April 19, 1985 Issue 22 Loquitur

Page 1

friday,april19, 1985

vol.xxxi, no. 22

cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

Tuitionrise belownationallevel Student CollegeCosts Comparedwith 2,660 collegesand universities Four yea~privatecollegesand universities Tuitionand fees Nationally Cabrini 'Predictions only.Actual figures not yet released.

'$5,417 $5,016

$5,035 $4,750


$4,440 $4,120



by Trish Reilly Annual tuition cost has been on a continual rise and this year is no exception. Nationally, tuition increases for colleges and universities are between 7-8 percent. Cabrini's tuition increase is below the national level a:t 6 percent with room and board at 9 percent. John Heiberger, vice president, development and public relations, said, "Cabrini's increase in tuition simply covers the increasing fixed costs, not new dorms, programs etc." Sr. Christine Baltas, MSC, dean of students, stated, "No one likeato do it, but you have to. It's out of necessity." According to Heiberger, Cabrini is holding the line in comparison to other schools whose tuition has been increasing faster. If the college were to be ranked, it would be in the middle. The schools whose tuitions were notably less than Cabrini's, now have tuition rates very close to Cabrini's. The tuition that students pay ority covers 70 percent of the total cost of operation.

The other 30 percent comes from contributions, sister services, endowments etc. ''Tuition has to increase to meet rising costs, otherwise, quality would decrease and that would not be to anyone's benefit," Heiberg~!' said. "The decision of raising the tuition is a painful one. It is not made lightly. There is a great deal of sensitivity on the part of the budget committee for students and their families," Baltas said. The tuition planning process begins in November. The chief administrators, administrators, and department heads submit their appropriations to the budget committee, which is comprised of senior administrators and faculty. The budget committee then gives the proposals to the finance committee. The proposals then go before the full board of trustees, who makes the final decision. According to Heiberger, students should also be aware of the fact that the proposed budget cuts, if approved, will not affect them immediately. They would be in effect for the fall, 1987.

Curriculummodel : a way for bett~~..~~~!!!t! by Lucia L. Laurito

In the education system as well as any occupational field, there is always that type of person who is admired and looked up to because they posess qualities that make them well rounded individuals. Cabrini'scurriculum committee has proposed a model that outlines for students a way in which every student can be one of these outstanding people with well developed qualities. It isn't a priviledge limited to a few, but an honor put forth for the betterment of every student passing through the college's doors. The model developed by members of the curriculum committee is based on the Perry model. This is a developmental model which shows the stages people go

of the classroom. ''It is the institution's job to create the environment," Romano said. Having the syllibi reflect the model would be a concrete step of putting the academic voice where the money is, according to FPIDPPO "We have all the ingredients of a good curriculum," Romano said. "The model could reflect our unique styles." According to MaryEllen Lilly, director, resident life, the leadership conference is being planned in light of the model and student services is committed to total student development. "We educate in our department but never really articulate it. Now we are doing self analysis and making it concrete," Lilly said.

'Experiencein college is more than life in the classroom.' -MaryEllen Lilly, director,residentlife through b.s their learning becomes complex. According to Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson, curriculum committee, the model could help recognize where students are and then help them to move ahead. There are five qualities that make up the model for the liberally educated student: critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation; understanding of self and others; values and commitments; effective social interaction and expertise and future growth. According to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president for academic affairs, the answer to. a successful outcome of the model is in

She continued, "The resident life officeis trying to develop and articulate a job description of a resident assistant as well as a portfolio. It will help them when they graduate. They don't realize how much they are getting out of their jobs." Colleen DiRaddo, director, student activities, is also working toward total student development through the interaction and teaching of orientation counselors. "We are redesigning the training for orientation counselors, for example, we have gone through and reflected upon the group dynamic experiences," DiRaddo said. "Experience in college is more than life in the classroom," Lilly concluded.

Go ahead - make my day! The game of espionage kicked off Sunday, April 14, with a squirt a~ Willie Paul, freshman, was eliminated by Tony Bowden, sophomore, Sunday mght, at approximately 9:50 p.m., in Counsel Hall. (photo by Cara Graham)

inside perspectives·... 2 ... 3 news • • ... 5 features living • • • • • • • ... 7 9 sports ......... sga ... • • • • • • .. 11 twac • • • • • • • • .. 12 •

• •

Practicing · for first solo performance The college Jazz Ensemble has been practicing for its first solo concert. For a story on the group and its memebers, see the living section, page 8. (photo by Mark Magner)

Annualsenior farewelldance held tonight Members of the campus community are invited to the senior farewell dance tonight. For · details, see the SGA page 11. (photo by Cara Graham)



loquitur- friday,april 19, 1985



¡op1n1on editorial Simplicityisthe key to efficiency Train talking Students and administration alike are encouraged to plan oncampus events, to keep the "110 acres" lively, social, and educational. Simple idea, right? To plan an event, you must first know the date you want for that semester at the beginning of the semest.er. You then fill out a t.enative calendar grid, report this information at a calendar workshop and compete with other clubs or organizations to ascertain the popular times-slots. Now pay attention, this is the difficult part. Next you complete a facilities form which is sent first to the student activities office, then to the continuing education department, then to the physical plant department, and if the gym is the desired facility, to the athletic department. You must wait for verification from all the above offices before you can officially publicize the event.

That's a lot of offices to notify for just one event. The more people involved, the more likely the form may get lost in the shuffle. Communication problems may arise between parties. Wouldn't it be much simpler and more efficient to verify an event with one single source? It seems that the "double-booking" of facilities that has occured in past months is due to oversights and misinformation. Students and departments are often not fully aware of the formalities required just to verify an event. They may also become frustrated having to wait for so many offices to respond. The entire process needs to be evaluated and simplified. Decrease the opportunities for misunderstandings, and you will increase the smooth flow of on-campus activities.

From the 'paranoia will destroy ya' department ...



by Virginia A. Smith While traveling on a Philadelphia-bound Amtrak one Sunday night, the man in the next seat initiated a conversation with me. Immediately I was uncomfortable. I had wanted to be alone, wanted to do some casual reading, didn't want to spend the hour trip talking about the weather. And after all, hadn't mother told me never to talk to strangers? Momentarily, I considered telling him that I felt sick and needed to sleep, or to isolate myself with the ultimate tool of separation - the sony walkman. But being incurably polite, I engaged in some basic small talk, ( still attempting, however, to remain a bit detached and more interested in my magazine than the conversation). This, however, was to be no "some weather we're having"-type conversation. He began talking about his teaching job in an inner-city public school, and the problem of an educational system which fights against the ghetto child's home experience instead incorporating it into the teaching. I shared some insights from an educational article I had been wo.rking on, and asked dozens of questions about his first-hand experience with the topic. He mentioned the name of the small college he attended, and we launched into another exciting talk. That's how the conversation went, drifting from topic to topic -college life, keeping journals, traveling, future goals, personal philosophies - with a new enthusiasm on my part. Here was someone who shared many of my interests, who spoke to me intellectually and as a peer. Suddenly I wasn't just passing time, I was getting a sense of person, thinking about issues, analyzing, learning. As I began relating to him my belief that one learns best through experience, I realized that I had initially been willing to do just the opposite to shut off the chance to be with another human being - just to scan some pages of a book. Here was this thinking, personable guy next to me, bringing up pertinent ideas - ideas I would never have explored skimming "People" magazine. How many times before had I cut off equally potential experiences - not just with other people, but in the classroom, in travel, with my own family - because it was too umcomfortable to take that initial break-through step of involve- ¡ ment? How many meaningless weather conversations have I had, saving the real conversation for the important people I had yet to meet? (what were the people I already met -furniture?) How often had I postponed really 'living' until I reached a high point? What was I waiting for? The right moment? When is the right moment?

"I swear to you. John, this is your mother and father speaking. Please let us in!!"

At the arrival of the 30th Street Station stop, we finally introduced ourselves to each other (having become so involved in the topics that we forgot to do so before), thanked each other for the experience and parted 'ways. Momentarily I grappled with the idea of asking for his address, but realized that any 'obligatory communication' (such as I have your address, therefore I must write) would tinge the unique experience we'd already shared. Besides, there's a whole world of strangers I've yet to meet.

viewpoint Travelingafter hours with friends They said it couldn't be done. Seven of us in a van, traveling more than 700 miles (each way) to a convention, could have been a disast.er. It wasn't. We didn't even kick Michelle Bamber out of the van as Dr. Zurek predicted. ' Basically we learned you have to be easygoing about the little quirks that could tend to be annoying. When you're lost in Akron, Ohio, you just have to joke around about the way each other drives. When it's 4 o'clock in the morning and somebody has to get out to pump the gas, arguing is pretty futile and you can only laugh when you are i:hosen to brave the early morning cold. Major decisions concerning the radio station and times to stop for food and the bathroomhave to be decided upon diplomatically. You can't get upset over the little mistakesthat are made. Just because Virginia

barbara mongelli Smith sent us 200 miles out of our way because "Dr. Zurek said we had to see Columbus" was okay. How was she suppo~ to know he didn't mean Columbus, Ohio, but rather Columbus, Ind, only 5 miles from our hotel. Its true that you learn a lot about people when you spend a couple of days couped up with th.em, but when we went on our trip to a journalist.aconvention, most of what we

discovered about each other was positive. We also learned a lot about the other people at the convention. When we left it was incredible how well we knew people we'd only met two days before. A special closeness developed in that short period of time and we now have fond memories of the friends we made. Such an experience leaves you with an open mind, able to experience new things while learning more about yourself. We exi,lored part of the country, discovered different ways of life; I think we even picked up a little bit of the Midwest accent. I'd gladly drive the 700 miles, 14 hours over again if only for the fun of seeing Michelle attempt to maneuver the 11-passenger van through the narrow streets of Franklin, Ind. Don't worry Michelle, he won't miss his cars sideview mirror.

laquitur cabrini


Loquttur is published weelcly during the school year by the sludenfs of Cabrini College. Rodoot Pennsytvonio.19087. Subscription price is $1) per year and Is Included in the benefifs secured by tuition and student fees. Edltor: Batboro Mongelli NewsEditor: Lucia Laurito Assistant.Shelagh McGinn PerspeclNes Edttor:Virginia Smith Features Editor. Bonnie Zlschong Assistant.Donna Horsley Living Editor: Gia DIGiminioni Assistant.Robert Morchesonl Sports Edttor:Michelle Bomber Assistant.BJ. Petrocci Art Editors:Debbie Ciclrello and Beth Daly Photography Editor.Coro Graham Assistant.Mork Viggiano Busines5Monogoc Robin Larkins Photography ;6dvl$ef: Dr.Corter Crolgle .Adviser:Dr.Jerome Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci. Lorry Aquino, Fronl<Bolcosld,Koren Bowers.Koren Clor1c.Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demslci. Marybeth Ellich.l<ofie Grimle\< Kerry Hogon. Chris l<oernet Joan K10mecRondy Leflco.Mofle Magnet Maureen McAnesP',< Lou,o Przyworo,Lisa Roncotore. TrishReill\( Allen ~ EIieen Riddle.Peggy Simon. Kathi Wochenhelm The SGAand TWACpages ore paid OCM>fliSemenfs.The content is under 1he supeMSion of those offices. LOQultur~ lelters to the edttor. Letters $hould be signed and the outhoohip knOwn to the editOIS-Howevet:w the writer wis1- and the editor agrees. the write(s name may be left off the letter upon publication and on inscription "'-1ed such OS "name withheld al the r8QU8SIof the writer." Lettetsshould be typed. double-spaced and no more ltion 300 wo,ds In length. Wo ietlef is too long tor the 0IIOilable space. lhe edtor rrovedit or condense. Lettets to the editor should be abnitled bVnoonon Mondc:Jvs-


loquitur- friday,april 19, 1985


SCJ chapterelectedto NationalCouncil On April 13, Cabrini's chapter of the Society for Collegiate Journalists, a national honor society for collegiate mass communications, was elected to be one of four representatives on the National Council. The election took place at the societies biennial National Convention in Franklin, Ind. from April 11-13.Cabrini's chapter was one of five nominated to be chosen to the council. All members of the National Council are elected to hold office for two years. The students attending. the conference from· the Cabrini chapter were: Michelle Bamber, sophomore; Gia DiGiminiani, sophomore; Beth Daly, junior; Lucia Laurito, junior, delegate to nominating committee; Barbara Mongelli, junior, delegate to publications committee, B.J. Petracci, sophomore and Virginia Smith, sophomore. The students particpated in workshops and seminars at Franklin College, Franklin, Ind. with 26 other colleges and universities. The Cabrini College chapter also proposed to be the convention site for the 1987 convention of the Society for Collegiate Journalists.

degree at an accredited secondary or postsecondary educational institution during the current academic year. For more information, obtain an application in the student services office.

Photocontest sponsoredby libraryends today

news briefs by Larry P.Aquino and Lucia L. Laurito

International studentI.D. saves money Students planning to visit Europe this summer, who would like to save money, should consider purchasing an International Student I.D. card. The student I.D. is the only internationally recognized proof of your student status. it is your passport to a multitude of discounts as you travel around the world. To qualify you must be enrolled in a study program leading to a diploma or

The Cabrini College library is sponsoring a campus-wide photography contest which illustrates the theme, ''A Nation of Readers." The photography contest is open to amateur photographers in two classes: adult and young people (to high school). Black and white and color photos are the two categories, either 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 photographs are acceptable. Unmatted photographs should be black and white only. The entry deadline is today, April 19; at noon. Photographs should be submitted to Judith Olsen, reader services librarian. Local winners will be entered into the

American Library Association's national contest. Local prizes will be awarded Friday, April 26, with the time to be announced later.

Biologydepartment sponsorstwo field trips The biology department is holding a field trip today, April 19, to the Smith ~line _Bio ~ience Laboratories. This trip is open to biology and medical technology majors and science majors. The purpose of the trip according to Anna Kruse, chairperson, biology department is to see the methodology applied to biological research, techniques used and sophisticated instrumentation used in todays laboratories. The departments to be visited will be microbiology, chemistry and hematology. On April 17, the biology department sponsored a tour of the Bryn Mawr hospital laboratories in honor of National Hospital Week.

Socialcalendarmix-upsgenerateproblems by Shelagh McGinn

One problem occurs when two clubs or organizations want the same date. This is Cabrini college runs by the calendar, so the purpose of the negotiaions at the workdoes the rest of the world. Yet the functionshop, to bargain andjustify who gets what. ing of the social events of the college, A major problem is with the facilities according to the calendar, is not as easy as and conflict of usage. The sophomore class planned to hold the Valentine's Day dance one may think. The calendar is first set for the academic in the gym on Friday, Feb. 8. On the year by Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-presiWednesday before the dance, Michelle dent, academic affairs. Romano sets the Iatesta, president, sophomore class, was dates for events concerning academic life informed that the gym was unavailable such as drop/add times and registration. because the basketball team had a practice The date for Parents Weekend is also set at scheduled for that night. this time. The calendar is then sent to Col"We had planned on using the gym for leen DiRaddo, director, social activities, for this dance since last semester," latesta planning of social events at the college. said. "Then, 24 hours before the dance we DiRadcfothen fills out a grid and sends it were told it would have to be held in the to the faculty, staff, administration, club cafeteria. All of the long term planning presidents, moderators, and c_lassoffice_rs. was killed and we had to rush into the The grids are returned to DiRaddo with cafeteria." tentative dates for functions and a calenThe sophomore class did not follow the dar workshop is held to finalize the dates. clearance process for use of the gym, The dates under deliberation are for the according to John Dzik, director, athletics. following semester. ''At the present time, if a facility is ''The workshop is designed to facilitate needed, you must go to Colleen DiRaddo better calendar planning," DiRaddo said. for use of the facility. If the date is clear on "Planning ahead works for both the stu- the institutional calendar, you must then dents and the college." clear it with the continuing education

department, then the form comes to the athletic office for final clearance," Dzik said. "We will accomodate others as much as possible. This was just one time when we could not," Dzik added. Many of the problems stem from the conflicts over use of the facilities, especially the gymnasium. DiRaddo is given the the game schedules for the various teams but she is not given the practice times. ''The problem is I can tell you what day I will hold a practice but not what time," Dzik said. The practice times are not scheduled into aspecific time slot because ofthedass schedules of the athletes. Many times the coaches are not able to get all of the team players together· at the same time because of conflicting class schedules. The suggestion has been made to have the athletes make more consistent class schedules which would aid DiRaddo in planning the social calendar as well as letting the coaches conduct full team practices. "If the athletes were able to pre-schedule their classes, and definite practice times were set, man)'. of the problems would be

resolved," Dzik said. Aside from the conflicts with the athletic facilities, other facilities have been scheduled to hold two events simultaneously. The International dinner was scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 21, in the Mansion dining room. The admissions department phonathon was happening at the same time. According to the calendar, the phonathon was scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The admissions office requested Thursday and Friday also, not realizing that they were not scheduled for those two days. "There was a definite conflict in use of the Mansion," Dzik said, "which was avoided by a student informing me of the potential conflict and therefore we moved to the admissions office." According to DiRaddo, many of the conflicts stem from problems in communication mix-ups among the various departments. "I think one person needs to be put iri charge so as to facilitate communication," DiRaddo said.

Analyzing SGA: talk or action? have been poorly attended in the past so it Jean Findlay, treasurer and Joe Giuffre, seems as though finding out how the stusocial activities. chairperson. It seemed ridiculous that I should be The SGA stated their goals and objec- dents felt must have been a tough proposiassigned to do an analysis of the Student tives in the Sept. 14 issue of Loquitur. I tion. I am still unclear as to how they dealt Government Association, (SGA), and their have used this as a basis so I can take their with this problem. "Meetings were long and speculative at accomplishments of the past year. Last original plans and compare them with first, which held us back," DiGiminiani semester I decided it was time for a change what has actually been done. in my life so I to'>k a leave of absence and Most people expect SGA to take care of said. "Now more students are involved and things are picking up, as far as student studied in Spain. the physical problems on campus, things involvement is concerned." · In order to analyze the SGA, I have been that they can see have been accomplished. ''There has been a definite pick-up since reading various articles and commenYet, the major theme of this year's execulast semester," Smith added. taries from the Loquitur in order to gain a tive board deals with the student himself sense of what the SGA had established as and how to involve the average student in In the initial commentary, Larkins outgoals in the beginning of the semester and the workings of the SGA. lined certain programs and issues to look how, or if, they have succeeded in impleThis goal has been accomplished for in the 1984-85 academic year. I would menting these goals. through the weekly meetings and com- · like to look at some of these and see how or The SGA executive board is composed of mentaries published in this paper. The if these issues have been dealt with. six members: Robin Larkins, president; SGA has been making the effort to reach When the decision was made to move Virginia Smith, vice-president; Barbara ' and and contact the students. Cabrini East females and Infante house Colantuono, recording secretary; Gia The SGA planned to do this through for- into Xavier Hall, many students were disDiGiminiani, corresponding secretary; ums and the meetings, et the meetin s turbed by the decision. SGA backed the by Shelagh McGinn


JOB SC3UAP --------------

SUMMERSITTER:Must hove infant experience. 1/Ved.8"80ings and Sot. mornings fa, 2 children. Must prOllide c,.,n1ronsportotion. Coll Dr.Nny Brenner at 687-6034. SUMMERSITTER:Siller needed M-W-F momlngs onct one afternoon O week. Coll Eileen l!rozitisat 525-2013.

. . SUMMERSITTER: Siller wonted in exchange for free room and boo<d plus small salary. Coll Susan Smollens at

students by going to Sister Eileen and discussing the decision with her. The most recent concern of the students has been the issue of housing for the men. SGA has been very involved with this issue. Larkins has met with Middle States evaluators, student services, resident life and the administration concerning th~ move of the men. SGA proposed other concerns in the article which have not yet been addressed formally, but Larkins said that she plans to address them in future commentaries. We can conclude that SGA has accomplished its main goal. The board has established student contact and reached to the ~tudent for input. There has been a pick-up m attendance at meetings and the students seem to be showing a concern for ·what happens here. CASHIERI 2ASSISTANTIIANAGERS:Wonted


to wOl1< in Wayne Ritel'Jd. Cashiers jOb pays $3.45.and assistant manager jabs pay $3.75_Port-timebot con lead to full time. Coll Jim McMenomen at 688-9542.

CHILDCARE: Mrs. A Ivon Is looking for a responsible 19-22 yr old to core for a 3 and a.a yr ok:I for a 'j80!. Starting July "85to June "86. ~ interested send a piclufe.

TYPISTWANTED:Port-lime typist wonted. Open salary and hours. Cati Greentones Finonciol CO<p. at

a resume with two references. and a letter about yourself to: SUMMERSITTER:Needed on Wednesdays Mrs.A Aron.1 Rockhill Terr. Larchmont. New °lbrk.1J538. from 9:30-4:30during summerand 12:00-4:30 on Wednesdays during the fotl. Must have car. 2 children. Coll Judy Tunnell at 644-2214. TEACHER'SAIDE:Wonted In Ambler Doy Core Center from 2:45-5:45 Monday-Friday and full time during summer. $4. on hour. Coll Isobel Rickard at 646-3478. SUMMERSITTER: Needed 2-3 days a week from 8-6pm to stt f0< !wins.Must provide own 1ronsportotion. WAITERSa WAITRESSES:Wonted for catering. $4/ht Coll Louisa at 527-4830. Need lo provide own unifofrn Port-time,must be experienced. Coll Mrs. Clark at Chef Telrsat 964-1116. SUMMERSITTER:Sitter wonted In exchange for free rooln and board plus salary. 4"children. Days and hours WAITERIWAJl'.RESS/HOSTESSIBUSPERSON: to be 0<ronged. Must be no,i-smoker. Coll Mrs. Lopresti at Musi hove 1roy experience. Apply at Hyde Pork Restaurant In 687-2886.

8ryriMowr0< coll 527-6884 ofter 4:30 Tuesday-Saturday




sell8rol port-time posfflons OYOiloblein their Mcl1ce1!ng Deportment. Minimum of 15 hrs I weelc. Winlerested forward a resumeand educolionol 1ronscopt 1o: First~ Bonlc NA. PoulM. Lambert 16thand Markel Street!. 42nd Fioot Phllodelphia. AO.19ll1.

CLERICALWORK:Re,cible hours for Sophomore or Junio, Computer experience a plus. Con 525-1>36. OFFICEWORK:Law office Islooking for (potf-time). Experience preferred wlexcellent lyping slcills.Coll Mory Ann Slr/defat

someonefor 1-5days o week 265-805\


loquitur- friday,april19, 1985




Is a puffenoughto killyou? by Kathy Hibbard The fact that the number of imoking related deaths has doubled in the last 20 years poses many frightening implications. Smoking now accounts for 500,000 deaths each year, striking in the form of heart disease, cancer, respiratory disorders and deaths suffered due to smokingrelated fires. Many smokers are ignorant to the immediate damage done to one's body because of this increasingly fatal habit. Within seconds after the first inh.alation, fifteen different carcinogens enter the lungs. Within minutes after the first cigarette, a smoker's heart rate and blood pressure increase substantially. Throat tissue and eyes become irritated and carbon monoxide enter the bloodstream. Each cigarette smoked can cut eight seconds of a person's life. Everyday, some 4,000 youths become cigarette smokers. By high school graduation, approximately 40-45 percent of the students are s~okers and the incidence of smoking increases at a steady rate until the sophomore year in college. According to the 1984 Surgeon General's report, cigarette smoking is the chief, single, avoidable cause of death in our society. Yet, there are over 53 million smokers in this country. According to students who smoke, peer pressure and the desire for some form of outlet are the primary reasons why they smoke. Michelle Greco, freshman, has been smoking for four years and has no intention of quitting. "I started smoking because all my friends did and now I am up to a pack a day," Greco said. "The statistics do not really frighten me because I know I am going to die anyway."

Greco also stated that she did not thmk she could quit due to physical reasons. "I admit I am very much addicted. I need a cigarette as soon as I get out of bed in the morning. Smoking relives tension and calms my nerves." The fear of gaining weight is a deterrent to quitting. "My grandfather gained forty pounds after he quit," Greco said, "and the doctor told him to start smoking again because the excess weight was doing more harm than the smoking." "I smoke a half a pack a day and generally due to boredom or ifl am upset," Michelle Dahl, freshman, said. Dahl has been smoking for four months and started due to the influence of her friends. "The statistics are only numbers and never any names, Dahl added. "Therefore, I don't feel threatened by them." Dahl plans to quit because she plans on having a family

someday. "I know that it is bad for me and I don't want to have a problem quitting when it comes time to have children," Dahl said. N~arl! t~o million Americans quit smoking yearly. Motivation is a key factor and many people are induced to quit due to lung problems, heart attacks, or other smoking related diseases. Carter Craigie, professor, English and communications, had been smoking since the age of 17. Craigie quit smoking on July 1, 1982. He was·due to be operated on and he ~o~e~ to quit before he was admitted to the hospital. Craigie 1s not tempted to smoke now, only irritated by other's smoke. "Other people's smoke only bothers me in that it causes my throat to constrict and has an unbearably suffocating effect," Craigie said. Mary Mulligan, R.N., used to smoke two packs a day. Mulligan quit because, as a role model, she did not want to set a bad example. The fact that her father died of lung cancer heavily affected her decision to quit. "I did find it difficult to quit," Mulligan said. "However, I feel anyone can quit if determined enough." Mulligan is currently working with the food committee to establish more no-smoking areas in the cafeteria. Although many of the tests done on passive smoking are inconclusive, the smoke of others smoking can be bothersome to non-smokers, especially when eating, yet some people are against the non-smoking sections. Peggie Federico, freshman, a non-smoker, said she does not believe there should be designated areas in the cafeteria to smoke. "I feel students would be more bothered by the fact of being unable to socialize with their friends at meal times because of the designated areas for smokers than by the possible irritations caused by other people's smoke."

Charitydrive to aid fire-strickenfamily with a great deal of misfortune lately. Any contributions, either monetary, clothes or household items will be greatly There is a charity and fundraising appreciated. We hope the entire campus drive being held to benefit members of will support us in this cause," Judy the Brown family. The Browns, who are ClayMiles, director, housekeeping, said. related to Odell, Teddie and Blanche The main part of the fundraising drive Brown, employees of the Cabrini consists of chances being sold for 75 maintenance and housekeeping departments, were recently the victims of cents. The winner, if a resident, will receive maid service for their room twice a tragic fire. a week up to the week of graduation, May The fire struck March 15 in 17. If the winner is a commuter, either Philadelphia and killed two boys, ages 4 student or teacher, they will receive one and 6, nephews of Odell, Teddie and car wash a week for the same period of Blanche. All property was completely time. All proceeds go to the Brown destroyed, including the house, furniture and clothing. Survivors of the fire are Mr. family. "The Brown family would like to thank and Mrs. Louis Brown, their three year everybody in the campus community for old daughter and one month old baby. their concern, encouragement, The Cabrini housekeeping and maintenance departments are sponsoring contributions and prayers. Our family is especially thankful for the fundraiser. a charity and fundraising drive for the Knowing that through this, people still Brown family. The main part of the charity drive love and are concerned for one another. consists of clothes and household items This shows that through the many acts of being collected. kindness, love is the greatest. We are grateful, thankful for it," Odell Brown, "The housekeeping department wants maintenance and housekeeping to get the entire Cabrini community departments, said. involved in helping a family who has met by Larry P. Aquino

The Student Government Association (SGA) is acting as the coordinator of the student part of the charity and fundraising drive. SGA is working through the residency staff to inform the student body of the benefit. "SGA will provide the push for the fundraising. Several organizations on campus will try to restock some of the small household items often overlooked. Anyone wishing to donate either items or money should designate it to the Brown family and send it to the student services area," Colleen DiRaddo, director, student activities, said. Clothing, household items, furniture or money can be dropped off at either the housekeeping department or the student services area. Clothing sizes are being posted. "I appreciate everyone's help, especially Judy Clay-Miles and the housekeeping department. Right after they heard about the tragedy, housekeeping and maintenance did not hesitate to show their support," Blanche Brown, houskeeping department, said.' "I would also like to thank the

Children's School, Counsel Hall and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart for their prayers. Through this tragedy, my brother Louis and his wife have been very encouraged and strengthened because of the many kind acts of the Cabrini community," Brown continued.

'The housekeeping departmentwantsto get the entireCabrinicommunity involved.' -Judy Clay-Miles, The two little boys can not be brought back. The many memorable items collected throughout the years cannot be brought back. But through this tragedy, the Brown family knows the Cabrini family is in their corner to help. "Nothing can compare to the love and loss of our nephews but through concern and support from others and their kindness, we can bestow upon one another some of that which we have lost," Odell Brown said.

Personality-conflicts may hinder learning by Robert B. Marchesani

If interpersonal conflicts between you and your instructor are getting in the way of your education, you are not alone and not without alternatives. In colleges the size of Cabrini it has been common for students, particularly in their majors to have the same instructor for two or more courses. As a result, it is difficult to avoid confronting the source of the conflict. "While it is not always true that you necessarily learn well in a positive environment, a positive relationship is_ helpful in that student's learning environment and in the instructor's teaching environment," Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson, history department, said. "Some learn well from faculty that they dislike." But students who experience interpersonal tensions between them and their instructors to the degree that their learning experience is unfulfilling, often lose enthusiasm in their academic pursuits. One student who is experiencing· difficulties with a faculty member who in that

student's ~ajor ;xplains, "There is just ~o way out ofit. Hes the only one I ca~ goto m order to evaluate my transcript and approve my roster. I don't find him to be understanding or sympathetic towards me or my situation."

'T~is is wha~ yo~ have done,: whether I had said someth~!1g m class t~ offend someone or whatever, DeTurck said. "Perhaps the real concern lies in student and faculty expectations," Girard commented. "A student may say, 'I don't like this teacher because they did not reward me for what I did.' On the other hand, a teacher who doesn't like the inquisitive student sees the student as a pain in the neck." Dr. M. L. Corbin Sicoli, assistant professor, psychology ~partment, offers a systematic approach to coping with conflicts between students and faculty:

"I almost immediately recognize when there is a conflict because I find a student being very guarded in their responses and, in some cases, not participating in class and not laughing at jokes that other students laugh at," Dr. John DeTurck, professor, biology department, explained. DeTurck has developed his own strategy for dealing with those students in which he detects conflicts. "If I recognize it and the •Engage in hard self-assessment to deterstudent does not say anything, it wears me mine the souce of your tension, such as down to the point where I have to call in the regular class attendance, active participastudent. I then proceed to tell the student tion, reading assignments, etc. what I think of the situation. It could be •Go and talk to your instructor not in that I noticed the student missing class blaming terms, but tell them your often or talking in class to the point that thoughts and feelings. the student conveys disinterest or . •Develop a plan with your instructor. •If the problem cannot be resolved at this aversion." Not all students are able to voice their level then meet with the department concerns. "I also expect the student to say, chairperson, if that person is not the

instructor you are confronting, or meet with the academic dean with the purpose of developing a plan to cope with the problem. •As a last resort, there is a student grievance body which serves as a subcommittee of the Student Academic Council. This committee serves by fact:finding in conflicts followed by a hearing. "As coordinator of psychological services I have found the faculty to be actively helpful in resolving conflicts when I have been asked by the student to consult them," Sicoli added. "Size has nothing to do with it," Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president, academic affairs, said. "The problem exists anywhere. You can hide better in a larger school. I laugh when I hear people talk about entering the real world after college. The real world is right here. The sooner this is realized and dealt with the better the student will be in dealing with people in any profession."


loquitur- friday,april19, 1985


Milesapart puts distancein relationships

by Margaret Angelucci

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." "While the cat's away the mice will play." These are sayings we've all heard before and there are hundreds of others just like them, implying that either long distance relationships last or that they do not. If long distance relationships do last, then for how long? Many students at Cabrini either have long distance relationships now, or they have had them and they did not last. Dave Long, junior is one of the people who can keep a relationship going, even though his girlfriend goes to school in Hagerstown, Md. Long said the way they manage their relationship is through a mutual understanding.

"Our understanding is that we don't need to date other people," Long said. "Really, neither one of us have the time to see anyone, we both are very conscious of our studies, and we both participate in sports. The big test is going to be next year when Karen won't be involved in sports. That is what worries me." Long said that another important reason they have stayed together is because they trust each other. Although Long only sees Karen during breaks, he thinks it's an advantage because they are not ready to see each other everyday on a long term basis. "Not yet anyway," Long said. Lisa Flynn, junior, is another person who works very hard to keep a relationship going with boyfriend, Kevin McGrorty who lives in Wildwood, N.J. Flynn said that the major difference between dating M._cGrortythis summer and dating him now is that there is more insecurity. "By being around a person all of the time you really get to know and trust them," Flynn said, "but by being much farther away, that trust becomes a bond, even though sometimes you may doubt him. If you don't have trust, you don't have a relationship." McGrorty agreed with Flynn. McGrorty feels that a long distance relationship does not strengthen your relationship as a whole, but it does strengthen your trust in each other. "The old saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder is a fallacy," McGrorty said. "With distance comes suspicion and at the same time trust, which can put a strain on the relationship." Chris Antonacci, junior, is involved in a long distance relationship. Her boyfriend lives in Long Island, N.Y. and she has been seeing him for four years. Antonacci said the biggest strain on the relationship is that they both lead different lives.

"I feel I've changed since I came to college," Antonacci said. "He still has the same lifestyle so it's hard for him to understand the changes. This is the hardest to deal with, but we are working at it and it's getting better." Antonacci feels that the trust in each other has gotten stronger even though she is away at school, she knows he will be there for her." "It's not easy to have a long distance relationship at all," Antonacci said. "When I go home I expect him to drop everything, but it doesn't work that way." Even so, Antonacci feels that since she's been away their relationship has grown stronger. They have learned to communicate better and have become closer friends. Long distance relationships are difficult for anyone to keep. Trust is the most important factor. Still, long distance relationships mean living in two different environments, having different friends and even different goals. These differences can lead to feelings offrustration. One person may feel left out and isolated. This is one of the major reasons a long distance relationship dissolves. Joey Anapolsky, freshman, was involved in a relationship for two years. Anapolsky saw his girlfriend for only two months after he came to Cabrini. "From the first day I left, the relationship was not the same," Anapolsky said. "Her not trusting me was the main reason why it did not work. Everytime I went home we would argue." Anapolsky feels that the biggest change was coming to a new atmosphere where she wasn't. This put a lot of stress on the relationship. "Instead of enjoying the relationship, I worried about it," Anapolsky said. "I would always make up lies about what I was doing, which was nothing, to make her feel secure. I didn't look forward to seeing

her because I felt I had to report in." Anapolsky does not think a long distance relationship can last. "When you go away, you also loose the same interests. Your not involved in each others lives. It's impossible," Anapolsky said. Karen Rinaldi, senior, was also involved in a long distance relationship that did not work. Her- former boyfriend lives in New Jersey and they dated for close to five years. Rinaldi feels that the reason the realtionship did not work out is because he did not trust her. She used to go home on the weekends and he came to see her often, but th~re was still that closeness missing. Rinaldi said that a lot of times people come to college and they leave a boyfriend or girlfriend behind. The people who come to college don't know what to expect so they hang on to the relationship for security.

Scholar,humanitarianreceivesLindbackaward "--

by Robert B. Marchesani

"Arthur Young having received the award continues the tradition of the commitment to excellence in the teaching profession at Cabrini College," Brian Jensen, 1984 alumni and resident manager, asserted. Sitting behind a cloud of Borkum Riff emanating from his pipe, Young recalls his reponse to the announcement of the recipient of the Lind back Award, the most prestigious teaching award. "I w11.scertainly surprised. There were two tl. 1ghts that went through my mind: the first being all that people have contributed to the growth in my life, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually; secondly, the recognition of the people who witness daily, the mission statement of Cabrini, the staff, the tutors and Mrs .. (Bobbie) Rubin, who have taught me the meaning of the acronym of my own program CARe." "It has been my experience that from the students' perspective, the best teachers are those who serve the students well," Jensen added. "The teachers who have received ·the award deserve it primarily for their skills, their care, and their concern for the students." As assistant professor of English and director of the Cel,lter for Academic Reinforcement, Young can be found interacting with students in a group setting in class as well as in one on one settings in CARe. Moreover, he is well-published in poetry and has lectured on love and human relationships throughout the campus. "He has an accepting non-judgemental attitude that makes him a haven for students in crisis," Bobbie Rubin, assistant director ofCARe, remarked. "You can go to him and tell him you have been foolish and not be judged by him." · "When he cares for people he's a real taskmaster," Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president, academic affairs, said. "He doesn't care with a velvet glove." As a scholar and as a humanitarian, Young has achieved the best ofboth worlds. "He is professional, very creative, and even amidst serious work, rarely forgets to give a daily shot of laughter," Rubin added. Young's ability to see a need at the college and attend to it is reflected in the

many programs he has been involved in develop~g. According to Rubin, he created

the writing center with Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications. As a reading specialist and one devoted to the teaching of writing, he has been an innovator in his devotion to the improvement of students' writing skills. His course, the Writing Process, train students in class to tutor those who are less skilled than they are. "He has a very creative way of working on a small scale that does not require a budget," Rubin explained. Furthermore, •~rthur was the main thrust behind the attempt made by the college to try to get students in a better frame of mind during their freshman orientation," Romano said. In addition, his classes have high enrollments. According to Romano, while he is always sought out, he is a tough marker.

Another of his creations, the course Alienation: conflict between love and fear, remains one of the most popular courses on campus. As a student once told Rubin, "If you graduate from Cabrini without taking his Alienation course then you have Bio (majors) Bio (majors) Bio (non majors) Bio (both) Computers French Italian Spanish Microeconomics Modern College Math Modern College Math Calculus Psychology

Elizabeth Cupo Julia Malik Dianne Cameron

Missy DiPasquale Eileen Jensen Karen Rider

Spanish Study Skills

Virginia Smith Dianne Cameron

Business Stats

Donna Blyskal


Charlie Smith Anne Marie DiFelice


Arthur Young, assistant professor of English and director of CARe, is the recipient of the Undback award for excellence in teaching. (photo by, Lucia Laurito)

Nina Dolce T, 6:30-8:00 LaDonna Mahecha By appointment, ext. 402 Patti Flood T,Th, 1:00-2:00 Sharon Agostine By appointment, ext. 495 Angie Agront M, 6:00-10:30; W, 9:30-11:30 Patty Hinke By appointment, ext. 473 Lucia Laurito By appointment, ext. 432 Denise Brady T, 2:00-3:00 Donna Blyskal W,12:00-1:30; Th,11:30-1:00 Amy Capozucca M, 10:00-11:00

Psychology Psychology Psychology Stats Reading (Developmental) Religion


Writing Writing

missed something at the college." Young consigned, "The staff and tutors help me to continually define and redefine my own understanding of one of the most beautiful words in the English languageteacher."

Maureen Grosso Sharon Agostine

M, 11-12; Th, 1-2 M,F, 11:00-12:00 MF, 1:30-3:30; Tih, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 W, 11-12 W, Th, 2-3 M,F, 1:00-2:00 M, 10:00-11:00 By appointment, ext. 495 Th, 9:30-10:30 MF, 1:30-3:30; 'ITH, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 TTH,11:30-1:00; W,12-1:30 T, Th, 11:10-12

W,9:30-10:30; Th,

1:30-3:30 W, 9:00-10:00; TH, 11:00-12:00 Robert Marchesani T, 1:00-2:00; W, 11:00-12:00 Patty McHugh T, 10:00-11:00; 12:20-1:20 Patty Loeb






.I I

loquitur - friday,april 19,1985


Mirrabalancescaringand responsibility by Larry P. Aquino

She reminds you of a mother away from home. The familiar smile is always there on her face. Her friendliness, pleasant attitude and caring cannot help but make you smile yourself. She is always there to help you at any time of a school day. Students need her the most when the cancelled classes work their way into the class schedule at registration time. The familiar smile belongs to Mary Ann Mirra, assistant to the registrar. "If there's anyone on campus that every• one knows and loves, it's Mary Ann Mirra," said Estelle Oristaglio, administrative director, graduate program. "She is always available to help students, faculty and staff in any way she can. She has kept the registrar's officehumming for 18 years. It would be very difficult to picture the registrar's office without her."

Awayfrom Cabrini, Mirra loves to spend time cooking and being with her family, especially her grandchildren.Mirra also finds time to play the piano and Trivial Pursuit.

Mirra has been with the Cabrini registrar's office since 1967. She served as a volunteer her first two years at Cabrini. Mirra is responsible for assisting the registrar with the registration of students, maintenance of academic records and the preparation of various reports. One of Mirra's primary responsibilities is the yearlong process of evaluating the academic progress of seniors. She also prepares the student college directory and the dean's list. Mirra's job is much more than being assistant to the registrar. According to . Robert Fetterhoff, registrar, Mirra has a genuine interest in the academic progress of the students as well as their personal success. '½s a long-time employee of the college, Mrs. Mirra not only contributes her work in the office, she contributes her spirit to the campus," Fetterhoff said. Fetterhoff

continued, "We work together as a team. We both know what has to be done and we do it together." Awayfrom Cabrini, Mirra loves to spend time cooking and being with her family, especially her grandchildren. Mirra also finds time to play the piano and Trivial Pursuit.

Even if she is being bombardedwith students asking for help,the caring and patient assistantto the registraralwaysfinds time to help.

Many students get to know Mirra during registration when they have difficulties with the class rosters. Even if she is being bombarded with students asking for help, the caring and patient assistant to the registrar always finds time to help. "She's very efficient, polite and very car• ing. Many times she has offered her service without question. Cabrini is very lucky to have people like Mrs. Mirra," said Paul Puckerin, senior. "Mrs. Mirra has helped me, not to mention the many people who have passed through the registrar's doors. When I first came to Cabrini, registration wasn't like it is today, but somehow, she made it a little bit more tolerable. Her smile let you know that she cared," said Nikki Shuler, senior. The close family atmosphere associated with Cabrini is what attracted Mirra to work at the college, which she has done since 1967. "I hope Cabrini never loses the family atmosphere that I have always loved since I came here 18 years ago," said Mirra. '½s a friend as well as a co-worker, Mary Ann Mirra is the most caring person in the world. In all the years she has been here, all the students have loved her. She is always pleasant and willing to do anything anybody asks her," said Alice DeLucas, secretary, admissions office. When· asked what she likes best about he~ job here at Cabrini, Mirra smiled and ,said, "I love the faculty. I love the students and I love being here because it's such a happy place to be."

SummerJobs!! Work in the pleasantsurroundingsof the campus communitythis summer as teaching aids and tutors

Mary Ann Mirra has been with the Cabrini registrar since 1967. She is responsible for assisting the registrar with the registration of students, mainten~nce of academic records and the preparation of various reports. (photo courtesy of Chris Spencer)

WAREHOUSE SALE hasa special justforcollegestudents. (Because we thinkyoudeserve · another breakthisspring.)

Bring this advertisement and your student I.D. to The Eagle's Eye Warehouse Sale Friday, April 19th or Saturday, April 20th, and we'll give you an extra 20% off any purchase you make. Sale days are April 19 • April 28, but your best chance for the best selection is on "college student" days - April 19 and 20. Get all the best The Eagle's Eye has for spring at the lowest prices: new cotton sweaters, vests, shirts, coordinated tops and bottoms, linen/cotton pants, tee shirts, tank tops, shorts, jackets, even summer sleepwear. Pastels and electric brights. Solids, stripes and novelty scenes. Hurry in for the best selection-April 19 and 20. And don't forget your student I.D. card!

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loquitur- friday,april19, 1985




How did jello get in the bathtub? by Donna M. Horsley

The ''Animal House" concept of college conjures humorous memories of "those crazy college kids" perpetrating ridiculous, yet entertaining practical jokes, or gags, on their fraternal brothers. Some of these gags have gone down in college history, such as one called "The Tub Full of Jello." This was an infamous gag that became popular on the campuses of many major universfties during the 1950s and early 1960s. The gag involved filling a dormitory bathtub withjello of the flavor of your choice, leaving it to be found by an unsuspecting bather. And just when you t_houghtit was safe to go back in the water! However;these gags are not restricted to university campuses. Equally outrageous and embarrassing gags have been successfully perpetrated by Cabrini students, . bored with the predictability of their daily schedules. The landmark Cabrini gag was perpetrated last year by Brian Feeley, sophomore. ¡His victim was Mike "The Mailman" Fallon, sophomore. Upon returning to Cabrini from Christmas break, Feeley falsely informed Fallon that they had received a third roommate, a fictious John Detrick. Detrick was supposedly a fearful, 6foot tall bully who remained unseen to Fallon. For a three month period, Feeley had managed to convince Fallon that they actually had a third roommate. Feeley simulated the appearances of Detrick's existence by making Detrick's bed look as if it had been slept in, removing clothing daily from Detrick's closet, and even wetting bath towels and soap. The gag was enhanced by other student testimonies to the validity of Detrick's existence.

Sophomore Mike Fallon is perpetrating a famous Counsel Hall gag. The gag involves filling a trash can with water, and leaning it up against the front door. The water spills onto the floor when the resident innocently answers a knock on the door. (photo by Mark Magner)

The friends of Sophomore Margo Culcasi pulled off a gag in which several students participated. In this gag, which is said to have been crafty enough to rival Feeley's, Culcasi had been convinced by friends that the new dormitory, Xavier Hall, had been equipped with a heated swimming pool. According to Jody Romano, sophomore, chief perpetrator, practically the whole campus was aware of the gag, but complied agreeably.

Apparently, someone jokingly told Culcasi, after returning to Cabrini following Christmas break, that a heated swimming pool had been installed in Xavier Hall. "We had Margo convinced that Maureen Murray (sophomore) would serve as lifeguard as part of the financial aid work grant program, and told Margo that she could earn work grant hours at the pool for folding towels," Romano said, laughing. Romano even had Leslie Kraska and Lori Pilarz, both juniors, resident assistants of Culcasi's floor at Woodcrest Hall, formally announce the opening of the pool. Romano also persudaded Colleen DiRaddo, director of social activities, to sell tickets for the pool. "We took Margo out to buy a swimsuit, and we all started working out to get in shape for when the pool would open," Romano said . Among other campus gags, Senior Dave Field recalls when Senior Tom McGowan had to watch the evening news for a current events class. McGowan asked Jim Moffatt, senior, what had been reported on the evening news the night before. Field said, "Moff told Tommy that Russia had invaded Poland, and that NATO was on second alert. Tommy just wrote down what Moff said and walked away." It was not until McGowan turned in the assignment that he realized his blunder. In the Counsel "Zoo," Kevin Corcoran, freshman, remembers fondly last semester when he moved much of Freshman Joe Ryan's belongings from his room into the dormitorys bathroom. Dan Kane, sophomore, pulled a gag on Bob Connolly, senior, in which he watched Connolly eat hampster food after telling him that it was trail mix from the cafeteria. Other campuses are also participating in new and creative gags. Sophomore Karen Bower's friend who attends Virginia Technological Institute put a live cow in his girlfriend's room after she had complained at dinner that evening that the cafeteria had run out of milk. Senior Jeff Cook participated in a gag while he was attending West Chester University. Cook and some friends replaced the dormitory's patio furniture with the furniture from another student's room.

Svendsen.landscapes displayedat art show There will be an exhibition oflandscape paintings, sculptures and drawings by Alf Svendsen at the Holy Spirit Library of Cabrini College from April 14 to May 19. An opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 14 between 3 and 5 p.m.

ity.' In other works which followed, he uses only the brush, the boldness now carried out by the contrast of light and shade as in "Summer Shack, Woodstock," or in the stripes cast by the setting sun in "Mt. Overlook, Woodstock."

Svendsen, whose art education includes a bachelor's degree from Syracuse University and a master's degree from the U niversity of Notre Dame, specializes in landscape painting.

Mystery arises in the small painting "Orifice," and poetic tragedy in the "Memorium to Marilyn Monroe." These dramas are played out through the abstraction of natural forms.

A participant in regional exhibits, Svendsen has received several awards. His individual works have been exhibited at the Museum of Modem Art in New York City, among other major galleries. Currently Svendsen is a professor of art at Delaware County Community College.

In later works, his paint handling is more atmospheric as in "Spring, Soft as a Puff' or "The Cobble, After the Rain." Occasionally the expressionistic side of his personality surfaces as in the painting, "Outcry," a painting reminiscent of the extinction of the dinosaur.

Svendsen builds his visual philosophy from the concepts of the ancient Greeks and the Chinese. Svendsen varies his techniques to capture varied aspects of nature. He is capable of capturing light and air through the use of color. In his early works, "Burnt Woods," "Fallen Tree" and "Creekwith Beeches," he utilizes both brush and palette knife which imparts a strong textural qual-

Svendsen's sculpture also reflects his love for organic forms. Trees, rocks and bones are turned into symbols in worship of natural forces. Without fame; Svendsen has managed to survive the vicarious life of an artist. He faces the future with optimisn where he hopes that age may offer him the final synthesis of idea and form.

The painting, "Outcry," by Alf Svendsen is one the paintings that will be on display at Svendsen's art show, running from April 14 to May 19, in Cabrini's Holy Spil'it Ubrary. (photo courtesy of Paul Cauchi)


loquitur - friday,april 19, 1985


Jazz Ensemblegetting 'In the Mood' by Laura L. Przywara

Capolupo came to Cabrini as a part-time faculty member in the fall of 1981, and The sounds of trumpets, saxophones and started Cabrini's instrumental program trombones blend in tuneful harmony. Stuby giving music lessons to two students. dents attracted by the swinging rhythmic By the fall of1982, the number grew to five, beat drop in occassionally, tapping toes in and has increased each semester. time with the music. Membership into the-jazz ensemble has The Cabrini College Jazz Ensemble been recently opened up to the community. croons the best works of the jazz era. The The participation of outside musicians has musicians practice a program that helped to bring more talent to the jazz includes pieces ranging from the soulful ensemble, and has enabled Capolupo to blues to the get-up-and-dance jitterbugs. work with a full band. Created four years ago, the Cabrini Col"We attract .a lot of closet musicians," lege Jazz Ensemble has experienced much Capolupo stated. "These are people who growth and improvement under the direcplayed at one time and now do not like the tion of James P. Capolupo, a member of the pressure of competition, but enjoy the fine arts and music department. relaxed atmosphere of the ensemble." Capolupo discovered the music world at The ensemble is composed of a diversity a young age. In the fourth grade, Capolupo of individuals. The age of the players played the saxophone and clarinet. "I ranges from 16 to 60 years old, with the picked music as a career because of the fun majority of players being men from various and applause, and at the same time careers. "There is some outstanding talent decided I wanted to teach," Capolupo said. that could make a fortune, but some are "By seventh grade I picked West Chester professionals and are just too busy," State as the school to pursue this career, Capolupo said. and worked toward this goal." "We work on a non-cut basis. Anyone Capolupo received a bachelor's degree in who can play can sit in with the band," science and music education at West Capolupo explained. Chester State University. He then earned Bernard Mojzes, sophomore, who a master's degree in education with a con- started playing the bass guitar his senior centration in music, and a certificate in in year in high school, became interested in human relations and music from Beaver ¡ the ensemble in his freshman year at Cabrini. Mojzes stressed that dedication is College. He be~an his doctoral course work a_key factor in being a member of the at Temple University, and later completed ensemble. Mojzes commented, "A lot of this study at Combs College of Music. He was a full-time assistant professor people join, but get frustrated and evenand coordinator of instruments and music tually drop out. I couldn't play well when I at Lincoln University in Oxford, Pa., the started out, but I have learned a lot through experience." director of the jazz ensemble at Princeton University, and band director at Radnor Vince DiFilippi, a 22-year old commuHigh School. nity member, has been playing drums for

the ensemble for the past three years. "I teach.a drum corp in Maryland, but I enjoy performing jazz music more than anything," DiFilippi said. "Every year the ensemble gets better. I find it very relaxing." "I hope more and more students participate," Capolupo said. "There has been a tremendous rebirth of jazz. There is a resurgence ofjazz music for proms and dinner and ballroom dancing." . The ensemble has performed with the

Cabrini College Community Chorus at the annual Christmas and spring concerts, but has recently become active off-campus. "We are community and service-oriented," Capolupo explained. "This is not for profit. We are not playing for any kind of money; we never were and never will be." The Cabrini Jazz Ensemble will have its first solo concert on Sunday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will be in the Widener Center Lecture Hall.

Relivingold TV favorites by Maureen McAnespey

Do you remember what actress was "The Flying Nun" before she became known Norma Rae, and has since won two Academy Awards? Who was "That Girl" who is now married to Phil Donahue? Or do you remember what show begins with these words: "People let me tell you about my best friend?" These are among favorite television shows of the past decades that have been cancelled by their networks, but will live forever in reruns as well as our memories. (Incidently, the answers are Sally Field, Marlo Thomas and "The Courtship of Eddie's Father.") In the early sixties and seventies television offered a variety of sitcoms, cartoons, game shows, and detective shows. Many people believe that back then television offered more programs to choose from as compared to today's choice of shows. "There was more variety of shows on when I was little," ~aid Maureen Dunigan, sophomore. I just wish they would put more of them back on so I could appreciated them more." Familiar titles include: "Room 222," "Family Affair," "What's My Line," "The Brady Bunch," "Treasure Hunt," "Beat the Clock," and "Gambit." Some of these shows have been brought back and can be seen on either cable television or independent stations. If you are one of those people who watch reruns of your favorite shows, you probably know what caused Greg Brady to wipe-out on his surf board, or what dilemma Lucy and Ethel encountered while working in a candy factory. Although shows such as these are brought back to us, one must still wonder whatever happened to those three famous pair of shoes that were seen in the begin-_ ning of each episode of"My Three Sons," or those four high school guys in Mr. Rotter's history class? Many people used to love to watch television when they were younger. "When I was little I felt as ifl was part of whatever show I was watching," said Lori Inverso, sophomore. My favorite character was Buffy on 'Family Affair.' I always wanted to be her because she was so cute and sweet," continued Inverso. ¡ Friday nights was one of the :m'lstpopular nights to watch television. Al rd.ingto _PattiHinke. senior, and an old 1" uff, her

favorites on that night included: "Juvenile Jury," "The Brady Bunch," "The Partridge Family," "The Odd Couple," and "Love, American Style." "I still continue to watch 'Gilligan's Island' which is on twice every weekday and 'My Favorite Martian.' They just don't make shows like they used to," Hinke said. Cartoons and other Saturday morning shows were also among the favorites. If you were among those who lived for these shows, you are probably familiar with Witchy Poo and "H.R. Puffn-Stuff," "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters," and locally, ''The Gene London Show." And if danger was in the air, it was time to run to that famous camper where "Shazam" was empowered to save the world by the Greek gods. Then on Saturday nights at 8 p.m., it was time for Johnny and Roy to take over your television set with that unforgettable fire siren and "Emergency 51." The weekdays featured one of kids' favorite shows, "The New Zoo Revue." Who could ever forget Doug and Emmie Joe, Freddy the Frog, Henrietta Hippo and the Owl. But who can remember the Owl's name?

'I still continueto watch 'Gilligan'sIsland'which is on twice every weekdayand 'My FavoriteMartian.'They just don't make shows like they used to.' -Patti Hinke, senior Besides cartoon and comedy shows, you also could choose from different game shows to occupy a rainy afternoon. Those who enjoyed watching these game shows became familiar with such panelists as Peggy Kass, Arlene Francis, Betty White, Nipsy Russell and Soupy Sales. As a whole, television has changed tremendously. Many people would love to be able to see all of their old favorites on the screen today, but cable and other independent stations have only brought back a chosen few. "I would give anything to watch a week of old television shows," Hinke said.

The Cabrini College Jazz Ensemble performs the best works of the jazz period. (photo by Mark Magner)

NationalLibrary Week April 14-20, 1985

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loquitur- friday,april19, 1985



Lady Cavs run home with third place

.. I


... ~al




Sophomore Maureen McAnespy practices her batting to try and improve the team's current batting average of .322. (photo by Mark Viggiano) by C.C. Corcoran With new coach Caleb Jefferson at the helm, the Lady Cavs placed third out of six teams in the Beaver College softball tournament which took place this past weekend. Starting on Saturday, the Lady Cavs suffered a first round loss to Chestnut Hill College by the score of 8-7. The team bounced back with a win over Rosemont College, 14-1. In their third game of the day, the Lady Cavs revenged the loss to Chestnut Hill by beating them with the ten-run rule in the sixth inning. The final score was 13-3. On Sunday, the team played for second place against lmmaculata. They played a tough game but suffered a loss by the score of 3-1. This defeat put the Lady Cavs in third place with lmmaculata in second and Beaver College finishing first. On the following Monday, the Lady Cavs upset Beaver College in a grudge match in which they took an 8-0 lead in the first

inning that they would never relinquish. According to Jefferson, "We owed them from last year's defeat that prevented them from advancing to the national tournament." Sophomore first baseman Terry Neilio said,"We had two extra incentives to win: the first is the tough loss to them (Beaver) last year, and the other from the tournament on Sunday." · With the win over Beaver, the Lady Cavs' overall record increased to 4-5. The winning pitcher, Lisa Catini, sophomore, helped her own cause by going 2 for 3 at the plate. Catini said, "Beating Beaver is a big confide.nee builder." Catini is the. team's only pitcher. At the end of Mondays game, the team had a batting average of .322, with Neilio leading the team with an individual average of .367. The Lady Cavs will be playing Immaculata today on their home field starting at 4 p.m.

Coach Jefferson pitches at batting practice as Michelle Tarbotton prepares to swir.g away.

·V.Photp QVMatis.~ :Yig.g_iano)·

Cav runners finish 10 K at the top

-Phillies best phan! The Philadelphia Phillies are currently 1-4, having lost their season opener last Thursday against the Atlanta Braves 6-0. Their mascot affectionately known as the Phillie Phanatic entertains the crowds that flock to Veterans Stadium for the home games. Children especially love the Phanatic, who puts on a pre-game show and performs during the seventh inning stretch.

(pftotcby Mark Viggiano)-

by Randy T.Lefko The men's cross country team, led by the strong running of Dave Long, John Donahue and Chris Smith, displayed the same team strength that led them to the NAIA National Cross Country Championship in the fall, as they placed in the top 50 runners at the Diet Pepsi 10 kilometer (6.2 miles) road race held last Sunday in front of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Long, who finished in 33 minutes and 20 seconds was the first Cabrini finisher with Donahue (33:45) and Smith (34:05) in close company among the 3000 plus field of runners. The winning time for the race was 30:31. Pete Casazza (35:30), Ed Bauer (35:50), Randy Lefko (36:00) and Chris Francis (37:45) completed the Cabrini entourage as they all finished respectively in the top 100 runners. Gary Firestone, freshman, also completed his first road race at this distance in a very respectable 40 minutes. The team plans to enter the Bridge Run 10k this Sunday that starts in Camden and finishes in Philadelphia. Long and Lefko will be participating and have information for Cabrini students who are interested in running or spectating. ....,;__

loquitur- friday,april19, 1985








your last two years of Rare. If you want a job after college that offers real challenge and real responsibility, do what John Morrell did. Take Anny Rare. And begin your future as an officer.

"As Executive Officer of the Anny's Defense Language Institute at Monterey, California, I'm responsible for the housing, feeding and wellbeing of 500 students. And that's no small task. I manage an annual food budget of over a million and a half dollars. And I'm accountable for five million dollars worth of property. "On top of managing money, I also supervise a staff of 24 people. And each one has unique problems that I have to handle on a daily basis. You better believe the leadership and management training I received in Army Rareis paying off:' There are other good reasons for taking Rare,too. Like scholarship opportunities. And financial assistance-up to $1,000 a year for

!st Lt. John Morrell was a business major at the University of Iowa and a member of Army ROTC

NOTE.Contact CaptainYanos 6~8-1800,Ext.234 or 687-9495


... .1.,,,,,. • .., !•


loquitur - friday,april 19, 1985



Residencyad hoc committeediscussesplans At Tuesday's SGA meeting (April 16), the planning stages of the residency ad hoc committee were scheduled to be formulated. All SGA members were encouraged to take part in some aspect of the ongoing committee work, along with the volunteers who are interested in aiding in this long term project. The ad hoc committee was formed as a direct result of student discontent which arose after several residency incidents occurred over the year in which students felt their input was not considered. The o_ngoingissue at hand being dealt with by- this committee is that of coed dorms on campus as a solution to the ever present housing crunch on campus. In order to address the issue and compile necessary data needed for presentation purposes, the collective whole was divided into subcommittees undertaking different tasks of the issue. In this way the information gathering process can be facilitated in the most efficient way.

Popular Research Definition and mission: Research other schools similar to Cabrini (enrollment under 1000, coed, Catholic, liberal arts). (Area community colleges usually have computerized listings). Divide number of colleges among members of the subcommittee. Draw up a brief standardized questionare to ask college resident life offices. Possible questions could include, ones identifying the institution (name, size, number of resident halls, ratio male to female, ratio resident to commuter, name of contact person), questions concerning the issue of coed dorms, and housing options available. Theoretical Research Definition and mission: Research trends and effects of coed dorms on college and university campuses (Use education journals, popular newspaper and magazine articles). In particular to Cabrini. research historical perspec-

tive of college. Cover topics such as when males were let on campus 14 years ago. Also look into cause and effect relationships which have occurred on campus surrounding residency concerns. Interview security, Student Activities Office, Resident Life Office, etc., for their perspective as a Student Services Division. Does a co-institutional living situation fit in with the philosophy of the college, why or why not? Campus Profile Definition and mission: Develop a survey to distribute to a .cross section of the campus to get as complete a picture as possible regarding feelings towards the living situation on campus. Call on Dorm Council to get 100 percent response from residents to the survey. Ask questions that are easy to answer and leave room for comments. Assign people to work on distribution and collection from faculty and administration as well to solic• iting their opinion as well. Also survey par-

ents and trustee members prefacing the survey with a brief letter of intent. Proposal Creation Definition and mission: Compile information from different subcommittees into a proposal and presentation format. Make sure deadlines are met to ease in the data compilation process. Report back to the whole the final outcome. Through the organization of the research process of this issue and a fair amount of involvement from concerned students, everyone can add to the input with a minimum amount of extra work to do and a maximum quality of research and results produced on this underlying campus issue which needs to be resolved. We encourage those who have signed up for committee work to responsibly execute the task they are assigned, and those who are interested to plug into a sub committee in which they are interested in having an input.

After five years... one additionalgraduate

Tothe Cabrini community: All facul!)',-~~mi~istration,staff, students and guests are cora,ally1nv1ted to attend a special SENIOR FAREWELLMASS.

where: TheCabrini Chapel when: Sund~ April 21st,6:00p.m. See you there!!!!



-The SophomoreClass

SENIOR .FAREWELL sponsoredby the freshman,sophomoreand junior classes

·eongratulations and thanks . ·to tl1esophomoresfor coordinatingthisyearend event!!!

Delta Xi Chapter of Delta EpsilonSigma


is compiling a JOURNAL Submit essays, book reviews,research papers, artwork, and black and white photographsto Box 138 or Box 75. Open to ALLs1udentsand tacutty

t:hl• page

repr ■■■na the view■ of the -


Sr. Bernadette Casciano, MSC, campus minister, announced her transfer from Cabrini College at Tuesday's SGA meeting. Casciano has been at Cabrini for five years. She was originally missioned to originate the college's campus ministry program, which has developed into two full time college administration positions, a student organization and various "Outreach" programs to Appalachia and New York. Casciano has been commissioned to a position as an early childhood education administrator at a school operated by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Kearney, New Jersey. (photo by Cara Graham)

coming next weekend...

SPRING .FLING WEEKEND!!! sponsored by Social Activitiesand Dorm Council

loquitur- friday,april19, 1985

this week



at cabrini



3:30 7:30 9:30

Softball/Harcum Jazz Ensemble Band Practice Wednesday

(A) (vK:LH) (vK:LH)




8:00 10:30

Canterbury Press (WCLH) Great Adventure Trip leaving from outside of SHH

3:00 4:00 4:00



9:00 6:00

CEC Sunday School Mass for Seniors

6:30 9:00 Field





3:30 4:45 7:00 7:15 7:30

M-Tennis (H) SAC (WCAR) Creative Arts Workshop (SH-A) Dress Rehearsal for Creative Arts (vK:LH) Chorus (MOR)

12:30 1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:30 2:30



Med. Tech. Luncheon (MCR) CAEYC (SH-C) Honor Society Prelaw Club Mtg. (WCSR) Psy. Cl. (vK:AR) Yearbook (CCCRm) Planning for Parents Weekend (vK:CR) M-Tennis (A) Softball/Rosemont (H) Advising for Math & Science (vK:CR) History Debate (vK:LH)

(SH-A) (Chapel)

3:00 4:00 5:00

PEACE CORP INTERVIEW DAY (DSCR) 9:00 to 4:00 12:45 Academic Council (vK:CR) 1:00 Eng/Communications (CCCRm) 1:00 CEC/PSEA (SH-C) 1:00 Library Committee (LCR) 1:00 History Club (W::SR) 1:30 SGA (vK:LH)

RIGHTTO LIFEFILMAND SPEAKER On Monday, April 22, in Xavier Great Room a film will be presented called ''A Matter of Choice". Following Mollie Kelly will speak.

JNl. ENSEMBLE CONSERTSUN~YAPRIL21 The annual Spring Concert of the Jazz Essemble of Cabrini College will be held on Sunday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the WCLH. Admission is free Come and support the Jazz Ensemble.


M-Tennis (A) Softball/Neuman (H) NDSL - Exit Interview (Fin. Aid Office) Chess Club (WCSR) Kappa Sigma Omega (vK:LH) Trip - English/Communications





SPRINGFLINGWEEKENDCOMING UP April 27 and 28 will be our Spring Fling Weekendcomplete with music,sun,games, prizes, food, people, and dancing. II


WINNEROF REGISTRATION & ADVISEMENT CONTEST Congratulations to CEC!PSEA for 1st place-$50. Campus Sound for 2nd place-$25. You each did a very fine job. Please stop into the Dean of Students Office for vour prizes.

REGISTRATION & ADVISEMENT - NEXT WEEKEND Sunday, April 28 we are expecting a very large er of guests for Registration and ent. Ask a Kappa member or your club! · president if you can help in some his a success.

W/Sand W/G HOURS· Five(5) students are needed to eva and put them on computer cards make up hours but don't want take advantage of this oppo intensely for two weeks. Co Activites Office and sign be sent to your mailbox.



e info!

!organization has another · the prize money of $50 Plan how to compete wer level of SHH.



The tickest for the dan open bar from 9-mid until closing.

will be holding a 24 juniors for seniors Centers in the encourage the the planning of ny suggestions. If erience in the , please contact you for you

BIGBROTHE Anyone interested i Sister during Orien the Student Activiti on the door. Reme address, phone nu

come up to n the paper our summer box number.



Saturday, April 20, C Adventure. A van will at 10:30 a.m. Sign-up i Office on the SAO door cost will be $13.00 van i A special thanks to the Blac organizing the Gospelrama pr: Thursday, 4111.The Singers wer: evening was an in to al( those who Thank you for your hard work.

The last d of the SG vote. Votin cafeteria.

xecutive Board 't forget to e of the

The Stud written. should h eres

985-86 is being inistration h information . The deadline for ections is Wed.


abrini Chorus will ncert at St. Joe's oirs from St. Joe's and e. The time of the concertis Id encourage everyone from nity to support the chorus in this


NATIONAL LIBRARY' WEEK: .THISWEEK!!!!APRIL 14-20 Look for the overdue Book Coupon in this edition of the Loquitur. Then USE IT!!!! Thank you.

support this activ anyone organiza Joan Kra

is a measle epidemic in the area if you ve a rash of any kind please see the nurse.. immediately!!!!! You may have been exposed • atudent



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