Oct. 15, 1982 issue 02 Loquitur

Page 1



1!$, 1982








Homecoming game: whose iob? by Brian P. Jensen

Parents Weekend and the annual Cabrini College Homecoming festivities scheduled for tomorrow might very well lack an essential aspect of any Homecoming event, namely, a game. Unless last-minute efforts to schedule an athletic game are successful, half-time Homecoming festivities will have to take place without a half time. According to the Cabrini activities calendar, there is no home sporting event scheduled for this Parents Weekend. Further, the annual Home-coming ceremony scheduled by the student government association for the same day does not appear on the calendar at all. According to Dane Linn, SGA president, the planned Homecoming activities will take place "game or no game. " Linn referred to the present situation as "pathetic." Linn explained that SGA's social activities board planned the date for Homecoming last Spring on the premise that "it is traditional to hold Homecoming on Parents Weekend ." Neither Linn nor Peggy Heffernan , social activ ities chairperson , checked to see if a game was scheduled for that dat e. "We base our Homeco ming date on the date chosen by Kappa Sigma Omega for Parents Weekend," Linn said. "Kappa scheduled a date last Spring. I assumed that either they or the athletic department would pick up on the fact that no game was scheduled for that day," Heffernan said. Terri Hundermark , president of Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini's service organization responsible for organizing Parents Weekend, explained that she, too, was not aware that neither a soccer nor field hockey game were scheduled at home on the date in question until she noticed it on the calendar at the beginning of this seme ster. "I did not pers onally set the day, but I confirmed th e dat e with the dean of stud ents office last Spring , ju st to make sur e a weekend had been set aside . I reall y hadn 't considered the n if a game was scheduled at that time or not, " Hundermark said. Marcy Nadel, director of student activities, who puts the Cabrini calendar together , checked her files and found that Kappa Sigma Omega had not submitted an activities calendar even though Parents Weekend was scheduled. Nadel recalled that she


Marcy Nadel, "an oversight"

was approached early last year and told to put Parents Weekend on the third weekend in October. "I just don't pull dates out of a hat. I put it on the calendar based on information given to me . I don't have it in writing, so it must have been verbal, " Nadel said . Nadel was not certain who it was who dictated the information to her. "l. I don 't remember now who approached me about it. It might have been Carter Craigie ," Nadel said . Carter Craigie , advisor to Kappa Sigma Omega , said th at it was indeed he who scheduled Pa rents Weekend . "I assumed that there would be a game, that is an error on my part,'' Craigie said. Craigie said that in the past it has been "pure luck" that Homecoming has fallen on the same day a sporting event was scheduled. "I can promise you that it won't happen again. We can't let it," Craigie said. Craigie went on to explain that he always schedules Parents Weekend on the third weekend in October to avoid clashing with other area college's weekend functions. Nearby hotel acco mmodat ions for par ents ar e limite d when a college as large as Villanov a has an event. To avoid conflicts, Cabrini's Parents Weekend is usua lly held later tha n others. Meanwhile , the men 's soccer team is playing tomorro w, but not at Cabrini. They are scheduled to play across the street at Eastern College and, according to coach Will Langton , have no intentions of moving the game home. "It is difficult to switch the game onca it has been scheduled," Langton said. Langton explained that even though


, Carter Cralgle, "error on my part"

the game is only across the street , it cannot be moved to Cabrini because Eastern College has its own plans for the day . Further, Langton pointed out that a contract was signed "a year ago" with Eastern agreeing that the game would be played at their home field on that day. "I did investigate moving the game home, but I didn't push the issue because the Eastern game is very imp ort ant to the cred ibility of our program," Langton said. Langton also explained th at he did chec k last winter with the r egistr ar , the academic dean , and the dean of student s officesio find out about their schedules . He was then told that the schedules are not made up until the Spring . Langton submitted his soccer schedule for Marcy Nadel to put on the calendar last April. The Eastern game at Eastern was on that schedule. Helen Goodwin, women 's athletic director, says she has been trying to schedule a field hockey game ever

Dane Linn , "pathetic"

since the situation was brought to her attention in September. "The reason that we don't have a game is because I schedule my games two years in advance. I've tried everyone. So far, it doesn't look like we can getr one, but I'm still trying," Goodwin said. Goodwin's last-minute efforts, along with field hockey coach Mimi Greenwood, appears to be the only chance to schedule a home game at this point. Goodwin also said that the same situ at ion occurre d last year, when she was able to schedule a ga me in tim e for the weeke nd . • " Last year I had to adjust th e schedule to suffice the weeke nd . I found a team then , I'm still tr ying now," Goodwin said . Like Langton , Goodwin had submitted her schedule to the dean of

More Homecoming page 4


Mrs. Oristaglic;> Estelle Oristaglio, director of ad-

missions for continuing education, has been very busy lately. In this issue, Loquitur recognizes her efforts in an appreciative manner in an editorial (page 2) and a profile (page 6).

Cheerleaders The girls who attempt to please and excite the fans are moving up in the world of Cabrini College. In this issue, Loquitur recognizes the cheerleadinb squad and explains how they are to become their own team. See story on page 14.



Her dedication

truly stands out

Giving credit where credit is due is something that is often overlooked at a fast-paced progressive place like Cabrini College. Behind the scenes, there are a lot of dedicated individuals that are responsible for keeping this institution on the move upward. One such caring person is Estelle Oristaglio, continuing educa tion admissions director. Comments by faculty and administrators concerning Oristaglio included such words as amazing, innovative, dedicated, efficient, demanding and excellent. One administrator referred to Oristaglio as '' a miracle worker.'' Oristaglio has worked with Cabrini's admissions office since 1968.The time she has spent at Cabrini is noted by a large and steady increase in all areas of admissions. "Mrs. O," as she is often called, is largely responsible for taking admissions, sharing an office with the registrar, to having today's separate offices for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The efficiency of both offices represents a significant symbol of the Cabrini success story and stands as a tribute to its leading organizer. As often happens, most of u~ do not recognize the accomplishments of others when these successes are

a compilation of gradual developments. Such is the case of Mrs. Oristaglio. When the Masters program was officially given the go-ahead from Harrisburg late last June, it was Oristaglio who had much of the responsibility for recruiting students into a program fo begin in a few short months. It is difficult enough to recruit students, especially at a graduate level, in such a short period of time, but to get students into a program that no one even knew , existed is a task that indeed requires much dedicated attention. One administrator quoted the hopeful figure of perhaps 10 to 12 students to begin the new program in September. With Oristaglio in charge, the Masters program managed to start with 27, a figure well above everyone's expectations. One staff member referred to this accomplishment as "outstanding." We agree. Mrs. Oristaglio, through thrift, dedication and hard work, has taken on her responsibility of directing the new admissions office in continuing education and graduate programs in a manner of the highest quality. For this, all of us at Cabrini should be very grateful.

School's participation "If you're bored, you're boring." Remember that one, along with all those other depressing-but-true articles complaining of the apathy on this campus? Last year, in many issues of Loquitur and newsletters, you read about student apathy, at class meetings you heard about student apathy, and at student functions we all saw our apathy. I know we were all sick and tired of hearing about it, probably because it was true. But it seems as though things have changed, and may I say, for the best. Along with starting a new year, having a new president and dean and many other fresh faces, everyone seems to have a better attitude towards our school. Maybe it's because we're all starting outthis year on a good foot or we're all getting up on the right side of the bed. Either one, we all hope it continues . Even with the new rules and policies, people's attitudes are up. For instance, the policy regarding drinking and the prohibition of it. The dance floor in the cafeteria is still covered with people dancing to the beat, whereas last year, if there was no beer, there were no people.

LETTERS To The Editor : In the past weeks I've been back at Cabrini, I have not had one decent meal in the cafeteria. I can assure anyone that this is no exaggeration. The students are receiving the quality of food that was served last April, which was very poor . . Many visitors come to Cabrini and say our food is much better than other colleges . That may be true , but those people do not eat the same things day after da y. And for a small college like Cabrini , the food should not be a major problem .

~iv :E ·s

• 1s growing

Other events have been having good attendances also. I won't say there have been an humongous amount of people, but a good number. The turnouts for these activities really have been good, and I don't just think it is because there are more people here now. I think it's because we want to be together and support each other. Volleyball games have been a hundred percent better in attendance than last year. At the soccer tournament in mid-September and the games thereafter, you couldn't find a seat on the bench. Marty Bear had more than ten faces to sing to at his concert. But this participation isn 't just in school functions ; it's becoming more personal. People are starting to care about the school they go to and the place they live in. For example , has anyone seen the basement of Counsel Hall? Some guys got together and renovated the whole thing. They cared about something and got involved in making it better . But something much more, they have pride in it, something we should all have and share .

The trouble with the cafeteria food seems to be the repetitious meal selections and the poor preparation. Week after week students are faced with the ugliness of the same high carbohydrated, starchy foods . There is nothing like the feeling of walking from the cafeteria with your stomach bloated with nothingness. Most of the foods are prepared improperly. Soggy pizzas , nasty stews, uncooked fatty meats and breaded bread seafoods stare at me every day . And, it 's come to the point where I can't stare back at it . People have been complaining about the food , and absolutely no one is raving about it , so there must be something wrong . Maybe it' s t he food

itself , or the preparation of it , or the entire Seiler 's Food Service, but something must be done to correct the obscenities they have been serving at meal times. Cabrini could possibly use meal plans to cut the cost of meals for students who eat only several meals a week. More time and preparation should be placed in the planning and making of the meals. There has to be an improvement somewhere . Let 's stop complaining about wet trays and direct our complaints to the problem - the food. I don't think I can afford to order out every night for ver y much longer . Tom D. Schultz


By Fr. Mark D. Falcone I've rarely pushed Zs, or counted sheep before !:30 a.m . for the past 25 years , and found myself ministering to Southside Chicago, Green Bay Wisconsin, South Philadelphia, Paoli , Claymont Delaware , and finally Rad nor Pennsylania at Cabrini College. At ·the outset of my seminary days living across the road from Vince Lombard , I found myself at a critical fork in the road of life. Would I become an Intellectual or a human itarian in my priesthood? Intellectual priests of my time were not, in my estimate, sensitive enough to the sea of humanity that surrounded them . Humanitarian was my_choice . To succeed at this I analytically tore my mind apart seeking to under stand its every move and process , probed every emotion my person contained, explored the content of pleas ure and pain my physical self possessed, loved deeply, lived riskful ly and unexpectedly it happened. I perceived a strange weak hear t beat wthin my body. It worried me enormously. Progressively it grew louder until it equaled my own. Someone else was alive within me. I found my Creator living within me and enjoyed the unified sound of two breathing as one. The followiing quotation is by Teilhard de Chardin, and one which I have made my own. "As far as I can because I am a priest , I would be the first to become aware of what the world Loves , Pursues , Suffers ; I would be the first to seek , to sympa thize , to toil ; the first in self-fulfillment , the first in self-denial. For the sake of the world I would be more widely human than any of the world's servants . I want to plunge into the midst of created things , and mingling with them , seize hold upon and disengage from them, all tha t they cont ain of life eternal down to t he ver y last fragment so tha t Nothing may be lost. "



\lt·mltt·r of th.- \,-.,tt·ia1·t1ICollt·µiatr Pn·,, P,,b/ished bi-weekly d11ring the school ye ar by the students 0 1 Cabrini College, Radnor , Pennsylvania 1908 7. Subscription price B incfoded in benefits sec11,ed by lllition and student lee.

Ed itor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant Editor Patt y McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Fe atures Editor Pam Clark Galler y Editor Ann Belsky SGA Notebook Editor Francine M. Kuterbach Sports Co-Editors Rita Calicat Danny Ross Photog r aphy Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Managers Larry Comroe Louis Klock Advisor Jerome Zurek












Everyone seemed to be having a good time at least five hundred people in attendance. Most of them were drinking, many were intoxicated to some degree. That, I'm told, is how "real college parties" are supposed to be. At two in the morning the party ended. Many had a last drink "for the road," (which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life) and filtered out of the hall into the parking lot. Outside, people, all "young adults" as we like to say, were laughing, singing and just generally enjoying themselves. We also saw a fight in the parking lot. That wasn't fun, but it sure drew a lot of attention from the crowd. People were breaking beer bottles in the parking lot, too. That wasn't nice, but most people thought it was funny. Then I saw something that wasn't funny at all. I noticed someone flopped over the hood of a parked car. Then the apparent owners of the vehicle walked up and pulled the unconscious body off the car and left him in a stupor in the gutter at the end of the parking lot. They just pulled away, leaving this drunken student behind. It was disgusting and appalling, but even some of the guys that I chose to hang with that night thought the incident was "a shame, but humorous." I guess it is easier to think everything is "humorous." Several good-hearted people went over to help the drunken student. My buddies and I walked over, too. It turned out that he was a freshman. He didn't know the area and had no way to get back to his dorm. He didn't even know the students who drove him to the party. It was a damn shame . "This entire scene stinks," I said. My !riends

About a month ago, I attended an exciting college social function given by a student organization of a nearby university. The event, held in a catering hall, featured an open bar and a live band. Both the bar and the dance floor were packed. The event was the ultimate in college students having a good time. That same week, two college students were also having a good time with their sorority sisters while keeping the tradition of painting a nearby railroad bridge. With intentions all in good fun, they were struck by an oncoming train during their "pledge project," and were severely injured. In another incident, a student was recently struck by a car and badly hurt while walking across a busy street in front of his college. Most recently, a young girl was killed and several others were badly injured in a violent weekend auto accident. She and her friends were also college students. Then, of course, most of us are familiar with the tragic dormitory fire at LaSalle College which killed a student resident on the first day of school. Although some were, I realize that the unfortunate incidents described above are not all examples of college students' neglect for themselves. Nor will I even assume, although I easily could, that any of the events occurred as a direct result of student irresponsibility. That's not the point I want to make. The tragic fact is, though, that these things happened, and in every case, it was bad. Considering all these recent nearby tragedies, I kept thinking about the big college party that I went to. I had a blast that night, I really did. Everyone seemed to have a good time. There were

agreed. One said, "This is the negative effect of having fun." It's strange, I didn't know there were "negative effects" to having a good time. It seems that in college, while we're trying to learn, grow, take on responsibilities, and have fun, we sometimes fall victim of these "negative effects." Not just at a drinking party, but in so many things, like something as simple as crossing the street. My message is to be careful. It seems we need to be. Too many bad things have happened this year to college students already: _ People are really getting hurt out there. Just think of the families and friends of the victims of these horrible incidents. There is so much involved when we read that article in the paper about yet another tragedy. At Cabrini, thank God, we have been very fortunate. However, we are only a tiny part of a great whole. That "great whole" has plenty of scars on it. We, too, hav~ to _w~tchthat we don't cut 9.ur~e_lv _es . Well, I got back from that party okay. So did that poor drunken kid with some assistance. Despite our experience with that poor lost freshman, the general consensus of the night was that we had a good time. Indeed, it was fun. So was the night the girls were painting that bridge, and the first day of school at LaSalle, and the day the student was crossing the street, and the weekend those girls were driving in their car. Please, be careful.






of the Wigwam? by D. B. Field Due to th e rec ent cut back s in fed eral aid, Cabrini ·s snack bar, the Jf'iguw,1 , ca11,w longer hire uorl.--stud _r.~tude11t.~. Th e work grant ho u rs are re ry limit ed, and the Jf'ig u:am must 11ou: operat e mor e like the cafeteria. Th ese chan ges pr ompt ed th e Loquitur staff to as!.-. ··What do _mu thi11k of th e way th e Wig wam is bei11g pr esentl y run ?"

Ron Lynch Junior · " By a business standpoint, it's good for the students who work there , but it ' s inadequate because the prices are too high, it caters mainly to commuters, and its hours should be extended ."

Mary Beth Grugan Senior "I feel that the Wigwam needs more variety, like more specials . It should be work-study, though, because many people lost their jobs. The manager is doing a good job."



Is good food the issue? It will never cease to amaze me how people can complain about the most trivial things. Take, for instance, the first food committee meeting held at the college . In the past, food committee meetings served as a tool in helping to improve the quality of our food. On the whole, the process of discussing some of the problems with the institutionalized food services with the managers and staff of the cafeteria proved to be very effective . But this must be a thing of the past. After hearing people complain about something as ridiculous as wet trays, I begin to question the level of intelligence of some of our students. I really could not accept the fact that people were complaining about some of the most petty things when there is a srious problem with the quality of our food . I must praise Bob Dearth, manager of the cafeteria, with having the patience of a saint . Dearth sat through the meeting trying to take everything in stride. He did a wonderful job. The point that I'm trying to present is that discussion at the food committee should have centered around the problem at hand, the poor quality of the food . Not once at the meeting was the food really discussed. Several meager tries were made to bring the discussion back to the food, but they proved to be unsuccessful. Food quality has always seemed to be a problem, at least the time that I have been here. It is very difficult to prepare food to suit over 600 students and faculty. Last year, though, there had been some success in pleasing everyone's taste buds. Food always had some taste and looked like what it was supposed to be. This year, food quality has fallen. Food has been bland, and sometimes uncooked. Soup sometimes (and please excuse the expression) tastes like wallpaper paste. I really do understand what Bob-Dearth faces in trying to help the quality of our food. I am quite sure he realizes that most of the student body has been very unhappy. The fact that students order out to supplement their diet is not good. We, as students, must realize that food committee meetings are a tool to impr-0ve the quality of our food, not a time to bring up petty issues such as wet trays and changing the way the line moves. It's no wonder we are still eating the same food.





'15, '19B2



w s

Cabrini to offer new computer science maior by Chris Corcoran

The proposed computer science major being offered at Cabrini College is a good example of the college's continuin~ efforts to grow and expand with the times. The plan is in its first stage of o_Peration, with the second stage finalizing it as a major. As of now it goes before the academic counsel for final approval. According to Dr. Joseph Romano, dean of academic affairs, he, "sees no bad waves and feels there is no reason why the board will not pass it as a major." Romano is very excited about the computer science program as a major to be offered at Cabrini. The coordinator of the computer science program is Norman Olson, Olson is cited as "an expert in molding computer terminals to meet human needs," in the 1982 edition of 'Electronics' magazine. Olson is currently employed at Sperry-Univac corporation as a staff scientist responsible for the development of the 'user-interface' which makes machines easier to use for everyone.

Olson received a Ph. D in industrial psycholology, and has been involved in computers for over 20 years. He published the book 'The Effect of Computerizatin on People' . Olson also stated, "In addition to programs for computer science majors it is designed to insure computer competency to people in all other areas as well." The departments objective is that they want people not only with computer knowledge but well rounded backgrounds as well. Olson wants to keep in touch with all of the other departments to make sure the content of the program is relevant to needs of other de{>artments. Olson 1s very excited to be part of what is just starting and looks promising. He states that he is "just helping to keep the momentum going while the head of the department, Jerry Satlow, is on sabatical. He says that there is much interest being built up in the college and that the department is trying to build up community awareness. Olson said that next month a computer awareness workshop is being

Limited finances available for students in the masters program By Tom Schultz

Financial aid is minimal in the master's degree program compared to the bachelor's degree program. Because of the fewer amount of credits required for a masters, because of the earning potential of a bachelor's degree and because of the ¡amount of funds needed for an undergraduate degree, financial aid is limited for a master's degree. Presently, the only available aid is the national direct student Loan, the guaranteed student loan and college work study. Graduate students may receive up to $2,500 a year in student loans. Since most of the funds are needed for undergraduate aid, very little

Homecoming FROM PAGE 1 students office last April. At that point, Marcy Nadel had the information that no game was scheduled at home on Parents Weekend, and that Homecoming was planned for the same day. However, the matter was still not resolved. "Yes, we had that information, but so did the athletic department, Kappa and SGA. They didn't pick it up, either. It was an oversight that never occurred to me," Nadel said. Nadel went on to explain that it was her responsibility to see that dates on the calendar do not conflict. When asked whose responsibility it is to match events so they fall on the same days they are supposed to, Nadel responded, "I don't know." Carter Craigie felt that this year's dilemma will be a lesson in planning such things as Homecoming in future years. "It has already been discussed to plan this event according to each other's schedules," Craigie said. When asked what he thought about the various organizations such as SGA, Kappa, athletic department and dean of students' office getting together and discussing the matter for future years, Craigie said, "That just might be a very good idea."


money is available to graduates except through guaranteed student loans. Although only a small percentage of Cabrini's masters students seek fi. nancial aid, financial aid is limited for these students. The cost of a graduate education is far less than an undergraduate education. The expense is $125 per credit for a three credit course . In addition to a $25 registration fee and a $10 parking fee, the cost for a full time master's education at Cabrini is approximately $1,160 per semester. This cost is relatively low compared to the cost of the full time undergraduate education. Undergraduates need at least 12 credits to fulfill the full time status requirements, and graduates need only nine . Another reason for the limited aid is that after receiving a bachelor's degree, the student is expected to have an earning potential. Most graduate students have jobs and can afford the night courses . Although most graduates do earn wages, not all of the money can be used for an education . Graduates have expenses for transportation and housing . Dir~ctor of Admissions for the Graduate Division, Estelle Oristaglio added, "Some students are still paying for their undergraduate loans." Graduate program students do not face the same needs as undergraduate students. Graduates have no on campus housing expenses and have easy access to employment. Undergraduates must pay for 4 years of education for a bachelor's degree and graduates pay for 2 years. Arlene McEvilla, director of financial aid stated that although there is a limited amount of aid available to graduates, in the future the college will seek funds for academic awards, specifically for the Master's program. Oristaglio added, "We still have the same interests for Cabrini's graduate students as we do for our undergraduate students ."

heid for the Philadelphia diocesis schools and that 25 to 30 people are expected to attend. In pointing to the growth that the department has made Olson points out the change of labs from Grace Hall to the bottom floor of Sacred Heart Hall. He points out that now there is much more classroom space so that the lab is open for individual work by the student and not as much class time is held in the lab. Romano gives the point that, "the major was created for more reasons that the demand from the job market. The entire country has gone from industrial to technological." Also, "experts predict that by the year 2000 the entire country will be fully technological" . The plan for the com_puter science major first went into effect five years ago and the colle~e recieved a grant for the construction of a computer science lab to be located in Grace Hall. Romano said that he had no idea that the lab would move and they would improve the facilities. Olson feels the facilities here at Cabrini are excellent and that the potential is fantastic.

Norm Oleen is Cabrini's new computer expert . Photo by John Doyle

Dean's off ice is remodeled by Paul Breslin

This past summer was a very hard one for the carpenters who had to remodel the Academic Dean 's office, but all of their hard work has brought happiness and comfort to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Joseph Romano , the Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs , Mrs . Jo Harris Brenner , and the Secretary to the Vice Presiden t for Academic Affairs , Mrs . Zita Derham . According to Brenner , the reason why the office was remodeled is, " because there was a secretary , an assistant to the dean, two to three work study students, two telephones , and three typewriters, all packed into one room, during all twelve months of the year. This made it very hard to work, so we had it divided into four functional areas ." The four areas that the office is divided into are : the secretarial area , the file room and work study area for college work study students, the proctoring room and waiting area for the academic dean , and the office for the assistant to the academic dean . The way the carpenters remodeled the academic office was by first, dividing the Grace Hall conference room in half. Then, they made one half of the conference room the secretarial office, and the other half the file room and work study area for the college students.

The toughest part about this task was getting through the wall of the new secretarial room to make a doorway into the proctoring room and waiting area for the academic dean . When asking about the wall, Brenner said , ''the carpenters thought the wall was made of plaster, but when they went to hammer through it, they found that it was three feet of solid brick . Instead of using manual labor , the carpenters had to resort to a pneumatic hammer , and it took them three days to get through the wall. " The carpenters said that the brick wall must have been part of the old horse stable that Counsel and Grace Halls were renovated from. The carpenters have also split the back part of the dean 's office into the proctoring room and waiting area for the academic dean, and the office for the assistant to the vice president of academic affairs . They also put in a new tile ceiling with light fixtures. This has made the floods coming from counsel hall a little more bearable, because now they can replace the ruined tiles (from the water) by taking them out of their individual sections. As of now, the cost of this cannot be determined, because the carpenters aren 't quite finished . They still have to put in the closets , replace the carpets, and get furniture for the six-person conference room and the office for the assistant to the vice president of academic affairs .

Cabrini Liturgical Choir A new organization reorganizing the singers for mass and other liturgical services under the direction of Fr. Mark D. Falcone. Anyone interested in becoming a member, please contact Fr. Falcone in Campus Ministry Office. You may discover hidden abilities you never thought you had. We need Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano voices, and instrumentalists. Take the risk!





The student-operated Wigwam snack bar facility soon hopes to be a favorite campus spot for students to eat, drink, and pow-wow together . This year is completely different from all others in that the Wigwam is prohibited from using work study students as members of their staff. There are a few lingering work grant hours being used by the Wigwam, but the majority of the employment goes to students, not on aid, who are working a part time job which is paying them $2.50 an hour clear. According to Sutdents Activities Director and Wigwam moderator Marcy Nadel, "Aid could not be allocated to the Wigwam anymore due to the substantial budget cuts which have affected almost every aspect of campus life." Employee Joanne Lumpkin, sophomore, is grateful for the opportunity to work on campus since her financial aid was cut altogether. "When I came back to school I had no income and no job. Working at the Wigwam is a way to earn back some of the aid money I lost," she said. Changes have also occured in the actual operation of the snack bar




and staff changes

Thi• year'• managerafor the Wigwam snack bar are Jeff Brun, Tony Ciro and Mike Gimple. The Wigwam is presently undergoing internal changes.

itself. In-the past, the Wigwam has relied entirely on the cafeteria for all of its supplies. This year that policy has been changed in that the Wigwam now deals directly with wholesalers and other outside sources for all of its supplies. Manager of the Wigwam, Tony Ciro, ,senior, hopes that dealing



with "sources other than our own wifl not only raise the standard of the food but also keep the prices down to affordable levels." Ciro added, "I'm not going .to hide the fact that things haven't been run the way they should. It won't be long now before everything falls into place

for us. We're planning a lot of different specials and menu offerings. We're always open for sug_gestions." According to Junior employee Ellen Lavelle, "Everything we have here is top quality--from the equi_pmentto the food we prepare and sell. The complaints come from the stuff we don't have, not from the stuff we've been serving thus far. There is definitely a lot of potential here that has yet to unfold.'' The Wigwam is afforded no annual budget so that any profits made are fed right back into the business. Ciro hopes that these profits will enable him to equip the Wigwam with some of the "little things which turn out to make a big difference--like the investment in a portable television, for instance.'' After all of the wrinkles are ironed out, the Wigwam hopes to gain tremendous support from both administration and students alike. Tony Ciro, manager of the Wigwam, hopes that "it turns out to be a profitable enterprise so that it can serve the campus community, especailly the commuters I to the best of its capabilities.''

Kappa plans Parents Weekend by Barbara Bruhin

Kappa Sigma Omega Cabrini's service orgamzation, and the Student Government Association are making plans for the occasion. Parents Weekend is scheduled to begin on Saturday, Oct. 16 with welcoming refreshments served by Kappa Sigma Omega from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the George D. Widener Campus Center. The Homecoming Parade, planning by the SGA, will take place Saturday afternoon. According to Peggy Heffernan, social activities chairperson for the SGA, the parade will consist of floats made by the commuters and residents of dorms and houses. Judges will choose a winner. A Homecoming king and queen from the senior class are to be announced on the playing field after the parade. Presently, no sporting event has been scheduled to accompany the parade. A recertion for parents and students wil be given by college President, Sr. Eileen Currie, from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. in the Mansion dining room.

The annual Parents Weekend dinner dance, planned by Kappa Sigma Omega, will begin at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. In order to cut costs and crowding, according to the Kappa president Terri Hundermark, waitresses will wait on tables rather than serving the guests buffet style as was done last year . Music will be provided by professional disc jockey, Don Harrison, from Universal Sound. The program will include oldies and the big band sound intermingled with more recent songs. The cost of the dance will be $15 per person . A thanksgiving mass will be celebrated Sunday morning in the Bruchmann Memorial Chapel. Guitar and flute music will be performed by members of Kappa. Mass will be followed by a brunch to be held in both the cafeteria and the Widener Center at a cost of $5 per person. Wine and cheese will also be served on Sunday on the second floor of Holy Spirit Library from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. for the opening of a new art exhibit.

Jlitlorism a11dTlB)IOIOG811 A lecture presentation by Helen Waterford and Alfons Heck. She calls August 25, 1944, "the day Paris was liberted." He refers to it as "the day we lost Paris."

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accept 80 percent," remarks Willard. Willard feels Cabrini's growth has been largely due to Oristaglio's dedi- · cation "plus years of hard work, long hours, research, and drive. She does not sit back on her accomplishments . She believes you must prove yourself every day," Willard said. A graduate of Rosemont College with a bachelor's degree in history and certification in secondary education, Oristaglio taught school in Philadelphia when "there was a shortage of teachers.'' She then took a break to begin her family. With two preschoolers to care for, she couldn't resist a request to create a kindergarten at Mo!!t Blessed Sacrament School. Two additional children later (four in all), she became a substitute teacher at Don Guanella School. "I guess I got bored," she said. (It seems doubtful that Oristaglio would ever have time to be bored!) When asked what plans she has for continuing education, she simply said, "increase enrollment." She feels "privileged to be working with Dr. Saul, "dean of continuing education. "There is definitely a need for continuing education ," Oristaglio said. When asked to describe what a continuing education student is, she replied, "It is difficult to define ... any student who has interrupted their education and decides to continue part time (ten or less credits)." Among the varied offerings are: noncredit and credit courses, seminars teacher certification programs, ano1 graduate studies. By now you won't be surprised to

PERS.ONALITV Certainly a book c.ould be written about those 25 industrious years; however, no bragging would be done by Estelle Oristaglio in that chronology. For 14 of those 25 years, Oristaglio has greeted every new student at Cabrmi in her capacity as admissions director. - Oristaglio, now the admissions director of continuing education, credits everyone else for Cabrini's growth: administration, facult_y, and support staff. Givmg credit to others is natural for Oristaglio, according to the new director for admissions, Frank Willard. "She always credits any success to her support staff, but she takes the brunt of any criticism," said Willard. "She is hardest on herself," said Willard. (This coincided with Oristaglio's policy "not to focus upon assets," but instead upon her "liabilities.") "She took me under her wing ," continues Willard, "and has instilled her work values in me. She never demanded more than she herself gave. Of course, she always gave 200 percent," he said. Her motto is: "Shoot for 50 percent, and we'll only get 40 percent; shoot for 100 percent and we can perp.aps

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u RE s

works hard for Cabrini's growth

by M. Anne Torone This semester, Cabrini College will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a record high enrollment of 766 students, as Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, is installed as president .



1.50 1.65


. ,_

__ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __

OVEN TOASTED GRINDERS Tu11afish Grinder . . . . . ... 2.20 RegHoacieGrinder.. . . .. 2.10 MeatBallGrinder. . . . . . . 2.10 HamGrinder ....... . ... 2.30 Rout BeefGrinder.. . . . . 2.40 ItalianGrinder. . ... ... . 2.30 _ TurkeyGrinder . . . . . . . . . 2.20 PastramiGrinder.... .. .. 2.20 Cheese Grinder . . . ... ... 2.00

COLD SANDWICHES Hoagie. . . . . . . . 2.20 __ RegHoacie . .. . ..... . . . 2.10 HamHoacie.... . . . . . . . 2.30 __ RoastBeefHoagie ... . .. . 2.40 __ ItalianHoagie. . . . . . . . . . 2.30 __ Turkey Hoagie . . . ... ... . 2.20 ~Pastrami 'llnaoie. . . . . . . . 2.20, --runafish

Estelle Oristaglio is dedicated to the growth of Cabrini College . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis.)

fincf out what makes Oristaglio happiest: " setting goals for herself and others, maintaining high standards . and doing the best you can do. " She ?.ives her all in every facet of her life. 'There is no first place," she said.

Everything is equafin its importance to her. .She particularly belieieves in the philosophy: "Know that every right you have has a corresponding responsibility."

Piagetian approach to be taught at student seminar by Lori Lyn Smith The Junior League of Philadelphia, the Cabrini College Education Division and the Alumni Association will present a two day seminar on the Piagetian approach to early learning.

"We want the students and anyone who is in direct contact with children to learn the Piagetian approach." Piagetian 1s a word derived from the developmental psychologist named Jean Piaget. His theory applied to the growth and development of young children. Dr . M. L. Corbin-Sicoli, assistant professor of special education and psychology, is partially responsible for the seminar beginning Friday, Oct. 22, 1982 and ending Saturday, Oct. 23i 1982. "This workshop is most valuab e to any student even thouih there is a student fee of $25 (no credit) and $30 (one credit)," says Sicoli. Piaget was a man who believed that a child learned best by being active . The teacher of the child has to understand the principles of child development to be a good teacher. Sicoli also said that Piaget believed that if you

understand a concept, you can invent new ways of using it. "The purpose of the workshop should be clear after learning a litle about Piaget. We want the students and anyone who will be in direct contact with children to learn the Piagetian approach." I wanted to know why there is not excessive publicity about the seminar around campus. Sicoli agrees and hopes that this article is published before Oct. 3. She adds, "The two day workshop begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. One other interesting point to make about the workshop is that one of the instructors scheduled to SJ?eak,Hans Furth, Ph.D, has been a visiting professor at the University of Geneva with Piaget. Other instructors participating in the seminar are Harry Wachs, F.A.A .O., who is a doctor of optometry and presently serves as program director for cognitive develop ment in the School of Education at George Washington University and Sarah M. Pichert, Ph .D., who is currently associate professor of curriculum and instruction in the School of Education at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Frank Saul, Dean of continuing education also feels- that anyone will benefit from this seminar. "Fees are PP}Y. .$4~per person qi,o,cr_edit) and $60 - per person (one· credit).'










Janet Smith heading 1n by Pam Clark

Janet Smith is what every senior should be. She is intelligent , confident and heading for a bright future. She is also one of the frienaliest , most sincere student on campus .

PERSONALITY Smith , a history major, is a young woman who is very involved with the campus community. She believes this to be extremely important and relates it to her belief that " school is what you make it. " Smith 's activities on campus include her membership in Phi Alpha Theta, the international historical honor society . "It's a good honor, " she said . " It comes with doing well in history, but also incorporates the education I'm getting from my liberal arts courses ." The History Club , once a poorlyattended organization, is beginning to thrive under Smith's presidency. "We have an active club this year with a good set of officers who are willing to work hard," she stated . Smith hopes to pursue a career in law when she graduates from Cabrini. She recently took her LSATs (Law School Admission Test) and reports that she felt confident about them. She is the top candidate for a full scholarship from the area Republican Party . Winning it would enable her to attend the law school of her choice. She was also the runner-up in a contest sponsored by the Philadelphia chapter of the Daughters of the Amer-

ican Revolution. The contest is open to senior history majors and is based on the applicants' academic achievements , personality and resume . Smith 's outgoing , friendly m anner has made her many friends on campus. '' There is always someone to talk to , even if I just want a shoulder to cry on, " she said. " I have so many it's hard to count . I'm constantly surrounded by my friends ." While her friends are her support on campus, her parents and boyfriend, Michael Smith (no relation ) are her active support off campus . " Michael wants me to get ahead and achieve the goals I set, " she said. Smith also credits her parents with her success. "They never pressured me," she stated . "They've always said I should be the best I can be ." While she may be a busy person, Smith always has time to help someone. This is especailly evident in the history mid-term tutoring sessions she holds for freshmen . "I remember the terror of Dr . Girard's mid -term," she said. " Tutoring helps take the tdge off it. " Smith seems so content with her life at Cabrini that it is hard to believe she once considered transferring . "I hated it freshman year," she related. " But a lot of things about Cabrini surprised me. "Cabrini's a nice place to learn . It allowed me the time to grow up. If I had it to do again, I would still have come to Cabirni." Smith reflected for a moment then added, "The respect I get here is more important to me than anything. I like people saying--'There ' s Janet Smith-she'll help you' "

What makes some foods appeal more than others? by Mark Magner Have you ever been to a restaurant and felt that the menu was printed in a foreign country? Even if the menu is printed in English, sometimes it's hard to tell exactly what it is that you are ordering. I was surprised in a restaurant once when I ordered sails bury steak. and

There is a sort of an adventure that goes along with eating in an expensive restaurant. the waitress brought me a ham burger . There was no mistake, but if I'd wanted a hamburger, I would have asked for one . There is sort of an adventure that goes along with eating in an expensive restaurant. It's very much like eating in a Chinese restaurant. First you try to pronounce the words on the menu, and then you wait to see what type of food the waiter will bring. Often times it will look like nothing you have ever seen before, but the waiter will always be clever enough to wait until you have your mouth full before he asks you if everything is all right. Is it the name that makes some foods seem more appealing than others? I have discovered that connoisseurs prefer to eat foods with fancy names, whether the food itself is fancy or not. I met connoisseur


once who swore that he wouldn 't lower himself to eat anything called a Chicken McNugget. I don't suppose I blame him, but likewise I find it hard to imagine myself ordering escargot, knowing that it is a fancy French name for baked snails. What then is it that makes a food truly gourmet? To find this answer I dusted off my trusty Webster 's Dictionary and looked up the word gourmet . The definition referred me to the word connoisseur . A connoisseur is one who understands the details of an art well enough to be a critical judge. Then I may assume that gourmet food is good which the chef has put much time and detail into cooking, so much so that it becomes an art. Personally , I prefer simple food that is cooked with care, the way mom does it . I would feel guilty eating someone 's work of art, knowing that if I didn't like it , I would still have to pay for it. It's like buying a Picasso or Rembrandt. Joe 's Pizza Shop and McDonald's are fantastic places to catch a good quick meal ; but there will be those occasions when you prefer to eat at a fancier restaurant. So it it's a date you're trying to impress, don't be too shy to do a little research in the language of fine food, that way you can be sure what the waiter will bring to the table!

Janet Smith, senior, believes that "school is what you make it."

Students enter real world by Elizabeth Kanaras The biology and medical technology majors are really put to the test m their senior year when they are placed into the real world . Every biology major is required to complete an internship that mvolved some type of supervised field experience at an approved off-campus facility . After the field expeience is completed, an oral and written presentation is required in order to graduate . According to Anna Kruse, assistant professor of biology, "We are concerned with gettin~ the student into a professional experience that he would like to pursue in the future. We want to get him exposed to equipment Cabrini does not have and to a natural working environment,'' Kruse said. The seniors who have taken or are in the process of taking an internship are Evetta Borden, Ann Breen Diane Corallo, Andrea Hayes, Anne Hemler, Mary Lynch;, Sue McGinley, Wendy Stetson and uary-Wietecha. Lynch did her internship at the Academy of Natural Sciences. There she did the classification of skulls and skeletons . She also made many trips to the Jersey shore where she captured brine shrimp and experimented on them . Corallo interned at Suburban General Hospital. She followed and participated in the daily. routines of a doctor and the hectic life of a hospital. "It is a great experience for a premed student. It brings out your doubts and fears. It made me sure that this is the occupation for me," Corallo stated . Wietecha interned at Grand View Hospital in Sellersville, Pa. Wietecha mainly focused on gastroenterology the study of diseases and pathology of the stomach and intestines. "I learned a lot about being a doctor

and what his responsibilities are, " said Weitecha. Breen interned at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, in the cancer and blood research center. " It involved the cloning of bacteria. I am interested in genetics and biochemistry so I learned something new ,'' Breen stated. McGinley interned at The Osteopathic Medical Center of Philadelphia. She worked in the infectious disease lab. "It gave me the chance to use certain equipment that Cabrini does not and probably never will have, " McGinley said . Hayes interned at the University of Pennsylvania - Veterinary School in the biochemistry lab. The medical technology majors spend their senior- year as a professional study year at a hospital. According to Kruse, coordmator of the medical technology program, the professional study year fulfills the requirement of the National Accredit ing Agency of Clinical Laboratory Services (NACCLS) so that the student can recieve certification. ''The department prepares the majors aeademically and the hospital prepares them the through theoretical lectures and clinical training, '' Kruse said , Seniors Maria Bova and Dave McCarthy are both doing their professional study at the Medical College and Hospital of Pennsylvania (MCP). "Right now I am in the chemistry lab. I take blood from patients and then do the approwiate tests requested by a doctor, stated Bova. "The work is very difficult compared to college . You are in real working envoronment and doing tests on people. There is no room for error and that puts you in a stressful state,'' McCarthy said.







Teachers face lives of never-ending by Rita McKelvey

Have you ever had a night when you had to take four No-Doz tablets, drink ten cups of coffee, bite your nails to the end, and control an incredible urge to strangle your professor? If you have, you are not alone. You are suffering from the dreaded "Ihate-my-professor-for-giving-me-allof-this-work syndrome." Believe it or not, those seemingly ruthless professors go through the same syndrome . According to Joseph Ro~ano, vice president of acade~ic affairs, teachers are always bemg t es t e d . "St u d en t s are not th e on1Y ones who take tests. We are always taking tests in the name of the college," Romano said. Romano gave an example of a 154page document that he composes along with a committee. The document is entitled Institution Self-Slud y Report for Master in Education

Program .

The report was sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Education on January 25, 1982. . .. Th~ document, which petitioned Harrisburg for approval of a master progra~ . at Cabrini, reminded Ro-

I 111 AM I.H~N..1

mano of his dissertation. It was a lot of work. Romano also remarked that Middle St~t~s comes to evaluate Cabrini's efflci~~cy every . ten years and Cabrm~ must submit a report to them ev,~ry five years. They send a tea_mdown and we g~! th0 usa nd s ~f que sti0 ns th rown at us, Romano said . . . A lS4-page. document is _certaml_y not an easy th mg to accomphsh, a nd it took a lot of research to complete. It Fkakes fh ten~page terh paper liok i e a reel paradgrtap essay . thomano was p ease announce at the document passed oinspection. A d L"t d" t f n rew i avec,. coor ma or .0 elementary educati~n, along with H~len Mapes, also did a long ? comphcat~d report. He ~valuated six early ~hlldhood learning cente~s . The mam p~rpose wa~ to provide ~xcell~nt field study sites for education maJors . Litavec remarked on the amount of preliminary research that he had to accomplish before the report was completed . "We spent many hours meeting together and interv iewing


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application. What makes her job even more tedious is the fact that her report must be 100 per cent correct or she runs the risk of losing everyone 's financial aid. Auditors are sent in by the state and everything has to be perfect on that application. It has to be excellent work. Besides having long forms to fill out , McEvilla also has library research to do. "The laws change so we have to reB:d fe~eral legislature often, " McEvilla said. In addition to keeping track of all financial records of students . . . ' McEvilla is also responsible for students after the graduate. If a student has a government loan, she must keep records on the ~tuden~ for ten years to make_ sure he is paymg off th e loan . How is t~at for a long-range homework assignment? McEvilla remarked that if she would get paid for going to school , school would be her first occupational choice . It is the easiest thing she has ever done in her life.

WCAB begins semester with new look and sound

.i.NI\ I .HSI 11

Spring 1983

teachers and observing children when being taught," Litavec said. He added, "There was a great deal of research and writing. We needed a lot of different scales for evaluation. Getting the types of scales needed took up most of the time . Once we had those, it wasn't difficult." The report, which was 50 pages , took about five weeks to complete. Litavec said that doing the report brought back memories of upper level courses in college, especially the initial research of the report. Litavec remarked that the report was a suecess b ecause h e was a bl e t~ 1ocate centers that had the same philosophy of teaching as Cabrini. Besides tests and re orts, students are constantly being burdened with applications requiring loads of paper work. This is nothing new to Arlene McEvilla, director of financial aid . McEvilla , who handles all of the financial aid at Cabrini College, along ~i~h Beth Lieberma_n, k!),OWS all about filling out long apphcat10~s . . . _Ast_udent appl~mg for fman~ial _aid wil~ fill out _a si~-page apphcation , while McEv1lla fills out a 30-page



by Pam Clark

The Cabrini College radio station, WCAB, is entering its second semester of ~n-air programming . The station ma y be the newes t means of communication on campus , but due to the work of its- staff , it is expanding and growing to provide Cabrini students with a wider variety of programming . New equipment, programming departments and disc jockeys are giving the station a fresher look and sound. Station manager Tom Schultz , sophomore , has high hopes for the station. "I'd like to see a continuation of the growth we started last year ," he said . " I want to see our news and sports departments succeed and all the disc jockeys become versatile , quality on-air personalities." · Schultz stated that he has plans to install some new equipment in the two studios . He is hoping to get a speakerphone , which will provide two-way talk over the air. "This will further open communication between the students and the station," he said . Schultz also hopes to acquire cassette decks . "They can be very beneficial," he said. "We'll be able to use more material and it'll be useful for our newscasts." He explained that cassettes would be helpful with the evaluation of disc jockeys . "The d.j.s can record their shows , then listen to them at home . They can improve their future shows by listening to and understanding their mistakes ." Music Director Andy Zipfel, junior, worked hard over the summer to raise the quality of the station's music. He wrote letters to record companies and recording artists in an effort to upgrade and increase WCAB's music library. "I want to keep the quality music," Zipfel said, "and at the same time introduce new music. This will increase the size of the record library and give the d.j.s a bigger variety of music to play on the air. "The -format will be AOR (albumoriented ro~k), with some freedom for

a few different kinds of theme shows ," he explained. In addition , there will be a list of songs tha t the disc jocke ys will be required to play. This will promote t he newer recordings and , hopefully, increase the ir popularit y. Junior Paul Puckerin , head of the production department, hopes "the staff will understand the workings of the two studios and gain experience in both. " One of his main goals is to see the disc jockeys produce good demo tapes that will be of use to them someday . One of the biggest jobs is that of the promotions director. Sandra McNamara , junior , will be holding that position for the coming year. " I want to present our station as an alternative to other stations," McNamara said. " I hope to promote the station and acquire good listen·ership. I also want to get the campus community directly involved. '' Activities, on campus and off, are in the station's future plans. Dances , parties and contests have been discussed. The station was scheduled to begin broadcasting permanently on Monday , Oct. 4. Students on campus will be able to tune in to 650 AM and hear fellow students spinning records, giving news and sports reports and, in general, having a good time. Broadcast hours will be: noon-midnight Sunday through Thursday; noon-8 p.m. Friday; and noon-6 p.m. Saturday. Other department heads include: Dave Satterthwait, sports; Pam Clark, news; and Mary Kay Margavich, traffic . The · d.j .s are members of the radio broadcasting class and some are returning personalities from last semester. The staff is open to ideas for improving the station and its programming. As Schultz stated, "We'd like to get in touch with the wants and needs of Cabrini students. We want to get the station back on its feet so it can best serve ,th~ needs of the campus community." · -





-lntroduci"ng the executive by Robin Larkins

Their faces are familiar when you see them in the caf. Their names are recognizable when you hear of them around campus. These eight people, about to be introduced, are your elected executive board members to the Student Government Association for the 1982-83 school year. Dane Linn, senior, is president of the SGA. Linn , a veteran of SGA since his freshman year, is the top student representative of the college . His Job is to voice the students ' opinion by serving on various committees with the school's administrators . Linn 1 a special education and elementary education major, is the first Cabrini president ever to serve two uninterrupted terms in office due to new SGA election policies. Linn "enjoys socializing with friends and always hopes to be there whenever a friend is in need." His goal for the semester is to establish more student involvement as well as "better communication between the SGA and the student body.'' The vice-president of SGA is senior Sulamon Allyn. Allyn, a social science major , is also a fouryear veteran of Cabrini's SGA. As vice-president , Allyn works closely with the SGA president, as well as on various school committees such as the Food Committee , Election Committee, and the Master Planning Committee . Allyn _is also involved in Kappa Sigma

Omega, is treasurer of the Living Arts Society, advisor to the Athletic Association and four-year member of the soccer team. Allyn is both a sports and music fan. He loves socializing with friends as much as he loves fashion. . The vice president would like to "see more underclassmen involved in school and student affairs. " The treasurer of SGA is Jeff Brun, senior. Along with his executive board duties, Brun also serves as co-captain of Cabrini's soccer team. As SGA treasurer, Brun is responsible for all of the money budgeted to SGA. His job entails delegating funds to student organizations such as the various clubs on campus. He also reports to the executive board of SGA the status of the financial records. Appropriately, Brun is a business administration major. The corresponding secretary for SGA is senior, Terry Giudice . As corresponding secretary, Giudice 's job is to handle the secretarial work for the Executive Board . Giudice has previous experience on SGA, serving as a dorm representative and a member of dorm council. The corresponding secretar's other duties consist of sending out memos and other media at the request of the president and vicepresident of SGA. Giudice also takes minutes during Food Committee meetings. Terri Hundermark, senior, serves as recording secretary for SGA. On this post, Hundermark records and distributes minutes

19 8 2 HOm eco m i ng w i..l_l________ promise fun for all by Michael Garrison and Ladonna Mahecha

Homecoming weekend, Cabrini 's first big social event for this semester, promises to be an exciting and fun-filled extravaganza. If you are already getting those occasional weekend blues, them Homecoming is just for you. With the combined efforts of the Sophomore Class, Kappa Sigma Omega, and the SGA Social Activities Committee, October 15, 16, and 17 are scheduled with activities which should prove to be enjoyable for one and all. The weekend starts off with the Sophomore Class Homecoming Dance Friday night, October 15, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Robin Larkins, class president, promises the dance to be one of the class ' best yet. With the support of all students, the dance will surely be a success. Next, on Saturoay at 10 a.m ., S.G.A. is sponsoring their annual Homecoming Mascot and Float competitions. You remember the Dixon Devils, Woodcrest's Fruit of the Loom, The Unknown Commuter, and of course, everyone's favorite winner, Counsel Zoo, don't you? Well, they'll all be there, as well as the rest of the houses, with new cars and mascots . Each entering car/mascot group will receive fifteen dollars from S.G.A., which

they must match to pay for decorations and costumes . Five faculty members will be judging the entrants on originality creativity, and theme . According to Patricia Hession, Social Activities Assistant, there has been a change in judging pro, cedures. "This is the first year that the mascot and car will be judged as one entry. In previous years, they were judged separately, giving each dorm and the commuters two chances to win." Larry Comroe, also an Activities Assistant and resident of Counsel, commented, "This year's competition should be great . I am sure the men of Counsel will come up with a few surprises to defend their title ." Peggy Heffernan, Social Activities Chairperson, had this to say , "Even though the scheduling of the game has been difficult, I hope people will still come . Everyone in the Mansion is really psyched for the competition; we plan to dethrone Counsel this year ." One may wonder just how those men of Counsel would feel about that, so we went straight to the top . We asked Bert Siwak, Counsel Hall's Dorm Counsel President, how he felt about the Mansion's threat. "Mansion smansion, they can get psyched all they want, but it is only going to be a big let down. We wish them luck, but Judgement




taken at all SGA meetings. Hundermark is a three-year member of SGA. She also holds the position of president of Cabrini's service organization, Kappa Sigma Omega, and is a resident assistant in the Mansion. Hundermark commented that she "hopes that SGA will better breach the gap between administration and students so tnat everyone wants to become involved." Senior Peggy Heffernan is the social ac tivities chairperson of SGA. Heffernan has previous experience on SGA as well as membership on scores of Cabrini's organizations and committees including field hockey, the Council for Exceptional Children, and the Pennsylvania State Education Association. Along with two assistants , Heffernan coordinates the social activities sponsored by the Executive Board and acts as a liason between SGA and various clubs presidents . Assisting Heffernan are social activities assistants Patty Hession and Larry Comroe. Hession, a senior, is also a member of the Pennsylvania State Education Association . Her position as social activities assistant is her first elected post to SGA. Comroe, also serving on his first elected post to SGA, is the only underclassman elected to the board this year . Comroe also serves as co-business manager to the campus newspaper, radio station, and yearbook. Through these social activities representatives , both new and in¡novative ideas are bein~ planned . Along with the new ideas , old if_~_ed~-1~_0:_~_t_~_:_br_~~_iP_. -b-ei-n-gu-p-he_l_d,_su_c_h_a_s




YOU, TOO, CAN VEGE OUT WITH THE BEST OF THEM ... Come out STUDENTS and FACULTY to the Berwyn Squash Club on Friday, October 22 8 p.m.-12 p.m. Price s3oo Refreshments will be served. ************************************* Day is October 16 and once again Counsel will be there ... in style ." Sounds like something is cooking at the zoo. If this isn't enough for one Saturday afternoon, the final winners for Homecoming King and Queen will also be announced. For the past two weeks, each class has been nominating, and voting for their choices. The senior class has nomi nated four men and four women, underclassmen have nominated

advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College '



three men and three women per class . To wrap up the Saturday with style, Kappa Sigma Omega is sponsoring their annual Parent 's Weekend Dinner Dance . Dinner is from 7 p .m. to 8 :30 p.m., and dancing from 8:30 p.m . to 1 a.m . To conclude this eventful weekend, a special mass has been planned for students and their parents, on Sunday, Oct. 17, with brunch following the services.








Steve Brown: sports and grades work together it 's the day before a game , he 'll still be drilling us ." Langton wasted no time in say ing, " Steve Brown is one of my very fa vorite people . I am happy that he is

Brown handles 'both roles well By Mark Magner Most studens who are involved with sports can understand that their sport requires total dedication, a healthy body, and a quick mind . They should also realize that if they don't budget their time correctly, their grades will be effected. Stephen Brown, junior , is an athlete, student, and assistant soccer coach who believes he has his act together . Brown said, "I believe my involve ment withsports has had a positive ' effect on my grades ." He has been playing soccer for ten years, and insists, "It gives me time to get away from the books." He explained that having too much time to study is no better than having too little time,, because , he said, ''When you buaget your study time, the work really gets done." Brown had second thoughts last semester when soccer coach William Langton asked him to return this season as his assistant coach. Brown said, "I didn't want to be an authority figure, but I really enjoyed playing soccer with these guys. ' He believes that the best way to

Counsel: bored without football By Tom DeMatteis

The sounds of televisions broadcasting football games on Sunday have been non-existent in Counsel Hall and the other dormitories on campus. After the game on Monday, Sept. 20, the players from the National Football League went on strike . As of Oct. 3, they were still on strike and the TVs are still silent. The reasons for the strike are numerous and complicated but it all surrounds the sum of $1.6 billion. The Players Union Head, Ed Garvey, wants this money to be paid to the players through a union managed fund; the players would need no agents. However, labor expert Jack Donlan, speaking for the owners, wants the policy of individual negotiations to continue. The owners are ready to deal with the $1.6 billion, but not the control that Garvey wants. Meanwhile, the television networks are scrambling to fill the time slots that were scheduled to be NFL broadcasts . The men of Counsel are not as concerned about the reasons of the strike, as they are about the lack of football games on Sunday afternoons and Monday nights. Freshman Todd Breeden said, "Sundays are boring without the football games," while Lou Monostra and Mark Duchesne agree that the players being on strilce "stinks." Sophomore Chris Corcoran said, "I miss watching the games but it allows me more time to do my homework ." While the players may have a legitimate gripe about their salaries bemg lower than the other three major sports, they are forgetting about a certain group of people: the fans.

"I really enjoy playing soccer with these guys.

Photo by Jose Rojas .

Steve Brown , sports and grades work together.

view his position as assistant coach, is as a go-between with the coach and the soccer players." Brown's success as an asistant coach can be seen most clearly in his work with freshman Lawrence Tukis

who plays goalie for Cabrini 's soccer team . Tukis had much praise for Brown 's persistance in coaching . " His methods are effective," Tukis said. "He doesn't slack off for a minute , even if

The volleyball team off to a great start



working with me, because he is doing an excellent job , especially with Larry Tukis ." As a student, Langton stated , " I know Steve had problems in the past, but now he is enthusiastic about getting his degree ." Langton played for Cabrini ten years ago , and he is elated to see someone like Brown having so much dedication to the team . Langton and Brown are not just coaches on the same team, they are good friends. Often they will go places and do things together. Langton mentioned that soon he and Brown plan to go skydiving together. Langton concluded, ' 'Steve is enjoying life, and that 's the way it should be at his age ."

Athletic dept . sponsors bowling intramurals By Karyn Rinaldi A new project that Cabrini College has to look forward to in the future is the start of an intramural bowling team .

The Brunswick Bowling Co. has contacted the college athletic dept. in regard to bowling on an intramural basis. (



. ,,

Terri Leinenbach, senior, along with Helen Goodwin, women's athletic director, and chairperson of the physical education dept., and John Dzik, head coach of the men's basketball team, are responsible for getting the program underway. There are bowling lanes, located in King of Prussia. This is one possibility of where the intramurals may be held . The main idea is to get student interest, and to build confidence for those people who need something more than the ordinary school and classwork . "If there is enough student interest, we are going to put the program into effect," said Dzik, "but we need to have a group to make a go of it ."

Women's volleyball team works at improving team.

Photos by Jose Rojas.

Since most of the student body is still settling in, and are not exactly sure of what they want, the bowling will be looked further into by the second semester of this school year . As soon as the representatives get together on this issue, there will be more information available.






Kneeling11Ju1t1econd-natureto the Upper Darby Royals , who captured an "outstanding" rating in Cabrini's Marching Band Festival on Sunday, Oct. 3. (Photo by Mark M. Magner.)

om puters expand math department By Susan Baj The fast-paced world of computer technology is here. Are you ready to deal with it? Cabrini College has the computer technology to help you on your way to a basic understanding of how computers function and can affect many areas in our lives, and not just

This is the first in a series on the effects of the new computers on Cabrini academia. mathematical ones. The computers have had an effect on the Cabrini College campus as a whole. However, to be more specific, his article will deal with effects of the computers on the math department. According to Norman Olson, comuter science has become a major rea of study starting this 1982 fall

.semester. It constitutes a number of courses involving business, statistics, and several others. Olson teahes a Cobol course at Cabrini College, as well as an introductory course in Data Processing. The main type of computers at Cabrini College are Apple computers. These are popular for home use and are somewhat professional. According to Olson, the Apple computers are "good for learning and teaching the basics in how to be more professional.'' Olson stated, "The computer is a tool in achieving one's own professional activities. It is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Computers are tools for achieving mastery over information content one deals with, while providing the means for data to actually be processed and calculations to be drawn." The math department is greatly enhanced by the computer, the in-

BSU's Gospelrama By Ann Belsky A Gospelrama is the highlight of the lack Student Union's agenda for this emester. Slated for Saturday, Oct. 23, the ospelrama is a cultural experience oncentrating on religious songs and ymns. It is organized to "raise conciousness on campus," BSU Presient Rita Calicut said. Held in the chapel, the Gospelrama ill feature singers from the Overrook Gospel Chorus, First Corinthin, St. Malachi, St. Columba's and abernacle. Soloists will be among hose performing. These churches erald from as far away as Burington, New .Jersey . Those affiliated ith the Union will emcee the event, ut the spotlight is on the singing . Evetta Borden, secreary /treasurer of the Union, exlained the Gospelrama as a "festival f praise through music." Everyone is invited to attend. A $2 dmission fee will be charged for all tudents and $3 for non-students. Concluding the afternoon of celeration will be a reception in the ansion. Refreshments will be erved. The BSU is providing transporta.on for the members of the choruses


formation management tool, rather than by a simple calculator. Olson stated, "A calculator could be used to simply solve problems. The computer brings more to the issue or problem as a whole in that it manages the information.'' The computers have had such a great effect on the math department that it seems to be the department's goal to work as close as possible with the students so they receive as much of the mathematics they need for computer science, while also offering resources for the math people to learn to use the computer more effectively as a tool. In response to the effects of computers on the math department, the department, in turn, is trying to increase their support from computers toward other areas in Cabrini College, as well. F-0r example, a running workshop for the education department in computer literacy is planned, accord-

ing to Olson. The student perspective on the issue concerning the effects of computers on the math department is interesting also. This issue may be of particular concern to the math major and computer science major. After all, the computers are currently having a great deal to do with their curent education process. What is learned in the student's college education will determine career opportunities in the future. Sophomore Eileen Herbig, a math major, feels that computers not only have a tr~mendous effect on the math department, but could provide her with an alternate career life style. Herbig stated, "I am a math major going for teacher certification. The computer aspect will give me something to fall back on when considering employment opportunities in case teaching doesn't work out."

a festival of praise

' •


Terri Leinenbach, EIieen Herbig, and Kate Connolly hustle for the Lady Cavs when they took on the Keystone Conference Champions in the BSU fund raiser . (Photo by Holly Young.)

and anyone in those congregations _ wishing to attend. To raise money for the transportation fees, the BSU is sponsoring four fund raisers, two raffles, Slumber Time, and a very unusual basketball game. In one of the raffles, the prize is cash. The chances are three for $1. The drawing is scheduled to be held Oct. 21, First prize is $10, second $7, ·and third»$5.

At 25 cents a chance for a lovable smurf, everyone delved deep into pockets to locate quarters among the lint and aging gum wrappers. For three weeks, a smurf a week is given a chance to acquire a new owner in the second raffle. Smurf, Smurfette and Papa Smurf can count themselves among the new members of the Cabrini community .

"About 75 percent of the campus is involved in the raffles," Angie Calicut, BSU member, said of the success of the fund raiser. "And we expect the support to continue." All you lonely females out there, do you miss mommy (or daddy) coming in your room at night, reading you a bedtime story, giving you a smart kiss on the head, tucking you in, and quietly slipping down to watch the last half of "Dynasty"? The BSU offers a solution to your woes. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 5, 6 and 7, 10 male students were delegated tucking-in duty . They were assigned story-reading and carried on from there. When the Keystone Conference Champions entered the gymnasium on Thursday, Sept. 30, bundled in mittens, they were not protesting the use of the fans during practice. They were preparing to take on the Lady Cavaliers in a pre-season tournament. The BSU charged $1 admission to defray the cost of flyers and, again, to put in the bin for the chorus transit. "There was a nice turnout," President Calicut said of the event. "Everyone enjoyed themselves and asked about a repeat next year.-" •






Heart disease is #1 cau.se of death by Elizabeth Kanaras Heart disease, stroke and other heart related disorders kill more Americans each year than all other causes of death combined. There are many factors associated with heart disease, some of which can be changed, some cannot, and others just contribute to the disease. The risk



factors that cannot be changed are heredity, sex, race and age. There are 25,000 babies born with heart defects each year, and it appears that a tendency towards heart disease is inherited. According to Mary Mulligan, campus nurse, there are many people on campus with some type of heart disorder. "We have a few people on campus who have had open heart surgery and there was a person who went into cardiac arrest once," said Mulligan. Men have a greater risk of heart attack than women do, blacks have a 50 percent greater chance of having

high blood pressure than whites and nearly 1 in 4 heart attacks occurs before the age of 65. There are contributing factors that can sometimes be changed. One is obesity and the other is stress. Obesity is an increase in body weight beyond the physical and skeletal req mrements due to an accumulation of excess fat. This puts a strain on the heart and increases the chance of developing high blood pressure. Stress, bodily or mental tension caused by physical, chemical or emotional factors, can also put a strain on the heart. Accordin~ to Dr. Mary Louise C. Sicoli, assistant professor of psy- / chology, the effects of stress play a very controversial role in the mental health profession. ''Some professionals in the mental health field feel that stress is a variable in health and others do not think it is," stated Sicoli. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the professional psychologists that are available in the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center. The major contributing factors that can be changed are cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.

Woodcrest has spirit of Cabrini's 25 years by Rita Calicat Congratulations to Jim Lawlor and the editorial staff of the 1982 Woodcrest yearbook for a job well done. The year 1982 has brought many celebrations to Cabrini as the college completes its 25th anniversary. The Woodcrest staff has captured the spirit and excitement of this year in an excellent fashion. From cover to cover the Woodcrest is filled with the many moments which made our 25th anniversary celebration both memorable and successful. The pages express the birthi growth, and realization or dreams of both students and administration. Lawlor's staff consisted of six editors and four photographers. Alumni Kathy Mignogna and Lisa Fitzgerald were editors of the senior section of Woodcrest. Capturing the true sense of campus life, students at work, play and protest were editors Joyce Patitucci, alumnus, and Jeanne Proko, junior. Credit for the action-filled pa~es of the sports section goes to Junior Pam Clark. ¡ A ~reat portion of any yearbook s excellence must go to the photography staff. Good job, Junior Tom DeMatteis editor and seniors Debbie Jablonski, Elizabeth Kanaras, sophomore, Mark Magner and alumnus David Milburn. Lawlor worked with a relatively small staff and produced a book filled with quality as well as quantity. Cabrini could not have had a book better repre-

sent its "coming of age," wli.ich is the theme of the 1982 yearbook. Lawlor was well pleased with the final outcome of this edition of Woodcrest. "There were times when I thought that it was a wasted effort to work on this

The heart attack death rate among people who do not smoke cigarettes is lower than for people who do smoke. Over 35,520,000 Americans have high blood pressure. HiSh blood pressure, or hypertension, is an unstable or persistent elevation of blood pressure above the normal range of 120/80. High blood pressure can lead to a stroke as well as a heart attack.

Factor that Cannot Chan Hereaity


also called myocardial infarction. It is the damaging or death of an area of the heart muscle resulting from a reduction in the blood supply reaching that area. A stroke is also called cerebrovascular accident. It is an impeded blood supply to some part of the brain. A life-saving method for someone who is having the signals of a heart

Contri u ing Factors

/actor that Can Be Changed Cigarette



J igh Blood Pressure


High Cho1esterol (Statistics

Mulligan has a sphygmomanometer (the instrument they attach to your arm and then inflate to check your blood pressure) in her office, and she will check your blood pressure upon request. According to Sicoli, biofeedback, the technique where someone tries to consciously re~ulate their bodily functions 1 is bemg used to lower or regulate olood pressure. If your cholesterol levels are too high, then fatty deJ;>Ositsbuild up in the artery walls. This in turn narrows the passageways~ prohibiting blood to pass through, aim may lead to a heart attack or stroke. Heart attack and stroke are two completely different things with two different effects. A heart attack is


from thf


,a ck of :,;xer. Stress

funerican Heart Asso ciation)

attack. or _stroke is car~iopulmonary r_esusc1tat10n(CPR). It is a combination of chest compressions and mouthto-mouth breathmg. It will keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain until advanced cardiac life support can be initiated. "You cannot initiate CPR unless you have completed a certified course m it. We have over 80 people on campus who are certified. We are planning to have another certifying cour~e ~hortly, " stilted Mulligan. This 1s general mformation to fa. miliarize you with heart disorders . Only a doctor can diagnose a problem and treat you for it. For more information, contact Mary Mulligan, your local doctor or the American Heart Association . '

Cabrini helps out ballet by D. B. Field

Yearbook editor, Jim Lawlor, relaxes after a job well done.

book," Lawlor stated. "I am glad now that I had the willpower to stick it ou~ " Proko. junior ,- editor of the 1983 edition of Woodcrest believes that the 1982 yearbook is one of the highest quality. "Jim had a very small staff but he produced a quality yearbook. I am sure his will be tough act to follow, but he has left me a sound foundation to work from.'' Lawlor and his staff realized the significance of Cabrini's 25th anniversary. They compressed the many happenings of the year into a book which expresses both the excitement and excellence of ii small college "coming of age" m every aspect. Editors and staff of Woodcrest 1982,Cabrini salutes you on a job well done.

Woolf?" The evening's entertainment alsb Hard times fell upon the Pennsylvaincluded a piano solo of "Rigaudon" nia Ballet, and Cabrini College was from Le Tombeau de Couperin and there to help. Debussy's "Sarabande " and "First While most students were home Arabesque" by critic Michael Caruso. working summer jobs, Cabrini ColPianist William Carr of Upper lege held a benefit to raise money for Providence performed the Pennsylvania Ballet on June 26 in Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Sonata the mansion. in B-flat minor . The main coordinator on Cabrini From the Opera Company of PhilaCollege's end was Artistic Director, delphia, tenor Krunoslav Cigoj and Daniele Perna. Perna, along with soprano Sheryl Lazzartti sang excommittee members Jeanne Fisher, cerpts from Puccini's "La Boheme." Bonnie Fahey, and Happy Shipley, Accompanied by Davyd Booth, viosuccessfully brought in 200 reservalinist Michael Ludwig of Havertown tions for the big event. performed works by Wieniawski and In an article with reporter Pat Jordan, Molly Pew, Vice President of the , Kreisler. Pennsylvania Ballet, explains that When asked.. in an interview with times are hard for everyone, especialMichael Caruso why he started the ly the ballet, and that benefits, like benefit, Dan Perna stated, "The arts the one held at Cabrini, are what must support the arts. If we don't help keeps the ballet going. each other, who will?" At $25 per person, the audience was "We'll all be in trouble. If the ballet treated to a late evening supper. The folds, we'll all have problems. You Pennsylvania Ballet's principal danhave to remember that the Pennsylcers, Tamara Hadley and William vania Ballet is a quality company. DeGregory, performed "Pas de "It's worth the effort to try to help Deux" from Don Quixote and "Pas de them now that they need it. And I Deux" from Swan Lake. think it's wonderful that a small liberCabrini College's Jeanne Fisher al arts college in the suburbs like acted out monologues from "A StreetCabrini can do something for the car Named Desire," "Anastasia," ballet." and "Who's Afraid of Virginia







New ideas 1n theOter need support By Jeanne Hoepfl Theater buffs will enjoy many nights in Cabrini's Little Theater as this semester's syllabus is chock full of performances. The theater set three one-act plays on the agenda. A weekly video arts critique program called the "Critics Choice" will be reviewed by a major network for possible purchase. The series of Monday night theater workshops called Mirth, Mime and Make Believe are for the mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, brain injured, vision, hearing and mobility imaired. "I am so busy I almost don't have ime to talk about it," said Daniele A.

Perna, director of the theater. "Over the summer I thought an evening of "Fumed Oak" by Noel Coward, "The Twelve Pound Look" by James M. Barrie and "The Tenor" by Fran Wedekin would be nice, but now I've decided it's just three times the work. There have to be three sets of costumes, three scores of music and three sets. The play has to have a beginning, a middle and an end all in one act. Everyone has taken much upon themselves and I hate the pressure," Perna said. Sandra McNamara said, "The character of Kate I played in "The Twelve Pound Look" was the sort of woman I'd like to be when I get older.


hmm good!




Bernadette Dem1kl enjoys digging into her self-made scrumpdelicious ice cream delight at the Campus Ministry's Ice Cream Extravaganza on Oct. 4. (Photo by Holly Youn~.)

She has wit, brains and she is a true lady. I've been in every show over the last three years and this was my most enjoyable part." Cathy Sullivan, who played Mrs. Rockett in "Fumed Oak," said, "My part was such a challenge. It was hard for me to get into the older movements. I am disappointed that more students and faculty don't come out to see the plays. The theater needs supnort the same as the sports teams do.'" Jeanne Proko, who nlayed Doris in "Fumed Oak" said, ''rm glad I got involved. This part was hard for me to play. Maybe 1t was because I am mentally typecast from playing Mary Poppins last year. I like all types of plays though .'' The workshops for the exceptional people are under the direction of Grace Armando, a graduate of Cabrini College in special education and Don Guilena, who works for Saint Edmon's Home for Crippled Children. The program is jointly sponsored by the Central Baptist Church in Wayne under the direction of Carolyn Brunschwyler. "Theater, special education students and just plain volunteer students are participating in the workshops with the except10nal people," said perna. "I love working with the exceptional people. It gives me the satisfaction of being loved and needed.'' "I got involved because I am a special education major and I am also interested in the theater," Cynthia Schulmeyer, workshop assistant to Perna said. "We don't have enough volunteers . Last week we had only six girls come out to help, consequently we can't work on a one-to-one basis ." The small group meets to do music and movement and then role play. They meet on Monday nights from 6:30to 8:00p .m. at the Baptist Church in Wayne. If anyone wants to help they should get in touch with Perna or Schulmeyer . "I have a certain patience I have acquired. I have been working with

Video boom invading Cabrini y Francine Kuterbach

Are space invaders invading your ife? Is Pac Man eating a hole in your ocket? Has Donkey Kong kidnapped our girlfriend? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a possibility you ave become addicted to video ames . According to an article in the Feb. 2 issue of U.S. News and World eport, $8 million will be spent on :video machines on the East Coast this ear. Much of that money will unoubtedly be fed to the machines in he Cabrmi College game room. Mike Duska, sophomore, visits the ame room every day. He finds the ames interesting and tries to do etter each time he plays. "The more ou play, the better you get. I like to ee how well I can do," Duska said. Duska feels he could give up laying altogether, but it would be ifficult. "For me, it's like an obession, rather than an addiction," uska said. Although the money facor bothers him, it doesn't keep him way from the machines. For many, getting those quarters as become more important than folowing the law. Cases have been reorted of children stealing quarters

from their mothers' purses. In the same U.S. News article, it was reported that parking meters outside a video arcade had been broken into. For Colleen Wagner, sophomore, money prevents her from indulging in "Frogger" more than once or twice a month. She feels video games are a natural r,rogression from pinball machines . 'In the '60's, everyone was playing pinball. Now, it has switched to electronic games.'' To her the ~ames are an escape mechanism. 'When I'm playin~ I don't think about anything else, 1 said Wagner. Another student added, "Everyone in our life is always telling us what to do. When I'm playing Pac Man, I'm in control. I make him go where I want.'' Whatever the reason, video games are increasing n popularity across the country. An article in the April 26 issue of Time states that Atari posted a 57 percent profit increase in the first quater of 1982. The question of addiction probably depends on the individual. Senior Dan Welde and Mike Lowry, sophomore, said the popularity of video stems from the way Americans like to play games. "It's really just something to do. There's no challenge to them," Welde said.

Both agree they were not addicted to video games, although they reserved further comment because they wanted to get back to their Ms. Pac Man game . Debbie Kidon, sophomore, however, admits her addiction. Her favorite game is Pac Man . "Now that there's no Pac Man on this campus, I'm going into withdi;awal.'' Kidon says that the video games relieves the tensions and pressures that come from school. "It's like living in a fantasy. It's a great escape.'' Kidon feels that the video craze is sweeping the nation because people are searching for something new and different. They also like the attention they get when they become really good at a game. "The attention is awesome when vou score a lot of points. If you're in an arcade and you're going along really good, people start to gather around the machme and pretty soon you have a crowd. People love to get attention like that ," said Kidon.

the handicapped for about four years and I see any little foot that kicks alittle higher or voice that sings a little louder as an improvement and it makes me very happy," Schulmeyer added.

Jane Harrington as Helen Marova contemplates the advice of "The Tenor" Gerardo , played by Kevin Sexton from Eastern College in a one-act play directed by Daniele Perna. (Photo by Mark M. Magner.)

The video program Perna is involved with gives communication students a chance to work on a professional level. Will Langton, the soccer coach, is directing the show. The show has two hosts, including Patricia Jordan, a free-lance writer for the Main Line Times. The hosts open the show by critiquing a pla y they have seen . They have a guest on the show to discuss the critique . "I have a grand excitement about the whole thmg ," Perna said. One of the theater's next projects is the children's play "Snow White " in December, which is to be put on by the theater lab. "I love the theater and I believe in hard work and discipline," Perna said. "Come out and see the shows. "

The eating problem no

one talks about:

BULIMIA Thousands of people struggle with a little-known problem called bulimia, a continuous, insatiable hunger often involving "bingeing" and then purging through vomiting and the use of laxatives and diuretics. Bulimia is usually accompanied by feelings of depression. Help is now available for this problem, so if you're experiencing any of these symptoms and would like to discuss them, contact ERE Health Systems, Inc., (215) 664-5443 or 667-6888. All Inquiries w/11be kept strictly confident/al.






Upper classl'Tlenare demanding more respect by Brian P. Jensen

A brewing discontentment seems to be emerging from some behind the scenes of the Cabrini College soccer team, as team members and coaches discuss their feelings and philosophies about the game. According to Jeff Brun, team cocaptain, several players are at a "simmering l)Oint' in regards to how things are gomg with the team. "Inward attitudes are shakey. There are a lot of touchy feelings inside the team." Brun said. '' A lot of the older guys have gripes a bout the amount of playing time they are getting and are not pleased with the unfair attitude of tne coaches." Brun said. "The coaches are placing a lot of emphasis on the younger players, who are indeed skilled, but in doing so, I think they are neglecting the older players on the team," Brun continued. Will Loup Langton, explained his philosophy as coach of the Cabrini soccer team. "I think that 70% of our coaching job is getting good recruits for the team and developing them," Langton said. Langton stressed skills as the primary part of the game and pointed out that the new recruits, along with some upperclassmen, are very skillful. Langton went on to explain that his understanding of the mens athletic program _at Cabrini is to achiev _e a

"competitive level." To do this, Langton has recruited six new freshmen players, all of whom assume startmg positions on the team. Goalie coach, Steve Brown stated, "the nucleus of the team is definitely the freshmen. We are filling in the older players around them." Said assistant coach, Tom Bryant, "We put a lot of stock in the new guys. They are definitely the better players on the team." Bryant went on to say, "I think that the upper classmen are blending well with the new recruits." To that statement, one senior member of the team, Tony Ciro said, "That is the most scewed up statement I ever heard." Ciro went on to explain his discontentment with the current situation by stating 1 "We (seniors) are the base of the Caorini soccer team. The team wouldn't be here today if it weren't for us. We at least deserve respect and we certainly aren't getting any. It is very ironic for the coaches to think that we (older players) have to blend with them (freshmen)." Ciro made it clear that he had nothing against the new recruits, but he certainly .wasn't pleased with the way he was being treated by the coaches compared to how the freshmen are being "pampered." Jeff Brun feels that since attitude is an essential part of the game, his coaches are not helping matters by paying less attention to the older players.

"They often put unfair emphasis on the new guys, and disregard the seniors. They are being indifferent to us. I'm not thrilled about that," Brun said. Coach Lan~ton regards any discontentment as 'something the individual is going to have to deal with." '' A few of the players are making the adjustment. I can understand that is difficult for a player who has started for three years to find himself not playing as much as he is used to, but maturity and character can overcome the fu~tration." Langton said. Langton also exl)lained that it is an accurate assumption to say that the older players must blend with the younger ones. "Six starters constitute more than half the team. In that respect it is iportant for the older players to work well with the new guys," Langton said. Langton also stated that he did not regard any personal discontentment as hurting tne attitude of the team. '' I don't feel the spirit of the team is hurting at all. All of the men blend well together." Langton said. Langton also complemented the general attitude of the team. "I see a totally positive attitude carried by both freshmen and upper classmen," Langton said. Assistant coach Bryant stated, "I think all of the men appreciate our

• on up This cheerleading squad •1s moving

philosophy. There are no problems. Cabrim is playing a different soccer game than a year ago. I attribute much of that to the new guys." "I don't agree with the coaches philosophies at all," said a disgrunted Sul Allyn. "To give 100percent and to have a good attitude about the game, one has to enjoy it. I'm not enJoying it." Allyn also added, "It is obvious that the spirit is the team is low. A lot of upper classmen are complaining, not just a few. The negative effect on team spirit is coming from the coaching staff." "Sure, many of the new players are good, but why make it so loud and clear that the older players are any less. We feel that we are not needed anymore," Allyn said. Freshman recruit, Pat Connelly, thinks that the skill of the young players mixed with the agression of the older ones makes up a good combination. "Even the older guys say that you can't compare this year's team to last year's. If we continue to recruit, we'll even get better." Co-ca-P.tain Brun agrees that as a whole, 'the new group is a better team than the old group." Brun also pointed out, however, that several of the older players, including himself, feel that they ae "taken for granted."

Season tickets now available by John McQueen

by Lisa DiSantis

Cheerleaders, in the past, were always unable to become a club or an organization. September of 1983 will brmg prestige to the cheerleaders who will become a team, having team status and a budget which will be

allotted to them. This will help finance the needs of the sql_lad. This year the cheerleaders will receive $300 from the Athletic Department to help p~y for new uniforms. They will also have fund raisers

Cheerleaders are up on top! Photo by Lisa DelBerello.

throughout the year to pay for their travel and expenses. With the help of a budget next year, the cheerleaders will not have the problems of raising money, as they had in the past. A specific amount of money will be given to them for their expenses. In the fall the group cheers for the soccer and field hockey teams and they attend volleyball games. During the winter months they cheer for the men and women's basketball teams. The twelve girls are very dedicated and hardworkmg athletes. They prac tice three days a week and attend games. If they are not cheering, they are busy raising money. They have something scheduled for almost everyday of the week. The 12 memers of this year's squad are: Capt. Judy Loenser, Sr. and CoCapt. Karen Abramoff, Soph., Seniors Donna Degnan and Carolyn Sanson, Junior Meg Udovich, and sophomore Lisa Nucero. The Freshmen include: Mary Ellen Brett, Chris Denardo, Peggy Wysocki and Amanda Gamel. The two alternates are: Freshmen Denise Tinucci and Cathy O'Brien. The cheerleaders are a great asset to the spirit of the school. To keep this spirit and enthusiasm going at the games this year the cheerleaders will be doing some new cheers _and mounts. There's a possibility hat male students will be helping and participating with the cheerleaders this year also. When asked Loenser and Abramoff if they would like to see anything different at the games this year, they replied that they would like to see the cheerleaders motivate the spectators by doing cheers as opposed to just being part of the crowd.

For the first time, the Cabrini Cavaliers basketball team will be releasing season tickets for sale. Tickets will go on sale on Oct. 15 For $10., a season ticket holder will be able to see eight Cavalier home games. These _games include all Keystone Athletic Conference home games, games against Johns Hopkins University, Rutgers-Camden and Spring Garden. Also with a season ticket, the holder will receive transportation to and from the Stockton State game _at the Palestra in Philadelphia. John Dzik athletic direcvtor, considers the saie of season tickets to be a great value package. "The Stockton Stae game at the Palestra is a $10. value within itself. If you consider the fact that it is a $6 value to reserve a seat at the game , and it is a $4 transportation cost to go to and from the Palestra onpublic transportation " said Dzik. There has always been the idea of season tickets among the four coaches of the Cavaliers basketball team . "The development of the teami and the program, makes the sale or season tickets a worthwhile investment,'' Dzik stated . Joe Kelly, assistant coach, feels that the season ticket is a money value as well as a distinction in the basketball program at Cabrini. ''The ticket is good for both students and faculty, and I hope a lot of support will be given to the team through the purchase of the tickets," said Kelly. Both season tickets and tickets for the Nov. 14 game at the Palestra can be purchased in the athletic office, in the gym. The _price of the Plaestra game tickets alone is $6. All profits from the sale of basketball season tickets will go into a fund which supports all Cabrini athletic organizations, not just the men's basketball team, according to Dzik.



Then the hoop went

swoosh! by Danny Ross Cabrini College Keystone Conference champs versus Cabrini College Women 's basketball. That's what the advertisement on the wall in Sacred Heart hall said. Cabrini men's basketball versus Cabrini women's basketball? Somehow one finds it hard to imagine one of Cabrini's finest women's basketball plarers, Kate Connolly, playing agamst one of the men's finest-John McQueen or Dodi Watkins. But there they were, Cavalier against Cavalier in an all out battle to see which team was better at hamming it up for a fun game and at the same time, trying to out-score each other . The game, however, was not a grudge match betweenthe men and womenon campus. It was dreamed up by the Black Student Union as a fund raiser. To keep the game from getting out of hand and turning into a free for all, certain rules were made to handicap the men's height advantage. One rule was that anyone over six feet tall on the men's team could not jump during the game except for shooting a Jump shot or a layup. Another rule was that the men had to wear mittens on their hands while they were playing . As the game got underway, one could see that the handicaps were well thought out and this was going to

be a decent game. The announcer Sul Allyn kept the audience in stitches with comments about the play during the game. The highlight of the evening was when Paul Breslin ran over · one of the women , and announcer Allyn accused him of murder because no foul was called. As the game wound down to an end, the men's earn found themselves up a few baskets and the final score stood 66 to 58. After talking to a few players I found feelings concerning the game were basically good. Dodi Watkins said he really had a good time during the game and would do it again in a minute .

"I think we could have beat them if they tied one hand behind their backs. " Pat Nolan added, "It was fun because no one was really serious ." Everyone out there had a good time. Eileen Houston, a guard for the women's team, said she also enjoyed playing the game . Houston said she was glad to help out the Black Student Union. "Not only did it make some money for them, but it also helped get us in·shape for our season," she said. The women's team was glad to see coach Mike Tenaglia there because everyone wanted to play and someone had to be there to assign positions . Houston closed with this statement. "I think we could beat them if they tied one hand behind their backs." So the game turned out as planned, no one lost their temper, and no one lost any pride. The game ended as all games should, both teams shook hands and left the court. But I can't help wondering whether Eileen was right. Would tbe girls have beaten tnem if they had tied one hand behind their backs?

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Junior Paul Breslin broke Cabrini College 's cross country record for the five mile race. Beslin who finished first for Carini but fourth overall, finished the five mile race in 30 minutes five seconds .



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Goalie Larry Tukis received his first shut out of the season against Lincoln University.


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Breslin is a 3 sport athlete and gives his all to each game . VOLLEYBALL - Congratulations to the growing Volleyball team , celebrating a 6 win and 1 loss season thus far. Coach Jerry Szabo believes tha t there is no one star athlete but th e team is star quality as a whole . " We are a young team and we are growing and playing together as a team and the results are pleasing ."


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CROSS COUNTRY - Paul Breslin, 84, performed in star capacity in the Oct. 2 cross country match here at Cabrini. Breslin broke the course reco rd and was responsible for Cabrini's win against NAIA District 19. 1982 cross country champs, Alvernia College. Coach Larry Larson said, "Paul was a great asset in the match today and will be a definite plus in the cross county program. He completed the course in record time and is playing a fantastc second half in the soccer game. "


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Volleyball team ¡ learns hard way By Paul Breslin In most situations, learning the hard way is of no value at all. It tends to make a person very frustrated, and the result might even end up in resignation. Well, this wasn't the attitude of the ¡ women's volleyball team before they took of to Cantonville, Maryland for a volleyball tournament on Oct. 9. They knew they were going to be playing quality teams, and learning from their good play was the main objective that the women's volleyball team had in mind. When talking to Gerry Szabo, the coach of the women's volleyball team, he said, "This tournament will be nothing more than a learning exp,erience for the team. By playing with and observing the great volleyball in Marylani:l, we should be able to learn what the game is really all about. By learning the hard way in Maryland, it should also make it a lot easier to play with the teams on the regular schedule." Before coming to Cabrini, Szabo was the women's athletic director at Wilmington College, from 1979-1981. Those two years, he wasa also the head volleyball coach for the women's team, and his overall record was 97 wins and 21 losses. When coming here, Szabo did it with one goal in mind, which was to bring a winnin~, but enjoyable program to Cabrini College.

Photo by Jose Rojas.

EIINn Herbig and Debbie Harvey play their game with gusto .

Even before the team left for Maryland, they knew they weren't goin~ to be able to accomplish the winning side of this goal. The important thing to them was to keep a good attitude tiy learning from the qualitr teams they'd be playing, and by enJoying themselves throughout the process.

The returning players are: senior Debbie Harvey, junior Kathy Kalbach, and sophomores Ann Belsky, Joan Johnson, Denise Carr, Pam Lane, and Eileen Herbig. The new members of the team are: sophomores Katie Fitzpatrick and Nina Sommaripa. Both of them have been at Cabrini, but have just decided

to go out for the team this year. The new freshmen coming in are : Joanne Goebel, Shelagh McGinn and Leslie Kraska. When I asked the team members how they felt about the upcoming tournament, they all seemed to have the same outlook and attitude about it as Szabo did .

Cavaliers come in second place

Runner note time with coach Larson .

by Danny Ross

The Cabrini College cross country squad is looking forward to the Keystone Athletic Conference Championship meet. Last year the squad took second in the meet losing only to Alvernia . Since Cabrini came in ahead of Alvernia in a scheduled meet, already run this year, things look good for the championship meet. Mark Duchesne, a first/ear runner said he felt pretty goo about the team. "Although I don't know the area competition I think we will do pretty well," he said. Gerard Lennon also a first year runner, feels they have a strong team. He said, "In the beginning we had a very promising team but then Tony Casazza found out he had to have surgery. He was our number one runner and with him out all the rest of

'1.. !

Photo by Jose Rojas.

us will have to work a little harder." Mike Hilsey, who has been running for Cabrini for four years now says he is confident that Cabrini wiil win this year. Part of the confidence Hilsey shows is probably due to the addition of two new runners to the team. Duchesne, who is a freshman this year, has been running cross country since junior high school. This will be his seventh year in the sport and he has trained all year round, since he was a junior in Charles W. Woodward high school. Lennon, the other new face this year, is a sophomore and has been running since his junior year in St. Elizabeth high school. Coach Larry Larson unfortunately cannot be at the fractices because he is a head coach a an area high school. However he does attend the meets

and provides supervision and knowledge gained over the years . He feels Cabrini will be strong this year in the championshiJ? meet. So far Cabrmi hasn't done too bad in its meets. The first meet didn 't count though because Cabrini could not find a fifth man to run for them. Five men are needed to run in order to qualify. In the second meet the Cavalier runners placed second to Penn State Capital, but in front of Alvernia, the Keystone champs fr the last two years. The Cvalaiers have been training hard for the upcoming championships. Their practices start at four o'clock and consist of stretching exercises and either a 10 mile run or a hard 5 mile run and hill work. Hill work means sprinting up and down the hill at the back entrance to the colleg~.

Lennon runs with determination on a pulled muscle in his leg. Photo by Jose Rojas.

On the day before a meet the team usually does 2 or 3 light miles. The coach1s not around much during practice times so the team members are pretty much on an honor system about keeping up their mileage. Lennon said, "the stop watch does not lie and if you don't run it will show." Hopefully all this work will prepare the Cavaliers for their ultimate goal, winnin~ the Keystone Conference Championship. The Cavaliers will compete against such schools as Alvernia, Penn State Capitol, Miseicordia, SP.ring Garden and Beaver . The 5 mile championship run will take place on Oct. 20 and Hilsey, Duchesne, Lennon and Tony Newkirk will all be there to represent Cabrini.

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