Nov. 09, 1984 issue 09 Loquitur

Page 1

friday,nov.9, 1984

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087



vol.xxxi,no. 9

Athleticsprogram feelscrunchof insufficientfunds by Kathleen A. Breslin

Dave DeMarco, freshman, (right) bench presses while Phil Sparagna , freshman, (center, spots him. Glenn Wigley, junior, (foreground) does a military press while concentrating on form and breathing to p revent

Last Saturday the men's cross-country team placed first in the District 19 championships at Allentown College, thereby becoming eligible for the national championships on Nov. 17 in Wisconsin. Funding for this and other athletic conferences has become a priority issue at Cabrini College since many teams have begun to excel in their sport. According to men's athletic director, John Dzik , travel and related expenses are estimated at $2 ,000 for the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics' conference at the University of Wisconsin , Par kside , in Kenosha, Wis. Dzik said the athlet ic department does not have an allowance in its curren t budget for these expenses . He added that it is work ing in a deficit situation . "There is no contingen cy plan for championship competition ," he said, and described the budget for athle ti cs as "bare bones ." When the men 's basketb all te am went to Kans as Cit y for the championsh ips las t yea r, t he colleg e advanced $10,000 to the team and was reimbursed by NAIA for 80 percent of this amoun t. Association support , however, extend s onl y to basketball. Ot her team s must provide th eir own financial back ing . He le n Goo d win, wom e n's athleti c direc t or, attri butes Cabrini's winni ng seasons to the coaches hired in recent years . Another success factor is the recruiting they have done. They have been able t-0 attract quality athletes with grants whi ch have been implemented as a part of a program to enhance athletics at the colle"'e- _•ow can - ll e college and our ai:hle · c program to prn:,--pecrivestuden - ., Goodwin said. Referring to the women 's volleyball team which just complete d an outstan din g season despite the ir loss to Allentown College last Sunday,Goodwinsaid ' a trip to Missouri for the national championships. if they had qualified . woul d have cost 10,000. "I don't know what we would have done if we had on. I don ' think we gave travel expen..."'eia lot of thought until last year when the men went to Kansas City," she

injuries. (photo by Mark Viggiano)


by Frank Bokoski The weight room, located in Sacred Heart Hall, has become a subject of controversy among the Cabrini community. Many students are worried that the athletic department is going to reserve time and give athletes priviledged use of the facilities. John Dzik, men 's athletic director and coach of the men's basketball team , agrees that the weight room is fo~ ~he community and he urges the non-athletes to use the fac1hty. Dzik's complaint is that the weight room is not open long enough for the basketball players to get a chance to use the room. He said that it is impossible for the athletes to get into the room during regular nine to five hours. Dzik would like to see the fitness center open 24 hours a day. Dzik wants a key to the weight room so that he can let the athletes in himself. Dzik said , "I will get a key to the room. I'm not going to worry about monitors and I'm not going to worr y about waivers. " As long as the athlete s ar~ super vised by the coach there will not be a need for momtors ; as far as waivers are concerned , under the school's athletic policy the athlete s have already sign~d a wai~er rele~e . Dzik pointed out that all of the eqmpmen t m the weigh t room , except for the free weights, belongs to the men '.s and women 's athletic departments. Thus, he feels that the mter collegiate athletes should be able to use the facility when times are convenient for them. According to Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities , the only way that Dzik will get a key is if an

inside perspectives .. 2 3 news ......... 4 features ....... 5 living ......... 6 sports ........ sga ........ . .. 7 twac ....... . .. 8

agreement is made with Di Raddo, Dzik , Mike Caranfa , physical plant director and Larry Lantz, security and safety director . The waiver release forms are for insurance reasons . Once the student signs this form, the school is not responsible for supervising the student or teaching the student how to use the weights properly . The monitors job is to make sure the students have signed waivers, to prevent equipment from being stolen , and to call for help if someone is injured. The athletic department has been trying for five years to get the weight room modified, Dzik said. It was not until Matt Garrison , senior, and Eddie O'Brien , (alumnus '84) became involved two years ago that any progress was made. With the fitness center having been reopened just three weeks ago, the system has not been worked through yet. Some of the students who have signed up to work as monitors have not been showing up regularly . This takes away from the t ime that the athletes and non-athletes have to use the center . Di Raddo said that the fitness center is open till 10 p.m . almost every night . The hours tha t the center will be open are Monday , noon to 10 p.m .; Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday , 9 a .m . to 10 p.m.; Friday , noon to 6 p.m .; Saturday, 11a.m . to 5 p.m.; and Sunday , 11 a.m . to 10 p.m. Ideally , the fitness center should be kept open as long as the Widener Center is open, midnight, but there are not enough students available to work and keep the center open.

In a simil ar success ion of events , the men 's soccer team came close to securing a place in the playoffs. They closed their outstanding season in a 2-1 defeat · last Friday, forestalling a trip to Fresno, Calif . for the championships at an estimated cost of $12,000. Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, said, "Other schools are green with envy over our success." He added that the administration felt that a great institution should have an athletic program of equal quality and committed itself to upgrading the intercollegiate athletic program . Romano admits that the athletic department has an immediate need for an increase in operating money. He also said that an athletic trainer is urgently needed. A board certified trainer is a prerequisite for membership in many athletic conferences. Most colleges provide athletic trainers while hosting an event and expect Cabrini to do the same. This trained professional would attend all practices and games , prevent injuries to players when possible, and make decisions in medical emergencies . Romano said that the athletic department needs more money just to maintain its present program. "All things being equal , they should get a proportionately higher share," he added. · ·· Dzik points out that Cabrini is so far behind in funding the athletic department, the raise is not effective . He cites the benefits of intercollegiate ath letics in obtaining free publicity for the college as invaluable.

Lookingat the playoff situations

Campaigning for 'Juniors for seniors'

Cabrini's soccer and volleyball teams made it to the playoffs; the cross country team will go to the nationals . For an article, see page 6. (photo by Cara Graham )

Juniors for seniors, an annual event held by the social work club, is focused on in an student government association article. (photo by Mark Magner )


loquitLir - friday,nov.9, 1984


viewpoint More than a sad story





barbara mongelli

what do you think? Evaluating ·the fitness center

Lori DiMeglio

Randy Letko

Jim Moffat

Terry Neilio (photos by Mark Viggiano)

Loquitur reporter Robin Larkins sought out users of the newly renovated fitness center and asked them what they thought about the new facilities - in particular, how often they utilized the center, whether they thought the operating schedule was convenient, and whether or not the center should prioritize scheduling for special use . Lori Di Meglio, senior, field hockey team captain , frequents the fitness center aprox. three times per week. "I think that people know the fitness center is there and that it is being used. The hours should be expanded into the early morning and later at night so that more people can use it at more convenient times for them . It should definitely be operated on a first come, first serve basis. Any type of special scheduling infringes upon everyone else's convenience." Randy Letko, junior, cross country team member, utilizes the weight equipment two or three times per week. "I've never had any problems with scheduling. The room is generally open when I want to use it . I strongly think that there should be more instructional posters on the wall to aid people in using the equipment. I've been in there sometimes when people simply do not know what they're doing. May_be if

they had some instructional monitors who knew more about the equipment and its use, this problem could be eliminated." Terry Neilio, sophomore, is a weight room monitor, who also works out about two to three times per week. "I feel that the weight room scheduling does not meet the needs of the students. This is mainly due to an inconsistency in the scheduling when monitors don't show up for work which forces the center to be closed. The amount of hours that it is open is fine. The center is usually dead on Sundays and pretty busy during the week with about four or five people working out at any one time. I don't feel that people really know that it's here. The same people are in all the time." Jim Moffat, senior, can be found in the fitness center three or four times per week. '½.side from the sparce amount of equipment available in the weight room, I have no real problems with it. I don't run and I'm not involved in sports - basically I lift weights. So I would take offense ifl couldn't use the facilities because some other concern was given priority. The major problem is that you have this huge, beautiful facility with little equipment- which is in need of continuous maintenance."

op1n1on . CCA needed to activate·changes by Kathleen Daly I have served on many, sometimes I think too many, committees at Cabrini. The Council of College Affairs (CCA) was the only one to which I wished to be elected. It was the only organization where elected representatives offaculty, students and administration sat down together to discuss an issue; where faculty, students and administration had equal numbers of votes; where once an issue had been resolved, the proposal was taken directly to the president of the college. I valued membership on the CCA because it was an open committee, an elected committee and a committee that made a difference. Yet in the Oct. 12 issue of Loquitur it was reported that the senior staff of the college had decided that CCA would no longer be a standing committee on our campus. CCA is dead. No forum exists for the proposal to reinstate it. So what. Perhaps it is better that we have fewer committees; perhaps a streamlined organization is more rational now that Cabrini is larger; perhaps it makes no difference. The senior staff assures us, after all, that all of the functions

performed by CCA are now performed by other offices and groups on campus. If the senior staffbelieves this, I am afraid they have missed the point. CCA did not exist to do the jobs of student affairs, academic affairs or the student government association. It existed for the two purposes stated in the constitution: "to facilitate communication and to actively seek academic and social improvements among the students, faculty and administration of Cabrini College I CCA constitution, arti~le m. Are we to believe , as the senior staff must believe, that Cabrini no longer needs improvements; that every problem or potential problem has been identified and solved? Or are we to believe that the senior staff will solve all our problems? CCA's second mandate, as expressed in its constitution, was to seek improvements on our campus . Its record of achievements is long and impressive. The Cabrini College honor society, Rudy Rooyman's counseling center and the service and leadership awards, all came about as a result of CCA. 'lb eliminate CCA is to deny the president and all of us direct access to campus-wide sentiments, attitudes and ideas. The dissolution of CCA means everyone is a loser.

I read an article the other day that really upset me. It was a true story about two boys from Quakertown who committed suicide together several months ago. The story has been on my mind constantly and I'm still struggling for the reason why it hit me so hard. The one boy was 16, the other 17, and they both decided that their lives weren't worth living. The older one, Marc, seemed truly despondent and unhappy with his life. It was the sort of desperation though, that couldn't be helped through counseling. Counseling helped only for a moment. I don't know if anything would have helped Marc. Maybe that's what made me so sad-there was no way Marc could have gone on with his life. If he hadn't committed suicide then, he would have done it at another time. Painful-his life was unexplainably painful. Dan wasn't as troubled as Marc. He was more depressed over his girlfriend's leaving him, than he was with his life. He let it take him over though; his unhappiness got the best of him . That's part of the tragedy-Dan didn't take the chance to get back on track; Marc didn't have even have that chance. Before they handcuffed themselves together and jumped off of the quarry, they recorded their last hours talking together. The tape was eerie; they had it planned out so well, talking about it as if they were talking about their plans for the weekend. I kept wondering why there wasn't another way out for them. It was more than just sad. It made my stomach twist in knots. Sometimes I think we get so caught up in our own world that we forget that there are some people out there, not necessarily the poor and desolate either, who are so unhappy that they feel as if their life just isn't worth living . I think that's hard for some ofus to understand . I feel confused . I have read so many articles, so many sad stories, but not many hit me this hard . It stayed on my mind and I don't know why. Why, other than the fact that it was sad? I don ;t know. I've read a lot of sad stories and walked away sad, but not so upset . I went back and reread the article. It was a long article and I read some lines over and over again. Certain lines hit me like a ton of bricks, just caving in on me and really upsetting me. And it wasn 't the writer's style-the story was not written in an oversentimental way; it was actually more straight forward than emotional. There has to be another reason for the way it made me feel. It's hard for me to write this. I feel so sad, crying for kids that I never knew, but feel for a lot. I'm not unhappy with my life; maybe that's why I'm so sad. I don't have to go through what they did; I never felt that hopeless, that despaired, that full of uncertainty about myself. Right now though , I guess I just wish Marc and Dave had another chance at a better life.

laquitur cabrini


Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by s1udenls of Cablinl College. Rodnot Pennsylvania 19087. SUbscr1ptionplice is $1) pe, year and ~ included in the benefits secured by tuition and student tee~ Editor:Barbaro Mongelli News Editor: Lucio Laurito Assistant Peggy Simon Perspecti\les Editor:Virginia Smith LMng Editor. Gia DiGimlnioni FeaturesEditor. Bonnie Zlschong Sports Editor: Michelle Bomber Business Manager : Robin Larkins Assistantto Editors: D. B. Field Art E~ltocs: Beth Daly and Debbie Clcirello Photogroptiy Editor: Caro Graham Assistant MorieViggiano Photography Adviser.Dr. Corte, Crolgie AcMser.Dr.Jerome Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci, Lprry Aquino . Fronk Bol<osld,Koren - ~ K"othleenBreslin.Koren Clorlc. Chris Co«:oron. llemodett&Demsld.Mory Beth Evlch.Katie Grimley. Dolls ' Hicianon. Kerry Hogon. Donna Horsle\l Chris Koemet Joan Kromet Rondy Lefko, Maureen McAnespe-,i Robert MorchesonL Barbaro PetroccLLouro Przyworo, P,;lulRomon. TrishReilly,EIieen Riddle, Paul Romon. Kathi Wochenheim. Cathy \bung The SGAand TWAC pages ore paid advertisements. The content is under the supervisionof those offices. Loquitur welcomes lette,s to the edlt0<. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Howevet It

the writer wishes. and the editor agrees. the wrttet's name may be left off the lette< upon publication and on inscription ,_-jed such OS"name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed. double-spaced. and no mcxe than 300 words In iength . It a let1e<is too long for the Ollqiloble spcx:e, the editor may edit or condense . Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

loquit~r- friday, nov. 9, 1984



MiddleStatesevaluatorto make initialvisit Rev. Edward Glynn , president of St . Peter 's College , chairman of the Middle States evaluating team, will be making a preliminary visit to Cabrini College on Monday, Nov: 12, to meet with administration , faculty and · student representatives . Glynn 's visit is a preface to the full scale Middle.States evaluating team visit scheduled to take place beginning March 24. The college 's various sub-committees working under the direction of the steering committee have been preparing for the Middle States accreditation process for over one year and a half.

Parent'sclub raises money at phonathon The parent's club held its annual phonathon on Oct. 28, 29 and 30. Twenty-one participants helped to make the calls, they were a combination of students and parents who were members of the parents club . The goal of 775 calls was not reached because many people were not home . However, 305 phone calls were completed and 213 pledges were made for a potential of $7 ,716 for the annual fund . The phonathon lasted five and a half hour s. Calls were made to the parent s of upperclassmen. Prizes were awarded to the person who made the most pledges each


news briefs

by Lucia L. Laurito and Peggy · Simon night. Mary Beth . Evich, junior, was awarded a $20 gift certificate to be spent in Albert's bookstore, for making the most pled~es on two days of the phonathon.

Workshopto to be attendedby faculty and staff On Wednesda y, Nov. 15, and Thursday , Nov. 16, the faculty and some staff members are scheduled to attend a workshop on curriculum development . The conference will be held at American College, Bryn Mawr. At the conference , the participants are scheduled to reevaluate the curr iculum committee 's model of the liber ally educated student . They will look at the various skills , attitudes and values the liberall y educated student should graduate with , and also what they are doing t o promote this .

Dr. Lee Knefelkamp, assistant professor in counseling and personnel services at the University of Maryland, is scheduled to speak at the workshop on various topics including the enrichment of college teachers and the application of student development models to the improvement of classroom discussion. On a lighter note , all classes, 8;30 a .m. 4:45 p.m., have been cancelled on these two days. However, all evening classes will be held as scheduled.

Changesmade -in business department The business department has changed the outline and name of one of its major s. The former community agency management major has been renamed human services management . It offers a varied program including courses in business , social work , psychology, special educat ion, special cour ses in human services and an internsh ip in senior year . The program 's goal is to tra in students to work for non-profit agencies . Interested students who would like more information about the program can contact Nanc y Chaddock , coordin ator at ext . 357 .

SAM sponsors the third annual art exhibition The third annual art exhibit sponsored by the society for the advancement of management (SAM) is being held this weekend. The exhibit entitled "Expressions", takes place tomorrow and Sunday from 10 until 6 in the Mansion . Approximately 40 area artists will participate in the exhibit. SAM members Jaci Jenei and Bob Erling are the chairpeople for the event.

Blooddrive sponsoredby SAM, Red Cross The society for the advancement of man agement (SAM) is sponsoring a blood drive in conjunction with the Red Cross . The drive will take place on Monday, Nov. 19, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. The goal for the blood drive is 100 pint s. An yone who wishes to donate blood can contact Susan McKernan at ext . 493 .

Settingstudent financial aid information straight by Peggy M. Simon

The method of dist ribution of financial aid is sometimes percieved by the average stud ent as complicated and confusing . Often all that a student recipient of financial aid sees is the end result of much calculation and figuring which is the amount of money the student recei ves. Because the recipient does not see all of the behind the scenes work he may feel that he ha s been treated unfairly or that he is not receiving enough aid . The way to relieve or confirm a suspicion is to go directly to the source : the financial aid office. One of the most commonly asked questions of a financial aid recipient is why has my aid been cut? According to Arlene McEvilla , director of financial aid, cuts result from a change in



the finan cial need of the re cipient. "If a studen t applies on tim e and the ir need rem ai ns the same , aid will remain the same or possibly be increased ," McEvilla explained. Need changes usually occur due to an increase in family income(which for the most part increases ever y ye a r), stude nt income or a change in t he number of students in school. Man y student s also complain because they do not rece ive as much aid as someone else may. This would lead the studen t to believe that aid is not distributed evenly. '~id is determined in the same manner for each year . Whether the student is a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, we look at the same figures and do the same calculations ," McEvilla said . Even though it may appear as if



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a st uden t's ai d is being cut each ye ar, in m any inst an ces the opp osite is happening. "In di vidual studen ts actually get more aid each year, th ey j ust don 't real ize it," McEvill a sai d. By the time a st udent is a senior, the student's Work Stu dy award is usually incr eas ed . However, a student's loan usually decreas es by senior year so their bill is higher. According to McEvilla , each year the tuit ion goes up and the nu m be r of st uden t s incr ease . Funds also increase, but not sufficiently enough so that each stu dent's ai d can remain the same . McEvill a's examp le of this is th at although tuition is raised each year, the PA state grant has not increased since about 1977. Alt hough the most common reaso n for a decrease in aid is a change in family income , a decrease can result from a stu- ·



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ranging from 3.6 to 3.74 the st udent receiv es $1000. If t he GPA is a 3.75 or high er the award is 1500. In comin g fre shm en may receive less if they are thought to be academic scholarship material but may no have achieved a 3.6. According t-0 kEvilla


are good re asons for the cri te ri a of

the academic scholarship . ''If an incoming freshman receives less than $1000 and does not achieve a 3.6 it will be eas ier to lose that sum of money than 1500. Another attribute accordin g to McEvilla is that each year is a clean slate for every student . F inancial aid is usually an int egral part of a student 's academic career . A recipient of aid should understand how and why their financial aid award is calculated and should be aware of what can change it.

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dent 's negligence . Accord ing t o McEvill a if a st ud ent does not send back all the necessary infor matio n by the deadline , this will affect the student's award. All the money allotted to Work.Study and WorkGrant and other forms of aid , stay in the program . If a cut is made from a student's aid , that money goes back into aid in some form. Many students also receive a monetary award through academic scholarships. A Cabrini stud ent must maintain a GPA of 3.6 in ord er to keep the scholarshi p. This stand ard is hi gh er than many oth er schools. "Since t he scho larsh ip is a mone t ary award , we feel it should be higher than the dean 's list ," McEvilla explained . All recipients of scholarships do not receive the same financial award . If a student has a GPA

SCHOLARSHIPSAVAILABLETO WOMEN: Contact the American Business Women"s Associa1lon.c/o MM ~ 1l Pheasant Rd. Audobon.Po.19407. Applications con be obtained In the flnonc:lal aid office .

ROYROGERS:Woyne location needs cashiers. c:oolcsand close!s for part-flme and lull-flme ~ especially night work For lnformotlan. coll 293-9460 and ask for the manager .


~OpenTues.-Sat.and Wed.and Thurs. nights .. USATODAY:Telephones sales people needed for 20 hours a week. Coll 251-0320to make an appointment . BAMBERGERS : Hiring now for Christmas. part. time day and night. WIii pay $4.00an hour. Corne In person to the general hiring lnt81Viewson Nov.9 and Nov. 1l In the personnel offlc:e ot King of Prussia.

SUBSAND.AIDS: Children 'sCenter

Immediate¥Must be

mature and experience is a plus. Contact Jane Poyne at 647-5fl7.

TELEPHONERECEPTIONISTS:Needed to answer~ take messages and do light 1yping ot the Fox Moots~ 997 Old Eagle Rd. In Woyne . Begin now; full and part -ttme positions are OIIOilable. Thisagency is a placement agencyfor sc:ienllfk:and engineering cllen1S.Pays up to $5.00 per hout dependtng upon quollflc:otlons.Contact PoulMorrisor Jeff Zinserot 293-1l06.

Ma"'8m area; energetic:. responsible and lovtng person to do light houselceeping and help care for children-baby and two presc:hoole!s.Must Rke ch ildren and pets; laid back country setting and flexible hours. Contact Karen Davies ot


ANSWERTELEPHONES:'Woynec:o EnterpriseS BABYSITTING:One week duty from 8:30 a.m.

to 1or 2 pm during the week of Nov.12-16.Possible to shore ot the Great \otley Corporate Center In Malvern needs degreed and nondegreed people to begin

MOTHER'SHELPER: l.1\/e-lnwanted for the

this Job with a friend; must hCNe own transportotlon


needs students to answer c:ustomef calls. Choose your own hours: open ings on 49 pm shifts as well as days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Waynec:o Is loc:oled In Wa(rle . Contact KathySavage

Mrs.Hayes ot 649-9216.

ot 687-5277.




NomstownYMCA needs part-flme w011<ers. Hourswill vary. Contact Sue Watson ot 275-2900.

exchange for free room and board; should hove own transportotlon . Contact Janet Mc:Gory ot 875-6492


DATAENTRYPOSITIONS: Jim Roberts ot Reliance Insurance Co . needs eight to ten students for doto entry. Work from 6-1) p.m. four to five days a week for the next sixto seven month~ Need only decent typing slcllls.Contact Jimot 768-8430.

AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR: Wor1<ers needed at the Norristown YMCA.Hourswill vary. Contact Sue Wobon ot



MARKETRESEARCH:Mc:Glnley Marketing Research In B,yn Mawr needs part-11rne!S. WIii pay $4.00an hour: Coll 527-6312.

loquitur - friday, nov. 9, 1984



Collegesrely on successful recruitingtactics by Joan Kramer College fairs, college nights, alumni, friends, departmental and financial aid "open houses", posters, newspapers and radio broadcasts, all promote Cabrini College. They are all tactics for recruiting high school students from local areas and some from other nearby states. But what attracts and persuades students to enroll at Cabrini? What about promotional techniques? "Loquitur appealed to me because it informed me about the school and I also became familiar with many faces," said Lisa Rancatore, freshman. Maria Stellabotte, freshman said, "I heard more about Cabrini on a popular area radio station." According to Stellabotte, "Cabrini was also advertised in the college guide section of the Philadelphia Inquirer." Dzik commented on Cabrini as being one of the few schools in the area to use radio for promotion. Sometimes outside sources encourage students to enroll at Cabrini. Jim Cahill, freshman, said, "I had some outside contact. Michele Iatesta (sophomore) and Danny Radice Gunior) told me good things about the school and pursuaded me to come to Cabrini." Very often, the college's admissions department reaches out to students through college fairs. Ferrar said, ''A representative from a college fair at Northern High School in Maryland sparked an interest in me to find out more about Cabrini."

"Cabrini was not my only choice," Ferrar said, "I thought about Salisbury State. But, Cabrini was the only school that offered me a $1000 scholarship with an agreement that I keep a 3.6 grade point average." Financial aid is another appeal to students. Many stu dents receive different kinds of financial aid, even if they are not eligible for scholarships. Two very popular kinds of financial aid are work grant and work study. Clearly, the initial freshman response surrounds the personal atmosphere of the school and Dzik knows that. He said, "The personal nature of the college is a good sales pitch." It is likely that its small size and personal appeal are the magnets. "Cabrini is personal, comfortable and you can easily get to know everybody," said Debbie Ferrar, freshman. "Everything is personal. When I first came to Cabrini; I felt very relaxed because of the welcoming feeling that the faculty and staff gave," said Paul Murphy, freshman. "I feel that a small campus provides more than a big university because you get the quiet environment as well as the quality education," said Navaz Mehta, freshman. She added, "The one thing that let me down regarding its size is that there are around 75 students in my biology class and sometimes there are bothersome distractions." Dzik urges for a gradual growth in student enrollment and said, "It is naive for students to believe that an increase in a few hundred students will diminish the personal aspect

of the school." He then added, "The school will never outgrow its personal touch as long as we have an increase in faculty and staff as the enrollment increases ." Students are attracted and persuaded to the all around beauty of Cabrini that is conveyed through the many circulated "colorful posters and pamplets" said Dzik . "For colleges and universities, sophisticated marketing strategies are becoming the key to survival and prosperity," according to a Time magazine article entitled "Playing Hardball on Admissions." What does this mean for the future advertising of Cabrini? Dzik said, "I believe that the key to promotion success in the future will be marketing strategy. We need marketing consultants but at present, Cabrini has none." Dzik believes that television advertising is a possible future strategy, but at present is prohibitive because of the high budget involved. According to a New York Times article called ''The Business of College Recruiting, "The nation's 3000 colleges and universities are turning new attention and serious money to marketing and managing techniques and some of their tactics include television spots, detailed market research and outside consultants." Right now, whether or not Cabrini will become a part of this marketing business is questionable. If the school's intercollegiate competition continues to increase, Cabrini may have to succumb to higher forms of market advertising in order to keep up with the competitors.

Commuterclub·attempting to involveall students by Kathi Wachenheim There appears to be a misconception about the commuter affairs club, as is evident in the general concensus that the club is for commuter membership only, excluding residents' participation. The SGA constitution is proof that this is not the case. It is stated that all clubs must be open to any student of the college, regardless of status. Members of the commuter club find this misconception somewhat upsetting . As Rosemary Campbell, senior and secretary of the commuter club, said, "I do not think we try and alienate ourselves from the rest of the campus. It seems, if anything, the commuter club's goals are just the opposite of that." Last weekend's events, arranged by the commuter club, invited the whole campus' participation. The hayride and bowling party was a way for the residents and commuters to have fun together . Senior Donna Gallagher, treasurer and past president of the commuter club said , "We would like to close the gap between residents and commuters." Since the beginning of the commuter affairs club in the spring of1982, the memACCOUNTING BIO (non majors) COMPUTER SCIENCE (Computer Lab) ITALIAN FRENCH HISTORY MACROECONOMICS

hers feel they have come a long way. The club basically started out with the purpose of serving commuters. "They needed some group to fight for them," said Gallagher. They fought for such things as better class time, an enlarged parking lot, and other activities that would benefit the commuters. Now the club's goal is to get the residents involved whh the commuters. They want the residents to overcome feeling alienated from the commuters and vice, versa. The commuter club is recognized more than it has been in the past. They were involved in homecoming and have their own Christmas tree to decorate like the other clubs. Campbell said, "People are becoming aware of our club. We do not have to ask to be involved. Others automatically ask us to participate." The commuter affairs club is available for anyone with problems or questions . Anyone may volunteer for fund raisers or just participate in their scheduled activities for fun. Their meetings are alternate Tuesday's . at 12:30 a.m. in the student activities center. And y'es,even commuters are welcome.

Kathy Hasson Lucia Laurito Angie Agront Denise Hee Lucia Laurito Patty Hinke Laura Kraemer Donna Blyskal

T 1:30-2:30, W 11-12 W 2-3, Th 1-2







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The weather was a bit nip for a hayride and bonfire. Nevertheless, the commuter club had a good turnout for their weekend of activities. Resident Phyllis Fichera snuggles underneath a quilt while Marybeth Brady, commuter and Usa Bogan, resident, partially covered with straw, enjoy the ride. (photo by Barbara Mongelli)

W 1-5 W 11-12, 6-10 W 2-3, Th 1-2 M,F, 11-12 Th 1-2 T W 12-1:30

M 10-11,T 1-1:30 Gerard Lennon Katie Manion M 11-12, Th 4-5 Laura Firely M 2-3, F 10-11 PSYCHOLOGY Nancy Sc?ttolini Th 11-12 Missy DiPasquale W 1-2 Rosemary Viggiano READING (developmental) Maureen Grasso MT TH F 10-11 SPANISH Joan Johnson T 2-3, F 10:30-11:30 Dianne Cameron T Th 12:30-2, W 9:30-12:30 Dianne Cameron T Th 12:30-2, W 9:30-12:30 STUDY SKILLS Lucia Laurito W 2-3, Th 1-2 Donna Blyskal T W 12-1:30 STATISTICS Charles Smith T 12:30-1:30

Eveningsby Appointment


loquitur - friday,nov. 9, 1984


Area hangoutsoffergood times for students by Deborah Ranck

For the more ad venturous night owls, there is Central Park at 384 West Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. This nightclub draws a fairly large crowd from Cabrini on Thursday evenings . This is due in part to the Ladies ' Night specials in which beers are a nickel a drink until 11p.m. Popular bands roar rock and roll music to customers with dancing feet . . Wayne also supplies other diversions, like the Wayne The- · ater, and a variety of pizzerias and fast food restaurants . Cabrini students also have the advantage of being close to a large city. When suburbia becomes too mundane, Cabrini students head for the bright lights and excitement of center city Philadelphia. Smokey Joe's, a college hangout at 208 South 40th Street, is especially popular, with a diversity of clientele. Matt Garrison , senior, says "Smokey Joe's is a great place to meet people from many city schools, especially students from the University of Pennsylvania, since it's right in their area." Pagano's at 38th and Chestnut is also a favorite for its sophisticated, city atmosphere. Students find this club to be a good place to dance, "especially when you want to rock or disco," says Chris Hunt, sophomore. -------------

Leaving the cares and responsibilities of college, even if only for a brief time, is a luxury that most hard-working college students anticipate. So after a long day of classes, Cabrini students are often found abandoning their books to explore the world outside of campus . The area of Wayne, which lies on the outskirts of Cabrini, provides students with many of the hot spots for their entertainment. Just one mile from campus is the Wayne Tavern, considered by many to be one of the great getaways available to students. On Tuesday nights, one can often find fellow Cabrini students conversing and listening to the juke box over bar pretzels and beer. "Wayne Tavern is a place to reminisce by listening to Frank Sinatra, or to get up and boogie listening to Chaka Khan," says Judy Buck, senior . Another feature that makes this neighborhood tavern so appealing to its student patrons is its proximity to the Wawa food market. ''.After partying we can just walk across the street for the fine selection of gourmet food available at Wawa," says Bert Siwak, senior. A restaurant hot spot for those plagued by the late night munchies,orthosewhojustcrave 'I'veevengoneto conversation over a cup of coffoe, is Minella's Mainline Diner at 320 Minella'sin my Lancaster Avenue in Wayne. pajamasat 4 a.m. just Mary Beth Evich, junior, who frequents the 'diner, says, "I've to get a Mainline even gone to Minella's in my Burgerand onion pajamas at 4 a.m. just to get a Mainline Burger and onion rings.' rings." Cabrini students and stu -Marybeth Evich, dents from other area campuses are attracted to this diner not on1y jUnior because it is convenient and casual , but also because it satisfys Newmarket , located on Second their hunger pangs. Street between Lombard and

_,,,,. Mine/la's Mainline Diner, a popular college student hangout, offers Eric Quick, freshman, left, and Larry Aquino, sophomore, right, relief from studying. (photo by Mark Magner) Pine Streets, is popular for such stores as Artisans' Cooperative, featuring fine handmade American crafts; Keep In Touch, a shop offeringfun-lovingcards,stationery and gifts; and Koffmeyer 's Cookies , which has been called "the Rolls Royce of the cook ie world." A favorite among hungry shopper s is Once Upon A Porch , on the West SideofSecondS tr eet, which is a Victorian ice cream par lor. Cabrini stud ents , while enjoying the excitement of their off camp_us adventures, realize that these hours ofleisure are fleeting , and the y relish these lingering moments . Tomorrow, it's back to the books .

'Amadeus'highlightsdramaover suspensein movie by Gia DiGiminiani

The movie version of the popular Broadway play, ''.Amadeus," was recently released in theaters and has been well received by audiences, making a ticket to this movie a rare commodity. Despite the merits of the movie itself, it would be wrong to assume that the movie's version reflects the original Broadway conception of the story. ''.Amadeus" has two themes : the story of the short , unconventional life of composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the envy of rival composer, Antonio Salieri , which drove him to a hatred so fierce that he sought the destruction of the young Mozart. The character of Mozart is a direct contrast to the image usually conjured by the stereotype of the powdered-wigged, classical composer. Mozart was a musical prodigy, composing his first concerto at seven years of age and his first opera at age nine. Despite his early musical development, he lacked maturity in his adulthood . He insulted many heads of both church and state with vulgarities and his offbeat sense of humor , causing him difficultly in main t aining employment; however, he re lished parties, drinking and women . These factors led to poverty and an early death in his thirties . at was later speculated that Salie ri had contributed to Mozart 's demise.) The movie Itself, was trul y dazzling, a nice contrast to the harsh reality of Mozart's life and th e

savage enmity of Salieri. One Salieri explicitly states that he need not be a connoisseur of clas- killed Mozart . sical music to follow the dialogue , which was also seasoned by the Unl"k th I th masterful insertion of humor. I e e p ay, e The movie was especially movieVersionOf enhanced by the brilliant and ~madeus'tookthe engaging portrayal of the char- acter of Mozart by actor , Tom - perogative of drawing Hulce. Hulce successfully porconclusions. trayed the unique combination of Mozart's giggling, childish sillyness, and his god-like musical In the play, Salieri tantalizes proficiency. Mozart's mysterious the audience's curiousity and creative drive was also well com- encourages their speculation municated by Hulce , especially in with subtle implications throughthe touching scene at Mozart's out the course of the story. He deathbed when he dictates the never reveals a conclusive statecompletion of a reqium march to ment until the end. Even then the Salieri. play does not convict Salieri , but The character Constance only attributes to him the indiWeber, Mozart's wife, was played rect circumstances leading up to well by actress, Elizabeth Ber- Mozart's death . In this sense, the rige, whose petite build and child- play leaves Salieri 's guilt up to like features complemented her the audiences's discretion. performance, while also contrastThe movie reorganized the ing the character's stronger inter- order of the story's events, which nal nature . also was responsible for the lack Other notable factors contrib- of climax in this version. The uting to the overall success of the movie opens with Salieri's movie were the stunning cos- attempted suicide, which was tumes, the choreography by the saved until near the end of the reknowned Twyla Tharp, and the play. I was disappointed by this, movie 's soundtrack featuring since I felt that the suicide Mozart's greatest works, which attempt was the great climax of was performed by the Orchestra the play. of St. Martin's in the Field under Unlike the play, the movie verth e conduction of Nevill Mariner. sion of ''.Amadeus" took the perHowever, I felt that the movie's rogative of drawing conclusions . version of the story was decidedly This disappointed me somewhat, different from that of the play's. since the magic the play was The major flaw of the movie was largely created by its mystery . tha t it destroyed the mystery of However, the mystery did also the story by revealing too much of leave me wanting more at times, the plot at the beginning. In the whereas the movie was more visumovie's opening , the character of ally satisfying .



















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loquitur- friday,nov.9, 1984

6 Cabrini teams:


Making it to the playoffs by Eileen Riddle

The fall sports program has been underway for two months; now three of those teams , the cross country , soccer, and volleyball teams, have made it to their division playoffs. The Cabrini College cross country team has truely succeeded in becoming a top contender among their competition, said Tom O'Hora , coach of the cross country team . The team had a successful season with a record of 15-2, earning the team a position in the regionals . In the regionals at Allentown , the team earned their way into the nationals which will be held this Saturday , Nov. 17. Traveling to Parkside , Wis. for these finals , the team has high hopes of coming home to Cabrini as national champions . According to O'Hora , one main factor for the team 's success is the new recru its acquired this year. Another plus , said O'Hora , is that the team has finished in at least the top five of all the invitational s which they entered . O'Hora stated , "Spirits on the team are very high . We are all confident of winn ing . We have come a long way; the men are very close and the y are d real credit to Cabr ini ' College and for that reason alone I would like to see them win ." Peter Casazza , fre shman , is hopeful and excited . "We are taking one step at a time . Now that we won the regionals , we mu st think solely of th e national s in Wisconsin ." The Cabcin i Colle ge soccer team has also made high achievements this season with an overall record of 9-3-1. The team played Allentown College last Frida y for


the District 19 title, but lost in double over few achievements of their own this season; time. Despite their loss, it was quite an they also had the chance to play in the accomplishment for the men since it was regionals. This was the third year that the first time a Cabrini soccer team ever Gerry Szabo, volleyball coach, brought the made it into the regionals . women to the regionals. Szabo has been William Crowley, soccer coach, said, trying to build a team for three years and "When I first came to Cabrini two years he considers the team and himself sucago, I talked to John Dzik (men's athletic cessful. Szabo stated, "We can walk out on director) about giving the soccer team a the court with anyone and we will be name and getting them into the region- respected ." als." · B .J . Petracci, sophomore and a Sean Meenan, sophomore , said, "We , cheerleader who followed the teams' seaplayed a strong game and everyone worked sons, said, "It's amazing what these teams real hard but we couldn't put the ball in the have achieved. They were so unified and worked so well together; that 's why I think net." The women's volleyball team has had a they acroiished all that the did."

,,.,, Men's soccer played an exciting game last Friday against Allentown. The game went into double-overtime with Allentown victorious in the end . The lone goal for Cabrini was scored by Mike Finn, freshman. Allentown scored with only three minutes left in the second overtime to clinch their victory by a score of 2-1. . ,,.,,The Cavaliers' young soccer team showed their unity this season and managed to spark excitement in the large numbers of fans they attracted this season . Their record of 9-3-1, will be a record remembered . ~he field hockey team played the ir last game of the season again st Ursinus College. The women were unfortunately defeated 3-0. ,,.,,The men 's cross countr y team beat Lincoln Universit y la st Saturd ay capturing the District 19 championship. The meet was held at Allentown College .



. . ft/


,,.,,The men 's cross country team will tra vel to Park side , Wis. next week for the NAIA National Champion sh ip meet .


The men 's soccer team played for the distnct 19 tide last Friday against Allentown College. They were defeated 2-1 in double overtime. (Photo by Cara Graham.)

,,.,, Cross country team coach, Tom O'Hora was named NAIA coach of the year .

Recognizingthe unsungheroes by Trish Reilly

Managers , statisticians , and trainers are considered the people "behind t he scenes." While the sports teams receive the praise or criticism and some of the players receive personal recognition, these people just quietly go about doing their jobs . Their contributions go unnoticed by most people outside the realm of the team . They perform a variety of tasks, from washing jerseys to rooting for the team. Rhonda Dannenhower and Dawn Blades , sophomores , are the managers for the men's basketball team. They are responsible for keeping the time /score and recording the stats after the games. TJ:ieymust be at the practices a half hour early to sweep the floor and get the balls ready. Dur ing the games, they make sure the team has

water and towels . The y also fold their warm-up suits. Dannenhower said, "It 's fun . It provides you with the opport un ity to be involved in something ." Blades added, "You get to go to all the games and meet people. " They both said if there is a disadvantage , it is washing the jerseys . Tony Bowden, sophomore, is one of the statisticians for the men 's basketball team . Bowden said, "I became involved mainly because I like basketball and it is something to do." Bowden's job as statistician involves recording assists , rebounds , fouls, points and other statistics . Freshmen Beth Bittner and Monica Palko are statisticians for the soccer team . Their jobs include making sure the men have water and taking down the different statistics during the game . Palko also calls the local newspaper after the games with

the score . Bittner said , "I didn't make cheer leading so now I have the opportunity to cheer them on and become more involved than a spectator." Mike Fallon , sophomore , is the manager for the volleyball team . Fallon said , "I do a little bit of everything ." Fallon was manager of the soccer team last year , but since he played for the team this year he decided to see if volleyball needed any help. He said, "I enjoy helping the team. I've learned a lot."

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Onion .. .. . ....




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Gr. Pepper ... . . 3.10


Italian Grinder . . . . . . 2.40

Turkey Hoagie. . . . 2.30

Onion & Pepper 3.50


Turkey Grinder . . . . . 2.30

Pastrami Hoagie . . 2.20

Mushroom ......



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AKS Chef . . . . . . . . . .. . 2.50 Reg Strak & Onions .. 2.2s· Greek ......... . 3.00

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Hamburger .....


,,.,, Th e women 's volle yball team played Allentown College for the District 19 championship last Sunday. The games' scores were tied at two for the best of five series before Allentown won the final game . The team finished their season with a 16-3 record .



EarnFreeTravel and ExtraMoney

,,.,,The women's volleyball team took second place at the Cabrini In vitational tournament held last Saturday on campus .

Shrimps ......


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House Special . . 5.25 . . . . . 9.25

BlltGERS Hamburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Cheeseburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.65 Lettuce & Tomatoes Extra .. 0.20

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Cheese Steak &Onion 2.40 Tuna Fish Salad.



3.00 3.50 · 3.70

Pizza Steak &Onion .. 2.50 Tossed · · · · · · · · · 1-75 2.00 Cheese . . . . . . . . . 2.50 3.00 Mush Extra on Steak ... 60 French& ItalianDreuints Lettuce & Tom Extra ... 30 r-------------1 Extra Onion .. ... . . . ... 10


French Fries . . . .. ...... 90 Extra Green Pepper . . ..25 Onion Rings ..... . _.. 1 _00 Extra Cheese . .. . ... . ..20 Cole Slaw . . ... ... . .... 60 13readedMushroom . .. 2.30



Fried Chicken ...4 Pieces Fried Flounder · · · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · 3.90 Fish and Chips: : : : : : ...... ... .. . . . . · · · · 4.05 Fried Oysters · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3.70 Sc 11 . . . • • .• .. .' .. •• : • . • • · .' · • · • • · 3.30 Ju~~;ti~i-~ · · · · · ··. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Shrimp in th/ B~'s°k~t · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 .10 Combination Sea Food· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 -70 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4.90

(Includes French Fries-Cole Slaw and Bre

loquitur - friday, nov. 9, 1984

sga ·commentary





. ~·


Some clarificationson SGA policy In the past few SGA meetings, some recurring issues have arisen whieh the Executive Board feels need clarification ·so as to improve the overall smooth operation of the organization. These issues have been discussed at the weekly SGA meeting. Through this commentary, we hope to set policy down for the record and clarify some questions concerning these matters.


Dorm Reps / Hall Councils As stated in the framework of the Hall Council Constitution, it is the responsibility of the hall vice presidents to attend SGA meetings. The hall vice presidents are considered voting members of SGA. Dorm representatives roles have thus changed as a result of the newly established Hall Council guidelines. Dorm reps are NOT responsible for attending and voting at SGA meetings- since the hall vice presidents have assumed that responsibility. . . Dorm repre~entatives _ARERESPONS_I~LE for atte?dmg food committee meetmgs and for receivmg and postmg SGA minutes in their particular residences. _

All secretary/treasurers are reminded that they must submit the names of each individual dorm rep to SGA if they haven't already done so. Hopefully the confusion in role and responsibility can be clarified through these statements. Attendance Policy: SGA RESOLUTION All voting members of SGA: executive board members, class officers (including parliamentarians), club reps, and hall council vice presidents are required to attend all SGA meetings. Absence from more than three meetings per semester is equivalent to an automatic resignation from office- without warning. Club representation missing from more than three meetings will result in the immediate freeze of a club's budget. Consideration ofreinstatement will be examined only after the club has been represented in three consecutive meetings f?llowing the freeze of t~eir funding from SGA. Votmg members a~e r~quire_d to fin_da replacement to come to the SGA meetmg m their place if an absence cannot be avoided. The replacement at the meeting should


approach the SGA recording secretary and give the reason why the member could not attend. No more than four replacement absences are allowed for any one semester. SGA reserves the right to question any absence reported to them and to evaluate the legitimacy of the claim. Evaluation of members It has been proposed that records and evaluations be compiled on each SGA member and their performance, to be distributed to the student body and respective class members. This will enable voters to be updated and to be aware of the behavior of the candidates that they voted into office and may be considering to reelect to serve another term. This evaluation idea is a serious point of discussion and consideration since it is an additional way to hold elected representatives responsible for their actions in office. Hopefully these clarifications have answered some of the concerns and confusions which may have surrounded certain SGA positions and obligations. Any additional feedback and ideas are welcome and are directed to discussion at the SGA meetings.

'Juniorsfor Seniors'aids countyservicesfor aging What a difference a word makes ... Contrary to popular opinion, there is a difference between "Junior Senior" (which was the semi-formal dinner dance held three weeks ago) and "Juniors FOR Seniors" (whose focus constitutes an age difference of about 45 years). Exactly what is Juniors for Seniors? Juniors for Seniors is a program sponsored by individual concerns throughout Delaware County (one of the counties in which Cabrini is located) in cooperation with Wawa Food Markets, to benefit and subsidize 'oelaware County senior citizen centers. This is the second consecutive year which Cabrini College has been involved in one form or another in sponsoring activities of Juniors for Seniors Week . Through this effort Cabrini is trying to extend themselves beyond this campus and into the community to address a major concern that the Cabrini community should be aware of- the importance of the elderly and the providing for their needs. Statistics prove that the elderly population is growing larger and larger each year. This creates a real need to establish more senior centers and get stronger services into place to accomodate this growing concern, according to the organizers of the event. In establishing stronger services for the aging, long range planning according to a projected outlook towards the future can be intiated. In this way we, as a college, can recognize the importance of these people who comprise a majority of the population. According to Jean Findlay, senior, coorganizer of the Cabrini events for our Juniors for Seniors campaign, "In the past there existed an extended family structure where there were larger families- and thus a larger support system for people as they grew older. Now with the family unit decreasing in size, where there are only one or two children per family as a norm, other resources and support systems need to be implemented for adults as they reach senior citizen status and are eligible to derive benefits from effective services and planning.



The facts are that Delaware County boasts the third largest elderly population in the state. Also, 18 percent of all Delaware County residents are 60 years of age or older. There are 13 operating senior centers in the county which provide hot meals, health screening and social programs along with other services. Cabrini, through the efforts of the social work club, the social work department, and some human services management majors, under the direction of Sr. Regina Peterson, chairperson of the social work department, recognize the needs of the senior population in this area and have committed themselves annually to the task of drawing the campus into extending beyond themselves to contribute to this cause. At the outset of the campaign , an arbitrary financial goal of $1000 was targeted . As of Nov. 6.,about $675 ofthis..amount.had,--■--~­ been realized through contributions, button sales (the infamous red and white Juniors for Seniors pins which have been peddled for the past few weeks and a Halloween fundraising event. The week ofNov.12th thru Nov. 17th has been designated as Cabrini 's Juniors for Seniors week. Some of the highlights of the week include a scheduled visit Cabrini day for senior citizens, where they will be provided with the opportunity to audit classes and learn of programs offered here through which they may be interested in continuing their education. Friday, Nov. 16 has been set aside for a campus-wide grandparents theme day, culminating in a dinner dance for young and old alike, where our own campus djs will be joined by some senior djs for a while. Stacey M~Cullough, senior, co-organizer of the week, commented, "The success of the campaign so far can be attributed to better organization and planning along with more campus involvement, especially among the upperclassmen. I feel that the students, with the proper direction, took the ball of this project and ran with it."


No, it's NOT Bowling for Dollars ... It's Cabrini night at Devon Lanes sponsored as part of the festivities of Commuter Week. SGA would like to commend the hard work and effort of the commuters in the execution of this first annual event and thank them for helping to further increase commuter /resident relationships at Cabrini.

coming...nextweek... nextweekend

JUNIORS FORSENIORS highlightsof the week include:

S~nior(citizens)visit Cabriniday

.. 11/9/84


FREE FUN DAYS,NOVEMBER14 AND 15... Due to the curriculum workshop which all faculty members are required to attend, all DAY classes are CANCELLED on Nov. 14th and 15th. Here are a few ideas for spending your free days ... As a famous quote says, "Free at last, free at last, oh thank God we're free at last..." well at least for a day or

2nd Annual Vo.lleyballTournament

two. • Sleep, sleep and sleep some more!! You sometimes do it in place of class, you sometimes do it while you're in class, so why not do it when you don't have clas.s at all. • Plan a trip to Philadelphia. Go sightseeing or do some early Christmas shopping. •Checkout the movie theaters in Wayne or King of Prussia to see-that movie you've been dying to see. thi•


• Get your dorm together for an all-d3:y soap opera fest. · · • Get reacquainted with what's · her (or his) name ... You know, your roommate. • Dress up in silly costumes and watch the ew Let's Make a Deal. • Catch up on all those papers and projeds so you can enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. i• paid


by the



plan to bring your grandparents,or adopt one of the visitingones and supportour communityseniorcitizens. Look for more info... or contactSr.Regina in the socialwork dept. ae•aclatlan

and repreaent•



loquitur- friday,nov.9, 1984


11/9 Friday 9:30-11:30 Cabriniana Rm. open TBA District 19 Soccer Playoffs 1:30-4:30 Cabriniana Rm. open 9:00 Computer Dance (C) SAM ART EXHIBIT AND SALE (MDR & LOBBY) 11/10 Saturday 10:00-6:00 SAM ART EXHIBIT

1:30 2:10 7:00 7:00 7:00


SGA (WCLH) Lang. Dept. Movie (CCRm) Sign . Lang. (WCSR) Pre-Law Speaker (WCCR) W-Bball/Beaver H

Jazz Ensemble 5th Annual Blue/White game - H 11/14 Wednesday FACULTY/ADM WORKSHOP Day Classes cancelled 7:00 Chess Club (W::::SR) 7:00 Jr. League of Phila. WCLH 7:30 8:00


11/11 Sunday BUSINESS ADMIN.,ACCOUNTING,COMP.SCI., OPEN HOUSE 9:00 CEC Sun. Sch. (SH-A) SAM ART EXHIBIT (MDR & Lobby) 8:00 Counsel Hall Night (WCLH, WCGA )


'' ,J

11/12 Monday M/S PRELIMINARY VISIT 9:30-11:30 Cabriniana Rm open 1:30-4:30 Cabriniana Rm open 2:00 Women in Lit. (WCLH) 7 :0 0 CEC Creative Arts Wksp (SH-A, C) 7: 00 CM Roller Skating-ValJe y Forge Sp orts Garde n $3.0 0 Chor us (MDR) 7:3 0 8 : 00 En g/ Comm. Int er n Opp ortu n ities (WCLH)

11/15 Thursday FACULTY/ADM WORKSHOP Day Classes Cancelled OXFAM FAST DAY 1:00 Pre-law (WCSR) Honor So c iet y (LCR) 1:00 Co mp uter Clu b (Comp . Lab) 1:00 Psy ch o logy Club (WCAR) 1:3 0 Lang . Dept . Movi e (GH- 2) 2:10 Soc . Act. Brd. (WCAR) 6 : 00 Campus Ministry (DSCR) 9 : 00

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11 / 13 Tu e sda y FEAST OF ST. CABRINI Soph. Sprin g Registration 9:3 0 -11:30 Cabriniana Rm open 1 2 :00 Liturg y (Chapel) 12: 30 AFOS (WCSR) 1 2 :3 0 Ed. Fa c ulty Mtg. (DSCR) Eng / Comm (CCRm) 1:0 0 Cr ypti c (NRm) 1:00 I n t e r n ational Club (SH-4) 1:00 PSEA/ CEC (SH-C) 1:00

11/ 1 6 Friday J UNIOR FOR SENI ORS WEEKEND " Gra ndpa r en ts Day " 2 : 00 Women in Lit. (WCLH) 6 :00 W-Bball Ti p Off Tourn. (H) Cabri n i, Stockton, Bap t. Bi b l e, Glassboro Spagetti Di nner (C) 7:30 Dance 8 :00 Valerie Morrison (WCLU) 9:0 0 Dan ce





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-&~ THANKS! The housekeeping department and physical plant would like to thank the student body for keeping vandalism to a minimum during mischief night and Halloween. Your concern and care for the campus is greatly appreciated by all of us.


ADOPTA GRANDPARENT-11/16 The social work club invites you to sponsor a senior citizen for the dinner and dance on Friday, Nov. 16. This is a good time to introduce your grandparents to Cabrini. Proceeds benefit the Delaware County senior citizens centers. For further information , contact Sr. Regina, ext. 357. JUNIORSFORSENIORS VOLLEYBALL GAME The social work club will once again hosi a volleyball game in conjunction with the Juniors for Seniors campaign . A list of team members and their small registration fee will be due by Tuesday, Nov. 13. Get in touch with your dorm rep or R.A. for further details. CAMPUSMINISTRY ROLLERSKATING PARlY - 11/12 0~ Monday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m ., campus ministry will hold a roller skating party at the Valley Forge Sports G~rden in orde_rto raise money towards Appalachia. The cost 1s$3.00 and it will last until 10 p.m. MIDDLESTATES PRELIMINARY VISIT - 11/12 Father Edw_ar<:1 Glyn~ _will be visiting our campus for the pre/Jmmary v1s1tfor our Middle States evaluation on Monday, Nov. 12. Due to this event clubs, organizations or department meetings ar~ to be scheduled for this day. COUNSELHALLNIGHT- 11/11 The men of Counsel Hall are at it again. Come and find out what fun and talent they have in store for the evening on Sunday, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in the WCGA. THANKS TO COMMUTERS! A special thanks is extended to the commuters and ~heir club moderator, Greg Pasquerelfo, for makmg the commuter weekend great fun! All of your work paid off. Thanks Commuters.

COMPUTER DA.NCE-11/9 The_computer club will hold its computer dance ~ tomght from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the cafeteria. LANGUAGEDEPARTMENT MOvlES On Tuesday, Nov. 12, the film, "Paris at the time of Marcel Proust, 1880-1914,'' will be shown in the co"!munications center classroom. This film will ~em French. The following Thursday, Nov. 14, Images de la Grande Guerre" will be shown in Grace Half, room 2, also in French. Both films start .at 2:10.

FEAST OF SAINTCABRINl-11/13 We will celebrate the feast of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini on Tuesday, Nov. 13. As members of the Cabrini ~o~munity, _we have a rich heritage from St. Ca~r,n, as she /Jved out acts of compassion , world mvolvement and social concern before they were Sf!Cially acceptable and popularized by the media . The Cabriniana room will be open Monday, Nov. 12 and Tuesday, Nov. 13 from 9:30 to 11:30a.m. and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Mother Ursula will be available to explain some of the m~morabilia and answer any questions that you might have. Take time to find out about St. Cabrini through pictures and other items on display in the Cabriniana room during these two spec ial days. WOMEN'S BA5KETBA LL TOURNAMENT-11/16-17 The women's basketball team will sponsor a " Tip-off tournament" on Friday and Saturday, Nov. !~a~d 17. The schools participating with Cabrm, wt/I be Stocktom University, Baptist Bible and Glassboro . Plan to stay on campus and support our team as they host this tournament. FITNESS CENTERHOURS The fitness center is open on Monday from noon to 10 p.m.; Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday from noon to 6 p.m.; Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday form 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. If the fitness center is not open duri(J(Jthese scheduled hours, please notify the student activities office of the dates and times when It was not opened.




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SIGNS,SIGNS , SIGNS Signs are not to be posted on waifs and doors, as noted on page 33 in the student handbook . When signs are posted on various bulletin boards, cork strips and kiosks around the WidenerCenter and Sacred Heart Half, they will be left up; when found elsewhere, they will be removed and discarded. TENNISINTRAMURALS-11/10-13 Each residence hall and the commuters are invited to participate by selecting two members of your group as representatives. A team prize will be given to the winning female and male duo. Points will be awarded and go towards the championship to be announced at the sports banquet at the end of the year, FALLFLINGSUNDA.Y-11/18 Get ready to tackfe your fellow Cabrini-ites in the hottest football game around. Then relax with special dinners and more fun. It's the dorm council's F_at~ Fl(ng to be held on Sunday, Nov. 18. Everyone 1smv,ted. Check Loquitur for more information or see your dorm council representative or R.A.

CLASSES CANCELLED-11/13-14 On Wednesday, Nov. 13 and Thursday, Nov. 14 all day classes will be cancelled due to a curriculu':1 _com1!ritteeworksh~p for the faculty and adm1mstrat1on.Night classes are scheduled and will be held. GAMEROOM/FITNESS CENTERMODERATORS Alternate weekend hours are available . Please stop in the student activities office and make an appointment if you are interested.

SOPHOMORE SPRINGREGISTRATION-11/13 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, ACCOUNTING AND COMPUTER SCIENCEOPENHOUSE-11/1'1 Lers welcome our guests as they tour the campus for this open house to be held on Sunday, Nov. 11from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. activities


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