friday,april26, 1985
cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087
vol.xxxi,no. 23
Spring Fling weekend:
Campus preparesfor fun in the sun by Joan C. Kramer
Carnival games, prizes, stuffed animals, hot dogs, hamburgers and exotic drinks are just some of the things that will add to the excitement of Spring Fling weekend, starting tomorrow, Saturday, April 26 until Sunday, April 27. The kick-off will be a block party on Saturday beginning at 2 p.m. along Residential Boulevard. The organizers of this event are Brian P. Jensen, resident manager, and Jennifer Moore, house dorm council president. The residents of each house will have their own booths where they will distribute a type of food or drink, and sponsor a carnival activity. Xavier Hall, Counsel Hall, Woodcrest and the commuters are all invited to set up booths. Dixon house will sponsor a pie throwing contest and those residents will also be making cotton candy and popcorn. Infante house will highlight a dunking booth and distribute pizza slices. The contribution ofMcManus house will be kegs of birch beer and something commonly
seen on the boardwalk at the shore-a picture booth. Casey house will have a kissing booth and distribute funnel cake to satisfy your sweet tooth. Lanshe house will scoop out ice cream and Sullivan house will hold a clam bake. Activities are pending in the remaining houses. Campus Sound will provide the outdoor music. According to Joe Giuffre, sophomore, social activities chairperson, the block party will not be cancelled if it rains. The booths will be set up inside the houses. ''The block party is something for the entire campus community to look forward to," Jensen said. "We plan to make it the major social function of the year sponsored by the houses." Following the block party, between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., a barbecue will take place in front of Maguire house. Hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon and non-alcoholic beverages will be served. Saturday evening, movies will be shown in the Widener Center gathering area. The choices are "Jaws," "Beach Blanket Bingo," and "South Pacific," according to Giuffre. Saturday evening, between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., a Hawai-
ian dance will be held in the gym. Alcoholic beverages will be available for those over 21 and music will be played by a disc jockey. Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 p.m., a beach party will take place on t~e soccer field. The party will be cancelled if it rains, according to Giuffre. This weekend's upcoming events have interested some students. "Being a resident last year, the spring fling weekend was just another event," Peggy Simon, sophomore, said. "As a commuter this semester, the weekend is more of a big deal because it is one of the few time~ that I get to see the people that I used to spend so much time with." "Spring Fling is a great idea for people on-campus that ~on't get out," Karen Dinan, senior, said. ''This year, I feel Just as detached from the school's social activities as I did last year when I lived on campus, but it's by my own choice." ''The plans for this weekend are running smoothly," Giuffre said. "The organizers of the various events have proved to be responsible. They are enthusiastic and really trying to make it work."
inside perspectives .... 2 news ....... . ... 3 features ..... . . . . 4 living ..... . . . . . 13 sports ........ . 14 sga ........... . 15 twac ..... . ■■■■■ 16
Addressing our higher education
Annu_al Seniordance held
For some teacher, student and administrative perspective on the American higher education system, see the special insert section, pages 5-8. (photo by Mark Magner)
Last Friday, the sophomore class sponsored the annual Senior Farewell dance. For a picture story, see the SGA section, page 11.(photo by Mark Magner) <photo by Cara Graham)
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
editorial Reagan'sfriend, students'foe We're trying. Many students, educators and others involved in the American undergraduate system are trying to realize its problems and make improvements. Yet William Bennett, secretary of education under President Reagan, has given us anything but support. Besides his avowed allegiance to the President's economic plan which will cut student federal aid drastically, Bennett has condemned higher education, giving it a low standing. Coming from the secretary of education, Bennett's words could not be more disheartening. Rather than
fighting for the state of our colleges and universities, Bennett has chosen to lash out at them and then add fuel to the fire by supporting the student aid cuts. Bennett should be fighting with us, not against us. The fact that President Reagan appointed him does not mean that Bennett has to ally himself with the President, someone who initially tried to abolish the department of education completely. In putting Bennett in the position of secretary of education, the President now has his pawn with whom he can safely make moves, against those of us trying to grow and learn through education.
I ··-·.•";•'·
Takepositiveresponsibili1y foryourown education Reports are only as good as the results they produce. With the release of more reports on education, higher education in particular, comes the need for more than talk. It is necessary to take an honest look at ourselves and decide how far we are going to take our education. It is this decision that makes us active learners; students who genuinely care about absorbing knowledge not just handing in homework assignments. Professors play an important part in this awareness, but ultimately, it is the students' responsibility to take charge of their education and at least try to control their fate. We will learn more if we sit down and review our reasons for being here. A genuine interest in what we
are learning will make it easier on us, even if we are a language major taking the required math or biology course. Getting involved in our education should not only mean academically. It is beneficial to join a club or an extracurricular activity, for this is how we become a well-rounded individual. Interacting with others at campus sponsored events also helps us move a little closer to what our goal should be. At a college like ours, where personalized education is guaranteed, it is foolish to let such an opportunity as educational responsibility slip by us. We should familiarize ourselves with each of the 110 Cabrini acres.
op1n1on Pay_pt)Qnes: a _pain-in-the-pocketbook
by Virginia A. Smith Today, almost two months after an inconsiderate pay phone ate my change, I opened my mailbox to find my Bell of Pennsylvania refund check for 30 cents. Thirty whole cents - what a joke. I needed the money then, but the operator just wouldn't sympathize. "Did you try the change-return?" she asked sarcastically. "Yes, and it doesn't work," said I, pressing the lever again more emphatically. "Can't you just connect my call?"
"One moment, please," she replied, and I began anticipating the sound of my boyfriend's voice. Instead, I heard from a refunds operator. "How much did you lose?" he asked in what I swear was an accusing tone. "Thirty cents - but I must get through to this number now, because it's very ..." "We can only refund by mail, Miss." So now I have a 30 cent check. Hardly worth the effort to even cash it. I can just see the snicker on the bank teller's face as she hands me my change saying, "Don't spend it all in one place." And if I cash it on-campus, I have to pay 10 cents, or a whopping one-third of it ,as a service charge. The phone service, in general, seems to be going downhill in reverse proportion to the escalating calling costs. For example, an electronic voice now bleeps out a phone number in monotone when you call for directory assistance. Believe it or not, I miss the nasally, human operator - at least you could get answers to your questions or wish her a nice day. But what do you say to a computer - long live your voice synthesizer?
And here's another brilliant idea: let the unsuspecting student deposit her quarter and allow her to talk for two hours without warning that "time's up." When she finally hangs up the phone, call to inform her that she owes six dollars in change - immediately - or else. What is the girl with .50 cents to her name supposed to do now - run through the residence scrounging up nickels and dimes? Wouldn't it be much smarter to interrupt the call when the time expired, so that the caller could budget her time according to her pocket change rather than being allowed to unknowingly run up a small fortune on the pay phone? Caught in this situation, 1 irately asked the operator why she hadn't warned me before my change ran out. "We used to do that, but then too many people complained we were interrupting their phone conversations." I give up. I think Carter Craigie has the right idea with his H.A.M. radio operation; even dots and dashes beat having to deal with a company full of "ring-a-lings."
loquitur , cabrini college
Breakingaway Recently I've been giving a lot of thought to what I'll do after I graduate from college. Of course I'll try to get a job like the thousands of other 1986 graduates, but I'm considering taking some time off before I start the search. I think I'd like to see the country in my car. No, I don't have the money to travel across the country, but I'm going to take some drastic measures like selling my stereo and some other possessions to finance the trip. I won't go first-class or stay in fancy hotels, but I'd like to drive in my car, live in my car, stay at some youth hostels or wherever I can afford. It might sound irresponsible-just going off for a "long" vacation. I'm sure to hear a lot of argvments against this departure from the/norm. But, I can always
for a littlewhile
barbara mongelli work; how often will I be able to explore, not bound by responsibilities. After I graduate I'll probably work continuously, only taking my two-week vacations once a year. I'd love that chance to be free of committments for a while, not tied down to much. There are a couple of other reasons why I
want to do this. I've always wanted to visit all of the states; I love to travel. I think a person can learn more from traveling than just about any other experience. Traveling is education; it's education about the people we don't usually learn about in our classes or our textbooks. Too many times we're closed to the world outside of our own. And I don't have to completely forget that I'll soon be looking for a job in the working world; what an opportunity to meet new contacts in my field. I think sometimes we have to break away from the tradition steps that we usually take in life. I've followed the usual order so far in attending school, but it's become clear that a change is due for me.
LOQuiturIs published weekly during the school year by the students of Cabrini College, Rodnot Pennsylvania, 19087. Subscription price Is $'Klper year and is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student feea Ed~or. Barbaro Mongelli News Editor. Lucio Laurito Assistant. Shelagh McGinn Perspectives Editor: Virginia Smith Features Editor: Bonnie Zlschong Assistant. Donna Horsley LMng Editor: Gia DIGlminlonl Assistant: Robert Morchesonl Sports Editor: Michelle Bomber Assistant. 8.J. Petrocci Art Editors: Debbie Cicireiio and Beth Daly Photography Edltoc Coro Graham Assistant. Mork Viggiano Bumess Manager: Robin Larkins Photography Advisee Dr Corter Croigie Advisee Or.Jerome Zurek Stoff: Margaret Angelucci, Lorry Aquino, Fronk Bokoski, Koren Bowers, Koren Clark. Chris Corcoran, Bernadette Demskl Marybeth Evich, Kotte Grimley. Kerry Hogon, Chris Koerner. Joon Kromer. Rondy Letko. Mork Magner. Maureen McAnespy, Louro Przyworo, Lisa Roncotore, TrishRelily.Alien Reyea Eileen Riddle. Peggy Simon, Kathi Wochenhe1m The SGA and TWAC pages ore paid advertisements. The content is under the supervision of those offices Loquitur welcomes ieffers to the editor. Leffers should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishea and the editor ogreea the wrrte(s name may be left off the lefter upon publication and on inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer.· Leffers should be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
CompromiseProposaltopic of Senate talks The Compromise Proposal for financial aid cuts was the topic of discussion this week in the Senate. The old proposal stated that any familS whose income exceeded $32,500 could not receive a Guaranteed Student Loan, (GSL), and that there would be a $4,000 ceiling on all students receiving aid. The compromise proposal would put a $60,000 income cap on GSL's and put a $8,000 ceiling on all students. The financial aid office personnel, however, have stressed the fact that a lobbying effort is still needed. The $8,000 limit may not affect students attending state schools, but those attending private schools, like Cabrini where it
senators. The financial aid department is ready to assist in this endeavor.
news briefs
by Frank Bokoski costs more than $8,000 to attend, are in need of more aid. According to the financial aid office, now is the time to write your congressmen and
Stupka awarded Assistantship Maryann Stupka, senior, mathematics major, has been awarded an Assistantship to Villanova University for graduate work in mathematics. The Assistantship provides tuition, fees and a stipend of$5,200. She will begin her studies in September, according to Robert McGee, chairperson, mathematics department.
Televisionstudio managersneeded for 1985-86 Want to get into television? Cabrini College's television studio is looking for student studio managers for the next academic year. If you are interested, you can obtain an application in the Wigwam or next to the TV studio door in the Widener Center. Once the application is filled out it should be returned to Cathy Yungmann, communications department, via interdepartmental mail by May 3.
Summersessionenrollmentpredictedto increase by Eileen Riddle The summer has almost arrived and students are off to a summer job or on vacation, but many others will continue to pursue their education and enroll in a summer session. Cabrini offers two summer session programs on campus and students can register now for classes. Last year the school enrolled 187 students in its first summer increase of student's with the
final number at 270. As in other years, the program is made up of two sessions. The first session from May 20 to June 27. The second session runs from July 8 to Aug. 15. Students can register until May 15 and June 27, respectively, without being charged a late fee. The summer program offers many types of degree courses, such as business administration, education and communications but it also offers nondegree courses such as summer
camp for children and Lotus 1-2-3 workshops, a computer software program. Students entering the program have many resources and facilities offered to them. Some of these resources include academic counseling, career counseling and child care services. Financial aid is also offered to continuing education students with need. Tuition for this year's program session and 123 in the second
summer session. "Continuing Education enrollments have been increasing and we predict that enrollment will continue to increase for this summer," Judy Bradley, coordinator, student services and special programs, said. In the summer of1983 approximately 240 Cabrini student's were enrolled in summer courses at the college. In the summer of 1984, there was an is $100 per credit which is a $5 increase from last year.
Many students who attend Cabrini choose to take their summer courses elsewhere. Lucia Laurito, junior, is taking her summer courses at Community College of Philadelphia. The reason for this is because the college is closer to her home and the tuition is lower. If students are interested in the summer program they can contact the Continuing Education office for any information concerning the program.
WCAB rising to new heights Campusradio stationhopesto acquireFM frequency by Peggie Federico One of the campus's fastest rising institutions is hanging out in the realms of the Widener Center. WCAB 650 AM, Cabrini's radio station has tripli>d in popularity since its birth just three years ago. Founded in response to student interest, WCAB has developed in many ways to provide its participants with better learning opportunities and growing experiences. Disc jockeys have scheduled shows which generally involve a few hours a week. Although DJ's are required to follow a format which insures a variety of music, they are also provided with opportunities to add their personal music preferences. These opportunities are a valuable learning experic ences for the DJ's. Frank Bokoski, sophomore, production director, W~AB, expressed his satisfaction with the station, "I've learned a lot. No where else could I have gotten so involved so quickly with a radio station." Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English and communications department, acclaimed the station's staff for its growing success. Supported by an efficient training system, the staff has been successful in attracting and keeping a larger staff Judy Buck, senior, station manager, pointed out, "In the three years that WCAB has been in existence, the station has grown from a staff of 15 people to over 60." Reliability and high morals are encouraged within the staff. The dicipline is enforced by infractions which can result in the loss of a position. Zurek respects this method and feels it adds a professional touch to the station. Frank Hogan, advisor, radio station, attributes the booming interest within the station to its hands-on learn-
ing techniques. Hogan, said, "I only i;uggest ideas to the 50 or so students who run the station. It's the students who decide on the music and format." Hogan continued to say that the station is in popularity because it is being run like an actual radio station. Thus, it is quite evident that participation in WCAB is proving to be very worthwhile. However, Hogan said, "The DJ's are not the only one's who get something out of the station. I think it is equal between the staff of WCAB and the campus community." WCAB has served the community through its entertainment services and a variety of promotions including album giveaways, free concert tickets, organizing Superthon '84 and '85, special news review programs and Rock World shown in the Widener Center Gathering Area every Friday. In hope of serving more people and expanding its listenership, WCAB is seeking a FM frequency license with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The station is at present operating on an AM carrier current system which is predominant on most college campuses.
WAITERS& WAITRESSES:Wonted full and port ttme
a+Bennlgons In Devon. Coll Lisa at 964-1100from 2-4 pm
JANITORIALSERVICES:Wonted In King of Prussiaarea from M-F.4 hours per evening. $3.50/hr. Coll BIii Pantalone at 546-3344.
COUNTERHELP: Wonted full or port time at Devon Video (Grand opening on April 27th).Coll Clore Burke at 296-5011. CHILDCARE: Starting In September for 3 -mornings a week. 2 hours per morning 6:30-8:30. Job is from Sept-Dec. and Jon.-Moy. Coll Koren Boland at 964-9180. PARTTIME: Help wonted at Old Homestead Form In the Lancaster Forme(s Market on Wed & Fri mornings Coll Mrs Wiker at 688-0606 or at home at ?fl-687,7959. PARTTIME: Miculate. Intelligent lndlvtduols to coll ~ealth core providers who hove received information in the moH regarding a sertous vaccine-preventable Illness. Not a soles position. Pleasant Center City office. $6. per hout plus substonttol weekly bonus Starting June first Coll Jcr-{Bolling at 568-3775 ext 417.
Students who listen to the station feel that certain shows are more appealing than others. Teri Ciarlante, freshman, commented on one show, "I don't listen to the station regularly, but I do tune into Paul Cauchi's show because the music he plays is different from that of the other DJ's." "I began listening to the 'Doyle-Murray Show' when eating dinner on Friday nights in the cafeteria. I find the show entertaining, and it helps me to relax after a hectic week. It is a good way to start off my weekend," Gia DiGiminia,ni, sophomore, commented. "The station is good," Tesie Long, freshman, commented, ''but it doesn't come in very well in Woodcrest." According to Zurek, Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president, has approved the stations request for a new frequency. The station is now in the process of hiring an engineer who will check out the stations location in determining whether or not it would be possible to switch to a FM band. If there is room for a new frequency without causing interference with other nearby channels the station will proceed for a licence. WCAB has come a long way, and it has high ambitions for the future. Along with its goal for a FM frequency, it hopes to acquire more effective equipment by selling more time. These challenges will be faced by the stations newly elected staff They are: Trish Reilly, sophomore, station manager; Frank Bokoski, sophomore, program director; Kitty Kelly, sophomore, music director; Christy Mason, freshman, news director; Mark Murray, sophomore, production director; Lucia Laurito, junior, promotions director; Donna Capone, sophomore, sports director, and Lisa Rancatore, freshman, assistant news director.
SummerCollege Work/Study Availablein manyoffices on campus Residencyis available Applicationsare available in the financial aid office
loquitur - friday, april 26, 1985
What studentswould do for an extra buck "It was a lot of fun to work for Mary Kay," Pajic said. "I made a lot of extra money and met a lot of nice people. The best part of the job was making people realize that it is not just the makeup that makes a woman beautiful, but how they feel about themselves." Marybeth Evich, junior, was a Keebler elf for Pathmark grocery store. Evich started out at Pathmark as a stock girl with the hopes of being promoted to cashier within 2-3 weeks. One day, a representative from Keebler came into Pathmark asking for a volunteer to be a Keebler elf and pass out sample crackers and cookies to the shoppers. "You meet so many interesting people at these parties. "I thought it would be a cute little elf outfit," Evich said, You also make good money. Most of the people who come to these parties are wealthy. If they like your personality, they "but it turned out to be this huge plaster ofparis costume." will hand you money left and right," Demski said. Evich said she could not see anything out of the costume, The other part-time job Demski has is a governess for a and that she knocked over a whole rack of potato chips. "It very wealthy family. Demski said that she is their mother, was so humiliating," Evich said. father, nurse, teacher, counselor, just about everything to Evich added, "One little boy kept sticking a pencil in my the "five most unruly kids you'll ever meet." The kids are all mouth and asking his mother if there were a real person under 11 years old. inside." Demski said that there are advantages to the job. For The last straw was when Evich had to go up in a hot air instance, she will be going to Europe with the family this balloon and wave to everyone wearing this costume. She summer. Demski went to Maine last summer. She said the tried to get into the basket and toppled over. That was best part about the job was that she was able to drive their _Evich's first and last day as a Keebler elf. Mercedes and 1962 classic Oldsmobile convertible which Virginia Smith, sophomore, is a freelance telegram girl. she "had a little accident with." Although it is hard work, She got the job through the Mainline telegrams company. she enjoys it very much. Her job is to dress up in one of her costumes, which are Randy Letko, junior also has a very unique part-time job provided by the company, and sing or dance. Her costumes at school. Although babysitting doesn't sound unique, range from a bunny to a french maid. Letko's job is. Her first job was for the boss' father. She went to where he Letko works on Wednesday morning form 7 :15 until 8:30. worked, the GE Space Center, in a bunny costume. Letko makes sure he is at the house by 7:15. "I had to stand in the lobby and wait for the man to come All I do is sit on the couch and watch MTV. I wake up the downstairs," Smith said. '~ll of the engineers were laughkids, make sure they get themselves breakfast and dressed ing at me and asking me if I was free for lunch." and are off to school on time," Letko said. "The most imporSmith said her second job was even more embarassing. tant part about the job is to make sure the house is locked She had a job at her boyfriend's former high school. She had when I leave." Dawn Pajic, junior, had a part-time job as a Mary Kay to stand on a track field in front of two hun~ed people in a bunny costume. cosmetic counselor. "I really don't get nervous when I do ajob, except when I Pajic's job was to book demonstrations and sell the cosmetics, almost like Tupperwear. She would choose a woman am in front of people I know," Smith said. "My biggest fear Virginia Smith, sophomore, sings a bunny gram to a from the demonstration to make over and hopefully, from is that someone will hire me for a job a nd se nd me to surprised Dave Long, 1·unior.1photo by Mark Magner) 11 someone that I know. Then I won't do it." the makeover, the women would buy the products. by Margaret Angelucci There are many part-time jobs a student can get to earn extra money while in school. However, why not get a job that's fun instead of a job that you hate to go to? Many students have very unique part-time jobs. These jobs range from being a governess to being a Keebler elf. Bernadette Demski, junior , has two unique part-time jobs. The first is party help. Basically what Demski does is she helps the hostess with setting up, preparing food, serv: ing guests and cleaning up afterwards.
Gamesflirts play:
What'sthe messagein that stare? Besides staring, there are other ways of getting someone's attention. Many people will do something special for a person whose attention they are especially seeking. "I'll help him with his homework or cook him a meal," said Rita Genovese, freshman. She added that she would talk to him as a friend hoping he would figure out on his own that she liked him. Another way of flirting is one that is not as obvious. Some people are ~nowo. to flirt by deliberately not doing the actions associated with flirting. These people are known to many as the "Ice Queen." They are more likely to avoid rather than approach someone they like. "Ifl find a guy I like, I avoid him," said Lissa Mallinkrodt, sophomore.
by MaureenMcAnespey You're standing in the room in the midst of a party and he catches your eye. Do you tum away and giggle or do you continue to stare at him while he is staring at you? Will you approach him and begin talking or will you wait for him to make the first move? Are you doing this becausehe is gorgeous and you would love to meet him or are you just out to tease him? Either way you look at it, you are doing what every person does; flirting. Many people feel flirting is somehow unseemingly and unattractively aggressive. But no matter what these people believe, they find that flirting is part of their everyday life. According to Dr. William Ofman, professor of counseling psychology at the University of Southern California, "flirting is a healthy way of exploring the perimeters of possibility between yourself and another person." Whether you are staring just to tease someone or to actually attract their attention, you are in the orocess of flirting. Some people do a little bit ofboth when it comes to flirting. "I think it's fun to stare at some guy just to see how he will react," said Peggy Simon, sophomore. "But if I like someone, I'll stare at him a lot and when he looks at me I'll turn away. Also, I won't flirt with someone that interests me until I know they're interested in me," Simon said.
On the other hand there are those who flirt labeled the "Cheerleader." These are people who do not avoid anyone. They are nice to everyone and their motivation is not to seduce but, rather to please. "I like to meet people and make new friends, so I'll go up and talk to everybody," said Pete Casazza, freshman. But if I really like someone, I'll try to make her feel comfortable around me, and give her my handshake." Senior Patty Hinke's approach is a little different. "If I like somebody, I want them to know it," she said. "I'd take the aggressive route and follow him around, call him, and then ask him out."
Flirting is usually an attempt to attract someone's attention but does anything ever formulate after that attention is captured? If it wasn't for flirting, Kathy Mornell or Roseann Giardina, sophomores, would have never met their boyfriends. "We both wQrked at the same restaurant where he washed dishes and I was a busgirl," explained Mornell. I would take the trays back one at a time so I could see him more often."
Giardina took a different approach. She tried one of his rings on one day and took off with it before their class ended. ''This way he would have to come talk to me to get it back," Giardina said. "We've been going out since." So the next time you find yourself staring at this special person, stop and think about who you are flirting with. You could well be staring and flirting with your future spouse.
SUMMER JOBS!!!! Work in the pleasant surroundingsof the campus community this summer as teaching aids and tutors for summer camp, and as clerical assistants. Wages may be earned through Work Study, TuitionRemissionfor Summer Sessions, OR Hourly Salary.
Apply at= l
Continuing Education Office
) Lower Level,Sacred Heart Hall
loquitur april26, 1985
Our education: reflecting, evaluating needed by Barbara Mongelli Meaningless. Not many college students, when asked to describe their undergraduate education, would choose the word "meaningless." Yet a report by the American Association of Colleges had just that to say about the coveted bachelor's degree. Several reports have emerged recently on the state of higher education, and as with "A Nation At Risk," it is the responsiblity of those involved in education to take the steps to remedy the situation: the administrators, the teachers, and probably most important, the students, who must take responsibility for their own education. It's time that we evaluate our reasons for going on to college, our expectations from it, its worth. Has higher education simply become a stepping stone to a highpaying job or do we still hold value in what we are learning on our campuses. In this four-page insert, Loquitur will try to address some of the issues brought forth by two reports: "Integrity in the College Curriculum: A Report to the Academic Community," issued by the Association of American Colleges and "Involvement in Learning: Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education," the report of the Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education. In that we are all concerned with education, read these stories with an open mind-open to critique of ourselves as students and educators.
First step, first year vital for students see page7
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
'They'vegot a job on their hands' by Donna Horsley
"You are a terrible writer ...and furthermore, you should seriously reconsider going to college," was a statement made by an English teacher I had while in high school. I have never forgotten that professor nor the statement he made. It hurt me tremendously and I vowed since then that I would work at becoming a good writer no matter how much time or energy it took. Knowing the influence professors can have on their students, the Association of American Colleges (AAC) in their report, "Integrity in the College Curriculum: A Report to the Academic Community," have called on the professors to help in the restoration of the American college education. Several charges in the report are aim-ed at college professors. "Central to the troubles and to the solutions are the professor," the report stated. •Professors are only advocates of their own interests, not caring about responsibilities to the overall general education of the American college undergraduate. "One problem with English teachers I feel, is we think that if you study English you are well-rounded," Father Anthony Berret, professor of English, St. Joseph's University, said. Berret feels that often the professors are generally only concerned with their own particular department and admits that this is a problem. For example, "'Turf consciousness' seems to be a major concern at St. Joe's. All the departments compete with one another for a variety of reasons: highering, job placement. But we are working with inter department cooperation now to alleviate the problem," Berret said. On the other hand, there are those who disagree with the AAC statements that professors are not dedicated to curriculum coherence. Sharon Felicioni, sophomore, said, "I remember talking to Dr. Girard and he told me, 'I am going to teach you .how to write too, and analyze critical reasoning.' He really was concerned with what I was doing even after I left the department and became a psychology major." According to Lori DiMeglio, senior, "Dr. DeTurck may have a speciality in genetics, but he is still sincerely worried about how you're doing in all your other courses. Teachers do like to see you learn." •Professors don't care what electives students take just as long as course requirements are fulfilled. Trish O'Callahan, sophomore, said, "Since I am a physical therapy major and came to Cabrini knowing I would have to transfer after two years, my advisor put me on a back shelf. I had to do all of the exploring as far as the various schools offering physical therapy was concerned. Before I heard about my acceptance to Temple, I went to my advisor to get my fall roster signed; she just signed it and didn't look at what I took." O'Callahan continued, "When she asked me how my interviews and acceptances were going, she stressed how important experience was and said that last summer I should have done volunteer work in a hospital; what-good does that do me now?" On the other hand there are those who do not feel it is the job of the professor to be concerned about electives students take. DiMeglio said, "Why should they be concerned when the school mandates that a certain amount ofGER's must be taken to graduate." Sh~ feels that most of the responsibility lies not with the professor but with student. "A student should see what thev need would do better in a
Vito DiVincenzo, professor of Italian and Spanish Carter Craigie, professor, English and communications, is known for his active, lively teaching style. (photo by John Doyle) subject they are interested in," DiMeglio said. •Professors are no longer committed teachers but rather self-seeking professionals. "I can't say that the professors at Cabrini are selfcentered," Felicioni said. She remembers a favor Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson, religion department, did for her just recently. Apparently, Felicioni was applying for a scholarship and asked Reher at the last minute to write a letter of recommendation. "She really cares about students; realizing how important that was to me she had it typed and ready after such short notice and she is not even my advisor." However, not everyone has had a positive experience-with their professors. According to Jeff Cook, junior, transfer student, "Most teachers at West Chester were not worried about whether or not you passed. Some really just don't care. They (professors) think they are hot stuff; they are too worried about government projects and don't even teach class; they get their graduate assistants to teach instead. At West Chester if you walk up to a professor in lunch, he wouldn't talk to you." Margie Paris, junior, remembers on several instances during one semester when she sought help from one of her professors but was continually turned away. "She told me to go to the CARe center and never once made comments on the papers I had done; so I had no idea what I had did wrong." •According to the AAC, just as the professors are responsible for the lack ofwellrounded graduates, they are also part of the solution. One step that has been taken, according to Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the
Mr. Sat/ow and Margaret Cashman, senior, share in the excitement of a successful computer program. (photo by Chris Spencer) English and communications department,is a series of workshops that t9ok place several years ago in which 70 percent of the faculty optimistically attended in attempts to incorporate writing in courses besides English. There are those who would argue though, that this is not enough of a solution. "English teachers should not be the only ones to teach writing, but simply requiring students to do a term paper for history class isn't the answer either," Berret said. Many students have suggested to the professors a variety of ways in which the non-major would benefit more from course electives. Several suggestions include: making the courses for the non-major as interesting as possible, narrowing course content so students could choose a particular topic which would be most beneficial to
them, look at course evaluations and listen to the comments expressed by students and act on them, and lastly, take several education courses that would help them teach more effectively. Frank Gundie, professor, biology, Swarthmore College, feels it is important to touch, even if its just briefly, on a wide range of subjects because that knowledge can always be expanded on later in life. Taking psychology as an elective, Susie McKernan said, "I'd like to learn psychology of suicide or alcoholism. I don't really care about Piaget and the psychology of education." Joe Shelden, chairperson of biology department, Eastern College, said, "I don't think that just because you have an education course in college necessarily means you'll be a good teacher, but it's a good idea."
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
First step vital in college climb
by B.J. Petracci
First day, first year of college. Thoughts are racing through your head faster then you can even think about them. Have I chosen the right college ...will I my friends from high school forget about me ...does it matter that my major is undeclared? Freshman year can be a time of many different feelings. A positive freshman year experience can be vital in assuring a student's success. Besides adjusting to the increased work load, freshmen must also adjust to all the other problems that go along with college. In the recent report "lnvolvment in Learning: Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education," it was indicated that first year students are ill-served by many of our institutes of higher education. There are two important factors that many of the institutes of higher learning sometimes overlook: the neep. to provide adequate opportunities for intense intellectual interaction between students and instructors and the assurance that an adequate range of courses are available for first-year students. · Cabrini because of its small size is able to provide students with the oportunity to have the interaction needed. To aid in this process, Cabrini limits the number of students they allow into their courses. Dr. Mary Anne Biller, academic dean, said, "Every department chairperson recommends a maximum number of people they will allow into their classes. We have increasingly tried to keep the number of students in the classes down." Many of the freshmen here feel positive about the interaction they have experienced this year with their professors. Peggie Federico, freshman, said, "They (the professors) are easy to get a hold of before and after class. During class, you are encouraged to voice your opinions." Kim Kovach, freshman, agreed about
the interaction between she and her professors. Kovach said, "In the classes your were more or less singled out. The teacher always knew who you were and how important it was for the students to get involved." The study suggests that registrars insure sufficient reserved places for firstyear students in an adequate range of courses. To insure this at Cabrini, Robert Fetterhoff, registrar said, "I work it out with the department chairperson to decide the number (that should be) left open. In some classes, because they are basically
'Everydepartment chairperson recommendsa maximumnumberof people theywillallowinto·their classes. We have increasingly triedto keep the numberof studentsin the classesdown.' -Dr. Mary Anne Biller, academicdean freshman classes, we don't have to do anything to reserve seats." According to Fetterhoff, in the second semester there was a system to reserve a seat for freshmen in the second half of a class they had taken first semester. He said, "We didn't do anything else to reserve seats. When you reserve for one class, you are closing out another. Someone will always end up on the short end of the system." Areta Hladky, freshman, felt there was an adequate range of courses offered. Hladky said, "There were enough courses,
because you are required to take GER's anyway." However, Michelle Nichols, freshman, arts administration major, said, "There are enough courses offered, but not enough room in the courses." To aid in the freshman adjusting period students are offered an orientation program and are given one credit to attend the TAMECE program (Towards A More Effective College Experience), now in its seventh year. TAMECE, was designed to help freshmen adjust to Cabrini. Dr. Barbara Harris, psychologist, said, "We are able to tune in better to where the students are coming from now, just from what we have learned in the past." Harris continued, "We are still having a problem building cohesive feelings between the individual groups, but find it is much better then not doing anything." Students opinions on the TAMECE program varies. Dave DeMarco, freshman, felt he didn't gain much from the TAMECE program. DeMarco, who is planing on transferring next year, said, "The first time I met in my TAMECE group was already a month into school, by that time I didn't really need TAMECE. I think that all the freshmen should just meet in their groups for the first week of school instead of rushing right into classes." According to Sister Christine Baltas, M.S.C., "The college is working on the idea· of a linkage between orientation and the TAMECE program." This would aid in bringing the groups doser together. Pam Esposito, freshman, "Some of the sessions were good, some were bad. It was my own fault that.I didn't get into some of them." Witli, the help of these programs some freshman are able to make the transition to college much easier. Paul Murphy, freshman, felt that the academic transition from high school to college wasn't that dif-
ficult. He said, "I knew that I had to really hit the books first semester. This semester ha_sn't been that bad at all." On the other hand, Marie Martino, freshman, found it very difficult to get use to the increased work load when she first came here. The importance of a positive freshman year can be seen by the number of freshman that drop out. The national dropout rate of freshman according to Anthony Tomasco, chairperson, psychology, is between 25 to 30 percent.
'They(the professors) are easyto get a holdof before and afterclass.During class,youare encouraged to voiceyouropinions.' -Peggie Federico, freshman In the past four academic years at Cabrini, the freshman dropout rate has flucuated from 23 percent in 80-81, 18 percent in 81-82, 25 percent in 82-83, to a very low 14 percent last year. The lack of consistency is still not understood ~ompletely. There are, according to Tomasco, some colleges like Harvard and Notre Dame whose dropout rate for freshman is consistently well under 10 percent. However, Cabrini has in the last four years been average or below in the freshman dropout rate. Harris, feels that Cabrini's success is do to the fact that very few of the students here fall through the cracks unnoticed. She said, "In some schools with large numbers of students it is easy for some of them to get lost in the shuff!P-"
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
+ academics ideal student
by Michelle M. Bamber
Today's Agenda: "'wake up "'class "'shower "'softball game "'class "'dinner "'work "'study "'lunch "'yearbook deadline "'meeting "'bed Schedules such as this are not uncommon to many college students who must budget their time between classes, schoolwork, activities and employment. Your parents ask how you do it, your friends think you're crazy, your body cries for sleep, but day after day you go on. Some students carry their organizers around with them to make sure they're in the right place at the right time. Then there are other students who go to class, eat their meals, study and go to sleep. The difference between the two opens up the whole issue of student involvement: the time, energy and effort a student devotes to the complete learning process. According to the study group report on higher education, "highly involved students demonstrate their commitment in a variety of ways: by devoting considerable energy to studying, by working at on-campus rather than off-campus jobs, by participating actively in student organizations, and by interacting frequently with faculty members and student peers." "Conversely, uninvolved students may neglect studies, spend little time on campus, abstain from extracurricular activities, have little contact with faculty members or other students, and otherwise participate little in institutional life." The descriptions of the two students are very different, the first is an ideal student and the second is not so ideal. Some may refer to them as active and passive learners. An active learner takes an active role in his or her education, getting involved in courses and questioning test grades. A passive learner watches his or her education pass by, often saying little and never really questioning what is going on.
The report says that student involvement is critical to learning. Dr. Mary
come to her and express a problem wi time budgeting, she likes to work out
Anne Biller, academic dean, said, "We need to respect those differences and realize the variety of learning styles. We encourage everyone to become involved in some way, but they can't be forced."
schedule together with them. She feel this is a key to becoming efficient.
Robin Larkins, senior, is a prime example of the involved student. When asked about her involvements, Larkins commented, "I think I'm too involved. I have a hard time saying no when people ask me to do things." She feels that being too involved has hurt her grade point average, and caused conflicts socially, for example, in relationships. Larkins does think that she has benefited from her involvement, adding, "In the end I've developed skills and qualities I'd never learn in the classroom." The study concluded that total student involvement, or active participation in ones'. education is good. Although, students have a hard time finding a balance between all of the things they are supposed to do. Sophomore Mary Jo Cheng, is not. involved in any activities on campus and S11idshe doesn't feel like she's missing out because she's never really been interested in getting involved. When asked about the reason she does not get involved, Cheng at!_Swered,"I'm afraid of not being able to balance my time. I've never been good at that." According to Dr. Barbara Harris, psychologist, "Balancing education with other things is especially hard because so many students must work. At Cabrini, quite a few must work, and it is particularly hard for the freshmen." Harris, who is involved with TAMECE ('TowardA More Effective College Experience), thinks that it's crucial for students to become involved but realizes that one of the most precious of eductional resources is student time. Very often it is hard for students to decide what should take up their time. Harris commented that when students
Harris pointed out that there are studi showing involved students don't drop ou the dropout rate is higher among th students who simply go to class and lea At a school like Cabrini where there are many commuters, it is important that the get to know people on campus and becom involved so this doesn't happen to them. What makes a student want to becom involved in the total learning experience How can it be enhanced? Often it is professor of a course who encourages stu dents to actively participate and take th initiative. Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of Englis and communications, is an example of teacher who encourages active learnin How many professors would eat chal because they lost a bet with a student? According to Craigie, "I love sitting ¡ the library finding information on a topi with a student. Active learning usuali takes place in an atmosphere offun, whi! it (learning) is enjoyable." A recommendation for increasing st dent involvement, according to the stud was that faculty make greater use of acti modes of teaching and require that s dents take greater responsibility for the learning. Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president fo academic affairs, thinks that studen here are introduced to involveme through activities outside of books, fie] trips and internships, for example. Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, dean of s dents, commented on involvement Cabrini saying that "the cases of a stud slipping through the cracks uninvol and unnoticed are scant." Donna Seckar, director of career co seling, said that "employers look ,activities and involvement, beca they're just as important as grades."
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
Work, play, study and practical experience. All are key areas of involvement that help develop a well-rounded college graduate. Trish Reilly, junior, puts in approximately twenty hours a week as program director of WCAB, the campus radio station. (photo by Allen Reyes) Cara Graham, sophomore, waits on Mary Gillespie, sophomore and Chris Fiumara, freshman in the Wigwam, part of her work study. (photo by Chris Spencer) Adeline Bethany, chairperson, fine arts department, kicks up a storm with students in her music appreciation class. (photo by Chris Spencer) Usa Hurst, senior, a three-sport athlete, after a hard day on the field. (photo by Chris Spencer)
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
Juniorcollegestylebreedsmotivatedstudents by Randy T. Letko
It is the first week of classes. This year though, there is a stranger in the room. Most of the class has been together since freshman year, but nobody knows who the stranger is. The professor identifies him as a junior college transfer. Obviously different, he looks older and has already bought all the required books. He is always five minutes early and is always the first to raise his hand in response to a question. Junior college graduates are becoming a familiar sight at many colleges and universities and it is these students, according to Glen McCordy, director of public relations at Delaware County Community College in Media, Pa., that often attend the four year institution with a higher level of motivation. Colleges of the Main Line area, 'mainly St. Joseph's University, Rosemont College, Swarthmore College,Cabrini -College, Harcum Junior College and Delaware County Community College, report that about 90 percent of the junior college transfers that continue their education eventually graduate with a four year degree. According to "Campus 198Q-The Shape of the Future in American Higher Education," a publication of the Academy for Educational Development, records from the University of California show that the transfer student from a two year college does just as well as, or better than, his classmate who entered the university as a freshman. "Usually, by the time a student graduates from junior college," McCordy said, "they have decided exactly where they are strongest and are able to pursue their education with more direct motivation and at a lesser cost." Barbara Power, assistant to the director of admissions at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pa., repeated the same feelings towards St. Joseph's incoming transfers.
in only one major aspect, according to McCordy. "The professor at the four-year institution may become involved in research projects of their own which may take from their classroom instruction," McCordy said. Research and publications are a major source of publicity for all four-year institutions. Many university professors are under constant pressure to research and publish in journals and magazines. These professors, unlike the junior college professor, may suffer from the "publish or perish syndrome." ''At the two-year school," McCordy added," there is neither the money nor the facilities for independent research. This makes teachers who are more teaching oriented come to the junior college. At DCCC, we emphasize in our
curriculum the desire to produce a successful product which would be an aggressive student." Dave Long, junior and graduate of Hagerstown Junior College in Hagerstown, Md., and Kathy Wachenheim, junior and graduate of DCCC, both agree that, academically, the junior college is no less demanding than any four year school. Long said, "The professors of a junior college are not any less qualified ,than the professors at the four-year school." "There are professors here that have the same genuine enthusiasm that my professors at HJC had." said Long. "I think Cabrini's size has been conducive to a better learning atmosphere," Long continued, ''because I don't think there's a
N-OON ANSPrR. i'f"\JnEtJT 5
"The transfer student traditionally comes to the university with more motivation because they know exactly what they want," Power said. "There are many reasons for going to a junior college but usually by the time the students have decided to attend St. Joseph's University, they seem to be very determined and know exactly what they intend to accomplish." Even with their success ratio, a major dilemma that many junior colleges still suffer with is the enigma of being considered a lesser institution of learning. Professors and, consequently, the education at the two-year college are different from four year year institutions
~ ~
'Usually,by the time a studentgraduatesfrom juniorcollege,they have decidedexactlywherethey are strongestand are able to pursuetheireducation withmoredirectmotivation and at a lessercost.' -Glen McCordy, director,publicrelations, DelawareCounty CommunityCollege
teacher here that is unwilling to help a student if the student approaches them. At a big college, it's much harder to have this privilege." Many four-year colleges, in response to the teacher stagnation problem, are now taking a look at the junior college teaching styles and implementing programs that mirror the junior college educational system.
'The professors of a junior collegeare notany less qualifiedthan the professors at the four-yearschool.' -Dave Long, junior,transfer
The research program at Cabnm, accoraing to Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs, is designed so as not to take away from Cabrini's desire to provide quality education for its' students. "Our faculty is more teaching oriented than most of the other four year colleges in the area," Romano said. ''Although we don't get big federal grants or money from corporations like Proctor and Gamble, our professors still do a lot of individual research." "The research that is done at Cabrini," Romano continued, "is done with the students in mind. We encourage research from our professors that will assist them in more effective instruction. We want our research to be put back into the curriculum." Swarthmore College, in Swarthmore, Pa., offers a different type of research program. The professors are offered an optional year long sabbatical that they can take every four years in order to devote time to individual research. This type of program helps to separate research from classroom instruction. "We do this at Swarthmore to insure that our professors are fresh and not distracted from instruction because of research projects," Phyllis Raymond, associate dean of admissions, said. "Ninety-nine percent of our professors have Ph.D.'s and they do a significant amount of research and write many publications. We encourage the sabbatical in order to keep them fresh and enthusiastic to teach." ''At Swarthmore, our philosophy concerning the two year transfers," Raymond said, "has been that they are a very important addition to the f;>ur year program because they add a great deal to the curriculum due to their experiences from a different type of educational background." Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean at Cabrini and former president at St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkhill, · N.Y., feels that the junior college graduate is often well prepared for study at the four year institution. "The junior college graduate goes to the four year college with a completely different outlook on their own education," Biller said. ''The quality and style of instruction that is received at the junior college is much different than the fouryear school. I look at the transfer as an enrichment to our program because they can add so much to the
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
Knowingand meetingcollege'sexpectations by Bonnie Zischang She was an exceptionally bright student and attended what many would call a topnotch, college preparatory high school, graduating with dean's list honors. Her years in high school had provided her with a sturdy liberal arts background, one that a college education would surely enhance. In college, she was one of the few freshman who adjusted quickly to the college life, socially and academically. People who know her said she had it "all together." However, in her second college year, she ran into financial difficulty, became indecisive about her major, and lost a sense of purpose. She eventually became one of the many students who feel a same loss of purpose and resorted to dropping out. It is not uncommon for many students to feel that their expectations of the value and worth of a college education do not match the realities of the institution, their standards and learning objectives. In the above situation, the lack of motivation on the part of the college administration and also within an intellectually capable student made the situation unfortunate. The student probably would have responded to a more challenging, motivating environment and a clearer statement of the standards of the institution. According to a report, ''Involvement in Learning: Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education," released by the Study Group on the Conditions of
American Undergraduate Education, the expectations of academic institutions influence student achievement. When a college's expectations and standards are clear, learning, on the part of students is enhanced, especially when the expectations are actively shared by faculty and students. The report explains that students are more likely to achieve at a high level and to be satisfied with a course if it meets their expectations than if it does not. Theresa Heimbecker, a former student who discontinued attending Cabrini explained why she didn't feel that her education was getting her anywhere. "I was undecided about my major and the major I finally chose dissolved. I didn't see the point of spending money and getting myself in debt for no major and no clear direction. I felt that I was left to my own devices," Heimbecker explained. In hindsight, Heimbecker sees that the Cabrini needs to redesign their system to more thoroughly guide freshmen, so that they know what to expect and what is expected of them. "If I had a little more advising, I wouldn't have taken all those unnecessary courses. It frustrated me. At the time, I was considering leaving because no one convinced me or gave me a purpose for staying. Nobody ever told me that it's okay that you don't have the money because a college education is worth it." Cabri~ has not ignored the problems that occur in an institutional environment
and continues to work on ways to redesign methods to make expectations and standards more clear. For several years, the curriculum committee and faculty have been working toward communicating to students the learning objectives of the college and have been trying to delineate the qualities of the liberally educated person. According to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, "The administration and curriculum committee are in the process of developing strategies for evaluating learning outcomes through the model developed by the curriculum committee. The model will serve as a frame of reference for student learning at Cabrini." But exactly how clear and self-explanatory is the model and its presentation of the qualities of the liberally educated person? Isn't it true that to be able to work towards developing skills through courses of study, one must understand the requirements and be encouraged to develop such skills? The study's report outlined some of the following recommendations for realizing high expectations. First, it stated that institutions should be more simple about explaining their statements of goals and be more specific about their objectives. It stated that institutions have the responsibility of defining to students the knowledge, capacities and skills that students are expected to attain. It is not sufficient, the report stated, to simply recite symbolic terms like "critical thinking,"
"problem solving," or "creativity," which are some of the headings on the Cabrini model. Maureen Becker, freshman biology major, explained that she was overwhelmed by the information presented in the model that she received in her mailbox. "I didn't understand part "A" entitled 'Critical Thinking.' It just seemed like a lot of fancy words.'' The model was made public and released to all students on April 11. A letter was attached to the model explaining the dates and times for meetings to explain what the list of "qualities" means for students. Upon receiving the model, Becker said that she planned to attend the meeting scheduled for her class to find out what the model means for her. "But I don't think that you can learn a lot just from the meeting. I believe that there needs to be some personal advising, one on one with faculty and students, to talk about how to 'think critically'." Dr. Romano, vice president of academic affairs agrees that the model needs more than a grand presentation to the students. "The students need to understand the model's importance and try to integrate that information into the curriculum. We need to create an environment that will foster incentive to develop the qualities and skills in students inside and outside the classroom."
Evaluationslie ahead,testingstudentgrowth by Virginia A. Smith It's easy to measure your academic progress at Cabrini: all you need to do is look at your test scores or grade point average to determine whether or not you're fulfilling the scholastic standards. But how do you know if you're "living up to" Cabrini's liberal arts standards, developing abstract skills such as critical thinking or aesthetic appreciation? This is a question Cabrini's curriculum committee has just begun to address since its major work in creating the one-page summary of the "qualities of the liberally educated person." ''We've come to the point where we've decided that there's a definite need for overall assessment of student skill," said Dr. Margaret Reher, chairperson of the curriculumcommittee.Sheisquicktoadd, however, that there are challenges to that ideal. "For example, in my own classes, I know I'm supposed to be teaching tolerance, but how exactly do I find out if they're learning it?" said Reher. "We need to find a way to measure such abstract ideas, and if we can't, then we'd better stop claiming to teach them." The need for developing assessment and eedback programs is a national predicaent, according to the report "Involveent in Learning: Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education." â&#x20AC;˘~..we are interested in assessment as a means to provide information about the teaching and learning process, and as feedibackto help improve the effectiveness with which students, faculty and the institution
carry out their work," begins one recommendation in the report. Unlike the assessment testing that has beenusedasmeansofscreeninggraduates for professional certification and licensing (the most relevant example being the testing that education majors will soon go through to become full-fledged teachers), Cabrini's assessment would be a measurement of personal growth. "There is no movement toward a testing which would exclude students from graduation," said Anthony 'lbmasco, chairperson of the psychology department and member of the curriculm committee. According to the study, the concern of most colleges is whether or not the student remains in good academic standing and achieves 130 credits by graduation day. But little monit?ring is done on the social, moral, or skill development of the student from freshman to senior year. The study also calls for the widest possible range of testing: essays, interviews, portfolios, and performance examinations as well as traditional standardized tests. "We are exploring several possibilities (for assessment) said Tomasco. "We're loo~g at a type of for1;11alstandardized ~stmg such~ th~ Am~rican College '11:stmg (ACT) which 1s suitable for assessmg GER subject areas, and we're also looking at J?Ore infon_nal assessment such ,,as advisor evaluation or personal reports. "This (assessment testing) is a subject area I'm very excited about," said Dr. Joseph Romano, vice president of academic affairs." "Many interesting outconies/evaluation models have come over
my desk. Some are meant to be given to students as freshmen, then repeated later in their senior year and growth can be measured. But it's not just formal S.A.T.type testing. One calls for students to listen to a record and then write the aesthetic feelings they have for it." Assessment processes are already in effect, in the English/communications department, in which majors are required to submit two personal reports yearly e~ploring their development in and outside of class. "Initially, the year-end reports were a hassle, and we were all up in arms about having to write another paper. But once I actually sat down to do it, I found that it didn'.t take too much time, and didn't reqwre research - all I h~d to do was reflect .~n '!°Y yea_r," said B_ar~ara MongelhJumor, Enghsh/commumcations major. "I was able to see concretely what I had accomplished in and outside of my major.'' ''The Developmental portfolio ~ed by the communications department 1s an excellent idea, as it encourages students to set goals for themselves," said Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life. E~tra~w:ricular_ experience, according to ~1~1~,1s Just as important ~ classroom act1v1bes, so the student services department is beginning to develop portfolios for ~lass and club officers, R.A. 's and actively mv~l~ed stud~nts so that they may realize additional skills they've developed. It can also help s~udents discover the skills the_y'~e lac~mg, and help them find an activity which would stengthen this. "I'd like to start working on portfolios
with the R.A.'s and help them realize that the job affects almost every quality in the model; an R.A. needs to have an understanding of self and others, have values and committment, all of that," continued Lilly. "Then maybe the R.A.'s can keep portfolios on the people in their residences and have them realize that even living with other people develops qualities in the model." ''We're asking faculty and administration to reflect on the model and tell us, in light of their courses or activities, what particular qualities are addressed. Then we can develop methods of evaluating this process," Biller said. ''The focus of the curriculum committee is to really promolgate the qualities of the liberally educated person;' 'lbmasco said. '½.s far as assessment, we're looking primarily at the GER curriculum, we're not intending to get involved with departments at this point. We are also looking to study students in groups to see if the school is successful overall in communicating these ideas to the students." In this way, assessment is not only important to the individual student, but to the institution if it is to continue giving quality education and graduating model liberal arts students who are a credit to th college name. "It is when we stop reviewing and assessing ourselves and our products that stagnantation can occur," said Biller. "We never want to be accused of graduating the one-dimensional, solely career-oriented person. That's just not what the Cabrini ideal is all about."
loauitur- friday,april26, 1985
Analyzingeffectivenessof academicadvising by Gia DiGiminiani The college junior stands at the head of what has developed into a long line of students. She has drifted into a daydream of boredom, while leaning limply against a wall in Grace Hall. On the other side, the muffled voices of her adviser and another student are audible. This time of the year, the narrow corridors are bustling with frenzied students hurrying among the faculty offices. Passersby must turn sideways since the halls do not accommodate two-way traffic. Other times during the semester, the corridors are silent, except for the creeking floor boards that announce a rare visitor. The junior is jarred from her trance by the abrupt opening of the office door. The former customer is ushered out, and the junior is hurried into a chair by her adviser. The adviser shuffles debris about his desk in search of the appropriate file. His head buried in a cluttered drawer, he asks, "Oh, you have that internship this semester, don't you. How is it going? Everything okay? Good, fine. Oh, by the way, how many credits is that worth anyhow?"
A sophomore runs through the. school halls hoping to catch his adviser in the cafeteria during lunch hour. The sophomore has to register in an hour, and needs his roster signed. "I can't register late; I just know that 'psych' course I need is going to close," the student pleads. "I can understand your dilemma, but how will this affect your credit standing. I would really like to review your records with you in my office." "Everything's fine, Doc. I know exactly what I want. I just need your signature. That's all...really."
Cabrini, a small-college environment boasting a student to faculty ratio of18 to 1, has the potential to provide its students with an intensive and personalized academic advising program. However, much of this potential tends to be lost due to the lack of structure and definition given to the existing advising program. According to interviews with students and faculty members, it seems that course approval, the only aspect of Cabrini advising that is mandatory according to school policy, has become the focus of the student-adviser relationship. Opportunities to delve into the deeper issues of personal and intellectual growth are optional, and subject to the discretion and initiative of individuals. The academic adviser is a crucial link in the quality and value of American higher education. The role of the adviser is to provide students with services extending into intellectual and personal growth, career planning, post-graduate education options and, in some cases, job placement. But national evaluations have questioned the effectiveness of various advising programs, and their utilization by students.
''.All colleges should offer a systematic program of guidance and advisement that involves students from matriculation through graduation. Student affairs personnel, peer counselors, faculty and administrators should all participate in this system on a continuing basis," said the Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education in their report. According to this study, very few institutions actually monitor the growth of their students from entry to exit, paying more . attention to matters such as student . recruitment and institutional finances. According to national studies, and interviews of Cabrini students and faculty, the following have been sited as important issues in the condition of the Cabrini student advising program: There exists a general satisfaction throughout the campus with the general advising services Cabrini offers, but it has been acknowledged that there are areas requiring improvement. The academic affairs office conducted a survey of Cabrini students on.the academic advising program. This survey yielded overwhelmingly favorable responses from students on the general condition of Cabrini's advising program. The survey found that 85 percent of Cabrini students felt that their advisers were helpful to them all or most of the time, 88 percent believed that their advisers were well-informed, and 81 percent believed that they understood how the advisement system works. However, in an area reserved for comments, the resounding problems associated with advising were the availability of the advisers and a need for more personal involvement with advisers. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, said, ''.Achain is as good as its weakest link, and the problems I perceive in the advising situation might involve these weaker links. As far as accessibility, the adviser cannot be around all the time, but is required to post his office hours, and the students must comply with these schedules." Biller continued, "Sometimes there may be a personal clash between the student and the adviser. It is in such unforseen cases that this system may break down. But the overall design of the program is solid." Dr. Joseph Romano, vice-president of academic affairs and former academic dean, said that "Listening is the most important. You have to listen to what the student is saying. Secondly, a good adviser should know all possible options to aid the student in decision making." Finally, Romano said that the adviser should take the initial· step in relating to the student. "You cannot sit back and wait for the student to seek you out. We cannot do everything for the student. But a good adviser will take the initial action, break the ice, and follow up on the student's progress.• Everything else hangs on these things."
Juniors Kathy Lojewski, Debbie Peacoc_kand Pat Nolan, discuss the courses they are taking before they finalize it with their advisors. (photo by Chris Spencer)
Maryann Mirra, assistant to the registrar, assists students in processing their courses. (photo by Chris Spencer) The advising program at Cabrini does not consistently provide indepth interaction between the students and advisers. There exists a need to distinguish long-term from shortterm advising. This would define career planning and job placement from the mere formalities, like roster signing. How many students solicit faculty input at times other than registration? Romano said, "We always attempted to tell the faculty to do more than just roster signing. We encourage them to extend themselves into personal counseling with students." Romano continued, "The change in attitude is needed more on the students' side. They do not know that advisers can do more to help the students." Junior Barbara Colantuono said, "I now have a good relationship with my adviser, but it has not always been this way with my other advisers. My relationships with my advisers have developed over the years as I learned more about what I am doing with my major." One senior in a small major reported experiences with a present adviser in which "misunderstandings and irresponsible communciation gaps have occurred." This student said that the adviser prefers to hold meetings at off campus locations that are inconvenient for the student, and that the adviser was not aware of the conditions of the student's internship. Dr. Carter Cragie, professor of English and communications, has remedied this problem for his own advisees by making a point of tracking down each one and having them make an appointment with him in person. Cragie also tells them exactly what materials they should bring with them for the advising session. Craigie said, "Some students appreciate this, others consider it to be an invasion of personal· privacy. Some students have become incensed when I approached them; others want to be sought after. The adviser should be the student's guide. A student should develop autonomy through the advising program. We are training decision makers." Craigie intends to increase the required meetings for his advisees next semester. He hopes to have his advisees to meet briefly with him biweekly. "I hope to learn more about my students. I take advising seriously. That is what the students are actually paying for," Craigie said. Why are not there more advising sessions required throughout the serpester to encourage students to explore the deeper, intellectual issues with their advisers? Romano replied, "I would be reluctant to mandate more required meetings because this would probably be met with resistance. We encourage students throughout the year to meet with their advisers. I feel that the informal method is more successful." Advising is a key factor in making students feel happier with their college. This feeling is reflected in the number of students who remain at one particular institution for the duration of their college education. "Probably the single most important move an institution can make to increase student persistence to graduation is to ~nsure that students receive the guidance they need at the beginning of the journey through college to graduation," said "Increasing Student Competence and Persistence," a book by Aubrey Forrest;Ph.D. on the subject of retention. Some Cabrini faculty members attended
a conference held in Philadeplhia last February that dealt with adcademic advising as a key factor in student retention, the number of students who remain at one institution throughout their college education. Colleen DiRaddo, director of social activities, was among the Cabrini faculty members who attended the conference. DiRaddo said, "The main point communicated in the conference was that not everyone on a faculty can and should be an adviser." DiRaddo said, "It was recommended that advisers be selected; they should be paid and their class hours limited. These incentives will boost morale and ensure commitment. Not all Cabrini students can be ensured high quality advising. Advising is a mandatory duty for all full-time Cabrini faculty, and some advisers are considered to be better than others. Some advisers admitted that students who are not their advisees have come to them for advice. Unlike Cabrini, it is a national trend for college advisers to be specialist in their positions. These advisers are selected for these positions based upon their knowledge and experience in this discipline. They are also paid for their services, and do not teach in the classroom or have class hours that have been reduced considerably. DiRaddo said, "Finding people's niche in higher education is the strength of a college. Too often we find inappropriate people in inappropriate roles, doing what they do not do well." Romano commented, "It would be difficult for us to implement such policies at this time. Selecting and paying academic advisers would cause difficulty in distinguishing them from the people in the counseling center. I could probably cqmpromise on something like that; it might work here someday. "The problem with having· full-time advisers is that your best teachers are usually you best advisers, and you may be denying students great classroom teaching. The classroom is where most students especially the freshmen, have the best opportunity to become involved with these professors," Romano said. The segregation of Cabrini's various student services tends to fragment the student. By integrating academic advising with other student services like Tumece and the counseling center, Cabrini could create a network throughout the various branches of student services. Such a program would benefit the total student. Romano said that he would like to see a greater involvement between the counseling center and academic advising. "The problem is that the counseling center is self-contained in a separate building. We need to integrate the two and involve the entire campus." Mary Helen Mapes, TAMECE instructor, said, "Cabrini has a small enough campus that the services offered are easily accessible to all students. The separation of the counseling center, and academic advising allows for more privacy. The report stated, "Seek out a faculty member who can be an intellectual mentor, an adviser, and a friend. Toke particular advantage of the advising and counseling services during your first two years. Insist that faculty and other advisers be accessible and that their advice evidences comprehensive knowledge of your abilities, needs, and goals."
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
Shorelivingcombinesboth work and play by Mary Kate Grimley Students anticipating the prospect of living and working at a seashore resort area during their summer vacations conjure up images of those sun-drenched, free-spirited Wildwood months when every day seems like a holiday and every night a party. Unfortunately, these are not always the daily circumstances found by those students living at the shore for the summer. The undertaking of a summer of living at one of the major shore points can often be far less glamorous and care-free as so many songs and stories make it out to be. There are countless responsibilities involved in living with friends for three months without "mom and dad" to oversee all of one's various necessities. Even though college students who reside on campus have the opportunity to care for themselves without their parents' constant guide, it is not the same as when one must handle the rental and upkeep of an apartment at the shore.
Living with a group of individuals with varying ideals and priorities, one would anticipate many problems arising in a three month living arrangement at the shore where the confines are often very close.
In many instances, one can expect up be considered by the group before to five or six roommates in a shore jumping into a living situation for the apartment. Among these individuals, summer. cleaning detail must be coordinated, When Robin Larkins, senior, spent along with adjusting to others' quirks time at the shore with friends, she found and living habits. that, "Everyone chipped in. It was not However, there is actually little time like a senior week experience. We wanted for contact and confrontation between to entertain at our place, so we all had to roommates. This is due to the warm weather and the many outdoor activities the shore area offers. Many hours are spent on the beach and at work. Junior Vicki Leahy said, "Really, the only time that all of us came together was for the parties and the good times we shared."
There is a certain air of being care-free for most college age students while living at the shore. But there are certain practical responsibilities which must still be maintained. Arrangements for cleaning, cooking and shopping must all
pitch in. We may have lost some beach time, but it was worth it." There is, of course, a great deal of excitement and fun involved in spending the summer at the shore. For Joe Dodds, sophomores, there is so much going on and so much activity that you often choose to sleep during the day so that you can be involved in all of the night life." When considering living in such a situation for three months, some of the possible drawbacks must be realized. "It's so wild sometimes, that your whole system gets messed up. Your sleeping, eating and living norms are all out of whack," Dodds said.
The money to be made at the many shore points is generally good. There are strong possibilities of making enough money so that some can be saved and put away. Many fine restaurants look for college students, realizing that they are probably more reliable than some other individuals searching for summer jobs. One of the hardest times for those individuals spending the entire summer at the shore is the weekend. Even though there may be only four people paying for and living in the apartment, once the weekend arrives, friends from all over seem to turn up at the door with suitcases in hand. Very often, one may wake up with all sorts of strange faces fast asleep on the floor. â&#x20AC;˘~t places like Zaberer's (Restaurant) in Wildwood, they are prone to hire college students, and they can afford to seek out these more qualified, educated students," Leahy said. According to Wheaton Realtors in North Wildwood, '~ great percentage of our clientele are college students." Wheaton found these groups of students to be very responsible and causing few problems. "We've been very satisfied with their conduct and the way that the places are left at the end of the summer." Because of their positive experiences with college student clients, Wheaton said that they were "encouraging other realtors to rent to these students. They are generally a good group to work with."
Celebratingspring at local state parks by Frank Bokoski At no other time of the year is the passing of the seasons more welcome. A time for casting off the cares of winter. A time when the days get longer, the earth becomes warmer and the rebirth of nature begins. It is spring and what better way is there to enjoy the magic of spring than to visit some of the area's many parks and recreational facilities. Evansburg State Park, (ESP), a major multi-purpose recreational project, is one of the largest parks in southeastern Pennsylvania encompassing over 3,340 acres. ESP offers so many activities that one would find it very difficult not having a good time there. Some of activities offered are hunting, fishing, hiking, bike riding, horseback riding, softball, and there is even an 18 hole public golf course located on the grounds. Chris Reese, park superintendent, said that many college students come to the park for the hiking trails. Various types of wildflowers, birds and wildlife can be seen along the trails which run along the Skippack Creek. ESP is located five miles northwest of Norristown, and can be reached via US Route 422. If traveling froi_nCabrini, you
can expect to be driving for about forty minutes. If driving for long distances is an inconvenience, then try Ridley Creek State Park. The park is located on PA ROUTE 3 just two miles west of Newtown Square, and can be reached in approximately twenty minutes from Cabrini. Ridley Creek is a beautiful and scenic park. The park is a wonderful place to spread out a blanket, sit back, relax and admire the wonderful scenery. An added attraction at Ridley Creek State Park is the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation. The plantation provides visitors with a representation oflife on a Delaware County Quaker farm in 1776. It proves to be a pleasant way to learn about the lifestyles of the Quakers. Perhaps your idea of getting out and enjoying the beginning of spring is a trip to the city. Fairmount Park runs through out the entire city of Philadelphia. Although it does not possess the natural beauty of Ridley Creek, one can find much to do in or around the park. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Franklin Institute and the Horticultural Center are all within walking distance from the park. If you are heading to Fairmount Park, rou might decide to stop in at the
Schuylkill Valley Nature Center (SVNC). The SVNC has over 300 acres of trails, and their daily tours provide a fun way to learn about birds, trees, plants, animals and our environment. SVCN is located on Hagy's Mill Road in Philadelphia, and can easily be reached via Ridge Avenue. Bio (majors) Bio (majors) Bio (non majors) Bio (both) Computers French Italian Spanish Microeconomics Modem College Math Modem College Math Calculus Psychology
Elizabeth .Cupo Julia Malik Dianne Cameron
Missy DiPasquale Eileen Jensen Karen Rider
Spanish Study Skills
Virginia Smith Dianne Cameron
Business Stats
Donna Blyskal
Statistics Writing
Charlie Smith Anne Marie DiFelice
Writing Valley Forge National Park features guided tours daily. Tour guides dress in olonial outfits, and provide information on the information about the park's istory. (photo by Cara Graham)
Nina Dolce T, 6:30-8:00 LaDonna Mahecha By appointment, ext. 402 T,Th, 1:00-2:00 Patti Flood By appointment, Sharon Agostine ext. 495 Angie Agront M, 6:00-10:30; W, 9:30-11:30 Patty Hinke By appointment, ext. 473 Lucia Laurito By appointment, ext. 432 Denise Brady T, 2:00-3:00 Donna Blyskal W,12:00-1:30; Th,11:30-1:00 Amy Capozucca M, 10:00-11:00
Psychology Psychology Psychology Stats Reading (Developmental) Religion
For those who are interested in learning the places where George Washington had slept, take a trip to Valley Forge National Historical Park. The main entrance to the park is located at the junction of PA Route 23 and 363. There are many guided tours given daily. Tour guides dress in colonial outfits and are ready to answer any questions about the history of the park.
Maureen Grosso Sharon Agostine
M, 11-12; Th, 1-2 M,F, 11:00-12:00 MF, 1:30-3:30; ITh, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 W, 11-12 W, Th, 2-3 M,F, 1:00-2:00 M, 10:00-11:00 By appointment, ext. 495 Th, 9:30-10:30 MF, 1:30-3:30; 'ITH, 12:30-2:00; W,9:30-12:30 'ITH,11:30-1:00; W,12-1:30 T, Th, 11:10-12
W, 9:30-10:30; Th, 1:30-3:30 Patty Loeb W, 9:00-10:00; TH, 11:00-12:00 Robert Marchesani T, 1:00-2:00; W, 11:00-12:00 Patty McHugh T, 10:00-11:00; 12:20-1:20
loquitur - friday, april 26, 1985
Back in the saddle again by Kathi Wachenheim
It is time to say goodbye to bulky winter co__ats and blistery, winter days and hello to thos~ warm , sunny days. When spring arrives so do outdoor activities such as baseball, swimming, frisbee, and more. However, there is one activity that people may not consider: horseback riding. There are a lot of parks that allow horseback riding, but they don't rent horses themselves. There are stables near the parks that will rent horses or have a memberships for the semiserious rider. Great Valley Stables of Devon is located 01rAnthony Drive. They are near Valley
'I love it. I'd go all the time, but it's expensive.' -Bernadette Demski Forge National Historical Park. They charge $12 per hour and $5 every half hour after that. They have trail guides for beginners and also provide lessons. They are open on weekends and holidays 9 a.m. till a half hour before dark. Keen Stables of Rose Tree is located on Gradeyville road. They are near Ridley Creek State Park. They charge $10.60 per hour. They only have a guided tour which runs five miles through the park. They are open seven days a week. Monistary Stables of Chesnut Hill is
located at Kitchen's Lane and Wissahickon Avenue. They have a private club. They do not rent horses because of the cruelty to the horses. They charge $55 a month and only accept people who are serious about riding. There are many different types of people who enjoy riding. First, there is the serious type of rider who has loved horses all her Hfe and has gotten really serious about her riding. Jennifer Peplem, freshman, has been riding horses since she was ten years old. She has competed nationally in the best shows around the country. She will be riding in competition for other people's horses. She considers horseback riding a sport. "You really have to be involved if you consider it a sport. It takes about an average of30 to 40 hours a week of your time." Another type of rider is one who got into the sport when she was young and at camp. Dorothy Daly, a student at Sacred Heart Academy stated, •~t the time, it was the thing to do. I kind of grew out of the fad." The last type of rider is one who rides just for the relaxation and enjoyment. Virginia Smith, sophomore, said, "I once took English riding lessons, but it was a more restricted tjlpe of riding and I wasn't able to have a lot of free fun. I enjoy riding because it's an incredible feeling to be moving in rythm with the horse." Bernadette Demski, junior, stated, " I
Horseback riding is an enjoyable activity that many people may not consider. There are various stables near parks that rent horses to the interested riders. (photo courtesy of Dr. Bezdek) When the next sunny day comes along think of all the things to do and consider riding with the wind.
love it. It's a great feeling sitting on this little animal and taking in nature. I'd go all the time, but it's expensive."
Cabriniconsideredfor NCAA DivisionIll by Christine Koerner
Cabrini is moving from NAIA District 19 to NCAA Division III. Cabrini's women's and men's sports teams will officially be -considered for Division III after the athletic departments submit an eightpage application explaining what sports are offered and how many people participate, to the NCAA council. The council will vote on the college's eligibility sometime prior to Sept. 3. The main reason for this move to NCAA has to do with economics. The NCAA reimburses 100 percent for all post season play while the NAIA reimburses only 80 percent and only for the men's basketball team and football. This year the cross country team went on to the championships in Parkside, Wis. The cost to Cabrini was $2,200 to send seven runners for two days. If Cabrini were in the NCAA, the school would have been fully reimbursed. All new teams go through a probation period of two years.
Apartments May
During this probation period, men's cross country is the only team allowed to compete in both NAIA and NCAA playoffs•and tournaments. The men's soccer, basketball and tennis teams may also have a dual affiliation with NAIA and NCAA, but they may not compete in only NAIA tournaments and playoffs. After the probation period, all the teams can play only for the NCAA. . The women's sports teams will still compete in the local organization PAIAW (Philadelphia Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women). According to Helen Goodwin, women's athletic director, the women's sports teams won't be playing that many new teams. Teams we now play such as Immaculata and Widener are already in Division III. John Dzik, men's athletic director, is giving the coaches the option of staying in NAIA if they can come up with the money it would cost the team to go into the championship. The money must be put in a fund this year. "I will be showing fiscal responsibility
far Ocean
-rent: City,
taking care of the problem up front," stated Dzik. "It wouldn't be fair to let a team make it to the championships and then tell them there is no money for them to fly out to where the championships were being held." This year if the soccer team would have won in New York the next stop would of been California, which would have cost $12,000, money Cabrini didn't have. Another major reason for the move from NAIA District 19 to NCAA Division III is that the teams that we play in District 19 are moving into Division III. If Cabrini stayed in NAIA there would be few left to play.
Most of the athletes are unsure what this change really means or how it will really effect them. For right now things will basically remain the same. The schedule may be different for the men because they will be playing Swarthmore and Widener. The real change will take place in two years if the decision to cut off all ties with NAIA is reached. Dzik's feelings are mixed about this move. "As a basketball coach, I am unhappy to be leavin:; NAIA; as athletic director, I know the decision will be for the betterment of the athletic· department," Dizk commented.
s,....... ecell anemia.
Cabrini students only!! Apartments in Ocean City, NJ, near beach and boardwalk. $75.00 per week per person. CONTACT: DR. DALEY.
Delta Xi Chapter of Delta EpsilonSigma
Oneyear of treatmentfor sicklecell diseaserequires5 unit.aof blood.And treatment.aare for life.They'rep&rt of the 1400pint.aof bloodwe need every day in the Delaware Valley. EvenIf you'venever givenblood, aboutIt now.Weneedyou.Callyour local RedCrossofficeat (215)2@-4800or (609) ~7100. Makean appointment you'llfeelproudt.okeep.
is compiling a JOURNAL. Submit essays, book reviews, research papers, artwork and black and white photographs to Box 138 or Box 75.
open to all students and faculiy deadline for submissions: May 6th
Blooddonors ....._ __ ·..savelives. __,
American RedCross
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
SGA announces1985-86 ExecutiveBoard President: Mary
Vice President: Mark Murray ~asurer: Debbie Peacock Recording Secretary: Kathy
Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Nolan Social Activities Chairperson: Brian
Social Activities Assistants: Kathy Kathy
Honoring the class of '85 at Senior Farewell SGA would like to salute the Sophomore Class for two years of planning, coordinating and dedication towards Senior Farewell weekend. We have one question for the class officers and council: Now that it's over - what are you going to do with yourselves?? . . SGA would also like to commend and thank the freshman and Junior classes for their contributions to Senior Farewell. Without your support, this Cabrini tradition could have never continued.
Funk, O'Donnell
TO ALL SGA MEMBERS - AN OPEN INVITATION: The 1984-85 SGA Executive Board requests the honor oJ your gresence at an END-OF-THE-YEAR APPRECIATION AND AWARDS LUNCHEON!! Tuesday, April 30, 1985 Mansion Dining Room 12:30 - 2:00p.m. Guaranteed to be the BEST $GA meeting this year!! Don't miss it!!
Cabrini's Social
Darm Council and Activities Committee
Senior Before
Farewell Exams
' â&#x2013;
Spring Fling '85 April 27, 28 Saturday:
Blackparty Hawaiian
Dance Day
Can soccer
(Complete schedule on TWAC -
abrini students dressed in their finest and danced to some of their favorite ongs at the Senior Farewell. The dinner and dance was held in the Lafeyette oom of the Holiday Inn in King of Prussia. (photo by Cara Graham)
Sun!! Fun!! Lay Out!!
just turn the page)
Barbeque Picnic!! Music!!
loquitur- friday,april26, 1985
week at cabrini
4/26 ·I
11 10:00 1:00 rt: 2:10
Sub Committee on Scho. & Reg. (DSCR) CAEYC (SH-C) Eng/Classes (WCIJI) Softball/Textile (A) Time Management Sero. (WCSR) Classical Guitarist (WCIJI) "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (LT)
; '.J ) 'I
v·· 4:00 ,ll 5:00 s.~.Jll
i~n Hi'
8:00 8:00
!ii/ /f 1
tf11 --=--------
1: 00
H <I
4:30 6: 00 9:00
~±1 •-'· :t s.t
SPRING FLING FAIR {Residential Blvd.) Dinner/Picnic {Residential Blvd.) Movies Beach theme (WCGA) Hawaiian Dance (G) $2.50 in costume, $3.00 without refreshments available
i1 ~.; i~ f}
!!!i 1;;;; 9:00
_qi, •
Education. Division Testing Creative Arts Wksp-Talent (WCLH) Chorus (MDR)
9:00 6:30
7 : 30
11:30 11:30 12:30 4:00
Social Work.Luncheon (MDR) Psy. Club Lunch. (off-campus) Ed. Division Testing (WCLH) NDSL Exit Interviews (Fin. Aid Office) Student Teacher Banq. {C) DINNER SERVED OUTSIDE by the Mansion with Band and Games Rehearsal for Chorus (WCLH) Chess Club (WCSR) Kappa Mtg. (WCLH) "EVENING AT CABRINI - Senior Night " (Mansion) Thursday
9:00 12:30
Education Division Test. (WCLH) CALENDAR WORKSHOP***note the change from 4/25 Alunmist Speaker (CCCRm) Pre-law Club (WCSR) Yearbook Comm. (CCCRm) Soph. Field Exp. (WCSR) Campus Ministry (DSCR)
1:00 1:15 1:30 4:30 9:00
(WCLH) Show
,· I' ,I
(Cafe Lobby) Jostens (MDR) SGA Luncheon Commuter Affairs Club PSEA/CEC (SH-C) Fine Arts Club (Lib-1) Traffic Comm. (DSCR) E/C {CCCRm) (WCLH) Band Practice
6:30 6:30 9:00 9:00
CEC Sunday School (SH-A) Registration & Advisement (Widener Center) "Sun Fun" (soccer field) Resident Life Meeting (WCCR) Orientation Counselor Meeting (WCSR)
11:00 11:30 12:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 9:30
5:30 4:45
}~ ~
·CALENDAR CORRECTION The semester calendars that were distribµted in January have incorrect academic information for the monthof May. Please Note-LASTDAY OF CLASSES-MONDAY,MAY 7, READING DA TUESDAY,MAY 7, FINALS BEGIN-WED MAY8.
Saturday afternoon Residential Blvd. Fair. The Houses of Cabrini are sponsoring booths, games food on Residential Blvd. on Sat afternoon at 2:30p.m. "Catch some rays" relax, ames, win a prize and nibble on your od! What a day! 9:00p.m. to 1:00 chance to danc '85. Plan to atte those in Hawiia everyone else.
May 7-9(Tuesday - Thurs) 10(Friday) 8:15a.m.-5p.m 10a.m.-4p.m., May 12 ( 13-14(Mon & Tues) 8:1 15(Wedn) 8:15a.m.-4: Fri) 9a.m.-4:30p.m.
. This is your last om the class of be $2.50 for $3.00 for raining a Osteopathic 'de the ramps between Center.
in the WCLH, All Cabrini studen tothe performance Cuckoo's Nest" th, and 27. The perfor, both evenings.
ree of charge ver The urday, April 26 UPfl'5Pffili'«I8:00 p.m.
BEA From 6p. there will Bingo,
Any freshman TAMECE inte immediately. Wed. May 1.
THEARTRE SAY "I would like to say th your outstanding contr, successful program on Michael Caruso recital"
ting will take 0 p.m. in the
28, They are coming! Next year's freshme be visiting the campus form 11:00 a.m. to p.m. They and their parents will be attending information sessions, testing sessions and orientation sessions. Please welcome our guests · and make them feel at home. Thank you. this
is a paid
of the
'ES after the block party CLH-Beach Blanket ific.
, two clubs will be the nancial incentives! The first plays in the most appropriate ner-their purpose and activities in cash. Second place ranking cash reward. To be considered must have at least 2 members working ,splay during the hours of 2:004:00p.m. displays will be set up in the hallway of the lower level of SHH. (Please note the change in the time from the March date of Registration and Advisement) office