Feb. 18, 1983 issue 08 Loquitur

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PA 19087


Fall housing becoming a concern by Sheila Fanelle 路

The admissions office is bombarded with applications from high school seniors seeking acceptance in the Fall. The question is: "How will a larger incoming class affect the college in respect to tuition, dormitories and academic facilities?" "A general rule of thumb is that a slight increase in enrollment helps spread the overhead costs such as maintenance and heating, and helps tuition rise at a lower rate," said business manager James R. Keches . Out of the 400 applications received so far , 70% of the processed files have been accepted . 84% of the students require housing . There is room for400 students to live on campus. The present freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be taken care of first and the remaining spots will be open to the freshmen . "Accepted students who

require housing are put on a waiting list based on their enrollment date," said admissions director Frank J. Willard . This will be Willard's fifth year in admissions and he has seen the enrollment rise from 300students to 800. "The quality of students applying to Cabrini is better than any other year. The students are character people that the college can build a foundation on and grow off of. We still want to have the 18-to-one student/faculty ratio," Willard said. Ground-breaking for a new dorm or academic facility is "possible, but not planned. We discuss the college's next needs in advance. There are no concrete plans right now," said John J. Heiberger, vice president for development and public relations . A possible alternate solution to the problem is off-campus housing . Di-

rector of Resident Life, August Nicoletti and Willard agree that any offcampus housing will be attractive and in the immediate vicinity. "An upgraded file is being kept with names and addresses of people in the area with extra rooms to rent out,'' Nicoletti said. One example of a possibility would be a live-in babysitter. "It would be up to the students to look at the file, make contacts and screen the possibilities," Nicoletti added . Another suggestion was a "boarding home for seniors. This way seniors could utilize rights they would otherwise not have if on campus. Contacts have been made with Eastern College and other area colleges to see if they require housing as high as 84%. If not, the possibility of renting their facilities will be looked into," Nicoletti said. If the number of incoming men is much greater than the number leav-

ing, there is the "possibility of opening up a second house to the men if it is proven necessary," Nicoletti said, These are possible options if the situation warrants it . Nicoletti would "like to see Woodcrest with two in a room. A new dorm now would satisfy our present needs. 路Psychologists on campus feel that tripling is harmful," Ni<:ol~tti said . ''Other colleges are also tr1phng up,' ' said Colleen Bolte, resident manager of Woodcrest. Carol Wahl , senior, English, communications 路 and psychology major, said, "For me, a triple is a great experience. I have enough room for my own space, and our schedules are different, so I have privacy." "If you don't already have good communications skills, triples magnify poor relations problems," said Bolte.

Funds boost scholarships, expansion and programs by Pam Clark

In the firs t half of the 1982-83school year , Cabrini College received $199,000in restricted and unrestricted funds . According to John J. Heiberger , Jr. , vice president for development and public relations, the money came fr om a variety of sources and will be put to use in a variety of ways . Heiberger explained that Cabrini 's budget anticipates unrestricted and scholar ship money. As the funding for special projects comes in, it is added to the budget. "The college needs $175,000in contributions for scholarships and to keep things going ," Heiberger said. "In addition , money is needed for new projects and for the school 's growth and expansion. The unrestricted money also goes toward the $175,000." . The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart donated $50,000 to the computer science program . "It will help cover the instructional and equipment costs," Heiberger said . Scholarship support totaling approximately $78,000was provided by various foundations .

An additional $9,000 was provided by various corporations . This money, according to Heiberger , is unrestricted, meaning it will go to underwrite basic costs . The rest of the money , $62,000, came from alumni , parents and friends . "This money was used for a variety of things ," said Heiberger. "It's use depends on how and why the donor gave.it. "Part of it, about $25,000, is unrestricted . Approximately another $25,000will be used for scholarships, and the balance will be used for a variety of purposes ." The friends Heiberger mentioned include various organizations in the community, such as the Sons of Italy, the Junior Saturday Club of Wayne and the Overbrook Lions Club, to name a few . According to Heiberger, these organizations usually provide scholarship money. Heiberger stated that detailed, formal proposals and requests result in many of the donations. James Heffernan, chairman of the Parents' Fund, writes to parents and makes

DANCERS FROM PHILADANCO display the ir talents during the performance they put on in the Sacred Heart Hall Gymnatorium on Feb. 6. The performance was held in conjunction with Black History Month. More on the celebration of Black History Month on page 6. (Photo by Mark M . Magner)

more Funds page 5

INSIDE Campus Ministry Campus Ministry, under the guidance of Father Mark Falcone and Sister Bernadette Casciano, plans events that are enjoyable and at the same ti~e help people in need. Story on 路 page 6.

Robert Hazard Rising Philadelphia rock star Robert Hazard talks of his band name change, forthcoming album and nationwide tour in interview on page 10.





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When we think something should be changed Like our moms used to say when we asked for something, "We'll see," the administration is giving us the same line, "We'll have to wait and see," when approached on important issues. Well, those days are over, we shouldn't have to "wait and see." Important issues that come -into conflict should be sa~ down with immediately and gone over with a fine toothcomb to come up with a solution lhat will work better than the last. Or is it that ''we'll wait and see ' ' is better than giving a straight answer, an answer that is concrete, tells something, means something and might be repeated . It seems that when a question is asked or information is needed, no one can give a straight answer, they go completely around it, even to the extent of giving an answer that has nothing to do with the question. No one likes to get involved in issues which are controversial. No one wants to commit themselves or make a statement concerning a controversial issue. And something which is considered to be even worse is to be repeated, because then you can be held to it, or, you might say the wrong thing. It's a shame we can't be honest and say what we feel, what we feel is right.



a great attribute to campus

Dedication is a great attribute to see in any campus organization at Cabrini College. Especially when such enthusiasm is not only geared toward activities that directly benefit the immediate community , but that also help those less fortunate than ourselves. Nowhere else does this trait seem to be better exemplified than in the plans and activities of the Campus Ministry Association. One look at the Cabrini calendar shows that the CMA has been very busy recently. The club's activities range from serving ice cream to Cabrini students to organizing special liturgies for the community. As stated in the feature story in this publication, the organization also does more - much more than that. ·


Certain people's job in the administration ·is to serve the college's student lifestyle, such as how residency is performed, student problems, policies, housing, etc. Many problems arise in this area, though how many of them are solved, no one knows. We hope everyone fillea out those questionnaires concerning the residency program because, according to the Dean of Students, as of now they are the only way that residency program will be altered. According to Sr. Christine Baltas, MSC, she will review all of the questionnaires and if they show that the students see a need for improvement in the program, there will be . · Now this sounds great, and we might think it 's about time we're being heard and something's being done, but how will we know if something is being done , and when will it be done? They say our xiews will make a difference, but who decides and on what basis? Will these papers just be put aside on someone's desk, coming behind such trivial matters as stock orders and invoices? We don't know, because no one will give a straight answer. As much as we don't like to admit it, things change, people and programs included, and we shouldn't be afraid to say when we think something should be changed.

Most special about the organization is its purpose for being so active . Campus Ministry takes on the vital Christian responsibilit y of sharing and helping others. While that might be expected of just such a group , it is indeed impressive that the CMA has chosen to achieve its goal with such vigor . The dedication of club members along with the close communi cation and enthusiasm exemplified by the club's moderators can perhaps stand as an example to all of Cabrini's student organizations. We consider the CMA a very special campus organization and we applaud the efforts of all those involved in the club. Good luck at Appalachia!




My resignation as RA In the two weeks following my resignation as RA many people have asked questions which have remained unanswered until now. The silence was not caused by indifference but by a concern to avoid clouding the issues with emotional reactions. My resignation was explained to the administrators in my letter of resignation. Most of the facts are included in the article in this issue of the Loquitur. There are other reasons which I know are subjective and open to interpretation. These reasons summed up are: The lack of life emanating from the office of the director of resident life and the ineffectual and inconsistent leadership offered to me as a resident assistant that caused the situation to become personally unacceptable.

Story on commuter

Imagine our pleasure when the Loquitur decided to do a story on the newly elected officers of the Commuter Affairs Club! Reporter Lisa D' Ascenzo was assigned the story and photographer Mark Magner took a picture of the four officers in the Widener Center. With great anticipation, we looked forward to the day the story was to come out. Gathered about the Loquitur in the tv lounge were many excited commuters. We were finally getting the publicity and recognition we deserved.



Well, we searched the paper through , and the article was not there . Our expectations had been shattered . Could it be that an ad or another story took priority over ours? And, if it did , couldn't our story have been put in the following week? We question the fact that our article wasn't included in this publication . The story had a right to be published. Why wasn't it? Commuter Affairs Club



\!ember of the Associated Collegiate Press

Unless one had been in the actual working situation this might be difficult to understand . I knew there would be people who would not understand when I resigned . I know people might see my resignation as a manipulation or an attempt to be a martyr but these statements reflect the emotionalism and misunderstanding I have attempted to avoid. The resignation was an attempt to call attention to problems by the administration for the over all improvement of the residency program. This, I believe , will be accomplished . I can 't attempt to change anyone 's mind but I ask that you think about the residency program, your treatment as members of the campus community and let your feelings be known. Maybe all th e program needs is to be shaken up sotha t the dirt fails to the bottom and can be swept awa y.

P,,blished bi.week ly during th• school year b y th• student s of Cab rini College , Radnor , Pennsyl vania 19087 . Subscr iption price is incl1Jd ed in benefits secured by tuition and student 1.. .

Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen Assistant Editor Patty McDermott News Editor Tom DeMatteis Assistant News Editor Robin Larkins Perspectives Editor Sandra McNamara Assistant Perspectives Editor Tom Shultz

Features Editor Pam Clark Assistant Features Editor Barbara Bruhin Gallery Editor Ann Belsky Assistant Gallery Editor Rita McKelvey SGA Notebook Co-editors Francine M Kuterbach D.B. Field Sports Co-editors Rita Calicat Danny Ross

Assistant Sports Editor Lisa DiSantls Photography Editor Mark Magner Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaras Sandy Momyer Business Manager Lou Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek







VIEWPOINT Responsible and constructive I have spent the greater part of the past three weeks communicating to individuals and groups alike that the best way, perhaps the only effective way to alter, modify, or change a policy is to communicate in an organized, ·persuasive, and tactful manner the reasons to Administrators who formulate policy. Directing anger at RA's or RM's who do not formulate policy but only implement it only increases resentment or friction, obscures issues, and impedes meaningful communication. That is why Mr. John Doyle's 2/4/83 letter is a poor attempt at persuasive, diplomatic dialogue. A constructive expression of anger I think is best defined when individuals organize, unite, and communicate in a persuasive and tactful manner their reason(s) for what they_consider to be an impractical or illogical policy. Fortunately, thirty -five persons have assumed responsibility to work as a committee that will relate the feelings, thoughts, or reasons of most residents to Administrators . By the time you will have read this they will have already had their first meeting with Sister Christine and Mr . Gus Nicoletti. I hope that future letters-to-the editor are responsible and constructive . G:t:egRossi Head Resident, Counsel Hall

Angry and appalled I am angry and appalled at having been quoted inaccurately as well as out of context in Ms. Robin Larkins' lead story of 2/4/83. I was not the only person to tape the student body meeting from which I was quoted; Ms. Larkins also did, and that is why I am furious that the meaning of my words has been misconstrued and weak ened . Ms. Larkins' paraphrasing and sen tence reconstruction only impeded in readers' minds the clarification she so urgently soug.ht. In light of the fervor , uproar, and confusion that existed , Ms. Larkins did a disservice to what some of us have spent much time and energy communicating: the truth. Sincerelyi Greg Ross Head Resident, Counsel Hall

Mr. Rossi submitted a lengthy transcript containing his version of the statements in question. After careful inspection and evaluation , we find no evidence that Loquitur altered any words or placed sentences out of context that would misconstrue Rossi's statement. Loquitur maintains that Robin Larkins was acting in a responsible manner and presented her story accurately.




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The 'point' of iournaliSm In this Viewpoint I'd like to express my thoughts on the proper practices 9f journalism. In addressing this matter , I would also like to incorporate my feelings toward a certain college where people are learning to become mature and articulate individuals, working hopefully for the betterment of their community . Cabrini College is known as "the personal place to learn. " While some might laugh at that, it means a great deal to me. I'm here to learn, and journalism class is part of that process. Through my work on Loquitur I am attempting to grasp the proper techniques of a fair journalist, to expess in words situations as they are, and when called upon, to expess a viewpoint on these situations from a broader perspective . Every fair journalist, for example, must realize the proper technique to ensure that quotes are correct. People get very upset if they feel that they have been misquoted or if their quotes are taken out of context. Those quoted often want to read what they said exactly as they said it in conversation . Journalists realize, however , the impossibility of citing every word said in dialogue. The journalist relies on his or her judgment to select the quotes that best reflect the position of the person quoted . Since it is not at all practical to note everything a person utters , the reporter must decide what is worth repeating and what is not. Accuracy in reporting is the responsibilty of the reporter to use quotes that are proper for the angle of the story. That's good journalism . It would be manipulative to do anything less . · Another important consideration in fair writing is the role of opinions in journalism . This , for example is the "perspective " page where we invite intelligent letters and opinions . It's my favorite part of the paper . As a rule of thumb , we ask that people make an effort to base their opinions on reactions to facts. The obvious problem here concerns the concepts of subjective and object ive information. Subjective statements are reactions and opinions that could be based on experience, attitudes, personalities or interpretation of facts. Objective statements are those based on treating and dealing with facts without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices.



It is difficult at times to tell the difference between what is subjective and what is objective . Defining the difference between fact and opinion is often in itself a matter of opinion . Now things are getting complicated. All of the sudden the truth is not as easy to get at as we first hoped. These are matters that a good journalist has to deal with . Another thing that has to be dealt with carefully in the journalistic world •is emotionalism. When emotions are high people lose their opportunity to make their statements clear. We certainly wouldn 't want that. That would be bad journalism. It is of great importance that good journalists keep an open mind at all times. Good journalists never want to obscure issues. That is a clear contradiction to their profession. From these examples I continue to realize the many aspects involved in being a good journalist. I'm truly learning . That 's the point.. .learning . Something that has made me very sad of late is that I think too many people are missing the point around here. We are here at Cabrini College to learn and grow in hopes of becoming better people for it . Journalism is one small way that we at Loquitur are attempting to grow . Some of the best advice that I've ever heard is this: " Sta y out of the trash. " " The trash ," that's what obscures issues. Many times in the last few weeks I've heard a lot of people asking for the truth- that all important truth . The truth is that in this "personal place to learn " there is room for all of us to grow. That 's why we're here . I'm not just talking about students either . Good things should be praised just as bad things should be criticized . Don't miss the point ! Manipulation , good policy , bad policy , misconstrued statements, questions of maturity, personality clashes, fair, unfair, subjective, objective, lost opportunities, the poten tial for libel , poor diplomatic dialogue, truth ... a lot of it is in the trash . Some people are afraid of questions. It is a journalist 's responsibility to raise questions and separate the truth from . the trash . I hope things get cleaned up around here . We at Loquitur will do our best to make a positive contribution .


of the recent resignations


of the male RA s?

Recently, the Cabrini College Campus has been subjected to the questionable resignations of the three male Resident Assistants; Brian P . Jensen and Tom DeMatteis of Counsel Hall and Bill Fontana of Sullivan House .

Together, photographer, Mark Magner, and reporter , Karyn Rinaldi asked the students , ' 'What do you think of the R.A..'s resigning? "

Pattie Lyon, senior, "It was simply their choice. I imagine they did what they felt they had to do. As usual, Cabrini has 110different stories going around as to why they quit ; however, the answers lie within Brian, Bill, and Tom ."

Mark Pietsch, Freshman, said , "They're trying to get a point across to the school and they ended up get ting nothing because no one can understand why this happened. "

Jeanette Epifano , Freshman , said, "What they did was their own decision and if the y feel th ey are benefitting from it, I hope the y prove what they set out to do. "

Dr . Joseph Romano , "I'm sure they thought things out carefully before acting and hopefully the whole thing will be resolved. I'm sure their decision must have been beneficial to the entire school ,"

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Registration to be improved James R. Keches, business manager has announced a new plan intended to speed up the registration and financial clearance process for Cabrini students. The new plan consists of a schedule that breaks down time slot's for indiA vidual classes and further categorizes JAMES R. KECHES students in alphabetical order . The new schedule allows two days for financial clearance and registration in the Fall 1983and Spring 1984semesters. Previously the process was done all in one day. The new plan was devised by Keches after the long lines and hours of waiting experienced by many students on this semester's registration day. "With the new system I don 't anticipate any more than a 20 minute wait for any student ," Keches said.

lntramurals organized Duke Schneider, assistant men's basketball coach at Cabrini College , is forming a coed intramural program and he is looking for interested students from Cabrini to form teams . Games in the program include : Volleyball, Softball , Bowling and Basketball. Tournaments to be set up are Pinochle, Chess, Checkers and Backgammon. The program will get started the week after Spring Break.



signed ' Dr. Joseph Romano , academic dean announced the signing of an ' ' Articulation Agreement' 'between Cabrini College and the McCarrie Schools of Health Sciences and Technology by the institutions' respective presidents .

According to the document.the agreement "recognizes the value of combining technological education with the curriculum offered at a four year college of liberal arts and sciences. " According to Romano, the agreement allows eligible McCarrie students to gain college credits from their technology program, and apply those credits toward a bachelors degree in Liberal Arts / Specialized Technology or Liberal Arts / Specialized Business. "Cabrini is probably the first college of Arts and Sciences to work out an agreement with a school of techology for transfer credits," Romano said .




CCA reviews the Wigwam by Robin Larkins According to the basic laws of supply and demand , the Wigwam is successfully meeting the needs of the cam pus it serves on a day to day basis . ¡ This point was expressed by Jeff Brun , senior; Tony Ciro, senior and Mike Gimple, junior --the three managers of the snack bar facility-- at the Council of the College Affairss ' recent review of the Wigwam, which took place at its monthly meeting on Jan. 25. Frank Willard , director of admissions and chairperson of the CCA, felt that the re view was a constructive forum at which questions and complaints about the Wigwam could be expressed by students, faculty and administration . Some of the complaints cited at the meeting included lack of menu selection , ir regular hours and long lines at peak hours . As to the lak of variety in the menu, the managers responded that they supply what the demand calls for . Brun , business manager of the Wigwam , noted that the Wigwam is equipped with a pizza oven that 's rarely used. " With four places in the immediate area that deliver , there is no demand for pizza, " said Burn. Hoagies and deli style sandwiches were also tried. However the management noted that the greater variety also caused a greater waste in food that spoiled and had to be thrown away. Irregular hours were also

cited as a problem area. The management of the Wigwam feels that this isn't the problem it used to be last semester due to a better coordination of managemef and employees . Gimple , assistant manager of the Wigwam said that standardized pro ceedures are being organized into an employee policy handbook. He hopes the handbook will add more consistency to the operation Concerning the long lines at

fusion a s " two different trains of thought. .. Some like it and some think it should be more elaborate. " Brun stated , " The admin istration seemed to want it as a class A restaurant , but the demand is not for that on campus.' ' Ciro , head manager of the Wigwam , said , " The main point is that the Wigwam is one big candy machine . That 's it. Our books show that 80 percent of our income comes from the sale of snacks.' ' Ciro also said , "The adm inistration had a conception made up before the building was open to change what the Wigwam would be. It was wrong to assume the restau rant thing because it 's still the same people , wants and needs ."

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FRANK WILLARD, cha irperson of the Council of College Affairs . (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

peak hours , Gimple said that at least two people are sched uled to work during the lunch hour . He said, " It's such a small area that only two can comfortably work and fit efficientl y." Of the rev iew itself , Gimple said, " We went in there feeling we 'd be attacked . But it was a discussion atmosphere . We cleared up some misunderstandings and gained some new ideas. " An apparent confusion seemed to arise over the role of the Wigwam on campus . Willard expressed the con-

The accounts of the Wigwam support the point of three managers . At the beginning of the year the operation was running in the red . " The Wigwam was forced to bor row money from SGA," according to Ciro . " Within two months the loan was repaid and we had S600 in sa vings besides ." Willa rd cite d sugg estio ns th e CCA made in order to possibly enhance the opera tions of th Wigwam. These included surveys and sugges tions , experiments with different types of food-- perhaps in the form of weekly spe cials , and the hiring of a consultant to help evaluate the overall operation of the Wigwam .

Kappa revises constitution and elects off ice rs by Tom Schultz

Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini 's ser vice organization, has elected new . officers for 1983 and has made a few revisions in its constitution. Kappa, according to the student handbook , is to assist the Director of Admissions, to serve as hosts / hostesses at major campus functions , to provide tours for prospective students , and to sponsor and organize Parents' Weekend. At the beginning of the Spring semester, Kappa members elected new officers. Karen Gaffney, junior , was elected president; Lorrie Palcik , junior , vice president; Beth Ann DiMondo, junior , treasurer; and David Pilla, junior, secretary. The four officers will hold their responsibilities from January to December of '83. Palcik and DiMondo were Kappa officers in '82. Palcik ws secretary and DiMondo was treasurer. Gaffney is replacing Terri Hundermark, senior , as president and Palcik is replacing Mary Whalen, senior, as vice president. Pilla will take over Palcik's job as secretary and DiMondo will remain treasurer for her second year. This year's Kappa officers and

members have made slight revisions in their constitution . One revision concerns election and voting changes for Kappa officers. Previously, a member needed a 2/ 3 majority of votes to be elected an officer . The revised constitution states any member may become an officer with the largest number of votes. One other revision of the constitu -

tion concerns Kappa's moderator, Carter Craigie . When reconstruction was considered, Craigie submitted an addition that clearly defined the duties of the moderator and gave him a more active role in Kappa 's acti vities. Gaffney thinks this revision is beneficial for Kappa . The new president described Craigie as an influential figure . "Carter is a plus for Kappa" said Gaffney.

NEWLY ELECTED 1983 Kappa Sigma Omega officers : (front) Lorrie Palcik , vice-presi' dent; Beth Ann DiMondo , treasurer ; (back) Dave , Pilla , secretary ; Karen Gaffney , president. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

Officers and members are looking forward to the upcoming year as active an successful. The new officers think this will be one of Kappa 's strongest years ever . Palcik stated , " We are very dose . We have all worked together before, and this year 's officers are hard working ." Gaffney's co-officers commented on her hard work in the organization . Gaffney is a commuter , but still finds a lot of time to devote to Kappa . She enjoys the work she does and is en thusiastic about her upcoming year as president. "The best thing about Kap .' pa ," Gaffney said , " ... is co-operat ing with the admissions office with the tours for prospective students . I like introducing them to the campus and then seeing them in September when they come to school. It give the freshmen a person they know and remember ," she added. Gaffney is also hoping to initiate better communication "between the officers and the rest of the organiza tion. " Gaffney would also like to strengthen relationships with SGA and other campus organizations. Kappa will be preparing for a mem bership drive in early March . The organization is hoping many sophomores and freshmen will apply for Kappa member.ship .

NEWS LOGUITUR-FRICAV. Ex-RAs break silence and cite reasons for resigning by Patty McDermott

Two weeks ago , I sat down sepa rately with each of the former resident assistants , Bill Fontana, Tom DeMatteis and Brian Jensen to find out their reasons for their resignation. The reason Jensen gave for not responding further about the situation in Loquitur 's last issue ws that he didn 't feel it was the proper time to sa y anything for all of those involved. However , the time came and these are their reasons for their resignation . When Fontana was asked what pro voked his resignation , he replied , "It was a succession of events that came to a hilt ." According to Fontana , "Certain problems arose in the house and I went to Gus . On the more important problems that existed , Gus g1;1veme no sufficient advice , suggestions or even followed up on these problems . I was told that I had to figure them out on my own. And I find this a lack of support. '' One incident Fontana said he found hard to believe was that , " Gus would go out with people who he felt had a few problems and give them what he called 'group counseling. ' They were problems that he thought h~ recognized and he would go out with them and try to help them . But here I had a few problems that were house related and he couldn 't counsel me. " Another point that Fontana brought up was that Gus Nicoletti , director of resident life , never visited him to find out if these problems were resolved or see how he was doing. "He didn 't frequent the house enough as is stated as one of the Director of Resident Life 's duties ." However , according to Nicoletti , " I talked to Bill about assessing the situation by moving in and Willy opposed. " Concerning the handbook , Fontana thought that it was "ambiguous." " EVERY, EVERY aspect of the whole program has to be looked at. " Fontana said . When addressing DeMatteis on the situation and his reasons for resigning he said, "First , I picked up a good amount of the resident manager's duties last semester which was an extra burden on me." When discussing last semester and the former Resident Manager , Jim Capolupo, DeMatteis said , "Jim was going to leave because he di'dn't have the time to put into the job, and Gus said he would move in. Two days later, he said no, he wouldn't move in, that Jim would stay and meanwhile, they would interview a variety of people for Jim's position . We had two people

to pick from," De Matteis said , "that's all , and they were interviewed three to -four weeks apart." "Brian 's reaons and mine are the same because we were so close ," DeMatteis said . "If something happened to me , it happened to him and vice-versa." When asked if DeMatteis thought there was any problem with the poli. cies, he replied, "I don't think there 's a problem with the policies , it 's how they're implemented ." Jensen's biggest reason for resigning was that he felt .that his confidence as a person and a·s part of the staff was broken. " When my confidence is broken and that confidence is entrusted in the program or in the director of resident life , then I feel a lack of support and I do not trust anything tha t emanates from that office, " said Jensen. "If there 's no trust, then there 's no support. " " My biggest concern, " said Jensen , " is that the problem gets fixed . Until then , I will have no part of it. " "Given the circumstances , I would do it again, " said Jensen ,. " but not under the present hierarch y in that office ." " I think that office would be reviewed ." "The program , policies , and training are revised every year , and therefore, we welcome student comments in helping make the program more successful , Nicoletti said . " Just because someone has a gripe , that doesn 't necessitate a change in policy or program ." When asked if Nicoletti thought their resignation could be a question of maturity or the lack of support in their own persons, he replied, "Perhaps , that could be it. They reacted negatively to things they didn't want to hear. " "Perhaps their expectations were too high when they went into the position ." When talking to the dean of students , Sister Christine Marie Baltas, MSC, about the possible reasons for resignation , she said , "Perhaps we're talking about personality clashes." On changing the residency program , Baltas replied, "I'm not going to form an opinion on what three people said , I'm going to wait to see what the students said . A questionnaire was issued to all the students, and students who feel strongly about certain issues were given the opportunity to respond. "The questionnaire will present a truer picture of how the students view the residency program. I'll gain a better picture from that response," Baltas said.

SOPHOMORE SENIOR FAREWELL DINNER DANCE The Sophomore Class is pleased to announce that the annual Sophomore Senior Farewell Dinner Dance will be held on April 22, 1983 at the Holiday Inn of Valley Forge. The schedule of the evening's events is as follows: 6:30- 7:30- Cash bar cocktail hour in the enclosed pool area 7:30-9:00- Champagne toast to the seniors and dinner consisting of Fruit Cocktail, Roast Top Round of Beef with Baked Potato and Mixed Vegetables, Tossed Salad with choice of dressing, Sheet cake, Coffee, Tea or Milk 9:00-1:00- Open Bar and dance 1:00-2:00- Dance concludes In order to make this event successful, the Sophomore Class petitions the entire Cabrini community for their continued support in class fund-raising activities this semester. Only with your financial support can this be the best social event of the entire school year, and the send off our seniors truly deserve.



New faces on the campus by Mark M. Magner

There have been two new additions to the Cabrini College staff this semester. Celia Reisman is replacing Marilyn Parks, who is leaving the area . Reisman now teaches watercolor and oil painting classes at Cabrini. She has three years' experience from teaching painting , drawing , and design at Amherst College and Smith College, both in Massachusetts .

from Bishop Egan High School in Fairless Hills , PA in 1976, and a classmate of his was Ron Katkocin , who was formerly the read resident of Counsel Hall in 1981.Rossi said that it was purely a coincidence that he would follow in Katkocin's footsteps , because they briefly knew each other ,



GREG ROSSI assumed duty as resident manager of Counsel Hall at the beginn ing of the spring semester . (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

.;4~-~. ·cELIA REISMAN, the newest member of the fine arts faculty , teaches watercolor and oil painting. (Photo by Mark M. Magner )

Reisman is a graduate of Carneg ie Mellon Universit y, where she re ceived her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree . She then attended Yale Universit y, where she recei ved a Master of Fine Arts degree . Her specialties are painting and printmaking . She has attended and had her own art shows to exhibit her works . Through these she has been successful in selling her art . Reisman is enjoying Cabrini even though she hasn 't had enough time to walk around campus . She likes the academic atmosphere and the attention which each student can receive from the teacher. Greg Rossi is replacing JiJ!l Capolupo as head resident of Counsel Hall . Coincidentally, Rossi graduate

Funds from

and hardly communicated . Rossi is a graduate of Saint Joseph 's College in Philadelphia . Af . terwards he went on to teach high school scripture and moralit y. He left teaching for law school , but discovered that law school allowed little room for creativit y. He was also disgusted with the fact that " law yer s aren 't interested in moralit y;" for these reasons he left law school. Now he is taking night courses at LaSa lle College to get his Masters degree in religious education . In his spare time he likes to play guitar . He has written many songs and now is interested in recording them . He shows a deep interest in stud ying the music and lyrics of John Lennon and Paul McCartne y. He asked , " Why is their music so universally appea ling? " Rossi is ~nxious to do well in his new job . He said , "I enjoy Counsel, and look for)Vard to working with the guys in coordinating activities and programs that other dorms could ben efit from and enjoy .''

page 1

direct requests for support. "The money donated is used to help expand student services and activities ," Heiberger said. "This is done each year to make student life on campus better." Trustee Charles Roach, co-chairman for all annual fund programs, is responsible for contacting friends and businesses in the community. This

also brings in a great deal of mone y. Heiberger himself and Sr . Eileen Currie , MSC, president of Cabrini College, make direct requests of industries. In addition, Cabrini 's faculty and staff bring in contributions by simply talking about what the college does and what it needs. "It's a real community effort, " Heiberger said .

APPLY NOWI 1983/84 financial aid applications are now available in the financial aid office. All students who wish to be considered for any type. of financial assistance must apply every year. Submit your appllcatlon as soon as poaalble

to assure timely consideration. ' ... \ -.i.;:.i/

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Campus Ministry: by Brian P. Jensen Did you go to the CMA roller skating party? How about the CMA 50's Dance? Did you enjoy the eats at the CMA Ice Cream Extravaganza? Did you rock to Charlie Gracie's music, sponsored by the CMA? Was the CMA Mardi Gras fun? If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, then you have done a very nice thing. You have enjoyed yourself amt at the same time helped people in need. That is one intention of the Campus Mi_nistry Association of Cabrini College. One look at the Cabrini calendar suggests that Campus Ministry has been very active in an attempt to achieve this goal. "We 're doing things," said Fr. Mark Falcone, co-moderator to the student-run CMA. "Our purpose is fundamentally to help develop students to be involved and active Christians. All of our activities exemplify this philosophy," Falc<lne said. While working closely with both Falcone and Sr. Bernadette Casciano as moderators, the CMA has become a campus organization that has grown greatly in both its membership and its activities according to Tanya Bolcar, CMA president. "We're a broad-based organization aimed at promoting school involvement by using individuals ' talents to help benefit others," Bolcar said. Sr . Casciano, who is credited by CMA members as being "of great significance" to the growth of the organization over the past three years. explained the wide variety of .


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OVEN TOASTED GRINDERS TunafishGrinder.. . . . . . . 2.20 _ _ RecHoacieGrinder... .. . 2.10 __ Mui 8111 Grinder.. . .... 2.10 _ _ HamGrinder.. . ... . .... 2.30 __ Rout BeefGrinder.. . . . . 2.40 _ _ ItalianGrinder. . . . . . . . . 2.30 _ _ TurkeyGrinder.. . . . . . . . 2.20 ,_Pastrami Grinder..... .. . 2.20 __ CheeseGrinder.... .. .. . 2.00 __


COLD SANDWICHES Hoacie.. . . . . . . 2.20 RecHoacie .... . . . .. ... 2.10

Hoacie ........... RoastBeefHoacie . . .....



Hambur1ers. ..........




Cheesebur1ers. ........




Lettucel Tomatoes £lira.

2.30 2.40 Italian Hoacie.. . . . . . . . . 2.30


Hollie. .....


doing things for others

activities in which CMA is involved and the "multi-faceted" aspets of the organization. "I like to look at the Campus Ministry Team and the CMA as a diamond. We have many facets. There is something in it for everybody," Casciano said. Casciano explained that, along with various fund raisers, all of which benefit such "outreach projects" as Appalachia, CMA and the campus ministry team sponsor visitations to nursing homes and Don Guanella School for the mentally handicapped, off campus CCD programs, the development of campus ''peer ministers," awareness projects such as film strips, weekend retreats, miniretreats, group and resident prayer services, round table discussions, special liturgies, prayer vigils, and many more "community building" projects. Of all these, project Appalachia seems to be the one event CMA members are talking about the most at present. Thus far, 21 people from the Cabrini community are scheduled to travel to West Virginia over the Spring break to help the less fortunate poverty stricken people living in the Appalachian region. Many of the CMA's fund-raisers will help pay the costs ·for this project. " Right now our main goal is to raise money for Appalachia," said Mary Lynch, CMA secretary for the last three years . "I'm very pleased with the support we are getting thus far, " Lynch continued, "people are realizing that we are out for the community. We want



FEB •.10,19B3

. ... 2.20

hstranHollie.. . . . . . . 2.20

FR. MARK FALCONE AND SR. BERNADETTE (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)

to help everybody ." A prominent opinion among all those interviewed was that the CMA is an organization that wants to promote student involvement by utilizing the talents of students to benefit others ' while practicing Christian ideals . " We're an open -minded Christian organization and we're always looking for more people and ideas," said Rose Battiato, CMA vice president. It was also made clear that the CMA is a "community organization ." ''The Campus Ministry _Association


look over slides of Appa lachia.

emanates a certain spirit of togeth erness, " Battiato said. Said Sr . Casciano, "Too many people may think Campus Ministry just involves prayer. It's more than that. It is loving God and loving your neigh bor . It is important to be of service to other people. Your head, hea-rt and hands must work together ." Few people could argue that the Campus Ministry Association of Cabrini College certainly exemplifies this philosophy through the actions of the moderators and members .

Celebrating Black history by Leri Lyn Smith

Why is there a month set aside especially for Blacks to celebrate his tory? What does Black Histor y Month mean to you? Many students on Cabrini 's campus would probably not bother to answer those questions. However, there are a few students who are affected by the celebration and hope to see the month recognized as an importance to everyone. History is a chronological record of events as of the development of a people , country or institution. Black history means more than that . It is a time to celebrate the historical achievements by Blacks . Although none of us had anything to do with the achievements, we are created history. We celebrate because we are a part of the achievements, and we celebrate with pride and joy . Angela Agront, freshman, believes in Black History Month 100 percent. "I think Black History Month is a step in the positive direction . This event lets people become knowledgeable and aware of the great things that Blacks have done," says Agront . The first Negro History week was celebrated in the second week of February, 1926. Dr. Carter G. Woodson started this week of celebration to emphasize significance of hisotrical experiences of Blacks. During the 60's the celebration became Black History Month. During the month of February at Cabrini College and many other places, Black History Month is celebrated in various ways. Talent shows, films an'd speakers are just a few ways to celebrate. The Black STudent

Union and the Fine Arts Department are celebrating by presenting the second largest dance troupe in Philadelphia , Philadanco . They are scheduled to perform on February 6 at 3:00 p .m . in the gymnatorium . The B.S.U. will continue to celebrate on Februar y 9, showing the film "Cooley High " at 8:00p.m. in the Widener Center . Ann Cooke, junior, remembers the shows presented by the B.S.U. during February . " We need more culture on -campus and Black History Month al lows us to get it with its celebrations. The Gospelrama was an excellent festival and I really enjoyed the shows I saw in the past ," says Cooke. February, the month of Black history , is a time to listen and lear, especially for those who dont understand why Blacks should celebrate. "I think it is a worthwhile recognition for Blacks," says Christine Antenucci, junior . For those who are still puzzled as to why this is such a great event, listed below are a few reasons why we can stand up with pride and joy and say, "I'm celebrating Black history month." · * The first successful operation on a human heart was performed at Chica. go's Provident Hospital on July 9, 1893 by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a Black man. * The first Black Supreme Court Justice was Thurgood Marshall, who was nominated by President Johnson and confirmed by the Senate on Aug. 30, 1967. * The first Black woman to receive

a major appointment from the U.S. government was Mary McLeod Bethune, June 24, 1936.





FEB. ,1a,1sa3

Have you seen a man wearing army boots? by Barbara Bruhin


About face. Forward march. Often seen strolling to class in his army boots and green fatigues is Anthony Newkirk, sophomore. Last year he was one of two students attending Cabrini on an ROTC scholarship or "rot-c" as he would term it.

l .

PERSONALITY Newkirk, 19, has since dropped out of the ROTC program. As a history major, he explained, "I have always been interested in the military and the role it plays in our society. I always felt that I would make it a part of my life at one point.'' Newkirk considered the ROTC program as a good testing ground . "I've seen what it's like now, if after college I ever did want to join .' ' Newkirk commented on the negative feelings toward ROTC on the Cabrini campus. "I understand that they were against it because they don't want an academic institution to teach the arts of war. There shouldn't be a war and no one should have to be trained for it. We shouldn't live in a world where there are nuclear weapons or border guards, but the fact is that we do. We have to be prepared to defend ourselves. It's .regrettable, but it's necessary." Newkirk extends his interest in the military to his rare hobby of collecting militaria. He admits that it's ex-

pensive but explains, "What makes it neat is going out there and hunting stuff." His collection is presently made up of British and American militaria from World War II . If Newkirk is not out hunting militaria, you may find him engrossed in a J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy or writing his own science fiction stories. , Long distance running and any research done on it is Newkirk's next interest. He has been a member of the Cabrini cross country team for the past two years and hopes to, one day, work up to a marathon. "Running is a great thing because even if you come in last, it doesn't matter," Newkirk stated. "If you're in good shape and you come in last, you feel as good as the guy who comes in first." Small size and close personal contact were Newkirk's reasons for attending 'Cabrini College. He explained, "I'm not a bad student, I'm a good student, but I don't like places where it ' s so intense, where academics take up a large part of your time . There are other things to do that are just as important." Commuting from Rosemont gives Newkirk more freedom. "You have your home base, your own room, and everything you're familiar with," he said. "To me that's more freedom. I seem to be able to do more." Newkirk may still be visible around campus wearing his army boots and occasionally a few pieces from his collection of militaria, perhaps a beret or some part of a World War II British battle suit.

Television phenomena

SOPHOMORE ANTHONY NEWKIRK: "We have to be prepared ourselves. It's regrettable but it's a necessity ." (Photo by Mark Magner)

• a,r waves to leave the On February 27, the last episode of M*A*S*H will be aired . The program will be two and a half hours and _willOJ?enwith the possibility of the war ending. With this known , several serious events occur during the last episode, which seriously affects the parting of the M*A*S*H 4077th.

by Sandra McNamara After 11 years M*A*S*H , a television phenomenon will finally leave the air waves. The series, which was based upon the movie of the same title, premiered in the fall of 1971. When the series was first televised, most of the audience seemed very unresponsive. It seemed that . most people had a difficult time viewing a tele vision program which was a satire of war. Espe cililly since the Vietnam war was first and foremost in the minds of most Americans. After a short time though, ratings for M*A*S*H began to grow. The program found itse1f almost always in . the top 10 of the Nielsen ratings . Audiences enjoyed the program not only because of the comedy, but also because it shed much light upon the hopes and fears of the many who were involved in the Korean war.

EVENT ONE : Father Mulcahy will ha ve a shell explode near him as he is trying to help some Koreans . He will go deaf. EVENT TWO: Klinger will stay in Korea and marry a Korean girl. EVENT THREE : Colonel Potter will go home and work as the town doctor.

People began to identify with the characters in the series . There wasn't a single person who didn't love Radar and his teddy bear and animals, Klinger and his dresses for his section 8 and, of course the antics of Benjamin Pierce, better known' as Hawkeye . Alan Alda took the character of Hawkeye and developed him into a man, who as a doctor was appalled at the war . Alda was able to turn Hawkeye into a man who feared for the human condition . And through some unorthodox methods, tried to warn all who were involved in the war how wrong it is to kill. Throughout the run of the series M*A*S*H, the program_ underwent se".eral major cast changes. In most series when a maJor character is replaced, it usually means the end of the series. . Not true for M*A*S*H. The series was able to mtegrate new characters and quickly mold the characters so the audience could easily and quickly accept them.

to defend

EVENT FOUR: Margaret Houlihan alias Hot Lips will work in an army hospital. EVENT FIVE: Hawkeye will suffer a nervous breakdown but will recover.

ALAN ALDA, as Hawkeye Pierce, will hang up his fatigues after 11 years as part of a television phenomena. (Twentieth Century Fox photo)

In the fall of 1981producers of M*A*S*H felt that it was time to retire the series. They felt that they .could no longer be creative with the series. The cast agreed with the decision and the announcement was made to conclude the series in the spring of 1982.

Another important event which occured was a M*A*S*Hparty here at Cabrini College. During the party, students dressed in fatigues and surgical scrubs and pranced around drinking Hawkeye's jungle juice. According to Jim Moffatt, '85 an avid viewer of M*A*S*Hand party patron, ''I turn on M*A*S*Hfor a laugh. I've been watching it steadily. It is a part of everyone's life." M*A*S*His a high quality series. It brings to the surface what war is-hell. And it shows us that even though war is hell there is a sunny side, the realization that some day hopefully-that war will be over.










Campbell: the drive behind t-he commuters by Lisa D' Ascenzo

Many commuters feel they are being kept in the dark about the events and happenings at Cabrini. Rose Campbell, sophomore class commuter representative for SGA, helps enlighten commuters and get them involved . Besides being commuter representative, Campbell is also cochairperson of the Commuter Affairs Club. Maureen McHugh, chairperson, said, "Rose does a really good job . She's very organized and she always knows what's going on. She helps me out a lot." Marion Stewart, a 1982graduate of Cabrini, started the Commuter Affairs Club last year. Before she graduated, she urged Donna Gallagher, sophomore, to run for an office in the club and to keep it going. "Donna and I are friends," Campbell said, !'and get them involved. Besides being commuter representative, Campbell is also cochairperson of the Commuter Af. fairs Club. Maureen McHugh, chairperson, said, "Rose does a really good job. She's very organized and she always knows what's going on. She helps me out a lot." The Commuter Affairs Club is currently trying to raise money to buy a second-hand refrigerator so the commuters will have a place to keep their lunches. Some of Campbell's duties as commuter representative are to go to SGA meetings and relay the messages from the meetings to commuters, go to food committee meetings, and help with the sophomore class activities.



"SGA gets a lot of flak from Sister Christine and other people about involving commuters, so a commuter representative is really a good thing to have," Campbell said. Camrbell has helped m~ with severa dances at Cabrini, as well as with elections and the sophomore class carnation sale. Regina Feighan, senior class commuter representative, works with Campbell on dances, elections, and other activities. "Beannie really helped me out ." Although she doesn't outwardly appear that way, Campbell said, "I'm basically a shy person and it's hard for me to be outgoing with people." Campbell, a 1981 graduate of Cardinal O'Hara High School, is an Early Childhood and Elementary Education double major. She wants to work with children in nursery school or kindergarten when she graduates. Besides being commuter representative and co-chairperson of the Commuter Affairs Club, Campbell also has a part-time job. She works as a cashier at the Gift Gallery, a gift shop in the Manoa shopping center in Havertown. She has worked there for four years. When asked how she handles being responsible for school, a part-time job, and her work with the Commuter Affairs Club and SGA, Campbell said, "It's hard sometimes, but I like it. I have a good schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is when we have the Commuter Affairs meetings. I go right to work after the meetings. All my free time is spent working with the club ."

There is a new Pre-Law Club at Cabrini, and its members hope that it will be the foundation of a future pre-law program at Cabrini. The SGA ratified the club's constitution on Feb. 10.

• The . sophomore class is scheduled to have a Casino Night on Saturday, Feb. 18, in the cafeteria. The casino games will run from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. with a dance following until 1 a.m.

Dr . J olyon Girard, the director of the history department and the adviser to the Pre-Law Club, says the purpose of the club, " ... is to provide students with an interest in law, an extracurricular unity outside of the classroom."

• The junior class is scheduled to have a Masquerade Party on Friday, March 11, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the cafeteria.

Girard added that, unlike the History Club, which usually provides culturally oriented events, the Pre-law Club's activities will focus strictly on law. The club's first two activities were at Villanova University,


SOPHOMORE COMMUTER REPRESENTATIVE Rosemary Campbell likes to spend all her free time working with the Commuter Affairs Club. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)

Pre-Law Club forms at Cabrini by D. B. Field

• The SGA request that all Cabrini students who use the TV lounge in the Widener Center please keep the facilities clean. The Dean of Students Office has expressed dissatisfaction with the present condition of that room.


where members acted as witnesses and jurors for a mock trial class (Feb. 4 and 8). In the future Girard hopes the club will be able to attend actual trials in P_hladelphia.

One of the club's major goals, in a more academic sense, is to set up study guides for law school. Sophomore Janice Fox, a strong advocate of the Pre-Law Club, said this will include the formation of a special library in the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center. The library will contain information from law schools on their requirements and eventually law books. There are also plans to start a Law Scholastic Aptitude Test study group.

Fox added that other plans for the club include political debates and mocked trials at Cabrini.

paid •for by the.•.Student . Govern...rneot .A.Si!;)Ciation of Cabrini College

The club had its first official meeting on Feb. 10, and according to Fox, " ... more than 15 people attended. We know there are more pre-law registered students, and we are trying to make them aware of the club." Fox stresses that, "Your major doesn't matter. The club is open to all students at Cabrini." Both sophomores Paul Albee and James Moffatt are history majors interested in the law and have been active in the formation of the PreLaw Club. Albee says, "I think the club will help the history department and the political department to grow.'' Moffatt agrees and adds, "The club will benefit the incoming freshmen even more than us. We're sort of pioneers who are tr)ting to lay the foundation for a pre-law program at Cabrini." i,


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Student budgets:

Saving now, paying later by Francine M. Kuterbach Would you rather shop at Woolworth's than Bloomingdale 's? Could you pass up a pair of Calvins over Kmart jeanms? If not , you probably aren't a budget-minded college student. Because, despite rising costs, a student can conserve money with a little sacrifice. According to Arlene McEvilla, director of financial aid , all students should make a priority list of expenses. If they use austerity now, they can reap the benefits of a good education later," said McEvilla. According to a brochure entitled How to do More with Less , costs are broken down into four categories : room and board, books and supplies,transportation and personal expenses . The publication is put out by the Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. The booklet suggest that students should check out all types of living arrangements and encourages students not to have their own telephones in their rooms . " Telephone installation, hookup service charges and long-distance calls are expensive . Postage stamps are much cheaper." Secondly, students can save on transportation costs by car pooling and by using public transportation. " Minimize your weekend trips back home,and when you do go, consider the bus or train . Students who live on or near the campus may find that a bicycle is an adequate means of transportation ." McEvilla suggests every student should begin looking for a summer job now and pointed out that there are many jobs available on campus . She said that students should check out Funds for All, the job squad and the job referral service available to Cabrini students. As pointed out in the Cabrini College financial aid booklet, there are need-based loans and grants available , as well as work-study, work-grant and athletic and service awards . McEvilla hopes that students take advantage of these opportunities and to cut back on spending . "I think students are being more serious about money. " Jeanne Hoepfl, junior, is a work-grant student. She receives $100a year for working one hour a week in the admissions office . In addition to paying tuition Hoepfl and her husband are faced with high rent costs . " To cut back," Hoepfl said, "we try not to go out on weekends or go to expensive restaurants ."

LESLIE KRASKA shares her quiche lorraine with Therese Habert (right) while Mary Powers enjoys her roll and tequila punch at the International Club Dinner . (Photo by Karen Labenz)

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' feast


Club sponsors by Pat Conway Cabrini students and faculty recently had the oppportunity to enjoy a full course meal-from scrumptious entrees to mouth-watering des serts , all boasting international ancestry. The dinner, sponsored by the International Club, was open to all students and faculty who needed a change from cafeteria food. With French and Spanish music setting the tone for the evening, the buffet-style meal was set in the mansion and included such delicacies as stuffed croissant , tortilla , quiche, pasta and rice . Though this food sounds delicious , it would have been wise to save room for the pain au chocolat ( a French bread made with chocolate) , pizzelles , flan (a cake consisting of fruit , cheese or cream), and a Spanish cake of the three kings . These were to be only a few of the many homemade treats . And no international dinner would be complete without the sangria brought by Irene Rachat , assistant professor of French and Spanish . According to Helene Henningan , assistant professor of French , students had been encouraged to bring any type of international food, including American food. "Most of the food is homemade except for the croissants and quiche , which were ordered from the L'epi d'Or Bakery in Ardmore," Henning an said . Sophomore Patty Hinke, vice president of the club, was planning to make madelines, a French lemon cookie . She was looking forward to a meal

away from the cafeteria . "The dinner is a relief from cafeteria food and it 's fun to make the food,'' Hinke said. But not all of the the students and faculty were planning to bring a homemade dish . Junior Maria Nickels, president of the club, and sophomore J9an Johnson, secretary, were planning to bring assorted cheeses. Those who were not planning to bring food would be charged $2 for the full course meal. Besides the delicious meal , entertainment was provided by a local Spanish guitarist, Christy Ramis . Ramis , who has performed at other area colleges , planned a French and Spanish sing-along after the dinner. This dinner is the biggest annual event sponsored by the International Club. Scheduled for Tuesday , Feb . 6, Johnson expected 30 to 40 people to attend . She said that the dinner has been ver y successful in the past. This year , however , Tuesday night classes posed a problem for many students. The International Club consists of approximately 17 members . Hinke has belonged to the club since her freshman year and believes that it is a fun way to learn about other cultures . "I'm a French major , but I've learned a lot about Spanish culture and the Spanish majors get a chance to learn about French culture," Hinke said. She said that this year the club got off to a late start, but optimistically added, " Hopefully, next year it will be better ."

'Comradery' draws star

Kids have fun at school

by Ann Belsky

by Lisa DiSantis

With a six-string Spanish guitar, recording star Charlie Gracie rocked and rolled Cabrini students and faculty at a benefit for the Campus Ministry Association's Appalachia Project. Gracie sang and reminisced about the 1950's in the Widener Center Lounge Tuesday, February 8. The melodies were "true to form," Sr . Antonina Avitabile, M.S.C., registrar, said. " They were the way we remember them," she added . Gracie included his audience in a sing-along " Personality," and had students in contortions dancing ''The Twist.'' Winning his listeners over with his charm, fond memories of times past, and his unguarded enthusiasm, this second-time guest at Cabrini ended his medley with a tribute to our Lord. A warm, talented man, Gracie " loves" to be at Cabrini. There's a sense of "camaraderie," according to Gracie. "Everyone seems to be a family here," he said, "and it's great to be surrounded by such down-toearth kids."

CHARLIE GRACIE, rock 'n' roll , rocked the Cabrini campus on Tuesday, Feb. 8. (Photo by Karen LaBenz)

If any of you have seen toddlers around Cabrini's campus, they are not incoming freshmen taking tours . They are students at the Children 's School. The Children 's School is a program for pre-schoolers which began seven years ago for the children of continuing education students and faculty members . But since then the school has expanded into the community from Bryn Mawr to Paoli. There are currently 41 families enrolled in the program. The school is licensed for 30 children per day, ranging in _age from three to five . The program is based on the British Infant Schools philosophy and the understanding that children learn from experimenting with many different educational and creative materials . Many activities are planned for the toddlers at the school, such as working with art materials, cooking to encourage healthful eating habits, and gardening, which makes the child discover the science world. Physical activities are also a major pai:t of the children's school lor the

development of gross motor coordination . Many off-campus field trips are also planned throughout the term . When we asked, Jimmy Kelly and Kevin Walters, both 4½, what they do at school, they replied, "play and have fun ." They both agreed that the y loved their teachers . Because the other children were so involved with their activities , it was difficult to speak to them personally . Much interaction takes place between the Children 's School and the college. Many students majoring in education work at the school. The children also come to the college for physical education and for puppet shows which are given by the stu dents . Miss Susan Kane ('78), director of the program , and teachers Ellen Jackson, Kathy Daly ('80), and Katie McDevitt with the faculty work closely on an advisory board which consists of faculty, parents and teachers. "The Children's School is familyoriented. There is a close-knit feeling with the families of the school and college," said Kane. "It is a unique setting, which many schools do not have ." ,






Hazard tops charts after 12 years by Pam Clark

He was sitting in the locker room of the Widener University Field House, surrounded by the press, road crew and well-wishers. He patiently signed pictures and autographs and answered questions that his many visitors asked. His name is Robert Hazard, the rock musician who has taken the Philadelphia area by storm and is about to become nationally known . Reporter Pam Clatk conduct, an in-depth interview with recording ,tar Robert Ha11ard.

Hazard was still ·wearing the clothes he had performed in - jeans, silver shoes and a t-shirt he had ripped during his performance. He has · dark, curling hair and intense brown eyes . Sitting in a chair , cigarette in one hand , he appeared full of restless energy , even though he had just given an electrifying per formance to a packed field house . Despite the hour (midnight), he was patient and friendly as he talked about his past, his forthcoming album and his views on success. Hazard has been in the music business for 12 years. "My first influence

was country/western and folk music, " he said . "Now, I'd call my music electronic folk." Hazard was pleased with the sales of his EP, which was released this past spring only in the area . It sold 50,000 copies and included the songs "Escalator of Life," "Change Reaction ," "Hang Around With You," '{(}utof the Blue," and a new arrangement of the Bob Dylan classic "Blowin' in the Wind." Many record companies were interested in signing Hazard and his band, the Heroes, to an album deal. "It was a long process," he said . "We finally signed with RCA because they were the most concerned. They had depth to what they were saying and were more involved . They were interested in more than just money. ' ' Hazard stated that some of the songs from the E .P . may be on the new album , along with new arrangments of olders songs, such as "Hard Hearted" and "What the Boys Say ." Following the album's release, Hazard and his band (the name "The Heroes" will be dropped and they will be known simply as "Robert Hazard ") will go on a nationwide tour to promote the new recording . According to Hazard, the tour will begin on the East coast, jump to the west coast , and then go on to the midwest . Hazard believes the turning point of

'Tootsie~ -broadens the definition of men · by M. Anne Torone

At one time, a movie reviewer would simply comment on the merits or demerits of the direction, actors, plot and cinematography. However, the rise of interest in feminist issues precludes discussing "Tootsie" without including a comment on its message . "Tootsie," starring Dustin Hoff. man, is a comedy about a dedicated but unemployed actor who, in desperation, auditions for a woman's role and ends up starring in a soap opera playing the role of a female hospital administrator.

REVIEW Hoffman's portrayal, incidentally , is superb . He successfully captures every nuance of "womanhood " without falling into the familiar trap of an exaggerated caricature (i.e., pl~ying it too "broad" -ly). UabneyColeman (of"9to5"fame ), · in another of his patented chauvinistic roles, is the overbearing TV director of the soap who condescends and patronizes women. He refers to all women as " tootsie ," " honey, " "babe ," occasionally patting them on various parts of their anatomy . The portion of this film that might tend to infuriate feminists is that the , real women in the movie are passive creatures who seethe within. They suffer silently, apparently too intimidated to stand up for their rights . But, the only woman who is assertive

is Dorothy . . . who is a man. Only Hoffman, as Dorothy, has the courage to put the sleazy director in his place . His actions eventually lead the women to be assertive also. Things become really confusing when Hoffman , while posing as Dorothy , falls in love with Julie (played by Jessica Lange) , whose father (played by Charles Durning) falls in love with her/him. This reviewer thoroughly enjoyed the comedy and was surprised to find, when discussing it -with others, that they took offense to a man leading women. However , the message of this movie was not to show that a man could be a better woman than a woman, but rather to give men a different per spective and, hopefully , to help them understand a woman 's viewpomt. Hoffman, while portray ing a woman, in effect, becomes more sensitive to Julie's needs . As a result of his double identity, he becomes a human being . .. much more than a mere man . A great deal of press has been given to Hoffman. He is a sure winner for best actor in the academy awards sweepstakes. "Tootsie" has already won awards from the New York Film Critics Circle, which also named ,Jessica Lange as best supporting ac tress and Larry Gilbart and Murray Schisgal as · best screen writers . Sidney Pollack, who does a magnificent job in the film as Hoffman 's beleaguered agent, was selected best director . An enjoyable film, it will surely be considered a classic. If you're a feminist, just bring along your sense of humor .

his career came after the magazine Rolling Stone did an article on him and the band , Rolling Stone was actually in Philly to see the Rolling Stones on tour last

WITH GREAT INTENSiTY, Robert Hazard peers into the eyes of his many Philadelphia adm irers . (Photo by Karen McKelvie )

September," he related . " They stopped in a bar that we were playing in and ended up doing an article on us ." Hazard also believes that his concert at Veterans' Stadium this past summer following a Phillies game was another high point in his career. He sang the National Anthem at the beginning of the game.

" It was the scariest thing I ever did in my life," he said, "but I turned my fear into emotion and sang it slowly. That helped ." Thirty-five thousand people stayed after the game to watch the concert. "People were going crazy, I really liked it," Hazard said. ''They put a spotlight on me as I walked out to center field," he reminisced. "That must have been the most exciting thing in my life . They/ put on a show with a giant hot-air balloon and fireworks. It was great." Hazard is not impressed with other entertainers who try to prove that they are something they are not . He is interested in relating to his audience and in entertaining, and openly scorns so-·called "stars" who try to be obnoxious to or oblivious to their fans . " Other people may not have thought that the balloon and fireworks were cool," he said, "but I don 't care what other people think any more . I'm not trying to be cool and impress people . I like to entertain and maybe make people smile. Nobody relates to their audience any more, and that 's what it 's all about. " Sometimes I'm not in a good mood and I'm not having fun, but I tr y to smile and have fun," he continued . The weary Hazard stood up then , indicating the interview was over . He patiently signed a few more autographs and greeted a few more people . And that is what impressed this reporter the most about him . He was friendly and courteous to us and talked as if he trusted us. And that , in itself , is adm irab le.

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'Stars' ki!=koff spting season •1n the USFL by Paul Breslin

For the first time in the history of professional football, there is going to be a new spring league for fans to watch and enjoy ; · . . . ' . The USFL, which stands for the United States Football League, will be opening up ·its se·ason on Sunday, March 6, and the season will be played through unti1 Sunday, iuly 3. There are .going to be t~elve teams in the league, · and these teams are: The Arizona Wranglers, the Birmingham Stallions, the Boston Breakers ·, the Chi_cago'Blitz, the Denver Gold, the ·Tampa Bay Bandits, 'the Oakland Invaders, the Michigan Panthers, the Los Angeles Express, the New Jersey Generals, the Philadelphia Stars, and the Washington Federals . Of course, the Philadelphia Stars will be the home team that all of us football fans will be rooting for this spring season . On opening day of the season, the Philadelphia Stars will be taking on the Denver Gold, at Denver, and this game, as most of the games, will be televised on ESPN and USA cable television stations. ,







Also on March 6, the Boston Breakers Will be playing at Tampa Bay, the New Jersey Generals will be at Los Angeles, the Oakland Invaders will play at :Arizona, and the Washington Federals will play home against the Chicago Blitz. On Monday, March 7, which will be the second day of the opening day weekend, the Michigan Panthers will play at Birmingham. The first home game played by the Stars will be on Sunday, March 13. This game .will be against the New Jersey Generals, and it, as all of the other home games, will be played at Veterans' Stadium. The city leased the stadium to the Stars, and now the National Football League, which also plays at Veterans' Stadium during the winter season, is trying to fight the lease. The NFL feels that it is too much competition for them if the USFL plays their games on the same turf as they do. The training camp of the Philadelphia Stars is going to be as tightly structured as that of the Philadelphia Eagles, which it was run by head coach Dick Vermeil. They are going to start off their practices with two sessions a day, and as far as the Stars' coach, Jim Mora, is concerned, "Practice will be twice

a _m~jor asset .

to ClliJhe- ~avatier sports the program has improved so much, so must the level of the recruit . "No To everyone who is presently enjoy- ' the players we talk to have various · ing the .success · of Cabrini College schools to choose from, so this makes athletics, fhere's ·a bit of unknown recruiting a great deal more difhard work that goes into it all. ficult ," said Dzik. Dzik is not the only recruiter for the No, 1'.m not talking about the 10to 12 men 's basketball team. Joe Kelly, an hours a week for practice, or the assistant coach, also recruits for the developing . of game _plans, not even Cavaliers. "I enjoy the recruiting the loud yelling to players and referaspect of coaching more than most ees . What I'm talking about may be coaches," Kelly said. "I feel as coach the most important part of coaching . Cabrini, one of my major responsiIt's recruiting, this single branch of bilities is recruiting. coaching may be the reason for the However, Kelly feels that as the success of every college program in program progresses and the visibility America, and Cabrini is relishing in of the team increases in the Philadelthat success this year. phia area, recruiting will become a little easier. John Dzik, the .Head coach of the men 's basketball team here at It's a different story for Mike Cabrini, feels that recruiting is a Tenaglia, coach of the Cabrini's Womcombination of things. So many things en basketball team . Who says bethat he believes it makes up more cause of financial reasons and a dethan -40% to 60% of coaching . manding family life, _be can only ''Coaches who do less than 40% respend 10% of his coaching agenda cruiting are usually not successful recruiting . This means he must be coaches," said Dzik. very personal to his college prospects . "Because we are not a high-powered Dzik feels that you must first identiprogram, we are usually overfy the needs of your program, because powered by the bigger schools, so we you don 't want to go after players you must make personal contact with our don't need. Then you want to make recruits," Tenaglia said. personal contact with a possible recruit, letting him know you're inWhen you do a good job recruiting, terested in his college future. Then an one may be so lucky to stumble on a evaluation is done of the athletes' athlete so good that can change the ability to function on a college level direction of a program. Mike both athletically and academically. Tenaglia feels that Debbie Harvey is The last and most important step, is the likes of that athlete. "I was very to sell Cabrini to your possible refortunate to recruit Debbie, her cruit. caliber of athlete has definitel y lifted our program ," Tenaglia said. Dzik was not hesitant to say that in the past three years, the recruiting Yes , it is college recruiting that is responsible for the rapid growth and has been excellent and that this had success of Cabrini College athletics . lead to the team 's success. But since by John Mc~ueen


a day, until our progress reaches the point where we can reduce to one practice a day." The Stars will have four weeks of practfce before · their first game against the Denver Gold on March 6. These four weeks will be a "survival of the fittest" test for the players of the Stars . Although the Stars don't have as much overall talent as Dick Vermeil's Eagles did when he first came to Philadelphia, the players of the Stars will have the same overall outlook after their camp, as Vermeil 's players did coming out of Paris lsland's camp . They will be glad to just be alive. According to the Stars ' General Manager, Carl Peterson, there won't be as many superstars on the team , but some players who've been though it before in the NFL know it's their last chance. For newer players, veteran who appears locked up won't be as because everybody basically new.

beating out the to have the job much pressure, is considered

A lot of the players from the USFL are victim-of-circumstance players from the NFL. They just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time . There will be 100 players on hand fpr the Stars ' drills, which start on Tuesday , February 1. The Stars have drafted such NFL veterans as running back Lydell Mitchell and tackle

-. 102 E.


Brad Oates, who has done time with six NFL teams. They will also be picking up firsttimer Bart Oates, who is Brad's brother., and the Stars' number-two draft choice and defensive back Antonio Gibson, who Peterson says would have been among the top forty players in the NFL's April draft . The roster of the Stars is era .mined with players from Penn State and Temple, two o{ 'the schools to whic_h the Stars have territorial rights . Along with some from .North Carolina, Delaware, and Lehigh. From Temple, the players who have the best shot at making the Stars ' team are: Rick Garza, a superstrong guard whose technique and height (6 ft.) disqualified him ' from making the NFL (consideration) ; wide receiver, Gerald "Sweetfeet" Lucear, who looked good for quite some while at the training camp of the Minnesota Vikings last season; defensive tackle Guy Peters, whose bulk was not up to NFL standards; and Brian Broomell, who spent time in the Canadian Football League as quarterback, but may find a job as defensive back because of his overall athletic ability. Penrr State has even more potential members, who include: quarterback Chuck Fusina; defensive end Frank Chase , an underachiever at Penn State who is regarded to have defensive professional ability; and line- ' backer Ed Pryts, who is considered a stereotypic Nittany Lions (Penn State) linebacker.


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Jersey retired to trophy case '! by Susan Baj The famous number 20, worn by John Keating, a former member of the Cabrini College men's basketball team , is scheduled to officially retired.

Keating was captain of the men's basketball team. He was nominated for Academic All-American, and chosen as the Phila. Area Small College Player of the Week.

At the present time, he is the alltime leading scorer and rebounder in Cabrini College history, for a fouryear men's basketball team player. According to John Dzik, athletic

Keating, a 1982graduate of Cabrini, will be honored at a half-time ceremony, Feb. 21, when the Cabrini College men's basketball team will meet Spring Garden College. The entire night is appropriately to be entitled "John Keating Night." The game is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m . No admission will be charged . At the half-time ceremony, Keating will officially see his jersey number 20 retired and the jersey itself hung in the trophy case, along with his picture and a list of his accomplishments.

"Keating exemplifies everything a good Cabrini athlete should stand for: good athletic standing, good academic.ability, along with leadership qualities."


As part of the retirement ceremony, there is also scheduled to be a banner dedicated to Keating which will be hung in the gy~nasium. Keating is a man of many accomplishments. He is one of five 1,000 point scorers in Cabrini College men's basketball history . The other four 1,000 point scorers include Tom _ Nearney, Ray Young, Dan Welde, and Dodie Watkins.

ALUMNUS JOHN KEATING will return to retire his unifo rm on Feb. 21, 1983. (Photo by Tom DeMatteis)

Skiing spells thrills for all by Danny Ross " Skiing is one of the only sports that can scare the hell out of you and at the same time cause you to love it ," says Skiing magazine . I can certainly agree with that because the first time I went I vowed I would kill myself for sure and or be back again next week end for more. Skiing certainly does seem to have taken a hold on this country and on this campus. Many such as Matt Garrison and Mark Pietsch said they enjoyed skiing because it was both challenging and fun . "And best of all it doesn't hurt when you fall ," said Garrison .

Others like Bob Crook said they liked it because it was a good thing to do with friends . It seemed to be the type of thing everyone could do together and have a good time while doing it. Basic equipment for tQe sport is skis, poles , boots and a good warm pair of gloves . Equipment need not be purchased because all slopes around here have an adequate supply of rental gear . The rental costs anywhere from eight to eleven dollars depending where you go. Some of the places to go skiing nearby are Spring Mtn., Jack Frost, Big Boulder, Camel Back and Ski Mt. Basically a day of skiing including lift ticket rentals and a meal will run you about $25. Most times there are people there to help advise you as to what size skis to rent depending on your level of proficiency. There are also packages available to the beginner where he or she pays two or three dollars more and in turn recieves an hour of group instruction with one of the slope pro's

director, and coach of Cabrini College men's basketball team, Keating scored 1,169 points and accomplished 627 rebounds. ¡ This is the first time a Cabrini athlete has had his/her playing team number officially retired.

The best thing to do when trying out a sport like skiing is to make sure you like the sport before you go to the expense of buying equipment. It would be dumb to go out and spend money on expensive equipment if you don 't plan on going enough to make use of it. It seemed like renting equipment was by far more popular among beginners and intermediate people. These people are people that go skiing maybe four or five times a season. They said it was much less of a hassle to rent skis for the few times a year they got out t_o the slopes.

There were a few interesting first time embarrassment stories . For example Matt Garrison said the first times he went skiing he didn 't let go of the tow rope till he got to the top of the slope. Then he had to come down and of course he had not yet learned how to turn or stop. So he let one of the guard rails help him stop. Mark Pietsch also had an interesting first time story. He went with a few friends and when he got tQ the top of the beginner slope his friends told him to, "go ahead. " Go ahead he did right into a beginners class. "I mowed down about four beginners and the instructor," Piesch said. "I can still remember my friends laughing at me," he added. Skiing is a fairly safe sport if you use some common sense. If you don't have friends willing to spend some time teaching you then don't be afraid to take the beginner lesson. Maybe then you will know how to stop before its too late.

Dzik, said, " Keating exemplifies everything a Cabrini athlete should stand for ; good athletic ability , good academic ability, along with leadership qualities ." . Having his number retired , Keating will obviously give other athletes a goal to aim for . The entire event in itself is hoped to, according to Dzik, "help build athletic tradition at the school." It is hopeful that other Cabrini athletes will earn the same honor that Keating did. Dzik said, "people like John Keating don't come along very often ; he was something special. "

Cabrini baseball strikes out in '83, but it's future still undecided by Chris Corcoran

Cabrini will definitely not have a baseball team this spring , however; this does not rule out the possibility of one in the near future. Athletic director John Dzik stated that "if it were up to me Cabrini would definitely have a baseball team . I approached the adminis tration one year in advance in order to get a team for the spring season of '83." There appears to be enough interest being voiced to Dzik about the possibilities of a baseball team . The main reason why Cabrini isn 't gelting a team is because the administration feels it is not the right time for a baseall team and there would not be enough support. Beginning in September , Cabrini entered a new conference called the LEastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (EPAC) and in the spring of '83 all the other schools in the conference will have baseball teams. Dzik said, "I have 8 games all set up for a baseball team and would have no trouble schedualing 20." Dzik has set up with Radnor townShipa deal to use Odiriso Field to play all Cavalier home games and has a practice field set up in Bryn Mawr. He also has two ex-coaches who are both very interested in coaching a team at Cabrini. Dzik says that 'the students are as much to blame as anyone because they have not yet spoken out on the matter." He also added "if the students have a definite interest they should take their appeal to the administration and see what they could do to help defray the initial cost."

Dzik stated " the money is the re the problem seems to be with the worry that there is not enough suppor t for a baseball program ." Dzik also feels " that baseball is the perfect men 's spring sport and the one most compa table for Cabrini and until Cabrini gets that sport it can never hope to become an NCAA team. The two ex-coaches that Dzik has picked out both had much experience in baseball . Andy Olcese played semi pro baseball under Dzik and Henry Varlac is an ex-Phillie commentator , he was also a scout with the Baltimore Orioles .


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