Feb. 1, 1985 Issue 14 Loquitur

Page 1

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

friday,feb. 1, 1985

Prelude to summer

vol. xxxi, no. 14

Pro-choicestudents march in D.C. by Mary Kate Grimley

The March For Life in Washington D.C. on Tueaday,Jan. 22, memorialized the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which legalized abortion in the United States. Four Cabrini students attended the march. They were sophomores, Karen Rider, Lisa Nolan, Claire Swann, and Mary Kate Grimley. Also present was one of Cabrini's lecturers of Spanish, Josefina Guerra . Rider stated, ''I feel it is my right to fight · for unborn children. They have no power to fight, so someone has to do it." Nolan felt that this was "an important cause," where her voice could be heard. • Rosemarie Heiss, a 1982 graduate of the college, was also active in the march. Heiss believed that the march is just "making a statememt ." ''I've always been interested in it, but I never did anything to support it actively. Here I am making a solid stand," Heiss said. Nellie Gray, president of the March For Life, spoke with President Reagan before the march. The actual telephone call was amplified for the benefit of the participants in the march.

"This is the only kind of battlt! worth fighting," Reagan stated.. "I am proud to stand with you in the long march for the right to life." Present at the march were many political figures defending the anti-abortion cause and an estimated 71,500 individuals from cities from all over the United States. Among the many lawmakers present, the voice·of Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey was firmly beard. "The 1973 decision was based on the fiction that the unborns are something other than children. It is the ultimate form of chi1d abuse, " Smith said. Jesse Helms , a North Carolina congressman, initiated the "Human Life" amendment and the "Unborn Children's Civil Rights Act of 1985" on January 3rd. Helms was unable to attend the march due to illness, but sent a letter which expressed his views on the issue in the simple line, "Youhad your chance mom, let me have mine." Within the course of the march, 28 individuals were arrested. The group enacted a funeral carrying an infant•~ casket on the steps of the Supreme Court Building . They were peacefully arrested due to their persistence to remain .

Pro-choicevs. Pro-life

Even.though the temperature has been falling below freezing, we can at least thmk about spring break or better yet, summer. This wind surfer from Surf City~N.J. is taking full advantage of the fun that can be had during the hot summer months at the shore.

The harsh winter weather often makes us envious of those who can live year-round in tropical paradises. (photo by Mark Viggiano)

inside perspectives... news .......... features........ living .......... sports ......... sga ............ twac ..... ·......

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The issue of abortion is one which has attracted national attention from both pu 11 v it:,,. c.....: ,,, t: t: · Ll> own cause with equal strength aiid conviction. An estimated one-fourth of all conceptions are ultimately terminated through abortion. It has also been calculated that there have been over 15 million abortions since the 1973 laws passed. Though tlie number of abortions is increasing, proabortionists stress the increased sophistication of abortion techniques. The advancement of abortion techniques can be understood in the fact that dilation and evacuation can be performed safely into the second trimester of pregnancy. Although the health of the woman has been considered, a great concern of prolifers is the mental well-~ing of the women involved in the abortion. Pro-lifers argue abortions create great mental strains and heart aches for the women which cannot be technologically resolved. As stated by Gray in Progressive Vision, a Washington newspaper, ''The central issue of the abortion controversy i• the humanity of the preborn child. wllose life begins when the father's sperm fertilizes the mother's ovum. Many pro-lifers believe firmly that God is the only Lord o( life. The taking of an innocent life is understood by pro-lifers as being the role of God alone. Contrary to the stand of pro-lifers, the arguments of the pro-choice groups deal mainly with the womans right of choice in the matter. It is their belief that once the choice has been made concerning their own bodies, it will be carried out whether

Profiling 'Who'sWho' recipients Recently, 14 students were chosen to be recipients of"Who's Who Among American Colleges and Uni-versities." Starting this week, the features section will contain profiles on theee people. See this week's centerfold.

it be legal or not. According to the ABC network poll, 52 peuaat 1f '-"1en~ -"iOO individuals polled from all over the United States were in support of pro-choice. This number has increased from the 40 perce~ estimate of four years ago. Surprisingly, in general , the Catholics involved in the poll responded more conservatively than Protestants. Patricia Schwartz a public relations representative from Planned Parenthood explained that the organization's stand is one of pro-choice and not one of pro-abortion . Schwartz confidently stated that "there was no decrease in the number of patients which came to our various clinics on the (Jan. 22). We telephoned all of our patients to make them aware of protests, yet not one chose to change or cancel their appointments." No matter what the number of cases, Gray st~ed, "The killing inside abortoriums is the same kind of war that the axis waged against the Allies in World Warll." The strength of the convictions of prolifers is obviously seen in their annual commitment to the March for Life. Their 71,500 people assembling with a common cause convinces the public of their sincerity. According to Schwartz, "71,500 people is not that many. We could easily get as much support after 12 years of protest ." Aside from the Washington march, There were many local demonstrations natio _nwide where defenders of pro-choiced exhibited their stands.

Blessing our newest addition For a picture story on the dedi, cation mass for Xavier Hall, see the Student Government Association section, page 7.

Joquitur - friday, feb. 1, 1_985


editorial Warming our hearts in the cold Walking the streets of Philadelphia during the winter months can evoke either feelings of gratitude for having a warm coat enveloping your body, or feelings of pity for the homeless who sleep on the sidewalks and lack warm bodily coverings . Such feelings are quite prevalent these days with the recent record breaking low temperatures. The men and women are all to@iiapptµ"entlying curled up on grates on the sidewalks outside of Central Penn National Bank on fifteenth and Market streets in center city Philadelphia, or scattered about the thirtieth street train station. Equally as disturbing -has been the recent explosion of Ethiopia's dilemma

with its impoverished population serving as a catalyst to call people to task. With Ethiopia being thousands of miles away, there is a question in the minds of many concerning our ability to help. The streets of Philadelphia have proven that our own backyard, is filled with needy people. Yet, we ask ourSelves, what can we do? In an age of consciousness which promotes the u10,ok out for number one" attitude, we can only hope for the concern that a few individuals have expressed. Trever, a twelve youth, took it upon abandoned, cold blankets. Another

year old Philadelphia himself to supply a few bodies with warm story tells of the stu-


dent.s at the Philadelphia College of Tuxtiles and Sciences, who restored an old sewing machine in order to produce blankets for the street people. Maybe we, who are °incollege without the resources or the time to lend an ear to .such problems, can at least choose to share in the attitude which has prompted someone like 'Ii-ever to take action.

The argument that the homeless deserve their plight because they are either mentally ill or they haven't i!eized the opportunities in life, cannothoJd up in the face of reality . If the street people are a product of society, then it is society's responsibility as a body to tend its wounds.

As a ~ult, we may 'then recognize our potential for giving in a way which is uniquely our own. We may also experience the newfound joy in redefining our response to the "look out for number one" attitude, so that it is all encompassing rather than self containing.

which our own dormitories and homes are not exempt . It has been said that charity begins at home. Perhaps if we begin to cultivate an attitude of charitableness with our immediate neighbors and roomates, parents and friends, we will begin to see how very m•1ch we really have.

The plight of the street people is a mirror image of a far too prevalent attitude from

op1n1on 'Bucklingup' is-a personal choice by Virginia A. Smith Planning to drive around New Jersey within the next few months? You'd better first dig those safety belts from their hiding places between the seats, adjust them to your current size and get into the habit of strapping yourself in; driving without a seat belt in there could result in a $50.00 fine - for each non-secured passenger, according to a new motor vehicle law (which will be in full effect March L The same law is already being enforced in New York). The law is the culmination of the Department of Motor Vehicle's _(DMV) campaign urging drivers to "buckle up," a mission which included a widespread television promotion (''belt your friends"), a high school information program, and the installation of those annoying car buzzers which refuse to shut off until the seat buckles are connected. (Some model 1985 cars navea voice modulator that will verbafiy tell you - in no uncertain terms - to buckle your s~at belt; otherwise the car won't start). The seat belt is a life saver, they say. "X" amount of head and neck injuries and fatalities would be prevented annually if a belt were worn, statistics show. This is all very true and I respect the noble efforts of the DM;V to keep us safe. Wearing a seat belt, however, is a personal safety precaution in that not wearing one harms no one but the individual. Therefore to wear or

"It's miraculous how you survived that head on collision with a Mack truck, but I'm afraid /_have to fine you - you weren't wearing your safety belt. " not to wear a sa fety belt is a perso nal I ace to society and doesn't warrant the choice. intervention of the law. The DMV, it seems, Penalizing anyone without a seat belt is . is overstepping the realm of its authority. as bizarre to me as fining anyone caught A similar case of "mistaken puJJ>Ose'~ not exercising and eating three meals occurred last year in Philadelphia . The daily; yes, we all know that it's a healthy, city had placed a sign announcing 'no right life-extending, p~ecautious practice, but turns' (during certain evening hours) on failure to comply doesn't make us a men-

the comer of Locust and 13th Street - a district infamous as a hangout for Philly's "ladies of the evening." These streets had, inevitably, become a mecca for male patrons who circled the area in their cars; and the DMV saw the sign as a way to help curb the prostitution problem. The sign, however, was .later removed when a businessman, ticketed for making the illegal right tum, argued the purpose of the sign. The purpose of the DMV, he claimed, is to ensure vehicle safety and efficient traffic laws;.-it was not to control prostitution. In the same vein, the DMV should not be telling us what to wear in the privacy of our own cars. I admit that I do have a bit of a prejudice on the subject: five years ago. my Dad was involved in a head-on collision in which he became trapped in a crunched, burning car. lt:.bftzbed twenRJdberenteraweul in.a. seat belt, he may not have been able to get out in time . So I am not a firm believer of safety belts . But I am also not on a personal vendetta against them. I just think that people should have a cltoice, and that the DMV should keep its mind on the subject it knows best -traffic violations- and not concern itself with passenger privileges . Besides, if the police are going to be busy spot-checking anq. ticketing seat be}t violators, who will be arresting the real crimi_nals?

Viewpoint Honoring Indian traditions if)·a modern lifestyle I don't know where to begin when someone asks me about my trip to the Navajo Indian reservation in Arizona. It was such a diversified experience-learning about the Indians and their lifestyle, their beliefs and their disbeliefs and often clarifying some misconceptions that I held. It seems that their lifestyle is full of contrasts-two completely different -ways of life integrating and forming a society that is hard to define when someone asks about it. In many ways, the Navajo lifestyle is "like any other American's ." They basically, although there are some exceptions, live as we do. Sonie of the Navajo are miners or power plant workers, many still herd animals and many sell their crafts (jewelry, pottery, or time-eonsuming woven blankets, for example). However, many of the people still have hogans on their land, the traditional Navajo housing which usually has a dirt floor, no running water and no electricity. I was told that about one percent of the population hold bank accounts and they are not the type of people t:bdo planning for the future. The similarities and differences between American-style'living and that of the Nava.J't,was more prevalent to me through the children, since we actually lived in the same dormitories with them for the week.

names, and they loved to go into our rooms. to see what we had.

barbara mongelli One of -the first things that we all remarked on upon entering the junior high girls' dormitory, was that their walls were decorated, actually covered, with posters of all ~he big rock stars--:-Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden and of course, Michael Jackson. They dressjust like lllY 12-year old sister and her friends do; they pass notes back and forth to each other in class; of course, they're all boy/girl crazy. However, several of them were "fathers and mothers" by eighth grade-something that is, although not taken lightly, is less stigmatized than it is in our lives. For many, it is even necessary for a girl to prove that she can conceive children before a certain point in her life. The local public high school has a day care center to accomodate the children of the mothers who are still in high school. The very young children seemed to be in awe of us. They followed us wherever we went; we were strangers, yet we were their friends. They all wanted to know our

Many of them do nut stray far from the reservation, if at all, even as they get older. Even those of the Navajo who choose to go to college, which would have to be away from the reservation, end up returning to the reservation. I was told that they often say that they had trouble adjusting to th~ world outside of the reservation. One girl was told that she was "too traditional," something that many, though not all Indians are. They are not an easy people 19 get to know. Whether they are uneasy to the outsiders' presence, or just simply introspec.tive, getting most of the Navajo to open up is not easy. Aside from the children, who took to us imnu~diately, the Navajo spoke very quietly, almost mumbling at times. When I asked them questions, they -seemed reluctant to answer. Some may say that their reluctance is out of some hard worn grudge . against "white people" or_'1\nglos," but I really believe it's just their nature. They may have a way of life that is like ours in many ways; the Navajo, however, are still a very strong people who will only take so much "Americanization , " As one of the people that I spoke to on the reservation said, "They don't want to be just like all the other white men. They still want to be Indians,"

laquitur cabrini


LOQuitur is publlshed weel(ly during the sd:,ool year ll'{ the s1uden1'Of Cobm College, Radnot Pennsylvania, 19087. Subscription price_is $1) per yea, and isincluded in the benefits secured t,v 1ui1ionand student fees.

Editor. Barbaro Monge1U NewsEdilcl: Li.do lourtto Perspectives Ediloc\lirglniQ Smith FeoluresEditor. 8oMle 2iscl1ang Assis1an1: DonnaHonie\/ LMng Editor: Gla.DiGlmlrllQJ1i~ Robett-Morehesani Spam Editor:Michelle BomberAs$l$10nt: 6.1.Pe!racd Assistant.1o the SGApage: Joan Kramer Art Editors:Debbie Cicirello and Beth Oalv Photography Editor: Cora Grohom Assistant.Mork Viggiano 8u$llless Manager Robin Larkins Photography Adv!SerDr.Corter Craigle

Adviser.Dr. Jerome Zurel< Stoff: Morgore t Angel ucci, Lorry Aqutno. Fronk Bokosld, Karen Clo!lc.Chns Corcoran.BemadetteDemski.Molybeth Evfci\ Ko1ieGnmieoKeny Hogon.CMs ~ Rondy lefl<o. Maureen McAnesp,i Shella Mc:Glnn.laura Przywora,TltshReilly. Allen lleyes. EIieenRiddle.l<othl Wochenhelm

The SGAand TWoCpages are paid odllertisement.. lhe content is under the S1JP8MSiOO of 1hooe offloes. Loquttur ~ lettoo; to the edffo<. letleB should be signed and the outhol$hip known to !he edilofs. Howevei; ff the Wfl1erwisheiarid the editor agrees. 11\ewrttef's mavbe left off life letteruponpublicafion and on INCrlpllon Inserted such as 'name wllhheld at the request Of the wnter: • Leffel$should be typed. double-spaced and net more lhan 300 words In length . If a letter Is1oo IOng lo<the ovolloble space , the edtor may edit or conden$e . Letfels to the editor should be submitted bVnoon on Mondays.



loquitur - friday,feb. 1, 1985


Hall council officers elected for residences With the many changes occuring on campus, due to the building ofXavier Hall, hall council officers are changing too. The newly.elected officers of Xavier Hall are: Eileen Jensen, president; Patty Hinke, vice-president; Dorothy Micale, secre~treasurer; and Geralyn Christ, programming officer. The advisor for the hall is Jeanne Boyle. The officers for Counsel Hall are: Denis Bourge~u, president; newly elected officers Pat McKenna, vice-president; Pat Nolen, secretary-treasurer; and Mike Fallon, programming officer. The advisor for the hall is John Doyle. The officers for the houses are: Jennifer Moore, president; newly elected officers Michelle Jones, vice-president; Kathy Hasson, secretarytreasurer; and Kathy O'Donnell, programming officer. The advisors for the houses are Pat Connolly andJody .

Library hours for spring semester .,announced news briefs

The library hours for the spring semester · are as follows: Monday through Thursday 8:15 a.m . .,10 p.m.; Friday 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m.; I Pizzigoni. Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday 2 p.m. The officers for Woodcrest Hall are: -10 p.m. Holiday hours and vacation hours I Debbi Maida, president; newly elected are posted. officer Marianne DeFruscio, vice-presi, dent; Maureen Murray, secre. tarytreasurer; and newly ·elected officer Karen Rider, programming officer. The advisor for the hall is Lori Pilarz. The officers for Mansion Hall are: Lisa Schwartz, president; Peggy CirAdvance, the center for preventive psyone, vice-president; Denise Horsley, chology, is offering help to anyone who is secretary-treasurer; and Nina Dolce, pro- suffering from compulsive eating, bulimia gramming officer. The advisor for the or anorexia. Living with any of these disorhall is Denise 'lravis. ders is a frustrating battle that you don't

Advance'center offers help

Changing standards for education majors

t5yMichelle M. Bamber

The education department of the state of Pennsylvania is in the process of reviewing a new set of standards for teacher certification. The changes in teacher pi:eparation are due to a growing concern about the education system in the United States. "I think changes in education in general has cau~ educators to re-evaluate teacher preparation," Dr. Ruth Sower, chairperson of the education department, said. According to the present standards, a student needs to graduate with a degree in education to become certified to teach, The student needs to pass all courses, obaerve actual classes, and student teach for- the µnal semester of college before obtaining certification. According to the nf:lwstandards, a student would need to take an exam that would cover basic skills and other areas to become certified. After graduation, the new teacher would serve an internship for one year. The graduate would be employed as an intern on salary and supervised by the school district. The role of higher education during the intern yeu is not clear. The intern may be obligated to attend grad~a~ school or ot'her classes dependin~ on the requirements of the school district. ·

A new twist is being added to selections of resident assjstants (RA) for the college. According to Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, the process will begin earlier. The 1985-1986 staff will be picked before the lottery so residents will know where the staff resides "in case that makes any difference to anyone," Lilly said. Another reason the selection process is earlier is to alleviate year-end pressures by having the staff established before spring break. One of the advantages to an early selection process is that during the leadership conference the staff itself will be able to be oriented; having already learned how to deal with the incoming students and Nturning et\fdents. "I'm glad it (RA selections) is happening earlier," Joe Giuffre, sophomore, said. "It will give me a chance to take advantage of other opportunities in case I don't make

'I think that the chances of my childrengetting a better educationwill be greatlyenhancedif these changes are implemented.' -Dawn Pajic, junior

RA." Lilly feels that RA's should be trained after they are selected, not before, which is what occured last year.The selection process, which began last Monday, will last until Feb. 28. Interested sophomore and junior appli.: cants will be required to attend one of four general information sessions. The initial session will cover such things as the RA contract, job descriptions by present RA's and how to make the transition from stu. -· .

It is still unclear as to which class will be affected by the changes. The education majors graduating this year will not be affected but there is the possibility that those graduating after this year will have to meet the new requirements. "We are hoping to stay with the original contracts the students agreed to upon entering Cabrini. We are concerned with honoring the catalog, but a lot depends on the state requirements," Sower said. These standards will be applied to the incoming freshmen under new contracts. The education department is responding to the working drafts of the new standards by sending ideas into the state . department concerning the changes. ''We are all very much involved in this and we wish to be part of the process, so we are sending in our ideas and suggestions," Sower said. The majority of students are in agreement that these changes will be beneficial to the education system. Many feel that teachers should follow the suit of other professionals and be tested before being labelled as qualified educators. "I think that teachers should be tested in order to further verify their competence before entering the teaching profession," Maureen Nowak, junior, said. "This is a goodmeasure to make our teachers better educated," Lisa Volpe, senior, said. "Most professionals need to take exams to enter their respective professions. A person can not leave college and enter a field, as teachers have been able to do in the past."



Cffll.D CARE: Thfeeyr.OldOOQdbov.Saturdav

~ U'QllSfJor1alanl)KMded.CollMn.Speclor~769


DRIVERWANTED: 'lJ8Sday about 3 tvs. a.m:or f).m, drivingwife lo Chenney college. Student does not need ca; but must provide owntranspor1otton. Call Dt Donald Smithat 6883594. TEACHER WANTED: Preschool Ill child care 8:30 • t30 5 days a-" $4-6 per hour.Cal Cooch Hou9e Predloal at 3379444.

CHILD CARE: lwo month old bov.MondaV • FrldaV9:00 • 5:00.~ • 3 years employment.;~ lll)0rlaltoa will not be Pr0\/tded.Coil llorbaro Gf8«\ at 8'$-2116.



LANOSCAPERSWANTED: I'm lime (25 hours per -4<) auldoar work from mid April to -U\I Con1ocl Laurie 8asselt at 296-5648.

CLEAN9t0:$5.ClO ~ 2-4 llOUII a~ fte,dble times.


The continuing education department will present a series of seven foreign affairs seminars throughout February and March. The first seminar in the series will feature a discussion of"Current American Foreign Affairs" and is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. For information call ed. 500.


dent to RA. Two more general sessions remain, they will be held Monday Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center conference room and Tuesday Feb. 5 at 10 p.m. in Xavier Hall. A set of criteria exists for those applying to become an RA. The student must have maintained a grade point average of at least 2.6, but a 2.7 is prefered. This factor will be looked at on a progressive basis, so improvement or decline can be seen. Three letters of recommendation must be submitted to the committee responsible for selecting the RA's.They must be letters from a current RA, a faculty chair person or academic advisor and one additional source. After the initial session, each applicant will be intemewed by a resident manager, senior student and a senior RA. This round begins Feb. ll and lasts for a week. Applicants who make it to the second round will be interviewed by Lilly and the resident managers. Junior RA's who are re-applying automatically enter at this

phase. There will be 19 spots available next year on the resident life staff as oppposed to the existing 18. The extra slot will be made by adding an additional RA to the mansion. Intense training will begin after spring break so ftiat the old and new staff will have a chance to interact and learn from each other.

Many people support the new standards due to their concern for the education of their children. · "I know that when I have children, I will want them to have the best education possible. I think that the chances of my children getting a better education will be greatly enhanced if these changes are implemented," Dawn Pajic, junior, said. "I think these changes are a good idea, if only for the children's sake. There are too many teachers out there adversely affecting the children and this problem could be alleviated by better prepared teachers," stated Yvonne Kelly,junior. "The testing would help screen out the incompetents," Tinucci added. The review of the new standards is an ongoing process. The actual standards should be published in the spring.

CHILD CARE: 1woyr.old gill 3 hours MondaV or Flidafafternoon - fleldble. $3.00an hour.Transponatlonwit be prolltded. cauGall McCown at SZl-7557.

CHILD CARE: SelleritNnmanlh girl Allemoans from 4:00 · 7:YJon Mondays. T~ ~ Call RobinLlncalnat 688-0352.

Foreign affairs seminars set for February and March

Early R.A. selections hope to alleviateyear-endpressure

by Shelagh McGinn


have to do alone, according to the therapists at the center. Help is available at the center by calling (215)647-8699. All calls are strictly confidential. Dr. Robert Ramalia and Dr. Florence Seaman are available for private and group therapy.

PARTTIIIE JOB:Westem TemporOfYSe!vlces In at PrussiaPtaza has part time )obs sullable foi

the King

s1udenls In MC1'81arla1. Clerical and Industrial fields for lnforrnatton <XIIILaura at 337.2970. CHILD CARE: Tuesdaysand 1hl.ndays from 9'.20-1tJO.Must prolllde own1ranspor1atlon Cootac:t Mis. Mlkolasy at 6883026. CHILDCARE: Occa$1onalsitting for 20 mon1h old girl '&-ansportattoncan be pr(lMded. Con1ocl Trevino

Ne9tllll at 6882146.

GENERAL HELPER:lrMlMIS babysitting; and drMng fbr ek»ftvwomonan TuesdcJv lhrough 'lhulldays from 12:30-3:30.MustprCMde Cl',NYltranspor1atton. Conlacl Mis. Donald Smith at 6883594. CHILD CARE: Sitterneeded for 2 chlldfen (2 &.4 yrs.)an W8dneedays and 'lhulldays from ~.30-12:00. 1ia,spor1at1on can be prtMded. Contoct Janel'A:lrl Roden at

68U640 . CHILD CARE: Sitterneeded for 19month girl and 14 mon1h boy an Tuesdaysand Thundays from 6:30-9:15 p.m. Mustp,ollk:te owntroniportatton. Contac:t 293-0293. CHILD CARE: Sitlerneeded for 8 month old bov. 'MNWOiieoutttme IChlp.llewith student's IClledule.Must PIOllldeO'Mt h<>..pc.1atlol• Contact Joan Nappi at 687--089l

Poelible lllttng In the futue. Call Mr1 Ckn al

CMD CARE: Sltlerneeded for Mondall 1JIISOQ\I end Wednesday mornings from 7:16-8:00. Mull get child to schoOI bur. Coll Dorothy Lewlt at 337-1l00.

CHILD CARE: Sitterneeded for 3 yt old boy and 1 month old girl an Soturdcri momtngs from 8:30-2:00and on Wedne5day -,,ings from 5.©a:30. Mull prolllde Cl',NYl transportotlo,, Call Dr.Mff Brenner at 687-6034.

CHILD CARE: Slttarneeded f0r 2 yr. old Mondor

Flidaffrom~ lianspototlon can be prtMded. Contoct the Rnanciol Aid Office ff Interested.


CHILD CARE: Sitterneeded for 2 v.2yr.old boy and a 5 mon1hold glr1.Hoursare flexible and ll'anlporlolton can be plOlltded. Cal ,.udv Nesbitt at 688-9490.

SALES:DelelmJnatlonto succ-1 to work are a must.20 houl a-'<. We-Care ln18matlonalal 877-0lll

a~ llelclble1tnla


SALES: Salescontullant wonted for a nutrttlonal lea program. Musibuy kif for $29.95(OUsupplles aft8rNads are paid fori Malle ycy.,rC1,NY1houl and ean a 25-00'J, oommlsllon. Income opportu,tty unlimited. Coll HIiary bA>at667~ ~

MARKETINGPAO: Am Penn Bonkla1ook1nQ for part 1fme help (20 halls + J as an Independent project ~ with a marketing background to be Ul8d In 194epl,one research for 2-4 _. MusthcMI r-.me. Cal Mt ~ Lamberto! 7~

LIFEGUARDSWANTED:Mondav1hrough Flidaffrom 3:008:00p.m. and Saturday and ~Iran 12:00-a:OO p.m. Mustbe quallfted by redcroa Cal Uzor Sallv at 265-5250.

loquitur - friday,feb. 1, 1985



WHO'S WHO AmongAm·erican Col Hinke's childhood dreamsi become realit

by Gia DiGiminiani

Senior Patty Hinke is a colorful, highly visible personality on CabriniB campus. She can be seen battling among the cracking of hockey sticks on the athletic field in autumn, or jumping anxiously to quickly second the motion of Executive Board President Robin Larkins to adjourn the weekly SGA meeting. Hinke has distinguished herself by not simply participating in many areas of the college, but also by excelling in her undertaldngs. She has made noted achievements in the areas of academics, athletics, and various clubs and activities. For her outstanding involvement in the many aspects of campus life, Hinke is one of14 Cabrini students, who has been recognized by "Who's Who Among American Universities and Colleges." As Senior Dorothy Micale, Hinke's roommate of four years, said, "Patty is an all-around person. She is ambitio~ and approaches everythi,ng enthusiastically. Patty is a go-getter. Whatever she wanta, she eventually geta." An extrovert, Hinke is commonly seen in the company of her many friends. As they are quick to agree, Hinke\J sharp wit and amusing sense of humor contagiously engage all who are in her company. Micale recalls, "Patty and I were assigned to be roommates in our freshman

year. On the first day we moved in, I had not met her until we were introduced in the Mansion dining rooin during the President's reception. Another student pointed her out to me from across the room. When I first saw Patty, she was surrounded by a group of people, which is like Patty, and i she was telling them a story ..At that point I looked at my mom and said, 'It will never last,"' Hinke is open and frank in her conversa. tion, which translates into the casual I demeanor she displays. The cotiftdence and charisma which have guided her in her successful college career are apparent, but do not overshadow her good-natured ' personality. j A triple major in French, and Elementary and Secondary Education, Hinke plans on returning home to Wildwood, N.J., after graduation to pursue a career as an elementary school teacher at either the Glenwood Avenue Elementary School in Wildwood,where Hinke, herself, attended; or the Maude Abrahms Elementary School in neighboring Cape May, N.J. Hinke stated, "I hope to eventually start a French program in the elementary school where I work. It is important for children to learn a language at an early age. They are more enthusiastic and willing to learn." ~e i8 also looking Coward~ ·living in

her own apartment when she enters the work force. "Being away for four years has made me more independent,,. Hinke said, "but when I go out into the job world, 111be ready to be out on my own:" Along with playing school during her childhood in hopes of eventually becoming a teacher, Hinke has also anticipated such independence. As Junior Michelle Tarbotton, Hinke\J cousin, recalls, ''We always said when we were little that we could not wait to grow up so that we could both drive a air, smoke cigarettes together, go to college together, and then live together in our own apartment . Well, neither of us smoke." Hinke has participated extensively in athletics as a Cabrini student. She plays on the field hockey and softball teams, and manages the women's basketball team. Hinke, along with Senior Lori DiMeglio, was named to the All-Star hockey team at the conclusion of the past season. The two are also the captains of Cabrini's team. Mimi Greenwood, coach of the Cabrini field hockey team, said, '"I selected Patty to be a team captain in her junior year becauseshe was always able to pull the team together. Her enthusiasm and spirit carried over to the other players. Patty has a good rapport with the other p~rs, and they have benefitted from her influence." Hinke is cummtly a student teacher at

Findlay supplie~ force behind the

(photo by Cara Graham) Archbishop Kennedy High School in Con: shohocken, Pa., teaching French to junior and senior students. "'leaching high school students is difficult because they want to be my friend. They want me to be one of them, but I have to show them that I am higher," Hinke said. Hinke has been on the Dean's List for five semesters. She is a member of the Cabrini Honor Society, and the Cabrini chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society. Hinke has sened as class vice president in junior and senior years, and ia a member of the college's Student Acad~ic Council, where she is a representative for language and athletics.


took the financial books from SGA; she has developed new "' forms and files, and developed pn,c:edures. Jean has taken by Robert B. Marchesani those books from chaos to a very organized system." "She~ herself; its very simple," said Sister Ursula During the two years DiRaddo has known Findlay Infante, M.S.C., as· she described Jean Findlay, senior. through SGA and Cabrini's annual Leadership Camp, she According to Infante, "Findlay has been a charitable young has found Findlay to be "one who has plugged her academic woman both on campus and throughout the extended comknowledge into her extracurricular inwlvement, and has munity." Findlay recently has been distinguished through bridged the two in order to better serve the college. She has her nomination into "Who's Who Among American Univercapitalu.ed on her strengths, and she follows through." sities and Colleges." "She is ingenuous; her sincerity is very clear," remarks From her list of accomplishments, F-indlay appe81'8 to be f)r. ol ·oufflfflt,!, eh~e hi tory &(mftment. very service oriented. She has not only been active in the "She is one of the quietest leaders in our department." Social Work Club and Kappa Sigma Omega, the Cabrini Girard, who has known Findlay for four years explained, service organization, but has also engaged herself in her • "There sometimes is a tendency for students with double local 4-H Club, and has worked as an aide at the Milford majors to have divided loyalties. Jean never did. She was Valley Convalescent Home. Presently, she is ·serving as the always around to discuss campus activities and how they contact person for the Alzheimer's Disease Society for (photo by Mark Vi ggiano) relate to students." Cabrini's 1985 Superthon for Charity. has plared ?nCabrini's intercollegiate field hockey team, According to Robin Larkins, senior, "After our experi~indlay has proven herself proficient in her academics and m81ntained a two year athletic grant. In addition, she ences of being sophomore clasa officers together, I came to and extracurricular activities. Findlay has a double major bas also acted as team manager for the women's basketball -know Jean very well. If Jean hadn't run for SGA office, I in history and human services management, with a minor team. wouldn't have either, just because she's a great penon to in psychology, and she is a member of the Phi Alpha Theta For two years, Findlay had been the executive board work with and to have on your team. She\J the force behind History Honor Society. Her commitments also include her treasurer for the Student Government Association (SGA). the scel}.eS,quietly pulling things together-the unsung i~n~vo•l.ve.m.e.n.t.in_at_hl_e_t_ic.s._Fi_o_r_fo_ur_co_n_secu_.t.ive_y_e_a_rs_sh_e_c_o_11.ee_n_D_i Ra ....,d.d~o ,.diiiii.riiiiect .. o.,.r.:::of stu~de-n• t•act-iv•i•ti•es,_,.sa1...., ·d111111 , "Sh...,..,.e_h_e_ro_._,, ________________ , ~


What can you 'do' with religion?




Februaryis CAREER AWARENE&S MONTH Watch for career programs sponsored by campus groups in conjunction wi1hthe Career CounselingOffice Formore information,contact Donna Seckar,ext. 560

Come to the ·

·LibraryConference Room Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Meet people in religiouseducation, special education,youth mini~ • pastoral mi~ pastoral assistant, the media and o1herswith a


trainingan9 a '9areer'in religion Get involved Bring a friend Forfurther information,. contact Dr.Reher,ext.330


co-sponsoredby SGAand Career Counseling


s ·

loquitur - friday,feb. 1, 1985


:!ges and UniVersi.ties


Bruhin's creative talents push her to excel . by BonnieZischang


The sensitivity with which she writes is just a subtle indication of the compassion intrinsic to her nature. One 1 would not have difficulty in seeing where her talents lie. Barbara Bruhin, senior, is a distinguished writer who has gathered a number of handsome awards and achievements to show as evidence of her writing expertise. "Ever since she was a little girl, she loved to write creative stories and poetry. I remember her keeping a diary of her trip to Germany in 10th grade to which she remained totally dedicated," said Edna Bruhin, her Jl).other. Bruhin, a recipient of the Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges Award, commutes to Cabrini from Chadds Ford and is a double major in English and communications, and secondary education. Upori commenting on her many academic honors achieved during her career at Cabrini, and upon asking which aspects most aided her in becoming a Who's Who recipient, Bruhin stated, "My achievements are the result of my interests in my major and future career plans. Loquitur also had a lot to do with it."

'Who knows, one day I might show up at the local dinner theater to release some dramaticcreativity.And besides, Englishteachers are the biggest hams that I know.' Barbara Bruhin, -English/communications and secondaryeducation It will not be surpris_ing to see her name on the by-lines of well-writt.enarticles or stories becomemore and more rec• ognized if you take a look at the prestigious writing awards Bruhin has taken. Election to the Society of Collegiate Journalists has given her the opportunity t.owin tbe Society for Collegiate Jour-

nalists National Student Publicatioll!:! Contest, taking first place for editorial writing. Bruhin is also a member of · Lambda Iota 'Th.uinternational honor faternity for literature and received Cabrini English Department Awards for editorial and news writing. Bruhin has served as editor-inchief of "Loquitur" and p:resently holds that position on "Cryptk," the college literary magazine. , Brian Jensen, resident manager recalls his newsroom experience with Bruhin. "She and I worked together on Loquitur and that experience was a very good one. I was · -pleased when she became editor-in-chie£ Barbara was by far the best journalist in her class and as editor-in-chie£ She dealt with sensitive and important issues in a very balanced manner which was right in line with her character,", said Jensen thoughtfully. Jensen commented that he liked her humor the best. "She's very humorous, lively and always a pleasure to be around." He added, "Barbara is enthusiastic and sensitive, tem~ by sharp intellect and good judgement." These 'J,ualities make her an ideal staff writer for the "Scanner, an intercollegiate news magazine and give her the proper credentials for tutoring writing in the CARE (photo by Cara Graham) center. She has used her journalistic skills as an intern on her busy but not so busy that she couldn't keep one foot on the "Main Line Times" and as a local stringer for the the st.age. "Chester County Press." "Who knows,.one day I might show up at the local dinner The Radio andAdvertising Club of Philadelphia has presented Bruhin with a scholarship which she added to her theater to release some dramatic creativity. And besides, Cabrini Academic Scholarship. Bruhin was also a English teachers are the biggest hams that I know," she Bruckmann Scholar, on the Dean's List for four years and said. belongs to the Delta Epsilon Sigma National Scholastic Dan Perna, the college's theater director commented on Honor Society . · Bruhin's theatrical ability . "If Barbara wants to go on with Writing is not the ~nly talent that Bruhin possesses. The theater, she would succeed. But then apin, Barbara would blonde-haired, blue-eyed senior has another interest which succeed with anything she wanted t.o do." serves to dramatize more than words on paper. Bruhin has In one word, John Doyle, senior, describes Bruhin: senbeen active in the Cabrini College Theater since freshman sitive. "She has always been a person t.o count on for a laugh year. or a tear. Barbara is int.elligent but humble and a hard "I really love acting and I hope t.o continue with that worker. She cares and that comes first to her." interest," ·said Bruhin. Still undecided as to which career Brian Jensen sums up, "It was such a pleasure wat.ching direction to choose between her two majors of education and . her grow and learn with Loquitur and personally as a communications, Bruhin thinks it would be ideal to com- friend. Her dedication to Cabrini and her quick wit and bine both since she feels such a strong pull in both direc- humor make her a very deservi~ recipient of the Who's tions. Each career or botl- combiJled would certainly keep Who Award. ,


- Larkins' rai_ nbow spans community by DonnaM. Horsley Her dorm room is cay and sweet; it is filled with memories of friendships and happenings. For someone always on the go, her room is surprisingly neat and tidy; probably because sh! is rarely there, ~me• times not even going to bed at night. Among the carebears, humorous posters and two telephones it is easy to sense her fondness of rainbows-rainbow posters, rainbow knickkna-cks and a rainbow

comforter. "Robin has such a love of the raiJibow yet, to me Robin symbolizes the meaning of a rainbow. Rainbows are rare, but always special; the world is in awe when they see one. Sometimes only appearing for a moment, but like Robin, always leaving an impact, " Alumna Rose Battiato said. Robin Larkins , senior, recipient of the Who's Who In American Universities And Colleges Award was initially attracted to

Cabrini because it offered "sink your teeth in, hands on experience." "Cabrini allowed me to cultivate my talents _giving me opportunities I couldn't get elaewhere," said Larkins. With a double mltjor in English and communications and business administration, Larkins has managed an overall grade point average of 3. 70 , She has been a Bruckmann Scholar for two consecutive years, a recipient of a Cabrini College Academic Scholarship and the Charles Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award. Last year, Larkins won first place in the

Do you want to

the world a:make better place? · Come to the Widener Center GatheringArea Thursday, Feb.7 11:30 a.m. to ~:00 p.m. (photo_by Mark Magner)

Meet people from the MSC (shouldn'tyou write MissionarySistersof the Sacred Heart),Maryknoll, Jesuit\olunteers, Project Outreach, St.FrancisInn and Covenant House. r

Society for Collegiate Journalists' Award for Best Editorial Writing. Not only is she a member of Cabrini's chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society and the Cabrini College Honor Society but is a member of the Society for Collegiate Jounalists as well. "By mid-November," Larkins said, '1 usually experience 'burnout.' I hide and that is · when Dr. Zurek starts looking for me." She said it gets really tough sometimes but the challenge to do things and complete what

shestarted somehow gets Larkins through eachsemester. Some of Larkin'a extracurricular activities include: president of the Student Government Association, editor-in-chief of the college yearbook, business manager for several student publications, edit.or and writer for "Loquitur," co-chairperson for the Cabrini College Helping Hand Sup,r~ thon for Charity, and a member of Kappa Sigma Ome'ga.. "I enjoyed being sophomore class presi• dent the most; especially doing the sophomore/senior. I am proud also of the fact that S.G.A. got alcohol back on campus for campus events. We preved that S.~.A. is capable of forming policies," Larkins said. "Robin has tremendous energy and desire to do things; she is always percolating. Her energy level is twice as high as anyone else. With her involvement with activities, Robin has a better understanding of college than most faculty and administration because of all that she has done," Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English and communications d~partment, said. Zurek enjoys Larkins' but is driven crazy by her loud banging on the keys of the computers. ''It is weird how great we get along; we are friends first and then roommates. She is the most sincere, frank person I know, thinking nothing to let other things that are just as important go to the wayside to do a favor for a friend," Eileen Riddle, sophomore, said. According to Debbie Larkins, junior, going to the same school enabled her and her sister to get closer and see a different · side of one another. "I admire and respect how dedicated she is, she'll be successful at anything she does,'' Debbie Larkins said. Larkins has served as Eucharistic Minister at Cabrini. ''Robin is involved in so many things yet she still seems to allow · enough time to add God in her life and been able to grow in her faith development," said Sister Bernadette Casciano, MSC, campus minister. "Cabrini has shown me the best and worst of times; you have to be sensitive to the gives and takes along the way and without the support of friends everything you have done means nothing,'' Larkins said.


loquitur- friday,feb. 1, 1985


Athletes under pressure B.J.'s Corner by B.J. Petracci There is an old cliche about spor-ting events that says the competitor will experience either the thrill victory or the agony of defeat. But one wonders when does a loss become an agony? Many athletes can live much better with a loss when they feel they have given it all that they can . The problem that some athletes experience is the submission to the pressure many athletic competions can cause; in other words they choke under pressure. Choking is a term that is used quite often by the fans and not very often by the athletes. One time a Boston Red Sox's coach said before a World Series started that the word choke was not in their vocabulary; however the Red Sox lost the ~ries. I am not saying that every loss fs ~he result of an athlete choking, but why do some athletes fold when the pressure is on? LasCprofessional football season, fans were wondering wether Dan Marino, of the Miami Dolphins, was just having a lucky year and how he would handle the pressure. This season Marino was unbelievable; shattering passing records left and right. A man with only one yea-i-of professional experience behind ·him was acting like an experienced veteran. Then came the SuperbowL Would Marino be able to complete his outstanding year with a Superbowl ring on his finger? When the game was over Miami had lost, but opinio~ differ about whether or not Marino choked.


Why is it that most Philadelphia fans would tell you in a second that t}:te Eagles choked when they had their shot at the Superbowl? What is it that makes the champion able to handle that pressure? In books I have read there have been . many who have tried to answer this question. Emotion and psyche plays such an i~portant part in sports, that on any given day any team can beat another. In the hook, "Sports and Psychology," the author uses an example of two high jumpers. The high jumpers both can clear .six and a half feet in practice, but when it comes time for the meet, one of the jumpers will approach seven feet, while the other will have trouble clearing six feet. Why is one succumbing to the pressure,' while the oth,er uses the competion to reach their highest abilities? A prime example of this would be the Portuguese runner, Fernando Mamede. Mamede holds the world record in the 10,000 meter run. As long 11$he runs in a no-name race, he will run 4is race well and maybe even break his own record. Yet when he was in the world ehampionships or other .jmportant races, he , didn't even come close to running his :best, race. I would have to .saytha\ Mamede can not handle the pressure that the press and probably more importantly, he puts on himself When I was asking differeqt-athletes the criteria for someone choking, I received as many different answer& as .those asked. I don't think that one will ever be able to know why some athletes can ri~• to the occasion while others will fall on their face when the occasion strikes. Maybe some day all athletes will~ able to handle the pressure that is put upon them, but as long the athletes stay human, I doubt it.

Old and new shoot it out by B.J. Petracci The first annual alumni game between alumni men basketball team members and the current varsity team was played last Saturday night. The game was filled with the collge's stars of the past such as John Keating, '82 and Mjke Bennet, '82, matched against the current stars of the 0


The alumni came out and took an early lead that was constantly changing hands throughout the game. Leading the alumni in scoring was·Mike Bennet who finished the game with 25 points. Supplying the alumni with well rounded scoring was Ray Young '&,3, who had 17 points, Dodie Watkins '84, who had 13 points , Mike Hendrick '84, with 12 points and John Keating who finished with 11. . Finishing out the alumni roster were John Derham '82, Mike Hilsey '83, Jim

Lawlor '82, 'Torry Mancini '83, Al Monostra '8.4and Tom Nerney '78. Leading the varsity scoring column was Chuck Gilbert, junior, who had 16 and in his first game this year. Robert Davis finished with 14 points. Also leading the scoring for tl).e varsity were sophomores, Allen Jones and Karl Sartor, who each added 13 to the team's score. In the second half the lead once again tottered back and forth. The game went into a three minute overtime that came down to the final 15 seconds, but that11 when the alumni took control and finished the game, winning 102-98. The players and the fans had a good time, even if the officiating was questionable; All in all it was just a fun night that reunited some of the old players back together and introduced them to some of . the new ones. ,


John Keating controls the play during the First Annual Alumni Game,(Photo by Larry Aquino)


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loquitur - friday,feb. 1, 1985


opinion •. ;opinion •.• opinion ... opinion .•• opinion

Respect for others: issue of 'Intimate guests' Once again the topic is "Intimate Guests" (see Loquitur, Nov. 2) and the underlying topic of morality, (or as some believe, the lack ofit) on campus. The executive board would like to use this weeks commentary space to to respond on the issue and to highlight what we have gleaned from the reactions on campus to this issue brought to light through a meeting called by Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, of the SGA executive board, the entire resident life and student services staffs, and the Hall Council on Sunday, Jan. 27. The forum of leaders gathered were a virtual ''think tank" which addressed and brainstormed the problem in a mature and effective manner. We believe that campus leaders and student services personnel should meet together more often to address issues concerning the campus. A wealth of experience and ideas exist among this group who meet the needs of the students on this campus on a day to day basis. An overwhelming aura of genuine concern permeated the conference room about a sensitive topic which deals with an awareness of the value systems and actions of our students, an aura which could not exist in an institution where "sexual sin is being condoned and publicized on campus" (see Loquitur, Jan. 25, "letters"). We applaud the Loquitur for creating an awareness of the issue of the infringement of people\! rights and privacy on campus. We also believe that the brief mention of the taboo reality of sex was blown way out of proportion. Nevertheless the issue of respect- for others, and ultimately yourself- was tactfully addressed and illicited widespread responses of concern . Responses which were reacted upon and will continue to be acted upon. Perhaps this article brought to the forefront of priorities an issue which has been simmering on the back burner for a long, long time. Human awareness and sexuality are continuous topics of concern which never cease to affect people, no matter what stage of life they're in. Dealing with these conca-ns in the formative years of college is the task of everyone in the setting who has any kind of influence and serve as role models: peers, resident life, student servic;es, faculty, administration, etc ... Along with this unstructured awareness and everyday addressing of these issues concerning mutual respect for one another, more concentration should be placed on creating awareness in a more structured manner. SGA offers itself as a forum and vehicle to add~ess these concerns as they arise. SGA also sees the need of creating a more adequate atmosphere to foster human relationships, and parti_cularly male/ female relationships , other than the dormitory rooms on campus, as stated in the meeting. Perhaps better utilization and renovation of certain areas of the Widener Center could be explored for this purpose.

We also feel that the role model formation so prevalent in the past when the college was smaller and more personal~ is negatively affected by growth. Perhaps niore extensive utilization of the orientation team leaders (also suggested in the meeting) could address this point and provide the opportunity · for more upperclassmen influence on the underclassmen when they are getting used to life away from home_and the independence of adult college life and all that goes along with it. Along these lines the possibility of usin_g the orientation teams as the TAMECE teams should also be explored for fostering closer relatable groups right off the ];,atin orientation and following through on that process the whole year through. In dealing with this whole issue of awareness of human relationships, the key policy which should be abided, enforced and advocated by every student, every R.A., every campus leader is not that of abolishing visitation privileges, but rather that of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves. It is only ·when this policy is respected and abided by that abuse and exploitation of others will cease to exist. It's a simple rule, but also one which humans have had a hard time dealing with not just during our generation, but since the beginning of time. The creation of this awareness is perhaps a positive sign of our times and our maturity as an institution tc:>positively channel this need for increased sensitivity of others into constructive methods of dealing with educating the whole person during ~eir learning experiences at Cabrini.

by Joe Giuffre Social Activities Chairman On January 24 at 5:30 the Social Activities Board had its self-evaluation meeting to review various aspects and its second semester plans. In attendence were the board members, class officers, the SGA executive board, former board members, and Colleen DiRaddo, director of Social Activities. Many issues were brought up, but a main idea that was addressed was the lack of clarity of the defined Social Activities Representatives role. It was decided upon at the meeting to more clearly explain the role of the representative in the new constitution. One thing is certain: The role of the Class Social Activities Repreirentatives and their relationship to the Social Activities Committee should in no way be in conflict with their class, one should enhance the other. That is the way the structure was set up to be. There were also many topics discussed at the meeting and quite a few issues were brought out to be resolved. A follow up meeting is scheduled to take place Thursday, Jan. 31. Hopefully more concrete plans of action can be determined and re~rted on next week. But once again we need the support and creative ideas of all in the college community . Please do not hesitate to confront anyone on the Social Activities Board. Remember, on Feb.3, at Xavier Hall at 9:00 p.m., EVENING AT CABRINI. If you have an activity, contact Anne D' Amico. Thank You

Sing a new song ...


treasurer'snotes: by Jean Findlay, SGA Treasurer According to the Student Government Associatio n's constitution, the Bu dget Committe e constbii mi i6ff&Wiiiistu dents: • SGA Executive Board Treasure» chairperson • SGA Social Activities Chairperson • V.P. from each of the four classes • One representative from each club The budget hearing will takeplace on Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 9:30 p.m. in W.C.C.R to assign club budgets for this semester. Attention Clubs: The following information should have been turned into me by µ31/85: ,,,,,Club Budget Requests ,,,,, The name of the representatives to attend the hearing ,,,,,A list of 1st semester club activities (please include all events whether they involved money or not)

The residents of Xavier Hall sing a new song in celebration last Sunday (Jan. 21) as 6:00 mass was celebrated in "The GreatLounge" of the dormitory. Preceding mass, the dorm was blessed in a candlelight ceremony by Fr. Mark Falcone, Opraem., chaplain. The mass sponsored by Xavier Hall was the first of what Campus Ministry hopes wiH be many group sponsored masses on campus. The topic of liturical celebrations on campus was addressed by Sr. Bernadette Casciano, MSC, campus minister and Falcone at the SGA meeting on Jan. 22. (Photo by Eileen Riddle)

Valentine'sDay Dance


Sponsored by the Sophomore Classfor the Senior Farewell

will sponsor their traditional·


From9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. in the gym on February8

Bring your sweetheart or come with your friends!


For only $3.00 per person and $5.00 a couple

Prizeswill be given awayand The Sophomores have a big surprisein store for you! repreaenta

Buy somelollipops for yourroomate, friends or even yourhoney!

Rememberit's a semi-formal

thla page

coming up in early February

the vl•w•

at the aga


loquitur...friday,feb. 1, 1985


this week


at cabrini





Middle $tates Steering Committee (WCCR) · sAMMeeting (WCLH) SAMPhfla. Stock Exchange Kappa Meeting (WCLH)



1 :00


ll:~0-2:00 Rel/Ministry (WCGA) 1: 00 Resume Writing Worlrnhop (RRCC-8) 1:00 Fine Arts Club (Lib l) 1:00 CAEYe (SH-:--C) 6:00 Social Activities Board (WCAR) 7:30 Religion & Your Career (LCR) 7:30 HBball/Phila. Pharm. (A)

4:45 6:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 7:30

SAC (WCAR) MBall,JV/DCCG {H) WBbal.1.-/Stockton (A) ~rea ti ve Arts Workshop NBball/Shepherd {H) Chorus (MDl5,)

2./8 9:00

·Fxiday Work Study Paydate VALENTINE'SDANCE!!!!!! {G) (Sponsored by Soph. Class}

Class Valentine's Day Sale (F1ow~rs & Candy) 215-2L 12Faculty Workshop (LCR)


SCA Nee ting .. Traffic Committee (DSCR) WBball/Ursinus (R) J azz


(HCLH) .~--~-~.._.,_,


·-·"., ··-·-· -,-~~~--,, -·---·---------· ··.... ·~~ti'":::~~.~.\;:.::.'::·.::.:,·~.~-.~ ...-,--.....-.-·-·-•-• ·:.. ...-.,~ ........ ,._ ..... ,.,..::.:·;_· ~;::; ..-.:~·-••'-·~ :::... .:::.:;··-··-_--•. "".'"'_ ......... _..·:,~,...,_,.._,, ..... . •·•-·-·-·--• ..-.:...-.-.:... ...... ,..._ ....... . .. . ..... ,.: . .. ,,.,-,-- ......

....... ,.,-, ..... .. ·-·,:..,

-· ,;


.... __ -_-__ ~ __ ... _·1 .... :~~l!)~ ~~t~01~~E.~~l~ ~Ss t~~~'L,.~.:~_L·w:%✓' 1

ALLCOLLEGE PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT AND CONTEST The Photography Club Exhibit and contest is open to the whole college community . Submit your entries to Dr. Craigie's faculty mailbox by noon on Thutsday, Feb. 7th. Put your name on the back of the photo. The prizes to be awarded in the various categories are as follows: Best Color 8X10 $15.00 Best Black & White BX10 $10.00 f!Jest Color 5X7 $ 7.50 Best Black & White 5X7 $ 5.00

IRSFORMSMil.ABLE .Many Internal Revenue Service tax forms- can be ptcke<! up or photocopied in the libra . Other gu,des are also available for your~-



This ~eekend , FridaY, Saturday and Sunday evenmg, ~atch ~he teams compete from 7-9 p.m. Sunday night will be the championship match of the tournament .

All throughout the month of February, look for the calendars around campus with the special dates and activities for this month.

VISIBLE DMDEND-2/11 Senior men and women! Have you been wondering what your appearance should be on that first job interview? Wear your interview outfit to this meeting and sign up fora private consultation after the main program. Everyone attending will receive written information about dressing for that first interview. All those interested in attending this seminar are asked to sign up in the Career Counseling Center or Student Activities office . All interested students may attend.

WOMEN'SB.ASKETBALLTONIGHT Cabrini's women's basketball team plays lmmaculata College tonight in our gym at 7:00 p.m.

CALIFORNIA-SPRING BRFAK Tf?e!inal payme'!t for the California spring break trip is due on Fnday, Feb. 8 in the Student "'Activities Office. Don'tmiss this great opportunity.

FUNRUN-2/12 The ."Winter Run for Fun" will be held on Tuesday, Feb.12. Registration is from 3:15-3:40 p.m. in the Mansion courtyard. Starting time is 3:45 p.m. and the course will be two miles long .

SPELLING BEESPELLDCMJN:2/fl .Submit entries to the spelling bee, to be held on Sun'!~ Fe_b.17, to the Student Activities Office. Entnes must be submitt~d by Wednesday, Feb. 13 ~nd there is a limit to three people per residency/group. The spelling bee will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the WCLH.

EVENtNG /iJ CABRINISUN[)\Y The first Evening at Cabrini of 1985 will be on Sunday, Feb. 3 in Xavier Hall. ·The theme will be '.'My-Christmas Vacation." See the Social Activities ·board for more information thia page



Support the Commuter Affairs Club by buying a Valentine's Day lolligram. Send a message to those special people in your life.

The JV Men's basketball team will play Delaware Technical Community College at 2:00 p.m.


ORtENTATION '85 Students interested in applying for an orientation counselor position for 1985, please sign up in the Student Activities office.

Next Saturday is the Valentine's Day dance. It will be held in the gym from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and is being sponsored by the sophomore class.

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