Frida~, March 19, 1982
Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
No. 9
lobbying effort BY RITA CALICAT & PAT CONWAY
Edgar, a representative from southeasern Delaware County, It was 6:20 a.m., March l, the met with Maureen Rock, Nancy sun was just rising and the weathTaylor and Pat Conway at 2: 15 er was brisk . Most of us had been p.m . He spoke to these students up since 5:00 a .m. preparing for about his position on this issue . the long day ahead. A sense of Edgar, who supports fiancial excitement filled the air as aid and G.I. education, believes Cabrini and Immaculata stuthat every dollar spent on student dents boarded the buses to Washloans is repaid by the student in ington, D.C. taxes . He said that cuts in finanMarch 1 had been designated cial aid will increase, not deas National Student Lobby Day . crease the deficit by the end of Students from all over the United the 1980's. States would meet in Washington According to Edgar, Reagan 's to protest the proposed cuts in defense budget is horrendous . He financial aid by the Reagan adsaid , "We may have a nice deministration . Although Cabrini fense system in a few years but and Immaculata would represent no society will exist to defend if only a small fraction of the we cut back on health and educa masses, they would nevertheless tion ." voice their concern . They were Although Edgar believes that informed of important facts the future of financial aid looks which related to Cabrini or Imbleak, he feels that the students maculata students specifically CABRINI STUDENTS, including Carol Hasson, Dane Linn, Peggy Heffernan Karen Kelly and can still win this fight . He said and any student receiving finan- Theresa Collins really outside the Cannon Buildmg in Washington, D.C., where students from all that the future of student aid cial aid in general. over lobbied for financial aid on March 1, 1982. depends on the votes of the " modThe students busied themerate republians " like James total wipeout of several of the selves with the task of preparing students were informed on how to The students were arriving for Coyne, repesentative from Penn num ber gr ew rapidly. existing programs to aid students intelligent questions which, when---tobby effectively . Various consylvania . "Moderate re in obtaining a higher education answered, would provide needed gess people, who supported finanthe day's effort and the issues publicans" are those republian information about the proposed cial aid , urged students to meet under concern were addressed in would be eliminated. who do not totalAccoding to Arlene McEvilla , representatives financial aid cuts . An air of de- with their local representatives. full force . Under the proposed ly support Reagan's proposal to financial aid director at Cabrini termination filled the buses as It became quite evident that budget cuts, student financial aid College, "If the proposed cuts are cut financial aid. the journey progressed. Students organizers of the day's efforts would be drastically hit . According to Edgar, there is a passed, Cabrini would stand to conversed about the issue and it were not expecting such a large The philosophy behind these lose $505,822in aid which would good chance that the "moderate was clear that they were sincere turnout of students . The first two affect better than 200 of our stu- republican" will vote against Rein their efforts . events on the agenda were so cuts advocates the removal of the agan 's proposed cuts if enough government's responsibility to dents ." The buses arrived in the capi- overcrowded that additional From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m ., students express their concern tal at 9:30 a.m. and spirited stu- times had to be provided. An educate . The proposed cuts would over this issue. students met with their repesendents lined the steps of the Can- early estimate of the number of eliminate any federal participation in student financial aid. A t at iv es . Congressman Bob non Building while, inside the students present was 3,000. That
Reagan: Higher ed. is not a federal responsibility BY JOYCE PATITUCCI
Because President Reagan does not think higher education is a federal responsibility, his proposed budget for 1983 includes cuts in aid to education of almost 25 "le . These cuts will only amount to less than 1 % of the federal budget, but they may be signifi c¡ant enough to close the ivycovered gates in the faces of those who depend on that money to finance their educations. Cabrini 's financial aid director, Arlene McEvilla, said, "The burden on the family is going to be drastic if the proposed budget goes through ." According to McEvilla, about 84 % of all students attending Cabrini receive some type of fi. nancial aid . Of this 84 %, no one receives aid in excess of their need. McEvilla said that on the average, as much as 20 to 30 % of family income goes toward college education today. Because of rising costs everywhere, it is much harder for students today to finance their own educations as compared to ten years ago . Although comparitively there is more aid available now. it is true that student need
to those who can demonstrate a has also risen . with the McEvilla explained that the need compatible college also seeks funding from guidelines set up by the federal corporations, but they do not con- government . This has many peotribute as much as the college ple up in arms because the money would like. "We are trying to get for those loans does not come money from private corpo- from the government, but from rations, but we just don't get it. I private lending institutions. The don't see us getting 1 million government subsidizes only the dollars in one year." interest on a loan, not the loan According to Martha Dale, di- itself . Many people are outraged that rector of alumni affairs, and John . Heiberger, vice president of de- the president is willing to allocate velopment and public relations, a more dollars to defense than any corporation's decision of if and other area; at the same time he is cutting aid to education. Many what to donate depends greatly on alumni support , as well as argue that a military-minded private contributions. Dale said president should see some sort of relationship between the comthat it is not the amount received petitive arms and technology from alumni that is important, but the number of alumni who do race , and college education . contribute at all. Heiberger said In fact, if McEvilla could ask that if a college's graduates Reagan one question, she would aren't willing to donate, corpo- ask, " Philosophically , how could he justify doing this and raising rations aren't likely to offer their financial support either. The col- the military spending ." lege itself contributes about McEvilla calls much of the $200,000a year in academic and money spent on defense "deadend dollars" since so much of the athletic scholarships . As has been reported in Lo- weaponry purchased sits idle. quitur earlier this year on several However, if the college is given occasions, the Guaranteed Stu- $3,000,000 by the state, it returns dent Loan program is also a more than $6,000,000to the govtarget to undergo restrictions ernment in revenues. limiting the availability of loans Even more enraging to some
were the president's words regarding unemployment several weeks ago, citing a lack of education on the part of job-seekers as a major cause of joblessness. If the proposed budget goes through, some private colleges, such as Wellesley College, are going to consider an aid-blind admissions policy, whereby a student would not only have to pass academic standards set forth, but would also have to prove an ability to meet college costs without benefit of fi11ancial aid or student loans . This will eliminate many students before they even know how much financial aid they would be eligible for. McEvilla said no student is ever admitted to Cabrini according to ability to pay, and an aidblind policy was not going to be considered at all. Speculators estimate that cuts will force small institutions to close , and will drive thousands of ¡ students from private colleges to state institutions . Where it may cost the state $1,000 per year to educate a student in private-school, it would cost the state three times that amount to educate the same student in one of its own institutions. Said one
disgusted professor, "The taxpayer is still going to to wind up paying ." McEvilla said she does not like having to turn down needy students, but fears she will be doing it more often in the future . "There 's nothing I hate more than having to say 'I'm sorry .' You have the need but we don't have the money." In the meantime, she suggests students write letters, contacting their representatives, and stage rallies . Assistant financial aid director Beth Leiberman said , "Budget cuts will not be the death of Cabrini College if the college's reputation is maintained . Wehave a very concerned adminstration. The rest depends on the students." It also depends on how well budget director David Stockman, who himself earlier conceded that the adminstration itself did not know all the consecquences of the budget, can sell the 1983proposal to Congress . With Stockman's credibility almost entirely destroyed because of an interview with Atlantic magazine, doubting the stability of the budget, it's anybody's guess .
What do yo.uthink ...
Lobbyists protest cuts
of U.S. involvement in El Salvador?
how they felt about the cuts. In turn, Congressmen who were in favor are now opposed. Democarcy is not dead. Too many times people take the attitude, "Why try. I'm only one person." However, we must realize that things can be accomplished if we work together. The recent showing of opinions on the cuts is indicative that the government is still in the hands of the people.
Those students who participated in the Student Lobby Day on March 1 are to be commended and admired . The importance of becoming aware of what is going on politically, whether it has a direct effect on you or not, is important to the individuals well-being as well as the entire country's future. Perhaps the 70 students from Cabrini who participated will serve as models that will catalyze future participation by other students.
President Reagan announced Wednesday , Feb . 24, in an address to the Organization of American States a proposed aid package of $350 million to the Caribbean, one-third to go to El Salvador. He also proposed preferential trade agreements with those countries . "It clearly states we want to help our neighbors grow strong . If we don't act , new Cubas will arise." He said we will do what is " prudent and necessary" to secure peace and security in the Caribbean . Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig said Tuesday , Feb . 2, the United States would do " whatever is neccessary" to prev ent the overthrow to the Salvadorian government. " We have not ruled out anything, and we're not going to ." ~ Some see this as a possibility for U.S. troop dispatchment to El Salvador . Much controversy exists over this and the pres ident 's plan . Reporter Sandy Momyer and photographer Debbie Jablonsk i asked campus members : Are you in favor of U.S. supp(!.rt to El Salvador? Economic? Military? Would you support or fight a war in El Salvador?
There are many officials in public office who want to make their views herd, but what it comes down to is how many people are willing to listen. Americans tend to take the easy way out by not sufficiently looking into the backgrounds of their representativs .
The Lobby Day was held in protest of the administration's proposed budget cuts on education. It is tedious reading and hearing about this same subject time after time . Yet, it is vitally imporant to continuously stress the harmful effects of the cuts and why they are taking place so that the American people will know what is happening to their tax dollars and that they know something can be done to alter their severity.
LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
David Milburn, senior religion, philosophy, English and communications major: The last thing El Salvador needs is U.S. support . In any political struggle for solidarity outside help is perhaps a move for the worse . Any military force should be their own. There exists no freedom when one has not been purged . Camus said, 'A conqueror is a fighter for a cause even if that cause is lost .
There is a cliche that says you cannot judge a book by its cover. Too many times people judge on appearance rather than ability. As a result, it is the politicians who can put on a good show that will get the voters' attention and subsequently, their votes.
Ronald Reagan does not have the support that he once had from fellow Republicans. They too, have realized the drastic implications of chopping the education budget as proposed. People across the country have written to their Congressmen telling them
The recent upward trend in public awareness can be continued through people voting, organizing rallies and writing to their respective senators nd representatives. The government must work for us, not visa versa.
Arthur Young, director, general studies program: I see no right to overthrow government under any circumstances . I question economic aid reaching the needy if sent unless it would be administered through an agency like the Red Cross, and I am concerned that our own people would suffer. I am opposed to military aid and would not fight.
Editorial: Mili-tary vs. education
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Now, Reagan _ wants to send even more military advisors to El Salvador. Presidential maneuvers such as this one are what increases the need for a h igher, military budget, decreasing the amount given to social and educational programs inthe United Staes.
The most common phraseology used in regard to the Salvadoran situation is "Soviet backed aggression." This is the horrible thing that the United States is trying to keep away from El Salvador. In the process, our "military advisors" are risking Salvadoran as well as American lives.
It is true that we do no live in an ideal society where we can say what should be and then it would follow. However, countries such as El Salvador have internal problems that must be worked out by the people themselves. The money that would be used for Salvador should be put into our educational system. Let's face it, we need smart, educated people to run the country, and to develop new technologies for the well- being of all.
Surely helping others is a noble act. But concerning military aid, whom are we really trying to help? It is clearly evident that tlle focal point of our involvement with El Salvador is ourselves. We try to justify military actions by arguing that the United States is acting as a protector so the bad communists will not hurt Salvadorans. Yet are we not hurting them by the continuance of military troops sent there?
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Whenever one argues in favor of the United States aiding the oppressed in foreign countries, he or she is ultimately bombarded with rebuttals by politically-minded rightists who argue that we should always keep politi~s in mind wih regard to such matters.
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Nancy Cortese , senior history/French major: I believe in economic build-up and military aid if necessary. This is not Vietnam . This is our hemisphere and we have a right to get involved . The United States is not backing for example Sandinisa in Nicaragua, but we are fighting communism .
Loquitur CabriniCollege Member of the Associated Colle~iate Press Published bi-weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsy,vania 19087. Telephone : 21/HJ87-2100ext. 412. Subscription price Is Included In benefitssecurad by tuit ion and student fee. Subscription by mall is S5 per year. Second class postage is paid at Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087.
Co-editors-in-chief : Maureen Carroll and Tamra DiMarino News Editor : Joyce Patitucci Assistant New Editor : Rita Calicat Opinions Editor : Jim Lawlor Assistant Opinions Editor : Ann Belsky Arts Leisure Editor : Sandra McNamara Assistant Arts/Leisure Editor : Patty McDermott Features Editor : Jeanne Proko Assistant Features Editor : Pam Clark Sports Editor : Debbie Jablonski Assistant Sports Editor : Tom DeMatteis Photography Editor : Tom DeMatteis Business Manager : Brian P. Jensen STAFF : Karen Angeli, Karen Cancio, Pat Conway , Sheila Fanelle , Virginia Gruerio, Elizabeth Kanaras, Debra Kidon, Francine Kuterbach, Mark Magner, Kathy McCartney, Rita McKelvey, Sandy Mom·yer Jeanne Pilcicki, Karyn Rinaldi. Danny Ross, Meg Slook, Carol Wahl. Advisor: Jerome Zurek
"Sending in the troops" is not always the answer, but intensifies an existing problem. The Unit-eel States argues that we want to keep the Russians from El Salvador, but the Russians do not have to worry about paying for their education either. >
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LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
Students unsure of budget-cut effects BY BRIAN JENSEN The Reagan administration's proposed education budget cuts have left many Cabrini students questioning how they will finance their college payments in the future should these proposals pass. The proposed cuts in funds set aside for financial aid· to college students are described by ArleneMcEvilla, director of Cabrini's financial aid office, as "substan. tial." At a press conference, Loquitur reporters were informed by McEvilla that the Reagan administration, in their zest to drastically reduce the national budget, has proposed - to ax NDSL, SEOG and state grant funding completely, has sup• ported a 30% cut in college work study (CWS) funds and a 40% reduction in the basic education opportunity grant (BEOG). Further, Reagan wants to increase the difficulty of getting guaranteed student loans. McEvilla also pointed out 84% of the students at Cabrini get some kind of financial aid and
that the proposed cuts will affect many of these people adversely. In a survey, Loqitur asked thirty -five Cabrini students, freshmen through seniors, who receive some form of financial aid what they thought of these proposed cuts and how would it affect them financially. Although responses varied, two similar attitudes seem to prevail. One being that the students opposed any kind of cut in their financial aid, the other being the students not knowing the criteria of Reagan's proposals and not realizing to what degree the cuts will affect them. All 35 of the people surveyed were against Reagan's intentions yet most of the same people (29 of them) did not have a clear idea as exactly what these intentions were and how much of their aid would be lost if the Reagan budget passes. A typical comment toward the . survey sounded much like the opinion of one senior student, Frank Morelli.
Cabrini ioins lob~y effort
"I don't think any drastic cut in aid for higher education is good, but I don't know the statistics on just what Reagan intends to do or how badly it would affect the typical Cabrini student," Morelli said. · Morelli, along with many other simply did not know what Reagan's cuts entailed nor could they guess at exactly how these cuts would affect their financial situation. Sophomore, Paul Puckerin said, "I was unaware of the details of the cuts. Until now, I have not heard that much statistical information on them." Puckerin also pointed out that he didn't feel most students knew how badly the education budget changes will affect them. It is interesting to note that when the students surveyed were informed of some of Reagan's proposals, particularly those concerning CWS and an increase in the difficulty of getting a student loan, they were quite alarmed. One student, who preferred to remain nameless, exclaimed, "If they cut off my bank loan, then there is no way I can possibly
come back here next year." The financial aid," Lennon said . Lennon, likemost other stufirst the student heard about the proposed restrictions on the stu- dents, was quick to point out that dent low interest loans was any substantial reductions in his through this Loquitur survey. financial aid would be " unfair " The small amount of students and would hurt badly . that did have a good idea of what Although there were a few who the cuts would mean to their had even a more conservative financial situation strongly op- attitude toward Reagan's intenposed the cuts in their aid . tions and some (5) who agreed Junior, Ray Young said "I with the President's basic don't have any other source of philosophy of drastically reducincome that can cover for what I ing the federal budget "across would be losing in his (Reagan's) the board," not one student surbudget proposals," said Young. veyed advocated the cuts in fi . "The cuts," Young continued, nancial aid described by "put into serious question as to McEvilla. whether I can come back here or The most prevailing result of not." this survey seems not to be the fact that students oppose the fi. All the students surveyed agreed that the cuts described to nancial aid reductions, as much as how little the students knew as them were too drastic but some were not as upset about the re- to how these reductions would affect their personal financial sit ductions as others. About half the students (17) had a more mod- uation. Arlene McEvilla would strongerate point of view toward the proposed cuts than those de- ly suggest that students who don't scribed above. A typical response know what the proposed reducof these was much like that of , tions are and what they would freshman, Gerard Lennon. mean, should look into it right "I do oppose drastic cuts but I _away. No doubt, it is important also realize that I must work that students realize where their harder over the summer to make future tuition money might or up for what I would be losing in might not be coming from.
strong supporter of the G.I. Bill which educated 12 million people to make this nation great,"said O'Neill. He told the students to write and visit their local repesentatives . He said that the students can win this fight for financial aid by continuing these lobbying efforts. Representative John Conyers, a congressman from Michigan., agreed that the students should continue their lobbying efforts. :'We desperately need new thinking and fine minds to come to Washington," Conyers said. Not only were the representatives impressed by the student turnout but the students were also surpised. "Our generation is said to be apathetic but maybe there's hope fo us yet," said a student from Monmouth College. He planned to return to Washing-
ton on Wednesday, March 3, for the next scheduled rally_ Lori Evans, a junior from Cabrini also believed that the demonstration was a success. "The students were really together; they weren't super radical and no one was out of control," said Evans . She is optmistic about the future of financial aid and plans to visit her congressman and express her support for financial aid . Evans hopes that other Cabrini students also contact their representatives . The following steps are suggestions for any student who is concerned about Reagan's proposal to cut financial aid . L Write letters to your senators or congressmen. 2. Get other students involved in this lobbying effort.
Continu·ed from Page I Throughout the day, several Robinon said . Robinson recongres .sional representatives minded the students that Heinz expressed a concern with the stu- only accounts fo one vote and that dent position. Several claimed to efforts should be made toward be against cuts in the educational gaining a majority of votes from funding programs, yet each congressional members who sit urged the serious student to lodge on committees of Labor and Hua non-stop effort with their repreman resources and sub commitsentatives. Dr. Lyn Aubrecht, tees on Education . Le_gislative Advisor of Education Senator Spector has an outto Austin Murphy of the 22nd standing voting record where stuDistrict of Pennsylvania believed dent issues are concerned and that the student march was a stated that he was supportive of good idea. "It is important for the students' situation. He prespeople to be politically involved ently works with a committee on and this march shows that the education to put money back into college students are." financial aid programs. "There is Aubrecht suggested that no priority higher than education seveal factors will determine how but we can't have a system efective this effort will be . "The with0 ut defense. " . h · The point was made that the f h f O follow-up ef ort t IS mare IS students of this nation would be t just as important. S udents heard on this issue or the elected BY DANNY ROSS should encourage letter writing representatives would feel their There is a small South Ameriwithin any community associated wrath at the polls. Senator Speccan country that has been receivwith their campus as well as tor has been titled the "lone senaing military aid from the United families and friends at home." · tor"on many educational issues States for a few years now. This After interviewing several con- but others would be wise to jump South American country is El gessional people, it became evi- on the band wagon or find themSalvador and Cabrini's feelings dent that the congressmen in both selves unemployed. on the military aid provided are the Senate and the House were Throughout the day chants negative. awaiting feedback from their such as "Reagan says cutback, Dr. Margaret Mary Reher, constituents. Congressmen J.J. we say fight back,"could be Professor of Religion, admitted Pickle of Texas sits on the Ways heard along Pennsylania Avenue that she does not understand all and Means Committee of the Sen- as students marched to the White the complexities of the El ate and its subcommittee on House carrying signs with Salvador issue. She said, "Everyeducation. "This man holds a lot slogans like "Buy books not day things are changing and eveof legislative influence over bombs." ryday something comes up to educational issues. His consituBy late afternoon the march confuse the reader on the issue." tents, however, are not active, reached its climax as students She does, however, feel that the and so, he can be swayed in either rallied outside the capitol buildUnited States should not be prodirection when the time to vote ing. The crowd looked impressive aid to El arises," said Aubrecht. . Hp. has on Capitol Hill when over 4,000 viding military been supportive in other issues students, from colleges through- · Salvador. "El Salvador is in the midst of a civil war and we should involving student aid. out the country, gathered togethnot be involved," she said. er to voice their opinions on this Jeff Fronzi and Loretta GironBecause Cabrini students were issue. ' Student representatives di both agreed that there should concerned with the effects of the from Temple, Wesleyan and be no aid provided to that counproposed cuts on Pennsylvania Catholic University urged the students, they attended a con- protesters to bring the spirit of try. Fronzi said, "For many years we have worried about othference held by Senators Arlen the rally back to their college er countries, I think it's about Spector and John Heinz. Karen campuses. time we worried about our own Robinson, Legislative Advisor on Excitement and applause country." This seemed to be a Education from the Heinz Admin- burst from the crowd when general concensus on Cabrini istration, addressed the issues. Speaker of the House Thomas According to Robinson, Heinz is (Tip) O'Neill was introduced. Af- Campus. El Salvador is basically a disturbed by the proposed cuts. ter greeting the students and small, poor South American "Senator Heinz will stand behind commenting on the large number country. It is approximately onethe students iri their fight against of student protesters, O'Neill adfourth the size of Penns_ylvania cuts in educational funding," dressed the students. " I am a
3. Write to your local papers and express your opinions about financial aid cuts . 4. Call the Secretary of Education at 202-426-6420and express your concern over this issue. 5. Attend other lobbying efforts regarding cuts in student aid. 6. Visit you congessman's home when he leaves Washington fo spring recess. The congress' recess begins on April 7. The end result of this issue rests with the students. If efforts such as the National Student Lobby Day continue to happen, there is a good chance that the students will block severe cuts in financial aid . Cabrini students, like students across the nation , realize that there is some hope that Reagan's proposal to cut financial aid >Villbe defeated if they continue these lobbying efforts.
U.S. involvement disputed and its gross National product figures were smaller than some of the profits realized by many of the larger corporations in the U.S. Every conceivable piece of land in El Salvador is owned and there are approximately 403people per square mile of land. Of all the land in Salvador 20% is mountains and is unusable. That leaves 80% of the land for food and living. Unfortunately the best land (60%9 out of the 80% is owned by 2% of the population. Therefore 92% of the population must live and work on 20% of the worst land. The government in El Salvador is a so called democracy. Once every five years a president is elected. However to make sure the "best man" wins the people are threatened to vote for this man or the military stuffs the ballot boxes. The other candidates are then thrown out of the country to prevent any further interference with the militarybased govrnment. It is just these conditions that prompted the beginnings of guerrilla warfare back in 1972.It was then that the leftist rebels began strategic attacks and raids to foil a government they felt they had no control over.
Now, ten years later, the guerrillas seem to be making some progress toward their goal. According to an article entitled '' Escalation in El Salvador" in Newsweek, Pepe a field officer said, "From now on the fighting will move from the country side into the streets of the city." This is exactly what happened when the rebels entrenched and held the town of San Miguel. Government forces out numbered the guerrillas. However, their morale was so bad that the guerrillas scored a major victory. This of course prompted the U.S. to send 55 million in emergency aid to the junta. The U.S. is also considering sending U.S. pilots to fly air support for the Salvadoran military. In addition to this the government has allocated $126million in military aid to the junta and is expected to seek another 100million before the end of 1982. In addition to all this money, the pentagon recently sent six UH-iH transport helicopters to El Salvador to replace six that were blown up by guerrillas. All the future seems to hold for ElSalvador is fighting; fighting to find the answer to a many sided problem that seems to change on an almost daily basis.
LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 1~, 1982
Is a liberal arts education worth it? This is the second in a continuing • series of articles on liberal arts education. BY JOYCE PATITUCCi
How much is a B.A. from a liberal arts college worth today? About $13,127,according to the January issue of Philadelphia Magazine . Not an attractive figure for Cabrini seniors who, in less than two months, will be facing one of the bleakest job markets in the last five years. But for every example of a liberal arts graduate struggling
to find a suitable place fo the working world, there is an editor of a newspaper or a president of a major company who laughs in the face of statistics like the one above because he believes it was a liberal arts degree that got him where he is today-making about $100,000a year . According to the Philadelphia article, employers are less likely to hire someone who does not have a degree in business administration becaue it takes too much time and money to train them . One personnel officer from Girard bank who was interviewed by the magazine said that if you don't have a degree in business administration, or if you
Krol present
the choral ensemble , under the Thousands of invited guests, direction of Adeline Bethany; to returning students and the pres• the blessing by His Eminence ence of His Eminence John John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop Cardinal Krol marked this spe• of Philadelphia. Greetings were cial Sunday of March 14 on the next on the program by Mr. and dedication of the George D. Mrs . F . ·Eugene Dixon, Jr., Widener Trust and Chairmen , Widener ampus Center . This event , which is just "one Board of Trustees , respectively ; of the events on the 25th An- Sr . Mar y Louise Sullivan, niversary calendar ," said Jan M.S.C.; and student represent• Buzbee, director of public rela• ative; Dr . Joseph Romano, vice tions , had been in the planning president of academic affairs ; process for several months in Mr. Dean Roach , President's Ad· coordination with the Presidents ' visor y Council ; and finally, His Office, Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan, Eminence John Cardinal Krol. M.S.C. The turnout for this longBuzbee continued to say that awaited ceremon y briefl y inall events have been "centered cluded : the Board of Trustees around his blessing." and families ; President's Ad· The ceremonies began at 2 visory Committee; Alumni Ex•. p.m. with the colorguard and ecutive Board ; all faculty and pledge of allegiance ; -which led to spouses; Area of College Presi•
Support groups offered BY TAMRA DIMARINO
Lorraine DiBrodi, '69, a Bell Telephone Account executive, said a B.A. will give you confidence to realize you can learn anything . Many advocates of liberal arts education say one of the best advantages is that a B.A. teaches students to think critically and communicate effectively. Living proof of this is Douglas M. Knight, a former vice-president of RCA Corp., a former president of Duke University, former Eng• lish professor , and holder of a doctorate in English literature, and who is presently the presi• dent of one of America's foremost optical companies, Questar Corp. He thinks that narrowly educated technical specialists are not
for WidenerCenter
Two support groups and a small group workshop for stu• dents interested in developing interpersonal skills will be offered in the Counseling Center in March. The two support groups, con• ducted by Dr . Sidney Portnoy, psychologist, will be held for stu• dents ·whose parents are sepa • rated or divorced and students who have lost a close family member . Support groups are a way of helping people to open up, Portnoy said. "They can be a sort of booster not available in other places ." Barbara Harris, inturn in psy• chology, and Anthony Tomasco, associate professor of psychology, plan to conduct a work• shop developing interpersonal skills . The topics will include be• coming more assertive, getting people to listen, optimizing communication , overcoming shyness and making new friends. Harris has conducted work• shops in the past consisting of assertiveness training. She felt that they were successful, al• though "I felt that there could have been more students," she said. ;l _ Tomasco said that they first got interested in conducting a workshop because they, "See enough students who are alone. There are many students who want friends but don't know how to go about making them." Through the workshop · students
are a liberal arts major, you won't be talking to her . However, the Bell System 's answer to that woman might just well be, "big deal. " A national study conducted by Bell found that liberal arts gradu ates were promoted faster, were rated higher in administrative skills , and were found to have more management potential than some of their counterparts who had business or technical degrees . A recent career seminar that featured Cabrini · alumni who presently work in the field of business, indicated that a B.A. in a liberal arts field qualifies peo• ple to enter any area of business.
can learn to develop the kind of social skills necessary for this, acording to Tomasco. Portnoy has also organized other supportive groups, particu• Jarly with separation and divorce issues . "People that go through these experiences have a lot in common," Portnoy said . "Most people go through rather dif• ferent mourning stages ." Quite often people get help by under • standing these mourning stages . Portnoy said that people always have some type of reac • tion to death , divorce , or separa• tion but that the reaction is different for every person. "My ap• proach is to help people work on this feeling early on in the game," Portnoy said . " Then they can get on with their lives ." Portnoy has worked with teen• agers many times . "Children in separated families are not thought of," he said . It is impor• tant to think about the children in the situation and to help both the children and adults . At present, it is planned that the groups will be held once a week for four to six weeks. "The workshop will probably begin sometime after spring break," Tomasco said, as soon as enough students sign up for the sessions . The support groups are also scheduled to begin when enough students sign up. Students interested in the sup• port groups should contact the Dean of Students and those in• terested in the workshop should contact Barbara Harris or An• thony Tomasco .
dents ; M.S.C. of the Sacred Heart; clergy ; civic officials; members of the Widener Trust ; the architect of the centr, Joseph J . Hennessey , R.A.; the Near Contracting Co.; representatives of the Laffey•McHugh foundation and Pew Memorial Trust who funded the communications area; representative of the Michael Metrinko family , who gave the gift of the stained glass window; Sr. Salsia , who designed the stai ned glass ; and the Rus•
trained to see the "deeper meanings and implications of their actions and decisions." No one will deny the importance and value of educating students in the fields of business or engineering . What is angering , and frustrating to many are he attitudes of those who them• selves, lack the depth and insight to realize the advantages of liber• al arts studies. Perhaps then it is the college like Cabrini, who offers a competitive concentration in business with a diverse back • ground of liberal arts studies, that best prepares its students, at least academically, for the job market that holds little brightness for anyone right now.
sian artist, who constructed it, Walter Iwasiutawn. Dr. Jerome R. Zurek, as • sociate professor of Eng• lish / Communications, said hat 177 past communications gradu• ates had been invited . Present communication students and Kappa Sigma Omega members were planned to greet alumni to show them the various facilities of the Center . Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan said
that she wrote to John Cardinal Krol's office in hopes of having him bless the Center . After pursuing this desire and the ex• plicit request of Mrs . Dixon to have the Cardinal at the ceremo• ny, the Cardinal 's secretary said the Cardinal would bless the Cen• ter. Sullivan feels that this is a " great day for Cabrini" for the facilities have Jong been needep for academic and administrative use .
As previously announced, the sophomore class intends to celebrate Sophomore/Senior Farewell on April 30 at St. David's Inn. It is a great honor for the sophomores to hold this event to celebrate the graduation and friendship of those seniors who have. been our big brothers and sisters and who have guided us through our first years at Cabrini. The sophomore class takes much pride in the tradition of planning, organizing and financing the event that will bid farewell to many of our good senior friends who we care for very much. So far, the progress in making this years Sophomore/Senior Farewell a reality can be look.ed at optimisticly. Many fund raisers have allowed the sophomore class to accumulate a considerable bank account that will be used to finance this event. Many plans have already been made and much work has already been completed. The sophomores at large have shown a great interest in all the functions sponsored by their class and with this support, things are looking good. It must be pointed out however, that we are not out of the woods yet. There is still a lot to do and much more money to be made. The · sophomores are sponsoring a Sophomore/Faculty basketball game on March 31 and an April Fool's Dance on April 2. These fund raisers are very important as Sophomore/Senior Farewell is just around the corner. Please support the sophomore class in all of their efforts. It is of vital importance that we make our activities work well and to do this we need everyone's support. Sophom~re/Senlor Farewell should mean a lot to all of us. Let's make it work together. The sophomore class officers ..----------------·
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LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
Patitucci - - she's something else .BY CAROL WAHL
"I want to make as much money as I can doing what I really like and without giving up any part of my real self ."
Joyce Patitucci, senior English Communications major, is such a multi -faceted person that only one word does not do her justice . Patitucci had a hard time describing herself; but finally she said that she is assertive , and well-informed about politics , and other subjects by her own initiative . Patitucci said that she is an atypical , as opposed to a typical, south Philadelphian . She has also proved to herself that she is capable of making excellent grades, which was something that did not seem important in her first two years at Cabrini. Joyce admits that she is overly critical of herself and others but her friends believe that her sometimes outrageous sense of humor makes up for it . Patricia Martelli, French and education major , and also Patitucci's roomate , said that she really enjoys Joyce's "scathing wit." " Joyce is unique , intelligent, independent, and assertive ," Martelli commented. "Do I really have t<!_
write and express herself in other areas of communications. "While being an English Communications major may not get me a job," she said with raised eyebrows, "it is a chance to study what I want . Maybe later I'll take other courses but I hope I won't have to.'' Right now her goals are to get a job so that she can pay back all the loans she took out for college and to take out a couple more to go to law school. "I would like to write novels on the side; at least one political novel, and hopefully, as many others as I can . ·They'll probably be as bizarre as some of D.H. Lawrence's ." Patitucci has accomplished a lot in the four years that she has been at Cabrini College. She is a reporter and news editor for Loquitur, she has been a commuter and a dorm representative for the student government association , a sports information coordi nator for the public relations office, an actress in the theatre, a tutor for the center for academic reinforcement (CARE}, and is presently a disc jockey for the new radio
choose only one word?" she complained. Janet F . Buzbee, director of public relations decided that, if she had to pick one word to describe Joyce it would be ''perservering. '' "She has what all reporters should have," Buzbee said, curiosity and stick-to-itness to go for what she's after . A lot of other people would just give up." Arthur E. Young, instructor in English and communications, and also one of Patitucci's favorite teachers, says that when he thinks of Joyce he thinks- of a phrase she is very fond of using : 'I disagree .' Young commented that Patitucci was the first student to " take him on.'' " She's not afraid to say she disagrees," Young remarked . Patitucci's outward poise sometimes intimidates people ; a fact Joyce is aware of. " I don't like the fact that people are intimidated by me," she says. "I think I could have gotten to know • a lot more people than I have ." · Joyce chose her major because she likes to read and
Funds help a special friend BY BRIAN P. JENSEN
Cabrini residents of Maguire House are sponsoring a fundraiser for what Kathy Filipo , resident assistant , describes as " a very special cause ." According to Filippo, the women from her house are sponsoring a " balloon-o-gram" sale to make money to help in paying the hos-
pita l expenses of Norm Constan tine, 23, who was struck by a car in a hit-and-run accident last Oct. 17. Constantine , a good friend of Filippo 's, has been in a coma at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital ever since the tragic incident. He is suffering from a severaly fractured skull.
Balloon- -6ram ~prif 7.,1, f ••
DeSimone & Sanders ioin hard-working Trustees
For many reasons , Filippo described Norm Constantine as an "exca ptionall y beautiful per BY RITA McKELVEY son." Two trustees were voted onto He ran bowling, wheelchair the Cabrini College Board of track and field and other sports Trustees on Dec. 7, 1981. The new programs besides having a trustees are Bishop Louis A. Dekarate and martial arts program Simone and Margaret Dorrance for the PhiladelHamilton Saunders . phia . The Most Rev. Louis A. DeSimone, a native of Bridgeport, is He coached th ~ Philadelphia the auxilary bishop of the Cerebral Palsy Sports Team ; Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He was involved with the Delaware Valley Wheelchair Sports As- has served as pastor of St. Monica's Church in Pennsylva sociation and during the past summer , worked as assistant di- nia. rector at the Easter Seal camp When asked his duties as a near Harrisburg. trustee at Cabrini he said , "As a trustee, I will be joining a very A balloon-o-gi:am can be select and hard -working group of purchased for a dollar each and individuals . I will be responsible will be delivered on April 7, which for the overall care of Cabrini in is Norm Constantine's 24th birthareas of finance , education, staff. day . ing, and overseeing the curFilippo explained that orders riculum." will be taken a week in advance up unil the day of delivery . She For those of us who think that also pointed out that Cabrini stu - ·- Cabrini is new to Bishop Dedents can buy a balloon for a Simone, we are mistaken . He was friend on campus, for Mr. Con- here even before Cabrini College stantine or another patient at was Cabrini College. When he Willowcrest Rehabilitation Cen- was an assistant pastor he was ter . invited with Monsignor Pasto and " We are going to give him a Mother Elizabeth to come see bunch of balloons for his birthday Cabrini . At the time , the school after we give them out on cam - was not established . "I've seen pus," Filippo said. Cabrini since its roots," he says, Filippo also suggested that a ~!~~: .~.really grown in the past 25 song can be provided upon deBishop DeSimone graduated livery on campus. from Villanova and received his "We can be persuaded to do a theological at St. Charles sing-o-gram along with the Seminary. training Last year , Cabrini balloons for an extra charge," presented him with an honorary Filippo said. doctor of humane letters degree. Filippo is hoping to make the So what hobbies does a learned fund-raiser a success and is man such as Bishop DeSimone pleased with the support she has engage in? "I used to, that's used gotten so far. to, bowl, play tennis, and run, but now my hobby is trying to reach "It is a very special cause, Filippo said, for a very special out to people and alleviate the person. He always used to tell his strain and difficulties.'' Indeed, Bishop Desimone is handicapped kids to respond to exercising his hobby . He is known the question 'What's happening?' with 'Me! ' Now when I ask him, I for his dedicated help to Italy's earthquake victims in 1980. He hope to hearthe same response."
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station on campus, WCAB. Her hobbies and outside interests are as varied as her _ accomplishments. She likes to ride horses, listen to music (everything from punk to Bach), and play with her dogs Jakie and Susie . She also enjoys wandering around Newmarket on Saturday nights, daydreaming about being rich and famous, and arguing with people about topics she knows a lot about. When asked what brought her to Cabrini , Patitucci replied , with a deadpan expression, " My father always said that I always wanted to get myself out on the Main Line and this was the easiest way. He was right.' ' On a more serious note, Patitucci said that Cabrini has introduced her to a small group of people whose respect and admiration mean a lot to her . But time marches on and it is almost time for her to grad uate . Her life goal is : " to · make as much money as I can doing what I really like and without giving up any part of my real self ."
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explains, " The earthquake occured on Nov. 23. Shortly after , Cardinal Krol wanted me to go over and access the damage . The victims were in great need of homes . The Catholic Relief Ser vice raised one half million dollars in seven weeks . The money was used to build pre-fabricated homes . I recently went back to Southern Italy and it is extrordinary how much the people have helped themselves ." For his efforts in Ital y, he was awarded the " Commendatore el Merito della Republica ltaliana " from the Italian Government. He tells his feelings of receiv ing the award , "A lot of the work came from the Catholic Relief Service . I was very happy for all of us . The Catholic Relief Servie was the hero ." Bishop Desimone further exercises his hobby of helping others through various member ships . He serves as an Archdiocesan Consultor , a member of the Council of Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital, a member of the Board of Trustees at Methodist Hospital and president of the board of St. Ignatius Nursing Hospital. Currently, he is hoping to get additional nursing homes built in strategic areas . With all of his past achieve ments and his love for the humane, Bishop Desimone should be an asset to Cabrini. He expressed concern over the finishing tenor of Sister Mary Louise Sullivan. "We have to pray about getting a successor who will continue in her reign to build a good Cabrini.' ' Bishop DeSimone says the only problem he :7··:?s with Cabrini is its average growth. He says Cabrini is steadily growing, but he would like to see it "explode.'' "Cabrini is the best kept secret , on th,e, ~ast coa!ft,''. hi! 11ddJ., ,
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March 19, 1982
Hogan 11lakes Cabrini airborn with WCAB BY JEANNE PILCICKI
A ver y important person involved with the opening and running of the WCABradio station is a man named Frank J . Hogan. Hogan is a resident of South Jer sey but was born and raised in Philadelphia where he attended Cardinal Dougherty High School. He first came into contact with radio while working as a record hop and MC at the age of 16. Presentl y, Hogan 's full time employment is at WFIL radio where he works as an engineer . Besides his job at WFIL, he teach es courses in FCC licensing , r adio production , and electronics at Glassboro State College . This term, he is teaching a course in Radio Broadcasting at Cabrini on Wednesdays . In the past, Hogan has worked as a disc jockey at WYSP and WFIL . ~ Although he enjoyed working as a disc jockey , Hogan is more involved with the technical engi -
neering aspects of radio. He has a degree in electrical engineering from a two-year school of technical trainirtg . As a hobby , Hogan likes to consult engineering, work with radio stations , and teach people about the radio and its functions . His long-range goal for the future is to become fully involved with teaching and radio consult ing with people who are interested in the radio business . When asked about one of the craziest things that ever hap pened while working at a radio station , Hogan replied , " Once, while I was in a parade driving the · float for the radio station WYSP, I picked up a group of students hitchhiking in front of Temple University ." Other experiences while working at radio stations include meetings with famous people . Celebrities that Hogan has met with over the years include Carly Simon , John Lennon, Harry
Chapin, and Smokey Robinson . Hogan first came into contact with Cabrini when the radio station equipment was purchased and he was asked to install the radio station . When speaking of his class at Cabrini , Hogan said , " students in my class seem to be very receptive and eager to work. They come together as a group and like to work ." One student, Andrew Zipfel, when asked about Mr. Hogan 's radio class replied , " He really knows his r adio. He gets the point across well while still mainta ining a relaxed at mosphere in the classroom . He's great to talk to and I feel that I've learned a lot from him ." Another student , Frank Morelli , seems to have a similar attitude about Hogan . " Hogan knows his stuff . He really has a handle and knows what the radio business is about."
Frank Hogan, the station man ager , is indispen sable to WCAB. (Photo by Debbie Jablonsk i)
Talk ..
Window represents spirit and intel~ect BY PAM CLARK
Intellect , spirit, inspiration , energy, cooperation-these are the themes reflected by the stained glass window in the new George D. Widener Center . The window, a large , round beauty glowing with shades of amber, rose and cerulian blue, was designed by Sr . Salesia LeDieu, MSC, a former chairperson of the Cabrini College Fine Arts Department. It was crafted-by Walter Iwasuityn, the owner of New York City 's European Stained Glass Studio. Sr. Salesia stated that the window was designed around the idea that it would be in a building for young people in a Catholic college. "I wanted it to inspire a feeling of youth, spirit and intellect," she said . The colors of the window were not chosed randomly. "After all," Sr . Salesia said, "the window is lighting up a place where
we want young people to be hapy and active." She explained that cerulain blue stands for intellect and bal ances the fire colors of rose and amber, which represent the action and thought of youth . "The colors interweave , enriching the color and representing the cooperation and unity found at Cabrini," Sr. Salesia explained . She pointed out that the logo is ?eliberately off-center , conformmg to its non-ridgid design . " The rays of color don't come from the center ," she explained . " It should be contemporary and possess a spontaneity ." Sr. Salesia sent a watercolor of the design to craftsman Iwasuityn . He then created a fullsize replica of the window from Sr . Salesia's watercolor . The sections of the window were then sent from New York to Cabrini , where they were as-
Distance romances BY JEANNE PROKO
How many of you out there are dating someone who lives at least an hour away? Hmm, I can see a couple of raised hands out there . I suppose I should now ask how many of those people are satisfied that this relationship is going well. Oh, well. Not as many hands that time . But don't worry about it, folks. There11re plenty of other couples who are also finding their relationship a little rocky . Let's face it : Long distance relationships are difficult to keep happy . Some problems that could surface are : • the enormous phone bills . • the annoyance to that certain person who hates to write long love letters when you love to writeand receive them . • doubt of knowing whether or not the other person still loves you. • doubt of knowing whether or not it's a good idea to date other people. • the worry that, if you do decide to see others, is whether or
not you or your special someone will fall for someone else . • the biggest worry is that when you see each other after quite a long time of absence, if that spark will still be there. I can imagine that at least one of these worries must have hit you. But, really, I'm not writing this to get you upset . I'm writing to let you know you're not the only couple who might be experiencing doubt. So, what can you do? Great question; I wish I knew. Seriously though , there are a couple of thoughts you might want to keep in mind: • trust one another. I know, I know, that that word has caused more trouble ... • realize that if your relationship meant anything at all before, it can stand waiting till you see each other again . • About those phone bills--well, the only thing I can say about that is to know that rates are cheaper by Bell Telephone after 11 p.m. to 8a.m. • Don't worry if the other person doesn't like to write. Maybe
sembled to form the des ign we see today . According to John J . Heibergr , Jr ., vice president for Development and Public Relations , the window was suggested by the Widener Center's architect , Joseph Hennessey. He believed that some type of large window would be interesting and dramatic for the entrance way , and would add to the light, airy feel ing of the Center , which is one of its outstanding qualities. The window was a privated gift from donors Michael and Elizabeth Metrinko, whose daughter , Michele Metrinko Rollins , is a Cabrini trustee . Heiberger is pleased with the window. " It adds to the overall style and feel of the building, " he said. " It makes the entranceway very attractive and makes one want to come into the building ."
Hey Mom?! I need it bad .... What a bird ... . EMFM ....I am not amused .... rotting intellec tually and having a wonderful time ... .go sew your socks ....You Geek ... .it looks like someone rubbed a chocolate bar over your face for a couple of years .... LCEMY .... MUNNNCH! ! .... Muggle, Muggle .... I hate country mu sic .... l'm in Disneyland .... He laughed in my face ... .Tha t' s love ....Kiss me , I just ate a can of cat food... .You take my breath away .... ! came down because I saw a policeman coming u__p the drive . ... Why does every statement she makes end with a question mark? .... I'm so clever ; I can't stand it. ... Pam's on-air blooper .... Sorry, but we can't print that.. ..Hey, J .D..... What ' s the word for today? ....Who's
a rocky road they prefer to call or maybe they might prefer to send a card where they can just check off a response . • As far as dating other people is concerned, that really depends on how serious that relationship is. If you're not married, dating others is fine . Just keep in touch with your emotions . . • honesty . Actually, that word is as touchy as trust . You must decide for yourself how far you want to carry that word, " honesty ." Some people get carried away with it and they tell the other person everyone that they go out with. Sure, that's honest . But, is it really necessary? I'm not saying to keep secrets, nor am I for deceit . But I should say that sometimes "being honest" hurts . Once again, you must decide what honesty means to you. Don't hold on so tightly that that person can't breathe. They'! suffocate and resent that desperate, clutch on them. Relax and have that trust within yourself to accept that person for the way that makes them such a special person for you to care for.
being CHASED now? .... But, I don't want to be the patient.. .. All males off the floor .... Tony' s chocolate chip operation .... Barbie Bongo (No, Moe don ' t take it out this time ) ....WCAB, 650 AM, the Voice of Cabrini College ... .We're watching yours , too. Signed the Bun Sisters ·....Watch out for flying bananas .... TW&J.... And I thought Cabrini didn 't have co-ed houses .... the Dragon Lady .... Let me 'cook spaghetti for you tonight , Frank ... . How' s David Linn? ., ..SCA.... Do you like the new Campus Center? ... .Are you a victim of the Cabr i ni Gigolo? .... Hope Fr. Chris gets to give awa y his $200 r e ward .... Please , I can only do twelve things at once .... Motley Crew .... "Take off to the Great White North" ... .Congrats to the ' 81 -' 82 Keystone Conference Basketball Champs .... It won't be long 'till summer 's come ....
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SGA Notebook 1
Friday, March 19, 1982
~SGA bocks ROTCprogram BY BRIAN P. JENSEN After carefully considering the issue, the Student Government Association has decided to support the effort to offer an Army ROTC progr am for Cabrini students who wish to take it . In light of the contr overs ial proposal to make avail able a military program to Cabrini stu dents, the current SGA administration has looked into Army ROTC by studying its cri te ria and by considering how such a progra m would be applied. Dane Linn , SGA president announced that after studying the Army ROTC, SGA has decided to support the availability of ROTC to Cabrini students . "We have looked into it , we have discussed it and we have received feedback on it. Now we have come to a decision : SGA favors an Army ROTC program for those Cabrini students who want to take it," Linn said. SGA is now the first student organization at Cabrini to advocate the military program that some opponents maintain as going against the moral values of a catholic institution. Other opponents feel that ROTC is not practical for · Cabrini at this time . Army Reserves Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is a program that provides military tr&i:"lingfor the U.S. Army, The Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve. Army ROTC would be offered to Cabrini students who wished to take it through a crossenrollment program with nearby Valley •Forge Military Academy . According to an Army ROTC reference guide, ROTC is traditionally a four-year program consisting of Basic and Advanced courses, but provisions can be made to students who wish to enter the program even if they have already finished two years at Cabrini and still wish to graduate on a fouryear plan. Army ROTC enables students to become commissioned officers while earning a degree in the field of their choice. During the Advanced Course, ROTC can provide up to $1,000.00 each year in living allowances. Students in the cross-enrollment program can also apply for three-year and two-year scholarships. According to the reference guide, these scholorships include paying tuition costs along with text book costs and lab fees. When students enter the Advanced Course, they agree to finish ROTC instruction, to accept a commission and to accept an assign ment in one of the Army branches. All ROTC scholarship recipients are obligated to serve on active duty for four years. Non-scholorship students will serve from 3 months to 3 years depending on the individuals agreement. For a Cabrini stuqent in the ROTC Advanced Course, the f~nancial incentives could be free tuition plus $100.00 allowance per month. SGA President, Linn explained why SGA decided to back ROTC. ''For practical economic reasons we support ROTC," Linn said. Linn explained that in light of President Reagan's proposed budget cuts which will
hurt financial aid benefits, combined with high college costs, something is needed to "supplement" students in need of financial help. Linn regarded ROTC as being "extremely beneficial" to those who might need increased financial aid. Linn pointed out that che most important aspect in considering the ROTC issue was to be completely informed as to what ROTC actually is, and what it would entail for a Cabrin i student who might take it . To have SGA members " completely informed ," Linn and Bill Fontana, SGA vice president, invited colonel Heiman, an officer from Valley Forge Military Academy, to speak at a SGA meeting to inform the student representatives and to answer their questions concerning ROTC. At that meeting, Heiman made several significant points on how ROTC would effect Cabrini college and the student that decided to take it. Firstly, he explained that all ROTC courses would be taught at Valley Forge. None of the requirements for the military program will be available on Cabrini's campus. Heiman then explained that the courses taken at the Academy would be "credit carrying courses" such as map reading and personnel management. Heiman also stressed the teaching of "physical abilitie~ and self confidence ." He described the ROTC program as being "outdoor oriented." Heiman described the financial benefits as "varying according to the individuals situation ." Heiman did point out that "significant scholorships" were available and that students can "greatly benefit" if they needed fincncial help. The colonel described the first two years of the standard ROTC program as a ''try before you buy deal." Meaning, there is no financial incentive for the first two years of Basic Courses . It is in the Advanced Course when financial gains are made. Heiman also explained that Cabrini upperclassmen who wish to take the Advanced Course can do so by taking a 6 week Basic Training course in the summer. Once this course is completed, the students would be eligible to receive the same financial benefits of other ROTC Advanced Course cadets. After the meeting, SGA members studied the various aspects of Army ROTC that Colonel Heiman presented and were given time to consider . their thoughts on the contreversial issue as to whether or not ROTC was right for Cabrini college. Soon after, Linn and Fontana sent out memos to all SGA members asking them to consider the pros and cons and to "take a stand" on the ROTC issue. Linn explained that it was the feedback from these memos that carried SGA's ultimate decision to support ROTC. "The response from SGA members clearly showed that they had little problem in accepting ROTC for Cabrini students who wanted to take it,'' Linn said. Vice President, Fontana gave his reasons for supporting an Army ROTC program for Cabrini students: ''If a certain Cabrini student
wants to be involved in the military program, and it will help him financially , then the student shouldn't be deprived of it," Fontana said. ' ' As long as ROTC is presented in a clear way so that students can decide for them selves if they want to take it or not, I see no problem with it," Fontana continued . Fontana thought "clarity so students understand ROTC" was most important. Linn, Fontana and other SGA members who commented on ROTC had a similar message to those who oppose the military program for religious or moral reasons. They felt that since it is the individuals choice as to whether · or not a person wanted ROTC, it should not effect those who are against the military program. "If you don't want it, don't take it," Fontana said . Further, Linn and Fontana pointed out that many other catholic colleges allow availability to some kind of military program. "We would not be the only catholic school that gets this program. Many small catholic colleges already have ROTC available . If it doesn't go against their principles, why should it go against ours," said Dane Linn. Upon reading the memos received by Linn and Fontana , it is obvious that other SGA members agree. One such memo read: "I think it is a good idea to make ROTC available to Cabrini students . First of all, many who would not otherwise be able to attend Cabrini, could afford it through Army ROTC. ROTC can also offer many students the benefits of a military education. Those who oppose ROTC for whatever reason , simply don't have to take it ." Such a response in "taking a stand" on ROTC was typical of those SGA members who returned the memos. Linn summed up SGA's stand on the ROTC issue by saying, "If a Cabrini student views the Army ROTC program as a way to improve or continue his or her education and that person has no apprehensions about being involved in a military program now or after college, then that student should be able to take advantage of the opportunity."
advertisemen'tpaid for by the Student GovernmentAssociationof CabriniCollege
Congratulations! Well men, you finally made it to the top and once again you have made the entire school very proud . As SGA president, I am speaking on behalf of the student body in thanking the entire basketball squad for boosting student pride in our school. When it came down to the last seconds in the championship game one could really feel the enthusiasm that your team has so brilliantly conveyed throughout the season . _ It was a proud moment for all of Cabrini as you ceremoniously cut down the net . None of us will soon forget that other special moment when you received youdrophies . In all, you best exemplified the meaning of school spirit and student enthusiasm, and for this , all of Cabrini is very thankful and proud. I would like to thank and congradulate John Dzik and his coaching staff for all of tti_etime and effort that they put into making our team the quality one that they are . Thank you for a winning season. Again, on behalf of all the students, I would like to congradulate the basketball squad for a job well done . You truly fulfill the · definition of a team! Sincerely, Dane Linn, SGA President
Arts/ Leisure
LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
Philly Pops -with Nero delights ·audience BY GINNY GRUERIO If you are a devotee of good music in any form, then I suggest you hop the subway, take the train, or drive--whichever is necessary to get yourself down to the Academy of Music in Philadelphia to see the Philly Pops perform. The Pops is presented by the All Star-Forum, a non-profit organization, which is subsidized by the Department of Recreation and public subscriptions . Peter Nero, the nationally acclaimed pianist, composer and conductor , is its creator along with Moe Septee, its producer. Looking handsome and trim, with his gray hair and beard and formal dress, Nero began his performance this particular Monday evening by conducting an overture of songs from "South Pacif -
ic," music written by Richard Rodgers. He continued with "Maloguena" by Lecuona, selections from "The Firebird" by Igor Stravinsky, and then altered the mood with a tenderly-played "You Don't Bring Me Flowers," by Neil Diamond. The highlight of the evening was Nero at the ~iano playing a medley of diverse music beginning with a jazzed-up version of "Mountain Greenery," and a haunting "Theme from Summer of '42," by Michel LeGrand. His mastery of style was evidence with "The Man I Love," played in styles ranging from jazz--to rock--to classical. Appreciation of his range of abilities was manifested in the applause of the near full-house audience, consisting of people
varying in age from young children to senior citizens. After Nero engaged in some amusing banter about his Valentine's Day matinee of the previous day, which he referred to as his "coronary concert," he finished with the prelude to "Die Meistersinger" by Richard Wagner . The g1•est artist was Mel Torme, lte internationallyknown singer, composer, arranger and actor. The engaging, but somewhat pudgy, Torme (his protruding tummy strained the buttons of his vested tuxedo) conducted his own introduction. He began his program with a sprinkling of contemporary music written by songwriters Stevie Wonder and Eric Carmen.
The balance of his performance contained the familiar standards, "Mack the Knife," "The Birth of the Blues," and "How High the Moon." But, his peak performance was a sentimental "When the World was Young," by Phillipe Girard and his old friend, Johnny Mercer. Torme demonstrated that his multirange vocal chords are still intact, despite a 40-year career span. Known in the 40s and 50s as the "Velvet Fog" because of the throaty quality of his voice, his range has deepened, adding a new dimension. After expressing his delight in appearing with Peter Nero--"that guy's incredible! "--Nero returned to share the stage. The dual segment began with Torme singing Nero's own com-
position, "Sunday in New York," written for the movie of the same name, which Torme introduced originally. Their friendship goes back many years, "To the time when I had black hai-r, and he was a boy soprano," Nero quipped . Torme countered by singing his own perennial holiday tune, "The Christmas Song." Then a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald was done with Torme altering the lyrics to "Lady be Good," with "Ella, be Good," engaging in the be-bop style of singing he and Fitzgerald are well-known for . Outside of the fact that the massive orchestra sometimes drowned out Torme's songs, it was a delightful musical moment, which I found stimulating on a cold winter evening--or any season for that matter.
'The Amityville Horror II'
Evil spirits, continue to terrorize the Lutz family BY FRANCINE KUTERBACH
"The Horror Continues." These words splash in huge red letters on the back cover of the book, The Amityville Horror II. The work is a sequel, or follow-up to the story of Kathleen and George Lutz who claimed their house in Amityville, New York was possessed by demonic spir its . For the 28 days that the Lutz family lived in the house , they experienced what they described as their "own personal versions of hell ." Apparently, unusual occurances such as hordes of flies in the sewing room, toilet water
turning black and furniture being thrown about forced the Lutzs to flee from their home in terror. The man who lived in the house before them was Ronald DeFeo, a man who brutally murdered his parents, two brothers and two sisters. He claimed he was forced to kill them by voices who plagued him day and night saying "kill them ." According to the legend, it is reported that a man named John Ketchum, who was driven out of Salem, Massachusetts in the late 1600s for practicing witchcraft, lived on the land on which the DeFeo house stood. There, he supposedly practiced the rights
thal had forced him to leave Salem. He is said to be buried within the boundaries of the property . All these stories are included in Amityville II, but the story is picked up when the Lutzes finally move out of the house. Unfortunately for them, the evil , whatever it is, follows them wherever they go. The reader is carried from house to house, through one incident to the next, until it appears there is no hope. The story flows along nicely; at times the tale can be truly fright ening . The book is written in a novelistic fashion and with all the
components to make it worth reading. H'owever, what is bothersome about the work , is the question of validity. According to the author , "Amityville II is written in a narrative style , in an attempt to communicate not only the facts, but the feelings behind the facts . Toward that end , certain events and bits of information have been combined or reshaped to communicate the effect of the horrors that followed Amityville. But it should be made clear ; Amityville II , is not a fictiona l account. " One must question this eloquent sentence . If the facts are
reshaped, aren't those facts ques tionable? Can a reader believe in truths that have been changed? Aren't changed truths in fact , lies? Whatever the answer , when reading the book, each incident must be taken at face value ; the reader must choose which incident he wants to believe . However , while we are busy trying to weigh the facts , we are missing the purpose of the book. It 's hard to be entertained and fearful, while ques tioning the content. Ta ken lightly, th e book is ver y enjoyable . Taken seriously , it is a disturbing piece of literature .
March happening
It's easy to begreen
at Cabrini
chemistry. Rondini is a graduate Fitzpatrick, Feighan, Gallagher . On March 17, everyone is Irish . of Cabrini and she has particiJensen, Kelly, Lynch, and It is a day where people indulge pated in the show when she was a Lawler . themselves by wearing green and student here . And, McCartney , McDermott , shamrocks, drinking green beer The Irish Minstrel Show is a McFadden, McIntyre , McKelvey , and Irish whiskey, and eating series of little skits involving McLaughlin, McNamara , McIrish stew and potatoes, in ob- Irish music and Irish folk danc- C a be, McCaney , McCarthy , servance of St. Patrick's Day . McDonald, McGinty , and ing. St. Patrick is the patron of The show is scheduled for McHale, McGinley. Ireland and a saint of the Roman March 17 at 7:45, in the gym and There's more- -Mahoney, Catholic Church, according to admission is free. Miller, Murphy, Milburn, The World Book Encyclopedia. There are many people around O'Brien, O'Leary, O'Donnell, the campus who are from Irish O'Neill, Smith, Ross, Keating, St. Patrick was born in Britain descent . Such as: Burke, Breen, Sullivan .... and was taken to Ireland as a ~arroll, Connolly, Collins, Doyle, ERIN GO BRAUGH! slave in 400. He escaped after six years and went to France, where he studied for the priesthood . He returned to Ireland as a Christian missionary and introduced Christianity to them. He also introduced the · Roman alphabet and Latin literature to the people of Ireland. St. Patrick died on March 17,in 461. His death has been observed on March 17 since 1845. The shamrock is the national flower of Ireland. According to legend, St. Patrick planted shamrocks in Ireland because of the three small leaves that represented the Holy Trinity. Here on campus, there is a traditional celebration of St. Patrick's Day. It is the Irish Minstrel Show. The tradition originated in 1964 and has been carried on since by Dr. Joseph Feighan, professor of chemistry. -M. Fenza, M. Lynch, M. Hawley and L. Dambacher on their knees for He is assisted by Josephine the Irish . (Photo by Elizabeth Kanaras) _Ro~dini, assistant professor of > t • ,. ' BY ELIZABETH KANARAS
' ·, \.---- --·?
A History ot Photography and Its Influence on Painting by
HEINZ K. HENISCH Monday, March 22, 1982 8 p.m. Lecture Hall George D. Widener Campus Center
Admission Free! For information Call: 687-2100 Ext. 380
• II.'-
LOQ..~ITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
Photo history esplored BY SANDY MOMYER
Heinz K. Henisch is scheduled to speak on "The History of Photography and its Influence on Painting" at a lecture sponsored by the Cabrini College fine arts department and the Pennsylva- . nia Humanities Council on Monday, March 22. The lecture will begin at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the George D. Widener Campus Center. It is free and the campus and community are invited. A reception will follow. Henisch is professor of the history of photography in the department of art history at the Pennsylvania State University. He holds the parallel appointment of professor of physics. Heinz K. Kenisch is a professor of history of photography at Penn
State University.
College hot spots
Very untypical BY SANDRA McNAMARA
How many of you, on your adventures to college bars or clubs have heard the following, "Hi, my name is Susie Jones, I'm · a sophomore at University of Pennsylvania, and I'm a business major. What's your major?" I'm sure everyone who goes to some of the more famous college clubs and bars have heard, and even been involved in a conversa tion that begins like the one above. The need for college students to find leisure activities outside of the place where they are enrolled is of vital importance. That is not to say that they want to get away from the people or atmosphere, but that college students almost always have some kind of adverse reaction when they are stranded in their rooms on a weekend night with books. So what do students do? Some involve themselves with
fraternities and sororities. According to an aricle in Time Magazine, "Campus .fraternity members assert that student relationships can be too impersonal at a .huge institution and that fraternities fill the void." Other students heavily involve themselves in campus activities, so therefore they have no time for social activities . Then we have the students that are weekly goers to Smokey Joe's, Grey Fox and a whole array of similar college clubs . Finding people who are your peers, who have similar interests and are friendly is important . For Pam · Clark, '84, Smokey Joe 's offers this type of atmosphere . "I like Smokey Joe's because of the crowd, and you can meet people. I like the music and the total atmosphere." Smokey Joe's, which is located at 40th and Walnut Sts. in Philadelphia is a very popular place. They require that you show ID at
Henisch wlll give an introduc- 1963from tlie University of Readtory survey lecture on the inven- ing, England, where he received two doctorate degrees. He is a tion of photography in France Fellow of the Royal Photographic and England, the personalities Society and a Corresponding involved, the reactions of artists of the Deutsche and the public, the uneasy rela- Member Gesellschaft fur Photographie . . tionshis between photography and the graphic arts, painterly ·_ He was elected a Fellow of the photographs and the use of photo- Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies (Penn State Univergraphs by painters. sity) in 1978. "Beyond that, I look for the He is also a Fellow of the ideas behind a photograph-the American Physical Society and a historical, political, sociological, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, moral, and aesthetic values pre- London, and edits the "Materials served in an image. Photography Research Bulletin," a scientific has been with us for a little over a research monthly. century, but it has 'had profound Henisch is editor of "History of effects on humanity; it is a force Photography," an international whose history and dimensions quarterly that is the world's only are worth studying." journal devoted exclusively to that field. Henish came to Penn State in
Fine Arts awarded grant A grant from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council will support the fine arts department lecture by Heinz K. Henisch scheduled...Jor Monday, March 22, at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Hall in the George D. Widener Campus Center. The Council is a statewide funding organization funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Adeline M. Bethany, chairperson of the fine arts department · said, "We are very pleased to have received this grant and to announce our acceptance in the PHC Invitational Humanists Program." Bethany has developed a the door. They offer two bars, food and music from a jukebox that has music from Sinatra to Sugar Hill Gang . Jeanne Prolfo, '84, prefers places that offer a different atmosphere. "I like Houlihan's. If you just want to talk, have a drink or dance it is great. It is a good place to meet people who are not from Cabrini." Houilihan's, which is located in the King of Prussia Mall, offers an older crowd and is more dressy. There is sometimes a cover charge because of a live
practicum · program for the students in the arts administration major. Each student is responsible for production of the department's prograins on campus . Sandy Momyer, junior, worked with Bethany on the lecture programs which included application and acceptance of the PHC grant and will include all the neces~ary planning to bring the event to fruition. Bethany said , "Sandra has done an outstanding job in assuming the sole . responsibility in carrying out all the intricacies of this program." band . LCB cards or a drivers license is necessary to get in. For the person who enjoys the very casual i;nore down-to-earth crowd there 'is the Wayne Tavern or Kelly's . According to Joe Kravitz '82, "Places like Wayne hop. It is a college crowd and it gtves you a chance to loosen up for activities back at school." For people who enjoy the more
It's Happening on the Hl!I Sunday, March 28
Fine Arts cuts proposed
$282,515 million . This fs a deBY DANNY ROSS In addition to the many pro- crease of $24,889million. On the posed areas for budget cuts Pesi- other hand the National Endowdent Reagan's budget will also ment for the Humanities also has cut some of the funding to the been cut . arts. In 1981funding for the HumanThe parts of the budget that ities was set at $304,882million . will bear the full i_mpact of the By 1982 it was cut to $258,860 cuts are the National Endowment million. This comes to a diffor the Arts and the National ference of $46,022million, a sizeEndowment for the Humanities. . able chunk out of the original Mrs . Adeline M. Bethany, as- fund . The total cuts for Humansistant professor in Fine Arts and ities and Arts together amounts Music, said these cuts are noth- to $70,911million. ing new. "People always put the Ms. Arlene T. Sciole says these arts second," said she, "they cuts will definitely affect stuthink they are just an extra ex- dents graduating from Cabrini's pense and unimportant." Arts department. She said stuBoth national endowments are dents that graduate may have a allocated money every year out little more difficulty finding jobs of the United States government in the small theaters and as arbudget. This money is used to pay tists because the cuts will cause the salaries and the expenses that many of them to close. theaters, museums, broadcasting Bethany agreed that the stustudios ... etc. incur while operat- dents will definitely be affected ing. Without this funding many by the cuts. small time places may have to Sciole felt that it may cause close. some students in the arts departIn 1981 the actual appropria- ment to look into the possibility of tion for the national. endowment a double major. "I would imagine for the Arts was $307,404million. some of the students will begin to In 1982 this fund dropped to add other courses to their current
arts requirements," said she. Perhaps they will take some courses in computers or something of that nature. Bethany said, "I feel that to a true artist art is a way of life and therefore our department will not change in numbers because of the cuts." "A person in the arts dept. is there because they want to be there and although they may double major they will stick with their departments,"she added. Although cuts in these endowments may not seem to be fair Reagan has justified his appropriatons. He feels it is his job to try to keep government spending to a minimum . He feels private corporations and companies will make up the difference in the cuts. The other reason for his cuts is that the more money the governmnt provides the less that will come from the corporations and private individuals. He feels the humanities and the arts are more a responsibility of the people than the government. Therefore the cuts will force private individuals to donate or lose the arts altogether.
Joseph J. Romano, vice president for academic affairs, commended the department for initiating a contact with PHC and its acceptance · into the program. PHC is a voluntary group of private citizens that represent the academic humanities communities. PHC provides scholars in the humanities for speaking to nonprofit organizations at public meetings, conferences , workshops and festivals. In addition to speaking, these humanists have a record of concern for public issues and inter-ests. flashy social life there is Scintillations. Lisa Cimino '84 states, "When I · go out I like to get dressed up. I like a guy who spends money on a girl, gets dressed up and is more sophisJicated ! All in all, it takes a variety of places to please todays students social appetite, for there is no more a typical college student
George D. Widener Campus Center Lecture Hall
PHILADELPHIA FESTIVAL CHORUS GERSHWIN ANDPORTER PROGRAM 3:00 p.m. Free Admission/ Sponsored by The Department of Fine Arts For more info call Ext. 380 '-------'
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Sportsmanship BY JIM LAWLOR It was the end of the Keystone
Conference Tournament. Cabrini had won easily. The All-Tournament team was being announced. Joh McQueen, Ray Young and Mike Bennett had been selected . Dan Welde was named MVP. Suddenly , Bennett asked for the mike from Rubin Smitly, conference chairman. Bennett handed over his All Tournament trophy to teammate Terry Mancini. It was one of those beautiful acts of sportsmanship which tug at the heartstrings and leave many an eye wet. It was also, however , an act which points out and is in fact a reaction to, an ugly set of circumstances and lack of sportsmanship in the Keystone Conference . The problems stem from the fact that Cabrini simply dominates the young conference and the other teams react spitefully to that dominance. The result could be that Cabrini may leave the KAC. Cabrini coach John Dzik 11aid, "We appeartohave surpassed the level of competition of the other teams,therefore we are unsure if we will be in Keystone Conference next year ." He added, "Because of the attitude of the conference ingeneral, we will weigh all the alternatives before us." The attitude about which Dzik speaks manifested itself several times at the end of the basketball season. , Mancini's omission from the All Tourney team is one such instance . Says Bennett, "Terry had a very good first game, but I knew he'd be overlooked if he didn 't do as well in the second game. If it was not for him we may not have even gotten into the second game, and he deserved the recognition ." In the first game Mancini had 14 points and four assists as Cabrini beat Penn State Capitol 88-55. In the second game Man cini did not score, but he did have 12 assists as the Cavaliers beat Alvernia 79-61. Mancini thinks he was not selected because he did not score
March 19, 1982
in the second game. "I didn't play as well in the second game as the first. That's the way things have been going for me all year," he said. He didn't feel slighted when he was not announced. At first he did not want to accept Bennett's offer. "I thought Stiks deserved it, but the coaches told me to accept," He said, "It was a great feeling to be recognized by my own teammates and coaches ." Bennett added, "I don't want to offend anybody who voted for me, but when I was called for All Tourney I couldn't believe it. I guess it is the way of this conference ¡ to stay with people. I didn't feel he same as I did winning MVP last year." Dzik said, "I think Mike was reacting to the fact that Terry had been snubbed. He'll be the first to admit that Terry was the more deserving ." Aother reflection of bad feeling within the conference is the selection of the All-Conference team. Dzik said he felt seven Cabrini players belonged in the top 10 of theconference. But says Dzik, "I was told, no, and that if I didn't vote for 10 nonCabrini players then no Cabrini players would make it." Dzik said he did vote for ten non-Cavaliers and as a result did Cabrini and at least one Cabrini player a disservice. "All things considered," said Dzik, "I had to do what they said. It would have been a real travesty if no one from Cabrini made it. If I stuck to my guns it would have been unfair to those who were selected ." The Cabrini players named to the All Conference team were Dan Welde, John McQueen, and Ray Young. The other conference teams issued Dzik an ultimatum on another occasion as well. According to Dzik, the games on the second day of the tour nament were originally sched uled for 6 and 8 p.m. in hopes of . getting larger crowds . He was told the Wednesda y before the tournament that at a meeting he had not attended, it had been decided that the championships would be held at 1 and 3 p.m. "I was given ~e ultimatum,"
1n KAC tournament
said Dzik, "that if I didn't change the times to the afternoon that the other teams would not participate and they'd hold their own series the next week at Penn State and Cabrini would not be invited." It is for reasons such as these that Dzik is given consideration to other alternatives . One alternative, according to Dzik, is a new conference being formed. The members thus far are Lincoln Univesity, Philadelphia Pharmacy, Spring Garden, Eastern, and Rutgers-Camden. Cabrini has been approahced. "We have aleady taken a nonabandonment position with the Keystone Conference,"said Dzik. He explained, however, that this was done to maintain five teams in the conference, the minimum number of members for a conference to get an automatic bid in the District 19 tournament .
Tournament MVP, Dan Welde, junior , cuts down net' in victory celebration after Cabrini defeated Alvernia . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis )
KAC Championship Trophy
(photo by Tom DeMatteis)
ATTENTION BUSINESS MAJORS Get Involved and Sign Up to Join
The Business Club and SAM
(Society for the Advancement of Management)
Held Bi-monthly
Tuesday at 1:00 PM in SH 7 check your mailbox for more info Senior Mike Bennett and freshman Jim Baukal prepare for rebound during the Cabrini-Alvernia Championship game. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)
LOQ.UITURFriday, March 19, 1982
Sports profile:
Harvey ari outstanding all-a .-round player . Hl'. ANN BELSKY
She's not very tall--5 feet , 7½ inches --and she 's very humble but can she play basketball! She's transfer Debbie Harvey, '83, from Philadelphia Community College. A native of Philadelphia , Harvey is involved in basketball, volleyball , tennis , and softball , but basketball is her all-time fa. vorite --" I love to watch it and play it! " Sitting in the stands at a Lady Cavs ' basketball game , one might not notice anything particularly fascinating about the junior business major except that her warm-up suit is laden with white and red stars extending from left shoulder to mid -arm . Upon inquiry, one discovers these stars indicate an outstanding offensive or defens ive game , the white for offensive star of the game and the red for defensive . Harvey has six offensive and seven defensive stars . This is remarkable in itself since only 20 games were played, but is this the " only" reason Harvey received a partial sports scholarship to Cabrini? Coach Michael Tenaglia said that Harvey averages 14.5 points and over 14rebounds a game . She has the best shooting percentage on the team. He expects her to break 1,000 points before she
graduates . He describes her as "hard working. " Her success is self. evident. Harvey's basketball career began in eighth grade when a teacher suggested she go out for the team . She did, and has been playing ever since. In her first year at Mastbaum Vocational Technical High School, Harvey was a varsity player. She was Most Valuable Player both junior and senior years . From there, her career flourished . By the time Harvey entered Philadelphia Community, she was an exceptional basketball player. She attained a place on the Junior Colle·ge All-Tour nament Basketball Team and AllConference Team both years and was Second All-Time Leading Scorer for Women and First AllTime Leading Rebounder for Men and Women. Harvey not only excels in basketball , but ranks in volleyball. In high school, she was nominated Most Valuable Player . She was a member of the AllTournament Volleyball Team both years at Philadelphia Community and made the All-Conference Volleyball Team her second year . She started playing softball at Philadelphia Community also,
and was on the All-Tournament and All-Conference Softball Teams her first year . Of the recognition she received, Harvey finds the trophy case in the living room getting smaller. Still wondering why she received a scholarship? Terri Leinenbach, '83, co-captain of the women's basketball team, says Harvey is "fun to work with," " a good person and a good player ." Leinenbach reminisces about her teammate. "She really livens up the away games . I remember her .clutching Eileen Herbig (a teammate) when we were on the bus going over a bridge and thinking the bus was going to tip over when we made a U-turn . " And as for giving directions around Philly , she 's got 20 20 hindsight. " During a game, Harvey concentrates on getting "into the flow" and "blending in" with the rest of the team . "The quicker the last buzzer sounds, the quicker I get to eat ." A "good " game is when she contributes to a win. Harvey does set personal goals and this gives her inner incentive. " I do want to score and re bound ," she confides. It's hard to balance schoolwork and sports. Studying drains one mentaly, but playing is physi-
Sports Briefs
cally and mentally exhausting . Most of Harvey's free time is spent relaxing in her room on the third floor of Woodcrest watching basketball games on TV, eating , and studying. ·
leyball and basketball games after graduation and in the sum mer breaks during school--but that is only parttime . Harvey's most memorable game was when she played for Philadelphia Communit y and they won the championship gam e in the Division III PAIAW (Pennsylvania Association of Intercollegiate for Women) aga inst Spring Garden in the 1979-80 sea• son.
Homework comes before sports because " I'm not going to play basketball all rny life," Harvey said. She does plan to referee vol-
Same team, different players at Veteran Stadium
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first matter that had to be taken care of was that of finding a replacement for manager Dallas Green who left to take charge of the Chicago Cub organization. The new owner decided on Pat Corrales to manage his 1982club and Corrales brought with him a group of new coaehes because Green took the Phils third base coach , Lee Elia, with him to manage the Cubs. The first player to go was speedy outfielder Lonnie Smith . Smith was involved in a three team trade that brought a catcher named Bo Diaz from the Cleveland Indians to the Phils . While Giles and General Manager Paul Owens were still being criticized for this deal Green made his first deal with his old team . The Phillies traded catcher Keith Moreland and pitchers Dickie Noles and Dan Larsen to
BY TOM DEMATTEIS It is not so long ago that the Cabrini College community can forget the 1980 Philadelphia Phillies drive to their World Series victory . Many students became caught up in those late inning rallies that brought the Phillies many victories in the playoffs and World Series . Several students were among the crowd of better than 500,000 that turned out to applaud our victorious team in the parade down Broad Street. However, if the Phillies end up parading down Broad Street again in 1982,many fans will find that many of those heroes from the 1980team are no longer around . Soon after the strike-marred 1981season ended, the team was sold by Ruly Carpenter to William Giles . This is when the team overhaul began to take place . The
900 and 600 for Bennett While John Keating and Ray Young were compiling career point totals of over 1,000, Mike Bennett was quietly compiling a respectable total himself. The senior forward .finished with 900total career points, which is not bad for playing only three seasons of college basketball. After transferring to Cabrini, "Stikes" scored 260 points as a sophomore, 352as a junior and 288as a senior . . Besides his 900 career points, Bennett finished with 600 career rebounds.
Debbie Harvey, junior, an outstanding offensive and defensive player . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)
Final leaders COMPILED BY TOM DeMATTEIS The final statistics for the men's and women's basketball teams show that the men's team featured a balanced attack while the women had some impressive statistics recorded by individual players. The men had a three way tie for leading scorer between Ray Young, Dan Welde and John McQueen, all of whom averaged 10.1 points per game. The men 's leading rebounder was Young with an average of 7 a game . Guards Terry Mancini and Welde led the team in assists with averages of 5.35 and 4.9 per game. For the women Eileen Herbig averaged 17.4 points a game to lead the team followed by Debbie Harvey with an average of 13.7. Harvey led the team in rebound ing with an average of 15.4 per game. Leading the women in assists were Terry Leinenbach with an average of 5.5 per game and Lisa Hurst with an average of 5 a game.
the Cubs for pitcher Mike Krukow . Next the team sold catcher Bob Boone to the California Angels. The next major trade came when they traded shorts top Larry Bowa to the Cubs for shortstop Ivan DeJesus . The final major trade had outfielder Bake McBride going to the Cleveland Indians for relief pitcher Sid Monge. They also picked up relief pitcher Ed Farmer as a free agent . Add to this the trades of pitcher Bob Walk to Atlanta for outfielder Gary Matthews and the purchase of Greg Luzinski from the Phils by the Chicago White Sox following the 1980season, and you will find that 11 of the players who were on the world championship team are now gone. By October, we will know if these many trades will bring the Phillies another world title .
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Lady Cavs· improve ·record. BY MAUREEN CARROLL
LOQ.UITUR Friday, March 19, 1982
The Lady Cavaliers basketball team ended their season with a 13-7 record over last year's record. The final game was played on March 2 against Misericordia as Cabrini won 72-58. Team members included cocaptains Terri Leinenbach, '83, and Kate Connolly, '83; Debbie Jablonski, '83; Eileen Houston, '84; Sue Masine, '84; Debbie Harvey, '84; Annette. DeJesse, '84; Ann Belsky, '85; Lisa .Hurst, '85; Eileen Herbig, '85; Pam Lane, '85; and Maureen McKen·na, '85. 'It was a total team effort on everyone's part," said coach Jill Fausnaught. "Everyone worked really hard. They worked well as a team as well as individually." Fausnaught said that both she and coach Mike Tenaglia were not new like last year, noting that they were "just gettng their feet wet" during the 1980-81season. "This made a big difference," she said. Tenaglia reiterated the point that the vetean players learned from last year's experience. However he did say that the team had acquired better players this year. "We have young players and they all came through," he said. Perhaps the reason the team did so wellcan be accounted for through the description he gave
expected of them and they did of his players . Those qualities were devotion, hard working and it." Houston felt the same way a desire to be successful and prove they were good. He said about Connolly and Leinenbach that everyone contributed wheth- expressing what they meant to er they were playing or on the the team. "They showed great leaderbench. ship and enthusiasm," she said. "The team was disappointed Talking with her and Masino, when they did not win," he said . both strongly felt that the team He noted the best offensive and did much better than last year. defensive players during the sea"We had more talent this son. year," Masino said. "There was The best offensive player was ·much better recruiting and the Herbig who had 349 points in her team was young." first year of playing college ball. Connolly and Leinenbach, howThe defensive players were ever, agreed with their coaches leading rebounder Debbie view. They feel that a major part Harvey who averaged 15.4 re- of their success was due to the bounds per game, Houston, Hurst fact that it was their coaches' and Leinenbach. second year at Cabrini. Tenaglia said hat "We were more established," Harvey"helped the team im- Connolly said. "Although we lost mensely" in this area. good seniors last year, we got He said that what the team good new players this year." needs to work on is defense. ''The upperclassmen knew Scholarship auditions are what the coaches scheduled to be held tomorrow in wanted, "Leinenbach aid. "Next the gym to recruit new players. year will be good too, because no Tenaglia said that a couple of the one will be graduating." girls who are 6'0" will be among Connolly and Leinenbach also those going through the drills. stressed that the team got along "The team was hurt when Kate very well. was injured," he said. "Maybe it was because we During the season Connolly were all young, "Connolly said. suffered a stress fracture in the "The oldest on the team were shin and was on crutches. juniors. We had great spirit. It Tenaglia praised Connolly and was a super season ." Leinenbach in their roles as co"There was a super amount of captains. unity between everyone," "They were good leaders and Leinenbach said. "We had a lot of they did a good job," he said. respect for each other on and off "Kate and Terri knew what was the court."
Spring Garden Misericordia Allentown Kutztown Bryn Mawr Montgomery County Spring Garden Eastern Immaculata Delaware Valley Phila. Community Ursinus Drexel Widener Rosemont Textile Harcum Gwynedd Mercy Swarthmore Misericordia
57-69 79-67 72-68 47-55 73-45 73-45 65-72 67-29 44-51 69-42 75-59 52-78 43-79 58-66 77-48 46-43 71-51 77-48 52-44 72-52
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Although played on a comparatively small scale in the United States, cricket is a leading British sport. The game is very similar to baseball, but played at a much slower tempo . It began in either the 12th or 13th century . and became known in America as early as 1747. Many of the earliest baseball players
New Sports in the United States were previous cricket players. Notable cities such as New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and California organized competitions staged annually. In 1832, the Philadelphia Union Cricket Club was formed. In 1843, a cricket team was organized at the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1896, Philadelphia scored America's greatest victory defeating the Australian stars, 282-222. A team is made up of 11 players, consisting of a bowler (pitcher), point, cover point, mid off, mid on, short slip, third man, square leg, deep mid off, deep mid on, and a wicket keeper (catcher) . There are, however, 21 positions on the field. There are no foul balls in cricket. The batsman can hit
the ball to the front of him , draw it to either side or pull it in back of him . Substitutions are not permitted unless there is a serious injury. The ball used is smaller than a baseball, Lut with a thicker, harder, leather cover . The cane-handled bat is shaped like a baseball, but the batting half of it is flat. Almost shaped like a paddle. No baseball park in the United States is large enough to serve as a cricket field. Two wickets are used which are 22 yards apart. One at the bowler's position and the other at the batsman's. The game requires two umpires, one at each wicket. The object of the bowler is to try to bowl (pitch with straight arm) out of the reach of the bat and knock down the bail, in which case the batsman is out . The batsman of course, is the defender of the wicket and his other purpose is to hit the ball as far as he can and score runs. When the batsman hits the ball, he runs for the other wicket, while his batting partner runs for the one just vacated by the batsman . If they both reach the wickets safely, it counts as one run for the batter . If the ball is long, they keep running and a run is scored each time they reach the opposite wicket .
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