13 minute read
Where did Dick Vermeil coach before ioinina the Eaqles orqanization?
Sean Meenan: award winning soccer player by Beth Daly , soccer after graduation. He commented Sean Meenan is an award winning new that he would like to play in various leagmember of the Cabrini soccer team. He has ues after graduation. been playing soccer since the age of five. Meenan says he finds college work Meenan, a freshman, is a tall, rangy, ha!der than high school material. Meenan red-head who seems to habitually wear says he is "more dedicated to his work than jeans and other comfortable clothing. sports." As a result, he is a good student. Meenan graduated from Cardinal O'Hara Meenan's sister, Mary, said "he is a good high school. He played soccer all four years student when he wants to be." of his high school career. Meenan commented that the transition Meenan was influenced at an early age from a large school such as O'Hara to a to play soccer by his father. His father, small school like Cabrini is not very diffiJohn Meenan, played in Co. Donegal, cult. He said he "is getting used to Ireland. Cabrini," and at a small school like Cabrini he is getting to know everyone
'Sean gets along with everybody' Karl Sartor, freshman
Meenan won the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award of the Southern Catholic division last year. Among his other awards are All Catholic, All Delco and All City. Meenan, an accounting major, said he found Cabrini to be "friendly", and that he chose Cabrini because it was "small, and had a good soccer program." Meenan's sister Mary, a sophomore, feels she had some influence in getting Sean to choose Cabrini. She commented that her brother knew some people here at Cabrini because she was here last year. Meenan says she and her brother are "close" and that, although she admits she is prejudiced, her brother is "great and the best soccer player" she knows.
tom dematteis 'A necessity, not a luxury
A topic of concern within the athletic department here at Cabrini is the fact that we do not have a full-time athletic trainer on the athletic staff. Men's Athletic Director, John Dzik has strong feelings on this issue. "Both Helen Goodwin (women's athletic director) and myself feel that an athletic trainer is a necessity," Dzik said. According to Dzik, the reason given by "those higher up than I" (the administration other than the board of trustees) for not highering a full-time trainer is that it is unaffordable.
"My opinion is that a trainer is not a luxury but a necessity," Dzik said. This is a point in which John McQueen,junior and co-captain of the men's basketball team, is in agreeance. "I cannot see why the school can not spend the money on something as important as an athletic trainer," McQueen said. Jose Rojas, who serves on a volunteer basis as a student trainer also believes that a full-time trainer is necessary. "With the athletic program growing at the rate it is, I feel that a trainer is necessary," Rojas said, "without a doubt. We need someone to be at all the sporting events who is qualified to administer first aid in the case of an injury."
Eileen Herbig, junior and member of three women athletic teams, also feels that a trainer should be hired. "This is a perfect example of why a trainer is needed," Herbig said as she waited for her coach to tape up a teammate, "the coach has to do the taping, so we lose practice time." · "It is not part of mine or the other coaches job descriptions to be a trainer," Dzik said. Dzik aJso says that he has pointed out to the administration the legal ramifications that could exist if an athletic injury is mishandled because there is no athletic trainer. "This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed," he says, "I am concerned for the welfare of the athletes ." As a former member of an athletic team at Cabrini and as an athlete who has been injured twice in athletic competition here at Cabrini, I am also concerned. At the times ofmy injuries the medical personal who were present performed to the best of their abilities. However, they had no way of knowing the severity of my injuries . Someone is needed who would be able to diagnose injuries when they occur and make sure that the proper first aid is administered . A trainer could also then help with any rehabilitation that might be necessary. It is my hope that the "administration" that Dzik talks of will take a good hard look at this issue before an athlete is injured seriously and no medical personal is at the scene to give the first aid required. If this does occur, then not having an athletic trainer could become much more expensive than the amount necessary to pay ones salary .
'More dedicated to work than sports' Sean Meenan,
Meenan commented that he found the competition greater in college level sports than on a high school team. Meenan said that he would like to play soccer all four years at Cabrini. Although he enjoys soccer, he does not intend to play professional quicker than at O'Hara where there were so many people. Friends and acquaintances describe Meenan as "an All American Boy". Freshman Karl Sartor said, "Sean likes to have a good time, and he gets along with everybody." Fellow bookstore/postroom worker, junior Ann Hendrickson, said, "he is very talkative and gets to meet many people in the bookstore." Another fellow worker, junior Eileen Jensen, said,"Sean is a very good worker, he's always on ti.me, dependable, nice, and willing to help others." Athletes and morale by Lucia Laurito It's a little bit tough preparing for a season of athletic competition when your team is psychologically unfit. Psychological methods play a large part in the way athletes perform in a game. There are various methods used to help athletes become psychologically fit. Some say that the methods used can be classified as temporary brainwashing. The athletes believe the game they are playing in is the most important situation at that time. Some of the methods that can be placed under this title of temporary brainwashing are guilt, for example, "You should be ashamed of yourself ... "; humiliation, "Look at all the people depending on you ... "; pride, "You can play better than that ... "; and common sense, "As long as you play the fundamentals you will win." Of course, the extent to which these methods can be considered temporary brainwashing can only be determined by the individual athlete, and the methods he or she already uses to become psychologically fit.
The psychology used by athletes as well as by coaches is, nevertheless, positive in the aspect that the athletes are reprimanded in a constructive fashion. Players are not negatively reprimanded. As a whole, the team needs one another t~ become psychologically fit, but as Mark Pietsch, sophomore, explains, you need to be by yourself first to relax and think about the game. "Before games I like to be by myself to think and relax. I put on either radical or mellow albums depending on how I feel." "Being psychologically ready is the most important part ofmy game strategy. Without having the "desire to win;" why play the game?" Pietsch explained. The amount of people cheering on the players has a lot to do with the way a team performs, especially if those people are friends, John Dzik, men's basketball coach,explained. Other methods used by teams such as chanting, cheering on team members, praying, and exercising together brings a sense of unity to the athletes, which helps them become psychologically fit. "You have to really convince yourself that you're going to win - that you want to win," Virginia Smith, freshman, explains. 'Being psychologically ready is the most important part of my game strategy.' -Mark Pietsch, sophomore "You can't let mmor deteats get you down. If the other team scores a goal on you, or if you personally make a mistake, you've got to try even harder," Smith continued. "A bad mental attitude is the worst opponent a player can have," Smith said. Peer pressure, another method, is both good and bad. It can bring a team together, or seperate them. "When we're on the court and someone is down because of a bad shot or whatever, I always try to pick that person up by making her laugh or smile," sophomore, Shelagh McGinn said. Athletes need the support of their teammates as well as their coaches and their friends to become psychologically fit for a game Basketball Sports trivia 1. Who was the last player in the NBA to lead the league in scoring and assists in the same year? 2. What was the last "Big 5" school to make the final four in the NCAA championship? Baseball 3. Who was the last baseball player to win a triple crown? 4. Who was the MVP in the 1980 World Series? Football 5. What team has the most Superbowl victories? 6. Where did Dick Vermeil coach before ioinina the Eaqles orqanization?
Volleyball has found new form
by John McQueen • tain Eileen Herbig, this type of volleyball The 1983 Volleyball season is quickly is a lot more exciting than what she has drawing to a close, but not with the same been used to. "Power Volleyball is a lot victory /defeat record as last year. This quicker, and more deceptive than regular year's final record will not be quite as good volleyball, so t)lat makes it more exciting as last year's, but there are a few things to and a lot more fun," said Herbig. Anyone be considered before making a final judge- who has watched Cabrini play volleyball ment on just how good this year's volley- for the past two years should easily be able ball team is. First, there has been a defi- to tell that power volleyball is also more nite upgrade in the schedule. According to difficult, and requires more talent and coach Jerry Szabo, in an early WCAB skill. As for talent on this year's team, interview, this was done deliberately to they have the efforts of three new freshimprove the caliber of play at Cabrini. The man who contribute to the team's accomefforts made by Women's Athletic Director plishments. The freshmen are Michelle Helen Goodwin and coach Szabo to Pasquarllo, Rhonda Dannenhower, and upgrade the volleyball team's schedule was Michelle Jones. Their teammates feel that done by adding Stockon State, Ursinus, they have helped the team tremendously, and West Chester Colleges. They were also but the 1983 team is not that big. They entered in the Cantonville and Franklin don't have the dominant force in a Debbie Marshall's Tournament during the regular Harvey type player as they did last year, season. The adding of these new and better but this year's team pulls together and the teams this year meant the dropping of players are always assisting each other teams that couldn't compete with Cabrini says junior Joan Johnson . "Win-or lose, we last year. Sophomore Shelagh McGinn, always have a total effort, and a lot ofpeofeels that upgrading of that schedule was pie have been really playing well," said not a big 'One, but she believes it was Johnson. The team is young and only has enough to disturb the team slightly. one senior, so this may lead to a better "There has not been a drastic change in our team in the future. Another problem for schedule, but it may have been enough to this year's team is that many of the players effect us a little mentally,"said McGinn. felt they had to live up to the reputation of Secondly, there has been a change in the last year's team. The players now realize style of play with the volleyball team this that they can not let this effect them in season. It is called the "power volleyball" their efforts to be a good team. With technique, and according to junior co-cap- these problems, and a few others, the vol-
' Lady Gav Eileen Herbig spikes ball while Leslie Kraska prepares for a defensive move. (Photo by Jose Rojas)
leyball team has managed a spot in the regional qualifying tournament and now post a 10-12 win/loss record. Their has been a attitude change among the players and they are now playing a lot better than in the beginning of the season. Many of the players feel that they have a psychic edge on their future opponents in the playoffs, because they feel that their record is in no way justifiable to this year's team . Kathleen Fiztpatrick, junior, felt that the record for this year's team is not a true indication of the team ability. "The record does not tell the truth about this year's team . We are just beginning to peak and play as well as we can," said Fiztpatrick. Johnson feels that when the team meets against some of the teams that they have already played a lost, that they will beat them this time in the playoffs.
Cabrini Cav's basketball season be Sat. Nov. 12 EPAC TOURNAMENT home 4p.m.
Mon. Nov. 14 Valley Forge Christian away 8 p.m.
Wed. Nov. 16 Shepherd College home 8 p.m.
away 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Tues Nov. 22 Penn State Capitol away 7:30 p.m.
Mon.- Tues. Nov. 28-29 DELAWARE VALLEY TIP-OFF TOURNAMENT away 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Mon. Dec. 2-3 SALISBURY STATE TOURNAMENT away 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Dec.5 Radford University away 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 7 Allentown College home 8 p.m.
Dec. 10 Johns Hopkins University away 8 p.m.
Dec. 19 Stockton State home 7:30 p.m.
Practice makes perfect!
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