Nov. 30, 1984 issue 11 Loquitur

Page 1

friday,nov.30, 1984

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087·

vol.xxxi,no. 11

Puttingthe second Superthonin gear by Barbara Mongelli Coordinators of the annual Helping Hand Superthon are getting in gear , preparing for the continuous 33 hour event to be held on Jan. 25 and 26 . WCAB , Cabrini's radio station will be working together with the SGA and the student activities office, to raise mone y for Lupus and Alzheimer 's disease . Judy Buck, senior , radio station manager , has been working on the preliminary arrangements for the Superthon for approximately two months . Buck said that she hopes to see an improvement in this year's marathon, particularly in the area of student participation. Buck said, "We'd really like more input from the student body; there is tha t opportunity right now-just contact anyone on the steering committee and they 'll assign you to a project." The steering committee is comprised of Buck , Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities , Robin Larkins , senior , SGA president , Denis Bourgeau , junior , council president of Counsel Hall , Joe Guiffre, social activities chairperson, Debbie Maida , council president of Woodcrest, Mark Murray , social activities assistant ~d Trish Reilly, program director , sophomores .

In order to make the students want to , participate more throughout this year 's Superthon, Buck said that there will be more activities going , especially in th e early hours of the morning when people are more likely to drift off. For example, from 3 to 5 a .m ., ther e will be a live band , A Flock of Penguins , pla ying to keep the marathoners awak e. Th e band , together for around a month and a half consists of Paul Puckerin, senior , Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino , Chri s DeN ardo , Mark Sterner , juniors , Dan a Ridgeway, sophomore, and Phil Spar agn a and Dave Kodluk , freshmen . DeNardo said , "We're going to get ever yone on their feet; we'll wake them right up." Angelucci added, "We'll have thi s place hoppin '." The Superthon was initiated last year by Frank Hogan , WCAB moderator , and succeeded in raising over $1500 for Lou Gehrig 's disease . Buck said that she hopes the profit for this year 's Superthon will be "double last year's ." The Superthon 's events will include a Trivial Pursuit tournament , games such as Name That Tune and Dorm Feud , a movie, an early morning stretch with work-out videos, a faculty-student basketball game , a dinner show, a dance and appearances by a well -kn own band and sports celebri ti es .

e--::..--,..~~ •w.... ~..-~ ~.__.; pill not users by Robert B. Marchesan i

0 Christmastree, 0 Christmastree Christmas is in the air as Cabrini students cut down a Christmas tree that will be decorated and displayed for the beauty of all to see in each dorm. Cabrini's Christmas celebration began on Wed. as some residents went to Proctor Wetherill tree farm, Chester Springs, PA. The social activities board and office supplied transportation and funds so that each residence could have a Christmas tree. The trees as well as the decorated residences will be judged on their creativity on Sunday, Dec. 2, durinq the progressive dinner, which is an annual event at Cabrini. (photo by Joe Giuffre)


Having heard about a defective birth contro l pill on the news th e night before. Ladonna Mahecha, senior, a medical assistant at the health center , embarked on a mission to spread the word to caution the women in the residency program s abou t th e ine ffective pills, Ovulin 441 and 489. On October 25, information about a defective birth control pill reached the grape vine at Cabrini. Having heard about a Ovulin 441 and 489 on the news the night before , Ladonna Mahecha, senior, a medical assistant at the health center, embarked on a mission to spread the word to caution the women in the residency program the pills . "Students came to the health center to ask a female medical assistant what type of birth control pills were defective ," according to Mary Mulligan, nurse of health services on campus. Mulligan said that the medical assistant had seen a newscast the night before and told the concerned students the name and brand of the pill in question . Mahecha said , "I wrote the necessary information on a sheet of paper and wanted to have it duplicated in order to post fliers in the dorms, in inconspicuous places; I felt the girls had to know." According to Mahecha, two million counterfeit packages of the birth control pills had been circulated across the nation . Mahecha said that she gave the flier to Mary Ellen Lilly, director , resident life, in order to go through the proper channels before taking any public action. "From the questions and conversations that I've had on this campus as medical assistant , I wanted the girls to know about the situation for whatever their reasons (for taking the pill) might be." Mahecha said. But that prototype never left Lilly's office. Lilly said, "I received a piece of paper with the information from Ladonna, but it never left my desk. If it was our responsibility to inform the students on such an issue, then we were negligent." She added, "We weren't trying to hide the information. I think if you're on a prescription drug it's your responsibility to see what's going on. It was advertised on local news and by the medical assistant ." Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, dean of students, said, "I don't think there's virtue in ignorance. Our purpose is to inform. I assume most people take the pill for birth control.


inside perspectives .. 2 news ■ 3 features ..... .. 4 5 living ......... 6 sports ........ sga ........ . .. 7 twac ....... . .. 8 •••••


CEC set for performance of 'Scrooge' The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) prepares for its first theatrical performance with the special children in the theater arts workshop. For an article, see page 7. (photo by · Cara Graham)


Collegelife can affect eating habits Is college life has affecting your eating habjts? If so, there is a list of do's and don't to help you get back on the road to good eating. For an article, see page 5. (photo by Mark Magner)

loquitur- friday,nov.30, 1984



viewpoint Clearing my junk drawer cobwebs

One morning in the Septa station.;.

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"Due to operating difficulties, the Paoli local train will be following the R-4 weekend schedule ...correction, the R-3 holiday schedule ....correction, the XYZ leap year schedule ...correction, the daylight savings time - oh, just -::atchthe train when it comes!"

op1n1on Cracking-·down on drunk drivers by Virginia A. Smith My friend, Sue, was stopped by the New Jersey state police lSt week and made to take a sobriety test. It wasn't that she 1asswerving across the yellow line; in fact, she registered zero n the breath-a-lizer. The police had set up a road block and topped every car on the highway as part of their up-graded ampaign to capture any possible "drivers under the nfluence." In my shore area, (where there are as many bars as street orners), the road blocks seem to be working deterrants. )rinkers planning a night on the town are less apt to get iehind the wheel knowing that they'll soon have to face a cop . - and a stiff penalty. Programs by MADD (Mothers Against )runk Drivers) and SADD (Students Against Drunk Drivers), md explicit television commercials depicting the effects of lrunk driving (a group of drunken teenagers leave a party, get nto their car and are transformed into gruesome skeletons), 1ave increased public awareness of the real dangers of driving mder the influence. Sue, however, was not convinced. The road block, she :!aimed, was a definite . inconvenience, which made her nerrous and late for her appointment. "The sobriety test is unfair myway," she protested. "It registers even the slightest bit of tlcohol on your breath, and they can take away yourlicense for ;hat. I can drive after drinking one or two beers - no >roblem." Oh yeah? Tell my mother that. Last Saturday, a truck driven by a teenage male who had Just one beer" at a nearby bar, turned the comer of my street ,OO fast and lost control. He swerved into my neighbor's pickett ence, hit a pile of grav~l, skidded across the street, plowed

down my chain link fence (ripping the iron supports clean out of the cement sidewalk), hit the foundation of my house , and ~na~ly smashed into my mom's mint-condition Chrysler, movmg 1t ten feet into my driveway. An incredible list of damages caused by someone who could supposedly "hold his own liquor" and "drive perfectly with a few drinks ." And it could've been much worse, Had the car not been there, the truck would've been stopped only by my neighbor's living room - where he and his family were watching television. My parents could've actually been in the car, or worse yet, in front of my gate. This guy was fortunate enough to get away with negligence and driving while intoxicated; he could've been charged with involuntary manslaughter, I applaud the police for setting up the road blocks. Isn't it abou_ttime they_stop chasing parking violators and go after the hfe-threatemng drunks? We need the stiffer penalties, the mandantory sentences, the laws - anything to force offenders to be more responsible. Places that serve liquor are doing their part: I've been hearing stories of concerned party hosts who make drinking guests check their car keys in at the door and return them only after they sober up. And there's even a trend among bars to provide complimentary "munchies" and coffee to counteract the effects of the alcohol. With drinking and driving come great responsibilities ones that shouldn't be taken very lightly. We wouldn't need the road blocks if everyone would be responsible enough for his or her own self, My mother had her most prized possesion needlessly destroyed as it sat in our own driveway. Countless other victims senslessly lose even more-their limbs, their movements, their lives. If you plan to party wildly this weekend, do yourself a favor and get drunk within walking distance; few people have ever been killed by a pedestrian.

letter To the Loquitur staff, As we paged through the November sixteenth edition of the Loquitur, we were saddened. It came to our attention that a very important happening on Cabrini College's campus was forgotten. On November seventh, the senior class chose the recipient of the honored Mother Ursula Award, The award was given to Gerard Lennon, the president of the senior class. Unfortunately, the Loquitur staff did not include this event in this edition. It saddens us to think that the Lo uitur staff

would forget or disregard the winner of the Mother Ursula Award. This award is the most distinguished honor given to a graduating senior of Cabrini College. We are looking forward to seeing the front page of the November thirtieth edition, We are sure that 'someone ' will write a profile on the winner of this award, Gerard Lennon. We hope that Gerard Lennon's picture is as nice as Mr. Frank Norcini raking leaves, -Cheryl Wise Kelly Morgan

barbara mongelli Every once in a while when I can't get to sleep, I sit down next to my junk drawer and attempt to clean it out. Each time, I vow to throw out all of the deteriorating memorabilia that I have kept stashed there for years. It's ridiculous, I tell myself. What is the reason that I allow these souvenirs of parties and graduations, the grade school and high school years, to take up so much of my valuable drawer space? Well, I don't know why I have always kept the tiniest little souvenirs, but I did finally succeed in ridding my room of some of these "valuables." Some of the others will take more time. Let's face it, tickets stubs from movies I saw in ninth grade are no longer useful. Nor are streamers from the eighth grade Halloween dance, the high school championship football game or the big graduation party, Why keep prom flowers? The only thing they do now is crumble to the ground every time someone walks too heavily across the bedroom floor. They no longer lend beauty to the room, However, I will admit that these were difficult to part with at first; my prom pictures now serve adequately as memorabilia for those nights. I finally got around to throwing out the birthday, communion, confirmation and graduation cards, the variety show programs and those pamphlets on growing up. I guess I always thought I would forget these momentous times in my life without some actual proof, Calendars detailing the things that I did with my friends, the shoebox full ofletters written in sixth grade and secretly passed under the wooden desks, autograph albums from the last day of classes and one of my favorites, the stack of WFIL playlists, listing the top 20 songs for those weeks back in '77; these things are hard to part with, especially after sitting on the floor for hours and rereading them. To tell you the truth, I still haven't been able to part with them. My mother calls me the "biggest junk collector" she knows . Well, maybe I am; I call it sentimental though, Besides, it never fails-every time I throw something out, an old friend shows up or a reminiscient feeling arises and I wonder what I did with that old newspaper clipping or my fifth grade science project, or...

laquitur cahrini college Loquttur is published weekly during the school year by the students of Cabrini College, Rodnoc Pennsylvania, 19087. Subscription price is $1) per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition ond student fees. Editor. Barbora Mongelli News Edlt0<: Lucia Laurita Assistant Kathleen Breslin Perspectives Editor: Virginia Smith Features Editor: Bonnie Zischang Assistant Donna Horsley Living Editor. Gia DiGlminiani Assistant Robert Marchesani Sports Editor. Michelle Bamber Assistant BJ. Petracci Assistantsto the SGA page: Karen Bowers and Joan Kramer Art EditO<S: Debbie Cicirello and Beth Doiy Photography Editor: Cora Graham Assistant Mark Viggiano BusinessManager : Robin Larkins Phologrophy /!dviser: Dr.Carter Craigie /!dviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek Slaff: Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino, Frank Bokoski, Karen Ciori<.Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demski, Marybeth Evich, Katie Grimley, Kerry Hogan. Chris Koerner, Randy Letko, Maureen McAnespy, Laura Przywara, TrishReilly.Eileen Riddle, Poul Roman. Peggy Simon, Kathi Wachenheim, Cathy 'rbung The SGA and TWAC pages ore paid advertisements. The content is under the supervision of those offices . Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors . However, tt the writer wishe~ and the editor agrees, the wrlte(s name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the writer: Letters should be typed, double-spaced and no more than 300 words in length . If a letter is too long for the available space , the edttor may edit or condense Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

loquitur - friday, nov. 30, 1984



Drugand alcoholboardstrivesto end misuse by Maureen McAnespey

The Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board (DAB) is a composed of members of the college community which addresses the broad issues of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. The board precipitated because of last year's discussions about drugs and alcohol and also because of the laws that were enforced in Pennsylvania, such as those that hold people responsible for serving min_ors. . . The DAB will be broken down mto four mam committees: awareness, which will make the advisory board aware of the dangers of drugs and alcohol; membership and recruitment which will be responsible for obtaining new members; p~licy, this which wi~lbe respo~sible_for creati_ng the party policy; and educational, which will organize ongoing programs serving to educate the campus . .t:Secausethe party policy of last year is outdated, a new one is being formed. Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life said, "The new party policy will be written in the reflection of a realistic approach." She added that it will help to

develop a philosophy and a attitude towards drugs and alcohol. Arthur Shuman, an Alchoholics Anonymous (AA) consultant, speaks to different schools about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. He cited Cabrini's party policy as a model policy at a Pennsylvania conference .

"The new party policy will be written in the reflectionof a realisticapproach." -Mary Ellen Lilly, The board will not only reinstate the party policy; it will also go beyond that to aiding the students. One of the objectives of the board is to help students who are children of alcoholics or who are prone to alcohol themselves. It is understood that alcohol and college, in many cases, go hand in hand, and that it is an accepted part of college life; this is a danger of which the DAB hopes to warn

students. Many activities will take place in reference to this com-· mittee. Examples are seminars, discussion groups, outside speakers, and community resources such as AA. "We would like to establish more activities that are nonalcoholic such as the coffee house and the gong show. Everyone was brought together and seemed to have a good time," said Lilly. She hopes this will help eliminate the idea that you need alcohol to have a good time. At present, the board consists of Colleen Di Raddo, director of student activities , Lilly, Brendan Mullen, resident manager of Counsel Hall, and seniors Eileen Herbig, Denise Carr, .Debbie Kirk, Stacy McCullough, and Janine Smith. The board is now looking for members to join from different areas of the college community; students, administration , staff, and faculty, alike . ''We'll work with what we get . The concept is much too important to really be concerned with how many people are involved, but everyone is certainly invited to join." Lilly said .


Students adapt study habits to surroundings by Kathleen A. Breslin

"The above student is likely to receive the grade D or lower in the indicated subject for the present semester." These are the grim words on warning notices that appear mid-point each semester at Cabrini College. "The purpose of the warning is to correct a problem where there is still time," said Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs. It is from his office that the directive goes forth to faculty to issue the notices. This fall , the gold copies of the notices were in the hands of students by the end of October, ample time for planning spring rosters in early November . Warnings in two or more subjects require a more definitive course of action. This semester three seniors , seven juniors, 15 sophomores and 25 freshmen received warning notices in two or more subjects . "The pattern is always the same ,"

said Romano. Although there are more freshmen enrolled in the college than ever before, Romano seems to think that the figure for freshmen is proportionately a little higher than it has been in the past . Advisers seldom recommend dropping a course that, with a little time and effort , there is a possibility of saving , said Arthur Young, djrector of the Center for Academic Reinforcement (CARe ). " Students are becoming more assertive . They know where to go for help ," he said . Tutoring at CARe has increased 200 percent since last year, and Young claims that there is an 80 percent success rate for those seeking help . Young said there are three main reasons why students experience academic difficulty : procrastination, poor time management and test anxiety . He sees no indication that living conditions contribute to academic success or failure, but admits that noise is a problem in the major

dorms . "Students must learn to be conside-

PRECAUTIONS from 1 Our purpose is not to promote birth control, but to inform, especially those who are taking the pill for medical reasons for which the pill would be ineffective." She co~tinued, _"I would maintain that we are a Catholic institution and we have values and beliefs we will not compromise. We have a responsibility to inform and to educate , and to try to inculcate Catholic values." In the meantime, Mahecha continued to spread the news by word of mouth, hoping to inform the women before any mishaps occurred. The term birth control pill can be misleading. "Many of the students who take birth con ' pills do not take them for sexual reasons. Many are taken for medical reasons; the major ones being to regulate their menses (menstruation cycle~), and to prevent the formation of ovarian cysts," according to Mulligan . As such , often times the pills are used not only as a preventive measure against conception , but also as one ~gainst p~ysiological disorders. According to Mahecha some girls are even put on the pill to alleVIate severe cramps. Mahecha said, "If the girls were taking the pill for an ovarian cyst or for regulation , the pill was ineffective." She added, "The pill stops ovulation . In the case of those who ha".e ovarian cysts, it prevents more cysts from occurring. Ovarian cysts develop when there 1s a problem in the process of ovulation." Mahecha further explained, "When a girl goes through her menses her body forms a layer of tissue in the uterus to prepare the womb for implantation of the egg. When implantation does not occur, the lining sheds itself at which point bleedi_ngoccurs. ~en menstruation does not occur, another layer can develop on top of the previous one, causmg severe problems when the layers build up." According to Mahecha t~is ensuing condition is called endometriosis which can only be corrected through surgical removal of the layers in less advanced cases, or through total hysterectomy in more advanced cases.

rate of each other ," he said . Judy Buck, senior , resident assistant at Cabrini East , a dorm comprised of 90 percent freshmen , said , "One night one room makes too much noise , the next night its another room ." She thinks things will get better when they learn to communicate with each other . "I think they have a real bad case of freshmanitis," Buck said. Freshman Marissa Menn, a resident of Cabrini East, feels she has learned her limitations and ·has acquired a lot of selfdiscipline. "In the beginning it was hard . I felt I was missing something ifl didn't join in ," said Menn. Freshman roommate "Counsel Hall is a rowdy place ," said sophomore Mark Murray , but he doesn't have trouble studying there . He points out , however, that in a quad, a room housing four men, it is harder to concentrate than in a room with only two or three men .

Karen Rider, a sophomore in Woodcrest Hall , misses the study rooms that were preempted this year to accommodate more students. With limited library hours and the Widener Center closing earlier thi s year," she said, "there is no place to study or do homework with guys." Senior Jeanne Boyle is a resident assistant in Woodcrest, on a floor occupied mostly by sophomores. She said , "We have a lot of respect for each other ," and added that complaints about noise during quiet time were minimal. "I think this is because they've all been through the grind of freshman year ," she said . Boyle feels that the first floor in Woodcrest , where the freshmen res ide, is the noisiest , bu t notices tha t type wri te rs have been in the hall late at night recently and that the popcorn maker is being used more, a sign that students are working harder. "The crunch is coming ," said Boyle.


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loquitur friday, nov. 30, 1984


Classmatesplace'unsunghero'inlimelight by Lucia L. Laurito

An unsung hero; he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He achieves so much, yet only those in the limelight are recognized. He is a face without a name; a shadow 'behind the "leader," this according to some members of the senior class. Gerard Lennon, senior, is this unsung hero, who according to a vote of the senior class has best fulfilled the ideals of Cabrini College, to be elected the recipient of the 1985 Mother Ursula Award. This cash award of $100 is presented annually to an outstanding graduate in honor of Mother Ursula Infante, MSC, founding president of Cabrini College. Along with the cash award, Lennon's name will be engraved on a plaque to be placed in the alumni affairs office along with other recipients of the award. Voting and announcement of the Mother Ursula recipient took place at the annual Alumni-Senior Di~ner held in November. The award will be formally presented at commencement in May. According to the discription of the award, Lennon is "the senior who has best fulfilled the ideals of the college : Gerard Lennon, senior, was chosen a recipient of through academic achievement, participation in extra- the Mother Ursula Award because he best repre .curricular activities, and leadership and service to fellow sented ; the ideals of the college. (photo by Mark classmates and to Cabrini College." Viggiano)

"He finally got the recognition he deserved," Eileen Jensen, senior, said. _"He may not have done things people see, but the things he has done were not only to benefit the senior class, but the whole school. I was proud of him when he received the award, he deserved it," she said. Lennon has been involved in tutoring at the CARe center and in the dorm for four years, tutoring in math, Spanish and statistics. He is also a eucharistic minister, installed in January of 1984. In addition, Lennon has been involved in student government as junior and senior class president. He is also a representative on the student academic council. "Gerard is a quiet, intelligent, thoughtful person, who is concerned about important issues, especially campus policies," John Doyle, senior, Lennon's ex-roomate, said. "I'm happy for him, I don't think he has been recognized for the things he's done," Doyle said. "He doesn't make a fuss for attention." Lennon has achieved two other awards at Cabrini, they are the Service and Leadership Award, and an academic scholarship. When asked to comment upon receiving the award, Lennon responded," I was very surprised and happy to receive the award. It's a shame that only one award is given out, because there are a lot of deserving people that are involved in the senior class, especially those at the CARe center ."

Heroes·are ever presentbut alwayschanging by Donna M.Horsley

Squirming and squeaking aloud, I unconciously tighten my fingers, cutting off all circulation from my boyfriend's hand. I turn my head, burying it into his chest as "Indiana Jones" once again narrowly escapes death as a villian unsuccessfully attempts to plunge a dagger through the back of the middle-aged hero. The movie is "Indiana Jones and the Tumple of Doom" and the hero is, none other than "Indiana Jones," played by actor Harrison Ford. "Indiana Jones is multi-talented; he is intelligent, macho, carefree, heroic, and human," said Mark Murray, sophomore. It appears that most people have at some point in their lives known a person whose qualities or achievements they have admired. While heroes today are often stereotyped as either an athlete or entertainer, there are many people who have heroes that are not. According to Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of the history and political science department, the definition of a hero changes throughout history. "In the 1600 and 1700s society was a political arena where the issues concerning politics appeared heroic," said Girard. Girard said in the 1800s, business tycoons like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were the . heroes while in the 1900s sports figures and entertainers seem to be the heroes, ACCOUNTING BIO (non majors) COMPUTER SCIENCE (Computer Lab) ITALIAN FRENCH HISTORY MACROECONOMICS

particulary in the 1980s. "I first became interested in Roger Staubach, the athlete, when I was 6 years old. I loved the Dallas Cowboys and because Roger Staubach was the hero it was only natural that he was my hero," said B.J. Petracci, sophomore. She later identifyed Staubach as her hero not because he was a athletic superstar but because she saw him as a good person who had many noteworthy accomplishments. Girard believes that the reason athletes and entertainers are considered heroes by many is because they are society's last individuals; they appear independent and appear to be able to do anything that they want. Girard has personal individuals which are his heroes, but historically Benjamin Franklin is his hero, primarily because of Franklin's passion for life. "It concerns me how in general most people don't identify with scientific accomplishme11ts,"said Girard. Denise Travis, senior, believes that today we are not looking for a hero to put on a pedestal but rather someone who is worthy of our admiration. Travis' hero is Leo Buschaglia, author of the books "Love" and "Personhood ." Said Travis, "He is my hero not because I believe everything that comes out of his mouth but rather he is an 'up' person in a 'down' society." Just as Girard's hero stems from his field of interest, Bert Siwak, senior, buisnesia major, considers Lee lacocca, a business

Kathy Hasson Lucia Laurito Angie Agront Denise Hee Lucia Laurito Patty Hinke Laura Kraemer Donna Blyskal

Dr. Who (portrayed by Tom Baker), one of the seven regenerations of the Doctor. sits in the tardis and contemplates a solution to another galactical disaster. 'Dr. Who' has been a popular hero since 1963-among many fans in England. People of all ages attend conventions that promote his popularity in America. genius and someone he admirers. Accordand "Hill Street Blues" are still popular ing to Siwak he risked not only his future and many of its characters are considered and financial status but his life to turn heroes is because their characters stand for Chrysler Corporation around. Siwak said, something; their morals do not change "He should run the country." from week to week. Contrary to popular belief, John Doyle, Doyle perceives Dr. Who as a person who senior, feels that our society today is not at stands for truth, beauty and goodness at a loss for heroes but rather heroes today the expense of himself. "His values are are all too much alike. Doyle said that the strong and he lives by them without ques:reason the television shows "Magnum P.I." tion," said Doyle.

T 1:30-2:30, W 11-12 W 2-3, Th 1-2

W 1-5 W 11~12, 6-10 W 2-3, Th 1-2 M,F, 11-i2 Th i-2 T W-12-1:30

M 10~11,T 1-1:30 Gerard Lennon Katie Manicm M 11-12, Th 4-5 Laura Firely M 2-3, F 10-11 Nancy Scottolini Th ·11-12 PSYCHOLOGY Missy DiPasquale W 1-2 Rosemary Viggiano READING (developmental) Maureen Grasso -MT TH F 10-11 SPANISH Joan Johnson T 2-3, F 10:30-11:30 Dianne Cameron T Th 12:30-2, W 9:30-12:30 STUDY SKILLS Dianne Cameron T -Th 12:30-2, W 9:30-12:30 Lucia Laurito W 2-3, Th 1-2 STATISTICS Donna Blyskal T W 12-1:30 Charles Smith T 12:30-1:30 MATH

Lorrie DiBona

M 10:15-11:15, T 1-2 ·






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loquitur- friday,nov.30, 1984



Fast-pacedlife promotesbadeatinghabits by Margaret Angelucci

Take one minute and think about what you eat. Are you a junk food junky, a yogurt and salad fanatic, or are you a meat and potatoes kind of person? Despite the good eating habits many are taught at home, it is common for one's nutrition to deteriorate when becoming a college student and adopting a new, fast-paced lifestyle. The pizza man becomes a daily visitor and the phone numbers of the delicatessens are rattled off with a flick of the tongue. The foods that often assault the body on a daily basis are junk foods which are high in fat and sugar content. It has been a common misconception that sugar gives the body energy, but in reality, sugar provides an initial burst of energy, which will last for only about ten minutes and then will cause the energy level to decrease rapidly. This may make the individual tired, causing difficulty in concentration. Many student, however, do not have the time in their busy schedule to sit down and eat a well-balanced meal. They often grab a bite to eat while rushing off to class or to work. Bill Haile, manager of Seiler's Food Service, said, "The most popular foods are sandwich items. Cheesesteaks, tacos, pizza, meatball sandwiches and french fries are among the most popular foods at Cabrini. Put anything on a bun, and the student will go for it." The reason for this, Haile said, is because it is easier and quicker to eat a sandwich than it is to take the time to eat a full meal. Zina Wilson, junior, employee of the Wigwam says that lunch is definitely the busiest time of day. The most popular foods are again cheesesteaks, french fries and sodas. Wilson · also notices that students come in late at night to get coffee and cheese fries. The effects that bad eating habits have· on students are far-reaching. Not only do bad eating habits add extra, unwanted calories, they also effect the performance of the

student. Low grade point averages, memory and reasoning deterioration and even the level of creativity decrease because of a bad diet. Dave Kodluck, freshman, says that he has definitely noticed a decline in his nutrition since he came to school. He eats cereal almost nine times a week, and orders pizza at least three times a week.

Despitethe goodeatinghabitsmany are taughtat home,it is commonfor one'snutrition to deterioratewhen becominga collegestudentand adoptinga new,fast-pacedlifestyle. Students can avoid falling into the trap of a poor nutrition, however, by committing themselves to following a healthy, well-planned diet. The following are some suggestions to obtaining better eating habits: • Sit down and take time to eat meals. • Eat three well-rounded meals a day. Pre-planning the meals can help insure a balanced diet. • Eat on a specific time schedule, and try to avoid eating between meals. • Exercise on a regular basis. Usually 45 minutes, four times a week is sufficient. • Avoid eating while standing up. You should relax while eating meals. • Try to avoid junk foods which are high in sugar and fats. These foods do not metabolize well, and, therefore, do not provide the body with sufficient energy • Do not eat while you are studying; it can become a habit, interfering with concentration, while causing the gain of unwanted pounds.

Usa Schwartz, junior, returns for seconds, while Kathy Hasson, sophomore, surveys the dinner selection in the Cabrini cafeteria. (photo by Mark Magner)

Lit.tieTheater's'PeterPan' flies into action by Trish Reilly

Never-never land, lost little boys, and the magic of children flying through the air is part of the enchantment of "Peter Pan," which has been selected as the Little Theater's annual children's presentation for this season. The Little Theater's version of the play is a combination of the Mary Martin musical, the book and the cartoon. The cast consists of Virginia Smith, sophomore, as Peter Pan, Marisol Rodriguiez, freshman, as Wendy, and Paul Cauchi, sophomore, as Captain Hook. The cast also includes two student from Cabrini's Saturday morning arts program,

Leigh Schilling and Gail Luxton, who are playing the roles of Michael and the Shadow respectively. The basic script of Cabrini's production was composed by Daniele Perna , director of the Little Theater, and the cast. This enabled . each performer to have creative input into the script and the individual roles. The character of Peter Pan , for instance, will be portrayed as being more boyish in nature, in contrast to the popular fairy concept of the character. Perna also composed three songs for the play. Cabrini's Children's Theater is unique because the children participate a great deal in the action of the play. The cast goes into the audience via the stage's runway,

hopeful that they will be successful in involving the children. Some of the music for the play includes sing-a-longs for the children, and the role of the lost little boy in "Peter Pan" will be an actual member of the audience . The play is "lesson-oriented ," since each character has a message to relate . The character of Wend , for instance, represents the importance of mothers. The children , as always , are seat.eel on the floor of the Little Theater with all movement occurring around them . The flying scenes are being portrayed without the use of rigging. They will be portrayed by exaggerated actions, leaving much . to

the imagination of the children. Sophomore Virginia Smith said, "Kids are the best judge of how you are doing . They'll yawn if they don't like it ." The play opens this weekend . Dec. 1 and 2, and will run through the Dec. .9.15 and 16. The group will t-0ur during the mo-nths of January and February. Admission is $2.50 per person. Following the play there will be a question and answer period. At this time the children have the opportunity to ask omething the y did not understand or why and how something took place. It is also a time for the children to just talk with the performers which they usually enjoy.

Winterfashionsin vogue I


Bambergers in the King of Prussia Mall is a popular showcase for this season's fashion, ranging from the classic to the outrageous fashions. (photo by Debbie Kidon) by Joan Kramer

As winter arrives, and the reality of Christmas gift shopping comes upon us, shoppers become increasingly aware of the new fashions on the market. Bambergers, at the King of Prussia Court, is all set to provide their customers with the latest in winter designs for the brisk winter days and the cozy winter nights. One can stroll through the juniors department, watch

some rock videos and listen to their favorite music while looking at the diversified arena of clothing and accessories. Various styles of sweaters, from the oversized and bulky to the soft and feminine, can be found in a spectrum of bright colors and patterns. Jeweled sweaters, some embedded with rhinestones and pearls, are popular selling items, according to salespersons in the juniors department, For wild winter nights and daring winter days, one could wear some "psychedelic colors." Popular items and accessories are available in fuscia, bright orange, and fluorescent shades of green and blue. Accessories are inexpensive and creative ways of stretching one's wardrobe, and the most current trends this season are colorful hula hoop earrings, black leather ties, flourescent belts and bags, clothespins, and, for the daring, ·flourescent socks trimmed in black lace. For the more conservative, traditional business look, 3rooks Brnthers and Evan Picone offer the job seeker a chance to make their interview professional and attract potential employers. Their women's suits emphasize colors in greys, blacks, navy, camel and wine. According to Tyson, coats, as well as skirts and dresses, are long. The coats come in a nice selection of winter white and midnight blue colors. Sweat shirt fabrics and oversized shoulders also make for a warm winter wardrobe. For men exclusively are the Calvin Klein "New Tradition," business suits for the job interviewee. Striped sweaters, especially in black and white, are the vogue. According to a salesperson of Bamberger's men's department, this season offers great variety since both vibrant multi-colored apparrel, and to the opposite extreme, more muted colors are popular for men. Shetland sweaters are a classic selling item and cashmere is in demand by the men as well as the women shoppers. The Ralph Lauren salesperson said that everything is of good quality, especially the shoes. "The new Docksides are now made with soft leather," he said. Other durable shoes are the duck shoes; saddles are in again, as well as the Bass shoes. For women, flats and ankle boots are in style. Genuine leather shoes are a classic and one male shopper, who was trying on a pair of $100 leather shoes, said, ''These shoes are really nice and moderately priced compared to another department where the shoes ran about $300." -




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loquitur - friday, nov. 30, 1984


Lady Cavs shooting c:avaliers search for for top divisionspot winning_ingredients by Larry Aquino The 1984-85 women 's basketball team is looking forward to a very successful season. So far, their goals and expectations are being fulfilled with a winning start. Coach Mike Tenaglia has great goals and expectations for the 1984-85 season , such as an opportunity to bring a winning women's basketball team to Cabrini , a chance to gain recognition for the the team in areas other than Pennsylvania, and to be competitive in the NAIA division. ~ccording to Tenaglia, the team will have to work to their best ability in order to have a winning season because out of 31 games scheduled this year, 20 are against bigger and more experienced schools . In order for the team to win, Tenaglia stressed that the team must improve their defense, their rebounding and control. However,this year's team is quicker, bigger and has more depth than past teams , according to Tenaglia. "I'm excited and looking forward to a good season and playing in a tournament . We've got good leadership on this team and ·


a good mixture of youth, " Tenaglia said. Fredia Gibbs, sophomore , will be eligi - . by Randy T. Letko John Dzik, head coach of Cabrini College ble to play for the the women's basketball men's basketball team, feels he has a lot to team next semester as a point guard/shooting guard. Gibbs, a transfer from Temple look forward to for the 1984-85 season . Dzik has 11 returning lettermen from last University is a former Division I player and hopes her competitive experience will year's team, which won the EPAC title, the district 19 championship and was ranked help Cabrini. Teamwork is the main factor for a win- 30th in the nation out of approximately ning season Gibbs points out. "In order for 250 colleges in the NAIA. Also returning is senior forward, John the Cabrini Lady Cavaliers to become champions, we are going to have to play McQueen, Cabrini's all-time leading scorer and member of the Philadelphia team ball. The team and unity is a significant factor as far as success is concerned " Small Colleges all-area team . These two factors alone would make Gibbs said. ' . Betsy Mahoney, freshman , forward for most coaches very happy; Dzik is not . Despite the abundance of talent on the the team and also pointed out that teamteam , Dzik remains apprehensive about work is needed in order to have a champithis year's season . The team has athletic onship season. "Working as a team to accent and com- ability , experience and maturity , yet Dzik pliment each other will enable us to per- said , "The team lacks basketball intelform to the best of our abilities . Playing for ligence. " Dzik , whose win-loss record is Cabrini has taught me to push myself and . 86-35, is trying to find the five players on • the squad who have all four of t he se work in cooperation with the other team qualities. members. This is the key to a successful McQueen , captain , said , "Wit hout a ·season ," Mahoney said . 1 doubt , we will win the EPAC title and district 19 title again . There is j ust too much talent on this team for us not to." Karl Sartor , sophomore , for ward ,sa id, "This team ha s the potential to be the best ever at Cabrini ." Dzik aptl y names hi s offense "helterskelter ," because of its diver sity. The team will play with an offense that consists of different styles and plays that are intended to confuse the opponent. The defense is basically an up-tempo pressure defense . "Basketball intellegence is the key to our whole game ;" Dzik said , "the team has to be able to move and think · about everything that is happening on the court ." A bonus that Dzik is looking forward to in January is the return oflast year's starting center, Martin Clancy. Clancy, senior, who has only a half season of eligibility remaining, will join the team next semester. Whether Dzik is able to find the four ingredients he wants in his players, who will also perform as a team, will be the true test of this year's season . · · ,As of Nov. 26, the Cavaliers are 2-0 with Allen Jones, sopho"!_ore goes up to wins over Shepard College and Penn State score to~_ Cabrini's rbasketball team Capitol. · . ' (pt,oto fri-_M.~ . •--- -- Viggfafl91





.. .... ,_ . . . ---- .. Ej/een Herbif1,1senior captain of the,' basketball tea'7!, QO'l.$up for the shot to lead the Cavaliers to a victory.1(Ph(Jtc) 'by:1llarlc .Vlggiano} 1




, -



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687 · 2222SUNDAY 4 PM TO 10 PM ForFASTPick-upCall 688- 2222 or HotDelivery 688- 5588 PIZZAS

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Fried Chicken ...4 Pieces . . . .... .. .. ... .. 390 F~ied Flounder . . ... .. . . ........ . . .. .. . . 4 ·05 F1~h and Chips . . .... ... .. . . . . . .. ... .. .. 3 ·70 Fned Oysters . . .. ...... . .. .. ... ... ... . . 3 ·30 Scallops . ... .. . .. .·.. .-.. . . . : . .. ... ... .. . 4 ·50 Jurr:ibo ~hrimp .... .... . .. . . . . . .. .... . . . 5:70 Shrimp in the Basket .. . . . . ... . . . ..... .. 4 70 Combination Sea Food .. . . . ..... ... ... .. 4:90 {lnc{udes F~~ch Fries-Col{t Sia n .Br



loquitur - friday, nov. 30, 1984


IfsChristmastime at Cabrini...

st. Mary'sChristmasParty

On the first day of December SGA said to me, it's time to deck the halls here at Cabrini ... (It's never too soon to get in the Christmas spirit!)

ProgressiveDinner - 3:30-6:00p.m. 3:30 - 4:45p.m. 4:00 - 4:25p.m. 4:30 - 5:30p.m. 5:30 - 6:00p.m.

Hors-d'oeuvres Salads Entree dessert

Counsel Hall Houses 3 & 4 Cafeteria Mansion & Woodcrest

ChristmasDecorationJudging- 9:00p.m. Our prestigious panel of judges (Resident Managers Beverly Reilly, Brian Jensen, Brendan Mullen; Political Science Teacher James Hedtke; and Academic Dean Joseph Romano) will be around to pick the most creatively decorated area. So gather everyone together this weekend to trim the tree and hang the wreath. And don't forget the mistletoe (just in case ...).

Join the education clubs (CEC, PSEA, CAEYC) and campus ministry as they welcome the girls from St. Mary's to their annual Christmas party. Each girl will receive a stocking full of gifts from the various residences and offices on campus. Help spread the Christmas spirit in a very special way.

December7th On the seventh day of December,SGA said to all,go relax and party at the Snow Ball

SecondAnnual ChristmasSnow Bal/9:00p.m.-1:00 ONLY $3.00 TO GET IN ($2.00 IF YOU BRING A CAN OF FOOD FOR THE POOR): FOOD ... DRINKS ... CASH BAR ... CHRISTMAS COOKIES... CAROLING CONTEST... 50/50 DRAWING... DJ... PICTURES ON SANTA CLAUS' LAP AND MORE! The gym will be transformed into a Christmas Wonderland preparing the way for the midnight arrival of SANTA CLAUS. SGA invites the ENTIRE CAMPUS to join together and celebrate!!!



On the third day of December, SGA said to me, "Scrooge" is in the lecture

On the eigth day of December, SGA said to me, let's go shopping down in Philly.



go see.

ShoppingTripTo Philadelphia.-11:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

TheaterArts WorkshopProduction:' crooge', Van Transportation provided! Sign up in Student Activities Office. 7:30p.m.A "special" production performed by some very "special" players. CAMPUSCHRISTMASEVENING....YULELOG Tuesday,December~th . . CEREMONYSponsored by Student Services ... Mass, Christmas Specials, On the fourth day of December, SGA said to me, go party m the Mansion with St. Mary's.

Wreath Making and MORE!

CEC presents'Scr9oge' by Gia DiGiminiani The Cabrini chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) has engaged in many activities during its years of existence, involving the physically and mentally handicapped. This year, the program was expanded to include the presentation of a play, "Scrooge," by the CEC Creative Arts Workshop. The idea for the play was originated by the CEC officers, seniors, Jean Boyle and Nicole Meoli . Boyle and Meoli attended a National CEC Convention in Washington, D.C., last spring, where they were impressed by a presentation by members of St . Francis College of Fort Wayne , Indiana. The group, whicb called themselves the "St. Francis Jesters," performed theater productions using mentally retarded and handicapped children. Boyle corresponded during the summer with one of the group's directors, from whom she received a great deal of information , as well as many scripts from which Boyle and Meoli selected the play, "Scrooge ." Boyle said, "We wanted to do something different; something on a larger scale than previous years . The handicapped are not offered much opportunity for creativity and self-expression . We knew what abilities we were working with and, decided that we could make the play successful." Boyle attributed much of the success of the Creative Arts Workshop to the work of the CEC members. "The play has truly been a team effort. There is a great deal of cooperation and dedication among the CEC members. We all worked well together ." The Creative Arts Workshop involves residents of the Melmark School in Berwyn. The students are both male and female, ranging in age from eight to 28

years, and suffer from mental and physical handicaps. The program also includes three community members who are also handicapped. Boyle stated, "The theater program also offers the students an opportunity to socialize outside a school-oriented atmosphere. This type of communication is important for these students." Rehearsals began during the third week of September and concluded with a final dress rehearsal this week. Eighteen Melmark students and fourteen Cabrini students are currently participating in the theater program . Due to the large participation of Cabrini education majors, especially among the freshman and sophomore classes , CEC is able to provide the Melmark st uden ts wi th an individualized program . The personalized atmosphere is desirable because it allow$ for a one-to-one rela t ionship between the handicapped students and the Cabrini students . The Cabrini students act as coaches, rehearsing script lines and directions with the handicapped students. The different levels of ability were considered in selecting the roles . The two lead parts are Scrooge, played by Bill Richards , and the jester, played by Karen Sultan. The leads were cast because of their outst anding ability to relate facial expressions and their enthusiasm . "Scrooge" will be presented on Dec. 3, in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Boyle commented, "The handicapped students have overcome many problems and difficulties, but we have received a positive response from them in the arts program. We couldn't ask for a better group to work with."

Council for Exceptional Children

The CEC's Creative Arts Program is presenting their adaptation of the play "Scrooge" for the Christmas season. The program involves mentally and physically handicapped ranging in age from eight to 28 years. The play will be presented on Dec. 3, in the WCLH at 7:30 p.m. (photo by

Completeand updatedschedule of eventsfor


next .issue...

St.Mary's ChristmasParty TheSecond Annual December 4,1984 Mansion Gift Drop OffCabriniCollege Helping Sunday Dec.2 Rm.24Mansion Hand Superthon Join your little sistersat 7pm on the 4th!

Jan. 25 & 26,1985 Creative ArtsWorkshop benefitting presentationof 'scrooge¡ Lupusand Alzheimersdiseases December 3,1984at 7:30pm WCLH 33 hoursof activitiesand fund raising THE eventof the year!! All invited with an Opening Night Tune in next week, or check the grapevine for updated info! Celebration tofollow




loquitur- friday,nov.30, 1984 this



at cabrini

Take the time this week to reflect as we celebrate this joyous time of the year. Share some joys with others in the Cabrini Community and get into the real spirit of giving at Christmas!!!



12/1 Saturday 2:30 Children's Theatre (LT) 7:00 M-Bball - Lincoln (H) CHRISTMAS DECORATING WEEKEND

12/6 Thursday Club Computer 1:00 (WCSR) Pre-law 1:00 (GH-?) Religion Dept. 1:00 (LCR) Honor Society 1:00 (NRm.) Yearbook Staff 1:30 (WCSR) Chess 2:00 Psychology Club Dinner 7:00 (A) - Mis. W-Bball - B:00 (H) M-Bball - Mis. 8:00 Psychology Club Movie 9:00

12/2 Sunday 9:00 CEC Sunday School (SH A) 11:00 Alumnae Exec. Bd. (MDR) 11:00 Financial Aid Wksp. (W,SHH) 2:30 Children's Theatre (LT) 6:30 Progressive Dinner 7-9 pm Rehearsal (WCLH) 9:00 Christmas Judging

.......... ....


12/3 Monday LAST DAY TO REQUEST COURSE INCOMPLETE 7: 30 CEC Play & Creat. Arts Wksp. (W('?LH) 7:30 Campus Ministry (Chapel) 7:30 Chorus (MDR)

■ -- ► o,I .... \II



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WCLH = Widener Center Lecture Hall C = Cafeteria SH= Sacred Heart WCGA= Widener Center Gathering Area SGA-0 = Student Government Office WCAR = Widener Center Activities Room WCSR = Widener Center Seminar Room WCCR = Widener Center Conference Room DSCR = Dean of Students Conference GH = Grace Hall MOR= Mansion Dining Room

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WARNING Because of the heavier volume of traffic and increased number of students on campus, traffic ,.,. and parking regulations need to be more strictly enforced. For the safety of the campus , community and the smooth flow of traffic; the tinp safety and emergency access are~sneed to Pe clear at all times. The roads on campt.1,$arenot wide enough to allow parking 9/ftf'lesicle()f th~ "<C,, 0-"' road. This includes the drive ot, tflf}11astside the Sacred Heart parking lo_ t / '!:lease · thef area which has been desigbf~cl 8$ area. For clarification as:to , ,_....,...,"~--,-~*' area, consult the stude~t ;,and ~), ::.:, ..


Cars which are illegal'/y parked will be' ticketed and towed at the owner's. expense. Cars parked on campus with no valid Cabrini College sticker are also subject to be towed at owner's expense. If you are expecting a guest or visitor on campus, please contact the dean of studenfs office to get proper clearance for tf'!eir vehicle.


Cars are towed to Radnor Garage, 227 Brook St., Bryn Mawr. The pltone number is' LAS-9393 and the cost is $45, to,be paid at the ti e the car is reclaimed.

NUTCRACK Anyone interested in att _, "The Nutcracker Suite" baff Brendan Mullen, resident maq Hall for more information. •.

Tuesday eveningis·St. !4ary'S 9hristmas night. Eacll dormand se_ veral offhe dffices have adopted a speci3/ litt/e,sisterand are respo_nsible for buying presents:, Come to the beautiful ~tting of theMat1;sion Christmas and help thesespecialchildrer, celebrate Christmas. It will an evening of goocl ,;nemories.



SNOW,BAt.L-12/7 Friday evening at 9 p.m. is the second annual Snow Ball, sponsored by the SGA. Come for an evening of fun, music and dancing. At midnight, 'fl special guest appearance will be our good fortuneby, who else ... Santa Claus! For a small fee, you can give him your list, sit on his fap and have your picture taken.

All costumes for the Halloween Haunted House must be returned to the wardrobe room immediately.


The CabriniCommunityChorusand Jazz Ensemble willpresenttheirthirdannual Christmas concerton Sunday,Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the WCLH.Refreshmentswill follow afterwards in the WCGA. . .,,





A reminder that clubs and organizations are to be represented aUhe financial aid open house in the cafeteria during lunch hour. Please make sure a represt;ntative is_available to discuss your group with interested studdnts.



PROGRESSI\YE DINNER,-;;12/2 Sunday is the s~coqd apquaJP{Ogressive dinner. This will provide i'an oppoltf!1J/f¥ to see everyone's Christmas deco , s while eating dinner. Thanks to all of , .A,t~ doqp council representatives anclto the Christmas social


DINNER AND YU(ELOG••· 1218 \ti


Satu,_d,ay_ night, Dec.8 be a special dinner for the-.C~brinlcommunity and the families of faculty, ,staff afJdadminlstration. As is our tradition, the Yule ceremorw will follow. This is always a O'lfJBt)irtg.ftJJ time ,of joy and celebration. Please .• w, planito .. share-it'with us. 5


'.'~+awPEGOIWIONJUDGINGitJt/ 12/2 ,

The largest open house of the fall semes occur this Sunday. There will be many gues campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Let's continue to ~make our guests feel welcome.


....., ..., .. -·-· ·•-·


This year, Saturday, Dec. 8 will be the date we will hold the campus Christmas festivities. We will have the evening dinner as usual with the Yule Log ceremony. After the ceremony, anyone who wishesto join us in making decorations for nursing homes, senior citizens centers and their ownhomes, may come to the WCGA where evergreens, ribbons, pine cones and other material prQvided for your use. Christmas movies for children and adults will -be playing on tfie wide screen television to entertain us as we wcrklplay.


activitiescommittee fo/spo(lSO,ring this event. t'•'•' '.\ ..) \ •..·• ;


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TICKETS -- ___ "'


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12/7 Friday 11:30-2 Career Coun. Luncheon (MDR) (WCSR) 9-3:00 Del. Valley Car. Counselor TBA M-Bball Tournament (A) 9:00 SGA CHRISTMAS DANCE (G)

12/4 Tuesday 12:30 Com. Af. (WCAR) 1:00 Eng/Comm. Club (CCC Rm.) 1:00 Traffic Comm. (DSCR) 1:00 History Club (WCCR) 1:00 CEC/PSEA/CAEYC (SH-C) 1:00 Academic Council (WCSR) 1:30 SGA (WCLH) 6:00 St. Mary's Christmas 7:00 W-BballAtwn - (A) 8:00 M-BballJohn's Hopkins (A) 12/5




_ day night's Christmas decorative judging tarts at 9 p.m. at Cabrini East. First and second prizes will be awarded for theme and creativity.

la a paid


of the student



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