friday,jan. 25, 1985
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol.xxxi,no. 13
Cabrinitakes hardstanceon drugs by Donna M. Horsley Cabrini 's drug policy is enforced better and respected more according to Cabrini's administration and students. "The use of narcotics and dangerous unauthorized drugs on campus,or elsewhere is illegal" and any violation of the policy will "warrant immediate disciplinary action." As stated above, v~rbatim from the Cabrini student handbook, the administration has taken a stronger stance on disciplinary actions involving drugs on campus : It is the job of resident life and the administration to make sure its decisions are fair and just when dealing with someone who chooses not to foster respect for Cabrini 's drug policy, according to Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life. There is no standard disciplinary action used when dealing with someone who chooses to engage in illegal activities, according to Lilly. Sne believes that each situation is unique and disciplinary action will be taken with "the students best interest at heart."
At the end oflast semester, a student was arrested and charged with the possession of illegal drugs and expelled from Cabrini. "For the good of the student and consistent with our attempt to keep the campus as drug free as possible, I think it was the best thing we could have done to see that the individual got help. I would hope that a clear message has been sent but I am not naive to think that the problem involving drugs on campus has been solved," Lilly said. Resident life and the administration intend to continue to enforce the drug policy and those who are caught violating it will be dealt with individually, for each situation is unique . "What upsets me most is that people who could use their energy for positive things : academic , social, spiritual, and athletic , waste energy on something negative, such as drugs, " Lilly said. "One thing I would like to see is students feeling free enough to be concerned about th_eir peers .¡If a student is generally concerned with another . student they each
have a certain obligation to help one another should one of them be involved in the usage of drugs," Lilly said. Rob Fink, sophomore, transfer student frol]l Western Maryland College, said, drugs at Western Maryland College were strictly forbidden. "Someone found with drugs on a first offense was thrown off campus and a second offense resulted in expulsion from the school," Fink said. According to Lilly , while Cabrin i's administration realizes that dealing with each drug situation individually makes it more difficult for them , the policy they do use is designed to help the student in the most positive manner they know. According to Brian Feeley, sophomore, this year's resident life staff is capable of handling situations involving drugs using their own disgression. "Resident life is respected more than last year , therefore, a better rapport has developed between its staff and the students. " Feeley believes this rapport enables situations involving drugs to be dealt with more accordingly than in the past . ''Res i-
dent life is heading in the right direction but there is always room for improvement," Feeley said . D~ _KanE:,sophomore, said , "This year 's adm1rustration seems to approach things ?-t a mote realistic tone . I have seen big improvements in the staff ; they work together excellently ." Mike Edmondson , freshman , sa id , "From wha t I've seen res ident life seems to know what is going on and I feel comfortable that they will deal with a drug situa tion appropriately. Early last seme ste r, our resident assistants stressed t ha t t hey wouldn 't stand for drugs. I don't do drugs so it's hard for me to feel for someone who is caught with drugs , but if it was me I think it would be nice to know they were concerned with doing what is best for me ."
"I suppose what we are trying to do," Lilly said , "is see that the resident life staff makes every effort to enforce the policy so that we can create a drug-free liv ing environmen t."
XavierHall opensdoorsto novel livingstyle
by Randy T. Letko The long wait is over and Xavier Hall has officially been open for two weeks . Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, said that the feedback she has received has been very positive and that life in Cabr ini 's new dorm is going very smoothly . The end of fall semester brought mu ch -GQRbewrsy pertaining w..the shuffling ar ound of studen ts from Cabrin i East onto campus, the women of In fante Hou se to Xavier Hall, and t he movemen t of Woodcrest residents to Xavi er Hall . But despite all th e chaos, campu s react ion to the new l i v i ng arrangem ent s has be e n very positive. Tina Slat er, fre shman and form er res ident of Cabrini Ea st, really enjoys bein g on campus and living in Xavier Hall. She feels there is a closer inte raction with the rest of the Cabrini community and more opportunity to meet the rest of her classmates . ''At East , we always had to leave earlier to catch the van and there was. always a hurried, run around feeling when visi t ing friends," Slater said. "We couldn't j ust hang out arid relax ." ! More privacy and cleaner -facilities are some of the repeated aspects that are well accepted by the Cabrini East transfers. . Not having to get up at dawn in order to catch the morning bus is one thing that freshman Pat Napolitano enjoys about , being in Xavier. ''At East, we always had to get up an hour earlier than the rest of the campus to catch the bus for breakfast. " The long hill that leads to the academic buildings is one obstacle that many of the women are very unenthusiastic about. Slater and Areta Hladky, freshman, com- Sophomore Maureen McAnespy smiles confidently as sophomore Cathy Marnell muter and frequent visitor of Slater's, said, nervously prepares for an elevator ride down to their new room in lower South "We cannot understand what is taking so Xavier Hall. long with the construction of the moving The two returned from shopping fOmplete with plants, school supplies and sidewalk . We presume that the cold the latest Xavier Hall craze, an Alvin the chipmunk soap dispenser. (photo by weatl\er has delayed its construction. " Larry Aquino) The women of Infante House ma<!e it
inside perspectives ... news .......... features ........ living ........... sports ......... sga ........â&#x20AC;˘... twac ...........
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Travelingand workingover the vacation Several Cabrini students spent their Christmas vacation traveling in order to work in completely d,ifferent environmen~. For stories on the group trips taken to Arizona and New York, see the centerfold. (photo by Barbara Mongelli )
known that they were unhappy with having to leave their house and move int.o the new dorm. Afthough it's not as comfortable as the house, Eileen Herbig. senior, resident assistant- fe Infante have ad . steel -well .. err environment . As a consolation to ~ , the women of Infante were given an extra room with tables , chairs, a r ri erator and a microwave oven. Donna Horsley and Coleen McLaughlin , both sophomore . moved out of IcGuire House and into Xavier Hall because they wanted to be a part of something new on campus . As freshmen , Horsley and McLaughlin were roommates in Woodcrest. In the fall, they moved to McGuire House . Horsley thought it woul d be neat just t o be able to say t hat she was part of something new on campus . Horsley said, "Our suite is really nice and the other women are fun to be with . The rooms are bigger and there is more closet space ." Woodcrest residents have also enjoyed th e tr ans iti on to Xavier Ha ll. The women of suite 180 in th e low~r sou t h wing of Xavier Hall, are ecstati c abou t havi ng their own b a throom, which is now equi pped with an Alvin the chipmunk soa p dis pe ns er. One minor complaint, th ough, is from Kathy Mornell, sophomore, who comp lain ed that the beds are so hard tha t she can play quarte rs on hers. The new elevator and big screen television have been welcomed sights for the new residents. Hladky sa id, "The elevator is nice because it 's easier to get to a room after a night out when it 's hard to negotiate the stairs ." ''Thebig screen television is nice and the room is good for watching all the night time shows with a bunch of people, " Horsley said . Lilly commented that the television room was a good idea and it will help to create more of a group atmosphere in the dorm.
Lookingat the changeswe are facing The new semester brought changes. Ideas and concerns of the Student Government Association are discussed in the commentary. See SGA page 7. (photo by Larry Aquino )
loquitur - friday,jan. 25, 1985
editori.aIs'· Sensationalizing, not our style Contrary to popular belief, we hate to pnnt controversial stories. With 'taboo' subjects such as religion, politics, or sex, we'd much rather "hear no evil, see no evil, write no evil" than to face the harsh consequences of administrative, alumni, and student disapproval - and the inevitable accusations of sensationalism. A 'make no waves' policy would definitely be easier on our hides -but would it be ethically right? As apprentice journalists, who develop our skills by producing the Loquitur weekly, we learn not only the how's, wp.ens and why's of the newspaper world, but also ajournalistic code of ethics. Newswriters, after all, aren't just writing for their own sake, but for the benefit and information of their readership. And besides reporting the news as it happens, jourp.alists also have a responsibility to ''troubleshoot," to make their public aware of possibly damaging situations before those situations get out of hand. Such was the case last November when we printed the st'ory "Intimate guests: Infringing on the rights of roomates." Through varied sources, we learned that a growing number of students were being inconvenienced by guests of their room-ates (of the same and of opposite sex), who either overstayed their welcome, or left them no privacy time. Often the bothered roomate remained silent, not wanting to 'upset the apple cart' in regards to someone he/she would have to live with for the rest of the semester. If the silence was to continue, and the situation was unknowingly permitted to exist, there would most certainly have been a widespread increase of the problem with all the frustrati~n, discomfort, and dissatisfaction that would accom-
pany it. So we chose to expose the "infringement" in its initial stages. The article was accurate and carefully researched, polling 300 residents with a non-assuming questionnaire. Quoted students remained anonymous to avoid damaging reputations, and although sexual activity was discovered to be among the · ways in which roomates were inconvenienced, this fact wasn't sensationalized or overplayed; it was simply stated as one of the problems. The word "sex" didn't even appear in the headline, because the article was not about sexual activities in the dorms; it was about roomates being inconvenienced. In printing the article, we were not imposing morality on our readers, nor stating that our findings were representative of the morality of the entire campus. In fact, since only a minority of the students polled cited sexual activities in the dorms as a way in which they were inconvenienced, sex must be only a small part of the problem. The problem of inconsiderate roomates isn't a failure of the college- it's a result of influencel? from our home lives, our peers, the t.v. programs we watch, the magazines we read. No further discipline on the part of Cabrini, such as the suspension of parietal privileges, would prevent such situations from occuring. God gave us all fee wills, over ivhich the college has no control. So any reform must come on the part of the individual. The college should bear no responsibility - or shame. As for our decision to print the article, we have no regrets. We intended to create an awareness of the situation and to propose some solutions. And if just one student stops to consider the feelings and rights of his roomate, then we've served our purpose.
op1n1on ,Thoughts on morality
letters ·One morning at Springregistration.... 'Intimateguests' shocksalumna= To the Cabrini College campus, Dear Sr. Eileen, My sisters and I attended Cabrini College in the late '60's and early '70's when the virtue of a Christian woman was uppermost in the school's training and philosophy. Our family sent us there because our Christian background should have been enhanced, and it was. · I was shocked and heart broken while reading the article in the Loquitur on November 2, 1984 on "Intimate Guests." It seemed to me that this situation has been going on for a while and nothing has been done about it. If the privelege of having male guests in the rooms has been abused, doesn't it seem right to take this away? Why are men permitted in the women's dorms and vice versa? When we pray "and lead us not into 'temptation," part of your responsibility is to help the students to avoid the "near occasion of sin." In taking a more liberal stand on living as a Christian woman, sexual sin is being condoned and publisized on Cabrini's campus. What is the philosophy of the college now? This school, and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were once dedicated to having the all things done for the greater honor and glory of God. Aren't you ashamed of what is going on? The students' behavior doesn't reflect the attitude of Mother Cabrini, whose life was dedicated to bringing children to Jesus. The article seems to state that secular humanism is ram- ! pant and that Jesus or his discipleship is not even mentioned. Please train these students to live in today's world-don't train them to be worldly. The sexual immorality seemingly represented in this article at Cabrini is a disgrace to all Catholic education. Please do something to stop this blatant immorality on campus. Can you imagine the tremendous responsibility that teachers would have before God if parents send children to Catholic schools expecting the young people to be protected and instead sexual license is allowed? Perhaps you aren't shocked by this article. Why not? Could you please respond to me and to all alumni? Very truly yours, Regina Campbell To the campus community: Last semester in the November 2 issue of Loquitur, there was an article dealing with a roommate problem. I'd like to reflect on that article- at least in part. One would hardly argue with the sense of annoyance or aggravation at being inconvenienced by the constant existence . of "another roommate." It is also easily understandable why· some of the people inconvenienced don't try to discuss the situation and simply try to put up with it. But it is a topic that cannot be avoided. Apart from being . inconvenienced, there is a whole other issue, and frankly, a more serious one. It is a concern that Cabrini College simply . cannot ignore if we are to be faithful to our claim to be concerned about the whole person. Simply, the concern is one of, sexual morality- or the lack ofit as expressed in the article. It will come as no surprise that as a Catholic college we hold · that engaging in sexual activity is inappropriate outside of the public, permanent commitment we call marriage. Despite the changes in society, our belief has not changed. It is not that
.So, you didn't pay your full tuition on time, eh? v_e I have vays of making you pay! You must sign\ this I itt le promisary -note und give us your first born child \und maybe then -ve'II let you register! .
marriage makes sex legitimate, but that marriage can make the fullness of sex possible, Anything that diminishes or takes away from someone, lacks goodness and is sinful. What can cause this lack of goodness is frequently our intention or motive. We don't always do or say what we mean, When we take from someone for our own gratification or pleasure it is dehumanizing. What can make our sexual activity so dehumanizing is that so often it comes from self seeking and not seeking the best for the other. Love, if • anyway genuine, is not self-seeking, So much of what is put forward today in society works against any sense of real dignity of the other. What counts is how well we feel. We neither reverence the environment nor . one another, We seek pleasure from everything and everyone to give ourselves a sense of well-being, only to find that pleasure isn't the answer to our insecurity, loneliness, fear, or . whatever lurks under the surface that we try to avoid, We want to be valued, cherished, reverenced for being wlio we are, not for a moment of shared self-gratification, Because Cabrini College believes in the value and dignity of each student, we strive to promote and support the good, We cannot do otherwise. We cannot condone anything that works against-the good- unless we just stop caring. Then, forcertain, we will no longer be Cabrini College. Sr, Eileen Currie, MSC
by M. Ursula, MSC
In these days of EaA, woman's liberation, one is fully aware of the influence woman can exert not only in the home, but also in society, in the church, and in the school. But, it was not always thus for women. Among the pagans, she was merely a slave. Among the ancient Hebrews, she was generally considered the property of man. But, then came Christ, and He elevated the position of woman in society, Contrary to the customs of His time, Christ considered women as free human beings, capable of making their own responsible choices, For woman's protection, Christ insisted on monogamy and raised matrimony to the dignity of a sacrament, So came the old adage - "The hand that . rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world," But to be so, the woman must be concerned with morality as with truth, for the most effective guardian of morality is the woman. Archeological artifacts indicate that there crept into society an increase of permissiveness and a negative morality that led to eccentric sex pursuits, and this undisciplined appetite contributed to the defeat of the then most powerful nation in the world. Behind the Christian concept of 'virgin' lies the frame of reference of the Roman Juno, the goddess of the household. Cabrini College bears the name of a SAINT, a woman noted for the holiness of life as well as for the greatness and extent of her educational, health-care, and social work for the sick and needy, So, all members of the Cabrini College community administrators, faculty, staff, and students- should be familiar with Saint Cabrini's thoughts, resolution, and prayer regarding the social deviation that plagues society today - immorality. St, Cabrini's thoughts: 1. Dangers exist only for those who put themselves in danger's way. 2, Be truly disinterested from your desires and inclinations, and you will be at peace, 3, The pure soul, free of all entanglements, is capable of great things. The impure soul is narrow, lacks courage and resolution, is frequently dejected, and is never able to converse or immerse itself in God, 4, The world is poisoned with erroneous practices and needs to be taught sane doctrines. 5, The devils, emissaries of Satan, violent apostles of unrestrained liberty and freedom, make use of all kinds of opportunities and snares to spread their errors, 6. One trembles for the frightful future that awaits the world for the sins of impurity that now affect society, St. Cabrini's resolution: I will take all the means necessary to deep from our institutions any dangers to the virtue of chastity, so that no one will sullr it or render it less beautiful.
loquitur cabrini college Loquttur Is published weekly during the school year by the s1udents of Cabrini College, Rodnot Pennsylvania, 19087. Subscnption p,ice is $1) per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fee~ Editor. Barbaro Mongelli News Editor.Lucio Laurito Assistant. Kathleen Breslin Pe!spectives Editor. Virginia Smith Features Editor. Bonnie Zlschong Assistant. Donna Horsley LivingEditor. Gia DiGimlnlonl Assistant. Robert Morchesonl Sports Editor. Michelle Bamber Assistant. BJ. Petrocci Assistantsto the SGApage : Joan Kromer Art EdttOIS:Debbie Clcirelio and Beth Daly P'lotogrophy Editor. Coro Graham Assistant. Mork Viggiano Business Manager. Robin Lorldns Photography Adviser. Dr. Corter Croigie l'dvlser. Dr. Jerome Zurek Stoff:Margaret Angelucci , Lorry Aquino , Fronk Bokosld, Koren Clark, Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demski, Marybeth Evlch, Katie Grimley, Kerry Hogon. Chris Koerner, Rondy Lefl<o, Maureen McAnespy, Sheila McGinn. Louro Przy,,,oro, TrishReili-,1 Allen Reye~ Eileen Riddle , Kathi Wochenheim The SGAand TWAC pages ore paid advertisements. The content Is under the supervision of those offices . Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. HOW8',i9t It the writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the wrtte(s name may be left off the lefter upon publication and on Inscription Inserted such as "name withheld al the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced and no more than 300 words In length. It a letter is too long for the O\IOlloble space , the editor may edit or condense . Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur - friday,jan. 25, 1985
New .dean hopesto..push dreamsinto reality dreams and where Cabrini can go. Then, I hope that I will be in a position to help work out some of those areas that need improvement in working with some funding with the development office and see ifwe can turn some of those dreams into realities. · · What is your stand on the issue of growth? I know it is a question that is going to be explored in long range planning. It was a question we had at Saint Thomas Aquinas also. They are very similar institutions both in time and development. We struggled with that. Part of it comes from an internal decision. You have space problems if you go to a greater growth; it obviously means either building more dormatories or that the commuter population will increase. I think growth has to be carefully planned, obviously. I also think that to serve the students well, the programs that have been initiated recently at Cabrini, those kinds of changes will have to continue to occur and new programs seems to attract new audiences. Whether that means other programs diminish in size, that will have to be seen, but I think one needs to look at planned change. I think the question is answered in that we are very keenly aware of the question. We need to take a look at that. I think the growth too is stimulating. You need to have change in order to be alive. As a good philosopher and somebody who knows about Aristotelian philosophy, he said that the most common characteristic of physical reality is change. I really agree with that because I think it presents new challenges to everyone and that if things tend to stagnate, obviously that is not good. If things are totally the same then you are dead. That's the kind of change we don't want to see happen to Cabrini.
Dr. Mary Ann Biller, the new academic dean of Cabrini College, was recently interviewed by Lucia L. Laurito, Loquitur news editor and reporter. The following are excerpts from that interview. What are your goals for the semester as academic dean? First of all I hope to be as helpful as possible in the various reviews that we are going to be dealing with. I have quite a bit of experience with Middle States. I have chaired a number of evaluation teams at other colleges, some in this area. Since I was from New York, they sent me to New Jersey and Pennsylvania. So, I have a great deal of familiarity with that whole process and hope to be of help there. I hope also to take a look at some of the recommendations that are being worked on for the curriculum committee and work with those people as well as the faculty at large in integrating some of those recommendations into the program here at Cabrini. I hope to get to know all the people. When you talk about a small academic community, it doesn't do anything just to talk about it, but also to get some sense of who the students are, who the people are. I guess I'll be seeing many of the students and faculty because I'll be working closely with that area. Dr. Romano will be working with some of the policy, • long range planning and budgeting. We.will be sharing the responsibility of the office, but my work will be primarily with taculty and with students. What do you think will be the most difficult aspect of this job? The search committe asked me what I saw as negative about Cabrini and I said that the only thing I could see from this particular point of newness was the fact that it was 33 miles from home. . Other than that I think change always is difficult. No one likes change necessarily and change is slow._ Another Aristotelian principle was that when larger changes occur they don't usually occur very rapidly, they occur incrementally. I think that is necessary. I've always been associated with change in one aspect or another. My whole career has been a change. With change, it is not so much a threat, but an opportunity for learning. I think in some ways change has to be planned well and I think it has to include as many people as possible. That is my personal philosophy of planning. I've had a lot of practice in that and success that I believe it is not only a philosophy. Changes will always be with us but the administration helps to guide that change in order to make sure things happen in a reasonable way as well as the fact that we can not wait forever for things to happen. There are times a person has to be a catalyst to help that change occur. What are your first impressions of Cabrini College from an academic standpoint? My first impressions from outside sources were that Cabrini has a very good academic reputation. My impressions on the inside are similar from talking with
'Who'sWho' studentselected The following seniors have been chosen from among their classmates to be represented in Who's Who Among American College Students: Ann Belsky, English and communications, computer science and math, East Greenville,Pa.; Barbara Bruhin, English and communications and secondary education, Chadds Ford,Pa.;Lorraine DiBona, English and secondary education; Turnersville, N.J.; Lori DiMeglio, biology and medical technology, Ancora N.J.; Jopn Doyle, English and communications and history, Norristown, Pa.; Jean Findlay, history and human services management, Milford, Pa.; Eileen Herbig, math and secondary education, Philadelphia, Pa.; Patricia Hinke, elementary education, secondary education and French, Wildwood, N.J.; Joan Johnson, special education, elementary education and Spanish, Sharon Hill, Pa.; Robin Larkins, English and communications and business administration, Springfield,Pa.; Gerard Lennon, math, Spanish and secondary education, Wilmington, De.; Katie Manion, math and secondary education, Upper Darby, Pa.; Nicole Meoli, special education and psychology, Suitland, Md.; Rosemary Viggiano, early childhood education and elementary education. Next week, Loquitur will contain profiles_on these people. Check the features oa.,._.,;n."" n.f unn•
What other jobs did you Dr. Mary Ann Biller, the new academic dean, is eager to tackle the challenges of Cabrini College and willing to offer her experience to the program . (photo by Cara Graham) some of the faculty and looking at some of the outcome data on the students to see what is happening to students at Cabrini. My impressions of Cabrini are very similar to my impressions of St. John's University or Empire State College. All of them share a small academic community that makes it very special. The emphasis can then be placed on the individual person and I think that is very important all the way around.
Do you see areas that need improvement? I will be talking to all the department chairs and looking through the Middle States reports and from that point of. view seeing not so much improvement, but where else we can go with the program. We have to look realistically at what is out there for students after they leave Cabrini and make sure that we are really preparing the students very well. We are looking into some projects now. I'm going to be addressing that same question to all the department chairpersons to get some sense of ~heir
SCHOLARSHIP:Leno Lucrezlo Comoro Piscoplo Is offering a scholarship for graduate studies. Must be member of Koppa Gamma Pi. FORMOREINFORMATION CONTACTFINANCLAI. AID OFFICE. SCHOLARSHIP:Pennsytronlo Federation of Democratic Women hos a scholonhip for any Pennsytvonlo woman student In the junior class of on accredited college or universl1)iwho Is interested In making a coreer In politics or government. FORMOREINFORMATION CONTACTTHE FINANCLAI. AID OFFICE. SCHOLARSHIP:Notional Federation of the Blind Scholarship Is offering a scholarship. FORMORE INFORMATION CONt'\CT THEFINANCLAI. AID OFFICE.
What school did you attend to receive your doctorate? I went to Saint John's University, N.Y. and received a Ph.Din philosophy . I graduated in 1967 from the university .
Could you tell something about your life away from Cabrini College? I originally came from ew York. Last February . I married to Dr. John L. Fischetti , , a cardio logist in research for LC.I. America, Wilmington , Del ), and we moved to Kennett Square, Pa., the mushroom capital of the world. I have done the career thing backwards. Most women get married and then they advance into their career. So, in a sense, I've had all that. It's a nice integration. I don't know which route is easier, but I think mine probably is.
DRIVERWANTED: 1.#lGENT - Plcl<up child at Iiidelgor!el I at 1t4S ond loke lim lo Cabrini Qlldren~ School on iJ8SdoV$ond ~ Tolcesopprox.15 minutes lo 'V2hcu $5 I'd hcu MJSI holle COL Col iJdy Dolan al ex! 491or 688-9536 or see n person in IMx>dcrest room 1)9
at 642-2441.
HOUSEKEEPING:Port time in doclo(s office 2 3 hours.2 - 3 days a week. $5.00 on hour. Coll Shella Mollo¥ at 6888844. • HOUSEKEEPING: 1wo and a ho~ year old bob',' core. and shopping 2-3 hours a week. 2-3 days a week. Coll Diano Miser at 688-0259.
RESTAURANTHELP WANTED:Bennlgons • Wolfiess.bus bo',( etc . Fullor port time during days. Ask for Gar¥ Pot. or Joann at 964-ffJO.
CHILD CARE: Three yr. and 8 month old bob',' one or 1wo days a week Hoursflexlble. Must provide your own transportation. Coll 647-1331.
TUlOR WANTED:Spanish.advanced geometry. and biology for after 3 p.m. Must hove own transportation . Coll Goll Mogorgee at 525-2520.
y chair department at Sain Thomas Aquinas College, parkhill , .Y. In 1970 , I became president of Saint Thomas Aquinas College, and remained on the board of trustees there until 1983. In 1974, I went to Empire State College, which is part of the state university of New York, where I was dean of the Hudson Valley Regional Learning Center.
CHILD CARE: Babysitfor a 4 yr.old boy Sunday and Sunday evenings. Transportation may be provided If necesso"<' Contact Mrs.Coroly Pouiien at 293-0144.
I was a faculty membe r in p · -
CLEANING:ieom Cleaning' - Cleaning houses. $4-5 per hour . 1 or 2 days a • flexible Mornings til 2 p.m Coll \oler1e \ottori at 265-6123. HOUSEKEEPING:Once a month deaning. Transportation Is pbssjble. Coll Mrs.Hon1nglon
COMPUTERINPUT: Flexible hours be1ween noon and 8 p.m. $5.00 I hour. Contact Belinda Lewisfrom Main line Video at 6873456. CLEANING:Cleaning pri\/ote homes. Main line Domestic. Port time, $5/hr.Must hove car. Coll 9.5 Camie Larkin at 2967557. OFFICE WORK: Port time otter school and summer office work and o, field work for a la.Nn core compony. Coll Dove 8259553. OFFICE WORK: Port time typing. filing. etc . for GOLDCWAServices.Inc. a computer company. Computer experience is a plus. Flexlble hours. pays $4 / hour. Coll Barbaro Contino at 525-7036. · RESTAURANTHELP: st. David's SearsBuilding needs 2 wotters or waitresses.$4.05 / houi no tips, experience preferred. easy work. lunch only 1):30 - 3:00 In executive dining room. Contact Theresa Mackin at 293-2417. EDllORIAL ASSISTANT:Ten to fifteen hours per at Premier Systems.$5-6 I hour. Coll Scott Boker at 687-5950.
MALL HELP WANTED:TurtleBookstore in the !Ongo/ PrussiaMoll needs someone for 20 hours a week Coll Bobbi Combs at 265-6005.
COUNSELORS WANTED: Canp log · N - lwlg Is looking for colege-lroned men ond women CN8I 20 who hol/e social spin!. enthusiasm. energf ond the obii1y lo get along with children and adults. SPECLAI.TY COUNSElORSin the tollc,,ving areas ore needed: Sports and physical education majors, arts and crotts. music. dromolics. dancing (ballet & modemi compcraft. tennis. overnight trip~ registered nurse or graduate nurse,and comp secretor¥ FORMORE INFORMATION CONTACTTHEFINANCLAI. AID OFFICE.
SALESMANAGERWANTED:Donnelly EnterprisesIsoffering a very flexlbele package of hours and advancement Is possible. FORMOREINFORMATION CONTACT THEFINANCLAI. AID OFFICE. PARTTIME: Wonted at General Eleclric Space SystemsDivision,escorjsto showvisitors around. No experience is necesso[¥$5.25/ hour. FORMOREINFORMATION CONTACTDONNASECKAR. RRCC. SUMMEREMPLOYMENT:Comp Holt Moon Is looking for counselors In several areas. FORMORE INFORMATION CONTACTTHEFINANCIALAID OFFICE. SUMMEREMPLOYMENT:The Oeportment o/ Envirorvnentol Resourcesof the Commonweotth of Pennsyt,onio hos many job offers for summer emplo/ment. FORMOREINFORMATION CONTACTTHE FINANCLAI.AID OFFICE. SUMMEREMP\.O'fMENT:The Freedom \blley Girl Scout Council is looking for people to work in their
PARTTIME HELP WANTED:Club lo Molson Is looking for a receptionist. locker room attendants. aerobic Instructor~fitnesstrainers. and a llfequord. A resume Is required. ( More Information Is 0\/0iloble In the financial old office.) Coll be1ween 9 o.m. and 3 p.m. at 964-8800. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT:Workfor the PennsylvaniaDeportment of Education FORMORE INFORMAllONCONTACTTHEFINANCLAI. AID OFFICE.
more jobs on p.6
loquitur- friday,jan. 25, 1985
Vacationtravelsenrichstudents'educ Discoveringthe world of the Navajo by Barbara A."Mongelli Tuba City is a five-hour drive from Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. When we arrived in Tuba it was late and the weather was considerably colder than it had been in sunny Phoenix. Barbara Colantuono,junior, and !joked as to whether or not the dorm where we would live for the next week would have heat. Heat it had; inside it was often unbearably hot. Along with Colantuono and myself were eight other Cabrini students: Joan Johnson, Joanne Lumpkin and Jeannene Smith, seniors; Joanne Goebel, Mia Harrison, Vicky Leahy, Kim Shields, Beth Trobovic, juniors; and Dr. Ruth Sower, chairperson of th~ education department. Sower, who organized the trip, first had the idea to send students to Tuba while she was out there last May. There were students teaching at Tuba from Bucknell University and Sower decided to ask whether or not Cabrini students could do the same thing. "Everybody was so supportive of everything we did," Sower said. "Every place we turned, people were trying to help us. The Alumni Association and the (Missionary) Sisters were our major source of funding.
The education department also gave us a small amount. And of course,. the students also raised and contributed their own money." Tuba City is a town on the Navajo Indian reservation located in Northern Arizona. (The reservation also occupies parts of UtahandNewMexico. We were told, to our surprise, that the reservation is approximately the size of West Virginia.) Johnson said, "I always thought a reservation was small. I didn't realize you could drive for miles and miles and still be on the reservation."
reservation, housing approximately 600 students as well as 300 day students from k,indergarten to grade eight. It is run by the federal government on a 3. 7 million dollar budget. Both the reservation and the school surprised us in many ways. Goebel said, "I pictured tepees and open fires." Colantuono said, "I expected it to be a lot different. I didn't expect it to be that developed." "I guess I expected Tuba to be a desert with a broken down school. I knew it would be big, but I didn't expect it to be that big," said Lumpkin. I was surprised at how populated the 'I guess I expectedTuba to whole area was," said Shields. "I thought it be a desert with a broken would be isolated." 路 The Navajo people were an interesting down school. I knew it group for us to try to get to know. We were would be big, but I didn't able to learn a little bit about them and their culture. However, they are usually expect it to be that big.' very quiet and introspective (with the -Joanne Lumpkin, exception of the children). Shields said, "I was amazed by their senior sense of endurance. I remember there was this real traditional boy in my class, who In Tuba, is the Tuba City Boarding went out and herded over Christmas. He School (TCBS) where we taught. TCBS is was out for two days with the sheep, 12 the largest boarding school on the Navajo_ miles away from home, sleeping outside, getting his own food. Their endurance is unreal." Until the Navajo students came back from their Christmas vacation, we did the usual sightseeing-the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, etc. However, even the famed Grand Canyon held some surprises for us. None of us knew that it was almost
I Ten Cabrini students, under the direction of Dr. Ruth participated in teaching experiences with Navajo Ind City, Arizona. During the trip, students also had the o seniors: Jeannene Smith, Joan Johnson , and Joanne Vicki Leahy. and Barbara Colantuono. Joining the students are Norman Butler and John S Sower and juniors, Kim Shields and Barbara Monge/ 300 miles long and that the eight hours we spent touring the scenic points would only take us along a tiny portion of it.
Encounteringreal world at Cabri by Gia DiGiminiani A great variety of people, diverse in nationalities and backgrounds , exists in the Cabrini Medical Center, located on East Nineteenth Street, New York City. During the past Christmas break, 17 Cabrini students from several departments of the college worked in the hospital and experienced this rich, worldly atmosphere, both by working in the professional surroundings of the hospital, and by livingin New York City, becoming enraptured by the city's excitement and color. The 10 day trip (Jan. 2 to 11)was sponsored by Cabrini's campus ministry, in order to give students job experience, while also raising money for campus ministry's Project Appalachia, a program in which Cabrini students provide community services to the poor of West Virginia during spring break. Students contributed half their earnings to this fund. The 17 students who traveled to New York included: Jeanne Boyle, Missy DiPasquale, Joe Dodds, Jean Findlay, Keith Fogarty, Kate Grimley, Joe Guiffre, Anne Hendrickson, Debbie Kirk, Debbie Larkins, Robin Larkins, Stacy. McCollough, Luanne McKenna, Karen Pote, Linda Radice, Sue Rerecich and Virginia Smith. Both the Cabrini Medical Center and Cabrini College are among the more than 100 missions throughout the world, which are spon-
Navajo Indian children at the Tuba City Boarding School in Arizona walk to breakfast. Some of these second grade students were members of the class Jeannene Smith, senior, taught. (photo by Barbara Mongelli)
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Wong enriches hospitalwith by Gia DiGiminiani Grace Wong is one ofthe young members of the Cabrini Medical Center in New York City, who benefits the hospital through her knowl. edge and determination, which were enhanced by her experiences as an immigrant to the United States. Wong displays an air of composure, and a confidence in her capabilities, whether sitting quietly in her office reviewing hospital records, or leading a group of Cabrini students, dressed in scrubs, on a tour through the hospital's operating room. Wong has achieved great success and credibility in her job as vice president in charge of Special Projects at the Cabrini Medical Center through her efficiency and caring interest. Wong is a petite, 92 pound figure with neatly bobbed hair and a cordial smile. She maintains an orderly, professional manner, yet the atmosphere in her office is still inviting to visitors. Wong is a graduate of Columbia University, earning a double master's degree in health care
ADVANCEL: the EatingDisorderCenter _All call strictly confidential Dr.Robert Ramalia,PH.D./ Dr. FlorenceSeaman, PH.D.
there are many opportunities for them to gain both experience and credibility. Cabrini students were assigned to the variousofficescomprisingthe hospi Purcell, employee relations manager for the Cabrini Medical Center, played an integral role in organizing the program. Students were matched with departments relating to their majors, while still offering students a broad experience of the total functioning of the hospital. Purcell commented, ''They are a very bright, very good group of kids. I have received calls from many department heads thanking me for the students I sent them ." Senior Jean Findlay, who worked in the social services department stated, "The depart- , ment was receptive to me as a student, and they tried to see that I received a variety of experiences. This made me aware of other career options." Senior Missy DiPasquale, who worked in the x-ray room said, ''The job gave me the opportunity to work in a nine to five position . College students usually do not get this chance. It was hard." Two students, Stacy McCollough and Linda - Radice, worked in the Cabrini Hospice, a part of the hospital devoted to the care of the terminally ill, as part of .ar independent study in human services management. Senior Stacy McCollough said, ''The experience influenced
administration and business administration. Reflecting, Wong appreciates the opportunity to earn multiple degrees, by stating, "It was a great bargain." Wong emigrated to the United States from Hong Kong, China in Dec. 1973 after complet~ ing her high school education. Wong, then desiring to enter the medical field, wished to attend an American university. This decision encouraged Wong's mother to bring the family to Afne-rica. The family lived in the section of New York City, which is popularly known as Chinatown. Wong's mother found employment as a teacher, giving Chinese language and composition lessons to American born Chinese路children in their neighborhood. Wong's II1other also worked summers in a factory in New York'~ garment district. Although she had never threaded a needle, she taught herself to sew out of necessity. 路 Wong's father did not come to America until 1980, because he had been trapped behind the Iron Curtain in mainland China, while visiting
nis but
iloquitur - friday,jan. 25, 1985
er, chairperson of the education department, recently hildren at the Tuba City Boarding School (TCBS) in Tuba rtunity to travel. Gathered in front of the Grand Canyon are pkin; juniors: Beth Trabovic, Mia Harrison, Joanne Goebel, , two Navajo Indians who work at TCBS. Absent are Dr. Ruth (photo by Barbara Mongelli)
Smith said, "I didn 't have a real good concept of the Grand Canyon. I thought it was a big hole in the ground with a river
running thro .ugh it ." We spent the first night talking to the junior high girls in our dorm, exchanging
MedicalCenter Working in largel y clerical positions , the students were somewhat removed from the real ity of being in a hospital , and were often unaware of the life and death situations which occurred. However, this reality became apparent in some cases. In one instance, students walking through the hospital's emergency room, where the most common affliction is stab wounds , witnessed a patient's death . During their free time , students visited rini Medical Center is an amalgama- many of New York City's famous sights . Stu.onalities and cultures . It is not a rare dents embarked on adventures to such places as to board a crowded elevator, and find Kennedy Center, Wall Street, the Metropolitan person around you is of a different . Museum of Art, Central Park and Greenwich kground . A variety of accents also Village ; they also attended Broadwav shows . din the pagings over the hospital's Although "the hospital food makes you ess system. rsity of backgrounds among the staff appreciate Seiler's ," as Sophomore Virginia ts lends a worldly atmosphere to the Smith jokingly commented, various students ntis aspect can be attributed to the said that they did notice many similarities ng area, which encompasses a wide between the Cabrini Medical Center and hnic groups, especially since the hos- Cabrini College, like the personal atmosphere close proximity to both Chinatown and the openness of the staff. Italy. For this reason, New York City considered to truly symbolize Amereat "melting pot." Grimley said , ''There exists a spirit of comore Kate Grimley stated, "I was fasci- munity among the Missionary Sisters . The e variety of people I encountered and order consists of a diversity of women , but they all work well together . Everyone has a great approached different problems." pital is also staffed by many young respect .for the sisters, and I think that the ls in medical and executive capaci- Cabrini students also have that same appreciathe hospital is in a p_eriodof growth, tion and respect."
the Missionary Sisters of the 'Sacred hose foundress is Saint Frances brini , the patron saint of immigrants . York based health care facility was Cabrini, herself , in 1892 with only 25 two renovated apartment houses to argely immigrant populated communt day operations are headuartered r building which was constructed in
ulture,fresh_t~lents ·
ts. Wong said that he adjusted well, some aspects of a liberal American . 1fficult to accept. Whereas elders periority in China, American famiore democratic, a custom the partially nized Wong children had become ed to ing the two societies, Wong observed educational systems are opposite
s~ 1s ded~cated an~ close. They are very ereat1ve and involved m many areas of health ~e" <T1 •• b t'tl . l"b h · h h 1 d to h . on6 sJo ~ e 1s 1 era,1 w 1c as e . er mvolvement m many areas of the ho_sp1tal. Th~refore , she had to learn th~ operation~ of vanous departments . Wong said that durmg her first six months at the hospital, her office hours were from seven in the morning to ten at
. Education in China is very rigid, to Wong. "Studying is the focus of a rson's life, leaving no time to pursue rests."
ni?lrte job was difficult at first , but I was determined because I wanted to prove that I could make it on my own and build my credibility. The diversity makes my job very exciting. My strong business background has been the most helpful ," said Wong. Wong is also involved on the board of directors of a number of community organizations. "It is not required in my position, but becoming involved in these outside organizations is helpful for the hospital 's community relations. Invention, efficiency and committment have been Grace Wong's secrets to success. "It is worth trying new ventures and new oppor. ·es " Wong said.
eels that American schools are less ·ented, but promote the cultivation of munication and social skills. ommented that the best education a balance between the two ideals. is knowledge if you do not know sent it," Wong said. st learned of the Cabrini Medical 1979 as a college student and later send them her resume. Wong said, "I ssed by their presentation. Cabrini's
addresses arid ·showing them where Pennsylvania is on a map. "I was so surprised they (the students ) were so receptive, so clingy. Some of the girls cried when we left," said Goebel. · When asked what she loved the most about the trip, Shields said, "The kids·their faces, their smiles, their actions ." Lights out ·for the students at TCBS is 9:30 p.m. since they have to wake up at 5:30 · a.m. Although school doesn't start until 8:30 a.m., the time in between is spent getting ready, eating breakfast and doing their detail. (All students have a specific detail to do such as mopping or cleaning the dorm halls.) Some of us were assigned to one class where we stayed for the whole week; others rotated, helping in a different class every day. The amount of work that we did in the classroom varied , depending on the teacher whose class we were placed . The reaction from the teachers to our performance at TCBS seemed enthusiastic. Goebel said, ''The teachers were surprised that we knew what to do, that we could handle teaching so well." Most of the observations that we made after our week were equally positive . ''At the end, my teacher sat down with me for an hour," Smith said. "She gave me ideas that she thinks makes teaching easier. She knows starting out is hard." ''The teachers gave me a lot of things to do. We weren't just sitting around watching," said Colantuono. However, Colantuono ad~ed that she thought some of the elementary school classes were ''too structured. There was too much rote learning and not enough experience learning or free play." . Harrison said, ''The only thing I didn 't like was the (cafeteria ) food, the cornmeal niush . But , it was really inspiring in the classroom with those children . Also, r d like to give a special thanks to Dr. Sower. She was a great squaw." We were all able to voice an y praise or
'I'd like to give a special thanks to Dr. Sower.She was a great squaw.' -Mia Harrison, junior
criticisms we had for the school at the end of the week. All of the students answered a resounding "yes" when asked whether or not the trip was successful and should be recommended to others. Shields said, "Yes, it was the best experience. If someone asks me how my trip was, I don't even know what to say or where to begin. Barbara Mongelli was able to participate in the trip to Arizona through funding provided by the Reader's Di est Travel Grant.
One of the Navajo children walks in dorm room TCBS. (photo by Barbara Mongelli )
GETTING A JOB ISA JOB'II· WED.JAN.30, 4:00p.m. WCLH TheEmployer'sPerspective: on What to Expect in an Interview What an Employer Looksfor in a Resume
THEN ... The Wisdom and Experience of 1984 Graduates: Ann Marie Alfonsi
Lloyd Jenkins
Joanne Antoniolo
Regina Law
Karen Gaffney
Rita McKelvey
loquitur- friday,jan. 25, 1985
Basketballteams play· Herbig gets 1000points in Xmas tournaments ~y C.C. Corcoran Eil~en Riddle While most of the students of Cabrini College spent their vacation in a fairly leisurely manner, the men's and women's basketball teams were busy competing in tournaments which took them on the road. The Lady Cavaliers participated in the annual Wilkes Classic Tournament. The tournament was held on Jan. 4, 5 and 6 in Wilkes Barre, Pa., with the Lady Cavs receiving a bye in the first round of competition. In the second round, the women played Wilkes College, the team favored to win the tournament. Cabrini was losing at the half but managed to pick up their offense and beat Wilkes College. With seconds remaining in the game and the scoreboard reading 65-65, Frieda Gibbs, sophomore, took a jump shot from the corner and the Cavaliers won the game 67-65, advancing the team in the tournament. Gibbs and Eileen Herbig, senior, both had 14 points in the game and were the team's high scorers. Coach Mike Tunaglia stated, "This is the most talent that I ever had here at Cabrini. All the women come from good high school programs, are experienced and can play good basketball." Their next game was played ihat Sunday._ The Lady Cavs played Nazareth College of Rochester, New York in the championship game. The team lost to Nazareth 80-60, giving them a second place finish in the tournament and a trophy to bring back home. Karen Kozniewski, junior, and Sue Evich, freshman, led the team with 17 and 16 points respectively. Tunaglia said that he thought he competition in the Wilkes Tournament was stiffer than in last year's Poinsettia Tournament and the women played a very tough game. · With their record at 3-9, the women are very optimistic and enthusiatic for -the beginning of the new semester and feel qualified to put some victories in their win column. Evich stated, "The first semester was more of a learning experience for me and this semester will be more of a winning one." Lisa Catini, sophomore, said, "Our record does not refect the dedication of our players. After a tough first semester, we are getting together and playing as a whole. I feel the second semester will bring many victories giving us the chance to go to Iowa and participate in the finals."
Tenaglia ~aid that he had many goals for the team this semester. He started by say-: ing that the team must win most of their remaining games in order to achieve a 500 · record needed to qualify them for the NAIA district finals. Another goal that Tunaglia said is just as important is the maturation of the team. He is working with the freshman and sophomores very closely because he feels · this will make the team stronger and continue to establish the tradition of women's · basketball at Cabrini College. While the Lady Cavs were in Wilkes Barre, the men's basketball team split a · pair of games during the National Catholic . Basketball tournament in Dubuque, Iowa. This is the second straight year that Cabrini has traveled ,during Christmas , vacation to participate in the elite , tournament. Cabrini started the tournament with a 90-77 loss. against MaryP1ount College of Kansas. The high scorers were John McQueen and John Walden, seniors, with 19 and 12 points respectively. . The Cavaliers rebounded in the second game with a 94-80 win over Cardinal Stritch College of Wisconsin. Four players had scores in double figures: McQueen ' with 19 points, Walden with 12 and soph- · omores Allen Jones and Karl Sartor with 10 points each. One reason several of the players attribute to the loss against Marymont is .that the team was not ready to play : Said Sophomore Jeff Kardos, "We were not concentrating on Marymount but instead, we were looking forward in playing against Mary Crest College, the number on·e ranked team in the tournament." McQueen agreed, "The team got overconfident after being ranked in the top 20, thus loosing to Marymont and also a chance to improve." Head coach John Dzik has taken sole responsibility for his team's overconfidence and lackadaisical play. Dzik said, "It is my fault for the team's play in the tournament. We got away from what got us where we are today. Therefore, we are returning to the fundamentals _and the hard work on details." Since the tournament, the Cavs have pulled off three straight wins against opponents Allentown 66-58, Beaver College 102-84 and finally Spring Garden 77-64. These wins push their record to _12-3.
Attentionall students interestedin workingin the qateteria or WigwamPartTime: See BillHaile in the Cafeteria and/or Peggy-Onuferin the Wigwam.
to Cabrini because they really gave me a by B.J. Petracci chance to prove myself and play." She has The game against Kings College been a starter for all four years and last started. Eileen Herbig, senior and secondyear made the District 19 all-star team. year captain of the women's basketball "This season has been a tough one so far team, needed only 2 points to achieve her for our team,"said Lisa Catini, sophomore. one thousandth point. The Lady Cavs "Eileen helps to keep the team together on drove up the court. Lisa Hurst, senior, and off the court." passed the ball to Herbig, who in turn took Hurst said, "Eileen smoothes out the a jump shot and her one thousandth point bumps. She will go out of her way to make was history. sure things run smoothly." Herbig is the first woman to score all of her 1,000 points while playing soley for Cabrini. Debbie Harvey, former student, achieved the goal of 1,000 points, but had played two years at Delaware Community College . Herbig started the season needing 104 points to achieve this record. In the game before Kings College,against Allentown the players were really feeding Herbig the · ball. Hurst said, "We were glad in a way that she didn't get it, because it gave us time to get prepared for the occasion." When Herbig scored the basket she was given the ball : She said, ''The girls on the team and in my house really went all out. I was given a cake'; flowers and things that: said 1,000 on it. It was really great." · According to-Hurst the team was really excited for aerbig. Hurst said,"Eileen is the kind of person who gives 100 percent in everything she does, on and off the court. She is a leader, a friend and someone to look up to." "I caq't describe the feeling I felt," said Herbig, "I never achieved this in high school." Herbig , who has been playing basketball for 11 years, attended St. Maria Goretti High School in South Philadelphia. In high school she was captain ~f Eileen Herbig, senior, made Cabrini her team 3:Ildwas selected to the womens -h . b oring her one thousandth All-Catholic basketball team. ,story Y SC -~ _ According to Herbig, "I decided to come point.(Ph6to by Robin Larkins)
Athleteof the Week John Walden , senior , captain of the men 's basketball team, was selected athlete of th e week, after eading the Cavs to consecutive victories against Beaver and Spring Garden Colleges. Walden, a shooting guard, had a hot hand in both games and was the team's high scorer in each. In the Beaver game, Walden scored 26 points in the Cavs 102-84 victory. Walden scored 22 points in the first half, setting a winning pace against Spring Garden College. Walden finished the game with a record high 35 points, beating alumnus Danny Welde's '83 record of 34 points in one game.
John Walden (photo by Mark: Viggiano)
more jobs ...
CHILD CARE: Tuesday and Thursday mornings . from 9:30!1:00. No lransportatlon provided . Coll Mrs. Mlcolosy
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: TW SelVices.Inc. Is looking fa, people to worlc In 'lellowstone National Pork FOR MORE INFORMATIONCONTACTTHEFINANCIALAID OFFICE.
CHILD CARE: Everday from 9:00-3:00, people can spilt up job . Transportation is not provided . Call Lori Coffman at 5448552 .
CHILD CARE: Weekday mo,n/ngs 8 am-1?.,pm tor a 6 month old girl. Hours con be flexible and transportation can be provided . Contact Susan lmolens 964-8228.
CHILD CARE: Live-in is needed from January 31 to February 3 (Wedn86day evening to Monday morning). Children are o 7 yr. boy ond a 4 yr. boy . Call Mory Wyss at .525-3224.
at 6883026.
CHILD CARE: \tlrious nights. Must provide own transportation . Contact Noncy Zellman at 293-9478.
CHILD CARE: Occassional sitting. Must have infant experience; infont is 7 months old . Must provide own transportation . Call Leslie Blair at 644-1919.
FREE ROOM & BOARD : In exchange for child care Monday through Fridays and possible other days from 3-6 pm Must have a car . Contact Barbero Myers at 896-5500. CHILD CARE: Nineteen month old child on Wednesdays from 12-5 pm Can provide tronsportatlon . Contoct Maryann Whalen at 644-6619.
ECE MAJOR: Wanted to be an assistant teacher for toddlers. Hours are 8 a .m. to noon or later Monday-Friday. Junior ECEmajor preferred. Call Mr. Davisat 783-0115,\tllley Fo,ge County Day School.
CHILD CARE: One small ch ild and o bob¥ on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 pm Must provide your own transportation. Contact Susan Wolters at 647-1331.
CHILD CARE & CLEANING: Wednesdays from 12:00-4:30. Transportation not provided. Call Mrs. Strickland 688-7472.
CHILD CARE: Five yr. old boy on Wednesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p .m. Contact Susan Wurzbacher 296-9626. Transportation can be provided .
CHILD CARE:,Flfteen month old girl on Wednesdays from 4 pm to 6:30 p.m. and occasional weekends. Pays$3.50 an hour. Must provide own transport::rtton. Contact Betsy Welch at 9641316. CHILD CARE: Mondays from 9:30-1t30. Transportation Is provided. Call Barbara Kaufman
at 527-3132.
CHILD CARE: Mondays and Thursdays or Fridays from 2:005:00. Twogirls are 5 and 8. Job can be shared i:,., two gil1s.Must provide own transportation. but may pick up at train staflon. Pays$3.00 per hour. Call Chris Moronic at 648-
. 0350.
CHILD CARE: Three days per week. flexible . Children ore 2yrs . old and 5 months. Also an opportunity to eom extra money at port/es etc . Transportation provided. Call Judy Nesbit at 688-9480.
CHILD CARE: Ten am to 3 pm on any weekday that Is good for you . Must provide your own transportation. Contact Ann Sinatra at 688-2501.
CHILD CARE: Twoyr. old boy on Saturday even ings. Contact Lisa Pologruto during afternoon hours 293-9\40. Tronsportatlon may be provided.
CHILD CARE: Twodays per week. flexible hours. Must provided own tronsportatlon. Call Mrs. Gormon , 647-7974.
FREE ROOM & BOARD: In exchange for child care and some cleaning. Sltttng evenings and cleaning when possible. Child Is one and a haij year old girl. Meols Included ond salary. Call Melonie Jullcher at 644-1477. CHILD CARE & HOUSEKEEPING: Alter school 5 days per week. Light houskeeplng & homeworlc supervision tor ' 2 girls (7&9) $5.00 per hour. Must have own transportation. Ardmore location. Contact Beth Leiberman On college Financial Aid Office) at ext. 420 . DESK ATTENDANT: Radnor \tll/ey Country Club. 2 nights plus Wednesday afternoon. must be responslb1e and personable . CaU Mr. Cary professional at 293-9347. CHILD CARE: Twochildren 51/2 and 15 months both boys. 2 Of 3 mornings a week 9:20 am to 1t00 a.m. '!bu must prCl\'I® transportation. Contact Mory_Becker al
loquitur - friday,jan. 25, 1985 mmentary
... commentary...
GA previews2nd second·.semesterplans goals and objectives of the committee as the beginning weeks of the second well as clarify duties and responsibilities ster find us all settling down to a new ne, (and for some, a whole new life- , in light of the semester of experience it i now has.If you have any comments about , in a new residence, a new internship r student teaching position) SGA is · the system, bring them up at SGA meetings and/or open Social Activities ng towards taking a new outlook in · meetings. aching issues, enacting ideas and ssing student concerns. Remember: 2nd Annual Helping Hand 'd like to petition the campus commuSuperthon, March 15-16. (See Superthon story below.) for their continued support and hope some new faces with some fresh ideas · Also look for Social Activities, Class and e new semester- the first semester Club sponJ,ored second -semester activities. the Spring of 1983 when all of resiRemember, it's never too late to offer your ideas or assistance. y·was located on campus. Hopefully entral location of the majority of ' 'ni's students will facilitate SGA and - SGA/Dorm Representatives l Activities in drawing the campus We are finally attempting to end the coner more effectively through easier fusion and break down in communication sibility and better communication. between the dorms and SGA. For the ere are several projects which SGA record, the dorm representative of each es to draw student input and campus residence has the responsibilities of: (1) lvement from. It is with this first com- Attendance at all SGA meetings. (Tuestary space where we'd like to .first days, 1:30p.m., Widener Center Lecture ss these issues to entice your interest Hall). Failure to attend three meetings solicit your response and involvement. will result in automatic removal from office and election of a new representative; (2) Attendance at all Food Committee meetings held every other Thursday at es, Ideas, Activities and Concerns: 1:00p.m. in the cafeteria.(The first of whjch g, 1985 will be announced at a later date.) . Failure ial Activities ter one semester of working with _in to . attend two.FoodComm.1ttee-·meet1.ngs will also result in automatic removal from ew framework of the Social Activities and Committee, we're interested in office; (3) Posting of'all handouts and minutes from SGA to the respective residences · ghts and feelings about the current as well as the weekly posting of TWAC cture and possible improvements, (This Week at Cabrini, which appears on 'fications and/or changes within the the back page of each issue of Loquitur); p. We would like to examine current
I and (4) Reporting when necessary to the ' respective Hall Councils as a liaison between SGA and the Hall Councils. - Conferences and Workshops The SGA is also planning to send several representatives to various area con, ferences and workshops concerning current college issues. This will aid in opening the lines of communication between Cabrini aiid other area .colleges. Two such conferences coming up in the near future . are: Th~ College Consortium on Drugs and Alcohol at Villanova University and The Regional Student Services Conference at St. Joseph's University. - SGA Member of the Month . Semester Awards As an expression of recognition for services rendered by SGA members, the SGA Member of the Month Award is being initiated. At the second SGA meeting of this semester, SGA will be asked to vote for the member they feel contributed the most to SGA during the first semes~r. This aw~ will be entitled "SGA Member of the Semester," the winner of which will receive a plaque for their contributions. Following this award, each month nominations will be accepted and the Executive Board will elect recipients of the monthly SGA Member of the Month. Recipients of this award will be commemorated with a .certificate and a spotlight feature article on the .SGA page. At the end of the second semester, another vote will be taken of the entire SGA and the SGA Member of the Semester will be chosen.
- Credit and/or Financial Awards for SGA Positions To increase the credibility and importance of SGA positions we would like to work on a proposal which would grant some form of academic credit and/or financial award to specific SGA position holders . Those who would wish to receive the awards would have to go through some sort of application procedure and evaluation. We feel that the proposal of this would enhance the recognition and importance of the work SGA members accomplish. - Survey of Lifestyle Patterns at Cabrini In conjunction with Social Activities and Student Activities, SGA would like to evaluate the lifestyle habits and patterns of the students of Cabrini. Data compiled from a study of this nature can identify concerns, ideas and issues which the three sponsoring parties can more effectively address. -Examination of College Policies We like to delve into some of the evaluation procedures which go into the creation and maintenance of various academic, financial and residency policies which affect our lives as students here . SGA wishes everyone the best as the new semester commences. Remember, we're open to your concerns, ideas and suggestions. MEETINGS: TUESDAYS, 1:30p.m. WIDENER CENTER LECTURE
ond annualSuperthonmovesto·March rrrish Reilly
e second annual Superthon; o;riginally scheduled for ary 18-20, has been rescheduled for March 15-18. The sion to postpone the Superthon was made by Colleen ddo, director of student activities, Judy Buck, station ager of WCAB, Robin Larkins, SGA president, both ·ors and Joe Giuffre, social activities chairman of SGA, omore. The change was mainly due to scheduling cons and legal redtape. e Superthon was to feature the Hooters ..,but, according i Raddo, by the time the contract was clearly defined worked out on Dec. 18, most of the students had gone e. There was not enough time for ticket sales, to rent a king lot, and provide the necessary security for such an nt. To have the weekend without the Hooters would have a large block of time to be filled, without the time to fill he Superthon steering committee didn't feel the stuts, ' clubs '.and organizations would have been given ugh time to prepare for the weekend," according ~.,o
Giuffre_. Buck expressed her feelings: ''I felt very bad that it had to be postponed. Everyone worked very hard and the students were really looking foward to it." "When you're talking about a.major event such as the Superthon, proper planning and publicity are crucial. With all the delays from the Hooters, this definite planning and publicity was made an impossible task . Our idea with the postponing , was to have a big named band plus pull off a wellplanned entire weekend of events - and that is the goal we are working for with the extra time made available by the postponement ," stated Larkins, who has been a cochair of the event for the past two years . The Superthon will benefit the Lupus Foundation and Alzheimer 's disease . All clubs and organizations who were originally involved will still be and any others who would like to support these two causes can contact any committe member . A schedule of events is in the process of being planned . Plans are now in process to obtain a band for the weekend . There will be a crafts show on March 16. At thi s
The Photography Club would like to remind everyone that
Entriesfor the Photo Show nd Contest are due February 7th Prinfsshould be 5x7 or 8x10 size... They will be shown in the library during the month of /'" February.
Leave in Carter Craigie's mailbox in the faculty secretaries office. e categories are Black & White and Color.
CampusSound Welcomeseveryone back and wants students to know that we are ready to challenge the new year with the hottest hits of 1985! this
of the
time it is not known what personalities will be present . Donna Horsley, sophomore , said, ''I feel that a lot may be taken away from the Superthon because the Hooters were indirectly prQmised to be here, regardless of the reason why . they are not coming. Maybe it would have been better if · nothing had been said until it was definite . A lot of people were disappointed , including myself " Denis Bourgeau , junior , committee member said , ''There was not enough energy generated to carry us through the transitional period from before the break to after the break . One week was not sufficient time to work on a project like this and pull everything together." Larkins added, "I think it's important to realize that the •superthon is more than one event. It's a whole series of fundraising activities aimed at illiciting entire campus · involvement, as well as drawing community support to benefit some very worthwhile charities . I consider the extra time to be a very valuable asset in making this year 's Superthon even better than last year 's ."
sociQIactivitiesreport out your help , so if you have any sugOn behalf of the SGA Social Activities Board, I would like to welcome everyone gestions or comments , please let one of us on the board know. back home from a hopefully relaxing During this semester, the board will be vacation. Before the semester begins, I want to re-evaluating its system , by viewing both its internal and external structure so that inform everyone of some goals that the board and I have set, and are planning to some of the kinks, such as a better reprereach: to get more students involved in sentation of the student body, will be worked out. The board will go through campus activities, originate newer meetings involving class officers, student activities,such as planning more appealing dances and making a deal with a big government and the student activities name band to come to Cabrini and put on a office.We will work to become the best that successful concert . We intend to carry out . we can so that all the campus and those our pursuit of planning out new and excit- who put their hai;d efforts into activities ing events that will benefit the entire cam- will benefit. pus. These goals cannot be reached with-
.A.M.announces ExecutiveOfficers for the Spring1985semester: Bob Erling-President Sean Meenan-Vice-President,in charge of finance, Laura Sullivan-Vice-President,in charge of marketing, MargaretAngelucci-Vice-President,in charge of promotions, Donna Blyskal-Secretary, Sharon Gambone-SGA/S.A.MRepresentative.
loquitur- friday,jan. 25, 1985
.I Jlll 1/25 t~l
at cabrini
·' q
ilill Commuter Lolligrams
!tt!iWork/Study ~:j 1/26
~,!I oo .f.,
9-3 1:15 ·-----**4 : 00
Pay Day
MBball, JV/N.E. Christian (A) Peter Pan (LT) . Alumni Basketball Challenge (Gym) Alumni team verses Varsity of 84-85
ii;, ;, 1/27
tdl 1:00 , !I
1r9:00 H ~t 7: 00
L I 8·00 n~on
HH1/28 iH l2:30
7: 00
Sunday School (SH-A) Peter Pan (LT) Campus Ministry Discussion "Sexuality - God's Gift" (DSCR) Visitation Meeting(WCCR) to 10: 00 Fitness Center - OPEN
1:00 1:15 i:15 1:30 1:30 3:30
Curriculum Committee (WCCR) Creative Arts Wksp (SH-A)
I!)!.1;~:g:::::::~:~) (SGA-0)
Women's Basketball game at home Intram ~ral Free Throw Contest at Halftime Rocky Horror Picture Show Tri p Men's Basketball game - JV at home Peter Pan Art Auction
.i t-H 10:30
12:30 12:30 1:00 :;; '.11 1:00 ' : 1 {1 1:30 ::11' 7:30 8:00 , ' ,J . I '. ; I
Thursday Interview Skills (RRCC-8) International Club (SH-4) Pre-law Club (WCSR) Psychology Club (WCAR) Yearbook Comm.(CCCRm) tffiball,JV/Valley Forge Junior College (A) Social Activities Brd.( WCCR)
D 2:30
Wednesday Practicum Session (WCLH) Pre-law Club (WCSR) Alumni Career Wksp "Getting a Job is a JOB!!!" (WCLH) WBball/Lincoln (H) HALF-TIME-IntrcornJX'al FreeThY-oWConte s t Kappa Meeting (WCLH)
Budget Committee (DSCR) AFOS (MDR) Commuter Club (WCAR) E/C Club (CCCRm) CEC Htg. (SH-C) SGA· Mtg. (WCLH) Jazz Ensemble (WLCH) lfBball / Ea stern (A)
. ~~=:e: •.• ~-= --=-:=.::: '."".: ..:7.:..::=. ::::-:". . __::.::....::::~.':::~ .:-:: ....:. -.,_ -_-,, -
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LIBRARYHOURS - SPRING, 1985 The Ubra,/1Jouts for this semester are as
Auditions for the English and communications Theater Lab Production "One Flew Overthe Cuckoo's Nest," will be held Jan. 21 throughFeb, 8. If interested, please call the Theater, .exten~on 510 or 511 or stop by to make an app(]iptment. Performances are April 26, 27, and May3, 4, 10, 11. Many excellent male parts are open pJilY some female roles. Chebk yourtocalJib(sfy for a script. •
;::. .•..•.•..t
Mon.-Tligrf;B:15a.m.... 10:00p:m.i
Friday· "'8:15a.m. • 5:00p.m.
/ ·
IRSFORMSAAllABLE ManyInternal Revenue Service Taxforms c~n be picked up or photocopied in the tibrary.-;()ther guides are aJsoavaHable for yqur use.·
The first Evening at Cabrini of 1985 will be Sunday, Feb. 3rd in Xsvier Hall (the new dorm). The theme will be "MY CHRISTMAS VACATION... " See the Social Activities Board for additional information. '"
HAVEYOUHAQ )'tOUR"". SHOTS? IMMUNIZAJlON RECORDS NEEDED Please return immunization recordswiththe
required information requested by the medical department. ~ ·
The Intramural Bookletfor Spring'85 hasbeen 'distributed. 'TheschfJdule for lntramurats p-tay be found in the c(tfJter of the booklet Tea ~lfout and post it in a convenient place as a reminder. If there are any qu~tions, please conact the Student Activities Office, RobertMarchesani, Eileen Riddle or Usa Catini.Looktbr the date of the first general infprmation meeting to be posted soon. '
CHANGEOf ADDRE~ CHANGEYdURPARKING PERMm , ·To students who have changfKJ ffSidences for the spring..,s,11,rpester: I/you have{l curr~nt Cabrini parlfingsticktH;ip/ease com& to StudentServices Qfficeto color bar. w/JIneed yourca ·.•·.·mit number fn order ito .reoeittt1 the approp(iate foolor bar freeof <;harge. Cars with the wrongcolor bal will be tickete'cl. Thank you fer your cooperation.
An information session will be held on .. Wednesday evening, Jan. '30 at 9:00p.m . in the Campus Ministry Office. Anyone interested is invited to attend. this
is a paid
of the
-· - ~.
Saturday 10:00am. - 4:0Qp.m. * Sunday 2:00p.m. - 10:00p.m. . *Saturday hours have been extended for the campus ' convenienpe .
The ()hotograpt,y exhibitand contest is open to the wholecollege~unity. Submit your entries ri·p. ,;·.Cart .· er Craigie . 's faculty mailbox by .noon on ·. ursday, Feb.7th.Put your name on theback o 11.ephoto.Prizesto be awarded in thfi: .' various ·· · .Pfies follows: £/est Colo $15.QO¾ \ Best Black & White8x10$10.00 Best Color 5x7 $ 7.50 Best Black & White 5x7 $ 5.()0
are+ .
FORPSICHf? If you are a psychilogy maj<)r~or minor and have · · taken four cqyrses itt P$yc1Jtilogy and have a 3.0 average or yo{}m~ l}e eligible to join the Cabrini ch~t~rof Psl.,C#1 : f'si Chi is the national honorary ,associatior, In psychology. Please contact Dr.Sicoli at ext 563 or by mail to see if you are eligible. Deadli is Jan. 31.
TheSupertbor:J his been postponed to the Wf/flktJf!<lpf' M,arch 15 and 16. If you are a rnem/ierifi,li'club
or organization and are not
aware t:J.! i your responsibility for this event, contact ymp,-0fflcers or the Superthon Steering eommittee . Our goal is to raise $2500 this year. More information will be forthcoming. activities