XXIX,NO.12 -
Too many students, too few beds by D. B. Field
After numerous delays, meetings, proposals and problems, the plans for fall housing have been announced. According to the Dean of Students Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, MSC, the Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center will not become a dorm, and according to Director of Resident Life Gus Nicoletti the college does not intend to force any upperclassmen to seek off campus housing. Nicoletti said, "We will try to ac-
commodate all students who live at Cabrini at present and wish to remain on campus." At the residency meeting of April 13 a student asked Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president of Cabrini College, would they change doubles to triples over the summer? Currie responded, ''It is not our intention to do so.'' When the-Loquitur asked Nicoletti the same question on May 3 he responded, ''It is a possibility for students who live in • Woodcrest and Counsel Hall."
" ,._
SR. EILEEN CURRIE, MSC, president of Cabrini College, had announced at a student body meeting that the changing of Rudy Rooymans Counseling Center to a dorm may be an option to eleviate some of the spacing problems for housing next year. This week it has been announced that that alternative is no longer an option and Rudy Rooymans will remain a counseling center according to the dean of students office . (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
Perhaps the students who will be most affected by the lace of housing will be the incoming f~shmen. "176 new students were enrolled at Cabrini as of May 3, 1983," explained Frank Willard, director of admissions. "We do. not have housing for 40 incoming freshmen and transfers. They will have the option to investigate Harcum .'' Willard was referring to the offcampus housing offered at Harcum at Radnor. The option to live at Harcum was offered to the present Cabrini students at the residency meeting given by Currie on April 13. Despite this meeting and the $400 per semester rebate offered to students on May 2 to live at Harcum, only three students applied as of May 4." · Nicoletti added that "If not enough studentys sign up for Harcum by May 6, I can 't predict what we will do about the situation. " As for the freshmen , Nicoletti said , ''The first and second floors of . Woodcrest will be all triples . The capacity will be 144. We are only tripling a few rooms on the third floor , because we personally feel it would be safer. Also to make Woodcrest more comfortable , the second and third floor quads will be converted into study lounges. "I grant that for the incoming freshmen, the situation is not ideal, but I think that with the right support
programs it could work well." Students who at present live in Woodcrest have been asked to use the general lotteries and find housing elsewhere on campus. "The women who can't find housing in the Mansion or one of the houses, Nicoletti explained, will be placed on a waiting list and will live in Woodcrest. If during the summer a space opens up, I will notify the the first set of roommates on the list that they are being moved to that space. They will not have a choice in the decision. However, if a space opens up during a semester the roommates would have the choice to move or stay in Woodcrest. '' A common question around campus has been, "Why were so many incoming freshmen accepted? " According to Willard, " In the begin ning of the year the adminstration looked to admissions to bring in as many students as we could. We were all hoping for the biggest freshmen class ever ." Willard went on to explain that '' Admissions sends a weekly report on the progress of applications and enrollment. We projected in December that we would indeed have our largest freshmen class. The situation became critical last month." In response Nicoletti cited the trend
more Housing page 5
Currie, Baltas complete first year •1n office by Barbara Bruhin
Cabrini College President, Sister Eileen Currie and Dean of Students, Sister Christine Baltas, complete their first year in office this semester. Currie was not available for an interview this week, but wrote answers to a list of questions. Currie stated to Loquitur last semester that she hoped to maintain growth at Cabrini by developing academic and student programrning. She wrote on this topic recently, "I hope I've helped by supporting and encouraging faculty and staff to look to whatever steps should be taken next in the different areas of student life and academic programs.' \ In the area of academics, Joseph Romano, academic dean, stated,
"The biggest impact that Sister Eileen has made has been her interest in the curriculum, giving us support in establishing the curriculum committee and working to evaluate the academic programs." · "The fact that Sister Eileen was here as a lay student is significant," Romano continued. "She can bring the student's point of view to the college. I think she knows what the eollege needs to develop.'' Both Currie and Baltas received degrees from Cabrini in 1966. Baltas is quoted in previous Loquitur issues as hoping to promote teamwork in the departments under her jurisdiction. These departments include resident life, student activities, campus ministry and the
counseling center. Baltas recently stated, "What I mean by teamwork is a closer working together of anyone in student services. We want more communication, more dialogue." Baltas has initiated an entire staff meeting for all people working in student services. The meetings are held twice a semester. Baltas hopes that communication will aid in a faster more holistic approach to student services. Currie entered the office of pre&_ident at a time when Cabrini's growth was at an all-time high. A year later, and Cabrini's growth still on the rise, Currie wrote, "I tried to help mostly by not getting in the way. I'm working with various groups on and off campus to provide for the impact of growth.''
The strict alcohol policy initiated by Currie last year while acting as Dean of Students has been upheld by Baltas. Baltas sees such a policy as difficult to enforce. "Even though the policy exists, I know that illegal drinking does go on." Baltas concluded that students who came to her requesting permission to serve alcohol at school functions were understanding. "They didn't like the fact that I was saying that they couldn't have alcohol, yet -they accepted it very graciously.'' When asked about the problems in residency this year, Baltas stated that the problems stemmed from personaltiy differences, roommate problems and lack of previous enforcement of
more First Year page 6
INSIDE Insert The freshmen honors class has put together a special pull-out section in Loquitur discussing the national issue of nuclear armament and nuclear war. (See pages 1B-4B)
Mark Duchesne Inside this issue, Loquitur recognizes the late Mark Christopher Duchesne, a freshman resident student who recently passed away. Mark is shown here running for Cabini's cross country team. (Story page 7)
Sports Loquitur looks back at a year in sports in the Cabrini Community. In this issue, the sports pages reflect on the one Cabrini has and has not accomplished in their sports program. Each individual sport is noted. (See pages 14-15)
Problems with housing: we have questions "Will I be in a triple or a double? Will I live off campus? Will I be living in the Counseling Center? When was the lottery anyway?' These are some questions we have heard asked very much over the last few weeks by many students. Unfortunately, it sems the answers are less clear. What is clear inour report in this issue is the following: 1. Rudy Rooyman's Counseling Center will not be a dormitory . 2. The off campus housing option has been offered and, thus far, not enthusiastically accepted by the student body, despite the recent $400.00per semester discount. The Cabrini meal plan is still included in the lower price. 3. Admissions says that 42. students are enrolled at Cabrini expecting residence but no spa,ce is available for them. The off campus residence is said to be their only option at present unless other spaces open on campus, which is not likely. These facts bring to the students' mind many other questions that have yet to be answered clearly . The questions stemming from the above information are indeed numerous and frustrating, expecially for the student. We must disagree with the Dean of Students who stated that "The reaction from the students (at the recent student body meeting held by the President to "dispel rumors on residency") indicates that their questions have been answered." Indeed, some questions have not been answered. Here are a few: 1. Will anyone who presently lives at Cabrini be forced to live elsewhere in light of the poor reaction to off campus housing? Answer: "We will try to accommodate everyone ." That says nothing and the question still stands . , 2. Will rooms that are presently designated as doubles, triples,etc. be changed before the sudents return in September? Answer: "It is
not our intentions to do so." or "It is a possiblity in Counsel and Woodcrest." Again, we are not satisfied with the ambiguous response. 3. Why was this entire matter let go until the end of the year? This indeed, is a loaded question. Is it admissions' fault? We don't think so, not with recorded projections that admissions claims to have been giving out as early as December 15. It also seems clear that admissions was given the green light to enroll a large class for next year. They certainly did a good job. 4. Where does the Office of Resident Life and the Dean of Students Office fall into all this? Again, this question spins off other questions . What was the contingency plan knowing through admissions ' projections that this would occur? Or didn 't administrators believe the admissions statistics? Is it the job of the Resident Life office and Dean of Students to find resident alternatives? If so, is Harcum at Radnor an adequate alternative? Are these offices responsible for coming up with plans to resolve these problems? · Indeed, there are many questions that still remain unanswered . The biggest one is, how will all this affect the incoming freshmen and the students who live at Cabrini at present and plan to do so next year? No doubt, there are many questions. We at Loquitur have always maintained that questions are healthy, but solutions that are arrived at only when a situation reaches a crisis are alrady too late. What is necessary is greater cooperation with the students and with the different offices on campus , to communicate, much earlier than was done in this case. We now have a problem, confusion , and many unanswered questions. We hope that such dilemmas will not occur in the future. Somebody has to begin planning things a lot better, because it's the students that lose in the end.
Defense is something
by Pam Clark In the past, Loquitur has taken a stand opposing the nuclear arms race. But now, considering the topic of this issue's special section, I would · like to express my opinion as an individual. I feel the nuclear arms race should continue, or the government should make some changes in our conventional armed forces. People who cry about the dangers and about the risks should look more closely at the facts instead of being blinded by fear and letting overactive imaginations run away with them. First, I'd like to state the facts as I see them . We are involved in an arms race with the Soviet Union - everyone knows that. What some don't realize is the Soviets outnumber us in conventional forces by incredible numbers. If we faced the Russians in a ground war, not only would we
LETTERS More help Dear Editor : In response to the statement that ''Our counseling center is the envy of other local colleges," I would like to state that although I am a member of the class of 1983,I graduated this past December and can give first-hand knowledge of Cabrini's Counseling Center. Specifically, I want to speak of career counseling. I have been searching for a job since before I graduated in December . I have also spent some intense minutes with Donna Seckar . Although I did gain some help in resume writing and a list of possible conl:panies to write to for jobs, I feel that, compared to other
to belieVe 1n close to their targets . Believe me , there's nothing I would rather see than a global freeze of nuclear arms - IF all sides involved would participate faithfully . Even if there never is a freeze, perhaps we should concentrate anyway on building up our military's conventional forces. I'm not talking about a draft, but rather a re-evaluation of our training procedures and the management of our conventional troops. Making what we have top-notch could better our chances if we are ever faced with a non-nuclear confrontation . It's hard to put down on paper my thoughts on an issue I feel so strongly about. But I want to stress how important I think the defense of this country is. Be it conventional, nuclear, or with water pistols, defense is something I believe is a major issue that affects all of us .
lose, but we'd suffer a terrible number of casual ties. The nuclear race helps maintain the balance of power between the U.S. and the Soviets , and that is important for our security. Secondly, people get uptight and worry about accidents with nuclear weapons . They say , "What if someone accidentally pushes the but ton?" or "What if terrorists get hold of atomic weapons?" Ttrese people should understand that it takes more to lauch a nuclear weapon than simply pushing a button. Launching a weapon is a complicated procedure, requiring many different people doing many different things. So, what if a weapon was launched by some mistake? Within seconds, our government would notify the Soviets, who would be able to blow the missiles out of the air before they even came
colleges, the help was inadequate. Although Donna Seckar helps as much as she is capable of doing, I feel there are very many shortcomings in our career counseling service . I really feel that there has . been no concrete help in trying to get interviews or placements for me. Friends that I know that attend other colleges have had several interviews set up for them, and they have come away with job offers. I feel like my years at <;abrini have been valuable and I hope this is proven when I do get a job. ~ I sincerely hope that in the future there will be a definite improvement in this area. Sincerely, Fran Congileo Graduate Chemistry Major
\lemkr of the ~ssociated loll,giate Prrss Published bi-weekly during the school year by the students o"f Cabrini College , Radnor , Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription p rice is included ,n benel its secured by tuition and student I.e .
Editor-in-Chief Brian P. Jensen
Features Editor
Assistant Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Patty McDermott
News Editor Tom DeMattela
Assistant News Editor
Pam Clark
Photography Editor
Gallery Editor
Mark Magner
Ann Bt!laky
Assistant Gallery Editor Rita McKelvey
SGA-Logue Co-Editors
Perspectives Editor
Francine M. Kuterbach
Assistant Perspectives Editor Tom Shultz
Usa DISantis
Barbara Bruhln
Robin Larkins Sandra McNamara
Assistant Sports Editor
D. B. Field
Sports Co-editors Rita Callcat Danny Rosa
Graphics Co-Editors Elizabeth Kanaraa Sandy Momyer
Business Manager Lou Klock Adviser Jerome Zurek
What do you think of the possibilities of° off-campus housing for Cabrini students? (Photos by Karen Labenz)
Evetta Borden, senior, "It makes sense. It gives upperclassmen more responsibiliites and a sense of the real world. Off-campus housing would be cheaper for student teachers who spend the day away from their rooms." ·
Matt Garrison, sophomore, " I think the administration should let us know what to do. This is a last-minute ordeal. I can't see why the school didn't have the foresight to see the problem. ''
Elena Bleisteip, junior, "I think Cabrini should supply housing instead of students going off campus. We pay a lot of money, and we deserve to have easy access to what the campus has to offer."
It's been a learning experience "This is it!"- Those were the words that I used to open the Viewpoint article in the October 1, 1982 issue of Loquitur. That was our staff's first publication of the Cabrini College newspaper for the 1982-83 academic year . This is our last. In this final Viewpoint, one that I've been looking forward to writing for quite some time, I want to express a great deal of gratitude to many people Firstly, the staff of Loquitur this year has ben nothing less than top notch. The extra work of many of those on the staff who have done much more than what our jounalism course requires shows the personal dedication needed to make Loquitur a first class publication. Respectively , I'd like to note all those who exemplified that extra dedication throughout the year: I'd like to thank the asistant editor, Patty McDermott, for being there when I wasn't and for making me aware of different points of view. To Tom DeMatteis, Loquitur's news editor, I owe a very special thanks. Not just for his contributions to consistently publishfng an excellent news section, and not just for his extra work in business sales and in picking up the tab when I needed help -Tom's role as a friend who was with me through thick and thin was the only thing that outweighed his excellence as a working colleague. He's the finest companion that I ever had the privilege to work with, side by side . To Sandy McNamara, the opinions editor, I must thank her for a job well done. The opinion pages were certainly the focus of much attention . Thanks for putting all that information in the right spots . Next I must give a very special thank you to Loquitur veteran aces Pam Clark and Ann Belsky. By far , these editors of the Features and Gallery pages respectively were major assets to the high quality and diversity of Loquitur . Both editors also tackled important stories that greatly enhanced the quality of the paper. Pam and_ Ann are indeed excellent editors and fine co-workers. Thanks for all you've done. The sports pages were covered by Rita Calicat and Danny Ross this year . Their contributions to Loquitur are also well noted. A new addition to the staff, graphic editors in the form of Sandy Momyer and Liz Kanaras, also proved to be most helpful this year. I must give a very special thanks to Sandy for all the extra input she has contributed to our paper. Loquitur 's dean look and diverse layout is largely due to Sandy's innovative contributions. She has proven to be a major asset to the staff. And finally on the list of editor positions is Mark
M. Magner, photography editor. The high quality pictures that have appeared in Loquitur all year have certainly been worth the wait. Thank you Mark, for bringing Cabrini to us through the excellent photography done by you and you staff. I must also praise the rest of the Loquitur staff, both individual reporters and those who took on the extra burden of assistant editor positions. The following students have been on the Loquitur staff in the 1982-83academic year: Assistants, Robin Larkins, news; Tom Schultz, opinions; Barbara Bruhin, features; Rita McKelvey, gallery; Lisa DiSantis, sports. Dave Field and Francine Kuterbach handled the SGA pages. Lou Klock was the business manager. The reporters were Susan Baj, Paul Breslin, Jeanne Hoepfl, John McQueen, Lori Lyn Smith, Anne Torone, Robin Williams, Chris Corcoran, Sheila Fanelle, Pat Conway, Karen Rinaldi and Debbie Peacock. The photography staff consisted of John Doyle, Erick Gavalis, Debbie Jablonski, Karen Labenz, Jose Rojas, and Nina Sommaripa . Of course, I cannot forget the one person who has taught me the most about what being a journalist is all about. Dr . Jerome Zurek, Loquitur adviser and journalist instructor, has helped greatly in making Loquitur a publication to be proud of. He has also taught me a great deal not just in the field of journalism, but about working with people, being objective, insightful, and sometimes critical. Through his own criticism and honesty of me as editor, I've learned a great deal more than I bargained for in journalism class. Well, I think I've covered saying thanks to everyone . I'd just like to add one more note of gratitude to the readers of Loquitur. No doubt, it has -been quite a year for our publication , one that some readers might want to forget. But whether what you've read has thrilled you or not , it is noted here tjlat it was all done in good favor , the revealing articles not seeking anything more or less than hopeful improvement in the future. I thank the readers for making our publication worthwhile by considering what you have read and saying something about it, positive or negative . That's when we've felt most successful because we knew you were reading Loquitur, and it meant something . For me personally, this whoJe thing has ·eeen quite a learning experience, one that I will not soon forget. But my tenure as editor is up and it's time to hand the steering wheel over to next years staff. I bid them the best of luck. And for now, '.'This is it!"
Congratulations to the newly selected 1983-84 editors of Loquitur. Barbara Bruhln, Editor-in-Chief D. B. Field News Editor
Cathy Kalbach, junior, "I would be interested if it wasn 't for the transportation. I would find it hard to go back and forth to college . The campus is what people find attractive _at Cabrini . I-think the best type of offcampus housing is having your apartment.' '
Lisa DiSantis Sports Editor
Tom Schultz Opinions Editor
Robin Larkins Features Editor
John Doyle Photography Editor
Ann Belskey and Pam Clark Gallery Editors
w s ~N~e=--\N_s~~B~r_i~e~f~s~ Gradspeakerannounced 4
Tuition increase announced President Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, announced that the Cabrini College aoard of Trustees has approved next year's operating budget. Tuition will rise 7.3 percent ($2,065 per semester) and room and board will increase 12 percent ($1,485 per semester). ..._ . ~ There will be no increases in the feesjn the SR. EILEEN CURRIE day school' next year. Fees in continuing education will be as follows : $125 per credit for day courses. $95 per credit for evening courses and $130per credit for graduate courses.
Loquitur first cl~ss again Loquitur has won its fourth consecutive first-class award from the Associated Collegiate Press, the national rating service for college newspapers, for the 1982 fall semester. The paper was awarded two marks of distinction, one for Coverage and Content and one for. Opinion Content.
Cabrini Library starts 'lost books' policy A new "lost books " policy has been implemented by the Library. Effective immediately, the policy insures the replacement of lost books more quickly, to speed their availability to others, and takes into account the rising replacement costs of books and other library materials . Here are the new guidelines for establishing the replacement cost for a lost library book, as recommended by the Library Committee : 1. If the book is "in print," the cost is the publisher 's price plus a $5.00 processing fee. 2. If the book is not listed in Books In Print , the replacement costs will be $20.00 for hardcover books and $10.00 for paperback books, plus a $5.00processing fee . Please notify the library immediately if you think that a book charged out to you may JUDITH OLSEN be lost or misplaced, and any overdue fines on that book will stop on that day. If the book is, indeed, lost, a member of the library staff will determine the replacement costs. If the book is then recovered within one month, the replacement costs will be refunded. After one month, the book will be reordered and no replacement mone)' will be refunded. For further details, check with Judith Olsen, the Readers ' Services Librarian.
Math department
changes its G.E.R's
According to Assistant Mathematics Professor Carol Serotta, Cabrini College's Math Department will be eliminating the general education courses Topics in Math 1 and 2, Algebra, Trigonometry and Math Analysis. They will be replaced with the course College Mathematics. .:;; "We're trying to create a more uniform course for the non-math major," Serotta explained. "This course will be much more rigorous and sophisticated than the present G.E.R.'s." Five courses of College Mathematics • are planned for September. The first three will be the standard courses, which C~ROL SE ROTT A will cover algebra, trigonometry and math analysis. The fourth will be aimed toward the science major with an emphasis on trigonometry. The final section will deal with students who are having trouble in math. (Students will need the permission of Robert McGee, mathematics department chairperson, to enter one of the special sections .)
William Fontana, Brian Jensen, Jamie Miller, Jeanne Proko, Cynthia Schulmeyer and Robin Larkins were recently named as recipients of the Sixth Annual Cabrini College Service and Leadership Award for their outstanding contributions of a nonacademic nature to the college community ... Phi Alpha Theta, International History Society, recently accepted Pam Clarke, junior, Janice Fox, and Laura Kraemer, sophomores and Gail Cogans, continuing education, into the honors club ... The cast of "Blithe Spirit" is scheduled to give performance on May 21 at 8 p.m . in the Little Theater to benefit the Cabrini Chorus trip to Spain this summer ... Michael Gimpel, Michael Fenza and Mary Powers have been selected as Wigwam managers for the 1983-84 school year ... Set aside the weekend of December 1, 2 and 3, 1983 for the First Annual Helping Hand Marathon.
• AV,
by · Pat McDermott
Ginny Thornburgh, wife of Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh, is scheduled to speak at the Cabrini College Class of 1983commencement exercises on Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m. ''The board of trustees suggested Mrs. Thornburgh to Sr. Eileen Currie, who passed it on to the senior class officers, " said Carol Hasson, president of the senior class . ·'Dick Vermeil was our first choice, but the board felt that with Vermeil 's resignation as coach of the Philadelphia Eagles , it might not be such a good idea. " It seems that the board wanted Mrs . Thornburgh to speak at last year 's graduation also , so the issue wasn 't pressed . "Mrs. Thornburgh was chosen because of her involvement in special education, " said Jan
Buzbee, director of public relations . Besides holding the important position of a gov-ernor's wife and mother to John, 25, David, 24, Peter, 23, and Bill, 16, Mrs . Thornburgh is a member of the President 's Commit tee on Mental Retardation and a member of the Board of Trustees, AFS lnternational / lntercultm:al Programs, Inc. Mrs. Thornburgh graduated from Wheaton College with a major in philosophy and religion and Harvard University Graduate School of Education , with a master 's degree in educa·tion . Mrs. Thornburgh 's past community activities include being a volunteer at the Juvenile Court Detention Home in Pittsburgh, a consultant for the Task Force on Youth Problems of Allegheny County , and an advisor for the Inner-
City Youth Group in Pittsburgh . Such recent awards for her service to handicapped and disabled citizens include the Grass Roots Advocacy Award, Pennsylvania Chapter of The National Society for Autistic Children (1981), The Leadership Award from the American Association on Mental Deficiency (1982) and the Joseph F. Mulbach, Jr . Award from the Vocational Rehabilitation Center of Allegheny County (1983). Mrs . Thornburgh has re ceived honorary degrees from such colleges as Elizabethtown College , Mansfield State College, Wheaton College, Wilson College and will receive an honorary degree from Cabrini College on May 15. The title of Mrs. Thornburgh 's speech is , " Be Careful , Don't Let Anything Happen To You.··
Finding a iob is hard work I by Ann Belsky If you're a college senior with no job to
go to after graduation , you can join the ranks of countless other 1983 graduates who will be pounding the streets toning their inverview skills and perfecting their resumes. "It's very, very hard to find a job," 1982 Cabrini graduate Theresa Collins said. " Nobody tells you it 's going to be that hard." It wasn't until six months after graduation that Collins finally found a job by paging through newspapers, sending out resumes and talking to people. The oniy solutiorf seems to be to start looking early in the senior year. According to recent statistics in "Recruiting Trends,'' only 80 percent of the 1.3 million seniors graduating from colleges and universities will find suitable jobs t~is June. According to a recent article in the Christian Science Monitor, ''this is the toughest year since World War II for college graduates," John Sh.ingleton, director of placement at Michigan State University, said. Linda Pengilly, information assistant at the College Placement Council, added that the economy is at fault. Because of uncertainty over the strength or weakness of the economy, corporations are reluctant to name those who they will hire. Donna Seckar, career counseling director, suggests seniors should start looking for summer employment early in the school year. She explained that the career center does carry some job referrals, but the best place to ·get leads for possible jobs is to build a good rapport with acquaintances and business managers who may be impressed with a student's initiative. "Finding a job is really a full-time job in itself," Seckar said. Senior Rose Donnelly, English and communications major and business minor, is hoping to get into a cable company after graduation. Since her father is building the company, he was her "connection" to
get an interview . Early childhood education major Lori Evans said that there are a lot of people fighting for the same job and that " you have to know somebody to get in." Fortunately for Anne Hemler , biology major, the woman she cleaned for~ this winter called in for a personal referral to the ,veterinarian she takes her pets to. Hemler was granted an interview and did get the job. Previous to this, she had sent out 30 resumes and only received four responses -all negative . The following are three basic ideas to keep in mind when making an impressionable interview, according to the monitor: • Research the company thoroughly so the interviewer will feel confident that you have done your homework and know that you are already comfortable with the basics of their company. • Be ready with good questions for the interviewer . • Have a neat, professional appearnce which is particularly important in applying for jobs that involve meeting the public. Since recruiters only have about 30 minutes to size up the prospective employee, they are most impressed with the applicant's education and work experience, career goals and good communication skills. Chase Manhattan Bank, in choosing the candidates for its training prograll1, this year,looked for students who "demonstrated leadership qualities, displayed maturity and had some previous work experience, " according to the Monitor article. "The student's major or gradepoint average was not critical." Most present seniors will agree with Collins when she suggests starting early in the search for that all-important lifetime employment and, Evans adds, "You must be serious about it and know what you want."
ws 5 Equal status given to part-timers
by Sandy Momyer
The Continuing Education Office at Cabrini College reports progress in its endeavor to meet the needs of its students . Frank Saul, dean of continuing education, defines CE students as those enrolled on a part-time basis . Saul said, "My ideal scenario is for all part-time students to be fully recognized as ·students of Cabrini College with all the services and privileges extended to !hem that are offered the full-time student~and that the college be flexible enough to resl)ond to parttime needs in terms of programs, schedules and services .·• _ Saul said one of the biggest advances toward that end has been the addition of Estelle Oristaglio to his staff . He said she is able to deal with the student services issue. Oristaglio was appointed continuing education admissions director in the fall of 1982. She said, "A great deal of . planning, harg work and concern takes place here . Part-time students are important to us. They are an important component of the Cabrini College community. " Oristaglio said, "Academically, the dedication to the part-time curriculum is as strong as to the fulltime . We wouldn 't expect less of our professors or students. Now, we are
looking to the same support systems for the CE student." Sr . Chris.tine Baltas, M.S.C., deano_f students, said, "Services to all our students is a concern to all of us and we have met often to attempt to set up plans to meet all of those needs. " She listed the services that are being planned for CE students. They include: ID cards, mailbct,i:es and lockers. The Career Resources Center
Dr. Frank Saul, dean of the continuing education program .
6, 19B3
is now open one night a week and there is a possibility that the psychological staff will provide an evening schedule next term. The college catalog as well as the student handbook will contain CE sections . Faculty advisers will be assigned, als,... o. Another area of exploration is an honor society for CE students . Membership in the present society is restricted to full-time students. Saul and Oristaglio would like to get CE students and other campus departments together rather than hav ing CE students rely on the CE office for all the needs . Saul stresses , howe ver , the responsibility of the CE student , who mus t take the initiative to seek and utilize those ser vices once they are im plemented . Robin Hayman , business major , is a CE student who will graduate in the class of 1983. She is happy an honor society is being considered. Hayman said , "It is great to be a CE student . It builds self-esteem and I'm now in a position to move on with confidence. '' Michael Black, a teacher in the lnterboro School District, is enrolled as a CE student to earn certification for a special education position. Black said , " Witi).in two days , _Dr.
Saul and the CE sta.ff helped me file for an emergency certificate and set up my full program need~ . They extended personal attention to me , and I'm very happy with my decision to come to Cabrini. " Black said he feels a part of the campus community in terms of people and services . The full:time stu dents are easy to approach and they are willing to extend themselves to help share . Black keeps aware of campus activities through the CE Bulletin as well as Loquitur, which is available in the CE office . Black thinks the cam pus smallness makes Cabrini unique . Oristaglio said CE has 140 students enrolled and this enrollment increases during the summer sessions . The ideal enrollment is 300, she said . Saul said his office offers undergraduate degree studies, certification, the master 's program in education, as well as seminars and workshops in such areas as fine arts, real estate and others. Saul foresees offering associate degree programs , special courses directed to individual companies , whether at their locations or on campus , and an expansion of the graduate studies to other departments .
Residency committee cqlls for changes by D.B. Field The residency review committee which was created by Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president of Cabrini College, has completed its review and given its report to Currie this week . Director of Admissions Frank Willard was a member of the residen cy review committee. He said that the major suggestion in the committee 's report were as follows: • "Basically a review of all policies and procedures concerning residency, specifically to review the effectiveness of parietals and to find a more consistent enforcement of rules and regulations (especially concerning the alcohol policy). • '' A closer working relationship between the director of resident life and the director of student activities to increase residency activities . • "Also a closer working rela. tionship between the director of resident life and the resident assistants. The R.A .'s need more of a support system. " Dr. Jerome Zurek , chairperson of the English and communications department and a member of the committee , said he felt that " The single most important suggestion the committee made was to propose the crea tion of a major permanent resident life committee . It should have represent ati ves from all parts of the school such a s facult y, student body, adm ini s tr a ti on, a dm issions and ps ychologists from the counseling cente r. As for increased residenc y activities sophomor e committe e m ember Lad onna Mahech a expl ains , "We know the pres ent R .A.'s ar e trying to impl eme nt activ iti es in th eir residen-
cy , but we feel that Gus and the student activities director should help the R .A. 's in this area more . " An example of a good residency activity is Counsel Hall 's Christmas dinner . It has become a tradition , and we feel all of the residencies should ha ve their own traditions. " During the fall semester of 1982, resident assistants were able to meet regularly with Dr . Sidney Portnoy, a consulting psychologist of the Rudy Rooyman Counseling Center to discuss problems and pressures of their job . The committee felt that this was a good idea and that it should have been continued during the spring semester. Chairperson of the psychology department and committee member .Anthony Tomasco said , "I think meetings with Dr . Portnoy were very important. The resident assistants need a strong support system . The committee also stressed that the director of resident life should pla y an important part in the R.A .'s support system . According to Zurek the committee spent a lot of time discussing Woodcrest , because it is a freshmen dorm . The members want to make it a more positive experience . One of the m ain suggestions for Woodcrest was to have two resident assistants on each floor. Director of Resident Life Gus Nicolett i commented , " We liked tha t sug gesti on and are going to implement it . The two altern at es , who were simpl y told they would be on st aff, will now be come the ext ra R.A.'s on the firs t and sec ond floors of Woodcr est. ·•
'' As for parietals ,'' Zurek said , '' the problem is that in the ' Resident Life Handbook ' there is no explanation of what the purpose is behind the parietals . I think we first have to decide what the goals of parietals are and then see if the present parietal policies achieve these goals ." One other major point made in the report to Currie was that the committee felt that freshmen orientation is a very important part of the college . They also felt that this year ' s orientation was very weak . " The upcoming orientation ," explained Zurek , " should help freshmen
deal with tripling problems . For instance , the y could show them ex amples of successful triples. " Citing the " Resident Life Handbook for 1982-83" Zurek concluded that " We agree with , ' ... Learning at Cabrini College is not limited to time spent in a classroom . Learning takes place also in the resident hall settirtg . Resident students are challenged to seek and discover their own potential and also to develop a sense of com munity ... "We have tried to make suggestions that will foster better 'programs and activities '.''
from page 1
of declining freshmen classes in the Northeast part of the country. Despite this, Nicoletti said , " We started looking at contingency plans for off-campus housing as early as January. For example, we started gathering information for students on available apartments in the area and looked into the possibility of housing at Eastern College. Nicolettf added , " I knew early in April that we had filled our housing quoa , and I let admissions know about it immediately. " . Willard , however , said that this was not the case . " I was told only two weeks ago (mid April ) by Gus that 'it looks like the housing is all filled up '.'' Willa r d went on to say that ear lier in the semester , '' Gus ne ver gav e me clea r project ions on t he housi ng spa ce situa tio n." " The bas ic r esp onse would alw ay s
be that we would have to wait and see , Gus saying that he did not know who was coming back or not, " Willard said. When asked by a student at the April 13residency meeting why hasn 't Cabrini built a new dorm, Currie said , "The main problem is money . It cost very roughly $9,500 to $10,000 per bed.' ' She added , however , that a new dorm is in the planning . " I expect to see a new dorm on campus by the beginning of 1985. That may be a little optimistic on my part however .'' When asked if she thought the res idency meeting was effective Baltas said , " I felt the students ' questions were answered in so fa r as the in, formation was a vailable . When Sr . Eileen didn 't hav e infor mation she indicated this. The reacti ons from th e st uden ts indicated that t heir que stions had been answered."
LOGUITUA-FAIOAV. MAY 6 19B3 6 Concern of copyright .laws SGA concludes elections spreading among colleges 1
by Tom Schultz If you or your professors are using the photocopying machines in the library or in the faculty secretaries office, you may have been breaking federal copyright laws . Near many photocopying machines there are signs warning peQple against copying some printed materials . The signs generally begin with " Warning " or " Restriction. " The signs state what can and cannot be photocopied legally . They tell the users that there is a fine up to $10,000 and a jail sentence up to a year in jail. Very few people are aware of the consequences of illegal photocopying. Only law professors and a few informed copy center officials at some universities are informed of the penalties. The warnings signs seem to go unnoticed . Many people who use photocopiers continue to do so regularly without any knowledge of the implications of the federal copyright laws. Word is beginning to spread that a photocopied handboo~ by a professor or a photocopy of a chapter from a rare textbook by a student could be incriminating evidence in a federal court. According to recent Phladelphia Inquirer, photocopying litigation has many colleges worried . Concern is spreading among colleges and universities because a lawsuit filed last November by the American Association of Publishers (AAP) against New York University , nine of its professors and a " copy shop " near NYU'S campus. . The AAP sued NYU for illegal copyright infringement in photocopying large portions of books, journals and other publications that were protected by copyright law . Because the university failed to obtain permission from the publishers or to pay royalties to the publication 's authors, the professors "massively infringed " on the copyright law and should have to pay thousands of dollars in royalties. Some of the publi cation's authors included Truman Capote and Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein . The copyright law, under its 1976 revised version, is intended to protect
the rights of authors, writers, musicians and others whose work is sold to the public. Most films, books, magazines, record albums and TV shows are under copyright and cannot be duplicated or reused without the permission of the copyright owner or its publisher. All eyes are on this NYU suit as a pr,c : dent setting matter to see
by Lori Lyn Smith Have you registered to vote yet? Well, the class elections at Cabrini College are scheduled for April 25 and you don't have to register . All you do is vote by signing a ballot and signing your name on another sheet to help keep voting control. The election committee, volunteers who help control the voting, will run the election on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during the week of April 25. Elections will be held in the cafeteria during lunch . So far, Sulamon Allyn, senior , Robin Larkins, sophomore and newly elected president of SGA , and Maria Hunsberger, sophomore and newly elected vice president of SGA are acting as the election committee . All candidates must receive 51 percent majority votes to be eligible to win. If no one receives 51 percent , a run-off will be held the following week . Then , candidates win by plurality . Accordng to Allyn, no one seems to want to run for office. " In both classes,there are students running unopposed ,'' Allyn said .
Mary Beth Grugan, vice presi dent of Ute senior class, said , " The person running for this office must have good leadership qualities just as the president. '' Mike Hawley wants to keep it all together . "I'm running for senior class president so I can keep the class united as a big group," Hawley said. "I think I've done just that as president of the junior class with the help of the others ." The candidates for the junior class officers are Gerard Lennon, president ; Patty Hinke, vice president , Anita Carroll and Lori DiMeglio, secretary , and Mike Garrison and Lisa Schaffer, treas urer . No one is running for com muter representative .¡ The senior class candidates are Mike Mawley , president ; Mary Konen, vice president ; Kathy Lyons and Janet Wilson, secretary , and Dave Pilla and Marie Hoffman , treasurer. Patty Richardson is running for commuter representative . The last day to vote is Thursda y, April 28. The winners will be announced on that day at dinner .
Currie and BaJtas' first year from page l Fre1hmen Larry Tukl1 is seen photocopying his homework as many Cabrini students do. (Photo by Mark M. Magner)
future use of photocopiers . It is an understanding that if a professor copies material for an educational , non-profit basis , that use is allowed within the " fair use " portion of the copyright law guidelines . In some cases, materials can be copied under the "fair use " doctrine . The doctrine states that copyright materials may be used for teaching , news reporting, scholarsh ip, research and other non-competitive uses . However , what constitutes " fair use " is subject to interpretation . The "fair use " photocopying provision allows professors to provide a wider range of subject matter for college students without creating outrageous expenses for students .
policy in certain dorms . As chairperson of a residency review committe e, Baltas feels th at steps are being taken to safeguard the program. Baltas stated, " Many hours have been spent as chairperson oft.he residenc y review committee as well as in the interviews for resident assistants . It is something that is taken very seriously .'' A Loquitur survey conducted this year showed that 84 percen t of the students living on campus found social life on campus lacking . Baltas has seen many attempts to provide social events on campus fail. " This seems to be a problem, no matter who sponsors the activity, " Baltas stated . '' I believe our strict alcohol policy is a major factor. It causes students who live fairly close to school to prefer to go home for the weekend. " As president of the college, Currie
has traveled to Washington , D.C., Harrisburg , New York , and area meetings . On these trips she ¡learned about various of college concerns such as organization , lobbying, finances , and future development . She wrote , " What I' ve learned is that all colleges have similar problems and Cabrini is doing well in meeting them ." In keeping contact with students Currie has not been as successful as she would like . "Maybe I've got unreal expectations in this area ," she stated. On the other hand, Baltas feels that she gets a good amount of contact with students . She accomplishes this not only in her office , but by participating in student activities where stu dents are having fun. Currie commented that she had to make adjustments in trying to meet people 's expectations of the role of the president. " Many people have different expectations ," she stated .
S.A.C. works to clarify acade-mic â&#x20AC;˘issues by Robyn Williams
Not many people are aware of the S.A.C., what it stands for and whatit does . Well, the S.A.C. is the Student Academic Council. It is much like the academic council that the faculty members havEt but it is run by students. The council acts as a liaison between the students and the faculty members to deal with a variety of academic issues. S.A.C. has recently rewritten its constitution , but it has not yet been approved . Hopefully, through the constitution , there will be more student representatives on the council. Another change that would be a result of the new constitution would be the process of appointment to the council. As it stands, students are appointed by the
chairperson of the department that they will be representing . If the constitution is approved, students that are interested in representing a department will apply to the chairperson of that department for the position. The new constitution will also provide more offices for the council. There are now only two offices, president and secretary, held by Maria Newsome and Jamie Miller respectively. There are now sixteen students on the council : five seniors , five juniors , five sophomores and one freshman . Each student represents one department. If a student is having difficulties with a faculty member, the S.A.C. is there to help . Instead of the student having to go to the academic dean or the department chairperson
with the problem, the S.A.C. will. With this type of arrangement , certain guidelines might be set to keep a certain type of problem from occurring again . Many students have complained that some of their instructors were not clear on course requirements and assignment due dates . Through the S.A.C., faculty members were re minded that these aspects must be clearly explained to the students , either verbally or in the class syllabus . The S.A.C. is partially responsible for the newly formed curriculum committee . Started in September, the committee consists of various faculty members and two S.A.C. members. The committee is presently working on developing a model of education .
The council realizes that not many students are aware of the services that they offer. They plan to include a description of the council in the orien tation folders of the incoming freshmen. This way the new students will know that there is someone there when they experience academic prob lems. Another way that the S.A.C. plans to publicize themselves is by inviting everyone to one of their meetings . So, if you are experiencing an academic problem that you need help with or if you would just like to learn more about the S.A.C., go to one of the meetings. They are held on Mondays at 4:45 p.m . in the S:G.A. office as scheduled on the calendar .
6, 19B3
Mark Duchesne: 'Will and determination' problems in life we have, we can always make an honest effort to overcome those problems . He had will, determination and endurance ." Casazza added, "He has inspired me. When I feel losers limp coming on and feel like giving myself an excuse to give up while I'm running, I'll think of Mark and his determination and courage.''
by Brian Jensen
My original assignment for this article was to do a story on the benefit concert that took place a few weeks ago for Mark Duchesne, a freshman Cabrini student who was very sick in the hospital from cancer of the brain . Two weeks ago yesterday, the campus received word that Duchesne had died from his illness on April 20, 1983at the age of 18. . Mark Christopher Duchesne , a prelaw /history major who began his college career at Cabrini last September and who ran for the Cabrini Cross Country team, had gone home early this semester complaining of an upset stomach and having difficulty writing with his right hand. Soon, news came from his home in Bethesda, Maryland tpat Duchesne was tested and found to have a tumor on the lower left side of his brain. Earlier in his life, Duchesne had suffered from similar cancerous problems which had required surgery . Many prayer vigils were held on campus to pray that God would watch over Mark through his difficult illness . The women of Woodcrest organized a benefit concert featuring Retrospect , a band which generously offered their services and donated their earnings to the benefit. According to Colleen Bolte, temporary social activities director and resident manager of 路 Woodcrest, the benefit held on Saturday, April 16 raised about one thousand dollars to be given to the Duchesne family . Bolte commented that "the support forlhe benefit has been phenomenal." Having spoken to Mrs. Duchesne, Bolte commented that she was "floored" by the generosity exemplified by Cabrini College for her son. Several members of the Cabrini Community , including many of the men who live in Counsel Hall where Duchesne had resided , traveled to Bethesda two weekends ago for the funeral services . Several of the men of Counsel acted as pallbearers during the funeral mass. Mary Mulligan , campus nurse, had hen keep ing in touch with the Duchesne family during
"I have done my best in the race,. I have run the lull distance, and I have kept the laith. And now there is waiting lor me the prize which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day."
r Mark Duche1ne (1984-1983) , posed for this picture last fall with fellow members of the cross country team. (Photo by Mark Magn_er) \
Mark's illness. Mulligan, the campus ministry group, and other administratos also attended the funeral services. "Mark's family was very gratified and touched by the interest and love that everyone at Cabrini has shown for Mark," Mulligan said. Many at Cabrini will recall that Duchesne was a member of the Cross Country team. Duchesne also ran in high school cross country despite his slight build for a person his age , a physical condition attributed to his previous battle with cancer . Said his teammate, Tony Casazza, " We can all take Mark 路as an example that no matter _what
Duchesne was buried with a cross country pin on his lapel. The priest who officiated the Mass and funeral services , referred to the words of St. Paul, probably keeping in mind Mark 's determination as a runner : " I ha ve done my best in the race , I have run the full distance , and I have kept the faith . And now there is waiting for me the prize of victor y awarded for a righteous life , the prize which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day." Loquitur and the entire Cabrini Commun ity expresses its sorrow to the Duchesne famil y and wil keep Mark in our pra yers . May he rest in peace.
Parents, students need one-to-one relationship The second part ol a two-part article on parent-student relationships. by Sandra McNamara "I get along great with my parents, because we work as a team," states one Cabrini sudent . Another com ments, "All I do is fight with my parents and I can 't understand it, because we always got along before ." Two views and very valid statements concerning how parents and their children relate . In the transitional stages of developoment for adolescents many questions and fears arise. Many times adolescents are not prepared for these questions and fears and therefore tend to isolate themselves. Parents see this isolation as a 路 direct attack upon their "parentness" and also begin to fight back. Before it is realized there is a gap of communication between parents and
their adolescent , conflict occurs . It isn 't a simple thing just to say that parents should understand their children better and that children should act with more respect towards their parents. In order for the parent-adolescent relationship to work during this time two things must be incorporated into the relationship : 1. A certin amount of personal identity must be achieved on the part of the adolescent 2. Maintaining a bond of affection and respect for each other
As many times as not , parents without realizing it , retard development, even though they may not show regret over losing their "baby. " An interesting fact lies in the belief in the readiness for adulthood . It is said that readiness for adulthood comes about two years later than the adolescent claims and about two years before parents will admit it.
cent to share experiences with parents because of the fact that they are so much older . Many times children seem to forget that their parents were young also.
Pressures often increase in the parent-adolescent relationship when the adolescent goes off to college . Many times a parent ' s expectations play a major role in the decision of the adolescent to attend college. When a parent 's expectations are not met, pressures are placed upon the adolescent. For the adolescent who is aleady questioning values and beliefs this can become a difficult time.
Parents also are very eager for their adolescents to grow up. But although parents urge the young person towards adulthood, they often act as though his reaching the adult age is still in the far-off future and not something to rush into.
It is essential that a one-to-one relationship is established before the adolescent goes off to college. This will allow for much more give and take on the parts of the parents and adolescent, and allow smQother sailing.
It becomes difficult for an adoles-
"I have a one-to-
one relationship with my parents. I am able to tell them anything and they have total trust in me."
Jeanette Epifano, freshman, states, "I have a one to one relationship with my parents . I am able to tell them anything and they have total trust in me. They see me as a young adult. " In times that do change as quickly as ours, there is bound to be conflicts and gaps between generations which can be exemplified in a rem 路ark made by one Cabrini student who turned to her mother the day of the Sophomore/Senior and stated, "Did they have parties like this when you were young?"
'Academic Off ice can't function without her' by M. Anne Torone
Writing an article about Jo Harris Brenner, assistant dean for academic administration, seemed overwhelming . The assimilation of the vast list of her duties and responsibilities leaves one in wonder. It might very well take five talented individuals to tackle a position which was created especially for her in September of 1982. "The Academic Office just couldn't function without her," Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, said. "Her dedication, initiative, industry and positive attitude for the last 15 years have made her indispensible to Cabrini College." Brenner holds two degrees ·in administration: a bachelor's degree from the University of Kentucky and a Master's from Penn State University. Basically, Brenner is responsible for administration of non-curricular academic affairs. This includes the supervision and recording of all academic payroll, the communication of academic policies, the office's budget and purchases. Much of Brenner's time is spent coordinating activities such as academic ceremonies, awards and honors to faculty, staff and students, and orientation. Her abilities to research, assemble and organize data and to prepare comprehensive reports are evident in the Academic Handbook, the Annual Academic Report for the Board of Trustees, and the academic sections of the college catalog . One of her most significant accomplishments was the formation of a Personnel Policies Committee of which she was also chairperson . "It took us two years and 'a million' meetings to prepare the Personnel Policies Manual based on a
Jo Harris Brenner, assistant dean for academic affairs: "It's a
pleasure to work with intelligent, creative, motivated and caring people." (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)
national model," she said . These policies were effective July 1, 1982.and the salary schedules will go into effect this July . Included in the manual of 80 pages are employment forms, which were designed by Brenner and the committee and descriptive procedures for every employment category.
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In addition, a 35-page Orientation Handbook for Ell)ployees was prepared by this committee . " Before this was written, all we had was a one- or two-page handout, " Brenner said . '' This was a mammoth job, and another one of her orchestrations, " Romano said. All academic support programs and cultural programs are assisted by Brenner in accordance with the tradition of the academic office, according to Romano. This includes faculty-student advising program, which must be updated yearly ; the artistin-residence program, which was originally initiated by former Dean Dorothy Brown in 1977; professional artists, in cooperation with the department heads; and the purchase and maintenance of music instruments . This part of her job is particularly enjoyable to Brenner , who attends all cultural events on campus. She commented that she feels fortunate to have so many common interests with her husband, Walter , in particular a love for the arts, archeology and anthropology . They have traveled extensively , attracted by these types of activities. Their next trip will be to the Galapagos Islands. It is obvious, as Brenner spoke, that she enjoys her work. "It's a pleasure to work with intelligent , creative , motivated and caring people,"..she said. " One problem, however, is the need for more support staff . We have seen tremendous growth in the last five years . You can 't just keep increasing faculty and students without adding proper staff to go along with it." If an indicator of the need for further expansion is necessary , Brenner's report of the 130new students who attended the first Orientation along with their parents on April 23 should do.
Thin-king of summer work? The key is to look earl}' guaranteed employment . As you can see , securing a summe r job is a With summer right around the cor - tediousl y long procedure . ner , many students are probabl y So what if you ha ven 't app lied yet thinking about getting a tan , swim- and it is May? ming , and watching gorgeous bodies There are two things you can do. in skimpy clothes . First , contact your desired place of Many students , however , will be emplo ymen t by telephone and speak thinking about summer employmen t. directl y to the person in charge . SecWhether the student sta ys in his ondly, since you did not start job home town or travels to the shore for searching earlier , you are behind an d the summer , he is going to need a job need to catch up. One way to catch up to pay for next year 's tuition . is to prepare yourself twice as well for There are jobs to be found in the the intervie w. summer if you live by the old rule , Many students do not think of sub 'The early bird catches the worm .' mitting a resume for summer em For summer employement, you ployment, but it helps to make them have to start looking for a job early. look good to the prospective emIf you are lucky and will be returnployer . A well-prepared resume will ing to a job that you liked last sum- show the interviewer that you want mer, you won't have to go through the the job and are qualified for the job . grueling task of finding a summer You should also prepare answers job. How early should you start looking? for the interview . Think up any pos For a job at the shore in the summer , sible questions that might be asked ypu have to start looking in the winter and answer them precisely. By preparing yourself , you may be ir you really want to get a good-paying job. I went looking for a job over able to get a job even though you are starting later than the -others. Christmas vacation at the restaurant of my choice. You may think that this You should also make sure that is a bit early, but there were actually your appearance is pleasing at an other applicants there at the same interview. Applying for a summer job time . I luckily got the job . does not mean that you can dress Most of the places at the shore that casually for an interview . If you dress hire like to interview people around neatly it shoes the prospective emthe month of April. You should .submit ployer that you care about yourself an application to them by February. and hence will care about your job. Some places have you come back The best way to secure a summer for a second interview and even an job is to start early. So get out there orientation period before you are and catch those worms! by Rita McKelvey
Dane Linn does the best he can by Rita McKelvey
A face that is extremely known around Cabrini and will long be remembered is that of Dane Linn senior, SGA president, Mother Ursula award winner , and recently elected Who 's Who recipient, among other character traits. Linn reflects on his Who's Who award in a modest manner. "I didn't expect
PERSONALITY to make Who 's Who," said Linn. "I've done a lot and a lot of people said I was going to get it, but I didn't think so." Linn was given the award for his outstanding service to Cabrini. Linn has been a very active person at Cabrini. Here are some of the activities he has been involved in. He was vice president of his freshmen class, vice president of his sophomore class, social activities chairperson in 1981, a team leader for two years, an organizer for the 25th anniversary block party, a member of the council of college affairs, member of campus ministry, member of Kappa Sigma Omega since his sophomore year, member of the traffic committee, member of the master planning committee , manager of the Wigwam for two years, and president of SGA since 1981. If all of those activities have made you windless, hold on, there is more . Linn has also received the Cabrini Service and Leadership award three times and received the Mother Ursula award, which is an award presented
to a senior who has contributed a lot to the school. Linn says he was happy to get Jf' ho 's Who because he didn 't think all of his works would oe recognized. He was especially pleased that both his peers and administrators recognized his achievements. Linn says that contrary to his participation in college activities, he was not as active in high school. "I was not involved in high school. When I came here, it was a whole new atmosphere. I was able to portray a new image and I took the advantage. When I became vice president of my freshmen class, one thing led to another,'' Linn said. Linn not only has extracurricular activities to contend with, he also has his classes, his student teaching and finally a part-time job at Bloomingdales . How does Linn make time for all of his activities and his classes? Linn remarks, "I do the best I can. I have trouble sometimes not knowing when Dane needs time for himself. I have a lot of important things to do and have to take time out for me." Linn remarked that his activities at. school have a correlation with his field of special and elementary education . '•My activities have helped me to be able to be a leader . They have helped me to be able to contribute my opinion and be a very good organizer. With kids, I would be a very good listener , because I've had to listen to many people in my role on campus. I see both sides to a story, so I would understand the student ,' ' Linn said. Linn said that he likes teaching and
Dane Linn , senior, has a face that is extremely well-k nown and will be missed around campus. (Photo by Mark Magner)
chose the field because he wants to be happy in his job . He said that the smallest amount of his students ' success in academics makes him feel good. Linn added that he would like to have a job, an apartment, and someone special in his ideal life. He would
simpl y like to be happy. Linn remarked that while at Cabrini he has met very giving people . " I've met very giving people who don't expect something in return " Linn said . " They are true friends a~d there is nothing better than true friends .·•
Search for Mcmanus' WWlrplane to begin
The search wlll aoon begin for the P38-F Lightning, downed plane·of Brad McManus . The plane above is identical to the one McManus flew.
sponsored by Winston cigarettes, a division of R. J. Reynolds Industries, On June 15, 1942, six American Inc., will attempt to .recover the P-38F fighter planes arid two B-17 planes. They are believed to be buried intact, about 35 feet below Greenbombers crash-landed on Greenland's east coast. Piloting one of the P-38s land's ice cap. was J. Brad McManus, now a memAccording to an article in Norber of Cabrmi College's President's ristown's Times Herald, the 25-man Advisory Council. squadron, code name "Tom Cat," The men were eventually rescued, began its North Atlantic flight on July but the planes, due to weather condi- 4, 1942,leaving from Presque Isle Air tions, were left behind. Now, after 41 Base in Maine. They were taking years, some American explorers, supplies and planes to Great Britain by Pam Clark
and Europe and were to land at Pre- way out of the snow. The planes still in the air , the B-17's, stwick Airfield in Ayr , Scotland . Part of the 94th Fighter Squadron of the sent out -distress calls , which were U.S. Army Air Corps, the planes were blocked by the storm . The B-17's subAmerica 's first attempt to fly supplies sequently were forced to also crash to the Allied Forces . Adolf Hitler 's land . navy was sinking U.S. supply ships, The 25 men were stranded for three and England was desperate for aid to days in one of the B-17's, living on a fight the German air force . day 's supply of food, and used a space While flying over Greenland , the heater made. out of a low-pressure planes ran into trouble . oxygen mask. When the distress calls " At the midway point, or point of no finally got through on the fourth da y, return , we got word that Reykja vik supplies were parachuted to the (Iceland ) was closed ," McManus told squadron and a rescue mission was the Times Herald. " Our flight leader , sent to pick up the men . Capt. Dallas Webb, decided to turn " They sent a coast guard cutter back (for Greenland). When we got called the Northland up the east coast over Greenland, we got another re- of Greenland ,' ' McManus related to port that BW8 was closed . At that the Times Herald. ' 'Then they launched point, things were really impossible. ' ' a smaller boat from that ship which McManus told the Times Herald what worked its way through the icebergs led to the crash landing. · The squadron was flying from an and landed on the coast. " Two dog sled teams and a rescue airstrip on Greenland's west coast to Reykjavik. Thick clouds and ice team found the men six days later, led them 17 miles across the ice to the blinded the planes, which attempted to fly to another base on Greenland 's sedge of the ice cap, and then down southern tip . Unable to continue be- 2,000 feet to the coast, where the cause of low fuel, McManus and the cutter was waiting . Roy E. Degan, a U.S. Air Force others decided to try to land. McManus landed with his gear down, veteran and a captain with Republic and the plane flipped upside down Airlines of Virginia, and Republic after its nose gear became embedded Capt. Russell Rajani, are leading the expedition. in the snow . The expedition will go to Greenland The other B-38's, instructed by Capt. Webb, landed without landing in June and July to try to recover the P-38s and the B-17s. Because of snow gear in a semi-circle around they McManus' plane. McManus crawled and sub-zero temperatures, out of his cockpit window and dug his should still be well-preserved.
6 1 19B3
Linn extends thanks and reflects on iob To SGA members and the campus community , As the year and many other things come to an end I also find that my term as student government president has come to an end . Upon leaving the office as SGA president I feel that it is only appropriate to say a few words. I would like to begin by thnking you, the students, for electing me to two terms as president of the SGA. Without having your backing I would have never had the chance to take part in the many facets that my position has enabled me to participate in . When taking part in the various aspects of the college I have tried my best to stick up for the students. I also had a great time serving the students in my first term and therefore , I sought the opportunity to run for another term .
Also, I would like to thank all of the student government members who have been at my side all year . I would not only like to thank the current SGA members but also all of the other people who have been involved in the SGA whether it be directly or indirectly. I especially thank all those who truly understood my position and the reasons for my lack of enthusiasm while in office . This letter would not be complete without saying a special thanks to Sulamon Allyn for carrying more responsibilities than were ex pected of him , particularly for picking up in the areas that I lacked in. Lastly , thanks Jeff , Peg, Patty, Larry , Terry and Girard for all of your true dedication .
In closing , I just want to mention that I've had a great time serving as the student government president. Everything that I did was truly done n the interest of the students . Now, it's in the hands of Robin Larkins and I wish her and the new student government executive board the best of luck . Knowing Robin Larkins very well, I have the best of faith in her and her ability to lead the SGA in all the facets that it reaches into . Thank you again to all of those who have helped me gain the experience as a leader but more importantly to those who have helped me grow as a person .
Sincerely , Dane Linn SGA President
Heffernan a successful leader by Lisa D' Ascenzo
Aâ&#x20AC;˘ social actlvltln chairperson, Peggy Heffernan was responsible for running several large events during the school year, including the Christmas Dance, Block Party, and homecoming . (Photo by Eric Gavalis)
In May , we at Cabrini will be saying good-bye to man y fine peo ple. Peggy Heffernan , social activities chairperson for the Student Government Association , is one of them . The social activities chairperson is responsible for organizing and running se veral large events during the school year . Heffernan ran the Christmas dance, the SGA com mittee 's ¡2sth Anniversary Block Party and Homecoming , among other events. Heffernan also set up two successful Squash nights at Berwyn Squash Club . Both students and faculty attended . "It was good because the students got to see the faculty do more than just teach, " Heffernan said . Heffernan also helped rewrite the SGA Constitution . "The constitution was too vague before , so it was decided that it should be rewritten to make it more detailed ," Heffernan said . Heffernan also organizes other clubs and helps out with arranging events for the weekends . "This year we haven't really been able to do all that much, although we did start a regular movie presentation, " Heffernan said. The movie presentation features popular movies shown every Saturday night in the Widener Center lecture hall . Heffernan is an elementary and special education major and is curently student teaching at Paxon
Hollow Junior High . She has previously taught at Old Forge School , a school for the physically handicapped , and Valley Forge Elementar y School , where she worked with the kindergarten classes . Terri Hundermark , senior , has worked with Heffernan previousl y. " Peggy is a very dedicated, hard worker . She always gave more than 100 percent even when every one else didn 't seem interested ,'' Hundermark said . " She "s ver y interested in her major and puts a lot of effort into her schoolwork. She 's always on top of things . Even when she had no cooperation from people , she still got the job done ." Dane Linn , SGA president , has worked with Heffernan since their sophomore year. Heffernan was treasurer of the junior class when Linn was president. Last year at the block party , Heffernan helped on the committee by setting up all the booths in the different dorms . She also worked on the events for Spring weekend and the road rally, which involved competition between the classes . "When Peggy takes on a responsibility she gets the job done, '' Linn said. " She is constantly coming up with new and innovative ideas . "Peggy isn't the kind of person who takes on a position just for the title ," Linn said. " She 's conscientious and really does her work well ."
advertisement paid for by the Student Government Association of Cabrini College
Mark Duchesne athletic ~.scholarship During the SGA meeting of Thursda y, April 21 (6 p.m.), the organi2ation was discussing the recent death of freshman Mark Duchesne. All those in attendance agreed that Duche,ne wa, beat remembered a, alway, seen running around campu, for his track training. After much discussion, SGA decided to award an annual "Mark Duchesne Running Scholarship" of a $UJO to incoming freshmen intere,ted in track. SGA hopes this will keep the memory of Mark Duchesne and hi, love for running in all of our heart, for years to come.
SJ 19B3
Picnicking: Everything· except ants allowed ,>
by Francine Kuterbach
Picnics evolved gradually from a contribution by many hands to the idea that one person would cook the food and everyone would arrive and expect the food and games to be prepared. Craigie said, "Picnics were a type of social entertainment in which each member contributed his share." The concept of picnicking that we know today soon followed. "Picnicking came to mean something frivolous and playful. They were held in impromptu settings and relaxed manners were tolerated," added Craigie. Types of picnics that Craigie men tioned were Sunday School, 4th of July, and grange picnics, where farmers would gather to discuss crop rotation and farming-related subjects. In business-related picnics, em.ployers would give their employees a day off to mingle with their co-workers.
Imagine a sunny. day, a picturesque setting, lots of food and, of course, a frisbee. Invite about 20 people, 2,000 ants, and now you have a picnic. Surprisingly enough, the art of picnicking hasn't always been this way. In fact, according to Carter W. Craigie, professor of social science, picnics were formerly a type of intellectual gathering. Craigie, who has devoted a major portion of his dissertation to picnics, said the first picnics were held in Europe in the 1700's. In those days, invitations were issued and formal dress was the custom. When asked the difference between a picnic and a party, Craigie replied, '' A picnic is out of doors, manners are relaxed, you never use your best china, and a party is more romantic - a jug of wine and thou. " Another type of picnic was the family reunion, which was usually held once a year. Craigie explained, "For
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example, everyone -with the last name of Anderson would be invited."
Valerie Autodore, sophomore, likes to picnic on the beach in the summer. She and her friends have a picnic to mark the beginning and end of the In his study, Craigie found that the summer every year. "Everyone people who do the work and preparabakes something," Autodore said. tion find the picnic to be a "stressful " The guys play football, the girls play event." He also mentioned that wom"- with frisbees and we all have a lot of en could be segregated because either fun." they choose to be or because the men go off and play games. Craigie added: ''This seems to be breaking down in modern times."
Cabrini students find picnicking a favorite pasttime. A popular place in the area is Valley Forge National Historical Park .. According to a spokeswoman at the Visitors' Center, people come from all over the country to see the park and enjoy the popular picnic areas.
Jeanne Daly, freshman, said that she and her eight brothers and sisters pile into two cars and go to Valley Forge National Park every 4th of July. She said, "We eat a lot and have a great time. "
Blithe Spirit will be presented in the Little Theater on May 6 at 8 p.m . Airplane will be shown on May 7 in Widener Center Lecture Hall at 8 p .m. Graduation Rehearsal will take place in the gym on May 12 at 3 p.m. Senior Class Awards Night will take place at 5 p.m. on May 12. Baccalaureate Mass will be held on May 15 at noon. Graduation will take place on May 15 at 3 p.m .
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6, 19B3
Libra,ry potentia •I: Funds are n~cessary for changes and new editions \
by Jeanne Hoepfl
The librarians in Holy Spirit Library have hopes for the development of the 'potential of the library. John Heiberger, vice president for development aiid public relations, is applying for grants to make their dreams a reality . "It is premature to say that we are going to see change in the library in September, because it could take between six months and two years to get the money," Heiberger said. "But we'll keep submitting proposals to foundations until we do. Right now we have a grant application submitted for $100,000 to be used for the library."
The grant that is pending is for capital improvements only, according to Muriel Clouser, technical services librarian.
According to Claire Skerrett, li- benefit fashion show sponsored by the brary director, the money will be used Alumni Association . to add shelving in the library basement, a- security system, a handi"I would like to see the reference capped ramp, air conditioning and to material more up-to-date," said refurbish the student lounge. Valerie Hollis, lecturer in English According to Clouser, the library Communications. "In areas of the needs the air conditioning because the new majors, all of the literature is in front of the build- -------------periodical form. ing is sealed. DurThe library has to ing the summer Right now we have a flex with the cursemesters it is imriculum. " possible to study in grant application "The students in the library besubmitted lor my current events cause of the heat. $ J00,000 to be course and region "The air hanin culture course, dling system is used for the library. beginning in the necessary because fall, will be using there is not enough the library a great humidity," Heiberger said. "The heat deal for research," Carter Craigie, dries out the books_and microfilm.' ' professor of social science, said. '' Any expansion of services is welcome." Heiberger also said the build-up of the book collection must come through private donations such as the
"We do need to build up the collection,'' Clouser said. ''If we expand the collection into the basement, we will have more room for reference materials." This year the library concentrated on building up the collection of books in the areas of business administration, community agency management, fine arts , master of education and social work, according to Ruth Richardson, technical services librarian. "We are . also on a computerized inter-library loan system, and we can locate mat~rial all over the country ,'' Clouser said. "The key to the library is learning how to get access to the material ," Hollis said . "I would like to see the library staff in a more expanded teaching capacity ."
Art camp to/ open season by Elizabeth Kanares
This summer will be the sixth season of the Performing and Visual Arts Sum~er Camp. The Arts Camp is a learning environment in which students and professional-teacher-artists join together for various workshops. /
According to Daniele Perna, arts camp director, "The camp is a comfortable and relaxed training center of the arts." The workshops will consist of drama, dance, art, 'ballet, jazz, mime, theater design, music, photography, broadcasting and television, script and play writing, and recreational sports.
The camp is a comfortable and re/axed training center ol the arts.
on broadway actor," Perna said. "He appeared in 'The Wiz' and he can give some insight on the ins and outs of theater." Although enrollment to the camp is limited, there are usually around 75 participants. The program is open from age six to college age students. "I receive a great deal of satisfaction from working with the students," Perna said . "It is a different experience, and I try to absorb ·all of it.'' Perna will be assisted by professional instructors in their particular fields. They include Jeanne Fisher, drama; Jean _Williams, dance; Barbara Gregson, mime; E. Huntington Paker, theater design; student interns and work study students. This year, there has been a special interest from student interns from area colleges and two exchange students from Europe. "The students who enroll are really interested in the arts," Perna said. "It's a great opportunity for them, and it's also fun. "
Along with the workshops, there will be various field trips to cultural places in the area. There will also be lectures, films, and special performances by professional companies . ·
The camp runs from June 20 through July 29. The workshops are held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays . Registration is now until June 15.
"We are trying to arrange a weekly visit fro~ Charles Douglas, an off and
For more information or partici pation, call 687-2100, extension 511.
The aoclal work maJora above vlalt Senator Jim Lloyd in Harrisburg on March 22. The students sat in on sessions in the Senate. The trip took place so that students would realize the Importance of current politics. Seated is Lloyd. From left to right are Maria Giovinco , Terri Calabrese, Mary Beth Grugan . Michele Daly, Patti Lyons, Sr. Regina, Lee Camishion, and Stacy Schropher.
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Sun . worshippers
Healthy tan may lead to burn,ing I . by Lisa DiSantis
In case article in gests the lukewarm
a bad sunburn does occur, the U.S. News & World Report sugfirst thing to do is get into a bath and soak. This restores the
One of the most popular leisure activities that occurs on campus every spring is sunbathing. water the skin losl PutBut are these students -------------ting cornstarch in the getting a tan in the right water can also be manner or are they sit"Having a tan mak•s me soothing . A greasy mixting in the sun for hours feel healthier and gives me ture should be imwithout realizing what ·mediately ,applied to the ~ damage the sun is doing a natural glow." skin after the bath . · to their bodies? Aspirin may also help Spending hours in the I inflammation of fhe sun without protective skin . sunscreens , lotions or creams could cause sunburn and peeling . If sunstroke should occur that person Overexposue to the sun could cause sunshould get to a physician immediately . The stroke and heat exhaustion. trea tment of sunstr6ke includes putting a pa tient !}nder a light blanket while trying to According to an article in U.S. News & cool off the skin with a wet compress . World Report limiting time in the sun and gradually build up of exposure until a Water is restored to the body by giving cool sufficient tan occurs should prevent sunfluid to that person . burn and peeling . Protective sunscreens lotions and creams are also helpful i; screening out harmful rays . From now until Labor Day man y studens will be giving their bodies to the sun. A good The choice of a sunscreen depends on thing to remember is that from 10 a .m. to 3 skin type and length of time in the sun . A p.m . the sunshine is the hottest. The effect sunscreen numbered in the four to eight range allows people to tan slowly without of the sun is also doubled if the ra ys ar e burning. A higher number sunscreen such reflected off water and sand. Therefore , Bathing Beauties Mike Hendricks (bottom left). Paul Breslin , and Martin as 15 means that a person can be exposed to make it a point to take precautions before Clancy catch some rays on the deck of Sullivan House during a brief interim of the sun 15 times longer than without protec you go in the sun. sunshine. (Photo by Erick Gavalis) tion.
Eddie's· beaming smile / leaving Cabrini campus by Karyn Rinaldi When you hear the name "Eddie" who do you think of? The infamous Eddie McGee, no doubt. He is one of the most popular maintenance workers on Cabrini's campus. Eddie is 24 years old and has been working for Cabrini over the past three years . He has recently graduated from Don Guanella and has resided at a group home which is run by Don Guanella for the past nine years. It is really amazing to.find a person who constantly has a happy grin on his face and always appears to be in a good mood-even on Monday mornings when everyone else •·feels like crawling back into bed . Eddie has the type of personality that is refreshing and he always has something nice to say that can lift your spirits and make you feel comfortable. · The things that he enjoys most at the college are the people he runs across every day who he refers to as his true friends, but most of all he likes the girls. A favorite friend and co-worker of Eddie 's is Rudy Pizzuto . "He works with me, tells me what to do, and helps me out," said McGee. Unfortunately, this is the last year Eddie will be working on the campus . Next year, he plans to be living in Havertown and will be working at Elwin in Media, Pa. He will most definitely be back , though, to visit his
friends at Cabrini. Eddie's job is in the sanitation department with maintenance. He feels that it is interesting because it has enabled him to meet many people, he gets a monthly income and he is able to save some money through banking. As a few favorite hobbies , McGee enjoys sports- mostly basketball . He also enjoys good movies, concerts and listening to music. (Van Halen is his favorite rock group .) His favorite pro fessional teams -are Phladelphia's only- the Eagles, '76ers and Phillies. His good buddy, Rudy, will miss Eddie when he leaves, especially "his happy, smiling face and his friendliness ." According to Mike Caranfa, head of the maintenance department , Eddie is a fine worker who does routine assignments . Each week he is assigned to various jobs including simple natured things . ''I'll miss his sparkling personality ," said Caranfa , "He always has a story to tell, he's always cheerful, and always the first to shake your hand." The maintenance workers are sorry to see Eddie go, but they really believe that this transfer is a step up for him and will provide better living arrangements for him. "He's part of the crew," Caranfa said, " and we're glad for him .
the week together
Remember back when you were a senior in high school. What was the most memorable event . The football games, bus rides home or was it perhaps senior week . Senior week in high school was in many ways more important than graduation itself. It was a time (usually spent in Wildwood or the shore) to say goodbye to friends and have one last fling before starting a summer job or college. This year Cabrini will behaving its own senior week. The event, which has been organized by Karen Kelly and Kathy Masino really has one main purpose . Kelly states , " Sr. Eileen and I, as well as Kathy , thought we needed something to keep our minds off of everything, as well as celebrate the last week together. " Events during the week are as follows: Tuesday night: A last goodbye to the Wayne Tavern Wednesday: Shore Trip Thursday: Barbecue and Senior awards banquet ,, Friday: A visit to the 6 T Bar in South Philadelphia Saturday: Clam Bake Sunday: Graduation
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·Sports Extra Athletic directors 'seem ·generally satisfied . by Brian P. Jensen
John Dzik, men's athletic director, and Helen Goodwin, women's athletic director recently gave their overview of the 1982-83 academic year in sports at Cabrini College. In men's sports, Dzik discussed his thoughts on the cross country, soccer and basketball teams, while GOodwin expressed her ideas on the women's field hockey, volfeyball, basketball ~and softball. Briefly, the following is a listing of how the respective athletic directors viewed their sports programs; John Dzik said that he was "still disappointed that Cabrini has not firmly established an adequate cross country program at the school." Next year, Dzik is addressing this problem by hiring a new coach whom he hopes "will put the program , on solid ground." "If the students would get
behind it, I' m sure we would have a solid program," Dzik said. On men's soccer, Dzik said that he was "very pleased" with their past season noting that it was the first time that Cabrini's soccer team qualified for post season play. Dzik said that coach Will Langton had established a ..'.'starting ground" and pointed out that "the quality of players has improved steadily" over the past few years. "We're moving in a positive direction," Dzik said. Concerning men's basketball, Dzik said he ended the season with "mixed emotions" · noting a "difference in feelings as John Dzik the athletic director and John Dzik the team coach ." "As athletic director it was a very successful year . We dominated our division and received excellent support for our game at the P alestra," Dzik said .
Dzik's feelings were different looking at the season from a coach's perspective. "Our successful season ended on a disappointing note because I truly believed we would have gone to the finals in Kansas City. I only remember the last game we played," Dzik said. Dzik added, "Next year we have one goal-to go to Kansas City. I plan· to dedicate myself to that goal and doubt I will be disappointed next year." In women's field hockey, Helen Goodwin gave her impressions on the team's season. "They played very well together this year as a team. Each year the program has greatly improved and I see continued improvement for next year," Goodwin said. Goodwin described the Lady Cavaliers ' volleyball team as "ex-
cellent." "With their 18 and 4 record I see much improvement," Goodwin said. Goodwin attributed much of this to the new coach Jerry Szabo who she said was "a good recruiter and an excellent coach." ''I absolutely see all good things for that team in the future," Goodwin said. For women's basketball Goodwin also mentioned the theme of continued improvement. "I see improvement coming in basketball too," Goodwin said. Goodwin pointed out that Mike Tenaglia will continue to coach the team next year.
on page 15
Cross coun'try sets re.cord by Mark Magner
-Soccer season filled with determination by Mark Magner
The socc_er team has completed what most of the players will admit was their best season so far. The team finished its season with a five in six record. Co-captains Danny Ross and Jeff Brun , seniors, believe that their season went so well because the team worked well together, and they had confidence in their teammates. They won first place in the Cabrini Invitational, and made the playoffs for the first time this season.
JEFF BRUN, senior and co-captain of the soccer team, clears the ball from the defensive end of the field. (Photo by Debbie Jablonski)
Volleyba -11competitive
Patrick Connelly and Todd Griffin, freshmen, have been chosen as the new captains for next years team . Both expressed thek excitement in starting the new season with a "brand new atmosphere'' there will be a new coach and many new recruits for them to work with. Griffin explained, "a new coach with new ideas will help the team. "
1n '82 season
by Rita Calicat The Lady Cavaliers Volleyball team, as a result of new coaching · techniques and enthusiastic athletes, has experienced a season of growth. The volleyball team in its i982 season became more competitie than ever before. The Lady Cavaliers took on a new look, and becoming more team oriented, thus making them a better all around team. Coaching the team over the past season was Jerry Szabo who inspired his athletes to work together and produce as a team. The Cavaliers· season was highlighted by their participation in several very competitive tournaments.
Herbig, soph., and Debbie Harvey, senior, add both determination and skill to the Cavalie.r volleyball team. (Photo by Jose Rojas.) '
Gerard Lennon expresses determination as he crosses the finish line with a pulled muscle. (Photo by Jose Rojas.)
6, 19B3
Sports Extra Athle_tic directors "We dominated our
division and received excellent
support lor our game at the Palestra." "Each year the program has greatly improved and I see continued improvement lor the , next year."
cont_inued from page 14 In women's softball, Goodwin said that the Cabrini program "is still low key." "We don't recruit, but our schedule is being upgraded and we will have more teams in our league next year. Goodwin added that "Mike Tenaglia is a good softball coach.'' In general, Goodwin thought that "We have a very good program for the women and we will be building next year by adding a tennis team to the program." "Being that we have good coaches and we have a women's sport for every season, I am generally satisfied," Goodwin said.
Athletic Director• Helen Goodwin and John Dzlk review the 1982/83 athletic season. (Photos by Erick Gavalis :)
Cavalier basketball
teams highlight fall sports
by Karyn Rinaldi The women's basketball team endured a rough 82-83season. They were confronted with many challenging games that did not always turn out for the best. The one thing that kept them together was their team spirit and good sportsmanship.
One of the highlights of the season was participating in competitive tournaments. The Lady Cavs placed fourth in the Poinsettia Tournament played at Scranton University, and came in third place in the Immaculata Tournament held at lmmaculata College. The team captains were both seniors, Kate Connolly and Terri Leinenbach. Two outstanding athletes on the team were: Debbie Harvey, senior, and Eileen Herbig, sophomore. \ffifft"!T~ Lady Cavalier Michele Tarbotten prepares for competition as she develops her bas.ketball talents on the court. (Photo by Karen Labenz)
"The team is getting better anclis also becoming more competitive,'' said coach Mike Tenaglia as he looks foward to the coming season.
Field hockey played aggressively
Diane Corallo, senior, and Jane Findlay, sophomore, aggressively protect the ball in the Cavaliers' game against Bryn Mawr College. (Photo by Jose Rojas.)
by Robin Williams Although the Cabrini Cavaliers have hung up their sneakers until next fall, the 1982-83 season has not yet been forgotten. The Cavaliers ended thei~ season with a very impressive t·/ record of 22 wins and 6 losses. The Cavaliers have a lot to look back on and feel good about. This was their ,econd year of competing in post t-'}h ,I'.\.a-__ _., season competition. This was also the . third year that the Cavaliers won the Keystone Athletic Cnference Championship. Another thing that the "Cavs" will not soon forget, is their win over Stockton State at the Palestra. The Cavaliers will be joining the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, nicknamed the "Little Five." As if tqat is not enough to look forward to, the Cavaliers will tie playing iri ·.he National Catholic Championshit>s, scheduled for the Cavaliers Dodie Watkins, 32, and Tom first week in J anmtry of 1984. The McGowan, 33, are quick to defend the championships will be held in Cavalier record as tl;ley live in a combined effort block the shot of their opponent. (Photo Dubuque , Iowa. by Jose Rojas.)
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Softball: up to bat for a score
LIH Hurst is up to bat and ready to score for the Cav softball team. (Photo by Erick Gavalis.)
Coaches resign: positions available other according to Dzik. Both positions were- advertised in the local Philadelphia papers and Dzik has received several responses for each position. Dzik will interview and select the cross country coach himself while a committee will interview the candidates for the soccer coach and recommend someone to Dzik who they feel is qualified. According to Dzik, the reason for the difference in the selection processes is because the two orograms are Larson left because he was offered different in nature at this time. "The the position of girls' cross country cross country program has been coach in the Chester Upland School wavering and I believe the person will District. ''This job is more convenient need to make a commitment to build for him because he teaches in the up the program," Dzik said. "I can Chester district," Dzik said. judge whether one candidate will be The selection process to find the better for men's athletics at Cabrini new coaches will differ from one an - College than another.'' On the other
by Tom DeMatteis
Men's Athletic Director John Dzik is currently searching for two coaches to fill the vacancies made by the resignations of soccer coach Will Langton and cross country coach Larry Larson. The reasons Dzik gave for Langton's resignation were, "Personal reasons related to a possible relocation from this area. His leaving was by his own choice," Dzik said.
hand, according to Dzik, the soccer program already has a strong base. With the soccer program being on stable ground, Dzik set up the committee to select the new coach. "The committee consists of faculty members, administrators and students who have an interest in Cabrini athletics," Dzik said. "I will weed through the resumes and narrow it down to about five candidates for the committee to interview," Dzik said. "The committee will then recommend the person to me who they feel is best qualified for the position . I will evaluate their recommendation and unless I can show just cause as to why this person should not be selected I will recommend to Dr. Romano (academic dean) that this person be hired.
Athletes awarded ~for achieve~ent
TIM FEENEY,senior, receives congratulations from men's assistant basketball coach Duke Schneider as other team members look on. (Photo by Mark Magner)
Tony Ciro was also granted the MIP or Most Improved Player Award, because of the 100percent effort he puts forth into each and every game. The two co-captains of the 1982 Soccer season, Jeff Brun and Danny Ross, were also given Senior Awards for their efforts of leadership towards the team. For their outstanding efforts in
Dzik does not feel recruitment for the two sports will be affected by the coaching positions being vacant. "Cross country will not be affected because we do not recruit for the sport," Dzik said. "Soccer will not be affected because Loup (Langton) has continued to recruit even though he is not coming back and I have taken a more active role in recruiting for soccer during this interim time." Dzik said he has no time limit as to how long he can take to fil the vacancies but, "The goal is to name both coaches before graduation . We are sorry to see both coaches go," Dzik said, "but my hopes are that both new coaches will continue to help the programs to grow .·· '
of banquet
by Paul Breslin
Several of Cabrini's athletes were recognized at the Sports Banquet on April 29 for the outstanding efforts that they had contributed to their respective teams. The evening started out with the Awards Ceremony, which is where all of the Cabrini athletes were given their-certificates of award, clarifying that they had finished with outstanding accomplishments, whatever sport they had participated in. Following the Awards Ceremony was a buffet dinner, and to end the night up on an enjoyable note, there was a dance from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. Starting with the Fall sports of 1982, in Field Hockey, there was only one special award given to Michelle Tarbottan, for Rookie of the Year. Jimmy Vail, who was voted the MVP or Most Valuable Player of the Soccer team, was given this award much deservingly. Vail scored 13 goals in 11 games, and was an obvious asset to the entire team.
Cross Country, Larry Larson, the Head Coach of the Cross Country Team, awarded Michael Hilsey and Gerard Lennon with special honors. Getting into the Winter sports, in Volleyball, which was coa~hed by Jerry Szabo, four young ladies were recognized for their overall efforts. Debra Harvey was voted MVP, Eileen Herbig was granted the MIP
award, and Leslie Kraska and Joanne Goebel were honored as the Volleyball Team 's Rookies of the Year . In Women 's Basketball , there were only two people given special awards , Herbig was again given an award , but this time it was for the team ·s MVP. Terri Leinenbach was also recognized as the team's Most Dedicated Player . In Men's Basketball , however , many individuals were honored with special awards. Danny Welde, who was a recipient of two awards , was voted MVP of the Men's team, and Welde was also noted with a plaque for being the first All-American basketball player For his incredible rebounding ability , Dodie Watkins was recognized as the Rookie of the Year. Watkins broke the lOooth mark in rebounding over the course of the season . · Greg Catarious, the manager ot the Men's Basketball Team, was also given a plaque for his manae:erial efforts this year. Catarious won 3rd place in this year 's NAIA District 19 Golf Tournament.
Smooth season for softball by John McQueen
It has taken the ladies softball team a while to get on track, but now that the Lady Cavs have tied together some loose ends things are rolling along smooth. So far this season the Lady Cavs have racked up 5 wins, while only dropping 2 losses. The wins come from a 8-4 victory over Immaculata, with all the Ldy Cavs playing well. A 5-2 victory over league rival Chestnut Hill, in whic -Cabr~i jumped out to an early lead. Against Beaver College the ½ady Cavs did not declare the victory until the last inning and, final hit by sophomore Patty Hinke. With the game tied 9-9 in the bottom of the 7th and bases loaded, Hinke blasted a base hit needed to sew up a 10-9 victory for Cabrini. The Lady Cavs' latest victim was nearby rival Rosemont College where the Lady Cavs proved that they had things all together so much they claimed a 10-8 victory. Mike Tenaglia, coach of the Lady Cavs feels that defense is the team's strongest asset, while admitting his
outfield is not very strong. "At this time I feel that defense is our strongest point, while our weakest point is our speed and aggressiveness," said Tenaglia. Another problem for the Lady Cavs has been weather, with two games cancelled and most of the others being played in considerable cool temperatures. Patty Hinke, third base person, thinks the team has a lot of team spirit and is having a lot of fun. "Softball this season is really great and the team's morale is really high,'' said Hinke. She also thinks the team has a solid infield, and compliments roommates Eileen Herbig (sophomore) pitching. Hinke feels that inexperience is the team's weakest point. Hinke feels coach Tenaglia does a good job relating to the players, and has helped her in certain occasions personally. "We (the team) have learned a lot more technique this year, and this has helped us to become a better team," said Hinke.
We at Loqultur would like to thank all those who have been very supportive in all of our efforts throughout the semester. Thank you all for making this year a successful one for our publication. Both Readers and Writers of Loquitur and those who have supported us are truly "First Class."
men _·address y the world lives in the shadow of r devastation. A large percentage of rld's population is basically ignorant effects of a nuclear war. By compil.s special pullout section of the Lothe Freshmen Honors Class, under ection of Dr. Jerome Zurek, is atng to alleviate this ignorance - if ldwide , at least on the Cabrini mpus. nee of this issue involves the y studying various aspects · ue, we have attempted to
uncover what is happening in the world in relation to the nuclear issue. Since we are a Christian college, we have explored the Christian faith dimension of nuclear warfare and the Church's views concerning this issue. Through extensive study of the bishop's pastoral letter due to come out this May, we are able to convey to you the Church's moral stand on this issue. Many people realize that an all-out nuclear war would en(l in mass (Jestruction, but it is not understood clearly what would happen if even a so-called "limited" war should occur. We have included a map outlining the
detruction that woul ton bomb were dropped on Philadelphia . We have tried to o effects the bombiug would have surrounding area, and the effect people, even those situated as far Cabrini College. These · effects a plained in a fictitious, yet based-o story to illustrate dramatically what happen to the human body during a nu blast, how quickly the blast could occ and how swiftly and easily we would affected here at Cabrini.
Bishops Arms deter Soviets by Mike Tamburro :>",
Believe in -a by Maureen Grosso
Tbe posseHion of nuclear weapons is perhaps one of the most difficult and depressing realities confronting people today. It 's a controversial reality, too, jts opponents pointing to its threats of massive destruction and death , and its proponents stressing its feasibility and necessity. , In our own country, the leading proponents of nuclear armaments possession reside in our nation's capitol, namely, the Reagan administration. ·· It seems that the real goal of the Reagan administration, however, extends even beyond that of the possession of nuclear weapons, The possession of nuclear weapons merely represents, to them, the ,best way of achieving their underlying goal of actually coercing the Russian leaders into restructuring their society. President Reagan's Soviet expert, Richard Pipes, even went so far as to say the . Russian leaders "would have to choose between peacefully changing their communist system •.• or going to war." It appears that the Reagan administration feels it can accomplish this goal by making Russia believe that the United States can start, win, and survive a nuclear war~ Reagan even approved a plan which committed the United sta~s to the idea that a nuclear war can be , won. T, K. Jones, a deputy under-secretary of defense, stated the United States could recover from an all-out nuclear war in two to four years. Jones said that, "if there are enough shovels to go around, everybody's going to make it ... it's the dirt that does it." It may be possible that our government has even d1awn up a strategy for engaging in a nuclear war with the intent to win and survive ,. At least one source, Robert Scheer's book, "With Enough Shovels," supports this Ide.a. In order to convince Russian leaders that the United States cold start, win and survive a nuclear war, the United States must maintain a large, preferably superior, nuclear arsenal. By convincing the public that Russia bas a superior force of nuclear weapons, the Reagan administration draws support for its much-needed nuclear weapons. It would be unfair · to think of the Reagan administration as nothing but a bunch of war mongers. They simply appear to feel sincere apprehensioa towards Russia's communist society. Their principal objective is merely to change that system to one which they consider less dangerous. The manner in which they feel they can accomplish this is by persuading Russia that the United States could triumph in a nuclear war, and to do this the United States' nuclear ar:senal must be continually maintained.
The Bishops of America have taken a stand on theisne of ndear war. In the hope of guiding the eonsdeaces of AmericanCatholics, the Bishops are in the process of publishlnga letter condemninathe arms race. The Bishops met in a four-day meeting last November to discuss their position. The eouncll was led by J09epb Caflllnal Bernardin of Chicago. Through _debate, they were able to agree on the essence of the letter. Although It bas met with some op~tlott. it is sure to set people thinking about this problem. The Bishops feel that a multilateral freeie must be attained immediately. Also, all existing weapons should be disarmed. This letter has not been well received by the Reagan admhdstr . atlon, which feels that weapons are needed as a deterrence. According to the Bishops, the only time deterrence is ... ......_. ls when used as a basis for talks to end the arJpsr11ce,~ feetUuat the ownetshiP of weaponswill lead to their ase. The Bishops dismiss the idea of 0 limited" war .. Tlaeyf-1 that once an attack begins 1 there will be no en.d.Even if an attaekwas "limited" the loss of human lif.e would be astronomical. . .· The Bishops are very concerned .with the loss of buman Dfe. To them, the life of eaeh person,re,Qdless c,f nat.ion-1:tty,.ls~, Therefore, they should not be subjected to tlle tu,rronol a n11etear war. But the Bishops are not jut coneernetl.wffllu..o.e whoa1aybe killed or injured in an actual attae11:.'they ue .·.- .~ about those who live neat' testing bases. They are afraldtludtllwe ma, be some harmful effects, suell . . radiation~ 'l'bey\f..,. dial if testing must take place, it should be in aon.uWflta~ The Bishops realize that a freeze •• be mulihter~ to 'be effective. They know that it willbe ditfleulttoo.,.•ln·Tlaetear~ problems with disarmament. The,ovemmeatltunoeffeetlveway of disposing of obsolete weapons.ButltlslmperaU.etotlae . the United States and the world thatplus be eo._.etecl., . "' The Bishops anticipated criticism andare able• defeml selves. . • •· . ,, One opposition is that the Bishops are llOl:loll traditional "just war" theory. In the pa8't a ~ .eo just if it was fought to protect hum~ llle.Jlld-.aue~ follow this theory because it will dettrey ~lifi as we know it. . •·• •. . , ..i · • . • To the criticism that commenting on nuclear w•r,M ~ capabilities, the Bishops admit that they are 1!9t e . · ' I.I Cardinal Bernardin points out, neither many wllo·• • ·· the issue. The Bishops have done much stuclyipg •are confident that they are right in th~ir ~e~ ,.;
...,.of ._JD,
The final fall devastation: a ,
Was it minutes, hours, or days later that I became aware of the need to move? My muscles were cramped I slipped quietly into my seat, pencil in hand, only to and at first immobile . I noticed a pool of blood in which I glance upward to notice the crucifix hanging crookedly . was laying, but I ignored it. My back no longer pained I looked out the window and thought how beautiful me , at least not more than the rest of my body . everything was . When the teacher entered and closed the I looked around the room, which lay in ruins . I spotted door, my spirits sank. my roommate on her knees resting her head on the wal The door swung open and hit the wall, startling all of I laughed without humor, thinking it was past time us. The sound faded away and an eerie silence filled the prayer . I placed my hand on her shoulder to offe~(i.· r room . I was mesmerized by the look of disbelief - no, comfort , yet she didn't move. When I tugged on , · to horror - which she displayed . Her mouth moved, but her turn her around , her head fell to lie limply back d at voice was nothing but a whisper. Something within her an awkward angle . · seemed to snap, and she shouted, "We're all going to die ! For a moment I felt nothing, then suddenly Run!" She ran from the room, leaving the echo of her scream . In my panic I moved to_the phone . insane laughter . to my mother ; she would come take me The hall filled with students rushing down the stairs , thing would be fine once I was home . frantic in their hurry to escape. I found myself pushing ghastly I felt I looked down the hall and the sight wa and shoving to get out , yet I wasn 't sure from what, or to the vomit rise in my throat. My next d . • neighbor was where, I was running . m, which was hobbling towards me holding her lef I felt nothing - no terror, fear, or even disbelief . My hanging oddly. But her skin . . . m · od ... it was mind was numb , but my eyes took in the sight of people oved closer and covered with large oozing blisters . S hysterically clutching one another and others simply trils , causing me the smell of charred flesh filled my frozen with fear. to bend quickly and retch. I went slowly to my room and saw my roommate Escape. That was the only thin hunched by the T.V. She turned to me with vacant eyes, moving down the hall, but with e step I felt the glass and suddenly the fear was so great I almost doubled over digging more deeply into my f ..... . I approached the with pain . I was cold, yet the sweat dripped from my _ lobby and noticed a girl rockin~ tfack and forth on her body. Without a word, we continued to stare at the knees clutching her eyes. She •rd my footsteps and television .. . and wait. With a sigh she moved from in reached outward only to lose het;IJalance and fall foward front of the 'f .V. to stare out the window as if defeated . As like a rag doll. I left her there J\"7en though her moans the tears slid down my face, I buried my head in my - will forever echo in my memotf i pillow and let the sobs rack my body - there was no use To get down the steps, I hal ;1f to w~l~ over the R.A ., fighting them, not any longer . whose face was burned beyon(\\\tcogmtion . Everywhere A brilliant light flashed, then it was dark - terribly , I looked there was destructiij, pain, and death . My frightenly dark. Her scream was bloodcurdling, yet I movements were slow , but I igfw I had to get away. was unable to make a sound. The intense- wind that The pain grew worse as mjlead began to ache with followed caused objects to fly through the air , crashing the blood pounding steadily iii'lny ears. I swayed back against the walls, floor , and my body. A piece of glass and forth while trying to focm~jpy eyes . I knew if I fell I imbedded itself in my back and I felt the blood seep from would have no strength to get -~ck up and that the fight my wound, but was powerless to move . would be over, yet I felt mys falling .. . by Linda Innes
Arms race hurts econo :::
by Renee Pozzuoli
The consequences of an unlimited nuclear arms race extend beyond threats 9f a nuclear war. The world economy and people dependent on the economy are suffering from the nuclear arms race. The military burden that the arms race places upon the economy has disastrous social effects . The military expansion that is so prevalent toda y undermines the growth that is necessary to sustain the population , slows civilian investment and productivity, increases inflation, and widens the gap betwen the poor and the rich. In 24 countries, food consumption averages 30 to 50 percent above requirements; in 25 countries, the average is 10 to 30 percent below requirements. The number of people in the world who live in extreme poverty may now be as high as seven billion. World military expenditures are $600billion in a single year . This money could be used for international peace-keeping, education, health, and foreign economic aid. In the world -in 1979, military expenditures were $478billion. International peacekeeping was $244 million, education was $545 billion, foreign economic aid ws $30 billion dollars, and health was $373 billion . In order to reduce the social problems of the world, military expenditure money should be diverted to public expenditures . The money that is now used for military expenditures could now be used for a wide variety of other purposes. If poverty in the world
could be drastically reduced , this wo reduce the number of children who malnourished that they grow up physic mentally handicapped , if they grow up Another problem that coincides with pove illiteracy. The majority of adults in un developed countries are illiterate. The child in these countries attend only one or two years primary schoo l. This means that these childre lack the basic skills that are needed to improv their own personal lives and to help them function better in the economy as a whole. The poor of other countries are fleeing their native countries and becoming the slum dwellers in the United States . They come here in search of food and jobs and are a constant reminder of the dehuman conditions which poverty forces upon the afflicted . If the leaders of countries which spend such vast amounts of money on the military diverted their efforts towards alleviating social problems , there would be much fewer people living with neglect.
I narrative
Ignorance •in bliss?-
politicians decide for us , we are taking power away from ourselves . We are letting others A by-product of the ... decide whatis best for us, and with a situation as often discussed is psych potent as nuclear war, this is not good. By people are unaware of these ..cts, even though resigning to the situation , we are not accepting they are happening to them . ,, . deal with the responsibility for a serious and major issue of situation by engaging in ;nind g"' ' es known as today 's society. defense mechanisms. These inclu uch things A three -year-old once told her day care teach as denial , rationalization, and flight 1 .activity. er: " There 's a fire-bomb in Washington, and it's ccording to the prominent hum t psy- scary . But we 're going to write letters to the logist Carl Rogers, these devices en us to mailman and if he stops it, we 'll bring him · ize the horror of the situation, its flowers . But it 's scary ." This issue , then , is a ·· eEs, or blot it out of our minds co te- major concern of children . Young children have games, he asserts, aid in th a psychic need to be with their parents , and fear of our minds. Nuclear war ca of a nuclear war is instfgated by fear of losing game, where cities are destroyi.fl , their parents . More common among older chilor fun. · .-~, dren is the feeling of being let down by the adults . . Mary Louise Sicoli, we are al . · According to one twelve -year-old who discussed · ' on ourselves by using these ear of the situation , parents are not doing their s. She feels that people turn rt by failing to accept responsibilit y. They rel y _ces because the thought of · the adults to provide them with a future , but ... rendous and anxiety profrustrated with the lack of potential action selves in the activities of hopeless because they foresee a bleak et" about nuclear war . e. We are, in effect, ru • ·ng away, or denying , dissolve our defenses, we must sensitize reality , but we ratioli,lize this position by ves to the situation. Courses dealing with saying : " I cannot do a'l.tthing about it" or " I the •clear issue , peace and justice , and conflict have more important thi• to do.' ' These are all res.ion are bein~ offer~d in more and more efense mechanisms useil{\o escape the deprescoll4s . If people m previous decades had not .on, hopelessness , and 6,iety caused by the takei\tbe initiative and accepted responsibility , ought of nuclear war. %ff how i~ny more years would it have taken for uch resignation of th«\. situation leads to VietnQl to end , civil rights to be granted, or ernal focus of control, ft\vhere you are not womeil ~accorded the right to vote ? · trolling your life. By si ·. '. g back and letting
. ·~
cts: What do
ut nuclear war?
by Gina Kusnell
• We and the Sovie ossess 50,000 nuclear warb , ·s and bombs today? • Each weapon is, an average, 65 times more l)#erful than the Hiroshima bomb which killed over 100,0 apanese? §if • Three hundre these weapons will destroy .er the Soviet Union or the United States? • And both cou . es are planning to build somtt;I0,000 more this decade? • The United . · es will spend $200 billion ove1\Die next five years on nuclear weaponry, some $4000f •· . every American taxpaying 1'1hily? • We have, . '"\average, seven "false alerts" /if nuclear attack . every da y? In June, 1980, for exa ' e, a false alert brought us witllljf five minutes of nuclear war? • We hav ·d at le:1st 32 nuclear weapon ac~ents since 1950?In 196~,a giant 24-1;11egaton bomb d ped accidentally from a B-52bogffjer, and only one of the six safety devices prevented : explosion? &ff • Th~.•.;:. -two ~ember of ~he Reagan foreif¥-poliq and defense team produced a 1980pamphlet AttYthat ~arns, "the tides are once -m rushmg the W<?rldtoward general_ war"? • ; ee President George Bush argue4 flfiat we could survive a nuclear war 1f at least 5% of · Americans lived? .AW/ Although it would oniy take abo ';; tioonuclear weapons to destroy the Soviet Union, the Pentagon has suggested t ''the land, sea, and air defense each be armed with 400 nuclear warheads? . • The United States has more t ...... 30,000~uclear weapons? • Two hundred intercontinentjJ f ballistic missiles would be sufficient for a second strike deterrent, yet the Unl.a "States has 9,000 of these missiles?
at 6,000ft. on a ng over Philadelphia . Ground Zero 1. Total physical destruction; almost no survi~ors. 2. A few reinforced buildings remain '-standing; at least half of population killed. 3. Extreme fire hazard; houses severely damaged; 5% of population killed by blast and perhaps 20% more by heat of explosion. 4. Moderate structural damage; could die, with 35% injured.
r more information call: Center for DefenseInformation 122 MarylandAve.• NE Washington . D.C. 20002
American FriendsServiceCommittee(AFSC} 1501CherryStreet Phila., Pa. 19102
Mobilizationfor Survival 3601 LocustWalk Phila.• Pa. 19164
4B How maiors cope with nuclear arms •issue LOGUITUR-FAIOAV,
Prelaw by Jacqueline Vigilante
6, 19B3
by C~thy Lojewski
The issue of nuclear arms seems very complex and overwhelming to those of us at Cabrini. After all, we are simply students who work day after day at our particular majors in hopes of integrating our studies into a career. Along with this task, we have other important aspects our our life to deal with, like family, friends, and various responsibilities . But these interests lie in the shadow of a nuclear threat. How can we make this issue more relevant for ourselves now? Can we incorporate this issue into our lives at this time? The following collection offers suggestions on how Cabrini students can integrate the nuclear arms issue into their particular major .
by Shelagh McGinn
Any pre-law major should be in- • trigued and concerned with the issue of nuclear arms. As future attorneys, it will be our responsibility to formulate contracts and to insure that the terms of those contracts are fulfilled. How can we develop strong contractual agreements between individuals when our government cannot agree on the terms of nuclear limita tions for the Soviet Union and ourselves? We cannot allow our rights to be sold away in political bargains _. The threat of nuclear war should made. How many people die because Our nation's very first contract guar antees each of us the right to "life , concern students in all fields of study. of a lack of proper care, in order that liberty and the pursuit of happiness. " Those studying health professions are projects like the cruise missile may be funded? How can we live life happily and no exceptions for several reasons. A final reason is the fact that health For one thing, think of all the re freely with the threat of nuclear war profei,sionals would not be able to search, such as cancer research , hanging over our heads? which could be funded with even a care for wounded survivors of a nuclesmall fraction of the amount of money ar war . Don't forget, hospitals and being spent on nuclear weapons. How equipment , along with doctors and much closer to certain cures might we nurses, etc ., will be destroyed and be if the MX missile alone was can- injured , also . For these reasons, it is the duty oL celled? by Robin Strohl Medical care for patients also suf- those students pursuing health-refers. Funding needed to support suffi- lated careers to not only be concerned Computers have enabled nuclear cient institutions with modern equip- with the threat of nuclear war , but to arms to exist in their present 'form . ment could be spared if even small speak out against it, stressing the Computers are used in almost every cutbacks · on military spending were points of this article (and others ) aspect of the nuclear arms race manufacture of the arms, testing of the arms, placement of tactical and strategical weapons , and radar to detect any missiles entering the U.S. The computers that are used for the by Marguerite DiMattia and Lisa Bogan radar , the "early warning " systems , make many mistakes, and these misPsychologists must face this issue. It has a detrimental effect upon the takes may lead to a nuclear war if not human mentality . Man needs his attitudes, behavior, and thinking to be detected in time. Because computers consistent , but nuclear war creates an imbalance in this cognitive scheme . have built the present bomb, they Psychologists need to inform people that they are playing mind games by using might also be able to find a different defense mechanisms to cope with the nuclear issue . If our thinking changes , so use for nuclear power other than for will our attitudes and behavior , according to the theory of cogniti ve disdeath and destruction . sonance . Psychologists should advocate a change in the present non-action .
Health Professions
Computer Sci.
Cabrini: What you can do by Cathy Lojewski
Upon reading the assortment of material presented on nuclear armaments in this issue, many may be left with a dismal view of the future coupled with a feeling of helplessness. But, keep in mind that the escalation of these nuclear arms did not happen overnight. In fact, it took thirty-seven years to build up the nuclear arsenals that the United States now possesses. However, the rate at which these arsenals are now growing and the increased destructive capabilities, especially in the new generation of nuclear weapons like the MX and cruise missiles, has plunged our country into a mire of tremendous tension from which it finds difficulty in extricating itself. The situation, though, is not hopeless. If the public refuses to support the proposed arms build-up, it would put pressure on the federal government todeal with international conflicts in another way. While the U.S. ntional defense is a legitimate need, its value should not be overestimated . By investing some of the defense dollars in the American people, the U.S. could expand the idea of national defense to include social and economic stability. But, people will have to fight to get this. Presently, there is a variety of ways in which Americans are doing this, but what, for instance, can students at Cabrini do to oppose nuclear escalation? Initially, students must educate themselves on the issue. This can be done through writing to Congressmen and Congresswomen to find out their position. Students can write to various national organizations for more information on the weapons, their effects, the amount of money spent on them, etc. They can also attend various lectures on campus concerning nuclear issues. In the Fall semester, the course "Imperatives for Peace in a Nuclear Age" will be offered that examines the nuclear dilemma within a moral context. For those who wish to take action, Campus Ministry offers the opportunity to participate in activities like the rally for the Nuclear Freeze and the Peace Walk. By voicing their opinions through these various channels, Cabrini students can join with the general public's efforts to halt the fatal arms race and ensure a future for themselves and for those who follow.
Communications majors may be wondering why the people in the communications field are not striving to make sure the general public attains more information about the nuclear issue. The communications people should be using their resources to give each individual in the world an informed opinion. The experts in the communications field are expected to communicate messages to the aver-age person through all forms ofthe mass media. Communications majors should take notice of the nuclear issue because it will be their responsibility to make other people aware of the nuclear problem before it is too late to do anything about it.
Education by Maureen Grosso
Education - It is the dut y of education majors to have information on nuclear war to pass on to their students . The children of America are aware of the problem and are fearful of it. We must be able to answer their questions and calm their fears the best we can. In our hands we hold the future of America . If peace is to be attained , it may be in the hands of these children . Another concern is that the funds used to make weapons are cutting into the money for education. Many funds for special education institutions are being lost . We cannot allow for these children to be deprived of the education that the y so desperatel y need .
TheNuclear Scramble byJacqualine Vigilante
SCRAMBLE Unscramble the following four words. When you have unscrambled them correctly , fill in the boxes. The boxes containing the circles will now contain the letters necessary to unscramble the final word.
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·I I I .I I I I I I I I I CLUE TO FINAL WORO: This word will determine whether we shall live or die!