cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. .19087
friday,mar.1, 1985
vol. xxxi, no. 18
Reaganproposesstudentaid cuts Informedcollegestudentstake actionagainst suggestedreductions by Michelle M. Bamber
Although late in starting: student action against President Reagan's proposed budget cuts is now beginning. If Reagan's proposed budget cuts for stu: dent financial assistance are passed by Congress, $2.3 billion less will be appropriated for fiscal year 1~86 than for 1985. This will affect the 84 percent of the students on campus who receive financial aid. Reagan has also presented several legislative proposals that would cause some students to be ineligible for-any federal aid at all. All students from families with adjusted gross incomes above $25,000 could not receive any federal grants, direct loans or work-study jobs. Students from families with adjusted gross incomes above $32,500 would not qualify for the Guaranteed Student Loan program. When asked if she had done anything about the proposals, Karen Dinan, senior, said, "No, because it does not directly affect me. I have a lot of other things I should be doing." Dan Radice, junior, has not done anything either. When asked why, he said, "I just have not buckled down and done it." Robin Larkins, president, Student Government Association (SGA), said, "Awareness is lacking because students do not under~tand the meaning of the cuts."
She along with the rest of the SGA executive board is organizing a campus campaign to build student awareness. A letter to the key people on campus was sent out earlier in the week to announce the campaigns' kick off. At the SGA meeting last week, Arlene McEvilla-Dittbrenner, director, financial aid, spoke to students concerning the proposals for the first time. This past Tuesday, a letter writing workshop was held by McEvilla-Dittbrenner at the SGA meeting. Larkins hopes this will get students involved and build awareness at the same time. The history and political science club lent assistance to the SGA campaign by finding out names and addresses of legislators. If this is successful, Larkins plans to take another course of action. She would like to invite other area colleges to a rally on campus to again build awareness of the proposals to students outside of Cabrini. The responses she receives from the other colleges will determine the possibility of a rally. She said, "Maybe if we can be the catalyst in building awareness we'll have served our purpose for serving students. The next possible step that Larkins sees is a trip to Washington, D.C . Over 300 Cabrini students in addition to students from all over the country attended a sim-
ilar rally four years ago. Because of student involvement the proposals were not passed. The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, located in Harrisburg, PA, was responsible for organizing the Pennsylvania students who attended the march. A spokeswoman from the association said, ''Another march is in the talking stages, although nothing is definite." Even though no date has been set, they are planning something. She added, "Cabrini is on our list." McEvilla-Dittbrenner feels very strong on the issue of fighting the proposed cuts. She said, "Every student has a responsibilty to let their congressman know how it would affect them." She continued, "This is an issue that we should not panic about, but rather act upon. Everyone should be very aware that their opinion counts." John Briscoe, an area spokesman for Representative Robert Edgar said, "It is clear and succinct that this administration has abandoned all programs that seek to invest in the future of this country." He also said that Edgar, who is against the proposals, thinks that "money invested in education is a good investment and should continue to be put there." Briscoe stressed the importance of contacting members of Congress by first calling to find out where they stand on the
issue and then writing them. He said, "It really makes a difference." In the Feb. 25, issue of Newsweek, it was stated that Republican Senator Robert Stafford , who chairs the Senate education subcommittee, is confident that there are enough votes in Congress to defeat the proposals. James Hedtke, professor, political science, commented on the proposed cuts saying, "I think all students should be involved in things that affect them, even seniors. They have a moral duty to take care of the next generation." Hedtke stressed the point that parents of students should also get involved becau se the 30-50 year old age group has the highest amount of voters. They are viewed as the ones who make the contributions and voice their opinions to their friends. According to McEvilla-Dittbrenner , many people view financial aid as a free ride, not realizing that students work hard during college and must pay back all the money. An additional point that she brought to the out was that a hightechnology age such as ours requires an educated population to make value judgements. McEvilla-Dittbrenner summed up how she feels on the issue of student federal aid cuts by asking, "Who are todays students? They are tomorrows leaders."
Majorchangesto occur in housingfor fall '85 by Lisa A. Rancatore
After careful consideration and planning, Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, has decided to institute some changes concerning housing next semester. Lilly arrived at her decisions by researching the current resident figures, projecting new figures based on an attrition rate, usually 10 percent, and determining the number of available spaces that she has for the residents. One of the changes is the conversion of Xavier Hall from an all-female residence to an all-male residence. Xavier Hall can house 120 people and 116 male residents are projected for next year. Lilly feels the male population "would fit in there very nicely." "Since I decided to put them in a dormitory situation," Lilly said, "I preferred to give them the better dorm, (Xavier); especially since it was their only option." She added she thought it would be a more comfortable at Xavier for the male residents. Another change in the housing situation for next semester concerns Counsel Hall. Counsel is going to have its population reduced and become a women's residence. "Counsel is really not an ideal living environment so it was a very high priority to me to see if we could close Counsel for men and switch it over to a women's residence. This would be nretty much like a house situation since there would only be
perspectives . . . . .2 news • • • • • • • . . • • • 3 . features . . . . . . . . . .4 living • • • • • • • . . . . .5 sports • • • • • • . . . . .6 sga • • • • • • • • • • • • • .7 twac • • • • • • • • • • • • .8
20 women living there," Lilly said. She added that she hopes for renovations to happen before the fall term begins. Thirdly, the houses will become female residences . Lilly considered the possibility of turning the houses over to the men of the campus. This would mean giving five of the seven houses to the male residents. "I am not convinced a house situation would be ideal for freshmen," Lilly said. Woodcrest will remain a women's dorm, yet internal changes will occur. To begin with, the first and second floors will be tripled. The third floor will be mainly sophomores in doubles. Lilly believes due to the projected number of freshmen, the rooms will be tripled. "I think it's unfortunate that we have to triple Woodcrest," Beverly Reilly, resident manager, Woodcrest, said. "But we don't have any other choice given the way facilities are." · Resident student opinions on this issue seem to vary. "I don't want to go but I have to, so I will," Joe Gagliari, freshman, said. "I will greatly miss it (Counsel)." Most are sympathetic to the problem faced by the men of the college but understand the reasoning behind the changes. "I understand how the men -might feel being in one building, but it's one of the best facilities we have," Reilly said. "It's a shame the guys can't have a choice · of a second residence," Julia Malik, sophomore, said.
A surpriselanding: A sunny afternoon on Tarrytown Lakes, Tarrytown N. Y. This Canadian goose soars in for a graceful landing. (photo by Mark Magner)
Looki_ng at a top rock station For an inside look at one of the top radio stations in Philadelphia, see the living section page 5. (insignia courtesy of WMMR)
Gettingrid of wintertime blues Forgetting all about low ternperatures and half-melted snow, the women of Xavier Hall held a beach party; this was the first dorm function in Xavier. See SGA, page 7. (photo by Cara Graham)
I -j
loquitur - friday, mar. 1, 1985
editorials For the next few months, we should all make a concerted effort to be kind to those who commute, for they must grapple daily with a huge obstacle: the Schuylkill Expressway closing. Traffic was bad enough during the morning and I evening rush hours on that two-laned, obsoletebefore-it-was-built, "sure kill" nightmare, but with 1that expressway now in major repair, commuters 1have to also deal with round-about alternate routes. It's no longer just a matter of engaging 'auto-pilot' for that old familiar ride; they now need compasses and maps to navigate their way to and from ·school successfully. If you're not certain who the affected commuters are, they should soon become quite evident. They may appear slightly brain numb from inhaling the noxious fumes of bumper-to-bumper nonmoving 'iehi-
cles; they will have slight difficulty walking after b~ing molded to th~ driyer's seat for hours; and they will inevitably be harried, running into classes late and cursing the re-construction crews. ' We all, of course may at some point be affected by the expressway closing if we are traveling anywhere between Valley Forge and Philadelphia. So we can sympathize with the commuter plight. The whole ordeal is an inconvenient pain-in-the-carseat, but there are some bright consolations to be considered: drivers accustomed to the dingy expressway can now cruise through the scenic Main Line countryside; and in three years, after the construction is complete, we will hopefully be able to drive the Schuylkill without having to yell conversation to passengers over the roar of the wheels on the pot-holed pavement. Three years isn't too long for that luxury, now is it?
Impoverishedin the U.S.need aid,too While it is encouraging to find that the Reagan administration has found a space in its proposed budget to grant aid to impoverished regions, it seems that they have overlooked one major fact; not all these troubled regious are on foreign soil. The United States, in fact, has a vast, economically distressed area known as Appalachia sitting right in its midst. Yet the funding for its relief agencies are to be drastically cut. The administration concluded that the agency's "programs served no national economic purpose, but instead cater at tax payers' expense to local and regional political interests." Since when has an ,area with almost triple the national unemployment rate (20.8 percent at the onset of winter) been a mere "regional,political interest?" Any ailing part of the United States should be of national concern, since we are only as strong as our weakest link. And how is the plight of our overseas neighbors more nationalistically important than the situations of our own citizens? Appalachia, which is already lagging far behind in the nation's economic recovery, may never again be
able to adequately support its inhabitants if its welfare, heat subsidies, Medicare, blacklung benefits for miners and school lunch programs are curtailed . Federal aid helped halve one of the region's major problems-the infant mortality rate - in one county, but without steady funding, progress such as this may be permanently halted. Appalachia is not just a "regional" concern, because like the Ethiopians, the Appalachians are at the effect of their land. The area is mountainous, and coal is their only significant industry. They are isolated from modern technology such as indoor plumbing and sewerage, and are thought ·to be the least educated inhabitants of the United States. They have no apparent means to solve their own economic problems, so federal moneywhich would provide for improved living conditions, better education and more jobs-seems to be the answer. If increased foreign aid shows that the administration is world-conscious, what does the cut in local aid show? These Appalachians are, after all, United States citizens, and if other countries are being treated better by our own government, what is that advantage of that title?
Fridq\{_ March 1,3:30 class...
Spring breakin' in my backyard
barbara mongelli ! So where are you going for your spring break? I've got the perfect vacation spot and it's just the right price. While several of my friends are off vacationing in the Caribbean or California, I'll be basking in my own pseudo-luxury; ifl can't go to the vacation spot, I'll bring the vacation spot to me.
Okay, so maybe I won't make it out of town-I can at least think about it, can't I? It won't be all that bad. I'm sure that I'll be able to get the real flavor for what all my friends are ooing in Fort Lauderdale when the "wish you were here" postcards start pouring in; and maybe I'll take a trip to a nearby travel agency and pick up some brochures about that exotic dream vacation, even though it ~ll surel! re1:11aina dream. It's bound to be relaxing, though. The phone won't always be ringing off the hook; nobody will be around to bother me-even if it's only because they're all off sunning in some tropical paradise. · Besides, I can pretty much do the same things that all of my friends will be doing; they'll just be doing it in different parts of the country. After all, I can lounge around all day and have my little sister bring me iced teas for a small fee; I can buy expensive souvenirs and carry my camera wherever I go; I can buy millions of little trial size bottles of shampoos and conditioner, live out ofmy suitcase for a week and wake up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon; I can even get lost if I try hard enough. I look at it this way: where I'll be staying, the rates are always reasonable, three meals a day, a stereo, color television are included and if mom's in a good mood, I get my bed made for me. Okay I'll admit there's a fl.awin my plan for this great pseudo-vacation, but I really won't need the "complimentary" soap and towels anyway.
letter Dear editors: The Friday, Feb. 22 edition of Loquitur states that I ride a horse every day as a way of keeping fit. (p. 6). Unfortunately, this has not been true for the past two or three years. · More important than my exercise patterns, however, is the fact that no one from Loquitur bothered to interview me before attributing actions to me. Where did your information come from? Aren't reporters supposed to investigate the facts before writing? Does Loquitur print creative writing often? Can I- should I-believe other statements I read in our campus paper? Sincerely, Marice Bezdek, Ph.D. Professor, English/Communications
laquitur cabrini college
·Sunny day? Go to the park by Virginia A. Smith The usual baseball players, bathing beauties and blasting radios were in full bloom during the 70 degree "heatwave" last weekend, and I found myself fantasizing picnics, ·trips tq the zoo, and bike hikes for my Sunday day off. My boyfriend, however, surprised me with an alternate outing - one I don't think I was quite prepared for: Ridley Creek State Park. Located in the beautiful Rosetree area, the park's massive acreage is said to put Cabrini's 110 to shame. "What a unique idea." I said. Not so unique, I
soondiscovered. About 1000 other people had the same inclination. It
was as if the park was magnetized, drawing every human within a 100 mile radius. And what a cross-section of the population! There were older couples walking their dogs, younger couples playing frisebee. There were radios blasting, cameras flashing, kites flying, cars and vans parked everywhere,motorcycles roaring, barbecues cooking - activity buzzing at a crazy pace. It had the appearance of an organized rock festival, yet the event was totally unplanned. You find yourself chatting familiarly with strangers or rolling on the grass, absolutely
caught up in the mood of the day. And the whole phenomena is a yearly ritual that just sort of "happens" on the first warm day every year. Amazing how we humans are driven by the weather. Growing up five minutes from the beach, I remember watching the similar yearly treks to the ocean in early March. Students, fishermen and tourists· from everywhere put on their shorts, grabbed a radio and some shades and congregated by the shore to frolic or just "hang out." They, too, were surprised to find the massive crowds, thinking their spontaneous desire to
wade in the Atlantic unique.
Is there an explanation for such curiosities? Scientists are probably investigating theories now. One thing's for certain: the man who learns how to harness the effects of the weather on people's attitudes and habits has the potential to ruin me scholastically. After all, how could I ever stay inside and study with those just-right balmy breezes blowing a hint of spring relief just around the corner? Enjoy sunshine when it comes, but be careful; you never know where it mi ht take
Loqultur Is published weelcly during the school year by the students of Cobrin! College, Rodn01; Pennsylvonia. 19087. Subscription price Is $'Klper year and is Included in the benefits secured by lultton and student fees. Edttoc Barbara Mongelli : News Edttoc Lucia Laurito Assistant. Shelagh McGinn Perspectives Edltoc Virginia Smith Features Edttor: Bonnie Zlschang Assistant. Donna Horsley LMng Editor: Gia DIGlmlnlanl Assistant. Robert Marchesanl Sports Edltoc Michelle Bamber Assistant. B.J. Petracci Ari Editors: Debbie Ciclrello and Beth Daly Photography Editor. Cora Graham Assistant. Marl< Viggiano BusinessManager. Robin Larldns Photography Adviser. Dr. Corter Craigle Adviser. Dr.Je<ome Zurek Slaff: Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino. Frank Bokosld. Karen Bo\Ners,Koren Clor1<.Chris Corcoran, Bernadette Demski, Marybeth Evtch. Katie Grim!&, Kerry Hogan, Chris Koerne t Joan Krome,; Randy Lefl<o, Maureen McAnesp,: Loura Przywara. Lisa Roncotore , TrishReill)' Allen Reyes, Eileen Riddle, Peggy Simon, Kathi Wochenhelm The SGAand TWAC pages are paid advertisements. The content Is under the supervision of those offices. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor . Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors . Howevet ~ the wrtter wishes. and the editor ogrees, .the writers name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer: Letters should be typed, double-spaced and no more than 300 words In length. ~ a letle< is too long for the OIIOilable space, the edttor may edit or condense . Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur- friday,mar. 1, 1985
Changestake placeinâ&#x20AC;˘campus lotterysystem Changes have been made this year concerning the lottery system. The lottery is held each year in the spring semester to decide where students will reside the following semester . The lottery process will begin after spring break from Mar. 25-31. Room deposit fees of $50 will be taken from Mar.11-22 to reserve a space for next semester. These deposits should be taken to Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life. Room reservations will take the place of the in-house lottery this year . When a resident pays the room deposit fee, they may reserve the room in which they are currently living. According to Lilly, the reason for no inhouse lottery this year is to open up the living situation, resulting in more of a cross-section of people in the residences. Lilly said the system still guarantees that by the time students are seniors they will have the room they want.
In previous years, residents wishing to remain in their room could claim squatter's rights. This would mean that students would not enter the general lottery and would retain the room they were living in that semester for the next year. Another change in the system is a process called room switches. If a person ends
news briefs
by Karen Clark, Lucia L. Lauri to, Shelagh McGinn and Randy Letko up in a situation they are not pleased with, they can switch rooms with anyone who is willing to swap with them on Apr. 1-3. The students have mixed emotions about the new changes. "It doesn't matter either way to me as long as you can keep your own room," Nancy Hauslater, sophomore, resident of McGuire house, said. Dana Ridgeway,junior, resident of Dixon house, said, "I don't think it's too fair (the in-house lottery) because it doesn't give the people that already live in the house, a chance for a bigger room if they want one." Patricia Thomas, sophomore , resident of Xavier Hall, does not agree with Ridgeway.
Thomas said, "In a way, I think it's better that we do not have an in-house lottery because it gives everybody a fair and equal chance of getting in the house or dQrmitory of their choice."
Schuylkill reconstruction beginstoday Tocfay,Friday, Mar. 1; the Schuylkill is closed from Conshohocken to the turnpike. The Valley Forge exit will be closed. Use alternate routes. The dean of students offi.ce has survivor guides for those unfamiliar with the area and the alternate roads.
Studentsassist campussecurity Four Cabrini students , Robin Larkins, senior , Dave Long and Randy Lefko , juniors and Virginia Smith, sophomore, assisted campus security last Saturday in apprehending a group of Valley Forge cadets in the lower Grace Hall parking lot. Upon returning from intramurals,
Smith was parking the van when Letko noticed a group of 10-12 sweatsuit-clad cadets running towards the Children's School. Larkins notified campus security while Smith tried to corral the group with the van. Security was unable to apprehend any of the fleeing cadets, but Valley Forge Military Academy was notified immediately. According to later investigations, an automobile parked in the Sacred Heart parking lot was found to have a broken window.
Smith publishes in nationalquarterly Virginia Smith, sophomore, had an article published in "The Arts Calendar Quarterly : a guide to major events in' theater, music and dance." The article, entitled, "Special Report: The National Ticket Booths," is the lead article in the winter/spring issue . The article deals with discount ticket booths in New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., and those soon to be in Philadelphia. Her travel expenses were paid for by the grant given to the Loquitur by the Reader's Digest Foundation.
Social ActivitiesBoard:
Revisionshelp clarifydutiesof members by Margaret Angelucci The Social Actvities Board (SAB) has made changes within its system. The board has divided its responsibilities evenly betwen twelve class representatives: three for each class and four liaisons who relay information between the SAB, Student Government Association (SGA), and the classes. "The Social Activities Board is a branch of SGA that is responsible for activities sponsored through SGA. We try to increase awareness and entertainment on campus for the good of all," said Joe Giuffre , sophomore , liaison between SAB and the SGA executive board. According Giuffre the reason for the revision in the board is because the duties of the SAB were not clearly defined . "We were working under the wrong interpretation of the constitution," Giuffre
said. "The constitution states that there should be three representatives for each class ." The problem was that no one on the board clearly understood the constitution. According to Giuffre, too much responsibility was placed on the members of the SAB. This included attending SAB, SGA and class meetings. "I think the reason there was so much animosity between the SAB board and the classes was because there was uneven representation of the classes. This was not the class' fault , but the board's fault through the misinterpretation of the constitution," Giuffre said. Colleen DiRaddo , director, student activities, feels that the board is now more clarified. "The change that has occurred has made everyone's job much easier," DiRaddo said. "I especially like how the
first semester reps are planning for first big difference. Formerly , Bower's position semester next year; it gives us a head included attending three different meetstart ." ing for three different activities . Since the The class representatives cannot ask change she only attends meetings for SAB anyone from the board to help them in the andSGA. planning or implementation of activities. "I like the revisions because it really They must ask students to help them . makes the job easier, " Bowers said. "We are "By making the representatives ask not required to go to all three meetings . I other students to help with the planning, it think the meetings are what tore us apart involves the campus, " DiRaddo said . ''It because SAB wanted us to do one thing and works out much better this way. It 's disour class wanted us to do another thing. couraging when students don 't particiNow I feel that the duties have been narpate...,I really don 't think the students rowed down and made specific. This makes understand how beneficial it is to get it a lot easier for a person to get involved." involved with activities on campus. They Kathy O'Brien, junior and class -reprelearn to accept responsibility and it helps sentative for SAB said she felt the problem to develop new relationships. They basiwas not with the clarification of the concally get a lot more out of college." Karen Bowers, sophomore and first ' sitution, but more with the students not attending the functions that are held on assistant in social activites for the sophcampus. omore class, feels the revision has made a
Marketingmajor approvedby trustees by Kerry Hogan
n, mg awaited marketing major was finally approved last semester by the Board of Trustees. First introduced two years ago, the marketing major was a response to increasing demands for such a major by students at Cabrini. "Five years ago, Dr. Romano had the foresight to project a demand for business administration," Edward Christ, assistant professor, business administration , said . At present, there are approximately 27 to 30 students enrolled in the new major. Lisa Schaefer is one of the seniors who will graduate with a bachelor's degree in marketing this year. Schaefer made her decision to transfer to marketing in her junior year when she first learned that it would
be offered to students the following year. "In my junior year I began preparing for marketing by taking a concentration, courses affiliated with the marketing major. The marketing field is very interesting . Researching products in class enables us to put our knowledge into practical experiences," Schaefer said. Jane Feeney, junior, switched to marketing from accounting. "Because my father works in the marketing field, he has helped me see what type of work he does and what marketing actually involves," Feeney said. Feeney also said, "Mr. Christ has been helpful to his students by enabling them to attend social dinners sponsored by the Direct Marketing Association. It enables the ~tudents to learn different aspects of
marketing by listening about and discuS1>ing (marketing) with professionals in the marketing field." Anita Carroll, senior, plans to graduate with a double major in business and marketing. "The trend in the business field seems to lean towards marketing . My ideal job would be a career which pays extremely well and involves dealing with people," Carroll said. A well paying job that enables one to work with people is also a primary goal of Lisa Catini, sophomore, who has taken up marketing this semester. "I want a job that is high paying and will offer the opportunity to move up in the company. I think Cabrini's selection of courses within marketing is improving and I find them very interesting," Catini
SECURITYSYSTEMS: Guards ore needed to,
several shifts. 4-mldnlght. midnlght-8 a.m.. and 8-11weekends. $3.45/hr ta start. There will be a raise reveiw after 6 weeks. Pique! Security Systems are located In the Main Line area, Klng of Prussia. and the \A:,lley Forge area. Call 215-896-7600 or 8967606 and ask for the personal department.
PARTTIME: 8ridal shop Is looldng for part time help . $3.50/hr with possible raise. Located on W.C. Pike In Broomall . Call 356-5424 for more Information .
MANAGEMENTTRAINING: Part time assistant manager wanted at the Joan 8arry Store (Handbagsi Could lead to full time monagerlal position . Contact BIii ~chione at 543-6872.
ASSEMBLYLINE: M/F working with caragaling cardboard assembly line work Flexible 7:30-4 or 5. anytime between these hours. Contact Bill McElheny at 828-8900 . COMPUTERWORK: Working with data base . For more Information contact 8arbara Myers at 896-5500 or 664-2378.
said. Aside from academics, Catini is working at Chilton Research Services in the telemarketing department which has helped her gain experience in the marketing field. "Marketing is geared to the student who wishes to specialize in a specific area within the field of business," Howard Buzzard, ' chairperson, business admin _ istration, said. Courses required for a marketing major are: personnel and organizational behavior, microeconomics and macroeconomics, accounting principles I and II, business statistics I and II, principles of marketing, business law and a senior seminar. Elective courses are also necessary to fulfill the requirements of a marketing major.
FREE ROOM & BOARD:Free room & board In exchange to, child care . There ore two children. 6 yrs &.3 yrs. Job begins In summer. Call Kristine Davts at 687-1872.
PARTTIME SALES: Joyce Selby Shoes In the Court In Klng of Prussia has an opening for 2 or 3 students. Hours are flexible , i1-30 hours per week Pnciuding evenings and weekends) . Salary of $3.35/hr plus commission on all sales. Contact Kathy or Linda at 337-9277 for an interview. COLLEGE/GRADUATESTUDENTS:$5/hr plus tips.SI Davts Limo is looking to, full and part ttme drivers for our newly established luxury limousine service . Must hove at least o five year violation-free drMng record . Schedule can be tailored ta academic schedules . It Interested contact Transportation Manager at 688-5800 .
JOB FAIR:The Financial Aid Office , Career Counse ling. and The Deon of students Office ore hosting a summer Jobfair on Friday April 12, 1985 In the Widener Gathering Center . MARK\OUR CALEND'IRSI More details to follow.
loquitur- friday,mar.1, 1985
Entrepreneurdriven by dreams by Laura L. Przywara She is one of the lucky people who always knew what she wanted to do with her life. In her case it was working in the arts. By commuting from New York to teach arts administration at Cabrini and working on her own business, Kathy Levin enjoys working hard to achieve her goals. "I always knew I would work in the arts," stated Levin. She began by playing the piano at age four. She attended the University of Delaware where she received a B.S. in painting and art education. At this time, she knew she wasn't ready to "just go out and paint around." Levin then attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison where she received a masters degree in business and art administration. She then continued to study in other Philadelphiaarea schools. "I always wanted to work in a gallery," said Levin, and being in arts administration put her in a position to do that and much more. According to Levin, ''.Arts administration is the business of managing non-profit arts organizations from the business side of things (box offices, fund raising). It is not doing . artsy things like making stage sets and so on. Art administration is creating an administrative environment that lets artists do their work." More exciting than arts administration is a business that Levin created a year and a half ago that ties in with her arts administration background. Working with the arts and knowing that people always want to know what is going on, Levin came up with a medium "to deal directly with the arts and to get information out there for art consumers."
Thus "The Arts Calendar, Inc." (a guide to major events in theater, music and dance) was created. This membership information service provides companies such as airline and travel agencies and libraries with information about the performing arts in 25 major American cities such as Atlanta, Baltimore and Philadelphia. The ''.Arts Calendar Quarterly" is a publication with listings of the cities' art entertainment. "TIPS" is a packet of travel information for hotels, restaurants and sightseeing agencies. The third service is a personal planning and research service for members' questions about vacations. Levin was motivated to start this venture because there was no other business of its kind in existence; Levin came upon the need and sought to fulfill it. "The whole thing is a tremendous learning experience. In arts administration, people tend to move every four to five years, finances are shaky and there is an overall risk. This business was something that would hold my interest for a long period of time. It has potential for building a lifestyle that could have much stability," said Levin. So far Levin's business has had good support and feedback. "You don't need a million people to buy it to make it work," Levin said. When asked what advice she had for students who may someday want to start their own business, Levin replied, "You really should like it, believe in your product, and be willing to spend a lot of time with what you are doing. You have to be disciplined and committed and do a lot of work before you see a pay-off. There is a risk but there is a higher opportunity for tremendous reward ."
With an arts administration background, Kathy Levin used her ingenuity to create "The Arts Calendar," which serves as a theater, music and dance guide.
College does not sever mother-daughter love by Mary K. Grimley The college years of a young woman are, in many cases, the most instrumental in the establishment of a new, more mature and understandable mother-daughter relationship. These can be years of newly discovered happiness, carrying with it growing pains. Throughout most of a girl's high school days, a mother is that antagonizing figure to whom she must return to each day. "Why are you so late?", ''.Are your chores done?" and "I need some help in the kitchen!" are frequently the extent of conver.sat ion betweeri ..a mother and a daughter through her teenage years. Suddenly and quite pleasantly, going to college ignites new aspects of the relationship. From out of the blue, that authoritative voice the young woman grew up listening to is replaced by a friend in whom a real trust can be developed. Sophomore Michelle latesta said, "I feel like I give and give at school but when I am home I get a lot back. She's the best listener and talker in the world. She doesn't try to give me advice, she just listens."
The shift in the relationship is even specific mother-daughter pair. Anna latesta, the mother oflatesta, sees more distinctly recognized if the daughter the need to "be able to say that beyond us, moves away from home. According to Jacqueline Cunney, mother there is a deeper movement." Her mother of Junior Mary Beth Cunney, "When a continued, "We can trust in prayer and in child leaves, a mother must realize that our wanting to receive. We listen to the her child is growing up and becoming inde- Lord and hope to discover how this receivpendent. It is painful to adjust yourself to ing might happen." the fact that your child is no longer your baby." Seperation . between a mother and a daughter is often extremely beneficial to a The shiftin the relationship relationship after so many years of being so close to one another. is even moredistinctly Dr. Barbara Harris, professor of psycholrecognizedif the daughter ogy, mother of four, said, "Once your child is gone, she returns wanting to make her movesawayfromhome. own decisions. There is a change from a mother-daughter relationship to more of an equal relationship. You no longer tell In a majority of mother-daughter relaher what to do." tionships, there is a certain inborn need in Conversation is an important element behind a successful relationship. the hearts of the daughters to live up to According to Peggy Emerick, freshman, their mother's expectations. "We appreciate talking to one another. The Harris said, ''.As a professional I never reason for this is our distance apart." try to lay expectations on my daughters In each mother-daughter relationship, although some are impicit like college and there are factors indicative only to that marriage."
Every daughter has a different way of needing her mother's approval. Molly Senerty, freshman, recalls how she" tried to be like her and act all grown up." ¡ Mary Beth Cunney, junior, understands that her mother expects a lot. Cunney said, "She wants the best and expects me to be the best. She just wants me to be a good person. I understand what she wants for me and I try to live up to it but as time goes on. I realize that my own needs and decisions are becoming every bit as important." The benefits of a good mother-daughter relationship are ceaseless and the rewards are felt by both the mother and the daughter. Just as mothers give so much, so too, do daughters. "I'm my mother's cqntact with the world. I keep her fresh. Her life is very different because ofme. I've added dimension to her life. There are times I'd like to see our relationship stronger. It has its ups and downs but she's always there," stated Senior Patricia McHugh.
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loquitur - friday, mar. 1, 1985
WMMR'sheritage securestop rock seat
' by Trish Reilly Over the years, radio has played a major role in the movement ofrock. In 1968, Dave Herrman introduced the Marconian Experiment. Rock was programmed to be played once in a while on an already formated radio station. That alternative radio station started playing this "rock 'n' roll" all the time. That station, which was once the alternative radio station in 1968, is now better known as the "Home of Rock 'n' Roll ," Station 93.3, WMMR. WMMRhas managed to remain consistant with their heritage throughout their 17 year history, an unrecognizable achievement considering music forms in the past have changed almost every decade, and radio formats change
continually . Thirty years later , rock is still here, and 17 years later WMMR is still cranking out what rock fans throughout Philadelphia apparently want to hear. According to Jack Quigley, promotion director, WMMR, ratings have shown WMMR to be number one with adults in the 18 to 49 age bracket, number two with adults in the 25 to 54 group, and number one with men 18 years and older. What is it about WMMR that attracts so many listeners within such a large scope? Quigley feels the answer lies in the station's heritage , its personalities, and its music . WMMR's personalities have definitely played a vital role in the station's success . Michael Tearson has been working with WMMRfor 14 years as a disc jockey. Tearson is usually on the air from 10 p.m. to 2 a .m. Currently , he has cranked out over 3,500 broadcasts. Tearson said, "With talent and timing, what others might consider luck, I have managed to find myself-my deep niche. WMMRis a thorough, complete, first class act. I love the job and the performance. " Joe Bonadonna is a seven-year veteran of WMMR. Most rock'n' rollers let Bonadonna drive them home from work each day since he is usually on air from 2 to 6 p.m. "Bubba" John .Stevens has been rocking at WMMR for five years. He is the man who takes listeners to the Woodstock era during the- "Psychedelic Supper," weekdays Pierre Robert came to Philadelphia from San Francisco and has been rocking with fans on the east coast ever since. Then there is John DeBella, who according to Quigley, is the greatest morning man in Philadelphia. WMMRis a "street radio station ," which according to Quigley is why it has been so successful. Quigley stated, "We (WMMR) are the most promotionally active radio staton in the market ." WMMRhas a large sports connection, and is curently
using these connections in a campaign against drunk driving. Members of the Philadelphia Eagles and WMMRpersonalities are visiting high schools as a public service to the community in order to prevent drunk driving. Quigley stated, "The reason a person listens t(\ a radio station first and foremo~t is for the type of music. Other things fall in behind. You must be right up there with your music ." And "right up there" is just where WMMR is with its music . It has an intense music research program to find out just what its listeners want to hear. Quigley said, "We'll test it to death if we have to." Judy Buck, station manager of WCAB, said, "WMMR's survival has been rare in itself. It's amazing to see such a radio station right in Philadelphia reach the top. Being station manager of WCAB, I have found that it is the many intangible things that keep a radio station surviving." Buck continued, "WMMR's music selection is more diverse than any other in Philadelphia . They keep in tune to what the Delaware Valley wants to hear. Listeners aren't aware of the many years it takes to establish such a music selection. Such a station should be praised for its 17 year survival. And I am sure it is emulated often across the country." _ What is in the future for WMMR?According to Quigley, WMMR will stay with the core audience that grew up with them . Quigley feels that in the last five years the meaning of music has changed . He said , "People do not grow their hair long anymore to prove a point; they don't read liner• notes on albums anymore. It's not a lifestyle. There is more involved in it today." The Philadelphia radio market is a very competitive one. There are rating wars going on among all the stations . Quigley stated, "We (WMMR) compete against the radio market as a whole, vying for that number one spot."
Fashionsofferavenueof expression Bernadette Demski , junior , said , "I wear what I like . I dressed more conservatively during my first two years at Cabrini because I went to a private high school. But all of the sudden I've gotten into new fashions . My roommate and friends have a lot of influence; they dress in the new styles , which I like , too. But I wear what I want, and what I feel comfortable in ." A key factor in choosing a style of clothing is comfort, both physically and psychologically. Most students agreed that popularity does not matter when they are choosing their clothing; if it is not comfortable, or if they do not feel confident in it, they will not wear it.
by Laura L. Przywara
There's always one person in every crowd whose style of dress is so unique that it instantly warrants attention . Whispers spread as the trendsettE)I"passes. Curious eyes scan the lace· gloves, the flourescent yellow sweatshirt and matching socks. The way people dress is an expression of themselves. If you sit and observe passersby, you can find diverse personalities. The stylish dresser prides himself in keeping current with the latest fashions, especially the new wave trends and the original styles from famous American and European designers. Whatever the current mode is, whether it is Guessjeans or spike bracelets, you can be sure to find this person decked out in the latest attire. "I wear whatever I think looks good, whatever style compliments me," Jackie Cunningham, senior, said. "If everyone is going to start wearing a punk hair style, for example, and I think it looks good, I may consider trying it myself." It is the "me" dresser that appeals to most students. This person dresses to be different, not only just to attract attention, but also to show the world that they are unique. Mary Beth Cunney, junior, commented,
Cathy Wiesner and Julie Biczelewski, juniors, express their individuality through their style of clothing. Their shirts were inspired in part by the New Wave group Frankie Goes To Hollywood. (photo by Mark Magner) "I like to adapt a style to my personality unique, and hopefully that I have good and be different. The message I am send- · taste . I like fun clothing and accessories, ing through what I wear is that I am butlthinkdesignername~aretootrendy."
Campus Ministry ...
Calendar for March
March 3 - 10 PROJECT APPALACHIA March 18 Pennance Service March 31 Palm Sunday
April 7 Easter Sunday
"I have to wear what's appropriate," Susan Minnick, sophomore, said. "I'm conscious of changing fashions, but comfort is a determining factor." Apparently clothing has become more than a basic human need. It has become a means through which people seek to distinguish themselves and express their individuality. Are people trying to send a message through what they wear? Demski commented, "Subconsciously, I think we all do that. If someone's personality is bright and colorful, they usually wear bright and colorful clothing."
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Lentenweekday masses: noon and Sp.m.(Mon.-Thurs.) Masses for students, clubs, organizations:by request Confessionsby appointment ' Remember"The Journey Begins"Lenten Calendar!! If you don't have one, pick one up in the CMA Office
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.L American
loquitur- friday,mar.1, 1985
Cavs move toward try at championship by Frank Bokoski and B.J. Petracci All season you play hard, working for that ultimate goal: making the playoffs. When you have finally achie".ed that goal, you realize the pressure of a playoff situation knowing that with just one loss, it could all be over. ''The next time we lose, will be the last time we lose this season," said John Dzik, coach of men's basketball. For the four seniors on the team, Ma.rtin Clancy, Tom McGowan, John McQueen and John Walden, a loss will mean the end of their collegiate basketball career. In the last five years, the men's basketball team has won five straight championships. The first three championships were in the Keystone Athletic Conference. Last year's title was won in the Eastern Pennsylvanian Athletic Conference (EPAC), and was recently regained this year. In the first playoff game on Tuesday night, the Cavaliers defeated Lincoln University. Tonight they will be going for the NAIA District 19 championship, challenged by Philadelphia Pharmacy, who defeated Allentown in their playoff game. Head coach John Dzik and the assistant coaches, Mike Keeley and Joe Kelly, have been working hard to prepare the team for the playoffs. "Our team se~ms to be the team that can rise to the occasion," Dzik said. So far this season the team has been very successful. They have compiled a record of 8-0 in the EPAC conference and an impressive overall record of 20-5. According to Patrick Nolen, junior, guard, "If we don't win the District 19 championship, it a disappointment. We have beaten every team in the district; if we lose, it's because of ourselves." Jeff Kardos, sophomore, forward, is looking forward to the playoffs. Kardos said, "The playoffs are the most exciting part of the season. We're look forward to the playoffs and to winning them."
· ___
Dzik is a bit concerned that there is an aura of overconfidence. "None of the teams in the district can beat us. We can only beat ourselves," Dzik said. According to Dzik the solution to this problem is to constantly make the team aware of it. However, Karl Sartor, sophomore, forward, said, ''There is nothing wrong with over confidence as long as you play confidently. If you go into a game feeling that you can beat a team by 20, with confidence you can blow them out." Keeley agrees with Dzik. "Ifwe lose it is because we beat ourselves," said Keeley. He continued, "I think the players understand what is needed both mentally and physically. I think our chances are really good. The team is in a good frame of mind," Keeley said. Clancy feels confident. He said, "It's a good feeling to be seeded number one." However, McQueen adds, "In the last seven years, the champion has never been seeded number one." The Cavs are now looking to break this seven-year jinx. There is a sizeable amount of pressure on the team. Being the returning champions and the top-seeded team, makes Cabrini the team to beat. Jerome Chennault, junior, forward, is also very confident that the team will be successful. According to Chennault, the team works very well together and it requires a lot of team work to be the District 19 champions. Clancy believes that this playoff season will be even more meaningful to the four seniors. He said, '~ll the seniors will put out all that we can because this is the last chance we have to improve upon our past accomplishments." However, Dzik feels bad about the lack of the support the team has been getting. He said, "The school is spoiled by our success; so much, that they are envious of it. Because of this they don't support us."
Action dur~ng the Cabrini vs. Uncoln playoff game, Tuesday,in which Cabrini won enablmg them to play in the District 19 championships tonight. (photo by Cara Graham)
Softballslides into action with new coach by Karen Bowers The beginning of the new softball season will also mark the beginning of the career for Cabrini's new softball coach, Caleb Jefferson, better known as C.J. Jefferson is a graduate from the University Of Alabama, where he recieved his B.S. in biology. There he was a member of the varsity baseball team. Before he graduated from Alabama, he attended West Point College in Mississippi, and Mary Holmes College where he was the most valuable player on the baseball team. Jefferson was also a member of the Phillies farm team in Reading, PA. Jefferson said,"! would eventually like to teach biology at a high school or junior college and coach baseball at the same
time." Jefferson now lives in Wildwood, N.J. According to Jefferson, the successful t>peration of a baseball club, at any level, requires the closest cooperation between coach and players, although neither should attempt in any way to intrude upon the duties of the other. Jefferson said, "We all must work toward a mutual understanding which will create harmony. This is important for success." Patty Hinke, senior, a member of the softball team said, "C.J. will be a good coach because he really knows what he's doing. This year's team has a lot of talent and I know we will go all the way." Helen Goodwin, director of women's athletics, said, "C.J. has coached a few of the girls in Wildwood. Eventually, he would
Volleyballteam lacks funds,players by Maureen McAnespey Spiking, diving, and 'blocking are just some of the things that we could have seen being done next fall, not only by the women though, but also the men. However, as it stands now, there will be 'no volleyball team for the men. There was a chance that a volleyball team was going to be formed for the men. Those who had been interested in forming a team had been practicing for some time with the coach of the women's volleyball team, Jerry Szabo. They were hoping to see what kind of talent they had to work with, and what kind ofinterest there was in playing the sport competitively. · "The practices were mainly just to access •interest in the sport, but there seemed to be non-significant numbers showing up at these practices," said John Dzik, men's athletic director. Another factor that inhibited the formation of a team is funding. According to Dzik, if the men are interested ' in com pet-
ing intercollegiately, it will be their responsibility to handle the cost. There are mixed feelings concerning t~is decision. "I think it's not only unfair to us but also to Szabo who tried to help organize it," said Mike Fallon, sophomore. '~t one point, we're promised help in: supporting the team, and then the school turns around and says no," continued Fallon. So the conflict that must be resolved in order for the men to have a team in the future is who will support them or how can they support themselves. If this cannot be solved then the men will find themselves in the same oosition they are in now. But for those people who were looking forward to the formation of a team, it is a let down. "I think having- a men's volleyball team woud add a diversity to the sports program and maybe even attract some men to the college," said Lori Inverso, sophomore. "I was looking forward to seeing them play."
like to have a career in coaching baseball; this is a great place for him to start." Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs said, "We are very grateful for the commitment of the former coach, Mike Tenaglia, but he would like to spend more time with his family." Romano continued, "We hope to have a lot of good fun and gain some learning experiences this season. He (C.J.) has a lot of background in athletics and he'll do a good job." Bio (majors) Bio (maj9rs) Bio (non majors) Bio (both) Computers
Nina Dolce LaDonna Mahecha Patti Flood . Sharon Agostine Angie Agront
Patty Hinke Lucia Laurito Denise Brady Donna Blyskal
Italian Spanish Microeconomics Modern College Math Modern College Math Calculus Psychology
Michele Pasquarello, sophomore, memher of the softball team said, "I can't wait for the season to start. With everyone from returning from last year, we should be a strong team." Maureen Mc Anespey, sophomore, also a memqer of the team said, "I don't know C.J. personally, but from what I hear about ~m, I'~ sure we will have a great season. Im looking forward to playing under C.J." •
T, 6:30-8:00 By appointment, ext. 402 T,Th, 1:00-2:00 By appointment, ext. 495 M, 6:00-10:30; W, 9:30-11:30 By appointment, ext. 4 73 By appointment, ext. 432 T, 2:00-3:00 W,12:00-1:30; Th,11:30-1:00
Amy Capozucca
M, 10:00-11:00
Elizabeth Cupo Julia Malik Dianne Cameron
Psychology Psychology Psychology Stats Reading (Developmental) Religion
Missy DiPasquale Eileen Jensen Karen Rider
M, 11-12; Th, 1-2 M,F, 11:00-12:00 MF, 1:30-3:30; TTh, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 W, 11-12 W, Th, 2-3 M,F, 1:00-2:00
Maureen Grosso Sharon Agostine
M, 10:00-11:00 By appointment, ext. 495
Spanish Study Skills
Virginia Smith Dianne Cameron
Business Stats
Donna Blyskal
Statistics Writing
Charlie Smith Anne Marie DiFelice
Th, 9:30-10:30 MF, 1:30-3:30; TTH, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 TTH,11:30-1:00; W,12-1:30 T, Th, 11:10-12
Writing Writing Writing
W, 9:30-10:30; Th, 1:30-3:30 Patty Loeb W, 9:00-10:00; TH, 11:00-12:00 Robert Marchesani T, 1:00-2:00; W, 11:00-12:00 Patty McHugh T~10:00-11:00; 12:20-1:20
loquitur- friday,mar.1, 1985
Surf'sup at Xavier Beach Doing their best to forget the winter weather, the women from Xavier Hall held a indoor beach party, renaming the Great Room, Xavier Beach. The dorm function was the first to be held at Xavier since it opened it January. Each wing entertained with skits; mov;es were shown and the women participated in a game of volleyball. Maryellen Ully, director, resident life, officiated as life guard at Xavier Beach, enforcing the strict beach tag and lifesaving device requirements. Freshmen from Xavier's upper north wing don their necessary beach attire: sunglasses. Some of the freshmen attending the beach party were Areta Hladaky, Tina Slater, Regina Murphy, Carolyn Duckworth, Marissa Menn, Mary Jo Lucchin, Kim Kovachs, Daphaney Grabowski, Kim Boigh and Joan Donato. (photos by Cara Graham)
... commentary
... commentary
... commentary
-Proposedbudgetcuts couldslashenrollment Some facts concerning the present financial aid situation at Cabrini College are as follows: FACT: Eighty-four percent of all Cabrini students receive financial aid of some sort to attend Cabrini College. (Source: Financial Aid Office) FACT: Students are affording Cabrini only by borrowing and working more than can be reasonably expected. (Source: 1985 Middle States Self Study, p. 56) Proposed impacts of Ronald Reagan's proposed 1985-86 fiscal year budget: FACT: All students from families with adjusted gross incomes above $25,000 would be ineligible for federal grants, direct loans, or work study jobs. FACT: Students from families with adjusted gross incomes above $32,500 will no longer qualify for subsidized loans (Guaranteed Student Loans included) regardless of the amount of their financial need. · FACT: A $4,000 annual maximum cap on the total amount of federal aid students could receive, earn or borrow would be imposed. FACT: Taken together, these proposed changes would save the government's budget $700 million. (Source of preceeding three facts: Newsletter: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) FACT: College students and their families , would have to absorb $700 million of additional higher educational costs. The facts mentioned above are real and true. Names were not changed to protect
the innocent or conceal the guilty. If Reagan's proposed budget cuts are passed by Congress, Cabrini College students could very well be in serious financial jeopardy. Even if the cuts are watered down through Congress' deliberations, how many more cutbacks can an already needy student and their family absorb is an inevitable question many families may have to face. Even before Reagan's proposed cuts were published, the college identified the existing problem through the financial aid section of the current Middle States Self Study Report. According to the document's evaluation of present financial aid status, "The current situation is cause for great concern. Students are affording Cabrini only by borrowing and working more than can reasonably be expected. Unless aggressive steps are taken to correct this, the trend will continue and retention will suffer." In the final analysis, Reagan's proposed cuts would add salt to an iilready open wound, unless the aforementioned aggressive measures are initiated. SGA is proposing the following plan of action to battle these proposed cuts and is encouraging the entire campus community to take .an interest and develop an awareness on the issue which affects everyone who attends or is affiliated with this institution. The future college career of many students is at stake. You cannot afford not to become involved. Creating awareness is the first action of this plan to address the budget cut issue.
Starting at the SGA meeting on Feb. 19,{ the issue has been the topic of discussiop under an information session presented by Arlene McEvilla-Dittbrenner, director of financial aid. This spurred the start of utilizing the Loquitur to further present the issue and its implications, and the initiation of a letter writing campaign to state senators and representatives which was scheduled to begin at the SGA meeting on Feb. 26 and extend until March 1 sponsored by a different class each day. · An inter-campus memo was also scheduled to be distributed to the administrative offices, departments and student leaders to increase campus-wide awareness and encourage the letter writing campaign to extend to a campus-wide effort. Developing a plan of action is the step which is scheduled to follow the awareness period. We would like to solicit other area colleges to join us in a concerted effort to raise our voices, concerning this issue whi~h we all have in common. Plans are in the making to distribute an information sheet to these colleges encouraging them to create awareness on their own campuses and unite with us in soliciting representatives to support the cause of avoiding these potentially devastating budget cuts. We'd also like to invite representatives from the area colleges to come to Cabrini on March 23 and discuss a possible plan of action which could be followed by the schools together. The purpose of this meeting would be information clarification as ·
first weekend back, (March 15-16),plan to be there!! this
i• paid
f~r 'by the
These measures can only work if the students take an active role and interest to be involved. It's hard to believe that complacency could exist in a situation which hits home hardest: in students' pockets and bank accounts. Yet reports from representative offices indicate little if any student arousal on this issue. One popular advertisement of Cabrini states: "If you're serious about your education, seriously consider Cabrini College." Well, to paraphrase this just a bit, "If you're- serious about your education, college may be totally out of any serious .consideration," if the proposed budget program passes through Congress without any opposition. 1tr,the responsibility of the students to make their voices heard for the protection of their education and their future plans and aspirations . It is also the responsibility for the college as a whole to lobby for the rejection of these cuts for its own existence and development purposes. Or else a "small and personalized atmosphere" at Cabrini could be sma,ller than anyone could have ever anticipated. Any comments concerning this issue are welcome -:- just address them to the Loquitur or the SGA.
have a
just when you thought there was nothing to do on campus...
well as motivational. Hopefully, from this meeting a rally and possible lobbying trip to Washington could be planned as well as personal appeals to Cabrini's district representative Bob Edgar, democrat, to address this issue in light of his representative role to many area colleges.
great spring break! the
of aga
loquitur- friday, _mar.1, 1985
Jazz Ensemble
at cabrini
Chess Club (WCSR)
(WCLH) 3/14 1:00
11:30 M/S Review of Middle States (WCLH) 3/10
Report 1:15 1:15 1:30 1:30 6:0 0
SOCIAL ISSUES WEEK 12 Noon Dorms Reopen 3/11
Classes Resume 4:45 SAC (WCAR) 7:00 Creative Arts Workshop (SH-A) 7:30 Chorus (MDR) 9:30 SGA Exec. Board (SGA-O) 3/12
12:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 7:30
Connnuters Affairs (WCAR) Business Administration Dpt. CEC (SH-C) SAM (WCLH) History (WCCR) E/C (CCCRm) CAEYC(SH-C) SGA (WCLH) Jazz Ensemble (WCLH)
Religion Dept. ,Mtg. (GH-46) International Club (SH-4) Pre-law Club (WCSR) Psychology Club (WCAR) Yearbook Mtg. (CCCRm) Social Activities Board (WCCR) Campus Ministr y (DSCR)
***Sweatsuits on sale i n the GYM LOBBYduring the day***** Friday 3/15 Deadline for Senior contest. (RRCC-4)
***Sweatsuits on sale in the GYM LOBBYDuring the day.,,t****
SUPERTHON WEEKEND 3/15 & 16/85 9: 00
John Eddie and the Front St r eet Runner s Concert (G) $6 . 50 in advance $8 . 00 - doo r Pho t og r aph Session with the band
11: 00
SOCIAL WORKCAREERNIGHT - 7: 30 (LCR) 9-3 Practicum (WCLH,WCGA) 2:00 Alcohol Small College Roundtable (DSCR) 5:15 Alcohol Advisor y Board (Cafe) 5:45 Tri-Beta, Sigma Zeta Indu ct i on Cere mony Dinner (MDR)
Babysitting s ervice available the community on Saturday . 9 : 00
Saturday Night St . Patrick Dance and auction .
JOHN EDDIEAND THE FRONTSTREET RUNNERS John Eddie and The Front Street Runners: Friday, 3/15, 9 p.m. in the Gym. Price: $6.50 in advance, $7.00 at the door. Tickets are available in the Student Services office.
Congratulations to the Superthon Committee and especially Judy Buck for contaction John Eddy and the "Front Street Runners to play at Cabrini on Friday, Mar. 15 in the Gym. Tickets will go on sale this poming vyeekIQ the student activities office.
On 3/16 at 9:00 pm . in the gym. Join us for the conclusion of the Superthon and the kickoff for St. Patrick's Day.
ORIENTATION COUNSELORS If you are interested in the position of an Orientation Counselor for the 1985-86 school year, please sign up in the student services area. Look for dates and locations for information meetings.
Mar. 2-3-Saturday and Sunday-closed; Mar. 4-8-MondayFriday-9:00 4:3a ,p.f1J.; Mar. 9-Saturday--closed; ; Mar. 10...;;suntfay6:00-10:00 p.m.
ICECAPADETICKETS Tickets are available from J6e Dodds, box 525. The dates of the shows at the Spectrum are Feb. 26 through Mar. 3. The tic!(.ets are ha/l price with an Acme Markets Coupon, See J6e for .more information.
A special thanlfs to those faculty members who participated in the ijacquet Night. TheIntramural Committee appreciated yoursupport/>
Watch for information concerning special activities.
, SWEATSUIT SALE Sweat suit on sale all day the in Gym lobbyThu_rsdayand Friday 8114-15 . Get ready for sprmg and summer outdoor activities. Come to the gym lobby and check out these reasonable buys.
CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to the new R.A. staff for the 1985-86 school year! this
is a paid
of the
~ On Wenesda~ flaich
3 at 7:30 in the LCR.
ALZHEIMER'S ~D LUPUS VIDEOS Video movies expressing tt,e issues related to Alzheimer's Disease andLupus Foundation have been made available to us for the week of March 11-16. Spend ,some timeinqreasing your awareness . • f
March 14 & 28. April 18 and May 2. The meeting : are biweekly on Tht,JrsdaysJit 1:00 pm. in the Cafeteria. '
ORIENTATION COUNSELORS Any student interested in the Orientaion Counselor posmon, please sign up in the Student Services Office. It