Feb. 15, 1985 Issue 16 Loquitur

Page 1

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

friday,feb. 15, 1985

vol.xxxi,no. 16

College confident of state evaluation by Lucia L. Laurito

Today, Feb. 15, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) concludes a three day on-campus evaluation of the college's education department. Every five years, the state comes to the, college with an outside team to review the program. The team is composed of administrators and .teachers. The purpose of the team is to see that the college is meeting the standards that were set up by the PDE. To do this, the evaluating team members will talk to students, teachers and administrators. The evaluation by the PDE gives the college the power to certify students to teach. · According to Dr. Ruth Sower, chairperson of the education department, a thorough review of all programs in the education department has been going on for one year. _ This evaluation of the education department differs from the Middle States evaluation in March. The evaluation by the PDE will evaluate the eight certification programs in the field of teacher certification. The Middle States evaluation is a comprehensive review of the entire college, according to.Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president. According to Sower, the evaluation is a mutual growth experience for the members of the faculty and the evaluating team on how to make education programs better. "The evaluation makes us focus on the broader is. ues.-Jt is a good system," Sower said. "We have to deliver unification standards throughout. We have unique standards and we want to make sure we meet those standards." "The evaluation will rPveal that we offer a very strong prograrr, ,n teacher educa- · tion "Romano said. "Since our last review in 1980, we have consolidated the various

education departments into one strong division offering majors in early childhood, special education, elementary education and five areas of secondary education." In reviewing the education program, strengths and weaknesses have been cited by the advisory board and department members. One of the strengths, according to Sower, is the field experience program. "Our field experience program is unique/' she said. "There are very few schools where students are assigned to a placement and supervised each semester, as well as being assigned to a new school." "The faculty are out in schools," Sower continued. "There is a good interchange. They will help the students deal with what is going on day to day." Romano added, "We have also strengthened our program by offering more field work; education majors begin their field placements in their sophomore year. I am . certain that the Pennsylvania Department of Education will applaud our efforts in this regard." Another strength is that the faculty of the department has experience in basic education, elementary education and secondary education. "Some colleges have faculties that have never been in a classroom," Sower said. Suggestions have also been made for improvements in the education department. It has been uggested, according to Sower, that more emphasis be placed on classroom management. Another suggestion concerns -fieldexperience in the junior year. It has been proposed that the handbook be changed and adapted to specific upper level courses. - more PDE _on3

It's never too late: Dorothy Micale, senior, ponders the decision of choosing the perfect Valentine's Dav card earlier in the week. Valentine's Day is an occasion that can be celebrated every day. So, if you forgot your valentine yesterday, or your valentine forgot you, remember, the spirit of Valentine's Day only begins on Feb. 14. (photo by Cara Graham)

Poll revealsstudentscontent.aboutresidentlif

-by Donna M. Horsley

· Recently, 272 Cabri~i residents participated in a sur~ey about the effectiveness of the resident life program. As a result of the survey diverse views and-recommendations were exQressed concerning: the parietal policy, an -0ncampus recreational establishment, housing situation, drug policy, and the sensitivity of the resident life department in regards to the welfare of the students. Sixty-four polled feel that visitation rights should be extended 24 hours on weekends, though 46 percent were satisfied with parietals on weeknights which allow visitation from noon to midnight. . "Wllat is the big deal? Twenty-four hour visitation would erase the 'sneakiness' going on. Not everyone who is going to come to Cabrini for the niglit or weekend has the money to spend it in a hotel," Roseann Giardiana, sophomore, said. Kathy Gamble, sophomore, said, "It is a pain when a brother or male friend wants to spend the weekend and they have to sleep in a guys dorm where they don't know anyone." Although Gamble feels the parietal policy on weekends should be changed, she likes the visitation policy on weeknights. "There are times when it is really noisy and it's naturally quieter when the guys leave," Gamble said. According to Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, the issue is not whether the male or female spending the week-

inside perspectives • • .-2 news • • . . . . . • • .3 features • • • • ... .s living • • . . . . . . . .9 sports • • • • • ... ·10 sga. . . • • • • • • .•· 11· twac • • • • • • • • • .12

end is-your brother, sister or friend but the lack of privacy and oftentimes inconvenience that results when members of the opposite sex spend the night. Julie Hassler, sophomore, transfer student from Shippensburg State University, said, •~t Shippensburg, each dorm made up their own policy concerning parietals. It just worked out that everyone chose visitation all the time. It didn't really bother me because I made up my own policy with my roommate, so I wasn't inconvenienced." In view of a proposed extension of the visitation hours on either weekend or weekday, Lilly believes there is sufficient interest on the part of the students to open dialogue with their house council on the issue. "We could try to set up a service through the hall councils where certain guys or girls would be willing to take in or entertain guest.s," Lilly said. Sixty percent polled strongly feel there is a need for a pub-like establishment on campus. Hawn Blades, sophomore, said, "It is important to have a place on campus where people can dance, socialize and all can intermingle; you can't do that in the game room or Widener Center." "I feel there is a need for a pub-like establishment·on campus where students can go and feel comfortable in an atmosphere used as an outlet, encourging people to get to know one another better," Lilly said.

Discover careersin religion The religion departmen't sponsored a symposium on careers in religion. For a story on the· day-long presentation, see the features ·section, page 5. (photo by Mark Magner)

Eileen Jensen, s~nior, president of Xavier Hall, feels the resident life program is good overall primarily because she sees the staff working at solving the problems in Xavier Hall. With the actions taken by resident life and the administration involving drugs, cries of inconsistency were often ·expressed. Yet 85.4 percent polled agreed that the resident life department effectively applies the college's drug policy. The results of the survey also concluded that 90 percent agree that their reside_nt assistant is sensitive to their needs as an individual. "I look up to my R.A. like a big brother," Chris Francis. freshman, said. Over 70 percent feel the director and managers of resident life are approachable and the majority of students polled feel that their resident assistant is sensitive to their individual needs. However, 27 .1 percent polled do not feel ·comfortable approaching a resident assistant other than their•own with a problem. "The R.A.'s don't reach out to anyone other than those in their house or dorm; they should be more we\l-rounded but I realize that is easier said than done," Jane Rezich, senior, said.

85 Club Budgets Announced The student government association budget committee held its spring '85 budget hearing. For a breakdown on club budget allocations. see the SGA section page 11.(photo by Mark Magne;)


loquitur - friday, feb. 15, 198q



editorials Making the grade Withincentives It has been approximately

two years since the National Commission on Excellence in Education released "A Nation at Ri'sk," a report on the mediocrity of the American education system. One of the report's recommendations for improving the quality of our schools was salary increases in the teaching profession. •Finally, that recommendation has become a reality, at least in the state of New Jersey. New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean has proposed that an $18,500 minimum starting salary be paid to its teachers. This attempt to lure the brightest college students into the teaching profession is a necessary step in improving education in our country and the status of the professionals in that field. As college-educated'professionals, teachers deserve the fruits of their hard work; this includes a salary equal to other

-s;-1_ I-

professionals with whom they are at a comparable level.

.. I


Without this effort at attaining the highest quality teachers, school systems .lose out to businesses, employers offering a better opportunity. How many potential teachers might have given up teaching for a field offering more money or a better position? This is not greed on their part, merely reality. · The quality of a teacher's work will improve when they feel respected for the job they do, supported by the fact that the government is willing to invest more money into hiring them. By making the ·, teaching profession a field. that more students choose to go into rather than something they do for lack of a better job, futq.re generations will benefit; dedication will• return.

"Will those students NOT going our for an R.A. postion,

NeWsocial setting needed The issue of roommates' rights being infringed upon by frequent guests has raised a new question among members of the campus community. If a student can't bring visitors to his own room, where can he bring them? All the dormitories and houses have lobbies and/or television rooms, but these can often be noisy, heavily trafficlted areas. The Widener Center, with its classrooms, administrative offices and lecture hall, may seem too "businesslike" for relaxation. The Wig-Warn Jacks an intimate atmosphere, the library is too academic, and the chapel- too somber. Without a car to find some off-campus spot, a quiet conversation is doomed to roam aimlessly on these 110 acres. There seems to be an obvious need for an alternate social gathering area - one in


please stand up?!"

which students can relax, intermingle, and meet with off-campus guests apart, from their academic and residential settings. An establishment along the lines ot' a club or lounge could easily serve all these needs by providing informal dancing to juke box music, serving a basic sandwhich menu and offering nonalcoholic drinks. This formula has been proven successful on the Westchester State University campus, where their nightspot "Cheers II" has become a popular alternative to house parties, and on the Villanova campus, with its Connelly Center restaurants, snack bars, and alcoves. Before we add another dormitory for a larger enrollment of new students, shouldn't we provide a healthier setting for the ones who are already here?


'!oK t" I.,. I

letters Facultymember voices pro-life stance To the editor, I was amazed at the headline.on your Feb. 1 issue, introducing a report on th~ March for Life in Washington, D.C., written by Mary Kate Grimley. · · The headline read "Pro-choice students march in D.C.," instead of pro-life. Indeed I was shocked that after braving the below freezing temperature of 25 degrees, the 71500 pro-life marchers, who came from all parts of the U.S., should· have credit given to pro-choice. Pro-choice means proabortion. The pro-choicers are proud to have given the choice to kill one out of

three, rather than one out of four innocent unborn babies. An unborn baby is iilled in our country every 20 seconds, 4,000 a day and over 1,500,000 a year. An impressive record to build up their pride and our shame. Loquitur has been very careful in ·presenting both sides to the abortion issue, as shown in the unsigned article placed front page under Grimley's accurate report. Planned Parenthood's Schwartz has been given the opportµnity to boast: "71,50.0 people is not that many. We could easily get as much support after 12 years of protest."

If so, why haven't they? The truth is.that the pro-lifers do not have to be paid for · what they do. In fact, they volunteer time, work and expenses in their struggle not only to save the lives of the unborn but also to offer assistance-free of charge-to mothers who find themselves with problem pregnancies. There is a ·hotline number service 24 hours a day: 626-3066. On the other hand, in· the women's clinics, the counseling of pregnant women with problems is not headed to solve their problem, but to do away with it in the most lucrative way for the clinic, by way of abor-

viewQOint . . Openyour .eyesto geography "Indiana? Where's Indiana?" That was the question asked by some of the editors after we decided that we would drive to a convention to be held there. Most of us did not know how far away the state was, exactly where it was located or how long it would take for us to get there. This ignorance of geography, however. is not limited to.communication majors; revent studies have shown that many American students have a very limited knowledge of geogra-

loquitur cabrini


Loquitur is published weekly dur1ng the school year bv the students ot Cabrini Cottege, Radnor. Pennsvlvonro, 19087 Subscription price ,s S1l per year and rsincluded 1nthe benefits secured by tuition ond student fees



News Editor LUCIOLour1to Assistant: Shelagh McG1nn

barbara .mongelli


.\'Iany students know little geographically about the United Stateti and other countries of the world. Example: what is the capitaf 01 Nebratika? On which continent is the U.S.S.R. located? (The answers are Lincoln and Asia.) l\'lany Americans feel that this is practically useless information. Ignorance of geography, however, is indicative of a false security that many Americans feel; a sense that there is no need to learn the location of a country that they may never see and that beyond the United States, little else matters. This naivety is ridiculed by foreigners. When I was in France, I met several people who held a low opinion of Americans because they thought we had a bad attitude, that many of us were snobs unconcerned with the world outside of our own country. I can remember being in Europe and meeting people who could quickly rattle off the location of the states ofour countrJ, something I'm ~ure many Americans could not do. (Do you

tion which is their main source of income. Their product must be sold, and it make, millions. The ABC network poll of 500 individuals is ridiculous in a country with a population of 226,545,805 (according to the 1980 census), and compared to the 12 years of thousands who marched in Washington in defense of the defenseless: . After all, it is a matter oflife and death. Mrs. Josefina R. Guerra, Arq. Adjunct faculty Cabrini College

know which states border Kansas or Iowa?) Just as many Americans feel it 1s unnecessary to learn a foreign language because they may not ever use it, many are contented to remain in the dark geographically for the same reason. This overall apathy towards broader aspects of the world are leading to the decline in a thorough knowledge of the world around us. I'm happy to say that when we leave for our convention in Indiana, I will be able to quickly point out that we will pass through central and western Pennsylvania and then Ohio · before we reach our destination. When my plane lands in France next year, I'll know in which direction to head when I .want to get to the French Riviera. Besides, the road to geographical excellence does not have to be paved only with books and atlases. Take a trip cross- country or around the world-what better way to get to know what's north, south, east and west of Radnor, Pa.

Perspectives Editor Wg1n10 Smitr• • Features Editor Bonnie Zischohg Assisto"'lt·Donna Horsley · LMng Editor Gia DiG1rn1nioniAsslStan~Robert ~1 archesa'"li ,oorts Edrtor Michelle Bomber Assistant BJ Perrocci t\ssistonrs.•o the SGA page Joo,-,Krc01er Art Ed1to,t. Debbie Clcirei!o or.d Sett· Oo!y

Photograonv Editor ::arc GfC~O'TI A.c;sistont ~ark Vigg,C,o BusinessManager ~Obin Lc1Kins Photogroohv k:tv1ser DeCarter Craigie Adviser Dr Jerome Zwek Staff: Margaret Angelucci. Larry AqJ1no. Fronk BokoSkl.Karen Bowers, Koren Cklrk. Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demski, Marybeth Evich. Katie Gwnley Kerry Hogen. Chns Koerner. Rondy Lefko. Maureen McAnespy la~ro Przywora TrishReilly Allen Revet Eileen Riddle. Peggy Simon. Kntt-~ Wochenheim The SGAand fWAC pages ore oold odvemse.ments. The content is under the supervision of those offices. Laquitur welcomes lette<s to the editOL Letters should be signed and the oufhorship knO'wn to the edito~. However: if 'the wri!er wishes. and the editor agrees. the write(s name mavbe left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as '"name withheld at the request of the write<: Let19rsshould be typed. dauble-SPOCedand no marethan 300wadl in length. n a 1e11eris tao 10ng to<the OIIOiloble 9'lOC8, !he editor moved! or condense. l1it:'the ea11or lhO<lldbe MllT1lltedbv noonon Mondav1,

loquitur - friday, feb. 15, 1985



LanguagedepartmentintroducesCulturGrams The language departmen~ recently implemented the use of CulturGrams in many of the introductory language classes. Helene Hennigan, chairperson of the language department, recently received the pamphlets from the Brigham Young University David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. There is a four page pamphlet for every nation of the world. Each is a capsule description explaining the customs of the nation; the recreational interests of the people; the history and government of the society; religious practices and philosophies; dietary habits; expressions of general attitudes gestures, transportation and communication systems. Hennigan requested the pamphlets in order to teach the cultural similarities and differences of each nation to the department's foreign language students. According to Hennigan, the students enjoy them b(;)cause of the interesting facts that the pamphlets relate. · For example, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, shyness or reluctance to socialize is often interpreted as giving a cold response, as one CulturGram explains. As another describes, in the Commonwealth of Australia, a clenched .fist with raised thurrib is

PDE from 1 Other suggestions include: more programs in preparing parent and teacher relationships dealing with the supervisory aspect of the job and safety mechanics. A general concern, according to Sower, is on one hand, teachers need more of a general education program and on the other, they need more professional education. "We are concerned on how to meet this, " Sower said. "Secondary education says more credit time. and less field experience is needed, and the Department of Education says field experience is needed." she said. To further the evaluation process, the education department will take the suggestions from the report of the evaluating team and those of the advisory board to put together ~ review during the sumri:er. Once the new set of standards concerning teacher certification come from Harrisburg, another review will be in process to meet the standards. Cabrini's education program has remained strong while other colleges are

Staff encouraged to facilitate new computers news briefs

The college has on loan from IBM, five XT personal computers and printers. One is set up in in the Loquitur newsroom in by Robert B. Marchesani the Widener Center and one is in the psya vulgar gesture. The same gesture is used chology department. Although one has not across the United States as a hitchhiking arrived, the remaining two units are set up sign. in room J, adjacent to the computer lab, for faculty use, as will be the fifth one. According to Barbara Duncan, supervisor of the computer laboratory, "Faculty are encouraged to come down and type their work on the computers." The.computers are set up with WordStar for word processing, and MultiPlan, a The Scanner, an intercollegiate maga- spread sheet for recording and calculating zine, is sponsoring a Health Expo April 26 grades. Instructions, manuals and referthrough the 28 at the Penn Center Hotel. ence guides are avaiiable. In addition to The publication would like to have some Duncan, Gerald"Satlow, chairperson, comstudent volunteers with good skills and an puter science department, and Julie Luckinterest in public relations to work with raft, assistant professor of computer scithem at the exposition. ence, are available for instruction and The student should have an interest in assistance. fitness and be able to work a minimum of Duncan said, "I think instructors who ten hours for five hour shifts at a time. don't know anything about computers can begin writing letters within a half-hour of their first experience with IBM's XT." Adeline Bethany, chairperson of the fine phasing out. "I think it has to do with the · arts department, said, "I am delighted students we are attracting," Sower said. about being able to use the computer to "They are hard working, good students revise my dissertation. Satlow, Luckraft, who are dedicated to their studies." and Duncan are generous with. their time "We also have support from the general and very helpful." faculty and the sisters," she continued. The computer systems are on loan for six "There is a natural sympathy for this months, at which time the college has the program." option of returning or purchasing them. Looking to the future of the college's According to Satlow, "This deal is part of education program, Sower said, "We will an on-going exploration to ascertain how be stronger." the computers can be used in other aca"Governor Kean has proposed an demic areas. Part of our objective is to $18,500 minimum starting salary in New make the computers available for the Jersey," she said. "Salaries that are cominstructors so that they can explore on petitive will strenghthen teacher their own prior to introducing the students education." to them." According to the New York Times, this could be considered one of the hi,ghest statewide minimum salaries. "The new standards are positive changes,'" Sower said. ''Testing to get into the "field is a good basic principle. It will help improve teacher education." Sower concluded, "It will be wrenching if The annual international dinner is the end result is better teachers. It will be a scheduled for Thursday, Mar. 21, in the better field.". Mansion dining room. According to Denise

Scanrierseeks studentsfor Health Expo

International club sponsors annual dinner

Carr, senior, president, international club, a former Spanish student will play the guitar and facilitate a sing-a-long. Carr said that Helene Hennigan, chairperson of the languages department, and Irene Rach at, assistant professor of French and Spanish, are trying to schedule Spanish dancers for the evening. The time for the performance, if scheduled, and the dinner will be posted as soon as the information is secured.

Reherto publish article in journal Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson of the religion department, will publish an article in the "College Theology Society Annual Volume." The article pertains to ''.Americanism - The Movement of Roman Catholicism in Late 19th Century." Reher is also beginning a six volume series for a 1986 deadline sponsored by the United States Catholic Association in Washington, D.C.

Point-.to-Point seeking escorts for disabled Point-to-Point, a local non-profit service, is recruiting caring people, 21 or older, to drive and accompany frail elderly and disabled individuals to medical appointments and shopping trips. Escorts, as these employees are called, use their own cars and are paid for their time and reimbursed for mileage. For more information, contact Beth Arnold at 9640440.

Viola lectures on 'Life at Death' On Thursday, Feb. 21, Roger Viola from . the critical care unit at Lankenau Hospital, will be lecturing on "Life at Death: a Spirituality of Faith, Hope and Love." Viola is completing his master's degree in theology and is exploring theologies of death in his thesis research. The lecture will be held in the library conference room at 7:30 p.m.

Career AwarenessMonth

Seminars preparestudentsfor ·securingjobs by Kathi Wachenheim

February means more than just hearts and presidents at Cabrini. This month has been entitled Career Awareness Month and is dedicated to preparing students for the next step after graduation. Donna Seckar, director of the career counseling· center, wi"th help from teachers and students., developed various programs for Career Awareness Month. "These programs are set \IP to promote career awareness and present information on job possibilities," Seckar said.

Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities, who aided in developing the ·career month, added, "We want to increase student focus and direct their actions before senior year." One pr·ogram already presented was the Alumni-sponsored program on Jan. 30. Guest . speaker Laurie McCarthy, director of executive recruiting for .David Perry Associates, and five 1984 graduates of Cabrini told of their beneficial experiences on how to prepare a resume and what to expect in an interview. Karen Gaffney, ('84), who is


currently a pharmaceutical sales representative, stated, "The students could really relate to us since we had just graduated. we· ranged from the type who had a job before they graduated like Ann Marie Alfonsi, ('84), to a person like me. I mailed out 50 resumes and went to 30 interviews before I got my job." Gaffney added, "I learned a lot about my field from having so many interviews. I kept at it because I wanted a job badly." One aspect that may keep students from attending the workshops and programs may be from

fear of moving on after college. However, as DiRaddo pointed out, "A lack of attendance (because of fear) only increases fear." Gaffney stated, "There was a scared feeling in the audience but this is normal. People are apprehensive about getting their resumes out too late and whether or not their cumulative average is high enough. Everyone gets hung • up on (grade point averages). Don't degrade yourself." Other programs later in the month will be a Cabrini-Eastern (College)" Career forum, vid-

eotaped interviews and a summer job forum. When asked which was the most important seminar, Seckar stated, "It depends on the student's need. All can be significant. The Cabrini-Eastern Career forum will be good for freshmen. There will be people there from their career interests to answer any questions."

If students have any questions or apprehensions about how to succeed in getting a job, they are encouraged to attend the seminars during Career Awareness Month.


CLEANING:Person won!ed to vacuum once a week 4hrs/Week. Thursday or Friday, flexible. lronsportotion con be provided. Coll Mrs. Marquardt at 688-6254.

.DRIVERWANTED:Dnver wonted lo pick up

DRIVERWANTED:Person with car wonted for running errands to the cleaners and the market. 2 morning~ or 2 afternoons a week.3-5 hours. Coll Mrs. Ingersoll at 687-A0SB or 546-ms.

person ot Villanova ond·toke home every day. Musi hove car Coll Jone Monti at 972-7968

CHILDCARE: Person wonted for child core with a subs!ontiol amount of hours. Musi provide own transportation. Coll Rochelle Porter at 667-r:194.

TELEPHONESOLICITORS:2 telephone solicitors wonted on Mondays through Thursdays from 6-9 for $5/hr. Contact Ken Meade of Trader Publication at 667-2000.

RESTAURANTHELP: Cook"s helper is wanted on Tuesday through Sunday from "Kl:30-3:00at $3.35/hr Wo~er and waitress wonted on Fridays and Saturdays from 4:30-11.30 for S2.00lhr &.hps. Contact the Hyde Pork Restaurant. ask for Coral McCiffrey



TELEPHONEWORK: People wonted to operate telephones for local non-profit orgonizol!on. Doy shif' is from 10:00-3:00 and pays 15 percent commission. Night shift is from 5:00-9:00 and pays $3.35/hr. Contact Eillen Simon at 337-3014. HOUSEKEEPING:Person wonted for 2-3 hours per day os often os possible during the week. Pays S.450 per hour. Must hove own transportation. but is in on Ardmore · location neor trains. Contact Beth Lieberman in the fi noncial aid office at ext. 420. 0

COMPANIONWANTED:Companion wonted for elderly pe,son. Doy work usual!¥ 3 to 4 hours a few days a week. $4/hr. no cleaning but help with breakfast and lunch. Must hove car. Coll Nancy Peters at 688-1534. BOOKEEPERWANTED:Bool<epperwonted Monday through Friday from 8:30-5.-00. Send resume to Mr. Wlnond at the Educafionol Computer Corp. 175 Stroffo<d Ale. Stro1fo«1 Po. 19087 or caU 687-2600 for more information. FREE ROOM& BOARD:Free room and t,oord in exchange for occasional child core ol one -,.eo,oki Must hove car. Coll Kelbick at 828-661l

loquitur- friday,feb. 15, 1985



AYEAROUTOFCOWGE, ANDASTRAUSS ISMAKINGAVIATION HISTORY INTHEARMY. "I got into ROTC really just to see what it was all about. For me, it all couldn't have worked out better." Army ROTC got Anda Strauss off to a good start. Maybe it can do¡ the same for you. To find out, stop by your Army ROTC office on campus. And begin your future as an officer.

Tm being assigned to a Chinook helicopter unit in Germany as a test pilot and maintenance officer, and I'm proud that I'll be the first woman to have that assignment over there. It's a real thrill for me. "So was learning ho\\' to fly a helicopter. It takes a lot more skill than an airplane. If you think college is demanding, flight school is even tougher. It's not only academically demanding, it's really mentally demanding as well as physically. "In Germany, I'll have a chance to use some of the leadership and management techniques I learned in ROTC. It's going to be a real challenge having command responsibilities.

2nd Lt Anda Strauss \\'asa political science major at \\'akc forest and a memhcrPf Arm\' ROTC



MOTE Contact Captain Yanos

688-1800, Ext. 234 or 687-9495





loquitur- friday,feb. 15, 1985



Careersextendbeyonddesireto succeed by Mary Beth E_vich Is your idea of success graduating from college in four years with experience from an internship to back you up, good grades, a $20,000 a year job, marriage, two point three children and a two car garage? Will you be successful because you have achieved material satisfaction or have you just met society's. perception of success? In today's society many people perceive sucMlfHD cess by material satisfaction and not selfsari satisfaction. Qn Thursday, Feb. 7, the Religion Department sponsored a lecture with an emphasis on careers in religion. After the lecture, the speakers discussed ho_wthey combined their lifestyles with their personal values. Some of the speakers recalled how they questioned the meaning of success. Mariy of the speakers left a a commer- · cial lifestyle to pursue a more personal fulfilling career. Barbara Staley, a live-in volunteer for Covenant House, talked about her background and what attracted her to work within a community of other altruistic individuals. The Covenant House Faith Community is a group of Christian lay men and women who come together as fulltime live-in volunteers for at least thirteen months and who commit. them.selves to daily communal and private prayer, to share a simple life-style together and to serve to work with homeless and runaway youth who come to the Covenant House. Staley explained that she majored in accounting and special education in college. She also worked with the.mentally retarded for two years and found the work gratifying but felt that something was missing. After reading an article in Reader's Digest about Covenant House, she commented on feeling challenged. A student watches the slide presentation that a vocBtion director of The community is seen and felt to be the the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart displayed during the spirtitual force behind Covenant House. careers in religion workshop. (photo by Mark Magner) Staley receives $12 a week for her services and this includes room and board. interests and discover your talents. There the job they really feel suited for. Considering today's emphasis on are many different ways to discover the Is the direction your life is now heading careers, students feel the pressure of findpath to the future suited to you. Take provide you with a self-satisfying career ing a job, making a living and maybe someand lifestyle? Will you be happy five or ten advantage of career counseling and do not day supporting a family: There is a trend be afraid to try something new. It is much years from now if your goals are met? for students to consider only those fields · Now is the tiine for evaluating your better to ~Ian a self-satisfying career today which have high-paying jobs and not those than finding out ten years from now that wants and goals. Take the time to consider fields which seem to be self-rewardyou made a hasty _decision by entering a all benefits and consequences of possible ing. Many students may be trapped in a career. College is a time to explore your field that provides only material gains. job that may be well paying but may not be


Fourth Annual Cabrini-Eastern CAREER DAY Wednesday, Feb. 20


Careers & Career Changes (panel) 3:0op.m. wclh Career Representatives 4:00p.m. wid.ctr., shh

Stock Broker Doctor


Technical Writer

Juvenile Detention Officer

Setting up a Nursery School· Radio Announcer/ Talk Show Host Man~ger-

Mentally Handicapped·c·are Facilify

Pursuing value-oriented careersby Bonnie Zischang _ Liz Mach was an ordinary college student who majored in nursing. None of her peers woul-d have considered her religious because she was not active in Campus Min-istry, although. she was very service-oriented. Just six months after she graduated from college, Mach heard a MaryKnoll priest voice a plea for nurses in Africa. The idea of·going on an oversees adventure to use her nursing skills was very appealing. In 1974, Mach signed a three year contract with Mary Knoll Lay Missioners to be a part of the overseas missionary activity of the Church. Upon completion of her three years in Africa, she found that what she was doing really satisfied her. So much so that she signed up for another three year term. Today, Mach has been with MaryKnoll for nine years. Barbara Staley, a Covenant House volunteer, was an accounting and special education major in college. After Staley graduated from college, she worked with the menta_lly retp.rded for two years but found it very frustrating. She knew that retarded individuals had the capacity to respond to God but were not encouraged to do so by the doubtful, unsupportive people who worked with th.em. Upon reading an article in Reader's Digest, Staley was challenged to join Covenant House as a volunteer and share with others in faith motivation, commitment to prayer. community and ministry work. "I felt that my choice to join Covenant House was based on a response to what I thought Christ was asking ofme. It was not a sudden overnight decision but rather something that evolved over the years," explained Mach.

'People choose jobs with a lower-than-average income for the sake of their value system. The reason I enjoy my work so much is because I feel that my life and my work blend.' -Chel Avery, American Frjends Service Committee Chel Avery works with the American Friends Service Committee <AFSC), as a writer for its newspaper, a report to contributors concerning the social change work being done oversees by the AFSC. Avery is a Quaker from the Midwest who said that she always knew she wanted to l;,e a writer. She commented on what caught her interest in being a writer for the AFSC. "The AFSC is an organization involved in carrying out social change, programs of service, cfevelopment, justice and peace. My desire to work for them stemmed from the fact that I am a Quaker and also because I majored in communications in college," replied Avery. Social Science and the study of how human beings communicate was Avery's specific interest in college and she wanted to combine that interest with that of the AFSC, Vl'.hichis more political and social rather than religious. The department she works in though, brings the religious aspects into perspective. Avery commented on why an average, not particularly :religious person would want to work in an organization where the salary is less than normal range. "Most people do it for the sake of their value system. The reason I enjoy my work so much 1s because I feel that my life and my work blend," said Avery. Other represent.atives present at the workshop were the M1;;sionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Project Outreach and St. · Francis. Inn_,


loquitur friday,feb. 15, 1985


WHO'S WHO Among Americ

Reservedintellectpracticesmore than academics by Larry P. Aquino Holding the rank of green belt and soon to test for brown belt in Chinese kenpo karate, the quiet and reserved mare tial artist practices daily. "Karate is just a good break from school because it's a different kind of art form," said Gerard Lennon, senior. The dedicated health enthusiast takes this demanding art seriously. "I remember right before we would go to sleep, we would hear grunting only to discover that it was Gerard doing his karate exercises," said Mark Magner, senior and a former roommate of Lennon. Lennon, a triple major in math, Spanish and secondary education has received the Who's Who Among College Students Award for his high academic standing and his active involvement in extracurricular activities. Lennon's girlfriend, Eileen Jensen, senior, commented that Lennon is very quiet, modest, sincere and extremely honest. Jensen added, "When Gerard puts his mind to something; he won't stop until it's done. I remember when Gerard and the other. class officers were planning the Junior/senior dance. He kept emphasizing how special he wanted it to be. And it was." The quiet intellectual has made his presence known on Cabrini's campus. Lennon is a Dean's. list student. He is a member of Sigma Zeta, the science honor society and a rn'ember of the studellt academic council. Lennon is president of the senior class. served as president of the junior class and was corresponding secretary for the executive board of the student government. association. Lennon, a 1981 graduate of St. Elizabeth's high school, Wilmington, Del., is a participant in the college's honors program. He is a recipient of a Cabrini academic scholarship, the Charles A. Mastronardi Service and Leadership

who first people introduced me to Cabrini." McLaughlin commented, "Gerard hasn't changed much since high school. Even back then, it was obvious that he would excel, especially academically." Lennon has served the community as a member of the campus ministry association where he has devoted his time as a lector and Eucharistic minister. Lennon is also a Care center tutor for calculus, statistics and Spanish. One ofLennoi:i's hobbies besides karate is running. Lennon has participated in the cross country program at Cabrini. In 1982, Lennon received Most Valuable Player honors for his achievements in cros~ country. Another former roommate of his said something about Lennon that not too many people know about. "Gerard has a lot of idiosyncrasies. He has an extraordinary daily routine and sometimes listen,; to a song he likes 20 times in a row," said John Doyle. ser..ior. Brian Rottkamp, senior, believes that Lennon has an offbeat sense of humor. '-'I can remember when he searched through my .clothes looking for quarters to play Miss PacMan. I -didn't mind. f even found it humorous that my quarters were in the pockets of the ·pants I was wearing." Lennon commented that his educational goals will not end at Cabrini. "I'm leaning towards graduate school for math and would also like to improve my Spanish by visiting a Spanish speaking country." Lennon said. photo by Mark Magn&r Gerard Lennon "He's a conscientious student who has always had a clear idea of what he has wanted to do. He's obviously a concerned, well organized individual," said Robert McGee. chairman of the mathematics department. award and the Mother lJrsula award for representing the When asked abouf tne Who's Who award, Lennon comideals of Cabrini College. . mented. "The Who's Who award is a great honor. To me. it is Junior Eileen McLaughlin, a friend of Lennon's since very special because it has put me in.th-e same company·of high school said. "I owe a lot to Gerard since he was the one people whoin I greatly admire."

Belskycomputesformulafor success by Karen Clark Ann Belsky has been described by her peers as a very nice, open and well-liked person. Belsky is a triple major in English. and communications, math and computer · science. She has been on Dean's list since her freshman year. For her academic achievements as well as her likeable personality, she has been chosen to be ·one of the recipients of the Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities award. Belsky has served as editor-in chief for the literary magazine, "Cryptic," the yearbook, "Woodcrest," as well as being the editor of the opinion, gallery and SGA pages ofLoquitur. Belsky has also written for the Scanner, an intercollegiate newspaper, and she has written sports information for the Cabrini public relations office. She recalls the days and nights in the newsroom as being one of her more memorable experiences. "I used to watch the sun,· rise from the newsroom window," Belsky recalled. · Her outstanding leadership qualities

for small things. such as naming all the have earned her the Cabrini Service and · plants in her room. Each plant has a "hello Leaderhip award. Belsky has also received my name is ..." tag on it with the name that a Cabrini academic scholarship, and the she gave to the plant. Belsky also has a Leeds and Northrup academic award. · stuffed animal collection. Her favorite is Besides being intelligent and a good Yogi bear. "He goes everywhere with me leader, Belsky is admired by her friends as and if I go ·home he comes too," Belsky an "all-around good person." Marybeth said. Venditti. junior, said, "She is willing to To enhance her computer skills, Belsky help you if you have a problem, a·nd is easy had a Capitol Semester internship, in Harto talk to." risburg. Her duties included revision and John Doyle, senior, worked on the yearcreation of computer programs, generation book staff with Belsky and described her as very understanding. "She gave me as . ofreports for the Bureau of Risk and Insuran·ce Management in the Department of much help as I could have possibly General Services. This semester Belsky wanted," Doyle said. plans to do another internship in the com. The saying "busy hands are happy munications field at the- Sun Compa}J.y. hands" is a fact of life for Belsky. When she is busy and on the go, she is bubbly and Belsky does do more though. In her room, there is a volleyball trophy on her cheerful. "I'm bored if I am not busy," desk. This is a reminder of her davs as a Belsky said. She-also enjoys needlepoint, which member of the women's volleybali team. Also a member of the women's basketball · · keeps her hands pretty busy. Two pillows team,·Belsky truely gives a new meaning on her roommate's wall, one with"John" on to the phrase "done it all." it and the other with '·Debbie" are the ~esults of her talented hands at work. When asked how she feels about being Majoring in three subjects is very busy selected for her newest award, Belsky ·work, however Belsky does take time out replied, "I was calm; my roommate (Debbie

Kidon, senior) was more excited than I was." Belsky believes that the fact Cabrini is a small campus and offers many cipportuni ties made it possible for her to major in three subjects. In the immediate future Belsky plans to get a job in programming and then maybe become a freelance journalist.


An[] Belsky

photo by Mark Viggiano

DiBona combinesacademicsand aesthetics •

by Kathi Wachenheim Senior Lorraine "Lorrie" DiBona was about the only one who was suprised that she was chosen for the Who's Who's Among College students. "I really wasn't expecting it." With everything she has accomplished, it is obvious why she received such an honor. DiBona, who is majoring in English and secondary education, is involved in many things. Shes a member of the Cabrini honor society, Lambda Iota Tau and is a Bruckmann scholar. DiBona has achieved dean's list and Cabrini's academic ~c;holarship. She was ponored with the English/ \:!Ommunications Best Essay in Literature award.


photo courtesy ol Chris Spencer

DiBona has also been inv-0ved with studentacademic council, where she served as senior class representative, on the library committee, the Nationa-1 Council of Teacher's of En~lish, "Woodcrest/' and

"Cryptic." She was an SGA representative in her freshman and sophmore year, dorm council president of Woodcrest and a Gare writing tutor. Currently, DiBona is student teaching eleventh grade English at Washington Township high school. DiBona's future plans are to 'Continue. teaching English and work toward earning her Ph.D so she will be able to teach English on the college level. One quality that shines through the most in DiBona is dedication. Paula Albee, senior, who has lived with DiBona for the last three and a half years, said, "She's serious (aboµt her work). She's not the type of person who can read something and just know it. She'll spend many hours comprehending what she read." Arthur Young, assistant professor of English and communications and director of the CARe center, stated, "Out of my 10 years here at Cabrini, she was one of two of

my best students I ever taught." Her dedication came through clearly at the CARe center. You_ng,said, "She was very giving. She spent many hours tutoring-far more than what was expected of her." Besides being a hard worker, she has many other shining ·qualities. Joan Johnson, senior, said, "She is a really good friend. She is lots offun. She's a person you can count on and she'llalways give you her honest opinion, whether you want to hear it or not." -... Talking to DiBona's friends and Young, who is her advisor, it is very clear that she will surely suceed in her future. Even the man who started DiBona's intrest in English is watching DiBona's success. DiBona is now student teaching for him in her hometown of Turnersville, N.J. DiBona said that all the hard work she did was for herself. "Most people wor~ hard for their parents or something. I did it for myself:"

loquitur - friday,feb. 15, 1985



n Universitiesand Colleges Johnson exudes quiet confidence • things to be recognized. I just like being involved."

Joan Johnson

photo by Mark V1gg1ano

Combining her love for ~eaching and her interest in Spanish, Joan Johnson has earned her mark as a member of Who's Who Among American College Students. Johnson, senior, is a special education, · elementary education and Spanish major. She is a member of the Cabrini honor society ~nd has been on dean's list every semester. She has received a Cabrini academic scholarship, an alumni scholarship, the Junior Saturday Club Special Education scholarship and the Oscar Mayer schelarship. Johnson was also been a Bruckmann scholar in 1983 and 1984. Johnson is involved in many organizations and clubs on campus. She has been the historian for the Council For Exceptional Children (C.E.C.), treasurer for the .Pennsylvania State Education Association(P.S.E.A. l and the president for Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National Scholastic honor society for colleges and universities with a Catholic tradition .. Johnson was a coordinator for the C.E.C. Sunday School program and currently teaches Sunday school. She was also secretary for the international club and a member of the Cabrini volleyball team for three years. Johnson is also involved in the student academic council. · Johnson feels that being recognized for Who's Who is quite a privilege. "I always thought it would be an honor to be recognized as a Who's Who recipient, but it was far from my expectations," said Johnson. "I have always been a 'doer', and did not do

Johnson feels proud that her peers and teachers found her worthy of the award. She 1.sflattered to be among the group of people selected for Who's Who and sharing the honor with people like.her roommate, Katie Manion. · Manion, a senior math and-secondary education major and Johnson have been roommates for four years and they also attended the same high school. "It was only after we lived together that I really got to know Joan," said Manion. ':She has been a great friend and deserves the award for all her work and service to Cabrini."

'Joan gives the impression of being a quiet person but when you get to know her she comes up with great one liners.' -Anne

Hendrickson, senior

Senior Anne Hendrickson, Johnson's next door neighbor. "Joan has lived next door to me for two years. She is involved in

a lot of activities, but she always has time for her friends. Joan gives the impression of being a quiet person but when you get to know her she comes up with great one liners. Joan is one of the most sincere people I know. She says exactly what is on her mind. I am really glad to be considered one of her friends." Joanne Lumpkin, senior said, "Joan's a hard worker and very dedicated. She is a natural at everything she does. Everytime I turn around, she is always there but I don't mind. In fact, I really like it because she's such a special person." Being a Spanish major as well as an education major, Johnson's interest in bilingual education has grown. "Studying in Spain this past summer has really widened my horizons. -I would like to do my master's work in bilingual education or English as a second language," said Johnson. Kathleen Daley, professor of social science, feels that Johnson is deserving of the Who's Who award. "From her days as a freshman participant in Cabrini's honors program to her presidency to Delta Epsilon Sigma, Joan has been a superior student, a marvel at organization and a nice person," commented Daley. Johnson plans to get a job teaching near her home after graduation. She would like to work with trainable mentally retarded children.

Meoli maintainslong distance·friendships -by Laura L. Przywara

They say that "long distance is the next best thing to being there." This was the case for an interview with Nicole Meoli, senior, recipient of the Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges award_. Meoli; a special education and psychology major, who is now student teaching at her home in Suitland, Maryland, left Cabrini a semester earlier than her class, but not without leaving behind a long list of frien~s and accomplishments. ·"She left a mark that is hard to measure up to," commented Ruth Sower, chairperson of the education department .."She performed at such a high level. She has a great deal of insight to children's needs and takes what she learns in class and really applies it. It takes time for most_ofus to integrate all of that. It shows her level of maturity and it just comes natural for her." Meoli transferred from Catholic University in Washington D.C. at the start of her sophomore year. When asked why she came to Cabrini, Meoli commented, "Cabrini gives people a chance to get involved and do a lot more than one· would at a large school where you get lost in the crowd," she· said. "The size of Cabrini challenged me. Cabrini let me initiate the idea of trying things out." That's exactly what Meoli did. She received an academic scholarship, the Junior Saturday ChJb award for special education majors and the Order of the Alam bra scholarship. She is a member of Kappa Sigma Omega, Delta Epsilon Sigma National honor society, where she served as secretary, the Cabrini honor society, and Psi Chi,-the Psychology honor society. Meoli also served on the ArchdioGese of Philadelphia's Special Religious Education Advisory Board, participated in the tut9rial program at Wayne Presbyterian Church and Swim with the Handicapped at West Chester University. She was.~ representative for special education on the student academic council and served as president. She was a creative arts workshop coordinator, newsletter editor and Sunday school coordinator of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Jean Boyle, senior said, "I think Nicole has left a standard foi-CEC to live up to. She contributed a lot of insi~ht, common sense and creativity."

Joan Johnson, senior, recalls that Meoli was always busy. "She didn't just have her name on a list, she was the backbone in everything." When asked if anyone in particular inspires her to be so active, Meoli replied, "I guess it's my parents in general. They have been really active all through my life with what we were doing in school and church. I always saw them volunteering."

'She is a neat combination of caring and gentleness and is very fierce and ferocious about things she cares about,' -Elizabeth Endy,. coordinator of the Education Resource Center

"She is a neat combination of caring and ge.ntleness and is very fierce and ferocious about things she cares about," said Elizabeth Endy, coordinator of the education resource center. "I will remember her as someone who always got done what she set out to do in spite of enormous obstacles. She finds ways around them and is willing to look at options. She will be a fantastic teacher because of that." Meoli is just as dedicated to friendship as she is to her work. "It is dinnertime when I miss Cabrini most," said Meoli. "I miss-everyone sitting down and talking and joking around. I miss the people, my friends and just everyone in general." Johnson commented, "She has a way of making people feel comfortable and accepts them the way they are. You can really count on her." "She is very much her own person, very dedicated. She's great and- I love her," Boyle said. "She's great for me to talk to, very level-headed, outgoing, loyal, honest and non swaying in her beliefs. She's one of the greatest people I've ever met in my entire life. I miss her so much; I feel like I've lost part ofme." · '

Nicole Meo/{

photo courtesy of Chris Spencer

Meoli is still very active at home. Besides student teaching she is also involved with a day camp for handicapped preschoolers, and is assistant director of a social club for retarded adults. · "My immediate goal is to find a teaching job related to special education, move in a place with some friends and con_tinue my education in either special education or psychology. I think it's time. Something inside is saying it's time to move on," Meoli said. Meoli's spirit and dedication is proof that whatever Meoli sets out to do, wherever she ends up, things will get done.


loquitur- friday,feb. 15, 1985



DiMeglio'senergy levelhighlights.campus by Christine

Koerner and Donna Horsley Before most Cabrini students are anywhere close to getting out of bed, or rel uctantly trudging on their way to an 8:30 a.m. class, Lori DiMeglio, senior, has already had a vigorous work_edout in the campus weight room, eaten a nutritious breakfast and planned her schedule for the day. DiMeglio's energy and drive are not only visible in the weight room or on the hockey field, but also through her strong will to excel academically and remain an active contributing factor to the various campus activitie$ and organizations. DiMeglio was president of Kappa Sigma Omega, the college's service organization. She organized the first ever Parents Weekend to be held off campus this past fall. Many considered this past years Parents Weekend the best ever. Jennifer Moore, junior, president of Kappa Sigma Omega, said, "With all the problems we were up against concerning the first off-campus Parents Weekend, she was able to make it a tremendous success."

Moore attributes the success of the past Parents Weekend to DiMeglio's uncanny ability to get her point across and because she stood by what she believed in when it came ti:, dealing with the administration. According to DiMeglio, one of her greatest achievements was being picked as captain of the field hockey team. DiMeglio is always ready to challange and take-on any college activity because she is so full of energy. Not only has DiMeglio served as secretary of her freshman class, secretary and treasurer ofTriBeta, a member of the biology and ecology club, and a traffic committee member, she had also· served as a Council of College Affairs member. ,DiMeglio is the type of person who does anything and everything. DiMeglio's friends consider her not only a crazy, unpredictable and friendly person, but also an outgoing, productive and straightfoward individual. DiMeglio is known to stick by her guns and let you know exactly how she feels about everything. "She is a great roommate and friend. It was nice coming to Cabrini as a transfer

student ana having my roommate so involved and knowing everyone," Denise Horsley, senior said. According to Horsley, her only complaint about having DiMeglio as a roommate is when she asks DiMeglio to wake her in the morning. Horsley said, "That doesn't mean jumping on or ripping the blankets and sheets ofmy bed. Chris Corcoran, DiMeglio's boyfriend, considers DiMeglio "a priority orientated individual." This is why plans for marriage have not been made since she has too many_other things to do first. DiMeglio's zany antics were demonstrated while doing an ecology project during her freshman year. Apparently, she ran around campus making bird calls resulting in the nickname that still holds today, "Birdie.'' DiMeglio has every intention of continuing her education after college. She plans to enroll in the Medical College of Pennsylvania for medical technology, where she will concentrate on the study of infectious diseases.




Lori DiMeglio

photo courtesy of Chris Spencer

Who is that tap-dancingin the cafeteria? by Virginia A. Smith

Rosemary Viggi~no had been up and on the go since 7 a.m. to student teach at the Hillside Elementary School in Berwyn. After ·school, she quickly changed her shoes, grabbed her smock and CCFS hat .and took her familiar place serving dinner entrees in the cafeteria. Two hours later, she was back at McManus House in the role of resident assistant (R.A.), listing new items purchased for the house. That non-stop schedule would've found most people collapsed in bed but when I arrived at her room at 9:00, Viggiano was still smiling and bubbly. "Oh great! You brought your pictures from Spain," she said, taking the photo album from my hands. We had become fast friends as roommates on the Cabrini chorus two week tour of Spain last May, and we were both anxious to reminisce about it. "You know, it was my first time in Europe," Viggiano said. ''And it was so neat to tour Spain as a singing friendship ambassador. The Spaniards were warmer than anyone I've ever performed for in the United States." ln;olvement in special projects, such as the Spanish tour, has been a key ingredient in the success of Viggiano, elected by her peers to be in "Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities." She has also been vice presidep.t of Psi Chi !the psychology honor society), a member of the Honors Program Planning Committee,

vice president of the student chapter of the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA ). vice president of the Cabrini chapter of the Council for Exceptional children, member of the Psychology club, a dorm representative, a psychology tutor, recipient of academic scholarships -and has still managed to be on the Dean's list every semester. "Student-teaching has given me added insights to my field," Viggiano said. "I get to plan lessons and can see what works with the students and what doesn't. Then I can share the information with my mother - who's· also a teacher." She smiles then adds. '"If I think of something hew for my students for Valentine's Day, I'll make a copy of it and share it with mom." The phone.rings, a call from a 'long-lost' friend, and Viggiano chats excitedly, obviously enjoying the conversation. The relationships she developed here will probably be her lasting friendships, she later shared with me. Viggiano's friends are equally supportive of her. "Ro is very fair and non-biased, consid. ering that many of her friends live in the (McManus) house," said Joanne Lumpkin, friend, co-worker and ·housemate. "Working with her in the cafeteria is fun. She's always up - and she even taught me how to tap dance while serving!" "The most profound effect she has had on me," commented senior Debbie Kirk,"is that she can get me to appreciate all I have when I feel down about myself. When all I

see is her great grades, she shows me my supportive parents, my close friends, my boyfriend. Ro has been my inspiration."

Rosemary Viggiano

photo by Mark Magner

Viggiano can also be "witty and crazy," according to her off-campus sid.e-kick, Mary Jo Corozza. "But above all she's considerate. Last week when we went shopping at the mall, she spent three hours

looking for cute little Valentine's gifts for all the girls in her house. I don't know of many R.A. 's who spend their days off doing that." Not only is Viggiano admired by her peers, but also by her teachers. "She's one of the most energetic and motivated students rve been lucky enough to have,'· said M.L. Corbin Si coli, assistant professor of psychology who suggested the minor to Viggiano. "She has a real quiet, calm way about her that inspires confidence. She's the kind of teacher you'd want for your own child.'" Adeline Bethany, dire~tor of the Cabrini Chorus said that Viggiano's participation added to the postive experience of the trip to Spain. "You can only say nice things about her - she's such a sunny, effervescent person. And I'll never forget all her turquoise clothing.'' "Look at this picture," Viggiano says, now off the phone and back to the photo album. "Is that my turquoise skirt you're we~ring? Hey, here we are at the Flamenco show... I really love dancing! And there's the bullfight, and all the mountains seems like we were just there." "It also seems like I just got to Cabrini," Viggiano continued. "Four years go like the blink of an eye, so you've got to take the initiative and get as involved as you can." Then, realizing the seriousness of her senior-type advice, she added, "that's the mind of a teacher for you!"

Manionworkshard for herself and others by Bernadette Demski

Katie Manion is the oldest of eight children. By living in such a large family, Manion is very sensitive to the needs of others and helps others in any way she can. Manion, who has chosen a career in secondary education, said, "I don't just see the academic side of the student. I care about them because I have seven younger sib_lings. I know what students their age go through."

Manionis very sensitiveto the needsof.othersand doesnot hesitateto help _others in any waythat she. can.

Manion, who has been chosen as a Who's Who among American Universities and Colleges recipient, is a double major in

Katie Manion


photo by All~ Reyes

mathmatics and secondary education. Joan Johnson, Manion's roommate, who is also a recipient of the award said, "Kates

first step into Cabrini leadership and · involvement was her being appointed president of the Pennslyvania St!).te Education Association (PSEAl. As a sophomore. she was reluctant to take the 'office but the experience was great for her." Manion has many achievements to her credit. She has been on dean's list for six semesters, involved in: PSEA and is a Bruckmann scholar. Manion is a member . of the Cabrini College honor society, Psi Chi, the psychology honor society and the Sigma Zeta math honor society, as well as a participant in the c< ege honors program. Her leadership experience includes serving as a junior and senior year coordinator for the Cabrini honor society, vice-, president of the Delta Epsilon honor society, secretary-treasurer and president of Sigma Zeta science honor society. Also, Manion is a representative on the student academic council. She has served on the honors program advisory committee, and on the Middle States Steering Committee for academic programs. • Manion not only works as a math tutor for the continuing education division, she also coordinates activities for the Cabrini

College Children's School. ~Manion also participated in the Helping Hand Superthon and the Juniors for Seniors fundraisers. Bonnie Miglio, senior, one of Manion's housemates described her as being "a very calm person, and she is always there to lend herself to others. One thing is for sure, she is not phony and she will let you know the truth about anything. Kate is a true friend."

'One thirigis for sure,she is flOtphonyand she will let_ you knowthe truth aboutanything. -Bonnie Miglio, senior Manion and Johnson are both very academically oriented. After rooming together for four years, they have become 'close friends. They know they can always depend on one another.

loquitur - friday, feb. 15, 1985


Lack of diversity can inhibit growth


Whata tale a mug can tell

by Margaret Angelucci often, and had the security.of knowing that What attracted you to Cabrini College? her parents were nearby if she needed anyWas it the 110 wooded acres in scenic Radthing. Now, however, she cannot call home nor, Pa., a sports scholarship, or was it the or relie on her parents as much. individualized attention Cabrini has to "I definitely have matured since I came offer? Whatever the reason, Cabrini has • to school, even more so now because my been attracting a more diverse student parents are so far away. Of course I get body in recent years, but still is lagging far homesick every now and then, but I have behind most other American universities become much more responsible and feel and colleges on the national level. more prepared to live on my own when I Cabrini has consistently drawn students from the immediate area. The majority of · get out of college," Kraska said. John Aivozoglou, freshman, does live in students at Cabrini today are from Pennthe tri-s;tate area, but Aivozoglou was born sylvania and New Jersey. Other students in Salonika, Greece. Although Aivozoglou are from Delaware, Maryland and New came to America when he was two months York. Only about five percent of the stuold he still has a strong understanding for dents are from other states and foreign culture from his parents. Aivozoglou feels countries. Ethnically speaking, Cabrini this has helped him become more students mostly consist of the Irish and apathetic. · Italian nationalities. . "There is an advantage to having a more "It definitely goes without saying that diverse student body, ethnically, more having a broader, more diverse student than geographically. We can offer the forbody both geographically and ethnically is eign student a great learning experience, an advantage to the students," Anthony while at the same time we can learn from Some of the women from House 6, Vicky Rodriquez, Laura Firely, Mary Beth Tomasco, chairperson of the psychology · them," Aivozoglou said. Venditti, Maureen Talty and Bonnie Zischang, juniors, display some of their department, said. "This is because it helps the students communicate more efficiently favorite mugs. (photo by Allen K. Reyes) with all different types of people, which in 'I would like to see Cabrini turn helps the students communicate better in the outside world." by Bernadette Demski accept more students from because of their wide selection. "You can Sister Christine Marie Baltas, dean of Enter any campus dorm room, and always find one to match the personality of a larger geographic and students, also agrees that having a more you're bound to find, among other things. a the person you are shopping for." diverse student body helps to bring the large assortment of mugs. Most campus ethnic range. Cabrini has a Robert Marchesani, junior, received a campus community closer to the realities residents own at least one mug and have · mug from a friend when he was in bed with lot to offer by being small.' many uses for it, or a great story behind it. of the real world. the flu. His mug reads, "God helps those "I feel that not having a diverse campus Personalized mugs, mugs with cute, cud-John Aivozoglou, who help themselves." Because community would not foster growth or dly animals on them, mugs splashed with Marchesani is a novice at Daylesford freshman understanding of differences," Baltas said. psychedelic colors, and mugs displaying Abbey, the illustration of a jolly monk at Although many students are from the gorgeous men or women adorn many of the breakfast below this proverb holds a spetri-state area, there are some students who "I would like to see Cabrini accept more dorm rooms. cial meaning for him. come from such distant states as CaliforSome mugs carry crazy stories, or have students from a larger geographic and ethOnce you have a mug, you can find nia and Oklahoma. Chris Hunt, freshman, nic range. Cabrini has a lot to offer by . unusual histories. The following account dozens of uses for it. Mary Beth Venonsky, is from the San Fernando Valley in Los being small. It can give the individualized followed a mug all the way from London. junior, and Tanya Letizia, junior, came up Angeles, California. Before attending England: Leah Cascarina, fre hman, wa attention a student needs when coming with some novel ideas. "You can use a mug Cabrini. Hunt went to Los Angeles Valley given a mug which she calls her "good luck from a different ethnic backround or even for hot and cold beverages; you can't put College in Los Angles, Ca. mug," and claims that she will drink from coming from a different area in the states," coffee in a glass. Mugs are ideal for soup, "fn comparison, Los Angeles Valley Colnothing else. A friend of Cai.carina, who Aivozoglou said. and make great pencil holders. Mugs also lege had a lot more ethnic diversity. StuAlthough Cabrini is not as di verse as the visited an English pub, brought back this can hold loose change, a tooth brush and dents come from Peru, Israel, just about students, teachers and administration mug, and presented it to Cascarina filled tooth paste; they can act as paper clip and everywhere. Cabrini, however,. does not with punch. would like it to be, it has come a long way. rubber band holders, while some are just have a large student body so itis difficult to As Cascarina swallowed th~ last of the According to Tony Ferraccio, assistant pretty enough to be used as decorations," be as diverse," Hunt said. director of admissions, "Cabrini tends to punch, a small, green, slimy frog appeared they suggested. Hunt feels that th~re is a great advanat the bottom. This smali creature has surdraw groups of people from different high tage to having students from both different schools. For example, out of 195 freshman prised many of the mug's users, and has Mugs are especially popular among colethnic backrounds and different geocaused them to spit out, or choke on their this year, eight are from Cardinal O'Hara lege students because of their various graphic areas, not only areas of the United in Pennsylvania, six are from Archbishop drink. This souvenir mug reads, "The Frog designs and uses, and their reasonable States but also foreign countries. Mug, A Quaint Remimder of18th Century Pendergrast, also in Pennsylvania, six are price, but most of all because mugs have a from Holy Cross, five are from Holy Spirit Tavern Humor." unique way of reflecting your individual "I feel the interaction with people from Mugs also make excellent gifts. and five are from Paul IV, all of which are style and -personality. different areas is very interesting. A per- · in New Jersey." Kathleen Dooley, freshman, thinks this is son can learn so much culturally. For instance, I had a friend from Russia who explaineq to me that the Rusian people are very similar to the American people and their lifestyles. He also told me that nuclear war is just as frightening to them as it is to us," Hunt said, "I really learned from that because I pictured their society by Maureen McAnespey this dragon is a string of firecrackers fa-ts'ai," meaning "happy greetings"- and entirely different." which represents the driving away of the "may you gather wealth." Another difference tha.t Hunt found at Americans' typically associate bringing evil spirits," she continued. According to Yuen. most Chinese-AmerCabrini is that the students are not as apain the New Year with resolutions, wild parican families only obseie celebrations on thetic and are somew.hat more prejudice es, football games, and the descending New Year's day itself, although the fesbecause they are not exposed to many ethball on Times· Square. But few have such tivities are ongoing. The highlight of the nic groups. specific conceptions about the Chinese celebration is the New Year's eve feast. New Year. Although it is widely celebrated Before the meal, paper strips are hung on The Chinese religion by the Chinese-American community, all doors to prevent the entrance of evil 'It definitley is an experience many of us are unaware of what it is and spirits, and no one may enter or leave until involves clearing away the to conie from California to how rt is celebrated. the paper is removed shortly before dawn bad luck of the old year, The Chinese New Year is the most the next day. the east coast; its a great important ·and popular of the Chinese fesYuen said, "We visit our families and Jbtaining a new slate for the learning experience.' tivals. Its date is fixed traditionally ~ccordenjoy a big dinner, just like you do on following year. ing to the Chinese lunar calendar; so the Christmas. After dinner we then exchange -. Chris Hunt, celebration falls somewhere between Jan. good luck money which is enclosed in a red In keeping with the idea of .freshman 21 and Feb. 19 on the Gregorian calendar. 'envelope. The red represents good luck." clearing out the old, theThis year the celebration is designated to "It definitely is an experience to come begit1 this Saturday. Chinese New Year is also from California to the east coast; it's a 'The dragon visits different Most are familiar with the sight of a considered to be an great learning experience," Hunt said. long, rainbow-colored dragon that is households and Leslie Kraska,junior, is another student paraded down the streets of Chinese appropriate time to at Cabrini, who lives outside of the tribusinesses, representing neighborhoods; The celebration of the Chihouseclean and to pay off state area. When Kraska first came to nese New Year, however, actually em odies good luck for the coming Cabrini she lived Baltimore County, a deeper, underlying meaning for the Chidebts. Maryland. Recently, however, Kraska year.' nese family unit and community. moved to Yukon, Oklahoma. Kraska says No one knows how far back in Chinese -Edith Yuen, that it is more advantageous to attend a history the New Year celebration origicollege that is distant from home. a Chinese-American nated. The Chinese religion involves a "I have traveled so mlich since I moved to belief that the New Year celebration cleats In keeping with the idea of clearing out. Oklahoma. My friends know I can't go Traditionally, the festivities last 15 days away the bad luck of the old year; thus, the old, the Chinese New Year was also home too often., so. they invite me to stay until the Lantern festival, a time for followers obtain a new slate for the follow- considered to be an appropriate time to with them, which is an advantage," parades of beautiful paper lanterns and ing year. houseclean and pay off debts. Kraska said. street dances by the gigantic, puppet-like "The dragon_visits"different households Usually on the day before their New Kraska feels that the experience has and businesses, representing good luck for Year's eve, the Chinese spend time visiting • dragons. According to Yuen, this festival made her more independent. When living can be seen in Philadelphia's Chinatown, · the coming year," Edith Yuen, a Chinese- · -friends and associates, wishing them" luck . in Maryland, Kraska called home more among other places. AmericanlivinginSouthJersey,said. "On wi~h the traditional greeting, "kung-hsi

ChineseNew Yeara family affair





loquitur- friday,feb. 15, 1985

Intramural program offering more by Karen Bowers

If you want to get involved in intramural sports on campus, this is the time to do it. An intramurals weekend is being planned for Feb. 22 through Feb. 24. This is just one of the many activities planned for this semester by the intramurals committee The department of student activities and the intramural committee, whose members are sophomores Lisa Catini and Eileen Riddle and junior Robert· Marchesani, have organized intramural activities on campus. According to the objectives written by the committee, the intramurals provide an opportunity for those students not involved in intercollegate athletics, to participate freely in an enjoyable physical activity without the requirement of superior athletic skills. "The int'ramurals are a great way to keep in shape while having fun with a group of people" said Colleen Di Raddo, director of student activities. "It is a great

to•keep physically fit and still have fun. I think it is a good service for the students because when they graduate they'll keep exercise as a habit." Marchesani said, "I think people will feel better about themselves having participated in an activity that does not demand excellence; rather, the benefit of each activity is participation for fun. I beleive it can be healthy for relaxation as well." Each intramural team will made up by residences. According to Riddle, "The teams are formed by residences because of all the moving on campus this semester. We thought that the residents could get better acquainted this way." There are rules that each team must follow in order to compete, and these will be explained at each game. The te~ms will be single sexed and co-rec. The co-rec teams will consist of the women residents joined by the inen, who will be recruited if they would like to participate. The single sexed teiims will consist of all <.evenhouses, Woodcrest, Counsel and the


will start at 8 p.m. and last through 9:30 Xavier Hall will have two teams, p.m. There will be. a fee of 50 cents per upper and lower north and upper and lower . person. south. Commuters, faculty, staff and Sophomore Julie Hassler will be orgaadministation may form teams also. nizing an aereobics class every Sunday, Each team will have to pay three dollars Tuesday and Thursday night at 9 p.m. in to participate. For the individual games, Grace Hall. for example, the free throw and the Intramural weekend will be Feb. 22-24. gameroom,· participants must pay a 50 It will be a weekend full of activities for the cent fee. whole college. On Friday Feb. 22 there will According to Riddle, the money is going be a bowling night at Devon Lanes. The towards refreshments at certain games building will be rented out for Cabrini Coland awards that will be presented at the lege from 9:30 p.m. until midnight. There sports banquet on May 3. One of the will be a fee of $1.10 per person. awards will be the tournament of chamSaturday Feb. 23, the Victoria Racquetpions given to a team or individual. The ball Club, located next to Springfeild Mall, Supremacy trophy will be given to· the will be opened to Cabrini students from 8 team with the highest participants in the p.m. until midnight. There will be a two intramural program. This includes the dollar fee, and this includes food. Faculty enthusiasm by the team and support of and administration have been invited and non-playing membe_rs of the residence. will be up for a game_ofracquetball. hall. . On Sunday Feb. 23, there will be a Putt Putt For Fun at the Clifton Heights miniThere will be many activities planned in ature golf course . The time and fee will be which everyone is invited. For example. announced. There will be transportation tomorrow night, Feb. 16, there will be a 9.dvalible for all activites on intramural Swimming Night at Radnor high school. It weekend.

Dedicationkey·torowers'succes~s ____


by Kerry Hogan The crack of dawn silently appears across the river. The boat creates tiny ripples as it is lured down into the water. As you grasp on to the wooden oars and settle into the boat, a feeling of intensity and determination fills up inside of you; not just this one morning though, b1:1t_every time you climb into that boat. This 1s the feeling of a true oarsman. The sport of rowing h~s maintained a tradition that is part of the athletic and social history of Philadelphia. Rowing has, in fact been called the sport of the eighties. What great attraction does this sport possess and why is the sport becoming so popular with today's society? GoefMcKernan, a rowing coach at Saint Joseph's Preparatory school (St. Joseph's Prep.) and the older brother of Susie McKernan, sophomore, believes it is a sport that only attracts a certain individual. "Crewing is extremely time consuming, demands discipline and takes many years to master," said McKernan. "I love the sport. I've been involved· in rowing for eleven years and have excelled academically while in school because of the discipline the sport requires." . McKernan added, "Throughout all my years of rowing I've met so many people from different countries, .some of whom have become my closest friends. It is a sport in which I plan to continue to master for a great many more years." McKernan began crewing in eighth grade at Saint Joseph's Prep. He then c~ntinued through high school as a varsity lightweight, a weight class which demands excellent skill for crewing. After graduation McKernan attended '11utg~rs University in New Brunswick, NJ, where he continued to row, taking the position of coxswain. It was during college that McKernan met and rowed with the late Princess Grace of Monaco's brother, John Kelly, a man who had rowed in the Olympics. Susie McKernan admires her brother's athletic achievement. "The position of coxswain is a very difficult job, no matter how easy it might appear. It is the coxswain's responsibility to keep the rhythm of the boat and if anything goes wrong durmg a race, it is usually blamed on the coxswain." McKernan also added, "Rowing is an extremely fast and graceful sport. A person, I think, has to actually observe a race to feel the excitement. Words alone cannot explain it." Marybeth :::ihck,treshman, has oecome quite knowledgeable in the sport ofrowing since meeting ToddFinnegan. Finnegan is a sophomore who is currently attending Princeton University and is a member of the school's rowing team. Slick revealed that Finnegan is attending Princeton· on a rowing scholarship which he received from West Catholic high school in Philadelphia. "Todd was awarded Most Valuable Oarsman in his senior year in higi}.school and reclaimed the same title in his freshman year at Princeton," said Slick. She

The liqhts strung around the houses of Boat House Row in Philadelphia, shimmer beautifullv along the Schuylkill at night. (photo courtesy of Megan Lamb) fl'

continued, "He loves the sport so much that he's willing to put in endless hours of practice and hard ·work. In the sport of rowing you have to be entirely dedicated, which means sticking to a strict diet, drinking enormous amounts of water, maintaing good grades and getting plenty of sleep." Did she ever hear ofrowers having to do anything "different" to train? Slick replied, "I've heard of guys who have actually slept in plastic bags to burn up calories!" Rowing, however, is not just a man's sport. Megan Lamb, junior, will certainly agree to that. During Lamb's high school years, she belonged to the Philadelphia Girls Rowing Club. Lamb, who is petite and agile, took the position of coxswain on her team. At that time, Lamb stood five feet tall and was a mere eighty-three pounds. "Being a coxswain didn't take as much muscle, but I had to be extremely strong inside. I had to take a lot of pressure, always making sure the boat kept its momentum and that my team members kept steady strokes." · Lamb also stated, "Although many times I was blamed if our team lost a race, we worked as a team. If it came down to a Joss, we all knew that the team would work harder for the next race." ·· Lamb's reason for becoming involved in rowing was due to the influence of her uncle who was an oarsman. "When I was young, I remember watching my uncle race on the Schuylkill and-foreveF being fascinated by the sport." Rowing might not be as popular as professional football, but wherever there is a river, you will be sure to find dedicated individuals, who compliment the sport with their grace and style,




O O O ·-


Feb.25 to Mar.1 a:30a.m. to 2_:30p.m. Practice Your Role! Make an appointment in Rm.4 rrcc






loquitur - friday, feb. 15, 1985


Budget(:ommitteeallocatesSpring funding Club Budgets

The Spring, 1985 budget committee hearing brought together 20 representatives from the SGA affiliated clubs and organizations, each of the four classes a:nd the SGA Executive Board. Jean Findlay, senjor, SGA Treasurer, presided as chairperson of the committee. The budget committee was established in the fall of1984. Its purpose is to meet once per semester to present, discuss and agree on ·budget allocations. The information presented and data collected are then compiled by the SGA Treasurer and final allocations are made. Various stipulations of the SGA Constit4tion were reiterated and enforced at the committee hearing. An automatic freeze will be placed on budgets where: (1) there are no receipts for monies received by an organiza~ tion, (2 l proper representation is not provided at SGA meetings, (3) minutes are not submitted on a regular basis to the SGA Corresponding Secretary, (4) proper representation is not provided at budget committee meetings, and <5l lack of participation during the annual Superthon fond raising weekend. Presently two clubs have their budgets frozen for failure to present proper receipts to SGA. Also, members of.the committee were reminded that loan and grant money is available at the request ofthe.clµbs and ·organizations for additional activities and funding needed ro·r various reasons not covered in the initial budget request. · At the conclusion of the meeting, the representatives present voted on the clubs they felt were the most active for the Fall, 1984 semester. The top three clubs.selected by their group of peers will receive cash allocations in addition to their s.emester budget allotment. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) captured first place as the most active club under SGA. They will receive an additional cash bonus of $50.00 in. addition to their allocated budget. The Cabrini chapter of the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) won second place and will receive an additional cash bonus of $25.00.

The Social Work Club received third place honors and an additional cash bonus of$15.00. SGA commends these organizations for their outstanding contributions to Cabrini College and the community at large through their various activities. Club Name Athletic Assoc. B.S.U. Biology CAEYC Campus Ministry Commuter Affairs Computer C.E.C. Ecology Eng./Comm. Fine Arts History International DJ Club PSEA Philosophy Photography Prelaw Psychology Social Work S.A.M. Chess Accounting

Rep. ~t SGA? Minutes? Budget Hearing? Yes Yes No Yes

No No No No

No Yes No No




Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No OK Yes Yes No. Yes No No

Yes No Yes No No OK Yes OK Yes Yes No OK Yes OK No Yes No ·No

Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes · Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes

Club Name Athletic Assoc. · B.S.U. Biology• CAEYC Campus Ministry Commuter Affairs Computer Club C.E.C. Ecology Eng./ Comm .. Fine Arts History International DJ Club PSEA Philosophy Photog_raphy Prelaw Psychology Social Work S.A.M. Chess Accounting

·Fall '84 Budge~

Account Spring '85 Spring '85 Balance Request Budget



$129.00 $130.00

$0.00 $65.00

$105.00 Grant $150.00 $100.00 $160._00 w/ecology $85.00 $85.00









. $130.00 $260.00 $100.00

$105.61 $0.00 $60.00

none $255.00 $260.00

? $255.00 $150.00

$130.00 $125.00 $130.00

$7.88 $79.00 $69.83

$135.00 $125.00 $290.00

$135.00 $125.00 $140.00

$75.0_0 $225.0Q $175.00 $75.00

$15.00 $56.50 $0.00 ~0.00

$120.00 $135.00 $200.00 none

$100.00 $135.00 $200.00 ?

$130.00 $176.00

$98.77 $53.50

$119.50 $150.00 $178.00

$125.00 $150.00 $178.00

$130.00 $100.00 $136.00 $136.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $36.00

$100.00 $600.00 none $350.00

$100.00 $280.00 ? $115.00

Romanceis in the air social activities report by Geralyn Christ Congratulations to the sophomore class on their very successful Valentine's Day dance. Everyone had a great time, and some may even have found a new sweetheart. Just a reminder: the social activities board is always interested in any ideas you may have for activities on Cabrini's cam. pus. If you have suggestions, just drop • them off with a social activites representative.



IntramuralWeekend Feb.22, 23, 24 FridaY,2/22


Devon Lanes


Saturday, 2/23


Victoria Courts 8:GJ-Midnight

Sundav, 2/24 Students enjoyed the music and romance of the Valentine's Day dance last Friday evening in the cafeteria. The dance, sponsored by the sophomore class, was well attended by students, who were able to relinquish their books for a few hours to socialize, and take to the dance floor with their favorite partner. Proof of the dance's success was apparent by the many couples filing through the passageway strewn with red and white streamers. Glen Griffin, junior, danced throughout the night with his special valentine, Trish O'Neill. (photo by Larry Aquino)

t:hle page


die vi.we

of the age


Putt-Putt -

come out with your dorm or group team and score points towards the intramural trophies awarded at the end of the program!!





loquitur- friday,feb. 15, 1985




at cabrini




1;00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 "'3:30


:::: MINISTRY SPRING RETREAT .!~H •.rJil 7: 00 W-Bball/Textile (H) P!' ,U,I Movies available from Social Activities

~an {1_2..:.../_1_6 __ S_a_t_u_r_d_a.,__y




9:00 Continuing Education Seminar (WCSR) Campus Ministry Spring Retreat (A) ')! · 6 :00 W-Bball/Lincoln (A) ·;I 8: 00 M-Bball/Lincoln (A) ,, Movies available from Social Activities l~:i **'''*8: 00 to 9: 30 Swimming at Radnor Pool*** ·,l 2 / 17 Sunday


H 1·, H


;\ i;

7 :00

CEC Sunday School (SH-A) Campus Ministry Group Discussion (DSCR)





;·} ;11 !')·

~f\ ~:{ ~ .,I

6:00 6:00 7:30 8:00

ASH WEDNESDAY 12:00 Liturgy (chapel) 3:00 Cabrini/Eastern Career Forum (WCLH,WCCR,WCSR) 5:00 Liturgy (chapel) 6:00 Aluinni Phonathon (MDR) 9:00 Appalachia Trip (DSCR)

VISIT CABRINI DAY: 10-2 (WCLH,WCGA) SCHOOLIN SESSION!!!! 12:30 Parents & Prospective Students :".·~: eating in the cafeteria 12:45 Curriculum Committee (WCCR) 4:45 SAC (WCAR) 7:00 Creative Arts Workshop (SH-A) 7:00 M-Bball, JV/Delaware Tech. Community College (A) 7:30 Chorus (MDR) 7:30 Foreign Arfairs Seminar (WCSR) ~~- ~ ~ ~i !I



;!!!, ~·-

--~ ;

. ,'.· ;_·.i'

_ ,·



1102 '..4305

Budget Committee (DSCR) Curriculum Committee Wksp (LCR)

,l : .'J


12:30 Psi Chi Meeting Movie (WCLH) 12:45 Acad. Council (WCCR) 1:00 Honor Society (LCR) 1:00 Interview Tech.(RRCC-8) •l: 30 Yearbook (CCCRm) 6:00 · Alumni Phonathon (MDR) 7:00 W-Bball/Gwynedd-Mercy (A) 7:30 "Life at Death: A spirit. of faith, hope (LCR) 8:00 Pre-law Club Lecture (WCCR) 9:00. Peer Ministry (DSCR)

l/!1 ; \1





OAEYC(SH-C) SAM (WCLH) Fine Arts (Lib. 1) PSEA (SH-C) Eng. /Comm. (CCCRm) SGA (WCLH) Psychology Club & Psi Chi · Guest Speaker-Kelly Armstrong Class of ·'.81, Cabrini College Alumni Phonathon (MDR)· W-Bball/Spring Garden (H) Jazz Ensemble M-Bball/Spring Garden (H)


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. ,.- •• ,~.

-·. ··-•

Alumni Phonathon though next week. Don't forge to help if you were contated and have promised to lend a hand.

SPELLDOWN-2/17 This Sunday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. is the spelldown. Who are the people in your dorm that are on the dean's list? Who are the people th.at are always recognized in every convocation for academic accomplishments? Who are the " people that can always spell "that wor(!"? flere's their chance to be involved in the intramural progam. Have those people represent your dorm in the Spelldown in WCLH. Registration begin, at 6:45 in WCLH.

LUNCHTIME MONCAY-·2118 To ease the increased number of people eating in the cafeteria at lunch please try to eat before 12:30 p.m. Thank you for youf cooperation.

CAREER FORUM-2120 On Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 3:00 p.m. the annual career forum sponsored jointly by Cabrini and Eastern Colleges will be held at Cabrini College in the Widner Center. If you are unsure of your career options, take this opportunity to hear people from different fields djsc;uss their work. If ",you are in the process ofrn.aki,rgcontacts.in ff care-er feild check out the'jJrotessionafpeople"' that will be addressing the ·group and/or giving small group consultations.

Congratulations to the ping-pong champions, Adeliza Levis and Eileen Riddle.



Devon Lanes will be the of the intramural bowling matches. 9:30 p.m., $1.10/game and the shoes are free! All member$ of the campus community and their friends are lnvited.


Co~tis $3.00 per person. VanJransportatkJn is ava,la.ble.

·· ~{~




of the



• •• ,


CHALLENGE YOURRIVAL RESIDENTS Challenge your rival residents group to a game of bowling or a game of walleyball (volleyball played on a racquetbaJ/ court) and have it count toward lntramurals. ~


SWIMON SATURDt\Y NIGHT We have rented Radnor Pool on Saturday evening.for 2.hours from 7:30"9:30 p.m. Look for the posters in the dorm:s and in the Widner Senter for the details.

ICE CAPADETICKETS Tickets are available form Joe Dodds, box 525. The dates of the showj at the Spectrum are Feb. 26 through Mar. 3. The tickets are half price with an Acme Markets coupon, See Joe for more information.·

Challenge a facult¥, statCcir administration member to a racq1,.1etbal(gameon Saturday, Feb. - 23 at Victoria Courts, Come to the student activities offic~ for more information or call ext. 407. '

From Bp.m. to midnight at the Victoria Tennis .,Club on Feb. 23, there will be·a r.acqvetball nfght. 4 tennis courts, 2 squash courts, 2 · racquetball coiirfs, a loft w!(trping~pong/'f/fde screen TV and free food. Shower and sauiJ'a facilities also are availabl~."' Faculty, staff, administration and spoosesareinvited to ,attend.

la a paid


Sunday, 3:00 pm. Transportation available to those who are interested.

RACQUET NIGHT-·•· 2/23 .







,1 ..........


Kelly Armstrong a graduate in the class of '81 will be speaking to the psychology club, and Psi Chi on Tuesday, 2119at 3:30 pm. in the WOLH. Th_e topic of the address will be "The Relationship between Vision and Learning." Miss,Armstrong works with v;sual/y handicapped children.

COMING'THtSWEEKEND INTRAMURAL WEEKEND! Monday, Feb. 18th will be the ilate of the last . open house for prospective students. The Widener Center will be the hub of activity in the morning with registration and a brief general meeting starting at 10 a.m. Students will then attend classes with various members of Kappa while parents remain in the lecJi.Jrehall and meet the administration. Both parents and studenls 'wilt be eating lunch in the cafeteria starting at 12:30 p.m. Tours will be given in the afternoon ending at 2:30 p.m.

• , •••.•• ,-.,

.. ··-




,.-~; ........ ,.~;-:\":\\'-.;: ..;:\,..,-:.:·,-.;.',,,;-,~·-:,. ···~,._,., .._,...,. .





Movies are avat7able this weekend. See Mark Murray for information about the times when they will be shown.


A special4:00 p.m. show of Peter Pan will be

givev. Saturday afternoon. Students please make ..early reservations. This is the last performance.





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