March 15, 1985 Issue 19 Loquitur

Page 1

Onthe·roadagain: The Cavs left Tuesday morning, on their way to Kansas City to represent District 19, for the second straight year, in the NA/A National Tournament. On Wednesday, Cabrini was defeated by seventh seeded Marycrest College (30-5) located in Davonport, Iowa. The tournament's championship game will be played on Tuesday, March 19. See picture story on the NA/A District 19's championship game on page 6. (photo by Cara Graham)

friday,mar.15, 1985

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

yol. xxxi, no. 19

Church:issuesevokemixedfeelings by Virginia A. Smith

Within the last few months, the Roman Catholic Church has been under the watchful eye of the media. Major theological issues are popping up as cover stories for news magazines such as "Time" or "Newsweek." From questions on the authority of the Pope, the relevance of Church ritual, and the ordination of women in religious orders, to the controversial signing of the New York times advertisement (Oct '84) by 24 religious sisters acknowledging the diversity of Catholic opinion regarding abortions, the institution of the Church is being debated, probed, re-examined. The questions are in fact so much a concern that the Pope is summoning a special council of international bishops to meet in November to reexamine Vatican II interpretations. As students attending a Catholic institution, are we affected by, or even aware of, the questioning within the institutional Church? Does it have any bearing on our experience of the Catholic faith? Are we questioning views on Church authority, rules, rituals and teachings as much as the American bishops are?

"I don't really keep up on Vatican issues," said one senior education major, "because it really doesn't concern me. What does it matter if there's a world-wide conference in Rome? Here in Pennsylvania I'll still be following my same beliefs at my same parish." "The Pope is the head of the Church and a very holy man, so he must know what's best for us," said a freshman biology major. "I believe that he knows what he's talking about, so why should I question him when I haven't studied theology?" "The Pope seems to be talking only to the theologians when he discusses the details of church law," said junior Barbara Colantuono. "He's not gearing himself to the common people. Not everyone will follow the Pope - even many religious go against his decisions on the role of women, birth control, etc. But not believing in every statement the Pope says doesn't make you any less of a Catholic." Pope John Paul II, on the other hand, has stated that Catholics should be unquestioning in their allegiance where basic doctrine is concerned. His critics arguethat this demand is a denial of intellectual freedom.

''It's important for the Church to take a stand to guide its people," said Arthur Young, director for the Center of Academic Reinforcement (CARe), "but that stand can't eliminate free will. The Church needs to inform the Catholic community on its basis for the stand, and to allow the opportunity for questioning - which is a natural process, especially among students. Questioning is so necessary for them to understand the beliefs and accept them as their own." , Interviewing one student about her religious practices and compliance with church laws on mass attendance and confession spurred spontaneous contributions from nearby people who were intrigued by the conversation. "I still attend mass because it's something I really feel good about. It's a peaceful time for me," said. Claire Swann, sophomore. "Even ifit weren't required, I'd go." Swann added that she doesn't mind the repetitious prayers and rituals, "because I enjoy the traditions behind them. I've learned the reasons why we stand at this point and why we say that response, and that makes a real difference."

''It's important to go to the mass for the celebration of the Eucharist," said junior Bernadette Demski, "but if you should miss a mass, even just by sleeping late, I don't think it's a horrible sin. Why should you have to go every Sunday if you can give God some time each day in the privacy of your own room? Some people give God that one hour on Sunday and forget about Him the rest of the .week. Which is more Christian?" "I don't go to mass anymore, unless I'm around my parents," said a male senior, ''but I still consider myself a Catholic. I just haven't found the right Catholic service that inspires me. I have, however, found Protestant services I like, but I probably won't convert." Concerning the issues of the sisters who signed the Times article, Dr. Margaret Reher, professor of religion, thinks that, " there should've been some'sort of dialogue or conference askil1g the reasons why the women signed. After all, it wasn't the action of radical youths - the average age of the sisters was 50. But there was no

more CHURCH on p.3

LittleTheaterundergoingsafety renovations by Randy T. Lefko

There are stage lights on the floor, old sets are lined up along the wall, and costumes are shoved in the back corner. The Little Theater in Grace Hall, after 10 years of service, has been undergoing major renovations in order to provide a safer, more versable arena for its theatrical productions. Mike Caranfa, director, physical plant, said the renovations are being done in order to make the theater fire-safe and to clean up much of the clutter from old sets, hanging wires, and other debris found in the theater. Caranfa's interest was spurned by a minor complaint by a viewer of the recent Peter Pan production. "A theater patron had complained that the exit lights were not on and that the clutter within the theater was dangerous and could be a problem if there ever was a fire," Caranfa said. "We went down to investigate the lights and it was simply a blown fuse," Caranfa said, "While we were there, we took

inside perspectives ... 2 news ...... . . . . 3 features .... . ■ 4 living ...... . ■ 5 sports ...... . ... 6 sga ........ . ... 7 twac ....... . . . . 8 •

a look around and I decided that it might be a good idea to theater. The dance classes are under the physical education close the theater after the presentation and do a little department and the class could easily be held on the stage renovating." in the gym." The nature of the work,' according to Dr. Joseph Romano, . A new control room is being designed to give the produc• vice president, includes rewiring all the electrical outlets, tion personnel more versatility with the lighting and replacement of sound wires in the ceiling, and removing sound. A new control board, which is used to coordinate the some of the clutter, which is the major problem. lights and sounds, is also in the plans. "After 21 years of productions, the theater has accumu''Alighting engineer is checking the old board to see if it's lated a lot of clutter," Dan Perna, theater director, said. "I still safe for use," Perna said. "The electrical codes have hate to throw old sets away and there are always a pile of changed since its purchase, and we want to see if we can costumes after a production. It would be a waste of money to save some money by not having to buy a brand new board." just throw them away." Virginia Smith, sophomore, who has starred in many productions in the Little Theater, feels that after 21 years of In order to alleviate this problem of storage, some of the proven service, it is about time a little of the money that the costumes are being stored in the Mansion and the showers theater earns is being used to renovate it. that occupied the back of the stage are being removed. "The theater has been a successful, money making source Perna feels the these renovations may not be enough. for Cabrini for 21 years," Smith said. "Now the money that "The storage problem could be solved if the dance room, is made is finally being used for the purpose of making it which is used for the dance classes, is given back to the even better."

Minstrelshow a -tradition


Final update on Superthon

Practice for the Irish Minstrel Show,a Cabrini tradition, is well under way. For a story oi;i this year's show, see the features section, page 4. (photo by Mark ; Magner)

The final updated Superthon schedule of events appears on the SGA page. The Superthon is this weekend and will be highlighted by a concert by John Eddie and the Front Street Ri.mners on Friday and the St. Patrick's Day dance on Saturday . (photo courtesy of David Carroll)




loquitur- friday,mar. 15, 1985


Singing the, washing

·by Virginia A. Smith

Each time I walked into the room, the hamper lid seemed to lift higher and higher. 1 \ "No!" I scolded t,he dirty little scoundrels · while forcing them back inside. "I just can't wash you now.'I don't have the time, ' the soap powder or the quarters. Just give me a few more days, huh fellas?" But you just can't argue, it seems, withsoiled sweaters and jeans. The very next mon}ingl found that the overflowing laundry was now blocking my closet full of clean clothes. That was really fighting dirty - so to speak. Where did they all come from? I thought I just washed last week. Could they be mating in that basket? I finally surrendered, borrowed my roomie's detergent and looked around for change. Darn it! Nothing but ones and tens - can you believe that? Even a $100.00 bill would be worthless now, because the washing machines only take quarters. And since the vending machine sodas are .50 cents and "Ma Bell" charges .25 cents to, quarters have become a rare commodity· on campus. The treasure hunt began. I walked to the Yideo game-room and inserted a bill in the change machine. It spit my money back at me, flashing a light signaling the machine

was empty. Next stop - the college book store, w~ere I was rejected by a bold sign a_nnouncing "sorry, we cannot give change." At the snack bar, I even compro' mised by buying a small coke, but the change I received was in dimes and nickels · - they were fresh out of quarters, (what else is new). In vain, I solicited from dorm to dorm, room to room, only to find students who had ~ust one quarter' - which they would gladly trade me for my dollar,( enterprising business majors, most likely, netting an easy .75 cents by preying on desperate clothes-less students). I eventually bargained for six quarters for $2.00, which really wasn't so bad since one sympathetic gal threw in two extra "Cling-Free" sheets to compensate. . So down to the depths of the basement I dragged my laundry to go about that dreadful business known as "sorting." After years of studying detergent box directions and washing machine lids, I had finally developed my own fool-proof, (and quartersaving) system: jeans and towels in one machine, everything else in the other. Weeks of wash complete in two .50 cent cycles. I mean, what exactly is a 'dark' and a 'light' anyway? And the school machines only have three settings ( all of which, in

actuality, wash cold), so how can you miss? Managing laundry - you may have guessed -has always been a problem for me. I think it traces back to my childhood days, when mom absolutely forbid me to go near the washer. I guess she never got over the Brady Bunch-type calamnity that my brother and I caused when we emptied an entire unsorted laundry basket plus the whole bottle of Downy into the machine and flooded the house for days. Consequently, I never quite learned the science of washing clothes by 'doing', and I never learned it by observing either because I never saw the clothes leave the hamper; once in there, they would miraculously appear days later, washed and folded, on my bed. I guess mom waited until we were asleep to avoid our "helpful" hands. Which was perfectly fine while I was at home, but then .... College. While my other friends were anticipating such problems as the amount of closet space their roomate's junk would occupy, I was developing ulcers thinking about laundry. Who would do it? Would moi:n drive six hours round trip every weekend for her precious daughter? (She dispelled that myth fast). Did college orientati_on include Maytag and Whirlpool

courses? Couldn't I use my book money to hire a maid? During my first three weeks of collegiate life, I tried de:;;perately to conserve my clothing. I even begged my parents to send me more (to no avail) so that I could simply trade off the dirty ones for the clean ones. In the fifth week, when I pulled my last pair of underwear out of the drawer, I knew it was time for drastic measures. I quickly grabbed the necessary equipment (so as not to lose my nerve), and entered the ominous laundry room. Three hours later, I emerged, the victor. I had painstakingly read every garment tag, sorted and re-sorted dozens of times, nonchalantly studied my fellow 'wash women'in action, measured out the precise amount of detergent ( to the nearest ten grains), and was now wating for the spin cycle to finish. Triumphantly, I wiped the sweat off my brow (surgery can't be much worse) and was thinking of alerting the newspapers when ... ''Your wash is done and the dryers are free now," said a veteran with an iron in her hand. Dryer! I hadn't even thought of that! You mean I have to learn how to dry the clothes, too?! Who ever said that college was all parties and fun?

Ode to the Zoo·, by John Doyle

As this semester rides on, the end of the Men of Counsel seems imminent. With such an event, one must reflect on · what has happened in the hallowed halls of Counsel. I lived in the fraternity of Counsel for all ofmy years at Cabrini; I have seen its good and bad. It isn't a jock dorm, a study house or a part)' dorm, but it's a comfortable place to live. Over the years, Counsel has grown and changed. The resident managers have come and gone, a Cabrini gradu. ate, a music teacher, a philosopher, a women and now we have an Irishman. Such variety has always been the symbol of Counsel. · We rebelled when the RA's quit two years ago and played football in the mud for hours, but my fondest memories of Counsel are of its dorm dinner. How can one beat a great dinner with 40 guys bellowing Christmas carols until all hours of the night, .sharing the song with their favorite faculty. The Zoo, once a place feared by the women of Cabrini, has become respectable (although don't tell the· men that or they'll think something is wrong). I wouldn't trade my days in the old stables of the estate for anything. It is a comfortable, homey place fut of friendship and leaky pipes, parties and no heat. Liv~ng in Counsel has been a challenge, but our success made it all worthwhile. I love this place and always will remember it as my home. They threatened to close Counsel for many years now, and now it has finally happened. A historic day. I'm glad I stayed there my four years. Once a soccer dorm, later a party place, ultimately the dorm with character at Cabrini. But Counsel is really the men who inhabit it and they will go on, into the new dorm. Xavier Zoo doesn't sound too bad, does it? With all· of its problems, controversies and wildness, Counsel Hall was a great place to live during my four years at Cabrini.





ean,e· ...

letters. Romano reques1s return of book Open letter on behalf of th~ student body of Cabrini College, 'lb the editor, Several weeks ago, an irreplaceable reference book was taken from Holy Spirit Library. The book is the "Encyclopedia of World Art, Vol. VII;" a very large book with a blue binding. In addition to being an act of theft, this act, a~d any others like it, is a direct affront to our students who are eptitled to use the library materials purch~ by the college. The book may be returned, in confidence, to my office;or, any information about the book may be given, in confidence, in my office. · In writing this letter, I feel I am representing the values of the vast majority of our students in an effort to restore our integrity and respect for others. Sincerely,

Joseph J. Romano, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs




DiBonacorrec1squote 'lb the editor, Since I am living at home this semester, I only recently received from a friend the Feb. 15 issue of Loquitur which contained several articles concerning the Who's Who recipients. I was pleased with the article, "DiBona combines academics and aesthetics" until I read the last paragraph, however. I was quoted as saying, "Most people work hard for their parents or something. I did it for myself." This statement sounds extremely selfish and was taken out of context. Ifl may, I would like to restate what I believe I was referring to in context in order to make the correction. I had stated that once you begin performing well academically throughout school, alth~ugh you may have started to do it for your parents, after a couple of years at college that idea ceases. Doing well academically becomes so ingrained in you that you begin to do it for yourself. It becomes the expectation of yourself that you are to do well. As I stated above, I was very pleased with the rest of the article. Thank you for allowing me to correct this. I am sure it was only a misinterpretation. Sincerely,

· Lorrie DiBona



Loqultur Is published weekly during the school year by the students of Cabrini College, Radnor. Pennsylvania,19087. Subscrlptton price Is $'0 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Edttor:Barbara Mongelli News Edttor.Lucio Laurito Assistant Shelagh McGinn Perspoctt110s Editor:Virginia Smith Features Edttor.Bonnie Zlschong Assistant Donna Horsley UvtngEditor.Gia DIGlmlnlanl Assistant Robert Marchesoni Sports Edttor:Michelle Bomba< Assistant BJ. Petraccl Art Editors:Debbie Clclrello and Beth Daly Photography Editor.Cora Graham Assistant MarieViggiano BusinessManager. Robin Larlclns Photography Adviser:Dr.Carter Cralgle /ldlltser. Dr.Jerome Zurek Stall:Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino, Fronk Bakoold.Karen Bowers.Karen Clarie.Chris Corcoran, Bemadette Demski, Marybeth Evich, Katie Grlmie\( Kerry Hogan, Chris Koemet Joan Klamet Randy Lefl<o.Maureen McAnespy. Loura Pnywara, TrishReil~ Allen Reyes. Eileen Riddle. Peggy Simon, Kathi Wachenheim TheSGAand TWACpages are paid odll8rtlsements. The content Is under the superwlan al those offices. Laquiluf welcomes letters to the edtor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known 1o the editors. Howe\let It the wri1efwlsh8' anti the editor agrees. the wrlte(s name be left off the letter upon publlcotlon and an Inscription Inserted such as "'name withheld at the request of the Willer." Lettersshould be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 words In length. na letter Is too long forthe OIIOilable space. the edl1or edit or condense. Leltels1o the editor .should be submll1ed by noon an MondavL




· loquitur- friday,mar.15, 1985


Superthonkicks off with rockconcerttonight Today, Mar. 15, is the beginning of the 33 hour Second Annual Superthon to benefit the Lupus Foundation and Alzheimer's Disease Association of the Delaware Valley. The student-sponsored event will feature a Trivial Pursuit tournament, clown face· painting and photo sessions for children,' a St. Patrick's Day dance apd a concert tonight with John Eddie and the Front Street Runners.

-Residentlife staff selected for 1985-86 The selection process for the resident assistant positions for 1985-86 academic

English department faculty present · writ'ingpapers

The returning resident assistants are Patrick Connelly, Leslie Kraska, Megan Lamb, Lucia Laurito, Vicki Lep.hy and Lori Pilarz. Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, said, ''We are anticipating an exciting year in residency and we look forward to serving the campus community."

news briefs


by Shelagh McGinn and Lucia Laurito

Lang"'agedepartment changes policy

year has been completed. . The new resident assistants are juniors: Christine Antonacci, Barbara ColanThe language department has changed . tuono, Madeline DiPasquale, Joanne its pass/fail policy. According to th~ new Goebel Shelagh McGinn, Mary Meenan, policy, upper division language courses Brenda Morrison and Lisa Pankuck. The will be able to be taken on a pass/fail basis sophomores include: Ruth Brown, Joe by underclassmen. Before this change, Giuffre, Patrick McKenna, Sean Meenan only the upperclassmen were permitted to and Lisa Nolan. · take classes pass/fail.

Dr. Marice Bezdek, professor, English; Kay Myers, lecturer, English; Dr. Jerome Zurek, professor, English and Kathleen Daly, a teacher at the Chidren's School, presented papers at the spring meeting of the Delaware Writing Council on Saturday, Mar. 2. Bezdek's presentation was entitled "Group Research Projects." Myers spoke on "Art as Subject in the English Class," and Zurek and Daly participated in a · panel discussion on the research they have done on the teaching of writing. Daly's presentation was on designing a nursery school writing program. ·

Students unite to aid lupus foundation by Lisa A. Rancatore ' This year, one of the foundations the Superthon is benefitting is the Lupus Foundation. Lupus, also known as systemic 'lupus erythemotasis, is a noninfectious disease in which antibodies are produced against an individual's own nucleic acids and cell organelles, causing tissue inflamation and cell damage. In , other words, the natural antibodies a person produces attack the person's immune sys!em. 1

Lupus occurs most frequently in ' weakness and weight loss. These young women and can range from varied symptoms are· due- t9 the· a mild to fatal disease. fact that lupus can affect any body There are many causes, as well organ.. . as symptoms, of lupus. Some of Carolyn Habeck, who has had the causes of lupus are drugs, lupus for 20 years and volunteers exposure to ultraviolet rad_iation, 50 hours a week to the Lupus Foundation of Delaware Valley, foreign proteins, a ·psjychic describes lupus as a "chronic dis-\ trauma, or a virus infectionthat ease that can be very disabling; may alter cells, thus destroying almost like having a global weakthe body's normal immunological ness." She explained that on some · . tolerance to its own substances. occasions it is an effort just to dust The symptoms oflupus include and lift objects. . anemia, asthma, a characteristic In coping with lupus, Habeck. butterfly shaped rash on the face, enlargement of the spleen, fever, explained that it takes· a lot of

help, especially from her hus- .. steroidal, anti-i~amatory drugs, band, family, children and medi- anti-m_aterials, steroids and· . cal support system that is easily•- imniunosuppressants. . . accessable. At present, she has Of _thes~ treat~e~ts aspirm, learned to "ignore" the disease non-steroidal a_nti-mfl~matoryand have a positive outlook in the drugs_ and anti-materials are situatiQn. She stresses not to most fre_q1;1ently used because dwell on the things you can't do they• exhibit a lesser. amount- of but find those you can. She als~ side effects to the person taking believes that knowing as much as them. _ . possible about lupus helps you in, Though ma_ny peo.ple believe dealing witb..the disease. lupus is almost always fatal from The drugs used· to treat lupus the start, Habeck said. that 80 mainly stop inflamation of percent of those people with lupus tissue. They can be placed in survive 15 years from when the five catagories: aspirin, non- disease is discovered.


Superthonproceedsto helpA/zheimer'svictims .

by Lucia L. Laurito When I was a child, I remember visiting my great aunt every year during the holidays. Upon entering the house, the aroma of baked chicken filled the room. I scurried over to an old worn out sofa and waited patiently for a greeting and my traditional box oftorrone, Italian nougat candy. My great aunt probably couldn't remember this, let alone her family and friends. She was a Yictim of Alzheimer's disease (pronounced Altz'-hi-merz). Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder of the brain affecting memory, personality, language and finally, life. It was·first described in 1906 by German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's disease is one of the organizations which the Superthon is benefitting. In this disease, groups of nerve endings in the outer layer ofth rain (cortex;) degenerate and disrupt the passage of electrochemical signals between the cells. The changes that occur in the nerve cells produce almost imperceptibie symptoms at first. As the disease progresses, simple forgetfulness increases to more noticeable memory loss. According to the National Institute on Aging, "The symptoms of what is popularly called 'senility' include serious forgetfulness confusion and certain other changes in personality and behavior. While doctors and patients alike used to routinely dismiss these symptoms as incur-



able effects of old age, they are not necessarily. Nor are small memory lap~es in old age a sign of 'senil_ity.' Sl_ight confusion or occasional forgetfulness throughout life may only signify an overload of facts in the brain's storehouse of information. . Some of the problems generally referred to under the medical description of senile dementia (mental decline in old age) can be treated and cured, while others, at this time, can only be treated without hope of restoring lost brain function. Some 50 to 60 percent of all elderly persons with mental impairments have Alzheimer's disease." The actual cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown, however, recent research seems to pinpoint a biochemical defect that interferes with protein production in brain cells to be a factor. Alzheimer's disease can strike anyone, and it brings great anguish and deep frustration to those affected and to their family and friends. Yasim Aga ~han, vice pre~id~nt, Alzheimer's Disease and Related ,Disorders Association, Inc. (ADRDA), and .daughter of Alzheimer's victim actress Rita Hayworth, said, "I have learned how the physical and emotional strains.of caring for an Alzheimer's disease victim exhausts the caregiver and makes him a second victim. I have 'learned how the devastating costs of caring for an Alzhei, mer's disease victim can deplete the resources of almost an)'

family. I have learned how the heart break oflosing a loved one is compounded by friends and neighbors who drift away as the disease begins to take its merciless toll." Diet, drugs and lifestyle may someday be used to prevent or reverse the damage done to the brain of an Alzheimer's disease victim. At this time, however, understanding of these problems is just beginning to unfold. According to the National Institute of Aging, developing interests or hobbies and becoming involved in activities which keep the mind and body active are among the best . ways that the elderly can avoid the problems which can mimic irreversible brain disorders. • There appear to be certain physical and mental changes ·which occur with age even in healthy persons, but in the long run, much pain and suffering can be avoided if the .elderly, their families and their physicians realize that "senility" is not part of aging. A spokesman for ADRDA said, ''Alzheimer's is a silent 1iepidemic ...affecting more than 1.5 million Americans, mid' dle-aged and older, and as the population ages, the prevalence of Alzheimer's is expected to more thEin triple in the next fifty years." · George Fenneman, ADRDA board member, noted radio !personality, commented on the disease that has been called the funeral that never ends, "I have seen what Alzheimer's ~an do to its victims and I have heard what it is going to do to America if we don'.t learn how to stop it soon."

countered Swann, "because I like to stick tion of the Catholic youth: to tradition. Anyway, the apostles were all . "The emerging adult must be aware of men." . how complex and ambiguous moral reality kind of due process - only an ultimatum "It was also once a traditional belief that . is, and how deceptive quick, easy solutions to retract the statement or leave their the world was flat, yet that thought has are, whether they come ffom a rigid moral orders. Where's a sister to go after living in been revised. So ordination laws should be . theology textbook or a liberal appeal to the a religious community for over 30 years?" modernized to let women participate more morality of love ... Does formal education "The Pope is making a double-standard fully," commented a junior male. have a place for this struggle, or are we as far as his policy. He's highly politicallyThe Church's support of the Humanae religious educators so involved in rituals oriented himself yet he's denied other Vitae enciclical banning artificial conthat when a young person innocently asks religious that right. If he can comment on traception has faced widespread rejection 'why' we're too busy to answer ..." Communism and politics, why can't the 1 by lay Catholics in western "It's a real point of frustration," comsisters 'comment on abortion? Where do nations. Reher finds that of all the issues mented Young, "that so many Catholics you draw the line between politics and pol- that are discussed in her theology classes, don't know a thing about being Catholic. icy?" commented Robin Larkins, senior. the ones students seem more concerned They just never thought about it, never -lfhe role of women "in' the. Church has a,bout are abortion and birth control. confirmed their beliefs. I wish students been an especially controversial topic with would studey theology more. They have "It would seem to me from observation," the Pope and traditionalists on one side Reher said, "that students are more · strong opinions based on feelings, yet the adamantly against female ordination, and only real understanding is based on stongly opposed to the idea of of abortion, the sisters, priests and liberaJists on the knowledge.'' and more tolerant of the idea of birth other side claiming women are second "We're not taught the '.'whys" at all," control.". class citizens without any real_power. complained one junior business major. -''In "When I get married, I will probably use Colantuono agreed, stating "The grade school CCD they fed us Baltimore contraceptives even if the Pope •~ys Church has such a shortage of priests, yet Catechism - one answer for every quesCatholics shouldn't use them," said junior so many women are willing to make vocation. but in the real world it's not that easy. Vicky Rodriguez. "It's necessary for plantions. Christ chose men to be his disciples ning a family - rhythm isn't reliable for I'd like to see priests teaching us the backbecause in his day, in the Jewish custom, a everyone. otherwise you have children you grounds of traditions." woman was below a man. Times have - "The problem with the church has c'an't afford." . changed and women are equal, so why always been that it emphasizes its laws· too ·. In his book, ''A Future to Hope In," shouldn't the law change?" · much," Reher said. "instead of instructFather Andrew Greeley, noted Catholic "I wouldn~t want_to_se~ women priests," ing the community - the more humanly , spokesman, talks about the moral educa-

CHURCH from p.1

approach. The more laws you have, the more sin abounds because there's more of an opportunity to break them. The best law is the least law.'' ''The Church isn't in Rome, or in a building; it's wihtin ourselves, governed by · what we think is right and wrong. The Church provides the rules and framework, and from that you work-with yourself," Demski said. " God gave us the power of decision."


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PART-TIME EVENING JOBS , Openings after school and Saturday mornings. Positions availablein marketing and , officework. Nowand for summer fieldwork. ~ GallMikeat 825-9550 (days)

· 1oquitur- friday, mar. 15, 1985


Studentsexperienceplight of impoverished.

//J' 1

by Robert B. Marchesani

As we rounded the first bend of the mountain range, the region of our destination appeared. For the fourth consecutive spring break campus ministry embarked upon its outreach program to Appalachia with 23 students. Our first stop brought us to a meeting with Michael Vincent, regional director of Catholic community services, who gave an introduction to the experience awaiting us. According to Vincent, approximately two percent of the population are Catholic while 98 percent are Baptist and other Christian sects. In addition, the majority of Catholics are professionals, such as doctors and engineers, who are seen largely as the "rich folks." The "rich folks" were found alongside the impoverished; it was very common to see a series of well-established houses and luxury cars interspersed with dilapidated houses. The reality of our excursion began to unfold. We were not in Appalachia to rid the countryside of America's poverty. In one of his homilies in Appalachia, Rev. Mark Falcone, 0. Praem., chaplain, said that our mission was to walk in the shoes of these people for one week. More to the purpose, Falcone juxtaposed the development of our ability to be empathetic human beings to our discovery of those aspects which we hold in common with these individuals. "A student who chooses to go to Appalachia is someone who wants to learn about another culture within our own country. It is someone who wants to be of genuine service to people. And it is someone who wants to share a certain set of values and community with each other," Sister Bernadette Casciano, MSC, campus minister, explained. As Karen Rider, sophomore, said of the journey, "The way I saw myself among the people of Appalachia helped me to understand myself much better. At one woman's house, I shoveled trash and garbage and cleaned the kitchen. The people love to talk. The first thing they talked about was God and their faith." ''It was the most incredible learning experience I have ever had in just one week," Mary Beth Cunney, junior, remarked. Cunney shares her experience with Beatrice Bragg, a 62 year-old woman, blind since she was 25, who lives alone in a rundown old house. Bragg told Cunney, "'A lot of times I complain just like everybody else, but then I remind myself that God has given



i I

Upon returning to one of the houses that had undergone work last year; Mike Tamburro, junior and Glen Griffin, junior;' take a moment to reflect on how different the lifestyles of the Appalachian people are. (photo by Robert Marchesani)

me·so much to be grateful for." Thomas Bone, 64, and owner of Monroe department store for the past 35 years explained, "These people live a lonely life; they want to socialize. I have to do more for my customers than just give them a package and take their money. I have got to take time to be concerned with them." Bone, a thin, proud, sincere man added, "Unlike in the big cities, here a merchant is expected to provide that kind of attention. In this respect, little towns have certain advantages such as time, personal attention, and friendliness."

According to Robert Marchesani, junior, participant on the journey, Bone is an example of the differences between the rat race of the urban entrepreneurs and the slowness of the rural aborigines. Many of the people of Appalachia realize the importance of education, according to Mike Murray, real estate manager ofa local shopping mall and University of Notre Dame graduate. Murray, having lived in Appalachia for the past eight years, said, "The few who go to college from this area do very well. They know there is no free lunch."

Minstrelshow toasts fun in Irishtown by Joan C. Kramer

The stage· in the gymnasium will come alive with the performance of the 21st annual Irish Minstrel Show on Wednesday, Mar.20. Some 400 viewers will pack the auditorium to watch an action packed show filled with music, singing, dancing and skits, which is a take-off from Cabrini's teachers and their idiosyncrasies. The scene for the show is Finnegan's Tavern. The actors and singers portray a lively and gay crowd, just having a little fun in a little Irish town. They sing drinking-songs such as "When Irish Eyes are Smiling," "The Moonshiner," and "McNamara's Band," which are just three of the traditional songs to be sung in the musical comedy. Other prospective tunes are "The Wild · Hover" and "Isn't it Grand, Boys." They also dance the famous Irish jig or the lesser known Irish reel. The participants in the show become involved in projecting the true Irish spirit oflaughter and merriment to the audience. Gestures include stomping of feet and clapping of hands. Additional variations include singing, such as yodeling and the jutting of lyrics which are sung deeply and emphatically.

According to Dr. Joseph Feighan, professor of chemistry, for seven years after Cabrini opened they did not offer students much in the way of fun and games. Consequently, Feighan originated the Irish Minstrel Show. He said the reason for this was that his chemistry majors back in 1964 desired some type of extracurricular activity to divert them from their studies and to add excitement to their lives. Feighan has directed the show for all 21 years.

Gesturessuch as the stompingof feet, clapping of hands and other musical variationsadd to the grandnessof the production.

However, Eileen McLaughlin, junior, stated that there were problems last year when actors did not know their lines and Feighan almost cancelled the show.

At one of the practices, the Irish Minstrel Show crew polishes up on some lines for_Friday evening's show. (photo by' Mark Magner)

"Dr. Feighan likes things to be good anp is very straight forward about it. He is the boss and when he is mad, you know it," McLaughlin said. McLaughlin emphasized that practices are so important to the outcome of the show. "Dr. Feighan and Mrs. Rondini will take the worst actor in the world if they show up for every P.ractice, over a talented actor if they are negligent of rehearsals," McLaughlin said. Josephine Rondini, assistant professor of chemistry, is Feighan's assistant in producing the show. As an undergraduate student at Cabrini in 1966 and 1968, Rondini was taught by Feighan. She was also one of the first actors to perform in the Irish Minstrel Show.

According to John Doyle, senior, the Irish Minstrel show is a humorous celebration of Ireland. Doyle said, "In my three years experience, in each production one actor died but came back to life before the show was over and the audience reacted enthusiastically." He added that the shows exhibited no sense of reality but just a sense of good times. According to Rondini, in the past 21 years, every so often Finnegan, one of the main characters, died making Finnegan's wake an important scene in the show. It was an exemplification of a traditional rousing, Irish wake in which there is mourning by family and friends in an upbeat manner.

CONGRATULATIONS to Super SummerJob contestwinners!!


Diane Zitkus Lab Assistant under Ph.D. at HahnemannHospital PatrickNolen PlaygroundDirector RichardJones PhiladelphiaHome for the PhysicallyHandicapped Matt Radico Prog·ramAssistant,American Cablevision Jeff Kardos Junior State Policeman , Lisa Nolan Camp Counselor for 10-12year old Qirls Lynn WasilewskiBiochemistry Research Intern, HahnemannHosp.

contestco-sponsoredby ResidentLife & Career Counseling

loquitur- friday,mar.15, 1985



Divers_e Phill restaurantsadd _sice to life by Laura L. Przywara

Dinner? Tomorrow night? That sounds great! But where to go? Going out to dinner does not seem to happen that often in the life of a typical college student, but when the occasion does arise (a birthday, or Mom takes heart and sends some extra money) Philadelphia: and the surrounding area offer a wide variety of dining experiences that can appeal to all tastes and.budgets. Working towards the Philadelphia area, The Commissary Downstairs at 1710 Sansom Street offers a unique night out. It offers gourmet soups, salads, pasta and omlettes in a cafeteria-style restaurant with the average entree under $10. Mary Beth Cunney, junior, recommends their wheat pasta with walnut and butter sauce. "It's the best," Cunney commented. A main attraction is their famous dessert bar which includes their delicious carrot cake, a well-known Commissary favorite. The dress is very casual;making The Commissary Downstairs an ideal place to stop when enjoying a day in the city. If ever a restaurant had a sense ofhumor, it would be · City Bites on 212 Walnut Street. This eatery is a favorite among the young crowd because of its modern, somewhat bizarre decor, its live entertainment and dancing. City Bites offers light eating, such as gourmet pizza, fresh pastas, burgers and seafood. The average entree is under $10, and since it is across from the Ritz Theatre, City Bites is a convenient place to dine after a show. Every palate can be pleased at Market Fair, located in The Gallery at Market East 9th and Market Streets. Twenty-five rest~urants with a central dining area form an around-the-world s~orgasbord with such worldly delights as Mexican tacos Chinese egg rolls and French crepes to fa~iliar do~town favorites like the original Philly steaks and hoagies, loaded with onions and peppers. A popular pizzaria in Philadelphia's New Market section is Pizzaria Uno


Pizzaria Uno, iocated on the corner of Second and Lombard Streets in Philadelphia, features deep-d~sh, Chicago-style pizza. (photo by Barbara Mongelli) ·located at the· corner of Second ana Lombard Streets, across from Abbott Square. This casual dining area features deepdish, Chicago-style pizza. The price ranges from $2.45 for a small cheese pizza to $13.25 for a large pizza with everything on it. Pizzaria Uno also offers steaks and hoagies, and the setting is comfortable and inviting. Service is friendly, and reservations are only necessary for parties of eight or more people. For a spectacular, yet inexpensive menu, The Middle East at 126 Chestnut Street offers the legendary cuisine of Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Armenia. American and steak dishes are also available. The price range is between $5 to $15.50 and entertainment includes Oriental musicians and belly dancers, making the Middle East an exotic dining experience.

For that special occasion Frog at 1524 Locust Street offers knowledgeable diners an unusual blend of continental, French and American dishes. Entrees include rack oflamb, stir fried duck, swordfish and salads. The atmosphere is sophisticated with an oriental influence. There is no dress code, and entrees range from $10 to $20.

Moshulu docked at Penn's Landing offers a unique, sea-faring dining experience. Located inside a huge ship, this Victorian, candlelight atmosphere would make a memorable place for a special celebration. The menu is 90 percent seafood, including dishes like Ciopprano, a seafood stew containing lobster tail and a combination of shrimp, scallops and vegetables which is a delicious, well-known Moshulu gish. The av~rage price for en trees is $17.


Close to home, Coco's at the King of Prussia Mall is a cheery setting, decorated with brass, mirrors and balloons. The food ranges from hamburgers and sandwiches to en trees of veal or seafood, all at reasonable prices. The best attraction is their famous allyou-can-eat, circular salad bar. Divided into four sections, the salad bar includes salads, hot foods and breads, fruits and desserts. Diverse and satisfying, the sa:lad bar is a great bargain at $6 for dinner and $4.50 for lunch, and it is free with any entree. Bennigan's, also located at the King of Prussia Mall offers a cozier, yet still casual atmosphere. Bennigan's is especially popular for with its wide selection of appetizers, including cheese bread and fried vegetables. The menu also offers various sandwiches and entrees like sirloin · and a unique Mexican dish. With a price range of $3 to $10, Bennigan's can be a great night out with friends. H.A. Winston An,I Company located at 81 W. Lancaster Avenue in Bryn Mawr has a wide variety of great food from appetizers and sandwiches to Italian, American and seafood entrees. The price range is from $5 to $10, and the atmosphere is cozy with a casual college crowd. Al E. Gators at 625 Lancaster Avenue is similar in decor to Bennigan's and attracts an older college _group and Main Line crowd. This reasonably priced restaurant offers entrees from $7 to $12. Tumpting appetizers such as zucchini sticks and fried cheese can be followed up with pan pizza, quiche or entrees of seafood, beef and American cuisine. Great desserts are also offered such as fried ice cream, a combination of ice cream dipped in batter, fried and topped with whipped cream and honey. Because of the dance floor and bar on the premises, everyone has to be at least 21 years old, or with an adult, to enter after 8 p.m. When anticipating a special occasion, or simply a relaxing night out, consider the variety of offerings provided by the Philadelphia area restaurants.

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loquitur- friday,mar.15, -198~



Excellence·: key to retired nllmber

Boaters compete in Delco by Eileen Riddle

by Randy T. Letko

Among the many championship banners that hang from the Spectrum ceiling only six banners contain the retired numbers ofpyofessional Philadelphia athletes. Among the many 'championship banners that hang from Cabrini's gymnasium there is but one banner dedicated to the retired number of a Cabrini athlete. Bobby Clarke, former center of the National Hockey League's Philadelphia Flyers, had his number retired at the Spectrum on Nov. 15, 1984. Clarke did not receive this honor because he scored the most goals or played the most games. He ' received the honor because he played center for the Flyers like no other player did. John F. Keating, Cabrini alumnus '82, had his basketball number retired in the fall of 1982. Keating, at the time, was Cabrini's leading scorer and third on the all-time rebound list. He did not receive the honor because·ofhis statistical contributions, Keating received the honor because he played forward for the Cavaliers like no other player did. Many great athletes get their name in the record books of their respective sports. Although it is a great achievement to be in the record book of a sport, a record book is only a collection of statistical data that can change every year. One of the most cherished moment for any athlete must be standing before a sellout crowd, watching the banrrer with their number slowly descend high above the arena. Clarke called it overwhelming. Keating could not put the feeling into words. "Everytime I walk into the gym, I see that banner and I get a chill down my spine," Keating said. "All the thrills and close games come back to me and, for a moment, I can see myself back on the court," he continued. The decision for hanging an athlete's number is one which takes a lot of consider a ti on. According to Mark Piazza, assistant public relations director of the Flyers, Clarke's number was retired because the Flyers' management felt that he gave more to the city of Philadelphia and to the Flyers than any player who has ever put on the orange and black uniform. The decision to r~tire Keating's number was not a hard one for John Dzik, men's athletic director and head coach for men's basketball. Dzik commented that the decision was not based on Keating's basketball exploits but more for his prowess in everything he did at ·Cabrini. "Having discussed the idea of retiring a - jersey with Helen Goodwin, women's athletic director, we decided that the first one would have to be an example of what we would want the future st'.ldents of Cabrini to measure up to," Dzik said. "John Keating was that example." "Along with his outstanding basketball performance, Keating exemplified the scholar/athlete image for Cabrini students of the future," Dzik said. "Excellence in academics and excellence in athletics." Keating graduated as a Bruckmann Scholar, magna cum lauda, with a cumulative grade point average above 3. 75. He was on the dean's list every .


Senior John McQueen clears the boards against Philadelphia Pharmacy, to help Cabrini capture their second straight District 19 championship. (photo by Cara Graham)

Cavs capture title points, was named District 19's Player of the Year for his outstanding play this season. He was followed in scoring by John McQueen, senior, who finished with 12 points and was the district's second selection for Player of the Year. · Martin Clancy, senior, provided the team with strong inside play capturing nine rebounds. Rounding out the-fine performance put forth by the whole team was point guard Patrick Nolen, junior, who completed with the game with seven assists. The win enabled Cabrini to travel to Kansas City on Tuesday to compete in the NAIA Basketball National Tournament. They were defeated by seventh seeded Marycrest College from Davonport, Iowa.

The Cavaliers captured their second straight N AIA District 19 Championship by defeating Philadelphia Pharmacy 57-46. Pharmacy was ranked seventh in the country in defense allowing an average of only 51 points a game. However, the Cav~ b~ing led by high sc9rer John Walden, senior, beat their average, and defeated Pharmacy. At the half Cabrini led by a narrow margin of26-25. The first play of the second half saw Pharmacy's Scott Smith connect on a jump shot to give Pharmacy their only lead of the game. The Cavs responded with a 17-2 surge to take a commanding lead that they would never relinquish. Walden who finished with 18 semester of his four years. He was a nominee for Academic All-American. He is also a member of the Cabrini Wall of Fame, an annual distinction given to an outstanding athlete. "Many students have come through Cabrini since Keating, some better basketball players and some better students academically, but he is the prime example of putting the two qualities together," Dzik said. The significance of number 20 for Keating goes back to the banners that hang in the Spectrum. "The 76ers had a guard named Doug Collins, whose number 20 hangs in the Spectrum. I can remember when I first came here and got that number. It was then that I decided I wanted to play just like him because he was, to me, the perfect basketball player. He could

pass, shoot, dribble, and he had aJmack for controlling the flow of the game in th~ most crucial moments," Keating said. The day that his number was retired was an emotional dayfor Keating, to say the least. Keating commented, "I can remember standing there with flashbacks going through my head of all the really tough games we had. Then, I saw myself in the future with my grandson at my side looking up at that banner and telling him: about all those games. That is what makes it really special." The only real disappointment of that day was the fact that Keating's father was not there. "My dad was. the biggest motivational force I had," Keating said. "He went to every game I played, no matter where it was, and having him there made me want to play as hard as I could."

Be at the right place at the right time and have the right stuff. GREAT VAU.EY


\111anaw llllwrsif¥


Keating continued, "He died in the middle ofmy junior year and it really shook me but I remember I had a game the day after the funeral. Coach Dzik gave me the option of playing or not and I did because my dad would have wanted it. I felt really-bad that he wasn't at the ceremony because I did it all for him." For John Keating, the future is ahead of him and he is going after it with the same intensity as he did during his college days. "I work at RCA as a financial analyst and it's funny how the intensity and drive from school has transcended to my work. I play a little ball with the company league and I am attending Drexel for my MBA. The memories at Cabrini will forever be with me."


HOW TO GET A JOB:. MeetOekMare Vrbtfcompanies lookingt)r sclenlfflc, ~dertca,and monogerid_people. Mendseminars on·lnlervleNlng Skills.from1:()(}2:00 pmand1blsume'M111ng· trom5:0(}6:oopm.Leom about1hecompanies andmaybeearna jobatthe!Kime time. Sponso,9d 17f TheBusiness 0Mlopment&Trolnlng C8nl8r at Gl8at Vl:ltAIJf and

Have you noticed lately the chanting of soccer plays or the fact that soccer balls are once again being kicked downfield? Even though it's springtime, and the college's intercollegiate soccer team plays in the .fall, the reason is the recently formed soccer team called F. C. Lagnaf. The team, in its second year, is a part of the Delaware County's Delco Division II men's soccer league. The Delco division is made up of two divisions and each division has eight teams. The men on ¥. C. Lagnaf play men that are older and more experienced than themselves. · According to Bob Berger,junior, member of the college soccer team, it is a really good experience to play in the league. When asked if there a possibility that this league can become a spring intercollegiate sport at the school, John Dzik, men's athletic director stated, "No, I doubt it will ever become an intercollegiate sport · only for the fact that we have a men's soccer team in the fall." He concluded, "To my knowledge, no school sponsors a collegiate spring soccer program." The league is practicing now and working on their endurance and skills. The season will start in mid-March. The team consists of17 men; 14 of those men are from Cabrini, two are local soccer players and one is a former alumni of Cabrini, Jimmy Vail. Vail was the person who started the league last year. The Delco league is a certified soccer league. The men must attend meetings, receive player passes and have identification cards. Vail is the representative for F. C. Lagnaf but the players do not have a coach. According to Todd Griffin, junior, and member of the college soccer team, ''We do it ourselves because it is a way for us to play without coaching restrictions. It is also a good release from all the tension and it keeps us in shape now and for the season in the fall." "I am looking foward to playing this year and having a good season. When I came to Cabrini I didn't know anyone and being on the team is a good way to meet the other guys who play on the team. I really enjoy playing on the Lagnaf team," said Joe Klimek, transfer student from William Paterson College.

RESUMES TheBusiness DeYeioprnenl &Training Cenler atGl8at VrJtf1f TheFormhouse. 12 Gl8at VC'Bf~611dVrJwi Corp.Cl, M<Mm. PA19355 Coll 215/647-6633 for Information.

Financial Aid Office Presents A Great Idea

o o o

1985 Summer Jobs Fair Friday, April 12 10:30- 4: 00

sga· opinion

loquitur - friday,mar. 15, 1985 ..• opinion

... opinion

... opinion

... opinion


SGA seeks candidates forboard positions by Robin

Larkins, S GA President . Well, it's March already. Spring Break is over, Easter is the last big holiday we're counting the days until, then Senior Farewell and (gulp) exams and graduation. Where does the time go? I don't know, I've been asking myself the same question for the past four years. I guess the answer lies in an old Jim Croce song whose lyrics say, ''There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them." I guess I found a lot of things I Y(ailted to do during my time at Cabrini. One of those things was to become involved in SGA as a class officer and then as an executive board member. I don't think anyone, including myself, realizes the potential which exists in being involved in SGA. · By definition a student government representative expresses the views of the students it represents. If those views are presented, the power exists within the body to take a stand, fight for a position, formulate and enact policies and manage the process involved in doing it. . SGA is responsible to act and try to inl1uence the decision and policy making bodies- and with a strong




enough voice people are forced to listen. · SGA Executive Boara sign-up posters went up this week. The Executive Board is in need of individuals who are motivated to accept the challenges of running SGA and drawing others to turn to SGA by taking the initiative in student concerns. There are definite rewards to the positions: the experience of managing and working within a group of people; accepting the responsibility of a task and following through on that task; the endless potential and activities which can be accomplished in the positions; dealing with the administration of the college as well as outside concerns to enact an idea event or policy; accepting failure as well as victory and moving forward no matter what; and the satisfaction in knowing that you did all that you could do within a given situation at a given time. It's easy to become involved at Cabriniits smallness is condusive to it, as long as there are peopJe interested in doing so. If you are interested, contact any executive board member, consult the handbook for complete job descriptions of the positions, and/or come to the SGA Meeting on Tuesday, March 19 for a brief information session.



SUPERTHON'85....:THIS WEEKEND... PLAN TO BE THERE!!, sponsored by SGAWC/lB, S1udentActivities ---

schedule of events---

John Eddie rocks Cabrini toni ht!

Friday,March 15th 4:30p.m. Broadcast Kickoff - WCAB, 650am (WCGA) 50/50 Raffle Sale - Freshmen Class 4:30 'Irivial Pursuit Tournament - Soph. Class (Caf)

6:30 Name That Tune - WCAB - (WCGA) 7:30 Dorm Feud - Residency - (WCLH) 9:00 JOHN EDDIE & THE FRONT STREET RUNNERS CONCERT (Gym) 11:00 Autograph / Photo Session with the Band (Gym)

Saturaay,March 16th 12:00a.m. Movie Time - Social Activities - (WCGA) 2:00 Cabrini's Own Rock Bands Performance (WCLH) 4:oo· Sing-along, Popcorn, Video Slumber Party (WCGA) 7:00 Coffee, Donuts, Cartoons (Wigwam, WCGA) 9:00 BABYSITTING SERVICE BEGINS-Education Clubs-(WC Lobby) 10:00 Morning Stretch (Gym) 11:00 Brunch with Campus Sound (Caf) 12:30p.m. Roommate Game - WCAB, Hall Council (WCGA) 2:00 Afternoon Stretch (Gym) 3:00 Fun Run: 2 mile run (Mansion Courtyard) 4:30 Dinner Show - Little Theater - (Caf) 5:00 BABYSITTING SERVICE ENDS (WC Lobby) 6:00 Special Mass (Chapel) 7:00 Cocktail Party for Seniors and Invited Guests (MDR) 9:00 ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE / AUCTION SAM,KAPPA, Commuters, SGA - (Gym) - Drawing, 50/50 Raffle, SUPERTHON ENDS

Rock band JOHN EDDIE & THE FRONT STREET RUNNERS are the feature performers for the opening night festivities of Superthon '85. Eddie r and his band will appear in the Gym at 9:00 tonight. Tickets are available at the door for $8.00. A St. Patrick's Day Dance will highlight the closing activities of the Superthon scheduled to take place on Saturday evening following 33 hours of activities benefitting Alzheimer's Disease and The Lupus Foundation.

BenefittingAlzheimer'sDisease and the LupusFoundation thl• .


•• paid far by the atudent



and rep .... ann


the view■ of the •ea

loquitur- friday,mar.15, 1985 thi,s week· at cabrini


3/15 Friday SUPERTHON' 85 4:30 WCABBroadcast Kickoff (WCGA) f HI 4:30 Trivial Pursuit Tourn. (C) 6:30 Name that Tune (WCGA) J~-~ I 7:30 Donn Feud (WCLH) 9:00 "John Eddie & the Front Street 1m1 rr Runner" Concert (G) -!~ti •JJ•I 11:30 Autograph Session with the Band (G) 1\!l' itH tj}f 3/16 Saturday *See SGA Page for Superthon Service (Widener Center)· 10:00 Babysitting 2 :oo· Runaway Mime Show (WCLH) 1{) .; ii ",, St. Patrick's Dance (G) \:i11 9:00

7:_30 Jazz E.nsemble 9:30 Movie Night (WCLH)


3/20 Wednesday BUSINESSDAY (WCLH,WCCR) .6:00 Admission Phonathon (MDR) 6:30 Chess Club (WCSR) 7:30 History Club Symposium(WCLH) 8:00 Irish Minstrel Show (G)

!~:11 'il 'I

H ,, ;, ; t


3/17 Sunday ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! 9:00 CEC Sunday School

3/21 Thursday SOPHOMORE REGISTRATION 12:30 Secondary Ed. Counc. (WCCR) 1: 00 Interviewing Skills (RRCC-8), 1:15 Internat'l Club (SH-4) 1:15 Pre-law Club (WCSR) 1:30 Yearbook (CCCRm) 5:00 Internat'l Dinner (MDR) 8:00 Julia Lopez Dance Group (WCLH)


. ,{ {!

i 3/18 yJ

Monday 12: 45 Senior Resume Contest (C) H ii 12: 45 Curriculum Connnittee (WCCR) ;\ 6:00 Admissions Phonathon (MDR) ri! 7: 00 Creative Arts WKSP(SH-A) 7: 30 Lenten Penance Service (Chapel) ::-n1 7: 30 Chorus (WCLH) 1


3/22 Friday College Workstudy Pay Day 2:00 Asian American Dance Theatre (WCLH) 7:30 CONVOCATION (G)



J! I~

• \




Academic Council (WCCR) English/Comm. Club (CCCRm) Fine Arts Club (Lib - 1) Job Hunting Tech. (RRCC-8) Traffic Connn. (DSCR) SGAMtg. (WCLH) Admissions Phonathon (MDR) 7: 30 11A _Contemporary Social Spirituality"


~-;; . 12: 45 ·· 1:00 1:00 .,, 1:00 '. " 1: 00 ·_iij-: 16 :.0300

to benefit





The Lupus Foundation


·~:~~,~;•:-~-~77~•·:·•~·~4~~~i?.:~~~f~~%!~~~~t~~~)f.~g~~~~~~;2-i~~\~ IRISHMINSTREL SHOW-3/20 The Annual Cabrini College Irish Minstrel Show will be held at 8:00 p.m. on Wedenesday, 3/20 in the Gym. Bring your sense of humor and come and celebrate the "Blessing" of being /RISH with us!

SPRINGCON\.OCATION Next Friday, 3/22 at 7:30 p.m. is Spring Convocation. The students on the Dean's Ust for the Fall Semester and those inducted into the · S · everal ii


TEMPLE SKICLUB-SKI & PARlY WEEKEND A ski trip to Sugarbush Valley has been coordinated by the Temple Ski Club. The cost is $135 for more info please contact: Steve 226-97 43, Mickey 226-9682, or Barbara 64-8955.

Friday Night: John Eddie and the Front Runner's Consert (G). $8.00 at the d advance. Time 9:00 pm. ·



e who have been rs in the

academic co excelled aca recognized b campus com

St. Patrick's Dance, gy Students and guests. available.




informatiOnt<tM. Mulligan.Fallregistratlort 3128will be refused to those students who have not updated thier immunizationforms.

Sat., 2:00 in the WCLH, Barbara qregson\and Tony Miceli will perlorm "RtllUlW8Y. Thoughts" a thought provoking, zaneymimeanti musical show. The cost is $2.f$Q perperson,,

CAMP\{$MINISTRY-LENTEN ~ On Monday, 3118at 7:80a L-enten Penance Service will be held lhe · chaple. There will be two visi ·



The Men's Basketba everyone who came 1st to support them in Philadelphia Pharmacy. critical game was an insp1 again!


nease retun'J'th~ requiredimmumzation


Is $tart on Monday 3/18. If together, please sign-up s Office Area.

Two pos1CJ1JS wll(_bs available for Medical . A$sistants<for ttte·year85-86. Any Pre-med or Biology stJqents interestedin becoming a M.A. please see Mulliganin the Health Suite of


the R.R.C.C.\before 3/22.

JUNIOR& SOPHf"ALL REGISTR.AllON-NEXT WEEK 3119-CurrentJuniors and retuming seniors. 3121Soph. Fall Registration... _

· ··•• pating in the •h•.,<'./•c•••,



,. OO}Cafe. Thursday, March any specific d a note or come to the

. ay, 3118, 7:00 .m., Xavier

Sunday, 3/17, 10 p.m., Woodcrest, Hall.



Those students interested in the po Orientation Counselor for 1985, pleas on the o'oor of Student Activities befor Several information meetings will be h . plan to attend one of these meetings for more information about the experience and.the position.








Fr.._Fr'alJj)es X. Meehan S. T.D., the author of the bof?j't/fled ''A Contemporary Social Spirituality" wit present a lecture and discussion in conjunction with the Spirituality Today series . sponsored by the Religion Dept. This lecture will be held in the LCR at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., 3119.

37 and $2.00 for students and children. page

le • paid edvertleement

af the

■tudent aotlvltlee


· .

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