Sept. 26, 1986 Issue 03 Loquitur

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I ltriday,sept. 26, 1986 cabrinicollege,radnor,pa. 19087

vol.xxxiii,no. 3

Parents Weekend:

Fee createsmisconceptions by Christy Mason

As the so-called "grapevine" winds its way through the ins and outs of Cabrini's Parents Weekend, to be held Oct. 4, 5 and 6, a certain $15 fee gets snagged on the vine. According to the Parents Weekend information card that was sent to all parents, the $15 fee (or $10 fee per child under 18) includes, "convocation and reception, admission to soccer and field hockey and cross country games, family fun and enrichment activities, President's reception, Saturday lunch, Sunday brunch, liturgy." With the wording as such, it is easy to understand why some parents are bewildered that they have to pay $15 merely for the privilege of being on campus. While the $15 fee per person is no misconception, for many, the reasoning behind it is. The added cost of $15 is for the purpose of covering lunch on Saturday and brunch on Sunday, if dining on campus.

The projected cost for Saturday's luncheon is $7.18 per person while Sunday's brunch costs approximately $7. 76 per person. According to James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, the school is subsidizing $1000 toward the event which is bringing down the cost of the meals from what would be over $16 to $15. "We're not charging for the events," Fitzsimmons said. "Perhaps the wording (on the information card) was something inadequate." .l<'itzsimmons, who spoke to Kappa Sigma Omega members (the student service organization in charge of parents weekend) at their meeting on Sept. 17, explained that the philosophy behind the $15 cost is to encourage people to stay on campus instead of going off-campus. "We're trying to upgrade the lunch and stay on campus, he said. "We don't want Parents Wee)send spent at Bennigan's or Coco's."

"It's a campus event," he continued "not a Wayne or King of Prussia event." ' In order to keep the cost of the meals down, it was decided that Seiler's would cater the event so that resident students could eat free. Thus, residents need not worry about paying an additional fee which they would have had to pay if Seiler'~ was not handling the catering.

Families who do not wish to eat on campus don't have to pay this additional fee. They will be admitted to all activities held on campus during the weekend. If a family wants to eat at only one of the meals, the price per person is $8. "I can't exclude anyone," Joe Guiffre president, Kappa Sigma Omega, said'. "Just because you don't pay $15, doesn't mean that you don't come."

The meals, which will be held outside, are more expensive than what a non-resident would normally pay due to additional labor costs. Extra labor is needed to properly set up and clean up a dining area outside. 'lb avoid long lines, four buffet lines instead of two, will be set up, again adding to the extra cost of labor.

"We hope to create a mind-set where if you pay the $15 than you'll stay on-campus," Calicat said. "I understand the philosophy behind the fee," Kate Grimely, senior, said, "but I'm sympathetic toward upper-classmen who don't want to go through the same thing."

"We're trying to keep parents on campus not at the mall," Rita Calicat, director of student activities, said. All the activities that have been planned will suffer if they leave. We tried to package it so parents will stay on campus."

"The most important thing is that it was done for and not against," Guiffre said.'½ !ot of thought anctcofl§ideration went into it and although it may not seem like it, a lot of people were consulted."

Dedication marked by 27 years of service "It was one of the greatest things that we've~ver done," Romano said. "It was natural for us to do that. The guys fit in nicely." Also, between 1981 and 1982, Romano, along with Ruth Sower, coordinator of the Master's in Education (M.Ed) program, and chairperson of the education department and Dr. Anne Kennedy, a faculty member who has since left Cabrini, created the M.Ed. program committee. Romano, Sower and Kennedy worked on it for a year and a half taking trips to Harrisburg, writing, making up a budget, and talking with consultants.

by Kathleen Dooley Within the cluster of offices in Counsel Hall, he is all business. He exchanges information with Mary Ann Biller, academic dean, meets with both faculty and students, and communicates regularly with Zita Derham, his secretary. Outside, he is everywhere. He converses with a student in Widener Center, visits the Continuing Education office, dines with the teaching staff in the cafeteria, and walks along Cabrini's main road. Now beginning his twenty-seventh year at Cabrini, it is evident that Dr. Joseph J. Romano, vice-president of academic affairs, has long been dedicated to the school. Perhaps it is demonstrated in Romano's daily efforts, which begin with his arrival at the Academic Affairs office between 8 and 8:30 a.m. From 9 a.m. onward, he is immersed in his work. According to Derham, on a typical day he first fulfills appointments made with students and faculty. He tries to always be readily available to both. "I like to keep my door open, and be stopped in the hallways by people who have problems," Romano said. "That makes the job challenging and diverse." He is also involved in various projects. He is chairperson of the Master Planning Committee, which coordinates a11 the plans from the areas of academics and student life to that oflnstitutional Resources, which includes the business office,developmental office and alumni office. Currently, he is completing a document which includes overview plans for these areas to Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president. She is to present this document to the Board of Trustees. According to Romano, this is one of his biggest jobs. "I work with good people," he said, "so it's not so bad." He cites Biller in particular. "I try to support and assist her," Romano said. At present, both administrators are working on the Professional Development Grant , which is part of a program to improve the curriculum, profPssional development and advising at Cabrini. The program was made available through a $140,000 grant awarded by the Pew Foundation in Jan. 1985, and initiated as a result of a critical thinkii:ig workshop held in California this past August. Romano and six faculty members attended.

Dr. Joseph Romano, vice presidentof academic affairs (photo by Chris Corcoran) Together, he and Biller oversee student When Biller came to Cabrini in Jan. advising and lend a hand to the advisers 1985, she replaced Romano as academic whenever necessary. Regarding the stu- dean. Now the instructional departments dent community, Romano splits the work- come under her jurisdiction, financial aid load with Biller for such functions as reports to the Business Office and James congratulating Dean's List students at con- Fitzsimmons, dean of students, is in charge vocation or conferring with a student who of the athletic department. has slipped to a grade point average of 2.0 "It's been a godsend," Romano said. or below. He works with the freshmen and "Now, I have a real sense of planning. We juniors, Biller with the sophomores and have a wonderful team here, with Mary seniors. Rau, Biller's secretary, Zita, Dr. Biller and Other people with whom he works are myself. The academic office is in good shape those committed to another of his projects, in terms of getting the job done and laying the Enrollment Management Team. Cre- plans down," he said. "My life is a lot ated ten years ago, the team encourages easier." the admissions office in increasing admisRomano was a professor of philosophy sions. and the department chairperson at In fact, the admissions office is one of Cabrini for 18 years before moving to his three departments which Romano superadministrative role. vises. He also heads the continuing educa"When I taught a course," he said, "there tion department and the library. was immediate gratification. When the bell In addition, Romano chairs seven com- rang, I would know whether or not it was a mittees, among them, the Master Plangood class. With this position, it was one of ning Committee, the Academic Council the biggest adjustments that I had to and the committee on scholarships and make. I may work my head off on somefinancial aid. thing and not know if it's going to work for Perhaps one of his most demanding two years!" responsibilities took place when, from fall "But," he said, "once I got used to that, 1979 until Jan. 1985, Romano was simulmy life got better." taneously, academic dean and vice-presiRomano admitted that he favors his curdent of academic affairs. Not only was he rent position. "I can't wait to get here in the accountable for all of the above duties, but morning because there are challenges and -alsofor the instructional departments, the it's exciting. No two days are exactly alike." financial aid office and Cabrini's interHe is also proud of his involvement with collegiate athletics. . changes that have occurred at Cabrini. According to Romano, the amount of For example, he assisted in the college's pressure was tremendous. "It was transition from all-women to a co-educaridiculous. It was just too much," he said. tional student community. Between 1970 "It got to a point where I couldn't do any job and 1971, when he chaired the then Counreally well. It was solving immediate probcil of Student Affairs, the idea was prolems with no time to think. It was putting posed. Romano polled the faculty, adminout a fire here and helping somebody istration and students and t\}e majority there," he said. "overwhelmingly supported it," he said.

'He's the heart and soul of Cabrini.' -John Dzik, director of athletics Romano was gratified when the program was approved. "It was a special feeling for me when we had our first graduates two years ago; graduates with a master's degree from Cabrini!" "Youhave to be patient for the rewards to come in, some things don't work," he said. "Sometimes I'm not the most patient person in the world, and I have to remind myself that there's no instant gratification." He is further impressed with the fact that Cabrini has had nine new buildings within the last seven years. "I get upset when people emphasize our smallness," Romano said. "Cabrini is part of an organization with 95 institutions all over the world which includes hospitals, social agencies and schools." Romano would like to someday see the addition of two more campus buildings. He'd like to see a science building added with each floor dedicated to a different field - biology, chemistry, computer science and psychology and a sports complex, with an indoor track and swimming pool. Such dedication brings admiration from others. "He's a lel'\der who is very much in favor of us being the best academic college," Carter Craigie, professor, English and commu,nications department, said. "He's positive about the students," Mary Helen Mapes, counselor and¡ psychology lecturer, said. "He makes you feel comfortable." "He's the heart and soul of Cabrini," John Dzik, athletic director, said.


loquitur- friday,september26, 1986


Poor wording misleads Good news for parents chocoholics,--------, As Parents Weekend app:roaches, we feel compelled to respond to the addition of a $15 fee per person. While we understand that the intentions were good and were meant to promote campus unity among families attending Parents Weekend, we don't feel that the information card sent to all parents reflects this. According to the information card, the extra fee is to include: "conv9cation and reception, admission to soccer and field hockey and cross country games, family fun and enrichment activities, President's reception, Saturday lunch, Sunday brunch, liturgy." The information card makes it seem as though parents will not be admitted to any campus activity unless paying the additional $15 fee per person. This is totally inaccurate. What the fee actually covers is the price of Saturday luncheon and Sunday brunch. Thus, whomever does not wish to dine at Cabrini is not expected to pay the additional charge. They will still be admitted to any and all campus events. We feel that this should have been clearly stated in the information card. Although the purpose of the information card was intended to make families . . . . . want to stay on campus, 1t 1s our contention that 1t may have alienated some eno..ugh .nQt.t.Q~{H!.tt.o. p~r_!ic,iPate _i!!_~I_l.Y Par~pts Weeke_nd ac_~ivities.

Student opts for small college by Christy Mason

I know that if I went to Penn State, I wouldn't have a friend in the world. It's simply inconceivable to me that students attending a large school actually have friends. There are just too many people to become friends with. I know that my simple name would turn into the dreaded social security number (and I was never any good with numbers). I'll never be able to find any of my classrooms. I'd probably take the wrong campus bus. My roommate would be the happiest person in the world because I'd never be able to determine which high-rise building was mine. It would be like she had a single without the added cost. The thought of attending a large college or university has always terrified me. This summer was a real eye-opener for me because through some friends, I got a taste of what university living is really all about. Two of the friends that I met this summer attend large universities in New York. One is at Albany, the other at Syracuse. When I first found out about their "predi • cament", I really felt sorry for them both. I assumed that they had no friends because they're on a campus the size of Philadelphia and they were receiving a poor education because of the amount of students in their perspective schools. (How could they be learning anything if every test was a "multiple-guess" test taken on a computer card? They didn't take intelligent essay tests like I take). One day while we were discussing our perspective schools, the usual parade of lifeguards began. (I worked at the beach this summer). As they drove by, my friend from Albany waved to one of them telling me she knew him from school. I was floored! How could she recognize him? (Everyone at universities look the same). My friend worked in the cafeteria and recognized him because he was a basketball player who always came late to dinner after she had begun cleaning up. She was amazed at my amazement. She was also very confused at my logic of the whole situation. She reasons that the more people that are around, the more you get to

know. I don't know, that seemed like a silly concept to me. Fed up with my logic, one of my friends decided to "educate" me and so she took me to her sorority reunion. That was really an experience. I learned all about pledging and rushing and Greek letters (of course I already knew about Kappa Sigma Omega). I also learned that when a girl gets "pinned" it doesn't mean that she is wrestled to the floor. Instead, it ii, a supreme honor whereby a guy in a fraternity ("frat" to us college folks) gives his coveted frat pin to the girl he's "super-serious" with. A party is thrown and the newly pinned girl receives a dozen roses from the frat. In Syracuse, where I was staying, there were no welcoming signs like there are at Cabrini. In fact, there were no signs telling you where you were at all. (To post a campus map would be a waste of time anyway because it would be too confusing). Youjust kind of drive into this city and are assumed to know that you are now "on campus." (I could easily envision my name slipping away from me with digits taking its place). What I saw were all-night laundry mats, high-rise apartment buildings and a slew of bars comparable to Wayne Tavern and Partners Pub, except twice the size. Everyone wore sweatshirts with Greek letters, and much to my surprise many people knew each other. After that little "educational journey'', and from speaking with my friends, I now feel less sorry for people attending large schools. However, while I think sorority living is probably fun, if one is not accepted into the sorority or fraternity of his or her choice, I'm sure the experience could be devastating. I prefer, I think, the closeness shared by people on the same floor or quad or house. And while it's nice to see a new face everyday, I enjoy the privilege of asking a teacher a question without having to write it down and wait two weeks for a reply (in which case I'd have forgotten the question anyway). A generalization I'm sure, but call me simple; I enjoy the unity and familiarity of my small, humble campus. Afterall, if I need a change, I can always dye my hair purple and go hang out on South Street for the day.

I read something last week that really made my day. According to a survey conducted by Tufts University's School of Nutrition, chocolate makes you smarter. Yes, that's right, every Hershey bar, cream-filled cup cake, and Kit Kat bar consumed actually makes a person more intelligent. I, of course, have been telling people this for years. However, it took some survey done by a university to convince them .. According to Tufts, chocolate is good for the brain and aids in the thinking process. I always knew there was some subconscious reason why I eat so much chocolate. Some people say I have a sweet tooth. H this is true, every tooth in my mouth must be sweet. I just can't seem to pass a candy store without buying a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. The only thing that can calm my nerves the night before a big test is a bag of chocolate chip cookies. When I'm bored and have nothing to do, Breyer's chocolate chocolate chip ice cream just screams out to me from the freezer. I never knew why I had this infatuation _w_!.~~,ch~olateuntil now. It's not becau~e I

kate welsh haven't any self-control, nor is it because I just enjoy "pigging out". It's because it's making me smarter. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket. Now, when I go down to the WigWam for my late-night chocolate runs and load myself up with chocolate cup cakes, Hershey bars, and fudge bars, I can explain to my gawking friends that, "I'm simply enhancing my mind." That sounds better than, "I'm on a chocolate craze, again." For all my fellow chocoholics, rejoice and come out of the freezer. We've been telling peop~echocolate ,was good for us for years,. they Just wouldn t believe us. Well, now we ~ave our proof. .

C~mmuters protest favoritism Dear Editor:

It has come to our attention that residents get their first choice of field place-

Okay, so we don't live here! And maybe we're not as involved as the residents, but maybe, just maybe that's because we are not given as many chances to become involved.

men ts. Yeah, you know, those minor teaching experiences which influence your entire career as an education major. We really don't understand why you're asked · to list choices when the only ones that they cater to are those of the residents. Why should we care if we could walk to a school and can't go because it's on the van route.

Now that TWAC (This Week at Cabrini) is gone, we have no advanced notice of campus activities. And by the way, some of us do work for a living, so we cannot just show up for events without giving our bosses at• least a week's notice. Then, there's the parking issue, but we won't even go into that. It wouldn't make a difference anyway. The list goes on and on. Usually ·we don't complain, but this time it's gone too far.

Na offense residents, we can handle being ostracized from campus functions and even looked down upon because we "commute" but, when it starts to interfere with our lifetime goals, we have to draw the line! Names withheld upon request of writers

Editor. Kate Welsh Managing Editor. Monico Palko News Editor. Christy Mason .Assistants:Morla O'Brlel'\ Yvette OJsely Fllrspectives Edll0<:Kimberly Kovodl Feo!tres Editors Kathy Hibbard and Robin McKean Sports Editor. LisaMason BusinessMonoge<: Are1o Hlodky COP'( EdttO<Jeanne Reinebefg Graphics Editor. Debbie Ferrar Phologrophy Editor. Chris Corcoran Phologrophy AcMser:Dr Corter Qoigie AcMser.Dr. ..lefomeZurek

Sloft Rochel Anderson, Regino Boltio!o. Beth B1tlne1 Denise Brod; Polly Blown Leah Coscorlno. Christine Cocch10. Rhonda Donnenhowet Kathleen Dooley. Donna Doughertv. John Dunleovy. Anne FohV,Brion Feeley. Debbie Ferrar. LizAle~ Stephanie Glordlnl Ktt1y Kelley. Meghom Johnson. Kathleen McCabe, Jacqui McCiemol'\ Polly Moore. Debbi Mllphy. Moolco Palko. Polricio Ruppe,Koren Slegl Jim Steffler.

Loqullur b published weekly during the school year t:,; students o/ Cabrini CoUege.Rodnot Fllnnsytvonlo19087 Subscnplion price Is$20 per year ord Is Included ,n the benefitssecured t,.,,tuition and student fees, LOQuiturwelcomes le11ersto the editor. Letters shoud be signed and the authorship known to the edltO<S. fiOW8lletw the writer wishes. and the edifor agrees. the writ8!'s name may be left off the letter upon publication and on Inscription Inserted such as ·name withheld al the requesf of the write,.· Letters should be typed. dooble-spoced. ond oo more than 300 words In length.~ o letter~ too long for the CMJliobie space. the editor may edit or condense Letters to the editor should be submitted I:>;noon on Mondays.

loquitur- friday,september 26, 1986



Cutbacks affect Cabrini Students 'CARe-ing' for students

by Beth Bittner

The controversy over financial aid cutbacks has been of a growing interest to college students and their parents since they were inacted by the Reagan administration. Although the issue on financial aid cutbacks had been brought to the public's attention, it has become more relevant within the past year. "I was aware of the cutbacks and the facts that went with them, but the reality of it all didn't hit me until my Pell Grant for this school year was refused," Michelle latesta, senior, said. The most obvious cutbacks in funding were made with the Pell Grant and the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). Both are federally funded grant programs. Arlene Mc~villa-Dittbrenner, director, financial aid, said, "These cutbacks werl:! made because the present administration does not feel that one's education is a national responsibility. It is considered to be a personal responsibility." Who is effected by these cutbacks? "I l'eel all college students and parents are affected by the cutbacks in financial aid," Christine Cocchia, sophomore, said. The tuition for colleges and universities, nationwide, is increasing and the funding for financial aid is decreasing. "Although the cutbacks do affect every student and their parents," McEvilla-Dittbrenner said, "I do not feel that it has affected the enrollment here at Cabrini College." Not only has money been taken out of federally funded programs, but the standards of eligibility are a lot stricter. To determine your eligibility, the family contribution, which is determined by income, size of family and number of famil members in colle e, is subtracted from

the cost of tuition. The remainder is student financial need (eligilbility) for funding.

McEvilla-Dittbrenner said that it is fortunate the cutbacks in financial aid did not affect the Work Study and Work Grant programs. The Work Study program is, in fact, funded by the government, but no changes were made within the funding at Cabrini this year. The Work Grant program, however, is funded by the college. Money was added to the fund this year, but due to the increase of students and the increase of their needs, the funds are still not sufficient. In order to be eligible for the Work Study/Grant programs or a bank loan, you must apply for the Pell Grant. Although you may be refused for the Pell Grant funding, you may still be eligible for the Work Study/Grant program and bank loans. "I think in the future, we'll see more college co-op programs designed so that students can get an education and afford it at the same time," McEvilla-Dittbrenner said. Along with this prediction, McEvillaDittbrenner also thinks that we will see more students commuting, more careeroriented classes and less students involved in extracurricular activities. "Job Squad is also an excellent program that the college provides," Beth Lieberman, assistant director, financial aid, said. "We are always getting calls for jobs that pay very well."The only problem is that we never have enough people to fill the positions offered." Lieberman suggests that those who are interested in Job Squad or would just like some information on financial aid to stop by the Financial Aid office.

by Denise Brady

If you're one of the many students who are experiencing difficulties in your studies, there's a group of people on campus who really "care." This group, appropriately called CARe, Center for Academic Reinforcement, offers services such as tutorial assistance·, the Writing Center, the Success-Seminar, and TOPS (Transfer Orientation Program). It also provides information about time management skills, study skills, and test preparation skills. All of the services offered at CARe are free of charge to students. CARe began approximately eleven years ago in response to students entering Cabrini who were academically unprepared in one or two subjects. Dr. Arthur Young, CARe director, set up a program of 25 students enabling them to strengthen themselves in subjects they were having trouble with. From that point, the CARe center diversified into other programs. Young was joined three years later by Barbara Rubin, assistant director. Both Young and Rubin recognized that there are efficient ways of learning. One way is to learn with the help of other people. In the case of the CARe center, this is usually students helping other students. The tutorial service at CARe is available to any student who needs help in courses ranging from English, math, and biology, to computer science and Spanish. If a student needs help in a course not covered by a tutor, the CARe center will find a tutor upon request. "The CARe center is always in a state of revision," Young said. "The services that CARe provide are adjusted to the students needs."

The tutors are students who have excelled in a partic.ular subject and are selected by faculty members to tutor that subject. Some tutors, such as Donna Blyskal, senior, tutor for business, are available by appointment, while others have specified hours. Often tutors will make a special appointment for emergencies. "The tutors are very flexible," Rubin said. Another service the center provides is the Writing Center, developed by Young and Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson, English/communucations department. The Writing Center is a one- on-one program for any student who is having difficulty writing, or for a student who wants to improve his skills. Although Young has personally helped students, the Writing Center is staffed by students especially trained to help other students write more effectively. New to the center is TOPS. Young started the program after hearing from transfer students that they had trouble adjusting to their new school. "TOPS enhances academic and personal skills for students who have switched into a liberal arts setting," Young said. TOPS is conducted with seminars and group meetings, as well as one-on-one talks with a staff of four students who have volunteered to help .the,.kansfers. Young and Rubin both agreed that many important aspects of CARe grew out of feedback" from students. They encourage students with questions and suggestions to visit the CARe center, located in the Rudy Rooyman Center.


... RESIDENT LIFE OFFICE RELOCATES-The office of resident life is now located in Counsel Hall, rooms 16 and 17. Access to the office may be gained via the courtyard through the right side door. The phone extension is 410. XAVIER HALL HOSTS GOLF TOURNAMENT-The men of Xavier Hall will sponsor an afternoon of miniature golf on Sept. 27 at 3:30 p.m. in Xavier Hall. The price for each person wishing to play is $1. Refreshments will be served. RADUATE SCHOOL INFO-A gradute and professional school forum will be

held at Bryn Mawr College's Thomas Great Hall on October 18 from 1 to 5 p.m. The forum is sponsored by area colleges and will provide junior and senior college students with an opportunity to gather information on area graduate schools.

SELF-TAUGHT WORD PROCESSING-The new word processing tutoring program is now available by appointment only. Students who wish to use the selftaught system must see Dr. Arthur Young in the CARe Center for an appointment. PEACE GROUP BOYCOTI'S GE-The

Brandywine Peace Community, a local religiously-based peace action group, has set a goal of acquiring 10,000 local signatures by January, 1987, on a pledge to boycott General Electric products until the company ceases all nuclear weapons related to Star Wars work. The GE boycott signature sheet is on the bulletin board across from the Student Services office. FARM CRISIS LECTURE-Wendell Berry, poet and farmer, will speak at the sixth annual E.F. Schumacher Society Lecture on the topic of, "The_Farm ~risis and

the City", on Saturday, September 'l.7, at the Fourth and Arch Street Meeting House in Philadelphia. His lecture, which begins at 2 p.m., will deal with how Philadelphians and other urbanites have a direct relationship to the fate of farmers in America. NEW EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER COORDINATOR-Ellen Fisher has replaced Elizabeth Endy as coordinator, Education Resource Center. She is currently taking courses at Villanova University for her librarian certification. This fall she will be student teaching.

Job Squad TIie lllelmark School• Special Ed. students gain

Dunfey. Ctty Line Hotel

IS 1ntef'Viewing for PT/FT pootions os roomserviceseM>rs. cocktail seM>rs. food servers. dining room o1tendonts. bellpersons Apply Monday. Tuesday,'Wednesday 1l am. to noon. Ounfey Ctty Line Hotel. City Line /'We.and Monument flood. Bolo Cyrwyd. AO.19004 Coll Solly Cobb o1 645-6581.

PT Otftee help • Consutting for pensiOns. word processing and office tasks. Twoto tour days a week 'll:00200. $5.00 per/hour. Coll o.iring office hours. the Human Resource SeMC85 Dept. o1 527-5345.Ask for Phil Fogli.

valuable experionee working wrth o special population while attending schOOLPo<ttionsavailable o1 Melmorl< a privole residential schOOI for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children and adults. Our programs ore designed to meet the needs of profoundly, severely, moderately, and mildly retarded ,ndl\l!duols. Our populotton ranges in age from two years to s,xly years old The Melmork schOOIIs located on on eighty ocre compUS In Delaware Co,...,ty. opproo<imately ten to fifteen minutes west of Cabrini College, mictway bet..-een Pooli and Newtown Square. Positions ova,loble Include flexible po,t-tlme hOurs conducive to woitdng around Ol'e's school schedule. This would include ..-iing and weekend hours. For intef'Vlew coll C>olAd A King at 353-1726.

Sunday altter • For three year olds (one to ~x kids) o1 St Mory's In Wa,/ne. from 9:50-11;20 om Coll Mrs. Stro1ton at

688-1712. evenings.

Holiday Health Spa - Twoopenings ovoiloble

20-25 hrs, per/WI< Person needed to work at juice bar. Free useof the spa. Coll Ko1hy Cummings 01644-7537ofte, 5 p.m.

banquet set ,.p bus person, bartenders. wolte<lwoitress. AW( In person o1 260 Goddard Billd.behnd King of Pruss,oplaza

Help Wanted • Earn free vo:::ations and cash.

We reed a few good students to help us AO.RTV during Sp( Break.Help us organize vocations ta Florido and othe< destinationson your compu~ Wort<around school schedules Wyour o,e on orgonlzect. outgoing person or a frate<nltv. sorority or student organization or just o Porty animal. reel< with us to the !\Kl and sun far spring break '87.Reply to Notional Student Travel Se!vices, P.OBox1193.Ormond Beach. FL.32074 or col 904-441-TOill(8687)

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light house keeping. lnvnedlote placement. must hove own tronsportotlon Eom $700/hr. Coll Mrs. wen~ng at Survey

servicesfor senlo<s. 01688-2688.

Regina Nuralng Cenler- FT/PTpositions available ,n our 121bed ge,lolr,c nursing foallty. Experience is not required. os we offer on in-depth training program to all new staff member~ For more information coll any workdayfrom 9 am. to 5 p.m.

Holiday Inn • Accepting applications for

'TwobOysneeded - For house wolf< (plant spring bulbs and put away pool fumtturei Hours and salary negotiable. Coll Mrs. Barnesat 687-49688118nings. Cleaner■

Molher's helper - Excellent salary, llexible hours, and own transportation needed (fw minutes from Cot:,,,nij Coll 293-9563 evenings.


Chlll'a • Now Hiring. cppty In pe,son MondayFriday 9:00-4:30.312W Loncoste, Ale. (next to Mine/Io's} For o great place to worl<..rooplace else is Chli's,

Permanent PT poaltlona • ·Position,ore available wort<lng with emotionally dlstufbed children in residential setting. Positions ore located in Chesfef and Delaware counties. Job ttttes:night o1tendonts. residential aides. recreational aides. mental health technician aide$. Requirements: must be 21years of age and passess a 'JO!ld ctive<'s license Hourt: weel<ends. weekd~ as your schedule pe,mlts. Salary. depends on position; ranges from $4.65/hr to $5.05/hr. Acceptable majors o,e Education. Psychology, Social Sciences.and Arts. Col Del/Onarea- Lemuel Defibaugh at 964- 309\ Melvern area • John Krawchuk o1 '296-6952 or West Chester area Jone Vasile o1 431-8119.

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labyaltllng · />lier school/Evenings. from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. For o boy seven and a girl elewn. Coll Jody Roode o1 687-3062.

Secretary - Busyoccounting firm in Rosemont is looldng for someone with excellent typing ord dctophone skillsand a pleosont phone manner. Experience on the 18111 PC is helpful but not necessary. Salary Is negotiable, Please coll Pat at Rudney.Rudney,and Coll'P(]ny 527-n50.

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loquitur- friday,september26, 1986



CabriniEasttwo yearslater:

Students leave 'east' behind by Yvette Ousley

January '85 crept up on everyone, and before anyone knew it, the "Cabrini East people" had invaded the campus. Yes, the fun, freedom, parties, drugs, co-ed dorms and the bumpy bus rides had ended. It was time for the "East people" to fall into the regular routine of the college, whatever that meant. And so, the transttion began. Simply known as "East," Cabrini East wasan off-campus residence which housed 70 students from Cabrini. In the previous year, 35 students resided there. According to Mary Ellen Lilly, director of resident life, it became necessary to open Cabrini East three· years ago because the college had a housing shortage. The housing shortage developed because the planning committee anticipated the completion of Xavier Hall. However, the dorm was not finished in time. So it became necssary to pursue off-campus housing for the excess number of residents. Cabrini negotiated with Harcum Junior College to rent dorm space on its Radnor campus. ''The first year that East was used there weren't any problems," Lilly said. "However, during the final semester that East was used many problems developed." Lilly was the resident manager at Cabrini East during the first year and also resided there. She thinks that because the increase of students living at East doubled the second year of its existence, problems were bound to be more frequent. Cabrini East became notorious for its wild parties, drug use and lack of studying. Though the residents of East shared the same half of the building, many of them had very diverse opinions about what it was like to live there.

"There was always the feeling of being segregated from the campus," Rita Genovese, junior, said. "And the drug use was very open." Despite this, Genovese said she loved living at East because it was like living on her own. "I felt alienated from the campus," Chris Smith, senior, said. "And we (East residents) didn't get anything from the campus except a blessed bus," he added. Smith said that sometimes he loved East while at other times he hated it. "You could get away with anything there," he said. The blessed bus which Smith is referring to involved a ceremony in which Father Mark Falcone, chaplain, blessed the bus and then cracked a bottle of champagne over it. Deanie Catalano, Daphne Grabowski, Regina Murphy and Tina Slater, juniors, developed a close-knit friendship while at East. Close friendships were not uncommon at East. The four became closer everyday as they and four of their friends squeezed into a small Chevette to get to campus in time for class. As it turned out, all eight could never make the bus on time.

Fredia Gibbs, junior, expressed a much dimmer view of Cabrini East than most of her peers. "Guys living with girls was not right," Gibbs said, "because incoming freshman, who are away from home for the first time, did not know how to handle the· responsibility of being on their own." Gibbs said that she thought the security and supervision was very poor at East. "People were constantly doing drugs in their room or hauling a couple of cases of beer up through their windows for a party,'' she said. Contrary· to Gibbs view, Greg Beck, junior, thought East was well supervised. ''The R.A.'s weren't lenient," he said. "Matt (Garrison) and Judy (Buck) were great. They let us have our fun, never got out of hand," he said.

Villanova male students were housed in the building where Cabrini students resided. However, the men from Villanova lived in a separate part of the building. ''The guys from Villanova were great," Grabowski said. '~d they always helped us with our math."

Mary Sanderson, junior, said she thought security and supervision were good also. "Matt and Judy did their best," she said, ''but they couldn't be there all the time." In January, Xavier Hall was finished and so the transition from off-campus living to on-campus living began for the former residents of East. The East women were housed in the northern· half of Xavier Hall. Within the week, they were given a lecture on the rules and regulations of the campus by Lilly.

Smith said he liked the idea of the co-ed dorm also. "It gave us a chance to prove that we (girls and guys) could live together without anyone getting raped or murdered," he said.

Men have no house and·no choice by Patricia Brown Fall semester 1985 was one filled with many moves for many resident students, in particular the men. When the moving stopped, the women were left with various housing options and the men with no choice. Xavier Hall is the only dormitory at Cabrini which houses men. Infante House an_d Sullivan House, Houses 3 and 7, changed from male residences to female. This has had varying ramifications on the social life of the resident community. Kim Field, senior, feels that social life has changed. "It was rowdier," she said, "but, there is still a good social life." Field is one of the women moved from Xavier to Sullivan House. "The house was a mess when we moved in," she said, "The carpets were bad, although there was new paint on the walls." Fellow Sullivan House resident, Margaret Culcasi, senior, said that the girls respect the property more than the men who formerly occupied the house. "When I was a freshman the guys in House 7 used to throw the furniture out the windows," she said. According to Mary Ellen Lilly, director, resident life, the track record of the men in the houses was not good. ''There was a minimum of$1000 damage each year in House 7," she said. "Nobody is going to vandalize like that and remain a resident," James Fitzsimmons, dean of students, said. "If you supervise a situation day to day, then you don't have any surprises. We need to respond to things when they happen." Karl Sartor, senior, believes that there · was a rnoti ve for the move. "I think it was the purpose of resident life to put all the guys together to keep a closer watch on campus," Sartor said. " I think it was more in the lines of party control. The social life has taken a big dive." Lilly and Fitzsimmons say that this was never behind the purpose of moving the men to Xavier. ' ''From my point of view, it was the hard numbered facts," Lilly said. "With approximately 120 male residents and 120 spaces in Xavier it is a nice fit." Not all the students feel the same as

'We (Eastresidents) didn't get anythingfromthe campusexcepta blessed bus.' -Chris Smith,senior

"It wasn't easy to live on campus at first," Slater said, ''because we were still thought of as the East crowd." Murphy said she remembered living in Counsel Hall and being told that none of the R.A's wanted the East people because they were too wild. At present, the remaining former residents of East are either juniors or seniors. Most love campus life though it has its advantages ~nd_disadvantages. "I definitely do better academically living on campus," Anthony Dade, senior said. "I don't miss East anymore becau~ I'm used to living on campus now." Dave Kudlock, junior, said he enjoys living on campus. "The library is a big help and so are the other people on campus," he said. "I feel like I belong now,'' Genovese said, "and I have done better academically since moving on campus." "Before we were always the t;ast people," Smith said. "Now I feel like part of the campus.'' Smith also said that he does better academically on campus because he can find quiet areas to study. Like other residents oi· Ca.brini ~ast, Catalano, Growbowski, Murphy and Slater said they like living on campus, though there isn't as much freedom on campus. "Moving on campus hasn't contributed to our success academically," Catalano said, "because we've always done well even while we were living at Qabrini East." Slater thinks that some people still think of the former residents of East as the "East Crowd" though two years have passed. However, she doesn't think that this feeling is wide spread.

Librarysecurity system · installed ·

Sartor. Joe Gagliardi, junior, former resi- by Maria O'Brien dent of Counsel Hall, said he is happy having the men in one dorm. The security system was funded by an "It was a good move," he said, "Social life. anonymous donor and cost approximately has improved. Parties are more of a social $10,000. It is made of three pieces of metal. event." Materials are sensitized to set off an alarm Like Gagliardi, Arny Capozucca, senior, when passing through the bars by the believes that having the men in the same doors if they have not been correctly signed building is beneficial. "If the guys are all in out. the same place, you don't have to go all over As a result of student request, a metallic campus to visit them. You can see more security system was installed by Checkpeople at once," she ·said. point Systems in the Holy Spirit Library Although some of the residents were con- on August 6. tent with the move, many were not. A few Students on the library committee students felt that having male students in brought up the issue of missing materials. different buildings added to the forming of "The need for a system like ours exists. cliques among residents. Students themselves brought the issue to "Freshman year I didn't even know most the attention of the former library director, of the guys who lived in House 7," Claire Skerrett," Anita Johnson, library Gagliardi said. "You used to be called a director, said. 'Counsel guy,' a 'House seven guy,' or a During the 1983-1984 self-study for the 'House three guy."' Middle States review, the issue of library Greg Beck, junior, disagrees. "I don't security was addressed and concern was think people used to clan up," he said. expressed due to the loss of library "Now people elan up." materials. Many male residents said that they only ''A metallic library security system was know the people who live ih their own installed because materials were disapsuite. Students feel that the structure of pearing from the library," Sr. Eileen CurXavier sections the men off into smaller rie, president, said. "This isn't a recent groups. thing and over the years it's been Brian Feeley, senior, in reference to the increasing." building structure, said, "It makes it Librarians are aware that missing mateharder for Xavier to act as one unit." rials deter the students academic needs. According to Feeley, Xavier had two sep- Money is spent for the replacement ofmissarate floats during Parents Weekend, one ing items when it could go toward the purfor each half of the building. This year, chase of new things for the library. however, the dorm will work on one float "We want to be good protectors of acatogether. Feeley thinks that group projects demic investments, and to get the best poslike this may help bring the men together. sible variety of quality materials to supLike Feeley, Lilly feels that the sense of port curriculum," Johnson said. "When we community did not come together after the have to replace something, we've defeated move. "A place doesn't make the commu- that mission." nity, it is the people who live in the place," "When we go to help someone, it is as she said. frustrating to us as it is to the students that Both Lilly and Fitzsimmons said that materials are missing," she said. other options are being explored for the fall The Middle States Committee also felt semester of1987. Fitzsimmons had no com- that there was a need to preserve library ment at this time about what some of those materials. In their report, they recomoptions may be. However, Lilly, said that mended that a library security system be she has asked Mary Kate Grimley, senior, installed. member of SGA to help in some research. "I was so tired of going to the library and According to Grimley, she has sent out never being able to find what I wanted questionnaires to colleges comparable in because people had stolen it," B.J. Petracci, size to Cabrini to see how housing situa- senior, said. tions are handled. The information, how"It was frustrating without a security ever, is still being processed. $ystem because a lot of periodicals were

stolen," Joanne Goebel, resident manager

ofWoodcrest and recent Cabrini graduate, said. "We'd have to go to Villanova or another library to do the·research that we should have been able to do here." "We don't have a metallic security system here at Villanova," Louise Green, reference librarian, Villanova University, said. ''A guard checks the books to see if they've been checked out and also checks bags as students go out." Eastern College also doesn't have any type of security system except for the student aides who check the rooms before closing and a guard who checks the doors at night. Two hundred books were stolen last year. "We have talked about getting a security system," Ellen Hargreaves, secretary of the library, Eastern College, said, ''but it doesn't seem to be top priority for the future." Rosemont College installed the same Checkpoint library security system as Cabrini in 1984. "We have noticed a cutback in illegal borrowing," Sr. Mary Dennis, director of library services, said. ''The general feeling in the library community is that by adding some type of security, retention increases," Johnson said. ''Already, we've noticed improvement in the retention of journals." What happens if a student sets off the alarm? "No one has set off the alarm yet," Evalyn White, Cabrini's reader's services assistant, said. "It would be embarrassing if someone forgot to check out, but students willget used to it and will be more aware of what they are doing.'' ''I've written to the president of the Student Academic Council, Julia Malik, (senior) and asked for their support on the decision for action against students who continually try to illegally borr,ow library materials," Johnson said.Repercussions will be decided this year. Johnson sees the library security system and protection of the student's investment in their curricular needs. "The best part of this experience has been student support," Johnson said "They should be proud of themselves. Thei1 action has been positive." as a _symbolof support


loquitur- friday,september26, 1986


Missionariespromote wor/d'peaceat Cabrini by John Dunleavy

All of us at one time or another have reflected upon the bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the War in Vietnam, and the possible threat of massive nuclear destruction. Along with these sobering thoughts, hope springs from men and women who are devoted to peace-making concerning current world problems. In fact, some of them are right here at Cabrini. The Theology of Peace course, offered this year at"Cabrini, is taught by four Maryknoll missionaries and headed by Father Anthony Medwid, M.M. Medwid was invited to Cabrini by Dr. Margaret Reher, professor of Religion. Medwid has spent 15 years of his life in Japan (1969-1984),where he was pastor of a school. He taught such courses as Peace Education and Peace Studies, and led many peace retreats. Medwid works along with three lay missionaries: Susan Grace A.M.L.M., Elizabeth Mach A.M.L.M.,and Ellen Carey A.M.L.M.. Each of them are responsible for teaching different aspects of the course. Before coming here, Grace was stationed in Venezuela, Mach in Africa, and Carey in

Korea. These diverse backgrounds bring about unique viewpoints. As Medwid said, "It gives the students a different way of looking at things and provides them with deeper insight." ¡

'We shouldnotsee ourselves separatefrom God,butratherGod and mantiedup intoone bundle.' -Father AnthonyMedwid, M.M

"I really like the course because it makes you think," said Kim Lowry, junior. "Learning about countries like Central America helps you to become aware of things happening around you," she added. "Not only do you learn about the theology of peace, but you learn about yourself and you know that the four instructors have a great concern for each student," Kimberly Kovach, junior, said. ''The purpose of the course is to help the students see peace from God'spoint of view," Medwid said, "We should not see ourselves separate from God, but rather God and man tied up into one bundle." Sharing this same viewpoint Carey spoke of the ordinary cycle. "How many of us have let material things, alcohol and drugs, become our gods?" Carey said. It is statements such as these that can provoke the students to reflect upon their lifestyles and decide if they are happy with themselves, according to Carey.

When relating the course material to the class, Medwid brings many years of knowledge and experience. He tries to reach his students by posing tough ethical questions dealing with war and peace and the degree to which they would use restraint or force depending upon the situation at hand.

Medwid portrays an upbeat personality that helps keep his class interested in what he is saying by stimulating thinking on their part. Sometimes it is a mix of humor that allows him to relate his messages to them.

When the Theology of Peace course has been completed, it is hoped that the students will have grown in the areas of critical thinking, understanding, and have developed a more defined sense of values _andcommitments.

'Weshouldwelcomecrisis and lookto dealwithit, becauseif thereisn'tcrisis, thereisn'tgrowth.' -Father AnthonyMedwid, M.M.

"From day to day, everyone encounters certain problems. It is those who seek the best possible solutions to these problems who become the ones best suited and capable of dealing with them," Medwid said. This is especially true concerning the issue of peace. Medwid probably relayed it best when he said, "We should welcome crisis and look to deal with it, because if there isn't crisis, there isn't growth."



Mall offers WHAT EXACRY IS the best AT&T'S "REACH OUT ..AMERICA"?of both a) A long distance calling plan that lets make an hour's worth of calls any other state in America for worlds iust$10.15 a month. you


by Meghann Johnson

b) A 90-minute special starring "UpWith People:'

Some time ago, a friend of mine asked, "If you won the lottery, where would you go

c) A great deal, because the second hour costs even less. d) If you'd read the chapter on Manifest Destiny, you'd know. e) Too good to pass up, because it lets you save 15%off AT&T's already discounted evening rates.


The rightchoice. Š1986AT&T

to spend your winnings?" I answered, "The Court at King of Prussia, of course."

Revievv:I===== The Court is an attractive mall including 120 shops and 3 anchoring department stores: Abraham and Straus, Bambergers and the world-renowned Bloomingdales. Because of its collection of signature and designer stores, shopping at the Court is a much more expensive venture than going on a spree at its neighboring mall, the Plaza. The Plaza includes 215 shops and four anchoring department stores; JC Penney, Sears, Sterns and John Wanamaker. The Plaza's architectural design isn't quite as elaborate as that of the Court, but everything is affordable for the average customer. Joan Keys, Public Relations Director of the Court and the Plaza, said, "Being that the Court is a relatively new mall, statistics have shown that more shoppers return due to atmosphere, quality, and the wide variety of stores, than to the Plaza even though the Plaza has more stores and is the original King of Prussia mall." Keys added, "Being that the stores in the Court are so expensive, I am surprised to see that sales keep rising month by month." One feature the Plaza has that the Court lacks is a specified eating area where the majority of the snack bars are gathered together. This collection of eateries is referred to as the Garden Spot, a unique concept that enables the shopper to see all that is offered at once, so as to not overlook any particular food stop. ' Both the Plaza and the Court offer excellent parking facilities. Both are well-lit for nighttime shoppers. The Plaza offers the typical flat-style lot as opposed to the court. At the Court the lots are leveled in front of the store entrances and twice as many parking spots are put on reserve for the handicapped as are in the Plazas lot. Also, ramps and wider elevators provide more efficient acc;essto the mall stores.



loquitur- friday,september26, 1986


Studentrecognizedas professional dancer Bellopede's dance career was launched 4 may come in with problems or something As for the future, Bellopede plans to 1/2 years ago when he began dancing for on their mind, but when they're there finish his career here at the college and watching, their problems disappear for a the Lori Ardis Ballet Company, the PennThe six judges were positioned around receive a degree in Business Administrasylvania Academy of Ballet, the American while," Bellopede said. the box-like room crowded with agile tion with the goal of one day taking over his "It's an international language. You can Academy of Ballet, and the Philadelphia bodies fitted in tights with numbers danmother's business. He will continue with go anywhere in the world and its still gling from their backs. It was 7:30 p.m and college of performing arts. his dancing looking to join a small dance dance-its the pure dedication of the perAt present, Bellopede and twin brother, the room quickly began to generate heat company and perhaps do some off- broadfrom the swift, thoughtful moves of the 50 Ron, sophomore are under a three year former and watching it," Bellopede way performances. continued. contract with talent manager Priscilla dancers. Parker. It was Parker who advised BelIt's 11:30p.m. and now there are only ten lopede,. with only one week's notice, to danl!ers- sitting- bathed in sweat and tackle the audition for the troop. anxiety. Stillness envelops the room. The "I'm the only non-Penn student member judges are no longer rigid at their posts, of the troop so I'm classified as a guest but are conversing informally am!)ng dancer. I walked into the audition with themselves. Cabrini sweats on and I felt like a fool, but The choreographer finally breaks from overall everyone has accepted me as a the circle ofjudges and begins approaching dancer and a student," Bellopede said. each of the dancers-all with encouragement- but only five with a "welcome to Already performing for Novak Kovalski the Penn Dance Troop." in Wayne, Pa. Bellopede will be spending Smiling, she approaches number nine more time performing and rehearsing than who is thinking, "Yes, yes.just tell me how sleeping or socializing. well I danced, but that I'm not the type "I dance seven days a week," Bellopede you're looking for so I can just get out of said. On Tuesday and Thursday nights here." "Robert Girard Bellopede," she says, form 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m, I dance at Penn "we really enjoyed your dancing and would and I have 2 hour classes five days a week at Jike to welcome you as a guest dancer to the Novak Kovalski," Bellopede said. Penn Dance Troop. Rehearsals will be intensified to four Bellopede, sophomore, was selected to hours a day a week before any performance fill one of the five vacancies in the 15 mem- of the Penn Dance Troop. The first perforber renowned Penn Dance Troop and is the mance is scheduled for sometime near only non- University of Pennsylvania stu- Thanksgiving and a majority of their perdent participating. formances will take place at the AnnenAuditioning for the troop in hopes of burg Center in University City, gaining experience only, Bellopede was Philadelphia. simply astounded when offered Holding a part time job as an account membership. "The core of my training is in classical representative for E.T.C., a temporary employment agency run by his mother and dance and before the audition began, the choreographer informed us that they were carrying 18 credits as a business major at the college, Bellopede has adopted the looking for dancers trained in modern skills of time management to the extreme. Bob Bellopede- warms- up for a rigorous dance rehearsal. dance," Bellopede said. "I'm on a strict schedule. There's certain "The combinations they were showing us {photo by Monica Palko) (they were only demonstrated once) were times I dance, study, eat, and even talk on the phone. If I miss the time I've set aside getting harder and harder as more people for dinner, then I simply don't eat," Belwere cut and they were going against what lopede said. I was taught," Bellopede said. "It can be tough sometimes-watching He continued, "When there was only ten my friends go to Wayne Tavern and knowof us left, they were getting really picky ing I can't go because I have to study or go and wanted to see dancing and acting rehearse." simultaneously. ''That went on for an hour "I'm extremely proud ofmy brother. He's and we'd already been dancing for three very talented as a dancer and a performer. I hours." "My knee was killing me, but I kept on just hope he doesn't burn himself out," saying to myself, 'I got to do it' and once (Ron) Bellopede said. ''I couldn't do this unless I truly loved the they asked me to come forward and do a combination by myself. I didn't have time art of dance," Bellopede said. "It's a world of its own. I feel like when to think. I just got out there and did it," people come in to watch a performance they Bello e said. by Robin McKeon combination and a tap combination," Oldfield said. STUDY GROUPS AT CARe "...out, together, out and cross and out, Oldfield is on the Rockette Alumni Accounting Donna Blyska l By appoint-nt together, out and cross ... good!. .. that's Board which meets every two months to fourth position ...and out, together, out and arrange the Annual Luncheon and the Biology ( for Lori O'Fria M, W 11-12 majors and Denise Penn By appolntaent: ext. 404 Annual Dinner. cross and out, together, out and cross ..." non-majors) Dressed in a turquoise leotard and leg''I danced for Liberty Weekend," Oldfield Computer Science Donna Capone T 2-3 (at CARe) and by warmers, Gail Oldfield, dance instructor, said. Of a possible 260 tap routines, six ( in Lab) appointment Kevin Corcoran drops the needle of the record player and were chosen to be taped as commemoration Susan Flynn T,Th 12:30-2:30, of the event. Whitney Houston sings background music F 12:30-2 for the next routine. "I had to go to the recording studio to Finance Donna Blyskal By appoint111ent tape my routine," Oldfield said. "I felt my ''If I can share my love of dance with French t>onna Angelucci H 1-2 other people, that is the greatest satisfacexperience really added to the event." tion," Oldfield said. "I take classes in New York so that I Literature Courses Elizabeth R. Smith T,Th 12:30-2 Oldfield, dancer, choreographer, mother of continue to keep up with the new styles," Math Lisa Nolan three, member of Dance Education of Oldfield said, and I take classes at 'Waves' H 1-2, Th 2-3:1S Patricia Hiller W 11-12, F 1-2 America, and board member of the Rock; (a contemporary dance company on SamEconomics Donna Blyskal By appolnt-nt son street in Philadelphia.)" ette Alumni, is the new dance instructor for Cabrini's dance courses. "I am a member of Dance Education of Psychology Donna Angelucci H 1-2 Her favorite color is lavender; her favor- America," Oldfield said. "They hold conSpanish Eileen Zebrowski F 10-11, V 11-12 ite musical artists include Whitney ventions every year for dancers and dance Houston, Jeffrey Osbourne and Andres teachers to see what's new in dance styles, Statistics Donna Blysk•l By appointaent Vollenweider, and dance is her life. new skills and routines," she said. Vr I ting Kate Grlaley T, Th 9-11 ''I love dance so much, I would never be a Oldfield started dancing at the age of Joe Giuffre T 10-11, Th 11-12 whole, happy person if I didn't dance," three, and was teaching at age 11. "My Ellz•beth R, Smith T, Th 12:30-2 Oldfield said. mother was a dance teacher, and I helped •••••••••••••• my mother," Oldfield said. "I intend to be dancing until I'm at least 80...and even beyond," she added. Oldfield's youngest daughter, Heather, TOPS A Staten Island, New York native, 17, earned a scholarship for dance at the Staff on duty for transfer students: Oldfield studied dance in Manhattan, New Governor's School for the Arts at Buckne1I Mainey Giloley T 1-2 York. University. Only 210 applicants were "I had never thought about dancing prochosen out of a possible 2000 in the state, Linda Posse T 1-2 fessionally," Oldfield said. "When I was 16, and only 30 were dancers. Rob Ritson I went dancing with a group on tour. That Heather marks the third generation of dancers in Oldfield's family. · put the gypsy in my soul, and I knew I K 111 Stevens wanted to dance for life." "I choreograph for Footlighters Theater Cindy Weiss in Wayne, and Barleysheaf Playhouse in After three summers oftourmg, Oldfield Philadelphia," Oldfield said. auditioned for the Rockette's. "I auditioned Oldfield also choreographs for four area with 50 girls, and four of us made it. We high schools including Upper Merion High OTHER SUBJECTS UPON RIQUEST! had to perform individually in front of the School, Upper Merion; Conestoga High choreographer. We had to kick over our School, Berwyn; Downingtown High head, kick ·to the sides, do fan kicks, do School, Downingtown; and East High Rt>vised 9/23/H turns, perform a j~ combination, a ballet School, West Chester. by Kathy Hibbard

FormerRockette shareslove of dance


loquitur- friday,september26, 1986


Growing team hopeful for bright -Ath1ete season -of i~ek

Soccer Due to his dedication and hard work, Sean Meenan, captain, senior, has once again been chosen athlete of the week.

by ✓acqui McClernari

In just one short year ,the women's cross country team has grown from two girls to a full fledged team. Under the leadership of Beverly Reilly, coach, and Maureen Murray, captain, senior, the team is attracting an er,tire sq_uad of runners from freshmen to seniors. "Last year we had many difficulties meeting the five runner quota for the invitationals, but this year we have a lot more girls," Murray said. Runners this year include seniors: Maureen Murray, Donna Horsley, Coleen McLaughlin, juniors: Jeanne Robinson, Eileen Zebrowski, sophomore: Patty Renzetti, and freshmen: Maureen McMilliam, and Angie Corbo. The 1986-87 team shows a mixture of experience ranging from new runners to those who have run previously on a competitive level. "The cross country team promotes friendship and enthusiasm through running," Reilly said. The team runs twice daily at 7:00 a.m. and again at 3:30 p.m. They work on road runs, track, and also hills, averaging approximately 55 miles weekly. Both Reilly and Murray agree that the teams main goal of the season is, "to be in the best possible shape to do well at the District competition on November 1." Reilly continues, "It's not that we win or take second, but instead that wegive it our best shot. It (Districts) is our peak, and the desire is the motivation for the effort to win." Reilly has high

' Members of the women's cross country team join in one of their routine runs in preparation for their next invitational meet. (photo by Chris Corcoran)

expectations for the team and thinks they have the potential to win the districts depending on the conditions.

Murray credits the team's growth and success to the teams and to Reilly's serious dedication to the sport.

Reilly sees one major challenge this year for her runners. She finds two groups of runners on the team, and would like to see the two merge together on a common level.

"Beverly is really dedicated using her experience as a run~ ner at Villanova to convey to the team her knowledge," Murray said.

The team feels they are moving in a direction toward unification. According to Zebrowski, junior, "The team is more unified this year. Last year there was a lot more individualism."

Reilly enjoys running with the team and practicing with them daily. "They make me more enthusiastic," she said. "It doesn't matter if we are winning or losing, I'll always take great pride in what the team achieves. They make my day."

Problems mar ¡newoutlook by Kathleen McCabe The soccer team has a new look this season: a new coach, Tom Salmon, six new freshman, and the return of a graduate as assistant coach, Larry Tukis. Though the teams attitude is optimistic, the many changes brought problems with which to contend. However, through all the adjustments and transitions, they now stand with a comfortable record of two wins, one loss and one tie. Tukis, former captain and goalie for the team, said of his change in position, "It's tough on me because I can't get out there and play with the guys." Last year, Tukis lead the team to a winning season and hopes to do so this year as well. This season's captain, Sean Meenan, is a driving force in his own right. "Sean's a great guide for me," Carlos Chamarro, freshman, said. "I'd like to follow in his footsteps." "You can always count on Sean to be up for a game. He really brings everybody together," Tukis said. Tukis' coaching philosophy - "If you don't give up a goal you can't lose; a relentless defense is everything" was inherited from former coach Bill Crowley and still is the cornerstone of the team's defensive strategy. It is this influence that has made Cabrini's defense capable of such feats as shutting out Bible Baptist with a score of 6-0. Tukis is also very proud of the improvement that the offense is making. "They're

starting to take advantage of goals- off restarts," Tukis said. "Goals off restarts , make up 90 percent of the total number of goals. Now we're starting to approach that number." For example, Charlie Dodds scored two goals off cornerkicks in the game against Bible Baptist. Even though the team is off to a good start, they do have-their problems. They haven't any scouts to observe opponents in action before the game. "Without scouts, there is no hope for success down the line. We need them desperately," Dave Kodluk, senior, said. "We do ask other teams for opinions on teams that we haven't played yet, and they are fairly honest," Tukis said. "There isn't the time or opportunity to scout." Injuries have also been a problem for the team. Joe Klimek, junior, injured his knee during the Rutgers Camden game. The extent of his injury is not known. Marty McGonigle, sophomore, also pulled a muscle in his leg. Inexperience and fewer players are also issues that arise when discussing this season's soccer team. Last year, Cabrini lost ten experienced players and only gained six. "The bench lacks depth," Basil Ingemi, sophomore, said. "When we see an opportunity we have to learn to take it." Despite the problems that they face, the team remains optimistic. "We may not be as skillful as teams like Haverford, but what we do have is more desire, and desire wins games," Charlie Dodds, senior, said.


"He has been the hardest working playeFon the team. He has managed to demonstrate this hard work in every possible situation," Tom Salmon, coach, said. Men's Cross Country Finishing eigth overall at the Baptist Bible Invitational, Pete Casaza,junior, has been selected athlete of the week. "Even after suffering a fall, Pete got up and ran a very good race," Tom O'Hora, coach, said. Women's Cross Country Angie Corbo, freshman, has been selected this week's athlete of the week. ''.Angiehas added a new strength to our team," Beverly Reilly, coach said. Corbo was the first finisher for Cabrini at the Baptist Bible Invitational last Saturday. "Her experience and dedication have been strongly recognized," Reilly said. "Though Angie has a strong competitive nature, her warm personality really shines through. She's a pleasure to coach." Field Hockey Coach Mimi Greenwood has named Kathlee.n Fasciocco, junior, to the ranks of this week's athletes of the week. "Kathy has played very hard hockey especially against.the Philadelphia College of Bible on Tuesday, September 16. Although we lost the game, 5-0, Kathy consistently fought hard against a well-conditioned Philadelphia team," Greenwood said. Volleyball Sue Evich, junior, and Kerry Reeder, sophomore, were picked as athletes of the week. According to Coach Gerry Szabo, both players are exhibiting extremely aggressive net play. He added, "They are quickly becoming an intimidating force on the court and that is going to continue to push us further ahead."


Coach Joe Dodds, senior, has chosen to honor his entire team as athletes of the week.

"The entire team played so well against Montgomery County Community College that it would be impossible to distinguish any one player for their performance," Dodds said. He added, "The club gave an all-out team effort against Montgomery and managed a clean sweep in their last match."







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Youngteam displays determination by Debbie Murphy

More than half of this year's women's tennis team, including four of seven starting players, are either freshmen or new members. Though all of them have played the game for years, as a team they had less than two weeks with which to practice for their first intercollegiate competition. According to Joe Dodds, senior, coach, "This is the strongest team Cabrini has ever had. Even though most of the starters are freshmen, I think that if the girls are disciplined, perform as a team, and really give it their all, there is no reason we can't go all the way and win our division." The team captured their first win of the• season by defeating Montgomery County Community College by a final score of 5-0.


Dedication pays off by Patty Moore

Six hours a day, seven days a week, this year's women's volleyball team practiced even before school began. The Lady Cavs are a young team consisting of several freshman and returning upperclassmen. Returning seniors Michele Pasquarello and Michele Jones are this years co-captains. ''The team is learning fast and there is lots of spirit," Pasquarello said. Practicing at least two and a half hours every night, the team is getting used to each other and developing a sense of cooperation. "They are struggling a little, but they are getting to know each other and work together better," Mike Fallon, manager, senior, said.

Along with Fallon, Gary Firestine, manager, junior, Terry Pancio, sophomore, and Jan Torress, freshman, assist the team. Freshman Paula Phillips said she felt welcomed by the upperclassmen and thinks the team is striving to do their best. "The team is very dedicated to the sport and determined to win," she said.

Individual winners for Cabrini included: Heather Schwarz, freshman, Gina Strobel and Rachael Cavallier, sophomores, Pamela Croke and Carol Risse, the freshmen doubles-team and Maureen Dunigan and Donna Capone, the senior doubles team. Other team members include Donna Kolb and Peggy McKay, seniors, and Maura Carroll, sophomore. "They played brilliantly," Dodds said. "Montgomery's coach even came up to me after the match and asked me if we had recruited; he couldn't believe how strong the team was." The team did not fair as well in their second match against Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. The team lost by an overall score of 2-3. Kolb cited some possible reasons for the loss. "We saw how they played last year

when we won against them, and mentally we were thinking we'd beat them again," she said. "Plus, we haven't had much time to practice together. As a team, we're still trying to become famNar with one anothel'. especially our doubles players." ' The team tries to practice every day they do not have a match. Some weeks this means five and six practice sessions. "The team practices three or four nights each week, and on weekends the girls get together individually," Dodds said. "I'm really stressing strength and stamina. I want the girls to be able to go three or four sets if they have to. When the Atra center opens, I'm going to have them workout there as well." Dodds thinks that the only obstacle the young team faces this season, as in past seasons, is the lack of proper facilities on which to practice.


''This team can go all the way, but not without proper facilities," Dodds said. "I understand that the funds just aren't available, but let's be reasonable." Dodds continued, "We can't practice on the court behind the Mansion because it's falling apart, and the team can't practice in the gym because it does nothing to improve their game. We are forced to drive around everytime we want to practice until we find vacant outdoor courts." "It just doesn't seem fair. The team is progressing, but the program isn't," Dodds said. Strobel agreed, "To complete our goal and win the banner in our division, we need good communication, dedication, determination and the support of the school. This season we're missing only one."




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''The girls are showing sincere dedication," Gerry Szabo, coach, said. Entering his fifth year as the Lady Cavs coach, Szabo said his team has "an awful lot of potential and the ability to do some great things. The only significant problem is that the girls think that their shorts are too tight." Having played five games thus far into the season, the team's record is 3-2. Their wins were against Lincoln University, Franklin 'ind Marshall College, and Cheyney University. Their losses were to Haverford and Wilmington Colleges. The next game will be on Friday ,September 26 at 7 p.m. against Ursinus College.

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