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Male RAs resign; reave questions by Robin Larkins Bill Fontana , Brian Jensen and Tom DeMatteis all have something in common. The three were once resident assistants in the male dormitories on campus until they all chose to turn in their letters of resignation to Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president of Cabrini College on Tuesday morning, Jan. 25. Currie commented on the resignations: "Three of the RAs came to me and resigned their position as resident assistants for a combination of reasons. Some were personal reasons and others were because they had concerns with residency in general. They resigned to me because their contracts originated with Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, the former president of the college." Currie expressed concern over possible reaction to the situation. "There's always a worry when there's personalities involved. People always have a tendency to want to know everyone's business. When we don't get answers we are expecting to hear, we sometimes put them in there. That can be dangerous because we can make judgments that are wrong and blame individuals who don't deserve it." The three RAs cited practically the same points when asked about Uieir decision to resign. Fontana, junior and former RA in Sullivan House, commented on his resignation. "In view of the circumstances, situations and principles invovled, I felt it would be best to resign.'' Fontana would not elaborate as to what circumstances and situations he was referring to. Jensen and DeMatteis reiterated
Brian P. JenHn, former resident assistant
WIiiiam Fontana, former resident assistant
·counsel Hall.
Tom DeMattels, former resident assistant
Sullivan House. (Photos by · Mark Magner)
Couosel Hall.
this point and also added no comment regarding particulars. DeMatteis, junior and 'former RA in Counsel Hall, expessed that "the residency program has to be reviewed. With three RAs resigning , hopefully people will realize that it has to be -reviewed." Fontana and Jensen share strong opinion on this issue but would not give any further information. Jensen, junior and former RA in Counsel Hall said of his resignation: "I would be compromising myself if I continued to work with the residency program.'' Fontana and DeMatteis similarly expressed a contradiction of values involved. When asked if a group decision was involved among the three, Fontana
Draft registration by Tom DeMatteis
Male students throughout the nation must register for the Selective Service or risk losing their financial aid. The Department of Defense Authorization Bill that President Ronald Reagan recently signed into law includes an amendment to the Military Selective Service Act which requires a student to have registered for the draft in order to receive any financial aid from the government. Secretary of Education Terrel Bell stated in a Washin,ton news conference that, beginnmg July 1, any male who is required to register with the Selective Service System and fails
said, "We talked about it together but ultimately it was my decision." Jensen added, "It was an individual decision in which we all happened to agree." _ The two RAs from Counsel Hall specifically expressed that Greg Rossi, the resident manager of Counsel Hall, and the write up incidents which occurred prior to the resignations, were not at all related to their decision. · When asked of what he knew about the situation, John Doyle, vice president of Counsel Hall's dorm council , replied, "I know that it deals not only with recent uprisings in Counsel but also that it extends back through the entire year ." _ Speakin~ of the two RAs in Counsel ,
Doyle said, "The prssure they were under last semester was immense . They also had a very difficult time dealing with Gus (Nicoletti, director of resident life). " Doyle believed that it was not an individual decision to resign. H said , " They ac te d as a unified block. It was a brilliantly administered plan ." As a result of campus reaction , a student body meeting was held Thurs day, Jan. 27 to discuss the residenc y program and the incident that took place. As a result of the meeting a committee was formed to review the - residency program. Rossi of Counsel Hall spoke out several times at the meeting . At one point Rossi stood up and said, "I don't
Adam Schickley . Adam Schickley, Cabrini's jack-ofall-trades, is profiled on page 6.
financial aid offices that are already hard-pressed by federal aid cuts. It has not been decided by the government how this new law will be enforced, but one possibility is that the financial aid office will be required to get from each student verification that they have registered. The arguments against this are numerous. The strongest being that if a student never received or has lost his card verifying his registration , the funding process will be held up, thus making slower an already slow process. Cries of discrimination are also being heard over this new bill. Some
more residency page 5
is a must for financial
to do so will be excluded from all federal student aid programs. What Bell is indicating is that the taxpayer funds will not be used to support a college education of someone who does not comply with the requirements of the Selective Service. This new law has not been accepted with open arms by colleges throughout the nation and Cabrini College is no exception . Beth Ann Lieberman, assistant financial aid director, feels that "this law makes the financial aid office serve as a watchdog in a different branch of government that we do not want anything to do with." It also adds hours of extra paperwork to
students do not need any aid from the government, so how will they be checked to see if they have regis tered? Also, what about the high school graduates that do not go on to college ; how will they be checked ? This could be interpreted as dis crimination against those who canno t keep up with the rising cost of going to college . The University of Minnesota , as well as other colleges and universities, have filed a lawsuit against this new bill. Minnesota's lawsuit contends that this law is unconstitutional
• I
more draft page 4
Charlie Gracie Recording star Charlie Gracie will return to the Cabrini spotlight Tuesday, February 8 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lounge to benefit Project Appalachia . (Story on page 9)
GPA change: adiust the scholarships too Even in light of the recent point system adjustments resulting in the equal distribution of grades, the financial aid and scholarship committee still decided to retain the 3.60 guideline for academic scholarships . The committee cited two general reasons for the decision : lack of precedent for altering the scholarship policy and not wanting to devalue academic scholarships by lowering the required grade point average to get them. As a result, a cloud of uncertainty and confusion surround the decision and its student implications- not only those who are financially affected through their academic scholarships, but anyone who takes an active interest in the meaning of their grades. Thus, some definite problems come into focus over the whole situation • which, in essence, is affecting every student on this campus in one way or another. First, the lack of a precedent regarding the issue shouldn't weigh all that heavily in the decision making process. The Academic Council that first decided to change the quality point system set their own precedent in their choice. If it logically follows from one decision to make another to keep a system in equilibrium, then the idea of precedence should be overruled. The system as it now stands is not in equilibrium. The standards for · scholarships have indirectly been raised. The fact that students can achieve the same grades that granted them a scholarship last year and be knocked out of consideration this year illustrates this point. According to financial aid administrators, a 3.60 last year is equal to 3.47this year, meaning the work a student did last year to be eligible for scholarships won't even get him or her on the dean's list now. The intangible numbers that represent student effort have been changed, this should not mean however,that the financial reward for their efforts should change accordingly. 3.47 should be the eligibility figure now because the effort to get a 3.47 now is the same as last years effort to get a 3.60. It is clear that students have to work harder now to be eligible for the same scholarships they received in the past. We feelthe students are losing out in this case. · Second, the scholarships would not be academically devalued if the
Lost opportunity One evening, out of the blue, the word spreads through the campus that the three male Resident Assistants have resigned for no apparent reason. A person usually wonders why. I know I did and so did the rest of Cabrini's community. I expected the facts and details to come to light within a few days. I thought everyone was going to know what had happened. After about a week, no word had come concerning the reason for the RAs resigning. The Loquitur reported the story. Robin Larkins, in an effort to write a comprehensive story about an important and controversial issue, never received any clear answers to her questions . Most of her direct sources said that there were "problems." However, they all failed to disclose what these problems were. Greg Rossi, Counsel Hall's resident manager, criticized residents for speculating and conjouring opinions which were not based on facts. Well, I ask you, what exactly are the facts? Fact 1: Tues. , Jan. 25, three male RAs unexpectedly resigned . Fact 2. The RAs failed to give any
grade point average to achieve them was adjusted in accordance with the quality point adjustment. The standards for them would remain the same as in previous years. Consequently , the same amount of people who would have received them before would receive them now. If the adjustment was made, the question of whether or not the financial value of the scholarships would remain the same, would be up to review and evaluation each year as it was in the past. It so happened that lastyear so many people qualified that there wasn 't enough money to go around. Cuts across the board resulted. Thus, the problem of whether to offer the scholarships for the same range of performance and risk to lower their amounts if too many people qualify, or to raise the level of performance to qualify and probably (but not necessarily) raise their amounts, then comes into play. But who is to say that if Cabrini keeps its standards the same that more people will receive the grades necessary for the scholarships . The fact that it happened before doesn't mean it will go consistently higher in the future. Also, who is to say that if Cabrini raises its standards, by maintaining the 3.60 average even in light of the quality point adjustment , that more people won't qualify and create the same situation that occurred last year. One does not necessarily depend on the other. And the fact that members of the administration can be quoted as saying in regards to the old system: "No one could figure out why we had the system we had." And in regards to the consequences of the decision that "it never occurred to anyone that it was going to have repercussions anywhere else," proves that somewhere within the system people aren't communicating. What's optimistic about this decision is that it still isn't too late . Every member on the commmittee inter viewed welcomed the idea of at leas t reopening the floor for discussion if that 's what the students want. Perhaps now that people are better informed about the decision , something can be done to bridge the communications gap which exists and perhaps resolve the situation instead of complaining how nothing can be done about it . The chance for communications is there- it should be used for everyone's advantage .
to make their statement
c_lear expl~nations for their resignations. Fact 3: No one else has an explanation either. The RAs stated the problems were in the policies. Which policies, they never disclosed. The RAs said they could not continue their roles with the way things were being run. I am afraid there are a lot of questions that still need to be ansered. Because without the answers, how can anyone not speculate and form opinions. The residents of Cabrini, as well as the rest of the college community, deserve to know more reas~ns and det~ils about the resignations. The J"es1dentshave the right to know more than the generalities the RAs have discussed. Was such a sudden action necessary for the three men to resolve their convictions? Did they plan to keep it a secret and design a master plan to resign to make their point? If so, it didn't work very well. It would have been very possible for the RAs to discuss the problems with the resident council, the residency staff and the dorms in order to reach an alternative or conclusion . It was
premature for the RAs to act so harshly without bringing their issue and feelings out into the open. And, when the RAs did have the opportunity to voice their opinions they neglected to give the details. Gentlemen , I am afraid you may have made a mistake by resigning.
You caused · a mild controversy, but now things are returning to normal. The new RAs will be selected soon and they will take your place. The problems you tried to cite will not be directly solved . And, you may have very well have lost your opportunity to make your statement clear .
Memberof the Associated Collegiate Press Published bi-wNl cly dur ing the school year by the students of Cabr ini Colle~ , Radnor , Pennsylvan ia 19087 . Subscription pr ice is included in b.nelits secured by tuition and student fee.
Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant Editor Patty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMattels Assistant News Editor Robin Larkins Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Assistant Perspectives Editor Tom Shultz
Features Editor Pam Clark Assistant Features Editor Barbara Bruhin Gallery Editor Ann Belsky Assistant Gallery Editor Rita McKelvey SGA Notebook Co-editors Francine M Kuterbacb D.B. Field Sports Co-editors Rita Callcat Danny Ross
Assistant Sports Editor Lisa DISantls Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Manager Lou Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek
Dorm was raised in one protesting
That .tension from the outside
voice On the hight of Wednesday, J anuary 19 at 2 a.m. Counsel Hall lay in angry silence. At 2:02 the dorm was raised in one protestin~ voice. Like thunder, the harsh guitars of WMMR exploded at full volume from every stereo in the dorm. A unified Counsel Hall struck back with noise, not violence, at the injustice done to them and their resident manager, Greg Rossi. They cried out together that their voices might be heard and taken seriously. But the sounds that rocked the hall need explanation. Counsel was enraged. There had been some residency problems in the dorm. These difficulties -sprung from a misunderstanding in the actualization of visitation policy. Greg stood up for his principles and the men of Counsel stood up for what they believed was right. Thus, a sort of conflict ensued. Greg's stubborness brought the wrath of his charges upon him. But Counsel's anger was not pointed solely at Greg Rossi. Counsel was outraged by the fact that Greg could be in the position he was. Somehow the administration allowed Greg to enter his term as RM without the knowledge of the subtleties of Cabrini's rules. One does not give nine guys bats, balls, gloves, and a rule book and say, "Play Ball!" A team is taught the subtleties of baseball, the intricate strategies, otherwise they would never be victorious. I feel someone in this school's administration forgot to teach this to poor Greg. I do not point the finger at any one person because blaminJ does not solve the problem and this problem must be corrected before all the beautiful things that have happened in Counsel in the last year are destroyed. Whoever made the mistake must correct it. Someone must help Greg to adjust to the Cabrini scene. It is not Greg's responsibility to find all these things out and the students have neither the authority nor the right to teach Greg. Greg must learn to give a little and the students mµst try to understand his position. We must compromise. The United States is built upon this action, throughout history compromise has helP,ed our nation avoid conflict. But if someone does not show that compromise is possible, a civil war would erupt. So under we are all losers. The men of Counsel are stuck in a superstrict, unwielding rule-laden dorm and Greg is forced into the part of the heavy because of a lack of responsibility from above. We who paid to come to the institution to get an education do not need these ridiculous problems to hinder our social and academic interrelationships.
In a most tragic recent incideJtt, a 14 year old youth shot to death a fellow student, wounded another and killed himself at Parkway Junior High School in Missouri. After reacting to taunts by fellow students this eighth grader fatally shot one 15 year old, wounded another, cried "I can't stand it anymore," and shot himself through the head. Authorities determined that a three page suicide note indicated that the boy was "under a lot of pressure." While that fact would seem obvious, it is noteworthy to point out that this student, like in many other similar cases, was not that different than other average people of his age. He was "pushed to the brink" by depression and anxiety which was brought on by an overwhelming amount of stress.
edition of the National On Campus Report, an information service on today's collegiate scene, reports that college counselors are noting a major increase of stress on college campuses around the country.
you're like me, sometimes rou worry about why you're worrymg. That doesn't help and it often increases our anxiety. So admit it if you're feeling lousy. ft's natural for college students to feel stress.
The reasons for this stress are clear: Poor economic conditions, bad job prospects, financial aid cuts and even concern for world political crises are i,.ll contemporary problems that bring on anxiety. This combined with the natural ongoing change and growth that is part of college life plus the practical academic and social responsibilities encountered at school can add up to an extreme amount of stress.
It is also important to plan your work load out and be realistic. It is important to set practical goals and not expect so much that we might disappoint ours_elves. It is essential to learn to relax too. That's one of my big ones. To stay "in balance" we have to give ourselves time to take breaks and to put situations into perspective. Mostly, if you have an empathetic friend or trust a counselor on campus, a peer counselor, or RA, go to him or her and talk about your feelings. Knowing that people are there to help is in itself , a stress reducer. Good people understand others, are good listeners and sincerely want to help. That's beautiful.
This year c-ounseling centers around the country have reported a flood of new clients and have been forced to W?rk longer with existing ones accordmg to reports. This suggests that not only are our stress levels higher but our ability to deal wi~h problems appears to be impaired.
Stress- that tension from outside that can make us feel tense inside. It's an unavoidable fact of life and too much of it can make the mind and body miserable if it isn't handled properly.
I'll be the first to admit that there are times when I feel "pushed to the brink" under heavy pressure. I have found ·my perspective in the people that care about me and who I care about. Taking that angle, we can turn the anxiety of depression into the excitement of happiness.
So what do we do? Like any problem we have, it has to be first recognized and accepted before we can deal with it. There is nothing wrong with feeling down or nervous or depressed sometimes. If
So here we are at Cabrini College where stress, just like everywhere else, is a natural factor in our lives that needs to be dealt with. A recent
of how class registration was run and how would you improve it? Greg Catarious, junior - I think that the registration procedures were run very poorly. To wait in line for two hours to pick up class cards is ridiculous. I feel that I would have had the different classes go to different areas of the Widener Center, Sacred Heart Hall, the library, or even the Mansion. To have each class go to different areas at different times, would solve the problem of waiting in the long lines.
By having more people running it, I feel would make registration quicker. If we separate it by grades, to register, that would also help. Leisa DeJohn, freshman-
Tony Ciro, senior - I think that the way it was run caused a lot of people to lose a lot of valuable time, because they would have been getting settled in, instead of waiting in line for two or more hours, just to pick up their class cards. I would improve registration by making four different lines for each class, and I would also put a lot more people behind the desks, to save time.
by John Doyle, Vice President, Counsel Dorm Council
Laura . Kraemer, sophomore - I thought they could· have run registration more effectively, and the business office could have separat.'ed the · students who paid from those who didn't pay. Waiting two hours 'just to get a little white card that said I paid was a waste of time. ·
4 Nicoletti on new party policy
'Some may not like it but it's still fair' by Ann Belsky
The new party policy, effective this semester, has met with both approval and doubts by administration, resi dent, assistants and students. "The advantage is that that a party is clearly stated. It doesn't leave open questions,'' Bill Fontana, former resident assistant at Sullivan House, said. Kate Connolly, Dixon House RA, said, "The new policy is more straightforward and a lot easier to enforce." Though students did question the ideals and specific incidents involving the policy, many reserved comment. Of the new definition, junior Martin Clancy said, "It's not adequate ,because it gives the RAs the ability to write-up a student for almost any thing you can do in a dorm." This policy consists of two parts, the first of which has always existed , according to Au~ust Nicoletti, director of resident life. It states that no parties are permitted in the residences unless given permission and approval through the Office of Resident Life. Even then, parties may be held in the basement lounges only. The second part clearly defines a party as '' a gathering of people which is in violation of the quiet hours, noise, alcohol, drug or visitation policies." Nicoletti explained that a new policy was needed since the old proposal was briefly stated and there was no formal definition of a "party ." The old policy stated that no parties ....could be held Sundays to Thursdays and a party constituted a certain amount of people in a room. "There were many discrepancies," Nicoletti said. "A party _defined as a gatheriJ!g of
clear-cut definition for students, this new policy will help the residency staff readily see violations," Nicoletti said. "This puts responsibility on students who do want parties; they will know the right way to go about it," Nicoletti added. He expects more cooperation from students planning parties. Another addend in organizing parties involves kegs of beer. Kegs were not permitted on campus when Nicoletti first assumed his position as director of resident life . Last year, as experiment, he allowed kegs because they were cleaner than cases and students took more responsibility in cleaning up . ".4 ptlaerin1 of people which u in violation of quiet hour,, noue, alcohol, dru1 and or vuitation policie,. " Gus Nlc:olettl, director of resident life, expects more cooperation from students planning parties.(Photo by Jose Rojas)
people could penalize those without alcohol, but still disturbing other residents," Nicoletti said. "Limiting the number in a room didn't constitute a _ party, since there could be study groups," he said. Last year and last semester , there were many complaints regarding party-related write-ups . There were problems in determining what a party really was, according to Nicoletti. He sees many advantages to the new polic_y. "Besides providing a
Now, however, the Liquor Control Board is watching college campuses closely to check for underage drinking and the Cabrini administration is "concerned about students' consump tion of alcohol. Even those over 21 should be drinking moderately,' ' Nicoletti said . "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves," Nicoletti said. When the RAs introduced these new policies to the residents in their dorms, they met with few problems, but some questions and concerns. Regarding the noise violation, junior Courtney McLauJhlin said , " I think the new policy 1s ridiculous. I
Trustees install Rawls and Renzi by Rita McKelvey
Two members of the President's Advisory Counsil have been voted to the Board of Trustees . According to Jan Buzbee, director of public relations, the two members were voted in to take the place of former trustees Dante Renzulli and the Rev. DeSimone. Barbara Watson Rawls and •Anthony M. Renzi were elected to the Board at the Dec. 6 Board meeting. According to John Heiberger, vice pr~sident for development and public
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relations, the duties ·of the trustee are many . He said the trustees are the governing body of the college that sets policy to shape the direction of the school and to help shape the mission of the school. They set policies and guidelines for the administrators to use. Heiberger remarked that each of the new trustees possessed separate qualities that added strength to the Board . "Rawls is very knowledgable in professional finance and in management skills," Heiberger said . "She is the perspective of the successful business woman ." "Dr . Renzi is a bright , intelligent man with a wide range of interests . He is a well-credentialed doctor who has a broad interest beyond the medical field. He has a lot of good business contacts. It was through these contacts that he got Cabrini the DEC computer." Renzi is chairman of the radiology and neurology department at Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia. He is a member of the American Medical Association, American College Radiology, North American Society of Radi ology, Pennsylvania Radiologic Society, Philadelphia County Medical Society , and the Pennsylvania State Medical Society . He received the "Golden Apple Award " for best teacher of the year at Hahnemann Medical College in 1970, and was elected to the National Alpha Omeia Alpha Honor Medical Society
at Hahnemann in 1964, according to his resume . In an interview, Renzi stated that he had been affiliated with Cabrini for a little over a year, but he had known Cabrini since his schooling at Villanova. He stated that Cabrini's most valu able asset was its unique atmosphere . "The students can learn and relate to the faculty . There is an intimateness ," Renzi stated. He added that the most important thing for Cabrini to demonstrate is its unique catholic constitution . Cabrini 's major goal is to produce welleducated, mature individuals, Renzi said. When Renzi isn't at the hospital or sitting on the Board, he likes to read and do gardening, a trait he picked up from his father . Barbara Watson Rawls, like Renzi , believes that Cabrini's asset is its small oriented community nature . "Cabrini offers a high-quality educa tion," Rawls said . Rawls has been affiliated with Cabrini since 1975. Her hobbies include music, literature, .bridge and chess , and investment analysis. She is the Junior Achievement ex ecutive advisor, Board of Directors, Philadelphia Women's Network, and member of Who's Who in Industry and Finance. She is an employee of Sun Company . When asked what improvements Cabrini should make , Rawls replied , "None. We're perfect. "
can't understand why the administration is trying to deny us of an important part of college life by classifying some loud and crazy times as a party and writing us up.'' "How can this policy make it any easier for an RA since the ultimate decision to write-up a student for , say, a party d_ue ·to noise violation, is still left up to the discretion of the RA?" one student said . The actual definition of party is still under question, according to Clancy. " I can see no way that the head resident, RA or anyone else is capable of giving a set definition of party ," Clancy said. "Because of this, there is always going to be controversy about what a party is," he continued. "I feel this new policy was put into effect with such a wide definition of party so that no one will have a legitimate appeal,' ' Clancy said . Yet, RAs "foresee no problems ," Connolly said. This new policy is the result of students and residency life staff working together to reach a compatible decision, according to Nicoletti. "Now we have a very good idea of why, and if, a student is in violat ion," he said. "Some may not like it, but it 's still fair," Nicoletti said.
from page 1
since it only affects poor students who have to apply for federal aid , beca use it punishes only males and because it penalizes a student without the benefit of a trial. "The law attacks a specific class ," states Lieberman . Many college officials believe that the criminal penalties for failing to register for the draft are enough punishment without having to deny students the federal aid they need to go to school. The State Education Department will be making public a Notice of Proposed Rule making in the near future to which there will be a 45-day public comment period. Cabrini's fi. nancial aid office plans qn letting their view on the issue known to the State Education Department and they will suggest who they would like to see the new law enforced . Bell stated that colleges would not . be required to turn over the names of non-registered students to any government agency, yet, colleges would be required to inspect proof of Selective Service registration from all eligible male students between the ages of 18 and 23. This proof will be the Selective Service certificate attesting to the student's registration . Lieberman stated, "We would like to see the government attach some thing to one of the financial aid forms that students must fill out where they can verify that they hav.e registered for the draft. This way we would not have to search out each student and get his verification card from him ." "We do not like this new law at all ," she went on, "It put us between students and their funding , we are the bad guys. " However , to Secretary Bell , the message is very simple , no regis 0 tration, no money. Maybe the government's next plan will be to have college financial aid directors put on Uncle Sam hats and pose for posters saying•, " We want your draft verification cards. "
Change •1n qaality points affects scholarships by Robin Larkins In light of recent changes in the quality point system used to determine the value of the grades received on the semester report cards, the financial aid and scholarship committee has been forced to analyze the question of whether or not to adjust the average needed to attain or retain an academic scholarship. Arlene McEvilla, director of student financial aid, announced to recipients of academic scholarships over the winter break that ''the committee has voted to retain the 3.60 guideline for academic scholarships." In the letter she cited two reasons for the committee's decision: no precedent for altering the scholarship policy, and not wanting to devalue academic scholarships by lowering the required grade _p(?intaverage at this time. As of last semester (Fall 1982), the quality points assigned for each letter grade have remained the same while the quality points granted for the plus and minus grades have dropped from the quarter system to the third system - meaning that an A- equals a 3.67 now where before it was valuedas a 3.75. The change in the quality point system has resulted in an equal distribution of grades as well as lower grade point averages than Cabrini students are used to receiving. Gerard Lennon, sophomore, and recipient of an academic scholarship, noted that ''lowering the quality points is going to make it a lot tougher to keep the scholarship. It will definitely cut down on the number of people eli~ible for both dean's list and scholarships." John Doyle, sophomore, does not necessarily like the implication the decision could place on his academic scholarship. He suggests that the decisions should have been "uniform with one another. If you're going to drop the value of the quality points, then drop the average needed for the
Arlene McEvllle, director of financial aids,
announced to academic scholarship recipients that grade point averages for scholarships would not be lowered to conform with recent quality point changes. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
academic scholarships to even it out." Stacey Greenhawk, senior, asks: "If it was a question of standards, why didn't they recognize this when the system first originated? The decision now is unnecessarily frustrating for the student." Patty Hink, sophomore, commented that the changes "should all be in accordance with one another. It seems like they're taking something away that some -students strive so hard for." Rosemary Viggiano, sophomore, said -that it is "good that the quality points were changed. It gives students a better perspective as to what- other colleges go by. But if you change one aspect, consider the consequences. My 3.56 · on this report card would have been a 3.67 last semester. If I was considered to have the ability to be awarded an academic scholarship last year with these same grades, why not this year? It's ridiculous."
The financial aid and scholarship committee consists of six members: the director of financial aid, vice president for academic affairs, director of admissions, the dean of students, one faculty member and the president of the student government association. Two members of the committee were absent on the day which the decision was made: Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, and Dane Linn, president of SGA. Linn professed that he "never got one notice for the meeting, nor did I ever receive minutes from any of the meetings." He believes the system should be adjusted for the academic scholarships. Although he wasn't at the meeting, Romano implied that the decision to change the quality points was never tied into the decision about the scholarships and the consequential effects on the grade point averages. Romano stated, "We plan to make a study to see how many people on dean's list and scholarship were affected. If the need arises, we can put it on the agenda again." Romano suggested a possible compromise in setting a 3.55 grade point average to satisfy both dean's list and academic scholarship minimums. McEvilla emphasized how Cabrini's scholarship program is unique in that it offers upperclassmen the chance to be rewarded for their academic achievement. She also emphasized her misgivings on the previous quality point system: "A student with only one A could get an academic scholarship. I don't think that that was a real difficult average to have for an award of this type." "My fear is that we won't have enough scholarship money if we lower the grade point average to conform with the quality point system. If the change in the quality point system hadn't occurred, we may have had to raise the average." In fact, Cabrini did not have enough money allocated in its budget to cover
Jo94,ph Romano, academic dean, discusses the consequences of the change in quality points on student grades. (Photo by John Doyle)
all the scholarships it awarded for this year. Fewer freshmen scholarships were given and the amounts of the academic scholarships were cut $200across the board. McEvilla stated, "We'll listen to anybody's argument. Everyone should be aware of the consequences of the situation." Sharon Schwarze, the faculty member appointed to the scholarship committee, suggested that when Cabrini put the plus-minus system into effect, they should have distributed the quality points equally then, instead of the way they did. "It's a mistake that has bothered the faculty for years." She suggested that the idea should have been publicized through the student academic council, which she says ''unfortunately does not play the role on campus that it should." Of the academic scholarships, Schwarze notes that "they are not something owed to you - rather, they're a gift."
Residency from page 1 know about you, but I feel like I've been manipulated through a series of events." Rossi continued, "The reasons of the resignations haven't been disclosed to everyone. Our speculation and conjecture is a bunch of wasted energy. Don't equate the resignation with policy. Talk about it separately and see if something can possibly be done." Of the RAs who resigned, Fontana was the only one who chose to attend the student body meeting. Fontana commented, "I felt that I should be there." Jensen said of his absence: " I feel that I aleady made mystatement to the Loquitur." Rossi felt that the absence of the two RAs was manipulative in that it added further conjecture and speculation. onhe entire situation Currie said, "In all sincerity, I see nothing but good coming from this in the long run. I see some real dialogue taking place." About dialogue concerning the residency program, Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, dean of students, said, "I'm not saying that it's perfect. If there are areas that need our atten-
tion, I'm all in favor of taking a good look." On the RAs resigning, Gus Nicoletti, director of resident life, commented, "It wasn't reallr. a surpise. In Willy's case it was a little bit of a surprise, but in Brian and Tom's case, I kind of saw it happening. I admire them for their strong convictions and honesty." Nicoletti reported that in the interim period, before new RAs are appointed, that Rossi has full responsibility of Counsel and that he himself was asked to move into Sullivan House."
Ellen Lavelle, junior, RA in Maguire House, asks, "How can we support an issue when we don't know what that issue is? I don't see how they can sit back and listen to all the stories and not have any objections or input if their principles are as strong as they say." Lavelle continued, "I admired Bill Fontana for attending the meeting that was held. It was proof that he believed in his convictions and had
Terri Hundermark, senior, RA in the Mansion, said, "Personally, I think people are making too much of it. I admire them for their reasons but I don't know if people were quick to jump on the bandwgon, hang the administration and make these guys martyrs."
Of not being notified directly about the resignations, Nicoletti said, "I think that it would have been professional courtesy for them to be directed into here with their resignations, other than that I do not feel cheated." Marie Hoffman, junior, RA, second floor Woodcrest, said, "I knew that it was coming so I was prepared. I und~rstand their actions and give them support. We differ in that I see the position of RA as an advantage in getting something accomplished within the residency program."
the maturity and responsibility to make himself present. It was disappointing not to see Brian Jensen and Tom DeMatteis at the meeting." .
This week and next for the adult play.
•· t,1
t. • ...
Call extension 51 O & 511 for details
.,. .......
Adam Schickley by M. Anne Torone
A familiar figure on campus for the last twelve years, he is nearly always seen with a ladder under one arm , a wrench in his pocket and a tool box containing odds and ends. He is one of these unenviable people whose true talents can only be appreciated when something goes wrong or doesn 't work. The general consensus among the students interviewed by this writer was that Schickley , when called upon, was "pleasant, " " efficient," " good humored" and " philosophical." Tony Casazza, junior,described one time when the residents of House 2 invited Mr. and Mrs. Schickler, over one night for dinner . "When 1t was discovered we didn't have enough steak knives, Schickley promptly went out and got some . He even sliced the turkey." · "He will do anything for anyone ," said Dorothy Watson, of the House keeping Dept . She went on to say that he knows where " everything is on campus down to the last electrical - outlet.'' She continued, ''Schickley is
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Adam Schlckley , a familiar figure on Cabrini's campus , was honored for his fine serv ice with an award at last spr ing's Convocation. (Photo by John Doyle)
Don't forget your s-weetie
,,~~"' ~
__ ReaSteak& Onions.... . . 2.15 __ CheeseSteak& Onions.. . 2.30 __ Pizza·steak& Onions.. . . . 2.40 __ Mush.E1tr1onSteak.. . . . . .50 __ Lettuce& TomatoesEltra. _ _ [ltra Onions.. . . . . . . . . . .10 OVEN TOASTED GRINDERS Tunafish Grinder . . .. . . .. 2.20 __ Re1Hoa1ieGrinder . .... . 2.10 __ MeatBallGrinder . ... ... 2.10 __ H,mGrinder . .. . . . ... . . 2.30 _Roast BeefGrinder . . . . . . 2.40 __ ItalianGrinder.. . . . . . . . 2.30 _Turkey Grinder.. . . . . . . . 2.20 ~Pastrami Grinder .. .. .... 2.20 _Cheese Grinder . .. .... .. 2.00 __
COLD SANDWICHES Hoa1ie. . . . . . . . 2.20
--Tunafish __
Re1Hoa1ie. · · · · · · · · · · .' 2.10 Hoa1ie .. .. . . ..... 2.30
RoastBeefHoa1ie . . . . . . . 2.40
ItalianHOiiie.. . . . . . . . . 2.30
Hambur1ers. ..........
Cheesebur1ers. ........
Lettuce & T01111toes Eltra.
by Barbara Bruhin
Small large _ _ PlainCheese. .. . . $2.45 -4.40 · __ Onion . .. . . .. . ... 2.85 -5.20 __ GreenPepper. . . . . 2.85 -5.20 __ Onion& Pepper. ... 3.10 --5.70 __ Mushroom ...... .. 3.15 -5.80 __ Salami.. ... ..... .2.95 -5.40 __ H1mbur1er .... .. . 3.25 -5.90 __ Sauu1es... . . . .. . 2.95 -5.40 __ Pepperoni... . . . .. 2.95 -5.40 _jnchovies . .. .. . .. 3.15 ~5.80 __ · Mushr& GrPepper.. 3.20 __ 5.90 __ Mushr& On.... .• . 3.20 __ 5.90 __ MushrOn& GePep. 3.30 -6.00 __ MincedClams . .... 5.15 _ · _9.60 __ .ihrimps . . ...... . 5.15 __ 9.60 _House Special... .. 4.75 __ 8.70 __ ExtraCheese.... , . .80 __ l.60 .,_ 10 · 25 __ E1t ra ... uce. . . .. . . • --·
1.50 1.65
2.20 Pastrami HOiiie.. . . . . . . 2.20
Cabrini's iack-of-all-trades
always congenial, help'ful and kind." In person, Schickley seems rather young looking for his 63 years ; He describes himself as a "jack-of-alltrades ." "I've done it all, " he said. "I particularly like working with the public." Before Cabrini, Schickley worked as a Security Guard at Baldwin Locomotive Works, Chester, for 18 years . This was followed by a wide variety of jobs from milkman to mechanic in a gas station. His curiosity and rententive memory , however, are the keys to his wide range of . knowledge and skills. Through the years, "I questioned the experts. That's how I learned elec tr ical work, plumbing and carpentr y." James Bevin, of the Housekeeping Dept., describes Schickley as a "hard woFker" and somewhat of a "perfectionist who continually looks for ways to improve" the facilities . Schickley 's high standards of performance and his desire to see things done " his way " are qualities not always popular with his co-workers ; but none could fault him for his industry and dedication . When presented with a service award at last spring 's Convocation, Schickley's popularity among the students prompted a spontaneous standing ovation . Schickley 's last twelve years at Cabrini have been spent sincerely caring not only for Cabrini property, but for his "kids " - the students he eagerly and patiently helps from day to day.
Here on Cabrini's campus, the name of Adam Schickley ranks with that of Mr . Goodwrench, Reddi Kilowatt or Johnny-on-the-Spot. Whether it be a drippy faucet, a defective light switch, a leaky roof or an erratic thermostat, the cry goes out to Schickley, maintenance mechanic of the Physical Plant Department.
HOiiie.... . .....
Remember those grea t big boxes decorated with red hearts and paper lace and maybe a Cupid pasted across the front? The box was always stuffed to the p0int of bursting with homemade and mass produced valentines. Or perhaps you migh t remember the heart -shaped box of candy that Dad always brings home for Mom. Since the 14th centur y, Valen tine 's Day has been a da y for lovers . Though various histor y texts dis agree on the origin of Valentine's Day, they all seem to agree on one point : the custom of exchanging sen timental cards and gifts has no connection whatsoever with St. Valentine himself. The saint connected with the holiday was a martyred bishop of Rome who cured a young girl of blindness . Cupid , the Roman god of love, is known for causing a type of blindness, not curing it. One theory explaining the origin of Valentine's Day concerns the Roman feast of Lupercalia, held in February. The names of young women would be put into a box and drawn out by chance. The young man who dew a woman's name would shower her with gifts and companionship for the next year. A second theory is based on the belief, that throughout Europe during the middle ages, birds began to mate on Feb. 14. A typical gift for a sweetheart, throughout the centuries, has always been a card or small token of love. When asked .to · describe the ideal valentine gift, Cabrini students and
faculty showed mixed sent ime nt s. " A valentine must come from the heart, '' expla ined Philip Furnari , sophomore . His valentine would r eceive a romantic candlelight dinner , dancing , champagne , a dozen roses and a box of cand y . Jeanne Hoepfl, junior , on the other hand , asks for a simpler token , "I would be reall y thrilled if I would ju st get a 'Happy Valentine 's. ' My husband always forgets ." Jerome Zurek did manage to forge t Valentine 's Day the firs t year he was married . Determined to r eform his ways, the next year he bought about nine hearts and hid them all around the house . He remembers , " I woke her up and she said, 'That's ver y nice, but Valentine 's Day is next week ' ." On the less romantic side , when asked his idea of the perfect valentine , Nick Renzi, sophomore, turned to his girlfriend and asked for a dollar to play videogames. Carol Lombard received the perfect valentine from Clark Gable, according to Jackie Vigilante, freshman, "an old jalopy painted white with big · red hearts on it.'' "A poem from the heart written by the person," is the perfect valentine said Pat McFadden, sophomore. Jamie Miller, junior, asks simply for a handmade valentine and "of couse, a dozen roses." A yellow rose would be the ideal valentine, according to Arthur Young. "It's a sign of friendship that goes beyond romantic or sexual love." He prefers to celebrate Valentine's Day on Feb . 16 simply because everyone els_e celebrates it .on.Feb, 14.
Student returns after stint with Joffrey Ballet by Jeannne Hoepfi
What does the son of President Reagan have in common with Rick Marafino, junior, of Cabrini College? Give up? The answer is that both have had a stint with the Joffrey Ballet.
PERSONALITY Marafino's experience with the Joffrey Ballet began in the spring of 1981. Marafino had dropped out of Cabrini College in the fall of 1979 to pursue ballet after a girlfriend had interested him in it. He was working at T. V. Guide in Radnor as a mail clerk and practicing ballet about six hours a day, as well as giving performances with the ballet company of the Evelyn Kenny Ballet School in Wayne. Jeanne Hansberry, his ballet teacher, encouaged him to go to New York and take a crack at dancing professionally. First he participated in a 45 minute audition at the School of American Ballet.
"It was just like a cattle call," Marafino said. "Two Russian ladies checked out how good our feet were and how we could pull our legs in the air to show our flexibility. We also did floor work." He was not accepted at the American Ballet. Undaunted, he went to the Joffrey Ballet. There the audition lasted about two hours and included barre and floor work. When it was all over, Marafino was offered a full scholarship for the summer program. A friend got him an apartment in New York and he became totaly immersed in dance. Marafino had three classes a day; each lasting two hours. According to Marafino, there were approximately 70 people in each class. The first class included set barre work, routine floor work and some routine combinations. His second class was a partnering class where he worked with female dancers and his last class was a character class where the students learned dance steps from different countries. When the dancin~ classes were over for the day, Marafmo and his friends
went to the other top dancing schools and watched the dancers practice. Mara,fino saw, among the dancers in class practicing, Peter Martins, Rudolf Nureyev, Edward Villella and Reagan. _ After ·the summer program, Marafino auditioned for the fall program and was not accepted. "Mr. Joffrey said he wanted younger people in the company. I wished, and still wish, I had started ballet dancing sooner." After his set-back with the Joffrey Ballet, Marafino went home to Springfield where he went back to work for T.V. Guide and auditioned for the Pennsylvania Ballet. He was almost into the apprentice program at the Pennsylvania Ballet when he quit and decided to return to Cabrini College. "New York spoiled me. I hated having to work and dance. I wanted to just dance. The competition also started to get to me." Marafino plans to keep ballet as a hobby. "As long as I am physically able, I will dance," Marafino said.
Junior Rick Maratlno returned to Cabrini last
semester after experiencing the life of a dancer. (Photo by Jose Rojas)
Those villainous · villains you . love to hate by Pam Clark Liza Colby, Scotty Baldwin, Vanessa Chamberlain ... to people who don't watch daytime drama, better known as soap operas, these names aren't familiar. But to Cabrini students who spend their free time in-
dulging in the private lives of their favorite soap opera characters, these names represent deceit, hate and, in general, bad news. Out of curiosity, I decided to interview some students to find out who they thought were the most villainous
"'COOLEY HIGH' is a landmark
one of the year's most important and heartening pictures •.. " ===========
Los Angeles Times
villains to hit the air waves. Here are -my results. The villainous character most often mentioned in my survey was Liza Colby of '' All My Children.'' Senior Mary Lynch, juniors Tracey Edwards and Eileen Houston and freshman Dawn Pajic all agreed that she is evil because of her money. Said Edwards, "She reminds me of a typical rich girl who cannot relate to the real world." Erica Kane, another "All My Children" villainesse, was also mentioned many times. Annette Savage, senior, said, "Erica is gross and stuck on herself. She stabs friends in the back." Palmer Courtland, also of "All My Children," was another oft-mentioned character who students disliked. As Houston said, "He uses his money to manipulate people.'' Junior Cindi Schulmeyer added, "He cheats on his wife, tries to break up his daughter's marriage and is tricky and deceitful." "General Hospital", a ratings-leader in daytime drama, also has its share of deceitful characters, among them Scotty Baldwin and Heather Webber. Junior Ann Belsky dislikes Baldwin because, "He reminds me of an old boyfriend." Savage dislikes Heather because. "She's sneaky, devious,
Campus Ministry presents
50'1 DANCE (tonight, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.)
Wed.,Feb.9 (8 p.m.) Admission: 50° Widener Canter Lecture Hall .. ,,,
Ice Cream Extravaganza (Monday, 8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
Live with Charlie Gracie, Sr. (Tuesday, 8 p.m.)
All proceeds to benefit project App~lachla
spiteful, · hateful and she doesn't get caught." Other characters were chosen singularly by students. Edwards mentioned Dorion Lord of ''One Life to Live. "She's a fake but she knows how to con people," she said. "She gets qut of whatever trouble she gets into." · A character on "The Guiding Light," named Vanessa Chamberlain, was mentioned by junior Tanya Bolcar. "She's conniving and tries to further herself in business by learning everyone else's private lives," Bolcar said. Schulmeyer finds two other "Guiding Light" characters villainous. "Mark Evans is a sneaky fool," she said. "He's deceitful and lies to his wife. Josh Lewis is another fool. He's trying to break up a marriage," she added. Sophomore Lorraine Villari was the only person to mention the nighttime soaps. "I don't like Alexis Colby on 'Dynasty'," she said. "She always looks for revenge. She's out for herself and doesn't care who she hurts." But despite all the trouble these characters cause on their shows, many of those students interviewed agreed that the villains add spice and interest to the show. "I don't hate the villains," said senior Sulamon Allyn. "They add reality and spice up the shows so they aren't lovey-dovey. If it wasn't for Erica Kane, Scotty Baldwin or Palmer Courtland, they wouldn't get as many viewers." Freshman Chris -De Nardo agreed, and stated, "I like the villains : The shows would be boring without them. Some people are like that in real life, although the characters' actions are exaggerated.'' So move over, J.R. Who cares what happens to ou? The big questions now are: Wil Liza beak up Jenny and Greg? Will Scotty choose Susan or Heather? What will Alexis do next? For the answers to these and other pr~ssil)g guestions, 1:1taytune!!.
Larkins unifies class of by D.B. Field Every sophomore class at Cabrini College is faced with the difficult task of woviding a sophomore-senior Farewell. To succeed, the class needs a dedicated executive board unified by a
"The SGA will award a leadership profile each i11ue."
strong leader . According toh er officers and the SGA executive board, Sophomore President Robin Larkins is that strong leader . Larkins, who was the chief editor of Cardinal O'Hara High School's literary magazine and a member of the student council, is one of Cabrini's busiest students. Last semester as a Loquitur reporter, Larkins covered several challenging stories, such as the fire in Counsel Hall. Along with Francine Kuterbach, Larkins co-edited the SGA Notebook. This semester she has been advanced to assistant editor of the news page. She also carries a membership in Kappa Sigma Omega and has her own two hour show on WCAB every week. "I stay up a lot of nights just to accomplish everything," said
Larkins. Education comes first for Larkins who with all of her responsibilities manages to maintain a 4.00 average. She explained that , " If being president began to hurt my grades, I would have to re-think my position and possibly resign ." Her officers obviouslyhope this will never happen because they all feel , " .. :she is the best person for the job ." "I think we're (the sophomore executive board) all good at our jobs," said Debbie Kirk, sophomore vice-president, "but Robin pulls us through .'' Under Larkin 's leadership the sophomore class had several successful fund raisers, including the popular Halloween and homecoming dance. "If we make as much money this semester as we did last semester, we should be alright," explained Larkins. Plans for this semester include a Valentine dance, a carnation sale on Feb. 11 and a casino night on Feb.19. Sophomore-senior farewell is scheduled for April 22, and Larkins proudly told the Loquitur, that the Valley Forge Holiday Inn will be the place. Both Sophomore Treasurer Mike Fenza and Secretary Jean Findlay stressed that Larkins has given the class the organization it needs to succeed.
Sophomore preeldent Robin LarklM "I've always been a perfection ist. I don 't like to do things halfway." (Photo by John Doyle)
parts of both of her majors. When asked if she intends to take on more political positions at Cabrini, in the future, Larkins responded with a laugh, " Ask me after April 22.''
"Thanks to Robin, we've accomplished a great deal this year ," added Fenza. Larkins says she is still uncertain about her post-college plans , because she is interested in many
Lennon pumps new blood into SGA
Gerar~ Lennon aucceeda Terri Giudice as corresponding secretary of the SGA. (Photo by John Doyle)
by D.B. Field New blood is being pumped into the executive board of SGA, as sophomore Gerard Lennon takes on the position of SGA corresponding secretary . At the end of last semester, senior Terri Giudice, who had served as corresponding secretary since September, announced her resignation. Citing problems with the freshmen class and dorm representatives, lack of time, and the general apathy which plagues many organizations on campus, Giudice explained, "I wasn't getting anythmg out of my job as secretary; I had lost all interest." It was now up to the executive board to find a new person for this demanding position. On Dec. 5 the board held informal interviews with junior, Lisa Del Borrello and sophomores Geralyn Christ, Lori Di Bona, Joan Johnson and Gerard Lennon. By Dec. 8 Lennon received notice that he would be the new corresponding secretary . Before coming to Cabrini, Lennon lived in Wilmington, Delaware, where he attended St. Elizabeth High School and was an active member of the school's student service organization.
• After numerous delays, all of the campus residencies have returned their amendments to the executive board, and the SGA constitution has finally been approved.
During his freshmen year at Cabrini, Lennon was a representative for the math department on the student academic council. He carries three majors (math, Spanish and secondary education) and says he is considering the Peace Corps as one of his future ambitions.
• SGA has announced a new dorm representative policy. Any representative who does not attend SGA meetings and report back to his or her residency will be dismissed, and a new representative will be elected by that dorm.
As corresponding secretary Lennon is taking on the difficult task of keeping SGA in contact with the rest of Cabrini College. In other words, through letters and handout sheets, he must make sure that other campus organizations , dorm representatives, the administration and the general student body are all aware of SGA's activities.
• SGA meetings for this semester will be held on Thursdays at 1 p.m. and at 6 p.m. • The president or a representative of all campus clubs must attend the first meeting of every month and report their planned activities to SGA.
Lennon feels be can do a good job for SGA and adds, "I've always been interested in SGA, and I'm trying to get experience as corresponding secretary.
• The SGA will present the movie "Cooley High" on Feb. 9 in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Admission will be 50 cents.
"I think it is important to become involved, because even though this years executive board has done a great job, they're mostly seniors, and they won't be here much longer."
advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College >
'" , -.
I ' !
Gracie rocks Cabrini by .Ann Belsky
National recording star Charlie Gracie demonstrates his musical talent before his performance at Cabrini.
Recording star Charlie Gracie has volunteered to give a one-hour benefit performance to aid the Campus Ministry Association in Project Appalachia. Gracie is scheduled to appear in the Widener Center Lounge Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. This show will mark Gracie's second Cabrini visit. In 1981, Gracie's band was the featured attraction at a campus tribute to rock 'n' roll. This 45-year-old singing guitarist was one of the leading American rock 'n' roll stars of the 1950's. Best remembered for his 1957recording, "Butterfly," a national chart-topper which sold over 3 million copies, Gracie sang other best sellers: "Ninety-Nine Ways," "Fabulous," and "I Love You So Much It Hurts." Though Gracie may no longer be a
national household word, he continues to fascinate audiences throughout Europe and Japan where old rock 'n' roll stars never seem to die, but have remained heroes. Gracie makes extensive overseas tours every year. His solo performance in the Widener Lounge will be of the "coffeehouse" type. Admission will be $1.25. Sister Bernadette Casciano, MSC, campus minister, thinks it is "great" that Gracie is offering his time for the cause and expects a large turnout. "The students like coffeehouses and their informality. Students are interested in the music from the past," Casciano said. "Besides," she added, "it is a good break from studies." Gracie's medley will be the second of two fundraising events scheduled by the Campus Ministry As- ·
sociation in February. The first event, a 1950's Dance Party, is scheduled for tonight in the cafeteria from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m . A collection of golden oldies will be played and students are encouraged to come dressed in 50's-styled clothing. Snacks and refreshments will be offered. Admission is $1. 1983 will be the second consecutive year that 20 Cabrini students in the Ministry Association plan to spend spring break helping · the poor in the Appalachian region of West Virginia. Casciano, Father Mark Falcone, chaplain, and student members of Ministry Association hope everyone will make plans to attend both events. All proceeds will go to aid the Appalachian Fund . ·
Computers aid in analyzing biological matter by Lisa D' Ascenzo
The importance of -computers is becoming more and more apparent in many fields, including biology and medical technology. John DeTurck, professor of biology, says computers are useful in general analyses in population studies, figuring means and standard deviations. ''Every biology major is strongly urged to take computer courses," DeTurck said. "Some of the students have been using Mr. Tomasco's computer for figuring out means, standard deviation and mode."
''Computers are especially useful in an ecology system. You can plug in samples of plants, air, and water and "Thia ii the fifth in a aerie• on the effect• of the MID computer, on Cabrini academia, "
see the exact condition of our ecological system," DeTurck said. DeTurck feels that some of the
Team dinner lacks support by Lisa DlSantis
As a new school year begins, each member of the junior class is assigned a freshman as a little brother or sister. The purpose of this program is to help incoming freshmen with anything they should need, such as getting them familiar with the campus or just having a friend to talk with. Each September, an orientation is also planned for the freshmen, which consists of different activities so that freshmen get to know classmates and a unity will form in their class. On Friday, Jan. 21, a big brother/sister reunion dance and orientation reunion dinner was held in the cafeteria. It appeared through interviews that the dmner and dance weren't popular with the freshmen. Ruby Johnson, funior team leader, found the dinner to be very disappointing because many freshmen did not attend and if they did, did not sit with their teams which was the purpose of the dinner. According to Mike Hawley, president of the junior class, the dance was successful with the upperclassmen, but only about ten freshmen were at the dance. This did not surprise him since only 25 percent of the freshmen participated in the orientation held in September. This was very disappointing when compared to previous y~ars.
Why is it that many freshmen don't feel the need to participate in these activities? Lorraine Villari, sophomore team leader, stated one reason this year's freshmen were not involved is because they appeared to be more mature for freshmen college students. The games seemed babyish to them. Leslie Kraska, freshman, believes that playing games is immature for college students. On the other hand, there are many students who enjoyed college freshmen orientation. Jeanette Epifano, freshman, stated that orientation gave her the chance to meet other freshmen along with encouragement to participate in other activities. Karen Lucente and Lori Cavalieri, both sophomores, recalled their freshmen orientation as being beneficial. It gave them the opportunity to socialize which made them feel more comfortable. "Bringing the freshmen class together was the purpose,'' Hawley suggested. "Unity is not like it has been in the past." Many students feel improvements should be made for freshmen orientation such as new activities and more advertisement. Students will then feel more enthusiastic about attending and the school year will get off to a better start.
problems include having the systems available, getting modules and getting expreienced people to work with bio-computers. DeTurck feels that lab exercises should be designed around a computer program. This would make the exercises more interesting and would also give students experience in working with computers. Anne Kruse, also of the biology department said, "All equipment to- day is being computerized. "Auto analyzers are all being computerized. You can put a drop of blood in the computer and it will perform 24 different tests on the single drop," she added.
"We are planning to coordinate some experiments with computers," Kruse said. "We also plan to send for some computer programs so students can understand the concept.'' -computers are used extensively in p}lysiology, pathology, and medical care, all fields related closely to biology and medical technology, according to Kruse. Computers in science are not a new thing," Kruse said, "but they haven't been used extensively because there were no programs. It's difficult to make programs because science is always changing."
CAMPUSGUICKIES • Freshmen Class Candy Heart Sale next week. • CMA Ice Cream Extravaganza Monday from 8:30-10p.m. in the cafeteria. • International Club Dinner Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Mansion. • Commuter Affairs Bake Sale next Thursday and Friday.
• Sophomore
Class Valentine begins next
Carnation Sale
scheduled for Feb. 13. • Campus Ministry Mardi Gras 8: 30 p.m. Feb. 15. • Sophomore Class Dance next Friday. • SGA Skf Trip set for Feb. 12. • Evening at Cabrini
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WCAB produces cable programs by Sandra McNamara
Within just under one year of use, College's television station, is already in the midst of producing two programs for air on cable television. Critic's Choice began productiop at the start of the fall semester. The program, which is aimed at presenting experts in the fields of music, drama, art and dance, looks at specific programs and productions and offers the audience intelligent critiques of them. The basis of Critic's Choice began during the Arts Camp held at Cabrini in the summer of 1982.Daniele Perna, theater lab director and Critic's Choice producer, said, "I wanted to try something, a show that would critique the arts. A program called Critic's Choice was born." Host of Critic's Choice includes Michael Caurso, entertainment editor for the Main Line Times, and Pat Jordon, freelance writer for the Suburban and Wayne Times and Today's Post. Cable companies which have picked up Critic's Choice include America!! WCAB-TV, Cabrini
' Fantastic' by Pat Conway
Philadanco, the professionally managed Philadelphia dance company that has performed in various theaters throughout the east coasf, will perform at Cabrini on Sunday, Feb. 6. The performance will take place in the gymnatorium at 3 p.m. Admission is free for Cabrini students. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Department and the Black Student Union, Philadanco is scheduled in conjunction with Black History month. Philadanco is the 13-year-old, predominantly black dance company with dancers ranging from ages 16 to 25. Founded by Joan Myers Brown in 1970, this company offers free professional training to culturally disadvantaged youth who live in inner city neighborhoods. Philadanco began as a small organization but has developed into a professionally managed company which now owns its own dance facility. Over the past 13 years, approximately 475 young people have benefitted from this organization. Many now have careers in dance and choreography. Modern, jazz and classical dance are perfor~ed by ~hiladanc<?,_Providing the audience with versatility. The New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and Dance r_n~gazin~have given Philadanco p!)sitive reviews. Sophomore Vera Naccarelli and senior Maryanne Torone are responsible for the management of this program. -As art administration majors, their duties include handling the publicity, maintenance and ticket sales for Philadanco. It is part of their fine arts practicum.
An action shot! Dan Radice carefully adjusts the television camera for the Citic's Choice program. (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)
Cable, Storer Cable, Homeview and Harron. "Channel 12 showed an interest in our production, but because of a technical problell! with the type of
cameras use, we program Jordan
we use and the ones they were unable to have our used by them," Perna said. feels that this type of pro-
describes Philadanco "It is a good experience and will prepare me for my outside internship," N accarelli said. Adeline Bethany, head of the fine
arts department, can think of only one word to describe Philadanco - "fantastic," and hopes that the student turnout for this event will be positive.
gramming has been long needed on Cable television. "Critic's Choice is an excellent idea, something that the area has needed. It should fill a void that has existed in local cable television," she said. Jordan adds, "The audience will appreciate what we are trying to bring to them." An important aspect of Critic's Choice is student involvement in the production. Students not only work on the taping, but also other technical aspects, such as editing and postproduction. Will Langton works in the capacity of director on Critic's Choice and works in all aspects of production. Guests on Critic's Choice have included Charles Douglas, singer, actor, dancer and writer, and Molly Pew, vice-president for the Pennsylvania Ballet. Future guests include Danny Frucker, People's Light and Sound Theater, and Arlene Bard, drama instructor from Villanova University. Critic's Choice is not the only program being produced at WCAB-TV. The County Office of Service for the Aging (COSA) will also have a program produced for elderly and the aging. Senior Debbie Jablonski, director for the program, said, "Storer cable referred Sandy Peitzman, public information director for COSA, to the Cabrini communication department. She was told of our developing cable television interest and Storer through Cabrini would be able to fill the needs of COSA." WCAB-TV will be producing 12 episodes for COSA. Subjects to be covered will include fraud, crime, health and benefits for the elederly. Jablonski is using her position as director for her communications internship and also works on Critic's Choice.
Spring Semester Schedule ( All films will be shown in the Widener Center Lectuire Hall at 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.)
Wednesday, February 9: "COOLEY HIGH" Admission $.50
When you see us... you will love us
Saturday, February 19: "THE SHINING" Admission $1.00 Saturday, March 12: "SHARKEY'S MACHINE"
Admission $.50
Pl-IILADANCO Tl:ie Philadelphia Dance Company
Cabrini Gymnatorium February 6, 1983
Free Tickets to Cabrini Students Tickets: Gen. Admisaion $5, Gr. $4, Sra. & Children $1
Sunday, March 27: "PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM" Admission $.50 . Saturday, April 9: i "RAGTIME" Admission $1.00 Saturday, April 23: "GHOST STORY" Admission $1.00 Saturday, May 7:
Admission $.50
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Future aw~its a wrestling b)'. Lori Lyn Smith
Wrestlng is just : one of the few sports that Cabrini College can't seem to get off the ground. The intended wrestling .club has great hopes, but not enough bodies due to bad tinting . The wrestling club idea is credited to Mike Garrison, sophomore , who wrestled in high school for four years, and Mike Gimpel, junior. Andrew Litavec, assistant professor of Educa tion , would act as moderator of the club once it gets started. According to Garrison, he and Gimpel presented the idea to John Dzik, athletic director, who was definitely for it. Then the idea was taken to Dr . Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, who showed great interest. The next step was to present a constitution to S.G.A. a~d
get interested bodies to go to the meetings . Several weeks before finals began all the excitement about the club began. There were approximately 10-15 men attending meetings and wanting · to learn more about wrestling. Eventually, finals week arrived and the men slowly but surely stopped attending . "It's not the lack of interest, it's the bad timing ~ There's ten weight classes that have to be filled and I only_have ~hree men. Hopefully wpen the mcommg freshmen arrive, there will be enough interest so that we can form a club. I'm not giving up because there's hope," says Lit~vec. Although wrestling is not a popular sport in the NAIA division , the NCAA colleges are going at _i~ strong. ''.If
team Cabrini forms · a wrestling team the other colleges in our division may follow in our footsteps. It could also be a good recruiting tool," says Mike Garrison. Wrestling is a very aggressive sport. Just as any other sport , it has rules and regulations that must be followed. Points are given for a "take down" and a "full nelson" which is a hold where the opponent applies hand pressure to the head . A "chicken wing", which is another kind of hold, is a penalty. The seven minute college match is divided into three reriods. It also involves a variety o injuries, including a shoulder popping out of joint and a broken bridge of the nose. "Nevertheless, a sport is a sport and injuries are to be expected," said Garrison .
Football fans sorry to see Vermeil by Tom DeMatteis
The man that Philadelphia Eagle fans have become accustomed to seeing stalking the sidelines at Veterans Stadium will not be there next year. Citing "emotional burnout" as his reason, Dick Vermeil has resigned as the Eagles head coach. The feeling throughout the Philadelphia area when he announced his resignation was one of shock. It was felt that the Eagles and the NFL were losing a fine coach . These sentiments were also felt by a large number of Cabrini students. In a survey taken by Loquitur, it was discovered that both non-Eagle and Eagle _fans alike were
shocked by Vermeil's decision. "I don't even like the Eagles but I'm sorry to see Vermeil go," said one male. "I am sad to see him go," a female fan said. "I was really surprised by his decision," someone said, "the Eagles will mis_s him. '.' ...
The fact is that the 20 hour days Vermeil has been putting in as the Eagles coach for seven years caught up with him. Some nights he would study films till 3 a.m., sleep right at the Vet and then get up ·by 7 a.m. and start llll over again. With the type of schedule he was putting himself through everyday it is a wonder he lasted those seven years.
Live at Five .
The team's decline no doubt had something to do with Vermeil's resignation. But this decline is something that new coach Marion Campbell hopes to stop and one that Philadelphia Eagle fans want stopped. Campbell does not plan any drastic changes, just getting back to being a playoff caliber team in 1983. Next season, Philadelphia fans won't see Vermeil stalking the sidelines; instead they will find him in a television booth analyzing football games for CBS-TV.Dick Vermeil fans anticipate that Vermeil will be as successful in his new career as he was in his old one.
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Our 14th Year
prob~s b-bal~ by John McQueen
The Cabrinl men's basketball team is building a big name in small college basketball in the Philadelphia area, and were recently referred to as a "new division III basketball powerhouse," by WCAU Channel l0's Al Meltzer . Channel 10 did a recent story on the team's success, and the focal point of the story was based on the fact that Cabrini has been co-ed for just a dozen years, and has had a male varsity basketball team for seven of those twelve. The short documentary was shown on Channel lO's 5:30 edition of the evening news, Wednesday, January 19, with Joe Pellegrino doing the commentary and personal interviews. The filming was done at Sacred Heart Hall's gym and cafeteria by a small Channel 10 filming crew Tuesday , J ~~uar~ 181 the day before the telev1s1onv1ewmg. There were interviews given to coach John Dzik, players Daniel Welde and John McQueen, and several other students. The interviews were directed towards the team 's success , academics, and the male /female student ratio. Joe Kelly, one of the team's assistant coaches, felt the television coverage was very good for the College's athletic and academic name in the Philadelphia community. "I thought · it was great exposure for Cabrini College's athletic programs, but I thought it was extremely good for the school from an academic point of view also," said Kelly. One of the students interviewed by Pellegrino was Kate Connolly, a cocaptain of Cabrini 's women basketball team. She felt the publicity was great for the College's morale . " The publicity received by Cabrini was terrific, it was a great idea and good for all Cabrini athletics ." The fact that Channel 10 had come to Cabrini to do a story on the Men's Basketball Team is one of the biggest publicity events in Cabrini's history . Head basketball coach John Dzik, agreed that having Channel 10 come to Cabrini was definitely a big event. '' Anytime you get television coverage from any of the top local networks , it's a big event ," said Dzik.
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APPLY NOWI' 1983/84 financial aid applications are now available in the financial aid office. All students who wish to be considered for any type of financial assist~nce must apply every year. Submit your appllcatlon by February 15th to assure timely consideration. ,1
Cabrini Cav's ·to ioin ~Little Five' · spring sport in the NAIA." It would also open other doors for Cabrini athletics, like switching from NAIA to NCAA which is rumored.
by John McQueen
The Cabrini College athletic department has decided to take another step forward by joining the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, a new conference formed for five local colleges in the Philadelphia area. The five schools are Cabrini, Allentown, Eastern Baptist, Lincoln University and Spring Garden College.
Cabrini is joining the EPAC to strengthen its basketball and soccer schedules . Cross Country will have to develop for few more years in order to be competitive at this level, and since Cabrini doesn't have a tennis or baseball team, it may take name to the cellar spot in the first few years of the conference.
These five schools will participate in basketball, soccer, cross country, baseball and tennis, but Cabrini will have to formulate a tennis and baseball team before the start of the conference which will begin next school year. John Dzik, Cabrini's athletic director and basketball coach, feels strongly about the start of a men's baseball team by next fall. "My hopes are that the next men's sport at Cabrini will be baseball," said Dzik. " It would help meet the needs of the EPAC, and would meet the requirements of a
Cabrini was approached by the other four competing schools to join the EPAC. "The reason we weren't involved in starting a new conference is because we are aleady in one, the KAC," said Dzik. The Cavaliers have been champions for the past two years . This will be a five sport conference, but there is no doubt that it was built around basketball because the EP AC is to be nick-named after the name Big Five, which belongs to the well
known major basketball conference in the Philadelphia area . Dzik feels that the name is only a gimmick, "It's a ploy to get the attention of the public, it's simply a media hype, " said Dzik, and Cabrini joined to increase the level of competition in its present three sports, and not because of the name.
"It'• a ploy to get the attention of the public, it'• limply media hyper."
The scheduling and location of the other four competing colleges will cause no problems for the present athletic budget. ''The proximity of the other colleges makes it financially feasible to Cabrini's athletic budget, " said Dzik.
He also said that getting involved with the EPAC would allow Cabrini to rate themselves against other local small colleges. "There will be an all sports trophy given to the school with the best all-around performances in _three of the five sports," said Dzik.
One of the best things about the start of the new conference is that the "Cavalier " will come face to face with the "Eagle" in all five sports. So, Cabrini fans, g.et ready for the long awaited match-up of a Cabrini/Eastern men 's basketball game, it's just a semester away . Dzik explained how he felt about the game against Eastern that the conference would bring. "I find it intriguing that for the first time Cabrini will compete against Eastern on a consistent basis , which I feel is a natural rival ," said Dzik.
Sweet & sour seasons for Cabrini basketball by Tom Schultz
The Christmas break provided an opportunity for Cabrini's men's basketball team to improve their winning season; however, the break was not as productive for the women's team. · Both teams participated in tournaments over the holidays. The men came in 3rd place in the Rutgers Camden Holiday Inviational Tournament on Dec. 28-29th and placed second at the Harbor City Classic, in Baltimore, Md. on Jan . 7 & 8th. The women's team placed 4th in the Poinsettia Tournament at Scranton University on Dec. loth & 11th and came in 3rd in the Immaculata Tournament on Jan. 7th & 8th at Immaculata College. For the men, the tournaments added two wins two losses to their 12-5 record . The women, however, suffered three losses and gained one win. The men Cavaliers lost to Glassboro State by one point in overtime play in the first game of the Rutgers-Camden tournament. The next time, the team came back to beat Rutgers-Camden (101-69) to be place 3rd in the tournament . Guard Dan Welde and forward John McQueen received AllTournament awards for the Cabrini squad. The Cavaliers won the first game against Mary Washington (68-63) in the Harbor City Classic at Baltimore . The second game against the host team, University of Baltimore, the Cav's lost (65-40). Team tri-captain Welde was unable to play against Baltimore because he sustained a broken toe Forward Dodie Watkins was picked All-Tournament at the Harbor City Classic. The schools playing in the tournament were all talented, but Baltimore, a division I school, was the best team there. Welde commented about Baltiore's division I status. "They are a skilled team to play against. It's good experience to have a game against a division I team," said Welde.
Two of the more recent games for Cabrini have been victories after returning for the Spring semester. The 46 point win over Beaver College (117-71)on Jan . 19th set the Cavaliers record at 11-5. The Jan. 22nd game against the College of Misercordia (113-77)set the spirit for the remainder of the season. The Cav's play mostly conference teams the rest of the season and hopes added wins will help send them to the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Championships in Kansas City. "We have a good ,hot at Kansa, City in March"
· Future games are scheduled against Alvernia, Rutgers-Camden , Penn State Capitol, Bea ver and Spring Garden . Cabrini possibly faces Lincoln University and Eastern for the district championships. " Our two biggest obstacles to Kansas City are Lincoln and Eastern; " said Welde. But, other tri-captain Terry Mancini added, "Spring Garden will also be tough in the two games we have against them ." Looking ahead, Mancini commented , "Realistically, we shouldn't lose any games on our schedule. We have a very good shot to be at Kansas City in March." The lady Cavaliers' Christmas break was not as successful as the men 's. The Poinsettia Tournament at Scranton University gave the Cav's ~wo losses and put them in last place m the tournament. The first ~ame was a 17-point loss at Niagara College. The score of the second game against Utica College was narrowed by six points with the final score (68-62) .
The women's team placed 3rd in the Immaculata Tournament at Immaculata College on Jan . 7th & 8th.
Martin Clancy (left) and Michelle Tarbotton take shots dur ing their respective men's and women's basketball practices. (Photos by Jose Rojas)
The first game against District of Columbia University was a loss (77-45), but the second game against Franklin-Pierce College was a twopoint win in overtime (61-63). The lady Cavaliers suffered two more losses since the Spring semester resumed. The loss to West Chester (78-73) on Jan. 18th was a narrow defeat -by five points in overtime play. The game against Spring Garden (78-55) was a steeper loss for the Cavaliers, leaving their record at 2-7. The women's basketball team has had problems organizing themselves during the games. Captain Kate Connoelly said "Toward the end of the second half, the team loses its stamina." There is also a problem going through a transition from one coach to three coaches this season. The girls are having trouble receiving d~r~c-
tions from one coach and working with a three-part coaching staff . This season's coaches are Mike Tenaglio , Jill Fausnaght, and Ed Townsley. The ladies ' squad is confident that the remaining games will be suc cessful and hope the squad will re organize to _play _as a winning team. "Toward the end of the second half, the team lo,t it, stamina."
Both men's and women's basketball teams are looking forward to the end of a rewarding season as individuals and as Cavaliers.