12 minute read
Who was the last baseball player to hit 400 for a season?
Submitted by Lou Klock, social activities chairperson The residents of Cabrini East will be sponsoring an open house for the entire campus body this Sunday, Oct. 30. Starting at 6:30 p.m., there will be room tours and refreshments until 9 p.m. "This is a good opportunity for other students to experience our environment," freshman Anne D' Amico said of the open house. Then the action begins when the residents of Cabrini East host Evening at Cabrini. This time the show will contain a large variety of freshmen acts plus the usual highly "talented" acts from the other residences. Evening at Cabrini is being held at East to provide the entire Cabrini campus the chance to unity and get acquainted with the residents of East and experience the friendly life-style exhibited there.
'This is a good opportunity for other students to experience our environment. '-Anne D'Amico "It is a really exciting idea to meet other Cabrini residents and give them and idea of what it is Ike out here," Allison Shaefer, freshman, said. Transportation by the Cabrini van service will be provided for students so there is no reason to waste this great opportunity to see the new off-campus dorm, socialize with friends and share some good times.
Junior Judy Buck, a Cabrini East resident, said, "I feel it will be a good experience for the residences of Cabrini East as
well as the student body to get an idea of how we are living away from campus and hopefully bring about closer relations between students i~ general. "
Come on out for an interesting and friendly open house and a dynamite Evening at Cabrini .
Homecoming King and queen announced
Senior class
(All photos by John Doyle)
.. Senior nominees for Homecoming were (from left to right): Tom DeMatteis, Marie Hoffman, Mike Hawley, Kathy Lyons, Ann Marie Alfonsi, Bill Fontana, Mike Gimpel and Ellen Lavelle. The court representatives were Kathy Lyons and Bill Fontana.
Junior class
Junior~ominees were (from left.to right): Patty Hinke, Eileen Herbig, Karen Lucente, Lorrie DiBona, Matt Garrison, Gerard Lennon and Mike Garrison. Court representatives were Karen Lucente and Gerard Lennon.
Junior/Senior to
(Compiled by Robin Larkins and Brian P. Jen Many members of the SGA have spent the b discussing the controversial issue regarding al Cabrini College campus. In our discussion we h policies, possible controls, and most importan student bod:x, In this commentary we will address this · situation that has caused a major change in upcoming Junior/Senior Weekend. We wish to SGA,representatives who are understanding to have .been heard throughout the weeks. We situation where the laws do not coincide wi drinking. It is the conviction of SGA that we see nothi drinking. We do it ourselves and enjoy it with thing moralistically wrong. Unfortunately, in crime to drink alcoholic beverages if one is un has always been this way, and in the past w drinking at Cabrini events with varied degree larly, drinking seemed okay for everyone at off development of the following facts, things have
It is the conviction of SGA t wrong with responsible
A representative of the Philadelphia Distri college officials and student representatives t sored events , on as well as off campus, were ind who is not over the age of 21 was served ale bonded bartenders hired to serve at this year gym, the college could have been held liable fi anyone, regardless of their age, been involv drinking at this school sponsored event, Cab responsible, even if the incident occurred off c Similar legal ramifications against the colle sponsor an event are also true for off campus e ties are not bein g use d, campus organ i dents , college administrators and facul ty college itself are legally respons ible for uphol and the drink ing policies of the college. If they the law. For example , the mere presenc e of any facul tions an event as "college sponsored ." Lacko campus , equals endorsement of a violation on t any drinking laws were broken at last year 's S incident occurred as a result of drinking at th directors ofresident life and student activites , tatives sponsoring the event , and the college i ble. In the case of a legal violation or incident Sophomore Class did), and not controlling the may have by knowing an underage student w So where does that leave us, as students at C such events as Junior /Senior Weekend? As the we have few alternatives. We could still have J no alcohol, or with very strict controls over th students at the bar is not a sufficient control t we simply did not invite any college officials to would have to monitor the .situation, the fact Cabrini responsible .
Sopho~ore nominees were (from left to right): Gary Smith, Todd Griffin, Julie Biczelewski, _Shelagh& mn and Karen Labenz. Pat Nolan was absent from the picture. Court representatives were Shelagh McGmn and Pat Nolan. Freshmen class
SGA Wants Your Info!
We ask that all student organizations and SGA affiliates join SGA in using the SGA pages in Loquitur to publicize any school related activity sponsored by your group.
-if ication : SGA response held on campus under ''lawful'' circumstances n) ler part of the last two weeks hol and its implications to the e been dealing with legalities, v, the effect of all this on the SGA treasurer outlines policies regarding plans by Jean Findlay The SGA budget for the 1983-84 school year was received on Sept.15, 1983. The portion of this amount which was not needed until second semester was deposited into a savings certificate at First Pennsylvania Bank earning 9.4 percent com pounded interest. lle in an attempt to clarify _a pus activities, particularly the tress all students as empathetic e concerns and complaints that Under these circumstances, it has been decided to switch Junior/Senior from the Inn of the Four Falls to the Cabrini College Cafeteria and gym. Alcohol will only be served at a "Senior Happy Hour" preceding the Dinner/Dance. According to Mike Hawley and Gerard Lennon, presidents of the Senior and Junior classes repectively, "Due to the late discovery of the implications of the law we do not think we can accomodate all school members.equally with the situation as it was at the Inn of the Four Falls." It is clearly unfair to charge a student the set prices and not allowing he or she to partake in the open bar provisions. The remainder of the money for this semester is to ---------------------------------1 • be distributed in the following areas : club budgets, ourselves locked in a no-win our position on the issue of SGA C tary the Welcome Back Party , the Christmas Dance , . om men Homecoming and all other social activities sponsored -------------------------------- by the social activities committee . wrong with responsible social feeling that we've done some- state of Pennsylvania, it is a the age of 21. We know that it njoyed the privilege of social f limitations anyway. Particu1pus events . However, with the ~anged: The next big question: Why all this legal jargon now? What is the difference between this year and last year, or from Parents Weekend to Junior/Senior for that matter? First, now we know the laws. Had the District Attorney spoken to us after Junior/Senior, we probably would have held it as we always did. But unfortunately, ignorance is no excuse. The fact remains, that we may have been unwittingly wrong in the past, and would knowingly risk in the future if we continued the traditional practice of this event. Second, in this age of increased awareness and concern over alcohol abuse, particularly college drinking, faw enforcers are clearly cracking down. What was brushed off in the past by college administrators, law enforcers, and busine sses which serve alcoholic beverages , is now a top priority. Highly publicized alcohol violati ons have recently occurre d closer to t we see nothing cial drinking.
home at Villan ova University. In fact, on the evening of our own Parents Weekend ~ttorney's Office has informed celebration several police cars were sighted outside the campus gates . The very past practices of college spon- next week, officials spoke with resident personnel in the Mansion . That same illegal. For example, if anyone Tuesday, a favorite local tavern experienced a visit by law enforcers. lie beverages by the licens ed, _ Finally, this is also the age oflawsuits. Should an incident occurr involving this )arents Weekend dance in the college, it is a possibility that the institution could suffer a devastating lawsuit. Club budgets for the fall semester were issued on Oct. 7, 1983. A committee offive, consisting of the vice presidents of each class and .the SGA treasurer , were responsible for the allocation of funds. A few of the guidelines used for distributing the money were: 1. If the club has less than 10 member s they can receive a maximum of $125. 2. If thi s club did not participate in the organizati on fair in the beginn ing of September, their requested budget will be cut 35 percent before the budget is evaluate d. 3. If the club actively used all of their money they were allotte d last year for the betterment of the club and/or school. 4. If the activities listed and the correspon ding cost match up. Budgets for next semester will be influenced by how active or how inactive each individual club is. Monthly financial updates will be given to all club treasurers. This balance should be compared to the club's own records and any discrepancie s should be immediatel y directed to the SGA treasurer . oreaki ng the law. Further, had With the laws set up the way they are, our college could be liable for an incident ------------------ - - • in an incident as a result of involving alcohol. This has indeed happenn ed to other institutions. i College can be held legally So where do we stand on th is issue? We at SGA are empathetic with the pus. .· disgruntled studen t who has enjoyed past college functions with a drink in han d, and student organ izations tha t and has to suddenl y consider so many techni calities in their pursuit of a good 1ts. Even though college facili- time . As we say, "we understand, " we mu st ask that you consider our position. We h ons, representative stu- have attempted to ask all the questions , and we are searching for possible "looptnbers in attendance, and the holes" to the situation. If you can think of anything we haven't considered , please g both the law of Pennsylvania let us know. What we need most now is student input and support. One way to Budgets for next semester will be influenced by how active or inactive each individual club is. n't, they are actually breaking support us is by participating in Junior /Senior Weekend under these unique--------------------- member or administrator sanenforcement of policies, even off part of the college. Therefore, if :i.omore/Senior Farewell, or if an event, the dean of students, the ident assistants; SGA represent could be held legally responsit>th sponsoring the event (as the nking laws (as a faculty member !drinking), are illegal practices. [ini College who look forward to ~nsoring parties of these events, or/Senior off campus with either 1stribution ofit. Merely carding Ueviate college liability. Even if e event, who, because of the law at it is college sponsored holds circumstances. We don't want one of our best traditions to slip away or its meaning lost. Even this issue isn't worth that. Check Request forms have been issued to all club ------------------------------1 treas urers. These must be given to theSGA treasurer We at SGA are empathetic with the _ disgruntled student who has enjoyed past college functions with a drink in hand, and has to suddenly consider so many technicalities in their pursuit of a good time. well in advance of the activity the money is needed for. No money will be reimbursed if it cannot be accounted for. Receipts are to be submitted to the SGA treasurer . A new policy regarding the use of the copier in the SGA office has been in effect for the past week. All clubs will purchase their own paper for copying from the bookstore. A ream of paper costs $2.65. Clubs have received notice of this and the process by which --------------------------------this is done. Certainly, a lot has been ~aid on this issue, and surely more will be said in the future. We understand that this controversial issue evokes inevitable emotional response from students who consider themselves mature and responsible individuals, who now are victim to the stricter enforcement of laws. While we by no means advocate the abuse of alcohol, we can't help, as a student representative body, to share in the difficulty of accepting the changes before us. Putting our thoughts before our emotions however, we take on the new responsibility of trying to make the best of the situation. Now, more than ever, we need your support . Also, there is a general requisition form in the bookstore for the use of all clubs . When the copier is used, the club name and the user 's initials should be filled out on the form. Stencils are provided by SGA and can be found in the SGA office. Hopefully, by the end of this semester , a guidebook explaining all of these financial and budget policies along with basic guide lnes for being an organization of SGA will be in the possession of all SGA member s and club officers.
Ready for Junior/Senior Weekend
The Student Government Association-with the Junior and Senior Classes ask for student's understanding and support in this year's unique ~lebration of Junior/Senior Weekend. We are doing the best we can to uphold the tradition of this event. I We can only succeed with your utmost support. Senior Hour is at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm, the Dance is from 8pm to 2~m. See you there!
C.E.C Events
Monday, October 31 Theater Workshop 7:00-8:30pm, Uttle Theater (Halloween Party!) Thursday, November 3 Swimming from 5:45-9:00pm at West Chester State College Monday, November 7 Theater Workshop Tuesday, November 8 CEC Function (A Movie!) 8:00pm WCLH Thursday, November 1 O Swimming (same time and place)