Sept. 21, 1984 issue 02 Loquitur

Page 1

.cabrini. college, 'radnor,pa. 19087

friday,sept. 21, 1984·

vol. xxxi, no. 2

Campusvoices personalviews on newdorm by Donna M. Horsley The long awaited decision on the sex of the new dorm was finally announced to the student body by Sister Eileen Currie , MSC, president of Cabrini College on Wednesday evening . As a result of the decision diverse opinions and views were expressed by administration and · students . Through past experience as resident manager of Cabrini East , Mary Ellen Lilly, director ofresident life, said that the relationships that developed in the co-ed environment were special and a good learning experience for not only young adults, but for herself as well. Lilly believes the aim of the department of resident life is to see that the students develop as whole personi;;: academically , socially, spiritually , and personally. "These goals could be reached in a co-ed dorm where men and women live together," Lilly said. Students have similar opinions. Eileen Herbig, senior, resident assistant oflnfante house, believes if the new dorm is co-ed it will encourage a new closeness between males and females, while still enabling a student to his or her privacy. Jody Pizzigoni, senior, resident assistant of Maguire house, said that "co-ed living will slowly work on diminishing social fears." 1

Givethe new dorm to the girls - the guys would destroyit.' -Bob Connolly,senior

Allen Reyes, sophomore , a former resident of Cabrini East enjoyedco-eelliving. "It wasa nice atmosphere and it wasn't wild," Reyes said. He is all for a co-ed dorm. "I think guys who don't like Counsel or Sullivan house should have the option of moving into the new dorm," Reyes said. Mark Magner,senior, believes a co-ed option would offer a better choice for the men to spread out on campus, because there are not enough dorms on campus for the men to choose from, as compared to the women. Strangely enough, Magner, like most men on campus, would choose to stay in Counsel Hall rather than move into the new dorm. Magner said, "Counsel has its problems with .heat, but it's really a nice place to live." Not all students are for the co-ed option . Some students believe the dorm should be single sexed. Bob Connolly, senior, said, "Give the new dorm to the girls-the guys would destroy it." Denise Horsley, junior, a transfer student from West Chester State previously lived in a co-ed dorm, separated by wings. Horsley sees problems with security of a co-ed dorm. ''A strange guy may go unnoticed walking in a coed dorm, whereas he would be easily spotted in an all-girls dorm." According the Stephen Westhead, junior, a · former Cabrini East resident, a staff room was built next to his room for the primary purpose of providing a room where administration could stay overnight and observe the co-ed setting. "Whether or not the room was used, I do not know," Westhead said. ''They (the administration ) had the opportunity to see co-ed dorms in action -did they take advantage of it?" Westhead said.



Q •


This has become a familiar sight to Cabrini students, and will remain so until the renovations of the fitness center and locker

rooms are completed. (Photo br Cara Graham 1

Fitnessfacilities re·novated by Kerry Hogan

The women's and men's locker rooms and the weight room located on the bottom level of Grace Hall have been under renovation. Both are scheduled to open in the later part of October and will _be useable by athletes as well as the entire Cabrini community . John Dzik, director of athletics and admissions , said 'Tm excited and pleased. Looking at the facilities before the renovation began, I feel the (new) locker rooms and fitness center are a 100 percent improvement." Dzik also said, "We will now be able to offer visiting teams improved facilities and feel pride in our college." Dzik hopes the new fitness area will be more widely utilized by students once the renovations are complete. According to John Heiberger, vice president for development, the renovations were provided by a $90,000 grant, which was donated to Cabrini by Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Eugene Dixon, who actively support Cabrini . Mrs . Dixon is a member of Cabrini's board of trustees, and both have always taken a special interest in athletics. The locker rooms were basically redesigned to become more functional for athletic purposes. Several walls were torn back and gutted (completely removed), and new facilities such as additional showers and floor tiling were installed . The renovations will also provide expanded storage area for equipment and new carpeting for both the locker rooms and fitness center. The lighting will also be improved. Additionally, there will be a third room installed between the women's and men's locker room. This room will contain extra facilities such as a whirlpool which was originally located in the men's locker room.

~e fitness center was first influenced by Matt Garrison , seruor, who took a special interest in upgrading the weight room last spring. With the help of funding from the Widener Trust , the fitness center has been expanded to twice its original size. Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities, hopes to organize a program in the future to raise money for new equipment. DiRaddo said the improvements are a wonderful _.opportunity for athletes as well as Cabrini~ total community .

' We willnow be able to offer visiting teams improvedfacilitiesand feel pride in our college.' -John Dzik

Di Raddo said, "I feel the renovation of course is the number lone priority . Once this is completed we will concentrate on upgrading the weight room equipment ."

Helen Goodwin, director of women's athletics, said , ''The ,(new) locker rooms are a marvelous improvement. Now all we lneed is another athletic field!" _

INSIDE Perspectives .... News ........... Features ...... ... Living .......... Sports ..........

SGA ............ TWAC ...........

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What do the studentsfeel: -co-eelor not?

All aboard for Cabrini East'sbus

A decision has been made as to which sex will occupy the new dorm. For some student opinions on this topic turn to the ''What Do You Think" column on page 2. (photo by Mark Viggiano)

The events of Cabrini East week are detailed in this issue's SGA page. A social activities update from SGA can also be found there. See page 7. (photo by Cara Graham)

loquitur- friday,sept. 21, 1984



edltorials Coed.dorm: ifsabout time

Durints September 15 concert at the Spectrum: one of the six performances held in the Philade p ,a arena, Bruce Springsteen sang to a wide range audience of guys, gals, mothers and businessmen, proving rock concerts aren't only-for the young. (photo by Barbara Mongelli)

Qhange. It's a word that instills both fear and hope in the minds of humans. There are those who fervently resist events occurring against an established routine, even if that means fighting the natural progression of the world: the international metric system is still not standard in the United States, Vatican II proclamations are abhorred by many traditional Catholics, and the state oflowa still refuses to switch to daylight savings time. Yet, as threatening as change can seem to be, it also inevitably advances us a step further into a new realm 'of discovery. Cabrini College has gone through many, sometimes controversial, changes. Twelve years ago, we opened our doors to the first male student. We've accepted larger numbers of students to our "small, personal place" and have had to set up off-campus housing. And now there's another hot topic: The n€w dorm, and specifically, should it be a coeducational residence? From the standpoint of economics and convenience, a co-ed dorm is ideal. If the dorm was deemed single sex male, it couldn't be filled to capacity with our current 99 resident men, and thus precious space would be wasted. If the dorm was all female, it would mean giving two houses to the men and evicting the upperclassmen girls from what they consider "home." A co-ed dormitory, on the contrary, would enable the Cabrini East students to move onto the main campus, and would ease the burden on tripled Woodcrest and aging Counsel Hall- without scrambling the rest of the campus in the process. The new building's design is the perfect co-ed living situation with two individual wings separated by a common lounge- no different really than male and female resident halls within close proximity of each other. Sign-ins, parietal rules, and R.A. supervision could maintain order and "business-as-usual." As observed in the Cabrini East residents, males and females sharing the same housing develop a special bond-a comaraderie. This type of "one big family" relationship follows closely with the Cabrini ideal of the development of the person as a whole. It can set the values that will be tested when students graduate into the real co-ed world. A co-ed dorm would also be an excellent way to test the honor system we've been developing. In 1969, curfew was a strict 5:00 p.m. and doors had to be kept open while male visitors were in the room. If students can now be trusted to use their own discretion for bedtime and vi sting time, can't they also be trusted to remain in their own wing after hours? The Cabrini image wouldn't tarnish with a co-ed residence; in fact, by admitting to fhe world that our students are mature and trustworthy, and that our institution is ready to grow and adapt, our image may take on an extra sparkle. Change is the substance that progress is made of. If we are to continue a healthy growth, then we must be prepared to move up from our infant stage and risk testing our wings in the world. The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step; it's time we take that step.

viewpoint Mothersat rockconcerts? Rock concerts. The mere mention of the word sends shivers down my mother's spine. Every time she hears that one of us, my sisters or myself, is going to a concert, she prepares to utter two words over and over, "Be careful." I guess some crazy things do go on at concerts, but I wish my mom would believe that a good time is usually had by most; dancing and singing and meeting people with the same taste in music. Incidents have occurred at concerts that have shaped a negative image of them. -Rock concerts are infamous for being loud, overcrowded and violent. This, however, is a case of people looking only at the nt:gative aspects of something when forming opinions. During these past two weeks, I was lucky enough to attend "several"

son, the face of someone that they've admired for a long time. They look just like you always imagined from - pictures, but actually seeing them is something else. Think of the unity shared by concert goers. There's a sort of bond created when you meet fellow fans; right away, you have something in common with each other. Rock concerts are a release, an Bruce Springsteen concerts at the outlet for energy; and there's no Spectrum. They were very positive, denying that it's fun to dance up and , fun concerts, attended by men and down the aisles of the Spectrum, women of all ages. Many parents along with the 20,000 other people in were there with their children; old the arena. fans and new attended. There was no The crowd attending the concert, stereotype of'the Springsteen fan. It was a prime example of the positive · as well as the group that is performfeelings that can arise from such ing, can make or break the show.It is up to all those involved to keep the concerts. Think of the thrill that many peo- sanity at a rock show, just as with ple experience when they see, in per- any gathering.

What do you think..? Who should.liveinthe new dorm?

laquitur cabrini


Loquilur is published weekly during the school year by sludents of Cobrini College, Rodnot Pennsylvonia 19087. Subscription price is $1l per year and is included in the benefits secured by luition ond sludent fees.


Michelle Guenther


The walls are up and the roof isin plaee. That brick structure near Woodcrest is quickly taking the form of an actual residence hall. As the reality of a January moving-in date approaches, student talk is buzzing about the population of the new dorm. "The new dorm should be co-ed," said Dierdre J.)esiderio,a . senior and a commuter, "because first of all, Counsel Hall is a pit. The guys should have more options like a house or a new dorm to move into. Secondly,they accepted men at Cabrini to make it a co-ed college-so why not a co-ed building?" "I think that the students that have been at Cabrini East should have the first choice ofrooms in the new dorm, because they have the greatest inconvenience out of all the college residents," commented sophomore Michelle Guenther.

Laur:i Fire!y

Denis Borgeau

Peggy McKay, a former Cabrini East resident , agrees that Cabrini East students should be brought onto the main campus, but not just placed into the ·new dorm. "They've already been segregated off campus; what they need now is to be integrated more with other residents." "The new dorm should be opened up to the entire campus in a gener1;llloUery," thought Laura Firely, junior, whereas Valerie Valentine thought that commuters on the housing waiting list should be given a preference. ''A co-ed residence should be in the future of the college," stated Denis Borgeau, Counsel Hall president, "so that we can have that liberty of choice, simply because there is an importance in males and females sharing each other's points of view, learning to get along, watching out for each other."

Editor: Barbaro Mongelli News Editor: Lucio Laurito Assistont:Peggy Simon Perspectives Editor: Virginio Smith LMng Editor: Gia Dil"iminiani fedlures Editor: Bonnie Zischang Sports Editor: Michelle .Bamber BusinessManager: Robin Larkins Assistantto Editors: D. B. Field Art Editors: Beth Daly and Debbie Cicirello Photography Editor: Caro Grahom Assistont:Mark Viggiano Photography Adviser: Dr. Corter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci, Lorry Aquino, Fronk Bokoski.Karen Bowers,Kathleen Breslin,Karen Clorl<.Chris Corcoron, Bemodette Demski, Mory Beth Evich, Katie Grimley, Doris Hici<man,Kerry Hogan. Donna Horsley.Chris Koerner, Joan Kromer. Rondy Letko, Maureen McAnespey. Robert MarchesanL Gerard Matthew~ Barbara PetraccL Laura Przywara. Eileen Riddle, Kathi Wachenheim. Cathy Young The and TWAC pages are paid advertisements. The content is ~nder the supervision of those offices. Loquilur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrtte(s name may be let! off the letter upon publication and an inscription · inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the writer.' Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense, Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.


loquitur - friday, sept. 21, 1984



Cabrinilookingfor new academicdean Dr. Joseph Romano will now act soley as vice-president of Cabrini College . Romano previously held this position as well as that of academic dean . It was an administrative decision to split the positions. The job of the new academic dean will be to act as an assistant to Dr. Romano . The college hopes to hire the new dean by January .

Librarygets facelift with aid of PEW grant Holy Spirit Library will have a very different look this year, thanks mostly to ' the PEW grant. According to Anita Johnson , the new library director , "the library has changed dramatically." Some of the additions are air conditioning and new furniture , new reference book shelving, rearrangement of many sections, including the student lounge. In the basement , new carpeting has been installed and the walls have been painted . A major improvement is the installation of facilities for the handicapped , including the completion of an out side ramp , a lowered water fountain , re st room facilitie s

news briefs


by Doris Hickman and Lucia Laurito as well as a parking spot and a clear aisle to the elevator. Johnson comes to Cabrini after working for seven years as the library director in Cleveland, Ohio. She attended Wittenberg University as an undergraduate and received her M.S.L.S. from Case Western Reserve University .

Studentleaders get certification in CPR techniques During the week of Ori e ntation Cabrini 's student leaders became certified in cardiac pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The certification class took place at the Osteopathic Hospital on Cit y Line Avenue in Philadelphia .

When asked why the students decided to participate in this program Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities said, "The student services division felt it would be a good experience for the student leaders."

According to Arlene McEvilla-Dittbrener, financial aid director, "Students need grant money and we need certain jobs done. The good thing is that students can do these jobs and study at the same time." If you are involved in this program you must work one hour per week for 100 dollars that you are granted .

Artist to exhibit recent paintings

Army funds for college can reach $20,000

The fine arts department will exhibit recent paintings by Dolya Goutman beginning Sunday, September 23, with a reception from 3:00 - 5:00. The paintings will be shown in the library exhibit area until October 14. For more information contact the fine arts department .

CabriniCollege offersservice grant money To all students who need ·mone y for school and would rather not pay it back , there is hope for you. You can receive gift aid from the college fund.



Cabrini College Yearbook

for FASTPick-upCall or HotDelivery


Tunafish Grinde r



Tunaf1sh Hoag,e .


Regular Hoagie ..

2 .30

Ham Hoag1e


Plain Cheese . . $2.60

4 50

Reg Hoag1e Grinder 2.30

Extra Cheese .

6 .20

Meat Ball Grin der ... 2 .30


Extra Sauce ..



Ham Grinder . . .

Onion . .......



Roast Beef Grinder . 2.70

Ital ian Hoag1e Turkey Hoag ie .


Pastrami Hoagie .


Cheese Hoagie .



Roast Beef Hoagie 2.70



Italian Grinder ......

Onion & Pepper 3.50


Turkey Grinder . . . . . 2.30

Mushroom .



Pastrami Grinder . . . . 2.20

Salami .........



Cheese Grinder . . . . . 2.20


TEAKS Chef. . Reg Strak & Onions .. 2.25 Greek ....

Gr. Pepper .....

Hamburger ... . . 3.20




2 .40


Minced Clams .. 5.50 ......


2.50 3.00 Cheese Steak &Onion 2.40 Tuna Fish Salad . 3.20 Tossed ........ . 1.75 Pizza Steak &Onion .. 2.50 Cheese . . 250 Mush Extra on Steak ... 60 French& ItalianDrusin1s

Shrimps . . . . . . . . 5.50


Lettuce & Tom Extra .. .30

House Special .. 5.25

9 .25


Sausages . . ... . 3.20


Pepperoni ......



Anchovies .....



. Onion


. . ... . ..... 10 F

6.50 6 .50

Extra Cheese . . ....

0.60 .


(Includes French Fries-Cole Slaw and Bre~d)

BABYSITTER:Tuesdays & Thuoooys am. and


some evenings(flexible) . Transportation not provided 2 kids, 2 V2& 3 112month~ Pay negotiable . King of Prussla. Call Marsha Kear at 688-3349.

BABYSITTER:Flexible mornings. Babysitting exp . needed . Transportation provided . 2 kid~ 5 years. and 8 months . Tuesdasy & Thursdays 01 wednesday & Fridays at 9:00-'l:J:30. Call Mrs.Ga<den at 688-4095 . RETAILSALES: Port ttme and full ttme flexible hours at Windsor shirt stare on Henderson Road . $3.50 -$3.60/hr. to s!art. weekends and evenings ; also warehouse jobs 9-5 during the week Contact Tom Bicket apply in person. BABYSITTER: 1 day a wee!<.8:00-6:00, $3.00 per hour. 1 child. 2 years old Coll the number 688-0378 . BABYSITTER:Mornings during the week. 16 man. 3 years (bovsi One will attend preschool - Wed.Thurs.Fri mornings. Own transportotian bettet but public tronsparfatian is close . In Villanova Coll Mrs. Klein 525-4912.

PIZZA HUT: PizzaHut in 8e,wyn needs help. Contact Carl at 644-2444.

BABYSITTER:Free room In exchange for sitting . 1 boy age 8. Mon & Tues evening for 3 112hours starting at .about 5:00 pm . Thurs starting at 7:00 pm and every other Fri and Sat night. Klfchen and Laurdry prM!edgess Call Mrs. Anglera at 525-4'07 . ',bu must have a car . The address is 501S. Roberts Raad. Bryn Mowt near Cabrini East.

RECEPTIONIST: Porte Personnel of King of Prussia needs o light typist. Hours are 9-'lpm or 'l:J-2pm. $15.00/ hou r. ',bu mu st p rovide your own transportation . If interested call Car ol Strogen

at 687-2905 .


Fried Chicken ...4 Pieces ..... . .... . ..... 3 90 Fried Flounder .. .. ... . ....... .. .. . ..... 4 ·05 F h an d Ch 1ps . F1~ . . . . .... . .. . . . .. . ..• . ... . 3_.70 ried Oysters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 Scallops ... . ... . .. . . . ... . .............. 4 50 Jumbo Shrimp ... ............ .. ..... . .. 5:10 Shrimp in the Basket .. .... . ........•... 4 .70 Combination Sea Food .................. 4_90


.... 60 ..


Lettuce & Tomatoes Extra . . 0.20

Steak Stromboli ....

2.00 3.00

rench nes . . .. 90 Extra Green Pepper .. ..25 Onion Rings . . . . . . . . 1.00

. . . .. 1.65

Cold Cuts Stromboli 3.60

300 3 .50 3 .70


Extra Cheese .......... 20 Cole Slaw Hamburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 r----=~=,..-::=-,,,_--...1.. ' Breaded Mushroom __________ Cheeseburger . . ......

SeniorPortrai1s: 10/1, 10/2,10/3

68] 2222 688- 2222 688- 5588





18 West Avenue .. WaynePA


Needs your talents and involvement... Photographers,Artists, Writers, Layoutand Designers. firstmeeting: 9/27 in the newsroom (widener center, upper level)

Do you need money for your college tuition? If the answer is yes, the Army may be for you. Being a soldier for two or three years in the Army could earn you $15,000 to $20,000 for college . Each month you are in the army , a certain amount of money is put away for you . After you leave the Army , the money which has accumulated in your "college fund " account is transferred to the Veterans Administration . They pay it back to you each month you are back in college. For further informat ion regarding the Army college fund contact the Fina ncial Aid Office.

COOK/WAITRESSIWAITER : Pizzo Hut on Rt. 30 in Be!Win needs ooolcs.waitresses. and waiters_ Hours are flexible. If ln1erested call 644-2444 . GYMNASTICSINSTRUCTOR:Wonted a gvmnostics instructor. part time late afternoons. evenings 0< Saturdays. Contact Kehle(s Gymnastic Center in Broomell at 543-0120 . NANNY: Mature student wanted 3-5 evenings per week. 2-3 hours each night. to core for 2 year old child In the Villanova area . \ou must provide your own transportation. Pay Is negotiable . If interested coll 7~ in the day and 525-1315in the evening. OFFICEWORK:NYLife Insurance needs a girl to do light typing. accurate moil work and office procedures. Hoursore flexible , 5 hours a ~ 3 days a week. $4.00/hour. 11:llJ must prOllide your own transportation . If Interested coll

688-0869. RETAILSTORE:Western temporary services of King of Prussia is olfeffng a light industrial lob putting prices on garments.$3.75/haur. Hours are flexible. If interested coll 337-2970.

K-MART:K-Mart In In Stroff0<d Is lool<lng tor students Interested In part -ttme employment. Hours are flexible . starting at $3.35. Contact Mr. Ferst at 687-8090 .

SCHEDULE COORDINATOR FOR NATIONAl FIELD FORCE: 1't5E.Lancaster Ale . Bryn Mawr. Port-time employment Mon. thru Thurs. from 5-'l:Jpm. Aleroge students earn $4.35/hour . Top students con earn $7-$8/hour. If interested please coll Mr. MCGrow at 527-8060 .

SALES/STOCK: Athletes Foot in King of Pruss10 Moll . Hours evenings f ro m 5- 9 30 If interested co ll 265- 7448

FOOOSERVICE:Mrs. Boyd of Berwyn is lool<lng for people to help out with her food service and to won< at festival~ Hours vo"" 'l:J-12per week. Earn $5.00/hour . If ln1erested pleoSe coll 644-0785 .

EARNI.OO/HOUR: A dentist office on Upper Gulph & Old Eagle School Rood in Wayne is looking for someone to clean the office on Fridays for 4.5 hours. If interested. please coll Kelly at Ext . 470. FtlU TIME CLERK/TYPIST:Metropoltton Property & Liability Claims office at 10! DEKolb Pike ln King of Prussia is looking for a full time clerk/typist . Mon. thru Fri. from 8:15-4:30. Please coll Sue Gingrich at 337-4100. BAKERYHELP NEEDED:RochersBrownies in the Great IA::llleyCentet 81W Lancaster Ale , Molllern needs people for full and part time employment. Please apply ,n person from 8am -6pm inside the moll.

COOKING: Mon-Fri . 4:00- 6:00 or 7:00. Cook dinner and eat in. tt Interested coff stephen Antolics at 688-8783 offer 6 pm . Theaddress is Conestoga Rood in

'Nafr,e .

RECEPTIONIST: Porte Personnel on King of Prussia Rood is looking for a receptionist/ light typing from 9-1 0< 1l-2. Paying $15.00/hour. tt interested coll Carol Strogen at 687-2905 . TELEPHONEINTERVIEWER:Chltton Company needs a part-time tetephane inteMewer to won< 9om - 9pm

some days and 9orrK,pm

on Saturdays and 12 noon-Spm on Sundays.Training paid for at 3.40 per hour. SALESIBOOKKEEPING:Fun of part . time soles person . Be willing to travel tt interested coll Coth v at 337-3737.


loquitur - friday, sept. 21, 1984



Exchangestudentadjuststo Cabrinilife by Margaret Angelucci

Imagine combining the anxious feeling of starting your first year of college, along with the fear of leaving your homeland to go to a new country. This is what Elizabeth Lumbieri has done. Lumbieri is a foreign exchange student from Farroupillra, Brazil. When first meeting a foreign exchange student, many questions come to mind. Why did they leave home? Do they speak English? Do they miss their home? When Lumbieri came to the U.S. on May 16 of this year, she only knew one person, Sister Eileen Currie, president of Cabrini College. Lumbieri has two sisters who are in the Cabrini order. One sister is in Italy, the other is in Brazil. Her sisters were able to arrange a program so that Lumbieri could study in the United States through the Cabrini order. "I would like to thank Sister Eileen for giving me the opportunity to come to America and study. Also, I would like to

thank her for making me tee! welcome," Lumbieri said. Cabrini is not the first college experience for Lumbieri. She had previously finished fours years of college at the University in Brazil, although she says that the college courses here at Cabrini are quite difficult. The main reason for this is that Lumbieri has only been studying English for six months. Even so, she speaks the language quite well. One problem she has with her classes is understanding the reading material. However, Lumbieri said that her love for academics will not be hindered by this. Lumbieri is twenty eight years old and the eighth of ten children. Her favorite hobbies are playing cards and traveling. When asked what she likes most about this country, Lumbieri said she sees, especially at Cabrini, that people treat each other as equals. In Brazil, a person is judged by their job or skill. While in Brazil, Lumbieri worked as an x-ray technician, which is

very respectable. Another difference between the United States and Brazil is the class difference. In Brazil, there are very rich people and very poor people. Seeing people starving in the streets is common. In America, however, there is a upper, middle and lower class. Lumbieri likes America very much. She said her most noted observation about American people is that the attitudes are very carefree. Lumbieri said the attitude of Cabrini students and the faculty is very friendly. Lumbieri's favorite person on campus is Ruth Scott, who works as the switchboard operator. Luinbieri calls her "my American mom." Although Lumbieri has become accustomed to Cabrini life and feels at home, although she does miss Brazil. When asked what she missed most about Brazil Lumbieri did not answer that it was her mom and dad, instead but rather said, "l miss my Brazilian coffee."

Elizabeth Lumbieri is in the Cabrini spirit as she wears a sweatshirt bearing the school emblem. (photo by Mark Magner)

Siblingsshareups and downsof campuslife by Christine Koerner

11nuum ana ueoo,e Larkins have no real problems sharing the same school with one another. "It's not the first time we've shared something and it won't be the last," said Robin. (photo by Cara Graham)

Despite the small enrollment at Cabrini, there are a surprising number of brothers and sisters who attend the school together. Many of the students who had siblings at the school before them said that they had in some way been influenced by them to come to the college. Brian Fitzpatrick and Sean Meenan, sophomores, had visited their sisters and became familiar with the college and the people here. Joe Dodds, sophomore, became interested in coming to Cabrini because of the tennis team, which his brother, Charlie, sophomore is a member. Dave Field, senior, encouraged his sister, Kim, sophomore, to live at school rather than commute. Most of the students said they do not mind having their brother or sister around; in fact , the majority find it rather nice. When Meenan was a freshman, he was glad to have his sister around. "It made it a lot easier to come to school with my sister already here. I wasn't homesick at all." Field enjoys having his younger sister around to remind him of birthdays and other obligations. Donna Horsley, sophomore and sister Denise Horsley, junior, have found that their wardrobe has increased since Denise has transferred from West Chester. They

oure gonna

can now share clothes. The majority of brothers and sisters did not feel there was any competition between them academically or athletically. When Joe and Charlie Dodds are on the court they're just teammates . Donna Horsley, however, feels there is slight competition since her sister has the same history class and both are high achievers . Robin Larkins, senior, was apprehensive at first when she was put in the same house as her sister Debbie, junior, who was a freshman then. "But out of the coincidental experience, we found that we could live together in the same house without invading each other '\,Privacy and even share the same friends- something which never happened before," said Larkins. When it comes to dating most of the students don't mind having their brother or sister dating their friends. Mary Meenan, junior , felt that there might possibly be a strain if the relationship didn 't work out, but otherwise did not mind. None of the brothers feel they have a responsibility to watch after their sisters or visa versa. When it comes to partying, brothers an'd sisters do it together. As Katie Fitzpatrick said, "My brother is fun to have around." Like all brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters at Cabrini still have their disagreements, but over all it seems that they feel it's nice to have a sister or brother at school.

Steaks: 6oz. Plain.

2.40 2.65 2.80 2.85 2.85 Bacon 3.40 · VealParmesan 2.85 :pecial 3.30 Onion 2.50 XCheese 2.90 3.40

Cheese Pizza Mushroom Pepper



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loquitur - friday,sept. 21, 1984



Cuttingcollegeexpenses made easy by Gia DiGiminiani

If you are planning to commute every day to school, train, bus fares, or driving costs can add up quickly. Commuters Cl!narrange for a car pool, or try to adjust class schedules to be convenient with public transportation scqedules. All Cabrini students can sign up for the Job Squad Program by supplying the Financial Aid Office with their name, residence, phone n~ber, times they are available to

When attempting to figure out your college expenses for the upcoming semester, you have to take the following items into account: tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation and personal expenses. Some college costs, such as tuition, are fixed. But fortunately, others can be trimmed. As students, you'll always need to buy the books and supplies necessary for your academic work, but the amount you spend can vary. The College Board estimates that $34 7 Some college costs...are fixed. But is the average annual cost of new books at a four-year fortunately,others can be trimmed. college. To save money, a popular alternative is to purchase used books. Notices advertising used books for sale are prevailent around compus, and are most commonly found posted on the bulletin boards in the Widener Center. A work class schedule, and if they can provide their own possible compromise is to buy new books for courses in your transportation. For those who cannot, some employers will major and used books for all others. provide transportation. Students who wish to sell their used books have the Job Squad offers employment in the areas of housekeepoption of selling the books themselves or selling them back ing and child care, and part-time employment in area busito the campus bookstore. Albert's Bookstore sponsors this nesses and department stores. Payment averages from $5 to repurchasing period during spring examinations. The $6 an hour for housekeeping jobs and $4 to $5 an hour for books are purchased by an outside dealer, who gives an babysitting. Some employers also offer free room and board appraissal of a few dollars per book based upon the year and in exchange for babysitting services. edition of the publication. The wild card in any budget, of course, is estimating the

cost for personal items, such as clothing, laundry, ·snacks, entertainment, phone calls, and dorm furnishings. It is obviously difficult to com~ up with an average that applies to all kinds of schools and personal lifestyles. According to Kathleen Brouder, author · of "The College Cost Book," the average is $728 for public colleges and $645 for private colleges. The lower personal expenses at private institutions are attributed to higher room and board rates and tuition costs averaging four times those of public institutions. Here are some additional ways to trim college costs: eTry to buy used items whenever possible, not only books, but furniture, records, television sets, etc. •Make a list of your expected expenses at the beginning of each week so you don't spend money you'll need later. •Put your spending money in an account that pays interest and transfer it to your checking account only as·needed, making sure to keep at least the minimum balances in each. •Be aware of the least expensive times to make long distance calls, such as after 6p.m. or before 8a.m. and weekends. Only be sure that the party that you are calling is willing to receive a phone call at an unusual hour. •Find cheaper alternatives to sodas from vending machines, such as tea, powdered drink mixes, or purchasing cases of soda at discounted prices. •If you commute, bring your own lunch and save the price of a snack bar meal. •Spend judiciously.

Studentguide simplifies weekendshoppingin Philly by Mary Kate Grimley Weekends at Cabrini often lead to major entertainment decisions. Where to go and what to do are never-ending dilemmas for many students on their class free-days. If you are tired of your stale, mundane ideas, why not try a day offun and frivolity while shopping in downtown Philadelphia . A mere ride on the Paoli Local can carry you into a world of diverse and unlimited shopping where your most bizarre aspirations as a consumer will be fulfilled. Whatever your needs may be , you are bound to find precisely what you are looking for somewhere within the Philadelphia shopping zones. If a diversity of shops suited for the typical middle class American is what you are in persuit of,perhaps the Gallery should be your destination. The Gallery is located on Market Street between 8th and 9th Streets. The mall is filled with shops abounding in clothing, novelties, records, technical equipment, shoes and various other necessities. Besides its wonderful

The Gallery II, located on Market Street, is an example of the fun and frivolity' found in the shopping district of Philadelphia. (photo by Cara Graham)

McDonald'sin Devon is NOW HIRING!!!

d"S 1.,

Full ana Part Time

shopping facilities, there is also a nice variety ofreasonable restarants including ethnical food stands. Here you can find anything from Chinese to Grecian culinary delights . Traveling further through Philadelphia , a unique group of shops and restarants can be found at Head House Square known as New Market. These shops possess a certain air of class and sophistication. The shops are specialized and carry a very limited variety. A great majority of the items

A mere ride on the Paoli Local can carry you into a world of diverse and unlimitedshoppingwhere your most bizarre aspirationsas a consumer will be fulfilled. sold in this shopping area are hand-made and will interest those who appreciate such fine skills and crafts. The most noted eatery in this mall is the Rusty Scupper. The Scupper provides an informal setting with a lovely view of the Deleware River, specializing in steak and seafood. If excitement and flavor are what you are searching for in a shopping area, South Street is precisely the place for you. There is probably no other section of shops in Philadelphia which contains such a bizarre variety or stores. For that little bit of "punk" in all of us, Zipperhead, Skins, and Fog are perfect choices. Their merchandise possess the flair and uniqueness that may be exactly what you are searching for in your clothes and accessories. The new craze for novelty cards can also be


If you are in the market for authentic antiques, Antique Row is bound to satisfy your needs. There are approximately twenty-five dealers located on Pine Street between 9th and 12th Streets. In these various shops, prices and items vary, and the supply is unlimited. Among the most noted aspects of Philadelphia shopping are the huge, nationwide variety of department stores. These stores contain stocks large enough to fill dozens of smaller shops. Wannamakers, Strawbridge and Clothier, and Gimbels each provi1e consumers with quality and assortment to satisfy anyone's expectations. These department stores are rich in style, supply, and the real spirit of Philadelphia. Finally, to satisfy our most basic need of hunger on those long shopping excursions, Center City restaurants possess a remarkable variety offood types and price ranges. If an elegant dining atmosphere is desired, the noted, Original Bookbinders would be perfect. Both their cuisine and decor are what make them do famous. For a more relaxed dining mood, H.A. Winstons would be a wise and desirable choice. Though their quality is recognized, prices are reasonable.

Philadelphia is undoubtedly a city of diversity and excitement in the world of shopping. If an afternoon of newness and interest is lacking in your residential life at Cabrini, Center City Philadelphia is the place for you.

- - -----------WELCOME BACK

flexible working hours MEN $1.00 OFF


realized in shops such as It's In The Cards and Papermoon. Even if you are not shopping for leopard skin pants or vintage clothing, South Street is still alive with a bizarre variety of individuals whose very presence provide visitors with lively entertainment.

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loquitur - friday, sept. 21, 1984


Cabrinirunnersinspiredby campusbeauty -t

by Randy T. Letko


September 25 29

4:00 PM 10:30 AM


Montgomery CCC Camden CCC

MEN'S SOCCER September A H

Allentown College Lincoln U.

22 26

12 Noon 3:30 PM

WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL September 21/22 25 28/29

September '.l'.l

25 26


Kutztown Tourn. LaSalle & Easatern Elizabethtown Tourn.

6:00 PM


Lincoln Inv. Delaware County Spring Garden & Alvernia

12 Noon 4:00 PM 4:00 PM

WOMEN'STENNIS September 24 27


Neumann College Gwynedd-Mercy College

3:30 PM 4:00 PM

·Every morning at six a.m., Chris Smith, a student and member of the cross country team at Cabrini College, rises and laces his running shoes. As he wearily gets ready for his daily morning run, the sun is peeking out over the horizon, and moist dew is still on the grass. A squirrel looks inquisitively at Chris as if to say, "What are you doing up so early?" as he sets off on his four mile journey. Although it is early,• Chris Smith is not alone. · Each morning at Cabrini College, numerous students join Smith in his early morning endeavor. The crisp air, the rolling hills, and the soft, fresh grass make for a perfect setting to start off the day. The rising of the sun is a healthy sight to see as one starts a long, rigorous day of classes. Although each student that joins Smith has different motivations, the natural beauty of the campus makes it that much easier to rise and join him. Many of the students of Cabrini are athletes of a different sport just wanting to stay in shape for their season. Jim Welde and Sue Evich, two freshmen basketball prospects, rise before their classes in order to put in two or three miles. Welde says that the hills around Cabrini East, where he resides, are good for the strength in his legs. There are also many students who do not participate in campus sports , but, just wish to maintain that slim , summer figure . Karen O'Neill , a freshman living in Woodcrest, says many of the girls run between two and three miles every day. Although many of them do not rise at six in the morning, they can be seen throughout the day donning their running shoes. Although the scenery of Cabrini can captivate the mind during a morning jog, there are some precautions that should be taken in order to avoid discouraging aches and pains. John Dzik, men's athletic director at Cabrini, offer these tips to assure safe, fun exercise for the campus runner: •Wear reflective or bright clothing when running at night or in the early morning.



Tony Bowden, sophomore, enjoys the scenery on a run through campus. (Photo by Mark Magner) •Try and run with a group. Run single file around blind curves and run with traffic, if possible. •A proper warm up with some light stretching will help to avoid nagging muscle aches in the early morning.

Runningon campus is one of the best ways to maintain fitness and, also, is a great way to meet new people. •Avoid major roads. Run on campus , in residential areas , or in a park . •For those not ready for the many hills of the Cabrini area , Eastern College and Valley Forge Military Academy both l9cated across Eagle Road, have outdoor tracks that are within walking distance from Cabrini. Eastern College also has a small exercise trail that circles the lake on campus . Running on campus is one of the best ways to maintain fitness and, also , is a great way to meet new people . So take heed and take a jog:

Kappa Sigma Omega remindsyou that

ParentsWeekend 1984 is only ONE week away!!! September 29th and 30th SCHEDULE: Saturday:


- HomecomingActivities - Sporting Events - Series of Lectures - - One Act Plays -Slide Show


Early Brunch

-Mass -

Late Brunch



THE MAIN EVENT: Dinner Dance: Saturday, September 29th 7:00p.m.


ADAM'S MARK HOTEL City line Avenue, Phila delphla, PA


$1 B.00 $10.00 S 9. 00


_ S:

per person [dinner / dance) dance alone [purchased at door) dance alone [if purchased before


Call your parents ... Get your reservations NOW!


loquitur - friday, sept. 21, 1984


. . . Commentary

. . . Commentary


. . .

Firstword on new dorm,iscommu·nicated

The decision and announcement to configurate the new dormitory as a single sex residence is a perfect example of the concept of communication and how SGA would like to take a representative part in the communicative process of the college. COMMUNICATION-The ideal goal of any representative body. Communication-The lack of which often proves detrimental to any administrative body. In retrospect, the whole story is similar to a scenario of domino effects · which began when the SGA Executive Board attended a meeting of introduction with Sr. Eileen Currie. MSC. president of Cabrini College. During the course of the conversation, we began to share with her an itinerary of topics which we, as an SGA whole were going to address. Foremost on this list, of course, was the situation regarding the status, sex and configurations of the new dorm. Upon persual of the issue, Currie confided in us the decision which was about to be announced (on Wednesday, 9/19) regarding the dorm housing a single sex and not being coed as many previously believed. For the most part SGA had expressed the most concern over the seeming lack of student input allowed in the decision making process. In preventing further representative dissatisfaction and reacting to ~he decision, SGA insured representation in the pending January housmg changes through arranging to attend the resident life staff meeting on Sunday night (Sept. 16). Stemming from our initial meeting an mv1tat10n was extended by Currie to meet with her on a regular basis to discuss students' activities, views and concerns as perceived through the Student Government Association. SGA furthered this communication process with the administration by setting up monthly meetings with the Office of Student Services and in particular with our moderator, Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities. Through completing this task, the SGA Executive Board feels that their network of communication has been established in that students can approach SGA, SGA will meet with Student Services, and afterwards will report to Currie. In this set-up everyone is pretty much kept abreast as to what is going on with the other, and communication survives. It is at this pomt where we would like to make one thing perfectly clear: Communicating does not mean agreeing with information presented. It means a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions respecting each other's position. SGA, at the time this commentary is being written, does not have the relevant data needed to decide and state a position regarding the events which have transpired and are still transpiring as we go to press with this commentary. The Executive Board, however, is pleased with the fact that the president confided in us in this matter which involves the majority of the student body, before the formal announcement was delivered. The fact that we discussed it shows a positive step towards SGA's credibility and communication goals . In this space the Executive Bpard intends to present, as we interpret it, the rationale behind the decision of the single sex of the new dorm made by Currie: THE RATIONALE OF CURRIE'S DECISION: - The decision was ultimately made by Currie, with the influences of numerous administrative bodies of the college. (i.e. Senior Staff, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Board of Trustees) - The original planning intention for the new dorm was for it to be a single sex facility. The new dorm is NOT two separate buildings as verbal and visual impressions are made to appear. - A coed dorm at this point in Cabrini College's development is not within the philosophical or moral framework of the educational process of Cabrini College. Someday it could very well be, but not now. - The coed situation at Cabrini East is not a Cabrini sponsored project. It is an emergency situation in which the college has no control over Harcum space allocations. As implied earlier, the SGA Executive Board feels it is our responsibility to act as a liaison and try to bring across these views as part of our communicative function. The SGA Executive Board also feels it is our responsibility to take a position and respond to this situation. However, since all facts, configurations, and reactions (proactive and reactive) are not available at the time of our deadline for publication, the Executive Board does not feel equipped to properly state a position on this matter as of yet. BUT we will ... And we need YOU to do so. SGA Meetings, Tuesdays, 1:30p.m. Widener Center Lecture Hall.



,._ -: 11•·1 Q.1L .

Two workmen stand on the controversial, unfinished breezeway connecting the two wings of the new dorm. Despite visual appearances and verbal misconceptions, the new dorm is NOT two seryarate buildings connected together, but rather one, sharing most common areas including the lounge area, utilities area, and the main entranceway. (Photo by Mark Viggiano)




by Geralyn Christ . If we missed you last week, here's a rundown on what happened. The question of "What exactly is The Riot'?" was answered last Friday night after the Big Brother/Big Sister Dinner in tl]_egym. The Riot was a series of team games and activities, designed specifically with lots of people taking part and lots of fun to be had by all. Saturday, Sept. 15, two vans headed to Hershey Park for Social Activities' first successful trip of the school year. Be on the


lookout for information on our next trip outside the gates of Cabrini. (Yes there really is life out there beyond the gates of CAbrini College. Everyone on the Social Activities Board thanks the Cabrini community for their great enthusiasm and support during the orientation process and the beginning stages of the newly formed social activities committee. We encourage anyone with ideas for future activities to contact the Social Activities Board or the Director of Student Activities.


- Seot. 23 - 28: CABRINI EAST WEEK Get to know "The East" by attending the weeklong series of events.

- Sept. 28 HOMECOMING Look for letters notifying dorms of this year's Homecoming theme (FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOREVER), and float regulations. It's not too soon to start thinking of float ideas!


BALLOON-0-GRAM DeliveredSept. 26 3/$2.00 $.75 each

On Sale in yourdorm and in the cat this week!! .,


(Oll£G£ EAST





THERESIDFNTS OF CABRINIEA5T request your participation during ...


September 23 - 28

The main events and attractions will take place on ... SUND\Y, 9/23 : EVENING AT TIJESD\Y, 9/25 : FACULTY CABRINIEA5T OPENHOUSE sponsored by SGA Social Activities, Cabrini East

featuring the Combs College of Music Jazz Band. (Formal atmosphere) tea hors'douvres will be served.

sponsored *THURSD\Y, 9/27: BUS East, and DEDICATION, CAMPUSTOUR residents.

by SGA, Cabrini all on campus


iiiiiiiii-----, , '


----· -----



DON'T MISS THE BUS!!! The Cabrini Community is cordially invited to participate in the activities of Cabrini East Week. If you don't, YOU KNOW WHO (the big yellow guy) will be shining his highbeams after you!

loquitur- friday,se·pt. 21, 1984





,If 1r 11.




FRIDAY 12:30 12:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30

Volleyball Tournament-Kutztown(A) 7:00pm Psi Chi Initiation (MOR) 9:00pm Movie Night (WCGA) sponsored by Soc.Act.Comm.


!tl), ill,I }j;!

-'9/'-2_2 ___

·:rI Volleyball


12:00 8: 00

Tournament-Kutztown (A) Soccer-Allentown(A) Temple/Pitt Football & Beach !bys Concert (The Vet) Cross Country-Lincoln Invitational "Caught In the .Act" (LT)

H ,,



H ;~

9: 00atn

CEC Sunday School(SH-A) "Caught in the Act" (LT) **time correction Doyla Tountman-Art Exhibit Opening Reception(Lib) Bar-B-Que, Games, Open House!!! Cabrini East Picnic

"l; 12:00 ~.-it.I12:00

ii n

H ;1

,·-, 'n

4:00 4:00 7:00





J".11 1

ni ).i;

3:oo** 3:00

1 ·· )·J ?f~I s: oo tH



f'" 1 §\ t 1i


i' 11 !~ t, ,)p, ti s,; ;




Everyone---invited 7: 00

1 Hi ?fl

Evening at Cabrini-Season (Cabrini East Dorm)


:,:·1 9: 30 :: i


\ j ·: i



3: 30 4: 45 6: 30


7:00 7: 30 ~:30

; !. ::_ 1 1

rt fl

9/26 12:30 3:30 4:00 7:00 9:00

WEDNESDAY Internship Discussjon(WCCR) Soscer-Lincoln(H) Balloon Delivery Chess Club (WCSR) Kappa (WCLH)

9/27 12:30 1:00

THURSDAY Jewish New Yea,r curriculum comm. (WCSR)


' !} t, ! !•~

':; '.1 9/24 MONDAY 1!"·:1 --'----;..;;.:;.:=~ ~; Y,


7:30 9:00 9:00

Commuter Af. (WCAR) AFOS (WCSR) LRN Slide Present. (MDR) Eng/ Comm.CL (CCrm) History Cl. (WCSR) CEC (SH-C) CAEYC (SH-?) SGA MEETING: all new members please attend Hockey-MCCC(H) JV,CC-DCCC&Williamson(H) Cabrini East Open House~ Faculty,staff, administration Jazz Ensemble(WCLH) Budget Hearing-SGA(W:SR) soc. Activities comm. (WCCR)

Academic Programming-M/S (DSCR) Tennis-Neumann (A) SAC-Student Academic Council (WC:AR) Monday Night at the Movies (WCLH) "A Dolls House" Creative Arts Wksp (SH-A&B) Chorus (MOR) SGA Executive !bard Meeting

;Iitt :. t\ t!l ,t f

1:00 1.: 30


.f -,: ~~ f .\~ {


7:30 9:00 9/28-30

i~) •



. '

See signs for location Computer Cl. (Comp.Lab)** **change in location Psychology Cl. (WCAR) Med. TPch. & Bio. Majors Mtg. • Med • Tech." Speaker 11Careers in (Bio. Lab) "Life AmOng the Navajo" (LCR) "Bless the Bus" Ceremony (service road by Sacred Heart) PARENTS WEEKEND look for schedule during week

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CLOTHES. NEEDED The theater is in need of any black clothes that you are -willing to donate. If you can help out, bring your garments to the theater in Grace Hall.

Tomorrow (9122) tickets can be purch,ased at . Veteran's Stadiu . kickoff time is noon.

'CAUGHTIN THEACr Plan to attend "Caught in the Act" with Pat Jordan and Buck Ross, in the Uttle Theater Friday and Saturday, 9121and 9122 at 8:00p.m. Sunday 9/23 at 3:00p.m. " ·



The firstEvening at Cabriniof the new year will be held at Cabrini Eastat 9:00p.m. on Sunday, 9123. Go early and take a tour of the dorm. Refreshments to be served after the show. Evening at Cabrini kicksoff "CabriniEast Week'

Any student interested in working on the intramurals program, please con.tact the Student Activities Office, ext. 406, in the Widener Center, pper level.



VOTER REGISTRATION GET READY TO VOTE! If you are a resident of Delaware County, Philadelphia County, Montgomery County, or the state of New Jersey. .. Register to vote on MONDAY, OCT. 1ST. Whatever you do - Wherever you live REGISTER TO VOTE! It's your responsibility!!

REGISTRAR'S THANKS The staff of the Registrar's Office would like to thank Todd Griffen, Jennifer Moore, Kathy Lojewski, Patrick McKenna and Julia Malik for their assistance during registration.

me -TH Ceremony and ampus wded Tour" The "main" campus residents will act as hosts to the Cabrini East residents. A guided view of our "110 Rolling Acres" wi/1.l;Jeconducted through the eye of the luxurious yellow bus windows. SGA will officially launch the yellow vessel, and the Campus Ministry team will ... yes, BLESS THE BUS!!!


paid for by the office

of atuc:lent

Commuter and resident students remember that Parents Weekend activities include the Homecoming Parade. Get the ideas flowing and start to make your plans!! The theme is: FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOREVER.

ATTENTION FRESHMEN & TRANSFERS: The "New Student Advising Hour" has been scheduled for you to meet with your advisor on 9127, Thursday. You will be notified as to the location of your meeting.


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