Feb. 22, 1985 Issue 17 Loquitur

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cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

friday,feb. 22, 1985

vol.xxxi, no. 17

Alcoholpolicy reflects nationalawareness by B.J. Petracci In the last five years there has been a growing awareness of the use and abuse of alcohol in the United States; this awareness has not escaped the college. As a result, there have been major changes in the policy in which alcohol is controlled on campus. Most of these changes have occured in the last three years. Results from extensive interviews with students, exstudents, counselors and resident life staff compile the following data: · •the alcohol policy has been more readily accepted each year with the incoming freshman because a strict policy is all that they have known · •there are greater restrictions put on the freshmen living in Woodcrest then there are on the upperclassmen since students feel it is harder to sneak alcohol into Woodcrest •most of the upperclassmen are happy that restrictions were put on them as freshman, because not all of them felt they were mature enough to handle alcohol at that time •people are still going c,ffcampus to drink, as they always did, even when the campus was more lenient about the consumption of alcohol •there has been no noticable decrease in on campus consumption; students are just more discreet about their use of alcohol

•the college dances are not held as often nor are they as well attended, due to the lack of alcohol Most of the students on campus, who were interviewed are satisfied with the alcohol policy. Those who don't like the policy realize that the college cannot go against the state law. Maureen Dunigan, sophomore, said, "It's not the school's fault, it's the state's. If students wanted to drink legally, they should have gone to school in New York." Dr. Barbara Harris, professor of psychology, said, "I think the policies have been positive. I deal mostly with freshman and I haven't heard a tremendous amount of complaints." Margret Cashman, senior, said, "Now that I am 21 the drinking policy doesn't really bother me. The only thing that ever bothered me was the 25 dollar fine (if caught with alcohol)." According to Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, "Cabrini had to go by the state's age policy. Lilly feels that the major concern of the resident life staff is for the welfare of the students, not specifically the legality." Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of the history department, said, "Right now there is far less drinking than iI: the past ten years here. I think there is more concern with the laws by both the administration and the students. One concern about a stricter drinking policy on campus, is that there is chance that students will go off campus to drink. Kirsten Curran, senior, said, " I don't go off campus

to drink because it's too expensive; besides I don't like to drink and drive." Kathy Weisner, junior, believes that the drinking policy caused her and her friends to go off campus to drink. She said, "When we were freshman and sophomore year, we used to go off campus all the time, but that's because I spent two years in Woodcrest (where it is harder to sneak alcohol into)." Terry Mancini, alumnus '82, was a resident assistant -his senior year. Mancini feels that there was a lot less sneaking around with alcohol when he attended Cabrini. He said, "I think the residency staff was happier to have us stay on campus and drink then to have us leave the campus and drink. I also think that the resident assistants were much more lenient. RA's have so much more pressure on them now then we did, because of the new policies." But it is a well known fact among the students that drinking off campus does occur. Last weekend some students from the college went to a party at the Budget Hotel. The danger in this is that students may become intoxicated they and then have to drive home. Nancy Haushalter, sophomore, said, "Yes people definitely go off campus and get really drunk. For example Saturday night someone came home from the Budget so drunk they did doughnuts with their car on the soccer field."

more ALCOHOL on 3

Secondannual Superthonswings into action by Michelle M. Bamber After many setbacks, the 1985 Superthon, to benefit the Alzheimers Disease and Lup,.s foundations, is set for the weekend of March 15 and 16 with John Eddie and the Front Street Runners, a local band, appearing as the highlight fundraising event. In addition to the concert, many other events have been planned. Kicking the weekend off on Friday, Mar. 15, will be a Trivial Pursuit tournament from 4:40 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria . A one dollar donation will be expected for each table participating in the tournament. Directly following Trivial Pursuit, will be Name That Tune in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A fifty cent donation for spectators and participants will be taken for this event. Dorm Feud, a game similar to Family Feud, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Donations will be procured for this event. Beginning at 9 p.m. and going until 11 p.m. will be a live concert with John Eddie and the Front Street Runners in the gym. Price and ticket information has not yet been announced. An autograph/photo session starting at 11 p.m. and lasting until mi_dnight ~ill directly follow the concert. Pictures with the band will be taken for two dollars. There will be movies shown in the lecture hall Saturday, beginning at midnight and lasting until 2 a.m. Admission to the movies will be fifty cents. A campus band, A Flock of Penguins, will perform in the gathering area between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. A popcorn/ slumber/sing along party will take place in the Widener Center Gathering Area between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. From 7 a.m.

moreSUPERTHON on 3

inside perspectives..... news ........... features ......... living ........... sports .......... sga ............. twac ............

2 3 4

5 6 7


A patriotic impression: Monica Palko, freshman, was awarded reserve champion, best in show, in the photo exhibit held Jan.10 to 21 sponsored by the photography club. The photo, of the Veteran's Memorial statue in Washington, D.C., inspired Palko to try to capture the feeling of patriotism that the statue conveyed. "I was awestruck by the statue and its intricate detail," Palko said . "I wanted a photo of it because it was impressive. " (photo by Monica Palko)

Workinghere for more than a decade Doretta Wilson has been on the Cabrini staff, working· at Woodcrest for fifteen years. Fbr her story on the "way it was," see the features section, page 4. J (photo by Mark Viggiano)

Workingout to get or stay in great shape The fitness craze is in full swing at the college. For stories on keeping fit and how others do it, see the sports section, page 6. (photo by Cara Graham)


loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985


at the mailboxes

editorial -Communicationneeded On MiddleStatesevaluation interviews or opinions? What are the important findings and recommendations of the report and what may their implications entail? Perhaps one or several opinion pieces addressed to the Loquitur expressing highlights of the reports, opinions, comments, and attitudes could be submitted by members of the Steering Committee and/or administrative staff. Whatever avenue, the message of Middle States Aside from those handful of students who served on and what the whole process is about needs to be the committees themselves (about six present stucommunicated to the college if any self study process dents), few students have an understanding of the is to be completely finished by the deadline of the process of the Middle States Evaluation and the team's visit in March. impact, influence, and/ or effect (if any) it will have on the students and for the students as of the March visit. Since the Self Study Report was issued on January In the Feb. 8 issue, the article entitled, 25, a little less than two months before the team's 'Mditional cuts affecting students," was visit, we believe the steering committee and the colstated that "there will be a $4,000 limit on lege want to communicate the report and its contents. annual federal aid ..."According to Arlene The report appears on reference in the library. McEvillaDittbrenner, director of financial In just about one month, every facet of Cabrini College is going to be under the scrutinizing eye of the Middle States Evaluation and reaccreditation team. The visiting team will be guided in part by the 224 page self study report prepared with the input of the majority of the college's faculty administration, and a representative body of students serving as various committee members.


However, we would like to suggest concrete communication of this report to the entire campus community, particularly the student body, so that everyone can apl)-reciate the implications of the team's visit in March. We suggest utilization of the SGA time slot on Tuesday afternoon for such a educational presentation directed towards the student body addressing questions such as: what will the visit entail? Who, on campus, will the visit involve? What is the role of the _. student in the process? Will students be solicited for

Every student's nightmare ...

._ ____________________

aid, this was stated in a federal budget propbsal and is not definite. The news article, "Early R.A. selections hope to alleviate year-end pressure" inaccurately stated that "there will be 19 spots available next year on the resident life staff. ..adding an additional R.A. to the Mansion." Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, states that she is requesting an additional resident assistant for the Mansion, but that request must first be approved by the Budget Committee and there may not actually be 19 spots .

viewpoint. No need to accept studentaid cuts I'm shocked at my complacency. I guess it just didn't sink in right away when I heard about the newest "Reaganomics" tactic to reduce the budg_et. Th~ more that I think about it though, the more I reahze the importance of fighting the proposed major budget cuts in financial aid for college students. · It's that ·same old adage that gets us all the time: "You can't fight city hall." We almost readily accept what we feel we cannot change. Maybe we grumble about it to a friend in · the cafeteria or maybe we call the President a few choice words; beyond that, however, we usually fail to even attempt at making our opposition to government action known. At the end of1981, when the President cut student social security benefits to save the ailing system, I silently left high school, half way through my senior year, and attended college early. As a result, I, along with several other classmates whose families were on social security, was able to continue receiving my benefits, but at the cost ofmy senior

barbara mongelli year. I accepted this as being unchangable. . Students are often scapegoats for government cuts. The recent proposals, however, are hardest to accept as we watch the money get doled out to the Department of Defense and to aid the continuation of wars in other countries . If the government needs money, why don't they put a stop to the "corporate welfare" as it is called, the tax-deductible business lunches and the other shelters into which so many big

businesses conveniently fail. The fact is that many students will not be able to stay in college if their aid is cut . How many of us could come up with the 300, 600, 1000 extra dollars that we would need to pay for our tuition without government assistance? It may seem useless to protest budget cuts , but the voice of every student that needs financial aid cannot be ignored . There was a successful nationwide lobby by students in 1982 that helped turn the tide against student aid cuts ; it can work again . At Cabrini, approximately 84 percent of the students receive financial aid . That adds up to around 600 students from this college alone who could call for an end to the proposed cuts . · ' The situation is not hopeless. We do not have to resign ourselves to the fact that we are the targets of the solution to balancing the budget. Does the President think that we won't fight back? If we don't, he'll have his own way, but if we do, perhaps we'll have ours.

op1n1on GirlScouting wasmorethancookies by Virginia A. Smith

vanilla cremes crunches.

When I spotted them peddling their wares at a booth in the mall, dressed in their familiar green uniforms, trefoils and sashes, I knew there was no way to avoid it; sooner or later I would have to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies. It wasn't that I particularly craved the taste of thin mints, but rather I felt a strange pull from my past, or perhaps even a twinge of guilt. I just couldn't pass those chubby little faces yearning to earn their "100-box" cookie patches. After all, I had been one of them. The memories rushed me all at once. I had been a Girl Scout for eight years ( I will now proudly admit), working my way up the ranks from Brownie to Senior and finally to the cove~ First Class Scout (the female facsimile to the Eagle Scout). I knew how to fold the American flag properly, how to tie a perfect square knot, and how to sew my merit badges on my sash so neatly that I earned an extra badge for the





and peanut


I can remember dreading cookie time. That meant I'd have to solicit cookie orders door to door from strangers. I'd have to face growling dogs, taunts from the high school boys, and worst of all- rejection. I inevitably resorted to pestering my parents, who were forever on diets. Needless to say, I never sold 100 boxes. But I did learn very early in life that I was not destined to be a salesperson. There is, however, more to Girl Scouting than cookies. Camping, for one, was a unique, educational experience. Among the wilds of nature, we faced the horrors of latrine duty, memorized life-saving rules such as 'don't throw gum in the woods or tlie squirrels will choke on it' and ate toasted marshmallows until we were sick. We did,of course, learn more valuable lessons. We learned how to function smoothly as a unit with each member takinp: on a responsibility. We discovered a

achievements in sports, arts, or academics. We developed skills in leadership and community relations. And one very important lesson I retained after facing the constant ridicule of my peers (who claimed that Girl Scouts was for 'sissies') was to stand up for what I believed in. In Girl Scouts I developed a strong foundation of selfrespect, identity, and pride qualities that a certain shy, skinny, foureyed girl had been lacking. Although college life has taken me away from scouting, I hope to someday repay the benefits I reaped by becoming a Girl Scout leader and passing on those opportunities to new little cookie peddlers. Overcome with all these thoughts, I rushed to the stand and ordered two boxes of each flavor. "It's $2.00 a box," said the pig-tailed scout. I nearly fainted. When I sold cookies, they were only $.60 a box! "Hey, do you know how to tie a square knot?" I asked. "No, but I can balance a checkbook," she replied. Well, maybe they

laquitur . cabrini


loquttur Is published weel<ly during the school year by the students of Cabrini College , Rodnoc Pennsylvania. 19087. · Subscription price Is $fJ per year and Is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Edttor. Barbaro Mongelli News Edttor: Lucio Laurito Assistant: Shelagh McGlnn Perspectives Editor. Virginia Smith . Features Edttor. Bonnie Zl5chong Asslf\ont: Oonno Horsley LMng Editor: Gia DIGiminionl Assistant: Robert Morchesoni Sports Edttor: Michelle Bomber Assistant: B.J. Petrocci Art Editors: Debbie Clc~ello and Beth Daly Photography Editor. Coro Graham Assistant: Mori< Viggiano BusinessManager: Robin Larkins Photogrophy Adviser.Df. Corter Croigie l'dvlser:Dr.Jerome Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci, Lorry AQuino. Fronk Bokoski, Koren Bowers.Koren Clark. Chris Co,co,on. Bernadette Demski. Marybeth Evich. Katie Grimle\L Kerry Hogon. Chris Koerne,; Joan Krome,; Rondy Leflco,Maureen McAnespl( Louro Przywora. TrishReill',!Allen Reyei EIieen Riddle.Peggy Simon. Kathi Wochenheim The SGAand T>NACpages ore paid advertisements. The content Is under the supervision of those offices. Loqui!ur welcomes lelt0f'Sto the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the edttors . Howevet ff the writer wishes.and the editor ogreet the wrttets nome may be left off the lefter upon publication and on Inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters shOuld be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 \MOfdsIn length. ff a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense. Letters to the editor shouldbe submtt1ed by noon on Mondays. •

loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985



Sears corporationdonates funds to college· Cabrini is among 77 accredited, privately supported colleges and universities in Pennsylvania that recently received unrestricted funds from the Sears Roebuck Foundation this year. Since the foundation's grants have been designated unrestricted, Cabrini will use the funds in whatever way is most beneficial to the college. Cabrini will share in the $77,100 provided to Philadelphia-area private schools of higher education. Sears is one of many corporations which donates funds to the college.

traditional icon painting techniques with Hiermonk Juvenalij at St. Theodere Studite Monastery, Castel Gandolfo, Italy. While serving as artist-in-residence at Manor Junior College, Maday produced an album of drawings entitled, "The Manor Journal." He has also produced a 124-foot painting for St. Joseph's Church in Chicago and three book covers for the Paulist Press in New York City. His work is found in 18 permanent and numerous private collections in the United States, Canada and Europe. Maday is currently working on an icon screen and interior of the Annunciation Church in Melrose Park.

news briefs oy Lucia Laurito and Barbara A. Mongelli

Loquitur rates eighth first class award

Artist to exhibit works in library

For the eighth consecutive semester, Loquitur has achieved a first class award rating from the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP). Also awarded was a mark of distinction in photography, art and graphics, the first ever for the Loquitur staff. The award is for the 1984-85 semester . Loquitur first received the ACP award during the 1980-81 semester. The ACP judge called Loquitur "a strong paper, especially in the layout and organization."

The works of Philadelphia artist Andrij Maday will be on exhibit in Holy Spirit library from Feb. 24 to Mar. 31. The exhibit, sponsored by the fine arts department, will open on Sunday, Feb. 24 with a reception from 3-5 p.m. It will continue during library hours. Admission is free and open to the public . Maday attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts on full scholarship. He continued his studies at St. Clements University in Rome, Italy and has also studied


IYliller'sbike missing from Woodcrest Tracy Miller, freshman, resident of Woodcrest, realized on Saturday, Feb.16, at 10:30 a.m. that her bike was missing from the stairwell in Woodcrest Hall where it · had been chained.

The description of the bike is as foll~ws: A Ross 10-speed compact size bike, burgandy in color with beige taped handlebars, a beige seat and "Ross Compact" written in white paint along a bar on the bike. The bike also has a rearview mirror on the right handlebar and reflectors on the back of the seat as well as on the wheels. There is also a yellow sticker which reads "Delran" on the bar that attaches the seat to the bike. If anyone sees the bike they can contact Tracy Miller, ext. 491 or security, ext. 245 .

Medical exam informationto be relayedat session Information on self-breast and gynecological examinations will be presented on Feb . 26 in Woodcrest lounge from 3-3:45 p.m. and 7:15-8:00 p.m. There will be a guest speaker, Joan Bretschneider, R.N., N.S.N. The information session .is being sponsored by Lisa Davi and Yvette Doan, two Villanova University nursing students.

ALCOHOLfrom1 However, Judy Clay-Miles, alumna '78, director of housekeeping said, "I don't think there is less drinking, I only think that students are more discreet about it ." She continued, "I don't know if there wasn't drinking policy that people wouldn't go off campus to drink. I think people get 'cabin fever' and have to get off campus; they need a release and drinking is the thing to do." According to Clay-Miles, when she attended Cabrini there was a drinking policy, but it wasn't enforced at all. She said, "I can't remember a single incident when anyone was written up for drinking. And then even though it was lenient here we still went off campus to drink ." _ In general alcohol consumption has been on a slight rise in the last five years according to John Moses, director, community programs at the Alcoholism and Addiction Council of Delaware County. He feels that in the 70s there

was a change back to alcohol from the use of drugs in the 60s. "The widespread drug use of the 60s paved the way for the use of alcohol in the 70s," Moses said. "In the 80s there has been an increase in the use of alcohol, with marijuana and cocaine coming in second and third." One of the main problems with the acceptance of alcohol in the 70s, is that now alcohol is being used by younger and younger people. In a recent New York Times survey , 11 percent of junior high and high school students felt they were "hooked " on alcohol. Moses did not find this surprising because he said, "one out often people in the United States are alcoholics." According to Moses , the reason students drink so much while away at college is because in American colleges t hey stress "making the grade" so much. He also believes that

there is a strong peer pressure to drink . Moses said "Friends become the number one influence on you and th~ family takes second place. There is also a strong ease of accessability ." According to Moses a lot of colleges are offer ,ing activities which don't involve alcohol. Moses said, "Most students say they drink because they have nothing else to do. Colleges are now trying to provide that something to do. They have been realatively successful. " West Chester State University has opened a non-alcoholic bar named Cheers 2. Moses has found that it is going over well with the students. At the current time Cabrini is trying to establish their own non-alcoholic pub. Lilly feels that there is a definite need to give students something other than drinking, to do on campus.

SUPERTHONfrom1 through 9 a.m . there will be a wake-up period when coffee and donuts will be offered to those who made it through the night. There is the possiblity that another cam-pus band, Whiplash, will also be performing in the gathering area between 2 a.m. and 4 a .m. Following the wake-up period , there will be an exercise activity called the morning stretch th workout music from Joanie Greggins, Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda from 9 a .m . until 11 a .m . Brunch will be served in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 11 a.m. through 12:30 p.m. during the Roommate Game, a takeoff of the ever popular Newlywed Game. The games will be based on the living situation of the participants. A craft fair will be run on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at which babysitting services will be provided. Children will be able to have their pictures taken with Peter Pan as well as have their faces painted. A special dinner show will occur in the cafeteria between 4:30-6 p.m. Campus Sound will provide musical entertainment

during dinner. Saturday night mass will be offered at 6 p.m. The only unstructured time period of the Superthon will be from 7-8 p.m ., when there will be one hour of rest and relaxation. An auction and the St. Patrick's Day dance is scheduled for 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. in the gym. For those of age, a cocktail party will be held from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m . in the Mansion lobby. DiRaddo commented on the Superthon saying, "I hope we take advantage of the opportunity to reach out beyond ourselves and become aware of some of the needs that these.diseases bring about ." Throughout the entire Superthon weekend , which will last 33 hours, the freshmen class will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets and the winner will be announced at the dance on Saturday night. Half of the money will go to the winner, and the other half will benefit the Alzheimers and Lupus Foundations. During the course of the weekend, WCAB will be broadcasting live from the Widener Center Gathering Area. Reilly said," There is so much planned . "I think it's going to be an excellent weekend."

JOB SC3UAD ·PART-TIME EVENING JOBS Openings after school and Saturday mornings. Positions available in marketing and office work. Now and for summer field work. .Call Mike at 825-9550 (days)

the children's school


teachersaideneeded tuesdayand thursdayafternoons

for more info. contactSueKaneat ext.520 :s


CHILD CARE: Sitter wonted for 2 children (21/2 and 9 months old) 2 days a week 12-5. Transportation con be provided. Coll Don Fountain at 687-9066.


TELEPHONESALES: Ryder Truck Rental Co . Is

people with marketing Interests who ore looking for a career In soles & management. Involves phone soles wHh leads. Port ttme 30 hrs/week evenings & weekends $5.50/hr.Contact

CHILD CARE: Sitter wonted for '1-3afternoons a week for 1 child 2112yrs. of age . Contact Mrs. Hicks at 527-

Debbie Tino at 668-2320 ext. 1132.

looking for people fcr telephone soles. $5/hr plus commission . Port time, early evening and Saturdays. Also wonted ore people for data entry and data processing. and a clerk (typing sldllsrequired) . Mondoy,Wednesdoy 5-9 pm Saturday 1Jom to 3 pm Coll John at 265-1228.


CHILD CARE:Sitter wonted for 'Nednesdoys 6:30-11or 12.6 yr and 4 yr old. Coll Anno Spo1occo at 296-7211.

FREE FIOOM & BOARD:Must be 19or older . On duty every 3rd weekend. Live wHh 4 h.s.glr1s.Contact Mike Foucher at 687-8376 (H) or 642-41)8 (HJ.

RECEPTIONISTWANTED:lyping skillsand answering phones ore required. Weekends 11om. to 7:30 pm. Contact Glcrlo Packer at 688-0833.

PARTTIME:Modem Bridal in the King of Prussia CHILD CARE: Student wonted to pick up Child at college gate and walk her to children's school for 1985 evef'{doy at lunch ttme. Coll Morie McHoleat 687-8545,

BOOKKEEPERWANTED:Personwonted for possible lnte<nship full or port time. Coll C&C Auto World at 747-0985.

TELEPHONESALES: Contact Jay Deon at 647-1900for more Information. SUMMEREMPLOYMENT:Delaware county Is beginning to accept oppllcottons for the Summer ',bulh Emplavment Training Program . For more Information on this program and oppllcolions contoct the finonclol old office.

CLEANING: Cleaner wonted evry two weeks for about four hours. Contoct Mork Lore at 265-5639. SUMMEREMPLOYMENT:Wildwood Candy &

Moll needs someone as soon as possible. Contact Debbie Meirdlercl<s at 265-0919.


Ice Cream Compony hos summer jobs O\Qilable for about 100 college students. Appllcotions and more Information Is available in the Financial Aid Office.

CHILD CARE: Cooch House Preschool wonts someone to stay wHh 15 children and make plans for ocfivitles. Five days o week 3:30 to 6. Coll Ann Buchanon at 337-9444.

PIZZA PERSONSWANTED:Now hiring, full and port ttme positions =liable. Pizzo prepor0<>, phone persons, oven tenders. delivery persons (must h0\19 own car). No experience necessary Coll Pizzo Express (opening first week In Moreh) at 525-5699. LIFEGUARDSWANTED:M/F port ttme mornings 6-'IJ,811911\ngs 4-9/,;Jat Indoor-pool beginning Morch 81h. Contoct Mr. Arthur Knox at 647-6700.

MOTHER'SHELPER:Child core during summer from 2nd week of June to end of August. Coll Morie McMole

at 687-8545.

loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985



Collegenearlyoverlooksblack historymonth by Eileen Riddle

February is black history month, a time when people of all races can celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of black men and women. The Childrens School is the only organization on campus acknowledging black history month . The college supports the teaching of black history, although no other club, including the black student union (BSU), has anything scheduled. The black student union is under the direction of Colleen DiRaddo, director of student activities. According to DiRaddo, ''The student union consists of a group of people who want to have unity, identity and a voice on campus." DiRaddo has given possible programs and options to the BSU, so they will have a guideline by which to work. Although the BSU has a few tentative events scheduled for this month, nothing is definite. With a seven percent black population enrolled at the college, many question why nothing is being done in recognition of this month. ·

According to DiRaddo, "Our black student union is floundering in its identity as a group. To pull off some of the major events that you are talking · about requires group unity and they are not at that point." According to Angie Calicat, senior, president of the BSU, "We are tentatively planning a few events for this month which ·will include a black poet and skits which will represent the black movement. Also the union · is planning news segments on WCAB of black accomplishments." This is planned for the last week in February. Calicat was also the BSU representative at the SGA budget meeting in which the club requested 150 dollars. The BSU received 100 dollars in their budget for the spring semester for their various club activities. Although the percentage of minority students is higher at Cabrini than at other area colleges, the awareness and participation of black history month is less evident. ·For example, Villanova University only has an approximate three percent minority students enrollment, and the college has scheduled an exibit of the works of Philadelphia artists which is entitled "Mediums in Black Expression."

According to Susan Kane, director of the Childrens School, "Part of the philosophy of the Childrens School is to teach the children about as many ethnic backgrounds as possible." . Black history is also taught through some of the courses taught at the college. Both Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of the history and political science department and James Hedtke, history professor and political science moderator, teach some form of black history in their courses. According to Girard, "It would be incomplete to study American history and political science without studying the roles, issues and contributions of black Americans." The English department also contributes to the education of black history with an -English course taught by Dr. Marilyn L. Johnson, professor of English and communications. The Childrens School planned a week full of events for black history month which included teaching of the civil war, slavery, predudices and black history makers such as Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver. The children also made peanut soup and learned songs of black tradition.

Behindthe thrill of meeting·superstars by Bernadette Demski Imagine meeting that one celebrity, the star you watch faithfully on television, the energetic rock star whose songs and movements linger in your head, or finally meeting the comedian who makes you laugh until your stomach hurts. Many Cabrini students have had their , brush with famous celebrities, and when asked to recall their chance meeting with fame, they were not at a loss for details. Charles Gilbert, junior, had a job this summer working at the Sands Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. During his work at the Sands, someone was needed to pick up the star performer. This celebrity was comedian and actor, Bill Cosby. Gilbert enthusiastically volunteered to pick up Cosby, even though it meant working three hours over time. Cosby's home is located on the beach in Ventnor, New Jersey. When Gilbert approached the door for the first time, he was a bit nervous. Cosby answered the door wearing a Hawaiian shirt and flipflops. Cosby said to Gilbert, "I'll be with

you in a brushing of the teeth." After spending hours with Cosby driving back and forth to the Sands, Gilbert got a good idea of the type of man Cosby is. He described him as being "a very down to earth guy, very nice and very funny. He didn't even want to be picked up in a limosine." Gilbert recalled one instance when Cosby gave him a hundred dollar bill to buy five hot dogs. How many of us desperately wish to meet that -rock star that we admire so much on stage? Just meeting that one star would probably satisfy someone for a lifetime. Can you imagine what it would be like to meet many rock celebrities? Judy Buck, senior, has a whole list of stars that she has actually spoken to. She was even lucky enough to have been kissed by one. How did she ever get to meet so many? Buck, who used to work as an intern at WYSP in Philadelphia, often had backstage passes which enabled her to meet the stars. Buck has met singers Grace Slick, a for-

mer member of the Jefferson Starship Eddie Money, John Waite, George Thor~ • ogood, Bruce Springsteen and Robert Hazard. She has also met some of the members of the rock groups Yes, Reflex and John Bon Jovi When Buck spoke with Eddie Money they talked a lot about WCAB, the college radio station, which Buck is station manager of. Buck said, "He seemed very interested in what we were doing. Unlike (the members of ) Yes and Grace Slick, Eddie Money was a really rowdy guy." "The backstage parties were great and when the celebrities come through the door you just want to die," said Buck. After she was over the initial shock of meeting and actually working with the rock stars, · Buck added, "You get over running to meet them. You accept them as human beings and treat them with respect." Buck especially remembers John Waite. The two of them had a nice chat in Waite's hotel room. Buck asked about his role on the television series, Paper Dolls. Waite also told Buck, "I love the Philadelphia

crowds, they're great." The high point of the conversation was when Waite kissed Buck on the cheek. Maureen Steady, freshman, was jogging down the boardwalk when she and her friend noticed a movie being filmed which starred Robert Hayes, the funny man from "Airplane." She watched the whole filming of his new movie entitled "Touched ." Steady hoped to get Hayes' autograph, only to find him glued to a pinball machine in the arcade. Steady casually approached him and said, "Can I have your autograph?" Hayes responded, "Do you mind if I finish this game?" Steady conjured up the story that she had been watching the filming for two hours and her mother was cooking dinner and she was late and had to hurry. Hayes stopped his game and signed for her. Having a brush with fame is certainly an experience that is not soon to be forgotten. But what too many star-struck fans seem to forget is that famous people are just as normal as everybody else.

WilsonconsidersWoodcrestgirls family by ·Karen Bowers

For as long as Woodcrest dormitory has been a part of Cabrini's campus, so has Doretta Wilson, one of Woodcrest's housekeepers. When Woodcrest was being completed in 1968. Wilson was hired to be one of the

housekeepers of the new dorm. Wilson said, "When I first started to work here, the bathroom floors were not in yet. I mainly would just walk around and find something to do." In the fifteen years Wilson has been a part ofWoodcrest she has seem many students come and go and a lot of changes as well. · · "The girls had to wear skirts and blazers all the time. No jeans were allowed and boys were not allowed in the building at all except for the lobby. The lobby was a meeting place only," Wilson said. Wilson also saw many resident managers come and go. "The first dorm mother was very old fashioned and out of date. She seemed as if she was from the old school and the girls called her Mother Hen. Because of this, the girls demanded a younger resident manager," Wilson said. Wilson works at Cabrini five days a week with her partner Dolores Mabel. "Dolores is fun and a joy to work with," said Wilson. Enjoying her time off, Wilson spends it with her family consisting of one son, eight grandchildr~n and one great grandchild. Wilson considers the girls of Woodcrest part of her family. "I love it here", Wilson said. "I love to watch the girls mature. They come into Woodcrest as young girls and they leave as beautifully matured women," said Wilson.

Wilson has been a housekeeper of Woodcrest dormitory since its establishment in 1968. (photo by Mark Viggiano)

Wilson has become an important part of many Cabrini students' lives. "Some girls come to me·for advice. In one case a girl was failing and she came to me. She was about to drop out and I convinced her to stay. I was so happy to see that girl graduate with flying colors," said Wilson. "I feel like I have touched lives,especially when I received Christmas cards form students dating back to 1970." Wilson has seen Cabrini grow and change in many ways. "I've seen the college come more to life. It used to be so quiet

but now there is a lot of activity and more of a social life then I have ever seen before," Wilson said. She commented that not only is the college co-ed now but a more diversified race of people attend. "The college has changed so much that I would like to sit down sometime and tell the girls some stoBio (majors) Bio (majors) Bio (non majors) Bio (both) Computers

Nina Dolce LaDonna Mahecha Patti Flood Sharon Agostine Angie Agront

French Italian Spanish Microeconomics

Patty Hinke Lucia Laurito Denise Brady Donna Blyskal

Modern College Math Modern College Math Calculus Psychology

M, 10:00-11:00

Elizabeth Cupo Julia Malik Dianne Cameron

M, 11-12; Th, 1-2 M,F, 11:00-12:00 MF, 1:30-3:30; TTh. 12:30-2:00;' W,9:30-12:30 W, 11-12 W, Th, 2-3 M,F, 1:00-2:00

Spanish Study Skills

Virginia Smith Dianne Cameron

Business Stats

Donna Blyskal

Statistics Writing

Charlie Smith Anne Marie DiFelice

Writing Writing

T, 6:30-8:00 By appointment, ext. 402 T,Th, 1:00-2:00 By appointment, ext. 495 M, 6:00-10:30; W, 9:30-11:30 By appointment, ext. 473 By appointment, ext. 432 T, 2:00-3:00 W,12:00-1:30; Th,11:30-1:00

Amy Capozucca

Psychology Missy DiPasquale Psychology Eileen Jensen Psychology Stats • Karen Rider . Reading (Developmental) Maureen Grosso Religion Sharon Agostine


ries of the early Woodcrest days " said Wilson. ' According to Wilson, Cabrini's women are very special and friendly. "I'm sad to see the young ladies leave but at the same , time I look forward to see a fresh set of girls move in each year," Wilson said.

M, 10:00-11:00 By appointment, ext. 495 Th, 9:30-10:30 MF, 1:30-3:30; TTH. 12:30~2:00; W,9:30-12:30 TTH,11:30-1:00; W,12-1:30 T, Th, 11:10~12 W, 9:30-10:30; Th,

1:30-3:30 W, 9:00-10:00; TH, 11:00-12:00 Robert Marchesani T, 1:00-2:00; W, 11:00-12:00 Patty McHugh 'T, 10:00-11:00; 12:20-1:20 Patty Loeb


loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985



Popularclubselectrifystudent night life

Balloons, confetti and Ladies' Night specials are the allure of Popcorns, a popular nightclub, located at the King of Prussia Mall on Route 202. (photo by Mark Magner) Dean, a bartender at Popcorns, said, "We by Bernadette Demski can hardly pack any more in. It's usually so crowded in here that you can't move." On Feel like going out tonight for an enterThursdays, which is Ladies' Night, the taining evening that will set the appropricover charge for women is two dollars, and ate tone for the rest of your weekend? Whatever your style or tastes may be, they drink for free until closing time . (The cover charge for men is three dollars.) there are a variety of nightclubs in PhilaEvery Friday, during their happy hour, delphia and the surrounding areas that can offer alternatives to a boring evening of Popcorns is packed with surprises, such as a free buffet. Hearty appetites can be satistelevision dramas and game shows . fied with a scrumptous buffet offering Bright, multi-colored streamers flow jumbo shrimp on ice, oysters on the half down from the ceilings, and confetti layers shell , lasagna, meatballs, salads, vegetathe carpet. Barmaids and bartenders are bles, and meats. The cover charge is three clad in exotic costumes, and the sunken dollars for all, and drinks are free from 5-8 dance floor is a playground of rhythmic p.m. movement. Sheena Easton's "Strut" echoes Al E. Gators, located in Bryn Mawr on throughout the dimly lit hot spot, as-drinking and conversation prevail. · Lancaster Avenue, is a casual, sophisticated nightclub. The atmosphere features This is a scene from the bouncy, highsuperb dining and dancing, and encourspirited nightclub, Popcorns, one of the ages the opportunity for patrons to unwind most highly-energized clubs in the area, and engage in light conversation . Before 9 located at the King of Prussia Mall on p.m., the restaurant area is open, usually Route 202 . Popcorns is frequented by a to a full capacity crowd , and afterwards, clientele ranging from college coeds to the bar is full of happy dubbers . The atmobusiness professionals, and , the dress is sphere is cozy and casual. Tucked away in casual.

the rear is a dance floor with a disc jockey spinning top dance records. The crowd is largely upper-middle class, young professionals from the Main Line . College students are also found here quite frequently, especially Monday thru Friday evenings from 4-6 p.m. when Al E. Gators offers a free buffet and happy hour . At Al E. Gators there is no cover charge, and the dress varies from casual to semi-formal. A dark and romantic club, Scintilations, located at the Sheraton Hotel in King of Prussia, provides an intimate spot for couples. The cover is five dollars, and drinks are rather expensive. A funky, gregarious disc jockey plays the top dance tunes. There are two bars, and featured are two female dancers on a small stage above the dance floor with a male dancer at the opposite end. The clientele consists largely of older adults, especially since many are hotel guests. Scintilations is a plush nightclub and is not really college-oriented. The dress is semi-formal. The 100 Point Lounge, formerly Pagano's, caters almost exclusively to the college crowd. The 100 Point Lounge is located on 30th and Chestnut Streets in Philadelphia. They play the top dance songs, as well as requests. The dance floor and the low priced drinks are the main attraction. What the the 100 Point Lounge lacks greatly in though, is elegance . The club is actually a converted basement. Appearances are neglected , which is

apparent by the sticky tables and floor. It is, however, a great place to meet people who go to all of the area colleges. There is no cover on week days, but there is a three dollar cover charge on weekends. The _atmosphere is that of a big college party . (The 100 Point Lounge also gets another large percentage of its patrons from the Philadelphia Navy Yard .) If you'd enjoy dancing to a continuous, pulsating beat under flashing black lights, while overlooking the equally electrifying South Street, head for Glitters. With its blue interior, Glitters exhibits a very contemporary atmosphere. The cover is five dollars and drinks are expensive. The crowd consists of Main Liners, college students, young professionals, and, of course, many of those who hang down on South Street, always clad in current vogue. The dance floor is two steps above the bar area, and is surrounded by windows, supplying a great view of the street. The disc jockey plays excellent dance music. Copa Banana , also located on South Street, is a tw-0story bar and dining excursion. The atmosphere is intimate and relaxing . Mexican food is served, along with a variety of drinks . There is no cover and and there's no dancing. The sounds of the top 40 play. Copa Banana is a dark , infomal , easygoing place to sit and chat, over a favorite drink . · Whatever atmosphere you crave, there are a variety of clubs seeking to satisfy your whims . .

_Fansrelaxto classics, too formalfor others by Joan C. Kramer Returning to her dorm room after a long, hard day at school, her body is tense; pressure from a tight schedule has mounted. She can no longer think about work; the only thing she wants to do is to unwind and forget about her commitments for a while . She tunes into WFLN, the AM/FM Philadelphia classical music station, and relaxes to some of her f,.vorite sounds. Gia DiGiminiani, sophomore, has enjoyed classical music since she began studying the flute. Her high school music career consisted of various music competitions and solo performances. Her appreciation for classical music grew from listening to a variety of professional orchestras in concert, coupled with the development of her own musical style. "I especially enjoy music that compels the listener," DiGiminiani said. She also admires the works of Bach and Mozart. DiGiminiani is attracted to Bach because of his technical, captivating arrangements. Mozart appeals to her senses, in that his music exemplifies strength and vigor. Unlike DiGiminiani, however, Jim Cahill, freshman, depreciates classical music. Cahill feels that the sound is too formal and controlled . He likes to be able to let loose, and finds classical music too restrictive . Cahill says, "If music were a tailor shop, classical music would be a tuxedo and rock would be jeans and a sweat shirt . I would much rather dress in jeans and a sweat shirt than wear an uncomfortable tuxedo." The majority of students feel indifferent about classical music. "IfI am at work and it is conveniently playing on the radio, I wouldn't rebel against !t because it's relaxing and calms my nerves. It does not distract my concentration," Deirdre Desiderio, senior, said, "but, socially, I would not purposely turn on the dial and listen to it." Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications, said that he cherishes the sounds of the classics, because it transports him from the present to other places and times . It gives him a chance to temporarily escape the real world. "In my fantasy life, I wanted to be a conductor of a symphony orchestra," said Craigie, who added, "I had my chance and I took it." Last summer on.a hot and humid day, Cragie was amidst a massive traffic jam on the Schuykill Expressway where traffic was at a standstill. To add excitement to this midday doldrum, he swung open the sun roof of his car, cranked up WFLN, and mimiced a conductor's baton. He then emphatically conducted Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, and convinced the other drivers to join in. In a matter of minutes, the expressway was akin to a symphony orchestra with Cragie as conductor. "In high school, I studied classical music and learned about the various composers, and the actual composing process. One of my assignments was to compose my own piece of music , which was difficult, but an experience I will never forget," Maureen Grosso, junior, _said. Grosso was involved in her high school band and orchestra where she played the clarinet. Through her experiences, she has been able to appreciate and comprehend the beauty of the classics. "I like classical music when it is mixed in an animated film like Walt Disney's 'Fantasia.' It has a marvelous effect on the imagination. Everytime I see the movie, I . am awestruck," Leah Cascarina, freshman, said. Maria Watson, freshman, said, "Occassionally, I enjoy classical music because it can inspire me and induce me to relax."

he Be Bop Cafe, located on the lower level of Popcorns, houses the club's bar and sitting area, featuring a collection of hubcaps covering the walls and a videoscreen on which patrons can watch their favorite music videos. (photo by Mark Magner) _ · _ .

Job Openings Available_ Seiler'sFood Service• Monday Dinner 4:45p.m.-7:00p.m. (2 openings) Friday

Lunch 11:30a.m.-2:00p.m.

Saturday Brunch 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Saturday Dinner 4:30p.m.-6:15p.m. Sunday Brunch 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. I.

See Bill or Charlieto Start!!


Campus fixed on fitness craze

Athleteof the Week

by Karen Bowers

As fads come and go on campus, it seem there is one craze that is becoming a permanent fixture. When you look around campus, whether it is running or weightlifting, it is easy to seethat many students are exercising regularly. According to Randy Letko, junior and cross country team member, exercising is an everyday job. "Everyday I exercise because once you are in shape, it is easier to stay in shape. It makes me feel more alive, and I tend to think clearer." Letko is not the only cross country team member who exercises every day. One could look into the weight room and find the whole team working out to keep in shape. "We tend to motivate each other to keep in shape and to be a stronger team," said Letko. Last semester, the cross country team went to the N.A.I.A. National Cross Country championship in Wisconsin. "We surprised a lot of other teams. Working out together makes us work twice as hard. We can't wait for the next season. The teams work outs are much harder than plain weight lifting. We lift continuously for 40 minutes with no break. By doing this we get a stronger workout, plus an aerobic workout." said Letko. "I never really worked out outside of cross country season in high school, but now I realize how important it is to keep up with it," said Pete Casazza, freshman and cross country team member. Casazza continued, "The team usually runs everyday for an hour. I really like the idea of staying fit all year round. I feel better about myself health wise, and I feel better as a person." "Last semester there wasn't a great amount of attendance in the weight room, but this semester I have noticed a lot more people have been coming in to work out," said weight room attendant, Teresa Mc Nulty." I have been exercising in the weight room everyday since September except for Satudays and Sundays, and I have noticed a lot more girls are coming in than ever before," said Senior Lori Di Meglio. "I enjoy it because it relieves tension and I can take my mind off of my work." According to Di Meglio, you must lift weights the right way in order to get the proper and effective work out. "I always lift before dinner and I never lift heavy because this way I'll get the proper muscle tone . I work on my legs one day and my upper body the next because I don't want to overdo it," said Di Meglio. Weight lifting and running are not the only exercises that have been on an uprise. If you pass by Woodcrest dormitory between the times of 9-11 p.m., you will notice that Jane Fonda and her "New And Improved Workout" tape is very popular especially to the women on the first floor.


loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985

Martin Clancy (photo by Mark Viggiano)

After sitting out the first semester, Mar- : tin Clancy, senior, captain of the men's basketball team, has returned stronger than' ever. In the last four games, Clancy, who plays center, has been a dominating force ' underneath, thus being named Loquitur's Athlete of the Week. The Cavs won three out of their last four games, with Clancy leading the way. With the three EPAC victories over Allentown, Eastern and Lincoln, Cabrini has captured its third straight EPAC title. Clancy, who knows how to use his size to his best advantage on the court, played exceptionally in the victories over Allentown and Lincoln. In the Lincoln game Clancy, finished with 14 points and captured 10 rebounds. He also recieved the honor last week of being named "Unsung Hero" representing Cabrini in the area's small and big five colleges.

Healthclubsprovide for fitness by Karen Clark

Cross country runners Randy Letko, junior; and Pete Casazza, freshman, exercise during a regular team workout. (photo by Mark Magner) "I got the tape for Christmas and started out using it with my sister and I continued to use it in the beginning of this semester. Then my friends wanted to get involved and joined in," said Kathy Funk, freshman. Tracy Miller, freshman said, "We are having fun with our friends and at the same time we are losing weight. There are usually between 3 and 12 people involved and we know how much we improve when we can go through the advanced side of the tape without a break." Christine Mason, freshman, has her own exercise program which she does every night after dinner for an hour an,d a half. "I like to. get it over with so I can study. I can think alot better after exercising. I run on my miniature trampoline for an hour and then exercise for another half hour," said Mason. Exercising is good for you, but you should know your limits according to Gary Christopher, club manager, Club La Maison Fitness and Racquetball complex

As spring break approaches many people are trying to decide what they are going to do. Then they get out their wardrobe after finally making up their minds and they find the -shorts that fit so well in the summer have suddenly become too small. If this situation sounds all too familiar there is good news on the way. For those ofyou who do not already know there are health clubs availible to assist you in your quest for a leaner more firm body. Aerobics, swimming, saunas, even a nice massage are availible to you for various fees, depending on your needs or desires. Holiday Health Fitness and Racquet Center is in the process of being built, however there is a temporary facility availible to you. The center is located next to the Holiday Inn at King of Prussia Mall anQ is open seven days a week . For the price of 500 dollars, 40 dollars down and 29 dollars a month for 18 months, you receive free use of the temporary facility for six months; life cycles, olympic style heated swimming pool, steam bath, indoor jogging track for you jogging fans that believe it is too cold to go outside and run, aerobics, slimnastics etc. This is all included in your fee except in Wayne. Christopher said, ''A good exercise work out is to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes, aereobic activity for 20 to 30 minutes, then a cool down of streching for five to ten minutes ." Christopher recommends that students

racquet ball which is an additional charge. All this will be availible for your use in a short while and you might even run into a few of your Cabrini colleagues. The representative said a great deal ofhis members are college _students. If you cannot wait, or the fee is too high, then maybe you should try American Court and Fitness club . There is an initiation fee of 50 to 100 dollars which is a one time fee. Depending -on what type of membership you want , you pay between 15 to 35 dollars per month. You can either be a court member, fitness member or both which is 35 dollars . The club has a racquetball court, cam II (a type of nautilus). volleyball, saunas, whirlpool and basketball. 500 American Avenue, King.of Prussia is where the club is located and George Cox is the person in charge of memberships. According to Cox, the court is not very popular with college people, so if you want to suprise your friends with a new you here is your chance. If those shorts are a little too tight, or you had too many pizzas from Dominos, or if you just want to tone up your body, or even if you just enjoy a good workout now and then , you now have information on three good health clubs. Sign up, bring a friend, enjoy yourself and have a great looking body at the same time. ' learn more about exercise by reading more about it. He recommends a book called ''Aereobic Fitness," by Dr.Kenneth Copper, who is an expert in aereobic activity. Christopher concluded, "We follow his view to a tee. It is a good idea for a person to know what they can handle off the bat."

-~eepingfit also importantto faculty by Joan C. Kramer

The runner possesses an aura of total mind concentration and the serious intent in his eyes cannot even be rifted by the beep of a travellers horn. If one peers closely at the sweat covered, distorted face that is struggling to meet his destination, they might identify the runner as Robert G. McGee, chairperson of the math department. McGee's passion is running. Ideally, his desired distance is 20 to 25 miles a week. He is not on any particular diet and says that a fringe benefit of running is that he is able to eat whatever and however much he wants. He also says that continuous running relieves stress and tension that can sometimes be weighted upon him. With a good month and a half of winter remaining, most people are anxiously awaiting the summer. Arthur Young, professor of English, loves to walk and swim but admits that he has been out of the exercise habit due to a strict school schedule, time limitations and the blustery weather. ·· · ·

Young is unique in his method of keeping fit, in that he does not stick to the profession keeps one constantly mentally active. He wishes he were more dedicated to exercising and he feels that being physically active and fit is very important to coping with mental stress arid academic pressure. According to a recent "Health" magazine article, a professor of physical education at Purdue University did a study on exercising and said that regular exercising can make you smarter. He found that the mental processes controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain are heightened by strenuous physical activity. His study spanned over a period of four months and consisted of 48 middle aged men, 30 of whom participated in a rigorous exercise program and the other 18, forming the control group and did not exercise. All the subjects were given tests before and after the four month period to measure their cognitive abilities. According to the professor, the cognitive skills of the exercisers improved significantly, while the control group did not improve at all.

Young, who is working on his doctoral dissertation said that being in the teaching traditional three meal a day menu. He consumes four meals a day, but he does cut down on the top two cholesterol groups, fried·foods and red meat. He drinks a lot of water and craves cranberry juice. Dr. Jolyon P. Girard, chairperson of the history department, plays tennis, shoots baskets, lifts weights, is actively involved in nautilus; he also exercises three days a week. Girard's philosophy of a well-balanced diet is no breakfast, however he does rarely eat bran cereal, and a light iunch and dinner which consists mostly of vegetables, fish and chicken. One can walk in the gym at 8:30 a.m. bleary eyed, drowsy and immediately snap out of his ·or her trance upon viewing the veteran slimnastics instructor, Helen Go1odwin, enthusiastically engaging in calisthenics and dancing. However, Goodwin loathes dieting and says that she has never been properly-disciplined. She eats no breakfast, -salads for lunch with diet dressing almost every day and usually skips dinner.

A typical dinner of Goodwin's is a package of crackers and two cups of coffee. Dr. Barbara Harris, a former dietician and at present, a professor of psychology says that there is no one reason why people exercise and diet. They may want to lose weight, tone their bodies, look better, feel better, reduce stress or increase their skills. Some people exercise for competitive purposes, for example, br.Sharon C. Schwarze, professor of philosophy is a professional squash player who loves the challenge of mastering the game. Dr. Marice Bezdek, English and communications professor, has a horse and rides every day for the sheer enjoyment ofit. Sr. Christine Baltas, Dean of Students, works out to the Jane Fonda tape because it provides her with a structured exercise program. Harris looks forward to the day that she cuts the grass with an 18 inch lawnmower and three acres of ground to cover. She says it is an excellent cardiovascular workout and it is productive at the same time. -

loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985

sga update...







John Eddieto highlightSuperthonevents by Robin Larkins John Eddie and the Front Street Runners are scheduled to be the keynote musical performers on Friday, March 15 during Cabrini College's Second Annual Helping Hand Superthon for Charity. The concert in the campus gymnasium will highlight the 33 hour marathon event of continuous activities scheduled to take place over St. Patrick's Day weekend from 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 15 to 1:00 a.m. Sunday, March 17 throughout the entire campus. The charities selected to benefit from the 1985 fund raising weekend are Alzheimer's Disease and the Lupus Foundation. Both diseases were selected because they in some way have afflicted the lives and loved ones of members of the Cabrini community. The Superthon is cosponsored by SGA, WCAB, the Office of Student Activities and the Hall Council. A steering committee comprised of members from each of these concerns have been meeting, scheduling and planning for the event since October, 1984. The target of the event is to surpass the fund raising efforts of the first annual Superthon which totaled roughly $1600. Besides the monetary fund raising involved, an additional theme of uniting the entire campus together under a single cause has evolved with the Superthon effort. Each department, club, class, and organization has been solicited to aid in the weekend's activities in some dimension. SUPERTHON '85 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, March 15, 1985 4:00p.m. Superthon kickoff, WCAB marathon broadcast begins, WCGA 4:30p.m. - 6:30p.m. Trivial Pursuit Tournament (Soph. Class), CAF Approximately 10 tables will be set up in the caf to accomodate game players. Players will have previously signed up their

table. One dollar donation by each table required before starting the game. 6:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. Name That Tune (WCAB Radio), WCGA Two people will compete against each other at a time, four contestants total. During the initial round a series of five questions will be asked. The contestant who gets the most right will proceed to the playoff round. (In case of a tie, tie breaker questions will be asked until a winner is decided upon.) In the playoff round the two winners of the initial round will hear clues to song selections and then challenge one another to "name that tune" in so many seconds (starting at six). The person who guesses the most right tunes will win the game. Contestants will be chosen at random from the crowd assembled at the event. ($.50 cover charge).

The photography club will be on hand taking instamatic photos selling for $2.00 at this meet the band and autograph session.

FAIR; BABYSITTING SERVICES, PETER PAN, CLOWN FACE PAINTING, (Education organizations), all across campus

Saturday, March 16, 1985 12:00midnight - 2:00a.m. Movies ... , (Social Activities), WCGA The wide screen television will be set up in the gathering area showing specially selected movies. Donations of $.50 will be collected.

4:30p.m. - 6:00p.m. Special Dinner/ Dinner Show (Caf, Theater, Campus Sound), Caf Invitation will be extended to entire campus community and anyone (alumnae, families, etc ...) invited to attend the evening's activities. 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. Saturday Night Mass, (Campus Ministry),chapel Very specially planned mass for entire Cabrini community.

2:00a.m. - 4:00a.m. A Flock of Penguins, (A campus band), WCGA 4:00a.m. - 7:00a.m. Slumber Party, WCGA Bring your guitar, sleeping bag, etc., and catch a few hours of sleep and relaxation. Popcorn and beverages will also be pr~vided. ·

7:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Shower & get ready for St. Patrick's Day Dance 8:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. Cocktail Party (Senior Class), Mansion DR AU those on campus (parents, alumnae, friends, seniors) over 21 are invited to extend some cheer before the campus activities get under way. Admission $3.00.

7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. Wake Up with Coffee & Donuts, WCGA, Wigwam 7:30p.m. - 9:00p.m. Dorm Feud (Resi9:00a.m. - ll:OOa.m. Morning Stretch dency), WCGA Previous to the game, one team of five with Joanie, Richard & Jane, (Athletic members from each residence, plus a com- Association), WCGA Gym Students in any of Cabrini's gym classes muter team, will be selected. The rules will follow along the line of the game show: can be excused from either one or two 9:00p.m. -1:00a.m. ST. PATRICK'S DAY a question will be asked, the team will absences received by them. There will be two exercise sessions lasting one hour DANCE (Kappa, SGA, Commuters), guess the most popular responses to the each. Each session can alleviate one Gym - Refreshment questions , and score points based on the St. Patrick's Day Dance, 1985. DJed by match up of their guesses with the pre- absence. Attendance at both can alleviate tow absences. Refreshments will be WCAB and WFIL's Frank Hogan. (Back by viously given correct replies. The winners popular demand). Alumnae, parents, of the rounds will play until a final win- served. friends invited. ning team is determined. ll:OOa.m. - 12:30p.m. Roommate Game 10:00p.m. - 11:00p.m. Auction, (SAM), 9;00p.m. - ll:OOp.m. LIVE CONCERT: (WCAB, Hall Council), Caf Gym, during the dance. JOHN EDDIE, (WCAB, SGA), Gym Eat brunch and enjoy an early morning John Eddie and the Front Street Run- game show. Roommates interested will . 1:00a.m. Superthon Thanks / Wrap off, (steering committee), gym ners will rock the Cabrini gym. Tickets · sign up as they enter into the caf. Names During the entire 33 hours of superwill be sold in advance and at the door. will be drawn at random for participation. thon, the freshmen class will be Price to be determined. Refreshments, and Roommates are tested in their skill on how accumulating raffle ticket sales. Drawsnack food will be sold. Event to be pub- much they know each other through the ing will be at the dance also. licized both on and off campus. chaUenge of matching response with All dorm, group activities will go ll:OOp.m.- 12:00midnight Autograph/ response. towards the intramural program and Photo Session with John Eddie and the 10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. point system as well. Band, (Photography Club), WCAR CONTINUOUS, ALL DAY: CRAFT

The sweet taste of victory Residents of the upper south wing of Xavier Hall congratulate each other on their victory in the Spell-Down, held last Sunday, Feb. 17, in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The activity was sponsored by Cabrini's intramurals program. Finalists were Anita Carroll, Patty Hinke and Marie Hunsberger, all seniors. The overall champion was Hinke who succeeded in correctly spelling the word, "schooner." Hinke will receive a fifteen dollar award. Other Intramural activities included ping-pong, basketball free throw, and swimming at the Radnor High School Pool. (photo by Cara Graham)

Commuteraffairs club minutes The repairman for the T.V. in the commuter lounge has been called, but the television set is still broken. Colleen will be seen about this. The possibility of installing a mirror or a flashing light at tqe gate on Eagle Road is being negotiated. Whichever safety device is decided upon, fundraising ideas will be needed. The Lolligrams will remain a Commuter tradition.

Sophomoreclass minutes The sophomore class officers and other council members critiqued the Valentine's Day Dance. The suggestions they came up with include: watching funds for the next dance, improving communication, and helping the clean-up committee. In addition, they discussed problems with the council and resolved to remedy them immediately. On Monday, Feb. 18, they will begin selling Spring Break Raffle tickets for $.25 each. It is very important to put your name and box/ on each .ticket.

How to succeedin an interview... · The recent interviewing techniques program, "How to succeed interviewing without even trying," sponsored by SGA and Career Counseling, proved to be quite a success. We'd like to see awareness programs (such as this in light of Career Awareness Month) be presented '!'ore often to the_~tudents during the SGA time slot. If you have any mterests or specific programs you would like to see, simply contact any SGA member or come to a meeting and express you ideas. SGA would like to thank and commend all those who aided us in the execution of the program, especially Donna Seckar for her work towards the whole month of activity focusing on Careers.

loquitur- friday,feb. 22, 1985



9 : 30


at cabrini

Washington's Birthday W/S Pay Day Cam. Ministry Appalachia Raffle (Cafe. Lobby ) BOWLING- Devon Lanes $1.10 per game/ free shoes



Men's B/ball/Baptist Bible **Free for Seniors*** this last season ~ome game

Budget Comm. (DSCR) Summer Job Forum (WCLH), E/C (CCCRm) CEC (SH-C) Library Comm. (LCR) SGA - (WCLH) Breast Exam and Question Ses. (Woodcrest Basement) 6:00 Alumni Phonathon (MDR) Classes 7:30 Movie - Alienation (WCLH) 8:00 Career Seminar - Pre-law (WCCR)

is the

RACQUETNI GHT: Vi cto r ia Tenni s Club 8-1 2 midni ght , $3. 00/ per son , Tenni s r acquetball ,s quash , sauna ping - pong, Wide-scr een TV and fr ee food ! Vans leave at ?:30 fr om SHH.

2/27 2/24 9:00 1:00 3:00 3:00



12:00 12:45 1:00 5:00 6:00 7:00

Mass (Chapel) Curriculum Comm.(WCCR) History Clu b (WCSR) History C1t1·c Hass (Chapel) Alumni Phon?..thon (MDR) Creative Arts Wksp (SH-A,Cafe)

Wednesda y

Practicum (WCLH) Practicu m (WCLH,WCGA) Alumni Phonathon (MDR) Chess Club (WCSR) PSEA Student Teacher Forum (WCLH, WCGA) 9:00 Appalachia Meeting (DSCR) Thursday 2/2 8

9:00 12:00 6:00 6:30 8:00

CEC_Sunday School (SH-A) Parent's Phonathon (MDR) Art Exhibit--Opening Recept.(Lib.) Leave for PUTT PUTT Intramural Service road, SHH



10:30 12 : 30 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:30 3:00

Saturday 2:00


1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:30 G:0 0 9:00

Comm. Affairs (WCAR) Cam. Min. (DSCR) History Club (WCSR) Internat'l Cl ub (SH- 4) Pr e-la w Club (WCCR) Psy. Club (WCAR) Yearb ook (CCCRm ) Phonat hon (MDR ) Peer Ministr y (DSCR) ····-··• - -'·t>··•···-·-·

... :~__ :·-~-


·~ ~ ~~ t~.\:~ .;:~:••~ ~:~: ?::: ::~-::: .::~:: :~:-·~·-·~ :.~

LIBRARY HOURSFORSPRING BREAK Mar. 2-3-Saturday and Sunday-closed ; Mar. 4-8-MondayFriday-9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Mar. 9-Saturday-closed; Mar. 10-Sunday6:00-10:00 p.m.

INTERVIEW SEMINAR Thank you to all who participated in and attended the interview seminar on Tuesday, Feb. 12. Your involvement helped to make this event ,a success .

BOWLING-TONIGHT Devon Lanes will be the site of the intramural bowling matches. 9:30 pm., $1.10/game and the shoes are free! All members of tne campus community and their friends arefriendsare invited. ·


RACQUETNIGHTTOMORROW "From8pm. to midnight at the Victoria TennisClub on Feb. 23, there will be a racquetball night. 4 tennis courts, 2 squash courts; 2 racquetball cou~ a loft with ping-pong, wide screen lV and free food. Shower and sauna facilities also are available. Faculy,staff, administration and spouses are invited to atteng. Cost is $3.00per person. Van transportation is available.

CHALLENGE YOURRIVAL RESIDENTS-THIS WEEKEND Challege your rival residents group to a game of bowling or a game of wallyball(volleyball played on a raquetball court) and have it count toward lntramurals,

CHORUSPRACTICE LOCATION On Monday evening , Feb . 26 the chorus will

rehearsein the chapel. Please note this change


in location.

Xavier Upper South-1st place in participation: 1st place in points.


Orientation Counselor for the 1985-86 school year, please sign up in the student services area. Look for dates and locations for information meetings. ',

March 14 & 28. Apn118 and May 2. The meeting: are biweekly on Thursdays at 1:00 pm . in the Cafeteria.

JOHN EDDYANDTHEFRONT STREET RUNNERS-3/15 Friday, Mar. 15in CabriniGym. Tickets Available in the student activiti'~s office starting, Tuesday Feb. 26.



Tickets are available from Joe Dodds , box 525. The dates of the shows at the Spectrum are Feb. 26 throllgh Mar. 3. The tickets are half price with an Acme Markets Coupon, See Joe for more information.


If you areinterested in the position of an


Tuesday, Feb. 26 the LanguageDepartmentwill sponsora t,;pto the PhiladelphiaMuseumof An for the Degas-Cassatexhibit.Departµrefrom Cabrini is at 10:00a.m. and willreturnat 3:30 p.m. Transportation mustbe providedbe the students. Formoreinformation, call ext.340 or

Congratulations to the SuperthcmCommittee and especially Judy Buckfor contaction John Eddy and the Front StreetRunpel'S to play at Cabrini on Friday, Mar. 15 in th~ Gym. Tickets will go on sale this coming week in the student activities office.


- - •·< ~~\...·•··•·-•·-·· -.





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Congratulations to our expert speller in the campus community-Patty Hinke! On Sunday evening , Feb . 17, 9 students , representing 3 different Intramural groups competed for a fifteen dollar cash first prize. The event will give additional points toward intramurals.

Sunday; 3:00 pm. Transportation available to "'"~·· those who are interested .


_,_ _ ...,,___ ...__ _ __ ,.__

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Challengematchesin racquetsports:Several

matcheswinbe playedbetween students&

faculty!stafftadministration on Sat. evening. If you areinte_resf!KJ in particiPflling in a challenge fT!atch ,n ei~r Fjacquetba/li .Tennfsr or~IJ "" c9ntactthe studentservices~creta,v.""' N




The"Superthon Weekend would be a great time to invite your friends'°to Cabrini for the Weekend. . ,.Takeadvantageof the concert and the dance and akssomeguests to visit you.


TheSt. Patrick's Day Dance will conclude the Sµperthon which will benefit The Lupus Foundation and Alzheimer's Disease Reaseai'ch . Plan to attend and bring your friends! 9pm.-1am .

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