Nov. 02, 1984 issue 08 Loquitur

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friday,nov.2, 1984

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

vol.xxxi,no. 8


Programfails to arouse interest by Michelle M. Bamber Cabrini College has a cross-enrollment agreement with Valley Forge Military Junior College which allows its students to actively participate in an ROTC program. This simply means that Cabr -ini students may attend tlie necessary military science classes offered at Valley Forge. Different viewpoints are held by people on campus as to whether or not the program is beneficial. Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson of the religion department said, "I feel it's not a program for a Catholic institution." Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of the history and political science department feels that "ROTC is an individual choice and no one should be denied access to it." Army ROTC is an Officers Training program which when successfully completed will result in a commission as a second lieutenant in the US Army. For ROTC cadets who excel academically, there are competitive sch'1!arships available. These cover college tuition costs and allow cadets in the advanced program an allotment of funds every month. Besides taking military science courses, · participants must attend Basic and Advanced Camp, both six week training programs given during the summer . These are required before becoming commissioned. This semester there are no Cabrini students enrolled in the program. The reason for such a lack of participation seems to be one that can not be pinpointed, although it is an individual decision which each student may or may not choose to make. According to Capt . Bernard Yanos, ROTC Officer at Valley Forge Military Junior College, "ROTC scholarships offer· a lot of opportunity for individuals ." He said that in February or March he visits ' the financial aid office to inform them of the available scholarships. This past year, the scholarships alloted to Cabrini were used by Valley Forge cadets due to lack of . interest of students here.

Sophomore 'transfer student Chris Smith will begin military science at Valley Forge next semester. Smith said that his cross country coacli, Tom O'Hora, organized his participation in a twoyear ROTC program with Yanos. Smith commented, "It's a lot easier going in as a lieutenant than a private and you can rise in rank easier." Smith eventually hopes to land a job in government and feels that the experience he will gain from ROTC will be beneficial. If he manages to maintain a 2.7 grade point average, his entire tuition will be paid for. Although ROTC is a successfully proven · way to finance education and is offered at over 300 colleges and universities nationwide, faculty members on campus hole reservations as well as admiration for the program. Reher , does not feel that an ROTC program will benefit students. Reher believes that college years are for developing one's ability to analyse a variety of issues including society. Reher stated, "That it's important for students to realize the morality of the positions we have taken in the international struggle of other countries, for example Nicarauga." She feels that "students can 't understand the military if they benefit from it." Reher did point out that it is not at all her intention to make individual judgments on students in ROTC programs. She also admitted that she can see "the attractive ne ss of RO'OO JlU).ney w · ''.. Reh er mentioned the organizing of a national peace academy and said, ''If the government would offer the same kinds of funding for people who wanted to persue peace studies, then I might feel more comfortable . Then students would have an option. " Reher noted that there was a decrease in funding to college students but not to the ROTC program, which "indicates where the national priorities are." Girard , holds a different viewpoint. He was on the initial committee which formed the cross-enrollment contract. He felt the

R(?!C is a program held in conjunction with Cabrini College and Valley Forge M1/JtaryJunior College. The program offers students the opportunity to become trained officers and gain a military commission. (photo by Mark Magner) reason that the program w~ not very popindividuals choosing ROTC as a career. " ular could be due to the fact that it is not He feels that it is a major decision for each publicized readily, although opportunities individual to make . Another importan t were announced through Loquitur . point he wanted to stress , was t hat miliAnother possible drawback could be the tary service sometimes is looked at with realization of moving into a different acaevil reservations, ''but there is nothing in demic environment and dealing with the tlre tradition of the United States forbidconfusion and anxiety that might arise. ding serving in the military." Girard offered a few points for his supGirard thinks that ROTC offers good port of the ROTC program. He noted that a resources to students . He said, "it provides large number of Catholic colleges and unifinancial opportunities, possible career versities sponsor ROTC and it is "unfair of options, and possible educational options an institution to forbid the opportunity to they don't have."

DesigningXavierHall with studentsin mind byRandy T. Letko John Hieberger, vice president for development, and Mike Caranfa, physical plant director, both agree that the new dorm, named Xavier Hall, will be the most energy efficient, durable and student effective building on campus . · Hieberger assures the campus personnel that the building is being built with the student in mind. Xavier Hall was developed after extensive meetings with student life personnel and faculty. Caranfa agrees with Hieberger that the building will be , "functionally better than the rest of the buildings on campus." Caranfa said, "The reason for our optimism towards the dorm is the intense planning for it. Before the architect could draw the building , we got faculty members and stu-

dent life personnel together and devised a plan that allowed for maximum student life in the new dorm."

'Therehas been a lotof planningand a lotof work doneto makethe dorm rightand if everything come_s outaccordingto the plan,XavierHallwillbe a verysuccessfulproject.' Xavier Hall is built according to a communal core layout. The idea is to put the common areas of the dorm, those being, the study lounge, television room , vending machines and the resident manager's office

in the center of the building . The dorm areas are built in a clover fashion with four adjoining rooms, two students per room, which will increase student interaction. Parking has been added around the building and also to the Woodcrest lot . Drainage of water and melted snow was a major problem that had to be investigated. Xavier Hall is situated on one of the lowest sites on campus but the drainage problem was anticipated and a system of pipes around the building should take care of it. "That was a major concern for us and I believe the drain pipes will take care of everything ." Heiberger said. Caranfa said,"The reason for our optimism stems from the fact that the owners oflrvine Construction, Jay and Bob Irvine, are at the site everyday making sure everything is being done JCcording to the plan. "

Every two weeks a quality control check is done by the contractors to keep the construction at a high level of excellence . Xavier Hall is also handicapped equipped with an elevator and special rest rooms. Safety measures have been added such as making the windows with a special release-lock system that allows the win dow to be opened fully from the inside only. Xavier Hall is being built with the student in mind and should allow for maximum student interaction as well as safety . Caranfa said, "It should be a nice dorm." Hieberger agrees, "There has been a lot of planning and a lot of work done to make the. dorm right and if everthing comes out according to the plan, Xavier Hall will be a very successful project. But , as with any new building , you never know. Ask me in a year ifit was successful, then I will know."

inside perspectives • .2 news • • . . . ••• .3 features • • • ••• .4 .5 living •••• sports • • • • • • • .6 sga ... • • • • • • • .7 twac • • • • • • • • .. 8 •

Individuals can make a difference Although the field hockey team did not have a winning record this year, the team memhers' individual talents have shown through. (photo by Mark Viggiano)


Discussing ideas on the weight room


SGA discusses the weight room from its original conception to its present state and ideas for its future as far as their role in governing it goes. ~photo by Mark Viggiano)

loquitur- friday,nov.2, 1984



editorial viewpoint Applause for My home away from home ourathletes The traditional joke "where the heck is Cabrini College" seems to have a lot less punch these days: larger colleges such as Stockton State, Alvernia, Widener University, and Chestnut Hill who formerly_ "poo-pooed" our existence, can now point us out on the map and acknowledge us as an institution with which to be reckoned. A large part of the credit for the positive notoriety goes to those ,often unsung heroes of the Cabrini image - the sports teams. Representing Cabrini in sports hasn't always been easy on the pride. The smallest school in a division that ranges to almost twice our size, we've had to face better-fielded, betterfunded, and longer-established teams. It can be a bit disheartening for a "four-year young" team such as field hockey to face "ivy league" opposition so steeped in athletic tradition that they practically invented the sport. And the tennis team has experienced that well-known sickening feeling when the other team has a full bench of substitutes and we're desperately looking for starting players. Yet day after day, season after season, our athletes don their blue and white uniforms and "give it their all" in the name of Cabrini. They sacrifice their study time, leisurely meals with their friends, bruise-less legs, clean fingernails and weekend free time. Often there are no fans and no apparent rewards. Well, thank God and adidas, their efforts have definitely not been in vain. Just as the basketball teams once established themselves as winning forces, the other sports have followed suit, loudly announcing their presence. This season boasts three teams who are just a few games away from championship action: the soccer team is working toward District 19 competition in New York; the "Lady Cavs" volleyball team is preparing for the district regionals on Nov. 4; in their first official season, men'scross-country has compiled an impressive record of wins and hope to keep up the pace to dench the District 19 championships. Tremendous improvements were also accomplished by the women's tennis team who in their first season as a recognized team won their first match against Cheyney State, and by the field hockey team who stepped up their record and managed to triumph over Penn State Ogontz (who defeated them last year during homecoming). These improvements and records are a credit to the athletes of all sports, all the coaches, the managers, the timekeepers, the van drivers, the fans - the college asa whole. Congratulations to all! Let's continue to keep Cabrini on the map!

Many people have their rooms as havens for privacy; unfortunately, in a house with at least seven people in it at all times, even my room does not serve this purpose very well. Believe it or not, most of my time alone where I can think without interruption, is spent in my car.

As a commuter, I am in my car at least twice a day; so, my car is equipped with the essentials. I keep a pad and pencil handy,'just in case of sudden brainstorms; some ofmy best story ideas have been conceived in traffic on Sproul Road. My books stay in my car, too. Countless mornings have been spent reviewing my homework or for a test as I inched along the roads on the way to Cabrini . It's a good thing I know the curves of Radnor so well; this way I can keep my eyes on my books instead of the road . Quick reflexes for sudden stops are essential, also. Also, I keep a change of clothes in my car since I never know when a deadline will unexpectedly keep me at Cabrini until the early hours of the morning. However, I don't think that my car is as fully equipped as other more eccentric people. There are those with phones, televisions and bars in their cars-now wouldn't that be nice . 1 am not as attached to my car as are some people. My refer to blueCapri doesnot haveaname, nordol 1

barbora mongelli it as ''her" or "my baby." It is after all, only pieces of colored steel. Some people go to extremes to keep their car near and dear to them. "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" once told of the man who had the monument on his grave shaped like his Mercedes Benz; it was done in exact proportions, weighing several thousand pounds. These extremes that people go to could be because of the way society has allowed us to adjust to "life in the fast lane." We have practically become a society that lives in our cars. If we're hungry, we can go to a drive-in and get our food without leaving our car; ifwe need money, we can go to the drive-in bank and have a check cashed. So much time is spent in our cars, it's no wonder we become so attached to these machines. Come to think of it, ifl can manage get the telephone, television and bar set up in my car, no one may ever see me again.

op1n1on Discoveringnever-never land by Virginia A. Smith This Halloween, I went trick-or-treating for the first time in five years, and instantly returned to my childhood. Eight years old again, I felt the excitement of receiving a big milky way bar, and that urge to eat it immediately (which I did). I compared the contents of my pillow case with others, hoping I'd have less apples and more trade-able commodities.(this time,though, mom couldn't confiscate the "suspicious-looking" candy (ie.,the hershey chocolate bars ), and my brothers couldn't steal my tootsie rolls). The 'oohs' and 'aahs' of the neighbors coaxed me to ham it up with my costume . For two hours I felt so enthralled and energetic that I wondered: why did I ever give this up? Why do we resist things that seem childish when we've "grown-up"? Why do we never return to trick-or-treating ...or kite flying, or'blowing bubbles for that matter? True, there is a need in our structured world to be adult-like, fully in control and mature in order to go about this business of living in a civilized fashion. But I contend that there is also a need to be a child - and if we let ourselves indulge a bit, we will find it a most self-fulfilling experience . Deep down inside, we're jealous of children and long to return to our games again, to eat play dough, to ride a rocking horse. Children are very attuned to their senses. When they play with something they will feel all its various angles, smell it, taste it, experiment with it. They will get

their bodies totally involved in a game of dodge ball, running on high energy, then will sporatically dash off to follow a ladybug for no reason other than 'because it was there.' Children live for the 'here and now', excited by the moment to moment discoveries they make. Somehow as we get older and more adult-like, we suppress all this childlike wonder . We rarely get totally involved in a project. We train ourselves to concentrate on one thing at a time, ignoring any minor miracles which may pop up because we're too busy to bother with them. We know what play dough looks like, but we've forgotten how much fun it was to dig into with your fingernails. We 'see' objects, but we rarely 'experience' them. I'm in favor of the Peter Pan principle: to be a child forever, to never lose that playfulness, that wonder, that endless questioning. Dive into a pile of leaves (you know you're dying to do it), spin a top and watch the colors move. Go to.a park and swing high on a swing, letting your head drop back, lightly dragging your feet. Open that can of play dough, smell it, notice its moist feeling, roll it into shapes. Going back to "child-like" activities is not to re-create who you were, but to remember who you are. You are a being who has emotions, experiences and feelings. Getting in touch with those feelings will be very life-enriching experience. And I promise you, those special moments will be the most enjoyable times of your life. But I must warn you: the Peter Pan life can be addictive. Do touch ground now and then to check on you phone messages.

correction 4

Mike Finn, freshman. did not break alumnus Jimmy Vail's 1983 record for most soccer goals in a season, 13, as reported in last week's Loquitur. His total number ¡of goals was 14, including pre-season play which cannot be conted towards the record. Finn finished the regular season with 11 goals.

J )



Johnny, open your 6ook to page 52, and PUT AWAYTHAT M16!

loquitur cabrini college Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. Pennsylvania 19087. Subscription price is $1) per year and is included in the benefr(s secured by tuition and student fees. Edttor: Barbaro Mongelli News Edttor: Lucio Lourtto Assistant. Peggy Simon Perspectlves Edttor: Virginia Smith LMng Edttor: Gia DiGiminioni Features Edttor: Bonnie Zischong Spom Editor: Michelle Bomber BushassManager. Robin Larkins Assistant lo Edttoo: D. 8. Field Art Editors: Beth Doty ond Debbie Cicirello Photography Editor. Caro Graham Assistant. Mork Viggiano Photogrophy Adviser. Dr. Corter Croigie l'<Mser Dr. .lemme Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci. Lorry Aquino. Fronk 8okoski, Koren Bowers.Kathleen Breslin. Koren Clark. Chris Corcoran. Bemodette Demski, Mory Beth Evich. Kolle Grimley. Doris Hickmon. Kerry Hogon . Donno Horsley,Chris Koerner. Joan Kromet Rondy Letko. Maureen McAnespey, Robert Morchesonl Barbaro Petroccl Louro Przyworo. TrishReilly, Been Riddle, Kathi Wochenheim. Cathy 'tbung The SGA and TWAC pages are paid advertisements . The content is under the supervision of those offices. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the edttors. However. if the writer wishes. and the edttor agree~ the write(s name -may be lett off the letter upon publication and on inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer.' Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length . If a letter is too long for the available space , the edttor may edit or condense . Letters to the edttor should be submitted by noon on Mondovs .

loquitur - friday, nov. 2, 1984


ElectionProcess to be evaluated bySGAboard


Freshmenclass officers not hinderedby lack of experience by Margaret Angelucci'

by Christine Koerner

SGA promises to evaluate the method of elections before the second semester . At this time a decision will be made as to whether the constitution of the elections should be ammended . While most students feel the elections are run fairly, there are problems with the procedure. First, the ballot box does not have a lock. Second, the method ofregistering by signing your name to insure . one time voting, makes it hard for those on the election committee to check if students have voted. As a result, overstuffing can occur. According to Virginia Smith, sophomore, chairperson of the election committee, •~ny overstuffing that takes place has a limited effect; the voting results generally come out the same . But in the principle of the matter, voting is not exactly accurate, or totally fair, and corrective measures should be taken." Karen Bowers, sopho:rpore, election committee member feels the elections are completely fair. She stated "it is almost impossible to stuff the ballot box because the number of votes casted are compared with the number of students who signed their name as voting. If there is a discrepency the election will be run again." Elections begin with self-nomination posters which are up for one week . At the end of a week, ballots are made . Students are able to vote for three . days, (6 voting times) by checking off the candidate of their choice on the ballot and putting it into the ballot box. The student then proceeds to sign his or her name to a master list of students to verify their voting. A candidate needs 51 percent of the votes the first time around to win the election. Smith and Robin Larkins, senior , president ofSGA , noted that there have been complaints concerning the candidates methods of campaingning . Candidates have been known to pressure voters at the ballot box to vote for them . Also , friends of the candidates have been hanging around the ballot box trying to influence voters. Most students feel the solution to the voting problems would be to get a voting booth . A voting booth would increase the accuracy of the count of the votes casted. It would also insure one time voting . Most importantly the booth offers privacy for the voter. A voting booth would be considerably more formal; expressing the seriousness the students take in their candidacy.

how to get involved in the school was through SGA. Surprisingly, the freshmen representatives have had litThe freshmen representatives have high asperations tle experience with student government. This is where about starting their positions. The mutual feeling among SGA orientation is involved. Basically, the main objective is the representatives is to help the class as a whole become to have a question and answer period with the other experiunited and motivated to get things accomplished . The rep- enced members ofSGA. If the freshmen have any question resentatives also want to accomplish events that will beneabout their duties or position they will be helped along. fit Cabrini as a whole. According to Robin Larkins, senior, SGA president, "We The freshmen SGA representatives for 1984-85 are Doug- don't want to send the freshmen off on a journey without las Jobson, president; Denise Fasolo, vice president; direction. We want to help them find a path and direct them Maureen Jackson, secretary; Kevin Corcoran, treasurer; in getting their class motivated." The biggest responsibility Meghan Johnson, social activities; and Patty Loeb, com- for the freshmen to realize is the fund raising. For example, muter representative . this year each class will participate in the Sophomore / . Accor,_dingto Jobson, "We want to get the freshmen class . Senior Farwell, now called the Senior Farewell. The freshmvolved. We also want to make sure the freshmen at men will be directed on how to go about raising funds, along Cabrini East are includetl'in fundraisers and events. I feel it , with how to use communication techniques to bond the will help the freshmen class bond together." entire freshman class in the orientation. Corcoran said, "I want to contribute to the class and try to According to Virginia Smith, sophomore, chairperson of get accomplished what other people want." This was the election committee and vice president ofSGA, "The freshreason behind the other representatives becoming SGA men class was having a lot of trouble choosing the officers officers as well . One of the only ways the freshmen knew because everyone is so talented." ·

Mockdebateaddressescampaignissues by Cathy Young

In an unusual change of pace, the English and communications and the social workers clubs sponsored a debate between local supporters of the Democratic and Republican tickets in order to better acquaint students with the issues of the presidential campaign . The format of the televised presidential debates was sheduled to be simulated in the presentation , with the party serving as a stand-in representative of each candidate for a group of student panelists. Scheduled to speak for the Reagan-Bush ticket was Dr. Sandra Corneilus, the human resources administrator of Delaware County . Debating for the Mondale-Ferraro platform was Milton Eerkes, chairman of the Citizens for Mondale-Ferraro of Bucks County .

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Nikki L. Shuler, senior, and presi-dent of the English and communications club, said that the topic and format of the debate is timely because this will be the first election in which many college students will vote. "We have a political re sponsibilit y to inform students of the candidates ' views ," Shuler said . The debate was scheduled to include: the participants , Corneilus and Eerkes , four student panelists and one student moderator . The four students serving as panelists are : Robin Larkins , senior ; Lori Di Meglio , senior; Matthew Radico , freshman; and Sylvia Bruni, freshman. Freshman Christine Mason will serve as moderator. A survey conducted by Shuler suggested that the two is ues concerning- the Cabrini students regarding

the political candidates and the elec. tion were: getting the Soviet Union back to arms control talks and Reagan's "Star Wars" satellites . The issues to be addre ssed during the debate are: the nuclear arms race , the current economic situation , education , and social security. These clubs will also be sponsoring a mock election to be held on campus ; the results will be released after the actual election results are known . The results of Cabrini's mock election should prove interesting, since President Ronald Reagan seems to the favorite among college students nationwide. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Reagan seems to be as popular with the younger generation today as John F. Kennedy was with the younger people during his adm ini stra t ion .

-----------------I I I






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CASHIERPOSITIONS:Dennis O'Brlens news store in Wayne needs cashiers; 35 hours per week; 8-4 on weekdays and 15 hours- 2 weeknights and Saturday morning and Sunday otternoon . Contact Denn is O'Brien at

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FREE ROOMAND BOARD:Babysitting in exchange fo r room and board: shou ld hove own transport ation . Contact Janet McGory at 896-8838 .

loquitur - frida½nov. 2, 1984



Studentsfind work challenging,yet satisfying by Mary Kate Grimley

The number of Cabrini students who attend school and work full-time is remarkable. For varied reasons and necessities, a great majority of Cabrini students hold jobs of some sort or another. One of the most significant factors a student would consider before accepting the responsibility of a job would be the amount of time that it would take away from their studies. Barbara Rubin, assistant director of the Center for Academic Reinforcement (CARe) is "amazed at the fact that so many students hold jobs and maintain good academic scores." Rubin feels that the amount of students that run into problems academically are "in the minority" and that these various jobs are not one of the primary reasons for turning to the CARe Center for assistance with school work .

One unquestionable advantage to certain jobs is the quality experience they give to students. For Senior Chuck Cesare, his job at Jefferson Bank has presented him with an "application of classroom theory." Paul Campanella, sophomore, has also learned a great deal through his work experience. Through working at a jewelry store in Bristol, Campanella "better understands salsemanship," and has assisted in "working with marketing ideas." For commuters, the challenge of working and attending school is a greater one. A consideration of travel time and home · responsibilities must also be incorporated into their schedule. It is difficult to attend school activities and events while commuting and working. Anne Marie DeFelice, commuting sophomore realizes that she will be "late for

Kappa every week," due to her-work schedule. For commuting senior, Fran McBurney and for many other students as well, there is a "sense of satisfaction," founded in his employment at Mount Lebanon Cemetery even though his time is mostly consumed by his employment. Though many students enjoy leaving the campus to work, there are some who see working on campus as a asset. Mary Beth Cunney, junior, feels that employers on campus are easier to work for. "The employers on campus are flexible and understand the problems involved in working and keeping up with academics at the same time," stated Cunney. Karen Cerkez, freshman, realizes that she "can do homework on the job," for the most part. Very often campus jobs are arranged so that students will have an opportunity to work on their assignments as well . Though most students generally work

Armstrong's_enthusiasm enhances fine arts department by Donna M. Horsley

To talk to Gary Armstrong, it is fairly obvious that his first semester as assistant professor of the fine arts department and creator of the new commercial arts program is agreeing quite nicely with him. Although Armstrong feels very fortuna te to be given the opportunity to teach at Cabrini, it may really be.that Cabrini is equally fortunate to have him on its teaching staff. Art has been a part of Gary Armstrong's life since age seven when he won a prize in his first art show. He has achieved noteworthy success as an artist. Armstrong personally sees his accomplishment as nothing more than what he hopes to be contribution to society. Armstrong has worked as a freelance artist andhas done numerous display work, advertisements and design work for corporations and illustrations. Kenner Products is just one of the many corporations for which he has done art work. At one point in his career, Armstrong did paintings for Center Trust, a prominent corporation in Cincinnati , Ohio. According to Armstrong, the corporation was promoting a special banking program, for which he was asked to do a series of paintings of favorite sites in Cincinnati. Armstrong has also done one person art shows in prominent galleries. According to Armstrong, it is an artist's responsibility to exhibit his work. He reasons that artists are a lot like working professionals in our society. Just as biologists must do research in an attempt to broaden their knowledge in their field of interest, so must the artist present projects, their art work from time to time to keep abreast of present day art. Armstrong also spent some time working for the U.S. Air Force Exhibit Unit as an illustrator. Perhaps his most interesting job was when he was asked to design a

medallion to go to the moon with Apollo 16. Said Armstrong, "The project's purpose was to design , build and display exhibit units worldwide for the Air Force." When asked if this was his most accomplished work , he responded that his teaching job at Cabrini is just as exciting and equaJly as important. Oftentimes the public, media and individuals stereotype artists as eccentric, withdrawn and lacking in contributions to society. According to Armstrong, artists are misunderstood. He said , "We as humans must survive physically and essentially in a society today that is materialistic . The artists are concerned with surviving not only physically, but essentially as well ." By surviving essentially Armstrong means not just relying on satisfying physical needs. "I look at life and it looks back at me," said Armstrong. '~rtists have an attitude, " he said. "They are not in opposition to society but instead are trying to contribute to society in their own way. To an artist, a contribution is when society has realized that what the artist has created and discovered is of content." Armstrong believes that because our society ts more concerned with surviving physically, little or no emphasis is placed upon surviving essentially and an imbalance results. Sophomore Pat McKenna is a biology major who has recently taken a minor in the fine arts. McKenna said, "Minoring in the fine arts is a way to a more wholistic individual." Armstrong is optimistic about teaching at Cabrini. He taught at Northern Kentucky Univeri:,ity for seven years before coming to Cabrini. "I wanted to come back east," said Armstrong who is originally from the Philadelphia area. "I feel lucky to be here. I am hyperactive and love work. I want to work with students who appreciate the things I have gone through to get where I am today."


Career Experience Opportunity All classes are invited to take advantage of the chance to spend one day to one week in an informal internship (usually during Christmas break) with a Cabrini alumnus and learn about a career field of interest to you!! Field Auditor... Raw Materials Section Leader... Personnel Administrator ... Allorney ... Sales Representative... Physical Therapist... Social Worker ... Sclen• list... Caseworker... Probation/Parole Officer... Psychologist. .. Religious Coordinator... Physician ... Costume Designer...

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·Sign up by Nov.5! Career Counseling Office (RRCC Rm. 8)


15 to 25 hours a week, this time is often a needed break from academics. It "breaks the monotony of the day," for Senior Joanne Lumpkin. Besides this aspect , Senior Anne Hendrickson feels that she "appreciates the value of education more and watches money more closely." Many students on campus are involved in either a work study or work grant program. The money earned through these positions are used for both tuition and personal expenses. According to Beth Lieberman assistant director of financial aid office, 28 percent of Cabrini students are presently holding a work study job while 18 percent have assumed some form of service grant. For the most part, these various job experiences are positive influences for the majority of students employed. They may cause conflicts often, but in the long run these positions are a strength and asset in many students lives.

Gary Armstrong, the newest addition to the fine arts department, displays a most unusual, semitransparent piece of art that he created from plexiglass. (photo by Mark Magner)

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loquitur - friday, nov.2, 1984



Infringingon the rights _of roommates by B.J. Petracci

You walk into your room after a hard day at school. All you want to do is put on a pair of sweats and sit around, relax and do a little studying. You open your door and he's there, again. It seems that every time you want to use your room anymore, he's there. You really liked him in the beginning, but now their relationship is getting serious and your starting to get sick of it. When you want to study they're there kissing and rolling on the bed and if you want to get dressed, you have to leave the room. College life is hard enough,but when you get an extra roommate in the package it can become unbearable . Problems can start to arise for roommates when no communication exists. In a survey in which 300 residents on campus participated, 32 percent of those polled have had the problem of being inconvienced by their roommate having a member of the opposite sex in their room, but only 18.5 percent have said something to their roommate about it. A major problem that can occur is when couples have sex in their room, but do not consider their roommate before doing it. Of the 300 surveyed, 27 .5 percent of the students are having sex in their rooms, and 11 percent of those asked refused to respond. Many of the students questioned said that they would not

mind leaving the room at all for their roommate if asked. What most of the students want in this case is for some common courtesy to be practiced by their roommate. Roommates want to give each other freedom, but they do not want to be taken advantage of. If the situation started to occur repeatedly, most students said that they would have to bring up the -subject to their roommate. But some students said that they did not have a strong feeling on the matter. One sophomore male said, "I will not leave the room anymore, because I feel like I have been taken advantage of. I get dressed right in front of her now. I just look at her as ifl have another roommate."

ing on a long-term goal of programs on human sexuality." Lilly feels that the programs might help students to get a better understanding of themselves and help them in dealing with some of the roommate problems being faced at Cabrini. · According to the students, most of the roommates handle the problem themselves. Many of the students said that they can talk to their roommate about it, but in many cases, the roommate who is being inconvienced just learns to live with the situation. A current female sophomore, who was inconvienced during her freshman year, said, "I would go back to my room and there would be a note on the door saying do not dis-

'I will not leavethe room anymore,because I feel like I have been taken advantageof. I get dressed right in front of her now. I just look at her as if I have another roommate." -Sophomore male student Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, has not had to deal directly with this problem since takeing her position last spring . Lilly said, " I have been made aware of the problem , minus the names of the parties involved, through my RA's and the counseling center. Since being brought to my attention, the resident managers and myselfhave been work-

turb. I talked to my RA's about it and they told me to talk to her about. I knew I had to do it, but I just couldn't, so I told my RA's everything was okay, just to avoid the problem of facing my roommate and having to talk to her about her boyfriend." This is not an uncommon occurrence. A current junior had the experience of walking into her


'I would go back to my room and there would be a note on the door saying do not disturb,' commented a current female sophomore about her freshman year living situation. (photo by Mark Magner) room and finding men's and tell my parents they were just women's clothing thrown all over good friends." According to Lucia Laurito, the room early one Sunday morning. A sophomore male said, ''I see junior, resident assistant ofWoodmore of his girlfriend then I do my crest, "This problem of being own." A senior male said, "One inconvenienced occurs most in weekend a few years back , I came the freshman year. This is mostly back to Cabrini with my parents due to the fact that freshmen do early in the morning. When I not get to pick their roommates." went into my room I found my However, the problem does occaoccur with upperroommate and his girlfriend in sionally bed together. I couldn't exactly classmen.

Elton croonssad songs,old favoritesat Spectrum by Judy Buck glimmering red socks and "mod" There is a very strong analogy black shoes. between the new Elton John John began to break hearts album and his latest tour. "Break- immediately by starting the two ing Hearts," is the title of his new hour show off with "Hold Me album, and breaking hearts is Closer" and "Tiny Dancers." exactly what was accomplished by Without hesitation, John conJohn and his band last Sunday tinued the unforgettable trip night at the Philadelphia down memory lane with "Levon" Spectrum. and "Rocket Man." At 8:30 p.m., before a near soldWhen the first few notes of out crowd of approximately "Rocket Man" were played, the 18,000 people, John took the stage audience soared to their feet, glowing from his red brimmed showing John their approval. straw hat and sunglasses to his . John and his band returned their

appreciation with an electrifying light show that was exhibited throughout the song. Seeing the stage filled with smoke in an array of colors, was one of the highest points in the concert. Red, yellow and green lights were focused on every angle of the stage, adding to the intensity of the song. The popular song, "Daniel," folfowed "Rocket Man," as John continued to pleas~ the capacity crowd. · One thing John did differently from other touring performers was that he played only a limited selection of songs from his new .album. Most performers are apt to tour simply to promote a new album. John played a great amount of his older material, contrasted by the few songs from "Breaking Hearts" which were performed. John performed such oldies as "The Bitch is Back," "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me," "Bennie and the Jets" and the ever popular "Philadelphia Freedom."


piano benches and throwingthe pieces out into the audience, John continued to please the crowd.

Performer Elton John enthralled a capacity audience in his recent concert at the Spectrum. The concert was reminiscent of his earlier works, which also including songs from his new album. (photo courtesy of Geffen Records)

John did a fine job of selecting songs from the new album to maintain the audience's level of excitement. "Restless," "Who Wears These Shoes" and "Sad Songs" were among the ones chosen.





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By smashing two piano benches and throwing the pieces out into the audience, John continued to please the crowd. John ended the concert by performing two encores. The first encore was at 10:08 p.m., when John trotted back onto the stage

and played "Your Song" and "Saturday Night." The final encore ended with "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road" and "Crocodile Rock." The audience's final response was definitive of the perfection with which the concert was executed.

loquitur- friday, noy.2, 1984



Individualsspark field hockeyteam


by Kerry Hogan The women's field hockey team has shown a considerable amount of talent despite their record of 4-7. The 1984 season has been a very competitive season for the women. Field hockey coach, Mimi Greenwood has coached the team for two years. Her daughter Vicky is her assistant. The senior Greenwood said, ''All of the girls played extremely well this year. Although our record does not show this, it must be taken into account that the rules were changed this season . The field hockey team was moved into a more difficult divisi3n, NCA division three, which placed a strain on the team because they were up against stiffer competition." Greenwood also revealed that the team devised a new plan of attack which had to be learned and mastered throughout the season. Lori DiMeglio, captain of this year's field hockey team, senior said, "I feel this year's team is the best it has ever been. We have a considerable amount of individual talent which each woman has been able to contribute to the team." · "Michelle Tarbotton (junior), what can I say, except she is one hustler. Without her, we would have had a hard time," DiMeglio said. "Lisa Hurst has also been a great

"'In the Swarthmore tournament, the field hockey team placed third . The tournament was held on Saturday, Oct . 27 and included eight other teams. C&brini won against Gwynedd-Mercy in overtime with pentalty flicks. The :score was 2-0 ~he field hockey team won against Gwynedd-Mercy College on Thursday, Oct . 25. ~he men's soccer played only one game last week, which ended in a tie against York College. The team played a tough game that saw Charlie Dodds, sophomore, score in the closing minutes of the game to tie it up at 1-1.

Field hockey team members Debbie Furrow, freshman, Patty Hinke, senior, outmanuever the ball from an opposing team member. (phot9 by Mark Viggiano) throughout the ·1934 season . asset tothe team. She is an excellent link DiMeglio added that Patti Hinke, last "Working together as a team has defiyear's captain, junior, must also be crednitely paid off. This has been the best year . ited. "Patti played extremely well and at for our team as far as talent ," said Tarbotpresent holds the title of high scorer on the ton. Tarbotton also commented on the team." incoming freshmen. "This is the first year Nancy Rattstetter , a sophomore, was the team had every position filled on the considered by her coach and captain to be field, plus substitutions ." the most outstanding defensive player

"'The soccer team plays today at 2:30 and the winner will become the District" 19 champion and go onto New York for to the regional playoffs. "'The volleyball team will host a tournament on campus tomorrow from 8:00 a .m. to 10 p.m .

Soccerstar excelsin actions by B.J Petracci

Mike Finn, freshman, soccer player is· captured by the camera during practice time, to which he is very devoted. (photo by Mark Viggiano)

up the game of soccer. He enrolled at Cabrini in January , but was very hesitant about trying out for soccer. He finally · decided to giye it a try. · Finn attributes giving college and soccer a second chance to a special friend at home . He said , "She really helped me to get through summer practice. If it wasn't for her , I wouldn't be playing right now. But Finn is playing and playing with an intesity that is hard to find . Coach Bill Crowley said , "The best way to describe Mike is to say he 's a leader by performance instead of a leader by words.'' In his freshman season , Finn has scored 11 goals . This is one more than the number ' of goals scored by the whole team last year. '. Finn really likes playing here . He said, "Coach Crowley is the best coach I've ever had. He motivates you by teaching you new .

He walks onto the field for yet another day of practice . He has been playing this game for 14 years , but with every game he plays and with ever y bruise he receives, Mike Finn , freshman , loves the game of soccer more and more . Fi~n graduated from Lower Merion High School , where he achieved an allstate status and a scholarship to Penn Brook College in North Carolina . He went down to North Carolina only to find that the school was not at all what he thought it was going to be and left the school with out ever playing a game. Finn said , "My father said instead of being unhappy for a whole semester why not come home . My family has always been the biggest influence on me ." Finn is the eighth ofll children and both his younger brother and sister share his enthusiasm for soccer by playing in their ' high schools . He said , "My mom and dad have always been there to cheer me ·on when thiJilgs were going well and there tr pick me up when things fell apart . That has always helped me so much." After such a bad experience in North Carolina , Finn seriously considered giving

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According to Finn this is the first "team " team he has ever played on. Everyone helps and cares about each other . He said , "When we are playing, everyone is in the game; even the bench is out on the field. The whole team says 'we,' nobody ever says 'I.'" Finn finds college soccer a lot more physical then when he played in high school. The quality of the players is also much higher . But Finn's just having fun and working hard. Crowley said, "Mike has helped the team by his actions. His work rate has impressed other members of the team to work the same way."



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methods and how to be more strategic in your play. We have learned to loo~ ahead for the play , instead of just playing a kick . and run game. "



Large Tunafish Grinder....


Plain Cheese . .. $2.60 Extra Cheese . .. 3.40 Extra Sauce .. 2.90


Reg. Hoagie Grinder 2.30


Onion . ... Gr. Pepper . . . .. Onion & Pepper Mushroom...... Salami ... .. . . . . Hamburger . .... Sausages .... . . Pepperoni ... ~ . . Anchovies .. .. .


Meat Ball Grinder ... 2.3G Ham Grinder.. . . . . . . 2.40 Roast Beef Grinder . 2.70

Tunafish Hoagie . . Regular Hoagie . .. Ham Hoagie . . . . . . Roast Beef Hoagie Italian Hoagie . . . .



Italian Grinder . .....


Turkey Hoagie. . . . 2.30





Turkey Grinder . . . . . 2.30 Pastrami Grinder.... 2.20

Pastrami Hoagie . . 2.20 Cheese Hoagie . . . 2.20




i------E~AK::.S:-------1 5.60









Minced Clams . . 5.50 .... . . 9.80 Shrimps ........ 5.50 . . ... 9.80 House Special . . 5.25 ... . . 9.25

BlltGERS Hamburger ...... : . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Cheeseburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.65 Lettuce & Tomatoes Extra .. 0.20

STROMBOLIS Cold Cuts Stromboli3.60 . . . . 6 .50 Steak Stromboli.... 3.60 . . . . 6.50 Extra Cheese ... . . . 0.60 . . . . 1.20

2.50 2.30 2.40 2.70. 2.40

Cheese Grinder. . . . . 2.20 SALADS SMALLLARGE Chef. .. . ... . . ... 2.50 3.00 Reg Strak & Onions . . 2.2fi Greek . .. . ..... . 3.00 3.50 Cheese Steak &Onion2.40 Tuna Fish Salad . 3.20 . 3.70 Tossed . .. . . . ... 1.75 2.00 Pizza Steak &Onion. . 2.50 Cheese . .. . . . .. . 2.50 3.00 Mush Extra on Steak . ..60 French & ItalianDressin1s Lettuce & Tom Extra . ..30



Extra Onion . .. ... . ... .10 F

renc nes .. . . . ..... 90 Extra Green Pepper . . ..25 Onion Rings . ....... . 1.00 Extra Cheese .. . ....... 20 Cole Slaw ... . . . .. ... . .60 '3readed Mushroom ... 2.30

PLATTERS Fried Chicken ...4 Pieces .. ..... . .. ...... 3 90 Fried Flounder . ... .... ... ... .. . .. .. ... . 4 ·05 Fi~h and Chips . . .... . .................. 3 :70 Fried Oysters . .. . . ... . . . . .... ... .. .. ... 3 30 Scallops . ... ....... . ...... . ...•.... .. .. 4 ·so Jumbo Shrimp . . .. ...... . ..... . .... . . . . 5:70 Shrimp in the Basket ... .. .. . .. . .. ... ... 4.70 Combination Sea Food ... ... . . ... . ...... 4.90 (Includes French Fries-Cole Slaw _and Bread)


loquitur- friday,nov.2, 1984


SGA proposes.shaping up weightroom . The concept of a wefght room and fitness facilities at Cabrini is an issue which has achieved monumental results since its conception in September, 1983. It was then that Matt Garrison, senior, and Eddie O'Brien, class of 1984, submitted a proposal to Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president, requesting funds to update equipment in the weight room located in the then dilapidated basement of Sacred Heart Hall along side the cafeteria. Originally, the room consisted of outdated benches and plastic weights. Currie agreecj and SGA accepted the constitution of the Weight Club. Through these vehicles of support and financial resources , minor improvements were made possible and the fire of the fitness craze at Cabrini was fueled past the conceptional stage. Garrison's originally expressed intent to "turn the weight room into a functioning . fitness center," (see Loquitur, Feb.10, 1984) saw reality through funding obtained through the efforts of the Development Office. The recently completed renovations to the wieght and locker room facilities are testimony to these efforts and demonstrate . the college's support towards the improvement of facilities for the student body. SGA commends the dedication and enthusiasm of the fitness at Cabrini issue and the people who took the initiative to make the idea real. We're glad that we could play a part in its developmental process. This point leads us to the present state of affairs regarding the weight room, its use and future development. We realize that it is no longer just a club operating under the jurisdictlon of SGA due to the considerable

input of outside forces and benefactors. However, SGA would still like to represent the voice of the student body in regards to the governance of the facilities, and add input into plans for its future development. We suggest that a committee to preside over matters concerning the fitness center be formed. This committee should consist of representatives from the development office, the office of student activities, the athletic department, and SGA representativesspecifically those students involved with the weight room. The committee should have jurisdiction over matters involving scheduling, possibilities of expansion, the acquisition of additional equipment, monitoring of the facilities , programming, proper training and usage of equipment. Throughout the entire organizational structure governing th~ fitness facilities, the idea and potential ofit serving all students should be safeguarded. This point is of paramount importance since there is little opportunity for those not involved in organized sports or gym classes to exercise or workout at their convenience. It is these little experienced, interested students and students who do not have the time to become active in organized sports that the fitness center can benefit the most, as well as serve the obvious purposes of aiding the athletes on campus. If this perspective is kept in mind the new facilities can be utilized as a complete fitness center benefitting the entire campus and promoting shape-up on all levels from beginner to experienced athlete.

Social-ActivitiesWrap-up Commuter Week has arrived! Join with your commuter friends this weekend for lots of fun and frolic. · •Tonight, 9-11:Hayride and bonfire at Linvilla Orchards •Tomorrow night, 9-12: Rock 'n bowl at Devon Lanes. Music to be supplie by the Disc Jockey Club .

•Sunday night: Movie night. The commuters have organized three great days, so stop your studying and come have some fun! On behalf of social activities, we thank the junior and senior classes for yet another exciting dir_mer /dance last weekend. You did a great job!

Tom McGowan, senior, enjoys pumping iron in the newly renovated weight room 'facilities located in the basement of Sacred Heart Hall. (photo by Mark Viggiano) .


Cabrini College S.G.A. FinancialStatement as of 10/29/84

Assets: Savings account Checking account · Cash on hand

$5900 447.65 188.16

C.D. due 12/1/84 C.D. due 1/15/85

$1737 3000

$6535 .81 9737 $16,272.81

Cash available


Liabilities 1500 $1,472 .81

Loquitur expense (12/84) Excess assets

The socialworkclubwouldliketo than·k thefollowing businesses that havegenerously aidedus in our fundraising forthe Juniorsfor Sen·iors campaign. ·

$3000 3998.51

Social activities SGA clubs Total budgeted


Expenses Budgeted amounts (9/84) $741.53 677.07

Social activities SGA clubs Total expenses Balance (10/84) Assets over liabilities Balance (10/84) Second semester surplus

$1418.60 $4979.91 $1,4772.81 4979.91

Note: This statement is on a Th~nksto them,we havemanygifts cash basis. The surplus of $9792.90 will be used in secwhichwillbe give·n awayas prizes ond semester budgeting. ·on'thenightof ourdinner/dance, SGA CONGRATULATES NEWLY Friday,Nov.16. ELECTEDFRESHMENOFFICERS: A Style Above Wayne Rexall

Wayne Pizza Pie In The Sky Zipf's Candy McDonald's Bryn Mawr RecordShop Denny's The Greenhouse The Cellar Door Cowans Flowers WayneToyTown Wayne Gift Shop Club La Maison Wayne Baskin-Robbins 1



is paid


by the



DougJobson,president DeniseFasolo,vicepresident MaureenJackson,secretary KevinCorcoran,treasurer MeghanJohnson,socialactivitiesrepresentative PattyLoeb,commuterrepresentative

We wish you luck and offeryou support wheneveryou need it! association

and represents



of t:he sga

_loquitur- friday,nov.2, 1984 this week at cabrini



YI ff I J-;s(I




f;1i, 11/3

Saturday at




Leave for Devon Lanes (service road by SHH) !I 9-Midnight "Bowling Night" (Devon Lanes) H •I intramural teams (minimum of 4) ~11





'.,11 .f.,. VOLLEYBALL TOU~NAMENT here tr{i


Banking Seminar (MDR) Sign Language (WCCR) Jazz Ensemble (WCLH) HOLY HOUR (CHAPEL)

' 7 :30

Button Sale -Fine Arts (Cafe lobby) Jostens Ring Sale (care Lobby) will be back 11/19 & 20 · leave for Linville Orchards (service road by SHH) Hayride and Bon-fire (Linville Orchards,

INll 8:15 m;, ···~,, ijJ!'



11:30 11:00

1ij! I



Soccer 10:30 12:00


~\!:~~ 6:30 7:00


District 19 - Playoffs Resume Writing Wksp(RRCC-8) U.S. Dept of Education Luncheon (MDR) M/S Steering Comm. (WCCR) Junior Field Placement (WCSR) Alumni-Senior Dinner (MDR) Chess Club (WCSR) Thursday








9:00 11: 00






11111~ :~~ •tt

n; };i fit




Sub Committee - Academic Affairs (MDF) CEC Creative Arts Wksp (SH-A,C) "Conflict Resolution" Religion D1 Chorus (MDR) Foreign Film (WCLH)

7:30 7 ·.30 8:30



~_ :__ -_-_:• :_:_ i_:': lll

VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE SENIOll SPRING REGISTRATION 9: 30 Personnel Policies (WCCR) 11: 00 Bake Sale (C) 12: 30 Commuter Affairs (WCAR) 12:45 Sec. Ed. Majors Mtg. (WCCR) 1: 00 CEC/PSEA Mtg (SH-C} 1: 00 History Club (WCSR) 1: 00 Traffic Cammi ttce (DSCR) 1-i~O SAM (WCLH)

: ''

/ ;II ·:; •


; lj' :,·; ),l : ,






JUNIOR SPRING REGISTRATION 9:30 Cabriniana Room open 9:00 Lib. Book Sale (Lib) 12:30 Children's School Brd. (WCCR) 1:00 Computer Club (Comp. Lab) 1:00 Eng./Comm Film (WCLH) 1:30-4:30 Cabriniana Rm Open 1:30 Yearbook Staff (NRm) **6:00 Social Act. Board (WCAR) 6:00 W-Bball/NE Christian (H) 6:30 Learning Station (WCLH) 9:QO Kappa Mtg (WCCR)


~ ;'




· • .. ,.. ,,.,.~·~•

9:30-11:30 Cabriniana Room OPEN TBA District 19 S0ccer Playoffs 1:30-4:30 Cabriniana Room - OPEN 9:00 Computer Dance (C) SAM ART EXHIBIT AND SALE (MDR & Lobby) *** *** 2:10 Paris at the time of Emile Zo 1 a **


(WCCCRm) in French Impressionism and Nee-Impressionism (NCCCRm) in English

··....... .....,.--u~...•:•'"•'"•"'"' •-.•-.......... ;;;~:,...... -~~, -,....,....,·:.,.i.·,u;.·••:;~ -.·... ~ . - ·-- '~-.-·;_·;-: ::;·;_;,, .• ·•.

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....... .-.......... ..........





Holy Spirit library will hold its annual book and bake sale on Thursday, Nov. 8 and Friday, Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on its lower level. The sale is the major fundraiser for the library and proceeds will be used for the purpose of two additional chairs for the reading lounge.

A special thanks to all of the departments whose support helped to make the Promise Them Anything progrma a success: academic affairs, English/communications, history, resident life and student activities.

Come out and support the women's volleyball team as they host their own tournament tomorrow.

LANGUAGEDEPT. MOIIES Therewill be two French films shown this week in GraceHall, room 2. bn Tuesday, Nov. 6, "Paris at

FALLFLINGSUNDI\Y-11/18 LOSTAND FOUND There are lots of goodies in the lost and found in the student services area. Please come and claim them.

TAMECE STUDENTS All TAMECE students are to return their testing materials to the counseling center by this date . Also, any student in TAMECE who has not had their freshman interview should arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

COMMUNICATIONS OPENHOUSE-11/4 Welcome our guests to Sunday's open house from 11:30 to 4:00. Thank you for your help!

Get ready to tackle your fellow Cabrini-ites in the hottest football game around. Then relax with special dinners, a bonfire and more. It's the dorm council's fall fling on Sunday, Nov. 18 and everyone is invited. Watch Loquitur for more information or see your R.A. or dorm representative.

On Friday, there will be a hayride and bonfire will be at Unvilla Orchards in Media. Departure time from Cabrini will be 8:15 from the service entrance of Sacred Heart hall. Saturday is bowling night at Devon Lanes withmusic provided by the Disc Jockey club. Each residence and the commuter group will have the opportunity to bowl for intramural points for their team. Come join in on the fun!

GAMEROOMAND WEIGHTROOM MONITORS Alternate weekend hours are available.Please stop in the student activities office and make an appointment if you are interested.

The following are the state deadlines for the absentee ballots in the tri-state area: Pennsylvania, TODAY; Delaware , Mo nday; New Jersey, Tuesday.


Thanks to the students who have signed up to monitor the facility and provide this service to the community. Fitness center waivers may be obtained in the student services area. When using the fitness center, your I.D. must be shown to the monitor. Thank you for cooperating.

The soccer team has its chance at the District 19 championship. Come support them at this home playoff game today at 2:30


FEAST OF ST.CABRINl-11/13 On Tuesday, Nov. 13, we will celebrate the feast



box 265.



A special thanks to all of those who helped ou with the haunted house! Send poems, such as limericks and free verse to

The Second Annual Cabrini College · Helping Hand Superthon has been scheduled to take place on the weekend of Jan. 25 and 26. Plans are being made right now. If you are interested in helping on the Steering Committee , sign up now in the radio station-WCAB, or in the SGA or student activities office. If you have suggestions, subm it them to Robin Larkins, box 261, Judy Buck , box 54 or Joe Giuffre, box 289.

On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6, there will be vans to take students to the polling places. Signup sheets will be in the student services area. Please sign up by Monday at 4:30 for the specific run that you would like to go on.

of St. Cabrini. The Cabriniana room will be open to the student body on Monday, Nov. 12 and Tuesday, Nov. 13. One 6f the Sisters will be . -~ available to answer any questiOns that you might have about Mother Cabrini while visiting this special room on our campus.






the time of Emile Zola 1851-1878" will be shown in French; On Thursday, Nov. 8, "lmpresslonism and Nao-Impressionism" will be shown in English.

aclvertl■ement: paid for by t:ha office

Work grant and work study students are needed to monitor the fitness center and the gameroom every other weekend. Check in the student activities office if you need hours and are Interested.

SENIORDINNER-11/7 TheAlumni will sponsor the senior dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 7 in the Mansion dining room. JUNIORSPRINGREGISTRATION-11/8

of etudent


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