Nov. 29, 1982 issue 05 Loquitur

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New computer enhances program by Tom DeMatteis

In recent weeks, the computer science program at Cabrini College has been officially declared as an academic major and has been the recipient of a $50,000donation by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Yet another boost was given to the program recently when Dr. Anthony Renzi, a member of the President's Advisory Council, donated a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP 11/05 computer to the college through the Siemen Corproation. Renzi, who is the director of radiology at Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, has a contact with the Siemen Corporation and had the company agree to donate the computer . The new computer is far more advanced than any that Cabrini has ever had access to. It can handle more data and turn out results quicker than any other computer Cabrini has at present . Renzi, who has no special training in the field of computer science, was aware of the fact that the college hoped to expand its computer program. Renzi said he also thou~ht it important to stimulate interest m the computer science field. • With these two motives in mind, he talked to officials at the Siemen Corporation about donating a computer. "I am interested in how computers can help people. They can be applied to every field of study, their only limit is the human mind,'' Renzi said. Dr. Norman Olsen, coordinator of the computer science program, is

very pleased with the latest addition to the Cabrini computer field. "It will be valuable ¡ to our computer science program," Olsen said . "This will allow train people in operation and management of computer quality data processing equipment. ''The operating procedures of this .computer are things that are stan dard in the business world," Olsen explained. "It is the real thing." Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Joseph Romano, is pleased with Cabrini's rapid growth of the computer science field. "After the recent donations, we now have the equipment and money with which to work," Romano said. "I am happy with the curriculum we offer to the computer science major. We now have to work on internships and establishing contacts within the computer industry." Like Renzi, Romano believes that computers can be incorporated into all fields of study at Cabrini. "This would create a computer literacy at the college. Everyone would have a background in computers," Romano said. Generally, all those involved stressed the importance of computer science at Cabrini College and in today's world. Cabrini administrators are also pleased with the great support they have recently been getting. Olsen summed up the general feeling when commenting on the most recent generous donation by Dr. Renzi by saying, "We are pleased to have it."

Resident students by Brian P. Jensen Resident students at Cabrini College are in for an early Christmas present this year. At a time when college costs are inceasing and financial aid is decreasing, Cabrini is actually refunding money to all residents students in the form of their $50 room damage deposits. ' According to James R. Keches, business manager, the room damage deposits, charged to all resident students as a "good faith deposit," will now be credited directly to all resident students' bills thus reducing the price they pay to attend Cabrini by $50. Keches explained that the theorr

Dr. Norman OINn and Mr. Gerald Satlow show off the latest addition to Cabrini's growing computer science program . The large computer was donated through the efforts of Dr. Anthony Renzi. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

get room deposit

bel')ind the room damage deposit, paid by all resident students, was to act as a safety fund in the case that damage is done to a resident's room and is not accounted for on the student's bill. If a student did not pay for the damages, the college could take the money from his room damage fund. Keches felt "that this policy was ''unnecessary for Cabrini and was more trouble than it was worth." Keches described the business office's room damage account as a "bookkeeping nightmare." "We go nuts keeping track of that money because the-fund has to be handled manually," Keches said.

Keches said that students had paid for any damage done to their residence in the past with little problem. "We never had more than 8 to 10 studeuts a year who had damage done to their room and in most cases the costs have been minor. We decided to eliminate the fee because there has been no real reason to hold their money." Keches was clear that room damage would still be accessed to students on their tuition bills as has been the case in the past when damage was done to their residences. Now, however, there will be no safety fund for the college to fall back on in the case a student does not pay for his or her damages .

refunds Keches thought that it was not necessary for Cabrini to have such a safety fund. "There has been little problem with students paying for any damages. The policy might be good for other colleges, but not Cabrini" Keches said . The total deposits to be refunded to students amounts to an estimated $14,000. Keches explained that although the college would be losing interest on this money by eliminating the fund, the loss would not be "nearly as much as has to be paid in labor costs to bother with the fund." "I'm hal}QY about eliminating the fund." Keches said . "It has been a

more Refunds page 4

INSIDE SAM Howard Buzzard, business administration chairperson, and Mr. Christ, Cabrini's moderator for The Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM), are both active in the national - organization. The Cabrini chapter of SAM is an active and growing club. (Story page 4)

Hockey The fast action of intramural floor hockey is now a part of the men's evening schedule. The floor hockey league was formed early in the semester and has thus far has been very successful. (Story page 8)





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WigWam: giant

Coming of age through -computers Computers, computers, computers and more computers! We've been hearing and reading a lot about these modern mechanisms and Cabrini College has jumped on the band wagon with the rest of the world into the computer age. In light of the recent generous donations of various benefactors, the computer science program and the general Cabrini curriculum is destined to be greatly improved because of our access to technology that is quickly becoming an everyday part of the "real world."

right direction with it. The recent donations by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Dr. Anthony Renzi certainly exemplify that. The word processors in the journalism office, the math department's utilization of computers and the recent considerations for computerization of administrative offices are other positive signs of Cabrini's increasing interest in the computer industry. It's great to see our ever growing college stressing such an important aspect of every day life.

While Cabrini College has always prided itself in its The importance of gaining knowledge about the tech- zest to provide a broad based education, we're happy to nical computer world, a world that is relevent to most see that the institution has not ignored the significance people today and even more so in future years, cannot of important specified areas such as computer ·science. be stressed enough. It is encouraging to see that Cabrini College, an institution dedicated to general liberal arts and sciences, realizes the significance of our mechaCabrini just initiated a "Writing Across the Curnized society and is beginning to emphasize this im- riculum" program. Maybe a future step for the college portance by incorporating it into its curriculum. to consider is a Computers Across the Curriculum program. If it does, these liberal art students are all for Granted, Cabrini's computer science program is it. We appreciate the fact that Cabrini seems to be young, but it seems that we are definitely heading in the heading in that direction.

Good deeds are often over looked Much too often, the good deeds of generous people are overlooked. Appreciation for what we have and who gave it to us is sometimes drowned in by the busy every day activity of the people who routinely take advantage of the generous gifts of others. The students at Cabrini Colleg~ can easily fall fo this category. Naturally perhaps, with students being as busy as they get sometimes, we often don't consider the philanthropists behind the scenes whose generosity is responsible for the many conveniences at our college. We all might have noticed one time or another the plaques on the walls in many parts of various buildings all over campus. The large plaque in the George D. Widener Center foyer being the most outstanding example while the small engravings on the wall as you walk in the doors of the library are less obvious. Regardless of size, it would be nice if students would take the time every once in a while to read the names on

these small noes of recognition and consider that behind the plaques ae good-hearted, generous people who cared enough to give to the cause that we are all an important part of at present. The Thanksgiving season just passed. It would be nice for all of us to recognize this time as a moment of appreciation for all those who have given us so much because they happen to care. Although many of us never met the people whose names we read on the many plaques all over campus, it would be worth our while to at least appreciate what they have contributed, directly or indirectly, to our education. Dedication and generosity are the attributes that built Cabrini College. We can see it in the buildings, the books, the scholarships and the facilities that we use every day. Let us not forget that behind each one of these things are good people. To all of them, we say ''thank you.''

.. The Men of Co·unsel


vending machine So the Loquitor has won a couple of first-class awards, and now it becomes their policy to practice a new form of journalism, one which provides for editorials that lack supporting evidence, are gutless, and very unprofessional. I am referring to their recent editorial concerning the problems with the Wigwam. How did a newspaper ever receive a first-class rating by being afraid to point th fin~er at someone. They childlessly tried to hide the fact that they felt the Wigwam's so-called problems were the manager's fault. As a former manager of the "could be lounge like eatery where faculty and students can enjoy meals,'' I have first-hand experience with the Wigwam and its problems. When I first began, I had some great ideas for the Wigwam; however, I was soon brought down to earth by the following facts: 1) Most of the people who stop by the Wigwam are in a hurry, and are only interested in buying a snack or a soda. 2) Cabrini's enrollment doesn't allow for a great variety in the menu. The menu must be limited in order for the Wigwam to be successful financially. Most of the sandwich items will go bad because enough people aren't interested in them, even though they may have been well advertised. No matter who runs the Wigwam, be it students, outsiders or Sister Mary Louise, the cold hard facts are, the Wigwam is nothing more, and will be nothing more than a giant vending machine. It's about time we stop trying to make it some Garden-ofCabrini, where newspaper editors drink pi-na-coladas while enjoying an egg salad sandwich with those little toothpicks through the center. It's about time some students, faculty, emembers, and especially administrators, get off their white horses and work at the Wigwam for one day, and witness what the majority of the students buy. While working there, one would take notice that the present managers are doing an admirable job. by Michael Hilsey



\!ember of the Associated Collegiate l'ress P•Jblished bi-weekly during the school year by the students of Cabrini College, Radnor , Penns-ylvanio 19087. Subscription price is inc/1,ded in benefits secured by tuition and student lee.

would like to extend our utmost appreciation for the kindness , extended to us by the entire Cabrini community when we needed our friends the most. We sincerely appreciate it. Thank you.

Assistant Editor Patty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Features Editor Pam Clark Gallery Editor Ann Belsky SGA Notebook Co-Editors Francine M. Kuterbach Robin Larkins f- •••••

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Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen

Sports Co-Editors Rita Calicat Danny Ross Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Manager Louis Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek

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Turning the microphone over to the campus Well, I certainly am glad that so many people seem to be reading Loq uitur. In the past two weeks I have heard more feedback concerning our previous publication than has ever been articulated to me before. The previous front page stories on the judicial system and Counsel Hall's fire, and the content of the Perspective pages seem to be the areas of the paper that attracted so much attention. The comments on these and other articles have been both very positive and very negative. Some people seem to like what they have read, others were less enthusiastic . As a change of pace, I will not use this space to give my Viewpoint, rather. I'll turn the microphone over to the campus community. The following quotes have been taken from various students and administrators who taught it worth their while to tell me their opinions on what they think of



~oquitur . Some comments on our Nov. 12 issue included the following: "I thought it rather sensational to call the questions over the judicial system a "sweeping controversy" when only a few administrators and a handful of students were concerned about the issue. It is interesting that the editor-in-chief happened to be one of those people." "I can't believe that RA's have to read students their rights when they are written up. This place is getting carried away with its discipline policies. My God, this is only Cabrini College-not the Federal Bureau of Investigation." "What do you have to do to get written-up? I'm interested in law and think the appeal board here would be a perfect forum to see if I can get myself off on a technicality . It 's all such a joke." "I'm happy to finally see that some-



of the interest in computers In recent years interest in computers, how they work and how they might help us in the future have been of vital importance . Countless areas of work, education and science are now caught up in this interest and are planning their futures around computers. This prompted reporter Sandra McNamara and photographer to ask the Cabrini community what do they think of the recent interest in computer and do you think Cabrini is being directly influenced by this interest. Ann Belsky - Junior The surge of interest is not so sudden. There has been a decade or so of growing involvement. I think it's great . Cabrini is also being directly being affected because mechanical technology is becoming a major part of the world of communications. Cabrini is just falling into step .

Denis Bourgeau • Freshman Not opnly Cabrini is being affected, but other colleges are being directly involved because the demand is so strong today . Colleges are hoping to get computer programs because it will perhaps increase enrollment .

Tony Casazza • Junior I love it, I love it, I love it . Computer here, computer there, computer everywhere. Cabrini seems to be moying right along with the computer trends . As a computer science major it means a lot to me that Cabrini keep up with those trends .

Norman Olson - Faculty Our work at Cabrini in the computer science department insures that students leave with the necessary computer skills, in order to perform in their chosen careers.

body is standing up for students' rights around here. Dr. Girard's judicial system makes perfect sense. It seems to me that those who have to enforce the rules are intimidated beca use people are beginning to notice that they can make mistakes too." "That was a damn good-Story on the judicial policy. I didn't even know there was a problem with it." "Bob Watson (head of security) is nuts if he thinks RA's should stay up all night to make sure their dorms are secure. Security people are paid to stay up all night. Those on the residency staff certainly aren't." "That was an excellent editorial on the Wigwam. It is about time somebody said something about that dump." "The editorial on the Wigwam was most unfair. The managers try very hard to make that place as nice as possible. I hate it when Loquitur tries to stir up trouble." "Loquitur and the Wigwam at least have one thing in common: They are both inefficiently run by students who don't know what they're doing." "Loquitur has really over stepped its bounds this year. Every time I read an editorial it has something bad to say about what the students try to do around here. I liked it better back when Jim Lawlor was editor. At least he cut up the administration, not the students.''


"Loquitur is having a banner year so far. The paper looks great and the stories and editorials have done well.I hope the staff keeps up the good work." "I wish Loquitur would spell my name right for once." "If the What Do You Think? column asked me what I thought, I'd tell them to cut the column out of the paper." What ever happened to People Talk. That was the best part of the paper . I don't even read Loquitur now." "Why is it that Loquitur gives so much attention to the men's basketball team. They've been in every issue since the beginning of the year and their season just started. That's not fair ." "That last one was a very good issue. Loquitur is doing very well this year . It is a very good paper ." "If you really want my honest opinion, I think Loquitur stinks. I've always thought that. It's never accurate and is full of misinformation. I'm sorry, but that's the way I feel about it." Manr, of the above points are well taken 1f not for their intelligent content, then for their expression of honesty. Of course, I strongly disagree with some of these comments and feel others are most valid. I'm just happy to see that people seem to think Loq uitur is worth talking about.




The concept of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, according to Webster's Encyclopedia of Dictionaries, is the act of rendering thanks or service held as expression of thanks for devine goodness . Historically Thanksgiving has been based around the concept of giving thanks to God for his blessings in regard to substances we consider to be life maintaining . Today, Thanksgiving seems merely to refer to a day in which we gorge ourselves with festive food and drink. It seems to have lost much of the significance of the original thanksgiving feast. Think back, for just a minute, to the week prior to our break, what comes to mind? Sound familiar: "I can't wait to get home to some good cooking," "I'm leaving on Tuesday afternoon, no school and no work," "The holiday will do me good, I could use the rest ." I'm sure some of these ring a bell. In this most valuable Loquitur space I would like to address the idea of personal Thanksgiving or just a true sense of the season. Travel with me, if you will, outside of the confines of our depressed social and economic environment. Leave behind the commercialistic attitudes which have become apart of the thanksgiving / Christmas season. Bare yourselves, down to your most essential being and consider the ·concept of Thanksgiving. What do you come up with? I eventually begin to ask myself what I had to be thankful for. Well, life itself is a gift for which I am grateful . I, like all of you, have the ability to live life fully, to absorb all the knowledge I can and use it to insure a comfortable life. I am blessed with little things which we often take for granted, like a comfortable home, 3 square meals a day, people who love and pray for me ... etc ... Thanksgiving is not an event which is confined to the fourth Thursday of November, it is year long. During these weeks before Christmas, the concept of Thanksgiving should be magnified. Students as you embark on the final days of the semester, when papers and work is abundant, be thankful for the opportunity to enrich your minds with studies. Don't consider it a chore to prepare for finals but a blessing that you can.


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SAM chapter progressing by Susan Baj The Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM) is a national organization that has chapters in most colleges and universities throughout the United States. Edward Christ, assistant professor, business administration, is the moderator of SAM at Cabrini College. Carol Hasson, senior, is president of SAM. Other key members include: Kevin Kelly, senior, vice:president; Sue Masino, junior, secretary; and Mike Fenza, sophomore, treasurer. SAM is not just for business majors. It can help all majors in various aspects of all careers. SAM gives experience in management functions, advertising, public relations, accounting, and organizational skills, according to Hasson. Hasson states, "There are over a hundred business majors at Cabrini. They all should be in the club ." SAM has numerous accomplishments that stand behind its name. The

recent art show is the latest feature of SAM. It has been worked on for over a year. Some of the activities that highlight SAM meetings include speakers, who come to lecture on such topics as personnel, career :planning, income tax, and resume writing. Future plans for SAM include a planned 5-mile run in spring, which is to be a primary fund-raiser for the organization. A commercial contest is also planned, as well as an income tax workshop. One of the numerous accomplishments of SAM this year has been a Marketing Club. Cathy Sullivan; senior, along with Christ have been the principal organizers. Through the Marketing Club, students learn what marketing is about by actually experimenting with marketing projects. There is a $10national membership fee to join SAM. All majors are welcome to join. Hasson said, ''SAM has grown very much over the past year. Participation and enthusiasm has grown


Mike Fenza, Carol Hasson, Kevin Kelly, Jackie Jenel, Lou Klock and Sue Masino are some of the involved members of the Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM) . The group worked at an art show sponsored by SAM a few weeks ago . (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)

very much . The future of SAM will be even more greatly improved if the participation and enthusiasm can be maintained .'' Lou Klock, Junior, business manager of Loqmtur, and member of SAM, said, "SAM is improved by the growing enrollment. The unity of eve-

ryone all working together as one shows the power of SAM, and how a business can work together ." The many accomplishments of SAM show how cooperation and team work can get the job done .

Food committee: _serving a . vital purpose by D. B. Field


In hopes of settling some of the discontentment and tension that has been expressed about the food in the cafeteria, the student government association has a food committee. This bi-weekly forum allows any Cabrini student to express his or her opinions of what can be done concerning all aspects of the cafeteria, including how to im:prove the quality of food. The begmning of the semester was marked by controversy about the quality of the goods students have been consuming. At the first food committee meeting, numerous complaints were discussed. Sulamon Allyn, Chairperson of the


thorn in our side." Keches wasn't the only person pleased with the decision to give resident students back their money. Those residents informed about the $50 credit to their college costs seemed happy. One such student, Matt Garrison said, "I think it's super. It's nice to get an unexpected reduction in college costs. Breaks like that don't happen that often. It's a great Christmas present.''

Food Committee, described the Sept. 28 meeting as being, ''very negative.'' "People were complaining about everything," Allyn said. It seemed the main topic of discussion in light of the first meeting did not concern the food as much as it did complaints about the food. A constructive point presented however, was the managers wish that all complaints be presented to them immediately. Manager Bob Dearth assured that the immediate situation, such as a cheese steak being cold, would be rectified on the spot. In most cases, if there is something wrong with the food the entire tray will be discarded. As the food committee is a forum for student complaints, the cafeteria staff takes the opportunity to com1 plain back. The stealing and throwing of food has been one of their concerns. The second food committee meeting was "much more positive" in the opinion of Allyn. "If they want to get something accomplished, the students must give specific, constructive opinions," Allyn said. Throughout the semester, it has been stressed that complaints can only be met when presented constructively. This is the purpose of the food committee.

Said Terri Giudice, food committee secretary, "It seems that those who claim the food stinks are the same one who do not attend the meetings." Both Allyn and Giudice thought the food committee served an important purpose as a constructive forum for valid student complaints.

Food-committee meetings are held every other Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the cafeteria. It is a democratic forum in which the Cabrini student can express his or her opinion about the food. Many think that if the student does not come to the meetings, his or her discontentment will remain unresolved.

S.G.A. would like to welcome you to a "WINTER WONDERLAND" . This year's SPECTACULAR Christmas Dance on December 10, 1982. With LIVE MUSIC and FINE DINING, this is going to be a night to remember. With a tree decorating competition, door prizes, and many more special events, you will not wa~t to miss this


Dinner starts at 8:00 till 9:30, with Dancing at 9:30 till . 1:00, with a price

Delivery Day and Night STUDENT DISCOUNTS


that all can AFFORD, $10 for dinner and dance, and only $5 for the dance.

Ca~pus Ministry We....... hope see you there. ..,..._~ . •"' . ............... ...._._._.......:,......_......,..,_ _ __., __ to ......,'-__________

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• AV,NOV.29,19B2



Young people Migleore by Sheila Fanelle

dents for 20 years. She taught in N.Y., Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle. "It was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed it," Migleore said. Migleore taught student nurses and was the director of nurses in a hospital. She was also the Provincial for six years. She attended chapters to represent the sisters worldwide in making decisions and rewriting their constitution to meet new renewal policies of the church. I found that Migleore is very modest about her many honorable achievements. Migleore's interests are in people. "Listening to people has made me see the better side of everyone,'' she said. "I am very happy to be here . Young people are great," Migleore added. "God gives people gifts and we are happiest when we accept who we are instead of deploring the fact that we are not as we would like to be," Migleore said. Sr. Maria Pasqualinni, M.S.C., feels that Sr. Innocent is "a woman of faith." Migleore's name does her justice. She is both innocent and she does · her best. Migleore is "a very caring, gentle and sincere person. She is a good listener," Sr. Antonina Avitable, M.S.C., rei:?istrar said. If I had fo describe Migleore in one word my closest attemrt would be to say that she is peacefu . "We're glad to have her here," said Sr . Regina Peterson, M.S.C., social science instructor. If you haven't had the opportunity to meet Migleore, you're missing a great opportunity. You can truly see Christ in her.

"I am impressed with the young people here. Anything I can do to make their lives happier-I'll do it," Sr. Innocent Migleore, M.S.C. said. Migleore came to Cabrini in the beginning of October. Migleore, a registered nurse, holds down the fort in the nurse's office enabling Mary Mulligan, R.N. to make house calls. Mulligan describes Migleore as hav-

PERSONALITY ing "a keen interest in the students. She loves young people. If someone looks down she is concerned about them. She is very knowledgeable and anxious to read medical journals . She is kind, considerate, giving, dedicated, a good example and -very Christian. Migleore is a petite woman clad in the traditional grey habit and a smile. She is soft spoken and sweet, the kind of person you want to give a hug. She said so many inspiring things that I found myself listening and not writing . · Migleore's hometown is Bloomfield, N.J. She recently went home to visit her mother who celebrated her 94th birthday. She is the third child of ten and her sister Josephine is also in the religious order. Migleore has been in the convent for almost 50 years. Migleore came here from London, England where she was the Mother Superior for three years. Before that she taught various subjects to the primary grades and high school stu-

Sr. Innocent Mlgleore, M.S.C.: "Listening to people has made me see the better side of everyone. Young people are great." (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)

Peer ministers help students

The SGA Social Activities Board

It's Happening on the HIii

would like to thank all those who have supported ·"Evening at Cabrini" Chamber Assembly

throughout the 1eme1ter.

Sunday, Dec. 5

It'• great to keep tradition!

7:30 p.m. (Mansion)

Cavalier Basketball Teams, We are looking forward to Wish the campus

a great season... Men, good

a Merry Christmas

luck in the Stockton State

by advertising In

game at the Palestral McManus House

Loqultur Contact Brian P. Jensen or Lou Klock for details.


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by John McQueen Campus Ministry could very well be the most underrated program on campus. Yet they contribute so much to the aspiring Cabrini student. Campus Ministry offers each student a chance to develope their individual talents, as well as help the entire campus community. They are presently involved in the planning of Cabrini's liturgies. They also planned a world hunger day, in which they asked students to give up lunch on November 18. The Cabrini College cafeteria has agreed to give the money saved by this function to Campus Ministry. At present the main function of Campus Ministry is a peer counseling ministry for the problemed students of Cabrini College. Peer counseling was first introduced to Cabrini by Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life. He began by teaching a course to the resident assistants of the college. When Sr. Bernadette Casciano learned of these teachings being given by Nicoletti, she thought it would be a good idea for campus ministry to get involved. "I think it's a great opportunity for the peer ministers as well as the entire student body. This exemplifies the growth of ~ Cabrini College and the campus ministry itself. Peer counseling just follows the concept that your peers may be yo best c.onseJ.or,






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SGA plans Christmas dance by Ladonna Mahecha The 1982 Chistmas Dinner*SDance, sponsored by SGA, will be held on December loth in the cafeteria. This year's dance promises to be a festive one in the true Christmas spirit. There have, however, been some changes for this year's event due to the campus' alcohol policy which was put mto effect last semester. At last year's dance beer and wine were available for students. This year there will be no alcohol. Marcy Nadel, director of student activities commented on this, "There was some talk about having the Christmas Dance off campus due to the alcohol policy, but we decided against that. The decision was made to have the dance on campus and there will be no alcohol served."

So the question which is probably crossing your mind is: Why should I go to the Christmas Dance, when all the other dances without alcohol haven't been so great? Well yes, it is true that the attendance at dances, since our new dry campus policy went into effect, has gone down. (Drastically at first, but it is getting better.) And yes, this will probably be the only "Dry" semiformal event of the year, but alcohol is just not what this dance is about. This event is one which allows is to celebrate Christmas here, together with our friends in one of the year's most joyful seasons. The SGA Social Activities Committee has made many new additions to the Christmas Dance to insure a good time for everyone.

This year's theme "Winter Wonderland" will be enhanced by thepicture taking, which will be available during the evening, on a · sled. There will also be a Christmas tree decorating contest held between each of the dorms and the commuters. Door prizes of rum cake and fruitcake will be given during the evening as a special incentiv _e for everyone. The dinner, which will be served from 8-9:30 and has yet to be officially decided upon, promises to be good. According to Peggy Heffernan, the meal will be "Good food. We'll be trying to get away from Cabrini's traditional Chicken Cordon Bleu. Hors d'oeuvres will be served throughout the dance." For those who will still be looking for something ~odrink, eggnog, hot

cider, and a holiday fruit punch ( created by Patricia Hession, social activities assistant) will be available. Dancing will be from 9: 30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., with music provided by the band "Whale." To end this very special evening, there will be a midnight breakfast served from 12 to 1 a.m. With all these festivities going on in one evening, you might be wondering what price one would have to pay to attend. The cost is very reasonable at $10.00 for the dinner/dance and $5.00 for the dance only. Everyone is encouraged to attend the Christmas Dance. It is a great opportunity to come together, celebrate and have a good time .. . and you never know who you may find under the mistletoe.

Committee unveils honor code idea by Robin Larkins and Patricia Hession

"I understand the importance of honor in any community . Only by maintaining a strict standard of honor can we expect to achieve any measure of academic or social excellence.'' This is the first in a series of articles introducing the Honor Code system idea to Cabrini.

"I therefore pledge that during my tenure as a college student, I will strive to uphold the honor code system as my school defines it .' ' Would you be willing to sign a similar pledge on your integrity, just as the students of Lynchburg College sign the one above as do many other college students throughout the country? This distinct possiblity could become reality in the very near future at Cabrini College is the campus approves the honor code idea which has been under scrutiny for over a year now. Just what is an honor system and how does it work?

Dancing th.e night away ...


Lynchburg College , as noted ini ts pledge, adheres to a strict form of the honor system approach. It should be noted here that there is no one set way or guidelines by which a college employs an honor system. It is up to a given institution to determine the policy which best satisfies the needs of its students and objectives of the college itself. At this particular college, should a student witness or discover any breach of the honor code, he shall ask the persons at fault to report themselves to a hearing board chairman. Under this code, students pledge that they will not lie, cheat or steal in college affairs or in transactions within the community of the college . It is excpected that they will not tolerate such actions by fellow students. To quote the code, "Ignorance is no excuse for any breach of the code." Also, failure to sign the honor code pledge will result in the student not being admitted to classes . The code also defines in great lengths the infractions punishable under the guidelines of that school's system. Standard infractions include lying; cheating; receiving aid on any academic work without the consent of the instructor;

plagiarism; the use without per mission of tests, exams or other materials which might give one an unfair advantage to the rest of the class; and stealing. Stanford University also employs a strict form of an honor code, such as the exemplified one just presented . It stresses the fact that a student can be in as much trouble for not reporting a violating act than if that student should actually perform the act themselves. As in most honor systems, there are no proctors during tests. In some modified codes, books must be placed outside the room and seating one row apart. A teacher is usually present in the near vicinity to answer any questions. Guidelines to the honor system are printed on the blue book and must be signed by the student. Refusal to sign prohibits that student from taking the test. According to Sharon Schwarze, chairman of the philosophy department, "Cabrini is a school with a distinct religious background striving towards a goal of personal integrity.'' She continued, "The lack of an honor system should be considered an insult to Cabrini students. It shows that the college thinks that its students cannot exhibit any sort of honor without teachers policing the classroom."

• Students open a vein

-..,I I

SOPHOMORES EILEEN JENSEN AND FRANK CHEESEMAN join hundreds of others on the crowded dance floor at the Junior/Senior semi-formal event held at the Inn of the Four Falls . (Photo by Mark M. Magner) ·

by Robin Larkins The results of the SGA blood mobile proved to be mildly disappointing with a total of 107 volunteering their blood with only 86 pints taken. Cabrini had a quota of 125 units which was undershot by 39 pints. Mary Mulligan, R.N., campus nurse, noted that 22 people were rejected because they had not

advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College

eaten breakfast that day. Mulliglan stressed the need for more donors from the campus community as well as the importance of eating before donating to avoid unpleasant side effects. On donating blood, Mulligan commented, "It's a very good maturing experience. You never know when your family may be in need of blood.



• AY 1 NOV.29,'19B2


Ban Chiang Arts administration by M. Anne Torone A select group of Cabrini students recently walked among ancient bones , burial jars, pottery and metal artifacts, sharing a premiere opening and luncheon with press photographers and reporters at the University Museum's Press Opening of Ban Chiang, Discovery of a Lost Bronze Age. "Arts administration is an example of specialisation. Managing the arts, primarily a busineH management course, is geared to the art, field."

Arts Administration students were offered this unusual opportunity to witness , first hand , an event organized by their instructor , Phoebe Resnick , public information officer at the University Museum , who also teaches managing the arts at Cabrini. Ban Chiang is an archeological site in Thailand of extraordinary scientific and historical significance , according to Resnick. The University 's


exhibition began its public viewing on November 12 and will continue until January 30, 1983.

This was one of the duties in the organization by Resnick. Lectures, public tours , cultural events (such as the Southeast Asia Day, which includes foods and crafts), a special catalogue and issue of Expedition Magazine were among the efforts to publicize this international event. Field experiences give the arts administration student a chance to see the finished product , according to Adeline Bethany, chairperson of the fine arts department. " If it looks easy , then it is a success. Phoebe and I have worked closely toge ther to provide the student not only with the theory but the application, " she continues.

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Resnick has a bachelor's degree in English from Wellesley College . She obtained a master's degree in administration at Antioch University while working at Delaware County Community Collge as Cultual Affairs Director, a position she held for five years . " Seeing Phoebe run an event and knowing how she put it together was the best part of this experience for me, " said sophomore Vera Nac carelli , a student of Resnick 's . " Beyond studying a textbook , this was an opportunity to see it in action. "

300 k a

Site of Ban Chiang, Thailand, where a lost bronze age was discovered . Select Cabrini students recently walked among the ancient bones and pottery from this extraord inary scientific discovery .

" The arts events, which the students organize in the Practicum , are laboratories where they find out their weaknesses and strengths.

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'' Arts administration is an example of specialization. Managing the arts , primarily a business management course, is geared to the arts field. These are the people who display musicians' and artists' endeavors to the public. The field is geared to the student who is interested in management but prefers the arts to industry," Bethany said. Another event which will be offered by Resnick to her students is the Arts Advocacy Conference scheduled on November 17 at the University. "The focus here will be on lobbying for the arts, which is becoming increasingly important," Resnick said .

Then , the display of 150 obJects, which illustrates a technologically ·· precocious pre-historic society, will be transported to seven other American cities. It will finally end its travels and permanently rest at the National Museum in Thailand, according to the press kit offered at the private opening on Nov. 9.

The Junior and Senior Class would like to thank all those who helped make Junior/Senior Weekend 1982 a tremendous success. It was truly a night to remember. Thank You!

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lost bronze age


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SPORTS Intramural Floor Hockey: fast, furious action LOGUITUA-MONDAV






ty to the gym first. So far participation has been excellent and the quality of playin the league is good. In order to increase the quality of play Carusi received 50 dollars from S.G.A. to buy new nets . Officials for the games are players in the league who have a good knowledge of the rules , they are chosen to referee if they are available. All rules are followed in accordance with the NHL, with exceptions being for fighting which is an immediate suspension from the league . There was concern that the gym floor might be damaged from the stic \{s used by the players , so each pla yer must put a sock around the end of his stick in order to pla y. It has not seemed to hinder the play of the game nor has the floor been subject to much damage. It looks as though Cabr ini has another intramural that is going to be successful.

by Chris Corcoran

A new intramural sport has been introduced to Cabrini College, floor hockey . In its early stages the league has had to compete with indoor fall sports for gym time but so far has been able to survive. The league consists of five teams and each team has 8 to 9 members . The initiator of the league was Guido Carusi , a freshman business major . He acts as commissioner to the league while playing goalie for a team . The teams were chosen by five students who were to serve also as captains to their chosen teams . The names of all the students who wished to play were then placed in a hat and each captain picked a name , the process continued until all of the names were picked. The five students who served as captains were : Carusi, Mike Lowry , Vinnie Mirabella , Matt Garrison, Bob Berger . Games are not played on a set schedule since the fall sports, men 's and women's basketball, have priori-



Burt Slwak takes a slapshot , Mark Bova plays defense during one of the intramural floor nocKey games played in Sacred Heart 's gym . (Photo by John Doyle)

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