Dec. 10, 1982 issue 06 Loquitur

Page 1





Campus-wide litt _ ering becomes a concern by Brian P. Jensen Litter and the abuse of some of Cabrini's grounds and facilities has become the subject of increasing concern on campus. According to Sr. Christine Marie Baltas-, dean of students, the litter throughout campus has become a problem that she thinks needs to be addressed. Baltas made clear her concern toward the mess found in various areas on campus by posting a memo addresed to "All Cabrini Students" regarding a report she received from a member of the housekeeping staff. Baltas ' memo read, "I find it deplorable that college students are leaving classrooms, bathrooms and hallways littered and vandalized. Trash belongs in trash cans, food is not to be taken out of the cafeteria , nor brought into classrooms . lfail to see the humor in overturning ash trays and causing other forms of gross situations _. _I trust that I can depend on you to see that a marked improvement is noted in Sacred Heart Hall in particular, as well as throughout other buildings and grounds here at Cabrini." Baltas said that she was prompted to write the memo when she learned of comlaints coming from the housekeeping staff. One night-time housekeeping member wrote in a report of the condition .she has continually found Sacred Heart Hall in. The situation in the building was described as "disgusting" and classrooms were said to "look like giant trash cans." "Sometimes I really have toruble believing what I see when I walk in this building knowing the age group that we are dealing with,'' said the housekeeper in her report. Baltas was clear that such "gross situations" are not limited to just one building ~r pla_ceO!}ca~pus. "I've seen litter mother buildings and on the grounds all over campus," Baltas said. As an example, Baltas pointed out that she has noticed litter in all parts of the Widener campus center and said that bathrooms are left unclean and garbage has been thrown carelessly around the entire cam us.

Baltas thought that the people responsible for littering the campus must not care much about the college or themselves. "If somebody does that, they don't care. It shows a lack of pride in themselves," Baltas said. Baltas was also clear in both her merrto to the students and in her interview with Loquitur that she

SR. CHRISTINE MARIE BALTAS, MSC, expresses concern with the current situation regarding litter . (Photo by John Doyle)

thought it was "a relatively small number of people who are respon·sible " for unclean conditions on campus_ Baltas also suggested that peer pressure would help decrease the litter problem. ''Litter is a simple enough thing for peers to tell each other about. Students would be a great help simply by reminding each other to pick up after themselves. Students must care enough not to want to see the place disorderly," Baltas said. Baltas also described the practice of ha,nging various signs, memos and posters all over campus buildings as ... another whole problem regarding campus disorderliness. ; • Baltas said that taping posters on painted walls and glass doors, particularly in the Widener Center, cause unnecessary damage. Baltas ·said that she will address the Student Government Association on this issue. Generally, Baltas conveyed a great concern for the litter around the campus grounds and buildings. "Sometimes when I take a walk I bring a bag along to pick up some of the trash on campus. I hate to see this beautiful campus littered," Baltas said.


PA 19OB7



.. s _

Kee hes deta i Is bu-dget by Barbara Bruhln r Cabrini College, as a non-profit oganization, works on an operating budget of about $5 million, according to James Keches, business manager. Financial breakdowns done by Keches for the 1981-82school year, show that tuition and fees made up 58 percent of the college's day-to-day operational budget. John Heiberger, vice president of development and public relations, compared Cabrini's figures to a national range of 54-70percent revenues from tuition and fees and stated, "We are pretty much in line compared with other colleges." He added that most colleges have to develop about 40 percent of their money from other resources. Room and board is listed by Keches as providing 19 percent of ihe college's incoming revenues. Private gifts to the college, including restricted as well as unrestricted funds given for operational use, made up about 8 percent of the college's budget. The national average is 7.5-9.9 percent. Interest from a $3 million endowment from the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart also provided 8 percent of revenues according to Keches. Similarly, on a national basis, institutions• of the same size work with endowments giving in-

terest of 2-10percent of their annual revenues. Other revenues coming into the college are listed as contributed services, which are, according to Keches, "The value of services donated to the school. The sisters donate their time. It we had to replace them it would cost us 2 percent of the budget." · The bookstore, last year, brought in 2 percent of overall revenues. Keches states, however, that it is usually, "a break-even situation. It does pay for itself but not much more than the 2 percent figure." A final category of revenues for the 1981-82school year is listed by Keches under the heading: other education and general. This is a miscellaneous category which includes revenues such as parking income and investment income, It made up about 3 percent of the operating budget. Estimated revenues for the 1982-83 school year remain very close to last year 's figures, varying, at the most , two percentage points. Revenues brought into the school· are divided up and spent where they are needed. "We don't make any money ," Keches stated, "It 's all plowed back into the college. " He · added that the college has been able


Page 4

Roomand board 11%

FINANCIAL BREAKDOWNS of Cabrini College's Incoming revenues done by James R. Keches for the 1981-82 school year. (Graph by Tom DeMatteis)


Palestra game

It's Christmas time in the city and at Cabrini College. Inside this issue, Loquitur emphasizes the holiday season with a special "Noel" section. Merry Christmas to all! (Noel section begins on page 8).

The men's basketball squad will be going big time when they play Stockton Stock at the Philadelphia Palestra on Tuesday, December 14. (Story on page 16)





Campus-wide littering becomes a concern by Brian P. Jensen

Litter and the abuse of some of Cabrini's grounds and facilities has become the subject of increasing concern on campus. According to Sr. Christine Marie Baltas-, dean of students, the litter throughout campus has become a problem that she thinks needs to be addressed. Baltas made clear her concern toward the mess found in various areas on campus by posting a memo addresed to "All Cabrini Students" regarding a report she received from a member of the housekeeping staff. Baltas ' memo read, "I find it deplorable that college students are leaving classrooms, bathrooms and hallways littered and vandalized. Trash belongs in trash cans, food is not to be taken out of the cafeteria, nor brought into classrooms . I fail to see the humor in overturning ash trays and causing other forms of gross situations ... I trust that I can depend on you to see that a marked improvement is noted in Sacred Heart Hall in particular, as well as throughout other buildings and grounds here at Cabrini." Baltas said that she was prompted to write the memo when she learned of comlaints coming from the housekeeping staff. One night-time housekeeping member wrote in a report of the condition .she has continually found Sacred Heart Hall in. The situation in the building was described as "disgusting" and classrooms were said to "look like giant trash cans." "Sometimes I really have toruble believing what I see when I walk in this building knowing the age group that we are dealing with," said the housekeeper in her report. Baltas was clear that such "gross situations" are not limited to just one building ~r pla_ceO!}ca~pus. "I've seen litter mother buildings and on the grounds all over campus," Baltas said. As an example, Baltas pointed out that she has noticed litter in all parts of the Widener campus center and said that bathrooms are left unclean and garbage has been thrown carelessly around the entire cam us.

Baltas thought that the people responsible for littering the campus must not care much about the col, lege or themselves. "If somebody does that, they don't care. It shows a lack of pride in themselves," Baltas said. Baltas was also clear in both her memo to the students and in her interview with Loquitur that she

SR. CHRISTINE MARIE BALTAS, MSC, expresses concern with the current situation regarding litter. (Photo by John Doyle}

thought it was "a relatively small number of people who are respon-sible " for unclean conditions on campus. Baltas also suggested that peer pressure would help decrease the litter problem. "Litter is a simple enough thing for peers to tell each other about. Students would be a great help simply by reminding each other to pick up after themselves. Students must care enough not to want to see the place disorderly," Baltas said. Baltas also described the practice of ha,nging various signs, memos and posters all over campus buildings as ·"another whole problem regarding campus disorderliness. !' Baltas said that taping posters on painted walls and glass doors, particularly in the Widener Center, cause unnecessary damage. Baltas ·said that she will address the Student Government Association on this issue. Generally, Baltas conveyed a great concern for the litter around the campus grounds and buildings. "Sometimes when I take a walk I bring a bag along to pick up some of the trash on campus. I hate to see this beautiful campus littered," Baltas said.


PA 19OB7

VOL ...XXIX,_No_.s


Kee hes .deta i Is bu.dget by Barbara Bruhln r

Cabrini College, as a non-profit oganization, works on an operating budget of about $5 million, according to James Keches, business manager. Financial breakdowns done by Keches for the 1981-82school year, show that tuition and fees made up 58 percent of the college's day-to-day operational budget. John Heiberger, vice president of development and public relations, compared Cabrini's figures to a national range of 54-70percent revenues from tuition and fees and stated, "We are pretty much in line compared with other colleges." He added that most colleges have to develop about 40 percent of their money from other resources. Room and board is listed by Keches as providing 19 percent of the college's incoming revenues. Private gifts to the college, including restricted as well as unrestricted funds given for operational use, made up about 8 percent of the college's budget. The national average is 7.5-9.9 percent. Interest from a $3 million endowment from the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart also provided 8 percent of revenues according to Keches. Similarly, on a national basis, institutions• of the same size work with endowments giving in-

terest of 2-10percent of their annual revenues. Other revenues coming into the college are listed as contributed services, which are, according to Keches, "The value of services donated to the school. The sisters donate their time. If we had to replace them it would cost us 2 percent of the budget." The bookstore, last year, brought in 2 percent of overall revenues. Keches states, however, that it is usually, "a break-even situation. It does pay for itself but not much more than the 2 percent figure.'' A final category of revenues for the 1981-82school year is listed by Keches under the heading: other education and general. This is a miscellaneous category which includes revenues such as parking income and investment income, It made up about 3 percent of the operating budget. Estimated revenues for the 1982-83 school year remain very close to last year 's figures, varying, at the most , two percentage points. Revenues brought into the school· are divided up and spent where they are needed . "We don't make any money, " Keches stated , "It's all plowed back into the college. " He · added that the college has been able

more BUDGET Page 4

Roomend board 11%

FINANCIAL BREAKDOWNS of Cabrini College's Incoming revenues done by James R. Keehes for the 1981-82 school year. (Graph by Tom De Matteis}


Palestra game

It's Christmas time in the city and at Cabrini College. Inside this issue, Loquitur emphasizes the holiday season with a special ..Noel" section. Merry Christmas to all! (Noel section begins on page 8).

The men's basketball squad will be going big time when they play Stockton Stock at the Philadelphia Palestra on Tuesday, December 14. (Story on page 16)











Editorials help resolve problerris

Jhe little things Thus far, I must say that Loquitur has had a decent overall semester. I trust that the last issue, in which this letter is to be printed, will be as good as Cabrini readers have come to expect. Sometimes, however, even the best of us falter. It is the "little things" in Loquitur that I notice ar~ most often neglected. Now don't get me wrong, the paper is decent, but little mistakes can sometimes make the paper look bad. Even though it is the end of the semester, or in light of that fact, I would hope that all the editors take careful consideration of the little things-like not leaving a blank space where a letter to the editor is supposed to go. No doubt, Loquitur has an excellent staff, but minor difficulties are sure to hurt the quality of the paper .

The Wigwam, Counsel's fire, the judicial system, the Wigwam, ROTC and the parking situation. Parents Weekend, ROTC, G.P.A., food service, .parking Though many issues still remain unresolved, we hope ... etc. These have been the subject of most of the that by reading this editorial they will be given more thought. Hopefulfy, the issues that remain unattended editorials discussed in the last issues of Loquitur. Much controversy has hit the pages of Loquitur, as and those upcoming will be given much thought and well as, some people feel, hitting below the belt. But it careful planning. Perhaps over the holidays, faculty and was all done in good favor. Let it be known now, in the administration could reflect over the changes and issues last issue of the semester, and looking into the forth- that have taken place. Take the time to think over what coming semester, each editorial is written to open went right and what went wrong and to plan ahead by people's eyes to an important subject, make them these results. Hopefully, next years Parents Weekend aware and perhaps offer advice or state an opinion. will be more than just "adequate." Hopefully, there won't be any more problems with the handbook or its These are what our editorials have done. We have brought up issues, both past and present, that policies. Hopefully, a majority of the people will find the seemed important and worth your reading. We have Wigwam satisfactory. stated campus issues that we thought were well taken Perhaps students also can reflect upon the past care of and those we felt needed more consideration. semester and see their accomplishments and set goals Fortunately for us, many issues we thought needed for the upcoming semester. .: The Loquitur will also glance back over past issues attention, received it. Thse issues include Parents Weeken'd, Counsel's fire, and look forward to new ones.

Brian P. Jensen

Christmas thne presents a true test to all by Sheila Fanelle Christmas is rapidly approaching and for some it won't be as carefree and beautiful as the typical Christmas special TV progams portray it to be. The winter holidays bring loving families and friends together, but what about all the unhappy people who have a loved one seriously ill, or deceased :-The person may may also be suffering from unrequited love. I don't know which is a lonelier feeling, unrequited love or the death of someone close. I was in a club recntly at closing time and an older, poorly dressed man was lying on the lobby couch crying like a c~ild. It was a pathetic sight. My first instinct was to get away because he had a problem and for fear of what he might do but my curiosity took over. I talked to him for awhile at a distance. The club was ·closing and he dreaded going home. He told me I was a nice girl for talking to him and he went to hug me. I cringed. I understand what he felt and

it must be hell. I called a cab for him and his destination was the motel up the road . This man had a home, a steady job and under his grubby appearance he wasn't bad looking. His outlet was drinking and socializing with the people in bars. Loneliness was destroying him. Each year Christmas has a different meaning for me. In my childhood a visit from a generous man in red with his nine flying animals was a big par t of Christmas. I was fascinated by the fact that he was able to sneak in my home even though we didn't have a chimney plus he covered the entire country in one night. He even left me a note to thank me for the cookies and soda. It puzzled me that he was able to monitor my behavior. Christmas day was spent putting together games and playing with my siblings and cousins. As an adolescent I was still concerned with "what I got" but I started to get a better idea of what Christmas

Merry Christmas from The Financial Aid Office Be sure to pick up your 1983-84 Financial

Aid Forms in the


is all about. I felt sorry for Mary and Joseph because there was no room for them at the inn. I was amazed that a star led everybody to th,e baby Jesus . I cried when-the little drummer boy's lamb over by a racing chariot. I even moved over to let my sister share the chair even though I was there first. On Christmas morning I' d wish Jesus a happy birthday before I'd scream it's Christmas and make a dash for the tree! As an adult and as of last Christmas I thought I understood the ultimate idea of what Christmas really is . It is hard to put it into words . It is a peaceful, content feeling. One minute I'm ecstatic and thanking God for my family's blessings and the next I could cry when I think of sad misfortunes. This Christmas will be the true test. Christmas is a beautiful time of the year but it can be cold and very lonely for people with a lot of love and no one special to share it with.

My family starts preparing for Christmas on black Friday. Telltale signs around my house are listening to Frank Sinatra, pictures on Santa's lap, dusting the nativity figurines, baking cookies, arguing in preparation, displaying wreaths, angels, candles , reindeer , snowmen , carolers, red and green lights all over the front lawn and house, man-made snow if necessary , shopping, wrapping and giving, couples arm in arm , mistletoe, tinsel, cards, family gatherings, the thrill on a child's face , questfons like 'how is school?' and 'what are you studying?', grandmom talking about the past, midnight mass , exchanging hugs and kisses, thank you's, hello's, good-bye's and promises to get together again rea l soon. As for the lonely people who lost touch with someone they used to care for, whether you did the forgetting or were forgotten, get in touch with them. Nothing is ever over, it's just set aside.




Memberof the AssociatedCollegiate Press Published bi-wHlcly during the school year by the students ol Cabrini College, Radnor, PennJylvania 19087. Subscription price is included in benefits secured by tuition and student ,. •.

from the


Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant EditorPatty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Features Editor Pam Clark Gallery Editor Ann Belsky

Sports Co-Editors Rita Callcat Danny Ross Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Manager Louis Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek

Aid Office. SGA Notebook Co-Editors Francine M. Kuterbach Robin Larkins

Have a nice holiday! •












'10, '19S2


Open y0ur eye$ to the 'true meaning' .

Probably my favorite article that I've ever read in Loquitur was written by one of last year's graduates, Regina O'Leary. It appeared in Loquitur's Christmas issue last December. Her topic concerned survey she had taken on campus about what people thought was the meaning of Christmas. It was an excellent article. If you ever get'a chance go through the old Loquiturs on file in the communications center and check it out. It would be well worth your time.


Regina, like so many other good people who want to share significant things, was conveying her concept of "the true meaning of Christmas." It's a wonderful gesture to want to share such a thing because the concept of what Chrismas is actually all about is a sensitive and very profound subject. Those who ·attempt to share with us their interpretation of its meaning often give us a special thought to ponder. I always feel good when some good soul reminds me of the true beauty of the Christmas season. I have to wonder . though, why is the subject so -striking to me and many others? A profound and beautiful explanation of the true meaning of Christmas always jumps out at me as a unique and brilliant idea , yet the true meaning is as old as Christmas itself. Why is it that we have to be reminded at times of the actual signifi~ance of Christmas? We know what Christmas is all about, don't we? The birth of Jesus, sharing, joy , giving for the sake of giving, love ... that's Christmas isn't it? Not long ago, a friend of mine said that he wished





that people could see the goodness "behind" Christmas, like the goodness is hidden or something. There is nothing ·good "behind" Christmas. Christ mas in itself is good. That's easy enough, right? I've heard it said that the true meaning of Chrismas is lost and that is why we have to be reminded of it. I don't buy that. Just because we have trouble seeing things at times it doesn't mean they are lost. The true meaning of Christmas isn't hidden or out of place, people just might not have their eyes open. That's what people like Regina O'Lery attempt to do when they write about Christmas-open -people's eyes. I guess that's why I felt great when I read her article. Regina reminded me by opening my eyes a little wider. I don't know why I was ever falling asleep. The actual purpose of Christmas was never lost , peopl~ just can't see clearly at times. We've all heard about how sad it is that Christmas has become so "commercialized." The next time you hear that one, change the channel to a better station. It's a contradiction in terms to say Christmas , true Christmas, is commercialized. No doubt, we often abuse the tangible aspects of celebrating the holidays and we sometimes confuse the attributes of giving with the greed of receiving, but that's not Christmas. It has nothing to do with Christmas. Certainly, commercialism, with all of its enterprising evils, can 't even have the slightest effect on what Christmas is truly all about. The beauty of Christmas , Jesus ' birthday, is that it isn't like most things that we experience in life. Most things have a positive side and a negative side. Christmas isn't like that at all. Christmas is all positive .


of the commercialism at Christmas It seems like every year the merchandising of Christmas starts earlier and earlier. It used to be that merchants at least waited until Thanksgiving to start hawking their Christmas wares. The emphasis of Christmas appears to be on gift-buying and receiving rather than remembering that Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. Reporter Jeanne Hoepfl interviewed Cabrini students to find out what they thought about the true meaning of Christmas and how it has been corrupted. Tom Sebring, continuing education , " On the one hand one could say that the massive ad blitzes that occur at Christmas are the retailers' attempts to stay ahead of the competition and this might be the price paid for free enterprise. It really does, though, intrude on one's sense of Christmas as a family holiday ."

Nancy Scottoline, sophomore, "The commercialization of Christmas is -necessary to promote products and ideas . It does take away from the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of Christ; family and friends, love, celebration and cheer."

Denise M. Travis, sophomore, "The commercialization of Christmas doesn't bother me; I have my family and friends ."

Now, I know it is true that the suicide rate is highest during the holiday seasons and I realize that Christmas has a way of depressing some people instead of making them happy. That's all true, but that isn't actually Christmas. I would venture to guess that it is the depressed people who need to have their eyes opened the most. Christmas is beautiful , it is a great time of year and there is nothing negative about it. I wish more people would truly believe that. · I guess we can go on thanking good people like Regina O'Leary for reminding us about the true meaning of Christmas . I would hope, though, that there will come a time when many more of us would consider thought prQvoking essays about the significance of Jesus's birthday as an articulation of what we clearly see every day and have known all along. It would be nice if the mention of the true meaning of Christmas merely confirmed what we aleady knew-rather than reminded us of something we forgot. And the true meaning ... I liked Regina's version: "Look beyond the presents, unplug the lights and take down the stockings. Tell the kids that Santa Claus doesn't bring the greatest gift of all. The infant Jesus Christ does-it is the gift of Love. And it is found only in the hearts , minds and souls of humans. And it is up to us to receive this gift, at , Christmas and all through the year. Peace, and Merry Christmas." It is important to be reminded, but it is more important that we never let such a beautiful thing ever be forgotten. Open your eyes all the way and have the greatest Christmas ever! Enjoy your holiday.

Come Celebrate Christmas with the Cabrini College Community Chorus! We cordially invite you to attend our annual Christmas concert on Sunday, December 12, at 8:00p.m . in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. This year we are doing a variety of traditional songs including "Angels We Have Heard on High" with brass accompaniment and "A Joyful Carol." ' Following the concert the Cabrini College Jazz Ensemble will entertain in the Student Lounge . Refreshments will be served and admission is free.


We would like to wish the entire Cabrini community a ·very happy holiday season and to thank Carter and our members for all of their supportive -efforts this semester. The Officers of Kappa Sigma Omega ••••••••••

















aid .proves successful

by Robin Larkins The joining together of a Cabrini graduate on the job with a Cabrini student looking for a career to pursue equals the Career Experience Opportunity Program. This program, run in conjunction with the career counseling and alumni affairs offices; is open to anyone of any class with an interest to explore a particular career area. The process begins by an intere11.ted student registering for the program in the career counseling office located in the Counseling Center. According to Donna Seckar, director of career counseling, "By filling out an application, a student expresses what kinds of things he or she 1sinterested in. From the application, we _try to match the student with a person already graduated who is working in a job similar to what the applicant is interested in." Sometime during the first two weeks in January, the applicants have the opportunity to spend some time on the job with their alumni



compatibles. Seckar hastened to add that the January time slot, while preferred, can be tentative. Any time can be arranged as long as it is mutually agreeable to both the applicant and the graduate volunteer involved. The program was initiated last January after a questionnaire went out to former students of the college asking if they would be interested in participating in such a career experience program. , A list of people was then compiled to whom a second questionnaire was sent. This inquiry went into more depth about the occupation and actual work of the graduate volunteer so that a clearer picture could be presented to the interested student applieants. ·According to Seckar, the response of the alumni proved favorable in that many student observers were matched. Yet, other volunteers were not used due to the fact that their . fields were not compatible with those of the applicants' areas of interest. Seckar implied that the evaluation

from page l

to balance the budget. A separate list has been drawn up by Keches, categorizing expenditures from the operating budget for the 1981-82 school year. Instructional is listed as the largest category at 31 percent. The instructional category includes all expenditures associated with running academic departments, such as instructors' salaries, fringe benefits and general departmental costs. Academic support offices; which include the office of the academic dean, the faculty secretaries office, and the library, required 6 percent of operating expenditures. These offices are the support of the instructional departments. ' Costs of student services such as the financial aid office, the registrar's office, the admissions office, the dean of students' office, cam~us ministry, counseling, health services, Student Government Association budget, and publications such as the Loquitur took up 10 percent of total expenditures. Institutional costs of 18 percent were involved in expenses for the president's office, the development office, the business office, switchboard, mailroom, advertising, professional fees, insurance and overall operational expenses. . Maintenance, which includes housekeeping and security as well as electric and heating, took up 19 percent of

expenditures. Scholarships given out made up 5 percent of the budget. This figure does npt includ~ scholarship money from fedel'al and state programs. Auxiliary enterprises, with an 11 percent cost, included cafeteria expenses, resiaent life, and book store expenses. Revenues and expenditures of the college are broken down by the business office according to the guidelines of the National Association of College and University Offices. These breakdowns are necessary for the college's annual financial audit, as well as for easy comparison with other colleges, according to Keches. An annual audit report is necessary for three reasons: first, the Board of Trustees requires it; second, the government requires it for government financial aid programs; and third, in terms of fund raising, donors may want to see an audit report. Keches added, "We have a responsibility to our donors that we spend our money as it is intended to be spent.'' Keckes' itemization of operating fi. nances, according to Heiberger, does not include renovations or major capital improvements, such as the George D. Widener Campus Cneter. Heiberger stated, "That's a whole different pot.''

The Men of Counsel Hope that all of our friends at Cabrini and their families have a joyous and holy holiday season. Season's Greetings to All!


.1n iob . tra _ining '

A satisfied participant wrote that "the program was a very worthwhile experience. I learned many different aspects of a caree that I was interested in." An overall consensus of opinion showed that those involved would do it again. Seckar emphasized that time is running out for the January placement and that anyone interested should contact her immediately so that the necessary arrangements can be made. According to the head of the career counseling office, "It would be an interesting experience, being with someone who shared your interests and graduated from Cabrini. They can probably give you a picture of what they came away with and how that worked into their job." Seckar continued, "The program is an excellent experience to see what actually goes on in the working world. It will give you a picture of how much more you can learn aside from just reading textbooks. 0-l

of the program by both alumni and students also proved positive and encouraged expansion from a focus on just the junior and senior classes to sophomores and freshmen as well.

DONNA CKAR states that the Career Experience Opportunity Program is a way for· students to see what actually goes on In the working world. (Photo by Lisa Del Borrello)


would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and toast to a Happy New Yearl Best Wishes to All in the Cabrini Community in this Joyous Holida .v Season! Have a happy and holy I



Christr:nas·vacation !A~ Peace to All!


Shadow and the Mansion Girls


THE ENTIRE CABRINI COMMUNITY LOVE, MCMANUS HOUSE Laura, Michelle, Bonnie, Ro, Val, Lori, Jill, Lynne, Linda B., Linda, Terri C., Mary, Cathy, Carol, Andrea, Annette, Terry, Suzanne, Ruby, Cindi, Diane, Patty and Rita



Tri Beta _honor students by Mark M. Magner Two members from Cabrini's chapter of Tri-Beta, the school's biology honor society, will be attending a national convention for biology honor students. The convention will take place in Huntsville, Alabama from Dee. 27th until the 30th.

5 -



was brought up a meeting last year and four or five people showed interest, but only Hayes and Breen

to convention

showed serious interest. The students are receiving a travel grant from the confe_rence leaders

During this convention, biology honor students from all over the nation will either read their independent research papers, or just listen to those of other students. Hayes and Breen have done senior research papers, but have chosen to listen to others instead of reading their own.

The two members who will attend this convention are seniors Anne Breen and Andrea Hayes. Breen is president of the organization, and Hayes is the secretary. The last Cabrini student to attend this conference was Joanne Coady from the class of 1976. Every chapter can submit the names of the students who want to attend this conference . The students ¡ will be representing their schools, and finding out how other schools are operating on a Tri-Beta level. According to John DeTurck, adviser for Lhambda Rho, Cabrini's chapter of Tri-Beta, this conference

based on how far they have to travel. The biology department has also given the two students a grant, but Hayes and Breen must still pay many of the remaining expenses involved.


SENIORS ANDREA HAYES (left) and Anne Breen will be going to a convention in Huntsville Alabama to represent Tri-Beta, Cabrini's biology fionor society. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

Awards will be given for excellence in student research . Award winning papers will be published in "Bios" magazine. ¡ other activities planned are guest lectures by space biologists, a tour of Marshall Space Flight Center , an award,s ceremony and a banquet . Breen and Hayes expressed much anticipation for this convention , both of them said they are excited mostly with the thought of meetin~ other students from all over the nation .

The Girls of the


Lanshe House To Ail In The Entire Cabrini Community From the Dixon House /


would like to wish the entire Cabrini community Christmas


Have An Eggnog On Us!


and Happy NewYear

Joyful New Year to all from the girls

and a happy New Year

Enjoy your vacation!

A Jolly Christmas and

a very merry


~ ~


Marry ~ Christmas I fromthe


Casey House

Cabrini Collage Community -


of the

in theentireCabrini community anloya vary happy andholyChristmas andhavea loyous NewYear

Infante House Have a nice Holiday/











Bask i'n the Jamaican sun: ioin Job Squad by Rita McKelvey

What does Job Squad mean to you? Does it mean a chance to get a job and earn money for tuition, Christmas or a case of Michelob? ' For this reporter, Job Squad meant an all-expense-paid vacation to Jamaica, W.I. ! Before you ha'le a cardiac arrest or race off to the Financial Aid Office to join Job Squad, let me explain. I joined Job Squad in my sophomore year. I needed a few extra dollars for gas and for going out to clubs. I read an advertisement for Job Squad and I liked what I read. · I filled out a sheet for Job Squad listing the days and hours that I was available for work. No sooner had I filled out the sheet when about two or three people called with job offers. . Most of the offers wer~ for babysittmg because on my application I had ~becked off babysitting as a preferred Job.

I received a call from a woman named Lin Zecher-Dalton. She asked me to come to h~ house that night and meet her tw6 sons. I did as asked, and got a job babysitting three days a week and every other weekend. The pay was fantastic. She paid me $50 for the weekend alone. I returned to school this fall and about two weeks into the semester I received a call from Lin. She needed a babysitter. I was glad to oblige. I babysat on and off for Lin. Then one night she called and asked me if I wanted to go to Jamaica without the kids for a vacation. -! told her that she was either joking or had temporarily lost her sanity. She said it was no joke

and that she had already bought my ticket and our plane was leavirig the next day at 5 a.m. After I caught my breath and picked myself up off of the floor, I let the thought of a vacation in Jamaica sink in. I tried to. find a snag in the vacation. I finally found it: money. I told Lin that I didn't have enough money to iO to Jamaica. She very casually said not to worry, she would pay for everything. How could I refuse the trip? Needless to say at 5 a.m. I was on- Air Jamaica heading for a vacation of a lifetime. Lin ana I sat on the plane drinking tropical drinks to get us in a Jamaican mood. We stepped off of the plane in Montego Beach. The weather was 92 degrees. Back at Cabrini, the weather was about 50 degrees. I rolled up my sleeves, jumped into a taxi, and headed for the sun and surf. Our hotel room in Ocho Rios was right on the beach and I fell asleep to the sound of the surf. The water was crystal-clear and very warm . All I did on my vacation was sit on the beach, swim, eat seafood, and go to happy hour. It was pure luxury. A typical meal consisted of escargot, shrimp, and lobster. For dessert, we had a banana flambe. The bananas were covered with Jamaican rum and then set on fire. It was fantastic. . All too soon our trip came near the end. We said goodbye to all of the pepole we had met from England, Switzerland, France and Germany. It had been quite a week. We boarded our plane and arrived in a cold Philadelphia. We were tired,


RITA McKELVEY'S babysitting Job let to a sun-filled Jamaican vacation . (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

that I met Lin. I still work for Lin and I'm registered with Job Squad. I receive two job offers a daX on the average. Maybe next time I 11find an employer to take me on a trip around the world!

but happy. After I had told my friends about my trip for the millionth time, I sat down and reflected on the trip and how lucky I was to get that vacation. I couldn't help but give credit to Job Squad because it was through them

Season's -Greetings! rhe English and Communications Club would like to wish to ~


* ilt}i

everyone a safe and joyous Holiday Season


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May Christ the Lord fill this holy season with happiness

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Cobrin i College






a Feeney family tradition

easy to talk to. Jane is known in her residence as "Dear Abby': because she is always ready to listen when hair , blue-eyed basketball pla yer someone has a problem . from the seventh house , then you mus t be acquainted with his blond Jane feels that one of the main h.air , blue eyed sister. differences between Tim and herself Senior Tim Feeney this year has the that stands out in her mind is Tim is opportunity to attend Cabrini with his more athletically inclined than she. younger sister Jane and feels very Jane recalled that when she asked comfortable with the situation. Tim Tim for advice on what gym she feels they have developed a closer should take,Tim replied, "Take slimrelationship since they have been at nastics, you can 't handle anything school together. From a family of else." seven children, Tim was not always Tim is a business major while Jane involved with Jane as he was with is studying accounting. They happen their other sister who is closer in age. ' to be in the same calculus class this semester. "It really doesn't seem any J ane likes having Tim so close by different to have Jane in my class. because it makes her feel that she is But I am glad she is in class so I not so far away from home. Also, if can show her up," Tim said jokingly. she should need anything Tim is right It feels funny to Jane to be in the there . same math class as Tim since he is a Like many brothers and sisters Tim senior and she is a freshman. "I never and Jane have differences and simithought I would be going to school larities . Tim is an intelligent, athletic with my brother and now we're in the and outgoing person with an easy going personality. Jane is not very same class ." different from Tim in these aspects. When asked if Tim had any inShe's got a non-stop smile and a warm fluence on Jane's decision to come to and cheerful personality. She is very Cabrini , he said that he influenced her by Lisa DiSantis If you are familiar with the brown



Scenes around campus ... Sheila the Sheep ... hound-dog gin' ... exam dances ... it's Alpo time ... "Hey Melon Ball!" ... Lyn, this is a fast dance .. . Not the plants, Dave ... I'm Gumby , buy my book ... Where's Poke y? ... Mary's Evening Power Update ... jarheads ... I loved your red and white outfit... There 's an "h" in Heathcliff, Moff... Booper, take the cotton out of his ear or try a more direct method... Wayne Tavern ... Barm p barmp barmp barmp-WAH WAH!.. . Kamikazees and Death



J:l,,,. • LIKE MANY BROTHERS AND SISTE;RS, Tim and Jane Feeney have differences and similarities . (Photo by Jose Rojas)

indirectly . Jane attended many of Tim 's basketball games and spent some days at Cabrini and took a liking to the school. For the past eight years Cabrini has been a common word in the Fe~ney Punch.. . Where's our balloons, Jeanette? ... WCAB and Standard Deviation at the Rusty Nail ... thrown any beer lately, Tom? ... Escalators of life ... that was interesting ... Sullivan's spirits roll out the barrel... Mac double sixes ... Put it on Lisa's tab ... E .T., go home! ... Pice-Patty, you should have thrown the beer in her face ... Who looks like kermit the Frog in the 7th house? ... Have you been to Sears lately? ... Sandra meets Prince Charming ... Do you have to advertise it? ., .. Jane, Homer and Archer called ... Evetta, some guy in a blue

family . Christine , the oldest of the Feeney children, graduated in 1978. Now with Jane as a freshman , Cabrini is likely to remain a common word for the next four years or even longer , depending on what the two younge r Feeney 's decide to do. Porsche stopped by... Where are all our carnations?... Shots of Apple Pies ... Hey Phil, get a door ... Lobby Freaks ... Scenes from Off campus ...

Breshnev... Andropov... Tylenol deaths ... The Halloween scare at Villanova ... Strikes from the newstand to the football field to a local community college... the release of Walesa ... Mayor Green announces he's not running again ... Washington riots ... Hurricane Eva hits Hawaii. .. the recent trouble in Lebanon ...

The Sophomore Class would like to thank everyon e for their support of

would like t o extend the ir sincere wish that th e ent ir e Cabri ni Communi t y enioy a most ioyous and holy

our endeavo rs and ask for everyone 's continu ed support as we prepare to hold the classi est Sop homore Senio r Farewell evening ever on April 22. Mer ry Christmas

Chri stmas Season. We hope everyone has

Happy New Year Happy Holidays

a great vac ation.

Happy -Holldoya!

Robin Larkins, President Debbie Kirk, Vice President Jean Findlay, Secretary Mike Fenza, Treasurer Eileen Herbig, Parliamentarian Rosemary Campbell, Commuter Rep.





Chri~tmas shopping have fun and enioy it by Francine M. Kuterbach

Christmas shopping means more than fighting crowds, spending money and waiting in long lines. It's the one time of the year that we make an honest effort to do something for the pleasure of others. Shopping for gifts can fill you with the . Christmas spirit. It is probably best to choose a large shopping center, such as the King of Prussia Plaza or the Gallery in Philadelphia, to do your shopping. In addition to major department stores such as J . C. Penneys and Gimbels, there are the smaller, discreet places to purchase special gifts. People tend to pass up those little stores which offer unusual and specialty items that the larger places just don' t have the capacity to display. For example, the Court at King of Prussia offers its shoppers places like Lechters , Art Emporium, Wicks'n Sticks and Brookstones. These are great places for Christmas gift giving . The hot items this Christmas seem to be electronic games , smurfs, and ET and Garfield items . Sophomore Rosemary Campbell works in the Gift Gallery in Havertown. She said, ''These items sell faster than we can order them." She also said that monogrammed articles are selling fast because they add a "personal touch" to many gi~ts.

A store called Things Remembered is a reasonably-priced place where engraving is free when you purchase an item. '.(his store is located in the King of Prussia Plaza and offers a good variety of monogrammed items. Supermarkets, believe it or not, can also be a place for people who wish to purchase Christmas gifts. Buying a large basket and stuffing it with the person's favorite foods is a popular idea. Drug stores, such as Rite Aid and CVS Pharmacy, offer a wide variety of small articles which also can be used for this purpose. Many people choose places like Hickory Farms for food gifts. , Another idea is to purchase plants , the "living gift." A ~ood plant store is Buds 'n Blooms, which is also located in the King of Prussia Plaza . Practical gifts are also popular. According to sophomore Donna Dawson, an employee of Best/Basco , people are turning to practical giftgiving because of the economic situation . "People don't have the money to buy frivolous items." Both Campbell and Dawson agreed that charge ~ards are the main form of payment this season. Both said business has been excellent, despite the economy . Dawson said, "People are· still willing to spend moriey to make their Christmas special."

WILL SANTA LEAVE CABRINI STUDENTS all the Items on their Christmas list under the tree? This tannebaum is stand ing elegant in the Court of King of Prussia. (Photo by Karen Labenz)

Special kids get special C~ristmas party by Lisa DiSantis One of the many activities that puts us into the spirit of the season is the party for St. Mary of Providence Center for Developmentally Disabled. The Christmas party for St. Mary of Providence Center was seheduled to take place on the evening of December 7. The scheduled event was given by the education department for 23 girls ranging in age from six to 18 years old. All of the Cabrini community were invited to attend. For this year's party many activities were planned by the education majors for the girls. A puppet show along with a performance of "The

Night Before Christmas" is to be presented by the students . Cakes and cookies baked by Sister Bernadette Casciano and Mary Mulligan wen~ to be served to the girls with other goodies at the party. The highlight of the evening will take place when Fr. Mark Falcone, 0 Praem, dressed as Santa Claus will distribute gifts to the guest. These gifts are to be donated by the students. Cabrini's education department has been giving a Christmas party for St. Mary's of Providence the past 18 years. Some of the girls have been attending the party for 16 of those 18

years. Andrew Litavec of the education department stated that the girls look forward to the party because they are familiar with it. By having a Christmas party for these girls, education ma~ors get a chance to learn and visit with special children. Donna Degnan, senior, and education major said, "You get a great deal of satisfaction doing something for these girls at Christmas because they don't have very much to look forward to at Christmas time." As far as Litavec knows, Cabrini is the only outside organization that gives .these special children a Christmas party.

by Pat McDermott Even though we are not too big to sit on Santa's lap, we still have our Christmas list ready in November. We still check out department store catalogs and commercials advertising Chrstmas gifts ranging from McDonald's gift certificaters to Betamaxes. When I asked people on campus what theywanted for Christmas here is what they said: Chris Corcoran, sophomore . a new pair of Converse sneakers , a 5-foot, 8inch blond and Dr . Zurek to be absent on a Monday . Tom DeMatteis, junior - the next three semesters paid for. Sandy Momyer, sophomore - art books . Sr . Bernadett Casciano , campus minister · a large contribution to the Appalachian fund and a week of R & R in Hawaii. John Remley , lecturer in business adm inistration - Columbian Gold. Karen Kelly, senior· a box of Cap 'n Crunch . August Nicoletti, director of res ident life · a two-week vacation on a Caribbean cruise . Brian Jensen, junior • a new jeffcap and Gus to take a two-week Caribbean cruise. _ Tom Schultz , sophomore - winter surf shoes , Albert Vasallo of Albert ' s Bookstore - continual good health. Chris Petruzzo, junior• a new Aztec robe. Lisa DelBorello, junior - a "B" in one of Arthur Young's papers . _Andy Litavic , assistant professor of education - to gow six inches taller . Eileen Houston, junior - Jamie to move into Radnor. Maureen McKenna, sophomore - a good grade in chemistry. Courtney McLaughlin, junior - a 450SL wih tan interior. (She doesn't ask for much.) Sandy McNamara, junior - my own exact-o-knife, wax pencil, ruler and non-photo copying pen. (She's such an editor.) Roe Meehan, junior - a permanent barstool in Wayne Tavern . Rebecca Rumple, senior - a job . Marcy Nadel, director of student activities - good weather in Florida . Paul Beslin, junior - the girl in Virginia.

Wondering What Santa WIii Bring?

The Social Science Club ·would like to wish all of otir friends .co, and family .of Cabrini a happy and most of all a SAFE Holiday Season






Musical gala LoVe ignites spirit

& nostalgia -- Chri -stmas feast

by Anne Torone

by Lori Lyn Smith "Do You Hear What I Hear" is just one of the selections on the program of the Cabrini College Community , Chorus Christmas Concert. The concert is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 12, 1982 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. While listening to the chorus at the last rehearsal in the Mansion dining room and watching Adeline Bethany, director, gracefully conduct the chorus, one could hear the powerful and numerous voices of the sopranos blending with the altos and tenors giving the Christmas carols a very melodic sound. The Cabrini College Jazz Ensemble will entertain the audience in the student lounge i,n the Widener Center following the concert. Both groups have been preparing for the concert since September. When asked what it 's like being in the chorus, senior Lynne Joy Williams feels tha t it is "fun." "It is the most relaxing extracurricular activi ty I would take . I love being in the chorus because I love to sing ," says Williams Mary Kat e Moetell , sophomore, sa ys, "I 'm glad we aren't a part of the chorus ' performance , because we are two different styles of music. Even though I am a part of the chorus as well as the jazz group , I love both.'' Theresa Dymond , junior , recalls, "Last year at this time, the jazz -ensemble was composed of a clarinet and a flute. I am proud to say that this year we have two clarinets, two flutes, two trumpets, one trombone, one saxophone, a drummer, a percussionist, an electric piano, and a vocalist. We've come a long way ." Jim Capalupo, jazz director, and Bethany plan to have the chorus sing first and the jazz band perform during the reception. The audience is in for a real treat, a two-in-one concert. Admission is free and refreshments will be served . The chorus and the jazz band intend to put the audience in the Christmas spirit before the night is over. Selections vary from "Angels We Have Heard On High" to "White Christmas." The jazz band will play" Jin~le Bell Rock" and will introduce Kim Ghany, vocalist, singing "Summertime," a jazz number.

9 .


This sounds like a specialty guaranteed to bring any Highlander down from the hills.

During the holiday season, simply biting into a peanut butter cookie evokes my childhood memorr of Christmas baking. The tantalizing scent of vanilla and the rich aroma of peanut butter, as mom and I stirred the thick mixture, are as vivid to me today as they were years ago. I remember the excitement when we rolled spoonfuls of dough in our palms and pressed each one flat with the bottom of a Kraft jelly jar. Then the coup de maitre, engraving a crisscross design with two precise strokes of a dinner fork. The ultimate ecstasy was biting into a soft, warm, _freshly-baked cookie, which literally melted in your mouth, immediately followed by a cool sip of creamy milk. Christmas foods are made each year with love, warmth and nostalgia. The moments range from small private times like this to scrumptious Wassail feasts, with ethnic origin playing a key role in many American households . A silver coin placed into a loaf of braided bread holds special significance to the Kanaras family . " Whichever person gets the coin gets good luck all year," Liz Kanaras said. Their traditional Greek dinner includes: stuffed grape leaves; ham; a Greek salad with calamata olives and feta cheese; pastitso, a Greek version of lasagna; retsina wine, made from pine resin; topped off with strong Greek coffee, mixed with matasa brandy and ouzo, a licorice liqueur." Her favorite dessert, Baklava, is a "buttery-thin pastry filled with almonds and spices." - Senior- Rita Calicat loves to make cornbread stuffin, for "Penny , Dudley, or The Bird. ' A new name is chosen each year for the turkey by members of her family. Hertha O'Hoy of continuing education will have roast gansebraten (goose) with dried prune stuffing the traditional German fare. One of the first thrills of the festive season for her is the spicy scent of pfeffernusse cookies. Another favorite, Stollen, a kind of fruit cake, is baked fresh on Christmas morning . · Senior Anne Cogan joined in with her Scottish delicacy: trifle - "an egg custard poured over sponge cake, sprinkled with macaroons.. and brandy, covered with gobs of whipped cream and toasted almond flakes."

In the Italian tradition, Joan Gracie, mother of senior Charles Gracie, serves seven different fish or shellfish on Christmas eve.

On Christmas day a sit-down dinner from soup to nuts is served. Preparation for this magnificent two-day eating marathon takes ·au week, according to Mrs. Gracie. She feels, however, that the family togetherness is the most valuable ingredient.

Christmas celebration . to feature burning Yule Log byTom DeMatteis

Thi:oughout the fall semester the Cabrini community looks forward to the events that make up th~ Campus Christmas Evening. This year's celebration will be held on the last day---of classes, Dec. 13. The highlight of the evening is the burning of the Yule Log in the Mansion courtyard. The night begins with the Christmas Dinner served by Bob Dearth and the Seiler Food Serv ice. After dinner everyone gathers in the Mansion courtyard for the Yule Log cere- ., mony which is followed by a mass held in the lobby of the Mansion . During the Yule Log ceremony , candles are distributed and Carter Craigie, chairperson of the social science department, reads the tradition behind the ceremony

and those gathered light their candles from the Yule Log fire. This will be followed by the prayers of the day which will be read by Father Mark Falcone, campus chaplain. Falcone then will lead everyone into the Mansion to celebrate the mass. Of the upcoming event, Falcone said, " I am looking forward to it ." He went on to say that he has written some music for the occasion which he hopes to use . "I have never been part of a Yule Log celebratrion before," he said. "I am into things that have a tradition behind them ." To the upperclassmen at Cabrini the Campus Christmas Evening has become a tradition, one which they will re-new on Monday night.

CfrltFnafjr«~s a:J M[!f_gooJ wish vrtfilNew

ne Society forthe .Advancement ofManagement

SAM would Ilka to make It their businessto wish the campus community a very happy and holy Christmasand a joyous New Year. Make your holiday $RJCH$in good cheer!

from the Junior Class Have a Great Holiday!









Traditions add warmth to holidays Many of these traditions are simple , yet they are very reticent of the family ties of love which make each family special. Christine Heim, sophomore, has made a Christmas tree ,ornament for her grandmother ever since she can r emember. She also spends three weeks of her Christmas vacation in Florida with her parents. Every year, the Christ clan has a big Christmas Eve dinner. The whole family gets together and the youngest, Geralyn, a sophomore, said, "My sister plays the piano and we all sing carols ." Freshman Todd Griffin attends midnight mass with his family and they all come back to the house and open one present " to hold them over" until morning when the rest of Santa 's surprises can be disclosed. Ana Maria Quinones loves her Puerto Rican Christmases. The season starts in November with friends serenading the neighborhood at night bearing tambourines, trumpets, guitars, bongos and the Spanish palitos, guidros , and cuatros. This "band " parades about town arousing people sirrging Christmas songs, according to Quinones. The carolers all come in and eat. "It's neat," Quinones said. "You have a party right there ." For sophomore Lisa DiSantis' family, Christmas Eve is the biggest day. The dinner is a huge affair. DiSantis' mother and aunt prepare different kinds of fish . They eat clams and spaghetti with lobster sauce and fried dough, which is traditional for her Italian heritage.

JOLLY OL' SAINT NICK Is part of almost everyone's family Christmas traditions. This Claus beams his merry countenance to shoppers at the Court of King of Prussia. (Photo by Karen Labenz)

by Ann Belsky and Pam Clark

No matter how old we get or how far we travel from home, ther.e is always something special about Christmas that brings us back to the days of yore. It is those Yuletide traditions which make us feel as if we were six again. Every family has their own set of distinct practices celebrated each year. This brings a certain warmth and closeness to the holiday season.

The actual eating lasts about two or three hours and is followed by midnight mass. Afterwards, Christmas gifts are exchanged among the cousins. A special tradition in sophomore John Doyle's family has been upheld for many years. On each gift, there is a poem about the gift or the receiver that the giver has written. All the poems are read aloud in a big circle. J?oyle says the reading lasts a long time. "Our house is very particularly decorated," sophomore Dave Field said . "Every decoration has a specific place. Everybody in the family goes in the woods to pick out a tree , which they cut down and then decorate Christmas Eve." The decorations are all put on in a particular order. Christmas is really special in my family, but the great times are all spontaneous," Field said. For Kate Fitzpatrick, sophomore , Christmas means her four brothers, four sisters and herself playing a special football game on the big day. On Christmas Eve, they are all responsible for cooking a different part of dinner. This gives their mother a day free from kitchen worries and makes the meal especially interesting. Our family's (Ann's) Christmas begins the first Sunday in Advent and extends until January . Every night, we light the Advent candle and sing a Christmas song. It is up to the whole

family , from Dad right down to fiveyear-old Marie , to 路 prepare for the Baby Jesus. The manger is set up and we children add the 路 sheep and shepherds gradually . We also add the hay every day. For each "good deed" - that means above and beyond the call of duty - we place a piece of straw to bed the King. Our object is to make His crib as soft as possible by Christmas Eve when Mary and Joseph enter the stable . When Santa Claus places the Child in the manger Christmas morning, we want Him to comfortably rest until our "Happy Birthday" greetings . The candle ritual continues until the Epiphany when the three kings make their appearance. Old Christmas decorations and a trip to our Lutheran Church for the Christmas Eve service ~ake my family 's (Pam's ) Christmas special. Our decorations are old, some of them made by my grandmother , and have decorated the Clark household for generations. Everything is put up in a special place. Since we moved to a new house two summers ago, it was hard to decorate last Christmas. We had to start new traditions as far as decorating went. No matter which way the Christmas season is celebrated, there is the feeling of warmth as we settle into our traditional Christmas frame of mind. However you feast and party over the holidays, have yourself a merry Christmas.

From all of us to all ,of you I

Merry Christmas

路and Hap py New Year

STANDING: Sr. Bernadette, Sr. Julia, Sr. Maria, Sr. Innocent, Sr. Antonina, Sr. Christine Marie. SITTING: Sr. Elizabeth, Sr. Immaculate, Sr. Regina, Sr. EIieen. '.;





.-a .. -









- t -t '




Diachronos by Rita Callcat

The Fine- Arts Department of Cabrini college scheduled a concert by a chamber music ensemble, the Diachronons. The Diachronos hail from the Philadelphia area. The ensemble consist of 4 core instruments including clarinet, violin, cello and piano. The group often consist of as many as six musicians . The ensemble basically performs contemporary music, however they also enjoy. performing music from earlier per10ds hence the name Diachronons , which means music "through time." The performance at Cabrini was to include a piano and oboe piece by Thomas Oboe Lee, the Corelli Trio




1 19B2



Sonata in F Major and William Walton's Facade, which includes the.... narration of 21 poems by Dame Edith Sitwell. The musicians of the Diachronos were : Allison Hera, clarinet and bass clarinet; Patricia Kendal, flute and piccolo; Marshal Taylor, saxophone; John Thyhsen, trumpet; Susan Jones, percussions; Dorothy Freeman, oboe; and James Freeman, Peter Gram Swing and Patricia Wityk conductors . The Diachronos concert on Dec. 5 at Cabrini College was sponsored by Adeline Bethany and the Fine Arts department. The program was free of charge and open to the public .

MarryChristmas and

BastWishes fortheHoliday Season totheentire Cabrini Campus


TheAdmissions Staff

wishes everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON

CAMPUS GUICKIES "Snow White" children's theater production continues this weekend at 2:30 p.m. Saturday Night at the Movies: "Stripes" next week at 9 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Remember Counsel Hall's Midnight Breakfast next Saturday. Pastels, Sculpture, and Weaving at the Wayne Art Center continues through Jan. 6 from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Counsel Hall Christmas Dinner set for Dec. 12 in the blue room of the theater. SGA Christmas Dance tonight! Hope to see you there. "Sugar Babies" opens at the Shubert Theatre Jan . 4 through 29. Call 735-4768 for ticket information . Salvation Army ¡Band at fountain court in Willow Grove Park tomorrow .


All our wishes tor a HAPPY . NEW YEAR

Honor Society Euay Contest open to all students

Topic: An Ideal College Education Length: 3 to 5 typed pages Prize: $100.0Q 1st prize All essays must be submitted to the academic dean's office by Feb. 4, 1.983. (Name page should be detachable)


Good Luck on Your Finals and Happy Holidays from the

WIGWAM Merry Christmas Open regular houra during exama.

Present this coupon and get 50 cents off with the purchase of a sandwich and soft drink durln_g !lnals.








Gears shift on psych computers by Rita McKelvey The computers at Cabr1ni College are not limited to computer science majors . The psychology department has two Radio Shack TRS-80 computers that psychology majors use. The computers are micro ..computers . Anthony T. Tomasco, chairman of the psychology department, said that the computers have been in the psychology lab for about four years now. "We got them as part of a purchase grant . They run about $3,000 for the disc drives and the printer ."

Thi, i, the fourth in a ,erie, on the effect, of the new computer, on Cabrini acad•mia.

Tomasco went on to say that the computers had many functions in the psychology department. According to Tomasco, there are three major functions of the computers. The,se functions are : experimental simulation; substitution for other equipment ; and controller for other equipment, such as the Skinner box. Tomasco said that most people think of computers mainly for data processing, however, in psychology the computers are used for much more. "The computer is used for simulation, cognition, perception, and learning," Tomasco said. ·

Tomasco remarked that the computers are good, but they are only first-generation micro computers. "Our computers have certain statistical models that we can't apply using the micro-computers. We need access to larger computers so the students can do these things. " How do the psychology students themselves feel about computers? According to most students, the computers are beneficial. Monica McHale, senior, said she uses the computers every other day. " I'm using it to train a rat right now. I also use it for research methods . It simulates experiments and does statistical work . The computers · ate very beneficial and efficient." The computers do have drawbacks, though . "The computer can't handle the Statistical Package for Behavioral Science. / It's just not large enough to hold all of the information, '' said McHale . Mary Kay Margavich, senior , also remakred on the size of the computer . "If money was available, the department should get a larger computer . The computer took about ten hours to process data one time. It doesn't have the capacity.>' Stacey Greenhawk, senior, remarked on the difficulty of learning how to operate a computer . "If you don't know how to work the computer, it's like speaking a foreignfanguage . They should start computers in grade school." Despite the size of the computers, the students all felt tht the computers

were beneficial for psychology . Lorrie Ann Palcik, junior, said, "Computers are beneficial because you can read about experiments and study them, then you can work on the experiment in the computer and see the results. ·u reinforces what you learn about the experiment.'' Brian Rottkamp, sophomore, said that the computers are beneficial not only to psychology majors , but in every major. "Computers are important to all fields. They are important in psychology because you do a lot of experiments on them like sensory perception. The computer also does

What about those who view computers as inhuman and too technological? Margavich remarks, "In real life, you have to put up with them. Learn to use them , you'll be better off."

Springstein goes ,solo by Pam Clark Fans of Bruce Springsteen may be disappointed with the Boss' latest album, a solo effort titled "Nebraska." But people who are quick to criticize should look intothe album 's _ deeper meaning and realize that it makes quite a statement about life in America. For those fans who are expecting to hear the rollicking sound of the E Street Band, forget it . Springsteen uses a guitar, harmonica and synthesizer as the only back-up to his husky vocals .


The mood Springsteen _sets is dark and personal. The songs deal with his usual subjects-cars , oppression, re lationships . All are a reflection of America as seen through the Boss's eyes . The songs are ' ' Atlantic City, ' ' which deals with the mafia in South Philadelphia-and Alantic City. "Mansion on the Hill" is about a poor family that wishes for wealth and dreams about the rich folk on the hill that overlooks town . "Johnny 99" deals with the ordeal that one man goes through when he can't find work, and "Used Cars," is another song about poor people wishing for wealth. "My Father's House" makes a statement about children estranged

gratefully acknowledges the

all of the surveys that the school puts out." Margavich works with computers at Burlington Industries. "I'm an operations support analyst. Cabrini has given me new prospectives . . The scales are more detailed where I work, but the computers in the lab are good experience ."

from their parents and " Highway Patrolman" tells the story of a trooper who is torn between his dedi cation to his job and his love for his rebellious younger brother. Four songs are especially noteworthy. The title track is said to be about mass murderer Charlie Starkweather: "From the town of Lincoln, Nebraska wth a sawed-off .40 on my lap/through to the badlands of Wyoming I killed everything in my path." "Reason to Believe ," the very last song on the LP , seems to be offering a bit of light amid all the darkness : "Still at the end of every hard day people find/Some reason to believe." The songs that this reporter especially likes are "Open All Night " and "State Trooper ." "Open All Night " is the only song on the LP that h'as what could be called an upbeat sound . The lyrics, too, offer some hope that all is not lost . " State Trooper" features a rhythmic guitar beat as the background to Springsteen's somber , chilling vocals . It is probably he best song on the album. The black and red cover reflects the mood of the LP. The black and white picture of a· desolate country road under an overcast sky on the cover says it all. For those fans of the Boss' who are disappointed (and this fan isn't) take heart. Springsteen is rumored to be finishing up another new album, this one with the E Street Band .

and knowledgeable contributions of its staff Richard Jones

Carol Wahl

Rose Campbell

Lucia Laurito Terry Schneider

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Staff, Faculty, and Students.

and its tutors Laura Kraemer

Gerard Lennon

Thank you for all of your support in the past year . It is greatly appreciated!

Carol Wahl

Gary Wietecha


Tony Casazza

Diane Zitkus

Carol Hasson

Ana Maria Quinones



I '







Christmas at Cabrini You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'll tell you why-the silver bells ·and jingle bells are upon us as it's beginning to look alot like Christmas at Cabrini College this year. Certainly the spirit is never lacking from the day classes resume after Thanksgiving up until the last exam day officially concludes. Cabrini is a joyous place to be around the holidays. For at a time when endless amounts of tests and term papers are due, and the threat of exams cloudily loom overhead, there is always someone, somewhere, cheerfully spreading the spirit of old St. Nick. . Throughout the campus, halls, doorways and windows are decked for Christmas. Advent angels are constantly roaming a bout delivering Christmas cheer. The sounds of the Partridge Family and the Chipmunks often spark group sing alongs and reminiscings of Christmases past. The school itself adds to the mood through events such as the Christmas Concert and the SGA Winter Wonderland Christmas Dance. Of course, the beautiful and traditional Yule Log Ceremony draws the-'campus together as one to share in the glowing flame and warmth of the Yule Log as Cabrini celebrates through mass and caroling the birth of Christ-the true meaning of Christmas. As Cabrini's twelve days before Christmas vacation are upon us, everyone must be dreaming of a white Christmas. There could be no better present than to hear the snow number called, forget exams for a while and go traying down by the houses, have .snowball {ights, drink hot chocolate and enjoy the beauty of Cabrini at Christmas time. Good Luck on Exams! ! Merry Christmas! ! Happy New Year! ! Cabrini College Student Goverµment Association

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.!1'•····· ...


. ..... .

LOGUITUR-FRICA~ SPORTS Jim Vail: Star athlete

Fan support appreciated

by John McQueen

Cabrini has seen its best soccer team ever this past season. Jimmy Vail may be the most important reason why. He scored 13 goals this season and as a result became the first Cabrini soccer player to be named to the All District 19 Soccer Team. Vail started playing soccer when he was eight years old. At this time he played goalie. "Soccer has always been my favorite sport," said Vail. Vail didn't think this season should be compared to the ones of previous years. "This years team was successful because of the increased talent and the great desire and enthusiasm, provided by a mixture new freshmen and returning veterans. This has not always been the case. In the past seasons Cabrini had to play soccer with only eight players,'' Vail said. "I have enjoyed playing soccer at Cabrini College very much and I'm ,orry it had to come to an end."

Vail said he is very proud of this year's soccer team and he will miss it very much . "I have enjoyed playing sqcce~ at Cabrini very much and I'm sorry 1t had to come to an end." Now that soccer at Cabrini is history for Vail, he will be playing indoor soccer in a competitive league in Haverford and also in an indoo league here at Cabrini. Vail is also very pleased with the academics here at Cabrini. "I feel that Cabrini is preparing me well for

by Danny Ross The importance of fan support at athletic events is not an easy thing for everyone to understand. Most all athletes understand the difference it makes in their play, but sometimes non-athletes can't understand why they should go out on a cold day or stay up in the gym all night to cheer on their school team. Well, after seeing numerous letters and articles in this paper, year after year concerning poor attendance at athletic events, I felt an article should be written this year on why athletes like large crowds. And I'd also like to commend the fans that have thus far supported Cabrini college athletics: JIM VAIL. Pro soccer or Policeman? (Photo by Jose Rojas)

life after college. With the courses here and the criminal law courses I'm taking at Villanova I feel that I'm being well prepared. Vail is a criminal justice major and hopes to one day pursue a career as a police officer. As for soccer in Vail's future, he wants what every athlete wants, to be able to turn pro. "If I put my mind to it, I could play pro-soccer," said Vail. Vail believes that the decision to become a professional athlete rest totally on the individual. "Any athlete, if he's a true athlete would love to turn pro, but the question is one of dedication," says Vail. Who knows, one day Vail may score the winning goal in the World Cup Soccer Championship.

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas! from



When an athlete goes out on the field or the court to play a game and the stands are empty, it hurts. The athletes don't feel the school -cares whether they win or lose, so consequently, they don't pl_~y_theirbest. On the other hand, if the stands are packed, the athlete feels as though the whole school really does care whether they win or lose and they play to their best ability. This does not necessarily mean they will win, but they will play their hardest. For example, the day Cabrini played Eastern for the first round of Soccer playoffs, all of the players were nervous. But everyone I talked to seemed to lose their nervousness and play their hardest when they heard their fans coming down_the hill .

Larry Tukis said, "the whole thing, the cheerleaders and everlone else put together was awesome.' Sulamon Allyn agreed and said, "At first I was nervous, but the fans really calmed me down." All I can say is that in all my years of soccer I have never felt or seen anything like that before. When you see that many people going to that much trouble for you and you know they really do care, it is enough to make you do anything. The fact that the game was lost means nothing. The fact that the fans came out and had cheers going on the sidelines far outweighs the loss of the game. · I couldn't help but wonder, though, whether or not this school spirit would end here or would it linger on, as it should through the rest of the year. My question was answered after Cabrini had its first pep rally. I think the pep rally went over very well for a first, and the people that attended were really there to support. With support like this, I think that no athlete in this school will ever again wonder whether or not the school supports him or her. And better yet, John Dzik, athletic director , will not have to go to the trouble of writing a · letter to the newspaper about apathy toward athletic even ts.

The Freshman Class

Cabrini's Student Services: Dean of Students Office of Resident Life

would like to extend its most sincere wishes that all of our

Office of Student Activities Campus Minstry

friends in the entire Cabrini community

Health Services enjoy a holy and joyous Christmas and a very happy New Year

We sincerely hope·that' all the students enJoya very happy and holy Christmas I

and a Joyous New Year. Have a great vacation!

Enjoy your vacation!



The CaValiers



1sa2 1


play _at the _Palestr9

by Rita Calicat


The Cabrini College Cavaliers will meet the Stockton State Ospreys at the Palestra on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at sp.m. The Cavaliers' program has grown tremendously in many aspects over the last seasons and as a result they will play in Philadelphia's home of the Big Five Schools, the Palestra. The team's growth in both ability and skill has resulted from the efforts of the coaching staff and the players' desire to progress as a team. Coaches John Dzik, Joe Kelley, 'Mike Keeley, and Duke Schneider have actively recruited members to the team and this effort accounts for the growth in size and ability. The players perserverance and desire to develop their skills and talents account for the championship quality team they have become. The results of these two important aspects of the Cavaliers will be on display on Tuesday night at the Palestra on 33rd and Walnut Sts. in Philadelphia. "The Cav's showdown with Stockton State at the Palestra will be the highlight of the season, support from the Cabrini Community is essential," Dzik stated. "Our strength will rely on our quickness, scoring ability and our fans."

(Photo by Rita Calicat)

GUARDS MANCINI AND WELDE, set a play against Stockton State in the Nov. 30 game .

The team tri-captains Dan Welde, Terry Mancini, and Tim Feeney !lll agree that the Palestra game will be exciting but also remember it is going to take concentration and extra effort to win. The fact that the Cavs defeated Stockton State at their home court on Nov. 30 will definitely act as a plus as

the Cavs prepare for the big match. Tickets for this event are on sale in the cafeteria. Tickets for students are $3 and $5 for adults. Will the three-time Keystone Conference Champions, the Cavaliers, be able to pass the test of skill, ability and sportsmanship at the Palestra?

Will they fall to the Stockton State Ospreys? Will the .,Cavalier victory over the Ospreys on Nov. 30 help on Dec. 14. Will the Cabrini community be there to witness the victory? These questions will be answered on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at Bp.m. at the Philadelphia Palei:itra at 33rd and Walnut Sts.

Coaches troubl _ed with two-sport athletes by Ann Belsky Because of the low student enrollment at Cabrini College, one student may be involved in many activities on campus. This is true in the sports department also. In sports, however, this involvement sometimes causes a friction between coaches of these athletes and may question the priorities of the athletes. The women's basketball season opened last Monday in a tough game against Spring Garden. Naturallr, after the long Thanksgiving hohday, Coach Mike Tenaglia wished to schedule a practice for Sunday night to tune up the team before the big game. Debbie Harvey and Eileen Herbig, two starters on the basketball team, were torn. Every Sunday night, the volleyball team is schedule to practice and they are members of that team also.

Of course, basketball is in season and that takes precedence. The volleyball coach Gerry Szabo cancelled practice. ' This year, for the first time, the Cabrini volleyball team is enrolled in the USVBA spring tournament season. According to volleyball coach Szabo, there are tournaments scheduled every weekend and it is up to the individual school which they choose to play in. Szabo is trying to expand the volleyball program. "The only place to develop good volleyball skills is playing in these tournaments," Szabo said. In volleyball, it is hard to practice alone. It isn't like basketball hat you can improve yourself alone in the gym shooting lay-ups, Szabo explained. "You have to play with team members," he said. Hence Sunday drills.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to Rita Callcat, Angle Callcat, Evette Borden, Lori Smith and John McQueen, The Loqultur Staff and The Black Student Union


. .... '

Members of First Corinthian Baptist Church

Basketball Coach Mike Tenaglia questioned athletes' loyalties, "It is hard to develop a loyalty to a sport when playing dual, and the coach wants loyalty, wants 100 percent put into that sport." One of the main concerns of both coaches is injury. "You never want to lose a girl through injury. If injury occurs, it would not be fair to me as coach," Tenaglia said. "But," he added, "it's up to them to play and vice versa if it were vollyball season ." Tenaglia was referring to the Sunday volleyball practices. During the last weeks of the scheduled volleyball season, pre-season basketball pactices began. Szabo felt it was "unfair" that Tenaglia started practicing. Naturally, no women was obligated to attend the pre-season \'Varm-up, but if they did, the chance of injury was "immeasurably" higher in basketball than the Sunday volle ball refreshers now, Szabo added.

Szabo stresses that the USVBA spring season is not mandatory and practices and tournaments can be skipped if there is any conflict with another sport or academics. In the begiening, I thought the season was mandatory," Tenaglia said , "and I didn't like it." The problems are ironed out now, according to Tenaglia and Szabo. Both Harvey and Herbig are planning to continue with volleyball. It is tough and they are pressed, especially during the pre-season basketball practices. The problem seems to be resolved when considering the sport in season . Tenaglia said, "This is basketball season; basketball takes- priority. I expect Debbie and Eileen not to play volleyball." "This is not the volleyball season. I'm going to play it with intensity but concentrate on basketball," Harvey said. .

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