Sept. 19, 1986 Issue 02 Loquitur

Page 1

Read about summer "highs" See Features

friday,sept.19, 1986

cabrinicollege,·radnor,pa. 19087 vol.xxxiii,no. 2


arkin space


by Yvette Ousley It's 1_0a.m., and cars are parked in every available space in Sacred Heart parking lot. So what do you do? Do you park on the grass, partially in the soccer field, or in the fire zone which clearly reads "NO PARKING?" Or perhaps, you park behind the cafeteria or in some other illegal spot? "I park in the grass when there's no place to park," Diana Adellizi, senior, commuter, said. "Ifl park in Grace Hall lot, I'll be late for class. So its not really like I have a ;hoice." Margie Galvin, senior, also a commuter 3aid she parks in the fire zone or in the Grace Hall lot when there's no place to park in the Sacred Heart lot. James Keches, business manager, thinks that there is a parking problem and that there has been one for some time. However, Dr. Joseph Romano, academic dean, has a vefy different opinion.

'Commutersaren'tallowed to use residentparking,so residentsshouldn'tbe allowedto use commuter parking.' -Lorraine Ranalli,senior




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Cars parked illegally in Sacred Heart parking lot are a common sight. (photo by Chris Corcoran)

Romano said that there is no money for a new parking lot and that the college may not be fully utilizing the parking facilities that it already has.

''The mobile unit had to be parked in an open area to deter vandalism," Fitzsimmons said. '½tra also had to be parked near a building that could supply it with electricity." "Student tuition covers 60 percent of the ,--------------------------------cost of maintaining the college," Romano said. "The other 40 percent comes from donations and gifts to the college." This means it is not student tuition alone that is used to provide sufficient parking.

John Dzik, director of athletics, is responsible for Atra's arrival on campus. "For what the college is getting," Dzik said, "I think that the parking spaces are worth it." ....

National teacher's exam:

According to Romano, there is not a parking problem. "If the people in the houses didn't drive to class and the Counsel Hall residents and faculty parked in their designated spots, there would not appear to be a ~arking problem," he said. Michele Dahl, junior, resident of house five, thinks parking is also crowded at the houses. "Because parking is crowded," Dahl said, "not too many people drive to class because they don't want to lose their parking space at the house." Like Romano, Janine Sarsten, junior, does not believe that there is a parking problem. "I think that the parking is convenient," Sarsten said. "I get my same parking space everyday." Sarsten is a resident of Counsel Hall and should use the Grace Hall parking lot. However, she uses the Sacred Heart lot everyday. "It's obvious that we need more parking," Jo Long, sophomore, said. "Everyday cars are parked on the grass." Patty Napolitano, junior, resident, said she couldn't understand why Atra, the new training facility, is parked in the Sacred Heart parking lot. "There's no place to park as it is," she said. Though discontented with the parking situation, Galvin said she did not think that more space was needed. "I just think that the residents shouldn't use the lot," she said.

Some students are concerned with what the parking registration fee covers. According to Romano, the registration fee goes toward maintaining the parking lot. "The budget committee also has to allow for an increase in inflation each year," he said referring to the increase in the cost of a parking sticker for the year.

Students prepare for the future

by Christine Cocchia

Every April, before graduation, senior education majors find themselves busy pre''Before a decision is made to increase anything," Keches said, "we have to decide . paring for what many may view as just another test. But, the National Thacher's if the cost appropiates the service, if the increase is fair and if the cost of the service Exam (N.T.E.) is far fromjust another test. The N.T.E. is a test of competency. By evalis fairly reasonable in comparison with uating the results of the tests, one can other colleges." judge the academic preparedness of a student to teach. "Taking the test will soon be ·a requirement," Dr. Ruth Sower, chairperson, education department, said.

'It'sobviousthatwe need moreparking.' -Jo Long,sophomore

Keches compared Cabrini's car registration fee with that of Villanova University. "Villanova students pay $50 to park their cars for the year, " he said.

Lorraine Ranam, senior, commuter, said, "Commuters. aren't allowed to use resident parking, so residents shouldn't be allowed to use commuter parking."

Other area schools like Eastern College, Harcum Junior College and Rosemont College pay parking fees close to Cabrini's fee or less. While students at Eastern college pay $10 to park their cars for the year, students at Harcum Junior College pay $30 to park for the year. Students at Rosemont College don't pay any fee to park their cars.

Adellizi expressed that she didn't think that the parking problem was solely due to residents using the Sacred Heart parking lot. "I think that the college is expanding, so the commuter pai;king should be expanded," she said.

For some, Atra also adds to the inconvenience of parking since it takes up four spaces in the Sacred Heart lot. According to James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, however, the Sacred Heart parking lot is the safest place for the mobile unit.

Many Cabrini students take the test in order to prepare themselves for tests they may have to take when applying for teaching positions. The test itself is divided into three sec1tions: general knowledge, professional knowledge and a subject area section.

The general knowledge secti~n deals with general information learned from a liberal arts education. The professional knowledge area covers educational methods and child development. And the subject area section covers a specific topic for certification. Each sectionlhaga time limit.of two hours, making the test approximately six hours long. "No matter where our students go,'1' Sower said, "tests will be required. Taking the N.T.E. is ver ood ractice."

The results of the test taken this past year show that, overall, the average o Cabrini's student's scores were within the national mean.

New Jersey, the only local state that requires the exam, has a cut-off score o 644. Only four students from Cabrini scored below the cut-off

Joanne Goebel, resident manager, Woodcrest, and currently a graduate student at Villa11.ova,took the test in April, 1986.

"The test is so important," she said. "It is scary to think that you can really scar a 'child if you don't know your material. It's helpful in preparing you for the teaching profession." The N.T.E is comparable-to the wellknown Scholastic Aptitude tests (SAT's) in as both tests are used to determine a person's overall aptitude in particular subject areas.

It is helpful for Cabrini administrators to examine the scores and compare them with scores from previous years. In doing this they can see what areas students excel in and what areas they are deficient in. Changes may then be mandated to provide better counseling and better preparaLon o cation m ·ors.


loquitur- friday,september 19, 1986

Student speaksout . on parking problem

110 acres but no place to park. · .

Cabrini College, a coeducational, Catholic college ofhberal arts and sciences loca~ m suburban Radnor township on a HO-acre campus. That's right, 110rolling acres - but not enough room for all to park. . During the past few years, enrollment has increased. In the past two years, parkmg stickers have increased by ten dollars. And in the past year, parking tickets have increased from one to five dollars. What hasn't increased, however, are parking spaces. Commuters beware. Not only do you have to allot yourselves enough time to fight traffic on the way to class, but you now have to fight colleagues, teachers, and friends for a parking space once you reach campus. If you live on campus, in a house perbaps, make sur~ you don't park more than two cars in the driveway at a time. It is understandable that m case of a fire, a fire lane must be made, but what happens when you are the first to park in the empty driveway, two or more cars come later, and then security gives you the ticket? Your loss they say, or "come to the next meeting, why don't you." . . It usually is your loss. If there are two cars in the driveway, and you know you will never be able to find a space on Residential Boulevard, except maybe .;mthe useless grassy area dividing parking spaces, you can always park in the Sacred Heart ~ot. The Sacred Heart lot is also the lot where the residents of the Mansion have to park. The idea of parking there is not so bad during the day when you get the chance i:Oenjoy Cabrini's 110 rolling acres, but late at night, in the dark, it may not seem as enJoyable. The parking situation at Cabrini should be taken more seriously. Yes, a lot of talk has been made, but now it is time for some action to be taken. Maybe we should all go to the next Traffic Committee meeting.

Dear Editor: As a commuter here at Cabrini, I feel obligated to comment on the parking situation. Every day I find myself late for my morning classes because I cannot find a parking spot!

In the past, I've given myself ample time to drive to Cabrini, park, and to make my first class. Now I must leave 15 minutes earlier in order to drive around Sacred Heart and Grace Hall parking lots to try and find a spot. During the first week of school, I found myself driving around in circles before finally giving up and parking on the soccer field. Walking to class, I saw many other cars also parked illegally.


Singingthe blues in Ocean I've just returned from a small, family town in South Jersey. I spent this summer, and the three summers before this, working at a popular shop on the boardwalk. This town looks like your typical shore resort. It has hot beaches, crowded with umbrellas and sunbathers, and a long boardwalk with more than its share of shoobie shops to satisfy the needs of every kind of tourist. If you came down to visit this town Monday through Saturday, you would never really notice anything different about it. That is however,until 12:00 p.m., Saturday. Midnight~ the bewitching hour; the hour when this town closes down. Yes, that's right, it closes down. Every week, from 12:01 Saturday morning until 12:01 Monday morning, the town shuts down, literally. People are warned to load up on toilet · paper and eggs, for if they run out of either one on Sunday, they have to wait until Monday to re-stock. Why? The Blue Laws - every tourist's nightmare. This town has a very strict belief that Sundays should be a day to rest, to worship, and to do nothing else. Back when this town was founded, in 1881, a set of laws were passed which listed what could and couldn't be done on Sundays, and what could and couldn't be sold on Sundays. These laws today are known as the Blue Laws. And yes, over 100 years later, we are still bound to these laws. If you visit this town on a Sunday - beware. You can go to 'the beach, but you cannot buy a raft, beach chair, blanket, or bucket and shovel to use on the beach. You may rent them, though. This means you can rent a raft for $3.00 an hour, but you cannot buy one (and have it for years) for $6.00. No, not on a Sunday. You can go on the boardwalk, but you cannot go to the movies or on any of the amusements. You may go out to eat and order a hot dog, but you may not buy a hot dog at the


I don't feel that we should get a ticket and be expected to pay it when we are not actually at fault.


I am paying five dollars more this for a parking sticker, yet I am not even guaranteed a parking spot. There is plenty of room on this campus to extend parking. I don't see why I must park on the grass when there are HO-rolling acres which could be expanded upon. Since Cabrini is expanding in enrollment, they must consider the needs of its students - in this case, parking. Sincerely, Areta Hladky

Areta Hladky's name was omitted from the staff box in last week's issue. Hladky is the Business Manager for the Loquitur. We regret this omission.

Loquitur welcomes kate welsh

letters to the editor


Super Fresh. You may buy a pack of cigarettes, but you may not buy anything with which to light the cigarette. You can buy a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes, but you cannot buy a hat. You can buy gum, but you cannot buy the baseball cards that go with the gum. Understand all that? Don't worry if you don't, you certainly won't be the only one. The town I am talking about is Ocean City, New Jersey, America's greatest family resort. The locals believe that in order to keep Ocean City.dry (yes, there are no bars or liquor stores in Ocean City), they must keep it blue. Imagine if you were down for the day and forgot shampoo, what would you do? How do you explain to a 3-year-old that he can't buy a bucket to play with on the beach? What does a family of five crowded into a three-room apartment do on a rainy Sunday?

all letters must be submitted by noon on Monday.

I certainly don't want Ocean City to become like certain other shore resorts (not mentioning any names), however, I do believe Ocean City can stay special without being closed Sunday. Could being able to buy a roll of toilet paper on Sunday corrupt a town that much?

Editor: Kate Welsh Managing Edttoc Monica Palko News Editoc Christy Mason Assistants Morla O'Brien ond Vvelte 0use¥ Features Editors Robin McKean and Kathy Hibbard Sporn Ed~or: Liso Mason Perspectives Edrtor· Kimberly Ko\loch Bus,nessMonoger: Alefo Hlodky Copy Editor Jeanne Relneberg G<aph,cs Editor. Debbie Ferrar Photography Editor. Chris Corcoran Pho!agrophy Adviser Dr Carter Croigie Adviser. Dr Jerome Zurek

Frankly Speaking

-mfSt'AtllMN! VAR51W G4M~S

statf Rachel Anderron. Reg,na Battiato, Beth Bi-Iner, Denise Brady, Potty Brown.Leah Cascarina Chr1StineCacchla, Rhonda Dannenhower. Kathleen Dooley. Donna Dougherty, John Dunleo,,y. Anne Fohy, Brian Feeley, Debbie Ferret Li, Flies. Stephanie Giardlnl Denise Hurley, Killy Kelley Meghann Johnson Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McCleman, Potty Moore. Debbi Murphy. Monica Polka, Patricia Ruppe. Karen Siegl Jim steffler Loqurtur IsPJbiished week¥ during the school year bv students of Cabrini CoUege, Raanat Pennsyl\lor,a 19087. SUbscrlptton p,lce Is $20 per year ond IsIncluded In the benefits secured bv tuition and student fees.

l/)t\:' To 91:= LOT~IEUPLI


Box 5955



Loqurtur welcomes letters lo the editor. Letters should be s,;ined and the authorship known to the ed•tors However. if the writer wishes. ond the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon pubhcation ond an inscnpfion inserted such os ·name withheld at the reques1 of the writer· Letters should be fyped. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If o letter Is too long for the avoiloble space, the editor may edit or condense Letters ta the editor should be submrtted bv noon on Manoa,-s.

loquitur- friday,september19, 1986



Freshmen anxiety:

Adjusting to change by Leah Cascarina The college years are supposed to be some of the happiest and most fulfilling years of your life. Whoever came up with this statement must never have been a freshman. At present, many freshmen are going through social, psychological and environmental changes which can all lead to one thing: freshmen anxiety. "Any kind of major change in life can lead to anxiety," Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, coordinator, psychological services, said. "For 18 years the freshmen have slept in the same room, eaten the same food and dealt with the same people. Their whole physical world changes." Meeting new people and making new friends is generally considered the biggest fear incoming freshmen have upon arriving at Cabrini. "I was homesick at first because I didn't know anybody and I missed my friends," Anne Marie DeCurtis, freshman, said. "But now I know everyone and I feel much more at home." "My biggest worry was making new friends," Trish Keough, freshman, said. "I wanted friends like my old ones, and tended to compare. They are different, but I have come to adjust and accept them." Most freshmen agree that orientation was very successful in breaking the ice and aiding in the formation of friendships. "The one big thing that orientation taught you was how important it is to be yourself," DeCurtis said.

The doubling or tripling of rooms for freshmen seems to be another great source of anxiety for the newcomers. Things that were once taken for granted, such as music, clothes and waking up, now have to be negotiated. "Very•few students have to share a room with two or three people," Sicoli said. "It's very difficult when you haye to share your most private space with one or two other people." To help cope with the difficulties, freshmen usually settle problems among themselves. "IfI would have a problem, I'd talk it out with my peers," Sue Castaldi, freshman, said. "Then, I'd talk with my roommate." "Whenever my roommate and I disagree, ft's usually because of personality conflicts," Greg Freston, freshman, said, "but we talk it over and it usually works out. There are, however, exceptions:'' Time management is a big issue that also causes much unwanted anxiety for freshman. Failure to adjust to the amount of free time allowed by the class scheduling system is the major problem. Students are not used to having free periods throughout the day, and therefore, have not learned to use this free time to their advantage. ''Time used to be managed for them," Sicoli, said. "Mom told you when to eat and when you should go to sleep. High School told you when to go to classes and when to study." "I'm used to coming home at 4 p.m. and doing my homework," D!!Curtis said. "But now I often put my work off until the night before it's due, even though I've had days to do it. I've been going out every night, and I know from listening to upperclassmen that sooner or later I'm going to pay for it."


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''The sense of freedom college provides is different from thei.r· high school discipline," Dr. Arthur Young, director of the Center for Academic Reinforcement (CARe), said. ''They were used to teachers checking homework everyday. Here the instructors don't check (homework). College teachers presume the student will do it." The pressure of achieving good grades along with the increase in the amount of homework can also leave freshmen overwhelmed. "I feel a lot of pressure in regards to getting good grades and doing my homework," Freston said. "I need.a 3.0 to stay here and I'm afraid I'm not going to make it." Sicoli also sees other problems confronting freshmen in the academic spectrum. "Where a freshman might have been one of the better students in high school, if he chooses a competitive major, he will find himself in with other students that are just as good. This will make the freshman have to work harder," she said. To add to all the other pressures, freshmen have to seriously start thinking about their futures, much more so than they had to in high school. "Everyone knows what they want to do and I don't have any idea," Castaldi said. "I feel like I better make up my mind real soon." Cabrini offers many facilities which aid students in choosing their major. At larger colleges, this assistance is not always so readily available.

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nthal, foreign editor to the Philadelphia · Inquirer, who has just recently returned to the states after four years in Africa, will lecture at Cabrini on the American view of the world. The lecture will be held in the Widner Center Lecture Hall at 1 p.m. on September 23. TRAFFIC AND SECURITY-As ofnow, all Cabrini students must have their cars registered. The fine for tickets has been raised to $5 and $15 for those without park-

Mapes said that TAMECE has sessions dedicated to study skills, time management and stress reduction techniques, all designed to relieve the problems that cause the students the greatest amount of anxiety. TAMECE also has facilities that students can use in helping to define career goals. TAMECE teaches them to use the resources that are available to find information about job opportunities and to explore different career possibilities.




"Here we work together as a team," Sicoli said. "We know one another and we are easy to find if a student needs help. Cabrini's campus is small, and therefore, easier to get to know." "There are student staff psychologists, resident life, student activities and the nurse, all of which are there to offer support to the newcomers," Sicoli said. ''They meet regularly to find out ways to help the students adjust." TAMECE (Toward a More Effective College Experience) and 'CARe are two programs specifically geared toward aiding freshmen. Freshmen in the TAMECE program meet in groups for eight sessions and talk about how to get the most out of their education. In the program, students and counsel ors discuss the differences between college and high school and what to expect during the next four years. ''We have a session where we talk about adult development," Mary Helen Mapes, counselor, said. ''We let them know their feelings are real and a lot of other students are feeling the same things. We discuss their anxieties in small groups (eight- ten students) and have an orientation counselor there to be a good role model and to let students know that everyone goes through it."

'ing stickers. 'Traffic committee''meeti~gs will be held the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Tickets may be contested at these meetings.

SENIOR CAREER SERIES-A senior career series will be held from September 9 through October 9 on Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoons. The series provides college seniors with the opportunity to gather information about resume writing, interviewing techniques and living on their own.

ST. JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY HOST LECTURE SERIES-St. Joseph's Uni versity will launch its "Maximizing Caree Potential" lecture series on September 30 with a presentation by Kathy Corbett president, Corbett Associates consultin firm. Corbett's address, "Planning for Sue cess," begins at 7:30 p.m. in Campion Cen ter, accessible through the Cardinal Ave nue entrance to the university. Admissio is free and open to the public. For mor information call St. Joseph's University a (215) 879-7504.

According to Young, CARe's goal is to help students develop the skills to meet the academic challenges they will experience. CARe provides students with information dealing with time management skills, writing skills, test preparations, and also offers tutoring for individual courses. Despite the anguish and stress caused by anxiety, Sicoli thinks that some anxiety is benefical to a student. "I believe that the anxiety they experien~ is good. It presents a chance for one to grow," she said. ''The main force for growth is conflict . The challenge is to learn to manage the conflict and the anxiety."

Job Squad Hanna Bell 687-5514otter lour.

Chill's• Now Hirrng.apply ,n person MondayFricay 9:00-430 312Wlcnccster Ale ,next to Mnella"s) For o great place to wc,k.•na piece e,se is Chih's.

Office Clerk/Driver -Rob Mattern Doniel J.

Jane Austen Society • PITtyp,nst:Clericol helper needed. References required. send 1rformatiorl incfudiog

Babysitter -After school M-'h. 3.30-600 for two children ages seven and '2 W,th,n wo king aistarce. Call

Keating Co. Flexible hours avo,lat>e nine to live Col 527-4'00. 812Lancaster Ne. Villanova f1\.19085.

work esperionce Fveto Sixhours per week. PO Box 252 Wayne. f1\.19087

Mother's Htllper • For two smell g,ls in Devon. need car We~ and Friday.hours may vary. Coll Phytl,s

Countey at 981-1404.

Roomand Board• avoi able In exchange for 1

boby>ttting four year old Child. Call Mor,one Silvermcmat 525-6153

Teaching Position •Secondary Ed.Mor~ Luther School in P,vmauthfv'ieetlng PA A degree ,n Spec,ol Ed.

required. Salary depends on experience Coll Porn Horstct 825-4446 ~

House cleaning -Three hours per day, solory

negoooble. Coll undo Sandier at 525-4472.1254Ridgewood

Rd Bryrmar. 19010.

Phone Operot0<s- Clerical $4 50perlhour. can be Increasedto $7.00 Evenings1v'ondaythru Saturday:20 hrs total Coll Ed McNu:'y at768-4300 Babysitting -Core ror a four month Old bot:,,r "..o days a week 8:00-5:30.Flex,be about days. Colt Betty Fedynyshynat 687-9079.

Young Athletes of America -SportsInstructor needed to leach sports to youngsters.One or more

afternoons per week eight to ten dorlars per hour Call 'm-6787 YMCA· In Norris1ownIs hiring for L~eguords,or Instructors In sl«imm,ng $4.50 and $5 00 perlh, Coll Sandy or Susanat 275- 2900.

Barrel Grocer -Three positions available, Floor so1e~ running reglstetclean,ng. stock person Some supervisingexperience needed PIT$3.50 per/hr. or $5.00 for oss,stontmanager. CoHSue Goldman at 644-7619. Eight people n.- to unload booes cl books at Kingof Prussia plaza ($25 each). Thursday9125/86ot 9:00-1100.Coll Kathy Lieb ot 296-0632.

Wayne Sporting Goode -Solesclerk posittor\

atternoons ends Saturdays900-5 00. $4.25perlh, Coll 293-0400.


ttooe Surveying. Monday thru Friday.four to n,ne. $4.50 per/hr. Col M, Thamos.1.1:llleyFo<geMemonol Gardens. TaylorGifts -Orders piclcersand packers FT/FT. opp;.,, In person $500 pe,/hc Monday lhru Friday.355 E.Conestoga Rd. Wayne. PA.19087

Bryn Mawr v.tarlnarlan -Port-time Vet asslstonl. Coll of1er twetve noon on weekdays at 527-3484

Weekend Babysitter .for two children Saturday five to Sunday at nine. $55 Cati SMrmon at 896-7667.

1oqu1tur - tnaay,septemoer,~, ,~tsb


Inquirer's foreign editor to lecture at Cabrini

Combination locks installed in dorms by Donna Dougherty Hive you ever found yourself walking alone to your dorm after midnight only to find your frontdoorlocked andbeing left to wait in the dark for security to arrive? Due to a heightened awareness concerning security measures, all the dorms on Cabrini's campus have been installed with Simplex push-button combination locks on their front doors. The locks, which were installed during the summer months, are a result of a Security Committee's report. The teport determined that some type oflock must be installed due to a series of incidents involving intruders on campus last year. Each dorm has its own special combination code which the residents of the dorm were given. The doors are locked all day with the exception of the Mansion, which is locked at 5 p.m. due to the need for access to college offices. Previously, doors were locked at midnight when visiting hours were over. Commenting on the reason for the doors being locked all day, Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, said, "It's just like living at home where people keep their doors locked all day. It's for the purpose of optimum security, especially in the houses." Mike Ciaccarello, freshman, said,"I like the doors being locked at nighttime because it's private, but during daytime it's a pain when you have books in your hands." However, Donna Kolb, senior, feels safer. "During the day there's no one there (in the house), and that's when most things could happen." The combination locks were chosen over keys because of the problems of keys being lost, misplaced, or stolen. Combinatio11 Jocks were less expensive because the combinations can easily be changed, whereas keys would have to be recopied for every resident in the dorm if the lock was changed. Also, the students do not have to worry about carrying their keys with them when they go out.


l'he cost of the new security system, according to Mike Caranfa, director, Physical Plant, depended on each building's door. Woodcrest's cost was $1000 because the front door is made of glass. Their combination is electronic. The cost for Xavier's front door's, also made of glass, was $960. Due to the glass doors, E-3 Associates, the company which the locks were purchased from, installed the system in these two buildings themselves. All the other dorms' systems were installed by the physical plant. The Mansion's and Counsel Hall's systems together were $450 and all seven houses cost $1650. For people who may have trouble getting into their residences or who forget their combination, Security will still open the doors. However,according to Lilly, they will not give the combination out over the phone. The physical plant will not give the combinations out at all, according to Caranfa. According to many residents, they feel safer because of the new system, but feel it will be an inconvenience getting to know all the combinations. "The security system is a good idea," ~olb said. "It's just an inconvenience gettmg to know all the combinations." A proposition has been made to hand-out a list of all combinations to the campus community. "It should be given to everyone on campus," Marian Armstrong, sophomore, said. "If you go to visit somebody in the houses, you have to call them up if you don't know their combination." Grace Leuzz1,sophomore, said," The purpose of the locks are for the outsiders If they're (~e students) trusted enough. to know their own combinations, then they sh?uld be trusted with everyone's. They're gomg to know them anyway." Remarking on the success so far, Lilly said there were no major problems except for the locks on Xavier and Woodcrest. She explained that the right-hand side door of Xavier does not lock entirely if a student exits through the right-hand side door. The right door closes on top of the left one leaving the doors open.

by Christy Mason

.Kaised on Long lsland and a graduate of the University of Vermont, Rosenthal Robert Rosenthal, foreign editor for the spent six years at the Boston Globe and Philadelphia Inquirer, and a finalist in the · three and a half years at the New York judging for foreign correspondence for the Times before moving to the Inquirer. He has won both the Overseas Press Club and 1986 Pulitzer Prize, will be giving a lecture at Cabrini on Sept. 23. the National Sigma Delta Chi awards for Rosenthal, who has just returned from distinquished foreign correspondence in Africa after four years of foreign corre- 1986. spondence there, has witnessed everything from riots to famine. B11sedupon his experiences, R~senthai "In South Africa," he said, "I covered a feels that compared to other countries, "life lot of riots and watched people being stoned is easy in America." He also expressed conand burned to death." cern for, "how little Americans know about Rosenthal, who was appointed foreign the rest of the world." editor in July of this year, is in charge of six full-time correspondents and heads a staff In regards to this concern, Rosenthal's of 20. lecture will center on three main topics: an He has covered stories from places American view of the world and the lack of throughout Africa including, Nairobi, coverage of this view in American jourBeirut, Ethiopia and Uganda. While in nalism, how sources are found overseas, Uganda, he managed to survive torture and how you correspond with your Ameriand imprisonment. can ed{tor when in a foreign land. "I was in an area where they didn't want anyone ·to be," he said. "I'm lucky to be Rosenthal will also take questions and alive." will give career advice to all who are Rosenthal was also in Lebanon at the interested. time of the Israeli invasion in the spring of The lecture will start at 1 p.m. in the 1982, and in Beirut when American Widener Center lecture hall and is open to the public. Marines were bombed in Oct. 1984.

New image for·cafeteria by Rachel Athelia Anderson A whole new look and a different atmosphere, that's what Charles Berardi, director, food service, wanted to give Cabrini students this year. A new dishroom was the first of many changes which were made during the summer. In addition to this, more chairs and tables were added, and the floor was refinished. "The place is a little bit brighter," Berardi said. "It looks nice," Karen Clark, senior, said. "It makes it (the cafeteria) look more spacious." The newly-improved deli bar is another addition that was made. However, for some workers it has presented a problem. "The deli bar is too high," Jeanne Robinson, junior, Seiler's employee, said. Another employee, Lisa Turner, feels· it may be a health hazard. ''There is no air because there is no circulation," she said. ''The plastic encaserp.ent blocks the air."

According to ·Btm1rdi, the glass will b cut-down soon. Despite its problems, the new deli ba seems to be popular with lunchtime dine "If it's a disgusting lunch," Turner said "everyone gets sandwiches." The dishroom, although renovated t run more efficiently, has brought abou new problems. "I don't like the glass rack. think it's slippery," Maria O'Brien, senio Seiler's employee, said. "I've seen two acci dents already. I dQlike the roller tray sys tern, though. It's a lot easier." _Asfor other new additions, penny-candy will be added to the check-in table and Western omlettes will be added to the breakfast menu. Maggie Walsh is the new assistant manager. She has many new ideas some of which have already been implem~nted and can be found listed on the blue calendar outside of the cafeteria. "There are more special things coming " Berardi said, "so keep your eyes on the calendar."








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loquitur- friday,september19, 1~86


Whatwas the high point of your summer? All information compiled by Brian Feeley.

'I receivedsecond prize_for wearinga spaghetti dinner on my head in a hat contest.' -Kathy Funk,junior

'Going to school and playingmy favoritesport, basketball.' -Jerome Cheriault,senior

'My appendixwas removed allowingme to stay in the hospitalfor the first time.' -Carlos Chamorro, freshman

(Photos by Chris Corcoran)

'Skiing slalom for the first .time in Sea Isle City, N.J.' -Peggy Federico,junior

'Going to Annapolis and havingcrabs and beer.' -Gina Strobel,sophomore

'I saw the filming of the ''ATeam" at Universalstudios in California.' -Christi Courseault, freshman

'I receivedsecond place in a hot buns and nicest tan contest at the Surf Side¡â€˘ Club in Margate, N.J.' -Ron Bellopede, sophomore

'Going to the casinos and winning big.' -Jon Janelli, senior


'I had a high point every night in Ocean City, N.J.' -Hillary Hoch, fre~hman

'It was a toss up between the Van Halen concert and playingfiremanto my ice cream truck three times.' -Kevin Corcoran,junior

loquitur- friday,septembeF-19, 1986 s The fashionevolution;


Fashion fosters individuality by Anne Fahy Short skirts with long shirts and long shirts with short skirts; fuzzy sweaters, full-cut blouses, hand knit skirts and turtlenecks; present day fashion is a potpourri of the last three decades. From the "groovy" mini-skirts of the '60's, to the more conservative styles of plaids and LaCost of the '70's, combined with the functional fashion 'trends of the '80's, generations of influence have caused a fashion evolution of "anything goes." One of the hottest current styles comes from ''The United Colors of Bennetton." According to Soheila Nikpour, Bennetton manager, King of Prussia, the reason why the style has caught on ii,because "the Bennetton concept is unisex," she said. "It's really basic, but the thing that makes us different is our colors and patterns and the combination of the two," Nikpour said. According to Nikpour, the combinations of the Bennetton fashions allow people to mix and match and create their own individual style.

refused to wear anything else. In doing so, Hepburn pioneered a new fashion outlet for women. The evolution of fashion has affected even those constricted to a certain uniform for their jobs. Denise Hurley, sophomore, is a sales specialist for Paul Harris, a store which caters Fashionis more to the career-oriented woman. Hurley has observed the difference in the career individualized thanever woman's clothing. before.It is an expression of "The length of skirts are always changwhoyouare and howyou ing, and the structures of the jackets are varied," Hurley said. wantothersto perceiveyou. According to Hurley, the career woman Youwearwhatyoulikeand adds certain accessories to the basically masculine-type suit. As whatfeelscomfortable for conservative, opposed to the traditional bow tie at the neck, WPVI- channel 6 newscaster, Lisa you. Thomas-Laury, was observed wearing a classic broach to accent her conservative blouse. It wasn't until the ·mid-1940's that Today's .style cannot be women were bold enough to be seen dondefined. Although fads and trends may ning trousers. Amidst the controversy, guide the fashion world, they no longer actress Katherine Hepburn declared that dictate an individual's fashion pants were much more comfortable, and · expression. According to fashion magazines, fashion is more individualized than ever before. It is an expression of who you are and how you want others to perceive you. You wear what you like and what feels comfortable for you.


The Hook- Up

WHAT EXACTLY IS Frida 9/19/86 AT&T'S "REACH ou,··AMERICA"? a) A long distance calling plan that lets you make an hour's worth of calls to any other state in America for iust$10.15 a month. b) A 90-minute special starring "Up With People!' c) A great deal, because the second hour costs even less. d) If you'd read the chapter on Manifest Destiny, you'd know. e) Too good to pass up, because it lets you save 15% off AT&T'salready discounted evening rates.

"Creature From The Black Lagoon," Villanova Connelly Center, (VCC> "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex," Theater of the Living Arts (TLA) ($4.00, general admission) Rocky Horror Picture Show, midnight,($3.50), (TLA) Bon Jovi and 38 Special, Spectrum The Taxi Connection Crew,(with Sly Denbar and Robby Shakespeare) Yellow Man and Half Pint, Tower Theate "Friday Flashback" 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., free buffet, free admission until 8 p.m. -Al Stewart at 10 p.m. (after ''Flashback")

Saturday9/20/86 ·'Victor Victoria" and "Tootsie," 7 p.m. (VCC) Woody Allen's "Manhatten" and "Anni Hall" (TLA) Rocky Horror Picture Show a midnight,(TLA) Lou Reed, Tower Theater Al Stewart, Chestnut Cabaret

"Victor Victoria" and ''Tootsie," (VCC) 7 P-~-

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Oct. 1: Kenny Rogers and Paul Anka Spectrum Oct. 3: A-HA, Tower; Steven Reicht, Valle Forge Music Fair Oct. 7,8: Billy Joel, Spectrum, (a thir show has been added; tickets are stil available) Oct. 10: Moody Blues, Spectrum Oct. 11: David Lee Roth and Cinderella, Spectrum; Golden Boys of Bandstand, Valley Forge Music Fair; Moody Blues, Stabler Arena Oct. 12: "British Invasion Cooler," (The Searchers, Jerry and the Pacemakers, Freddy and the Dreamers, Chad and eremy and The Mindbenders) Valley Forge Music Fair Oct.14: Journey and Glass Tiger, Spectrum ct. 19: Chuck Mangione, Valley Forge usic Fair


loquitur- friday,september.19, 1986


Field Hockey:

Young team faces challenging season by Karen Sieg! In order to improve the skills of the field hockey team, Mimi Greenwood, coach, has wanted to schedule a summer hockey camp for the past few years. However, the players prefer not to be required to attend a camp because of summer jobs and vacation time.

In addition to a positive attitude, the players also possesses a feeling of unity which they think will strengthen the team.


among the players



Pam Lewis, freshman, shares Kroll's outlook about the team. "Everybody gets 1 along. You're not afraid to say anything. Kris Kroll, freshmal}, said, "The upper- There's a lot ·of teamwork as opposed to c,lassmen are easy to get along with and the individual competition."

A new addition to the hockey team this year is Greenwood's daughter, Vickie, who will serve as assistant coach. "It is a definite advantage to the team that Vickie is assisting," Federico said. "I think we'll have a better year than last year with the addition of Vickie, the experience of the freshmen and the improvement of the upperclassmen."

"Coaches would love to participate in camps," Greenwood said. "I would like to start a camp if possible. It's not out of the realm of possibility." Lisa Catini, senior, has mixed feelings about such a camp. "There's not enough time before the season to get a camp organized, although it would benefit the team a lot, especially the new people." John Dzik , director of athletics, explained that it was under the discretion of the coach to schedule a camp. "If a team and coach want a camp, then there should be one. It should not be imposed." Although there was still rio camp this year to prnpare new team members for the season ahead, the women still managed to come together and fill the holes left by last year's graduated seniors. Combining the knowledge and experience of the upperclassmen with the potential of the freshmen, the team hopes to have a successful season. "The freshmen this year seem to have much more experience than those in past years," Peggy Federico, junior, said. "You can tell that this year's freshmen c , .. ,ofrom well coached high schools," Lisa L«ti 11 senior, added. Tlw am's outlook for the season is one of confidence. They feel that this year will present a challenge for them. "We opened with one of the toughest games of the season," Greenwood said. ''We have a very full schedule."



"We have a really strong team this year, and I have confidence that we'll do really well," Mari Lis, junior, said.

The field hockey team plays good defense in their game against Haverford. (photo by Debbie Ferrar)

Soccer Because of his fine defensive play, Eric Ehresman, junior, has been selected athlete of the week. "Eric plays a key position in our defense as sweeper," Larry Tukis, assistant coach, said. Tukis added, "He is distributing the ball well and taking control of defense." ''He is, in a sense, captain of defense," Tukis said. "Besides playing well physically, Eric is also mentally prepared for the games."

..,__"Athlete of the

Field Hockey This week Mimi Greenwood, coach, has selected Lisa Catini, senior, goalie, athlete of the week. "Lisa was goal keeper in the Haverford game and she had an outstanding game with a remarkable number of saves," Greenwood said.


eek'irisports_ t

SATURDAY Sept. '?O fr Volleyball-KutztownTournament, away,9a.m. Cl'O$SCountry-Baptist Bible

Invitational, away,noorf MONDAY

Sept. 22 Tennis-B98vet,~ 4 p.m.

1uesday Sept. 23 Field Hockey-CamdenCountY, home, 4 p.m. Vo/Jeyball·fastem,.t,ome, r.p.m.



Soccer-LincO/nthome~3 p.m._

Thursday Sept. 25 ·. " Tenms-Gwynedd Mercy,awa){ 4 p.m. Volleyball-West Chester,away; 7 p.m.

Women's Cross Country Maureen Murray, senior, captain, has been selected this week's athlete of the week . "She led the team both in spirit and in competition at the Metropolitan Invitational," Beverly Reilly, coach, said. "I think it's through her dedication, enthusiasm, and support that she'll be able to lead this team to further victories," Reilly continued.

Tennis Coach Joe Dodds, senior, has choosen the entire starting team as athletes of the week. "I would pick the top seven players. We won the first match 5-0, and we swept every other match also. They did a really good job," Dodds said.

selected by the coaches


loquitur - friday,september 19, 1986





Teams past and presentu_pholdtradition "The graduates who helped build this tradition want to continue r,laying the game," Szabo added. 'Since Cabrini is their alma mater, they want to see how the team is progressing, and if the talent is still there."

by Rhonda Dannenhower The past took on the present once agam, as the Lady Cavaliers battled it out in the alumni volleyball game Friday, September 12th. This year's team came out on top four games to one before the night was over. Eleven players from past Cabrini teams returned to take on this year's squad. Four women who played umler Helen Goodwin, assistant professor, physical education, about five years ago also took part in the game. "This game is like an informal practice," Gary Firestone, junior, volleyball manager ,said. "It's a scrimage, a set of five games played just for fun. Everyone plays and there is a lot of joking going on during the games." "We started the alumni game because the volleyball team has upheld a winning tradition for a few years now," Jerry Szabo, women's volleyball coach, said.

but at the same time fun to play against the people I sat on the bench and watched for a year."

"It's always fun and I enjoy seeing everyone," Jones said. "~~ year's game was really competitive for me because Michelle (Michelle Pasquarello, senior) and I are the only ones left from that first really good team." Although this game is a real challenge, the alumni players are never compared with the new players. "Jerry never compares the two teams," Firestone said. "Each year brings new people with different strengths and weaknesses." "It is a challenge for us because we don't get to play often and we become slightly out of practice," Deni.seCarr, 1985 graduate, said. "Weget to compare each other and how we used to play." "Asa freshman, I never played," Linda Panetta, junior, said. "These graduates are the ones who taught me to play and fixed my attitude. It was a challenge,

'We started the alumnigame because the volleyballteam has upheld a winning traditionfor a few years now.' -Jerry Szabo, coach "This year's game was good pract4t:e,"Michelle Jones, senior, said, 'because the alumni that came back were members of Cabrini's first really good volleyball team (1984)."

'It is a challengefor us becausewe don't get to play often and we become slightly out of practice.'Denise Carr, 1985 graduate ''This is a good tradition that has been started," Joanne Goebel, 1986 graduate, said. "I play because I want to see it continue, and I enjoy seeing the people I played with for four years. Wehad a goodtime and got to see how this year's team looks."







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