Oct. 29, 1982 issue 03 Loquitur

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Installation by Maureen Carroll

and Sheila Fanelle If we trace the roots of the word

convocation, we find from its Latin origin that it means to call together. Truly, the 1982Fall Convocation was the materialization of that meaning. ' The Oct. 24 celebration called together students, faculty, administrators, board of trustee members, relatives, friends and faculty and administrators from other colleges. All attended to acknowledge achievement of students, faculty members and one woman who transposed her role at Cabrini from student to administrator to college president. This unprecedented task was accomplished lby Sister Eileen Currie, MSC. Currie assumed her new responsibilities as pesident on July 1, after former president Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, MSC, ended her 10-year tenure. However, her official installation by board president Edith Dixon highlighted Sunday's affair. "It is all very thrilling," Currie said. "There are new challenges to be met. Cabrini is an exciting place. It is a privilege." Currie was a member of the class of 1966.






NO. 3

highlights convocption

"The spirit is still the same," she said. "There is concern for the wellbeing of others. At Cabrini students learn not to live for themselves." According to senior Carol Wahl, an English/ communications and psychology major who was honored for academic achievement, Currie exemplifies her own philosophy. "The only reason I'm going to convocation is because of the resP.ect I have for Sr. Eileen," she said.' She's a warm and caring person." Joseph Feighan, professor of chemistry and head of the chemistry department, has been a member of the faculty for 23 years. He remembers Currie as a student. "She's a president who is close to the college," he said. "She came up from the ranks, so she knows all sides of Cabrini." Feighan served as grand marshall of the ceremony. The Westminster Brass played throughouttheformalceremony.The processional into the gym looked almost like a graduation exercise as all involved in the event wore academic attire. "This was the formal closing of Cabrini's 25th year," Currie said.

"Academic attire is also appropriate because academic awards were given." Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, stated that the convocation and installation ceremoniea would normally be separate. However, because of the 25th anniversary celebration, they were together. Dean of students Sister Christine Baltas, MSC, said that it was a good idea to combine the two ceremonies because it was more practical this year. ''There are people coming from great distances, so this is one consideration," she said. "There were so many other celebrations this year that it is economically feasible to combine convocation and installation." Jo Harris Brenner, assistant to vice-president for academic affairs, and Jan Buzbee, public relations director, were instrumental in the organization of the affair. A bronze Presidential Medallion was presented to Currie. This medallion will later be passed on the the next president. Currie also presented a medallion to each former president. The inscription on the back of each was the motto of the missionary sisters which reads "All for the greater honor and glory of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus." One hundred twenty one students were presented with Dean's list certificates for the Spring semester of 1982. Cabrini College Honor Society certificates were awarded to seven seniors, two juniors and three graduates from last semester. A variety of other awards were also presented. Two awards were presented to faculty members. These were the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching and the 25th Anniversary Adjunct Faculty Award. The former was accepted by Jerome R. Zurek, professor. of English and communications, the latter, by Vito DiVincenzo, language professor.

MR. VITO J. DIVINCENZO Is congratulated by Dr. Joseph Romano for receiving the 25th Anniversary Faculty Award. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)



DE ______________

The atmosphere this day was spirited as administrators, faculty and students were honored. Perhaps all were called together in that Cabrini spirit that Currie alluded ~ one of caring and helping one another to become the best possible person academically, spiritually, morally and socially."

SISTER EILEEN CURRIE proudly accepts the bronze Presidential Medallion presented to her. Currie was Installed as the new president on October 24. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

GPA changed by Pat Conway

When January report cards are distributed, students who have previously made the Dean's List will find that the requirements have changed. Due to the Academic Council's dicision to change the grade point system, students must now have more A's and A-'s in order to make the Dean's List. The Academic Council, which includes all department heads, voted unanimously in favor of changing the quality point system last semester. According to Sr. Antonia Avitabile, M.S.C., registrar, the new scale will go into effect this semester. "Past averages will not be recalculated," said Avitabile.

More GPA page 5 !!!!!l!!!!!!!!!~-

Exchange program

Playoff -bound

Claire Skerrett 1 director of Cabrini's Holy Spirit Library, has been working on a cultural exchange - program with a Japanese college. (Story on page 4).

Senior members of Cabrini's soccer team, Jim Vail, Tony Ciro, Danny Ross and Jeff Brun, end their years at Cabrini as members of the first soccer team in the school's history to qualify for the NAIA playoffs. (Story on page 12).





P ·E Rs P ·E ·C ··TI ·V ·E s Perspective by Sr. Christine Baltas

Parents Weekend: only c.idequate Parents Weekend, held two weeks ago, seemed adequate enough to please those in attendance. 'Adequate" is not, however , a word that should describe an occasion that should be considered the largest event held at · Cabrini in the Fall semester. Certainly, Cabrini's 1982 Parents Weekend and those held in previous years, were much less sufficient occasions compared to those of other colleges. At any college, Parents Weekend should be a major function involving much more planning, organization and involvement from all sectors of the institution. Parents Weekend should be the responsibility of the entire college, from the president's office on down. Kappa Sigma Omega is, indeed, a dedicated student service organization . However, it is unreasonable and unfair to expcet the members of one such group, whose capabilities and funds can only achieve so much, to make Parents Weekend the major event it should be . Parents Weekend is often the only chance parents get to see how their children are living away from home.

The event is also the perfect opportunity for the college to promote itself in the area of admissions and development. The weekend should provide the widest range of events and activities as posible. All of the academic departments should be represented . At least two or three sporting events should be planned . All buildings and facilities should be opened and readily receptive to visiting parents. Talks, demonstrations, one act plays and other various presentations should be available. The college should attempt to provide" all of Cabrini" to the parents. Parents Weekend should be considered the most active and most important weekend on the calendar. Currently it is not. At present, Kappa has the sole financial responsibility of the event and, with little exception, they alone do all of the planning and organizing. This should not be. Kappa needs the support of the entire college. All of Cabrini should be involved in what can be the most beneficial weekend for parents, students and the college tiself. ·

ROTC--swept under the carpet As the close of last school year arose, an important question had been left unanswered, the possibility of ROTC at Cabrini College. The issue which brought much controversy with it was addressed by every major organization on campus. Opinion was divided on the subject, yet no answer was given at the close of the year on whether Cabrini a Christian institution, would implement the ROTC progam. But it would seem that ROTC has vanished. No one has addressed the subject, and it would seem that since ROTC was at the core of much controversy, it would be important to find out what happened to it .

LETTERS Students, put up or shut up



To the the Editor in response to your recent letter written by Tom D. Schultz : Too many people say things and do absolutley nothing about them. Mr. Tom D. Schultz, who spent much energy complaining about the cafeteria food in a letter printed in your last edition, is just such a person. Schultz went to great lengths to bad mouth the food we eat using such words as , "ugliness," "nasty" and "obsenities." Indeed, he tore apart sellers Food Service with great enthusiasm, however, he failed to offer any clear solutions to the problems he spent so much energy complaining about. To use your own words, Mr . Schultz, your arguments are "bloated with nothingness." Unfortunatelyi Schultz is not alone in his zest to b urt out empty complaints that offer no solutions. Many times , I've heard a lot of students say such things as, "this stuff stinks ," "what the hell is this?" and "I'm not eating this obscenity." They are all typical quotes from typical students. Mr. Schultz's letter was a .•cul..- - ~


Ganted Cabrini is a Catholic college, its philosophy does not support the philosophy that ROTC holds. But it is of vital importance that the students find out what happened to the program. It does not seem fair that just because some people disagree, that the whole subject of ROTC should be swept under the carpet like some old dust. A little controversy never hurt anyone . And just because a particular subject or program causes some controversy , it is no reason just to forget about it. Controversy is good. It causes people to question, and only through questioning can people grow . So the question is, what happened to ROTC?

or how. Simply to say the food has to mination of all the bull I've heard in regards to the meals we eat. I think it very sad that Schultz and others like him find it necessary to resort to such senseless bull. I would be more than happy to give Mr. Schultz the money he needs so that he can continue to order out for his food every night. (Anything to shut him up.) . Schultz's letter was brought to my attention by Bob Dearth, the cafeteria manager . The letter, unintelligent as it might be, actually worried him . I listened to Mr. Dearth explain his efforts to provide decent meals for all of us. The man is very dedicated to his attempt to satisfy as many of us as possible. It takes a lot of gall, and little forethought to blindly complain when Schultz obviously doesn't realize what goes on behind the scenes. I will admit, there are in fact things that can be done, but complaining accomplishes nothing . We must first view both sides of the coin. I work in the cafeteria and I know things that Schultz is obviously ignorant of. Bob Dearth sympathizes with legitimate student complaints and he has made changes in an attempt to improve things . Yes , I, too, have eaten some rather crummy meals here, and Schultz's only correct assumption is that improvement is needed somewhere . It's a shame Schultz couldn't tell us where . :,

be improved and to label what we eat with ridiculous adjectives doesn't help matters at all. Let's be constructive. Write comments and suggestions on the " Napkin Comment Board ." That 's what it is there for. Your suggestions will then be taken up by our own food committee whose job is to "do " and not just "say." Tony Casazza

Wigwam for commuters only? To the editor : I am writing this letter in response to a recent comment printed in Loquitur about the Wigwam catering to commuters. I find that commuters often find themselves getting the short end of the stick and such comments are uncalled for. I recently attended a food committee meeting and it was suggested that the Wigwam was for commuters because many of the residents resented the brown bag lunches in the cafeteria . Since Cabrini opens its campus to commuters, they should willingly consider handling the needs and wants of the commuter. If this need can not be met, they should reconsider their policy on admittance to the college. Sincerely, Donna Gallagher, Com~uter affairs chairperson

Many students are very much in,wlved in a variety of campus activities and orgariizations and in talking to them, I get the impression that the days are not long enough for them to accomplish all they would like. If there are apathetic people around here, I can ·only encourage any such students to become more involved and they will not only b~come happier and self-fulfilled individually, but they will be contributing to the social growth and development of others as well.

There are many students who show themselves to be very much concerned for others and they have taken on responsibilities in a variety of ways. They are the ones who are there to lend someone else encouragement and support . They share in others' joys and sorrows; they have the courage to confront a peer when they believe a word of warning or advice is needed. I am impressed with these mature students and ~an only thank them and encourage them to keep up the good work .

I know we are not a problem-free institution, but then is there such a thing? Problems do arise and I am hopeful that mistakes will be stepping stones and not stumbling blocks as students struggle toward maturit y.

When I view the over-all social scene at Cabrini, I find many reasons to be optimistic. Together we can work to make a truly good place to be even better. I look to you, the student body, for your continued cooperation and support.



\lr mb.r ol th, A,,u.-iatrd Coll,giatr l'rr ss P•Jblished bi•wH kly during the school y• ar by the students ot Ca brini College , Radno r, Pennsylvan ia 19087 . Subscript ion p rice is incfoded in benefits secured by tuition and student fee.

Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant Editor Patty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Features Editor Pam Clark Gallery Editor Ann Belsky SGA Notebook Editor Francine M. Kuterbach Sports Co-Editors Rita Callcat Danny Ross Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Managers Larry Comroe Louis Klock Advisor Jerome Zurek

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Cabrini students pat yourselves on the back Congratulations folks, you've made it throu,h the midterm period of an academic semester at Cabrini College! "Not such a big task," you say? Maybe not, but it is an accomplishment of sorts. One that might often be taken for granted, but an accomplishment never the less. Look at Dane Linn for instance. He is into his second term as SGA president, a very time • consuming job. Dane is either an extremely dedicated Cabrini student, or a person who thrives on aggravation and sleeplessness. How abo1,1tRita Calicat? She is a resident assistant at Mc Manus House, co-sports editor for Loquitur and president of the Black Student Union. She works in the Cabrini cafeteria and the continuing education office too. Rumor has it that Rita also attends classes from time to time . That's busy. Check out Paul Breslin. He's another amazing student. Dedicated to two

' different sports already, he has run with the cross country team too. That's a lot of hard work. Terri Hundermark is another one. She is a resident assistant, member of the SGA executive board, and president of Kappa Sigma Omega. That, along with classes, is indeed a heavy schedule . There are plenty more students just like that too. Peggy Heffernan, Mike Hawley, Carol Hasson, Robin Larkins, Terri Leinenbach, Sul Allyn, Tanya Bolcar, Larry Comroe, Beanie Feighan and many others are some of the Cabrini students who keep this college going. Those mentioned above are only a fraction of the sutdents who do much more than attend classes around here. (I'd list many more names, but the editor of this page thinks my columns are too long already.) All of these people, and many more, have very time consuming schedules for a variety of reasons, the main one being · .


that they are dedicated to something important to them. It's not easy being a college student. It really isn't Yes, we do have fun, and yes, we do goof off at times, but we are indeed under a considerable amount of pressure too. Studying is often difficult for many of us, especially when it takes us half a semester to get back into the swing of things. Taking on the responsibilities of endeavors outside the classroom can also be difficult at times. Whether we are freshmen just getting started, a verr, "involved" person in student activities, an athlete, or a student who devotes much of his time to his academic disciplines, we all are realizing the burden that comes with being a college student. Often we like what we are doing and it does not seem burdensome at all, however, even the best of us sometimes begin to wish we were relaxing down the shore again, with no cares or


responsibilities. - It seems that the middle of the semester is the most prevalent time for such dreaming . It might help, to-hold your head high and to pat yourself and others on the back every once in a while. Be proud of the fact that you've got this far and be supfortive of your friend's success as wel . Such contentment will make it easier for all of us to continue through our "midsemester blues." There are a lot of fine dedicated students in this school. They and most everyone else deserve a pat on the back. It's such a simple gesture that is often overlooked . Since we are in this thing together, let's make the best ofit. I'm sure we 'll find that most anxieties of college pressures will be worth the while in the end . Especially if we keep on reminding each other of the positive things . We're half way there, and we 've done well . Let's keep our chins up .


of the G.P.A. change? At the beginning of this semester, Cabrini College faced a change in the grade point average system. For example, last semester a C(plus) was equivalent to a 2.50. This semester it is equivalent

to a 2.33. Also in the past a B(plus) was equivalent to 3.50. This semester it is equivalent to a 3.33 This prompted reporter Lisa DiSantis and photogapher Mark Magner to ask the question :

Now that midterms are just around the corner, how do you think the new grade point average system will afect your G.P .A.?

Patty Hinke • Sophomore I think it is going to affect my G.P.A. very much. It was possible to make the Dean's list with all B(pluses) before , now it is impossible because the G.P .A was lowered. There are also many pressures on me because I have an academic scholarship.

Dave Pilla - Junior If you look at the way the G.P .A. system is spread out, it will affect the individual himself or herself. I really think that this system should be explained to the students better.

Cindi Schulmeyer - Junior The change is devastating to me because I feel that it was unfair, but in a way the new system brings us to reality . When it comes time to apply to graduate schools I won't be surprised when I find out that the standards of the graduate school are higher because I'll be used to it.

Sulamon Aiiyn - senior The new grade point average system is making me study harder because a certain grade will not be as good as it was in the past. I think the administration has kept this new system hush-hush to the students and it needs to be explained.

Mike Hilsey - Senior I think that this new system will benefit the science majors because it is difficult for science majors to make the Dean's list and it is unfair that students in other majors find it easier. The Dean's list qualification for science majors should be lowered to 3.2.

Maureen Carroll • Senior I don't feel that changing the G.P.A system is beneficial to the majority of students at Cabrini. It seems that most people here do not even know why the change took place. The most substantial reason to be is that they want to make our system equal to that of law schools.





--.. NEWS


Cultural exchange with Japanese planned by Barbara Bruhin · Current plans allow an exchange of foreign culture to lie in the future for the Cabirni College Campus. Steps toward an affiliation agreement with Junshin Women's Junior College in Nagasaki, Japan are Presently in progress. Japanese students majoring in Anglo-American Studies would receive college credit for Cabrini courses in literature, art and history. Academics, combined with visits to museums and historical sights in the area, according to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, would provide cultural as well as classroom experience. Claire Skerrett, library director, while accompanying her husband on a business trip, visited the Junshin school last May. Skerrett met with members of the Junshin English and American Studies Department faculty and college president, Sister Birgitta Yamada. Plans for 25-50Japanese students to attend Cabrini as early as the summer of 1984 were discussed . Sister Yamada expressed interest in Junshin students completing a B.A.


or B·.S. degree at Cabrini after 2 years in Nagasaki and the possibility of a Cabrini faculty member, preferably in English Literature o American Literature, spending a year at Junshin. Two members of Junshin's faculty, Professor Shiozaki and Lecturer Yamamoto, followed Skerrett's visit to Junshin with a trip to Cabrini last July to continue discussions on the pro~am. _ They met in a formal meeting with Romano, Sister Christine Baltas, dean of students, Sister Antonia Avita bile, registrar, August Nicoletti, resident life director and Estelle Oristaglio, continuing education admissions director. Completion of the affiliation lies in Junshin's ability to receive approval of their Anglo-American Clultural Studies Department from the Japanese Ministry of Education. According to Romano, Junshin should receive notice of approval sometime in December. Plans for an affiliation were initiated as early as April, 1981. According to Skerrett, Sister Yamada visited the United States in search of faculty


by Robin Larkins A permanent committee has been formed through the office of the academic dean to work on curriculum as it is related to student growth. The committee enjoys a long history, tracing back several years to when the college received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to review the programs offered by Cabrini. Most of the money provided by the grant was allocated to an outside consultant firm, who, along with a temporary ad hoc committee consisting of Anthony Tomasco, Kathleen Daley, and Sharon Schwarze, reviewed the curriculum of the college. The remainder of the grant focused on student development. The ad hoc committee submitted a project to the Council of Independent Colleges with the idea of forming a permanent curriculum committee to carry on the actions of the temporary one. Thus, the foundation was imbedded and the committee, consisting of the president of the college and the vice president for academic affairs as members ex officio, five elected faculty members from four divisional areas, one at-large faculty representative, and two students selected from the Student Academic Council, was formed. The faculty representatives were announced on Oct. 12 after voting occurred. Those elected included: Schwarze from area I, (philosophy, religion, languages, fine arts, English/communications), Daley from area II, (psychology, social science, history), John DeTurck from area Ill, (biology, chemistry, math, computerscience), Mr. William Kuhns representing area IV, (education, business administration, physical education.) . Tomasco was elected as the at-large faculty representative while Edward Christ was appointed by the president as chairman of the committee. · '.· · ., "!'he length ·of.the appointments are staggerea between two and three years so that a complete turnover of


the committee is virtually impossible. According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, "Their first task will be to compile a lot of research on developing a model for the liberally educated student what we think is the best program whic;h will produce the well-educated student that we think should come from Cabrini College." Romano continued, "We've always evaluated our programs here . This is just an extra step to make it a formal process . We are hoping to keep ourselves alert as to the offerings of Cabrini College. We are looking towards those positive aspects which maintain our highest possible standards in order to create the muchpublicized model which we are seekmg to develop through this committee."

CLAIRE SKERRETT visited the Junshin school in Japan last May. (Photo by John Doyle)

members and a sister school for the Angfo-American Studies program. Cabrini met Sister Yamada's wishes for a small school outside of a

Army ROTC plan is looked int~; cross enrollment is a possibility by Pat Conway The Student Government Association's efforts to start an Army ROTC Program may prove to be successful this year, according to Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C.,president. Currie expressed optimism and said, "We are working on the possibility of a formal cross-enrollment plan with Valley Forge Military Academy.'' According to Currie, Cabrini presently has a student who is enrolled in the Valley Forge ROTC on an informal basis. But Currie's outlook for the possibility of an on-campus ROTC program is negative. "We do not have our own program because it is against the mission of the sisters," Currie said.

Ma~e no plans for November 19th The biggest event of the semester is coming soon!

Junior/Senior Weekend will be held this year at the

InnoftheFour Falls Dinner and Dancing from 9:00 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend!

... further information will be forthcoming ..


large city where she hoped Junshin students could take advantage of cultural opportunities. During her visit in 1981, Sister Yamada cosigned a preliminary affiliation agreement with Sister Mary Louise Sullivan, former Cabrini College president. No further contact was made with the Junshin school until Skerrett's visit last summer becaµse of uncertainty on the passage of the AngloAmerican Studies program. Japanese students majoring in Anglo-American studies will have significant job opportunities. According to Skerrett, career openings may be found in government and international firms . The students will have valuable assets with a good working knowledge of the English language as well as familiarity with American culture. Junshin College was founded in 1950 by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Enrollement is 500 with a faculty of 40 members. There are two departments: Children's Education and Social Studies will be a new department.

Although Currie discussed the possibility of a cross-enrollment ROTC plan, neither the students or the faculty have been made aware of this decision . According to dane Linn, SGA president , SGA did all they could in order to start an ROTC program at Cabrini. He said, "We looked into it, favored it and the students supported our opinion." Linn said that he has not been informed of a cross-enrollment program but he still believes that "ROTC would benefit the students tremendously." Vice-President of Academic Affairs Dr. Joseph Romano said that he was unaware of the possibility of a crossenrollment plan, although he would totally support such a program. "I've never been convinced that the military is intrinsically evil need some protection,'' he said. Romano's support of an ROTC program also includes supporting an oncampus ROTC program, however, he does not think that Cabrini is large enough to have its own program. Unlike Romano, Dr. Margaret Mary Reher, head of the religion department, has been opposed to ROTC since the issue was first introduced last year. Reher said that she would not support a formal cross-enrollment plan with Valley Forge Military Academy and stated that nothing was proposed to the academic council concerning this issue. According to Reher, '' entanglement with cross-enrollment is not pecessary." "I can sympathize with the financial needs of the students," Reher said However, she believes that education could be funded in other ways if military spending was cut. Reher summed up her feelings concerning ROTC by saying, "I prefer to see our institution ,aenter its thoughts on peace and not become directly involved in the military ."






Baltes honks at campus parking . by Brian P._Jensen The dean of students office has taken strict action in response to the "big problem" of campus parking violations, according to Sister Christine Marie Baltas, dean of students. ''There are a lot of students who have yet to register their cars and I am aware of hazardous illegal parking that has been going on." Baltas said. All vehicles owned by students require a registration sticker which cost $10.00if they wish to park on campus. Baltas explained that she personally noted violations of cars in Sacred Heart parking lot by "acting as meter maid." ''I went out there myself and checked the cars. There were many unregistered. This office doesn't even know who the owners are," Baltas said . Baltas also stressed her concern for cars illegally parked. ''Cars parked up on the grass, in no parking zones, or anywhere else they are not supposed to be, can obstruct traffic · and cause a safety hazard," Baltas said. In an attempt to rectify the situation, Baltas has authorized campus security officers and certain members of the traffic committee to issue tickets to unregistered cars or cars parked in a lot they are not registered for. A!so, large warning stickers are

pasted on the windows of cars that are ''flagrantly parked illegally.'' Tickets constitute a $10.00fine to be paid to the dean of students office. The stickers, warning a car owner that his or her license has been recorded and that a futher violation of illegal parking will result in the towing of his car, do not include a fine but are difficult to peel off once secured. One student -who preferred to remain nameless complained that it was "most difficult" to remove the warning sticker. "I had to use a razor blade and hot water. The glue on the back of the sticker makes a mess of the windshield. I still can't get it all off," the student said. Baltas agreed that the stickers are particularly "a pain" but she thought they are necessary for the present situation. "It is unfortunate that we have to resort to this but there are times when · we have to take measures that we know people are not going to like. When you're wrong, you're wrong. I'm fighting fire with fire," Baltas said. Baltas also thought that the present measures have been effective, particularly the warning stickers. Baltas said that she thinks violations, especially "blatant" ones, are beginnmg to decrease as a result of issueing the tickets and stickers.

✓· writing _· ac·ross Cabrini College has started a new program called Writing-Across-theCurriculum. This program will serve a two-fold purpose: one, to improve a student's writing ability and, two, to give students more practice in writing . According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, the idea for the program came about last year. He said teachers attended three scheme development workshops on how to assist in the growth and development of Cabrini students. "Several teachers," he said, "expressed a concern for the improvement of students' writing abilities. "The Writing-Across-Curriculum program was suggested and put into its planning stages." According to Dr. Jerome Zurek, Jr., chairman of the English and communication departments, the definition for the Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program is the attempt by colleges across the country to improve writing by making it an important component of all courses. · He also said that writing is important in all courses because a student's ability to express himself is a large part of his or her education. "A student must be able to properly express himself no matter what his or her major is," Zurek said. Zurek explained that the basic 'im- · plementation of the program will be m three steps. The first is all faculty members will include on their syllabus the requirement of a collegiate dictionary and a grammar handbook. · )




o t



from page 1

WARNING You are Parked in a

NOPARKING Area Your license plate number hen been recorded..,,.,---,If your vehide is parked in this area again it will be towed oway

ot your own

expense .

DOES THIS LOOK FAMILIAR? You could have one pasted on your windshield If you are parked Illegally . (Photo by-Mark Magner)

Another Cabrini student, Chris Corcoran, had a warning sticker pasted on his windshield. "I was quite upset at the time. I'll probably have a new car by the time I get all the glue off," Corcoran said Corcoran also conceded that the action taken against his car did prompt him to get it properly registered with the dean of students office. "Yes, it is effective. I made sure my car was properly registered right away after I saw that sticker," Corcoran said. Corcoran did not think, however, that the stickers were necessary . "It is a major inconvenience that has damaged my car. I don't think the ends justify the means in this case," Corcoran said.

the cotriculum ·initiated

In the old grade point system, an Aequalled 3.75 quality points, .25 points less than an A, while a B + equaled 3.50 quality points, .50 points more than a B. The new scale is divided into thirds so both the plus and minus are worth .33 points. Accordingto Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, the old scale provided no equal distribution between the plus and minus. "The main problem was that no equality existed between the plus and the minus. Quality points are now equally distributed," Romano said . The academic council decided to change the grade point scale last year when Dr. Sharon Schwarze, head of the philosophy department, approached the council concerning the - inequality in the grade point scale. Schwarze, who was the pre-law advisor, noticed that Cabrini students had to recalculate their grades before applying to law, medical or graduate school. According to Schwarze, Cabrini's grading scale tended to inflate grades. "The students found it shocking when their ~rades came back from the Academic Clearinghouse as a 3.4 instead of a 3.6," Schwarze said. "We had to ask ourselves if we were giving grades that reflected student achievement or that just gave students high cums,'' said Schwarze as she questioned the fairness of the old scale . Although the faculty academic council made the final decision, the student academic council was consulted concerning this issue. "I wanted student input. The voting was deferred until the student academic council had a chance to comment on the proposal," Romano Said. Senior Maria Newsome, a member of the student academic council said that the student council voted unanimously in favor of the change. "They asked us how we felt about it an we felt it was a good change. It puts us on a standard with other colleges in the area. Now grad schools won't have to change our cums because the new scale automatically divides points equally into thirds," Newsome said.

involved; those days must have been The second part of the program is to a high point in everyone's encourage faculty to have more writing in classes. "We would hope," said biorhythms." Zurek agreed and said Zurek, "that teachers will not lecture it was probably the best meeting of constantly during class." Instead faculty members that he has exthey will give students a chance to perienced in his 12 years here at express themselves, in writing, in a Cabrini. non-pressured situation. The outcome of the meeting was Faculty will also try to give more unanimous . Students at Cabrini will essay tests as opposed to true-false be writing more this semester. And and multiple choice. This will show the attitude of Cabrini teachers will that students can formulate ideas and be the more a student writes, the put them down on paper . more he learns. The third part of the program was . an overnight trip from September -::;:,,<::::>e;>,,.c:::;>-<::><::::>..?-O-.c;>-O-..C>--G><:::;>-<::><:::;,,,.:::::>-o--o-o-..:::::>-.c::::;>-<::><:::;>,,c:::::>-o-29thtothe3oth. This trip was attended by the following 18 members of the Cabrini College faculty: Edward C. 11 Christ, business; Sharon C. Schwarze, , philosophy; Margaret M. Reher, re- r. & ligion; Anthony T. Tomasco, psy- · chology; Christine Africa, history; Sr. Julia Toto, MSC, education; Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC, social sci& ence; Kathleen M. Daley, social science; Kathy Rubin, care-center; Carol H. Serotta, math; Ann Cray,

by Danny Ross

SGA wouldlike to congratulateall who were nominated"orthe 1982 Homecoming and the Prince Princessof each class. Freshman Class: Gary Sm'1th Jenn'1ferMoore Sophomore Class.· Michael Garrison & Eileen Herbig

bi*g:~orkshopsgivenduringtheday were taught by teachers from Cabrini's English and communication departments. The workshop instructors were: Marilyn L. Johnson, Marice Bezdek, Arthur Young, Elizabeth L. Haslam and Jerome R. Zurek. These workshops were given wr,il~t:~~!:~f~!-c::!-1ft~~~daf! their Theown twosubjects. days were broken up into

S. enJOr • ClaSS: Dan1·e1Ross & Karen Kelly Junior Class: William Fontana & Lisa Del Borrello speC,a I I C I ti Ongra' U1a OnS•10 the 1982 n1 "Inn • & Queen * SulamonAllyn & Diane·Corallo *

workshops. In each workshop the participating teachers were broken up d ~~ies~!~sf~oups all asked to comChrist said, "l!;veryone was very


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Celebrating by Sheila Fanelle The following paragraphs are a step-by-step look at Parents Weekend, sponsored by Kappa Sigma Omega and the student government association. While some students were busy adding last minute touches to their floats, others went to the dance given by the sophomore class. It was one of the largest turnouts so far this year. There was a dance contest and the Homecoming Court was formally introduced. Saturday the women's field hockey team lost to the Philadelphia Golphers with a score of zero to one. At half time the dorm and commuter floats lined up and paraded out. The winner was "Lanshe Shakes and Buns," a clever skit from the 50's. Mascots included a waitress on wheels and a couple in love that brought warmth on the cold day. The commuters came in second with "New Years in October." Old father time with a bouncing New Year's baby on his shoulder strutted with the others clad in mummers costumes. Third place was taken by the Mansion with "Shadow's Fallen Angels" clad in silver wings, halos and gowns. Even Sparky, the convent dog, dressed for the occasion. Floats, mascots and contestants were judged on theme, originality, presentation, variety of materials, acting and over all appearan~e. The judges were: Sr. Christine · Baltas, M.S.C., dean of students, Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., president, Barbara Harris of the counseling cen. ter, Joseph J. Romano, vice president for academic affairs and Arthur Young, director of general studies program. The other floats in the contest were Woodcrest's boat in a summer surf




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with floats and dances Senior class princess and prince are Karen Kelly and Danny Ross. First funners up are Cathy Sullivan and Jeff Brun. Second runners up are Carol Hasson and Dane Linn. Junior class princess and prince are Lisa Del Borello and Bill Fontana. First runners up are Ellen Lavelle and Tony Casazza. Second runners up are Anna Marie Farn'schlader and Mike Hawley. Sophomore class princess and prince are Eileen Herbig and Mike Garrison. First runners up are Lori Di Bona and Larry Comroe. Second runners up are Patty Hinke and Frank Cheeseman. Freshmen class princess and prince are Jennifer Moore and Gary Smith. First .runners up are Marybeth Evich and Pat Nolen. Second runners up are Zina Wilson and Mark Pietsch.

THE COMMUTERS came In second place in the Homecoming parade float contest with this float depicting a NewYear's theme. (Photo by Karen Labenz)

scene. Maguire's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" had the cast from the Wizard of Oz. Dixon's theme was "Dixon Had a Little Lamb," including a real lamb along with a parade of flute players. Infante was bigger than life in their portrayal of "Support Can Be Beautiful." McManus wished Cabrini a happy birthday throught the years and the Casey house had Angel in a Centerfold. "Sullivan's Spirits"

rolled out the barrel and Counsel was busting loose with the incredible Klock. At the end of the game the winners of the Homecoming Court were announced. Seniors Sulamon Allyn and Diane Corallo were crowned King and Queen. Alumni and former Queen Kathy Filippo was there to give her crown to Corallo.

The president held a wine and cheese reception in the Mansion to get people acquainted, followed by a sitdown candlelight dinner in the dining hall. Kappa members decorated the hall with colors of the rainbow. Music was provided by Don Harrison of Universal Sound. Daddies slow-danced with their little girls and proud mothers with their young men. Grandparents, parents, and students danced up a storm. Those who sat and watched had feet tapping and fingers drumming. Sunday mass in the chapel was packed with "lovable failures" (children) and "lovers of God" {parents ). It was one of those things where you had to be there to appreciate it . Kappa members distributed carnations among the parents. Families then paraded over to the cafeteria for brunch.

Hollis motivates her students through ·nature by Tom Schultz

"I don't think the classroom is necessarily the best place to learn.'' This is the type of philosophy that Dr. Valerie Ward Hollis uses as a teacher.

PERSONALITY Hollis is a part-time English composition professor who has been using her particular style of teaching at Cabrini for three years. She is a vivacious, short blond-haired and rigorous woman who believes in challenges, whether the challenge is climbin~ the steep rocky face of a mountam or motivating her freshmen English students to go beyond cliches in their writing. Hollis was born and raised in the countryside of Vermont. Her environment gave her many OJ?portunities to venture into the wilderness and "read" nature. When she was not journeying over hills and through forests, Hollis spent a lot of time reading. One of her favorite authurs was Virginia Woolf. Even today when Hollis takes weekend backpacking trips with her daughters, Virginia Wolf travels with her.

Hollis, a devoted feminist, believes in Virginia Woolf's recommendation that every woman have a room of her own. And, to Hollis, a room of her own is a tent with a world in which to pitch it. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Hollis likes the Main Line area but prefers th~ countryside. "I'm definitely not a suburbanite," she said. She hopes to return to Vermont and live there someday. Hollis gives partial credit for her love of the outdoors to Outward Bound, an international organization that tests and conditions people for physical and emotional crisis. Hossis noted "Out there you are on you own; you're responsible for your life." . Through her experiences in the oudoors (backpacking, hiking, camping, cross country skiing, canoeing, and mountain climbing), Hollis has added a personal touch to her classes. She encourages her students to use thinking as a hobby. In one of her classes she has her students venture on the college lawn and then has them write about a single square foot of ground. Hollis urges all of her students to take notice of specific details and relate that to their writings. The students' perspectives and notice of details will make each essay unique.

Inside the classroom, Hollis is an animated figure. She recites passages from Virginia Woolf, Dylan Tomas, Joyce Maynard and herself. Hollis vividly describes the thought process of writing. She tells her students to brainstorm, to use free writing and to know there is no limitation in whatever they create. "I feel you need to make learning

tangible," Hollis expressed. "And wilderness is a great teacher." Hollis is willing to talk to any students who are interested in camping, cross country skiing, canoeing or simply a well-liked book. In the future, Hollis plans to take a wilderness canoeing trip. It is an interesting adventure of an adventrous woman.

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puts "heart"


Gary says that he plans to work with children because he loves kids. He also loves his major. "I would not change my major. I love it. It is -an academic challenge for me and I love the challenge." Despite the challenge of becoming a doctor, there is also the competition. Wietecha remarked that there are a lot of doctors being turned out from schools, but there is always room for a good doctor. "I push myself to be the best, "says Wietecha, "I don't want to blend in." As for preparation for his field, Wietecha feels that Cabrini has prepared him well academically and extremely well socially. "Cabrini taught me how to relate to people. It gave me confidence. When you know you have people behind you, it helps you go up the ladder. When Wietecha isn't studying for a test or cramming in_homework, he's

by Rita McKelvey Riddle: What's tall, wears green, carries a black bag, and dances? Give up? It's Gary Wietecha, senior Premed/Biology major at Cabrini College. Wietecha plans to take his major and continue on to medical school upon graduation from Carini.

PERSONALITY "I have two goals in life," says Wietecha, "One is to be a cardiothoracic-vascular sergeon and possible with a pediatric specialization.'' What all that medical talk means is that Wietecha wants to be a heart . surgeon and if he has a specialization in pediarics, he would operate on children.





into career

either tutoring, working as medical assistant on campus, or working at Grand View Hospital. Wietecha just recently started tutoring students in P.hysics, chemistry, and biology. "I hke tutoring because it is very academically stimulating . It is a positive reinforcement for my own memory,'' Wietecha remarked . Wietecha can also be seen around Cabrini carrying a black medical case when he's on duty as medical assistant. "I enjoy being an assistant working with Mrs. Mulligan. She's given me a lot of knowledge which is very helpful," says Wietecha. Mary Mulligan, Cabrini's nurse, remarks on Wietecha's values. "Gary is very reliable and dependable. He can take constructive criticism. he has a lot of esperience working with people, especially his peers which is the hardest group."

SENIOR GARY WIETECHA, a pre-med biology major, aspires to become a doctor . (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)

Ex-Nazi and Holocaust survivor ioin forces by Pam Clark

schools and synago~ties and telling their listeners of their experiences in Nazi Germany. Waterford and Heck were scheduled to speak at Cabrini College on Oct. 28, at 8:30 p.m., in a lecture sponsored by the Dean of Students

She is a survivor of the Holocaust. He is an ex-Nazi and was a member of the Hitler Youth. Today, Helen Waterford, 72, and Alfons Heck, 54, are parteners. They are in the midst of a national lecture tour, speaking at

OPEii: Monday - Thursday 11- 11 Friday& Saturday11- 12 Sunday 4 -10 DailyDeliveryafter 5 PM





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office. They will also be available to speak to classes on Friday, Oct. 29. According to an article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times in February of 1982, the purpose of the lecture is education. "I want to the set the record straight on what happened to the youth of Germany from 1933 until 1945," Heck said in the Times article. '' Education determines the future of a country. What happened to me was the fault of my teachers." The two are both from San Diego. Waterford, a Jew who had spoken publically on the Holocaust for a while, first heard of Heck when he wrote an article to a San Diego newspaper expressing his guilt about his experiences during the war. Waterford called him and they began lecturing together. Waterford's experience began in 1942, when she and her husband went to Holland, staying behind after the rest of her family left for the United States. She and her husband believed they were safe, but -iRstead they be~an to feel the oppression of the Third Reich "No Public transportation. No jobs. No income. All they had to take then," she was quoted in the Times as saying, "were our lives." Waterford and her husband delayed goin~ to the concentration camps by stalling for time. Her husband had a perfectly healthy kidney removed in order to obtain a medical waiver. From 1942-1944 the Waterfords hid in attics, where they felt safe. One day in 1944, however, four soldiers came and sent them to Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland. Waterford believes her husband died there. Waterford survived Auschwitz .and was sent to a camp at Kratzau, Czechoslovakia, where she began work in a munitions factory. She believes her transfer saved her life. From there, she went to a displacd persons camp in Leipzig. She wore the clothes of a woman who had died and weighed 70 pounds.

After the war, Waterford was reunited with her daughter, who had been sent to stay with friends in 1942. They moved to Chicago, where Waterford remarried, and then to San Diego. Her daughter later went to Israel. Heck joined the Hitler Youth in 1938. He stated that he believed Germany was a special country from the time he was very young. He told the Times he remembers Hitler telling 500,000 young boys, "You are destined to become the future leaders of a glorious world." As an adlescent, Heck was "hooked" on the Nazi conception of power. He remembers seeing burning synagogues and the round-up of Jewish men, but he firmly believed that Jews were "the subhumans," He also remembers the two Nazi beliefs of racial superiority and total obedience. Yet, he began to feel disillusionment about the war and the Nazi regime. He became friends with a lieutenant who was anti-regime. It was he who told Heck of the mass execution of Jews and rebellious Germans. "I was dumbfounded," Heck told the Times. "He told me we were in consort with a mass murderer." Heck ultimately ended up working for the Americans after they marched into Germany. He worked first as an interpreter, then for the American military in Frankfort, Germany. He came to the U.S. in 1963. "There are some things I can live with," he is quoted by the Times as saying. "Some things that were done under Hitler I can even be proud of. But the Holocaust is something I'll never be able to live with." Waterford reflects back on her experiences by explaining that her only goal was to stay alive. "I'm glad I have this number on my arm," she said, referring to the tatto she received at Auschwitz. ~•Sometimes, on days when I'm not so satisfied with life, I look at my number; .. and I forget all about what it is that troubles me."

---------------------------------· ·







SGA weighs honor system by Robin Larkins Hey! Can I borrow your homework real quick before class? ... Remember that term paper you did last year? Do you think I could borrow it? ... I'll trade you my old math tests for your old English stuff ... Cheating-a phenomenon known well throughout every learning institution around. Yes, believe it or not, even our little Cabrini campus is plagued by cheaters of every various guise , size, shape, sex, and intelligence quotient. Cheating is a concept so easily identifiable, but not so easily rectifiable . This year the Student Govern ment Association is taking an active role in the prevention of such widespread student dishonesty . A major deterrent to this type of behavior could be found in the establishment of a campus-wide Cabrini College Honor Code System which would be personally planned and devised to fit the way

of life which exists at Cabrini. The exact stipulations as to what a Cabrini honor code would entail are still items up for open debate and discussion . Thus far, the SGA desires merely to bring to the attention of the entire Cabrini community that SGA is investigating this alternative to people getting away with cheating. According to both the president and vice president of SGA, the process of investigating the honor code idea is still in its initial stages. Dane Linn, senior, president of the student body said, "The proc ess of looking into an honor system is long and involved. Many positive and negative aspects have to be studied before any opinion can even be formulated ." Linn continued , "SGA hopes to bring the issue to the recognition of the students through various committees, discussions , debates and open forums. " A committee of SGA members consisting of Terri Hundermark, senior; Robin Larki!ls , sophomore ;

Evening at Cabrini; question of tradition by Ladonna Mahecha _ For many years, Evening at Cabrini has been a traditional night during which students gather and share with each other their talents and ideas in a very special way . The SGA Social Activities Committee will be holding this semester's third Evening at Cabrini in the Mansion on Nov. 21. This traditional activity was almost dropped from the calendar of events for the semester . Larry Comroe, social activities assistant commented on this , "Last semester when we were scheduling events for September , it was noticed that Evening at Cabrini had been omitted from the calendar. I was rather surprised, since it had been around for so long. Our committee decided to pick it up and make sure there was room for it this semester . Why would such an ongoing activity be overlooked? The apparent answer seems to oestudent disinterest. The success of Evening at Cabrini lies in the hands of the students. The many acts, skits and other displays of talent must come from the campus community. One doesn't have to be an actor, professional singer, or even talented to participate . According to Comroe, '' Anyone can be in Evening at Cabrini; residents, commuters, even the faculty are welcome. All you have to do is contact Patricia Hession, Peggy Heffernan or myself. Perhaps the most unique aspect

of Evening at Cabrini is the interaction between the performers and the audience. Students get to see one another in a different light; making each other laugh, cry, or just enjoy the company for an hour or two. ~ Evening at Cabrini can also be used as a way of voicing our gripes or releasing tension. Where else can you make fun of parietals or the drinking policy and not only have Sister Christine, Gus and other administrtors in the audience laughing with you, but getting your subtle hint? Most importantly, Evening at Cabrini shows the creativity of our students and contributes to the unity of our campus. Comroe commented on this, ."As Cabrini keeps growing I feel it is import~nt to keep certain traditions, such as Evening at Cabrini. It gives our school a personal touch, one which isn't found anywhere else." Fortunately, we are a college which is small enough to have such an ac-_ tivity, get large enough to have diversity in talent, humor and personality. Villanova can't say that, and you don't hear about Evening at Penn State. Everyone is encouraged to participate, whether you're going solo or in a group. If you do plan to participate, fill out the coupon and return it, or drop a note in box 535 by November 12. If not, go as a spectator; you may find out that the kid down the hall can actually sing!

Peggy Wysocki, Debbie Johnson, been formed to Sharon Schwarze subject.

freshman , freshman work with concerning

According to Terri Hundermark, "The committee, along with the faculty moderator, will work to come up with ideas about how we can get across to people around campus the meaning of an honor system, how it works-in both a strict and modified form , along with the pros and cons of its im plication at Cabrini. " Hundermark continued , "Basically , what it comes down to is that when a campus-wide vote is held , we would like everyone to know exactly what position they're committing themselves to ." Already , various other members of SGA have looked into the honor code policies of other colleges around the country and have checked out their systems and guidelines . Through this research and cam-

by D.B. Field The Freshman class recently elected their resident representative to the SGA. In a run off election, Bob Crook defeated Mary Powers for the office . Election coordinator , Sul Allyn stated, "It was a very close race . It's too bad there weren't two representives . They would have both been good for the job ." The basic job of the freshman representative is to represent his or her class in school functions . He also gets the freshman class started .on its first fund-raisers. His term ends in January when a pesident , vice-president, treasurer and secretary will be elected. When asked what his objectives were as freshman representative,






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SGA Vice President Sulamon Allyn, senior, would like to see many questions raised and answered regarding the subject since "it is going tQ affect everyone associated with the college." Such questions could be: What system does Cabrini need? What punishment will be inflicted upon infractors? Who will decide punishments involved? Linn emphasized how he felt an open attitude should be kept regarding this new idea. He said that " in order for any such policy to be effective, at least 95% of the student body must be in favor of it ." Linn concluded , "the transition might be a hard one, especially for the upperclassmen , but when you think about it, there are so many transitions in life , what the hell is one more to consider? ." Stay tuned for much, much more regarding this subject.

is elected Bob Crook stated, "My main objec tive is to get the class organized and to get them well informed and comfortable with the school. I hope to live up to the position ." Allyn also said that only about half of the freshman class partici pated in the election, and that the commuter representative election had to be postponed a week be ca use no one signed up. Nominations were held at the end of Spetember for four days , and the elections were a week later for three days . The other nominees were .Mary Lynn Febbo, Laura Firely, Debi Johnson and Inez Rizer. The votes were officially counted on Sunday, Oct . 17.

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pus opinion, a model modified system will eventually be suggested and presented before the scrutiny of the entire Cabrini campus . Then a clearer definition of what Cabrini means by an honor code can be given. ·


advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College , .,.

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Tricks· and treats



by Ann Belsky Hmmm. What should I be this Halloween? E.T.'s too popular and too expensive. Maybe I will just'be a homemade bum or clown or a preppie college student. We are going trick-or-treating, aren't · we, roomie? The actual trick-or-treating is always the highlight of the evening. In junior Patty McDermott's household, she and her older brothers competed to see who could bring back more candy. "They always won.'' she said. "They would bring back pillowcases stuffed with candy and then we would trade. There would be shoeboxes full, but it never lasted long.'' For the Carr family, Halloween is a huge, involved affair. After decorating every window, nook and cranny, sophomore Denise Carr prepares 250 candy apples for all the disguised munchkins. "My father makes a special witches' brew which he tells the Halloweeners will turn them into goblins if they aren't in bed by midnight," Carr said. "Some of the children are so scared they won't drink any.'' One hundred lollipops are placed in a pumpkin and the youngsters are given a choice of lollipop or apple. If a lollipop with a red tip is chosen, a $10 prize is awarded. For the next red tip,

there is $5 and $1 for everyone after that.'' The whole neighborhootl checks to see the winners' names posted in the den," Carr explained. "My favorite Halloween," freshman Jeanette Epifano said, ''was the year I dressed as a cheerleader and met a guy disguised as a football player at a party. We started talking and the next thing I knew, he becme my first beau.'' Yes, they do have Halloween in Florida, although it is not frigid, freshman Mary Ellen Brett verified. Her family arranged a haunted house in their hallway. "Mom was a witch and we played creepy music," Brett explained. "There were cobwebs and a mummy's tomb and the table with candy was at the end. One of my sisters or I would work the door. The little kids , were scared, but the bigger ones usually enjoyed it.'' Many college students regress to their carefree childish pranks at Halloween. Yes, it's fun, and Cabrini's got the spirit. Pumpkins and frazzled witches decorate dorm rooms and nature is creating the right atmosphre, so maybe if I ever get my costume together, I will be able to collect some of my favorite treat, Snickers. Or else I will have to swipe my little brother's.

WHICH WITCH will be stalking Cabrini on the 31st? These gruesome goblins are displayed in the front window of the Wayne Toytown Inc. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

AdministrQtion reviews computers for offices by John MCQueen With the fast and furious growth of Cabrini College, the question of computers has arisen. The computerization of all the non-teaching administration offices is possible. Practical Data Systems, an independent computer service company, came to Cabrini during the spring and summer of '82 to do an evaluation, and to see if Cabrini needed computers. Thu i, the ,econd in a 1erie1 on the effect, of the new computer, on Cabrini Campu,.

After reviewing the manual labor that is done by the ad-

i 927

ministrative offices at present, P.D.S. made a recommendation for Cabrini to computerize its administrative offices. Jim Keches, Cabrini's business manager and chairperson of the committee appointed to review the recommendations, feels that computers are in Cabrini's future. "It is very difficult for our small staff to service all the students adequately,'' Keches said. The Financial Aid, Continuing Education, and the Registrar's offices are all stagger ing under the manual labor that has to be done for the school to function properly. This is why P .D.S was invited to evaluate offices and see if

the college needs computers. "We knew that we needed a computer system, but we did not know what size, kind, or price we should pay to get one," Keches said. _ Now that the recommendation has been made it will now be reviewed by an appointed committee of Keches, the chairperson; John Heiberger, vice-president for develoopment; Frank Willard, admissions director; Sr. Antonia Avitabile, registrar; August Nicoletti, resident life director; Anthony Tomasco, phychology department chairman; Estelle Oristaglio, continuing education admissions director; and Norm Olson, computer science professor.

Most of the committee members feel very positive about the computerization of the offices here at Cabrini. "Everything in registration is done manually and is very time consuming. I would like to have the use of computers in registration because it will make things more accurate, and more timely,'' . Avi table said. At present, the Development, Continuing Education, and Business Offices use an online computer service which allows them to get by. Heiberger clearly stated that this service does not do everything that he would like it to do, but he also questioned the buying of a Management Information System (a computer). For these reasons;

Would a campus main computer system be more effective for the faculty and the students? Would we want to tie this system is with the students' system? The biggest concern seems to be the cost of a Management Information System. Heiberger thought until more extensive studies were done the question should not be answered. "I would but have to balance it out with all the other needs of college- until all the other needs of the college are qualified, I'll have to hold off.'' The need for computers at Cabrini College exemplifies its constant growth and maturity.

f•ilm -classic returns to area theaters

by Chris Petruzzo When Abel Gance's film "Napoleon" premiered in Paris on April 7, 1927,it was iiven a wonderful reception by Parisian audiences. Gance remembers it as an "unprecedented, unbelievable event endmg with the audience on its feet, cheering." . . Now, more than fifty years later, the same film is being received in much the same way by Philadelphian audiences.

Napoleon was created by Abel Gance in an attempt to bring an epic figure to life on the screen. He had originally intended to span Napoleon Bonaparte's life in six separate productions but because of financial difficulties Ganc.e was only able to finish the first production. Gance wanted to free the camera, put it into the middle of the action and force the audience to become active participants in what was happening. Gance used the camera m a way

that was powerful and innovative for his, or any other time. In one scene, Napoleon is chased across Corsica by his enemies and the chase was recorded by a camera which Gance had strapped to the back of a horse. Another innovation used by Gance in his film was called polyvision, in which three screens were used. Gance expected this process to revolutionize the film industry but just six months after Napoleon's premiere came the premiere of "The Jazz Singer," a

talking picture. The main actors in Napoleon do very well despite the restrictions of a silent film. The actors make the char. acters they play seem to be more than just statues. Gance himself can be seen in the role of Louis Saint-Just. The film deals with the French Revolution after the execution of Louis XVI and with the scheming of Danton, Marat and Maximilien Robespierre. The film ends before Napoleon's warmongering begins.







Are sci-fi flicks the thing? by Lisa D' Ascenzo

Who can forget the great sciencefiction movies of the summer? How many people cried at "E.T.", were transfixed by "Tron," and grossedout by "The Thing"?

Jim Casey, sophomore, saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark." He said it was a good movie; a combination of all the old adventure movies. "The beginning started off with a spark of action," Casey said, "and the stunts were good. It seemed like it could have really happened."

"It seemed like it could have really happened."

Mark Bova, senior, talked about "E.T." "The beginning was a little drawn out," he said, "and the part where the kids were flying on their bikes was ridiculous. The rriovie was definitely gearea towards little kids." Bova also said he wouldn't go see it again, and that it w~s "definitely overrated.''

Since many of these movies are geared towards younger people, it would be too much to say that the science-fiction movie has grown up this -summer. But Desmond Ryan, the Philadelphia Inquirer's movie critic, feels that science-fiction movies are beginning to show signs of coming of age. Michael Duska, sophomore, saw "Blade Runner." He said it was a thought-provoking movie . "It made you think about the future," Duska says, "and the special effects were great." Rob Rinaldi, sophomore, thought that "E.T." was very entertaining. "It was emotional and funny," he said. He also liked the special effects in "E.T." Rinaldi has a low opinion of "The Thing." He said it was the "worst movie ever. All it was was gory and boring . It wasn't scary at all and there were no surprises in the movie."

This is also how Desmond Ryan feels. Ryan feels there should be a balance between special effects and the more traditional elements of a movie. Tomasco also disliked the new version of "The Thing ." He said the old version was easier to identify with because you were watching the characters, not all the special effects.

"loses its power to excite or frighten the audience. This is what people go see movies .for in the first place." "Of all the kinds of movies there are, I like science-fiction movies the best,'' Anthony Tomasco, head of the -psychology department, said of sci-fi movies. "I enJoy that kind of media better because the potential of what can be in the future is more enjoyabie than what is happening at the present." ~omasco agrees with Walt Disney's philosophy on movies. "There has to be a touching experience in a movie. You should be able to empathize with the characters.'' Tomasco feels that Disney's two science fiction movies, "Tron" and "The Black Hole," get away from the old Disney philosorhy. He says these two movies, as wel as many other scifi movies, are trying to make it on special effe~ts alone.

CAIVIPUS GUICKIES • Junior /Senior Halloween Dance is tonight in the cafeteria. Hope to see you there. • Compute-a-Date Applications due by Tuesday, Nov. 2 for . Compute-aDate Dance next Friday. • Support the weekly Sophomore Class Pretzel Sales on Wednesday night atyour local Hall or House. • Saturday night at• the movies is "Time After Time" in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 9 p.m . Free admission. • Spring Registration begins Tuesday, Nov. 9. • Last day to drop a course Thursday, Nov. 11. • Faculty Concert featuring Alan Cohn presented Thursday, Nov. 4 in the Mansion at 7: 30 p.m . Free Admission . • Gold, Gold, Gold Art Exhibit held in the Library Exhibit Area until Sunday, Nov. 7. • "The Country Wile" will be per formed in the Annenberg Center's Zellerback Theatre at the University of Pennsylvau.ia. For more information , call 898-6791.


"I like a heavy theme in a sci-fi movie," Tomasco says . "The old theme of good vs. evil always holds an audience captive. I can't stand when they junk up a movie with special effects that hide the plot." '' A movie made too ridiculous with special effects," Tomasco continued,

S.A.M. plans art show

to award -scholarships by Susan Baj

Now is the time to expand your cultural and creative experiences. The Society for the Advancement of Management, in accordance with Cabrini College, is planning an art show scheduled to take place on the weekend of Nov. 12-14in the Mansion. The art show will begin on Friday, Nov. 12, with a champagne preview party. A fee of $15. a person, or $25. a couple, will be charged to attend the party. This preview enables those willing to pay a first opportunity to examine the art work. The art show will then continue on for Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 13-14. On these days there will be no charge, and everyone is welcome. According to Howard Buzzard, chairman of the business administration department, af proximately 50 different professiona artists' works will be featured. The paintings will range from $100 to $2,000 in price . Cabrini will receive 25% of the proceeds . The proceeds from the show are to benefit the business department. The art show will benefit the department especially in terms of putting onits activites. According to Buzzard,

"There are hopes of raising enough money to be able to award scholarships to deserving business majors." Carol Hasson, president of the Society for the Advancement of Management (S.A.M.), is responsible for what is happening with the show. S.A.M. is a nationally recognized business organization. Altogether about 50 students are working on the show, and there has been great positive stud_ent involvement. The main purpose of the art show is to educate students majoring in business. This exhibit will involve students in a business enterprise. Buzzard said, "Students will be involved in the solicitation of the artists, the marketing of the program, and the entire financing of the program." The art show is directly tied in with the business major . Students will be able to readily apply all that they have learned in their course of study at Cabrini College. Although it will be a most enjoyable time for all those who attend, the art show has a special meaning . By bringing into play all the actualities of a business enterprise, it not only has a pleasurable value, but an educational value as well .


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Soccer team continues to

show talents by Tom DeMatteis

The soccer team is enjoring its most successful season; one 1s which ther have earned a playoff bertb in their NAIA district. Co-captains Danny Ross and Jeff Brun believe this success has been acheived because the team members are a group of players who need little motivation . When the captains were asked what their rolls are on the team Brun replied, ''The guys are a responsible group, all we have to do is get things started." Ross' response was, "All we do is watch the ref flip the coin before the game." This team responsibility may be why the team is winning this season, where past teams were far below the .500level at this point in the season. The team won the invitational tournament at the start of the season and besides a loss to powerful Spring Garden, they have done quite well. A balanced scoring attack made up of Jim Vail and Dan Ross, seniors , Mark Pietsch, Pat Connelly and Bob Berger; freshmen, ~nd ToIQ. DeM.at-

teis; junior, before an injury ended his season, and a strong defense of Jeff Brun, Tony Ciro, Sul Allyn, seniors, Rick Marafino, junior, Larry Tukis, Bob Crook and Todd Griffin, freshmen are the reasons for the teams success. The team also has a stronger bench than in years p·ast as Brun summed up when he said, "The teams overall skill is greatly i~proved." Both captains look for the team to improve even more over the next couple of years. They see Coach Will Langton bringing in more recruits and constantly upgrading the schedule. However, Ross said, "I Think he will miss us because there is not another group like us." Ross was speakin~ of the seniors on the team who besides himself and Brun are Vail, Ciro and Allyn. These guys were playing when the team was struggling so needless to say they are enjoying the success. Strong showings against schools like Lincoln University (a 2-0 win), York College (a 2-1 loss) and Valley Forge Christain College (a 7-o win) are particularly satisfying, and now they have reached the playoffs to top off their years at Cabrini. However, Ross said "It was fun even when we were not winning as much."



Sports ·Briefs Both the men's and the women's basketball teams are preparing for the opening of their season. Coaches John Dzik and Mike Tangelia are optimistic about their respctive 1982-83season.



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Sat. Nov. 20 - 7:00 pm Liberty Baptist College


Tues. Nov. 23 - 8:00 pm Allentown College


Sat . Nov. 27 - 8:00 pm *Alvernia College


ATHLETES Diane Corallo has contributed 3 years of quality sportsmanship and zest to the field hockey team . Corallo plays the position of left half back. To each game Corallo brings and aun dance of energy and team spirit . Teammates , coach and fans salute Corallo for 3 well played season ·


. (i;



Cabrini vs: ???


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Field hockey, soccer, volleyball and corss-country Cavalier teams are all approaching the close of their respective seasons. Each team has improved on their records from previous years.


The Oct. 28 game against RutgersCamden was the last regular season game for the squad's senior members. They leave a team that is on its w~ up. _

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Diane Corallo

According to the fans and fellow teammates Debbie Harvey is an outstanding athlete . Captain of the women's volleyball team, Harvey has contributed high quality sportsmanship and a great amount of team spirit. Harvey is a 2 sport athlete and gives each sport her all.

Debbie Harvey


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FIELD HOCKEY: Clbrlnl vs.: BrynMawrCollege....................:......................................... 4-0 (L) BeaverCollege...................................................................4-1 (W) Swarthmore College............ ....,...........................................2-1 (L)

VOLLEY BALL Clbrlnl vs.: HarcumJuniorCollege...................................................... 3-0 (W) WilmingtonCollege..........................:..................................3-2 (L) lmmaculataCollege............................................................ 3-2 (L) St. Joseph'sUniversity. v••·•· .............v~ •y ..... . . ...... :v""•"'~ .•---v•,:Y . J-2 f~)..,

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teams reach seasons end


Hockey team improved

CAVALIERS DIANE CORALLO AND PATIY HINKE play well in homecoming game against Phlladelphla Hockey club. (Photo by Jose Rojas)

More season rap-ups by Debbie J ablonskl

Before he KAC championship meet, the cross-country team is scheduled to run in the District 19 championship. Since there will not be enough team members to qualify for the meet, this meet will prepare the cavaliers the KAC championships.

As the weather slowly turns towards winter and the autumn leaves rustle in the wind, one begins to wonder what makes the Cabrini Cavalier cross-country team strive for perfection? The cross-country team faces its most challenging meet on Oct. 30, the Keystone Athletic Conference (KAC) championsip.

The Cavaliers will be running one of the toughest five mile hill courses at the District 19 championships scheduled for Belmont Plateau.

"In four years, this is the best team Cabrini has had," Mike Hilsey, senior, said, "everyone is committed to running and it would be great to win the KAC championship ."

"Our only problem so far seems to be our hills," Hilsey said, "the District Championships will give us a great chance to practice." Prior to both championsips, the Cavaliers will be running five miles a day with each mile being under eight minutes. Also, they 'll be running up the hill next to the mansion to practice arm movement, hill recovering and getting in shape .

Starting his third year as a participating runner, other than coach Larson, Hilsey can be considered an authority about the team. "We have good runners on the team and I'm afraid they'll give up," Hilsey said, "I hope they stick with the program as long as they are in college."

''Cross-country is a mental as well as physical sport ," Hilsey said, "we must be well prepared to bring the championship back with us to Cabrini."

Also, Hilsey added that he hopes the newcomers to the team will heJp build it up.

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by Lisa Coppola Field hockey season is ending. The team members feel that they have established a good team this season . Cabrini started its field hockey program three seasons ago, in 1980. The members of the team are proud of this season and of the teams improvements over the past three years. Diana Mekel a junior has played three years on the team. Mekel said, "the team is improving every year. We are in better shape, the team worked well together offensively and defensively . Margaret Angelucci a freshman goalie believes the team had a competitive season . Angelucci said, " we played a lot of tough teams, but everyone gets along together and our team works well." Debbie Kirk, sophomore, right win~, feels the team has improved remarkably. "We were more of a unit this year .

Diana Corallo , senior, left half, back has played on the hockey team since it started. Corallo expressed that she has benefitted a lot from playing with the hockey team these past three years. "You meet alot of people that you would not be able to meet otherwise." said Corallo. She also believes the team is in it 's best shape ever. Corallo said,"We've improved with experience, the new freshman players were good, we worked this season as a team. " Peggy Heffernan, senior , center -~ half back, said, "This is the first year we played as a compititive team . Mimi Greenwood really works hard to get everyone together ." Next year the team will loose some of its founding players . Team mem bers think it may be tough without them . The team will miss the graduating members Carallo and Heffernan but , they feel the st r egnth of the established team will carry on.

Lady Cav's success • IS result of team effort by Francine M. Kuterbach The Cabini College women 's volleyball team is different this year . The coac h is new, the attitude is fresh and the players are eager. The combination is adding up to a winning season. After 11 wins Coach Jerry Szabo is very happy with his players. "They 're a good bunch of kids. From the worst player to the best , they 're all working very hard." Szabo feels he has changed the meaning of the word volleyball at Cabrini. " A lot of girls considered volleyball a pleasant little sport. Now they realize they have to take their share of bumps and bruises ." Szabo describes the sport as "power volleyball" and feels it's a good forum for females to release aggression. Szabo feels the status of the team is growing. "When we go to a game they (the competitors) say, 'we beat this team last year .' Now, Cabrini is beating them." Szabo attributes this success to a total team effort. "They're very enthusiastic and I'm working them hard. They're probably working harder this year than they ever have before." Szabo is looking forward to fininshing out the year successfully. "We're getting better all the time. We have the talent to really shake things up." Debra Harvey, captain of the team, is enjoying playing on the team this year. She admitted it's tough to play on a winning team. "Everybody is out to get you. We really have to stay on our feet. As captain of the team she, thinks it is her job to keep the spirits up during the game. Her favorite game so far was against Rosemont. "We were down two games and came back to win the last three. It was really exciting." She feels the team is successful because of Coach Szabo and the three incoming freshmen: Joanne Goebel,

COACH JERRY SZABO keeps a careful eye on the volleyball team during a game against Phlladelphla Community College. (Photo by Jose Rojas)

Shelagh McGinn and Leslie Kraska. Ann Belsky, sophomore, agrees that coach Szabo is invaluable to the team. "He's really enthusiastic about us and he really cares." Belsky said Szabo feels a personal committment to the team. "Everything he does is for us, not for himself." Personally, Belsky feels that concentration is important to her game. "When I'm playing, I don't think about anything else but the game. I don't hear the crowd or the noise, I just hear the coach."

Special Congratulations to the

Volley Ball Team for beating

St. Joseph's College We are moving on up!

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