PA 190B7
Campus questions iudicial syStem by Ann Belsky Much controversy has been sweeping Cabrini campus concerning the current judicial system, in particular, the rights. of a student to appeal a write-up. The recent case involving Sullivan House one example of the technical and legal aspects that some think need revision under the present system. The existing judicial system allows a student to appeal any write-up he thinks is underservin~. Residents of Sullivan House exercised this right when they were wirtten-up for unauthorized party and underage drinking violations. The proper procedure for appealing a write-up as outlined in the 1982-1983 Cabrini College Student Handbook involves the submission of a written request seven days of the receipt of the write-up. Sister Christine Marie Baltos, dean of students, then informs Larry Comroe, chairman of the Residency Conduct Committee, if the student is a resident. He is responsible for setting
The judlclal policy written by Jolyon Girard is
presently the center of much controversy. (Photo by Mark M. Magnerf
the time of the hearing and tells the committee, the accused and the dean of stud:!nts. According to the Handbook (paragraph III. C. 5.). the accused student
wilf have the right to solicit counsel, call witnesses, present evidence, and offer a defense similiar to general legal practices. The dean of students, or her representative, may prosecute under the same conditions. The RCC consists of five student members elected by the Student Government Association at the beginning of the fall semester and one ex-officio, non-voting faculty member, also appointed by the students. Most of those written-up in Sullivan House deemed it necessary to appeal. Martin Clancy said he appealed because he was accused of possessing alcohol and, in reality, he had been holding an empty cup. "I was .let off for insufficient evidence." Clancy said. Terry Mancini, acquitted of his "unauthorized party" charges, said, "The RA's didn't use the proper procedure when writin~ us up. We weren't read our full rights. We .were only told we could appeal." August Nicoletti, director of resident life, felt it was necessary for the RA to read a student his rights as
outlined in the Student Handbook, however, students do accept these rights and responsibilities when signing their residency contract. "Students should take the responsibility to know their rights,'' Nicoletti said. Indeed, the responsibility of the student is to read and understand college conduct policy (Student Handbook, paragraph II. A. I.), but he must ·be informed at the time his write-up is issued that he has certain judicial options available (paragraph III. A.). Tom DeMatteis, RA in Counsel Hall, said, "We should all know the handbook but we were not instructed by our bosses to read the students their rights when writing them up." "The guys in Sullivan House didn't know they could get legal counsel,'' sophomore John McQueen, legal counsel for an accused student, said. McQueen learned of legal counsel after a write-up last year led him to seek his own counsel.
More iudicial policy page 6
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Counsel's fire: Cabrini in a crisis situation · by Robin Larkins
Crisis at Cabrini: -What happens on campus in the event of an actual emergency such as the recent fire in Counsel Hall? -How do people react under pressure? How can the campus prevent crises from occurring? The question of how to deal with a crisis, raised formally two years ago, resulted · in formation of a Cabrini College Crisis Plan. The plan sets forth guidelines to be followed by the entire campus at the time of an emergency. The early morning fire in the base• ment of Counsel Hall on Oct. 31 provided the plan its first formal implementation on an extensive basis. The result of this implementation indeed'. proved effective, according to campus officials. Jan Buzbee, director of public relations, said that the need for such a program arose due to the extensive growth of the college. In the event of a crisis, such as the fire in Counsel Hall, there are set guidelines as to what
Members of the Radnor Fire Company work to extinguish the early morning fire that caused much smoke damage in Counsel Hall. (Photo by Eric Gavalis) ·
course the college will take . First, the person whose department is primarily involved is immediately contacted . In the event of the fire, Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, dean of stu-
Late fees James R. Keches, business manager of Cabrini College, is accessing late fees to unpaid tuition bills. (Story on page 4)
dents, was the administrator who then was responsible for getting as much information as possible relevent to the crisis. The president of the college and the director of public
I i I I
relations are also notified right away. The president's juristiction then governs the notification of other administrators, according to Buzbee. In the case of the Counsel Hall crisis, people such as Mike Caranfa, director of maintenance, and Bob Watson, supervisor of security, were notified and asked to come to the scene. The rest of the crisis plan centers around the public relations office to prepare press releases and to keep the campus informed as to the status of the situation. Sr. Eileen Currie, president of Cabrini College, said, "I think that one of the most important things that we must be aware of regarding the fire is that everyone involved did exactly what they were supposed to do." Currie was clear that the Crisis Plan was effictive in the case of Counsel Hall's fire. Sr. Baltas also was impressed with the college's reaction to the crisis. "I was very much impressed with
More fire page 6
Snow White Sandra McNamara and Dan Radice will be starring in the Little Theatre's production of Snow White. (Story on pae 12)
Beyond the call of duty
WiJI the Wigwam get started? "You don't have that either, huh. How about a bagel? No. Egg salad? No. Well, why don't you tell me what you do have so we can save a lot of time." More often than not, a customer of the Cabrini Collge snackbar, Wigwam, will use a phrase similar to the one above. The Wigwam, no matter how many "internal changes" it has been undergoing, is still not as effcient as one would hope a decent campus snackbar to be. The beginning of the year was the worst. Now things are just bad. For the first weeks, the Wigwam wasn't open at all. At that time, it was common to hear a freshman ask, "What's the Wigwam?" Now, the freshman have an answer: The Wigwam is that snackbar in the Widener Center that is open every once in awhile on an inconsistent basis. Tl}.eWigwam is the place that has a menu posted but has yet to actually have everything it claims to have. If this criticism sounds harsh, it is because we are beginning to run out of patience with the way our campus snackbar, with facilities giving it great poten-
tial, is being run. Is it the manager's fault? We really don't know and will not venture to guess. Maybe fulltime students can't dedicate the time necessary to make the Wigwarp what it could be. The Wigwam could be many things that it is not at present. It could be a well decorated comfortable _lounge-like eatery where faculty and students can enjoy meals that surpass the quality of the ones we eat in the cafeteria. The Wigwam could be the center of evening socializing instead of going to Minella's Diner all the time. Th~ Wigwam could at least be open all day and evenmg seven days a week. Why isn't the Wigwam open on Sunday nights?
When the fire alarm went off, most students ran out of the dormitory right away. As smoke filled the halls everyone ran to the nearest exit to safety. But was everyone out? Two students who had already escaped the burninJ smoke-filled building went back inside together to check the top floor for strays. Banging on doors and coughing from the smoke, they awoke several more students who had yet to get out. Making sure no one else remained in the building, they were to be the last two students out. · It was an act of bravery and an act well ·beyond the call of duty for these two resident assistants, Tom DeMatteis and Brian Jensen. Thanks to both of you. The Men of Counsel
Honks Back
This letter is in response to article Can students alone make the Wigwam what it could on parking. I am glad that people with be? So far, no matter how hard they have tried, it hasn't unregistered vehicles are being peworked. If the students can do it, we hope they get nalized. If you can afford a car, you started soon. It is such a shame to let such a beautiful can afford the $10.00registration fee. But what I would like to know is, facility with so much potential go to waste . where can I park my car? The campus lost a considerable amount of parking spaces due to the addition of the Widener Center. Although we were compensated with the parking lot behind Grace Hall, that just is not enough. . I am a senior and I will not be This is arso the time to try to prevent one from plagued by this problem too much happening in the first place . An actual crisis has occurred. We dealt with -it longer. But with the combined expanenrollment and the degree prosuccessfully. Now let 's work on measures to avoid _ding gram, I feel Cabr ini should also expossible tragedy in the future . pand their parking facilities . Campus security and safety should be evaluated . Elizabeth G. Kanaras, Security expressed an interest in polling the campus as Veteran Commuter
a potentia ·1 for fire
Crisis at Cabrini ... The set apart and remote world of Cabrini College is being challenged to face the problems of the real world. What did we do? What will we do? The early morning fire in the basement of Counsel Hall proved to be a hauntingly real and effective means by which the college, through cooperation, and implementation of measures such as the Crisis Plan, passed the test of reacting effectively to an emergency situation . While the campus should be commended, the fact remains that a great deal of fortune was also involved in averting possible disaster. Jan Buzbee, director of public relations, stated that ___the time to plan for a crisis is before one actually occurs.
to whether or not the y feel safe . The question of the necessity of gates at all .driveways , better lighting , easy accessibility on campus, and the overall job of our security system should be extensively evaluated and planned for in future budgets. Where there 's smoke, there 's a potential for fire . An aura of smoke permeates the air of Cabrini College. Fire should be avoided at all costs .
Girard defends Cabrini's judicial policy by Dr. Jolyon P. Girard Associate Professor Department of History
When Cabrini College initiated its current "Student Judicial System" in 1981, the committee that formulated the plan had three basic objectives in mind. First, it wanted to guarantee that students received the basic legal rights and protections here that are available to them in our society in general. Second, the committee planned procedures that called for students to judge the guilt or innocence of their peers. Finally, I wanted to see the system protect the college and its administrators with a formal set of guidelines that safeguarded Cabrini in the event a student claimed the college had violated his or her rights. It seems to me that the "Student Judicial System" meets those objectives. In recent weeks, some membersof the campus community have expressed concern regarding the student judicial structure. Genuinely apprehensive aSout its avowed position on the rights of an accused student and its "quasi-legalism," some wonder whether the system protects the "guilty" at the expense of the rest of
the college. Those critics pose some important questions. Since we are a private institution, must Cabrini so zealously protect civil rights? Does the college have the necessary legal and police resources to enforce a justice structure of this type?. Should a student question the authorities who administer the conduct regulations and require them to prove, "beyond a reasonable doubt," the guilt of those charged with an offense? Good questions, but I think the answer to all of them is yes, and Cabrini College's judicial system responds positively to each one. A private college has no more authority or privilege to deny basic legal rights than a public institution. Fundamental individual protections remain paramount in either environment. There are legal precedents to support that point and, I think, moral ones as well. Being a private college does not and should not relieve us of the inherent responsibiity to shield a person from the possibility of mistaken punishment, even if we run the risk · of allowing "guilty" individuals to go "free." Certainly, Cabrini lacks the professional attorneys and trained police officers to conduct complicated legal
DiVincenzo says thanks " My sincerest appreciatio n to the Administration , Faculty and Students on the occasion of my receiving the 25th Anniversary Adjunct Faculty Award (a beautiful engraved silver tray) at the . 25th Anniversary Convocation held on Sunday, October 24 1982." Thank you'. Vito J. Di Vencenzo
cases or to protect against widespread crime. The college, however, ·remains free of those problems. We charge verr few students with conduct violations and only rarely do they demand judicial hearing. The college is fortunate to have a vast majority of honest and responsible students. Our judicial system can deal with the others. In the event of a serious offense, the Dean of Students retains the right to call on local police officials to step . in and esolve the issue. In that sense, the college avoids the risk of anyone's unchecked misbehavior. Finally, I trust the good sense and good will of those who administer the student conduct regulations. From the Resident Assistants to the Dean of students, I believe that the college has top-notch people represntingour interests. I refuse to concede, however, that they are incapable of error. People make mistakes, and it is not unduly critical to have a "Student Judicial System" that recognizes that fact and requires anyone to verify "beyond a reasonable doubt" charges they level at another individual. That is all the Cabrini College system requires. In myjudgment, that does not ask too much. ._
\lrmb..r of 1hr -\ ,sm·ialt-d Collrgialr l'n·" P,,b/ished bi-weelcJy dur ing the school year by the students ol Cabrin i College , Radnor , Pennsylvonjo 19087 . Subsc ription pr1ce i$ inc/11ded in benelifs secured by tuition and student lee.
Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant Editor Patty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Features Editor Pam Clark Gallery Editor Ann Belsky SGA Notebook Co-Editors Francine M. Kuterbach Robin Larkins Sports .Co-Editors Rita Callcat Danny Ross Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Manager Louis Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek
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Enthusiasm shown when we needed ·each other I've always maintained that Counsel Hall is a very special place to live. Such a conviction has been questioned and criticized time and time again by many on campus who see the old building in light of what it was many years ago, namely, ·a horse stable. Since freshman year, I've often found myself defending Counsel to those who jokingly mock our building. Many ask how I could possibly like a place that often has no heat, bad plumbing, and cracked paper thin walls. Good old "Counsel Zoo," how could anyone really want to live there? I'm not sure where the term "Counsel Zoo" came from, but I am beginning to dislike the phrase even when it is said in jest. More than ever, I have found Counsel Hall to be a much more important place than Cabrini's decrepit male dormitory. As many know, I'm a resident assistant in Counsel now. At present, I'm very happy about that fact. I have to be honest though, if you had talked to me a few weeks ago I wouldn't be as enthusiastic about my job as I am now. Things weren't going the way I wanted them to then. The men that live in Counsel know what I'm talking about, and this column, selfishly perhaps, is written for them especially. Then came the fire . Believe me, that was no fun. Just ask anyone who was there. The incident did, however, remind me of something important I've known for a long time.
Two issues back, my column called for students to be careful,especially in light of nearby college related tragedies. Last issue, I asked for students to view their accomplishments in an optimistic way by patting themselves and their friends on the back. Now, in light of what hapened at counsel Hall, I'd like to bring these two ideas together as they came together for me at the time of the fire. It was very fortunate that no one was hurt and we should all thank God that things weren't nearly as bad as they could have been. That early morning · fire in Counsel Hall was indeed a vivid reminder of what could happen if we are not cautious. Counsel Hall and every other building on campus should be checked again and again to note every possible measure that could be taken to prevent what happened -two weeks ago . It's just common sense to be careful. Okay, now for patting students on the back. The men of Counsel, at the time of the fire, were absolutely fantastic. Events like that, it is said,. often bring people closer together. The men of Counsel have certainly exemplified that. It has become more obvious to me than ever, that Counsel Hall is indeed a special place because of the pride and enthusism put into the building by the students who live there . Counsel Hall is not cracked walls, poor plumbing and bad heating. Nor is it a fire trap, a horse stable, ·nor a zoo. Counsel Hall is a group of very good
of the penalties for draft violations? Registration for a draft is not a new concept; several years ago it was accepted as normal by young men. After some peace time though, attitudes of people seem to have changed, and there has been some resistance to the registration law.
Reporter/photographer Mark Magner interviewed several Cabrini students to find out what they thought about the recent arrests of people who have refused to register for the draft, and if they thought there was a valia reason for the U.S. to be holding draft registration at this time.
Jose Rojas - Junior · It was specifically stated that there would be a fine and/or imprisonment for refusing to register. The U.S. is only carrying out that law.
Mary Powers - Freshman I don't think a person should be arrested for refusing to register, but it is too risky to wait until the last minute. Technology is so advanced today that only one attack is needed to destroy our country.
Michael Gimpel - Junior The draft registration law should be enforced, or else future laws will not seem valid.
people who care about where they live and who they live with. In that respect, Counsel is the best built dormitory in the school. I'm very proud of the men of Counsel. I want to thank all the men for their kindness and enthusiasm shown when we all needed each other the most. Remember men, Counsel Hall is indeed a very spacial place to live. Be proud of your home and proud of all those who share it with you. We have plenty of reason to be. One more thing: At the time of the early morning fire and ever since, gestures of kindness from people all over Cabrini community toward the men of Counsel Hall have been honorable and very touching. I won't forget one student who gave me his shoes right off his feet because I was barefoot the night of the fire. Women on campus graciously offered many of the men socks, blankets and sweaters so that they would be more comfortable while standing outside. The Sisters sent over candy to our residence on Halloween. In a most generous gesture, the men of Sullivan House expressed their concern for us by donating $100.00to our dorm fund . There were so many acts of kindness and everyone of them is greatly appreciated by all the men of Counsel. On behatrof all the men, I would like to express our most sincere gratitude. It is easy to see that Counsel Hall and the campus it stands on has a lot going for it. Cabrini College is indeed a very special place to live.
Thoughts end in thank you The few times that I have had some free time, I sit 'and think about many different things. One of the things that I have considered lately is how fortunate I ain to be part of a growing communications program in a growing college. I have been asked to write something simple and sensitive in this space, so I will address my thoughts on this matter. At the start of my senior year in high school, I had no intentions of going to college. As the year progressed, however, I showly began to change my mind. Finally, a friend told me about Cabrini so I looked into it. I found that the college had a very good English/Communications program and that it was located about 10 minutes from where my older sister lives. Most importantly, at the time, I found that I would be able to play soccer for the college team. These three factors prompted me to choose Cabrini. Now, I have no doubt about my decision and if I had to do it all over again, Cabrini woµld still be my first choice . I still like the fact that my sister lives close by for the times !need a home cooked meal, but soccer would not be a major reason for my choosing this school. The new facilities in the Widener Center is certainly the reason for the continued upgrading of the program. Working in photography, with Loquitur and the WCAB station has allowed me to better understand my field of interest by taking advantage of the fine facilities that have been provided. For this, I am very grateful. There is another aspect of our growing curriculum that many English/Communications majors may sometimes take for granted. Not only are our facilities impressive, but so are the people who show us how to use them. In my major, there are very high quality instructors. Dr. Zurek, Mr. Young, Dr. Bezdek, Mr. Hogan, Dr. Johnson and others are the people dedicated to helping us learn how to best take advantage of the opportunities available here. So the few moments that I have some time to consider this whole matter, my thoughts always end with a "thank you" to the people who got me here, who have provided the facilities I can learn from, and who teach and support me while I'm learning. I · am very fortunate to be an English/Communications major in a program that is so good.
Late fees imposed on tuition debts by Robin Larkins Better late than never tuition payments are going to cost students a $25 late fee plus an r.dditional 1.5 percent per month finance charge on the unpaid balance, according to the updated statements of account sent to homes during the last week of October. James R. Keches, business manager of the college commented, ''Too many students were not paying tuition on time by scattering payments throughout a term. This 1s an extremely costly endeavor for the school to keep up with. At one point, unpaid tuition accounted for close to $300,000 in accounts receivable of the college's balance sheet. These additional costs hurt the school in that we don't have that money to invest in order to get a return for the school. We also have to borrow money in order to pay the bills of the college, which adds additional financial burdens on us which we, in turn, pass on to the students in order to make ends meet." Keches continued, "The bottom line is that the college has to make up for its loss of capital. This can be done by
Unpaid tuition bills were up to $300,000 at one point according to James R. Keches. (Photo by Chris Spencer)
raising everyone's tuition and cutting student services, or by imposing a ¡1ate fee on those elements causing the problem ." Thus, the late fee and finance charge was established not as a punishment or penalty procedure , but to
Where do the extra dollars go? by M. Anne Torone
Fund raising efforts at Cabrini this past year have been responsible for $250,000 in scholarship money, the building of Widener Campus Center, its Communication Center, and the renovation of Sacred Heart Hall which includes the enlarged Computer Center. Most of us are aware of the existence of annual drives and frequently witness spectacular efforts to raise and reward donors. It may be a surprise to find out, however, that 12 percent of Cabrini's operating budget $2 million comes from these extra funds. About 28 percent comes from endowment, and auxiliary enterprises, such as summer rentals, and secial conferences. The other 60 percent comes from tuition, room and board and other fees, according to John J. Heiberger, Jr., vice president for development. Fund raising dollars fall into two basic categories, restricted and unrestricted, according to James R. Keches, Cabrini's business manager. Restricted funds must specifically be used as intended by the donor, he said. Unrestricted gifts can be used in whatever manner the college wishes, said Keches. The largest of the restricted funds, which is from foundations, corporations and trusts, amounted to over $200,000 in 1981-82, Heiberger said. Proposals are written or supervised by him for grants aimed at specific goals. Some of the areas which receive this funding are: the communication studios, the renovation of Sacred Heart Hall, lower level, the Computer Center and the Community Agency Management Program, Heiberger said. The next ¡ largest amount was received from "friends" (individual donors) and amounted to $110,000in 1981-82, accordini to Heiberger. These funds, essentially unrestricted,
were used mostly for scholarships and to "underwrite new academic programs . Area businesses were tapped for $13,000. These are mostly unrestricted and are used for scholarships, Heiberger said. Alumni contributed a large portion, $25,000, the majority of which was through the Annual Alumni Phonathon . The arnount of $5,000 was raised from parents and primarily used for student services, such as counselling, dorm furnishings, and student pro-
offset the losses the college incurs from people who do not pay their tuition on time. The idea was first suggested by the administrative staff and presented to the board of trustees by the budget committee. The board approved the additional char~es for presentation in the 1982-83 Cabrmi College catalog as an addition to the costs and expenses section of the book. Keches said, "The board felt that it was not fair for the students who did pay on time to, in effect, subsidize the cost of carrying accounts receivable for the students who did not pay on time." To notify people of this rew policy, the business office mailed out letters with the first bills in July . The same letter was given to students before financial clearance was granted at registration in September , with the actual charges being placed on the bills sent out during the last week of October . The late fee concept is not a policy alien to other college campuses . Rose mont's policy initiates a $100 fee if tuition payment is not made by the
first week in August. Eastern College abides by a similar policy. Cabrini fees are imposed if tuition is not paid by the frist day of classes. This semester, however. payments were allotted a grace period until the end of Spetember due to bank holdings of guaranteed student loan checks . When asked an opinion on the late fees, Beth Ann Lieberman, assistant director of financial aid, said that students should look at the business aspect of such a situation. "The policy is definitely not unreasonable. Where else can you make installment payments with only a 1.5 percent interest rate on a balance due." Lieberman hastened to add that if any undue hardship resulted from the fee, then a student can appeal to financial aid about their case. Theresa Dymond, junior, receives Work Study, Work Grant and works in the cafeteria in order to pay tuition. She said, ''The administration is very fair and flexible about tuition payments . Any charge for late payment is justified and realistic . This is life and the real world."
science field receives
s50,ooo from
missionary sisters
by Pat McDermott At 1 p.m. on Monday, October 25, 24 people shuffled into the mansion dining room for what they thought would be a run-of-the-mill board of trustees meeting, discussing the topics that can either make or break Cabrini. They all took their seats at the table and began to discuss current issues such as the bi-laws for the corporation and the personnel policy (employees who are not faculty). Then the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr . Joseph Romano, made his proposition to the board. He presented the computer science major , and how he wanted to expand it. This program had been previously approved of by the Academic Council and the executive committee of the board. The board approved of this program unanimously. Then came the big moment, Sr. Regina Casey, MSC, Honorary Chariman and ex officio, presented a donation from the Missionary Sisters for this program of $50,000.
"Everybody was cheering and clapping, " said Romano. "It was received with great enthusiasm, it was the most enthusiastic program ever presented," Romano said. "There's always a cost involved with things like this," said Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, ex officio, ''but we never expected this." Sr. Regina is a very gracious woman," said Currie. " It shows a vote of confidence in the institution." The computer-science major is designed "to provide students with technical skills in computer science and to develop the problem solving and communication techniques necessary for successful achievement of career objective," according to the catalog . "This program is necessary and vital," stated Currie. When and how the money will be used for this program has not been determined. Probably in the purchasing of more equipment and other materials," said Currie .
John J. Heiberger explains where Cabrini College gets the funds needed to operate and maintain the institution. (Photo by John Doyle)
grams, accordinJ to Heiberger. The Silver Anniversary Scholarship Endowment Fund amounts to $30,000 to date, said Heiberger. The 11donors were treated to a cocktail party in their honor and given the privilege of selecting a momento which was placed in the Cabrini time capsule. About 400 students received scholarship money, ranging from $100 to $2,000, totaling $250,000, according to Arlene McEvilla, director of financial aid. The highest, $2,000, is from the Alumni Annual Fund, and was awarded to a deserving freshman, she said.
Div. American Pool Service 210 N. Aberdeen Avenue Wayne, PA
888-1571 Distributor - Dettra Flags Suppliers to Cabrini College
Commuter by Robyn Williams Have you ever noticed all of the different cliques that there seem to be on our campus? No matter what your hobby, personality or major, you can always find a certain clique to be a part of. If you take a good look at our campus, you will notice how all the athletes seem to stay together, or how there is usually a group of biology or education majors who have thei-r own clique. The same is true for those who like to study or those who like to party . There seems to be a clique for eveyone to fit into here at Cabrini. Well, the commuters could also be considered a clique, but they don't feel like they are a part of the student body here at Cabrini. Donna Gallagher, the commuter chairperson here at Cabrini, talked of the general commuter feeling. One of the complaints is based on the scheduling time of many of the activites. Activities such as the Ice Cream Extravaganza, sponsored by the
opinions are revealed Campus Ministry, and the Pretzel Sale, sponsored by the sophomore class, were scheduled at times that made it impossible for the commuters to participate. The recent religion workshop was also held at an awkward time. Scheduled for a Saturday, there was no van; therefore, commuters without cars would have to walk from the train station in order to attend. Not only do the commuters feel that many activities are scheduled at the convenience of the residents, but some activities seem to be only for the residents. The commuters had to ask to be a part of last year's homecoming activities. The same is true for this year's upcoming Blood Drive contest. The commuters would also like to see the T.V. Lounge be called the Commuter Lounge. It would not be just for the commuters, but it would give them a place to call their own here on campus. In a sense, the lounge would be like the smoker in Woodcrest and the lobbies in the houses. A parking lot for cummuters is another thing that they would like to
achieve. There seems to be a major issue presently, concerning the commuters . Just like many clubs and dorms have tee-shirts representing them, the commuters want the same right. The problem is based on what the tee-shirts will say. Many members of the college feel that the saying "Cabrini, a nice place to commute to, but I wouldn't want to live there," portrays a negative image of campus life here at the school. According to Gallagher, "the teeshirts are just in fun." The commuters' shirts are really no worse than the shirts of some of the other groups here on campus, "P.O.W ." prisoner of Woodcrest, "Counsel Zoo" or "I Hate Biology," to name a few. It seems that there is a large communication gap between the commuters and the rest of the campus community. Maybe if both groups recognized the other's needs, the residents would not see the commuters as alienating themselves and the commuters would not feel they did not fit in.
Reher and Bruhin research small colleges by Lori Lyn Smith
In celebration of Cabrini College's 25th anniversary, Margaret Reher, Ph.D., and Barbara Bruhin, sophomore, worked together this past spring and summer on a special project researching the changes in religion departments across the country. Reher will be giving a talk on Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. on the results of this research. Reher, chairperson of the department of religion and a member of the American Catholic Historical Society, wanted to research and examine the goals and objectives of Cabrini's philosophy and compare it to other small catholic colleges throughout the country. "I sent a letter to 78 small colleges throughout the United Statesl explaining what I was doing ana asked for their help. Incredibly, 70 percent of the colleges responded," said Reher. "The purpose of this study is to determine if there was a pattern that emerged during the years between 1960and 1980and to see if Cabrini fits into it. These were the crucial years within the American Catholic Church and America itself," Reher said._
Reher began the first step of the project in April 1982 and she knew then that she would work throughout the summer. She also knew that she would need help, so she asked Bruhin to be her research assistant. "I taught Barbara that year a_nd I found that :;J(I,,.,
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Margaret Reher and Barbara Bruhln worked together over the spring and summer research ing small catholic colleges . (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
she had an extraordinary research ability, so I decided to ask her to help me out," said Reher. Bruhin and Reher, as a team , worked all summer on the project so that they could share with the college and community one of the important perspectives of Cabrini that is of great interest. Reher is overwhelmingly satisfied with Bruhin's work. She feels that the relationship between a faculty member and a student should be a good one. They both found that researching can be fun. "It took a lot of work and time but it was well worth it,"said Bruhin. Bruhin felt very comfortable while working with Reher. "She is more than a teacher, she is a friend," Bruhin said. The lecture given by Reher will be held in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. There is no admission, and it is open to the public. Reher chose Nov. 18 because it is the closest date available to the feast day of Mother Cabrini. After the talk, there will be a reception. All are welcome.
Council of college affairs: purpose and goals by Pat McDermott
"To facilitate communications and to actively seek academic and social improvement among the student , faculty and administration of Cabrini College," is the sole purpoe of the Council of College Affairs, according to the Cabrini handbook. CCA keeps tabs on the campus, its students, faculty, administration and policies. If there's a problem between any two, CCAis there as a go between to get it solved. CCA's basic goal is the same as last year 1 "to address all froblems concerning all aspects o the campus, faculty included," said Frank Willard, admissions director and chairperson of CCA."We have no
P.ower to mandate," said Willard, 'but we give references and suggestions to problems." Such problems that do arise and that have been brought to CCA's at tention include, security problems, concerning the lighting and parking on campus, handbook policies such as drinking , parietals , and the party policy. A major subject that CCA is currently working on now is the honor system . 95%of the student body has to approve of having an honor system before it can be installed. Willard's job is to be the mediator between the person presenting the issue and the group listening. Among other duties, he is to keep things
flowing smoothly and make sure .no time is wasted. If a topic is being discussed too long and not getting anyhere, Willard is to get things back in perspective again. Willard thinks this club is different because it's not just students involved, but faculty and administration also get involved. The CCAmembers are sophomores, Lori DiMeglio and Matt Garrison; juniors , Will Fontana and Tony Cazazza; Seniors, Marueen Carroll and Cathy Masino. Faculty includes Dr. Jolyn Girard and Father Mark Falcone. Ex officio members are Dr. Roseph Romano, Sister Christine Baltas and Dr. Anhony Tomasco .
Job squad will meet student financial' needs by Brla_n Jensen
The "Job Squad" service provided by the financial aid office has become a very successful part-time student employment service at Cabrini College. According to Arlene MacEvilla, director of financial aid, the Job Squad service, which began in the Fall of , 1981as a "service to refer students to baby-sitting jobs off campus ," has grown into a program that has employed over 70 students on a part-time basis this semester alone. Students employed through Job Squad now take on jobs such as baby sitting, yard work, party help, bartending and even as clowns at children's birthday parties. McEvilla explained that the Job Squad service was originally initiated from her office to help students find odd jobs to _supplem~nttheir income . "We made up a form in hopes to help students find baby-sitting jobs, and the ~rogram was born, " McEvilla said. McEvilla explained that due to the program's immediate success, Job Squad now has its own office and phone in Grace Hall and work grant students are employed almost on a full-time basis to answer calls from possible emP.loyers of Cabrini students. McEv1lla said that some potential employers have mentioned positions as keypunch operators, restau rant workers, retail store work, and free room and board offers . "We are actually a temporary employment service now," McEvilla said. The Job Squad service is advertised in area newspapers such as The Suburban and Wayne Times and the Main Line Times. People from the area respond to the ads which tell of the availability of students for part-time employment. According to McEvilla , the response to Job Squad has been ''tremendous.'' ''We often get from at least 50to 100 calls a week from potential employ-. ees . Sometimes the phone doesn't stop ringing," McEvilla said. McEvilla also pointed out that at present there are many more jobs available than there are interested Cabrini students to.fill them. "If your work study award isn't what it used to be, here is a way you can make big bucks . There are plenty of jobs available," McEvilla said.
One student, Guido Carusi, has been employed by being referred to a job from Job Squad. "I've had a different job every weekend so far . It 's been good pay , and the money really helps out. It was Job Squad that told me about the work. I think it is a great service," Carusi said. "The program has been very very successful. I hope more students begin to take advantage of this service ,'' McEvilla said.
Continued Judicial policy Jolyon P. Girard, associate professor of history and author of the judicial system, said, "It is an abject violation of students' rights not to tell them their options." In most cases that have hit the RCC appeal board, the accused was acquitted of the charges. What of the RAs? Does the appeal question their authority? "Yes, of course," Girard said, "their word is not unchallengable. The intention of the justice system is to provide the accused individual with basic rights and protections." Sharon C. Schwarze, associate professor of philosophy and ex-officio member of the RCC, agrees, "It is their word against another student's word. Circumstantial evidence can convict." Nicoletti felt the appeal does not undermine the authority of the RA. if a student is not in violation or unjustly cited, "he has the right to appeal," Nicoletti said. Nicoletti brought out a two-page report stapled to his copy of the writeup form that the RAs in Counsel had taken it upon themselves to write to cover all technical aspects of the case. "this is what it's lead to," Nicoletti said. DeMatteis said he had to "take care of every technicality. It's not what we want to do, but now no question is left unanswered.'' Bill Fontana, Sullivan House RA, said it was "ridiculous" that RAs deemed it necessary to include reports with their write-ups. Baltas felt that in the RAs view it would be easier if students didn't have the right to appeal but not necessarily fairer.
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the calmness of the students and how things were kept under control through the cooperation of the people who assumed responsibility. Something like this can bring out the best in people," Baltas said. This point was emphasized further by Counsel Hall's resident assistants, Brian Jensen and Tom DeMatteis. "I was very much impressed with the way the entire school reacted. Sr. Eileen and Sr. Christine rushed over to the scene within minutes. The heads of security, maintenance and public relations were also there right away," Jensen said. Both Jensen and DeMatteis were also impressed with the student's reaction to the situation. They noted the cooperation of the men in the dorm; the generosity of the women at Woodcrest who brought over blankets and clothing; the seven houses that accomodated the displaced residents and the kind gestures of all students and administrators. Jim Capolupo, resident manager of Counsel Hall commented, ''Everyone handled the whole situation in a very mature and sincere way." While the campus reaction to the emergency seemed impressive, it was also noted that damage was done. Jensen reflected, "The biggest loss was the renovated basement area that the men had been working on for over a year. Its been wiped out and we have been told that we can't use that area at all. It's a damn shame," Jensen said.
or. The authority of resident assistant position is challenged." When Girard orgainzed a judicial system, his main criteria was to protect the rights of the accused, the student. His ultimate purpose was to expose the students to what is going on in the world outside Cabrini. Girard felt it was "absolutely essential to protect the rights of the accused and if these rules and
guidelines were not adhered to, it creates a loophole." He explained a few such loopholes. · The confidentiality of the case was infringed upon when Girard, acting as legal counsel, found seven others in the room with his defendant being charged. The hearing was not run in the judicial fashion as stated in the student Handbook, the dean of students office did not 'prosecute' the student as the Handbook suggests. the RAs talked, the students talked and then the dean of students office is required to J:>rovebeyond a shadow of a doubt guilt or innocence," Girard said. "Unless these loopholes are corrected, it may permit the guilty to go free as well. No justice system is designed to do that," Girard said. Schwarze challenged some of Girard's ideas by suggesting the world is an "unreasonable standard" . to base Cabrini's justice system on. "The RAs do not have the same evidence-gathering devices, for example, fingerprinting," Schwarze said. Schwarze also questioned some of the technicalities. "There is nothing in the Handbook that says if proceedings, such as the advisement of rights, aren't followed, a student is acquitted. We can't read outside rules into our rules,'' Schwarze said. In-the hearing proceedings, no one is asked to swear to tell the truth. Schwarze suggests some statements may not be totally truthful. "The system is askewed in favor of protecting the student," Schwarze said. This puts more pressure on the RAs. "The present policy is wide-open to interpretation," agreed Brian Jensen, RA of Counsel Hall. The administration should review the Student Handbook the judicial
When asked to comment on security and safety, Caranfa said, "There was a fire drill two weeks before the fire. Regarding the safety of the victims of the fire, Mike Caranfa and his staff, directed their operations so that the second floor of the building was safe and liveable in less than 24hours after the incident occurred. Temporary alarm systems were installed; electricity, phone service and plumbing were restored; and contracting for the work to be done on the
areas extensively damaged were all completed in less than two days after the fire. Caranfa estimated that it would take two weeks from the time of the fire before things would be back to normal in Counsel Hall. The equipment and evacuation time was checked. Everything WJlS safe and where it should be." Bob Watson reported that on the night of the fire, "action was taken immediately by the guards."
from page 1 "It's written to make RAs out to be policemen. This makes their job difficult, but the RAs must learn to make it work to their advantage," she said. After the incil}ent in Sullivan House, senior Evetta Borden, RA in Casey House, was disgruntled. "I was questioning my job as RA, being torn between policeman and peer counsel-
The damage done to the walls of room 19 in Counsel Hall by the fire on Oct. 31. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)
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policy and residency handbook. If they do restructure it, it's going to be more astringent. My sympathy goes out to the student on that point," Fontana said. Baltas describes the system as "terribly legalistic." "There is a basic underlying need for honesty," she said of the appeal of write-ups. "People try to manipulate truths." "I'm here to assist students, not police them," Jensen said. "Writing up ~wo-page reports stinks for both
August Nicoletti states that, "Students pust take the responsibililty to know their rights." (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
the RA and student. There is not enough room on a write-up form to answer all the questions that the board seems to want answered. The result is unhappy RAs who have to stay .up until 4 a.m. to write ridiculous reports and unhappy students who feel like they've just been busted by the F.B.I. just because they were written-up." Regarding the safety of the residences, Watson discussed the question of easy access through the entrances of dorms such as Counsel Hall. All entrances to the dorms are to be locked by the resident assistants at the given curfew times. Security has found th&t over the past year this is not being done," Watson said. Watson continued, "The RAs are going to have to be a little more security conscious. If the RA has to sit up all night to make sure the doors are locked then it just might do them good." . In regards to the entire campus, Watson feels that the campus is security conscious. "There are going to be some changes and improvements in the future as soon as money is available from budgeting." Watson ·suggested the possibility of· gates at all driveways, better lighting on campus, and extended security hours to cover the entire campus, particularly the main buildings. On security, Caranfa commented, "We don't have a closed campus. We have gates but they just stop vehicle traffic. Anyone can walk on campus through the woods or places where there are no gates. We are not a prison here." When asked if he felt safe living in Counsel Hall, Jensen commented, ''Yes, I feel very secure in Counsel. I have no apprehensions about living there at all. It is our home. I was glad to be back there as soon as possible." ..)
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·sc-hwarze shows talent on and off the court by Ann Belsky
More than a 12-year faculty member at Cabrini College, Sharon Schwarze is a "person of greatintegrity and honesty," said Margaret Mary Reher, professor of religion and personal friend of Schwarze.
PERS.ONALITV She is never too busy to lend an ear or a helpful word of advice to a struggling student. A mother of twogirls, aged 13 and 10, and wife of lawyer Bill, Schwarze stillh as time to play squash every day. She also enjoys listening to operas. Her favorite is "Magic Flute." Claiming to be "pretty good" at squash, Schwarze is ranked 12th in the country in B division. She is a veteran of numerous National competitions. · She has the National Women's Doubles and National Mixed Doubles championsips under her belt. In the mixed doubles, she teamed with her husband. The Philadelphia B doubles have also seen the terrible wield of her favorite racquet. A graduate of the local Harriton High School, Schwarze went on to get her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. Originally, she was a political science major concentrating in political ·theories and African studies, but she
found these "very qualitiative." Not wanting to be at the mercy of a client's admission of guilt or innocence, and having to defend that plea, Schwarze switched from law to philosophy. "Philosophy gives you a chance to dabble in different areas," Schwarze said. "There is a philosophy for every subject. I like being able to dig into all topics." After earning her master's degree in philosophy and her B.A. from Smith College in North Hampton, Mass., Schwarze did one year of graduate work at the University of Chica- _ go. Before coming to Cabrini, she taught undergraduate ethics at the American University in Washington, D.C. for two years. If she wasn't teaching philosophy or on the squash courts, we could probably find her in the gardenor in the kitchen making luscious desserts. Schwarze also wouldlike to try her hand in interior decorating. Maybe she'll get a few design ideas this summer in Italy where she is attending an International Con.ference for the Study of Time. She ought not to be late for any of her classes next year. "The whole family, especially the girls, are really looking forward to the trip," Schwarze said. . The Schwarze family has been to Austria and presently the 13-year old is staying in England as an exchange student. ·
Who can sar which is a better place to live in-the country or . the city? · People in the country say, "Life in the country is where it's at. :Nohustle or bustle. I have a piece of land I call my own. Neighbors are friendly; and we all know each other." People in the city say, ''Hey, living in the city is what living's all about. Shopping, culture, transportation at your fingertips -it's all here. Everyone minds their own business and that's the way it should be." However, we all know there are disadvantages to living ·in both places, therefore, man invented suburbia. It's supposed to have the advantages of both; easy access to the city for culture, yet still far enough away from crime, pollution and poverty; nice friendly neighbors; and good schools where your children can grow safely. · I had never thought of myself as living in the country. One day however, in my early days at Cabrini, we were talking of farms and country living. My teacher (whose name I will kindly omit) said, "We need more information on this from someone who lives in the sticks. How about you, Jeanne?" Before I started to pout, I quietly and quickly asked for a definition of what a "naive suburbanite" actually is. I was told that a suburbanite is one who has lived most or all of one's life in the suburbs away · from smog,_hustle, dirt, bustle,
overpopulation, murder, cramped lots and grouchy, unfriendly people who wished they lived in the suburbs. A naive suburbanite was then naturally one who was oblivious to such elements of the city. I argues that indeed I wasn't about to skip lightly down Market Street, peer eagerly into the fingerprint smeared window of Dynamite Don's Discount Shoe Mart and say with a breathy voice, "My, what lovely wares you have." Glad to hear that, the city dweller smiled to say. But you shouldn't want to come to the city. What do you see that's so irresistible? I cried, "how could you forget the excitement, the energy and the shopping?" "My dear," I was told, "you don't want city excitement." The city dweller continued with a soft chuckle saying that ''you know as well as I do that you don't have to come to the city for good shopping." I shook my head vigorously as I insisted, "Oh, ~ut you don't understand. Living in the country I feel culturally deprived." .The city dweller was silent for a moment. I had obviously made my point. You can live very comfortably in the suburbs of Harrisburg. The scenery is lieautiful, the food is good, the people are friendly, but that's it. I suppose I never did actually answer which is a better place in which to live. But what can you expect from a naive suburl'>ariite?
Sharon Schwarze is at home in her office. in the classroom or on the squash courts. (Picture by Lisa Del Borello)
When questioned about her height, Schwarze said, "I never thought of myself as being short until I started playing squash and my instructor commented on it." Reher reminisces about Schwarze, "The first thing that impressed me is her · really generous concern and sen-
sitivity to people as people. When I first came to Cabrini, she didn't know me, yet she invited me to Thanksgiving dinner with her family. She didn't know if I had a family or not to spend it with." Of herself, Schwarze said, "I'm glad that curly hair is in now." ·
Feast .of Mother Cabrini to be celebrated on campus
Do you prefer the quiet · country or the ci·ty lights? by Jeanne Proko
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by Chris Corcoran The feast of Saint Frances Cabrini will be celebrated on November 14. The founder of the order of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart is the most popular saint known in America. Mother Cabrini is the patroness of immigrants. In 1880 the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart were formed in Codogna, Italy. It was from there that Pope Leo XIII sent her to America in a boat full of immigrants that she was destined to serve. She arrived in March, 1889,on the_voyage that was to mark the first of 24 transAtlantic crossings. Frances Cabrini was a young school teacher when she entered the convent. Only a few weeks after Cabrini arrived and had begun her work her efforts were recognized by a New York newspaper saying, "In the .past few weeks we have become accustomed to seeing some oliveskinned women in our midst. They climb narrow staircases, descend into filthy basements, and enter some dives where a policeman would be afraid to go alone. They only speak a ew words of English. Mother Frances Cabrini is their leader, a woman with big eyes and an attractive smile. She can't speak Engish but she has a lot of spirit."
The next 28 years ofher life were spent . traveling and founding buildings for orphans, schools and hospitals. Some of the places in the U.S. include Chicago, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles, New Orlean, Scranton, Philadelphia, New York, Arlington and New Jersey.
She also traveled through South America, Spain, France, England, and Italy. She bec.ame an American citizen in Seattle in 1909. During the peak of Cabrini's activities people would say that the world wa_sn't big enough for Frances Cabrini. After her death her name was inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty and the entire world seemed to mourn her death. Less than 30 years after her death she was canonized a saint, the first American citizen to be recognized for "heroic virtue" in the Church. Originally the feast of St. Cabrini is celebrated in December but it was changed to the first step of her canonization which is November 13. One of the miracles that Mother Cabrini performed was a baby born in N.Y. was given the wrong medicine in his eye and was blinded. The baby's name was Peter Smith and the sisters there prayed to Mother Cabrini that she might help the baby to see and the next morning he could. Peter Smith is now a priest living in Texas. Sister Bernadette Cascione and Fr. Mark Falcone, of Campus Ministry are planning a liturgy for the feast on Nov. 14 and on Nov. 12 they will be putting fact sheets about her life into everyone's mailboxes. The two noted that Mother Cabrini was a great educator and a vibrant business person and that she- must have been in order to accomplish some of the feats she did to get all of the buildings in the different parts of the country.
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Puckerin saw his opportunity
and seized it
by Jeanne Hoepfi
"I got the guitar I play when I work with the band I'm in, Standard Deviation, a few years ago," said Paul Puckerin. second semester
Paul Puckerln, aophpmore, has been involved with music since childhood and says, "My world is music." (Photo by John Doyle)
Poltergeists are not ghosts by Sandra McNamara The unexplainable and the unknown. Things that go bang and bump in the night. A figure visible in the darkness and someone seeing into the future. All of these are a part of the vast unknown world of psychic phenomena. At one time or another we have all experienced something which is unexplainable to the human mind. Whether we dream something is going to happen, see a strange person behind us, hear a quiet whisper or cry we have all experienced this phenomen~. One of the most interesting aspects of parapsychology or the science of phychic phenomena is that of a poltergeist. The word poltergeist comes from the German word poltern meaning noisy or rattling a geist meaning spirit. . A poltergeist in fact is really not a noisy and rattling spirit, but rather "A spontaneous, unconscious, recuring phenomena centering around a person, usually an adolescent simmering with repressed feelings of anger." This is according to Jeffrey Mishlove from his book entitled The Roots of Consciousness. The poltergeist phenomena last only a short period of time somewhere between one and three months. It is different from that of a haunting by a spirit which could last indefinitely. Poltergeist occurences begin spontaneously and go on for a time and then just seem to eventually die down. - The things that a poltergeist may move are often the same things that a
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throw. Often the oojects that move look as if they are being thrown, because of the way that they move. It is an important fact to realize that someone in the home, or wherever the phenomena is occuring is the poltergeist. The poltergeist is not a ghost or spirit, as recently portrayed in the movie Poltergeist. One of the most interesting studies of the poltergeist phenomena is that of Matthew Manning, who since 1966 has been at the center of many poltergeist out bursts. Mishlove states, ''In addition to typical psychokinetic outbreaks, Manning has shown an apparent ability to communicate with spirits via automatic writing and drawing." To date there are approximately 30 well documented cases of poltergeists. poltergeist phenomena has occured everywhere in the world, and there are documented cases from all over. There are many questions one can ask if they feel that they are in the midst of experiencing a poltergeist. 1. When and where do the disturbances take place? 2. Who and what are the ages of the people in the household? 3. Are events more frequent at a certain time of the day? 4. Do occurences happen more often in the presence of a certain person? All in all witnessing the poltergeist can be extremely interesting. It is important to remember that the poltergeist is the manisfestation of human energy. It is amazing to realize how powerful the mind and hu~qi,wpt;,JtnJ;-9. ·• ~1\ -~l\eJ:g.y.~ be.
sophmore, and WCAB production manager. "I told my mother I wanted to be a priest and she gave me a guitar to keep me from doing it. "I got the idea when my sister was making the decision to become a nun, my mom kept offering her things not to do it. In my sister's case it didn't work. In my case I saw my opportunity and I seized it.'' Music is nothing new to Puckerin, who started playing drums and piano when he was five or six years old. He has full formal training in guitar and piano theory, and has played almost every instrument there is including assorted percussions, horns, and classical and 12 string guitar. Puckerin had access to all these instruments through his grammer school in Englap.d. He says he has a two and one half octave range in his singing voice . He would like to play a synthesizer in the future. "I gave up horns because they hurt my lips. The cello is boring and the violin whines, "Puckerin said. His band, Standard Deviation, includes Bob Nungesser playing keyboard and vocalizing, Steve Traugler playing the main bass, Bob Wambold
drumming, Puckerin plays bass, lead guitar and drums. The name of the band, Standard Deviation, is three of five derived from a statistical concept. It is the square root of the average deviation from the mean. "We picked the name because we don't want to seem normal," Nungessar said. "We are a new wave pop band being billed as a Police · show." Puckerin was born in Kent, England. He lived in Barbados where his father was a sugar cane plantation overseer. While the family, which includes two sons and two daughters, were in Bardados the parents adopted a sixteen-year-old native of Barbados. Puckerin says the family left Barbados after the country received its independence in 1967, because it became a bad place for white people to live. There was tremendous racial tension. He believes that living in Barbados influenced his music because of the Calypso and Reggae music that is prevalent there. From Barbados the family went back to England where his father had a job in a factory. The economic situation deteriorated and so the family came to America on August 8, 1979. Puckerin's adopted sister was not permitted entrance to the U.S. because of immigration laws that deemed she was not legally adopted. "I love living in America but I despise the culture. Everything is so timed. Everything in Europe is more relaxed," Puckerin said. "Everyone should travel. It helps you see the short comings of your own country."
'P~ople must not forget ... '
Helen Waterford and Alfons Heck during their lecture in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. (Photo by Jose Rojas)
by Pam Clark On October 28, the Dean of Students office presented a very unique lecture titled "Hitlerism and the Holocaust." The two speakers were Helen Waterford, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, and Alfons Heck, an ex-Nazi and former top Hitler Youth leader. They spoke to students, faculty and others for two hours and then held a question and answer session. At the beginning of the lecture, Waterford stated that the Holocaust was "an event which should never be forgotten," while Heck said, "I would have preferred for the subject to be forgotten." They became partners because they both realize that it is important that people not forget what happened under Adolf Hitler's power. Waterford and Heck are in the midst of a national SI?eaking tour, talking about their experiences in N,azi. <;;-ermany:. ,
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Draft threat stirs thoughts, fears by Sandra McNamara
minds of young men who are eligible to register . In the 1960's the cries of ypung Americans called for an end to war-the Vietnam war . America 's young all agreed that we were involved in a war which was unnecessary and a war which our young men should have not been fightinJ in. In the 1960s draft resiste nce sprung from young Americans belief in political activism . The young of the day were driven, organized and motivated to bring a new awareness to the entire nation. In the 1980's draft resistence springs from another area. With the threat of nuclear war and countries fighting for power and wealth, most feel that it won't be possible to fight a war with ·conventional weapons. Nuclear warfare will dominat e, and no one is willing to fight the kind of war where world destruct ion is eminent. Recently the question of military service was brought up at Cabrini College with the possibility of ROTC
It is often said that history repeats itself . That the problems, hardships and triumphs that we now face are all things that have happened in the past. And if this statement is true, nothing supports it better than the subjec t of draft resistence in 1982. To date approximately 675,000men have failed to sign up for draft regis trat ion since it resumed two years ago. This figure , which is from the Selective Service, estimates that 675,000 men have failed to register and by doing this have violated the law . Failure to register is considered a felony by Selective Se~vice and ~s punishable by up to five years m prison and a fine of not more than $10,000. In the 1960's approximately 200,000 violators were · refered to the justice department for possible prosecution . Although the figures and dates have changed, registration still causes those same thoughts and fears in the
being initiated into the collee. The program which never did materialize did in effect cause many students to question their own feelings about the draft and registration. Students have questioned the rea sons why they have registered, the outcome of registering and the threat of war in the future. Robert Davis, junior , said , " I registered because I was scared as hell about getting arresbd . They arrested two guys last week. I didn 't want to be a casualty or statistic." Davis was quick to add though , " I love my country, but I don't want to die for it. You're not supposed to kill, it 's one of the commandments ." Most recently a young man from Cleveland was sentenced for refusing to register. The young man , who did not register because of religous convictions was fined $4,000and given a three-year prison term, two years which he is to spend working in a home for retarded adults.
Selective Service js especially stressing that this is not a draft, only registration for the draft. It does not mean that we are about to engage in a war. It only means that if war were eminent we would have a list of names of people who could be used for the draft. Jim Moffatt, sophomore, who re alizes the trouble Selective Service is having in making people understand this is only registration states, " If people are going to resist the draft , they should wait until it really happens. Everyone is jumping the gun. Besides, I think the United States should be prepared , it would be essential if we faced a crisis." If the current number of registation violators remains consistent, the number of violators may become too large, and if all violators were prosecuted, the entire Federal Prison System could never hold the mass numbers.
Thanksgiving traditions include food, families course, have come from Dad's potent eggnog but nevertheless it returns . each year with cherished tradition . " It 's the only time we're all together," replied Brian Rottkam1,>, sophomore, when asked about his Thanksgiving memories . Andrea Hayes, senior, thought carefully to remember each morsel of an annual menu of, "turkey, sweet
by Barbara Bruhln
" We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing, " I remember singing every Thanksgiving with my high school choir. The tune stirs warm sensations of family memories and that full, content feeling felt when you finish that last bite of ?tfom's pumpkin pie. The warm sensation could, of
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potato pies, turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, cranberry ·sauce, giblet gravy and pie." You could find Sulamon Allyn, senior, doing any of a number of things on Thanksgiving Day, ranging from, "Going to city hall to watch the Mummers strut " to "getting a bunch of people together to play football in the park around 9 a.m." · Carter Craigie doesn't have any annual tradition now, but he could · drive to his hometown of Richmond! Va., where the huntsman's horn wil sound. He would join his fellow huntsmen (and women) dressed in a
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warm his bones. He would ride his mount to the church where a priest will bless the hounds and then the hunt will begin. Craigie added, that _ after his flask was empty, he would, "care not about the fox." When the
day of hunting is ended, all will meet at the hunt club for a lively Thanksgiving feast and to share tales of the joys and disasters of the ride . Joseph Romano, who has gone to the shore every Thanksgiving weekend for the past ten years, has fond memor.ies of homeotwn high school football rivalries stirring the air on Thanksgiving Day. "Oh no, it's getting too close to Christmas!" mimicked Andy Zipfel, junior, of his family · as they view Santa Claus every year at the end of the Macy's Parade. Geraldine Wright, junior, listed as her Thanksgiving traditions, "breaking the wishbone and wishing for a bigger turkey." As for the football games on T.V., she commented, "not this year." Rosemary Viggiano, sophomore, concluded about Thanksgiving traditions, "I always fall asleep after dinner ."
Big weekend planned by Lisa D' Ascenzo
The Junior /Senior dance, scheduled for the weekend of Nov. 19, will be held at the Inn of the Four Falls in Conshohocken. Cocktail hour is from 7 p.m . to 8 p.m . Dinner will be served from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m ., and the dance is from 9 p.m . to 1 a.m. Dress will be semiformal, although men can wear tuxedos if they want to. The menu consists of fruit cocktail for an appetizer, salad, boneless breast of stuffed capon or flounder stuffed with crab meat for the entree , string beans almondine, and rice pilaff . Dessert will be ice cream cake roll. There will also be a fully stocked bar. The Inn of the Four Falls provides a rusic atmosphere. The dance will be held in two rooms. One of the rooms has a terrace where you can look out over the four waterfalls. Entertainment will be provided by Nick Teti Enterprises. The cost is $20 for the dinner and dance, $12 for just the dance. This is a 20 percent cut in
price from last year. Carol Hasson, senior class pres ident , expects good attendance. " We want to stress that the dance is open to the whole school," Hasson said . "This will be the seniors' last event with everyone, so we want to make sure freshmen and sophomores know they can come ." "This year will hopefully be a big improvement over last year , where some difficulties arose," Hasson said . The dance was held at Stouffers ' in Valley Forge last year, and entertain ment was provided by The Pros . Sal Mastrangelo, junior , attended the dance last year. "I had a great time," Mastrangelo said. "I think we should have one once a month . It brings everyone _together .'' Other events the weekend of Nov. 19 will be a play during the day on Saturday, and a couble feature movie Saturday night at 9 p.m. The movies, "Creature From the Black Lagoon" and "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes " will be shown in 3-D.
SGA announc _es new policies by Francine Kuterbach The Student Government Association has announced their new attendance policy and procedures. Dane Linn , president, took roll at the beginning of the Oct. 21 meeting, and stated that it would be his policy to do this as the first order of business from now on. He also stated that SGA members will not be excused from meetings unless they give him a written notice for tlieir absence the day before the meetinis . These unexcused absences will result in expulsion from the SGA. Linn also expressed his desire that all clubs send a representative to SGA meetings, to report their progress, and activities to SGA, since they are directly under SGA and come to SGA for budgets . Donna Poley, senior, commented that she didn't feel it was neces-
sary for club members to attend all SGA meetings , since clubs don't have that many activities sched uled in a month's time. "I feel that it would be better to attend meetings once a month or twice a month ot give updates to the SGA." She also mentioned that clubs have their meetings on Thursdays as well. A vote was taken re~arding the frequency of the meetm~ of club representatives. The maJority , 29 members, felt that meetings should be held once per month . It was decided that club members should attend the first meeting of the month in order to report any news to the SGA. All clubs on the Cabrini College campus are responsible for reporting their activities to the SGA. It is
the SGA that coordinates and funds the clubs . The SGA announced new guidelines for any events to be sponsored by clubs . All events must be written down and handed in to a member of the executive board. All requests for money from the SGA must be made at least 2 days before the activity is to take place, although more than 2 days notice is preferred . The standard form should be used. In the future, anyone wishing to charge any item to the SGA must first obtain a requisition form from the bookstore. When the form is completed, it · must be approved and signed by Sulamon ALiyn or Dane Linn. This practice is to stop the privilege from being abused by individuals who were making personal
purchas~s with SGA money . Terry Hundermark will be accepting club constitutions, which should be organized with the formation of the club. Spaces and keys will be assigned for the file drawers in the Student ACtivities Center. The secretaries of all clubs are requested to take minutes of their meetings, reserving a copy for themselves and turning a copy over to the SGA. . Money raised by the clubs must be turned over to the SGA. Any money raised will be carried over for !hat club to the next year. Any excess budget money will revert to the SGA for the following term.
Faculty ~nd students enioy Squ·ash Night
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On Oct. 22, the SGA sponsored Squash Night at the Berwyn Racquetball Club. On the \eft Wiliam Schwarze is instructing Cabrini seniors on the art of playing squash. The seniors ar e from the right Donna Poley , Donna Degnan, Carolyn Sanson and Carol Hasson. Squash is a court game for two or four people . It is played in a similar manner to handball , except small rackets are used to hit the ball. The object of the game is to hit the ball so that your opponent •fails .to strike it before the second bounce , fails to reach the wall with a hit, or misses it entirely. Points are awarded to the winner of each confrontation . Squash is physicall y strenuous, and awards the pla yer with a hard workout in a minimum amount of time. _
Photo by Debbie Jablonski
SGA Minutes A blood drive was scheduled to be held Monday Nov . 8. The object of the drive was to get at least 100 volunteers to donate their blood . The dorm "giving • the highest amount of participation will be given a pizza part y by the SGA. The junior class is commended for their efforts in getting volunteers . Anyone interested in ordering special cakes for friends should contact their dorm repre\entatives for details .
Th_enew student reps for CCA for 1982/ 83: Sophomore class, Lori DiMeglio ; Junior class , Bill Fontana ; Senior class , Maureen Car roll ; members at lar ge , Matt Gar rison , Tony Ca s a zza , Cathy Masino. The result of the Fr eshmen class election run-off : Bob Crook , representative ; Mary Powers, alternate . The election for Freshman commuter representative was scheduled to be held the week of Nov . 1.
The price for the Dinne / Dance on Nov . 29 will be $20.00 per person . For the Dance alone, the price is $12.00 a person. . Congratulations are in order for the members of the Homecoming Court. The SGA activities for October included the Squash Nite at the Berwyn Country Club, a screening of the film "Time After Time", the Pumpkin Decorating contest for Dorms , and the Commuters Special Dinner in the Dining Hall .
advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College
A Halloween Dance was spon sored by the Senior/ Junior classes . $25, $10 and $5 pizes were awarded for the best costume. A Sophomore / Senio r basketball game was held in the gym . Patt y Johnson reported on some of her feelings in regard to the honor system . Respectfully submitted , Terr i Hundermark
Spanish ·oance: by Mark Magner If you love to watch lively Spanish dancers clicking their heels, twirling their bodies, and bringing music to life, you won't want to miss the Raquel Pena Dance Company in action next Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Widener Campus Center.
The company presents lyric-al Neoclassical Works, humorous jotas, and the famous Flamenco dance.
The fine arts department, languages department, and the office of the academic dean have joined forces to arrange this evening of Spanish dance at Cabrini.
Pena began her career in Spain at the age of six. She studied with many prominent instructors such as the Perciet family, Pedro Azoi'in, and Paco Fernandez. Pena came to New York with her family where she was awarded a scholarship to the Metropolitan Opera Ballet School.
Adeline Bethany discovered this group at a week-long conference for college and university community arts administrators. "Every year we enjoy sponsoring a Spanish cultural event on campus, "Bethany said. She also complimented the group by saying, "There were many Spanish troupes available for booking, but this one seemed exceptional." The Raquel Pena Spanish Dance Company was founded in Madrid in 1971, but now Pena is a resident of Washington D.C. Her troupe has won recognition for its artistic merit, authenticity, and varied programs.
The two prominent members of the troupe are Raquel Pena and her husband, classical guitarist Fernando Sirvent.
_Raquel Pena Dance Co. to perform a night of culture
Pena trains her dancers herself. "I work very carefully with my students in the correct forms, so if they want to go to Spain to work, they are perfectly prepared," Pena said. Sirvent, who is a concert guitarist, will accompany Pena. According to a press release, he is a major recording artist in his field, with for longplaying albums, and another three to be released soon. His recordings have been best sellers in the United States, England and Sol.).thAmerica. He has dedicated his career not only to Flamenco, but to interpretations of . the outstanding Spanish composers.
Raquel Pena will be featured with her Spanish Dance Company on Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center _Lecture Hall. (Photo by Maurice Seymour)!
Journalists ty-pe on word processors by Pat Conway The electronic revolution that has swept across our country in recent years is changing the structure in college curricula. Next year, freshmen at Drexel University will be required to buy their own computers. Although Cabrini students will not have to purchase a computer, they will have the opThis is the third in a series on the effects of the new computers on Cabrini academia.
portunity to experiment with this new technology . Due to the recent installment of two word processors and a printer in the communications center, English and Communications majors will have a chance to gain practical experience for jobs in the communication field. According to Jerome Zurek, head of the English and Communications department, these word processors will increase the marketabilty of all communication students. "I think all communication students need to learn word processing because they will have to use it when they graduate," Zurek said. Presently, journalism students are learning how to use the word processors. Zurek believes that will improve the quality of the yearbook and newspaper because the reporters will be more willing to edit their stories since the word processor makes editing easier .
Junior Brian Jensen, editor of Loquitur, is one reporter who realizes the advantages offered by the new computers. Zurek remembers when Jensen would stop by and say "hello" on his way to the communications center and said, "Now Brian runs by to make sure that no one is using the computer." Jensen learned how to use the word processor in a four-hour crash course by reading the manual. "I never touched a computer before in my life. Those were four hours worth spending. I saved 10 times that amount in typing and editing," Jensen said. According to Jensen, word processors simplify the whole editing process and he believes that they are "a step up for Loquitur and journalism in general.'' There is only one problem that Jensen foresees which could result from the popularity of the new computers. "Once the editors learn how to use them, they (word processors) will become 'very' popular, but, only two word processors will be available for the whole staff to use," Jensen said. Besides editing stories, the word processors also have the ability to set type for the reporter. Zurek hopes to get a telephone connection hooked up between the newsroom and the Suburban and Wayne Printers. This connection will eliminate the errors that occur when too many people handle a story because the reporter will be typing, editing and setting type for his own story. Jensen summed up the feelings of most of the journalism students saying, "I'm getting more than I bargained for in journalism class."
Communication majors will not be the only students affected by the new computers. Marilyn Johnson, professor of English and Communications, hopes to start a student oriented information service which would be televised on a video screen in the Widener Center Lobby. According to Johnson, this service channel will supplement "This Week at Cabrini." "It will do something called 'This Day at Cabrini' which will inform the students of that day's activities," Johnson said. _ Johnson is enthusiastic about "This Day at Cabrini" and said that a student news program may also be included as part of the service. She is currently awaiting approval for the money needed to purchase this equipment and eventually hopes to purchase screens for the cafeteria and classrooms.
CAIVIPUS GUICKIES • Evening at Cabrini scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m. in the Mansion. •Oliver Grimley Art Exhibit opening Sunday, Nov. 21, 3-5 p.m. in the · Library Exhibit Area. •Saturday Night at the Movies Double Feature: ''The Creature from the Black Lagoon" in 3D and ''The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 9 p.m. •Men's Basketball Season opens Monday, Nov 15 at home, 8 p.m. against Valley Forge Christian College. •Sophomore Class Dance tonight at 9 p.m. in the cafeteria. •PSEA Turkey Raffle begins Thursday, Nov. 18. •"Cabrini College in Perspective" in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 7:30 p.m.
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Snow White aims to win audience by Francine M. Kuterbach If you're young, or even young at
heart, then the Cabrini College production of "Snow White" is for you. Beginning the weekend of Dec. 4, Cabrini College is scheduled to present a children's theater production of "Snow White." The show will take place in the Little Theater on Saturday and Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Daniele A. Perna, director, feels the production will have something for everyone, includin~ adults. "I've tried to make it excitmg and there will be asides for adults which can give them a special chuckle," Perna said. In doing children's theater, both the actors and director must adapt to their audience. They )Dake every attempt to keep the children's attention while still keeping the high quality of the production. Sandra McNamara is scheduled to play Snow White. It is her first major role in a children's theater production. McNamara thinks it will be much more difficult to act for children because she must keep their attention. "We must keep it alive . or we'll lose the audience and once we've lost them, We'll never get them back," she said.
Dan Radice and Sandra McNamara rehearse their lines for "Snow White," the children's theater production opening Dec. 4. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
She explained the difference between children and adult theater: "Children's theater uses a different energy. There is a lot of animation, · live characterization, color, song, dance, movement and emotion. We try to get the children involved in the show." McNamara feels the children that come to the show are "highly intelligent" and the actors must relate to them on their own level. Perna agreed and said, "We don't
Grimley displays artwork by Sandy Momyer
The fine arts department is scheduled to hold an art exhibit featuring pen and ink drawings, acrylics as well as bronze and papier-mache sculptures by Oliver Grimley. The show will open Nov. 21 and continue to Dec. 12 in the exhibit area of the Cabrini Colfege Holy Spirit Library during library hours. A reception is planned for Sunday, Nov. 21, from 3 to 5 pm. Admission is free and open to the public. Grimley studied at the Pennsylvania Academyof Fine Arts, coordi- nated with the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned bachelor's and master's degrees in fine arts. He is an instructor at the Hussian School of Art. Grimley has exhibited at the New York Metropolitan Museum, the
Mime for ;
Whitney Museum the Library of Congress, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine· Art. His murals and sculptures decorate many private offices and banks in this area. He has won numerous Philadelphia area art awards including those from Freedoms Foundation, Woodmere Art Gallery and the Regional Council of Community Arts Center. Vera Nacarelli, '85, an arts administration major, will be responsible for managing this cultural event as part of a course practicum. Nacarelli said, "This rroject is a practical application o my class work, but it goes beyond that. It has helped me learn to cope with t,1nexpected situations as well as develop personal relationships with the artist with whom we work and their work.
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Drama lnatructor Barbara Gregson demonstrates mime techniques to the children involved in the Visual and Performing Arts program which takes place evey Saturday morning at 9 a.m. in the Little Theater. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
play down to the children. We play up to them." Because Cabrini's theater is rather small, the children are close to the actors and can feel they are a part of the play. Perna said, "We involve the children in the play until they almost become a part of the action." Perna said he is using a classic
acting technique in his children's theater product10n called "commedia dell'arte," or improvised commedy. His actions must be able to create, to use their imagination, move and speak well, have a good understanding of their character and most importantly, self-discipline," Perna said . According to Perna, some members of the crew are scheduled to include: Charles Wright, production stage manager; Mary Beth Cunney, assistant stage manager; Erick Gavalis, lighting; David F:ield, property master; Nikki Shuler, costumes; Sharon Agostine, programs. Members of the cast are scheduled to include: Sandra McNamara, Snow White; Jeanne Proko and Jane Harrington, the queen; Barbara Bruhin and Amanda Gamel, wicked witch and Daniel Radice, huntsman. The dwarfs will be played by members of the Visual and Performing Arts Club and Cabrini students, who include Robyn Williams and Patricia McDermott.
The Who's final effort: 'It's Hard' to belieVe by Tom Schultz
After eighteen years of rigorous . touring, time consuming recording schedules, and the fierce intensities of the rock and roll lifestyle, the Who have decided "It's Hard". That is the title of the latest record from the Who and it is the final musical effort from the group before they call it quits.
REVIEW The Who have decided, after much consideration, to end th.e group and separate into solo careers. Before they say goodbye, the Who have embarked on their last full-scale tour with the release of their latest album, "It's Hard." "It's Hard" features the mod, hard . rocking sounds of Pete Townshend on guitars, piano and synthesizers, John Entwistle on bass, synthesizers and horns, Kenney Jon·es on drums and Roger Daltrey vocalizing. Three songs were written by Entwistle and the remaining nine were composed by Townshend. The musical and lyrical content are reflective of the Who's present attitude toward themselves and the condition of the world. In the title track "It's Hard", Townshend relates life to a hand of playing cards. "Anyone can do anything if they hold the right card. Deal me another hand, Lord, this one's very hard.'' "It's Hard" goes further to prove itself as a statement better than.its predecessor "Face Dances". This recent album stresses the feelings of the members of the band and vitality with which they express them. In "I've Known No War," the Who object to the futileness of war, In "Cooks County" they sing again and again that people are suffering. The popular single "Athena" gives us hope about a girl-a bomb-who can give us one word and our troubles are
long gone. Through a catchy pop tune like "Athena", with its artistic, off beat lyrics, the Who convey messages of love and peace through the group's energy and continued existence. The songs in "It's Hard" are very melodic and contain some virile lyrics about issues that are important to the Who. The last song on the first side, "Eminence Front" is a typical example of the marketable power pop sound the Who use in this album. Synthesizers provide a bopping rythmn track as Entwistle's bass anchors the sound with its own soothing tones. Jones pounds away choppy · beats on the drums while Townshend gives the music its crunching riffs from his guitars. The voice of Roger Daltrey belts out lyrics about an eminence front being a put on. Although most of the · songs were written by the band's most prominent figures, Townshend, a few tracks were composed by Entwistle. His songs "lt'sYourTurn", "Dangerous" and "One At A Time" follow the mood of the album and give us very untypical Who music. Most people expect the Who to be violent, gmtar smashing hooligans, but as they have grown older and changed, so has their music. They no longer sing about magic buses and happy jacks. Instead they deal with the real world issues through very precise and complicated music. If the Who are going to bring their careers to a climax as a band and call it quits with one final world tour, it is appropriate to come up with an album ~ith a title "It's Hard." It is hard for a band to face its age, its limits and its uncertain future. As Pete Townshend states in his song "One Life's Enough", "That was a life enough for me, one life's enough for me.
Artwork for S.A.M. art exhibit is displayed by (left to right) Betty Miller, Wallingford ; Judy Antonelli , Secane ; Betty Speare, Wallingford ; and Jeanne Pilcicki, Cabrini student. The show is scheduled to open Friday , Nov. 12 in the Mansion. (Photo by Nina Sommaripa)
S.A.M. weds art by ·Rita McKelvey The art show, "Cabrini College Expressions," scheduled for today will be the outcome of months of labor by those who worked on it. The show, sponsored by The Society for Advancement of Management (S.A.M.), is an attempt to earn money for scholarships, give students practical experience in the business field, and create a "marriage" between . business and the arts, according to Howard Buzzard, Chairman of the business administration department . Buzzard said that it is important that a·rt and business combine. "We want to show that the Business Administration office does more than grow capitalists," said Buzzard. "We also picked the art show to make money. It's a one-shot affair, but we hope to have it each and every year ." The art show, which will be held on Nov. 12, 13, and 14 has been planned and worked on since spring of last year. "We've had meetings over the summer to organize and get the work done. Even writing the invitations was a long process. We had to decide on the exact wording," said Buzzard. Accordng to Jeanne Pilcick.i, head of the marketing committee for the show, the club sent out.over 800 personalized invitations. Pilcicki remarked that her involvement with the . show took up a lot of her time, but she thinks that it was good experience . "I think working on the art show is great for my field . I'm interested in going into marketing and public relatiorn!i. This is a great experience. It opened my eyes to what running a business ia all about," Pilcicki said. Lou Klock , head of property and security for the show, also felt that it was good practical experience. Klock
had the job of organizing the show, which included getting the placards made to hold the art work. Klock said, "The show is good practical experience for me. You learn from this. It's like you are running a small business and you ,learn all the aspects of that business." Carol Hasson, president of the Cabrini Chapter of S.A.M., tells how much work went into the art show. "It seems like I worked on it for 24 hours a day . People are constantly calling me about the show." Hasson remarked that she , has gained a lot of experience from planning the art show. "It helped me to be more organized. It was an actual experience doing the planning and following through with it. Working with money also helped. I learned experience in marketing, public relations, and accounting." Sue Masino, head of the food committee, also felt that she gained experience. "Everyone put a lot of time into the art show,'' she said. Masino is in charge of handling all planning of refreshments. When asked if she thought the show would be a success , Masino said , " Yes," she had an instinct . All fingers of those who planned the show will probably be crossed at the opening. The premiere cost per couple is $25 and they will be provided with champagne and food. At least 100 people are expected to show on the premiere to view the paintings and sculptures of over 43 area artists. The art work ranges from traditional art to contemporary art. The preview will take place in the Mansion on Nov. 12 from 7 to 10 p.m. There will be an admission-free open house on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m.
Rhythm and song highlight Gospelrama II by Rita Calicat "Clap your hands, tap your feet, sing and praise God," for when "all God's children get together, what a time we will have." Quite a time was had by all at the . Black Student Union's second annual Gospelrama, held on Oct 23, in the Cabrini College chapel. The program entitled, "Gospelrama II, a festival of praise through music," was the result of the club's effort to share a touch of their culture with the entire campus community. A spokesperson for the club said, "what better way to share a part of our culture than through praising God, which is a part of life for all Christian beings." Black people for all of time have been noted for the rhythmic and songful way that they relate with God. Tradition has it that throughout their evolution, from freedom to bondage to freedom again, black peo:ple have always expressed their spirituality through song. The singing of Gospel music has and always will be incorporated into the black culture. Members of the B.S.U. believe that it is the one aspect of their culture which allows others to experience a part of their cultural tradition. From this belief grew the idea of a Gospelrama on campus. "What exactly is a Gospelrama?" was a question that the members of the B.S. U. were often pressed to answer . According to Lori Lyn Smith,
vice president of the club, "A Gospelrama is a concert devoted to giving honor to God; it is a festival of · praise through music." At their second annual Gospelrama, the B.S.U. was blessed with the attendance of six gospel choirs, a soloist and a duet. A pre-service devotion was led by two deacons of the First Corinthian Baptist Church of Philadelphia. Deacons Robert Moses and Steven Kelley led the congregation in prayer as the actual program was about to begin. Rita Calicat, president of the B. S. U., welcomed everyone and asked that they "relax and have a good time in the Lord.'' The first choir was St. Malachi's Children Choir. As the choir asembled it was apparent not one singer was above the age of 12. As they sang, members of the congregation realized that this would be an evening to remember. A feeling of love and joy filled the chapel as people remarked "sing children, sing." The program went on as Our Lady of Merer, Overbrook High School Gospel Choir, First Corinthian Women's Ensemble, St. Columba Choir, Thomas Choir, Ken Hawkins, Gwen Fanuiel, Yolanda Cofield, and Daryl Cofield sang praises to God from the very essence of the beings. In the final anaylsis, the Gospelrama presented Cabrini College with an evening filled with spiritual fellowship. The program moved
many people in the audience, all seemed to be filled with the spirit of the goodness of the Lord. There was a · presence in the chapel that evening which touched every heart and filled many souls. Senior Diane Corallo said, "I lfad such a good time that I cried with joy." Mike Hilsey, senior, said, "It was great, I was so moved by it all, the best, I thought, were the children and
the Thomas Chorus." Margaret Reher, religion department chairperson, stated in a letter to the B.S.U. : "My sincere congratulations to all of you for a thrilling evening of Gospelrama. The program was sheer delight and moved one deeply ." Calicat recalls, "My pastor, Rev . Silas thomas, once said that when you praise God through music, it seems to triple the glory you give to him."
Need a date?------------
According to Tony Ca• azza (center), Lisa Pankuck and Denis Bourgeau are the most compatible dates on campus. These results were revealed at the computer club's computea-date dance Friday, Nov. 5. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
H~ elen Goodwin: A lover of Cabrini life by John McQueen If you're ever in need of a kind word or a smile, you should see Helen Goodwin. She has been passing them out at Cabrini for 22 years. Goodwin, physical education instructor and director of women's athletics, said she has been here at Cabrini for 22 years. "I've been here all my life and I love it,"said Goodwin. As a physcal education teacher, Goodwin teaches six sections of team sports, one section of slimnastics, and two sections of physical education for children. Goodwin says, "In these classes, I try to \>romotean interest in physical education for everyone." , "In team sports my philosophy is to play for fun and learn to enjoy physical activity. , Slimnastics is to improve our cardiovascular efficiency and tune up
our muscles. This also gives people who are not interested in team sports an option," said Goodwin. When asked the question about the enormous growth and improvement of the athletics for women at Cabrini, Goodwin said, "I think it has improved a great deal simply because of the increased level of interest and better athletes, but the most significant reason I think is the hiring of outside coaches." The scheduling from year to year gets harder and harder because the teams keep getting better and better. Also, the level of competition must keep on increasing to justify the vast improvement. Goodwin also stated that she was very proud of the women's athletics here at Cabrini. ''Cabrini is the love of my ife, and I plan to stay here the rest of my life," says Goodwin.
Helen Goodwin:"I love it here at Cabrini and I plan to stay the rest of my life." (Photo by Lisa Del Boriello)
Upcoming ' b-ball season brings .optimism by Karen Rinaldi The Men's and Women's basketball teams face the question of who the starting line-ups will consist of for the 1982-83year. There is too much time from now until the first game of the season for this prediction. The coaches for the men's team are: John Dzik, Joseph Kelly, and Mike Keeley. The first intersquad third annual, royal and white game is scheduled for Nov. 5, according to Dzik. The tri-captains for this season are seniors Tim Feeney, Terri Mancini, and Dan Welde. The members of the team are seniors Mike Hendrick, Dodie Watkins, and Mike Hilsey; juniors Vince Mirabella, Martin Clancy, and Paul Breslin; sophomores Mike Lowry, Tom McGowan, and John McQueen; and freshmen Gary Smith and Pat Nolen. "Tom McGowan and Mike Lowry have made some big improvements this year," said Dzik. "They are the key to the season, and their contributions to the team will swing between very good and mediocre."
Last year there were 31 games and 16 players with 25 different line-ups. This year there are 30 games and 14· players . "The starting line-ups will be predicated on the people who are able to adapt to our system best, and mostly, who can put the ball "in the basket," Dzik said. IN looking at the coming season,Mancini said, "We've upgraded our schedule and we have pretty much the same team plus two new recruits. I feel we are good enough to go to Kansas City for the playoffs ." The coaches seem to have great expectations of the team this year. Keeleysaid, "No less than 20wins will be acceptable, because if our program is to step forward, we must make a positive move in that direction." Dzik expects, "To be flying in a plane in March to Kansas City, Missouri." Kansas City is where the association of Intercollegiate Athletic Championship in Men's basketball will take place. The .30 games this ear will be highlighted by one at the Palestra at the University of Pennsylvania, ac-
cording to Dzik. The coach for the Women's team this year is Mike Tenaglia. Last year there were 21 games and 11 players, this year there are 20 games and 15 players. The captains for the coming season remainthe same as last year: Seniors Kate Connolly and Terri Leinenbach. The team -includes: Senior Debbie Harvey; Juniors Eileen Houston, Annette DeJesse , Sue Masino, M-aryanne O'Connor, and Regina Law ; Sophomores Lisa Hurst, Maureen McKenna, and Eileen Herbig; also Freshmen Karen Kozeniewski, Michelle Tarbotten, Nanette Kardaszeski, and Zena Wilson. "It looks like a team with a lot of depth, and I'm looking forward to a challenging year," said Connolly. The women's team works well with coach Tenaglia. They have respect for him since he has a lot of experience and he really knows his stuff, according to Leinenbach. The announcement of the starting line-up will take more time and be decided on after extensive practice .
Cabrini volleyball team up on top
Women'svolleyballteam came In first place In all day tournamentheld here at Cabrini College on Oct. 30.
(Photo by Jose Aoju)
Yitamins help · to keep Cabrini athletes moving by Elizabeth Kanaras For most healthy people, a normal diet that includes a variety of foods will provide adequate nutrition without the addition of vitamins or mineral supplements. A vitamm is a chemical derived from food or synthesized artifically . Minerals are inorganic chemicals such as iron, sodium and calcium . They are also essential for certain body functions. Vitamin A, is needed to maintain eye, skin and nerve functions. Some sources of vitamin A are liver , egg yolk, butter, whole milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits . Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin, blood vessels, connective tissues, gums and other body functions . It can be found in citrus fruit, strawberries, melons, broccoli, peppers brussel sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes. Senior Jim Vail and junior Steve Brown are members of the soccer team and they take vitamins to help with their game . • "I feel it is more of a natural source of energy for me ,'' said Brown. "It helps my diet and I have more energy," said Vail. There are several hundred nonprescription vitamins and mineral supplements available. The multivitamin contains many minerals from Vitamin A to Zinc. Some of the multivitamins that are available are Centrum , Flintstones, Geritol, One-a-Day, Stresstabs , Theregram and Unicap. John McQueen, sophomore , is a member of the basketball team and he takes vitamins to help his game and life style. "I take the multivitamin Theregram. With sports, school and my lifestyle, I am insured the right vitamins and minerals if I do not eat right or work too hard," said McQueen. There are other elements essential to. the human body and they are widely distributed in your diet.
SPORTS College . football a repla ·cement for lost pro's by Danny Ross
It's Sunday afternoon and as usual the room across the hall has a capacity crowd watching the football game. Only change is, instead of cheerng for the Philadelphia Eagles, the cheering is for everyone's favorite college football team. Now that pro football has been on strike for a good bit of time . and it doesn't look like the strike will come to an end for sometime, students are turning to college football for their sports entertainment. Although from what everyone said college football in no way takes the place of pro football. Tony Ciro, senior, said, "It doesn't take the place of the pros because in the pros there is so much more showmanship. He added, "The pros have a great many more superstars than the college teams have." It seems as though each pro team has at least three or four superstars, where as most college teams haveone or twostars if they are lucky. "Pro football is definitely a lot better to watch than college football as they would if the strike were not going on. One of the main reasons for this seemed to be an unfamiliarity with college teams .
Ciro pointed out the fact that there are so many college teams it is hard to keep up with all of them.
Sports '
With the pros there are not as many teams, and therefore no matter what teams are playing you know something about them. Another reason for the decrease in watching football seemed to be the fact that college football just didn't carry the same excitement as pro football. More things seemed to happen in pro footbal and arm chair fans just got into pro football games more. Television coverage of football has definitely had to make some changes since the break in the football season. Stations that once carried just pro football now carry division one, two and even division three football. Many stations are now pushing the small school football games to give its audience something varied and different. Though these stations are trying to give the viewers football, the general consensus at Cabrini seemed to be, 'we watch college football because it is better than no football at all.' Even though it may not be better than pro football, and even though it may not be as exciting, at least it's football. So, on Sunday afternoon, you can still find the majority of the population of Counsel either in the T.V. lounge or in someone's room watching football ... college-football.
Briefs FOR THE
Men's Basketball
Cabrini vs:
Mon. Nov. 15 - 8pm .................. Home Valley Forge Christian College Women's Basketball Sat. Nov. 20 - 7pm .................... Away Liberty Baptist College
Tues . Nov. 23 - 8pm .................. Away Allentown College
Mon. Nov. 29 - 8pm Spring Garden
Cabrini vs: Away
*Keystone Athletic Conferenc Game
Soccer - Jim Vail Vail has played soccer for Cabrini College for 2 years. As the season comes to a close coaches and fellow teammates applaud Vail for being an outstanding player all season. In the final week of the season, Vail scored 3 goals to bring his season total to 14.
. ~~ ·o!b~~ ~~~9~et3~LPC<v ~b 102 E.
Sat. Nov. 27 - 8pm .................... Home *Alvernia College
Volleyball -Ann Belsky Fans and teammates a·pplaud Belsky for a season of dedication to the Cabrini volleyball team. Belsky has contributed a great deal of stamina to the season . Congratulations to the volleyball team on their Halloween tournament victory.
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Final Statistics for Women's Field Hockey The women ended their regular season with arecord of 4 wins and 14 losses. In the All-College Tournament held ,at Swarthmore College on · Oct. 23, the Cavaliers lost to Beaver (1-0) and Philadelphia Textile (2-0). High Scores for the season were as follows: Lori Di Meglio - 7 goals Patty Hinke - 6 goals Regina Law - 5 goals Maura McGovern - 2 goals Michelle Tarbotton - 1 goal For the season, the women scored a total of 21 goals.
Coaching dedication improves team by LISA COPPOLA The Lady Cavaliers will start out their new season under the guidance of head coach Mike Tenaglia assisted by returning Jill Fausnaught and also newcomer Ed Townsley. The coaching staff expects this to be the best season ever for the 1982-83 Lady Cavaliers squad. "We have a great coaching . ,taff with a lot of experience. Thi, will add to our 1ea1on."
Tenaglia, a West Chester resident, spends considerable amount of time in practice with the team. He is a dedicatd coach and is respected by all the team members for his hard work and inspiring drive. Tenaglia came to Cabrini to coach the women's bsketball team three years ago after assisting coaching for lmmaculata's women's basketball team. The Lady Cavaliers have expanded in number, going from an 11 to a 15 member squad. Tenaglia is optimistic about the new season. The women on this year's basketball team believe that this squad has definite _ winning ability. Captain Kathleen Connolly see the upcoming
IHard work and long practice are a part of the coaching philosophy which will aid the Lady Cav's to a successful season.
season as one of challenge. "I'm looking forward to the challenge of this season,'' Connolly said . Co-captain Terri Leinenbach speaks for the team when she states, "We have a great coaching staff with a lot of experience. This will add to our season." Fausnaught, returning assistant coach had no expeience prior to her Cabrini coaching spot. She is, how-
Men' ·s bask8tball talent by Paul Breslin The coaches of the 1982 men's basketball team all have their own philosophies that attribute to the way in which they see their team.
"I'm looking forward to the challenge of the ,ea,on."
ever, a devoted coach and has added much depth to the coaching philosophies last year. Townsley is also a West Chester graduate with a degree in health physical education. Townsley was
head coach of the women's basketball team at Immaculata last year. He has volunteered his assistance this year to Cabrini's team. · Tenaglia is pleased with his choice of assistants. He said "Townsley is a good fundamentalist who demands perfection." He feels Fausnaught is a dedicated hard worker. Tenaglia explained that it's hard to find good dedicated people who will put their time and energy for the team.
better than ever
According to John Dzik, the head coach of the team, "Sports should be fun, and to me, fun consists of long hours of hard work, self-sacrifice, self-discipline, and intense concentration. If all of these are done successfully, the result will be a successful team, and success is fun." When asking Dzik how he sees this year's team, he said, "I am as unsure as I am certain of different areas ·of the , team. As far as talent is concerned, this year's team is the best that Cabrini has ever had. Even though we lack a little size, our quickness should make up for it. The thing that concerns me right now is our lack of enthusiasm. We have a very difficult schedule this year, and at this point, our level of enthusiasm is not as high as it should be." Mike Keeley, an assistant coach of the team, feels that, "Athletics is a small part of a learning process. It's also a part of education, self-discipline, and the sharing of emotions. Athletics, at a college level, is a learning and living experience."
Cavaliers baaketball coachea Dzlk, Kelly and Keely are very optimistic about the 1982-83 season.
Keeley also said, "This year's team is the most intelligent ever. There is also a lot more experience on the team, as far as the program itself is concerned. The coaches and players are also a lot more familiar with each other than they were in the past." Joe Kelly, the other assistant coach of the team, says, "Basketball is a major part of my life. Through
basketball, and all other sports, there can be a geat learning experience. It is a way for individuals to grow mentally, as well as physically. Basketball, should always be fun, however, different levels of basketball, require different levels of intensity. At the college level, there should be a much greater emphasis placed on winning."
(Photo by Jose Rojas)
Kelly also went on to say that, ''This · is the most talented team in Cabrini College history. As of now, we're not a team, we're just a group of individuals, but we're working in the direction of being a team. Due to the schedule difference, it's very important that we ·come together as a team."