems from gung-ho military cadet. His perthe people and merchants . of the formance is stunning. His attitude Wayne business district. and final transition at the end or Finally in late June production the film proves that he will be able had ended. The lights and sets to play a leading role. were shipped back to California. George C. Scott gives a typical Producer Stanley Jaffe director patented-Patton performance. He Harold Becker and a teain of edi- is dry, and his characterization tors began working on the release proves that he did little to further of the film for mid-December. his interpretation. When "TAPS" was released in All in all I would recommend mid-December it was met with "TAPS" to IM:OPle . It's messa_ge, mixed reviews. although lost m most of the film . tells us about what, we as AmerWhen I we~t to see the movie icans are teaching our children to t~re was ~ lme. Apparently the idealize. fllm_wasgomg to be somewhat of a "TAPS" is a film for adults, and profitable film. may not be suitable for young imThe opening scenes of the film pressionable minds. On a scale of 1 seem very realistic. Fine attention to 10, I would rate "TAPS" a 6. BY SANDRA McNAMARA
WIDENER CENTER HOURS Mon.thru Thurs.8 a.m.- midnight Fri. 8 a.m.- 1 a.m.
Sat. 10p.m.- 1 a.m. Sun.10a.m.- midnight *Hours subject to change
The hammer falls on hockey BY TOM DeMATl'EIS
A book that has been getting much attention from hockey fans recently, particularly Philadelphia hockey fans, is "The Hammer : Confessions of a Hockey Enforcer," which is written by former Flyer Dave Schultz with the help of Stan Fischler. In his book Schultz, who was the best known of the original Broad Street Bullies of the mid-70's, explains what caused him to become lmown as the "King Goon" of the National Hockey Leagueand why he now regrets it.
called on to fight for him.
The controversy that the book is stirring up may be positive in terms of sales and Schultz seems to be taking advantage of it because he is now touring major cities to promote the book.
Clarke responds to all this by saying, "I suppose I shouldn't get too mad, if it was somebody intellectual saying those things, it would bother me a lot.. ..but the combination of Davey and So don't go by what critics like Fischler - what can you expect?" Al Morganti write, instead read the book and form your own opinIn his second article, Morganti · ions. Schultz may not be the best quotes Schultz as saying "There's writer but he has an interesting nothing new in there about him. All story to tell and his ideas for cleanthat stuff has been written before, ing ~ the fighting in hockey are but maybe not in Philadelphia." worth reading.
Bobby Clarke, Captain (Sometimes) Courageous. Schultz explains how a hockey i player with limited skills reached ·· stardom by another means, fight- •. ing. He explains how he felt that it • was his job to protect his teammates when someone from another team harassed them and what · effect this role he played as "bully" or "goon" had on his life. Schultz writes, "To say I totally · regret all' I did would be to misrepresent the truth ....but off the ice I paid the price." Statements such as these and a chapter in the book where Schultz calls Flyer Bobby Clarke "Captain (sometimes) Courageous" have received the most attention from the Philadelphia fans and media. In the Oct. 22, 1981, and again in the Dec. 11, 1981 editions of the Philadelphia Inquirer writer Al Morganti wrote critical . articles about the book. In the first article Morganti talked to Clarke regarding the things Schultz wrote about the Flyer captain. In his book Schultz says the ~a~ Clarke pl~y- FL \'ER BOB.BY CLARKE is the center of controversy in the book writ ed ~.hegame was Dirty. Very dir- ten by Dave Schult z. (Photo by: Bruce Bennett, supplied by Tom ty. And that he lost respect for Del\tattcis . ) Clarke because he would start trouble and Schultz would be
Student--athletes: combining work with play BY TOM DeMATTEIS
Many Cabrini students partici pate in athletics, so at times the question arises, how do studentathletes divide their time between studying and playing? The answers to this question vary but athletes agree that when you play a sport and go to school full-time there is no time to be lazy . "Sometimes you go to bed at 2 a.m. and get up at 7 a.m.," freshmen Ann Belsky, a member of the women's volleyball and basketball
teams explains. "I have to do all my work at night, after practices, because I work and have classes during the day," Belsky said. "I budget my time around practice," said junior basketball player Terry Mancini. Mancini feels playing a sport makes it easier for him to get his school work done because he knows he has to do it. Junior hockey player Diane Corallo divides her time by planning her schedule around her syllabi. "I get any papers done
$1 admission is queried . B"' DEBBIE JABLONSKI Upon arriving at the gym , for a\ men's basketball game, you are asked to pay a $1.00 admission fee. You may wonder why is there an admission charge to the game, where does the money collected go and is fan attendance hampered by the charge? "Everybody attended high school," John Dzik, men's athletic director and basketball coach, said, "90% of these schools had an admission charge to games." The men's basketball games are an "attraction" and everyone pays for an "attraction" according to Dzik. The men's athletic department proposed tQ SGA, last year, the idea of each class selling season tickets with the price of the tickets being split between the class and the athletic department .
"There was no great response on _SGA's part," Dzik said . The money collected al the men's games is placed in a restricted fund, according to Dzik. This restricted fund, is used on anything that is deemed worthwhile by the men's and women's athletic directors. Money cannot be taken out of this fund unless it is co-signed by the athletic directors. Some. of the uses this fund has been allocated for are scouting and recruiting expenses, washing of men's basketball uniforms, prize money, trophies and the sports banquet. Women's Athletic Director Helen Goodwin said that she knew
the fund existed out to ner knowledge, no money existed in the fund. "I never co-signed for money to wash men's uniforms," Goodwin said. Most of the restricted fund money, according to Dzik, is used for the sports banquet . "The Athletic Association has taken credit for this event in the past," Dzik said, "This is ridiculous." He continued, "The Athletic Association is a sham." However, Dzik did state that senior Chris Collins, president of the Athletic Association, did do much work for the banquet on his own. Collins wished to make no comment on Dzik's statement about the Athletic Association . Collins is in the process of reorganizing the association. Since many students had to pay an admission charge to sporting events in high school, Dzik believes the admission charge does not hamper fan attendance. "The excuse that a dollar fee stops people from attending is a feeble one," Dzik said . "No matter how many fans attend, the men would keep playing and the only one who would suffer would be the player ." JUST A NOTE: Feb. 18th is Fan Appreciation night, free admission. Feb. 26-27, Keystone Athletic Conference at Cabrini. The American Flag hanging in the gym was donated by Mrs. Dzik and belonged to his father-in-law who died on Christmas.
a way of letting out any tensions or to be both a student and an athl ete anxieties that may build up from makes me feel good," said Mantheir school work . cini . Both Belsky and DeJesse Sophomor e cheerleader Kelly state that they don't think of an yVertullo s a ys c heerleading thing else but the sport when they relieves tension , " I use it as a are playing. Corallo feels that break from study ing ," she says. athletics gives you another exRoss agrees with this but he points perience besides academics . out, "Playing the sport can make Besides dividing time equally you tired so that is why you have to bet ween studying and playing get your work done before the last there is one other thing to deal with minute." when you are a student-athlete , Mancini feels re laxed after "You do a ,lot of wash," Belsky practices and games. " Being able points out. ·
as easy as it looks .
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of one of Cabrini's athletic teams? Last week I got the chance to find out as I ran through a practice with the Lady Cavaliers . When one attends a ba sketball game , it is sometimes a common notion that what is being done on the court is a relativel y simple task. A good player allo ws the spectators to think that what she is doing takes less effort than ii actually does . Coaches Mike Tenaglia and Jill Fausnaught gave me the " OK" to practice with the team . The first step was to get my wrist taped . As I walked down the back stairs leading from the gym to the corridor where the locker rooms are , my stomach began to feel like it had been tied in 100 different knots . The only thought in my · mind at this point was, "I'm going to die ." · Athletic trainer Debbie Jablonski, '83 , was taping the ankle of Annette DeJesse , '84, when I walked in . Jablonski said she would be with me in a minute as she explained to DeJesse that I would be practicing with them . Now I felt like a real jock , tape and all . Jablonski and I walked back upstairs into the gym wher e the team was shooting . As I walked onto the court , they all looked as the expression on their faces read , " What is she doing here ?" I became Jablonski 's protege for the afternoon, so like a puppy dog , I followed her around and did what During this gym class, education s he did. Jablonski started doing majors learn by participating in. warm-up exercises, and so did I as games oriented towards the ele- I hurt in places where I neve r mentary school child. Each Mon- thought I had muscles . Following this I began to shoot day children from The Children's baskets . While it seemed as if School come up to the gym and the shots were education majors take turns teach- e v eryone ' s " swishers," mine were lucky if ing the children different games . New ttiis year to the physical they touched the net. Then the practice officially education curriculum are two sections of slimnastics and one sec- began . I said an "Act of Contrition " to myself hoping that what tion entitled "Physical Education happened during this practice 105." Dtring slimnastics period stu - would not be punishment for all my dents jog and participate in past sins . The first drill was a passing dr ill several different exercises . where we paired up and practiced . The other new course, "Physical various passes. It was relatively Education 105," involves obtaining physical education credit by par- simple standing 10 feet away from ticipating in off campus gym-re- each other . However , every couple of minutes we would take steps lated activities. backward . By the end of the drill Some of the classes that students we were throwing cross-court , have taken under "Physical Education 105" in the past include : well at least I was trying . Hurling the ball to the other side Karate, Water Safety Instruction, without letting it bounce someand horseback riding. Eight of the nine physical educa- where in the middle to me was tion courses are instructed by incomprehensible . Well , it 's not as Helen Goodwin, Women's Athletic if I did not want it to fly all the way across, but something kept inter Director. fering with my throws--1 THINK Dt4ring all of the gym classes THEY CALL IT GRAVITY. guests are welcome .
gym courses offered
BY JEANNE PILCICKI The physical education program at Cabrini has gone through many changes over the years. Now, there are many new alternatives available to the Cabrini students as gym courses . Two credits of physical education are required before a student may graduate. Currently, there are nine sections of gym class. All of these "' courses are offered to · both male and female students. The gym classes meet two times a week for fifty minutes each class period . Six of the nine gym sections presently offered are recreational physical education classes. During these class periods sports such as soccer, speedball, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, and line volleyball are played . Students are separated into teams and compete against one another in these various games . For the prospective education major there is one section of gym offered entitled "Activities for the Elementary School Child."
early so I don't fall behind ," said Corallo. Sophomore women's basketball player Annette DeJesse is also careful about falling behind, she says, "You cannot put off studying until the last minute." By writing out assignments and doing them two days ahead of time is how junior soccer player Dan Ross deals with being a student-athlete. Most student-athletes not only play sports as a means of exercise or for fun. they also play sports as
Next was a drill which required passing, dribbling and shooting ability . Three lines were forme d and I stood al the back of one att empting to understand what m aneuvers were entailed . Of co urse I made a few mistakes but eventually I got the hang of it. Time for another drill ! This one was similar to the second. The difference in this was that team manager Jeff Brun, '83 , pla yed defense aga inst the player who handled the ball. Each player made fanc y steps around him ; I cl un1sily stepped on him. I knew I would do better during a defense drill. Five players were on offense while four others and I played defense. Definitel y not as eas y as I had expect ed . With freshmen E ileen Herbig, Lisa Hurst and Maw·een McKenna , sophomore Debbie Harvey and co-captain ·Terri Leinenbach on offense , I should have realized I had my work cut out for me. This team executed play s as I stood and watched in amazement while being caught off-guard as they scored . Do not get me Wrong about how it seemed as if it were easy for the playe r s. The hard work and hustl e exhibited by them in the practice is the reason they might come across as making the sport look less strenuous than it really is. Someone once said that practice makes perfect, but before practice there must be dedication by play ers , coaches and managers. "Some days I get 100 percent , other days I don't," Tenaglia said . " You rarely get 100percent from a player all of the time because school and personal problems have an effect." Managers Brun, Sulamon Allyn,
' 83, and Chris Collins, '82, help with the practices by playing with them and keeping sta ts during ga mes accordin g to co-captain Kat e Connolly , ' 83. Connolly , now on cru tches, has a stress fracture in her shin which will keep her on the bench for a month . " It's due lo shin splints 1 had last year," she said . "Also, the way I wal k and run is wrong. That made me more susceptible to the injury." Acco rdin g to Tena g lia , Sue l\lasin o, '84, DeJesse and McKenna will ha ve more playing time due lo Connolly 's absence . Pre venti on of injuries such as shin splint s is one of the reas ons players are required lo do war mup exercises before practice . "The conditioning exerci ses loosen you up for the drill s," Fausnaught said . " We do eight to l0drills ever y night, although eac h night they might vary . We practic e about 10 hours a week ." What motivat es Brun, Collins and Allyn to practice with them ? " I enjoy working with the young ladies ," Allyn said . " I give them help in any area they need it. Along with keeping me in good physical condition , I get to hea r the female side of sports ." " I just like playing basketball ," Collins said. " These girls ar e really good . Whal little I have to offer I give ." Brun practiced with the girl s last year also . " Mike likes them to play against someone bigger and stronger, " he said . " I consider it a challen ge because some of the girls are bet ter than me. When they win , I feel that I've helped them ."
Sports Profiles:
Eileen Herbig shows enthusiasm as spirited athlete BY I<.AREN ANGELI If you've ever been to a
women's volleyball or basketball game, you cannot help but notice a red headed woman playing her heart out. The woman you have been observing is none other than Cabrini freshman Eileen Herbig . Herbig, a native of South Philadelphia, attended St. Aloysius Grade School for eight years and played basketball from sixth grade to eighth grade. Herbig then went on to attend St. Maria Goretti High School, where she played basketball for four years and volleyball from sophomore to senior year (sophomore year is when it was instituted). Obviously, and Herbig confirms this, she loves sports. "I like sports for several different reasons," she said. "Not only do sports come in
handy for developing overall body strength, but it also helps when it comes to academics," she said . "It helps when you play sports because then you have to budget your time better, therefore you have to have your work done." Helen "Goody" Goodwin, women's athletic director and coach of the women's volleyball team, has nothing but high praise for Herbig. "She's an excellent volleyball player and an all-around good athlete, besides being a really nice person," Goodwin said. "She is a real asset to the team. We used her in the position of setter, but she would have done well in any position ." Mike Tenaglia, women's basketball coach, also has high praise for Herbig . Obviously, Tenaglia believ~s in her athletic ability because
Kathy Cordilla, a co-captain of the Women's Volleyball team said," she has a great personality with lots of enthusiasm and spirit. She works well with others." Herbig may add to her sports accomplishments by possibly joining the softball team in the spring.
running -f- swimming
at Cabrini. This rekindled the motivation in him to run and he entered a "fun run," and surprisingly received a trophy . · 'There is nothing like a trophy to turn you on," he laughed, his Irish-blue eyes twinkling. After participating in a few small races to "see what was happening in the world of running," he entered the Philadelphia marathon and finished 2,027th out of over 4,000 entrants. This was no small feat for a 45-year-old man who had just recently returned to the sport after some 20-odd years . The race, which was 26.2 miles long, began at American Legion Hall in Fort Washington. It proceeded through Chestnut Hill into Fairmount Park, past the Art Museum and along the narrow, but colorful streets of the Italian Market, and finished at Independence Hall. It was considered one of the most historical and scenic runs. "It was a sensation I never :\1H. IWBEHT :\fl-GEE. chairfelt before," he beamed. "Peo1a·r~o11 of thl' 111athc111atics dcple were standing on the parlllll"lll. co111pll'lcd the Philasidelines -at Chestnut Hill ddphi,1 I11dl'pl 'llcll•nn· :\laratlwn. cheering. I stopped at every cl'hoto h~ Torn lk:\lattl'isl water stop; after 20 miles, you've depleted most ning began in his high school reserves ." He shook his head, days in Buffalo, N. Y.• where he pulled off his knit cap and lived as a boy, and ran on the replaced it: "I never thought track team. I'd ever run in a marathon," he He continued for a short said . while in cross country when he McGee's easy-going manner entered Delaware Valley becomes apparent as he slumps College in Doylestown, but slightly in his chair, his long mostly he had put this sport "on lean legs stretched out and hold" as he pursued his crossed at the ankles. master's degrees at Notre Very much a family man, he Dame Univers~ty and State discussed his wife, Dottie, and University of New York in his five children: Kathy, 13, Buffalo. He began teaching at Michael, 12, Kevin, 11, Brian, 9, Cabrini College in 1969. and Christopher, 2 1/2, who are · Two years ago he was asked residents of Malvern. to coach the cross country team He started Kevin running last BY GINNY GRUERIO
He greeted me, somewhat breathless , in a navy blue jogging suit and knit cap and smiled. "I thought I'd play the role for you," he said, perspiration transcending from his ample brow. Robert McGee, associate professor of mathematics at Cabrini had just finished running, as he does often, and did 1ast November wben he entered the first Philadelphia Independence Marathon. McGee's penchant for run-
she won a sports scholarship in basketball. "She's a hustler and she knows basketball," he said . "Besides that she's nice and her attitude reflects our basketball program with her good sportsmanship." Terry Leinenbach, a teammate and co-captain of the basketball team, said that Herbig contributes to the team by having the best shot on the team . Kate Connolly, the other cocaptain said that Herbig showed very good sportsmanship.
summer. "I had pulled a muscle in my leg, so Kevin became my speed, and we trained together," he laughed, as he does easily. As a result, they ran together in two 10,000meter races and a five-mile race. He even encouraged Dottie to jog a little and she entered a run on the Fourth of July in Ridley Creek State Park . . His affection for the sport 1s witnessed when, upon entering his bookshelved cluttered office, you spot news _clippings that have yellowed with age -0f prior races. The only other exercise he practices is stretching before running, which he considers very important. Admitting the sport can be very painful at times, he comments, "Any kind of exercise or sport which puts demands on your body is painful." Once a basketball devotee, he has encountered what he calls a "rebirth" in active involvement in the game, which he credits to the fact that he is in much better shape now, after having dropped several pounds. Tfie catalyst that keeps McGee running is not only the self-gratification he experiences, but the competitiveness, both with himself and others. "Ultimately I like to enter races," he says. "I don't want to be a world-class racer. The races themselves are in interesting places. I like to find interesting places to run." The joy he encounters when he races is a personal gift to McGee. But this soft-spoken mathematics teacher does not realize what inspiration he brings to other middle-aged men who mistakenly thought they had played their last game and ran their last race.
ference Championships - TBA Feb . 23 Harcum - 7 p.m. Feb. 27 Keystone Athletic Con- Feb. 25 Gwynedd-Mercy - 7 p.m. Feb. 18 Valley Forge Christian · ference Championships - TBA March 1 Swarthmore - 7 p.m. College - 8 p.m. Women's fdarch 2 Misericordia - 7 p.m. Feb. 26 Keystone Athletic Con- Feb. 15 Widener - 7 p.m. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Men's
FRESHMAN, EILEE!\ HERBIG, a highly spirited athlete . <Photo b} Tom De:\1atteis.J
East Coast provides lift for a variety of skiers BY KAREN CANCIO
This ski season has been our region's best ever due to the added snow-making equipment and the great amount of fresh snow the mountains have been receiving. If you're already an advanced skier, New England offers the finest skiing available. Its geology and climate are once again making it a favorite among skiers . Consider New England's proximity, expanded snowmaking, ski villages, condos, lifts and bigger verticals and your choice will easily be New England. Killington, Vermont, is the number one place to ski. It features: the greatest vertical drop (3,060 feet), the longest run in the East ( 6 miles), the longest ski lift in North America (3 1/2 mile long gondola), receives the largest amount of snow annually (25 feet), the world's largest snow making coverage (31 miles); the longest season (October to May). Killington is five mountains rather than just one, and you can ski from one mountain to the next on the same lift ticket. Lift tickets are bought on a 2day, 5-0ay, or 7-0ay plan. The 2day plan ranges in price from $36 for the lift ticket to $70 for lift, lessons and equipment. Another good place to ski in Vermont is Sugarbush in Warren, Vt. It has a vertical drop of 1,666 feet. Overnight accommodations are reasonable at $18 at the Old Homestead and Sgt. Pepper's. Here you're placed in a dorm-style living situation. For more information concerning Sugarbush you can call their toll free number 8()()-451-5030.
Other excellent places to ski in Vermont include Stratton, Bromley and Mt. Snow, which has a 1,700 foot vertical drop and 13 trails. In New Hampshire the best skiing is done in the White
Mountains. Here, Waterville ranks supreme with a 2,020foot vertical drop and eight lifts. In Maine, Sugarloaf with 11 lifts and a 2,600 foot vertical drop, Sunday River and Saddleback are the finest. Of course you don't have to travel to New England to get in some good skiing. All you have to do is take the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Tw·npike to the Pocono Exit 35. Once there you have a choi ce of Big Boulder and Jack Frost , where you can ski both on the same lift ticket. For snow conditions call 717-722-0101. Camelback, a little farther down the road, can be reached via Route 80 from the Pocono Exit. A morning lift ticket from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30p.m. is $9 and a ticket until 5:00 p.m. costs $14. Camelback can be reached toll free at 800-532-8201. Carnelback has an 800 foot vertical drop, 22 slopes and ten lifts. It features the Poconos' first Qpad Chair Lift. All these ski areas can be reached by car in approximately two hours. For a bit more advanced skiing in northernmost Pennsylvania you should try Elk Mountain in Union Dale. Follow the Northeast Extension to Exist 37 and catch Interstate 81 north to Lenoxville. ·For ski conditions call 71Hl79-2611. If you are just learning how to ski , two good places to try are Chadds Peak in Chadds Ford and Spring Mountain inSchwenkesville. They are both less than an hour away. For all winter sports you should dress warmly. Layers of sweaters keep you the warmest and ski pants are water repellant. A cap covering your head will prevent much heat loss. A few pairs of socks and gloves or mittens should be enough to keep you warm. For safety precautions never ski alone. Most twisted ankles and broken legs are the result of over-fatigue. If you're tired, take a rest.
,... .
Renovations BY BRIAN P. JENSEN Progress is being made in plans to renovate some of Cabrini's i:leteriorated athletic facilities. As reported in Loquitur last semester, major renovations have been planned for the ground floor athletic facilities in Sacred Heart Hall. According to John Dzik, men's athletic director, who announced these plans in early October, progress has been made in the attempt to "greatly improve" the athletic facilities that he presently describes as "under par." Dzik explained that architects have already inspected the area where the commuter locker room, weight room, showers and men 's and women's sport lockers are presently located and have designed plans for the major renovations that will take place. "The possibility of extensive renovations in this area are excellent . The major plans have been approved." Dzik said. ~ccording to Dzik, the office of development is in the process of attempting to raise the funds needed to reconstruct that area so that it may be "up to par." "Based upon what we have already finalized the entire area will be renovated, " Dzik said. Dzik explained that the reconstruction will include efforts . to make seperate male and female locker rooms , each with its own shower facilities . A third "midsized" visitors locker room will also be installed in the area . Also, the present commuter locker room is to be reconstructed into a combination equipment and wrestling room. · "Hopefully the room will have matted walls, a universal and other equipment we will attempt to purchase." Dzik said. Another new feature described by Dzik is to change the present book store storage room (storage space for books will be provided in the new campus center) into an equipment storage room used
by fall?
"soley for the use of Cabrini athletic teams ." "This space is necessary for a higher degree of security for team equipment." Dzik said. The athletic director predicts that a newly renovated area will look good. "These extensive renovations along with carpeting and fresh. paint will really gloss up this deteriorated area." Dzik said . Dzik had previously hoped that such renovations could have been completed by the end of the current school year, however he now sees no possibility of this. "My hopes now are that the locker rooms will be on the number one priority list and will be completed in early fall of next semester . As we planned the renovations they became more and more extensive, therefore being a greater - expense." Dzik said. Women's Athletic Director, Helen Goodwin agrees that it will take time for the renovations to take place. "If we are really going to improve on it . we want to do it well and that takes time and money." Goodwin said . Goodwin also pointed out progress has been made in the renovation plans and it is now "a matter of money and priorities ," as to when work will begin. Upon inspection of the area , it is obvious that some minor improvements have already taken place . The wall in the weight room (that was severaly damaged) has been reconstructed and the area appears cleaner than it did last semester . Dzik explained that he thought a previous article in Loquitur on the deteriorated athletic facilities prompted maintenance to do something . In that article , Dzik had claimed that the area suffered from what he then called "a gross Jack of maintenance. " Dzik had also stated that the weight machine would be ready
BY JEANNE PILCICKI This year the Cabrini College basketball team is overcoming barriers that in the past were termed impossible. Joe Kelly, assistant basketball coach, attributes the success of the team -to the fact that the players are finally starting to mold as a team by utilizing all of their skills . The basketball team is in the Keystone Athletic Conference and currently has a record of four wins and zero losses. The teams included in the KAC ' include Penn State • Capitol, Misericordia, Alvernia, and Beaver Colleges. Each of the teams in the KAC is very good and is a challenge to the talent of the Cabrini ball club According to Kelly, "We are now at a point in our existence where we are operating as a team overcoming the barriers with a positive attitude. If we continue to play hard and execute our talent , we are well on our way to winning." The overall record of the basketball team is eleven wins and nine losses. The ultimate goal of the ball
A sport for all seasons
team is to win the Keystone Athletic Conference, win the regionals, and play in Kansas City for the NAIA National Championships. Because of the large amount of talented players on the team, there have been fourteen different starting line-ups. New this year to the Cabrini roster are some Division II and Division III teams. The games against the Division II and Division III teams allow Cabrini to practice and perfect some of the techniques that may be used against KAC teams. The Second Annual Keystone Athletic Championships will be hosted at Cabrini on Friday , Feb . 26 and Saturday, Feb. 27. The winner of the KAC gets an automatic bid to the regionals and the District 19 playoffs. The winner of the playoffs then gets to go to Kansas City for the NAIA National Championships. Kelly maintains that everyone on the ball team is a good player and may contribute to achieving the ultimate goal of the team-the Kansas City NAIA National Championships .
of the same material a gym floor is made of. Sometimes the walls are made of clear plexiglass but most times they are white. There are service lines painted on the floor five feet from the wall. And there is a door for entry and exit. The only equipment needed for the game is a racquet, ball and partner. Other equipment , such as gloves and eye protector s, are available but not necessary for the beginners enjoyment.
for use. "As promised, the weight keys for the universal weights were purchased and the weight machine was repaired and operable by Dec. 1." Dzik said. Upon inspection however, one of the weight stations is presently found to be inoperable. Dzik explained that someone had attempted to use a spoon from the cafeteria as a weight key even though there were keys present in the weight room. The spoon apparently jammed in the machine making the weight station inoperable . "Now the weight machine has to be reconditioned." Dzik said. Right now, there is also a large hole in the plaster board wall of the hallway in the sports area. Dzik assured that he will put out a maintenance requisition to fix the unsightly hole , but also pointed out that maintenance has been very busy lately and has its priorities. Over all, Dzik expresses pleasure with the progress towards fixing the deteriorated athletic facilities. "We certainly are glad and thankful that the development office has shown concern in bringing our athletic facilities up to par with other colleges, " Dzik said. Dzik was quick to point out that the present facilities are "inadequate to say the least."
Tired of sitting in your room staring at snow and wishing for something to do? Well here is a sport that can be enjoyed all winter long regardless of the weather.
New SP-ort Unlike tennis which could take years to master, racquetball can be enjoyed by anyone that can swing the racquet. Since·the racquet, the eye-hand coordination is easier to obtain, therefore actually hitting the ball is much easier. The game itself is a combination of both squash and paddleball, both of which originated in debtors prison in London England . Joe Sobek was the first to actually conceive the idea of racquetball in 1949. He was a paddleball player and he decided that the game would be more exciting if played with a string racquet instead of a wood paddle . Thus the game was born . YMCA's then picked up on the game and began to promote it. Today there are even racquetball clubs built solely for the purpose of playing the game. The racquetball court is a completely enclosed room 40 feet long and 20 feet wide. The floor is made
- ~U)
The game is played by two to four players. One person stands between the service lines and hits the ball against the wall. If the ball bounces behind the service line then it is the oppoenents turn to hit it. The ball may only hit the floor once but it can hit any wall an unlimited amount of times . The ball may be hit in mid-air or · after one ·bounce . If more than one bounce occurs then either a point is scored or the service changes hands . The game ends when 21 points are scored . Tom DeMatteis says he has played the game before at home and enjoys it very much . Jeff Brun, a newcomer to the game , says he has only played a few times but also enjoys it . Thanks to Gus Nicoletti, a membership to the American Racquet ball club can be had by any Cabr ini student for free . A fee is then charged for court time only.
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